US shadow war in Horn of Africa revealed by blogger
An innocuous-seeming US Air Force press release. A serendipitous satellite image in Google Earth. Snapshots from a photographer on assignment at a Spanish air base. The crash of an Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle fighter-bomber in the United Arab Emirates. These are some of the fragments of information that Italian aviation blogger David Cenciotti has assembled to reveal the best picture yet of the Pentagon's secretive war in the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa.
In a series of blog posts over the two weeks since 11 May, Cenciotti has described in unprecedented detail the powerful aerial force helping wage Washington's hush-hush campaign of air strikes, naval bombardments and commando raids along the western edge of the Indian Ocean, including terror hot spots Yemen and Somalia. Cenciotti outlined the deployment of eight F-15Es from their home base in Idaho to the international air and naval outpost at Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti, north of Somalia.
Over the years there have been hints of the F-15s' presence in East Africa, but "their actual mission remains a (sort-of) mystery," Cenciotti writes. Based on the evidence, he proposes that the twin-seat fighter-bombers -- one of the Air Force's mainstay weapon systems in Afghanistan -- are dropping bombs on al-Qaida-affiliated militants in Yemen. If true, that means the US intervention in the western Indian Ocean is far more forceful, and risky, than previously suggested.
Ten years ago the Air Force openly acknowledged the initial F-15E rotation in Djibouti, but since then the flying branch has released few details. New official information on the Indian Ocean aerial armada has emerged only after airplanes crashed. An accident involving an Air Force MQ-9 Reaper drone in the Seychelles late 2011 forced the Pentagon to admit it was building a drone base on the island nation. Reporters followed the Seychelles lead to uncover additional Reaper bases in Yemen and Ethiopia. Armed drones operated by the CIA and the military have killed scores of militants in Somalia and Yemen under steadily loosening rules of engagement.
Similarly, the deaths of four American airmen in a crash in Djibouti in February 2012 confirmed the involvement of the secretive U-28 spy plane in the escalating intervention.
The F-15Es carry more bombs and fly much faster than the Cessna-size, propeller-driven Reapers. Where the long-endurance drones are persistent and patient, the twin-engine Strike Eagles are fast-reacting and powerful. "When you need to quickly reach a distant target and hit it with a considerable payload, you might find a Strike Eagle a better platform," Cenciotti explains. On the other hand, "air strikes with conventional planes are considered less respectful of the local nation's sovereignty than drones' attacks," he adds. "This could be the reason for keeping the eventual F-15E involvement in the area a bit confidential."
Again, it was a crash that helped draw reporters' attention to the F-15s in Djibouti. In early May 2012 a photographer friend of Cenciotti photographed several Strike Eagles passing through Spain's Moron air base en route to an unspecified deployed location. One of the F-15s crashed near its next layover in the United Arab Emirates (the two crew members ejected safely). Cenciotti scrutinized the aircraft involved and matched them up with a Pentagon press release describing a change-of-command ceremony for a fighter squadron in Djibouti.
An image from Google Maps showing six F-15s on the ground in Djibouti helped confirm Cenciotti's theory that Strike Eagles are active in the Indian Ocean region. Evidence the jets are bombing Yemen is more circumstantial: Cenciotti notes that the pro-US Yemeni air force was on strike at the time of one widely reported air raid in the country, meaning another nation was likely responsible for the hit.
The 37-year-old Cenciotti rivals ace Aviation Week reporter Bill Sweetman for breaking news about military aircraft. But his strict focus on aviation means he misses other compelling evidence of the US shadow war in East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The Navy maintains around 30 warships in the Indian Ocean as part of several international task forces. American destroyers have launched missiles and fired guns at terrorists in Somalia and Yemen.
But arguably the most interesting vessels in the area are also the least flashy. Lewis and Clark-class supply ships, normally used to carry fuel and cargo, have also been used as Afloat Forward Staging Bases -- in essence, seaborne military camps for housing Special Forces and launching helicopters and small boats. The ships can be configured with makeshift jails for holding captured pirates and, in theory, terror suspects.
The Lewis and Clark class ship Carl Brashear visited Djibouti in early May 2012, according to a military press release. Where the ship went next - and what exactly she did there -- is unclear. But if Cenciotti's investigation of the F-15s is any indication, there could be a surprising truth beneath the layers of official secrecy concealing America's underreported Indian Ocean shadow war.
Sous l'intense pression exercée sur la DCRI et les services francais, concernant le lien direct entre la preparation des prochains attentats nucleaires, l'affaire Andrew Warren a Alger, les liens avec Breivik et les attentats a la bombe sale, les reseaux juifs sionistes francais sous la pression d'une commission rogatoire norvegienne abdiquent et liberent le jeune Adlene Hicheur, que Bernard Squarcini (mossad) et le general Tewfik (DRS) avaient fait pieger pour proteger la DCRI, directement impliquée dans les attentats israeliens. La Victoire est en nous Squarcini, l'ane du mossad en France!
Acculé et abandonné par Sarkozy, Squarcini cede pour ne pas aller en taule! Selon mes sources, la justice norvegienne prepare une commission rogatoire internationale contre la DCRI dans le cadre des bombes sales du manifeste 2083 de Breivik, dont Adlene Hicheur a servi de couverture pour la DCRI qui a monté un dossier bidon contre lui avec l'aide du DRS de Tewfik. La DCRI a cessé de siphonner mes disques durs au soir du 6 mai 2012, les degats sont terribles pour les israeliens de France, le meilleur est a venir !
Islamic Intel Blog
Adlène Hicheur - Libre !
Dominique Boutigny
The New World Order: Ben Gurion's "One True Zion" ?
1948: Foundation of State of Israel (Washington to Jerusalem)
2012: From London to the Temple Mount, Jerusalem (Zion)
By Kevin Barrett,
What exactly is the "New World Order"?
There is talk in conspiracy circles about a bankster plot to reduce the world to slavery.
Unfortunately, the conspiracy theorists are right. John Perkins, in Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and subsequent books, offers convincing first-hand testimony of his exploits in service to the New World Order bankster conspiracy.
Listen to my interview with Economic Hit Man John Perkins:
Perkins explains that his employers - big international banksters - are creating the world's first "empire of debt." They are using unpayable debt as their prime weapon to build the first empire encompassing the entire world.
Perkins explains how the banksters would send him to visit key ministers, and sometimes even heads of state, of targeted countries. He would make them an offer they couldn't refuse: Silver in one hand, or lead in the other. Do you want a fistful of c-notes or a bullet? Take this usurious loan and reduce your nation to debt slavery, or you will be killed.
If the foreign leader refused to accept the banksters' usurious loan, Perkins would go home. A short while later, the foreign leader would die from a plane crash or heart attack or bullet or cancer or what-have-you. The guys responsible - the "asteroids" - are the world's highest-paid hit men. Perkins knows some of them personally.
It's important to note that we're not talking about the CIA here. The CIA's government-scale pay is peanuts compared to what guys like Perkins earn. Though the "asteroids" may moonlight for CIA "cowboys" (the guys in the Agency who play fast and loose with the rules) the New World Order plan is run by private bankster intelligence networks that are lavishly-funded and above the law. These "rogue networks" have placed "moles" in key government agencies and throughout the police, military and judiciary as well as the private sector. Webster Tarpley calls the biggest one "THE rogue network" and blames it for 9/11.
That would be the Rogue Network behind the New World Order.
But what exactly IS the game plan of the New World Order?
George H.W. Bush announced the coming of the New World Order on September 11th, 1991.
Exactly ten years later, a byzantine plot redolent with Masonic symbolism destroyed the World Trade Center.
The expression "New World Order" offers a clue: Bush was talking about a long-term plan to dominate the world from a headquarters in the Americas, the "New World" (as opposed to Europe, Asia and Africa, the "Old World.")
This is exactly the same idea expressed by the name of the "Project for a New American Century," the group that called for a "new Pearl Harbor" in September, 2000 - and got one exactly one year later.
The same idea is underlined by Brezezinski in The Grand Chessboard (1999), which emphasized that only a Pearl Harbor type event could unite the American public behind ambitious foreign policy goals, and focused on the difficulty of ruling the world system (whose center is Eurasia) from North America.
The notion that the New World, the Americas, is the "Promised Land" - i.e. the Biblical Zion - has a long history. The myth of America as the "promised land" justified the genocide of the Native Americans. It underlies the various permutations of American exceptionalism, the philosophy (or rather, theology) that dominates American political science.
Let's pause for a quick recap of the Zion myth. The story is that the Chosen People are subjected to trials and tribulations, exiles and pogroms, until finally they arrive at their Promised Land - the land of milk and honey. According to one Biblical version, they have to commit genocide, by slaying all of the Philistine (Palestinian) men, women, and children, in order to take possession of the Promised Land.
Christians invoked this myth as they committed genocide against the peoples of the New World. Some Jews, including rabbis who contributed to the Talmud, invoked the same myth as they argued that God intended for Jews to take over the world and rule the goyim (non-Jews) like cattle, using and disposing of them at will.
The New World of the Americas, with its vast resources and easy-to-conquer population, makes a great "promised land of milk and honey."
I submit that the New World Order is a freemasonic effort to establish Zion in the Americas, and from that fortress, to dominate the world.
But who's behind it?
Adrian Salbuchi says it's a network of big banking families - many of whom are ethnically Jewish and prime bankrollers of the state of Israel. These banking families, led by the Rothschilds, strong-armed the British government to issue the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and laid the basis for the Zionist takeover of Palestine.
During his recent interview on Truth Jihad Radio, Salbuchi told me that the Zionists are getting ready to move their empire from Occupied Palestine to the Americas. Salbuchi confirmed earlier reports from Joe Vialls (see below) and others that the Falkand Islands region contains more than ten times the oil reserves of Saudi Arabia - and nearby Antarctica contains even more. He said the Zionists, with their financial clout and dominance of the big oil majors, have taken control of the Argentine oil industry. Additionally, according to Salbuchi, swarms of Israeli operatives have been scouting out the vast, unoccupied, fertile regions of Argentina in preparation for a possible Zionist invasion…I mean, emigration.
Listen to Adrian Salbuchi on Truth Jihad Radio (2nd half of the mp3):
Christopher Bollyn offers another perspective on the Zionist takeover of the Americas. Bollyn has first-hand knowledge of the extent of Zionist power in the USA, having been driven into permanent exile by them. His story is rather amazing.
Bollyn was one of the first American journalists to investigate the real story behind 9/11. In 2006, while sitting in his backyard in Chicago, he was attacked, brutalized, stunned with a 50,000 volt taser, and arrested by local police for no apparent reason - then charged with assaulting the police! Brought before a corrupt, mobbed-up court run by a Zionist judge, he didn't stand a chance. Getting the message, Bollyn and his family fled the country and have been in exile ever since. To his credit, he hasn't stopped fighting back by pursuing the truth. His book Solving 9/11 is an indispensable resource.
Bollyn argues that American freemasonry, and with it the top tier of organized crime, is dominated by an exclusively Jewish freemasonic lodge, the Bnai Brith. This, he suggests, is the pinnacle of the New World Order power pyramid.
Listen to Christopher Bollyn on Truth Jihad Radio (2nd half of the mp3):
I think Adrian Salbuchi is 100% credible, and Christopher Bollyn - though he sometimes gets overly excited about personal enemies (don't we all) - is generally credible as well as fearless and trail-blazing.
But what about Joe Vialls?
Vialls, who died of a suspicious heart attack on 2005, blamed the October 2002 Bali bombing on an Israeli mini-nuke. At the time, I wasn't convinced. Vialls seemed like a bit of a loose cannon. But since then, I've heard multiple independent confirmations of the Israeli mini-nuke theory from folks here at Veterans Today. Maybe Vialls wasn't so crazy after all.
In the article reproduced below - published in December 2003 - Vialls offers a fascinating interpretation of the "New World Order." He suggests that the one true Zion of the Zionists has always been "fortress America," not Palestine.
Maybe that's why the Zionist-dominated Department of Homeland Security feels the need to order 450 million hollow-point bullets.
Call me paranoid.
But these days, if you're not paranoid, you've got to be crazy.
* * *
Ben Gurion’s Ultimate“One True Zion”
Copyright Joe Vialls, 14 December 2003
It was always night when they came, a certainly that made Palestinian women huddle nervously inside their small houses until the sun rose high in the sky the following day. Sometimes there was a hint of an advance warning, perhaps animals moving restlessly, or olive trees rustling when there was no wind, but this morning there was no time to prepare and no time to hide their helpless children. Armed with weapons stolen from British soldiers whose throats were cut while they slept, Irgun, Stern and Haganah terrorists slipped silently into the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin at dawn. Led by war criminal Menachem Begin, this Zionist scum from the ghettos and gutters of Europe flitted from house to house, committing unspeakable atrocities and laughing aloud as the defenseless women tried to resist.
When they finally tired of this sport, Irgun, Stern and Haganah terrorists alike opened fire, their stolen British bullets ripping through the vulnerable flesh of unarmed Palestinians. By noon that same day, 9 April 1948, just over 200 Palestinians lay dead in Deir Yassin, more than half of them women and children. But the terrorists were not quite finished. Next, they loaded 25 unarmed male survivors on trucks and paraded them around the Zakhron Yosef quarter in Jerusalem. It was a display of absolute Zionist power, showing all and sundry who was really in control of Palestine.
It could have ended there, but the Zionists had something more spectacular in mind: a lesson to all others who might dare to stand in their way, then or at any time in the future. The 25 unarmed survivors were driven to a stone quarry near Givat Shaul, where they were made to kneel, before Irgun and Stern terrorists took it in turns to fire single bullets into the back of each head. The lifeless bodies were then kicked into shallow graves.
These were the “Shock and Awe” tactics of David Ben Gurion, founding father of both Zionism and global terrorism. Though obviously clinically insane, this was the man who first drew up the plan for “Zion”, a “Promised Land for the Jews”, which most global citizens erroneously believed, and still believe, to be Palestine. But even as the first Jewish State was being formally declared in 1948, the arrogant Ben Gurion made it very clear that Palestine was not to be the one true Zion. Despite continual frantic urgings by religious Jews, he insisted that this first conquest be called “Yisrael”, and that its citizens, be they Jewish or not, would forever be called “Yisraelim”.
The final Zion, or Promised Land, would be determined by raw wealth and power rather than by mere religious symbolism. While intentionally leaking “false Zions” including Australia and Argentina to the media, Ben Gurion and his Zionist cohorts ultimately intended to overrun and capture the Americas The problem was that back in 1948 they had no real power, and would have been easily overwhelmed by the vast resources of the U.S. Military in particular. So conquest of the “one true Zion” was to be a long drawn-out game, with Zionists lobbies in America gradually eating away at the fabric of society. Then, when resistance in the Americas was eventually undermined to a predetermined level, it would be time to strike militarily. Believe me, that time is now very close.
It is easy to imagine the indignation caused by this statement, no doubt accompanied by shrill cries from the Zionist lobbies in New York and Washington demanding fully-referenced “academic proof” of this obscene covert plan. Naturally there is no academic proof, because, as with other plans involving massive deception of the western public, intelligence agencies and lobbies always grade the details “Top Secret” or higher.
A good example of this is “Operation Northwoods”, a 1962 plan designed to give the U.S. Administration extraordinary powers over the people, using only a series of deceptions generated by Americans for use against other Americans. Northwoods had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the American Joint Chiefs of Staff. The plan called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere.
Under Northwoods, people would be framed for bombings they did not commit; and planes would be hijacked. But despite the deranged audacity of its plans, for more than thirty years not a single American citizen had the slightest idea that Operation Northwoods even existed. Remember, the simple fact that you do not know about the plan, is not proof the plan does not exist.
The only way to obtain information as sensitive as that laid out in “Fortress Americas ”, is to have direct or indirect access to a disgruntled source or sources at the very top of the Zionist chain of command; access which I proved existed back in January 2002. On the 30th of that month I published “Operation Shekhinah”, an eyes-only highly classified Zionist plan to capture Iraq’s oil reserves and re-route them through to Haifa in Israel. I provided significant details and actual pipeline routes, but, as fully expected, came in for a fearful hammering from thousands of people who clearly thought I had gone insane. This reaction was fully expected at the time, because who on earth would believe such a detailed plan without “proper” academic accreditation?
There was only one reason for publishing “Operation Shekhinah” in January 2002, and that was to get an official Internet time/date stamp on the report, more than a year before George W. Bush suddenly and apparently spontaneously decided to illegally invade Iraq, allegedly because of its “Weapons of Mass Destruction”. It was not until after the gun smoke started to clear, and no weapons of mass destruction were ever found, that the true Zionist objective of the invasion became clear.
Within months, Israeli and American newspaper started calling for old pipelines from Iraq to Haifa to be “reopened” for economic benefit. This proved that my Operation Shekhinah of January 2002 was horribly real, and, more importantly, proved I was either endowed with quite extraordinary extra-sensory perception, or had access to the very top of the Zionist chain of command. Rest assured I do not have any powers of extra-sensory perception, meaning my credibility is now independently assured by unemotional fully-automatic Internet time/date stamps.
Before we return to the subject at hand, viz. the total subordination of the Americas as we know them today, it would be prudent to insert a short paragraph on that old bogey “Anti-Semitism”, in its revised and inaccurate form meaning “anti-Jew”. No doubt a few thousand idiots may tag me with this meaningless media label some time soon, but this would probably be a serious error of judgement.
As you will read later in this multi-part Fortress Americas report, some of the first targets of the Zionist hunter-killer teams in North and South America will be prominent Jews, who do not see eye-to-eye with their crazed Zionist brethren, thus rendering them higher priority targets than even the leaders of various hostile American militias. If I was an “anti-Semite’, then no doubt I would lock “Fortress Americas” securely in a cupboard, chuckle insanely, buy a giant bucket of popcorn, and then sit back in Australia waiting for the pre-emptive strikes to start on television.
Although Ben Gurion did not start drawing up detailed strategies until the twentieth century, Fortress Americas existed in outline form nearly a hundred years earlier, when plans were made to introduce an exclusively Jewish-controlled series of Masonic Lodges across North and South America. In less than fifty years, the new “B’nai B’rith” series of lodges managed to penetrate, dominate, and thus direct all important aspects of western Masonry, in particular the 33rd Degree and Royal Arch.
The choice of the name “B’nai B’rith” was inspired, because it mirrored that of a secular Jewish fraternal organization which later went on to become more commonly known as the “Anti-Defamation League”, a bunch of powerful head-kickers famed for their attacks on anyone daring to mouth even mild dissent against Jews in general. Thus if at any time there was suspicion about possible “B’nai B’rith” subversion or outright terrorism in North or South America, the fraternal organization would automatically lash out in a hasty knee jerk reaction, thereby unwittingly protecting its “mirror” Masonic brethren. The importance of these covert American B’nai B’rith terrorist-coordinating cells cannot be overstated, and will be covered in more detail later in this report
As most readers are already aware, Ben Gurion’s “Yisrael” has absolutely nothing to do with Jewish religious heritage, or the “right of return” to a homeland claimed solely on the basis of unprovable religious babble. Certainly thousands of religious fanatics bang their heads against a stone wall below the al-Aqsâ Mosque in Jerusalem every day, but they are only there to provide local color for the media cameras. Yisrael was and is to the Zionists what Omaha Beach was to the Americans during World War II - merely a beachhead from which to launch deep penetrating attacks into enemy territory to the east, ultimately to Abadan and beyond, thereby securing the incredibly rich crude oil reserves of the Middle East. Those oil riches would then in turn arm and equip the new Zionists legions need to move on to their ultimate target, the one true Zion called the Americas.
The problem was that countries like Britain and Russia kept getting in the way of these covert ambitions. In the very beginning, the British tried to keep these Zionist terrorists out of Palestine but were eventually outvoted by the new powerful America, which dutifully bleated time and again that, “The Jews must have a home land”. The British could see what was coming, but they were powerless to stop it happening. Later on the Russians took over responsibility for deterrence, neatly blocking the intended Zionist expansion by judiciously positioning tactical nuclear weapons in Syria and Egypt.
Thus there was stalemate in the Middle East for nearly thirty years, with the Zionists effectively stalled by lack of direct control over the oil assets. Back then this was acceptable to the Zionists, because the Shah of Iran was quietly providing Israel with all the free oil it needed for its local warlike behavior, and Yisraelim Zionists started to pay more attention to beach volley ball than to the ultimate conquest of the one true Zion. With the fall of the Shah in 1979 and the cessation of free Iranian oil supplies, everyone woke up with a fearful jolt, realizing that now was the time to start making serious long-term preparations for the invasion of the Americas.
At the end of 1979 it was considered that completion of the prerequisites for invasion would take about another twenty-five years, because there were a considerable number of tasks at hand. Unable to trust Russia in the medium to long term, the Zionists wanted American taxpayers to pre-equip the one true Zion with a workable intercontinental missile defense shield, placing them well beyond the reach of the Russians at any time in the future. They also wanted a comprehensive survey of all energy resources, because once in place, Fortress Americas had to be 100% self sufficient in oil, gas, coal and nuclear energy.
There were also other less academic considerations. At best is was envisaged that up to 250,000 Zionists made up of four and six-man covert “Mistaravim” hunter-killer teams would be inserted into the Americas using various subterfuges, but this was still a very small number when compared with the massive strength of existing armies in North and South America. Even with the element of complete surprise the odds were against success, so supplementary plans were then added to biologically cripple at least fifty-percent of active-service United States military units, and disarm the civilian populations of North and South America, after staging a comprehensive series of high-profile “lone nut” massacres in school yards and elsewhere. More about these plans later.
Of all considerations, energy was the most important, and by late 1980 a comprehensive top secret survey was under way of the Falkland Islands Continental Shelf, considered by many to be the brightest prospect for a long-term oil supply for Fortress Americas. Though a seven-person cell at British Petroleum was used as an untraceable front, the actual survey was conducted by American energy corporation S***, which could barely believe the awesome results, which were checked again twice for good measure.
There was no mistake. According to the comprehensive survey conducted with state-of-the-art equipment, The Falklands Shelf conservatively contained slightly more than ten times the total oil reserves of Saudi Arabia. Beyond doubt, this was the largest agglomeration of crude oil on the face of the earth, and the data that proved it immediately attracted a security rating to match. This was Zionist heaven, and absolutely no one outside the loop was allowed even a sniff of this staggering information.
Then in one of those gargantuan mistakes that defy rational explanation, a full set of the seismic and other data was shipped to the British Petroleum “front” cell, whose members were most certainly not on the Zionist list of properly “approved people”. Some of the data were photocopied out of interest amid loud “Oohs” and Ahhs” generated by the mind-numbing figures, but the photocopying turned out to be a serious mistake. By 1989 all but two of the British people who had access to this extraordinary information met with fatal accidents. Of the two survivors, one changed names and moved to a different industry, while I chose exile in a sleepy Australian backwater.
Talking America into spending billions on a missile defense shield took longer than the energy survey, but during March 1983 President Ronald Reagan addressed the National Association of Evangelicals and called the Soviet Union “the Evil Empire”. Like George Dubya and his various speeches twenty years later about Iraqi “democracy”, Ronnie was just warming up in front of his pro-Zionist evangelical audience. Then two weeks later he delivered a national security speech and called upon “the scientific community in this country, who gave us nuclear weapons, to turn their great talents to the cause of mankind and world peace; to give us the means of rendering these weapons impotent and obsolete.”
The fix was in, and two years later the Strategic Defence InitiativeSDI was born, designed to develop kinetic missiles, laser beam weapons, electromagnetic rail guns, and a host of other assorted pieces of space junk. The problem was that nobody had the slightest idea how to make such a complex integrated system work. In very short order, America farmed out some important SDI contracts to British defense companies, who were known to be leading lights in certain areas absolutely critical to the success of the desired “one true Zion” missile shield.
Some but not all of these Marconi and other British defense sub-contractors were allowed access to certain classified American defense computers, as an integral part of their SDI work, which would have been fine if they were the only scientists tapping into the data. Unfortunately they were not, and perhaps because they did not know how to navigate around inside the American systems, three and possibly four British scientists found themselves connected to Zionist computers on the other side of cyber space.
What the scientists discovered, at least in part, were sections of advanced strategic and tactical plans for Fortress Americas. One scientist mistakenly thought it was all part of the SDI scenario, while another thought it was just a practical joke. The reality was quite different. Zionists computer scientists working on Fortress Americas had hacked into the American defense systems looking for classified information, and had made the hideous mistake of doing so while using computer platforms which contained critical details about Fortress Americas.
The cat was almost out of the bag, but the Zionists swiftly thought of a way of shutting everything down again. As you would expect, the solution to the “problem” was both chilling and obscene, as befits the maniacs who have every intention of turning the United States of America into their personal headquarters.
It is perhaps time for all Americans, Canadians, and the residents of South America to wake up. The real enemy does not reside in the back blocks of Afghanistan, or underground in dark bunkers below Tikrit. Though his preferred accommodation was razed to the ground on 11 September 2001, the real enemy is still alive and well, living high on the hog in New York City.
Yisraelim Prepare for the Invasion of America
Before delving any further into the detailed contingencies for Fortress Americas, it is necessary to briefly review the overall scope and sheer audacity of the Zionist plan, because this is the only way of understanding what comes next. In essence, the entire American continent, from Inuvik in northern Canada to the southern tip of Tierra Del Fuego, is to be invaded and captured for Zionist use, with the cabal exercising central command and control from New York City, currently located in the much smaller United States of America. Within this new massive fortress, the USA will be the focal point of all significant economic activities, with Canada and the former countries of Latin and South America providing the bulk of natural resources and cheap labor.
Initial military activity will consist of approximately 250,000 Mistaravim-trained Yisraelim terrorists entering the Americas by land, sea and air, thereafter splitting into cells of between four and six men, every one of them coordinated internally by various designated lodges of the B'nai B'rith Masonic order. At the same time, a further smaller block of 10,000 Yisraelim terrorists will enter Australia in order to capture and hold strategic mineral reserves, though this is an entirely separate operation that will not impact directly on the Americas. Beyond that point, strategic planning calls for the U.S. military to obey the orders of the Zionist cabal through its Yisraelim commanders, and then be used in turn as a blunt instrument to enforce 'order' across the new Fortress Americas.
Back in New York well before the invasion proper commenced, the Zionist cabal wanted American taxpayers to pre-equip the one true Zion with a workable intercontinental missile defense shield, placing them well beyond the reach of hostile nuclear weapons in the future. The cabal also wanted a comprehensive survey of all energy resources on the American continent, because once it became an independent entity, Fortress Americas had to be one-hundred-percent self sufficient in all forms of energy.
Studies of energy reserves in the United States, combined with those in Canada, Venezuela, Colombia, and Brazil, which would be forcibly requisitioned after the invasion, proved that existing reserves would be woefully inadequate to even protect Fortress Americas from external attack. Because of this, the search for enhanced reserves in the Americas assumed top priority, and in late 1979 a vast two-year seismic survey of the South American Continental Shelf was commissioned through a Zionist front company in The United States, with much emphasis placed on the extended Continental Shelf surrounding the Falkland Islands.
The Falklands survey was successful beyond the wildest dreams of the Zionist cabal, indicating overall oil reserves under the Falklands Continental Shelf more than ten times as large as those existing in Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately the British administered the Falklands, and New York was determined that London would not be allowed to interfere with this staggering oil discovery, which by itself was sufficient to drive Fortress Americas for a hundred years or more. The problem was how to rid themselves of the British presence in the Falklands.
After considerable thought on the matter, the Zionist cabal finally acted on 19 March 1982, sending a hand-carried top-secret communiqué to the Argentine Government, which contained a doctored version of the Falklands report showing "about half the oil reserves as those existing in Saudi Arabia", and urging the Argentines to act quickly in regaining their birthright. It was a fine calculation, based on Britain being unwilling to react to an oil find of this particular magnitude, but sent in the certain knowledge that the Argentines would react, as indeed they did. Seven days later on 26 March 1982 the Argentine Government decided on an invasion date, and seven days after that, on 2 April 1982, Argentine forces captured and occupied the Falkland Islands.
The Zionist cabal was delighted because it knew full well that the Argentine Government could later be bought off or exterminated, with the massive Falklands oil reserves subsequently being added to Fortress Americas energy assets. But the cabal's delight was to be short-lived, because the Zionists were still unaware that copies of the real report had been accidentally circulated to a small number of people at British Petroleum in London. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had therefore been watching Argentina like a hawk for five months, and responded to the expected invasion within three days of the capture of Stanley, dispatching a large battle fleet from Britain on 5 April 1982. France provided significant assistance with the British recovery of the Falklands, though French involvement was very discreet, and never officially disclosed to the media.
The importance of this British defeat of Argentine forces in the Falklands cannot be overstated. In order to take the Americas at all, the Zionist cabal needed massive combat oil supplies far in excess of those already existing in north and south America, meaning that plans had to be revised to include conquest of the Middle East oilfields first. It was precisely this requirement that later spawned Operation Shekhinah and Operation Iraqi Freedom, though we do not need to examine either of those latter plans here. Both have been reported on extensively by the author, and links to each can be found at the bottom of this page.
By far the most pressing requirement for Fortress Americas was that of 'blooding' at least 275,000 Yisraelim terrorists, and then raising their combat skills to approximately the same level as that of the American Delta Force or the British SAS. Ultimately these terrorists would form the core of the invasion force, and be required to operate as thousands of small independent 4-6 man cells with complete confidence, a task well beyond the abilities of even the best trained conventional soldiers. Clearly paper targets were no good for this training, and there were only a limited number of Palestinian women and children targets available in the territories.
The Yisraelis could not fan out to the east without risking a catastrophic response from Russia, so they took the only course available. On 6 June 1982 they moved north into the Lebanon, determined to blood their young inexperienced soldiers and magically transform them into Yisraelim terrorists in less than six months. With each battalion under the watchful eye of two experienced MistaravimYisraeli Civilian Special Forces, the young soldiers were instructed in the special art of Jewish warfare, where all Goyim non-Jews deserve to die.
Over the months that followed, thousands of Lebanese died in many horrible ways, with the Mistaravim instructors driving their young Yisraeli pupils on to greater and greater numbers of murders, and other gross human rights excesses. Headed throughout by Yisraeli 'defense minister' Ariel Sharon, the murders and gang-rapes peaked in September 1982, less than a month after a token multinational peace keeping force arrived in the Lebanon, when more than 2,000 unarmed Palestinians civilians were murdered by Yisraelim terrorists in less than a single week at the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla.
By his orders and actions, war criminal Sharon was making a deliberate point: The Yisraelim would rape or murder whichever Goyim they chose, whenever they chose, as was their 'legal entitlement' under the insane 'laws' of the Babylonian Talmud. In the words of the master war criminal himself, The Lebanon and Beirut in particular were "wonderful training grounds", but the sheer level of brutal savagery at Sabra and Shatilla ensured growing attention by the international community, and over the Christmas period, the multinational peace keeping force more than doubled in size, headed by the Americans and French.
The Zionists were furious when the multinational peace keeping force invaded their new training ground, and on 18 April 1983 they bombed the American Embassy in Beirut, killing 63 people. Then on 23 October the Zionists detonated two Dimona micro nukes outside the American and French marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241 and 58 soldiers respectively. The multinational peace keeping force swiftly retreated, leaving the Lebanese people as live targets for Mistaravim and other Zionist kill-teams wishing to hone their lethal skills.
This was the first documented use of Yisraeli micro nukes outside Palestine, but it was not to be the last. Most notable of the new low-radiation micro nukes used overseas during later years for practice, reprisals and covert operations, were three detonated in London and a fourth in Bali. Intelligence received in 2003 indicates that Dimona has so far manufactured in excess of 600 of these exotic weapons. Most micro nukes remain in Palestine, though 220 have allegedly been pre-positioned in North and South America, with a further six deployed to Western Australia.
Though the Yisraelis had already managed to butcher most of the Palestinian refugees in The Lebanon, they were attacked by an increasing number of outraged Lebanese, and by the Hizbollah, a new counter-insurgency army formed and funded by Syria and Iran, specifically to drive the Yisraeli terrorists out of Lebanese sovereign territory. By mid 1985 the Hizbollah gathered strength and efficiency, forcing the Yisraelis to withdraw to southern Lebanon, where they formed a new 'occupation zone' for the continued field training of Fortress Americas and other terrorist personnel. Between 1985 and 2000, more than 100,000 Yisraelim terrorists were 'blooded' in the south Lebanon occupation zone, until direct threats from Russia forced them to withdraw completely. And so it was that at exactly 0341 hrs GMT on 24 May 2000, the last Yisraeli tank left the Lebanon, crossing through the Fattier Gate back into Palestine.
Unfortunately, this upset the advanced Fortress Americas training program, so the Zionist cabal in New York ordered war criminal Sharon to "provoke the Palestinians in the territories", a task he completed with gusto just over four months later on 28 September 2000, when he deliberately invaded and violated the Muslim al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. Predictably and understandably, Sheik Ahmed Yasin, the spiritual leader of Hamas, said that "the visit of leader of the extreme rightist Likud party Ariel Sharon to the al-Aqsa mosque, expresses the spirit of terrorism, criminality and assault to the sacred places."
Of course it did, and this was exactly what the Zionist cabal intended. Having provoked the Palestinians into throwing a few stones at a handful of checkpoints, the Yisraeli terrorists responded with light and heavy automatic rifles and machine guns, 120-mm tank guns, helicopter gunships, and even F-16 fighter-bombers. All weapon systems were graciously donated free by Americans, in order that the Yisraelis might learn how to later kill Americans efficiently in America, using identical techniques. As I write this report in January 2004, and taking into account all Yisraelim trained earlier in The Lebanon, the Zionist cabal now has in excess of 275,000 terrorists fully trained and combat ready. At least 7,000 of these have already been infiltrated into the USA, and many more will follow during the months to come.
Running in parallel with terrorist training during the late eighties, were detailed plans to severely weaken the US military, to promote a general climate 'conducive to gun control' in the west, and to ensure a defensive missile shield was in place overhead the Americas. . The last-named project was doomed to failure, and despite costing the lives of a number of British defense scientists, "Star Wars" was quietly shelved. Though Bush proposed "Son of Star Wars" in late 2003, there was and is no serious intent to develop a practical missile defense shield. Funds from this latest excess will be discreetly siphoned off by the Federal Reserve and deposited in a number of numbered Swiss and Belgian bank accounts, which in turn will provide substantial pensions for a small number of elitist rats, who are likely to jump the good ship America before the invasion starts.
Detailed preparations for discreet biological warfare against the US Military were made in the late eighties, with Zionist-controlled pharmaceutical corporations developing a very special slow-acting and debilitating vaccine. In 1990 a "war with Iraq" was miraculously arranged by George Bush Senior, with more than half a million American servicemen then forcibly inoculated with the biological toxin during a six month period. The prime reason for this was quite simple. The Yisraelim were not keen to face a hardened and very experienced US military when the time came to invade the Americas, so took pre-emptive action.
Nowadays so many highly experienced American servicemen have died, or been permanently incapacitated by this biological warfare, that the token defense of the Americas will be left in the hands of rookies, reservists, and various American militia. None promises to be much of a match for the hundreds of blooded and highly-trained Yisraelim terrorist cells.
The notion of a 'general climate conducive to gun control' was really only icing on the cake, designed to minimize the level of risk to Yisraeli terrorists from American and other civilians. In this venture the Yisraelis found amazingly helpful allies among the political 'left wing' of the west. Every time a Mistaravim special forces team carried out a "gun massacre" in places as far removed as Scotland and Australia, literally thousands of lefties joined the media clamor for "gun control", thereby actively helping to remove the only real form of defense they had against Yisraeli terrorists in the future. Do not ask me why this is, but I imagine Sigmund Freud would babble on for hours about guns being "phallic symbols" that "frighten civilized people". Maybe so, but a semi-automatic weapon in your house is, in my view, preferable to later sharing the same terrible fate as the poor souls at Sabra and Shatilla.
Naturally the Yisraeli terrorists can only hope to remove a tiny fraction of America's civilian weapons in this way, and therefore already have detailed plans in place for dealing with the Militias and others who might dare to defiantly stand in the way of their imperial conquest. B'nai B'rith has already updated its own super computers with the profiles of all American militia groups, right-wing 'patriotic' activists, and any one else who it is deemed may cause the Zionist cabal problems at a later, including those American Jews who are opposed to the concept of Zion itself.
Unless suitable precautions are taken in advance, all Americans in these categories will only ever see a Yisraeli terrorist once, and then only for the three milliseconds it takes for an expanding high velocity .223 Remington bullet to travel from the muzzle of the sawn-off terrorist M-16, and ride a dazzling red laser beam to a spot directly between their eyes. Death for male activists will therefore be mercifully swift, unlike the degrading fate in store for their mothers, wives, girlfriends, and any female children.
Those American readers who imagine that the invasion and subordination of the Americas will in some way resemble the Hollywood film "Red Dawn", are sadly mistaken and need to revise their views. Unlike the film Red Dawn, where the invaders basically killed half of the people and imprisoned the other half, the Yisraelim invasion and conquest will have more in common with Vichy France during the Second World War. Most politicians will remain in their current jobs, as will vast numbers of public servants and local police forces.
If the Yisraelim invasion succeeds or even partially succeeds, reversing the fate of normal American people afterwards will be next to impossible without an effective two-tier command and control network, ironically very similar in nature to that of the Iraqi counter-insurgency forces today, who are being attacked and murdered wholesale by American troops under the overall direction of the same Zionist cabal in New York.
Now might be a very good time to drag that old reloading press out of the garden shed, and run up a few hundred extra rounds. Load them up to maximum breech pressure with excruciating care, and ensure that each and every hollow point or silver tip bullet is perfectly seated in its case. It is your personal duty to protect your family and neighbors by killing enough Yisraeli terrorist scum to deflect their attention elsewhere, giving you a chance to fight a second day, then another day, and yet another day, until finally you have killed every last one of them.
Le CRIF de Sarkozy s'en va, le CRIF de Hollande s'en vient. Israel par le truchement des synagogues de Shaytan (la3natu Allah 3aleyhi wa 3ala qawmihi), que sont les loges maconniques occidentales, du b'nai b'reth, au grand orient, a la GLNF, GLF etc... controle les ministeres des affaires etrangeres, de la defense, l'interieur, l'education, l'industrie. Le CRIF a declenché la guerre civile en France avec les operations sionistes de Toulouse, Montauban, l'Essone. Les Musulmans n'ont que partiellement riposté en dezinguant ouvertement le nain de jardin juifiste sarkozy, mais Hollande, le fils de pied noir ultra raciste, comme Jospin en 2001, doit gerer le prochain 11 septembre nucleaire en Europe pour le compte d'Israel!
Les allégeances du nouveau gouvernement
Late May U.S. False Flag Likely
By Captain Eric H. May, Ghost Troop CO
Video : Les Musulmans doivent reprendre le controle de la finance Islamique aux mains des geants corrompus bancaires de Wall Street et de la City
Abou Horaïra, ra, rapporte que le Messager d'ALLAH , saws, a dit : "Celui qui redonnera la vie à (une Sounnah) une pratique de ma Tradition qui s'est éteinte et fut abandonné après mon départ, sera rétribué pour l'équivalent de toutes les récompenses accumulées de ceux qui la pratiqueront sans que ne soit diminuer en rien les mérites de ces derniers". (Ibn Maja Page 19).
Wa Allah swt 'alam
Israel is sacrificing the US, NATO and Europe against Russia, China and Iran
Largest U.S. exercise in Middle East furtively taking place in Jordan. Involving 19 countries and 12,000 military
Image credit: U.S. Air Force via CENTCOM
Des banquiers millionaires sionistes a l'Elysée, apres de la racaille juifiste mafieuse
La description faîte par les médias est loin de la vérité. Le corporatisme est bien là.
Valérie Massonneau, divorcée Trierweiler, est une journaliste politique française, née le 16 février 1965 à Angers. Membre de la rédaction de Paris Match, elle présente entre 2005 et 2011, des émissions politiques sur la chaîne Direct 8.
Ce qui est faux: A vécu dans la tour Chaptal de la cité du Grand-Pigeon, la famille Massonneau s'installe rue de Champagne en 1969, dans un lotissement HLM proche du quartier de Monplaisir
Après la mort de son père, sa mère travaille comme hôtesse d'accueil à la patinoire d'Angers.
Ce qui est vrai: Valérie Massonneau suit une scolarité successivement au collège Jean Lurçat et au lycée Joachim-du-Bellay d'Angers, où elle obtient son baccalauréat en 1983 (série littéraire), avant de poursuivre ses études à l'université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Elle suit dès lors des cours d'histoire puis de sciences politiques, conclus par un DESS de sciences politiques.
Son père, Jean-Noël Massonneau, invalide de guerre après avoir perdu une jambe en sautant sur un engin explosif à 12 ans. Banquiers, son grand-père et son arrière-grand-père ont été propriétaires de la banque angevine Massonneau et Cie, vendue en 1950 au Crédit de l'Ouest.
La suite est intéressante: la famille Massonneau a vendu sa banque au Crédit de l’Ouest, mais devint actionnaire à hauteur de 11% du Crédit de l’Ouest. La famille Massonneau est à l’abri du besoin. En 1957 fusion du Crédit Nantais (créé en 1912) et du Crédit de l'Ouest d'Angers (créé en 1913), puis fusion en décembre 2006 du Crédit Industriel de l'Ouest (CIO) et de la Banque régionale de l'Ouest (BRO). C’est maintenant le Crédit industriel et commercial Ouest (CIC Ouest).
Aujourd’hui les enfants (ils sont six) Massonneau sont actionnaires au Crédit industriel et Commercial, et ont différentes actions dans différents groupes faisant partis du CIC.
Les revenus annuels de la journaliste sont estimés à plus de 3 millions annuel.
Mais le meilleur est à venir, Madame Trierweiler possède des actions de la chaine Direct8 qui appartient au Groupe Bolloré, où elle présente des émissions, ainsi que différentes actions dans ce même groupe.
Le 20 octobre 2011, elle porte plainte contre X pour « collecte et traitement illicite de données personnelles » auprès du parquet de Paris, suite à la parution, le 4 octobre, d'un article de L'Express affirmant que, au début 2011, elle aurait fait l'objet d'une enquête sur son passé et son entourage de la part d'une section de la Direction du Renseignement de la préfecture de police de Paris. Chargée par le parquet de Paris de mener des investigations, l'Inspection générale de la police nationale met en évidence que la fiche de Valérie Trierweiler est soi-disant fausse mais clôt le dossier, sans chercher l'auteur du délit. Et pour cause Mr Vincent Bolloré est intervenu en personne auprès de Nicolas Sarkozy.
Il faut savoir que la famille Massonneau furent les banquiers et les amis d’un industriel breton nommé Michel Bolloré (1922-1997) père de Vincent Bolloré. Madame Massonneau est aussi pauvre que Madame Sinclair, ou presque.
Décidément cette gauche caviar nous surprendra toujours!!
Mais pourquoi le Qatar irait donner 300 millions d'euros pour la caution de contrats francais en Libye ou pour les infirmieres bulgares?
MISE A JOUR : Mercredi 23 Mai (11H50 GMT): Plusieurs tres grosses attaques contre mes disques durs et plusieurs pertes de connections internet depuis la parution de cet article! Squarcini doit faire dans son pantalon de juifiste. Eh ben, t'avais qu'a reflechir avant de faire n'importe quoi sale engeance talmudiste, maintenant tu paies l'israelien et tu as plutot interet a fermer ta gueule car a la moindre menace ... D'ailleurs y a-t-il un lien direct entre la mort du frère cadet de l'ex-ministre de l'Ecologie Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet et le financement occulte de Sarkozy en 2007, coté Bettencourt cette fois? Apparement NKM souhaite parler ouvertement et la DCRI l'en empeche! (AS)
On vient d'apprendre que l'ambassade de France a Tunis a reussi a faire extrader l'ancien premier ministre de Gaddafi, Al-Baghdadi Al-Mahmoudi, vers Tripoli pour le mettre au silence et le tuer, afin de proteger la sale engeance talmudiste de Sarkozy, et la guestapo du CRIF (DCRIF) qui le protege, qu'il faut detruire en bonne et due forme.
Il a du garder les autres 150 millions pour se dedommager, d'ou la guerre contre lui. Ce qui n'est qu'une partie de l'explication puisque l'invasion du Maghreb-Sahel est destinée a securiser les routes energetiques pour l'europe du Sud et proteger Israel.
Le site n'est plus accessible mais le Takieddine commence a parler serieusement!
que tout les pays maghrébins, musulmans , orientaux passent d e grosses commandes d armes en Iran, en Russie et en chine et qu ils réclament leur indépendance et la construise le kalifat islamique, après ça ira mieux!! kadhafi voulait 1 millions de soldats, un satellite pour l Afrique mais wade et le cnt et tout les franc maçons d Afrique lui ont mis des bâtons dans les roues avec leur kartel que ce soit en Afrique ou en France, parce qu on sait qui a nettoyé et nettoie les casseroles a sarkozy pour être protéger par l armée française en Afrique !! en tout cas takiedine a ouvert les yeux, je lui cosneil de se mefier de copé, takiedine n est que le lien visant a faire que karachi et autre se résume a al qaida et non aux réseaux sioniste et de pilage de richesse et blanchiment de pillage d Irak et autres!! valdiguié avait ecrit un livre sur clearstream très complet, la domination du monde, la guerre d irak, croc de boucher, les coupables devrotn etre traduit devant la justice.. etc... même dsk est dans l affaire clearstream lui l ancien maitre des 187 pays franc maçon du fmi qui se fait choper dans la suite 2806.. et après ils veulent dire que c est pas un scenario kabbalistique...
t etones pas d avoir les service secret au cul ou même des faux musulmans au cul, leurs réseaux se situent près de l ump, en parallèle, ils touchent de belles sommes d argent pour salir et discréditer les gens saint d esprit!! l habit ne fait pas le moine comme on dit!! mais quand on voit des lascars soit disant protégés par l armée française pour nettoyer toutes traces susceptibles de salir l honneur de sarko et ses proches ou des lascars qui se font faire arrêter pour surveiller les prison de l interieur, je dis pas ça en vain, de clearstream aux affaires civiles, tout est un scenario, une mise en scène pour justifier des crimes visant en fin de compte a dédouaner les réseaux sarkozy via les réseaux franc maçons africains pour détourner les pistes et faire couler les millions pour ceux qui mettent ça en relief!! parce qu entre la réalité et la réalité médiatique, on peut s apercevoir qu il y a un beau peuple franc maçon maitre en l art de faire de la politique sécuritaire digne de l affaire merrah!! faux témoins, faux djihadistes, flics pourris, mafias pourries ... quand y a de l argent , tout est vendable, même l honneur!!
Sarkozy : "Je suis un inconditionnel de la sécurité d'Israël" le 14 nov. 2007
Discours Nicolas Sarkozy - Nice - 21 avril 2009 (sécurité
En déplacement à Nice le 21 avril, Nicolas Sarkozy, accompagné de Michèle Alliot-Marie, Rachida Dati et Eric Woerth a annoncé de nouvelles orientations dans la lutte contre l’insécurité.
- Examen d’un projet de loi visant à réformer la responsabilité des magistrats et à revoir la composition du Conseil supérieur de la magistrature
Villepin :"Me pendre à un croc de boucher... promesse tenue"
voila ça en dit long sur la réelle histoire!! méfions nous des apparences!!beaucoup arborent un double comportement!! j ai jamais vu des franc maçons réellement musulmans ou des musulmans qui magouillent avec les franc maçons pour de grosses sommes et pourtant certains jouent le jeu sur l axe Jérusalem, France Maghreb!! si on creuse bien affaire on trouve qui est qui et qui on fait passer pour qui!!
Takieddine accuse de Villepin
Takieddine : "Un complot" ourdi par Villepin
Villepin: que Takieddine donne "ses preuves" s'il en a
Carlyle group
jusqu aux menaces de l OTAN en Asie, après on a vite fait de comprendre que takkiedine est un fusible.. visant a masquer les assassinats d hariri, buttho, hussein, la famille hussein, certains libanais, certains français, imad lahoud pourrait en faire un roman si il n avait pas était passer sous un torrent de menaces juridiques et autres!!
dans cette histoire, on compte plus le nombre de cadavres!! les tueurs de l état sont en rodage, faites attention, ils seront jamais punis tant qu il n y aura pas de justice internationale et que les usa domineront la justice et l europe!!
takieddine sait très bien qu ils veulent sa peau, ils ont déjà essayer, ils recommenceront!! certains se disent musulmans mais ne sont que des pions de l ump et de l OTAN comme le cnt ou le cns et ce partout, en Irak ou ailleurs pour un peu de pouvoir ou des grosses sommes!! sur et certains!!
Excellent c'est exactement ca... Bhutto etait dans l'affaire Agosta!
Middle East Terrorism Quiz
As you know, I've been witch-hunted out of the University of Wisconsin by State Rep. Steve Nass. He doesn't want me to tell you what the vast majority of Middle Eastern people think really happened on 9/11, or why they think it.
The bad news is that I no longer get a paycheck for helping educate you.
The good news is that I can just flat-out tell you the truth about what is really going on, instead of watering it down by being "fair and balanced" toward viewpoints that are obviously full of shit.
Today we're going to have a quiz on Middle East Terrorism. Please take out your number two pencils and answer the following questions:
1) What Middle Eastern terrorist organization sent mail bombs to President Harry Truman in a failed attempt to kill him?
2) What Middle East terrorist organization has such powerful US assets that it succeeded in covering up the Truman assassination attempt?
3) What Middle East terrorist group bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on July 22nd, 1946, killing 91 people and injuring 46?
4) What Middle East terrorist group committed the Deir Yassin massacre on April 9th, 1948, killing more than 100 defenseless civilians (mostly women and children)?
5) What Middle East terrorist group bombed American targets in Egypt in the Lavon Affair of 1954?
6) What Middle East terrorist group is suspected of involvement in the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy?
7) What Middle East terrorist group attacked the unarmed American spy ship USS Liberty in June 8th, 1967, killing 34 crew members and injuring 170, in a failed attempt to sink the ship and murder the entire crew?
8) What Middle East terrorist group started the 1967 Mideast war?
9) What Middle East terrorist group orchestrated the 1976 Entebbe hijacking incident, in which 55 people were killed, including Benjamin Netanyahu's brother?
10) What Middle East terrorist group orchestrated the Achille Lauro hijacking, in which wheelchair-bound American citizen Leon Klinghoffer was pushed overboard, triggering outrage around the world?
11) What Middle East terrorist group killed 241 US Marines in Beirut, Lebanon in October, 1983?
12) What Middle East terrorist group is said by a former high-ranking member to be continually “actively spying, recruiting, organizing and carrying out covert activities mainly in New York and Washington, which they refer to as their playground” ?
13) The leader of which Middle East terrorist group celebrated the success of the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington, and bragged that his organization was behind them?
14) Members of which Middle East terrorist group were arrested for filming (with foreknowledge) and wildly celebrating the success of the destruction of the World Trade Center?
15) The leader of which Middle East terrorist group was warned to cancel his planned trip to downtown London on the day of the 7/7/2005 London bombings?
16) Which Middle East terrorist group is alleged by intelligence insiders to have repeatedly used latest-generation "mini-nuke" hydrogen bombs against Western civilians?
17) Which Middle East terrorist group has targeted all the capitals of Europe and the Middle East with nuclear weapons?
18) Which Middle East terrorist group is believed by most Europeans to be the biggest threat to world peace?
19) Which Middle East terrorist group insists that torturing captives is perfectly legitimate?
20) Which Middle East terrorist group has captured, held, tortured, and killed the most hostages?
21) Which Middle East terrorist group includes religious fanatics bent on taking over the world and enslaving everyone who does not belong to their ethnicity and religion?
22) Which Middle East terrorist group has the biggest presence in the underworlds of the drug trade, human trafficking, illegal human organ sales, the illegal arms trade, and organized crime in general?
23) Which Middle Eastern terrorist group worked extensively on "race-specific bioweapons" with the apartheid regime in South Africa?
24) Which Middle Eastern terrorist group has penetrated and "turned" the global media?
25) Which Middle Eastern terrorist group is best-funded, and where do those funds come from?
Bonus Question: Which Middle Eastern terrorist group is so vicious and dangerous that almost nobody working at any American university dares to openly call it a terrorist group?
The correct answer to every question is "The Zionist Entity." If you called it "Israel," you are being extremely offensive (legitimizing a terrorist group by pretending it's a legitimate country is terribly hurtful to its victims) but I will still give you full credit, as long as you promise to make an appointment with the Office of Diversity, Sensitivity, and Political Correctness.
Note: Our next quiz will be on global terrorism - preview here.
Pour ceux qui veulent connaitre les veritables plans de ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI, remplacer le DRS par des generaux soumis a l'OTAN, il est l'artisan du retour de Ait Ahmed et tente de le mettre sur orbite pour 2014. C'est un excellent ami de Lakhdar Brahimi, franc-macon soumis a l'empire, lisez cet article paru en 2004: 'Les Musulmans en France sont des Algeriens, ils ne sont pas Arabes et ils vont nous poser d'enormes problemes!'
Zbigniew Brzezinski At Large, Part One and Two
BEN WATTENBERG: Hello, I’m Ben Wattenberg. Today, Think Tank is joined by one of the significant voices in American foreign policy, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Dr. Brzezinski served as National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, where he played a key role in the 1978 peace accord between Israel and Egypt. He has been a principal advisor on foreign policy and intelligence issues to successive American administrations. Now with the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC, Dr. Brzezinski is the author of many books, including The Grand Chessboard, American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives and his just published book The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership.
The Topic Before the House: Zbigniew Brzezinski at Large, Part 1. This Week on Think Tank
BEN WATTENBERG: Zbigniew Brzezinski, welcome to Think Tank.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: It’s good to be with you, Ben.
BEN WATTENBERG: I have been reading your new book, The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership. In fact, I stayed up late last night reading it. It is a very good book, with your characteristic linear thinking, but quite gloomy. And let me go through a couple a the items: ...first you say, you pretty well predict, a major catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction-literally, as you put it, an end-of-the-world scenario; an Armageddon, and pretty soon. I mean, you say a generation or two, I think. I mean, we’ve had now almost sixty years since Hiroshima and we’ve kept the genie in the bottle. Why do you say that?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well, first of all, I don’t predict it. And that’s a very important point. What I do say is that it’s now feasible, it’s technically feasible. That is to say we’re reaching a stage in mankind’s history in which means of destruction available to people, to states, or even to groups, are getting to a point in which one could unleash forces that would destroy a country, maybe an entire civilization.
BEN WATTENBERG: And this would be typical...
WATTENBERG: ...of a rogue state somewhere.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well a rogue state, or some sort of a conflict or a provocation. You know, unfortunately things in the world are never black and white; they’re usually much more ambiguous than that and therefore one of the major themes of the book is that American unilateralism, or American domination, does not suffice to avoid these dangers. That America has to exercise a leadership that commands support, that inspires others, because if it doesn’t then these kinds of dangers could become reality. So I repeat, I do not predict an apocalypse by any means. It’s not a pessimistic book but it is a book, which says a certain danger now has manifest and we have the obligation to avoid it.
BEN WATTENBERG: You say that even the American global model of democracy and equality, of which you approve most elegantly, I guess in diplomatic terms--I guess that’s some of the so-called soft power-but, in any event, even that model you say gets people to hate us. Or may get people to hate us.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well, it’s connected first of all with feelings of envy which unfortunately are a very natural human condition and secondly with the danger that some of our acts will intensify resentment and magnify, even ignite hatred against us.
BEN WATTENBERG: Are our actions to help encourage the formations of new democracies?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well I wouldn’t put it quite that way. I think there is in our reaction to the acts of terrorism committed against us and in this undifferentiated proclamation of the war against terrorism, which often is equated with war against fundamentalist Islam and sometimes the word fundamentalist even gets forgotten so it’s Islamic terrorism, runs the risk of creating a counter reaction which galvanizes enormous hatred and focuses it on us. So these are the kinds of things we have to be very alert to, given the fact that without us the world becomes unstable. But if we’re not very careful how we exercise our leadership we can become the object of a lot of the potentially increasingly dangerous violence that now is at a stage at which can become massively destructive.
BEN WATTENBERG: You were quite critical of President Bush’s and the administration’s actions on homeland security. Yet I mean, as you know, the acts of 9/11 were unprecedented. What are you supposed to do except take harsh measures? It was an attack on our homeland, and as you point out bigger and better ones, bigger and worse ones, may be coming right down the line at us.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Yes, but harsh measures is not necessarily the most intelligent response. The harsh measures produce only harshness. In other words you want measures that are effective; that deal with the problem. Go back historically for a minute, and I know you’re a great student of history. You know, we took harsh measures in the past - the sedition acts, the interment of the Japanese.
BEN WATTENBERG: And we cut off immigration...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: ...some of the hysteria in various stages of our history. They were harsh, but they weren’t necessarily effective. So harshness is not a justification. What worries me about some of the measures taken essentially are two things. One: are we really running the risk of crossing the borderline between prudent but constitutionally responsible reactions and panicky and maybe not even fully constitutional/quasi constitutional reactions. And that’s a serious problem.
BEN WATTENBERG: And your view sort of leans toward the...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well, I think some aspects of the Patriot Act give me pause. Secondly, I’m not sure that throwing money at a security problem, and creating a huge security bureaucracy, is the response, because ultimately you can’t protect everything and you are just spending a lot of money trying to protect everything which means that you’re really spreading yourself thin and you create an atmosphere of anxiety, which the enemy can abet even by stimulating periodic alarms. What, in my view, is a far more effective response...
BEN WATTENBERG: I mean these groundings of these flights from Europe to America is a tremendous economic blow to us, even though nobody did anything except maybe make a phone call or do some e-mailing.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: And it may be even deliberately...
BEN WATTENBERG: Right, right.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: ...because these people are not stupid and they’re beginning to see us issuing these alerts or having electronic signs over the highways, like on the beltway around Washington, where you see signs flashing at you,'report suspicious activity'. What does that say to the population? It stimulates anxiety; it doesn’t do anything to the enemy.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: But there is one more point...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: ...about protecting everything, namely, if you are really interested in protecting everything, what you really need is much better intelligence.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: And one of the things I argue in my book is that for every ten bucks spent on homeland security, one buck spent on better intelligence is a much better deal.
BEN WATTENBERG: And you are in favor of human rather than technological intelligence. You think that’s where we’re short?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: I think our technological intelligence is very good. I know for a fact that our human intelligence is very poor and I think what happened with regards to weapons of mass destruction in Iraq illustrates that dramatically. Iraq was a country that was actually pervasive. You could penetrate it - permeable. We knew just very, very embarrassingly little and that’s been an embarrassment to the United States and to the administration.
BEN WATTENBERG: And yet we were on record as saying they had them and Chirac and the French were on record as saying they had them and the Russians were on the record as saying - I mean there’s this long list which you’ve seen. Everybody thought it. It wasn’t just the Americans.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: You know, it’s a little more qualified than that, Ben.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: First of all, the others who were saying it were also saying 'let’s check it out. We have time. The inspectors are looking and let’s see what they say.' And they don’t seem to be finding anything. Maybe there’s something to that because the record in the past was pretty good actually. So they are far more patient than we. Secondly, don’t underestimate the impact on others of us proclaiming that the Iraqis have them. Because the fact of the matter is that historically we were trusted. When Kennedy said to the world, 'there are Russian missiles with nuclear weapons in Cuba', everybody believed us because we had a record of credibility. So when President Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Powell, all of them flatly said they have weapons of mass destruction, everybody was inclined to believe them. I was too, although I became increasingly skeptical.
BEN WATTENBERG: Did you support the war at that time?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: I believed we had to do something about Iraq and I said that immediately after 9/11. But I also argued very strongly that we with others, emulate what we did in ’91 - that is to say build a genuine alliance to act if necessary but impose pressure on them through the U.N., and there’s no need to rush because the evidence for an imminent danger is practically nonexistent. That was my position. But what we need to do, in my view, is to have much better intelligence if we want to have more security, not spend forty billion dollars a year on homeland security which as all these false alarms indicate is very manipulable.
BEN WATTENBERG: But establishing human intelligence in countries - in authoritarian, autocratic dictatorships, where you can lose your life pretty easily--this is a long-term project. This is not something... let’s get a thousand human intelligence people...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well of course. Of course. We should have been doing this for years. I have felt for a long time now that this is an area of weakness and we are paying the price. But there’s an alternative to it. You know, if we’re going to position ourselves strategically into a posture in which we preempt on suspicion - I repeat, preempt on suspicion - we’re going to isolate ourselves totally in the world; we’ll destroy our credibility totally - it’s badly damaged already - and we’ll precipitate reactions against us that are going to be seriously dangerous to our security.
BEN WATTENBERG: Well, but President Bush says you can’t sit back and wait for them to hit us and then say 'we’re gonna get you'. The whole idea is we don’t want to get hit...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: So you , in other words if I suspect you’re about to hit me...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Yes, but if I suspect you’re about to hit me, I should hit you right now? I mean, you know, at some point suspicion has to be founded on something. It can’t be simple as the president now says 'Well he was a madman.' Before we had a theory of an imminent danger. He has weapons; he’s about to attack us. Later we said...
BEN WATTENBERG: He never used the word imminent. They’re very proud of that.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Look, he said we are confronted with a mortal danger - those are the words. 'Mushroom cloud' was used to justify going to war. He has weapons that are the most destructive mankind has ever devised. Those are the actual quotes. Now after that they said, well, he didn’t have them but he had the intent. Now we say he was a madman. So shifting from hard evidence to presumption of intention and now to some psychological analysis. Are we going to go around attacking countries...
BEN WATTENBERG: Well, and...
BRZEZINSKI: ...on that basis?
BEN WATTENBERG: Now, we’re making the case that the establishment, even of a partial democracy in Iraq would have been worth the cost of this war, because it could change the whole Middle East.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well if it changes the whole Middle East, if it leads to some genuine stability, yes. But that requires moving not only on Iraq; that requires addressing actively the Palestinian/Israeli problem; it requires some movement in relations with Iran; it requires some gradual evolution in Egypt and Saudi Arabia because it’s precipitous. It’s going to be hurtful to our interests actually but I don’t see that happening and even then one has to ask ones self on what basis can a country attack another country if it isn’t threatened? You know, some sort of, half-baked theory of democratization doesn’t give anybody a right to attack anybody. You know, otherwise we’ll have a situation of global anarchy if we keep acting like this.
BEN WATTENBERG: Well you mention frequently in the book getting some kind of an Israeli/Palestinian compromise. Now I understand, I think, what you want from the Israelis, which is to give up the settlements, but what are the Palestinians supposed to do as their share of the compromise?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well obviously there has to be absolute peace between them. No violence, no terrorism. Demilitarization of the Palestinian state, etcetera, etcetera.
BEN WATTENBERG: If they’re not willing, I mean, so far they say they’re not willing to...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well the problem is each side has conditions for the other to meet without meeting their own conditions. I read an essay recently by someone who described both the Palestinian and the Israeli leaderships as failed leaderships. And I think that really catches the essence. Each side is locked into a kind of perspective, which condemns them to mutual antagonism that can only get worse and worse. For the Palestinians: increasing poverty, humiliation and suffering. For the Israelis: a garrison state, in which democracy becomes a fiction, in which Israel is made to look like apartheid South Africa. These are horrible perspectives for both. And unless the United States steps in and really pressed for a breakthrough towards peace and articulates a concept of peace that’s more or less fair and balanced...
BEN WATTENBERG: I mean isn’t that what the so-called roadmap did?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: No, the roadmap only outlines how to get there. But since each distrusts the other, each is sort of inclined to trip the other up while moving forward. We need something like the Geneva Accords, which is that very detailed blueprint for peace contrived by some Israelis and some Palestinians, so that both sides would know where the roadmap is leading. Then you have a chance of getting there.
BEN WATTENBERG: You have written in this as I said very interesting book that what we are up against now is more difficult than what we faced in the Cold War.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well, I don’t think it’s a, you know, a very unique insight of mine. Simply during the Cold War we knew who the enemy was and we pretty much what the enemy has. And we increasingly understood what makes the enemy tick. I don’t think we know now who the enemy is. Look at the way it’s defined - terrorism is the enemy. Well, first of all, that’s kind of an absurdity because terrorism is a technique; it’s not an entity. Second we don’t really know who the enemy...
BEN WATTENBERG: But the terrorist who have hit us though ha-have...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: They are people that we are unwilling... I’m very hesitant about saying who they are.
BEN WATTENBERG: Well, they’ve been Arabs.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: But they’re Arabs, precisely...
BEN WATTENBERG: ...and not poor Arabs. You say somewhere that the problem with terrorism is it’s...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well there is...some of them are middle class Arabs.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Some of them poor; some of them are middle class.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: And one was very rich.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: But the point is we have hesitated to do that because we prefer to have the sort of vague notion of terrorism around the world. In fact, you’re quite right; most of the terrorists are Arabs. The problem is the Middle East. The problem is our presence in Saudi Arabia after ’91; the persistence of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and our identification with it, and us seen as being very partial. The problem is the legacy of colonialism - British, French - and now, seemingly, ours, and in a sense by extension Israeli. All of that is the problem.
BEN WATTENBERG: I mean, the Arabs have done pretty well at killing each other off even without the Israelis. I mean, you have the Egyptians versus the Yemenis and the Libyans and you have the Syrians...
BEN WATTENBERG: ...against the Lebanese...
BEN WATTENBERG: ...and I mean there’s a have Iraq invading Kuwait and Iran, I mean. It’s not a...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well, look. That is nothing new. People all over the world kill each other.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: What is of interest to me is if they try to kill us. And I think what we have the problem - and this is where I come back to the point I made - is we define the problem broadly and vaguely; we don’t want to focus specifically on who the enemy is and we know very little as to what the enemy can do. And we talked about that because of poor intelligence. Take Al Queda. We talk about Al Queda all the time. Every morning when I put on the news there’s always some 'expert' quote, unquote, on terrorism talking about Al Queda and terrorism. We don’t really know. Most Americans today think that Al Queda is some disciplined, well-organized underground terrorist activity. Ashcroft talks about fifty thousand trained terrorists. It’s probably at most fifty thousand people who went through basic training...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: ...who are not therefore professional terrorists, you know, because they wouldn’t even know how to make a bomb.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: The point is we have this kind of vague notion of who the enemy is and yet the potential threats are in fact quite serious because of technological dynamics and what this means in terms of the possibility of the infliction of destruction.
BEN WATTENBERG: How do you regard the evolving American position on defending and extending human rights and democratic values around the world? In 2003 President Bush gave three big speeches. One at the American Enterprise Institute; one at the National Endowment for Democracies and one at Buckingham Palace, I guess where he really said this is our business, this is our mission, which is to go about extending democracy. Is that an overstatement in your judgment?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: I wouldn’t say it’s an overstatement. Of course everything depends on how it’s done. In a sense it’s a continuation, you know, of the position, which was adopted earlier. Human rights was adopted more or less as the sort of flagship on Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy. So...
BEN WATTENBERG: And those of us who worked with Scoop Jackson like to think that it was...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: And Scoop Jackson wasn’t president...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: ...but was very much pushing it. Absolutely. Yes, so in a sense it reflects a certain American propensity. I think there’s a lot to it. But one has to recognize that democracy if pushed too hard and artificially can produce a reaction which is very adverse. To take an extreme example, if we imposed somehow democracy on Saudi Arabia today and you had an election in which Prince Abdullah was running against Osama bin Laden, who would win? Or in Egypt if Mubarak and the Muslim brotherhood were competing openly, who would win? So you have to create...
BEN WATTENBERG: You think Osama and the Muslim brotherhood would ...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well it very well might because unless the conditions are mature and there’s stability, responsibility, civic consciousness, extremism tends to surface. Democracy can be very, very doctrinaire and intolerant. You have to create a constitutionalism; you have to create the liberal institutions; you have to give people dignity. I mean I’m a little worried for example when I hear some people in the Bush administration say 'no settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians until the Palestinians are a full democracy.' Because that means they remain occupied. If you’re occupied, you’re denied political dignity. You cannot have democracy without political dignity. You have to have a sense of your own freedom to become democratic. So if democracy becomes an excuse for doing some of the things we need to do in the mean time then I don’t consider it to be a program I consider it to be an evasion. But if one is talking more generally about encouraging democracy, constitutionalism, liberalism, yes.
BEN WATTENERG: Looking at your work from another axis, you come out in favor of something called shared national and international interests. And then you also mention the possibility - you say we’re not ready for global government now but it’s something that we might be ready for in a generation or two. And you support the international criminal court. This is not sort of the Brzezinski of old. This is a different perspective on the world, I mean, it doesn’t sound like the hawkish Zbigniew Brzezinski of yore.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: We have defeated the big challenge... a conspiracy, a totalitarian doctrine, an effort to impose uniformity in the world. We won. But we’re now faced with the prospect of global chaos if we’re not careful and we are living in a world which technology makes totally interdependent. And that means either we’ll all suffer some calamity because of interdependence or we create some community of shared interest. It will not be world government, but eventually we’ll have to move towards more and more global institutions that’s just the logic of history, of technological dynamics. And if we can lead it and infuse it with our values - democracy, constitutionalism and so forth--we’ll be performing...
BEN WATTENBERG: ...including an international criminal court...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well, why not at some point?
BEN WATTENBERG: ...that could put some of our...General Tommy Franks in jail or something. I mean...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Look. First of all if he committed war crimes I wouldn’t weep if he was, but secondly that’s not going to happen and not immediately.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: But as a longer range objective I think it’s absolutely very sensible. We have all sorts of international rules that we accept - a variety of areas...civil aviation, trade, and so forth. So why not military conduct at some point? This is not a prescription for tomorrow, but as an indicator of longer range trends, yes. I think that’s the only alternative to global chaos.
BEN WATTENBERG: Okay, thank you very much, Zbigniew Brzezinski, for joining us on Think Tank. And thank you. Please remember to join us in a future episode for part two of our conversation with Zbigniew Brzezinski. And send us your comments via email. It’s what makes our show better. For Think Tank, I’m Ben Wattenberg.
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BEN WATTENBERG: Hello, I’m Ben Wattenberg. Today, Think Tank is joined by one of the significant voices in American foreign policy, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Dr. Brzezinski served as National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, where he played a key role in the 1978 peace accord between Israel and Egypt. He has been a principal advisor on foreign policy and intelligence issues to successive American administrations. Now with the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC, Dr. Brzezinski is the author of many books, including The Grand Chessboard, American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives and his just published book The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership.
The Topic before the House: Zbigniew Brzezinski at Large, Part 2
This Week on Think Tank.
(opening animation)
BEN WATTENBERG: Zbigniew Brzezinski, welcome to Think Tank. I have been reading your new book, The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership. It is a very good book, but quite gloomy. And let me go through a couple of the items.
You write about the role of American popular culture - the movies and the music and the television and some of the uglier things about it also. And that we sort of no longer even control it ourselves, if we ever did - America has just sort of become part of the world and a very important part. Is that a good thing?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well you put it very well. You said we don’t even control it and I think you’re right. I think we are in a sense in the hands of a Frankenstein that we have created, because this mass culture of ours is partially the product of our preferences; it’s partially the product of a machine that runs on its own. And a lot of it is, at least to my subjective taste, extraordinarily vulgar and pernicious and I think even demoralizing in terms of basic values. And unfortunately we are the purveyors of that. And unfortunately a lot of that defines America to the rest of the world and I’m not too happy about that because I think some of that will bounce against us, in the mean time creating an image of a society that’s hedonistic, opportunistic, materialistic, crude. Without real standards. And the thing that really bothers me the most ultimately is this. I’m increasingly troubled by the fact that in America the only thing that makes us comfortable in saying that something is immoral is if at the same time you can prove that it’s illegal. And if you reduce morality to legality you’ve eliminated morality from human conduct.
BEN WATTENBERG: When you talk to European - when I talk to Europeans these days and when you read about it from some of them, they always say 'well, this anti-American feeling is very complicated', meaning that there’s - I mean there’s a love/hate relationship going on. Is that sort of the way you see it?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Oh, absolutely and it’s true not just of the Europeans. I think - let’s take the Muslim world because that’s so much upper most in our minds these days. I have the sense that in most Muslim countries, most people, like to live the way we do. They like our films, they like our movies, they like our decadence. But the hate some things about us, including some of the things we do. So it’s everything about America today in the world is very ambivalent and almost contradictory. It’s clear that we’re distrusted now. It’s clear that our policies are disliked. But it’s also clear that America’s kind of a miracle land for a lot of people at the same time.
BEN WATTENBERG: You say that the demographic pressures in the world today can turn illegal immigration into violent migrations. What do you mean by that?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well I mean by that the increasing pressures from the highly underdeveloped parts of the world, but overpopulated parts of the world, on the areas of prosperity, in some cases islands of prosperity. Take one sort of dramatic example, which is very much in my mind, because it has geopolitical implications. If you look at the map of Eurasia, let’s say everything east of the Urals from the Arctic Sea through the Urals down to the Caspian Sea down to Iran.
BEN WATTENBERG: Is that your arc of crisis?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well, no but everything east of that.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: North of it - Siberia, the Russian Far East, thirty-five million people. Thirty-five million people. Everything south of that line from Iran all the way to the end of China, three and a half billion... and growing. And you’re a great student of demographics. That’s going to increase dramatically in the next twenty years. The point is, it’s not sustainable. The pressure in Europe, the number of immigrants the Europeans need and in some cases they want to let in. These are all pressures that at some point can become quite violent.
BEN WATTENBERG: There are intense feelings of literally hatred against the illegal immigrants in Europe, and I guess even more so in Japan. And in Europe it’s for obvious reasons, particularly directed at the Arabs and the Muslims which is where their primary...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well the Muslims but there aren’t that many Arabs in Europe actually. There are Turks...
BEN WATTENBERG: Well in France there are.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well they’re Algerians.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Algerians, but they’re not Arabs.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Algerians, Moroccans but also Turks in Germany. You’re quite right. Yes. There’s a lot of hatred but look, even in the United States the attitude towards Hispanics is ambivalent.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: They do things that most of us unfortunately are not willing to do, but there’s a lot of resentment and a feeling of unease, desire to pull up the drawbridge and so forth. It’s going to be a problem.
BEN WATTENBERG: You mention that India, which I regard--I’m writing about demographics and economics of the less developed countries--which I regard as one of the great success stories and just coming into its own now, you say it may implode over ethnic violence. And yet in fact we have some Indian scholars that we deal with here at the American Enterprise Institute - that’s not their take on the situation. Is that a serious threat?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well, it’s my view. That doesn’t make it a serious threat. I could be totally wrong.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: I know that the prevailing opinion, not only just the conventional but the prevailing opinion is that India is a secure state. The reason I feel that way is that I am historically very conscious of the role of ethnicity and national identity and that multinational states at some point tend to begin to fragment when the entire population becomes politically activated. My view since the ’50s was that the Soviet Union would implode because it was a multinational empire. I remember having an argument with the Yugoslav foreign minister when I was in the White House, saying to him that after Tito goes Yugoslavia will break up, and he was equally outraged. And most people disagreed with me. I noticed the fact that in India the vast majority of the population still is politically inert, inactive, a very high percentage illiterate. But once they begin to have a sense of their political identify which tends to be associated with ethnicity, language and religion, then the divergences, differences will begin to surface.
BEN WATTENBERG: The Indians claim that because there are literally hundreds of ethnic groups and hundreds of languages and dialects they have no choice but to keep the democrat - I mean it’s been going...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: That’s a very sensible...
BEN WATTENBERG: ... for almost fifty years.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Yes, it’s a very sensible argument. The Soviet Union lasted for seventy.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: But you know, that is true of the small groups but there are some large groups and those are the ones that are the most dangerous. First of all a hundred and forty million or so Muslims.
ZBIGNEIW BRZEZINSKI: And the sort of Hindu/Muslim conflict is a serious reality and thousands have already died because of it. Secondly there are a few entities like the 'Tamils, like the Sikhs and others who very well may aspire for separate statehood at some point. Kashmir itself, you know, increasingly the Kashmir’s are saying 'we don’t want to be part of India; we don’t want to be part of Pakistan. We want to have our own state. So I think it’s an open issue.
BEN WATTENBERG: I mean, talking about multiethnic states you write, and again very eloquently, about the large wave of immigration that’s come into the United States from non-European sources in the last forty years I guess, or since 1965. And you are concerned that because so many previous ethnic groups - I mean the Jews, the Greeks, you can just go through a whole - the English - you can go through a whole list - have attempted to influence American diplomacy, that we now are getting so many groups that American diplomacy may end up as a shambles...that everybody’s going to be pulling in separate directions.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Yes. And I know I could add to the list the Cuban-Americans, the Polish-Americans and so forth. And down the line Chinese-Americans, Indian-Americans and so forth. Well, that is connected with something which I sense is happening, namely when I was growing up in America there was a kind of drive towards assimilation, which was not coercive; it was more magnetic, but there was a kind of a tendency to assimilate. Now I think we’re moving increasingly into a kind of highly legitimated multiculturalism. You tend to emphasize your antecedents, your origins, your distinctive ...
BEN WATTENBERG: Well those are the people with the loud media megaphones. And I’m not saying they don’t have a real influence. On the other hand you look at the public opinion polls and not only are Americans the most patriotic country in the world, but the immigrants are even more patriotic than the Americans as a whole.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: No that’s quite true. The tendencies are contradictory, but it does mean that increasing a different groups begin to claim almost a veto right regarding foreign policy towards their point of origin or interest. This is clearly very evident with the Jewish community in Israel. And I think it’s probably a fair proposition that right now with regards to policy towards Israel and the Palestinians, the Jewish community has close to a veto right. The same is true of the Cuban-Americans regarding Cuba. The same has been claimed by the central Europeans towards central Europe. Polish-Americans towards Poland. I think we’re beginning to see some of that with the Hispanic-Americans, particularly Mexican-Americans, and before too long I think we’ll see it with the Asian-Americans.
BEN WATTENBERG: The argument, something I once wrote, is that you have to decide, and it’s case by case I guess, whether a given act is in the national interest of America or in the interest of Americans.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: All Americans or some Americans?
BEN WATTENBERG: Well, no - some Americans. I mean but if the totality of Americans are made up of lots of some Americans.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well that’s true, but if these pools become to contradictory and to diversified then simply the making of policy will become a kind of a calculus almost of votes or of setting interests rather than any larger notion of the national interest. Wait until you get Arab-Americans really activated. And once they begin to use money as well as concentrated votes and you will see what will happen to Middle Eastern policy. I’m not sure that’s a healthy development. But I’m not condemning it.
BEN WATTENBERG: But you’re not for cutting back immigration?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: No. No. And I’m not for some coercive assimilation.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: I’m simply saying this is now an increasing problem. And our society may find it more difficult to articulate a shared notion of national interest than in the past where everybody either was WASP, and the WASPS dominated, or most people aspired to becoming kind of quasi-WASPS, including changing their names and so forth. Probably was easier then to say this is the national interest. Now it’s much more complex.
BEN WATTENBERG: Neither of us changed our names so that’s...
BEN WATTENBERG: ...that’s right...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: But our antecedents probably would have had.
BEN WATTENBERG: You have said that America’s facing its major challenges in an area that you call the global Balkans. Are those the ones you described before, the - the...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Yes, the global Balkans. I mean that area roughly from Suez to China’s western borders--Xin Jiang. From southern Russian frontier all the way down to the Indian Ocean. It’s a large conglomerate of entities, weak states, lots of ethnic, religious conflicts. It’s an area of internal instability, which has a suction affect on external powers much like the European Balkans did in the 19th century.
BEN WATTENBERG: Your priorities or some high priorities are central Asia as we’ve talked about and energy. Where do you come out on the whole energy situation?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: I’m not an energy expert, but just using common sense and the knowledge available to all of us, it seems to me evident we’re going to be dependent on natural gas and oil for some decades to come, even if we do things that we need to do. More importantly, not only will we be dependent; Europe is going to be dependent and the Far East - China and Japan--are going to be increasingly dependent. Therefore, for us to have a strong position in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf is not only an economic necessity; it’s potentially a source of enormous strategic leverage on others.
BEN WATTENBERG: You regard - I mean we all talk about terrorists these days, but before 9/11 the big potential threat in the geopolitical community was China. You still regard that as a possibility that that’s a...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: I have not argued that China was a threat. I don’t think it is...
BEN WATTENBERG: A potential threat.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well potential threat, yes, in the longer run but it’s going to take quite some time for China to really be a major global power. A regional power, yes, if it continues in its development and is stable. There are some question marks regarding that.
BEN WATTENBERG: Tell me, what do you consider the high points and the low points of your foreign policy career? You came to Washington - I was on the Johnson staff. I remember you coming down there occasionally as an adviser but then you - where - from where? From Harvard or from Columbia?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well, first of all - from Columbia - but I also served on the Johnson administration.
BEN WATTENBERG: On the policy planning...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: On the Policy Planning Council in the Department of State.
BEN WATTENBERG: I see. And then under President Carter you were the national security advisor...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: That’s right. I headed the National Security Council staff.
BEN WATTENBERG: What do you consider the high points and the low points of your career?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well if you’re talking of my political career so to speak, I would say the high points clearly were the defeat of the Soviet Union, the success of the policy of peaceful engagement which I advocated and strategized and the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Those were clearly the high points. More specifically some things such as Camp David, the first peace treaty ever between Israel and any Arab state; normalization of relations with China where I was very actively involved and in affect on behalf of the president, did it. And the low point clearly the debacle in Iran - the collapse of Iran.
BEN WATTENBERG: The hostages.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: The hostages, sure. Yes. Which I would have handled differently but I didn’t have my way.
BEN WATTENBERG: What would you have done?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: I would have tried to impose a military blockade on Iran. Also when we undertook the rescue mission, which I favored, openly. The helicopters. And which I thought had a high probability of success but a reasonable danger of failure. I felt and I said so that if it fails we should immediately combine it with an immediate strike, retaliatory strike against Iran, so we could immediately say that our patience has run out; that we have taken military action to punish them. We undertook a rescue mission, which unfortunately didn’t succeed, and if they harm any hostages our military strike is a preview of what will happen if they hurt anybody. In other words to obscure the failure, and to begin to implement military pressure. That perhaps would have been risky, but I thought we should have done that.
BEN WATTENBERG: Given the circumstances, I guess, at the time and looking back on it in retrospect were we right in giving American support to the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan after the...
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Oh, yes. Absolutely, because don’t forget the invasion of Afghanistan happened in the wake and almost in the context of the collapse of Iran. Our position in the Persian Gulf was collapsing. If the Soviet Union had been able to get away with the success in Afghanistan, its sense of momentum - aggressive momentum - would have continued. Remember that at that time the Soviet Union was actively abetting international terrorism. There were scores of camps in the Soviet Union training terrorists and the problem we today confront with terrorism would have been vastly greater than it is if we still had a Soviet Union actively engaged in exploiting and abetting it.
BEN WATTENBERG: Let me ask you a final question. If you had to give President Bush - you’ve been a professor - if you had to give him a final grade as an elected politician, not as a geo-strategic theoretician, on his foreign policy, where would you place - I’ve heard some conservatives said he may well end up being the most successful one-term loser in American presidential history.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Well that’s very cruel. It’ll be particularly cruel to him because I know that he’s quite concerned over what happened to his father and he doesn’t want to repeat that in the sense for the sake of his father. So I understand the human feelings involved. You know, I almost hate having to answer you because you’ve asked such good questions. And I don’t want to put a partisan spin on what I’m saying.
BEN WATTENBERG: No, go ahead.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: But I’m willing to answer you, but I do so with some hesitation. I honestly don’t think much of his foreign policy at this stage. I think that as I go around the world there are a number of things that bother me. To the Europeans who were totally with us after 9/11, he’s been saying since then if you are not with us you’re against us. How can you have friends if you say to your friends 'if you’re not with me you’re against me'? The essence of friendship is the ability to disagree. That bothers me. With the Russians, he looks into the eyes of Putin and discovers a wonderful soul in him, even though Putin is killing the Chechens by the thousands and is repressing democracy. That bothers me. I am uneasy about the demagogy that was used to stir up the popular support for going against Iraq. I think a democracy cannot thrive if it goes to war on the basis of false pretenses. And the pretenses were false. I am bothered by the loss of American credibility around the world. You know, Kennedy could send Atcheson to see de Gaulle during the Cuban missile crisis, to tell him there are Russian missiles pointed at us and that we’ll go to war, if necessary. And then he says to de Gaulle 'and now let me show you the photographs to bear out what I was saying.' And de Gaulle says to Atcheson, 'I don’t want to see your photographs. The word of the president of the United States is good enough for me. Go back and tell him France is with the United States.' Would any leader do that today in similar circumstances? Not after what has happened. These things bother me. I thought that Bush started off well and I have been regretfully disappointed. I think that 9/11 did something to him and maybe this sort of politically attractive notion of being a 'war president' quote, unquote...
BEN WATTENBERG: And that’s what he calls himself.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: ...that’s what he calls himself - in a sense turned him in the wrong direction. And America can compete politically without becoming divisive. That is the strength of America. Now our competition is becoming internally antagonistic. And unfortunately I think a lot of that is due to the rhetoric of the last two years.
I am very often critical of some very liberal Democrats and I have at times preferred Republican foreign policies to democratic foreign policies. But, since you forced me to the wall, I’m troubled. I think the president is surrounded by a group of people who reinforce each other. I don’t think he gets any dissents of any serious degree. Dissent is not encouraged. Ultimately, you know, dissent cannot be the basis for governing, but you do want in a democracy for dissent to be heard, considered and seriously considered. That’s not the atmosphere in this administration.
BEN WATTENBERG: And you’re not going to give him any specific grade as a professor.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: I don’t want to give him a grade but I would...
BEN WATTENBERG: You’re not happy.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: No, I would say you know, take another look, think it over; it’s not headed in the right direction.
BEN WATTENBERG: Okay, thank you very much Zbigniew Brzezinski for joining us on Think Tank. And thank you. Please remember to send us your comments via email. For Think Tank, I’m Ben Wattenberg.
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Les americains et les francais ont volé l'argent des libyens en Europe soit 850 milliards d'euros. Il est evident que Al Baghdadi vivant a condamné Sarkozy a la prison. Mais le demantelement des reseaux juifs sionistes doit se faire et permettre de detruire les partis politiques, les loges maconniques, et une bonne partie des services (interieur, defense, justice) a Paris. Des enquetes qui semeront la destruction des reseaux coloniaux dans tout le Maghreb. La France et ses elites racialistes sionistes a un grand besoin d'un veritable 'Printemps Arabe'!
Chantage d’Etat autour des fonds secrets libyens
Confusion au sommet en Tunisie
Gaza met la main sur un des plus grands espions
Iran Activates Alternative System for SWIFT
It didn’t take the Iranians long to find a way around the US’ use of the SWIFT payment system as an economic weapon.
Iran’s Central Bank Governor Mahmoud Bahmani stated Saturday that Iran has already activated an alternative payment clearing system to SWIFT.
The US appears to have shot itself in the foot by encouraging Iran and by proxy, India, Russia, China, Japan, and the rest of Iran’s trading partners to move further from the US dollar as a reserve currency by shutting Iran out of the SWIFT system.
Read more:
Du plan israelien Oded Ynon de destabilisation totale de tous les pays Arabes en 1982 a la Pax Talmudica 2012, les escadrons de la mort de l'OTAN (franco-libanais) massacrent la population syrienne qui refuse de participer au conflit entretenu par Israel et ses affides du Golf et une grande partie du regime Al Assad.
Première partie : La défaite d’Israël à la deuxième Guerre du Liban (2006)
Pour communiquer avec l’auteure :
REIGN OF TERROR - Massacres of Deir Yassin, Shabra, Shatilla, Fallujah, now Houla in Syria
British terrorist government hijacking phones and emails of all the Muslims during the Olympics. These nazi style methods won't go unpunished
I have sent you many emails and none would have reached you because of the London mafia being involved and hacking into my phone and my computer to carry out the dirty deeds of their counterparts in Algeria who keep subjugating our people and stopping them from going on a march, protesting against our dictators who keep ransacking the coffers of the treasury and sharing it between themselves and their clans as well as laundering billions of dollars. According to an article in le quotidien d'Algerie, 650 billion dollars have disappeared the last 10 years and this is outrageous.
These huge sums are being laundering by many top ranking generals in the army which is waging a war against the Algerian population in order to remain in power forever. These cruel and evil people have no qualms about torturing totally innocent people to death in order to keep stealing money and building countless homes, buying castles abroad, buying off mercenaries and agents to carry out their dirty jobs of eliminating us one by one and getting richer and richer. The huge revenues have produced an army of insatiable rogues ready to attack, maim and destroy annyone in their passage so that they and their filthy clans and famiies, their accomplices can stay in power. The idea is to rub shoulders with terrible tyrants and dictators like themselves as well as grease the paws of their mercenaries and they have found countless takers. These rubbish idiots have caused a lot of suffering among good families and decent human beings. They have used anything at all to disrupt the smooth
running of the country and have done their best to disperse, terrorise, push into exil many good citizens by using scare tactics, disappearances and tortures daily in order to frighten anyone at all as well as planned and put into action many false flag operations attributed to some invented entities or some innocent being. As you know this is also happening in many places and doesn't seem to end.
Our people and the entire world population of decent people are fed up with this terrorism and unending corruption and of letting off all the major criminals got off without even a ticking off while the real culprit sit in the dark like cowards and order assassinations, thefts, lootings, rapes and killings of the masses on their behalf. It is no need trying to stop my emails because there are other ways of passing on my knowledge to people and keep them in touch with the truth and with what is really happening in their ife. Some people even believe this nightmare is their fate but it is not so. We all deserve to breath, to have our own space, to have the right to enjoy our own homes without the interference of machiavellique and sordid entities, to walk freely in the street of any country without being harassed and deafened by their mob.
Israel’s hidden hand behind Pakistan’s disasters
What can the definition of extremism be when you are funded by the government?
Les Palestiniens voient tres clairement les plans sionistes de destruction du Monde Arabe. Avertissement depuis la mosquée d'Al Aqsa par le sheykh Salah Eddine Abu Arafat (7 parties)
نداء من المسجد الأقصى
الشيخ صلاح الدين أبو عرفة
An Offer You Can’t Refuse—Israel’s Latest Veiled Thermo-nuclear Threat against a War-Weary West
“Our armed forces are not the thirteenth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third…We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force…We have the capability to take the world down with us, and I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”
–—Martin Van Creveld, a professor of military history at Israel’s Hebrew University.
“What would serve the Jew-hating world better as repayment for thousands of years of massacres but a nuclear winter? Or invite all those tut-tutting European statesmen and peace activists to join us in the ovens? For the first time in history a people facing extermination while the world either cackles or looks away have the power to destroy the world. The ultimate justice?”
–Professor David Perlmutter, writing in the Los Angeles Times, April 7, 2002
2012 Mark Glenn
Despite the objections many people (rightly) entertain against the manner Italians are unfairly and inaccurately portrayed in gangster films such as The Godfather, nevertheless there are invaluable lessons to be learned from them concerning the inner workings of organized crime interests, and in particular how these interests use coded language when conveying certain ideas.
The reader will recall how in the aforementioned film, a young Michael Corleone is describing to his fiancée Kay Adams how his father ‘helped’ singer Johnny Fontaine with his career. Johnny–Vito Corelone’s godson—is locked into a contract with a particular band leader and wants out. Vito Corleone ‘reasons’ with the band leader on Fontaine’s behalf to let Johnny go by making him ‘an offer he can’t refuse’.
‘An offer he can’t refuse’…sounds great, on the surface. A deal so good it’s to die for, no pun intended.
The problem is that it means what it seems to mean and yet means much more. A person has to be ‘plugged in’ when doing the math of translating the phrase if he or she is to arrive at the right spot on the map, and there is no ‘coming up short’ in understanding what it means. The difference between the two is literally as stark as that between life and death.
And so, when Michael is pressed to explain the meaning of this particular phrase, the ugly truth concerning how it all really took place clashes with the sterile, innocuous depiction the original language evoked, leaving his fiancee stunned and speechless.
Now, as much as some will look at such examples as just the typically irrelevant sensationalism of Hollywood, the fact of the matter is that such vignettes are more real than most people living in the civilized world would like to realize, and particularly when it comes to governments trying to convey certain ideas, both to their rivals and their friends.
That’s right—just as thieves can be ‘thick’ with each other in choosing to convey messages in a dialect understandable only amongst the initiated, so too will governments engage in such telepathy, where the use of clear, unambiguous language may have negative secondary results amongst a public that must be kept in the dark if things are to ‘function’ properly.
One such example took place recently with a news item appearing on the website of the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot (ynet) one of the largest in the Jewish state. Entitled IDF submarine fleet bans dual citizenship, it reads in part thus–
And, just to drive the point home in a manner ‘up close and personal’ concerning what the real focus of the coded language is, the article ends with–
…“Far”, as in right off the coasts of America and Europe, countries that just (by pure coincidence, for sure) happen to entertain differences of opinion with Israel concerning the much screeched-for war against Iran.
Doubtless most will read the piece, shrug their shoulders and say ‘Big deal…Sounds reasonable…After all, this is national security and a country has every right to do such things...’
Which is exactly how those in Israel’s political and intelligence apparati want it to be viewed by the general public. Harmless. Innocuous. Reasonable. Slightly boring. Hey, what time’s the big game tonight?
But, a different matter altogether for those—namely foreign governments and their intelligence services—schooled and fluent in that peculiar dialect known as political Gangsterese. For them, just the article title alone contains an entire Encyclopedia of latent, hidden and coded meaning in it. Such an article, published in an online (meaning immediately accessible in all 4 corners of the globe) Israeli newspaper discussing how crews working on Israeli submarines will NOW be forced to relinquish any other citizenship they might possess in favor of just one is Israel’s way of starting a discussion within the intelligence services of various governments that goes something along the lines of–
And even though this is definitely NOT a discussion likely to take place around the average dinner table in America, all can be rest assured it IS something discussed at a meeting of the National Security Council as Obama & co are discussing the latest demands from Israel concerning an attack on Iran.
Remember, an Israeli submarine is not an army platoon. It is not the Border Patrol. It is not an Israeli F16. It is not a tank crew, a torpedo boat or anything else that might be characterized as ‘conventional’ in terms of military hardware. It is silent death, projection of power and an inherently different military creature altogether for the simple reason that due to its ‘by way of deception, thou shalt do war’ properties and capabilities, it is the most dangerous weapon a country has in its arsenal…
..and particularly if that country is nuclear-armed, possesses an apocalyptic mindset and has an itchy trigger finger, like Israel.
What was it former Israeli Minister of Defense Moshe Dayan said, that Israel should be like a ‘mad dog, too dangerous to bother?’
Yeah, that definitely fits.
One Israeli submarine loaded with nukes could destroy the ENTIRE eastern seaboard of the United States or most of Europe’s major cities (as Israeli military historian Martin Van Creveld once intimated) in the space of just a few minutes. And make no mistake about it–this is exactly the message Israel is attempting to convey to the same governments of the US and Europe currently dragging their feet viz-a-viz a war against Iran.
Now, the chances of there actually being a ‘conflict’ of loyalties in and of itself is not something Israel is particularly worried about. As political events are proving on a daily basis, when dual-citizenship American Jews are forced to choose between Israel’s interests and those of America, in 11 out of 10 cases they choose those of Home Sweet Home, and we don’t mean Alabama. America is going bankrupt fighting Israel’s wars for her and yet there is no substantive opposition to it from American Jews. The cat is out of the bag concerning Jewish interests in near-total control of the Executive and legislative branches of the US government through organizations such as AIPAC, the American Jewish Committee and half a dozen other groups, and yet the protests against such facts on the part of American Jews is barely audible. Jonathon Pollard, the Jewish American who spent 18 months spying for Israel, selling to the Jewish state America’s most sensitive national defense secrets said it best when being interrogated by Lt. Ron Olive, the naval officer who arrested him—
And Israel knows this all too well, but that is not the point. She is not worried about ‘dual loyalties’ in the least. The object of this exercise is to communicate certain ideas to a war-weary West, no different than a terrorist who has taken hostages putting a gun to the head of one of them while making demands.
Those having difficulty understanding why Israel would be willing to go to such lengths—threatening America and the West with nuclear war because of their reluctance in attacking Iran—are hobbled in their lack of understanding the mindset of the Jewish state and her long term objectives.
Israel is not worried about ‘Iranian nukes’. What is at stake here is ‘Israel’s destiny’ as discussed time and again by her leaders, both political and religious. Her entire existence is explained and justified by her holy books, principally the Torah, which are VERY CLEAR in their description of what ‘the Jewish State’ is supposed to encompass—everything between the Nile and Euphrates rivers, meaning ALL of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, parts of Egypt and northern Saudi Arabia, and Iraq—almost right up to the Iranian border.
Such biblically-inspired adventurism therefore can only be achieved in the absence of any organized, substantive opposition. The long-sought Zionist goal of pushing out hundreds of millions of Arabs in order to create ‘Eretz Y’Israel’ cannot take place if there is another strongman in the neighborhood, meaning Iran.
Therefore, when Israel talks about the ‘existential threat’ Iran poses to the Jewish state, THIS is what she means—prevention of Israel’s borders as described in the bible. Therefore, she considers anything hindering the realization of her own ‘divine destiny’ as nothing short of an apocalypse in its own right and therefore warranting such coercive action as threatening nuclear war against countries such as America and Europe either standing in her way or otherwise not cooperating.
In short, this was no ‘human interest’ piece coming out of one of Israel’s biggest news sources. It was not ‘filler’ on a ‘slow news day’. Israel knows all too well that the intelligence agencies of every government on the planet use foreign media as the first source in acquiring intelligence forecasts and for that reason, decided to use this as the vehicle for conveying this threat rather than having Netanyahu call the American President and tell him in clear language—
There is nothing new or novel about any of this. With semi-regularity Netanyahu, Barak or some mouthpiece for the Jewish state does an interview with some Israeli or Jewish-owned newspaper in America where they speak in coded language meant to convey the same ideas. They speak apocalyptically, discussing the ‘destruction’ of America and how Iran’s nuclear program is not just a threat to Israel, but indeed to the ‘entire world’. And again, all of it in the same Gangsterese dialect meant to convey the idea that Israel—the mad dog of the Middle East–will go to any lengths necessary in order to get her way. Like any professional extortionist, she is holding a gun to the head of America and the West and is making an offer they can’t refuse, which is to go to war against Israel’s enemies or have their brains blown out all over the place.
And everyone can just forget about the idea that this is a ‘bridge too far’ for Israel. In 1963 she had an American president murdered who stood in her way of becoming a nuclear power. In 1967 she attacked a United States ship for 2 hours, killed 34 and wounded almost 200 others trying to sink her so that the murderous act could be blamed on her Arab enemies, namely Egypt. In 1983 she facilitated the bombing of the US marine barracks in Lebanon, resulting in the death of almost 250 US servicemen. In 1991 she plotted to have George H.W. Bush assassinated at the Madrid Peace Conference in order to blame it on ‘Arab terrorists’. On September 11, 2001 she had her intelligence agents in place to film the towers coming down in New York, who–when discussing it a few months later on an Israeli talk show—revealed that they had been sent to ‘document’ the event.
And, last but certainly not least, we have a Jewish publisher in America recently writing candidly about how Israel should send her agents to assassinate Obama because of his recalcitrance in attacking Iran.
But if all these examples are not enough in fleshing out a picture of the veiled threat of nuclear terrorism against the US, then let a 68-page report drawn up by the U.S. Army School of Advanced Military Studies do the painting for us. Released just one day before the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the report, authored by 60 commissioned officers in the US Army characterized Israel as a “well-armed and well-trained 500-pound gorilla”. Concerning Israel’s intelligence services Mossed (the same agency that would be intimately involved in directing what this ‘well-armed, well-trained 500 lb gorilla’ might do) the agency of death and destruction was characterized as “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.”
Therefore, given that it is the motto of Israel’s assassination agency Mossad that ‘By way of deception thou shalt do war’ coupled with the fact that there is no better means of doing this than a modern, nuclear-armed submarine at a time of unprecedented tension in the Persian Gulf region, all persons would be wise to grasp immediately the coded language being used by the Jewish state in the recent press release and to see such language (and the sentiments fueling them) as the ‘existential’ threat that it is–not just to countries such as America and Europe tasked with destroying all enemies declared to be such by the Jewish state, but as well–to the rest of the world.
More important however is what must be done in the aftermath of such recognition, namely that it be dealt with accordingly. The real ‘offer’ that can’t be refused is the continued existence of 6 billion people inhabiting planet earth, a prospect being made more and more impossible by the mad dog behavior of this tiniest of states—Israel. All human history has now come down to this, the ultimate do or die/ us or them moment.
Israel recognizes this fact. Unfortunately the rest of the Western world has yet to.
Therefore, since it has been the policy of the United States and many other countries of the West to not negotiate with terrorists, let this policy then be applied RIGOROUSLY as pertains the Jewish state and her various ‘offers’ that can’t be refused. To do any less is to consign oneself to a lifetime of shakedowns, extortion, imprisonment and eventual death, as the terrorist entity eventually kills the hostage once his demands have been met, only to have the entire process begin again when new adventures are schemed and hatched by those who have embraced religiously-inspired political terrorism on a grand scale as a divine right of sorts.
Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness on a global scale…
Now truly, as far as the rest of the civilized world is concerned, that is an offer that can’t be refused.
Estimations sionistes : La force militaire du Hamas a atteint celle d'un Etat
Israel a crié au loup pour lancer une invasion de type blitzkrieg sur les pays du Golf, prendre le Sinai, le Liban, la Syrie, la Jordanie tout en equipant ses sous-marins allemands de tetes nucleaires et menacant l'occident de les utiliser si ceux-ci ne suivent pas le rabin Schneerson et son eleve Netanyahu dans leurs guerres messianiques. Le rabin Schneerson affirmait que le 'machiah' (Dajjal) ne viendra que lorsque l'Iran sera envahie et tout le Moyen Orient sous controle sioniste, ce talmudiste est mort il y a de nombreuses années et les chiens fous de Barak et Netanyahu, tout comme Sarkozy et Prasquier, pensent qu'il va 'rescusiter' lors de l'attaque sur l'Iran, voir ici. Sarkozy a quitté precipitament le Maroc a cause de la perte de protection du ministere de l'interieur, de la prefecture de police de Paris, et de la DCRI dont plusieurs clans vont s'affronter ensanglantant les rues de France comme en 1995, pour empecher toute enquete, proces. La visite de Valls a Madrid pour couper (reprendre le controle financier) des flux d'argent de la drogue du Makhzen, de la DST-DCRI, mais egalement les fausses menaces d'enquetes sur l'affaire Merah, qui est une operation gouvernementale menée par l'OTAN et les clans juifs sionistes Squarcini de la DCRI. (AS)
Pax Talmudica 2012 : Germany is at the heart of the Zionist NWO: the Euro-Reich in the making
Euro Elite: Using Financial Crisis To Centralise Power
2012 Secret Revealed: Mass Bio-Terror Pandemic By December 21, 2012
Since the election of Barack Obama in 2008, there has been over 175 bio-terror drills in America which have conditioned first responders, law enforcement and military for an upcoming bio-terror attack and subsequent pandemic. The fact that these bio-terror drills exist in mass confirms that bio-terror attack is in the cards and may be played in a last ditch effort to regain political, economic and militarial control of society. Although there are numerous biological and chemical agents, roughly 90% of the bio-terror drills conducted were for response to an anthrax or smallpox attack.
Since the election of Barack Obama in 2008, there has also been over 50 bio-terror scares in America. A bio-terror scare is essentially a live bio-terror event except that the public and most of the authorities are unaware that there is no real bio-terror danger. Generally, once the incident is over, the news is broken hat there was no real threat. Bio-terror “scares” enable authorities to gage real time reactions to bio-terror and allow for better understanding of how the public, law enforcement and first responders will react in a real bio-terror emergency.
Mystery Biological OutbreaksSince the election of Barack Obama in 2008, there have been at least 19 “mystery disease” outbreaks in the world. While some of the mystery diseases may have been legitimate outbreaks, most if not all of them appear to be generated man-made outbreaks with the overall goal of convincing American and the world that it is on the precipice of a major pandemic.
Bio-Terror ScapegoatsIn the aftermath of man-made bio-terror generated pandemic, the government and media will be feeding the public any number of different scapegoats in a desperate attempt to shift the blame and responsibility for the deadly pandemic onto anybody or anything but themselves. Various scapegoats have been developed over the last 20 years via the government, scientific community, mainstream media, education system, medical establishment and international politics specifically for the aftermath of a global bio-terror generated pandemic. Bio-terror scapegoats include the continent of Africa, agriculture (food and animals), airports and air travel, Al Qaeda, bio safety labs, the notion that bio-terrorism is easy, bio-hackers, the black market, bugs and insects, censorship or lack thereof, domestic terrorists, transmission of disease from exotic animals (zoonosis), government ineptitude and stupidity, mail-order DNA , the country of Mexico, missile shield failure, diseased monkeys, and genetic mutation.
Totally inexcusable and unlikely lab “accidents” have been occurring recently at BSL Labs (biosafety level labs) within the United States and around the world. It appears that a majority of these “accidents” were done on purpose with the overall goal of convincing the medical community and the public that a lab “accident” could in fact lead to a global pandemic. Should a bio-terror pandemic arise, it is possible that a lab “accident” may serve as the scapegoat and source of the deadly pathogen.
If and when a full-scale bio-terror attack occurs, the live pathogens or agents responsible for the pandemic will likely be dispersed via chemtrails by government airplanes or drones, by the U.S. Postal Service via Tide detergent samples, by the government and medical establishment via tainted vaccines, or by clinics via the portable petri dish commonly known as a Trojan condom. Although the aforementioned causes are all a possibility, it is most likely that tainted vaccines will be the root cause of millions of deaths.
Potential Bio-Terror DatesDue to the relatively slow moving nature of a biological disease, it is impossible to know the exact date at which a natural occurring outbreak will occur. However, since the outbreak will be man-made, the 1,000 data points of evidence documented in The Bio-Terror Bible suggest that the pandemic will start prior to the doomsday of December 21, 2012. The dates of May 20-21, 2012 (NATO Summit in Chicago) and July 27-August 12, 2012 (Summer Olympics in London) appear to be the dates at which it is most likely that a man-made bio-terror attack will transpire. Other potential dates include the Republic National Convention in Tampa, Florida on August 27, 2012, the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina on September 6, 2012, the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on September 11, 2012, and April 19, 2013, the second most infamous terror date in American history.
Bio-Terror War GamesTo date, there have been 5 published bio-terror war-games which shed light on the possible future bio-terror attack scenarios. Based on these elaborate governmental war-games, it can only be concluded that a bio-terror attack is the end game for America.
Doctor’s Play (1999)
The war-game entitled Doctors Play involved bio-terrorists contaminating an auditorium with silent, odorless smallpox just before a political rally in Baltimore, Maryland. Coincidentally, the 2012 RNC is in Tampa Florida on August 27, 2012, and the 2012 DNC is in Charlotte, North Carolina on September 6, 2012. Both southern locations are potential targets as the events will be broadcast nationally and internationally.
Dark Winter (2001)
The bio-terror war game Dark Winter played out the scenario of a terrorist biological attack on the American homeland. During the thirteen days of the war-game, smallpox spread to 25 states and 15 other countries. As the bio-terror drama played out, martial law is called, forced vaccinations are in play, civil violence erupts, the U.S. economy begins to crumble, and all travel is banned.
A war-game involving an anthrax attack at a marina in Berkley, California left 9,000 people dead in the wake of the attack. For three critical days, doctors and epidemiologists puzzled over the apparent flu outbreak around the marina, but with the first diagnosis of anthrax the government turned local schools into mass hospitals whereby they vaccinated “every human they saw” with the anti-anthrax vaccine containing the deadly toxin Cipro.
Atlantic Storm (2005)Atlantic Storm was the latest bio-terror war-game involving players from many nations pretending to handle reports of smallpox cases in Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Turkey. During this real-time war-game, countries cede authority to the U.N and WHO as the international community comes together in the name of fighting bio-terrorism and the global pandemic.
There are currently a number of different biological weapons that have been developed for use against the civilian population, the most deadly of which is the vaccine. Unbeknown to most, the U.S. has invented a bio-terror grenade which is an easy and undetectable way to unleash a pandemic with little or no accountability. In the mass confusion of a riot or political demonstration, a government terrorist could easily roll or throw a bio-terror grenade into an unsuspecting crowd and start a chain reaction of infection which could ultimately affect the entire world. The blame for the ensuing pandemic would then be placed on the political demonstrators rather than the nation state capable of developing and using modern bio-terror weapons and techniques. Other biological weapons developed by the West include genetically engineered bio-weapons, herbicidal bio-weapons, homosexual bio-weapons, non-lethal bio-weapons, offensive bio-weapons, race specific bio-weapons and the new Spanish Flu 2.0.
In 2011, a Facebook application was developed in a lab at Israel’s Tel Aviv University which simulates the spread of a virus allegedly to indicate how infections spread among populations. The Facebook application is called PiggyDemic, and it allows users to “infect” their friends with a simulated virus or become infected themselves. Aside from this blatantly racist and disturbing application, a pandemic blog, multiple bio-terror sniffing phone applications and a bio-terror first responder iPhone application have all recently been invented. All that is now missing from the technological pandemic equation is the made for TV bio-terror attack.
Government attacks and tests to date include World War II (1939-1945), Guatemala (1946-1948), San Francisco (1949), Project Naomi (1949-1969), the Korean War (1952), Operation Cauldron (1952), Project 112 (1962-1971), Project SHAD (1962-1971), Operation Ranch Hand (1962-1971), Hawaii (1967), the Vietnam War (1970), the Russia Anthrax Leak (1979), China (1980′s) the Bhopal Gas Attack (1984), the Gulf War (1990-1991), Israel (1998), the 9/11 Anthrax Attacks (2001), Columbia (2000-Unknown), the England Foot & Mouth Attacks (2007), San Francisco (2008) , and Pakistan (2011).
Israel is creating two buffer zones in Libya and Syria. These zones will be used to expand and complete the destabilization of the MENA area through civil wars, while taking control of all the gas and oil pipelines routes towards Asia, Central Asia, Africa, Europe.
Syria: America versus Israel
By Giorgio Cafiero,
The "Arab Spring" reached Syria in March 2011 when Syrian intellectuals, students, and union leaders appeared on the streets to demand greater transparency, political liberalization, and economic reforms. Although they did not participate in the initial series of demonstrations, Syrian Islamists joined the opposition after the regime responded with force to the public display of dissent.
As the violence has escalated and taken more than 9,000 lives, foreign powers have exploited the carnage to advance their geopolitical interests. The United States and other powers have used the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood as a proxy to topple the
Washington's two primary interests in Syria are to strengthen the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC - namely Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates) vis-a-vis Iran and to undermine Russia's power and influence in the Middle East and Mediterranean. Israel shares the US interest in cutting off Iran and Russia's reach into the Levant.
However, security considerations surrounding the unknown variables of a post-Bashar al-Assad Syria appear to have created a divide between US and Israeli strategies, as the Benjamin Netanyahu government has not followed US President Barack Obama's course on Syria. The Israeli concerns surrounding the collapse of Syria's Ba'athist party are legitimate. Washington should also consider the security consequences of Assad's ouster and avoid intervention in Syria.
US intentions in Syria
Following Syria's independence from French colonial rule, relations with the United States have been largely defined by mistrust and conflict of interest. Beginning in 1956, in coordination with Saudi Arabia, the Dwight D Eisenhower administration sought covertly to overthrow Syria's left-wing nationalist government. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, through Jordan and Israel, Washington backed the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood's armed uprising against the regime of Hafez Assad.
Since 1982, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood has been in exile (primarily in Spain and Switzerland). However, according to The Washington Post, "after three decades of persecution that virtually eradicated its presence, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood has resurrected itself to become the dominant group in the fragmented opposition movement pursuing a 14-month uprising against Assad."
The US alliance with an Islamist organization that espouses anti-Western views may appear strange. However, this relationship is far from unprecedented. Syria is only one country where Washington supported Islamists to undermine nationalist and leftist forces.
This alliance between the United States and Islamist organizations was widespread throughout the Muslim world during the Cold War, as Washington deemed such forces - Zia ul-Haq in Pakistan, the Mujahideen of Afghanistan, Abu Qurah in Jordan, and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt - to be reliable partners in the effort to undermine Communism and Arab nationalism. After the Soviet Union imploded in 1991, the United States continued to foster alliances with Islamist groups to undermine governments that did not cooperate with the "New World Order".
During the 1990s, Washington covertly provided Iraqi Islamist parties, including the Islamic Call (Al-Dawa) and the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, with millions of dollars to strengthen Iraqi opposition to Saddam Hussein. Today, militant Islamist organizations such as Jundullah and Mujahadeen e-Kalk target Iran. Both organizations, though officially labeled as "terrorist" organizations by the US State Department, receive direct aid from Washington. In other words, Syria is not the only country where militant Islamists have received support from the United States in their campaign to topple a regime opposed to US hegemony.
Present US support for Syrian Islamists is part of a larger proxy war. The United States, Turkey, and the GCC are pushing for Assad's demise, while Russia, China, Iran, and Hezbollah seek to ensure Assad's survival. US interest in Assad's downfall relates to its overall position vis-a-vis Iran and Russia, and by extension China.
Washington is skeptical about launching a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. However, by toppling Iran's closest regional ally, the United States believes that it can undermine the Islamic Republic's regional influence by striking a blow to the Tehran-Baghdad-Damascus-Hezbollah axis of power from Iran to the Mediterranean, which Jordan's King Abdullah nervously identified as the "Shia crescent."
Washington is assuming that the Muslim Brotherhood, the most influential party within the Istanbul-based Syrian National Council, would end the Iran-Syria alliance if it came to power. The organization's deputy secretary, Mohammed Faruk Tayfur, told The Washington Times on January 18 that the Muslim Brotherhood rejects Iran's offers to mediate talks between the Assad regime and the opposition.
The deputy secretary defined his ideology and vision for Syria by comparing Turkey and Iran's versions of political Islam. "Islamic culturally and secular politically, [Turkey] is the model for the Islamic movement ... the Iranian, on the other hand, is the worst."
Then there's the religious dimension. The Assad regime is mainly composed of Syrian Alawites, who adhere to a form of Islam derived from the Shiism practiced in Iran. Many orthodox Sunni, who form the majority in Syria, do not consider Alawites to be legitimate Muslims. The Islamic Republic's attempts to expand Shiism throughout the Arab world, especially in Syria, have fostered intense hatred for Iran within certain conservative Sunni circles that would likely influence the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood's foreign policy vis-a-vis Iran and Hezbollah.
The collapse of the Assad regime would almost inevitably decrease Russian power in the Middle East and the Mediterranean. Syria has hosted Russia's naval base in Tartus for several decades and, since 1971, Syria has been Moscow's closest Arab ally. Syria is the largest Arab purchaser of Russian weapons and is seen by Moscow as Russia's doorstep into the Middle East and Mediterranean.
The Muslim Brotherhood has condemned Russia and China for providing Assad with weapons and diplomatic support throughout 2011 and 2012. On February 6, 2012 the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood's spokesman, Zouheir Salem, stated that his organization "consider[s] Russia, China and Iran as direct accomplices to the horrible massacre being carried out against our people." By supplying the Syrian government with weapons and/or diplomatic backing, the three countries were "directly participating in the massacre of [Syria's] defenseless people".
If the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood removed Syria from Moscow and Tehran's spheres of influence and aligned Damascus with Washington, Ankara, Riyadh, and Doha, the regional balance of power would shift in favor of the United States.
Israel's interests
Israel would welcome the decline of Iranian influence in the Levant, as Iran is Israel's gravest threat, according to Israeli leaders. However, Israel is not proactively seeking to weaken Iran by supporting Assad's opposition. Alia Brahimi and George Joffe summarize Israel's Syria dilemma:
Whether Israel would be in a stronger position with Assad or Sunni Islamists in power is the center of debate amongst geopolitical analysts. Nonetheless, Israel's reluctance to support Syria's opposition likely indicates its calculation that Assad's survival is in Israel's interest, at least for now.
Israel is not interested in the Assad regime maintaining power because of any friendship between the two states. Syria fought Israel directly in October 1973 and via proxy in Lebanon between 1982 and 2000. Since 2000, Syria has continued to support Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza. Without question, Syria remains the most, and arguably only, confrontational Arab state in the Arab-Israeli conflict. However, Israel understands that the Assad regime will not attempt to repossess the Golan Heights by military force and will meet with Israeli leaders to negotiate for peace, which occurred in 1991, 1995-1996, 1999-2001, and 2008. How a post-Assad Syria would conduct foreign relations vis-a-vis Israel-Palestine remains a gamble.
Regarding the Muslim Brotherhood's position on Israel, Thomas Pierret writes, "[the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood] seeks to 'counter
the Zionist project [the state of Israel] in its different aspects' - a position unlikely to change before an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights. The group has also traditionally supported Hamas."
Any Syrian regime (Islamist or secular, democratic or authoritarian) will lose legitimacy if it surrenders the Golan Heights to Israel or fails to support the Palestinian struggle for statehood, as Syria has historically been the center of Arab nationalism. Regardless of which sect, ethnicity, or ideological party governs in Damascus, Syria will seek to repossess the Golan Heights, defend its sovereignty, expand trade relations, maintain deterrence capacity over Israel, and retain influence in Lebanon and the greater Arab world. Therefore, Israel is not convinced that Assad's downfall could advance its geopolitical interests.
Explaining Israel's reluctance
Even if the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood would not take power in a post-Assad Syria, or even if it would not change Syrian foreign policy vis-a-vis Israel-Palestine once empowered, Israel may have national interests in Assad staying in power for four other reasons.
First of all, Assad's fall could lead to a disintegration of the Syrian state. Efraim Inbar, director of its Begin-Sadat (BESA) Center for Strategic Studies, believes that "in the event that the Syrian regime collapses, Syria's advanced arsenal, including chemical weapons, shore-to-ship missiles, air defense systems, and ballistic missiles of all types could end up in the hands of ... radical elements." The growing presence of Al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia (AQI) in Syria has been evident since the turmoil began in 2011, and the potential for AQI, or other militant groups like Hezbollah, to acquire such weapons could create new dilemmas for Israel.
The collapse of the Syrian regime would also further isolate Iran in the Middle East and potentially provide it with an additional rationale to develop a nuclear weapon. As Syria has provided Iran with the capacity to transform Hezbollah into a force that the Israeli military cannot defeat, the loss of Syria may likely mean a weaker Hezbollah, thus decreasing Iran's ability to deter Israel from attacking its nuclear facilities.
The Islamic Republic also took note of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization campaign against Libya's Muammar Gaddafi. The lesson learned was that if a state disbands its weapons of mass destruction program with the intentions of improving ties with the West, it will be vulnerable to a foreign invasion. In sum, the Libyan case has arguably pushed the Islamic Republic toward developing a nuclear weapon - and its further isolation, which would come with Assad's demise, may accelerate Tehran down that path. Such an outcome would deprive Israel of its monopoly on nuclear weapons in the region.
The emergence of a regime in Damascus that bears more legitimacy than Assad's may also permit the Syrian military to channel more resources toward external threats (primarily Israel). Currently, the Syrian military is focused on suppressing the domestic opposition and dealing with potential coup d'etats and armed uprisings. Clearly, the possibility of a future regime coming to power in Damascus with more legitimacy may be an overly optimistic prospect (from the Syrian perspective). However, the Israelis would benefit from the Syrian military continuing to be bogged down in domestic affairs.
Finally, although the Muslim Brotherhood has become increasingly moderate in the last 30 years, the other radical Islamist elements in the region, such as the Salafists or even al-Qaeda, could gain influence in Syria if a power vacuum forms following prolonged violence and widespread human rights violations. Although the significance of radical Islamist forces within Syria remains a hotly debated topic, a consensus has emerged that radical Islam has gained influence in Syria over the last decade. David W Lesch, professor of Middle East History at Trinity University, argues that
In 2005, Lucy Ashton of The Financial Times reported on a growing trend of radical Islam in Syria:
Washington's dilemma
The Obama administration should consider these potential security dilemmas that have led Israel to avoid aiding Assad's opponents. The Syrian military's weapons falling into non-state actors' hands, the increased probability that Iran would develop a nuclear weapon to counter its growing isolation, and the possibility of radical Syrian Islamists with an anti-Western agenda rising to power would undermine US interests in the Middle East.
Two US senators, John McCain (Republican-Arizona) and Joseph Lieberman (Independent-Connecticut), visited the Syrian-Turkish border during April and demanded that the United States take military action against Assad to remove him from power. These were the same two voices that lobbied the Bill Clinton and George W Bush administrations to topple Saddam Hussein's regime. When the United States did exactly as these senators advocated, countless unintended negative consequences ensued. Such outcomes could be expected if US military action is taken against Assad. Obama would be wise to follow Israel's lead on Syria, and not the advice of McCain and Lieberman.
Instead of heeding the advice of these two hawkish senators, the Obama administration should pursue a more realist foreign policy vis-a-vis Syria that prioritizes stability. Unquestionably, the headaches that this regime has caused many US administrations explain the political motivations behind Obama's direct and indirect support for Syria's Islamist opposition. However, the lessons of blowback should be remembered, for the United States armed radical forces on many occasions to advance larger geopolitical interests only to regret such alliances later.
Preventing the Syrian state from collapsing and protecting the region from the chaos that could result should be Washington's top priority. This does not mean ignoring the human rights abuses of the Assad regime or the armed Syrian opposition. Rather, Washington should continue to work with regional actors such as Turkey and Iran along with Russia and China to find a political solution that holds all actors responsible for the lives lost and identifies a political solution that brings about peace, stability, and justice. The Middle East doesn't need another Iraq War or post-war crisis.
(Posted with permission from Foreign Policy in Focus)
Affaire Merah : La piste de l'operation gouvernementale, pour faire passer Sarkozy au second tour, renforcée et etayée par des preuves. Les mythomanes du RAID et de la DCRI tentent d'allumer des contres-feux, sans succes. Il n'existe a ce jour aucune preuve materielle accusant Merah sinon des affabulations de fonctionnaires racistes, incompetents, de la DCRI et la police. Quant au parquet 'anti-terroriste francais' sa credibilité est absolument de zero du fait de son manque d'independance et ses liens incestueux avec le CRIF et le mossad israelien, fondateurs et exportateurs de la guerre contre l'Islaam et la guerre civile en France
Scandale d'Etat: Mohammed Merah etait en contact avec le GSPR, qui assure en permanence la sécurité du Président de la République et de ses proches, tant dans la vie officielle que dans la vie privée, en France comme à l'étranger. En creusant un peu plus, les journalistes d'investigation trouveront les liens entre le GSPR, la DCRI de Squarcini et l'OTAN....
Mohamed Merah disposait d'un contact téléphonique à l'Élysée
Ce site ne présente qu'une autre version altérée de l'information. D'ailleurs si quelqu'un ne s'intéresse pas à l'information propagande officielle, il est sûr de la retrouver sur alter info.
Israel wants to seize the Euro Arab Mashreq Gas Pipeline, also known as the Arab Gas Pipeline (AGP). Now if you follow the route of the pipeline in Syria, you'll understand easily that all the massacres carried follow the exact same route of the pipeline and the second one coming from Iran putting Israel and their Nabucco pipeline aside. Israel wants the end of the Sunnis in Syria and the end of the Al Assad government but in a long and slow motion and endless ethnical and religious war!
Plans to move Middle Eastern gas to Europe stuck in the tube
Meanwhile, the recent European Union (EU) sanctions on Iran have spelled the end of the viability of the much feted Nabucco gas pipeline that was to take gas from the AGP, Iran and the Caspian region, via Turkey, to Europe. The root of such pipeline problems is that usual suspect: politics. The AGP was attacked in the Sinai, according to statements by the Egyptian Ansar Al Jihad group, as part of a campaign against “the corrupt (Egyptian) regime and its Jewish and American backers.” Indeed, last year’s revelations about the preferential pricing of Egyptian gas have shown the shadowy political bends of the pipeline. When the AGP was launched in 2003, the Egyptian Natural Gas company described it as facilitating “the dawn of Arab integration”, but recently revelations have shown how it was used to sweeten Egyptian ties with Amman and Tel Aviv, with Washington’s blessing.
In 2005, Cairo had inked a long-term deal with Tel Aviv to sell gas at anywhere from $0.70 to $4 per million British thermal units (BTU), depending on which media sources one consults, well below the global average of $6 to $7. Jordan’s special price arrangement with Cairo was $3 per million BTU. The pipeline attacks have cost Egypt needed export revenues, likely the reason they pulled the plug on the Israeli contract last month. Now the Israelis will continue to shell out an additional $4 billion to source gas elsewhere while Jordan's energy bill will be an extra $2.4 billion this year to offset the loss of as much as 25 percent of the kingdom's energy supplies.
Significantly, the pipeline shutdown has highlighted the AGP’s over-dependence on Egyptian gas, something energy observers have pointed to for years. On paper, Egyptian gas was to flow through Jordan to Syria and Lebanon, with Syria pumping in its own gas for export on to Turkey and ostensibly to Europe. The problem is Egypt's domestic energy consumption is rising fast, as is Jordan's and Syria's; even if the pipeline is completed, there will likely not be enough Egyptian or Syrian gas flowing through the AGP to meet even the Levant's needs, let alone leave extra to sell on to Turkey or Europe.
For the AGP to be viable if or when it re-starts, more gas must be sourced — perhaps from Iraq or Qatar to supply the AGP in Syria, or from Iran and the Caspian region which can connect to the AGP via the Nabucco network in Turkey. Iraqi instability, however, means completion of that part of the pipeline network is years away, while the Nabucco pipeline is no closer to realization than when it was announced in 2002.
Financing Nabucco has been a major obstacle, which is forecasted to cost as much as $25 billion. But what may be the death knell was the EU's decision to follow Washington in slapping sanctions on Iran earlier in the year, ending all energy exports from Iran to the EU. Nabucco is only commercially viable if it can draw on Iran’s reserves — the world's second largest — as Azerbaijan and the Caspian states cannot provide enough gas for Europe, Turkey, the AGP and other export commitments.
What is supremely ironic about the EU's decision is that Nabucco was supposed to loosen Russia’s grip on the EU's gas imports — currently at some 34.2 percent — given Moscow’s propensity to turn off the taps to enforce its will, as it did during a price dispute with the Ukraine during the icy winter of 2009.
Theoretically, pipeline networks linking the Middle East, the Caspian region and Europe would make for glorious dividends for all involved. Political shenanigans, however, will likely keep these networks pipedreams, especially given that the crucial link — Syria — looks to be spinning down the tube for some time to come.
PAUL COCHRANE is the Middle East correspondent for International News Services and a regular contributor to the UK Energy Institute’s Petroleum Review
Obama White House behind Vatican scandal
Posted on June 7, 2012
(WMR)—WMR’s well-placed sources in Rome report that the current scandal involving the disclosure of sensitive Vatican documents to “VatiLeaks,” is largely the work of White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs chief Cass Sunstein. The effort by Sunstein, who has been dubbed President Obama’s “information czar,” is to weaken the Vatican and subject its inner workings to greater transparency.
WMR has learned that some three weeks ago, Sunstein stated to his inner circle, “After the Arab Spring, we will have the Vatican Spring.”
According to our sources in the Vatican, the arrest of papal butler Paolo Gabriele by Vatican authorities for allegedly leaking the documents is a diversion. “When have you last heard the butler did it?” one Vatican insider told WMR.
The Vatican is being subjected to a full-scale assault by the same nexus of George Soros-funded non-governmental organizations, Sunstein’s “cognitive infiltration” operatives, and controlled media elements that helped bring about “themed revolutions” and the downfall of governments in Serbia, Ukraine, Georgia, Tunisia, Egypt, and other countries.
The controversy surrounding the Vatican Bank, formally known as the Institute of Works of Religion (IOR), began when J.P. Morgan Chase closed an IOR account at its branch in Milan, citing a lack of transparency. That was followed by the firing by the IOR’s supervisory board of Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, a former Banco Santander executive, for pushing for more transparency for the Vatican Bank and compliance with the EU’s laws on financial transparency. However, the J.P. Morgan Chase action was, according to our sources, prompted by Sunstein and his colleagues at the Treasury and State Departments. On March 7, the State Department, for the first time, added the Holy See to its list of money-laundering nations. That move triggered a wave of financial pressure on the IOR and Vatican, which was aided and abetted by Tedeschi. The IOR board then ousted Tedeschi.
WMR has been told that the Vatican came under pressure after it had backed the initiatives of the BRICS bloc of nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—to seek a realignment of the world’s financial system to provide greater influence for the emerging economies of BRICS and a reorientation of financial control away from London, Frankfurt, New York, and Washington. The Vatican’s policy placed it on the list of de facto enemies of Soros, the Rothschild baking cartel, the European Central Bank, and the World Bank/International Monetary Fund.
There has been speculation about the role of the IOR’s secretary, Carl Anderson, in the push-back by the Vatican against the Obama White House’s Vatican Spring operations. Anderson is the head of the Knights of Columbus and he served as an official in the Reagan White House and as an aide for the late North Carolina Republican senator Jesse Helms. In the 1980s, the IOR and the partly-Vatican owned Banco Ambrosiano were used by the CIA to covertly fund a number of anti-communist operations around the world, including the contras in Nicaragua who had the strong support of Reagan and Helms.
In 1982, Banco Ambrosiano chief Roberto Calvi was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London. Calvi was a member of the powerful Masonic Propaganda Due (P2) lodge in Italy and after his firing it was feared by P2 that he might reveal the nature of secret payments by the lodge involving the Vatican and the bank. P2 members called themselves “frati neri,” Italian for “black friars.” There is strong evidence that Calvi was murdered by P2 agents.
In 1983, Emanuela Orlandi, a 16-year old student and Vatican citizen, was kidnapped, used for sex parties, and was murdered. Orlandi’s father, Ercole Orlandi, was an official of the IOR who had knowledge of the P2 and the Banco Ambrosiano covert payments scandal. WMR has learned that the same operatives who murdered Calvi in London also murdered Emanuela after her father refused to provide P2 with requested information. The P2 agents held Emanuela and may have sexually assualted her but after Emanuela’s father refsued to cooperate, the young girl was murdered. The exhumation of the grave of mafia gangster Enrico De Pedis this past May 12 in a search for clues about Emanuela’s murderers yielded nothing. Howveer, the exhumation provided a backdrop for Sunstein, Soros, Rupert Murdoch, and neo-conservative media outlets to run headlines, such as “Emanuela Orlandi Kidnapped for Vatican Sex Parties.” The recycling of the Orlandi “cold case” murder was timed to put additional pressure on the Vatican.
The White House-initiated Vatican Spring has opened up a schism within the Vatican hierarchy, similar to what has happened in China and Russia as a result of other White House/Soros political undermining tactics. Pope Benedict XVI is now isolated and the Vatican’s powerful number two official, Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, is circling the wagons to defend the Holy See against the Vatican Spring operations. Tedeschi and his allies, who reportedly include former Vatican Secretary General Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, now the Apostolic Nuncio in Washington, DC, are arrayed against the traditional Vatican hierachy, particularly Bertone. Vigano replaced Cardinal Pietro Sambi, the former Apostolic Nuncio to Israel and Palestine, who was a fierce opponent of Israel’s seizure of Christian church property in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Sambi died after routine surgery in Baltimore that later resulted in lung complications. A source close to Sambi said he believes that Sambi’s surgery involved “medically-assisted homicide.”
Debacle de la France-Israel-Algerie : Le Nuremberg du terrorisme colonial francais commence par la monumentale erreure de Sarkozy et les mythomanes des services de l'Etat francais (interieur, justice, defense, affaires etrangeres): l'Affaire Merah.
Pax Talmudica 2012 : Netanyahu's 'moschiah' is arriving in his flying saucer made in USA. Will the Talmudist-Freemasonic 'moschiah' destroy the 02 Arena in London, as the 'symbolic destruction of Islaam' and the 'Dome of the Rock' in 'Al Aqsa' (Jerusalem), the 4th August 2012? Now what will symbolise the crushing of Obama (the moon allied with white stars in the Talmud-Freemasonry: symbolim of the alliance of Islaam-Christianity) and the USA as detailled in the Talmud-Freemasonry eschatology of the year 5772? The crash of European markets and Wall street in June or September 2012? Only ALLAH swt Knows
Alien Invasion Agenda Kicks In – Olympic Style
by Zen Gardner
It’s here, folks. Looks like the London Ziolympics is gonna have it all! After all, it’s the big stage, why not jam in everything you can!
Seem hokey? Hey, if public opinion stinks and they’re getting pissed off at all the militarization, up the ante.
“It’s not just terrorists, people, it’s aliens attacking! Now you see why the police state over-weaponized lock down? We’re here to save you!
Keep an eye on the skies for saucers during the Olympics Games, warns former MoD UFO expert
UFO expert Nick Pope says massive summer events like the Olympics would be a prime time for an alien encounter
Ministry of Defence ‘has planned for the worst outcomes – attack and invasion’
‘We should be prepared for even the most seemingly unfathomable’
One of the UK’s top UFO experts has given his views on the likelihood of aliens suddenly appearing in our skies – and how the international community would respond.
Nick Pope, who has more than two decades under his belt at the Ministry of Defence, said mass summer events – like the Olympic Games in London – would be a prime time for crafts from otherworlds to present themselves to mankind.
He warned: ‘With the summer of mass events we are all on high alert for terrorism. But we must also cast our eyes further afield and be prepared for even the most seemingly unfathomable.”
Pope’s duties at the MoD included investigating reports of UFOs between 1991 and 1994, and says he began his research as a sceptic, before becoming convinced that the sightings raised important defence for national security and air safety issues. Source
You Can’t Make This Stuff Up–Or Can You?
Hey, this isn’t the first time the Olympics featured this scenario.
You might remember the LA Olympics ended with a very strange allusion to ET encounters. With no apparent tie in to anything, the closing ceremony of the LA Olympic extravaganza of 1984 (ahem..) features a large alien landing in one one end of the stadium.
Predictive programming? You bet.
“During the closing ceremony of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games a ‘spaceship’ suspended by aircraft cables from a Bell 214 helicopter landed in the Olympic arena. A six fingered seven feet eight inches alien then emerged from the smoke to greet the crowd. This event was preceded by a poetry reading of the Greek poet Pindar. The whole event was very surreal and symbolic.”
Where do you start? Why did they cap off the 1984 Olympics with an alien landing? Notice they use the music of “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, another huge programming job and cultural standard setter by insider Steven Spielberg.
And poetry reading of “Pindar”. Pindar is the name given to the reptilian controlled head of the Illuminati according to insiders. The voice is also reminiscent of the Cremation of Care narrator in the Bohemian Club annual sacrificial ceremony to the giant owl statue representing Moloch.
What To Look For
A fake alien invasion according to Dr. Wernher von Braun’s secretary Dr. Carol Rosin is to be the last in a series of faux, staged enemies used by the powers that be to continue their psychopathic arming of earth and space.
And keep humanity subdued in fear and a need for “security”. If they only knew who the real enemy was.
The infamous Project Blue Beam is another part of this globalist ploy, a NASA sponsored 4 part hoax to usher in a one world religion powered by the amped-up frenzy of the masses, who will be funneled into a one world religion to seal the deal as they fully rally around a one world global protectorate. Or so they plan.
And I don’t put any of this past them.
They’ll try anything, and all of this very technologically possible staging would certainly freak out the uninformed sheeple. It’s been years and years of media pedaled space invasions and apocalyptic scenarios drilled into the human mass psyche. Meanwhile the seeming end of the world they helping to engineer is driving the hoards into a more fervent religious state at the same time.
What easier thing to stage and have believed than that which is already programmed?
Keep an eye out for these hints, they’re dropping them everywhere now. The Ziolympics is already an occult ritual and it hasn’t even started.
One can only imagine what kind of insanity awaits.
Stay awake..our conscious awareness is our protection and our power.
Love, Zen
EXCLUSIVITÉ DU CLAN DES VÉNITIENS ! UN JOURNAL ALGÉRIEN SORT LES ÉCHANGES ENTRE MERAH ET SON NÉGOCIATEUR ! (on conseille au journal de rendre public les bandes pour que chacun puisse s'assurer de leur contenu et de leur véracité).
1° La première bande : entre Mohammed Merah et un certain "Jossier," (Jussayer ?) capitaine dans le Renseignement français....
Will the Europe zone and the USA be destroyed by a bankster 911 financial attack in the coming days?
URGENT : En cas de sortie de la Grèce, l'Espagne ce dimanche de l'Eurozone, les retraits aux distributeurs seront immédiatement limités et les accords de Schengen suspendus... les banques vous voleront votre argent en Grece, Espagne, Portugal, Irelande, Italie, France, Pays Bas etc... Les banques run ont deja lieu en France, tous les retraits sont limites a 300 euros par jour comme en Angleterre. Pour les Musulmans ayant de l'argent dans les banques francaises au Maghreb et en Afrique, retirez votre argent immediatement ou vous ne le reverrez jamais, toutes les banques francaises sont en totales faillites. Achetez des dinars islamique d'or et dinars d'argent, disponible sur le marche. Voir ici et la
"Due To The Extreme Volatility Some Market Analysts Foresee..."
Helmet time.
From Oanda
What do you get when you mix counterparty and agency risk, and throw in some currency collapse fear for good measure? This.
Affaire Merah: La corruption, les mensonges, la haine des services et medias francais apparaissent au grand jour. Il n'existe aucune preuve materielle accusant le jeune Merah. On a bien assisté a une operation de type Gladio pour tenter de faire re-elire un agent israelien en France. L'Etat francais et les israeliens de France, et leurs larbins, portent seuls la responsabilite de la guerre civile qu'ils ont declenché... Sifaoui est un agent de la DST qui a obtenu illegalement ses papiers en France et que la DST utilise pour attaquer son ancien agent le juif sioniste algerien Tewfik, car il est passe sous pavillon US.
Intox dans l'affaire Merah : quand Al Jazeera, l'Express et Sifaoui se contredisent
Depuis l'offensive judiciaire lancée lundi par le père de Mohamed Merah, la presse hexagonale, alignée sur la position officielle des autorités, manifeste de plus en plus de scepticisme quant à l'existence prétendue de vidéos attestant de l'innocence de son fils. A juste titre, d'ailleurs : tant que ces documents explosifs ne seront pas relâchés par l'avocate Zahia Mokhtari et remis à la justice française, une certaine réserve s'impose. A ce jour, seules des retranscriptions dégradées et publiées par le quotidien algérien Echorouk sont consultables. Sachant la proximité qu'entretient ce média avec le pouvoir militaire local, et notamment les services policiers, la prudence quant à la fiabilité du "scoop" est de rigueur.
A contrario, le camp de l'accusation contre Mohamed Merah -qui réunit à la fois l'appareil d'Etat, des experts du terrorisme islamiste et certains journalistes proches du Renseignement- bénéficie d'une certaine indulgence de la part des médias nationaux. Les informations contraires à la version officielle ont été surtout diffusées par la presse étrangère et les sites alternatifs. Curieuse désinvolture sur le plan déontologique car il arrive que les défenseurs de la culpabilité de Merah aient parfois recours à des arguments douteux.
Tel est le cas de Mohamed Sifaoui : spécialiste auto-proclamé de l'islamisme, l'essayiste algérien est souvent sollicité pour commenter l'affaire des sept meurtres commis dans la région de Toulouse-Montauban. Mercredi soir, dans l'émission C dans l'air de France 5, il a révélé un détail problématique pour étayer sa conviction quant à la responsabilité criminelle de Merah. Après avoir dénoncé les sceptiques, élégamment qualifiés de "fous" et de "lâches", l'homme a prétendu que le visage du jeune Toulousain apparaît dans la fameuse vidéo réalisée au moyen d'une caméra GoPro et envoyée par un inconnu à l'antenne parisienne d'Al Jazeera. A ses côtés, le journaliste de l'Express Jean-Marie Pontault, co-auteur d'une enquête sur le sujet, semble vaguement confirmer son propos (à 1'38) en faisant état, d'un geste de la main, de l'existence d'un miroir dans lequel Merah se serait filmé.
Au-delà de ce paradoxe consistant, pour Mohamed Merah, à s'exposer visuellement dans une vidéo envoyée à la presse avant d'affirmer, selon la police qui l'encercle, avoir prémédité d'autres assassinats pour les jours suivants, une flagrante contradiction factuelle, particulièrement intrigante, semble émerger. La chaine Al Jazeera, récipendiaire de la vidéo envoyée depuis la région de Toulouse, avait catégoriquement affirmé dans un communiqué, daté du 27 mars, que le visage de Merah n'apparaissait pas tout au long du film. Cette remarque était passée alors inaperçue au regard de la décision prise par le média du Qatar de ne pas diffuser ces images à l'antenne.
Pourtant, deux mois plus tard, deux hommes, l'un proche des militaires algériens et l'autre admiré par un ancien ponte du renseignement français, ont laissé entendre sur France 5 que le visage du Toulousain était bel et bien apparu dans la vidéo. Il ne peut s'agir là d'une simple divergence d'opinion : soit Merah est reconnaissable, soit il ne l'est pas. Sachant qu'Al Jazeera n'a pas d'intérêt à camoufler un fait aussi capital, une question se pose : pourquoi Sifaoui et Pontault voudraient-ils convaincre le spectateur de la culpabilité de Merah sur la base d'une contre-vérité? Comme le révèle aujourd'hui Oumma, leur allégation, formulée vigoureusement par l'un et confirmée timidement par l'autre, est pourtant contredite par un communiqué antérieur d'Al Jazeera.
D'autant qu'ils sont les seuls à évoquer publiquement une reconnaissance possible du visage de Merah. Fin mars, RMC avait obtenu en exclusivité un descriptif de la vidéo par une source proche de l'enquête. A aucun moment, la radio n'a fait allusion à une quelconque apparition du tueur présumé dans les images. Au contraire, elle se contente essentiellement de préciser que les mains de l'individu, posées sur le guidon du scooter, sont gantées. Quant à sa voix, elle serait audible, même s'il faut ajouter ici un élément important : Zied Tarrouche, responsable du bureau parisien d'Al Jazeera, avait indiqué à BFM TV que les voix avaient subi une "déformation" au cours du montage. Autrement dit, si l'on en croit RMC et la chaîne qatarie, le tueur de Toulouse-Montauban n'apparait jamais à visage découvert, ses mains semblent systématiquement gantées et sa voix est modifiée. En quoi, dès lors, cette vidéo pourrait-elle constituer une preuve indiscutable de la culpabilité de Merah comme le laissent entendre Sifaoui et Pontault ?
Diversion, contre-feux et manipulations. Instrumentalisée de part et d'autre, l'affaire Merah n'a pas dit son dernier mot. Qu'ils soient policiers, juges, enquêteurs, avocats, journalistes indépendants ou désinformateurs multi-cartes, tous ses protagonistes s'en disputent le dernier mot. Entre l'intérêt général et la raison d'Etat incarnée dans un étrange "secret-défense", le bras de fer continue. A l'issue de celui-ci, un seul enjeu, crucial et de salubrité publique : la manifestation de la vérité.
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Israel and the dismantlement of Saudi Arabia : After the death of Nayaf Bin Sultan, the battle for the kingship will bring down Saudia Arabia as a country according to the israeli blitzkrieg invasion plans.
Pax Talmudica 2012: Israel plans to invade the Hijaz and send the UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Koweit and Oman battling for her in Iran! Fight for the power in Saudi Arabia can bring surprises to the enemies of Islaam.
Saudi Crown Prince Nayef dies
Interior minister since 1975, Nayef was next in line to the throne; King Abdullah must nominate new heir for 2nd time in 9 months.
Nayef, interior minister since 1975 and thought to be 78, was the heir to Saudi King Abdullah and was appointed crown prince in October after the death of his elder brother and predecessor in the role, Crown Prince Sultan.
His death means the 89-year-old King Abdullah must nominate a new heir for the second time in nine months.
Defense Minister Prince Salman, 76, seen as likely to continue King Abdullah's cautious reforms, has long been viewed as the next most senior prince in the kingdom's succession.
Nayef had a reputation as a steely conservative who opposed King Abdullah's reforms and developed a formidable security infrastructure that crushed al Qaeda but also locked up some political activists.
He, King Abdullah and Salman are among the nearly 40 sons of Saudi Arabia's founder, Abdulaziz ibn Saud, who established the kingdom in 1935.
Salman was made deference minister in November and had served as Riyadh governor for five decades.
Nayef went to Switzerland for medical tests in May.
The coming fall of Sauds and the coming decades of war against Dajjal's worshipers in the Arab and Muslim World and Israel
By Sheykh Imran Hosein,
Then, Madinah will quake with its people three times, and then Allah will bring out of it every kafir and munafiq (hypocrite). (Sahih Bukhari)
Then, angels will divert his face (his direction) toward Sham (The North, i.e., Greater Syria), and there he dies.(Sahih Muslim)
Pax Talmudica 2012 : Israel Is Bent On Destroying The US and the West
US Afghan Campaign-Post 2014!!
By Imran Malik,
Israel veut prendre le Sinai apres avoir ordonne a Tantawi de voler la revolution egyptienne: 6 martyrs à Gaza en 24 heures
Gaza – CPI
Haniyeh:l'escalade de l'occupant est une tentative de mélanger les papiers sur la cour palestinienne
Dans une déclaration de presse publiée, le lundi 18/6, Barhoum a déclaré que cette escalade vient à la lumière des préparatifs pour la réunion qui rassemblera le président de l'autorité palestinienne, Mahmoud Abbas, avec Shaul Mofaz.
Il a ajouté que l'ennemi occupant israélien vise à frapper l'état de stabilité de sécurité à Gaza et à isoler Gaza et le peuple palestinien par un cas de tension loin de ce qui se passe de changements égyptiens et arabes au profit de la cause palestinienne.
Barhoum a tenu le gouvernement de l'occupation israélienne responsable de cette escalade et ses conséquences, appelant le président Abbas à ne pas fournir une couverture à cette agression à travers les réunions suspectes qui endommagent les intérêts du peuple palestinien et son unité désirée.
Il a poursuivi: "Le principe de base est que nous travaillons (tous les Palestiniens) dans le cadre d'une stratégie nationale de la résistance pour protéger les intérêts de notre peuple et juguler l'agression et délégitimer l'occupation"
Israeli Oded Ynon plan at work: Hidden US-Israeli Military Agenda: "Break Syria into Pieces"
Hidden US-Israeli Military Agenda:
"Break Syria into Pieces"
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, June 16, 2012
Map 1
Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman
Frederic C. Hof, The Administration's "special coordinator on Syria"
Robert S. Ford, outgoing US Ambassador to Syria
The public statements of KNA leader Sherkoh Abbas in the wake of the State Department meeting suggest that the political fracturing of the Syrian Arab Republic along ethnic and religious lines as well as the creation of an "independent Kurdistan" were discussed. "State Department Deputy Spokesman Mark Toner described [the meeting's] purpose as part of ‘ongoing efforts… to help the Syrian [Kurdish] opposition build a more cohesive opposition to Assad.'” (Ibid).
Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East”
Map 2. The New Middle East
Peters is a retired colonel of the U.S. National War Academy. (Map Copyright Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters 2006).
This map, as well as other similar maps, has most probably been used at the National War Academy as well as in military planning circles.
Terrorisme d'etat : La France est une dictature nazie d'essence talmudo-sioniste, les camps de concentrations de type Gaza en septembre 2012 pour les Musulmans et tous les dissidents en France. Les organisations terroristes israeliennes comme le CRIF et la LICRA doivent etre interdites en France car elles ne sont la que pour hatiser la haine des Afro-Maghrebins, des Musulmans, des Roms et organiser la guerre civile depuis le sommet de l'etat partial, sous le controle d'une secte talmudique franc-maconne, raciste, racialiste, sioniste
Communiqué de Joe Lecorbeau attaqué par la LICRA
Egypt braces for confrontation with military and Israel calls up reserves
“The political scene in Egypt nowadays is pretty tense and rather precarious”
Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
Handing over power from SCAF to SCAF
Now, Who might that be???? Its just like the Saudi royalty are really Jewish as set up by the Brits after WW I in order for Britain to control the oil.
Is the Muslim Brotherhood really Jewish black ops from Israel?
After the death of the founder of the MB in 1949 if I am not wrong, Hassan Al Bannah, MB took only wrong decisions, geo-strategically and politically, and islamically as well. Israel has full control on the egyptian secret agencies and a good part of the army, all securities apparatus, Egyptian are aware of this, and the US and the British (I mean the zionist jews of these 2 countries) have too much influence on the MB, through Saudia Arabia, but also UAE and Qatar, these are the dirty israelis hands on the Muslim countries.
Marechal Tantawi and Israel are now preparing for a pre-staged war were Egypt will loose and they will drag into the MB, who will be blamed as the responsible or the scape goat, Egypt will be dislocated in 3 pieces. The inexperience and high level infiltration of the MB can lead to a catastrophe or if the people is still awake and conscious as some of the MB at the basis are saying what I am saying to you, it can lead to an Israeli defeat if they invade the Sinai up to Nile river.
Now the MB is cut from his popular basis and time will tell who is right or wrong.
Une invasion par Israel de Gaza et de l'Egypte provoquera un conflit militaire majeur en France ou le CRIF continue ses provocations et ses appels a la haine des Musulmans. L'operation de manipulation de Toulouse de ce jour est destinee a proteger Sarkozy, redorer le blason des criminels de la police, enterrer l'affaire Merah, influencer la decision d'extradition du Dr Mourad Dhina, qui a ete rendue ce jour meme, et provoquer une vague de racisme et d'islamophobie pour museler les populations Musulmanes avant l'invasion israelienne de l'Egypte et du Liban-Syrie
Les Brigades d’al-Qassam ont assailli l’occupation avec 43 roquettes
Alert : Israel wants an European Fukushima. Last year we warned you about possible attacks on nuclear plants by israelis running France, Germany and the UK with the exact same modus operandi used in Sweden...
Stop Netanyahu before he nukes London Olympics 2012 and Europe. Please read here last year warning about the next israeli nuclear 911 in Europe
Israeli security company G4S in charge of the London Olympics game 2012! Remember ICTS the israeli security company in charge of the underground during the 7/7/2005 and 9/11... Read here and here for more details about the G4S HQ in Israel...
Sweden on nuclear facility alert as explosives found at plant
Pax Talmudica 2012 : Israel veut prendre le controle total et detruire la mosquee d'Al Aqsa en 2012 car sinon la prophetie du machiah-Dajjal ne pourra se realiser. Il faut,entre autre mensonges sionistes, selon le Talmud, le livre satanique le plus ignoble jamais ecrit par des etres humains, que le Mont du Temple passe sous controle sioniste pour que le machiah puisse faire son apparition et que l'Iran et les pays Arabes soient detruits
Comment la DGSE et la DCRI organisent la guerre civile pour se premunir de toute enquete dans l'affaire Merah. Erard Corbin de Mangoux est un agent sioniste, du Gladio, dont le role est de demanteler le Maghreb-Sahel. En 1995, apres la defaite de Pasqua-Balladur-Sarkozy a la presidentielle, des notes similaires furent ecrites par des agents racistes sionistes au sein du ministere de l'interieur pour empecher le demantelement de leurs reseaux politiques et conserver les retro-commissions des contrats Agosta, Myksa, et autres contrats de materiels militaire livres a l'Algerie lors de la guerre civile en 1995
La menace terroriste contre la France. Etat des Lieux. Alerte rouge partout.
Révélation du contenu d’une note confidentielle rédigée après l’affaire Merah sur la menace terroriste visant la France, adressée alors à François Hollande. L’audit a été effectué par un technicien qui a voué une grande partie de sa vie à l’anti-terrorisme, et connait toutes les arcanes du métier, tous les acteurs du domaine. Il n’est pas un conseiller de cabinet, patron d’un quelconque observatoire, universitaire, homme d’obédience appartenant à je ne sais quelle chapelle. Il a participé au démantèlement de nombre de réseaux opérationnels. A dirigé des opérations permettant d’éviter le pire au dernier moment. S’il n’appartient plus au staff anti-terroriste français, pour des raisons (déplorables) liées à sa nécessaire évolution hiérarchique, il reste l’un des meilleurs connaisseurs et analystes d’al Qaida, du terrorisme islamiste sous toutes ses facettes et de l’évolution du jihadisme. Il a été l’un des rares hauts-personnages du petit monde Renseignement/Services Police et Justice spécialisés, qui a su par exemple que la France avait averti les autorités américaines, un mois avant les attentats du 11 septembre, que l’arrestation du djihadiste franco-marocain Zacarias Moussaoui, alors que celui-ci prenait des cours de pilotage sur le sol US, était le signal d’une offensive d’ampleur imminente. Signal ignoré et perdu dans le maquis des multiples services de l’administration US. (Information que je révélais en exclusivité mondiale le 14 septembre 2001 sur l’antenne d’Europe1). Cet homme toujours d’active, mais hors du système anti-terroriste, a dressé un inventaire exhaustif de la menace visant la France, sans concession, ni prudence de langage, pour informer celui qui pouvait être le futur chef de l’état. Voici la teneur de sa note sobrement intitulée: L’état de la menace.
1- Persistance et aggravation de la menace islamiste, quelle que soit le changement de politico-militaire en Afghanistan
L’auteur de la note signale d’abord le haut-degré « d’une menace essentielle et permanente qui va perdurer et s’aggrave: Le terrorisme islamiste. Il invite » à ne pas s’illusionner sur l’impact de certains changements comme notre retrait progressif d’Afghanistan. Il ne faut pas mésestimer la véritable détestation de la France ancrée chez bon nombre d’islamistes. Or la France laïque incarnée par un gouvernement SOCIALISTE ne sera, estime t-il, que plus honnie par ces extrémistes « .
Il insiste particulièrement sur « deux motifs sérieux d’aggravation de cette menace:
2- Islamisation galopante des banlieues
» Un extrémisme fondamentaliste de plus en plus implanté sur le territoire, facteur de « basculements » très rapides vers des positions jihadistes. Une situation sans commune mesure avec celle que la France connaissait au milieu des années 90, lors de la dernière vague d’attentats. Il revient, sans aucune connotation politique sur le danger » d’une islamisation de plus en plus dévorantes de certaines banlieues observée par les services spécialisés « .
3-Situation au Sahel
» Et la situation de la zone sahara-sahélienne, qui constitue l’autre facteur d’aggravation de la menace sur place, avec une évolution notable: Ce ne sont plus seulement nos compatriotes sur place (attentats ou prise d’otages) qui sont dans le collimateur. AQMI a désormais la capacité de frapper sur le territoire français. Le Mali est entrain de devenir notre Afghanistan » dit-il, rejoignant l’analyse des services de renseignements, qui inquiète particulièrement le nouveau ministre de la Défense, jean-Yves le Drian.
» D’un point de vue général explique t-il , au cours des 25 dernières années, des organisations jihadistes se sont greffées sur chacun des conflits de toute nature, s’étant déroulées dans des zones d’implantation de population musulmanes, et ces groupes, ont systématiquement diffusé des actions hors de ces seules zones. ce fut le cas dans les années 90, tant avec la véritable guerre entre les groupes islamistes et l’Armée en Algérie, (qui perdure à bas bruit) qu’avec les guerres des Balkans (Bosnie, Kosovo) et du Caucase (Tchetchénie…) pour les lus proches. Ce fut le cas aussi pour des conflits plus lointains comme au Cachemire, en Indonésie aux Philippines, en Irak, et bien entendu et avant tout dans la zone Pakistano-Afghane. A chaque fois, avec une plus grande intensité liée à la proximité géographique ou historique de ces zones avec la France, et avec l’instauration et le renouvellement permanent de filières d’envoi d’islamistes sur ces fronts. Les répercussions de ces conflits se sont systématiquement traduites par des actions jihadistes en France, à visée de propagande ou « opérationnelles ».
» Ces répercussions sont maintenant visibles et menaçantes s’agissant de la zone Sahara-Sahélienne. Les conflits qui s’y déroulent, à notre porte depuis plusieurs années et le récent effondrement du Mali, conjuguée à la prise de contrôle d’immenses territoires pour les combattants islamistes, traduction de leur montée en puissance progressive ne concerne pas que la zone allant de la Mauritanie au Tchad, mais il touche DIRECTEMENT LA FRANCE SELON TROIS STRATES. 1- Compte-tenu de nos intérêts su place qui vont rapidement, si ce n’est déjà fait, nous conduire à rentrer en conflit avec ces organisations. 2- De la part de ces organisations qui voient dans la France, ancien pays colonisateur, plus que tout autre pays européen, un ennemi de premier plan. Il ne faut pas oublier d’une part qu’AQMI est le successeur du GSPC, issu lui-même du GIA 2ème secteur, d’autre part que la campagne d’attentats de 1995 a résulté de la décision du GIA d’exporter vers la France la guerre qu »il menait contre l’état algérien. 3- Enfin au regard des importantes populations originaires des pays de cette zone résidant sur notre territoire, une donne qui n’échappe pas aux stratèges islamistes ».
4-Conséquence du « Printemps arabe »: Dislocation des services de renseignements locaux
Le rédacteur de la note souligne par ailleurs, ce qui a échappé à bien des analystes, et qui est un motif fondamental d’inquiétude, d’origine extérieure: » LE TARISSEMENT D’UNE DES PRINCIPALES SOURCES DE RENSEIGNEMENTS EN PROVENANCE DE PLUSIEURS PAYS ARABES. Outre une lisibilité très réduite des évolutions du « Printemps arabe », la nouvelle donne mise en place en Tunisie, en Egypte, en Libye, de même que la situation en Syrie, ont une répercussion très directe pour la connaissance de la menace visant la France: La réorganisation (ou désorganisation) complète des services de renseignements de ces pays a pour conséquence que nos propres services comme la DGSE ou la DCRI, ne sont plus que très peu destinataires d’informations indispensables de certains de des ressortissants de ce pays susceptibles de viser la France. Au delà de toute appréciation politique, morale ou juridique, le constat est patent et en l’absence de ces renseignements ( qui ont plusieurs fois par le passé permis de « casser » des réseaux opérationnels en France), l’exigence d’anticipation est déjà devenue bien plus complexe « .
5-Evolution des réseaux et des techniques, autres menaces.
Trois autres motifs d’inquiétude sont mis en évidence dan la note:
» La parfaite adaptabilité des islamistes aux nouvelles technologies, pouvant rendre plus opaques leurs activités. Leur très bonne connaissance des techniques policières et judiciaires et leur aptitude à déjouer les investigations les concernant (des manuels dédiés spécialement à cet effet ont parfois été saisis ors du démantèlement de cellules terroristes). Une nouvelle forme d’engagement individuel via internet bien plus difficile à déjouer en amont ».
Enfin l’expert ne néglige pas certaines menaces dont le degré d’intensité peut évoluer dans un contexte de grande incertitude: Le terrorisme Corse, qui s’est montré particulièrement virulent ces derniers temps, et qui est accolé à l’affairisme, et au grand-banditisme sur l’Ile. La menace plus faible mais non négligeable de l’ETA, organisation pour laquelle la France reste un base logistique, mais qui peut réagir violemment aux coups qui lui sont porté sur le territoire national. Il évoque aussi l’incertitude quant à l’émergence dans un société fragile d’un terrorisme d’extrême-droite, ou la réapparition d’un terrorisme de l’ultra-gauche, calqué sur le modèle d’Action Directe dans les années 80.
6-La menace du terrorisme d’état syrien
Dernier point et non des moindres: » L’hypothèse d’un risque majeur: le retour d’un Terrorisme d’ETAT, d’origine SYRIENNE ou IRANIENNE (dont la France a déjà pâti sévèrement) , dans le contexte d’une brusque aggravation des relations avec l’un de ses états ».
A ce titre, si les enquêtes sont restées volontairement au point mort, je rappelle que par deux fois depuis l’an dernier des convois de casques bleus français appartenant à la FINUL stationnés au Liban-Sud ont été victimes d’engins piégés. Des attentat n’ayant fait que des blessés, mais interprétés clairement par les analystes de la DGSE, comme des avertissements lancés par les forces soutenant le régime syrien de Bachar el Assad au Liban. Les actions délibérées ayant causés la mort des journalistes Gilles Jacquier et Rémi Ochlik en Syrie relèvent clairement d’un terrorisme d’état ciblé, et non d’actions de guerre, mais les enquêtes en France, n’ont pas été confiées à l’époque à des juges anti-terroristes spécialisés.
C’est dans ce contexte, que le nouvel Etat socialiste, a décidé de confirmer à son poste, malgré une valse des têtes au sein de plusieurs services de sécurité, le patron de la DGSE, le préfêt Erard CORBIN de MANGOUX nommé par Nicolas Sarkozy à la tête de la DGSE, mais considéré comme un grand-commis de l’état et ayant parfaitement tenu la « boutique » dit-on en interne. Par ailleurs, pour remplacer le très controversé Bernard SQUARCINI à la tête du contre-espionnage français, c’est l’option technique, et la meilleure, dit un homme de l’art, qui a été choisie, avec la nomination de Patrick CALVAR, pur « produit » de l’ex-DST, et qui avait été d’ailleurs le premier policier à occuper le poste de chef du Renseignement à la DGSE. Enfin un temps menacé, Ange MANCINI, chargé de « mettre de l’huile » entre la DCRI et la DGSE, garde son poste de coordinateur national du Renseignement Français.
Reste que, tant sur le territoire national, qu’à l’étranger, tous les signaux d’alerte sont au rouge. La France compte tenu de son histoire, son passé, de sa proximité avec l’autre rive de la Méditerannée, des positionnements politiques ou sociétaux (interdiction du port du voile à l’école, du nikab dans les lieux publics), de ses choix diplomatiques, (Algérie, Afrique, Syrie), de son retour au sein de l’alliance atlantique (OTAN) décidé par Nicolas Sarkozy, est désormais pour nombre d’experts, la cible n°1 dans le collimateur des islamistes en tout genre, devant même les Etats-Unis.
le rédacteur de la note n’a jamais oublié le crédo inlassablement répété par des terroristes arrêtés auxquels il a été régulièrement confronté:
» Nous, nous n’avons pas peur de mourir, vous si! Nous avons Dieu avec nous et l’éternité devant nous pour gagner notre combat »
Sarkozy tente un retour et ses menaces d'attentats seront les dernieres: Apres la nomination du prefet mythomane et raciste Claude Gaudin dans l'appareil Likud-UMP pour preparer 2017, l'assassinat de Mahmoud Al Baghdadi par Corbin de Mangoux en Libye pour proteger l'engeance juive sioniste Sarkozy. La DGSE menace de tout faire sauter si les enquetes continuent sur Sarkozy! Ben vas-y, fais tout sauter l'israelien, franchement on se demande pourquoi tu attends...
Petit message aux neophytes du Djihad: Les services francais ont bien cree le GIA (Algerie), le GICM (Maroc), et le GICL (Libye) pour s'ingerer directement dans les affaires interieures de ces pays afin de proteger les tyrants de la France-Israel, dont Gaddafi. Qu'est ce que tu ferais si tu etais au pouvoir apres que les services francais t'aient livre pieds et poings lies, apres un deal avec Gaddafi, comme Abdelhakim Belhadj? Tu organiserais leurs represailles et tu liquiderais l'etat francais et l'ambassade de France sur le champ, mais ca a pas l'air d'etre la volonte de Belhadj a Tripoli, qui torture pour proteger son maitre Sarkozy. Car le GICL etait aux mains de la France des sa creation pour aider Gaddafi a se maintenir au pouvoir! Moi je dis que ca va chauffer pour les services francais durant leur proces, va y avoir de la casse aux ministeres de l'interieur et celui de la defense a Paris... Vivement que le rat d'egouts Mangoux fasse sauter toute la France, car on a hate de voir ca et de le voir crever la bouche ouverte!!!! Mais comme c'est une pedale sioniste avec une grande gueule comme la pedale Squarcini, qui m'a menace de mort je sais plus combien de fois, mais qui a ferme sa grande gueule d'israelien des que j'etais a portee de tirs sur lui. Tu vas mentir la dessus aussi Squarcini? Deposes plainte contre moi pour diffamation et tu verras que je montrerai combien je pouvais te detruire a la tete de la DCRI, que dire quand tu n'es plus au pouvoir, le rat Mangoux est ton assurance vie? Observes comment il est facile de le detruire comme toi ...
Islamic Intel Blog
Il avait confirmé le financement de Sarkozy:
L'ex-premier ministre libyen voulait parler au juge Van Ruymbeke
Revolutions dans le monde Musulman : Qui suivre, qui sont les petits Dajjal de la communaute Musulmane, a l'insu de leur plein gre?
Ad-Dajjâl, le faux messie, L'Antéchrist
Beaucoup de choses via internet ont été dites sur Al-Massîh Ad-Dajjâl, le faux messie, l’Antéchrist. Certains s’avancent dans des interprétations de "hadith" sans la science nécessaire et de manière éparse, déformant ainsi les paroles authentiques de notre noble Prophète Mûhammâd (صلى الله عليه و سلم). D'autres s’aventurent dans des explications reposant nullement sur la « sûnnah ». Tout sauf l’essentiel de la prédication a été dit, du moins, elle a été déformée en majeur partie. Pourquoi donc, faire des interprétations, comparaisons ou suppositions qui amènent à des affirmations ambiguës, alors que tout est clairement dit dans les "ahadith sahiha" ? C'est pour cette raison, que la conférence de Youssef Abou Anas (imam et prédicateur en région parisienne) est mise en ligne en 3 parties sur Dailymotion "bi idhniLLahû Ta'ala" afin de balayer toutes fausses croyances concernant Ad-Dajjâl, car les paroles du Prophète (salaLLahû 'alayhi wa salam) sur ad-dajjâl sont explicites et seuls les savants sont aptes à donner des explications lorsqu'il y a un besoin d'éclaircissement.
Pax Talmudica 2012 : Israelis security companies such as ICTS, VERINT system, CONVERSE, G4S are a total scam and they failed during 9/11, 7/7, Madrid underground etc... There is a military censorship in the UK since 9/11in all the mainstream medias. Kicks back to the british autorities and government in charge of security (defense, homeland) with the 'private security contractors' are around 18 billions pounds, paid by the taxpayers. Now can anybody serious explained us why missiles had been deployed when the threat is clearly coming from the Litvinenko affair and the use of russian nuclear material buried on sites?
Exclusive: Undercover Reporter Infiltrates Security Firm to Expose London Olympics
An undercover journalist going by the pseudonym ‘Lee Hazledean’ has blown the whistle on astounding revelations about how he infiltrated the G4S – the company responsible for security at the London Olympics – and discovered shocking plans for the evacuation of London, 200,000 ‘casket linings’ being on standby, along with botched security procedures that leave the Games wide open to attack.
We are told that the 200 000 coffins were prepared because of a probable 'natural disaster', maybe an earthquake, triggered by buried nuclear devices (see Litvinenko affair details here). We are also told that this courageous investigative journalist could be part of a broader group of former members of the British and European intelligence community which clearly identified Netanyahu and the Israelis as the masterminds of a highly possible false flag and are trying to gather momentum and warn their allies within the government and the people to unite them against any new 9/11 israeli threat in London. We are also told about secretive meetings going up to the 10 or the 12 July 2012 to warn publicly the world about a possible false flag, ' happening behind a natural disaster'. Let's wait and see if Netanyahu will strike London or the USA, before the GOP convention in August, which is after the games, to start his messianic wars to transfer the power from London to the Mount Temple as detailed in the Talmud, as the year 5772... You probably noticed that the last warning from Sweden, triggered new lies from Jonathan Evans, a known israeli agent working inside the British government. See here
Now I am still wondering why such a donkey like Evans is the head of the MI5? If something happens he is guilty with Netanyahu and the israeli security firms, and if nothing happens he is guilty of overplaying the 'Muslim terror plots' and will be investigated about the huge costs of security and 18 billions pounds of kicks back for political parties, security private contractors, MOD, Metropolitan police, Scotland Yards... You israelis stupid fools !!! French DGSE were planning to get 16 billions euros of kicks back 'security contracts' (defense only) when Paris was to be given the games in 2005, before Sharon changed the rules of the game and offered the games to Tony Blair for his genocides in Iraq and Afghanistan...Maybe that's why the furious DGSE sent a detailed information about planned terror attacks in the UK the 5th July 2005 and the MI5 and Tony Blair ignored it...
The video has been private on youtube but you can watch it here: - Undercover Reporter Exposes London Olympics Security
Please read the following below :
The 2012 London olympics start in 4 weeks time. Exclusive interview with investigative journalist Lee Hazledean who is training undercover as a security guard for the London olympics with private security firm G4S. Lee is a filmmaker and investigative TV journalist. He has also been involved in major stories on the IRA and how British Army infiltrated the organisation and carried out false flag operations. He has managed to get undercover as part of the security team at the 2012 Olympics with G4S. He has found there is a media black out on all major news outlets to do with the Olympics unless the story is broken in a news paper or foreign news agency it's unlikely to see the light of day. Security training and officers are so appalling that the safety and security of the London 2012 Olympics are in jeopardy.
"Disable the purveyors": Is US secretly liquidating dissidents?
In many countries, people who cross the line in opposing the government risk incarceration, torture, or murder.
Until recently, it was hard for American dissidents to cross that line. If they wanted to get arrested for saying something subversive, mere ideas weren't enough; they would have to actually threaten to physically harm the President or another high official.
But the post-9/11 USA is no longer a beacon of human rights. As former President Jimmy Carter recently wrote in the New York Times, “The United States is abandoning its role as the global champion of human rights.” In his article, Carter points out that top US officials are now openly targeting US citizens for political assassination, “disappearance,” unlimited surveillance, and other forms of gross human rights abuse.
Since we now know that a secret National Security committee is ordering the murder of American citizens, and since we know the CIA has the power to easily simulate deaths from illness and accident, we might as well assume that every time a dissident dies unexpectedly, he or she has been murdered by the US government.
Consider the chilling words of Obama's information czar Cass Sunstein, who openly advocates that the US government should “disable the purveyors of conspiracy theories.” Sunstein's article “Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures” argues that “conspiracy theories” (by which he means the 9/11 truth movement) are so dangerous that the government should “cognitively infiltrate” 9/11 truth groups, “disable” those who spread these ideas, and possibly even make the ideas illegal.
One way to “disable the purveyors of conspiracy theories” is to terrorize them with death threats. This is precisely what happened recently in Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, British Columbia.
On June 13, Dr. James Fetzer, the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, was scheduled to speak at the University Heights Community Center in Seattle. Shortly before the event, the Community Center received a letter that read:
“Community Center, the 9/11 truth event on June 13th is going to be attacked to Kill Jim Fetzer because he says 'Space Beams' brought down the Twin Towers. The attack may be a bomb or fire bomb or maybe just gun fire. The Bombing may come at a future date to pay you back for supporting the 9/11 truth movement. Kill Jim Fetzer and the 9/11 truth movement. Kill Jim Fetzer (repeated 6 times). Kill University Heights Community Center (repeated twice) Kill you now.”
Detective Kerry Hays of the Seattle Police Department is currently investigating the case.
The Community Center hastily canceled Dr. Fetzer's talk. Fortunately, an alternate venue was found at the last minute.
Then a few days later, a similar death threat was emailed to the owner of the Denman Theater in Vancouver, British Columbia, where Dr. Fetzer was organizing the Vancouver 9/11 Hearings. This time, the threat named me and Press TV Canadian correspondent Joshua Blakeney as well as Dr. Fetzer. Fortunately, the theater owner was too busy hosting the event to read his email, so he did not become aware of the threat until the Hearings were over.
Death threats are one way to “disable the purveyors of conspiracy theories.” Actual assassinations are another.
A long list of people who were trying to expose the truth of 9/11 have met with untimely, suspicious deaths. Barry Jennings, the deputy director of Emergency Services Department for the New York City Housing Authority on 9/11, appears to have been murdered after speaking publicly about explosions he witnessed that partly demolished World Trade Center Building 7 on the morning of 9/11. (The demolition of WTC-7, begun in the morning, was completed shortly after 5:20 that afternoon, after WTC owner Larry Silverstein and colleagues “made the decision to pull” the building according to Silverstein's own statement.)
Another 9/11 truth advocate and eyewitness, Dr. David Graham of Shreveport, Louisiana, was murdered - apparently by the FBI - for writing a book about two of the alleged 9/11 hijackers, who were obvious intelligence assets controlled by people at Barksdale Air Force Base. Graham was poisoned with ethelene glycol (antifreeze). The case is discussed in Sander Hicks' new book Slingshot to the Juggernaut.
It might be objected that Jennings and Graham were murdered because they were eyewitnesses to a State Crime Against Democracy, or SCAD, not because they were dissidents. Is there any evidence that the US government (or a rogue network infiltrating it) is “disabling the purveyors” of dangerous ideas by killing or otherwise physically harming them, even if they are not eyewitnesses?
Mike Ruppert, the original leader of the 9/11 truth movement, writes that his office was attacked by microwave and/or EMF weapons after he began publishing critiques of the official story of 9/11. The attacks may have contributed to Ruppert's poor health and distraught frame of mind, which led him to quit the 9/11 truth movement and temporarily flee the USA in 2006.
Another early 9/11 truth advocate, publisher Byron Belitsos, told me that he and many other 9/11 truth organizers in California were targeted by EMF or microwave weapons during the first years after 9/11. Belitsos says the weapons were wielded by men in plain white vans that would park in front of the victim's house, and that victims suffered immediate and sometimes extreme health effects including headaches, ringing in the ears, nausea, vomiting, severe depression, dizziness, and loss of consciousness.
It does seem that bad things have happened to far too many of the most trail-blazing, prestigious, and/or effective 9/11 truth leaders. Justin Raimondo, the pioneer investigator of Israeli complicity in 9/11, was warned away from the subject - and after he disregarded the warning, he suffered a severe heart attack, despite his relative youth and excellent physical condition. Since his mysterious heart attack, Raimondo has stayed away from the subject of 9/11, and has remained in good health.
David Ray Griffin, the world's leading voice of 9/11 truth, suffered a partially-disabling stroke in the summer of 2010. While he has recovered sufficiently to continue to write and research, the stroke left him with a slight aphasia that has ended his career as a prolific public speaker.
Dr. Bob Bowman, the former head of Star Wars under two US presidents, has had his 9/11 truth efforts slowed by his struggle with cancer.
Even more tragically, the most prestigious scientist ever to take up the cause of 9/11 truth, Lynn Margulis, died of a stroke November 22, 2011. When I last spoke to Lynn, less than a year before her death, she told me she did not want to speak publicly about 9/11 any more, because “politics is too dangerous.” She sounded scared - like someone had warned or threatened her.
Steven Jones, the physics professor who was forced out of Brigham Young University for researching the demolition of the World Trade Center, was warned to stop by a “connected” colleague. Jones did the right thing: he immediately went public about the apparent threat.
Richard Gage, the founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, may have been attacked by the type of EMF or microwave weapon described by Ruppert and Belitsos. In the summer of 2009, in Washington, DC, Gage suddenly suffered vertigo and hearing loss. Activist colleagues who were present suspect some kind of covert attack. Today, Gage still suffers from the after-effects: partial loss of hearing in one ear.
Though some consider microwave and EMF weapons the stuff of science fiction, Maj. Doug Rokke, Ph.D., the former head of the US Army's depleted uranium cleanup project after Gulf War I, says these weapons are very real, and commonly used in military circles. He described to me how he personally used such weapons on a regular basis while training with Special Forces at US Army facilities: “We had them van-mounted, truck-mounted, plane-mounted, and hand-carried. We would go around zapping each other for fun. This was during exercises, or sometimes just as a practical joke.” Rokke assured me that, based on his firsthand knowledge of US military mind-set and capabilities, 9/11 truth activists have undoubtedly been targeted by exotic non-lethal (and lethal) weapons.
Will writing this article put me on a US government hit list? Twenty years ago, such a question would have sounded absurd. Today, with the USA becoming more of a banana republic every day, it sounds increasingly realistic.
A government that extra-judicially murders, disappears, and tortures its own citizens should clean up its own act before it criticizes other nations. The US should heed former President Carter and start obeying its own Constitution if it wants to have any credibility on human rights.
Operation Merah : Les mensonges de la DGSE, de la DCRI, la police et le procureur de la republique menent la France vers une guerre civile. Les photos du jeune Merah assassine pour couvrir les mercenaires de l'OTAN confirment que la version du RAID est un pur mensonge
Lorsque l'OTAN organise deux operations de terrorisme majeures, pour ses besoins de communication et ses plans europeens, et qu'elle est identifiee avant meme que les operations n'aient lieu, en Norvege avec Breivik, et Sarkozy en France. La question 'des fuites' se pose et tout le systeme est remis en cause pour que les veritables commanditaires, israeliens ne soient jamais inquietes a Londres, Washington, Berlin, Paris et Tel Aviv. Ceci explique en partie que vos tetes soient mises a prix, mais il existe d'autres raisons, vous les connaissez!
P.S: Des que ca bouge a Paris sur l'affaire Merah, ca bouge au Mali, c'est une extraordinaire coincidence! Que se passe-t-il Mangoux tu peux pas faire la guerre en France ? Mais fais donc sauter la France comme tu le disais il y a quelques jours, qu'est ce que tu attends? Le MUJAO, c'est Mangoux et la DGSE et les harkis de la France-Israel au Mali, Niger, Algerie...