Israel behind civil wars in Europe (France, Germany, Great Britain): Israel and NATO clandestine terror networks are behind false flag terror operations targeting in fact the Muslim populations. The real agenda is to open 'concentration camps' for 'Muslims and migrants' in Europe by 2014
A Roma camp in Italy.
According to a former top french administration intelligence insider, the blatant racist discrimination campaign against the Roma in France was in fact a case built against the 'Muslim and migrant populations' living in Europe. The starting point to be used by Sarkozy and other israelite political leaders, financed and controlled by Israel in Europe (Germany, Great Britain), to open 'concentration camps' in Europe. Our source confirmed that NATO clandestine terror networks, allied with extreme right wing political parties, put in place to 'mask the regionalisation / dismantlement of the european countries into sub-regions self-administered in Europe', as confirmed by the latest 'nuclear mutual agreement' signed by France and Great Britain.
NATO clandestine networks are behind the anarchists in Greece and Italy, they are working actively to set up more and more false flag operations to be blamed on the 'Muslim and migrant' populations as an excuse to open these 'camps'. Similar to the 'Gladio strategy of the tension' developped in Italy, Germany, Belgium, France and Spain in the 1980s to 'contain communism'. The Roma population was 'just a test in France' and this case will serve the 'real agenda behind' which is to isolate and open 'concentration camps' for 'Muslims and migrants' by 2014, explained our source.
Abu Suleyman
Islamic Intelligence
Gladio reprise: More False Flag Operations
This new year will see the new fake threat of Islamist terrorism and "anarchism"
By Wayne Madsen,
The corporatists and fascists who have steered Europe into bankruptcy are now using their media assets to morph their favorite threat over the last two decades — Islamist terrorism — to a combined menace of Islamist terrorists teamed up with an international network of anarchists. The change of threat was necessary with corporatists and fascist-led governments in Europe besieged by workers and students who are militantly opposed to severe cuts in social spending that were dictated from supranational institutions in order to financially bail out greedy bankers and their lackeys in governments.
In Greece and Italy, where governments are under street pressure to resign over corruption and austerity moves, there are already signs that the paradigm shift from Islamist terrorism to leftist anarchism is already occurring, with highly-suspicious and likely false flag bombings taking place at embassies and other facilities.
Europe has seen such false flag terrorist attacks in the past blamed on leftist revolutionary groups like the Italian Red Brigades and the West German Red Army Faction, but actually carried out by a network of CIA and fascist operatives, supported by local police and intelligence agencies, to blame leftists for such attacks. The operation, known generally as "Gladio," was a ploy to damage the reputation of the Communist parties of Western Europe in order that they were not invited to join in any leftist government coalitions, particularly in Italy and France.
Gladio has raised its head again in the last decade, especially in Turkey, where the Gladio successor, "Ergenekon," has attempted coups and plotted and carried out false flag terrorist attacks in an effort to undermine the Justice and Development (AKP) government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Bombings at embassies in Athens and Rome followed massive street demonstrations directed at the Greek government's draconian budget and pension cuts on behalf of the international banking elite and similar moves, as well as corruption, by the Italian government. European law enforcement, which now serves as a virtual arm of the European Union bureaucrats and their banking allies, is pointing to a network of anarchists who may be carrying out the bombings. The same psychological operation is being used to lump together all Muslim groups opposed to neocon European policies in the Middle East, as well as Israeli human rights violations, as somehow being linked to a worldwide network of Islamic "jihadists."
The latter psy-op is now being advanced by the head of the Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET), Jakob Scharf, who has close connections to Israel and is of Jewish descent. Scharf led a joint Danish PET-Swedish SAPO security service law enforcement team in self-congratulating themselves for rounding up a group of five alleged Islamist terrorists who were charged with planning to attack the Copenhagen offices of the newspaper Jyllands-Posten in a Mumbai-like attack planned for January. Scharf stated, "It is our assessment that this is a militant Islamist group and they have links to international terrorist networks," adding that the group could have been linked to David Headley, an American charged with aiding in the Mumbai attacks. Scharf conveniently left out the fact that Headley was covertly working for the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) at the time of the Mumbai attacks and may have been a false flag terrorist operative working for U.S. intelligence.
Will 2011 see a return to Gladio false flag terrorist attacks in Europe and elsewhere? Early signs say yes.
Jyllands-Posten sparked outrage among Muslims worldwide when it published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed considered blasphemous by Muslims. The newspaper's cultural editor, Flemming Rose, who approved the publication of the cartoons, was identified as being linked to various neocon and Israel Lobby operatives in Washington, including the propagandists at the neocon American Enterprise Institute. While Scharf, who has moved Denmark's PET closer to Mossad more than his predecessors have done, talks of international Islamist conspiracies to carry out terrorism, he is silent on the international conspiracy by Israeli propagandists to incite violence by publishing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. The neocon Mohammed cartoon operation, which incited violence that resulted in deaths from riots staged in cities in the Muslim world, never registered on Scharf's "criminal conspiracy meter" since he is part and parcel of it. Rose's columns have been welcomed by the neocon and Israel Lobby-owned and operated Wall Street Journal.
Scharf's operation against the alleged terrorists, lauded by the Obama administration, is already beginning to fall apart. One of the five charged, Abdullah Muhammed Salman, an Iraqi immigrant, was released after his arrest due to lack of evidence. He said that he merely rented an apartment to three of the accused in the plot and was unaware of their plans.
The linking of Islamist groups to leftist anarchist groups opposed to globalization and the multinational banks will gain steam as the psy-op of the Wikileaks release of classified State Department cables, accomplished with the help of the Swedish government, as recently reported by WMR, results in more calls for curbs to be placed on the Internet. Already, Greek and Italian law enforcement are claiming that European anarchist groups link to one another through the Internet. The Internet has also been cited by the neocons and the Israeli propagandists as a means for "Jihadist" groups and the fakery called "Al Qaeda" and its "affiliates" to communicate and raise funds.
2011 will see the rise of Gladio-like "anarchist" front groups that will be used to not only crack down on leftist and anti-globalist organizations but push through legislation curbing communications on and access to the Internet. Already, one such shadowy and likely front group called the "Informal Anarchist Federation" (FAI), has claimed responsibility for recent bomb attacks on the Swiss and Chilean embassies in Rome and another unsuccessful bomb attack on the Greek embassy in the Italian capital. A suspicious package was also found at the U.S. and Finnish embassies to the Vatican and the Albanian embassy to Italy in Rome and 160 consulates in Milan, once a center for Gladio activity, were placed on "high alert." Two small bombs also recently exploded at the northern Italian headquarters of the right-wing and anti-immigrant governing coalition party, the Northern League, which may be an attempt to falsely draw a link between Muslim immigrants and leftist "anarchists."
Also, bombs blamed on "anarchists" exploded at a branch of the Spanish-owned Banco Santander in Santiago, Chile and the Banco Francés in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The explosions occurred after Argentina recgoinized the independence of Palestine and as Chile was under pressure from the Chilean left and the large Palestinian-Chilean community to follow suit. During Gladio operations in Europe, links were discovered between the Argentine Anti-communist Alliance (AAA) and the Chilean junta of General Augusto Pinochet. Chile's current right-wing billionaire president, Sebastian Pinera, was a member of the Pinochet junta. Pinera's Interior Minister, Rodrigo Hinzpeter Kirberg, has been accused by Chilean Senator Eugenio Tuma of being an "activist and militant for the Israeli cause."
True to form The New York Times, on December 28, reported on the Italian-Greek "anarchist" link: "Col. Maurizio Mezzavilla of the Carabinieri paramilitary police said the device sent to the Greek embassy was a response to the arrests in Greece in November of two alleged members of an anarchist group, the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire, which claimed responsibility for sending 14 letter bombs to embassies in Athens last month" The Times quotes Mezzavilla as saying the note found with the unexploded bomb at the Greek embassy in Rome stated: "We’re striking again, and we do so in response to the appeal sent by the Greek comrades of the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire . . . That is why we are directing the new attack to one of the structures that represents the Greek state and its servants, in solidarity with the comrades arrested in Athens and the Conspiracy’s project which, like ours, is based on the actions and methods of revolutionary violence.” Of course, it was advantageous that the bomb at the Greek embassy failed to explode, thus leaving the highly-suspicious note intact for dissemination to the media. The operation comes right out of the Gladio playbook designed by the CIA and Pentagon special operations forces.
On December 30, The Washington Post tried to link the Danish-Swedish "plot" and the British round0up of nine suspected terrorists linked to "Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula" to the bombs in Italy: "The arrests on charges of Islamist-inspired terrorism came as Italy confronted a spurt of homegrown bombings attributed to European anarchist undergrounds."
Police have called for restrictions on access to Google Maps by protest groups that have been charged with using the maps and their smart phones to track police movements, including the movement of detainee transport and police command post vehicles, at mass protest rallies against the G-8 and other conclaves of the world's elite class.
It is noteworthy that the rise of previously unknown "anarchist" groups is occurring in the very same countries where Gladio's operations were most extensive: Italy and Greece. Italy was the nexus for Organazzizione Gladio, the Italian branch of the pan-European CIA-led terrorist operations. In Greece, the Gladio group was known as "Operation Sheepskin."
With larger anti-government and anti-banking strikes and street protests planned for not only Italy and Greece, but also France, Spain, Portugal, Austria, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and other countries, 2011 will see a rise in the number of false flag terrorist attacks that will be blamed by law enforcement and their corporate media echo chambers on "anarchists." The neocon and pro-Israeli media will also step up planted stories designed to link "anarchists" to "Jihadists." Gladio cells in all these countries, which never actually disappeared but were placed on reserve, will be activated as "leftists" are lumped in with "Islamists" and "Jihadists" as "enemies of the global state."
This time next year may see an entirely different kind of Internet and a more fascist America, a situation that may even see WMR heading into exile abroad in order to continue reporting the truth.
Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist. He has written
for several renowned papers and blogs.
Madsen is a regular contributor on Russia Today. He has been a frequent political and national security commentator on Fox News and has also appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and MS-NBC. Madsen has taken on Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity on their television shows. He has been invited to testifty as a witness before the US House of Representatives, the UN Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and an terrorism investigation panel of the French government.
As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency, the Naval Data Automation Command, Department of State, RCA Corporation, and Computer Sciences Corporation.
Madsen is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), Association for Intelligence Officers (AFIO), and the National Press Club. He is a regular contributor to Opinion Maker.
- This new year will see the new fake threat of Islamist terrorism and "anarchism"
By Wayne Madsen,The corporatists and fascists who have steered Europe into bankruptcy are now using their media assets to morph their favorite threat over the last two decades — Islamist terrorism — to a combined menace of Islamist terrorists teamed up with an international network of anarchists. The change of threat was necessary with corporatists and fascist-led governments in Europe besieged by workers and students who are militantly opposed to severe cuts in social spending that were dictated from supranational institutions in order to financially bail out greedy bankers and their lackeys in governments.In Greece and Italy, where governments are under street pressure to resign over corruption and austerity moves, there are already signs that the paradigm shift from Islamist terrorism to leftist anarchism is already occurring, with highly-suspicious and likely false flag bombings taking place at embassies and other facilities.Europe has seen such false flag terrorist attacks in the past blamed on leftist revolutionary groups like the Italian Red Brigades and the West German Red Army Faction, but actually carried out by a network of CIA and fascist operatives, supported by local police and intelligence agencies, to blame leftists for such attacks. The operation, known generally as "Gladio," was a ploy to damage the reputation of the Communist parties of Western Europe in order that they were not invited to join in any leftist government coalitions, particularly in Italy and France.Gladio has raised its head again in the last decade, especially in Turkey, where the Gladio successor, "Ergenekon," has attempted coups and plotted and carried out false flag terrorist attacks in an effort to undermine the Justice and Development (AKP) government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.Bombings at embassies in Athens and Rome followed massive street demonstrations directed at the Greek government's draconian budget and pension cuts on behalf of the international banking elite and similar moves, as well as corruption, by the Italian government. European law enforcement, which now serves as a virtual arm of the European Union bureaucrats and their banking allies, is pointing to a network of anarchists who may be carrying out the bombings. The same psychological operation is being used to lump together all Muslim groups opposed to neocon European policies in the Middle East, as well as Israeli human rights violations, as somehow being linked to a worldwide network of Islamic "jihadists."The latter psy-op is now being advanced by the head of the Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET), Jakob Scharf, who has close connections to Israel and is of Jewish descent. Scharf led a joint Danish PET-Swedish SAPO security service law enforcement team in self-congratulating themselves for rounding up a group of five alleged Islamist terrorists who were charged with planning to attack the Copenhagen offices of the newspaper Jyllands-Posten in a Mumbai-like attack planned for January. Scharf stated, "It is our assessment that this is a militant Islamist group and they have links to international terrorist networks," adding that the group could have been linked to David Headley, an American charged with aiding in the Mumbai attacks. Scharf conveniently left out the fact that Headley was covertly working for the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) at the time of the Mumbai attacks and may have been a false flag terrorist operative working for U.S. intelligence.Will 2011 see a return to Gladio false flag terrorist attacks in Europe and elsewhere? Early signs say yes.
Jyllands-Posten sparked outrage among Muslims worldwide when it published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed considered blasphemous by Muslims. The newspaper's cultural editor, Flemming Rose, who approved the publication of the cartoons, was identified as being linked to various neocon and Israel Lobby operatives in Washington, including the propagandists at the neocon American Enterprise Institute. While Scharf, who has moved Denmark's PET closer to Mossad more than his predecessors have done, talks of international Islamist conspiracies to carry out terrorism, he is silent on the international conspiracy by Israeli propagandists to incite violence by publishing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. The neocon Mohammed cartoon operation, which incited violence that resulted in deaths from riots staged in cities in the Muslim world, never registered on Scharf's "criminal conspiracy meter" since he is part and parcel of it. Rose's columns have been welcomed by the neocon and Israel Lobby-owned and operated Wall Street Journal.Scharf's operation against the alleged terrorists, lauded by the Obama administration, is already beginning to fall apart. One of the five charged, Abdullah Muhammed Salman, an Iraqi immigrant, was released after his arrest due to lack of evidence. He said that he merely rented an apartment to three of the accused in the plot and was unaware of their plans.The linking of Islamist groups to leftist anarchist groups opposed to globalization and the multinational banks will gain steam as the psy-op of the Wikileaks release of classified State Department cables, accomplished with the help of the Swedish government, as recently reported by WMR, results in more calls for curbs to be placed on the Internet. Already, Greek and Italian law enforcement are claiming that European anarchist groups link to one another through the Internet. The Internet has also been cited by the neocons and the Israeli propagandists as a means for "Jihadist" groups and the fakery called "Al Qaeda" and its "affiliates" to communicate and raise funds.2011 will see the rise of Gladio-like "anarchist" front groups that will be used to not only crack down on leftist and anti-globalist organizations but push through legislation curbing communications on and access to the Internet. Already, one such shadowy and likely front group called the "Informal Anarchist Federation" (FAI), has claimed responsibility for recent bomb attacks on the Swiss and Chilean embassies in Rome and another unsuccessful bomb attack on the Greek embassy in the Italian capital. A suspicious package was also found at the U.S. and Finnish embassies to the Vatican and the Albanian embassy to Italy in Rome and 160 consulates in Milan, once a center for Gladio activity, were placed on "high alert." Two small bombs also recently exploded at the northern Italian headquarters of the right-wing and anti-immigrant governing coalition party, the Northern League, which may be an attempt to falsely draw a link between Muslim immigrants and leftist "anarchists."Also, bombs blamed on "anarchists" exploded at a branch of the Spanish-owned Banco Santander in Santiago, Chile and the Banco Francés in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The explosions occurred after Argentina recgoinized the independence of Palestine and as Chile was under pressure from the Chilean left and the large Palestinian-Chilean community to follow suit. During Gladio operations in Europe, links were discovered between the Argentine Anti-communist Alliance (AAA) and the Chilean junta of General Augusto Pinochet. Chile's current right-wing billionaire president, Sebastian Pinera, was a member of the Pinochet junta. Pinera's Interior Minister, Rodrigo Hinzpeter Kirberg, has been accused by Chilean Senator Eugenio Tuma of being an "activist and militant for the Israeli cause."True to form The New York Times, on December 28, reported on the Italian-Greek "anarchist" link: "Col. Maurizio Mezzavilla of the Carabinieri paramilitary police said the device sent to the Greek embassy was a response to the arrests in Greece in November of two alleged members of an anarchist group, the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire, which claimed responsibility for sending 14 letter bombs to embassies in Athens last month" The Times quotes Mezzavilla as saying the note found with the unexploded bomb at the Greek embassy in Rome stated: "We’re striking again, and we do so in response to the appeal sent by the Greek comrades of the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire . . . That is why we are directing the new attack to one of the structures that represents the Greek state and its servants, in solidarity with the comrades arrested in Athens and the Conspiracy’s project which, like ours, is based on the actions and methods of revolutionary violence.” Of course, it was advantageous that the bomb at the Greek embassy failed to explode, thus leaving the highly-suspicious note intact for dissemination to the media. The operation comes right out of the Gladio playbook designed by the CIA and Pentagon special operations forces.On December 30, The Washington Post tried to link the Danish-Swedish "plot" and the British round0up of nine suspected terrorists linked to "Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula" to the bombs in Italy: "The arrests on charges of Islamist-inspired terrorism came as Italy confronted a spurt of homegrown bombings attributed to European anarchist undergrounds."Police have called for restrictions on access to Google Maps by protest groups that have been charged with using the maps and their smart phones to track police movements, including the movement of detainee transport and police command post vehicles, at mass protest rallies against the G-8 and other conclaves of the world's elite class.It is noteworthy that the rise of previously unknown "anarchist" groups is occurring in the very same countries where Gladio's operations were most extensive: Italy and Greece. Italy was the nexus for Organazzizione Gladio, the Italian branch of the pan-European CIA-led terrorist operations. In Greece, the Gladio group was known as "Operation Sheepskin."With larger anti-government and anti-banking strikes and street protests planned for not only Italy and Greece, but also France, Spain, Portugal, Austria, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and other countries, 2011 will see a rise in the number of false flag terrorist attacks that will be blamed by law enforcement and their corporate media echo chambers on "anarchists." The neocon and pro-Israeli media will also step up planted stories designed to link "anarchists" to "Jihadists." Gladio cells in all these countries, which never actually disappeared but were placed on reserve, will be activated as "leftists" are lumped in with "Islamists" and "Jihadists" as "enemies of the global state."This time next year may see an entirely different kind of Internet and a more fascist America, a situation that may even see WMR heading into exile abroad in order to continue reporting the truth.Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist. He has writtenfor several renowned papers and blogs.
Madsen is a regular contributor on Russia Today. He has been a frequent political and national security commentator on Fox News and has also appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and MS-NBC. Madsen has taken on Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity on their television shows. He has been invited to testifty as a witness before the US House of Representatives, the UN Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and an terrorism investigation panel of the French government.As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency, the Naval Data Automation Command, Department of State, RCA Corporation, and Computer Sciences Corporation.Madsen is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), Association for Intelligence Officers (AFIO), and the National Press Club. He is a regular contributor to Opinion Maker.
Al-Qassam surprend les agresseurs israéliens avec de nouvelles armes
Gaza – CPI
Les brigades Ezziddine Al-Qassam font ce qu’ils disent, c’est ce que croient aussi bien les Palestiniens que les Israéliens. Les brigades avaient promis de faire face à la dernière guerre agressive israélienne menée contre Gaza, fin 2008/début 2009, avec des armes et des tactiques surprenantes.
En effet, les brigades ont honoré leurs promesses en utilisant de nouvelles armes face à l’ennemi.
Le deuxième jour de l’invasion terrestre israélienne, à onze heures du matin, le 4 janvier 2009, les brigades Ezziddine Al-Qassam ont utilisé des roquettes anti-tanks RPG-29. A l’est du quartier Al-Toffah, avec ces roquettes, un tank israélien a été atteint et détruit.
Notons que ces roquettes sont des armes russes utilisées contre les tanks et les véhicules blindés, mêmes renforcés. Elles sont utilisées contre le béton armé.
Techniquement, la roquette RPG-29 est une arme de 105 millimètres, d’une longueur de 185 centimètres. Sa puissance de visée est de 500 mètres ; la distance effective est de 300 mètres. La puissance de perforation est de 150 centimètres, dans le béton armé, et de 100 centimètres dans l’acier renforcé.
Les obus anti-blindés Tandem
Le Tandem, une arme anti-blindés, a été la deuxième surprise. Au troisième jour de la guerre terrestre Al-Forqan, à 10h20 du lundi 5 janvier 2009 plus précisément, les combattants des brigades Ezziddine Al-Qassam ont visé et détruit un porteur de troupes, à l’est de Jabalia.
Cette arme de fabrication russe est portée sur épaule. Elle se différencie du RPG-7 par ses doubles charges et par ses tableaux de vision.
Le Tandem est d’un calibre de 40 millimètres, d’une longueur de 95 centimètres. Sa capacité de perforation dans le béton armé est de 150 centimètres, et de 100 centimètres dans l’acier.
Missile 107 anti-bunker
La troisième surprise a été ce missile de calibre 107. Il a été pour la première fois utilisé à midi, mardi 13 janvier 2009.
Il a été lancé contre une maison où s’était réfugiée une force spéciale de l’armée israélienne, à l’est de Khan Younes ; la force a été anéantie.
Cette arme pourra prendre plusieurs formes. Soit elle est seule pour lancer une seule roquette, soit plusieurs sont combinées pour en tirer douze.
Cette arme se porte et se manie facilement et a une bonne efficacité. La roquette fait 18 kilogrammes, et porte trois kilogrammes d’explosifs. Sa portée maximum est de 8500 mètres.
Les combattants des brigades Ezziddine Al-Qassam confirment qu’ils travaillent jour et nuit pour améliorer leur capacité face à l’ennemi usurpateur, face à l’injuste occupation. Ainsi, l’occupant sioniste devra maintenant s’attendre à de nouvelles surprises de la part de la résistance palestinienne, s’il pense nous agresser encore une fois.
- Gaza – CPIwww.palestine-info.infoLes brigades Ezziddine Al-Qassam font ce qu’ils disent, c’est ce que croient aussi bien les Palestiniens que les Israéliens. Les brigades avaient promis de faire face à la dernière guerre agressive israélienne menée contre Gaza, fin 2008/début 2009, avec des armes et des tactiques surprenantes.En effet, les brigades ont honoré leurs promesses en utilisant de nouvelles armes face à l’ennemi.RPG-29Le deuxième jour de l’invasion terrestre israélienne, à onze heures du matin, le 4 janvier 2009, les brigades Ezziddine Al-Qassam ont utilisé des roquettes anti-tanks RPG-29. A l’est du quartier Al-Toffah, avec ces roquettes, un tank israélien a été atteint et détruit.Notons que ces roquettes sont des armes russes utilisées contre les tanks et les véhicules blindés, mêmes renforcés. Elles sont utilisées contre le béton armé.Techniquement, la roquette RPG-29 est une arme de 105 millimètres, d’une longueur de 185 centimètres. Sa puissance de visée est de 500 mètres ; la distance effective est de 300 mètres. La puissance de perforation est de 150 centimètres, dans le béton armé, et de 100 centimètres dans l’acier renforcé.Les obus anti-blindés TandemLe Tandem, une arme anti-blindés, a été la deuxième surprise. Au troisième jour de la guerre terrestre Al-Forqan, à 10h20 du lundi 5 janvier 2009 plus précisément, les combattants des brigades Ezziddine Al-Qassam ont visé et détruit un porteur de troupes, à l’est de Jabalia.Cette arme de fabrication russe est portée sur épaule. Elle se différencie du RPG-7 par ses doubles charges et par ses tableaux de vision.Le Tandem est d’un calibre de 40 millimètres, d’une longueur de 95 centimètres. Sa capacité de perforation dans le béton armé est de 150 centimètres, et de 100 centimètres dans l’acier.Missile 107 anti-bunkerLa troisième surprise a été ce missile de calibre 107. Il a été pour la première fois utilisé à midi, mardi 13 janvier 2009.Il a été lancé contre une maison où s’était réfugiée une force spéciale de l’armée israélienne, à l’est de Khan Younes ; la force a été anéantie.Cette arme pourra prendre plusieurs formes. Soit elle est seule pour lancer une seule roquette, soit plusieurs sont combinées pour en tirer douze.Cette arme se porte et se manie facilement et a une bonne efficacité. La roquette fait 18 kilogrammes, et porte trois kilogrammes d’explosifs. Sa portée maximum est de 8500 mètres.Les combattants des brigades Ezziddine Al-Qassam confirment qu’ils travaillent jour et nuit pour améliorer leur capacité face à l’ennemi usurpateur, face à l’injuste occupation. Ainsi, l’occupant sioniste devra maintenant s’attendre à de nouvelles surprises de la part de la résistance palestinienne, s’il pense nous agresser encore une fois.
Demolition Sequences and the Willful Suspension of Disbelief: Analyzing the 9/11 Storyboard
Kevin Barrett
This paper attempts to analyze the events of 9/11 from a SFX professional point of view based on 18 years of experience in storyboard analysis, real world Special effects preparation and film experience.
In this paper I want to present two ideas not addressed (to my knowledge) before.
1. The demolition sequences of 9/11 were based a story board.
2. The preparation of the demolition sequences of the three towers was done with software I believe to have been available before 2001 reducing the need for huge numbers of planners and making a number of different demolition sequences available on the day itself.
When the events of 9/11 took place I was working as a Special effects model maker and engineer in Europe .Together with my husband I owned a small Special effects company with max. 15 employees at times and as such was very involved with the analysis and translation of literally hundreds of story boards. Storyboards are a series of little drawings showing key frames in a film in order to tell the intended story to prospective clients, film crew etc and as such we were presented with many of them.
Our specialty was providing film makers (primarily short advertisement films) with real world special effects. Models made in our workshops and animated with sometimes complicated mechanical and electronically driven computerised movements.
By their very nature SFX are solutions both in the real world and in the modern 3D computer world offered for situations which could not happen in reality. If real world solutions were available SFX would not be required.
For example: a Beer keg rolls along the street, around corners, jumps a bridge only to land after a long and protracted journey in front of a student flat were the students bring it in and open it only to have it explode in an orgy of beer foam against the windows.
In reality a beer keg would not be able do this so a team of SFX engineers is called in to make this happen. (Real world example of the kind of work we would be asked to do. Photo's available).
The sequence of events after the artist conceives of an idea like this is as follows:
a. Idea
b. Storyboard drawing attention to key frames. (setting up the storyline)
c. Analysis by SFX team
d. Translation into real world possibilities
e. Preparation
f. Execution on film set, in theatre or as the case may be in New York and Washington
Storyboarding as the process is known is used but not limited to film sets or theatres but is used in sporting events big shows other big events such big inaugural events (think Obama's big inauguration) and I assert that a detailed storyboard must have been used for the events of 9/11.
A storyboard approach will enable compartmentalisation, the use of an extremely small number of conspirators, trigger wilful suspension of disbelief and enable different demolition sequences on the day of the events itself.
The demolition sequences of 9/11 were based on a storyboard:
Everybody who remembers that day will have their own unique memories of the day itself but a lot of those memories will be imposed by the film material we were shown of that day.
Some of those pictures will have been made by amateurs and I will not attempt in within the scope of this paper to make a difference between those accidental videos or the actual key frame storyboard videos simply because this is impossible and not relevant for this paper.
The collective amount of video available to the document makers and the News Senders of that day only served to obfuscate the storyboard beginnings of the events just like you don't see just the storyboard pictures in the final product but the total film is assembled from the large body of material shot based on the storyboard to make for interesting watching.
Some frames however will be burned into the collective mind such as he impact of the second plane into the ... Tower from different angles such as the one filmed from under the bridge or the huge ball of fire upon impact after the plane approaches the building from the back.
Or the picture of the plane just before impacting.
Another indelible picture is the impact of the first plane taken from the street by the French filmers "accidentally" there that day.
The beginning of the collapse sequences and the clouds bellowing below are other pictures few will be able to erase from their minds.
All of those bear the hallmarks of key frames used in a storyboard and as such could have originated from a creative mind to convey the 9/11 action movie to the audience of that day.
Why is this important?
Drawing a storyboard enables someone to convey the story one wishes to tell and the emotional impact one wishes it to have and gives specialists the possibility to analyze and realize the sequence of events needed to convey the story how and when needed.
It allows the "client" to separate the design of the event from the people who will be involved in realisation of the event making compartmentalisation possible to a very high degree.
For example while we were involved in most of the design and execution of SFX we often did not know who was going to do the lighting, filming, catering on the day itself until the very last moment. We did not know who supplied the equipment or who would do the postproduction and which channel would be airing the film made with our help and while we mostly found out on the day itself since no secrecy was needed this would not have been a requirement at all.
In the case of film making a lot of these groups end up together on film sets but in large productions with many film sets crews can work on scenes that the others have no idea about and while the director and a small group of insiders may know how the final film should look every single unit will only have been presented with part of the storyboard to be realised.
This makes the storyboard a very versatile and powerful tool in the preparation of any event and as such it bears thinking about when looking at the events of 9/11.
The preparation of the demolition sequences of the three towers was done with software I believe to have been available before 2001 reducing the need for huge numbers of planners and making a number of different demolition sequences available on the day itself.
Here I aim at giving some insights as to how some of the most important questions regarding the demolitions could be answered:
1. How did they plan the demolitions?
2. How many people were needed to plan the demolitions?
3. How did they know how much explosives were needed?
4. How did they know were to place the explosives to bring down the buildings?
5. How were they able to design the two atypical demolitions of the twin towers which were top down rather than traditional bottom up demolitions?
6. How come the demolition of WTV7 was so radically different from the first two demolitions and why?
To name a few.
All of these questions can be answered with one response if my assumptions with regards to the existence of demolition/animation software are true.
Computer integrated modelling, building and demolition.
First let me quickly introduce the two different uses of what is loosely termed "Virtual reality" and the different ways it is used.
What is Virtual reality?
Virtual reality is a term coined in the early 90s to describe the illusion of space and objects created when software began to be developed to enable designers to build such spaces. The worlds created for computer games are examples of virtual reality but so are computer generated visualisations of buildings, robots, cars etc.
What is computer modelling?
Computer modelling is the technique of generating seemingly realistic 3D objects in a virtual space. The art is in appointing with specially dedicated software imaginary points in an imaginary space connecting those points and giving the resulting mesh a "skin". In other words making the mesh opaque so that it resembles an object.
This technique is of course mostly known from the film industries application in creating Special effects, artificial worlds, scenery, movement (Such as making people look like they can fly etc.) and disaster, demolition and destruction effects.
Some of the applications will use real world Physics and Mathematics but some effects or visualizations can violate those laws. Such as people able to fly or magical changes in computer generated worlds or environments.
What is computer integrated building?
Computer integrated building is the technique of building buildings, factory robots, boats, cars, etc. with the help of computer software.
The software allows the construction of afore mentioned objects in a virtual environment.
The big difference is that CIB always uses Physics and Mathematics to get to a design as close as possible to the real world final product.
In order to achieve that ISO standards were implemented in as early as 1998 in order to establish databases or libraries of objects often used such as the size of beams, bolts frames etc. So that efficient use could be made from objects created in 3D and file formats could be exchanged along different platforms. In fact NIST designed some of the first cross platform software to be able to view designs from different software called CIB2 in 1999.
What are uses of modelling objects in a virtual environment?
These are some of the advances of Computer integrated building.
1. Visualisation
This would be the most generally excepted and known advantage. Let's say a building can be 3D generated and viewed. This would give a prospective client an idea how the building he is commissioning will look.
There are however several other much less known advantages to using the Computer integrated building technique.
1. Planning/building/Lifespan calculation
Based on the building blocks objects are made of and the analysis of the construction sequence generated and tested by the software assemble of the designed object can be planned, budgeted and executed.
2. Testing
Models of buildings etc, factory robots, ships, cars, etc., can be tested. A building can be put in different stress situations and tested to see if it withstands wind speeds, fire, earthquakes etc.
3. Demolition
Based on the virtual construction and the design drawings as generated by the computer software demolitions can be planned and executed. As we will see this is already a compulsory part of the permit application in countries such as Australia and Canada since the 90s.
1. Efficiency
If you can design a building in a virtual environment show the building to the client, test for weaknesses, generate drawings and automate budgeting, etc, it goes without saying that this saves a huge amount of money and time.
If as I assert you can plan the lifecycle value, demolition and recycling of the building this means another huge economic gain.
It bears reminding that all software developed for the building and viewing of 3D objects and animations are capable and in fact rely on real world limitations such as the laws of motion, Physics etc and software in use for Film will often have the same capabilities with regards to real world input and design as most advance CIB and CAD programs.
Computer integrated demolition planning
The applications capable of the above are and have been in existence for quit a while and the use of these tools is in widespread use amongst professional Architect and Engineering firms and a such won't come as a surprise to those professionals reading this paper.
To make my case for what I will call Computer Integrated Demolition planning (CIDP).
I have to take you for a historic journey along the development of this software we take for granted today as performing these tasks today.
To keep it as simple and comprehensive as possible I would like to introduce only a few programs to you and while I'm not saying that these and only these programs could have been used for the CIDP of the WTCs 1,2,7 it gives a clear insight as to why programs able to do CIDP were well and truly available to do so before 2000.
In a follow up if needed I'm prepared to develop a complete timeline but for the sake of brevity allow me to give a short description of these programs and some key dates in their development. I link to the Wikipages (For as much as they can be trusted) and home sites were I can so that those of you who want to learn more can read up on them.
1. Maya. The industry standard for 3D modelling, animation and destruction sequences since 1990.
Maya is the powerhouse of the film world. I is used in almost every aspect of filmmaking.
Whether it is character creation, world building, animation or destruction sequences almost always will Maya be at least part of it.
Maya started life as three different programs: Wavefront's The Advanced Visualizer (in California), Thomson Digital Image (TDI) Explore (in France) and Alias' Power Animator (in Canada) and only emerged with the name Maya (Sanskrit for illusion) in 1998 but was known to all of us working in the film industry as the hottest most exiting development ever from as early as the late 80s.
Imagine being able to build characters for films, moving them with real world people movements. Fitting real world objects in imaginary worlds making them seem more realistic and literally having no limit to your imagination other than budget and boy were Maya and the computers you needed expensive. We tried to build a business plan to build a suite with one of those monsters but at $ 300.000.- + it was just to much for our little SFX unit.
While all this development too place other interesting programs were developed that would literally change the way we thought about SFX and how we could build both in the real world and in what was quickly coined Virtual reality.
In fact at the time (1989-1991) I was working (While my husband build up our SFX company) for a computer collective as a MIDI specialist while in the room next to me a programmer was working on his SGI station worth tens of thousands of dollars on a program which was soon to be part of Maya and one of the most exiting modules to be added to the software package: a program obeying the laws of nature and the ancestor of all programs capable of imitating random events such as cloud forming and moving, smoke and fire movement and to us most important of all explosive energy displacement.. We called it the particle generator and it was kind of hush hush at the time because the ramifications of what could be done with this software was so huge. That program was:
2. Dynamation. The program that obeyed to laws of physics.
My friend the programmer (Name available) was only a small part of the whole project but the premise of the program he was working on was simple: a generated object was at all times subject to the algorithmic limitations given. This was in 1990-92.
The algorithms were always based on the laws of physics and these could not be broken.
The program was used to imitate generation of smoke, fire, hair movement and just about anything that needed to move according to the laws of motion and physics.
Needless to say that it quickly became a module within the software structure of the ancestors of Maya. (1993)
And today while Jim Hourihan who was the man who did the development with the help of programmers such as my friend at the Computer collective received a Academy Awards® for Scientific and Technical Achievement (1996) for the genius of this program it is barely a glitch on the radar while it continues to be one of the most important parts of Maya and with it for anything to do with explosives animations or destructive sequences shown on film anywhere in the world.
(In fact right about the same time Maya's ancestors and Dynamation were being developed Mark Loiseaux and Demolition Inc. were involved in the making of some of the most Iconic films from that time: Demolition man 1993 and Lethal weapon II both needing a building blown up and for the first time making use of all this new software)
What more do you need other than a program that can show explosive force based on the laws of Physics?
A program which can model a building with all it's different materials and the different ways in which those materials will disintegrate in response to that explosive force. As it happens just such a program is available and even more handy it is a module integrated in Maya.
It's name?
3. Blastcode . Destruction at the fingertips of film and military. Knowledge of physics and mathematics required to program this baby.
This is were it get's interesting and murky. So bear with me.
I found Blastcode when I was searching for professional demolition software for a post on my blog in response to the BBC hit piece about WTC7 which featured Demolition inc.'s Marc Loiseaux.
I knew that on film sets for a long time explosive sequences were realised with the help of computer programmed sequences and wondered it the same thing was possible with professional demolitions. I found a remote control demolition device used to set off radio controlled Explosives and I know that if that was possible there must also be a way to program the sequence of explosions and if that was possible perhaps there was a way in which these sequences could be generated by software which could also be used to visualise buildings.
Blastcode is a software package advertised curiously enough as a module for Maya specialised in the virtual emulation of Demolitions and destruction sequences for clients as diverse as: Motion picture, Broadcasting, Video game, Military and defence industries.
It's tagline is: Destruction at your finger tips!
I don't know when Blastcode was conceived and it only was presented to the civilian world in 2004 but that does not mean that the software wasn't in existence before that day.
Here are some curious facts surrounding the package.
· If you Google Autosketch Maya you get over 50.000.000 hits
· If you Google Blastcode you get About 9,390,000 results
· If you look under the section of modules mentioned on the Wiki page of Autosketch Maya
Blastcode is only mentioned as a module for Maya from 2009.
· On the Blastcode site the software is advertised as a module for Maya as of 2003.
· On the Blastcode Wikipage nothing is mentioned at all. It is just a stub.
· Blastcode is the only piece of software I have ever found which advertises directly to the military and defence industry. In fact the about page reveals that the Maya module is only a subset of the demolition software it apparently is.
In fact this is the entire "About us" page:
About Blast Code
Blast Code, Inc. is an R&D-laboratory and production facility serving the 3D computer graphics industry. Its aim is to develop unique and innovative solutions to the many complex problems facing the computer graphics community today.
Demolition Effects Production
Blast Code specializes in animated demolition effects. Supported by the development of its advanced proprietary demolition software, its mission is to create superior photo-realistic, computer-generated demolition animation for the motion picture, broadcasting, video game, and defense industries. With complete in-house production and software development capabilities, Blast Code can adapt to the most demanding production or research environments.
Blast Code Software
Blast Code has released a subset of its demolition software for over-the-counter purchases. Designed for the Autodesk Maya Animation program, this is an advanced animation system for visualizing the disintegration of objects. It is a revolutionary method designed to simulate the break-up of structures in response to catastrophic forces such as explosions, projectile impacts, shockwaves and natural phenomena such as earthquakes, tornados and hurricanes. See the Products section for more information.
At the time that was the only software I found because I was not looking for architectural or manufacturing software capable of stress testing buildings or cars or other structures. However recently when I went back to this research I found a veritable treasure trove of software which had all been used for twenty years or more to do just that but that is for later.
By the way if anybody would like to work for the company that owns Blastcode here is what you have to be able to do:
Blast Code is on the forefront of destruction technology. We look for highly motivated and team oriented individuals who possess initiative, creativity, and the ability to think outside the box. Candidates should be capable of engineering whatever is required to get the job done.
We are looking for people with skills in the following areas:
· Modeling (error on website)
· Shading & Lighting
· Particle and/or fluid fx
· Visual C++ programming.
· Win 32 programming and/or Unix programming.
· OpenGL/DirectX
· Knowledge of Physics and Mathematics.
· Experience in 3D programming or Game development.
If interested please send your resume and demo reel (NTSC VHS, DVD) to:
4. Autodesk. Bringing NURBS to the table.
Anybody who has ever needed CAD (Computer aided drawing) has had to deal with Autodesk one way or another. Autodesk has a long history in the field of Computer graphics but is primarily recognised as a technical professional drawing program which evolved into a 3D program over time.
But not a lot of people know that Autodesk in fact opened a multimedia branch in order to cash in on the multimedia bandwagon.
In 1996 Autodesk started a company called Kinetics witch offered a program called 3D Max offering an affordable windows based alternative to Maya. In 1998 Autodesk announced it's acquisition of Discreet logic which had developed a series of programs for 3D editing called Flame, Flint, Fire, Smoke, Effect, Edit. The same year Maya was finally registered under the name Maya.
3D max was a program which no surprise there was first released in 1990.
Discreet logic like Maya's ancestors had been in business like Maya from as early as the late 80s, early 90s.
Currently Autodesk holds all previously mentioned programs and it's spinoffs and modules in it's portfolio.
5. NURBS. A freeform designers dream.
Here I'm just going to do a little copying and pasting while attempting to explain the importance of NURBS because while I love using the tool as an artist this is were the underlying mathematics just get's over my head.
NURBS or Non-uniform rational B-spline is a mathematical model commonly used in computer graphics for generating and representing curves and surfaces which offers great flexibility and precision for handling both analytic and freeform shapes.
The development of NURBS began in the 1950s by engineers who were in need of a mathematically precise representation of freeform surfaces like those used for ship hulls, aerospace exterior surfaces, and car bodies, which could be exactly reproduced whenever technically needed. Prior representations of this kind of surface only existed as a single physical model created by a designer.
So as early as the 50s engineers began to develop NURBS technology which until today is the only way to form complex and organic freeform 2D models. This technique allowed for the development of the curved and seemingly freeform modern buildings we accept as normal today. It enabled the futuristic design of cars, buildings, utensils gadgets of every possible nature with mathematical precision. It allowed for the sedign of the outside shape as it were.
But it did not allow for the translation in printable building drawings or detailed analysis of building/demolition sequences and stress tests which are part and parcel of modern day architectural and design practices. So when did that come about?
SAP2000. The industry standard for structural analysis since 1970.
SAP2000 is generally accepted as the software to test building designs for structural integrity and it is currently in its 14th edition. It originally was only usable as a 2D package.
I don't know when 3D testing began to be implemented in the program and this needs researching.
SAP2000 is the file format in which NIST released its 3D models in 2007 under a FOIA request (I'm trying to get in touch with the requester) (more file formats available but not for this FOIA request) and it was this program which seems to have been used to show the alleged progressive collapse of the towers and the fires in WTC7.
6. NIST and Computer Integrated building and testing. NIST was early at the meeting.
According to NIST's website the institute with its Computer integrated building processes group established ISO standards for CAD software and the objects created with these programmes. This happened in 1998 and shows that 3D construction was already well on its way at the time and with that it is probably safe to assume that SAP2000 complied with these ISO standards. Which means that testing of virtual reality buildings based on real world physics and geometry was possible well before 9/11.
With an over the counter Blast Code released in early 2004 capable of taking advantage of NURB, mesh and Geometric information stating clearly that this was just a spinoff of the proprietary Demolition software advertised as capable of engineering full and real world based Demolition sequences (and therefore in existence before they released the spinoff), ISO standards for 3D library building for Computer integrated building as early as 1998 and a program such as SAP2000 available as early as 1970 and capable of doing 3D testing of steel framed building and in use by NIST for the animation of collapse sequences of the WTC buildings no less it begs the question as to why.
7. Applied science International. The first Computer planned Demolition sequence in 2007?
Claims they were doing the first computer planned demolition in as late as June 2007.
In fact it warranted a mention in the homeland security journal.
Notes and links:
Maya history:
Maya for architects
The future success of large Japanese construction firms may well depend on the widespread implementation of computer integrated construction (CIC) concepts. Because of changes in the competitive environment, the nature of the construction industry is evolving in fundamental ways. Construction companies that emphasize CIC are likely to gain a significant competitive advantage over those that do not. In today's construction industry, information technology must be viewed as a potential resource. CIC is a strategy, incorporating computers and robotics, for linking existing technology and people in order to optimize business activity. There is no standard formula for CIC. A strategy for implementing CIC should be formulated, and each company must define its own system. The strategy must be supported and promoted at the highest company level. The objective of this paper is to describe the experiences gained in CIC research from a Japanese construction company's viewpoint, and to present a test-base model for CIC implementation. Although the model is not a comprehensive system, it can be considered as a methodology toward total CIC.
©1993 American Society of Civil Engineers
Submitted April 27, 1992
Special interest group graphics
Piping analysis/structural steel analysis etc.
BIM for Design and Documentation of Structural Systems
This is recent though.
NIST computer integrated building June 2001
Published 1996
Computer model industry standards 1999/2000
3d modeling 2000
Virtual Cybernetic Building Testbed
For fire and smoke testing vreated January 2000
Object modeling?
Share ware steel stress calculation list
Another building software list
TV series 9/11 related
Professional background
Monday, 6 December 2010
8:02 a.m.
My name is Evelien Gilbert.
I was born in Amsterdam on 26-05-1956.
From 1989 To 2004 I owned a small SFX company in Europe (More details available on request).
Together with my husband I ran this SFX company which catered primarily to the advertisement industry and allowed me to gain indebt experience with the preparation and pre shoot problem solving of Special effects for film and video.
Our company specialised in real world special effects. For example real world moving objects on a table covered with a table cloth. (Show reel available upon request).
While my job was primarily the making and design of models the set up of our company was such that I worked in close conjunction with my husband who has a background in electronic and mechanical engineering as team leaders for our teams in solving the problems with which our clients presented us in the storyboards we were given and the translation and preparation for real world filming.
I believe this gives me a unique insight in the delivery of the 9/11 storyboard on 9/11/2001.
- Kevin
This paper attempts to analyze the events of 9/11 from a SFX professional point of view based on 18 years of experience in storyboard analysis, real world Special effects preparation and film experience.In this paper I want to present two ideas not addressed (to my knowledge) before.1. The demolition sequences of 9/11 were based a story board.2. The preparation of the demolition sequences of the three towers was done with software I believe to have been available before 2001 reducing the need for huge numbers of planners and making a number of different demolition sequences available on the day itself.Introduction:When the events of 9/11 took place I was working as a Special effects model maker and engineer in Europe .Together with my husband I owned a small Special effects company with max. 15 employees at times and as such was very involved with the analysis and translation of literally hundreds of story boards. Storyboards are a series of little drawings showing key frames in a film in order to tell the intended story to prospective clients, film crew etc and as such we were presented with many of them.Our specialty was providing film makers (primarily short advertisement films) with real world special effects. Models made in our workshops and animated with sometimes complicated mechanical and electronically driven computerised movements.By their very nature SFX are solutions both in the real world and in the modern 3D computer world offered for situations which could not happen in reality. If real world solutions were available SFX would not be required.For example: a Beer keg rolls along the street, around corners, jumps a bridge only to land after a long and protracted journey in front of a student flat were the students bring it in and open it only to have it explode in an orgy of beer foam against the windows.In reality a beer keg would not be able do this so a team of SFX engineers is called in to make this happen. (Real world example of the kind of work we would be asked to do. Photo's available).The sequence of events after the artist conceives of an idea like this is as follows:a. Idea
b. Storyboard drawing attention to key frames. (setting up the storyline)
c. Analysis by SFX team
d. Translation into real world possibilities
e. Preparation
f. Execution on film set, in theatre or as the case may be in New York and WashingtonStoryboarding as the process is known is used but not limited to film sets or theatres but is used in sporting events big shows other big events such big inaugural events (think Obama's big inauguration) and I assert that a detailed storyboard must have been used for the events of 9/11.A storyboard approach will enable compartmentalisation, the use of an extremely small number of conspirators, trigger wilful suspension of disbelief and enable different demolition sequences on the day of the events itself.The demolition sequences of 9/11 were based on a storyboard:Everybody who remembers that day will have their own unique memories of the day itself but a lot of those memories will be imposed by the film material we were shown of that day.Some of those pictures will have been made by amateurs and I will not attempt in within the scope of this paper to make a difference between those accidental videos or the actual key frame storyboard videos simply because this is impossible and not relevant for this paper.The collective amount of video available to the document makers and the News Senders of that day only served to obfuscate the storyboard beginnings of the events just like you don't see just the storyboard pictures in the final product but the total film is assembled from the large body of material shot based on the storyboard to make for interesting watching.Some frames however will be burned into the collective mind such as he impact of the second plane into the ... Tower from different angles such as the one filmed from under the bridge or the huge ball of fire upon impact after the plane approaches the building from the back.Or the picture of the plane just before impacting.Another indelible picture is the impact of the first plane taken from the street by the French filmers "accidentally" there that day.The beginning of the collapse sequences and the clouds bellowing below are other pictures few will be able to erase from their minds.All of those bear the hallmarks of key frames used in a storyboard and as such could have originated from a creative mind to convey the 9/11 action movie to the audience of that day.Why is this important?Drawing a storyboard enables someone to convey the story one wishes to tell and the emotional impact one wishes it to have and gives specialists the possibility to analyze and realize the sequence of events needed to convey the story how and when needed.It allows the "client" to separate the design of the event from the people who will be involved in realisation of the event making compartmentalisation possible to a very high degree.For example while we were involved in most of the design and execution of SFX we often did not know who was going to do the lighting, filming, catering on the day itself until the very last moment. We did not know who supplied the equipment or who would do the postproduction and which channel would be airing the film made with our help and while we mostly found out on the day itself since no secrecy was needed this would not have been a requirement at all.In the case of film making a lot of these groups end up together on film sets but in large productions with many film sets crews can work on scenes that the others have no idea about and while the director and a small group of insiders may know how the final film should look every single unit will only have been presented with part of the storyboard to be realised.This makes the storyboard a very versatile and powerful tool in the preparation of any event and as such it bears thinking about when looking at the events of 9/11.The preparation of the demolition sequences of the three towers was done with software I believe to have been available before 2001 reducing the need for huge numbers of planners and making a number of different demolition sequences available on the day itself.Here I aim at giving some insights as to how some of the most important questions regarding the demolitions could be answered:1. How did they plan the demolitions?
2. How many people were needed to plan the demolitions?
3. How did they know how much explosives were needed?
4. How did they know were to place the explosives to bring down the buildings?
5. How were they able to design the two atypical demolitions of the twin towers which were top down rather than traditional bottom up demolitions?
6. How come the demolition of WTV7 was so radically different from the first two demolitions and why?To name a few.All of these questions can be answered with one response if my assumptions with regards to the existence of demolition/animation software are true.Computer integrated modelling, building and demolition.First let me quickly introduce the two different uses of what is loosely termed "Virtual reality" and the different ways it is used.What is Virtual reality?Virtual reality is a term coined in the early 90s to describe the illusion of space and objects created when software began to be developed to enable designers to build such spaces. The worlds created for computer games are examples of virtual reality but so are computer generated visualisations of buildings, robots, cars etc.What is computer modelling?Computer modelling is the technique of generating seemingly realistic 3D objects in a virtual space. The art is in appointing with specially dedicated software imaginary points in an imaginary space connecting those points and giving the resulting mesh a "skin". In other words making the mesh opaque so that it resembles an object.This technique is of course mostly known from the film industries application in creating Special effects, artificial worlds, scenery, movement (Such as making people look like they can fly etc.) and disaster, demolition and destruction effects.Some of the applications will use real world Physics and Mathematics but some effects or visualizations can violate those laws. Such as people able to fly or magical changes in computer generated worlds or environments.What is computer integrated building?Computer integrated building is the technique of building buildings, factory robots, boats, cars, etc. with the help of computer software.The software allows the construction of afore mentioned objects in a virtual environment.The big difference is that CIB always uses Physics and Mathematics to get to a design as close as possible to the real world final product.In order to achieve that ISO standards were implemented in as early as 1998 in order to establish databases or libraries of objects often used such as the size of beams, bolts frames etc. So that efficient use could be made from objects created in 3D and file formats could be exchanged along different platforms. In fact NIST designed some of the first cross platform software to be able to view designs from different software called CIB2 in 1999.What are uses of modelling objects in a virtual environment?These are some of the advances of Computer integrated building.1. VisualisationThis would be the most generally excepted and known advantage. Let's say a building can be 3D generated and viewed. This would give a prospective client an idea how the building he is commissioning will look.There are however several other much less known advantages to using the Computer integrated building technique.
1. Planning/building/Lifespan calculation
Based on the building blocks objects are made of and the analysis of the construction sequence generated and tested by the software assemble of the designed object can be planned, budgeted and executed.
2. Testing
Models of buildings etc, factory robots, ships, cars, etc., can be tested. A building can be put in different stress situations and tested to see if it withstands wind speeds, fire, earthquakes etc.3. Demolition
Based on the virtual construction and the design drawings as generated by the computer software demolitions can be planned and executed. As we will see this is already a compulsory part of the permit application in countries such as Australia and Canada since the 90s.1. Efficiency
If you can design a building in a virtual environment show the building to the client, test for weaknesses, generate drawings and automate budgeting, etc, it goes without saying that this saves a huge amount of money and time.
If as I assert you can plan the lifecycle value, demolition and recycling of the building this means another huge economic gain.It bears reminding that all software developed for the building and viewing of 3D objects and animations are capable and in fact rely on real world limitations such as the laws of motion, Physics etc and software in use for Film will often have the same capabilities with regards to real world input and design as most advance CIB and CAD programs.Computer integrated demolition planningThe applications capable of the above are and have been in existence for quit a while and the use of these tools is in widespread use amongst professional Architect and Engineering firms and a such won't come as a surprise to those professionals reading this paper.To make my case for what I will call Computer Integrated Demolition planning (CIDP).I have to take you for a historic journey along the development of this software we take for granted today as performing these tasks today.To keep it as simple and comprehensive as possible I would like to introduce only a few programs to you and while I'm not saying that these and only these programs could have been used for the CIDP of the WTCs 1,2,7 it gives a clear insight as to why programs able to do CIDP were well and truly available to do so before 2000.In a follow up if needed I'm prepared to develop a complete timeline but for the sake of brevity allow me to give a short description of these programs and some key dates in their development. I link to the Wikipages (For as much as they can be trusted) and home sites were I can so that those of you who want to learn more can read up on them.1. Maya. The industry standard for 3D modelling, animation and destruction sequences since 1990.
Maya is the powerhouse of the film world. I is used in almost every aspect of filmmaking.Whether it is character creation, world building, animation or destruction sequences almost always will Maya be at least part of it.
Maya started life as three different programs: Wavefront's The Advanced Visualizer (in California), Thomson Digital Image (TDI) Explore (in France) and Alias' Power Animator (in Canada) and only emerged with the name Maya (Sanskrit for illusion) in 1998 but was known to all of us working in the film industry as the hottest most exiting development ever from as early as the late 80s.Imagine being able to build characters for films, moving them with real world people movements. Fitting real world objects in imaginary worlds making them seem more realistic and literally having no limit to your imagination other than budget and boy were Maya and the computers you needed expensive. We tried to build a business plan to build a suite with one of those monsters but at $ 300.000.- + it was just to much for our little SFX unit.While all this development too place other interesting programs were developed that would literally change the way we thought about SFX and how we could build both in the real world and in what was quickly coined Virtual reality.In fact at the time (1989-1991) I was working (While my husband build up our SFX company) for a computer collective as a MIDI specialist while in the room next to me a programmer was working on his SGI station worth tens of thousands of dollars on a program which was soon to be part of Maya and one of the most exiting modules to be added to the software package: a program obeying the laws of nature and the ancestor of all programs capable of imitating random events such as cloud forming and moving, smoke and fire movement and to us most important of all explosive energy displacement.. We called it the particle generator and it was kind of hush hush at the time because the ramifications of what could be done with this software was so huge. That program was:
2. Dynamation. The program that obeyed to laws of physics.
My friend the programmer (Name available) was only a small part of the whole project but the premise of the program he was working on was simple: a generated object was at all times subject to the algorithmic limitations given. This was in 1990-92.
The algorithms were always based on the laws of physics and these could not be broken.
The program was used to imitate generation of smoke, fire, hair movement and just about anything that needed to move according to the laws of motion and physics.
Needless to say that it quickly became a module within the software structure of the ancestors of Maya. (1993)
And today while Jim Hourihan who was the man who did the development with the help of programmers such as my friend at the Computer collective received a Academy Awards® for Scientific and Technical Achievement (1996) for the genius of this program it is barely a glitch on the radar while it continues to be one of the most important parts of Maya and with it for anything to do with explosives animations or destructive sequences shown on film anywhere in the world.(In fact right about the same time Maya's ancestors and Dynamation were being developed Mark Loiseaux and Demolition Inc. were involved in the making of some of the most Iconic films from that time: Demolition man 1993 and Lethal weapon II both needing a building blown up and for the first time making use of all this new software)What more do you need other than a program that can show explosive force based on the laws of Physics?
A program which can model a building with all it's different materials and the different ways in which those materials will disintegrate in response to that explosive force. As it happens just such a program is available and even more handy it is a module integrated in Maya.
It's name?
3. Blastcode . Destruction at the fingertips of film and military. Knowledge of physics and mathematics required to program this baby.
This is were it get's interesting and murky. So bear with me.
I found Blastcode when I was searching for professional demolition software for a post on my blog in response to the BBC hit piece about WTC7 which featured Demolition inc.'s Marc Loiseaux.I knew that on film sets for a long time explosive sequences were realised with the help of computer programmed sequences and wondered it the same thing was possible with professional demolitions. I found a remote control demolition device used to set off radio controlled Explosives and I know that if that was possible there must also be a way to program the sequence of explosions and if that was possible perhaps there was a way in which these sequences could be generated by software which could also be used to visualise buildings.Blastcode is a software package advertised curiously enough as a module for Maya specialised in the virtual emulation of Demolitions and destruction sequences for clients as diverse as: Motion picture, Broadcasting, Video game, Military and defence industries.It's tagline is: Destruction at your finger tips!I don't know when Blastcode was conceived and it only was presented to the civilian world in 2004 but that does not mean that the software wasn't in existence before that day.Here are some curious facts surrounding the package.· If you Google Autosketch Maya you get over 50.000.000 hits· If you Google Blastcode you get About 9,390,000 results· If you look under the section of modules mentioned on the Wiki page of Autosketch Maya
Blastcode is only mentioned as a module for Maya from 2009.· On the Blastcode site the software is advertised as a module for Maya as of 2003.· On the Blastcode Wikipage nothing is mentioned at all. It is just a stub.· Blastcode is the only piece of software I have ever found which advertises directly to the military and defence industry. In fact the about page reveals that the Maya module is only a subset of the demolition software it apparently is.In fact this is the entire "About us" page:About Blast CodeBlast Code, Inc. is an R&D-laboratory and production facility serving the 3D computer graphics industry. Its aim is to develop unique and innovative solutions to the many complex problems facing the computer graphics community today.Demolition Effects ProductionBlast Code specializes in animated demolition effects. Supported by the development of its advanced proprietary demolition software, its mission is to create superior photo-realistic, computer-generated demolition animation for the motion picture, broadcasting, video game, and defense industries. With complete in-house production and software development capabilities, Blast Code can adapt to the most demanding production or research environments.Blast Code SoftwareBlast Code has released a subset of its demolition software for over-the-counter purchases. Designed for the Autodesk Maya Animation program, this is an advanced animation system for visualizing the disintegration of objects. It is a revolutionary method designed to simulate the break-up of structures in response to catastrophic forces such as explosions, projectile impacts, shockwaves and natural phenomena such as earthquakes, tornados and hurricanes. See the Products section for more information.At the time that was the only software I found because I was not looking for architectural or manufacturing software capable of stress testing buildings or cars or other structures. However recently when I went back to this research I found a veritable treasure trove of software which had all been used for twenty years or more to do just that but that is for later.
By the way if anybody would like to work for the company that owns Blastcode here is what you have to be able to do:
EmploymentBlast Code is on the forefront of destruction technology. We look for highly motivated and team oriented individuals who possess initiative, creativity, and the ability to think outside the box. Candidates should be capable of engineering whatever is required to get the job done.We are looking for people with skills in the following areas:· Modeling (error on website)· Shading & Lighting· Particle and/or fluid fx· Visual C++ programming.· Win 32 programming and/or Unix programming.· OpenGL/DirectX· Knowledge of Physics and Mathematics.· Experience in 3D programming or Game development.If interested please send your resume and demo reel (NTSC VHS, DVD) to:4. Autodesk. Bringing NURBS to the table.
Anybody who has ever needed CAD (Computer aided drawing) has had to deal with Autodesk one way or another. Autodesk has a long history in the field of Computer graphics but is primarily recognised as a technical professional drawing program which evolved into a 3D program over time.
But not a lot of people know that Autodesk in fact opened a multimedia branch in order to cash in on the multimedia bandwagon.In 1996 Autodesk started a company called Kinetics witch offered a program called 3D Max offering an affordable windows based alternative to Maya. In 1998 Autodesk announced it's acquisition of Discreet logic which had developed a series of programs for 3D editing called Flame, Flint, Fire, Smoke, Effect, Edit. The same year Maya was finally registered under the name Maya.3D max was a program which no surprise there was first released in 1990.Discreet logic like Maya's ancestors had been in business like Maya from as early as the late 80s, early 90s.Currently Autodesk holds all previously mentioned programs and it's spinoffs and modules in it's portfolio.
5. NURBS. A freeform designers dream.
Here I'm just going to do a little copying and pasting while attempting to explain the importance of NURBS because while I love using the tool as an artist this is were the underlying mathematics just get's over my head.
NURBS or Non-uniform rational B-spline is a mathematical model commonly used in computer graphics for generating and representing curves and surfaces which offers great flexibility and precision for handling both analytic and freeform shapes.
The development of NURBS began in the 1950s by engineers who were in need of a mathematically precise representation of freeform surfaces like those used for ship hulls, aerospace exterior surfaces, and car bodies, which could be exactly reproduced whenever technically needed. Prior representations of this kind of surface only existed as a single physical model created by a designer.So as early as the 50s engineers began to develop NURBS technology which until today is the only way to form complex and organic freeform 2D models. This technique allowed for the development of the curved and seemingly freeform modern buildings we accept as normal today. It enabled the futuristic design of cars, buildings, utensils gadgets of every possible nature with mathematical precision. It allowed for the sedign of the outside shape as it were.But it did not allow for the translation in printable building drawings or detailed analysis of building/demolition sequences and stress tests which are part and parcel of modern day architectural and design practices. So when did that come about?
SAP2000. The industry standard for structural analysis since 1970.
SAP2000 is generally accepted as the software to test building designs for structural integrity and it is currently in its 14th edition. It originally was only usable as a 2D package.
I don't know when 3D testing began to be implemented in the program and this needs researching.
SAP2000 is the file format in which NIST released its 3D models in 2007 under a FOIA request (I'm trying to get in touch with the requester) (more file formats available but not for this FOIA request) and it was this program which seems to have been used to show the alleged progressive collapse of the towers and the fires in WTC7.6. NIST and Computer Integrated building and testing. NIST was early at the meeting.
According to NIST's website the institute with its Computer integrated building processes group established ISO standards for CAD software and the objects created with these programmes. This happened in 1998 and shows that 3D construction was already well on its way at the time and with that it is probably safe to assume that SAP2000 complied with these ISO standards. Which means that testing of virtual reality buildings based on real world physics and geometry was possible well before 9/11.
With an over the counter Blast Code released in early 2004 capable of taking advantage of NURB, mesh and Geometric information stating clearly that this was just a spinoff of the proprietary Demolition software advertised as capable of engineering full and real world based Demolition sequences (and therefore in existence before they released the spinoff), ISO standards for 3D library building for Computer integrated building as early as 1998 and a program such as SAP2000 available as early as 1970 and capable of doing 3D testing of steel framed building and in use by NIST for the animation of collapse sequences of the WTC buildings no less it begs the question as to why.7. Applied science International. The first Computer planned Demolition sequence in 2007?
Claims they were doing the first computer planned demolition in as late as June 2007.
In fact it warranted a mention in the homeland security journal.
Notes and links:Maya history:Maya for architectsThe future success of large Japanese construction firms may well depend on the widespread implementation of computer integrated construction (CIC) concepts. Because of changes in the competitive environment, the nature of the construction industry is evolving in fundamental ways. Construction companies that emphasize CIC are likely to gain a significant competitive advantage over those that do not. In today's construction industry, information technology must be viewed as a potential resource. CIC is a strategy, incorporating computers and robotics, for linking existing technology and people in order to optimize business activity. There is no standard formula for CIC. A strategy for implementing CIC should be formulated, and each company must define its own system. The strategy must be supported and promoted at the highest company level. The objective of this paper is to describe the experiences gained in CIC research from a Japanese construction company's viewpoint, and to present a test-base model for CIC implementation. Although the model is not a comprehensive system, it can be considered as a methodology toward total CIC.©1993 American Society of Civil EngineersHistory:Submitted April 27, 1992Permalink:DinamationSpecial interest group graphicsBentleyPiping analysis/structural steel analysis etc.BIM for Design and Documentation of Structural SystemsThis is recent though.NIST computer integrated building June 2001Published 1996Computer model industry standards 1999/20003d modeling 2000CibVirtual Cybernetic Building TestbedFor fire and smoke testing vreated January 2000Object modeling?Share ware steel stress calculation listAnother building software listTV series 9/11 relatedProfessional backgroundMonday, 6 December 20108:02 a.m.My name is Evelien Gilbert.I was born in Amsterdam on 26-05-1956.From 1989 To 2004 I owned a small SFX company in Europe (More details available on request).Together with my husband I ran this SFX company which catered primarily to the advertisement industry and allowed me to gain indebt experience with the preparation and pre shoot problem solving of Special effects for film and video.Our company specialised in real world special effects. For example real world moving objects on a table covered with a table cloth. (Show reel available upon request).While my job was primarily the making and design of models the set up of our company was such that I worked in close conjunction with my husband who has a background in electronic and mechanical engineering as team leaders for our teams in solving the problems with which our clients presented us in the storyboards we were given and the translation and preparation for real world filming.I believe this gives me a unique insight in the delivery of the 9/11 storyboard on 9/11/2001.
'Israel's clash of civilization' : Egypt arrests 17 Muslims knowing the existence of this video which clearly shows a man (a christian born egyptian, possibly taking his order from a cell based in Greece, activating the bomb with his cell phone, no 'suicide bomber' as claimed by the western zionist controlled MSMs). This is an israeli job without any doubt, NATO terror networks are very active in Greece, Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain !
The Alexandria Church Bombing: Mossad, Who Else?
CIA Asset Susan Lindauer blows the whistle on 9/11, Iraq
Susan Lindauer, author of Extreme Prejudice, is the first CIA asset to have spoken out, under her own name and for the record, on Israeli complicity in 9/11, the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, and the specific, detailed foreknowledge of the time, target, and means of the 9/11 attacks held throughout the months prior to 9/11 by the CIA in general and Lindauer's CIA handler, Richard Fuisz, in particular. She has also exposed her first-hand knowledge of pre-war intelligence and negotiations showing that Iraq was willing to give the US "anything it asked" and that the war was therefore--from the perspective of US interests--not only utterly unnecessary, but wildly counterproductive. Lindauer's evidence points strongly to 9/11 being a coup d'etat by hard-line Zionists determined to steer the US into a self-destructive war on Israel's enemies.
Listen to my complete interview with Susan Lindauer here. Below is a transcript of the first half of the interview.
Kevin Barrett, PhD
I understand that you had some 9/11 foreknowledge, but were actually busted for trying to explain to the Bush Administration through your cousin Andrew Card, that invading Iraq was insane, that the Iraqis were basically going to do anything we wanted anyway--they'll agree to anything for peace--and that there would be a terrible resistance and a terrible war if there was an invasion. And for that very accurate and prescient warning, they went after you.
Well, you have a very good grasp of this issue, I will tell you. It is a complicated story. I was one of the very few (CIA) assets covering Iraq before the war. And I had established contact with the Iraqi embassy at the United Nations in New York back in August of 1996. And for seven years before the invasion, I was what they call a "back channel" to Iraq on the question of terrorism. That was my foremost priority. This was covert in the sense that it was covert to the West. But the Iraqis were fully informed as to who I was and what I was doing and what my purpose was. My motivation was that I hated the United Nations sanctions. I hated the genocidal consequences and suffering for the Iraqi people, most truly and genuinely--that was very sincere. And they knew it. And both sides knew my politics. In fact, the CIA had come to me knowing my politics and said "hey, why don't you try to help us." They co-opted me--they did--but I agreed to be co-opted. We all understood each other. And that's very important for what happened.
That's not necessarily a bad thing. There is a role for people who are intermediaries between warring parties and who try to make peace. And it sounds like that's what you were doing.
Yes indeed. And both sides understood my politics, that I wanted to help end the sanctions. And the CIA was very adamant that Iraq had to meet certain criteria in order for that to happen. And my contribution from the very first days was on terrorism. Our team started what we called preliminary talks with Baghdad in November of 2000, two years before the United Nations got involved. Our team started back channel talks to get Iraq's agreement on the weapons inspections. And over the next fifteen months, my supervisor, Richard Fuisz (pronounced "fuse"), through talks at the Iraqi embassy, mostly with Iraq's ambassador Dr. Sayeed Hassan, and with other senior Iraqi diplomats, on what conditions Iraq would have to accept in order to resume the weapons inspections. And at that point we had begun to develop a comprehensive peace framework which extended great support to anti-terrorism. Iraq agreed to let the FBI come into Baghdad and operate a task force that would have authority--this was before 9/11 ever happened! Nine months before 9/11 happened, Iraq agreed to have the FBI come into Baghdad with the authority to conduct terrorism investigations, interview witnesses, make arrests. After 9/11, Iraq agreed to give financial records on al-Qaeda to the United States. BUT the United states didn't want to take the records.
It makes you wonder why not.
Isn't that an interesting question.
It leads me to (my next question): You apparently had some kind of foreknowledge of 9/11. Can you explain to us what that was?
Yes. This is a very interesting thing, and I'm glad...I hope your audience will pay attention to this. We absolutely expected 9/11 to happen. And there's a subtlety here that I hope your audience will appreciate. In April and May of 2001 I was summoned to my CIA handler's office and told that I needed to confront the Iraqi diplomats at the United Nations, through my back channel, with a demand for any fragment of intelligence regarding airplane hijackings and/or airplane bombings. And over the summer, that progressed to a deep belief that there was going to be an airplane hijacking attack, and some sort of aerial strike, on the World Trade Center. We talked about this in our one-on-one meetings practically every week. Just so we are clear, this was not a one-time conversation. This was a major focus of our efforts. Richard (Fuisz, Lindauer's CIA handler) was very worried about it, very agitated about it, how Iraq must give us this intelligence. Now, I don't mean to patronize you, but I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of deniability. I do not think that Richard Fuisz knew all the details of 9/11. However, he knew enough. My book Extreme Prejudice goes into the conversations that we had in great detail. And he knew the timing of the attack. By August 2001, Richard was telling me not to go into New York City because this attack was immanent. And on the day of FBI Director Robert Mueller's confirmation hearings, which I think was August 2nd--in my book it's very clear, I've checked all the dates--Richard Fuisz told me that the attack was immanent. And I said, well, I'm going up to New York to ask my Iraqi sources about this again. And he said "Don't go to New York, it's too dangerous, I don't want you going there again." And I said "I'm just going up this weekend, and I promise I will not go back to New York." And that's how close this was. They knew a great deal. And what was interesting is that after 9/11, I get arrested, and he gets thirteen million dollars in payoffs. (laughs)
(laughing) Oh boy. That's amazing. They arrested you, because they were probably concerned about you revealing the contents of your conversations with Richard, among other things.
Oh yes, absolutely. And the fact that there was a peace option on the table that had been developed over a two year period before the war, a comprehensive peace framework. It included cooperation on anti-terrorism; it included the weapons inspections, of course--you already knew that; and it included Iraq's commitment to donate economic reconstruction--donate is not the right word--to dedicate economic reconstruction contracts to United States corporations with preferential treatment, preferential contracts in telecommunications, health care, pharmaceuticals, and transportation. This was a comprehensive peace framework! We covered everything! We covered a lot. And nobody even knows about this!
That's amazing. There have been general reports of this nature, including post-9/11, right up to the eve of the invasion, there have been reports that Saddam Hussein was willing to give the US basically everything it wanted to hold off the invasion.
Yes. Yes.
That leads to the question: Why do you think, given that you recognize just how insane this invasion was, how completely unnecessary--the Iraqis were caving as far as they had to cave anyway--what was the point?
Yes, literally, Iraq said to me: "What is it the United States wants? Anything that the United States asks for, we will give them. Just tell us what it is!" When I was on a trip to Baghdad, they offered to buy one million American-made automobiles every year for ten years. And (an Iraqi diplomat) said to me, "Look, Susan, if ten years isn't enough, we'll make it twenty years."
You know, Susan, you're kind of ruining Saddam Hussein's posthumous reputation as somebody who stood up to the U.S.!
He was more harsh on terrorists than we were.
He didn't get along with al-Qaeda, and he didn't get along with Islamists of any kind, including the Iranians.
That's right.
You would have thought that the U.S. would have just kept running him as an American puppet. He got his start as a CIA hit man, apparently.
Yes indeed.
So why, why this insane insistence on going to war with Iraq--a war that has killed one and a half million innocent Iraqis and destroyed that country. What was the purpose of it?
It was so incredibly stupid. And 9/11...9/11 could have been used at the start...9/11 was a tragedy, a terrible, terrible tragedy, but 9/11 could have accomplished great good. Because right after 9/11 Iraq went into high mode of giving. They were offering us everything we wanted: Financial records on al-Qaeda, proof of a Middle Eastern link to what we used to call the inter-Arab group of terrorists, which was actually an amalgamation of several different terrorist factions, coalesced into al-Qaeda. They were willing to prove that there was a Middle Eastern link to the Oklahoma City bombing and the first attack on the World Trade Center, and those included financial documents, bank records...we could have tracked the money that's financing terrorism around the world. Instead what we do is, we create an enemy. Because it looks better--the politicians could go grandstand. As a former (CIA) asset I can assure you, they don't actually do anything on terrorism. They give speeches. They go wave their hands in the parades. But they don't do anything to contribute to anti-terrorism efforts. But the people have been fooled by their showmanship and their grandstanding and their spectacle. It's like a circus performance now! In fact, before 9/11, there were 200 to 300 terrorists in the world who wanted to attack America. Now, after 9/11 and after the war in Iraq and after the war on Afghanistan, there are only about 2000 to 3000 individuals whose entire focus of life is revenge and coming into the United States and attacking us. That's only 3000 people. The way I look at it, this is like a high school auditorium that you could fill with the potential terrorists. That's it! This is an invention! We've made this up!
Right. Very well put. I've often explained to people that there was no real terrorist threat pre-9/11, and that for every one person pre-9/11 who was bent on doing harm to the US, there must be a great many today, because of all the terrible things that have gone on since 9/11.
So the question then, it just sheer total incompetence and stupidity and grandstanding and egotism--I'm sure all of that contributes to it, but---uh...well, frankly, Susan, my take on all of this is that 9/11 was a Mossad operation, that it was of course done through Cheney's office. There were no hijackings. The guys that they blamed for it were not terrorists at all. They weren't even on the planes. There is not a shred of evidence that any of these guys were on those planes, nor is there a shred of actual evidence that there were any hijackings. Instead, we had a military operation that was essentially a Zionist coup d'état by the Likkud faction that wanted to destroy Iraq so it would never be a threat to Israel. A prosperous Iraq, allied to the US, would actually be terrible for Israel. That's why they wouldn't take the deals that you were brokering. Care to comment?
I think that you are--I do believe in the hijackings, but I believe in everything else that you have just said. One of the things that came out right after 9/11: I've often been asked by people what my CIA handler Richard Fuisz's source was for the 9/11 attack. And he told me briefly, he let it slip. Immediately after the attack, when we were all in a state of shock, he said to me...the first building had collapsed, but it was before the second building collapsed. This is a very important time frame. He made reference to video tape, which by the way was not released to the public until the next day, but right after 9/11 Richard Fuisz already knows about this video tape! Right after the attack--the first building has collapsed, the second one is still standing--and we're both talking in the living room, we're both shouting--I'm in my living room, he's in his living room, and we're shouting at the televisions--and he blurts out to me: "Susan, how many times do you think a camera is cued up waiting for a car accident to occur?" He said, "What do you think are the odds that those two people were just standing on the sidewalk with a video camera waiting patiently for the plane to hit the building?" And he said, "Those are Mossad agents. They knew that the World Trade Center was about to get hit, and they were waiting there for it to happen so they could record it and put it out in the media." Now this is before it has even come out in the media. He identifies them as Mossad agents, and I believe--I'm convinced--that that was the source of our knowledge of al-Qaeda. But what you guys don't know, which I will throw out to you, which comes out in my book, is that from April and May of 2001 onwards, Richard Fuisz instructed me to threaten the Iraqis with war. Now everybody assumes that the war stuff came after 9/11. But it didn't. They had decided months before 9/11 ever happened that as soon as this attack occurred, this would be the motivation for the war. So they absolutely knew that this attack was coming. They knew that it was going to be in late August or September. And that opens up a whole new dynamic proving what you have just said: That it was a Mossad conspiracy, that there was complicity...maybe that's a better word, complicity...I'm going to go a little softer on the language than you. Mossad complicity.
I would argue that it's a little more than complicity--that the demolitions of the three tallest buildings ever taken down in controlled demolitions required immense skill and military specialization and so on...
Oh yes, when I say complicity, I include that in it. Yes. I believe in the detonations. In I have time to tell you one story before break?
Tell it, go for it.
While I was writing my book, I had a high-ranking State Department official, who has a very very high, top-top-top security classification, and I cannot name him for you because I don't want to hurt his reputation. He's close to retirement, he's going to have a pension--they would crush him if he was ever exposed, I suspect. He thinks it too. He says that a couple of weeks before 9/11, at the end of August, for about two weeks, strange vans were arriving at the World Trade Center at three o' clock in the morning. They were staying from about three o' clock to about four-thirty or five. They were coming in for a brief period. And he swore to me that he personally had investigated the janitorial services, and he said "I know first hand how many employees the janitorial service had, what their trucks looked like, what their revenues were like, where they lived." He said "we know the addresses." We are confident that none of the people from the janitorial services were tied to these trucks. It had never happened before, it was a unique thing. This was not a constant thing like over a six month period. It was a strange anomaly right before (the attack on) the World Trade Center. And he was convinced that this was government-level thermite, government-level weapons, that had been put into either the stairwells or the elevator shafts. And he is convinced that this is when it happened.
- Susan Lindauer, author of Extreme Prejudice, is the first CIA asset to have spoken out, under her own name and for the record, on Israeli complicity in 9/11, the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, and the specific, detailed foreknowledge of the time, target, and means of the 9/11 attacks held throughout the months prior to 9/11 by the CIA in general and Lindauer's CIA handler, Richard Fuisz, in particular. She has also exposed her first-hand knowledge of pre-war intelligence and negotiations showing that Iraq was willing to give the US "anything it asked" and that the war was therefore--from the perspective of US interests--not only utterly unnecessary, but wildly counterproductive. Lindauer's evidence points strongly to 9/11 being a coup d'etat by hard-line Zionists determined to steer the US into a self-destructive war on Israel's enemies.
Listen to my complete interview with Susan Lindauer here. Below is a transcript of the first half of the interview.
Kevin Barrett, PhDwww.truthjihad.blogspot.comwww.truthjihad.comBarrett
I understand that you had some 9/11 foreknowledge, but were actually busted for trying to explain to the Bush Administration through your cousin Andrew Card, that invading Iraq was insane, that the Iraqis were basically going to do anything we wanted anyway--they'll agree to anything for peace--and that there would be a terrible resistance and a terrible war if there was an invasion. And for that very accurate and prescient warning, they went after you.
Well, you have a very good grasp of this issue, I will tell you. It is a complicated story. I was one of the very few (CIA) assets covering Iraq before the war. And I had established contact with the Iraqi embassy at the United Nations in New York back in August of 1996. And for seven years before the invasion, I was what they call a "back channel" to Iraq on the question of terrorism. That was my foremost priority. This was covert in the sense that it was covert to the West. But the Iraqis were fully informed as to who I was and what I was doing and what my purpose was. My motivation was that I hated the United Nations sanctions. I hated the genocidal consequences and suffering for the Iraqi people, most truly and genuinely--that was very sincere. And they knew it. And both sides knew my politics. In fact, the CIA had come to me knowing my politics and said "hey, why don't you try to help us." They co-opted me--they did--but I agreed to be co-opted. We all understood each other. And that's very important for what happened.
That's not necessarily a bad thing. There is a role for people who are intermediaries between warring parties and who try to make peace. And it sounds like that's what you were doing.
Yes indeed. And both sides understood my politics, that I wanted to help end the sanctions. And the CIA was very adamant that Iraq had to meet certain criteria in order for that to happen. And my contribution from the very first days was on terrorism. Our team started what we called preliminary talks with Baghdad in November of 2000, two years before the United Nations got involved. Our team started back channel talks to get Iraq's agreement on the weapons inspections. And over the next fifteen months, my supervisor, Richard Fuisz (pronounced "fuse"), through talks at the Iraqi embassy, mostly with Iraq's ambassador Dr. Sayeed Hassan, and with other senior Iraqi diplomats, on what conditions Iraq would have to accept in order to resume the weapons inspections. And at that point we had begun to develop a comprehensive peace framework which extended great support to anti-terrorism. Iraq agreed to let the FBI come into Baghdad and operate a task force that would have authority--this was before 9/11 ever happened! Nine months before 9/11 happened, Iraq agreed to have the FBI come into Baghdad with the authority to conduct terrorism investigations, interview witnesses, make arrests. After 9/11, Iraq agreed to give financial records on al-Qaeda to the United States. BUT the United states didn't want to take the records.
It makes you wonder why not.
Isn't that an interesting question.
It leads me to (my next question): You apparently had some kind of foreknowledge of 9/11. Can you explain to us what that was?
Yes. This is a very interesting thing, and I'm glad...I hope your audience will pay attention to this. We absolutely expected 9/11 to happen. And there's a subtlety here that I hope your audience will appreciate. In April and May of 2001 I was summoned to my CIA handler's office and told that I needed to confront the Iraqi diplomats at the United Nations, through my back channel, with a demand for any fragment of intelligence regarding airplane hijackings and/or airplane bombings. And over the summer, that progressed to a deep belief that there was going to be an airplane hijacking attack, and some sort of aerial strike, on the World Trade Center. We talked about this in our one-on-one meetings practically every week. Just so we are clear, this was not a one-time conversation. This was a major focus of our efforts. Richard (Fuisz, Lindauer's CIA handler) was very worried about it, very agitated about it, how Iraq must give us this intelligence. Now, I don't mean to patronize you, but I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of deniability. I do not think that Richard Fuisz knew all the details of 9/11. However, he knew enough. My book Extreme Prejudice goes into the conversations that we had in great detail. And he knew the timing of the attack. By August 2001, Richard was telling me not to go into New York City because this attack was immanent. And on the day of FBI Director Robert Mueller's confirmation hearings, which I think was August 2nd--in my book it's very clear, I've checked all the dates--Richard Fuisz told me that the attack was immanent. And I said, well, I'm going up to New York to ask my Iraqi sources about this again. And he said "Don't go to New York, it's too dangerous, I don't want you going there again." And I said "I'm just going up this weekend, and I promise I will not go back to New York." And that's how close this was. They knew a great deal. And what was interesting is that after 9/11, I get arrested, and he gets thirteen million dollars in payoffs. (laughs)
(laughing) Oh boy. That's amazing. They arrested you, because they were probably concerned about you revealing the contents of your conversations with Richard, among other things.
Oh yes, absolutely. And the fact that there was a peace option on the table that had been developed over a two year period before the war, a comprehensive peace framework. It included cooperation on anti-terrorism; it included the weapons inspections, of course--you already knew that; and it included Iraq's commitment to donate economic reconstruction--donate is not the right word--to dedicate economic reconstruction contracts to United States corporations with preferential treatment, preferential contracts in telecommunications, health care, pharmaceuticals, and transportation. This was a comprehensive peace framework! We covered everything! We covered a lot. And nobody even knows about this!
That's amazing. There have been general reports of this nature, including post-9/11, right up to the eve of the invasion, there have been reports that Saddam Hussein was willing to give the US basically everything it wanted to hold off the invasion.
Yes. Yes.
That leads to the question: Why do you think, given that you recognize just how insane this invasion was, how completely unnecessary--the Iraqis were caving as far as they had to cave anyway--what was the point?
Yes, literally, Iraq said to me: "What is it the United States wants? Anything that the United States asks for, we will give them. Just tell us what it is!" When I was on a trip to Baghdad, they offered to buy one million American-made automobiles every year for ten years. And (an Iraqi diplomat) said to me, "Look, Susan, if ten years isn't enough, we'll make it twenty years."
You know, Susan, you're kind of ruining Saddam Hussein's posthumous reputation as somebody who stood up to the U.S.!
He was more harsh on terrorists than we were.
He didn't get along with al-Qaeda, and he didn't get along with Islamists of any kind, including the Iranians.
That's right.
You would have thought that the U.S. would have just kept running him as an American puppet. He got his start as a CIA hit man, apparently.
Yes indeed.
So why, why this insane insistence on going to war with Iraq--a war that has killed one and a half million innocent Iraqis and destroyed that country. What was the purpose of it?
It was so incredibly stupid. And 9/11...9/11 could have been used at the start...9/11 was a tragedy, a terrible, terrible tragedy, but 9/11 could have accomplished great good. Because right after 9/11 Iraq went into high mode of giving. They were offering us everything we wanted: Financial records on al-Qaeda, proof of a Middle Eastern link to what we used to call the inter-Arab group of terrorists, which was actually an amalgamation of several different terrorist factions, coalesced into al-Qaeda. They were willing to prove that there was a Middle Eastern link to the Oklahoma City bombing and the first attack on the World Trade Center, and those included financial documents, bank records...we could have tracked the money that's financing terrorism around the world. Instead what we do is, we create an enemy. Because it looks better--the politicians could go grandstand. As a former (CIA) asset I can assure you, they don't actually do anything on terrorism. They give speeches. They go wave their hands in the parades. But they don't do anything to contribute to anti-terrorism efforts. But the people have been fooled by their showmanship and their grandstanding and their spectacle. It's like a circus performance now! In fact, before 9/11, there were 200 to 300 terrorists in the world who wanted to attack America. Now, after 9/11 and after the war in Iraq and after the war on Afghanistan, there are only about 2000 to 3000 individuals whose entire focus of life is revenge and coming into the United States and attacking us. That's only 3000 people. The way I look at it, this is like a high school auditorium that you could fill with the potential terrorists. That's it! This is an invention! We've made this up!
Right. Very well put. I've often explained to people that there was no real terrorist threat pre-9/11, and that for every one person pre-9/11 who was bent on doing harm to the US, there must be a great many today, because of all the terrible things that have gone on since 9/11.
So the question then, it just sheer total incompetence and stupidity and grandstanding and egotism--I'm sure all of that contributes to it, but---uh...well, frankly, Susan, my take on all of this is that 9/11 was a Mossad operation, that it was of course done through Cheney's office. There were no hijackings. The guys that they blamed for it were not terrorists at all. They weren't even on the planes. There is not a shred of evidence that any of these guys were on those planes, nor is there a shred of actual evidence that there were any hijackings. Instead, we had a military operation that was essentially a Zionist coup d'état by the Likkud faction that wanted to destroy Iraq so it would never be a threat to Israel. A prosperous Iraq, allied to the US, would actually be terrible for Israel. That's why they wouldn't take the deals that you were brokering. Care to comment?
I think that you are--I do believe in the hijackings, but I believe in everything else that you have just said. One of the things that came out right after 9/11: I've often been asked by people what my CIA handler Richard Fuisz's source was for the 9/11 attack. And he told me briefly, he let it slip. Immediately after the attack, when we were all in a state of shock, he said to me...the first building had collapsed, but it was before the second building collapsed. This is a very important time frame. He made reference to video tape, which by the way was not released to the public until the next day, but right after 9/11 Richard Fuisz already knows about this video tape! Right after the attack--the first building has collapsed, the second one is still standing--and we're both talking in the living room, we're both shouting--I'm in my living room, he's in his living room, and we're shouting at the televisions--and he blurts out to me: "Susan, how many times do you think a camera is cued up waiting for a car accident to occur?" He said, "What do you think are the odds that those two people were just standing on the sidewalk with a video camera waiting patiently for the plane to hit the building?" And he said, "Those are Mossad agents. They knew that the World Trade Center was about to get hit, and they were waiting there for it to happen so they could record it and put it out in the media." Now this is before it has even come out in the media. He identifies them as Mossad agents, and I believe--I'm convinced--that that was the source of our knowledge of al-Qaeda. But what you guys don't know, which I will throw out to you, which comes out in my book, is that from April and May of 2001 onwards, Richard Fuisz instructed me to threaten the Iraqis with war. Now everybody assumes that the war stuff came after 9/11. But it didn't. They had decided months before 9/11 ever happened that as soon as this attack occurred, this would be the motivation for the war. So they absolutely knew that this attack was coming. They knew that it was going to be in late August or September. And that opens up a whole new dynamic proving what you have just said: That it was a Mossad conspiracy, that there was complicity...maybe that's a better word, complicity...I'm going to go a little softer on the language than you. Mossad complicity.
I would argue that it's a little more than complicity--that the demolitions of the three tallest buildings ever taken down in controlled demolitions required immense skill and military specialization and so on...
Oh yes, when I say complicity, I include that in it. Yes. I believe in the detonations. In I have time to tell you one story before break?
Tell it, go for it.
While I was writing my book, I had a high-ranking State Department official, who has a very very high, top-top-top security classification, and I cannot name him for you because I don't want to hurt his reputation. He's close to retirement, he's going to have a pension--they would crush him if he was ever exposed, I suspect. He thinks it too. He says that a couple of weeks before 9/11, at the end of August, for about two weeks, strange vans were arriving at the World Trade Center at three o' clock in the morning. They were staying from about three o' clock to about four-thirty or five. They were coming in for a brief period. And he swore to me that he personally had investigated the janitorial services, and he said "I know first hand how many employees the janitorial service had, what their trucks looked like, what their revenues were like, where they lived." He said "we know the addresses." We are confident that none of the people from the janitorial services were tied to these trucks. It had never happened before, it was a unique thing. This was not a constant thing like over a six month period. It was a strange anomaly right before (the attack on) the World Trade Center. And he was convinced that this was government-level thermite, government-level weapons, that had been put into either the stairwells or the elevator shafts. And he is convinced that this is when it happened.
Israel prepare un nouvel assaut sur Gaza et le Liban, la Resistance Islamique de Palestine abat un terroriste israelien et en blesse gravement plusieurs autres
La résistance palestinienne réussit à tuer un soldat israélien et en blesse quatre autres
Gaza – CPI
Des résistants palestiniens ont ouvert le feu, vendredi 7 janvier, sur une force sioniste, près de la colonie de Nirim, à l’est du camp d’Al-Maghazi, au milieu de la bande de Gaza. Un soldat a été tué et quatre autres ont été blessés, dont deux sont dans un état grave.
L’envoyé de notre Centre Palestinien d’Information (CPI) affirme que dans cette zone de l’est d’Al-Maghazi, il y a eu de denses détonations, suivies par le survol de l’aviation de l’occupation israélienne qui a ouvert le feu sur les quartiers résidentiels et les fermes agricoles.
Pour sa part, la radio hébreu a donné plus de détails. En fait, une force de l’armée israélienne a été la cible d’obus de mortiers et du feu de mitraillettes légères, dans la zone de Kissofim, sur les frontières de la bande de Gaza. La force est arrivée sur les lieux après avoir appris que des résistants avaient l’intention de poser des obus.
Les soldats auraient répliqué, ajoute la radio. Ils ont été transférés vers l’hôpital de Sorka.
Par ailleurs, des sources locales rapportent à l’envoyé de notre Centre Palestinien d’Information (CPI) que deux combattants ont pu s’approcher de la barrière sécuritaire, à l’est du camp Al-Maghazi. Ils ont ouvert le feu de façon directe en direction des Sionistes. Parallèlement, une unité d’appui a visé la force avec plusieurs obus de mortier, permettant aux combattants de se retirer, malgré l’intensité du bombardement sioniste.
- La résistance palestinienne réussit à tuer un soldat israélien et en blesse quatre autresGaza – CPIwww.palestine-info.infoDes résistants palestiniens ont ouvert le feu, vendredi 7 janvier, sur une force sioniste, près de la colonie de Nirim, à l’est du camp d’Al-Maghazi, au milieu de la bande de Gaza. Un soldat a été tué et quatre autres ont été blessés, dont deux sont dans un état grave.L’envoyé de notre Centre Palestinien d’Information (CPI) affirme que dans cette zone de l’est d’Al-Maghazi, il y a eu de denses détonations, suivies par le survol de l’aviation de l’occupation israélienne qui a ouvert le feu sur les quartiers résidentiels et les fermes agricoles.Pour sa part, la radio hébreu a donné plus de détails. En fait, une force de l’armée israélienne a été la cible d’obus de mortiers et du feu de mitraillettes légères, dans la zone de Kissofim, sur les frontières de la bande de Gaza. La force est arrivée sur les lieux après avoir appris que des résistants avaient l’intention de poser des obus.Les soldats auraient répliqué, ajoute la radio. Ils ont été transférés vers l’hôpital de Sorka.Par ailleurs, des sources locales rapportent à l’envoyé de notre Centre Palestinien d’Information (CPI) que deux combattants ont pu s’approcher de la barrière sécuritaire, à l’est du camp Al-Maghazi. Ils ont ouvert le feu de façon directe en direction des Sionistes. Parallèlement, une unité d’appui a visé la force avec plusieurs obus de mortier, permettant aux combattants de se retirer, malgré l’intensité du bombardement sioniste.
France-Israel-Algerie : La Resistance Islamique Touareg du Niger affirme que ce sont des mercenaires occidentaux qui ont assassiné les deux francais et que l'armée francaise profite de ce fait pour imposer de force sa presence militaire en prevision de la division des pays du Maghreb dont les gisements de gaz et de petrole algerien exactement comme au Soudan
MISE A JOUR 11 JANVIER 2011 : Mes boites electroniques ont été dupliquées, de meme que ma boite professionnelle, cryptée. Un flic s'est amusé a laisser sur mon calendrier outlook des rendez-vous avec un certain 'OMAR'. Ce nom de code est en fait une nouvelle menace. Les seuls a avoir deja agit de la sorte sont les flics corrompus de la DCRI, avec l'aide d'un colonel 'algerien' qui vend ses services au MI5 et a l'ambassade de France sur Londres. Ce message s'adresse a Bernard Squarcini, Sarkozy et Gueant. Non seulement les noms et les identités des ravisseurs occidentaux (israeliens) qui ont fait le coup seront publiés mais vous devrez quitter vos postes sur le champ. Vous ne trouverez absolument rien sur mes ordinateurs et encore moins les gens sur le terrain qui ont la véritable information. La victoire des peuples du Maghreb qui se dessine malgré vos plans, finira de mettre la France-Israel sous embarguo energetique total et il semble que votre guerre civile ne fasse deja ses premieres victimes, VOUS !
Tremblez israeliens, en 2011 c'est votre fete !
Abu Suleyman
L'assassinat des deux otages francais par des mercenaires occidentaux doit servir de catalyseur a la division de l'Algerie, la France-Israel souhaitant prendre le controle direct des zone riches en hydrocarbures sous couvert de l'initiative 'PAN-SAHEL', delaissant le nord du pays livré a lui-meme au cas ou le commandement de l'Algerie passerait sous controle de forces hostiles a Paris.
La zone 'PAN-SAHEL' s'etend en fait depuis la Mauritanie jusqu'a la Somalie. Les prises d'otages a repetion se produisent au Niger, Mali, Nigeria, Algerie, Mauritanie. Permettant sous couvert de terrorisme, a la France-Israel de venir imposer une zone militarisée ou les richesses naturelles des pays de la zone sont livrées au pillage massif, mais egalement de faire passer de la drogue depuis l'amerique du Sud (Colombie, Bresil, Argentine) vers les zones sous controles, francais, americains vers le Sud de l'Europe en passant par le Maroc et la Libye/Tunisie. Confirmant ainsi que les services francais, principalement, sont les commanditaires de ces fausses prises d'otage a répétition. Ces actes constituent une déclaration de guerre ouverte contre les souverainetés des peuples des pays du Maghreb et du Sahel, un acte qui ne vise qu'a prendre le controle par la force et le mensonge du terrorisme de toutes les richesses africaines locales.
La Resistance Islamique Touareg du Niger informe que les deux francais tués ce samedi 8 Janvier 2011 ont été enlevés par des mercenaires occidentaux et puis assassinés. Selon la Resistance Islamique Touareg, les corps des deux francais n'ont pas encore été apercus, l'armée francaise au courant depuis le debut n'a pris la decision que tard le vendredi de se joindre aux operations avec le Niger, ceci pour donner le temps aux mercenaires de faire le sale boulot.
Selon la Resistance Islamique Touareg, il n'y aucune confirmation que les personnes tuées dans leurs voitures pres de la frontiere soit les veritables ravisseurs, la resistance fournira plus de details des que la confirmation des identités des personnes tuées sera connue. Il s'agit ici de faire le lien direct avec les emeutes 'spontanées' debutées en Tunisie et en Algerie, dont les services francais et americains sont les seuls a pouvoir tirer des benefices directs, pour le moment. Les medias occidentaux a la botte du sionisme, accusant comme d'habitude 'AQMI' d'etre derriere les assassinats d'otages et 'les islamistes' d'etre derriere les emeutes. Il devient evident que des reseaux tunisiens et algeriens soutiennent les plans de la France-Israel et que 'AQMI ' sert les interets de Sarkozy a 100%. Nous verrons si les forces vives , honnetes au Maghreb sauront dejouer les plans initiaux de destabilisation.
L'un des objectifs principaux est d'imposer une force militaire francaise (de preference car Sarkozy n'a rien gagné de la reintegration a l'OTAN et de la guerre d'Afghanistan a part se faire dire qu'il n'est rien d'autre qu'un agent de la finance sioniste anglo-saxonne) d'appui au Niger, Mali, Mauritanie pour permettre a l'OTAN sous commandement US-franco-israelien, de créer une zone 'PAN-SAHEL' allant de la Mauritanie a la Somalie. En passant au Nord par le Maghreb, dont la Tunisie et l'Algérie connaissent de 'soudaines' révoltes populaires dues a la mal vie, l'oppression et le manque totale d'avenir, le Tchad, le Soudan qui est en passe d'etre coupé en deux (la region du Sud riche en petrole et or passant sous commandement americano-israelien), et au sud par le Nigeria, en proie lui aussi bizarrement a des prises d'otages a repetitions (comme le Niger, le Mali, l'Algerie) et a l'instabilité, la guerre civile. Finalement, la Cote d'Ivoire que la France-Israel de Sarkozy se prepare a genocider pour la coloniser a vie.
Apres cette description succinte, il devient tres facile pour quiconque d'interpreter ces prises d'otages a repetitions, et l'instabilité créee de toute piece par les services francais, americains et israeliens, ayant fusionnés sur le meme model que celui en activité en Afghanistan/Pakistan/Inde au sein de structures gerées sous couvert de mandats ONU-OTAN.
2011 sera la creation de la zone tres riche en hydrocarbures, et autres uranium, silicium, iridium, palladium, et autres minerais rares, la bande 'SAHEL', et ce suite a l'echec total de la mise en place de l'UPM. En fait, la bande 'Pan-Sahel' viendra completer le dispositif de controle de toutes les routes de transports des hydrocarbures, minerais, eau et autres drogues depuis et vers Tel Aviv comme le montre cette carte ci-dessous.
Il devient egalement plus facile de comprendre qu'apres le lancement de l'hyperinflation QE2 par la reserve federale, les memes acteurs financiers ultra-israeliens comme Goldman Sachs et autres ayant ravagé la Grece, l'Ireland ont massivement spéculé sur les produits de base pour creer de l'instabilité dans les zones et theatres d'operations devant etre occupé militairement en 2011.
L'objectif des prises d'otage a repetition dans le 'SAHEL' sert a couvrir l'escalade militaire francaise sans aucun doute, et americaine (qui se battent pour le controle local, Sarkozy tentant de s'approprier le role de superviseur-gendarme local pour les americano-israeliens, role qu'il voudrait ajouter a son CV peu reluisant pour continuer a avoir l'argent, le soutien et la confiance des mulitnationales francaises au sein des reseaux franc maconiques du MEDEF pillant la region, Areva, Lafarge, Total, Bollore, etc) , et celle de l'OTAN , sous couvert de l'ONU dans cette bande d'Afrique, mais egalement de preparer la division des pays comme la carte en introduction le demontre, sur le model soudanais.
Pour le cas du Maghreb et celui de l'Algerie sous controle du DST-DRS. Si, a la suite des emeutes, dont les services franco-americain perdent actuellement le controle, l’Algerie passait sous commandement hostile a la France-Israel. Pour Paris, ce qui est en jeu c’est l’heritage Belkheir dans le Sahara, en fait tous les contrats donnés a la France-Israel par le traitre agent sefarade sioniste Larbi Belkheir, les centaines de milliards de petrole et de gaz volé aux algeriens pendant le reigne de Belkheir depuis 1980. La France-Israel ayant perdu le controle progressif du DRS car ne pouvant plus proteger Tewfik, au profit de l'administration Bush-Obama.
Depuis Juillet 2010, Tewfik etait presque exclu, Sarkozy, avec des elements a l’interieur du DRS (Ouyahia, Saadi, et l'agent Kherfi numero 2 DRS) organisent deliberement des prises d’otages dans la region pour faciliter le pre-positionnement militaire francais. Il y a egalement en jeu le ou les futurs pipelines 'trans-sahel' reliant l'Algerie au Nigeria, par exemple.
Dans le scenario qui se dessine, si les forces vives dignes et honnetes de l’Algerie reprennent en main son destin, les americains et les francais sont pret a mettre en place le meme plan qu’au Soudan, diviser le pays en autant de regions que necessaires pour mieux le piller. Une revolution a Alger n’aurait alors que tres peu d’effet sur l’exportation d’hydrocarbures vers la France et les Etats-Unis. En fait ici, comme au Soudan c'est la Chine qui devrait prendre une part importante des gisements de gaz algeriens d'ici 2014, posant d'enorme probleme aux occidentaux.
Les informations venant du Maghreb confirment egalement une premiere impression, quant a ceux qui souhaitent manipuler les peuples en colere, et dont 'les reseaux locaux', derriere 'la spontaneité' des revoltes, sont en grande difficulté, qui est celle que les americains et les francais, chacun de leurs coté, ont deja leurs poulains prets a prendre la releve politique et eternaliser les dictatures au Maghreb, pour le cas ou les plans ne pouvaient etre mis en place. En Tunisie, le nom du beau fils de Ben ali est avancé par Hillary Clinton, alors que l'agent de la DST-DRS Ouyahia ou meme celui de l'eradicateur de la DST Saadi sont avancés par Bajolet et Guéant.
Il sera tres difficile a la France-Israel d'expliquer l'embarguo energetique sur l'economie francaise de la part du peuple algérien, si celui-ci venant a conforter son controle total sur toutes les hydrocarbures sortant du pays, en représaille, au role actif joué par la France-Israel dans le coup d'etat de 1991 et la guerre civile qui a fait entre 250 000 et 500 000 morts. La France risque de connaitre une pénurie de petrole et de gaz, pour le mois de septembre 2011 si les revoltes se poursuivent, une menace stratégique pour les reseaux maconiques israeliens de France, qui avant les elections de 2012, seront tenus pour responsables du chaos, parce qu'une minorité d'ultra sionistes, accaparant et colonisant les postes strategiques en France, travaille jours et nuits pour l'agenda de Tel Aviv, trahissant le mandat delivré par le peuple francais de servir la France. C'est surement ce scenario catastrophe qui a poussé l'Elysée a la faute, en ordonnant l'assassinat de ces deux pauvres innocents au Niger.
Plus d'information des que possible insha Allah,
Wa Allah swt 'alam,
P.S: pour completer le tableau en cours de realisation en Afrique en 2011 :
Lire Militarization Of Energy Policy: U.S. Africa Command And the Gulf Of Guinea
- MISE A JOUR 11 JANVIER 2011 : Mes boites electroniques ont été dupliquées, de meme que ma boite professionnelle, cryptée. Un flic s'est amusé a laisser sur mon calendrier outlook des rendez-vous avec un certain 'OMAR'. Ce nom de code est en fait une nouvelle menace. Les seuls a avoir deja agit de la sorte sont les flics corrompus de la DCRI, avec l'aide d'un colonel 'algerien' qui vend ses services au MI5 et a l'ambassade de France sur Londres. Ce message s'adresse a Bernard Squarcini, Sarkozy et Gueant. Non seulement les noms et les identités des ravisseurs occidentaux (israeliens) qui ont fait le coup seront publiés mais vous devrez quitter vos postes sur le champ. Vous ne trouverez absolument rien sur mes ordinateurs et encore moins les gens sur le terrain qui ont la véritable information. La victoire des peuples du Maghreb qui se dessine malgré vos plans, finira de mettre la France-Israel sous embarguo energetique total et il semble que votre guerre civile ne fasse deja ses premieres victimes, VOUS !Tremblez israeliens, en 2011 c'est votre fete !Abu Suleyman
L'assassinat des deux otages francais par des mercenaires occidentaux doit servir de catalyseur a la division de l'Algerie, la France-Israel souhaitant prendre le controle direct des zone riches en hydrocarbures sous couvert de l'initiative 'PAN-SAHEL', delaissant le nord du pays livré a lui-meme au cas ou le commandement de l'Algerie passerait sous controle de forces hostiles a Paris.
La zone 'PAN-SAHEL' s'etend en fait depuis la Mauritanie jusqu'a la Somalie. Les prises d'otages a repetion se produisent au Niger, Mali, Nigeria, Algerie, Mauritanie. Permettant sous couvert de terrorisme, a la France-Israel de venir imposer une zone militarisée ou les richesses naturelles des pays de la zone sont livrées au pillage massif, mais egalement de faire passer de la drogue depuis l'amerique du Sud (Colombie, Bresil, Argentine) vers les zones sous controles, francais, americains vers le Sud de l'Europe en passant par le Maroc et la Libye/Tunisie. Confirmant ainsi que les services francais, principalement, sont les commanditaires de ces fausses prises d'otage a répétition. Ces actes constituent une déclaration de guerre ouverte contre les souverainetés des peuples des pays du Maghreb et du Sahel, un acte qui ne vise qu'a prendre le controle par la force et le mensonge du terrorisme de toutes les richesses africaines locales.
La Resistance Islamique Touareg du Niger informe que les deux francais tués ce samedi 8 Janvier 2011 ont été enlevés par des mercenaires occidentaux et puis assassinés. Selon la Resistance Islamique Touareg, les corps des deux francais n'ont pas encore été apercus, l'armée francaise au courant depuis le debut n'a pris la decision que tard le vendredi de se joindre aux operations avec le Niger, ceci pour donner le temps aux mercenaires de faire le sale boulot.Selon la Resistance Islamique Touareg, il n'y aucune confirmation que les personnes tuées dans leurs voitures pres de la frontiere soit les veritables ravisseurs, la resistance fournira plus de details des que la confirmation des identités des personnes tuées sera connue. Il s'agit ici de faire le lien direct avec les emeutes 'spontanées' debutées en Tunisie et en Algerie, dont les services francais et americains sont les seuls a pouvoir tirer des benefices directs, pour le moment. Les medias occidentaux a la botte du sionisme, accusant comme d'habitude 'AQMI' d'etre derriere les assassinats d'otages et 'les islamistes' d'etre derriere les emeutes. Il devient evident que des reseaux tunisiens et algeriens soutiennent les plans de la France-Israel et que 'AQMI ' sert les interets de Sarkozy a 100%. Nous verrons si les forces vives , honnetes au Maghreb sauront dejouer les plans initiaux de destabilisation.L'un des objectifs principaux est d'imposer une force militaire francaise (de preference car Sarkozy n'a rien gagné de la reintegration a l'OTAN et de la guerre d'Afghanistan a part se faire dire qu'il n'est rien d'autre qu'un agent de la finance sioniste anglo-saxonne) d'appui au Niger, Mali, Mauritanie pour permettre a l'OTAN sous commandement US-franco-israelien, de créer une zone 'PAN-SAHEL' allant de la Mauritanie a la Somalie. En passant au Nord par le Maghreb, dont la Tunisie et l'Algérie connaissent de 'soudaines' révoltes populaires dues a la mal vie, l'oppression et le manque totale d'avenir, le Tchad, le Soudan qui est en passe d'etre coupé en deux (la region du Sud riche en petrole et or passant sous commandement americano-israelien), et au sud par le Nigeria, en proie lui aussi bizarrement a des prises d'otages a repetitions (comme le Niger, le Mali, l'Algerie) et a l'instabilité, la guerre civile. Finalement, la Cote d'Ivoire que la France-Israel de Sarkozy se prepare a genocider pour la coloniser a vie.Apres cette description succinte, il devient tres facile pour quiconque d'interpreter ces prises d'otages a repetitions, et l'instabilité créee de toute piece par les services francais, americains et israeliens, ayant fusionnés sur le meme model que celui en activité en Afghanistan/Pakistan/Inde au sein de structures gerées sous couvert de mandats ONU-OTAN.2011 sera la creation de la zone tres riche en hydrocarbures, et autres uranium, silicium, iridium, palladium, et autres minerais rares, la bande 'SAHEL', et ce suite a l'echec total de la mise en place de l'UPM. En fait, la bande 'Pan-Sahel' viendra completer le dispositif de controle de toutes les routes de transports des hydrocarbures, minerais, eau et autres drogues depuis et vers Tel Aviv comme le montre cette carte ci-dessous.L'objectif des prises d'otage a repetition dans le 'SAHEL' sert a couvrir l'escalade militaire francaise sans aucun doute, et americaine (qui se battent pour le controle local, Sarkozy tentant de s'approprier le role de superviseur-gendarme local pour les americano-israeliens, role qu'il voudrait ajouter a son CV peu reluisant pour continuer a avoir l'argent, le soutien et la confiance des mulitnationales francaises au sein des reseaux franc maconiques du MEDEF pillant la region, Areva, Lafarge, Total, Bollore, etc) , et celle de l'OTAN , sous couvert de l'ONU dans cette bande d'Afrique, mais egalement de preparer la division des pays comme la carte en introduction le demontre, sur le model soudanais.Pour le cas du Maghreb et celui de l'Algerie sous controle du DST-DRS. Si, a la suite des emeutes, dont les services franco-americain perdent actuellement le controle, l’Algerie passait sous commandement hostile a la France-Israel. Pour Paris, ce qui est en jeu c’est l’heritage Belkheir dans le Sahara, en fait tous les contrats donnés a la France-Israel par le traitre agent sefarade sioniste Larbi Belkheir, les centaines de milliards de petrole et de gaz volé aux algeriens pendant le reigne de Belkheir depuis 1980. La France-Israel ayant perdu le controle progressif du DRS car ne pouvant plus proteger Tewfik, au profit de l'administration Bush-Obama.Depuis Juillet 2010, Tewfik etait presque exclu, Sarkozy, avec des elements a l’interieur du DRS (Ouyahia, Saadi, et l'agent Kherfi numero 2 DRS) organisent deliberement des prises d’otages dans la region pour faciliter le pre-positionnement militaire francais. Il y a egalement en jeu le ou les futurs pipelines 'trans-sahel' reliant l'Algerie au Nigeria, par exemple.
Dans le scenario qui se dessine, si les forces vives dignes et honnetes de l’Algerie reprennent en main son destin, les americains et les francais sont pret a mettre en place le meme plan qu’au Soudan, diviser le pays en autant de regions que necessaires pour mieux le piller. Une revolution a Alger n’aurait alors que tres peu d’effet sur l’exportation d’hydrocarbures vers la France et les Etats-Unis. En fait ici, comme au Soudan c'est la Chine qui devrait prendre une part importante des gisements de gaz algeriens d'ici 2014, posant d'enorme probleme aux occidentaux.Les informations venant du Maghreb confirment egalement une premiere impression, quant a ceux qui souhaitent manipuler les peuples en colere, et dont 'les reseaux locaux', derriere 'la spontaneité' des revoltes, sont en grande difficulté, qui est celle que les americains et les francais, chacun de leurs coté, ont deja leurs poulains prets a prendre la releve politique et eternaliser les dictatures au Maghreb, pour le cas ou les plans ne pouvaient etre mis en place. En Tunisie, le nom du beau fils de Ben ali est avancé par Hillary Clinton, alors que l'agent de la DST-DRS Ouyahia ou meme celui de l'eradicateur de la DST Saadi sont avancés par Bajolet et Guéant.Il sera tres difficile a la France-Israel d'expliquer l'embarguo energetique sur l'economie francaise de la part du peuple algérien, si celui-ci venant a conforter son controle total sur toutes les hydrocarbures sortant du pays, en représaille, au role actif joué par la France-Israel dans le coup d'etat de 1991 et la guerre civile qui a fait entre 250 000 et 500 000 morts. La France risque de connaitre une pénurie de petrole et de gaz, pour le mois de septembre 2011 si les revoltes se poursuivent, une menace stratégique pour les reseaux maconiques israeliens de France, qui avant les elections de 2012, seront tenus pour responsables du chaos, parce qu'une minorité d'ultra sionistes, accaparant et colonisant les postes strategiques en France, travaille jours et nuits pour l'agenda de Tel Aviv, trahissant le mandat delivré par le peuple francais de servir la France. C'est surement ce scenario catastrophe qui a poussé l'Elysée a la faute, en ordonnant l'assassinat de ces deux pauvres innocents au Niger.Plus d'information des que possible insha Allah,Wa Allah swt 'alam,
P.S: pour completer le tableau en cours de realisation en Afrique en 2011 :
Lire Militarization Of Energy Policy: U.S. Africa Command And the Gulf Of Guinea
URGENT: L'effondrement total et definitif de la France-Israel est imminent selon une de nos sources algeriennes. L'assassinat des deux francais au Niger n'a fait qu'accelerer la chute du regime sioniste terroriste sarkozyste, puisque meme des sources officielles au Niger confirment que ce sont bien des occidentaux qui ont fait le coup, faisant tomber Paris dans une crise politique sans precedent ! Et ce n'est pas le juif sioniste marocain Alain Juppe, ayant couvert les veritables auteurs des attentats de 1995 qui pourra y changer quoi que ce soit. 'Attendez-vous a de nouvelles provocations' franco-israeliennes au Maghreb et en France, nous dit notre source !
Al-Qaïda au Maghreb appartient aux services secrets français (+vidéos)
MISE A JOUR 12 Janvier 2011: Les officiels du Niger ont compris le jeu de la France-Israel qui a décidé de diviser l'Algerie et la region entiere et ils tirent maintenant a boulets rouges (quenelles de 255 mm) sur Squarcini, Bajolet, Gueant et Sarkozy.
Le 'journal' Le Monde a du se resilier et a fini par ecrire un article confirmant nos infos de la veille, ici !
Maintenant que les plans des israeliens au Maghreb sont connus de tous, la Veritable Revolution peut commencer ! Alors prenez le bon train et le bon wagon en marche !
Et attention aux manipulateurs utilisant Tweeter et Facebook de Goldman Sachs ! Ce sont des outils israeliens !
Ammar 404, c'est la fete a la France-Israel !
Abu Suleyman
La pression est sur les sefarades pro-israeliens controlant la 'republique francaise', notamment ceux activant au sein de la DST/DCRI et ses faux groupes islamiques, et les sefarades sionistes mis au pouvoir au Maghreb, depuis Paris, seuls responsables du chaos en terre musulmane.
Al-Qaïda au Maghreb, c’est le nouveau nom du GSPC, qui était lui-même le nouveau nom du GIA. Il y a des preuves comme quoi ce groupe, originellement localisé en Algérie, est manipulé par les services secrets français. Tout ce que fait Al-Qaïda au Maghreb est par conséquent commandité par l’État français !
Lire les articles suivants :
GIA - 1995 - le Gouvernement français et la DST savaient où les bombes allaient être posées :
12 avril 2007 - ÉLECTIONS PRÉSIDENTIELLES - Les attentats en Algérie peuvent-ils favoriser Sarko ?
11 avril 2007 - ATTENTATS D’ALGER - Les journalistes ont trouvé le coupable en une demi-heure !
Moines de Tibéhirine :
Sachez aussi une chose essentielle pour bien comprendre : l’Algérie, c’est encore et toujours la France ! :
Une visite de ce site (MAOL) vous en convaincra :
Il est très important de parcourir en détail le site du MAOL, le site du "Mouvement Algérien des Officiers Libres", qui dénonce à peu près toutes les manipulations du terrorisme en Algérie :
Lire en particulier cette page qui dénonce que les généraux qui gouvernent actuellement l’Algérie sont d’« anciens » harkis au service de la France :
OU bien lire ce texte beaucoup plus court et très explicite : Le serment des membres du MAOL (Mouvement Algérien des Officiers Libres) :
Extrait :
« L’Armée Nationale Populaire a de tout temps été le symbole de l’honneur et du sacrifice, mais l’avènement d’officiers supérieures (ex-officiers de l’armée française ou relatifs) à ses commandes, nous a reconduit plus de quarante ans en arrière. Les pendules sont à l’heure de l’occupation. « Pour toutes ces raisons et pour suivre l’exemple de nos frères officiers et sous-officiers lâchement exécutés dès les premières heures de la guerre civile par d’autres membres de l’Armée Nationale Populaire sous les commandes de Mariane, nous combattrons ces nouveaux harkis et leurs alliés jusqu’à la dernière goutte de notre sang. »
Maintenant, regardez les vidéos suivantes :
Cliquer sur l’image pour voir cette vidéo de 2 minutes.
Extrait d’un 19-20 de France 3 en février 2007
Cliquer sur l’image pour voir cette vidéo de 13 minutes.
Extrait d’une émission de Canal + en mars 2007
- Al-Qaïda au Maghreb, c’est le nouveau nom du GSPC, qui était lui-même le nouveau nom du GIA. Il y a des preuves comme quoi ce groupe, originellement localisé en Algérie, est manipulé par les services secrets français. Tout ce que fait Al-Qaïda au Maghreb est par conséquent commandité par l’État français !
GIA - 1995 - le Gouvernement français et la DST savaient où les bombes allaient être posées :
12 avril 2007 - ÉLECTIONS PRÉSIDENTIELLES - Les attentats en Algérie peuvent-ils favoriser Sarko ?
11 avril 2007 - ATTENTATS D’ALGER - Les journalistes ont trouvé le coupable en une demi-heure ! de Tibéhirine :
Sachez aussi une chose essentielle pour bien comprendre : l’Algérie, c’est encore et toujours la France ! :
Une visite de ce site (MAOL) vous en convaincra :
Il est très important de parcourir en détail le site du MAOL, le site du "Mouvement Algérien des Officiers Libres", qui dénonce à peu près toutes les manipulations du terrorisme en Algérie :
Lire en particulier cette page qui dénonce que les généraux qui gouvernent actuellement l’Algérie sont d’« anciens » harkis au service de la France : bien lire ce texte beaucoup plus court et très explicite : Le serment des membres du MAOL (Mouvement Algérien des Officiers Libres) : :« L’Armée Nationale Populaire a de tout temps été le symbole de l’honneur et du sacrifice, mais l’avènement d’officiers supérieures (ex-officiers de l’armée française ou relatifs) à ses commandes, nous a reconduit plus de quarante ans en arrière. Les pendules sont à l’heure de l’occupation. « Pour toutes ces raisons et pour suivre l’exemple de nos frères officiers et sous-officiers lâchement exécutés dès les premières heures de la guerre civile par d’autres membres de l’Armée Nationale Populaire sous les commandes de Mariane, nous combattrons ces nouveaux harkis et leurs alliés jusqu’à la dernière goutte de notre sang. »
Cliquer sur l’image pour voir cette vidéo de 2 minutes.
Extrait d’un 19-20 de France 3 en février 2007
Cliquer sur l’image pour voir cette vidéo de 13 minutes.
Extrait d’une émission de Canal + en mars 2007
Lire aussi : La Colonie française en Algérie de Lounis Aggoun ou les liens entre services francais et algeriens menent aux faux groupes islamiques GIA, GICM, GSPC/AQMI
Vu sur : Alterinfo
Vu sur : Alterinfo
Un petit conseil à un jeune diplômé chômeur
Au Nom d'Allah, Clement et Misericordieu,
Toutes nos condoleances a toutes les familles des victimes en Tunisie, Algerie et dans tous les pays ou des jeunes gens se font assassiner alors qu''ils ne font que demander leurs DROITS. Le droit de vivre librement, dignement, honnetement, de travailler, de manger, de pratiquer sa religion librement, de parler et s'exprimer librement, le droit de fonder une famille, d'avoir un toit, une voiture, le droit de vivre tout simplement. Ces droits, ils ne s'attendent pas, ils s'aqcuierent et se prennent par la force si necessaire. Musulmans d'Europe, de France, vous vivez une situation similaire a celle de vos semblables et familles au Maghreb, les elites sionisées, en utilisant, l'excuse du terrorisme, vous ont relegué tout en bas de l'echelle sociale, en utilisant exactement les memes methodes employées et mises au point dans leurs laboratoires tunisien, algerien, marocain, pendant des decennies, des siecles. Prenez garde, il faut mettre vos enemis sionistes en laisse, il faut absolument mettre le sionisme au pas en France, sinon cela se terminera en guerre civile totale. Sarkozy, Praquier, Zemmour, BHL, Finkelkraut et autres xenophobes sionistes s'enfuiront en laissant derriere eux une terre en feu. Il ne faut surtout pas leur laisser le champ libre, ils tomberont aussi facilement qu'est tombé leur pantin sefarade Ben Ali et les autres larbins locaux.... Nous sommes en 2011, souviens t-en, a force de laisser faire, combien de temps finiras-tu sans travail, sans persepctive d'avenir, tu as le droit de vivre comme tout le monde ?
Devenir chômeur attitré sous Boutewfika n’est pas chose aisée par les temps qui courent.
Avant, sous Chadli, c’était assez simple : il suffisait d’aller au cinéma ou au stade, en prétextant d’aller à l’école, et le but était atteint au bout de quelques centaines de films ou de matchs haletants… A vingt ans sonnés, et après un stage d’abrutissement dans l’armée de Nezzar, on était officiellement chômeur attitré, ce qui donnait automatiquement le droit de tenir les murs pour admirer passer les Ferraris des fils de Chadli et de leurs copains…
C’était la belle époque. Aujourd’hui, devenir chômeur demande beaucoup de… travail. Il faut d’abord aller à l’école de Benbouzid, tu sais, du nom de l’étincelant docteur de l’Université Lumumba de l’Amitié des Peuples. Tu en as pour 13 ans incompressibles et sans appel, au bout desquels on te donne le Bac avec mention pour te faire croire à un avenir radieux…
Puis, comme en réalité le marché des généraux n’a que faire de toi, on te parque à l’université, pour une peine de 5 à 10 ans, toujours sous le haut patronage de Benbouzid. Arrivé au terminus universitaire, et après quelques 20 ans de supposées « études », Benbouzid t’offre le tant convoité diplôme de « chômeur diplômé »… Toutes les portes te sont alors officiellement fermées au visage, parce que, tout compte fait, tu es mal né. Tu n’es pas fils de général, tu n’es pas pote avec le fils du ministre qui traficote dans la coke, et tu as eu le tort de ne pas naitre dans le douar ancestral de Si Abdelkader El-Malifik...
Le pouvoir te dit : tu es chômeur diplômé, que veux-tu de plus ? Sois patient, car avec les politiques très avisées de Boutewfika (BRC, Orascom, Khelifa, Sonatrach, etc.) l’Algérie va devenir un paradis pour jeunes, comme en… Tunisie. Patience, te disent-ils, y’a pas l’feu… Euh, si, justement, là-bas en Tunisie les jeunes s’immolent… tu as attendu un peu, mais tu t’es vite aperçu que le temps que les politiques de Boutewfika portent leurs fruits pour la jeunesse, tu seras déjà vieux, et personne ne te donnera de travail…
Donc mon ami : il est temps que tu regardes les choses en face : soit tu seras promu de jeune chômeur diplômé à vieux chômeur diplômé, soit tu mets hors d’état de nuire les vieilles fripouilles galonnées qui, non satisfaites d’avoir empoisonné la vie de ton père, se mettent maintenant à détruire la tienne... Ya ejjeune ! Fonce ya mon vieux, et bon courage !
Mounir Sahraoui
11 janvier 2011
- Au Nom d'Allah, Clement et Misericordieu,Toutes nos condoleances a toutes les familles des victimes en Tunisie, Algerie et dans tous les pays ou des jeunes gens se font assassiner alors qu''ils ne font que demander leurs DROITS. Le droit de vivre librement, dignement, honnetement, de travailler, de manger, de pratiquer sa religion librement, de parler et s'exprimer librement, le droit de fonder une famille, d'avoir un toit, une voiture, le droit de vivre tout simplement. Ces droits, ils ne s'attendent pas, ils s'aqcuierent et se prennent par la force si necessaire. Musulmans d'Europe, de France, vous vivez une situation similaire a celle de vos semblables et familles au Maghreb, les elites sionisées, en utilisant, l'excuse du terrorisme, vous ont relegué tout en bas de l'echelle sociale, en utilisant exactement les memes methodes employées et mises au point dans leurs laboratoires tunisien, algerien, marocain, pendant des decennies, des siecles. Prenez garde, il faut mettre vos enemis sionistes en laisse, il faut absolument mettre le sionisme au pas en France, sinon cela se terminera en guerre civile totale. Sarkozy, Praquier, Zemmour, BHL, Finkelkraut et autres xenophobes sionistes s'enfuiront en laissant derriere eux une terre en feu. Il ne faut surtout pas leur laisser le champ libre, ils tomberont aussi facilement qu'est tombé leur pantin sefarade Ben Ali et les autres larbins locaux.... Nous sommes en 2011, souviens t-en, a force de laisser faire, combien de temps finiras-tu sans travail, sans persepctive d'avenir, tu as le droit de vivre comme tout le monde ?
Devenir chômeur attitré sous Boutewfika n’est pas chose aisée par les temps qui courent.
Avant, sous Chadli, c’était assez simple : il suffisait d’aller au cinéma ou au stade, en prétextant d’aller à l’école, et le but était atteint au bout de quelques centaines de films ou de matchs haletants… A vingt ans sonnés, et après un stage d’abrutissement dans l’armée de Nezzar, on était officiellement chômeur attitré, ce qui donnait automatiquement le droit de tenir les murs pour admirer passer les Ferraris des fils de Chadli et de leurs copains…
C’était la belle époque. Aujourd’hui, devenir chômeur demande beaucoup de… travail. Il faut d’abord aller à l’école de Benbouzid, tu sais, du nom de l’étincelant docteur de l’Université Lumumba de l’Amitié des Peuples. Tu en as pour 13 ans incompressibles et sans appel, au bout desquels on te donne le Bac avec mention pour te faire croire à un avenir radieux…
Puis, comme en réalité le marché des généraux n’a que faire de toi, on te parque à l’université, pour une peine de 5 à 10 ans, toujours sous le haut patronage de Benbouzid. Arrivé au terminus universitaire, et après quelques 20 ans de supposées « études », Benbouzid t’offre le tant convoité diplôme de « chômeur diplômé »… Toutes les portes te sont alors officiellement fermées au visage, parce que, tout compte fait, tu es mal né. Tu n’es pas fils de général, tu n’es pas pote avec le fils du ministre qui traficote dans la coke, et tu as eu le tort de ne pas naitre dans le douar ancestral de Si Abdelkader El-Malifik...
Le pouvoir te dit : tu es chômeur diplômé, que veux-tu de plus ? Sois patient, car avec les politiques très avisées de Boutewfika (BRC, Orascom, Khelifa, Sonatrach, etc.) l’Algérie va devenir un paradis pour jeunes, comme en… Tunisie. Patience, te disent-ils, y’a pas l’feu… Euh, si, justement, là-bas en Tunisie les jeunes s’immolent… tu as attendu un peu, mais tu t’es vite aperçu que le temps que les politiques de Boutewfika portent leurs fruits pour la jeunesse, tu seras déjà vieux, et personne ne te donnera de travail…
Donc mon ami : il est temps que tu regardes les choses en face : soit tu seras promu de jeune chômeur diplômé à vieux chômeur diplômé, soit tu mets hors d’état de nuire les vieilles fripouilles galonnées qui, non satisfaites d’avoir empoisonné la vie de ton père, se mettent maintenant à détruire la tienne... Ya ejjeune ! Fonce ya mon vieux, et bon courage !
Mounir Sahraoui
11 janvier 2011
Nouvelles provocations racistes et colonialistes de la criminelle de guerre sioniste Alliot Marie. La France-Israel veut mater elle meme la Revolte des peuples au Maghreb
Alliot Marie est une racaille sioniste, ici prenant ses ordres de Prasquier et autres pompiers pyromanes israeliens de la haine antisemite, de la haine des arabes, le CRIF qui a fait de la France une base arriere du terrorisme international israelien. Pourquoi aucun journaliste francais ne dit de quelle confession est Ben Ali? Est-ce que vous avez vu vous des Musulmans diriger la France, les Etats-Unis, Israel? Alors pourquoi des arabes juifs sionistes dirigeraient des pays a majorite Musulmane au Maghreb ou en Arabie Saoudite ?
Ben Ali torture, massacre les Musulmans au nom de sa confession israelite, officiellement laicite franc maconne, et au nom des interets de la France-Israel, ce sont des snipers franco-israeliens qui assassinent les jeunes manifestants en Tunisie. Est-ce que je dois faire un tableau egalement pour l'armée algerienne ou le Maroc ? Ces gens la n'ont jamais été élu par les peuples au Maghreb, ils ont éte mis en place par le terrorisme, la guerre, les genocides, les massacres de la France-Israel, les reseaux des 'decrets cremieux' plus exactement. Il faut leur dire sans concessions, si vous etes pas contents, foutez-le camp a Tel Aviv, et c'est pareil en France, si t'es pas contente Alliot Marie, degage a Tel Aviv !
Voila une excellente raison pour mater et mettre en laisse tous les politiques francais de confession raciste sioniste comme Alliot Marie qui sement la haine, la terreure et la guerre au Maghreb et en Afrique. Il faut mettre au pas une bonne fois pour toute la France-Israel, et il faut le faire quand les fers sont chauds, sinon nous allons tout droit vers une guerre totale en France et en Europe.
La France officielle offre ses services pour mater les peuples du Maghreb
In Tunisia-watch
Paris propose à Alger et Tunis son « savoir faire » dans la gestion des manifestations
La France propose officiellement à la Tunisie « son savoir‑faire » dans la gestion des questions sécuritaires lors des manifestations publiques. Critiquée à l’Assemblée nationale française par les députés de l’opposition sur la retenue française au sujet de la situation en Tunisie, la ministre française des Affaires étrangères, Mme Alliot Marie, a indiqué ce mardi 11 janvier que le gouvernement français « ne peut que déplorer qu’il puisse y avoir des violences qui concernent ces peuples amis », selon des propos rapportés par l’AFP, ajoutant que « la priorité doit aller à l’apaisement après des affrontements qui ont fait des morts ».
« Notre premier message doit être celui de l’amitié entre les peuples français et tunisien, et on ne doit pas s’ériger en donneurs de leçons face à une situation complexe », a-t-elle dit à propos de la Tunisie tout en invitant les dirigeants à « mieux prendre en compte les attentes » des populations. La diplomate française a expliqué le mécontentement social et politique par « énormément d’attentes de la part des jeunes », « particulièrement de jeunes formés, de pouvoir accéder au marché du travail ». « Le président Nicolas Sarkozy entend dans le cadre du G8 et du G20 répondre aux préoccupations et aux besoins qui sont ceux de la Tunisie et de l’Algérie en la matière », a-t-elle affirmé.
Et pour mieux gérer les questions sécuritaires au cours des manifestations publiques, Mme Alliot Marie a proposé le « savoir‑faire » de son pays en la matière. « Le savoir‑faire, reconnu dans le monde entier de nos forces de sécurité, permet de régler des situations sécuritaires de ce type. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous proposons effectivement aux deux pays (Tunisie et Algérie) de permettre dans le cadre de nos coopérations d’agir pour que le droit de manifester puisse se faire en même temps que l’assurance de la sécurité », a-t-elle dit.
Depuis le début des émeutes, c’est la première fois qu’un officiel français de haut rang s’exprime sur les violences survenues en Tunisie et en Algérie. Mais à l’unanimité les observateurs ont relevé la retenue de Paris, sans doute en raison des intérêts qu’elle entretient avec ces deux pays, ses deux anciennes colonies.
- La France propose officiellement à la Tunisie « son savoir‑faire » dans la gestion des questions sécuritaires lors des manifestations publiques. Critiquée à l’Assemblée nationale française par les députés de l’opposition sur la retenue française au sujet de la situation en Tunisie, la ministre française des Affaires étrangères, Mme Alliot Marie, a indiqué ce mardi 11 janvier que le gouvernement français « ne peut que déplorer qu’il puisse y avoir des violences qui concernent ces peuples amis », selon des propos rapportés par l’AFP, ajoutant que « la priorité doit aller à l’apaisement après des affrontements qui ont fait des morts ».« Notre premier message doit être celui de l’amitié entre les peuples français et tunisien, et on ne doit pas s’ériger en donneurs de leçons face à une situation complexe », a-t-elle dit à propos de la Tunisie tout en invitant les dirigeants à « mieux prendre en compte les attentes » des populations. La diplomate française a expliqué le mécontentement social et politique par « énormément d’attentes de la part des jeunes », « particulièrement de jeunes formés, de pouvoir accéder au marché du travail ». « Le président Nicolas Sarkozy entend dans le cadre du G8 et du G20 répondre aux préoccupations et aux besoins qui sont ceux de la Tunisie et de l’Algérie en la matière », a-t-elle affirmé.Et pour mieux gérer les questions sécuritaires au cours des manifestations publiques, Mme Alliot Marie a proposé le « savoir‑faire » de son pays en la matière. « Le savoir‑faire, reconnu dans le monde entier de nos forces de sécurité, permet de régler des situations sécuritaires de ce type. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous proposons effectivement aux deux pays (Tunisie et Algérie) de permettre dans le cadre de nos coopérations d’agir pour que le droit de manifester puisse se faire en même temps que l’assurance de la sécurité », a-t-elle dit.Depuis le début des émeutes, c’est la première fois qu’un officiel français de haut rang s’exprime sur les violences survenues en Tunisie et en Algérie. Mais à l’unanimité les observateurs ont relevé la retenue de Paris, sans doute en raison des intérêts qu’elle entretient avec ces deux pays, ses deux anciennes colonies.
Tunisie, Algérie, Egypte... les prémices d’une révolution en marche !?


Ben Ali

Chaque jour amène son lot de victime en Tunisie et en Algérie sans que cela émeuve nos dirigeants qui d’habitudes sont très promptes à monter sur leur grand chevaux pour diaboliser l’image de l’Iran dès que ce dernier commet une incartade politique ou sociétale. Où sont nos « valeureux » ou dois-je dire "véreux" philosophes que sont BHL, Glucksman, Finkielkraut pour ne citer qu’eux en chevalier prosioniste qui crachent leur salmigondis sur les pays qui critique l’entité sioniste. Sous couvert de défendre la liberté et les droits de l’Homme nos « hommes de lettre » savent très bien utiliser l’art de la communication et de l’indignation pour manipuler les esprits faibles lorsu'il s'agit d'un pays qui critique le régime sioniste. Tous ces plumitifs brillent par leur lâcheté et leur corruption morale lorsqu’il s’agit de dénoncer ces dictateurs d’un autre âge.
Quel triste spectacle pour notre pays qui est remarquable par son silence et sa complicité. Nos dirigeants qui se dissent si républicain et ardent défenseur de la liberté d’expression et des droits de l’Homme sont tellement corrompus que les dictateurs de la vergogne de Ben Ali, Abdelaziz Bouteflika et Hosni Moubarak pour ne citer qu’eux… tuent sans compter leur peuple par la violence et la misère à petit feu.
Le peuple, Tunisien, Algérien, Marocain et Egyptien, doit comprendre que leur Liberté et leur Droit face à de tel dictateur, ne peut passer que par la révolution de la rue pour éradiquer le système de corruption mise en place par leur dirigeant et entretenu grâce à la complicité et au soutien de l’occident. Lorsque plus aucune frange de la société ne peut s’exprimer et que la seul richesse dont les peuples ont accès c’est la misère et l’oppression partagées alors il n’y pas d’autre solution que le soulèvement populaire.
Sachez qu’aussi violent et sanguinaire qu’ils sont vos dictateurs, ils ont la peur au ventre lorsque le peuple assoiffé de justice et de liberté se met en marche. Vous êtes à un tournant de votre histoire ! Vous avez l’opportunité de chasser les chacals qui vous dirigent depuis plus d’un quart de siècle! N’attendez pas l’aide de l’occident car ils défendent très bien les valeurs humanistes et universelles uniquement lorsque leur peuple sont concernés….
L’occident a peur de votre liberté, ils s’avent mieux que tout le monde, qu’une vrai liberté et démocratie fera naitre des états musulmans régie par les règles de justice, d'égalité et de liberté que l’Islam inspire. Ils préfèrent soutenir les dictateurs de vos pays plutôt qu’une liberté qui donnerait sans aucun doute une place prépondérante aux valeurs de l’Islam. Alors ne soyez pas dupe n’attendez pas de secours extérieur pour défendre vos droits et vos libertés. Les peuples libres sont ceux qui un moment de leur histoire face à l’injustice ont su par leur sacrifice marquer à jamais les pages de leur histoire. La liberté c’est avant tout une génération de martyr qui se sacrifie pour les générations à venir.
L’oppression dans le silence international est une preuve de la complicité des autres dirigeants et des intellectuelles qui par peur de l’arrivé au pouvoir de partie musulman ferme les yeux ou au mieux émettent de timide critique pour sauver un semblant d’apparence et de crédibilité. Honte aux hommes politiques timorés face à cette tragédie passée sous silence.
On invoque en France pour justifier ce silence la non ingérence. Face au critique de la rue, qui tous les jours dénonce ce silence, la France, l'Europe et des Etats Unis invoquent le principe de non ingérence dans les affaires intérieurs des pays concernés lorsque cela les arrange. Mais grâce à liberté sauvage de la toile on apprend le décompte des morts dans les émeutes pour dénoncer la sale besogne de ces dictateurs. C’est un comble pour notre pays qui dans le cadre de ses intérêts invoque l’argument le plus stupide « la non ingérence » pour défendre des dicteurs de ces pays « amis »…. Comment expliquer ce trie sélectif et se deux poids deux mesures. Pourtant il y a peu, notre pays s’affichait comme le chantre des droits de l’Homme avec ses héros des temps modernes grâce au principe de l’ingérence humanitaire style French docteur baroudeur à la Kouchner…. Les apôtres des temps modernes ont le sens des affaires et des choix suspects très orientés pour les causes à défendre. Quelle hypocrisie et lâcheté… vraiment l’humanité se meure dans des délectations autistes.
Comment ce fait t’il que la plupart des intellectuels musulmans n’appellent pas à des protestations fermes contre ces régimes immondes qu’il serait temps de faire tombé? Pourquoi l’occident soutien ces dicteurs ? La réponse est simple, ils maintiennent ces dictateurs pour faire barrage à l’arrivé au pouvoir d’éventuel aspirations qui pourrai être Islamique. Ces pays du moyen orient sont ils obliger de vivre avec les valeurs de l’occident ou un modèle capitaliste importé ? N’ont il pas le droit de prendre leur destin en main pour bâtir un avenir empreint de paix, de justice et de liberté qui soit en conformité avec leur conviction et leur foi.
Moubarak Ben Ali Bouteflika Chaque jour amène son lot de victime en Tunisie et en Algérie sans que cela émeuve nos dirigeants qui d’habitudes sont très promptes à monter sur leur grand chevaux pour diaboliser l’image de l’Iran dès que ce dernier commet une incartade politique ou sociétale. Où sont nos « valeureux » ou dois-je dire "véreux" philosophes que sont BHL, Glucksman, Finkielkraut pour ne citer qu’eux en chevalier prosioniste qui crachent leur salmigondis sur les pays qui critique l’entité sioniste. Sous couvert de défendre la liberté et les droits de l’Homme nos « hommes de lettre » savent très bien utiliser l’art de la communication et de l’indignation pour manipuler les esprits faibles lorsu'il s'agit d'un pays qui critique le régime sioniste. Tous ces plumitifs brillent par leur lâcheté et leur corruption morale lorsqu’il s’agit de dénoncer ces dictateurs d’un autre âge.
(source triste spectacle pour notre pays qui est remarquable par son silence et sa complicité. Nos dirigeants qui se dissent si républicain et ardent défenseur de la liberté d’expression et des droits de l’Homme sont tellement corrompus que les dictateurs de la vergogne de Ben Ali, Abdelaziz Bouteflika et Hosni Moubarak pour ne citer qu’eux… tuent sans compter leur peuple par la violence et la misère à petit feu.Le peuple, Tunisien, Algérien, Marocain et Egyptien, doit comprendre que leur Liberté et leur Droit face à de tel dictateur, ne peut passer que par la révolution de la rue pour éradiquer le système de corruption mise en place par leur dirigeant et entretenu grâce à la complicité et au soutien de l’occident. Lorsque plus aucune frange de la société ne peut s’exprimer et que la seul richesse dont les peuples ont accès c’est la misère et l’oppression partagées alors il n’y pas d’autre solution que le soulèvement populaire.Sachez qu’aussi violent et sanguinaire qu’ils sont vos dictateurs, ils ont la peur au ventre lorsque le peuple assoiffé de justice et de liberté se met en marche. Vous êtes à un tournant de votre histoire ! Vous avez l’opportunité de chasser les chacals qui vous dirigent depuis plus d’un quart de siècle! N’attendez pas l’aide de l’occident car ils défendent très bien les valeurs humanistes et universelles uniquement lorsque leur peuple sont concernés….L’occident a peur de votre liberté, ils s’avent mieux que tout le monde, qu’une vrai liberté et démocratie fera naitre des états musulmans régie par les règles de justice, d'égalité et de liberté que l’Islam inspire. Ils préfèrent soutenir les dictateurs de vos pays plutôt qu’une liberté qui donnerait sans aucun doute une place prépondérante aux valeurs de l’Islam. Alors ne soyez pas dupe n’attendez pas de secours extérieur pour défendre vos droits et vos libertés. Les peuples libres sont ceux qui un moment de leur histoire face à l’injustice ont su par leur sacrifice marquer à jamais les pages de leur histoire. La liberté c’est avant tout une génération de martyr qui se sacrifie pour les générations à venir.L’oppression dans le silence international est une preuve de la complicité des autres dirigeants et des intellectuelles qui par peur de l’arrivé au pouvoir de partie musulman ferme les yeux ou au mieux émettent de timide critique pour sauver un semblant d’apparence et de crédibilité. Honte aux hommes politiques timorés face à cette tragédie passée sous silence.On invoque en France pour justifier ce silence la non ingérence. Face au critique de la rue, qui tous les jours dénonce ce silence, la France, l'Europe et des Etats Unis invoquent le principe de non ingérence dans les affaires intérieurs des pays concernés lorsque cela les arrange. Mais grâce à liberté sauvage de la toile on apprend le décompte des morts dans les émeutes pour dénoncer la sale besogne de ces dictateurs. C’est un comble pour notre pays qui dans le cadre de ses intérêts invoque l’argument le plus stupide « la non ingérence » pour défendre des dicteurs de ces pays « amis »…. Comment expliquer ce trie sélectif et se deux poids deux mesures. Pourtant il y a peu, notre pays s’affichait comme le chantre des droits de l’Homme avec ses héros des temps modernes grâce au principe de l’ingérence humanitaire style French docteur baroudeur à la Kouchner…. Les apôtres des temps modernes ont le sens des affaires et des choix suspects très orientés pour les causes à défendre. Quelle hypocrisie et lâcheté… vraiment l’humanité se meure dans des délectations autistes.Comment ce fait t’il que la plupart des intellectuels musulmans n’appellent pas à des protestations fermes contre ces régimes immondes qu’il serait temps de faire tombé? Pourquoi l’occident soutien ces dicteurs ? La réponse est simple, ils maintiennent ces dictateurs pour faire barrage à l’arrivé au pouvoir d’éventuel aspirations qui pourrai être Islamique. Ces pays du moyen orient sont ils obliger de vivre avec les valeurs de l’occident ou un modèle capitaliste importé ? N’ont il pas le droit de prendre leur destin en main pour bâtir un avenir empreint de paix, de justice et de liberté qui soit en conformité avec leur conviction et leur foi.
Urgent: French-Israeli and American backing the general Rachid Ammar who is in real charge of Tunisia
NATO, Mossad and DST/DCRI very active in Tunisia, why the tunisian military did not jailed Ben Ali and all his family and allowed him to flee? This is a crime against humanity and the will of the tunisian people !
General Rachid Ammar, special relation to Israel and the Africom. American special forces already on duty in Tunisia. Call to the tunisian people to expel the american and israelis special forces from their country !
French-Israeli are trying to set up NATO military bases through the new general in charge Rachid Ammar in Tunisia, very close to NATO command and israelis. First step of the plan to divide and seize ultra rich oil and gas resources area in Algeria and Lybia, exactly like they did to Sudan. Both countries are in the brink of collapse, the Islamic parties will take power which means energetic security threats to Europe (France, Italy, Spain, Germany) and Israel. This would undermine Egypt regime as well, as a new western North African Muslim united front against Israel will be able to send troops to Gaza in case of war. This puts an enormous pressure on Israel and will definitively destabilise Egypt. Tunisia is a strategic placein North Africa and this is the last chance for the israelis to try to stop these coming popular Revolutions in the Muslim world. The dominant position of Israel and the USA in the Arabic world is at stake. We expect major anti-french-israel riots in North Africa, and a violent conflict in Algeria and Morocco in the first quarter of 2011.
Oil and gas existing pipelines, new pipelines are in red. First they set up fake 'Al Qaeda in North Africa' to send troops in Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Burkina Fasso. Then they destabilized Nigeria and now Cote D''Ivoire to secure the routes in the South. Now after Sudan (China is still in control and is building a new pipelines from the south to Kenya). Now, they want to secure the routes in the North, and seize full control of Algeria, Libya oil and gas fields. (source).
New plans of existing pipelines and new pipelines and new gas oil fields in prospection in Algeria and Libya to be seized by israelis and NATO. Kaddafi and Bouteflika military regimes are on the brink of collapse. French-israeli and american are trying to take control of the riots, implement chaos to turn the will of the people towards the so called 'western forces'. Why tunisian general Rachid Ammar, the new man in power, left an exit door to Ben Ali. Ben Ali out, the Bourguiba mafia system is still in place, and now the NATO military command is coming in the North and South of Tunisia , bases are to be build by the american to 'secure' as well the western front of Israel.
This is a call to the real political dissidents and opposition parties mainly based in France. Brothers and sisters, do not play the game of NATO and Israel, do not allow any NATO military base in your country, they'll bring and invade your country for the sake of Israel. Ask this new general Rachid Ammar what are his links with NATO and the Obama administration ?
Abu Suleyman
Islamic Intelligence
- NATO, Mossad and DST/DCRI very active in Tunisia, why the tunisian military did not jailed Ben Ali and all his family and allowed him to flee? This is a crime against humanity and the will of the tunisian people !
General Rachid Ammar, special relation to Israel and the Africom. American special forces already on duty in Tunisia. Call to the tunisian people to expel the american and israelis special forces from their country !French-Israeli are trying to set up NATO military bases through the new general in charge Rachid Ammar in Tunisia, very close to NATO command and israelis. First step of the plan to divide and seize ultra rich oil and gas resources area in Algeria and Lybia, exactly like they did to Sudan. Both countries are in the brink of collapse, the Islamic parties will take power which means energetic security threats to Europe (France, Italy, Spain, Germany) and Israel. This would undermine Egypt regime as well, as a new western North African Muslim united front against Israel will be able to send troops to Gaza in case of war. This puts an enormous pressure on Israel and will definitively destabilise Egypt. Tunisia is a strategic placein North Africa and this is the last chance for the israelis to try to stop these coming popular Revolutions in the Muslim world. The dominant position of Israel and the USA in the Arabic world is at stake. We expect major anti-french-israel riots in North Africa, and a violent conflict in Algeria and Morocco in the first quarter of 2011.Oil and gas existing pipelines, new pipelines are in red. First they set up fake 'Al Qaeda in North Africa' to send troops in Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Burkina Fasso. Then they destabilized Nigeria and now Cote D''Ivoire to secure the routes in the South. Now after Sudan (China is still in control and is building a new pipelines from the south to Kenya). Now, they want to secure the routes in the North, and seize full control of Algeria, Libya oil and gas fields. (source).
New plans of existing pipelines and new pipelines and new gas oil fields in prospection in Algeria and Libya to be seized by israelis and NATO. Kaddafi and Bouteflika military regimes are on the brink of collapse. French-israeli and american are trying to take control of the riots, implement chaos to turn the will of the people towards the so called 'western forces'. Why tunisian general Rachid Ammar, the new man in power, left an exit door to Ben Ali. Ben Ali out, the Bourguiba mafia system is still in place, and now the NATO military command is coming in the North and South of Tunisia , bases are to be build by the american to 'secure' as well the western front of Israel.This is a call to the real political dissidents and opposition parties mainly based in France. Brothers and sisters, do not play the game of NATO and Israel, do not allow any NATO military base in your country, they'll bring and invade your country for the sake of Israel. Ask this new general Rachid Ammar what are his links with NATO and the Obama administration ?
Abu Suleyman
Islamic Intelligence
Gen. William E. Ward, commander of U.S. Africa Command, is greeted by Tunisian military leaders at Tunis-Carthage International Airport.
Think of Blackwater/Xe, Triple Canopy, Dyncorps, Aegis...
Think of moving Tunisia out of the orbit of France and China and into the orbit of America-Israel?
Think of regime change in Tunisia being followed by regime change in OIL-RICH Algeria and Libya.
Think of the CIA's links to the Muslim Brotherhood. (THE CIA'S MOSLEM FRIENDS, FROM BIN LADEN TO THE MOSLEM BROTHERHOOD.)
According to a comment on the Guardian website (Cached):
"You can see who is directing the protests right here, on Ikhwanweb.
"Ikhwan is the Muslim Brotherhood.
"The MB is the Wahhabi jihad outfit run by Saudi Arabia.
"Saudi Arabia is the USA's jihad-exporting ally.
"Jihad is the excuse the USA needs to occupy more oil-rich Muslim states and expand its global-cop-on-the-make racket."
According to Aljazeera (Looters roam suburbs of Tunis)
People in Tunis have reported groups "prowling through neighbourhoods setting fire to buildings and attacking people and property."
Witnesses have spoken to Al Jazeera about "masked special forces" and "foreign militias."
In an interview with Al Jazeera, caretaker president Mohamed Ghannouchi said that "Gangs are indulging in looting, wreaking havoc and destruction and spreading fear among citizens."
In working-class suburbs of Tunis, hundreds of residents lined the streets with metal bars and knives trying to ward off looters.

'Ben Ali, former Tunisian president who predicted Muslim Brotherhood takeover'
What was happening in Tunisia under Ben Ali?
"Substandard houses were eradicated and decent houses, provided with drinking water, electricity, solar energy…
"Roads were built, too to facilitate access to the amenities.
"Schools were built near these scattered and small communities to allow especially girls to be educated." (Cached)
Tunisia, under Ben Ali, was prosperous. Tunisia boasts a GDP per capita of roughly $8,000, among the highest in Africa, and education levels that outrank much of the developing world.
Meanwhile, the CIA seems to be working with the Muslim Brotherhood.
According to Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld (The Muslim Brotherhood Path to Victory: Part One (of Three ...)
Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf Qaradawi, and Malaysian opposition leader and Muslim Brotherhood supporter Anwar Ibrahim, appear to have friends in the West.
Both share ties to Oxford University.
Qaradawi is a trustee of the university’s Center for Islamic Studies, while Anwar was a lecturer at Oxford’s St. Antony’s College.
"Another Western media darling, Tariq Ramadan, who is prominent advocate of the Muslim Brotherhood agenda, found a permanent house at Oxford’s St. Antony’s College.
"Ramadan, Hassan al Banna’s grandson, was banned from entering the U.S. until January 19, 2010, when U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, issued an executive order allowing his entry to the country.
"Clinton who pressured the Malaysian government on behalf of Anwar, considers him a reformer and an exemplary moderate Muslim.
"One can only wonder why despite the readily available damning information and renewed attention on the MB and its affiliated groups the U.S. as its allies are laying the welcoming carpet to some of the most effective MB actors."
On 31 December 2010, we read that "A Tunisian protester has died of his injuries after police shot him in the town of Menzel Bouzaiene...
"Mohamed Ammari, a Tunisian teenager, had been killed by police bullets the same day..." (Another Tunisian protester dies)
When the CIA decides to topple a president, it uses its assets within that president's police and military.
In the run up to the CIA's toppling of Indonesia's President Suharto in 1998, certain members of the military shot and killed some important students.
The objective was to undermine Suharto. (STAGED BY SPOOKS.)
Suharto, perhaps like Tunisia's Ben Ali, was seen as getting too old, seen as not giving enough contracts to the USA, and seen as not being sufficiently subservient to Washington and Tel Aviv.
President Ben Ali, who was toppled by the CIA and Mossad? A few weeks ago, BEN ALI REITERATED HIS SOLIDARITY WITH THE PALESTINIANS. In 2000, Ben Ali decided to break all diplomatic ties with Israel. Wikileaks, the voice of the CIA and Mossad, tells us that the Ben Ali family is a "Quasi Mafia"s
Did the CIA plan a coup in Tunisia?
Tunisia is one of the most prosperous of Arab countries, and one of the best educated.
Tunisia has been successful at creating an industrial-base; for example, it has an Airbus plant, a textile industry and the manufacture of car parts.
Perhaps the CIA and Mossad would prefer a more backward Tunisia, run by the CIA's Moslem Brotherhood.
On 30 December 2010, we read that Police opened fire as protests spread in Tunisia
People are said to be unhappy about relatively high levels of unemployment among youth and about the government of the aging President, Ben Ali.
Tunisia is a success story compared to its neighbours.
Demonstrations were reported in Kairouan, Sousse, and elsewhere.
In Kairouan, police clashed with demonstrators, leaving a number of people injured.
In Tunis, lawyers demonstrated 'in support of the protesters'.
The CIA and Mossad appear, through Wikileaks, to have expressed their wish to topple Tunisia's president, Ben Ali.
Wikileaks published a US government cable which described Tunisia as a 'police state', and, not sufficiently friendly to the USA.
Tunisia's tourism industry is said to be suffering from stiff competition from Israel. (LOL)
So, we have people power demonstrations, perhaps organised by friends of the CIA?
Expect to be told by the mainstream media that Ben Ali is horribly corrupt and has to go.
Synagogue entrance through which fuel tanker truck drove. From Flickr, El-Ghriba Synagogue. Author upyernoz
Reportedly, the CIA runs a secret prison near Bizerte, 65km north of Tunis, in Tunisia. (CIA facility in Tunisia?)
Back in 2002, Mossad and its friends took an interest in Djerba, in Tunisia, where Jews, Muslims and Christians normally live in harmony.
In 2002, in Tunisia, the Djerba bombing took place.
According to the official version, Nizar Nauar (Nawar), a native of Tunisia, drove a fuel tanker up to a synagogue.
The fuel tanker then exploded.
Nizar may have been a patsy. Nizar's brother, Walid, was jailed for 12 years for 'having supplied Nizar with false papers and a satellite telephone'.
Of course, no Jews were killed.
The bombing caused no real damage to the synagogue or its holy books.
Perez Trabelsi, head of Djerba’s large Jewish community, had left the synagogue for coffee just before the blast.
The people who died were 14 German tourists, five Tunisians and two French nationals.
The bombing was blamed on al-Qaeda, which is believed to be part of the CIA.
In 2003, Christian Ganczarski, who prosecutors believe had links to al-Qaeda, was arrested in connection with the bombing.
He has now been given a long prison sentence by a Paris court for his alleged part in the bombing. (Two jailed over Tunisia bombing)
Is Christian a double agent or a patsy?
Christian was born in Poland to devout Catholic parents. He moved to Germany. Reportedly he became "one of bin Laden's personal couriers."
The alleged financier of the Djerba bombing is a Spanish Catholic called Enrique Cerda Ibanez.
The Djerba bombing was on 11 April 2002.
The New York attack was on 11 September 2001.
The Madrid bombings were on 11 March 2004.
The number 11 is seen by some numerologists to signify "Israel."
Israel has attacked Tunisia in the past.
In 1985, Israel bombed the PLO headquarters in Tunis. - Mossad
In 1988 a small fleet of Israeli Sa'ar 4 Fast Missile Boats arrived in the waters just off the coast of Tunis. The Palestinian Abu Jihad, Arafat's deputy, living in the exclusive Sidi Bou Said suburb of Tunis, was then murdered byIsraeli special forces. - Tunis Raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Djerba's chief rabbi, Haiem Maddar, has said that Jews in Djerba have more in common with their fellow Tunisians than they do with the Europeans, Russians and Americans who control Israel today.
Before 1948, Jews and Arabs coexisted together for centuries in Palestine. Now everyone in the world helps fuel the conflict so they can sell weapons to both sides, the rabbi complained. -(Tunisian Jews Enjoy Religious Tolerance and Peace in Djerba)
Gen. William E. Ward, commander of U.S. Africa Command, is greeted by Tunisian military leaders at Tunis-Carthage International Airport.
Think of Blackwater/Xe, Triple Canopy, Dyncorps, Aegis...
Think of moving Tunisia out of the orbit of France and China and into the orbit of America-Israel?
Think of regime change in Tunisia being followed by regime change in OIL-RICH Algeria and Libya.
Think of the CIA's links to the Muslim Brotherhood. (THE CIA'S MOSLEM FRIENDS, FROM BIN LADEN TO THE MOSLEM BROTHERHOOD.)
According to a comment on the Guardian website (Cached):
"You can see who is directing the protests right here, on Ikhwanweb.
"Ikhwan is the Muslim Brotherhood.
"The MB is the Wahhabi jihad outfit run by Saudi Arabia.
"Saudi Arabia is the USA's jihad-exporting ally.
"Jihad is the excuse the USA needs to occupy more oil-rich Muslim states and expand its global-cop-on-the-make racket."
According to Aljazeera (Looters roam suburbs of Tunis)
People in Tunis have reported groups "prowling through neighbourhoods setting fire to buildings and attacking people and property."
Witnesses have spoken to Al Jazeera about "masked special forces" and "foreign militias."
In an interview with Al Jazeera, caretaker president Mohamed Ghannouchi said that "Gangs are indulging in looting, wreaking havoc and destruction and spreading fear among citizens."
In working-class suburbs of Tunis, hundreds of residents lined the streets with metal bars and knives trying to ward off looters.
'Ben Ali, former Tunisian president who predicted Muslim Brotherhood takeover'
What was happening in Tunisia under Ben Ali?
"Substandard houses were eradicated and decent houses, provided with drinking water, electricity, solar energy…
"Roads were built, too to facilitate access to the amenities.
"Schools were built near these scattered and small communities to allow especially girls to be educated." (Cached)Tunisia, under Ben Ali, was prosperous. Tunisia boasts a GDP per capita of roughly $8,000, among the highest in Africa, and education levels that outrank much of the developing world.
Meanwhile, the CIA seems to be working with the Muslim Brotherhood.
According to Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld (The Muslim Brotherhood Path to Victory: Part One (of Three ...)
Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf Qaradawi, and Malaysian opposition leader and Muslim Brotherhood supporter Anwar Ibrahim, appear to have friends in the West.
Both share ties to Oxford University.
Qaradawi is a trustee of the university’s Center for Islamic Studies, while Anwar was a lecturer at Oxford’s St. Antony’s College.
"Another Western media darling, Tariq Ramadan, who is prominent advocate of the Muslim Brotherhood agenda, found a permanent house at Oxford’s St. Antony’s College.
"Ramadan, Hassan al Banna’s grandson, was banned from entering the U.S. until January 19, 2010, when U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, issued an executive order allowing his entry to the country.
"Clinton who pressured the Malaysian government on behalf of Anwar, considers him a reformer and an exemplary moderate Muslim.
"One can only wonder why despite the readily available damning information and renewed attention on the MB and its affiliated groups the U.S. as its allies are laying the welcoming carpet to some of the most effective MB actors."
On 31 December 2010, we read that "A Tunisian protester has died of his injuries after police shot him in the town of Menzel Bouzaiene...
"Mohamed Ammari, a Tunisian teenager, had been killed by police bullets the same day..." (Another Tunisian protester dies)
When the CIA decides to topple a president, it uses its assets within that president's police and military.
In the run up to the CIA's toppling of Indonesia's President Suharto in 1998, certain members of the military shot and killed some important students.
The objective was to undermine Suharto. (STAGED BY SPOOKS.)
Suharto, perhaps like Tunisia's Ben Ali, was seen as getting too old, seen as not giving enough contracts to the USA, and seen as not being sufficiently subservient to Washington and Tel Aviv.President Ben Ali, who was toppled by the CIA and Mossad? A few weeks ago, BEN ALI REITERATED HIS SOLIDARITY WITH THE PALESTINIANS. In 2000, Ben Ali decided to break all diplomatic ties with Israel. Wikileaks, the voice of the CIA and Mossad, tells us that the Ben Ali family is a "Quasi Mafia"s
Did the CIA plan a coup in Tunisia?
Tunisia is one of the most prosperous of Arab countries, and one of the best educated.
Tunisia has been successful at creating an industrial-base; for example, it has an Airbus plant, a textile industry and the manufacture of car parts.
Perhaps the CIA and Mossad would prefer a more backward Tunisia, run by the CIA's Moslem Brotherhood.
On 30 December 2010, we read that Police opened fire as protests spread in Tunisia
People are said to be unhappy about relatively high levels of unemployment among youth and about the government of the aging President, Ben Ali.
Tunisia is a success story compared to its neighbours.
Demonstrations were reported in Kairouan, Sousse, and elsewhere.
In Kairouan, police clashed with demonstrators, leaving a number of people injured.
In Tunis, lawyers demonstrated 'in support of the protesters'.
The CIA and Mossad appear, through Wikileaks, to have expressed their wish to topple Tunisia's president, Ben Ali.
Wikileaks published a US government cable which described Tunisia as a 'police state', and, not sufficiently friendly to the USA.
Tunisia's tourism industry is said to be suffering from stiff competition from Israel. (LOL)
So, we have people power demonstrations, perhaps organised by friends of the CIA?
Expect to be told by the mainstream media that Ben Ali is horribly corrupt and has to go.Synagogue entrance through which fuel tanker truck drove. From Flickr, El-Ghriba Synagogue. Author upyernoz
Reportedly, the CIA runs a secret prison near Bizerte, 65km north of Tunis, in Tunisia. (CIA facility in Tunisia?)
Back in 2002, Mossad and its friends took an interest in Djerba, in Tunisia, where Jews, Muslims and Christians normally live in harmony.
In 2002, in Tunisia, the Djerba bombing took place.
According to the official version, Nizar Nauar (Nawar), a native of Tunisia, drove a fuel tanker up to a synagogue.
The fuel tanker then exploded.
Nizar may have been a patsy. Nizar's brother, Walid, was jailed for 12 years for 'having supplied Nizar with false papers and a satellite telephone'.
Of course, no Jews were killed.
The bombing caused no real damage to the synagogue or its holy books.
Perez Trabelsi, head of Djerba’s large Jewish community, had left the synagogue for coffee just before the blast.
The people who died were 14 German tourists, five Tunisians and two French nationals.
The bombing was blamed on al-Qaeda, which is believed to be part of the CIA.Christian
In 2003, Christian Ganczarski, who prosecutors believe had links to al-Qaeda, was arrested in connection with the bombing.
He has now been given a long prison sentence by a Paris court for his alleged part in the bombing. (Two jailed over Tunisia bombing)
Is Christian a double agent or a patsy?
Christian was born in Poland to devout Catholic parents. He moved to Germany. Reportedly he became "one of bin Laden's personal couriers."
The alleged financier of the Djerba bombing is a Spanish Catholic called Enrique Cerda Ibanez.
The Djerba bombing was on 11 April 2002.
The New York attack was on 11 September 2001.
The Madrid bombings were on 11 March 2004.
The number 11 is seen by some numerologists to signify "Israel."
Israel has attacked Tunisia in the past.
In 1985, Israel bombed the PLO headquarters in Tunis. - Mossad
In 1988 a small fleet of Israeli Sa'ar 4 Fast Missile Boats arrived in the waters just off the coast of Tunis. The Palestinian Abu Jihad, Arafat's deputy, living in the exclusive Sidi Bou Said suburb of Tunis, was then murdered byIsraeli special forces. - Tunis Raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Djerba's chief rabbi, Haiem Maddar, has said that Jews in Djerba have more in common with their fellow Tunisians than they do with the Europeans, Russians and Americans who control Israel today.
Before 1948, Jews and Arabs coexisted together for centuries in Palestine. Now everyone in the world helps fuel the conflict so they can sell weapons to both sides, the rabbi complained. -(Tunisian Jews Enjoy Religious Tolerance and Peace in Djerba)
Is Tunisia a Zionist coup to take full control of the oil, gas of Algeria, Libya : An insight view
Is Tunisia the first victim of the Israeli Public Relation Wikileaks?
All the fingerprints point to Israel’s apparatus in Washington and Zionist networks in North Africa.
As brilliantly explained by Jeff Gates, Wikileaks game theory warfare are serving multiples purposes and multiples targets. Are Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, and Egypt one of them in 2011?
Important dates in Tunisia
In 2000, President Ben Ali, believed to be protected by Israeli Mossad and French security services (French Zionist Networks in North Africa), broke all diplomatic ties with Israel after the second intifada.
In 2009 - Tunisia signed a big economic and technical cooperation pact with China
October 2010 - Sakhr El Materi, chairman of the Tunisia-US Parliamentary Friendship Group, and in law of Ben Ali (Materi is married to one of the Ben Ali’s daughter Nessrin) had talks with top Americans in the Pentagon and the State Department.November 2010 - A cable from the US embassy in Tunis released by ‘wikileaks’ (describes Tunisia's President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's family entourage as a "quasi Mafia" because of its "organized corruption".
Mohamed Bouazizi. He "set himself on fire outside the governor’s office". ( Mohamed Bouazizi.) Or he "set fire to himself at the bus station ? " "He had apparently decided to go to Tunis and talk to the president... (he) arrived at the bus station." It is believed that he did not died the 5th January but someone else died with the same family name.
17 December - Mohamed Bouazizi, a 26-year-old university graduate, reportedly set himself alight in the central Tunisian town of Sidi Bouzid in a protest over unemployment.
He reportedly died on January 5 from burn wounds.
In Islam, suicide is considered a sin. It is forbidden.
There have been rumours that Mohamed Bouazizi is still alive 24 December 2010 - an important Washington think tank (Institute for Policy Studies) had an article about a possible change of regime in Tunisia:
"It would do Tunisians, even (Tunisian President) Ben Ali, well to recall how many US allies different American administrations have discarded…"7 January 2011 - the Council on Foreign Relations's Elliott Abrams (Elliott Abrams: Is Tunisia Next?: seems to suggest that the fall of Ben Ali would be a good thing.
"Tunisians are clearly sick of looking at all the giant photos and paintings of Ben Ali that appear on walls, posters, and billboards all over the country...
"If Tunisia can move toward democracy, Algerians and Egyptians and even Libyans will wonder why they cannot."8-10 January - More people die in three days of rioting. Mysterious rooftop snipers are at work.13 January - The army withdraws from Tunis, which remains occupied by special forces.
The leaders of the North African branch of Al-Qaeda/the CIA call for the overthrow of Ben Ali.
14 January - Ben Ali leaves the country.Think of the NATO/CIA's Operation Gladio
15 January :
"Ben Ali ... gave you security. Now that he's gone, look at the destruction," said Mohamed, a worker in a transport company as he surveyed a looted and burnt out appliances shop. (President's exile leaves security vacuum)
"The main train station in Tunis has been torched, while gunfire was heard as soldiers intervened in attempts to stop looting in the city...
"The Reuters news agency reported that squads of men in civilian clothes were driving through Tunis at high speed, shooting randomly at buildings and people." (Army on streets amid Tunisia unrest)
"In the capital of Tunis and other areas of the country, residents reported knife-wielding and balaclava-clad gangs attacking apartments and homes.
"Organised groups were said to be attacking shops, hospitals and factories.
"Many had piled into stolen hire cars and careered around the city and suburbs, stopping only to smash and burn."
"The feel is very much that of a military takeover. It's hard to catch a whiff of what is being called the Jasmine Revolution." (Wedeman: Tunisia's military putting boot on 'Jasmine Revolution')
This email had been sent to me through the website during the last few days, where deliberate chaos and turmoil is now affecting all the population in Tunisia:
‘We the people of the revolutionary Tunisia would like to share with the people of the world our happiness of the fall of a dictator leviathan by the willingness of the people and witness that the current situation is still unequivocally atrocious:
- No civil security: people do not feel secured in their own homes as miliciens appeared to have shooted many innocent unarmed civilians. These terrorists seemed to be part of the diminished regime of Ben Ali and are there to spread fear and panic among innocent people. These armed terrorists steal supermarkets and houses.
- No affordable food and water: we are on the verge of inflation as prices are climbing very high and water has been intoxicated in some parts of the country, the result of which many people are being treated in the hospital of Sahloul in Sousse.
- No reliable government: the current temporary government has always been an intrinsic part of the falling dictatorship. Although the head of the beast has fled to Saudi-Arabia, the rest of its body is still well alive in our country that is all the ministers and assistants and all the police forces who worked for the benefit of the dictator. We, with the support of all the people around the world who love to spread freedom in our human society, shall work together to extinguish all the forces of evil and spread true democracy and liberty not only in Tunisia but also in the Arab and Islamic countries as well as the whole planet.
This is a true example we give to all humanity that history has never recorded any case of granted freedom to the people, this is a true freedom made by the people and to the people. We are a rich country by the willingness of our people to live free of all kind of other dictatorship be it that of ex-colonizer, the French thievish regime, or the false democratic American system. ‘
Origins of the Zionist Networks in North Africa
The North African countries are ruled by military and police and are true dictatorship. The rulers were put in power by the French, and more specifically, the Arab Jewish administration ruling North Africa for France through the 1870 Decret Cremieux, which allowed the local Jewish population to take the French citizenship and to administrate the countries.
Behind Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian services, we have French services, there was never any real independence. General Charles De Gaulle gave in fact the political ‘independence’ but kept the full supervision of the ultra rich in oil and gas Algeria, with the help of a special network of administrators.
The North African countries are all ruled by the military or the police and are true dictatorship. The rulers of the three countries were put in power by the French government which is the real governor.
Algeria and Libya has accused Mossad of being behind the riots in Algeria and Tunisia.
Morocco is said to be an important CIA's rendition program and a huge Zionist French secret networks operated by French secret services DST/DCRI, Morocco is a recruiting ground (there are several secret prisons where Muslims detained are tortured, and several camps, like the ones set up in Afghanistan and some place in Pakistan entirely managed by the French Zionist networks).
Coming form these camps, is one of the famous or ‘infamous’ group was the GIA for ‘Group Islamic Armed’, ancestor of the nowadays ‘Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’. These groups are managed by the Algerian, Moroccan secret services, and supervised from Paris by the French secret police the DCRI (Direction Centrale du Renseignement, formerly DST, Direction de la Surete du Territoire).
French DCRI is ruled and controlled by the North African Sefarads, mostly European settlers or their sons born in Algeria during the occupation. They are called les ‘Pieds-Noirs’, most of them are Jewish and were administrating the French colony directly.
According to Libya, the 'Amazigh movement' activists, backed by foreign intelligence services (Mossad), are leading a plan to break the Maghreb after succeeding in Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan and Yemen.
Has Mossad arranged the shootings in Tunisia?
In this video, 8 westerners (4 Germans, 2 Swedish), were caught today firing on the Tunisian military in Central Tunis, they were heavily armed like you can see:
Tunisia's Communications Minister has said: "Those who have spoken of 40 or 50 dead should produce a list of names...Police never fired on protesters."In this video;
You can see that the innocent protesters are shot in the head, the neck and the chest.
Did you see these pictures somewhere else?
Yes! you are right, in Gaza, and occupied Palestine, do you connect the dots now?
Tunisia has oil, like Algeria and Libya and in the same area, near the border of the three countries. What a coincidence?
This map shows you the entire pipelines network at stake in the area
Oil and gas existing pipelines. First they set up the fake 'Al Qaeda in North Africa' in 2005, to send troops in Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Burkina Fasso. Then they destabilized Nigeria and now Cote d'Ivoire to secure the routes in the South. Now after Sudan (China is still in control and is building a new pipelines from the south to Kenya). Now, they want to secure the routes in the North, and seize full control of Algeria, Libya oil and gas fields. Gas is the future, not oil. As the Obama administration is fighting the new gas deal association of Qatar, Russia, Algeria.
Best place to do it is.... Tunisia (at the border of the three countries, very rich in oil and gas) and where the US Anadarko is already prospecting for new huge fields.
Initial production from the Hassi Berkine area is estimated at about 30,000 barrels of oil per day. As agreements are reached to develop additional discoveries made by the partners and pipeline capacity from the area is expanded, the partnership's oil production from Algeria is expected to increase significantly after 1997. At the end of 1996 Lasmo announced a new discovery, together with the successful appraisal of a previous find. The EKT-1 well, located 20km north of the EME field, could hold reserves of between 100m - 250m barrels of oil. Other partners include US oil independent Anadarko and Maersk Oil. Based on current forecasts it is anticipated that by the turn of the century gross production from HBNS and BBN should reach around 250,000 bopd (approximately 30,000 bopd net to Lasmo).
In this European report, you can see the new plans for the extension of the existing pipelines and new pipelines and new gas oil fields in prospection in Algeria and Libya to be seized by Israelis through American NATO troops.
Remind you of somewhere? Afghanistan where the Israeli TAPI pipeline is to be built form very rich gas fields production in Turkmenistan to India.
Do you connect the dots?
Libyan Kaddafi, who is believed to be the son of a French army pilot and Algerian Bouteflika military regimes are on the brink of collapse. French-Israelis network in North Africa and American are behind the ‘Revolutions’, they are implementing chaos to turn the will of the people towards the so called 'western forces'.
Why Tunisian general Rachid Ammar, the new man in power, left an exit door to Ben Ali. Ben Ali out, the Bourguiba mafia system (former president of Tunisia in the 1980s) is still in place, and now the NATO military command is coming in the North (naval base) and South of Tunisia (aerial base). The bases are to be build by the American contractors companies, to 'secure' as well the western front of Israel.
European Gas Demand, new pipelines to be built (2008)
There is a belief that the US through NATO, Israel "have crafted a long-term joint security program in the Middle East and North Africa to downsize the world of Islam and disintegrate the countries there."
"Attacks on churches in Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and Tunisia can be analyzed in the context of a Zionist scenario aimed at driving a wedge between Muslims and Arab Christians."
General Rachid Ammar, the new man in power
General Rachid Ammar is the new ruler of the country, he is backed by the Israeli apparatus in Washington and he is very close to NATO and the Africom command led by General Ward.
General Rachid Ammar, special relation to Israel and NATO-Africom command.
Zionists are now trying to set up and open NATO military bases through the new general in charge, Rachid Ammar in Tunisia, very close to NATO command and the Israelis he meets regularly in the NATO ‘ Military Mediterranean Dialogue Contact Committee'; (
What do you make of this?
In 2011, this is the first big move in North Africa to establish the Greater Middle East Plan to divide and seize the ultra rich oil and gas resources area in Algeria, Tunisia and Lybia, exactly like they did to Sudan, (Somalia and Yemen are terminals points to export the hydrocarbures from Africa and strategic places for the route of the oil and gas transportation).
Both countries are in the brink of collapse, the Islamic parties will take power which means energetic security threats to Europe (France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Greece) and Israel.
This would undermine Zionist Mubarak Egypt regime as well, as a new Western North African Muslim united political front against Israel will be able to send troops to Gaza in case of war, like they did in 1956 when Algerian were sent to help the Nasser’s Egyptian army against the French, British and Israel who seized the ‘Canal of Suez’. This puts an enormous pressure on Israel and will definitively destabilize Egypt.
Tunisia is a strategic place in North Africa and this is ‘a chance’, for the Israelis to take the full control of all these upcoming popular Revolutions in the Muslim world.
As the Zionist apparatus in Washington and Europe (NATO) is believed to be behind the plan, but they can easily loose the control of their dominant position in the Arabic world, their future is at stake.
A real change, coming from the oppressed Arab people signifies the end of Israel in short term.
Abu Suleyman
Islamic Intelligence
- Is Tunisia the first victim of the Israeli Public Relation Wikileaks?All the fingerprints point to Israel’s apparatus in Washington and Zionist networks in North Africa.As brilliantly explained by Jeff Gates, Wikileaks game theory warfare are serving multiples purposes and multiples targets. Are Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, and Egypt one of them in 2011?Important dates in TunisiaIn 2000, President Ben Ali, believed to be protected by Israeli Mossad and French security services (French Zionist Networks in North Africa), broke all diplomatic ties with Israel after the second intifada.
In 2009 - Tunisia signed a big economic and technical cooperation pact with China
October 2010 - Sakhr El Materi, chairman of the Tunisia-US Parliamentary Friendship Group, and in law of Ben Ali (Materi is married to one of the Ben Ali’s daughter Nessrin) had talks with top Americans in the Pentagon and the State Department.November 2010 - A cable from the US embassy in Tunis released by ‘wikileaks’ (describes Tunisia's President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's family entourage as a "quasi Mafia" because of its "organized corruption".Mohamed Bouazizi. He "set himself on fire outside the governor’s office". ( Mohamed Bouazizi.) Or he "set fire to himself at the bus station ? " "He had apparently decided to go to Tunis and talk to the president... (he) arrived at the bus station." It is believed that he did not died the 5th January but someone else died with the same family name.17 December - Mohamed Bouazizi, a 26-year-old university graduate, reportedly set himself alight in the central Tunisian town of Sidi Bouzid in a protest over unemployment.
He reportedly died on January 5 from burn wounds.
In Islam, suicide is considered a sin. It is forbidden.
There have been rumours that Mohamed Bouazizi is still alive 24 December 2010 - an important Washington think tank (Institute for Policy Studies) had an article about a possible change of regime in Tunisia:
"It would do Tunisians, even (Tunisian President) Ben Ali, well to recall how many US allies different American administrations have discarded…"7 January 2011 - the Council on Foreign Relations's Elliott Abrams (Elliott Abrams: Is Tunisia Next?: seems to suggest that the fall of Ben Ali would be a good thing.
"Tunisians are clearly sick of looking at all the giant photos and paintings of Ben Ali that appear on walls, posters, and billboards all over the country...
"If Tunisia can move toward democracy, Algerians and Egyptians and even Libyans will wonder why they cannot."8-10 January - More people die in three days of rioting. Mysterious rooftop snipers are at work.13 January - The army withdraws from Tunis, which remains occupied by special forces.
The leaders of the North African branch of Al-Qaeda/the CIA call for the overthrow of Ben Ali.
14 January - Ben Ali leaves the country.Think of the NATO/CIA's Operation Gladio
15 January :
"Ben Ali ... gave you security. Now that he's gone, look at the destruction," said Mohamed, a worker in a transport company as he surveyed a looted and burnt out appliances shop. (President's exile leaves security vacuum)
"The main train station in Tunis has been torched, while gunfire was heard as soldiers intervened in attempts to stop looting in the city...
"The Reuters news agency reported that squads of men in civilian clothes were driving through Tunis at high speed, shooting randomly at buildings and people." (Army on streets amid Tunisia unrest)
"In the capital of Tunis and other areas of the country, residents reported knife-wielding and balaclava-clad gangs attacking apartments and homes.
"Organised groups were said to be attacking shops, hospitals and factories.
"Many had piled into stolen hire cars and careered around the city and suburbs, stopping only to smash and burn."
"The feel is very much that of a military takeover. It's hard to catch a whiff of what is being called the Jasmine Revolution." (Wedeman: Tunisia's military putting boot on 'Jasmine Revolution')(source: email had been sent to me through the website during the last few days, where deliberate chaos and turmoil is now affecting all the population in Tunisia:‘We the people of the revolutionary Tunisia would like to share with the people of the world our happiness of the fall of a dictator leviathan by the willingness of the people and witness that the current situation is still unequivocally atrocious:- No civil security: people do not feel secured in their own homes as miliciens appeared to have shooted many innocent unarmed civilians. These terrorists seemed to be part of the diminished regime of Ben Ali and are there to spread fear and panic among innocent people. These armed terrorists steal supermarkets and houses.- No affordable food and water: we are on the verge of inflation as prices are climbing very high and water has been intoxicated in some parts of the country, the result of which many people are being treated in the hospital of Sahloul in Sousse.- No reliable government: the current temporary government has always been an intrinsic part of the falling dictatorship. Although the head of the beast has fled to Saudi-Arabia, the rest of its body is still well alive in our country that is all the ministers and assistants and all the police forces who worked for the benefit of the dictator. We, with the support of all the people around the world who love to spread freedom in our human society, shall work together to extinguish all the forces of evil and spread true democracy and liberty not only in Tunisia but also in the Arab and Islamic countries as well as the whole planet.This is a true example we give to all humanity that history has never recorded any case of granted freedom to the people, this is a true freedom made by the people and to the people. We are a rich country by the willingness of our people to live free of all kind of other dictatorship be it that of ex-colonizer, the French thievish regime, or the false democratic American system. ‘Origins of the Zionist Networks in North AfricaThe North African countries are ruled by military and police and are true dictatorship. The rulers were put in power by the French, and more specifically, the Arab Jewish administration ruling North Africa for France through the 1870 Decret Cremieux, which allowed the local Jewish population to take the French citizenship and to administrate the countries.Behind Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian services, we have French services, there was never any real independence. General Charles De Gaulle gave in fact the political ‘independence’ but kept the full supervision of the ultra rich in oil and gas Algeria, with the help of a special network of administrators.The North African countries are all ruled by the military or the police and are true dictatorship. The rulers of the three countries were put in power by the French government which is the real governor.Algeria and Libya has accused Mossad of being behind the riots in Algeria and Tunisia.Morocco is said to be an important CIA's rendition program and a huge Zionist French secret networks operated by French secret services DST/DCRI, Morocco is a recruiting ground (there are several secret prisons where Muslims detained are tortured, and several camps, like the ones set up in Afghanistan and some place in Pakistan entirely managed by the French Zionist networks).Coming form these camps, is one of the famous or ‘infamous’ group was the GIA for ‘Group Islamic Armed’, ancestor of the nowadays ‘Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’. These groups are managed by the Algerian, Moroccan secret services, and supervised from Paris by the French secret police the DCRI (Direction Centrale du Renseignement, formerly DST, Direction de la Surete du Territoire).French DCRI is ruled and controlled by the North African Sefarads, mostly European settlers or their sons born in Algeria during the occupation. They are called les ‘Pieds-Noirs’, most of them are Jewish and were administrating the French colony directly.According to Libya, the 'Amazigh movement' activists, backed by foreign intelligence services (Mossad), are leading a plan to break the Maghreb after succeeding in Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan and Yemen.
Has Mossad arranged the shootings in Tunisia?
In this video, 8 westerners (4 Germans, 2 Swedish), were caught today firing on the Tunisian military in Central Tunis, they were heavily armed like you can see:
Tunisia's Communications Minister has said: "Those who have spoken of 40 or 50 dead should produce a list of names...Police never fired on protesters."In this video;
You can see that the innocent protesters are shot in the head, the neck and the chest.
Did you see these pictures somewhere else?
Yes! you are right, in Gaza, and occupied Palestine, do you connect the dots now?
Tunisia has oil, like Algeria and Libya and in the same area, near the border of the three countries. What a coincidence?
This map shows you the entire pipelines network at stake in the area
Oil and gas existing pipelines. First they set up the fake 'Al Qaeda in North Africa' in 2005, to send troops in Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Burkina Fasso. Then they destabilized Nigeria and now Cote d'Ivoire to secure the routes in the South. Now after Sudan (China is still in control and is building a new pipelines from the south to Kenya). Now, they want to secure the routes in the North, and seize full control of Algeria, Libya oil and gas fields. Gas is the future, not oil. As the Obama administration is fighting the new gas deal association of Qatar, Russia, Algeria.Best place to do it is.... Tunisia (at the border of the three countries, very rich in oil and gas) and where the US Anadarko is already prospecting for new huge fields.Initial production from the Hassi Berkine area is estimated at about 30,000 barrels of oil per day. As agreements are reached to develop additional discoveries made by the partners and pipeline capacity from the area is expanded, the partnership's oil production from Algeria is expected to increase significantly after 1997. At the end of 1996 Lasmo announced a new discovery, together with the successful appraisal of a previous find. The EKT-1 well, located 20km north of the EME field, could hold reserves of between 100m - 250m barrels of oil. Other partners include US oil independent Anadarko and Maersk Oil. Based on current forecasts it is anticipated that by the turn of the century gross production from HBNS and BBN should reach around 250,000 bopd (approximately 30,000 bopd net to Lasmo).In this European report, you can see the new plans for the extension of the existing pipelines and new pipelines and new gas oil fields in prospection in Algeria and Libya to be seized by Israelis through American NATO troops.Remind you of somewhere? Afghanistan where the Israeli TAPI pipeline is to be built form very rich gas fields production in Turkmenistan to India.Do you connect the dots?Libyan Kaddafi, who is believed to be the son of a French army pilot and Algerian Bouteflika military regimes are on the brink of collapse. French-Israelis network in North Africa and American are behind the ‘Revolutions’, they are implementing chaos to turn the will of the people towards the so called 'western forces'.Why Tunisian general Rachid Ammar, the new man in power, left an exit door to Ben Ali. Ben Ali out, the Bourguiba mafia system (former president of Tunisia in the 1980s) is still in place, and now the NATO military command is coming in the North (naval base) and South of Tunisia (aerial base). The bases are to be build by the American contractors companies, to 'secure' as well the western front of Israel.European Gas Demand, new pipelines to be built (2008)
"Attacks on churches in Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and Tunisia can be analyzed in the context of a Zionist scenario aimed at driving a wedge between Muslims and Arab Christians."
General Rachid Ammar, the new man in power
General Rachid Ammar is the new ruler of the country, he is backed by the Israeli apparatus in Washington and he is very close to NATO and the Africom command led by General Ward.General Rachid Ammar, special relation to Israel and NATO-Africom command.Zionists are now trying to set up and open NATO military bases through the new general in charge, Rachid Ammar in Tunisia, very close to NATO command and the Israelis he meets regularly in the NATO ‘ Military Mediterranean Dialogue Contact Committee'; ( do you make of this?In 2011, this is the first big move in North Africa to establish the Greater Middle East Plan to divide and seize the ultra rich oil and gas resources area in Algeria, Tunisia and Lybia, exactly like they did to Sudan, (Somalia and Yemen are terminals points to export the hydrocarbures from Africa and strategic places for the route of the oil and gas transportation).Both countries are in the brink of collapse, the Islamic parties will take power which means energetic security threats to Europe (France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Greece) and Israel.This would undermine Zionist Mubarak Egypt regime as well, as a new Western North African Muslim united political front against Israel will be able to send troops to Gaza in case of war, like they did in 1956 when Algerian were sent to help the Nasser’s Egyptian army against the French, British and Israel who seized the ‘Canal of Suez’. This puts an enormous pressure on Israel and will definitively destabilize Egypt.Tunisia is a strategic place in North Africa and this is ‘a chance’, for the Israelis to take the full control of all these upcoming popular Revolutions in the Muslim world.As the Zionist apparatus in Washington and Europe (NATO) is believed to be behind the plan, but they can easily loose the control of their dominant position in the Arabic world, their future is at stake.A real change, coming from the oppressed Arab people signifies the end of Israel in short term.Abu SuleymanIslamic Intelligence
Maghreb occupé – La fuite de Ben Ali
Les israeliens de Washington, Londres, Paris, Berlin, Tel Aviv ont debuté une vague de revolutions dans le monde musulman, c'est aux peuples Musulmans d'en profiter et de s'assurer qu'Israel et ses larbins de dictateurs sefarades sionistes en soient les perdants definitifs afin de restaurer tous leurs droits, de pratiquer la justice, l'équité. L'objectif ultime etant le controle total de ses propres richesses, la liberation totale de la Palestine, et la restauration du seul Etat legitime aux yeux des Musulmans, le Khilafa.
'Toutes les fois qu'ils allument un feu pour la guerre, Allah l'éteint. Et ils s'efforcent de semer le désordre sur la terre, alors qu'Allah n'aime pas les semeurs de désordre.' (Le Noble Quran, sourate al-Ma'ida, verset 64)
'Autorisation est donnée à ceux qui sont attaqués (de se défendre) - parce que vraiment ils sont lésés; et Allah est certes Capable de les secourir - ceux qui ont été expulsés de leurs demeures, contre toute justice, simplement parce qu'ils disaient: "Allah est notre Seigneur".' (Le noble Quran, sourate al-Hajj, versets 39-40)
'Ô les croyants! Soyez stricts (dans vos devoirs) envers Allah et (soyez) des témoins équitables. Et que la haine pour un peuple ne vous incite pas à être injuste. Pratiquez l'équité: cela est plus proche de la piété. Et craignez Allah. Car Allah est certes Parfaitement Connaisseur de ce que vous faites. (Le Noble Quran, sourate al-Ma'ida, verset 8)
« Chaque jour amène son lot de victimes en Tunisie et en Algérie sans que cela n’émeuve nos dirigeants qui d’habitude sont très prompts à monter sur leur grand chevaux pour diaboliser l’image de l’Iran dès que ce dernier commet une incartade politique ou sociétale. Où sont nos « valeureux » ou dois-je dire "véreux" philosophes que sont BHL (Bernard Henri Lévi), Glucksman, Finkielkraut pour ne citer qu’eux, chevaliers pro-sionistes qui crachent leur salmigondis sur les pays qui critiquent l’entité sioniste. Sous couvert de défendre la liberté et les droits de l’Homme, nos « hommes de lettres » savent très bien utiliser l’art de la communication et de l’indignation pour manipuler les esprits faibles lorsqu'il s'agit d'un pays qui critique le régime sioniste. Tous ces plumitifs brillent par leur lâcheté et leur corruption morale lorsqu’il s’agit de dénoncer ces dictateurs d’un autre âge. » (La Parole du Jeune Musulman)
Suite à la destruction du Khilafâh en 1924 et l’occupation des pays à majorité musulmane par les Judéo-Chrétiens européens, le monde islamique vit toujours sous l’occupation, leur pays volé (voir la Palestine), dévasté, leurs ressources exploitées et pillées, leurs peuples opprimés, assassinés, emprisonnés, torturés, etc. Alors que la Révolution Islamique iranienne de 1979 a pu se débarrasser du tyran pro-étatunisien et pro-Israël, le Shah Reza Pahlavi, les pays arabes, tels la Jordanie, l’Arabie ‘Saoudite’, l’Iraq, les Émirats, et les pays africains à majorité musulmane, tels les pays du Maghreb (Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie), l’Égypte, et bien d’autres, sont toujours sous occupation judéo-chrétienne (laïque ou séculière), directement ou à travers leurs agents politiques et militaires entraînés par eux. Les occupants veulent imposer dans le monde islamique uniquement leur démocratie corrompue et fascisante et rejette tout autre système choisi par consultation populaire comme ce fut le cas en Algérie et en Palestine. Ils sont prêts à tout - intervention, actes terroristes, subversion, mensonges médiatiques et autres, avec la complicité flagrante de l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU), une dictature sous contrôle des Sionistes. Les pays à majorité musulmane doivent nécessairement démissionner de cette instance corrompue, sanguinaire et qui pratique constamment une politique de deux poids deux mesures toujours en faveur des Judéo-Chrétiens hégémonistes.
Le réveil
Le monde musulman se réveille graduellement et ne peut plus subir la tyrannie des régimes étrangers et pro-Sionistes, que ce soit en Palestine, au Cachemire, en Arabie, en Egypte, au Maghreb. Ces peuples veulent leur liberté tout en préservant leur identité propre et leur foi dans le respect de l’autre. Ils ont leur propre mode de vie, leur propre croyance, leur propre système étatique, sociale, économique, d’autodéfense et ils rejettent toutes ingérences étrangères, et surtout celle de l’entité sioniste de l’Apartheid notoire pour ses crimes, son terrorisme international, ses interventions militaires (11 guerres) et génocides. Les exemples de crimes contre l’humanité perpétrées par les européens abondent – les holocaustes des indigènes des Amériques, d’Australie, de Nouvelle Zélande, des Caraïbes, de Palestine, d’Afghanistan, de l’Irak, d’Algérie, sans oublier l’esclavage, et bien d’autres.
La Tunisie se réveille ; c’est la goutte qui fait déborder le vase. Depuis longtemps sous l’emprise capitaliste et sioniste, la presse occidentale ne condamne pas le récent massacre froidement exécuté contre des manifestants pacifiques, une boucherie qui se produit régulièrement en Palestine et au Cachemire grâce au soutien et au financement des occidentaux. La BBC n’étant devenue que le porte-parole du sionisme juifiste, n’identifie pas les terroristes auteurs de ces crimes sauf de dire que le Président Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali qui a régné pendant 23 années serait en ‘exile’ en Arabie ‘Saoudite’ alors que le tyran s’est enfuit chez ses complices du régime dictatorial saoudien. La dynastie saoudienne est issue d’une famille juive de Basra, en Irak, est n’est qu’un pantin entre les mains des occidentaux. L’Arabie « saoudite » fut créé par les occidentaux et les Arabes n’attendent que le jour où l’Arabie sera libéré de ‘Saoudite’. Pour désamorcer la politique tunisienne, les complices du régime essaient de ‘remplacer’ Ben Ali par son Premier Ministre Mohamed Ghannouchi - blanc bonnet, bonnet blanc ! La France, Israël et les Etats-Unis soutiennent, bien sûr, leur marionnette, le Générale Rachid Ammar, pour prendre charge de la Tunisie contre son peuple, comme ils ont soutenu l’autre marionnette Ahmed Shah Massoud ou le Karzaï d’Unical (de Dick Cheney). En réalité, ces tyrans doivent être traduits en justice et jugés pour leurs crimes contre le peuple tunisien, une démarche qui ne plait certainement pas aux gouvernements européens qui ont toujours cette mentalité coloniale, esclavagiste et apartheid. Afin de dévier du véritable problème, la propagande sioniste prétend faussement que c’est l’extravagance de Leila, la deuxième femme de Ben Ali, qui a provoqué une révolution en Tunisie (Daily Mail, 16 janvier 2011).
Faisant volte-face pour gagner du temps, le juifiste Nicolas Sarkozy, Président de la France néo-colonialiste qui a commis tant de crimes dans les colonies françaises du Maghreb, et qui est responsable pour l’entraînement des forces secrètes (voir terroristes) tunisiennes avec l’aide de la MOSSAD, des forces décrites comme la « STASI Nord Africaine », prétend de ‘soutenir’ le soulèvement populaire après la fuite de Ben Ali alors qu’au début, il avait offert à Ben Ali l’envoi de ses troupes pour apaiser les manifestants par la force des armes. Ben Ali qualifiait même le soulèvement en tant qu’un acte « terroriste » pour plaire à ses maîtres. Sans doute, la France prévoit de tels soulèvements au Maroc, en Algérie, et ailleurs.
La nullité proverbiale des Nations Unies !
L’ONU sionisé pratique constamment une politique deux poids deux mesures et fait honte à l’humanité. Cette organisation qui vola jadis la Palestine pour la donner aux Juifs d’Europe qui n’ont pas caché leur ambition d’exterminer toute la population arabe ou les expulsés de leurs terres. L’ONU veut bien sanctionner tous les pays musulmans. Quand la MOSSAD est pointée du doigt pour l’assassinat du Président libanais Rafic Hariri (2005), l’enquête de l’ONU n’a pas pour but de découvrir et de poursuivre en justice les véritables coupables, mais de plutôt diaboliser le Président syrien Bashar el-Assad et le Hezbollah. (Voir aussi Thierry Messyan). En premier lieu, la MOSSAD est le plus grand réseau terroriste du monde ayant pratiqué la plupart des assassinats politiques en toute impunité. L’assassinat de Rafic Hariri avait pour but de se débarrasser des forces syriennes du Liban au profit d’Israël. Secundo, l’arme criminelle était de fabrication allemande contenant de l’uranium enrichi, comme tant d’armes vendues aux israéliens, techniquement tirée d’un drone israélien. L’enquête ne peut avoir autre but que de blâmer le Hezbollah afin de l’affaiblir, la seule force libanaise qui a pu tenir tête aux forces sionistes en les expulsant du Liban.
Par contre, l’ONU ne demande aucune enquête sur le génocide des Palestiniens depuis 1948 ou sous mandat britannique, des Cachemiriens, des Algériens, l’oppression du peuple tunisien, égyptien, etc. À chaque fois que l’occident convoite des ressources des pays musulmans, il fomente des troubles à l’intérieur de ces pays, pour ensuite diviser le pays afin de le conquérir plus et de l’occuper plus facilement. Convoitant actuellement les gisements de pétrole du Sud Soudan, l’occident soulève les minorités non musulmanes du Sud contre le gouvernement, et pour arriver à ses fins, il diabolise l’Islam, mais il n’arme pas les Cachemiriens, les Tchétchènes ou les Palestiniens ni ne demandent de référendum. Par contre, ils sont bien intervenus au Timor de l’est.
L’ONU est aussi une organisation d’espionnage au profit des occidentaux. Le International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) était responsable pour le désarmement de l’Iraq afin de faciliter l’invasion sioniste. L’Iraq n’était plus en mesure de se défendre. Cette instance veut faire de même avec l’Iran. L’IAEA a déjà communiqué aux Sionistes le type de centrifuges nucléaires iraniennes à Natanz leur permettant de créer un virus ayant pour but de détruire les centrifuges iraniennes. D’après le Washington Post du 15 janvier 2011, cette opération est dirigée, avec l’aide des États-Unis, du complexe Dimona dans le désert du Negev, en Palestine occupée, où cette dernière exécute son programme nucléaire à propos de laquelle l’ONU est silencieuse, même complice. « Pour pouvoir créer le virus, il faut connaître les machines », précise un expert américain sur l’intelligence nucléaire. Israël possède bien des centaines de têtes nucléaires, environ huit cent selon Gilad Atzmon. Pourquoi les autres pays n’ont-ils pas les mêmes droits ?
Figurez-vous depuis combien d’années les USA et Apartheid Israël battent le tambour de guerre contre l’Iran, sanctions, payant Saddam Hussain pour l’attaquer, plus de deux millions de morts, et Apartheid Israël qui ne cesse depuis des années d’exhorter les USA de la bombarder au nucléaire, et de menacer dix fois par jours de la bombarder elle-même si les USA ne le font pas, et l’ONU qui ne la sanctionne toujours pas ! La seule solution des pays à majorité musulmane est de sortir de cette organisation corrompue et de créer leur propre Nations Unies. Ils doivent impérativement se libérer des forces de l’occupation et des tyrans, et de construire leurs propres forces militaires pour mieux se défendre, ce qui est un droit, que ce soit en Tunisie ou ailleurs.
M Rafic Soormally
17 January 2010
- Les israeliens de Washington, Londres, Paris, Berlin, Tel Aviv ont debuté une vague de revolutions dans le monde musulman, c'est aux peuples Musulmans d'en profiter et de s'assurer qu'Israel et ses larbins de dictateurs sefarades sionistes en soient les perdants definitifs afin de restaurer tous leurs droits, de pratiquer la justice, l'équité. L'objectif ultime etant le controle total de ses propres richesses, la liberation totale de la Palestine, et la restauration du seul Etat legitime aux yeux des Musulmans, le Khilafa.'Toutes les fois qu'ils allument un feu pour la guerre, Allah l'éteint. Et ils s'efforcent de semer le désordre sur la terre, alors qu'Allah n'aime pas les semeurs de désordre.' (Le Noble Quran, sourate al-Ma'ida, verset 64)'Autorisation est donnée à ceux qui sont attaqués (de se défendre) - parce que vraiment ils sont lésés; et Allah est certes Capable de les secourir - ceux qui ont été expulsés de leurs demeures, contre toute justice, simplement parce qu'ils disaient: "Allah est notre Seigneur".' (Le noble Quran, sourate al-Hajj, versets 39-40)'Ô les croyants! Soyez stricts (dans vos devoirs) envers Allah et (soyez) des témoins équitables. Et que la haine pour un peuple ne vous incite pas à être injuste. Pratiquez l'équité: cela est plus proche de la piété. Et craignez Allah. Car Allah est certes Parfaitement Connaisseur de ce que vous faites. (Le Noble Quran, sourate al-Ma'ida, verset 8)
« Chaque jour amène son lot de victimes en Tunisie et en Algérie sans que cela n’émeuve nos dirigeants qui d’habitude sont très prompts à monter sur leur grand chevaux pour diaboliser l’image de l’Iran dès que ce dernier commet une incartade politique ou sociétale. Où sont nos « valeureux » ou dois-je dire "véreux" philosophes que sont BHL (Bernard Henri Lévi), Glucksman, Finkielkraut pour ne citer qu’eux, chevaliers pro-sionistes qui crachent leur salmigondis sur les pays qui critiquent l’entité sioniste. Sous couvert de défendre la liberté et les droits de l’Homme, nos « hommes de lettres » savent très bien utiliser l’art de la communication et de l’indignation pour manipuler les esprits faibles lorsqu'il s'agit d'un pays qui critique le régime sioniste. Tous ces plumitifs brillent par leur lâcheté et leur corruption morale lorsqu’il s’agit de dénoncer ces dictateurs d’un autre âge. » (La Parole du Jeune Musulman)Suite à la destruction du Khilafâh en 1924 et l’occupation des pays à majorité musulmane par les Judéo-Chrétiens européens, le monde islamique vit toujours sous l’occupation, leur pays volé (voir la Palestine), dévasté, leurs ressources exploitées et pillées, leurs peuples opprimés, assassinés, emprisonnés, torturés, etc. Alors que la Révolution Islamique iranienne de 1979 a pu se débarrasser du tyran pro-étatunisien et pro-Israël, le Shah Reza Pahlavi, les pays arabes, tels la Jordanie, l’Arabie ‘Saoudite’, l’Iraq, les Émirats, et les pays africains à majorité musulmane, tels les pays du Maghreb (Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie), l’Égypte, et bien d’autres, sont toujours sous occupation judéo-chrétienne (laïque ou séculière), directement ou à travers leurs agents politiques et militaires entraînés par eux. Les occupants veulent imposer dans le monde islamique uniquement leur démocratie corrompue et fascisante et rejette tout autre système choisi par consultation populaire comme ce fut le cas en Algérie et en Palestine. Ils sont prêts à tout - intervention, actes terroristes, subversion, mensonges médiatiques et autres, avec la complicité flagrante de l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU), une dictature sous contrôle des Sionistes. Les pays à majorité musulmane doivent nécessairement démissionner de cette instance corrompue, sanguinaire et qui pratique constamment une politique de deux poids deux mesures toujours en faveur des Judéo-Chrétiens hégémonistes.Le réveilLe monde musulman se réveille graduellement et ne peut plus subir la tyrannie des régimes étrangers et pro-Sionistes, que ce soit en Palestine, au Cachemire, en Arabie, en Egypte, au Maghreb. Ces peuples veulent leur liberté tout en préservant leur identité propre et leur foi dans le respect de l’autre. Ils ont leur propre mode de vie, leur propre croyance, leur propre système étatique, sociale, économique, d’autodéfense et ils rejettent toutes ingérences étrangères, et surtout celle de l’entité sioniste de l’Apartheid notoire pour ses crimes, son terrorisme international, ses interventions militaires (11 guerres) et génocides. Les exemples de crimes contre l’humanité perpétrées par les européens abondent – les holocaustes des indigènes des Amériques, d’Australie, de Nouvelle Zélande, des Caraïbes, de Palestine, d’Afghanistan, de l’Irak, d’Algérie, sans oublier l’esclavage, et bien d’autres.La Tunisie se réveille ; c’est la goutte qui fait déborder le vase. Depuis longtemps sous l’emprise capitaliste et sioniste, la presse occidentale ne condamne pas le récent massacre froidement exécuté contre des manifestants pacifiques, une boucherie qui se produit régulièrement en Palestine et au Cachemire grâce au soutien et au financement des occidentaux. La BBC n’étant devenue que le porte-parole du sionisme juifiste, n’identifie pas les terroristes auteurs de ces crimes sauf de dire que le Président Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali qui a régné pendant 23 années serait en ‘exile’ en Arabie ‘Saoudite’ alors que le tyran s’est enfuit chez ses complices du régime dictatorial saoudien. La dynastie saoudienne est issue d’une famille juive de Basra, en Irak, est n’est qu’un pantin entre les mains des occidentaux. L’Arabie « saoudite » fut créé par les occidentaux et les Arabes n’attendent que le jour où l’Arabie sera libéré de ‘Saoudite’. Pour désamorcer la politique tunisienne, les complices du régime essaient de ‘remplacer’ Ben Ali par son Premier Ministre Mohamed Ghannouchi - blanc bonnet, bonnet blanc ! La France, Israël et les Etats-Unis soutiennent, bien sûr, leur marionnette, le Générale Rachid Ammar, pour prendre charge de la Tunisie contre son peuple, comme ils ont soutenu l’autre marionnette Ahmed Shah Massoud ou le Karzaï d’Unical (de Dick Cheney). En réalité, ces tyrans doivent être traduits en justice et jugés pour leurs crimes contre le peuple tunisien, une démarche qui ne plait certainement pas aux gouvernements européens qui ont toujours cette mentalité coloniale, esclavagiste et apartheid. Afin de dévier du véritable problème, la propagande sioniste prétend faussement que c’est l’extravagance de Leila, la deuxième femme de Ben Ali, qui a provoqué une révolution en Tunisie (Daily Mail, 16 janvier 2011).Faisant volte-face pour gagner du temps, le juifiste Nicolas Sarkozy, Président de la France néo-colonialiste qui a commis tant de crimes dans les colonies françaises du Maghreb, et qui est responsable pour l’entraînement des forces secrètes (voir terroristes) tunisiennes avec l’aide de la MOSSAD, des forces décrites comme la « STASI Nord Africaine », prétend de ‘soutenir’ le soulèvement populaire après la fuite de Ben Ali alors qu’au début, il avait offert à Ben Ali l’envoi de ses troupes pour apaiser les manifestants par la force des armes. Ben Ali qualifiait même le soulèvement en tant qu’un acte « terroriste » pour plaire à ses maîtres. Sans doute, la France prévoit de tels soulèvements au Maroc, en Algérie, et ailleurs.La nullité proverbiale des Nations Unies !L’ONU sionisé pratique constamment une politique deux poids deux mesures et fait honte à l’humanité. Cette organisation qui vola jadis la Palestine pour la donner aux Juifs d’Europe qui n’ont pas caché leur ambition d’exterminer toute la population arabe ou les expulsés de leurs terres. L’ONU veut bien sanctionner tous les pays musulmans. Quand la MOSSAD est pointée du doigt pour l’assassinat du Président libanais Rafic Hariri (2005), l’enquête de l’ONU n’a pas pour but de découvrir et de poursuivre en justice les véritables coupables, mais de plutôt diaboliser le Président syrien Bashar el-Assad et le Hezbollah. (Voir aussi Thierry Messyan). En premier lieu, la MOSSAD est le plus grand réseau terroriste du monde ayant pratiqué la plupart des assassinats politiques en toute impunité. L’assassinat de Rafic Hariri avait pour but de se débarrasser des forces syriennes du Liban au profit d’Israël. Secundo, l’arme criminelle était de fabrication allemande contenant de l’uranium enrichi, comme tant d’armes vendues aux israéliens, techniquement tirée d’un drone israélien. L’enquête ne peut avoir autre but que de blâmer le Hezbollah afin de l’affaiblir, la seule force libanaise qui a pu tenir tête aux forces sionistes en les expulsant du Liban.Par contre, l’ONU ne demande aucune enquête sur le génocide des Palestiniens depuis 1948 ou sous mandat britannique, des Cachemiriens, des Algériens, l’oppression du peuple tunisien, égyptien, etc. À chaque fois que l’occident convoite des ressources des pays musulmans, il fomente des troubles à l’intérieur de ces pays, pour ensuite diviser le pays afin de le conquérir plus et de l’occuper plus facilement. Convoitant actuellement les gisements de pétrole du Sud Soudan, l’occident soulève les minorités non musulmanes du Sud contre le gouvernement, et pour arriver à ses fins, il diabolise l’Islam, mais il n’arme pas les Cachemiriens, les Tchétchènes ou les Palestiniens ni ne demandent de référendum. Par contre, ils sont bien intervenus au Timor de l’est.L’ONU est aussi une organisation d’espionnage au profit des occidentaux. Le International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) était responsable pour le désarmement de l’Iraq afin de faciliter l’invasion sioniste. L’Iraq n’était plus en mesure de se défendre. Cette instance veut faire de même avec l’Iran. L’IAEA a déjà communiqué aux Sionistes le type de centrifuges nucléaires iraniennes à Natanz leur permettant de créer un virus ayant pour but de détruire les centrifuges iraniennes. D’après le Washington Post du 15 janvier 2011, cette opération est dirigée, avec l’aide des États-Unis, du complexe Dimona dans le désert du Negev, en Palestine occupée, où cette dernière exécute son programme nucléaire à propos de laquelle l’ONU est silencieuse, même complice. « Pour pouvoir créer le virus, il faut connaître les machines », précise un expert américain sur l’intelligence nucléaire. Israël possède bien des centaines de têtes nucléaires, environ huit cent selon Gilad Atzmon. Pourquoi les autres pays n’ont-ils pas les mêmes droits ?Figurez-vous depuis combien d’années les USA et Apartheid Israël battent le tambour de guerre contre l’Iran, sanctions, payant Saddam Hussain pour l’attaquer, plus de deux millions de morts, et Apartheid Israël qui ne cesse depuis des années d’exhorter les USA de la bombarder au nucléaire, et de menacer dix fois par jours de la bombarder elle-même si les USA ne le font pas, et l’ONU qui ne la sanctionne toujours pas ! La seule solution des pays à majorité musulmane est de sortir de cette organisation corrompue et de créer leur propre Nations Unies. Ils doivent impérativement se libérer des forces de l’occupation et des tyrans, et de construire leurs propres forces militaires pour mieux se défendre, ce qui est un droit, que ce soit en Tunisie ou ailleurs.M Rafic SoormallyLondon17 January 2010
URGENT: ATTENTION !!! Selon une source securitaire francaise, Sarkozy prepare une vague d'attentats 'AQMI' dans les semaines a venir en Tunisie avec l'aide de la police secrete tunisienne, pour empecher la victoire de partis islamiques en Tunisie selon le protocol algero-marocain du DST/DCRI-DRS deja appliqué en 1991 pour contrer le FIS
AQMI et les otages du Niger : la manipulation est évidente, mais elle est double

Les deux portes paroles 'd'AQMI', le mossadnik Sarkozy et son maitre Netanyahu, connu pour etre un des cerveaux demasqué du 11 septembre 2001 (LE GIA, GICM, GSPC(a partir de 1996), AQMI C'EST LA FRANCE-ISRAEL et les reseaux 'juifs algeriens, marocains, tunisiens, pieds noirs' de la DST/DCRI au Maghreb, et ses filiales makhzen, DRS, police secrete tunisienne)
Par Morice,
J’ai déjà assez dit ici et ailleurs que le site intitulé SITE ; créé par une iranienne d’origine et Steven Emerson (*), comme celui du MEMRI par un ancien du Mossad (Yigal Carmon), et Intel Center (installé à Washington) tout dévolu à la CIA, manipulent l’information au sujet du terrorisme islamiste. La démonstration n’est plus à faire, à avoir mis en ligne les délires d’un Jack Idema (voir ici et là), d’un Adam Gadahn ou d’un échappé de prison afghane contrôlée par des milliers de soldats américains, Abu Yahya al-Libi. Aujourd’hui, qu’annonce donc ce site ? Tout simplement que l’un des otages français détenus par l’AQMI a été abattu par l’armée française, alors que le second a bien été froidement assassiné par le groupe islamiste. Sans même présumer de ce qui a bien pu se passer réellement, je ne peux que constater à ce sujet que le timing de l’opération de communication va dans le sens d’une propagande : le jour même et le lendemain encore, le pseudo groupe terroriste n’avait strictement rien revendiqué. Ce n’est qu’après la parution d’articles de presse mettant en cause la version officielle délivrée par les français qu’un message audio apparaît, du type de ceux parmi les plus faciles à falsifier, du genre de ceux que transmet aussi depuis 8 ans maintenant le mort-vivant leader d’Al-Qaida. Ce message étant à la fois une revendication et une accusation. Cela ne tient pas debout.
Pour résumé, en effet, avec un ordinateur, un micro, Internet et dix minutes de clavier, un communiqué comme ça tout le monde peut en pondre un. SITE, encore une fois, manipule l'information dans le sens qui l'intéresse. SITE, émanation de services secrets US et Israéliens délivre une version bâtie de toutes pièces pour appuyer l'idée d'une guerre au terrorisme qui serait à tout prix à faire, et des français présents qui devraient être chassés du Niger. C'est une énième revendication bidon. Et cette fois, c'est encore plus flagrant : le communiqué des soi-disants terroristes est calqué mot à mot sur celui des armées françaises et nigériennes, qui se disputent sur l'interprétation à donner de l'assaut donné. Du pain béni pour l'AQMI, qui n'en attendait pas tant : SITE a fondu aussitôt sur les écarts entre les deux versions données pour attiser le feu, et provoquer une fois encore des réactions haineuses des deux côtés.
"Al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique a affirmé qu'un des deux otages français avait été tué au Mali par les frappes aériennes françaises et que l'autre avait été exécuté par Aqmi, selon un communiqué rapporté samedi 15 janvier par le service américain de surveillance des sites islamistes SITE" nous assène la presse, à la veille de l''enterrement des deux malheureux jeunes otages, si concernés par l'aide humanitaire, comme l'ont dit leurs amis restés d'une dignité exemplaire que tout le monde se doit de saluer. De vrais amis, qui avaient l'habitude de se rendre dans un de des estaminets de la Flandre (belge). Depuis, le patron de l'établissement est effondré : c'est une partie d'une belle jeunesse pleine de vie et responsable qui a été atteinte : "Si tous les jeunes étaient comme eux, il y aurait moins de problèmes. Jamais un mot de travers, pas une embrouille. Des fois, après quelques bières, il y avait bien un petit chant mais vraiment, c'étaient des jeunes agréables... "
Il est donc évident que cette revendication tardive est un montage éhonté : comme à son habitude, le site de Rita Katz s'efforce de suivre les événements plutôt que de les devancer, et propose une version qui va exactement dans le sens de ce que souhaitent les Etats-Unis (et Israël, qui vend des armes également aux pays concernés) : à savoir d'une part continuer la fameuse "guerre au terrorisme" puisqu'un des deux otages à été assassiné par un terroriste, paraît-il, et en même temps se débarrasser de l'encombrante présence française dans la région, puisque selon SITE, ce sont les français qui sont coupables de la mort du second otage. Ce n'est donc pas AQMI qui parle, mais SITE, et donc des services secrets qui manipulent l'opinion en flattant ses plus bas instincts. Et si AQMI laisse faire et en démentit pas, c'est bien parce que l'AQMI est une création de toutes pièces de services secrets algériens et américains, qui ont tout intérêt à laisser planer un tel doute sur le sort des otages français. Diaboliser les islamistes était courant chez lui, diaboliser les français beaucoup moins. Mais l'enjeu militaire au Sahara est là, comme je viens de vous le dire dans les épisodes précédents sur les neocons en Afrique.
Cette histoire d'islamistes servant à absoudre toutes les exactions, on en a eu une belle preuve ces derniers heures. Je ne sais pas si vous avez eu le temps de regarder la télévision depuis, mais à plusieurs reprises, dans les débats sur la Tunisie, le même thème est revenu. Celui d'un Ben Ali béni des européens et des américains pour avoir dans son pays contrôlé d'une main de fer la poussée islamiste, a-t-on affirmé. Or, qu'a-t-on vu comme scènes lors des émeutes ? Des "barbus" se faire littéralement jeter des manifestations au cri de "récupération". Les tunisiens, comme d'autres pays n'apprécient pas plus les extrêmistes islamistes que cela. Au contraire même ! Résultat, on nous berné pendant 23 ans sur le manque de poussée islamiste dans le pays : Ben Ali n'y était pas pour grand chose : mettant toute l'opposition en prison, de toute façon, islamiste ou pas... ils se retrouvaient "au trou" l'un et l'autre.
On a même assisté à un moment surréaliste, avec l'aveu assez candide d'un ambassadeur démissionnaire venu expliquer la version des faits donnée par son leader. Selon lui, en effet , les émeutes étaient le fait des islamistes, le repoussoir habituel : "On m'a donné de fausses informations. On m'a menti, à moi mais aussi à mon collègue ambassadeur de Tunisie en France [Raouf Najar, ndlr]. J'ai parlé au président Ben Ali le 10 janvier. Je lui ai expliqué ce qui se disait ici dans les médias. Il m'a répondu que ce qui se passait était un complot des islamistes qui se cachaient derrière les manifestants. J'y ai cru, jusqu'à ce que des amis m'ouvrent les yeux et me racontent la réalité de ce qui se passe en Tunisie". Ben Ali se la jouant Richard Nixon au soir de sa démission, fulminant contre les "gauchistes, les communistes, les pacifistes" (en y ajoutant même en langage fleuri nixonien les homosexuels et les juifs, nixon ne cachant que difficilement son antisémitisme !).
Ben Ali repoussant les islamistes, tel St Michel le Dragon, il n'y a que le Figaro pour oser le présenter ainsi aujourd'hui encore sous la plume de l'ineffable Yves Thréard, le rédacteur en chef ("zélé") du journal, celui qui raconte aussi que son patron Serge Dassault "n'a aucun contrat avec l'armée française"... (et d'autres phrases étranges encore ...) dans un texte paru le 14 janvier, voici ce qu'il affirme en effet : "Les fous d’Allah séviront et sévissent toujours en Algérie. En Tunisie, leur chef s’appelle Rached Ghannouchi (sans lien de parenté avec le président par intérim depuis vendredi). Il menace, mais le pays ne sombrera jamais. Ben Ali veille, frappe, élimine. Et tout le monde lui en est reconnaissant. La grande majorité des Tunisiens, élevés aux valeurs enseignées par Bourguiba. Et les Occidentaux qui voient en lui un rempart bien utile face à l’intégrisme. C’est ainsi que Ben Ali se maintient, gagne ses « lettres de noblesse ». Les critiques restent feutrées, tempérées, lointaines". Or que trouve-t-on ailleurs, sur Wikipedia sur le cas de Rached Ghannouchi ? Tout le contraire ! Le leader a été poursuivi par Bourguiba, mais libéré par Ben Ali ! "Condamné à onze ans de prison (trois ans purgés) en 1981, il est à nouveau condamné aux travaux forcés à perpétuité le 27 septembre 1987. Néanmoins, cette condamnation n'est pas considérée comme suffisante par le président Bourguiba qui ordonne un nouveau procès destiné à obtenir la peine de mort. Il n'a pas lieu en raison de la destitution de Bourguiba et Ghannouchi est gracié par le nouveau président Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali le 14 mai 1988. En remerciement, il lui exprime sa confiance dans une interview publiée le 17 juillet par le journal Assabah"... drôle de façon de "veiller", "frapper", et "éliminer", non ? Ghannouchi, exilé à Londres depuis 1990 a déjà averti qu'il souhaiterait faire partie d'un nouveau gouvernement tunisien... hélas. Si le pays pouvait s'en passer... (et si on pouvait nous se passer de Thréard...).
En tout cas, en Tunisie, l'islamisme virulent n'a en réalité jamais pris. En Algérie voisine il s'est répandu et a essaimé jusqu'au Sahara, on le sait aujourd'hui, grâce avant tout aux énormes coups de pouce donnés par le pouvoir algérien et la mise en place de mythes véritables appelés eux aussi "le Ben Laden algérien". Plus le GIA assassinait, plus les généraux algériens corrompus pouvaient serrer la vis à une jeunesse algérienne ayant autant envie de vivre que celle de Tunisie. La France participera à cette ambiance délétère, en faisant arrêter des opposants à Bouteflika présentés comme étant de redoutables islamistes coupables d'enlèvement de personnel d'ambassade : un montage éhonté, une propagande incroyable servie sur un plateau par Charles Pasqua aux autorités algériennes. C'est l'époque de "terroriser les terroristes", phrase célèbre prononcé par le ministre de l'intérieur français, qui est aussi présenté comme le mentor d'un dénommé Sarkozy, qui lui piquera sa place quand il sera hospitalisé. C'est du domaine "Du Bon Usage de la Terreur", le nom d'un rapport de Marck Hecker, de l' Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI) de la série "Focus Stratégique" : dix ans après (en 2004) ils y étaient toujours, au Burkina Faso ceux de Folembray. "La France leur paye toujours leurs pensions", affirme-t-on dans le reportage, ce qui devient surréaliste : la France paye un salaire depuis 16 ans maintenant à ceux qu'elle a accusé jadis de terrorisme ! Au Maroc, il s'est passé un autre phénomène : le pouvoir demeuré laïc a tout fait pour aider la frange modérée des islamistes : résultat, à part des attentats comme ont connu un bon nombre de pays visés par une destabilisation venue de l'extérieur, le pays n'a pas connu de vague d'islamisation comme nous le serinaient les fameux "experts" dont je vous ai déjà parlé ici-même.
Selon le rapport d'Hecker, en effet, la propagande est vitale pour ces mouvements de faible ampleur : comme pour l'AQMI il semble bien qu'ils ne possèdent absolument pas les capacités à analyser les médias et à les regurgiter, on comprend bien que c'est SITE qui s'en charge à leur place, en faisant d'un phénomène somme toute anecdotique militairement un phénomène mondial : c'est ce qui a été fait avec cet Al-Qaida élevé au rang de mythe par ceux chargés de le combattre. "Si des méthodes de terreur sont employées contre les insurgés, cela engendrera sans doute un mouvement de sympathie en faveur de ces derniers et, parfois, la sympathie se transformera en soutien réel. Ce soutien peut être purement rhétorique. Ainsi, Jacques Soustelle s’indigne-t-il en 1957 : « Le conflit algérien est à 80% une guerre psychologique où l’adversaire trouve son arsenal chez nous. Point n’est besoin à la cervelle épaisse d’un Ouamrane, ni même à l’esprit subtil d’un Ferhat Abbas, de fournir le moindre effort d’invention : c’est notre presse quotidienne ou hebdomadaire, c’est notre intelligentsia qui leur offrent arguments, slogans, thèmes de propagande ». Le soutien peut également devenir plus concret comme en témoigne l’émergence de réseaux de « porteurs de valises » pendant la guerre d’Algérie" : sans aller jusque là, il faut bien admettre que la présentation de la mort d'otage dont on rend responsable l'armée française n'est pas anodine du tout. C'est bien destiné à faire de l'AQMI un mouvement légitime, alors qu'en réalité ce ne sont que des contrebandiers de cigarette, de haschich et de cocaïne avides de gagner davantage encore. Un mouvement manipulé par un pouvoir, ou plutôt aujourd'hui deux, en l'occurrence l'Algérie et les Etats-Unis, ravis d'avoir un adversaire à présenter comme plus dangereux qu'il n'est en réalité.
Tous les pays du Maghreb n'ont pas versé pour autant dans l'extrémisme islamiste. Nicolas Beau, de Bakchich, s'est lui-même pourtant engagé dans la voie de faire peur en publiant " Quand le Maroc sera islamiste" en 2006. L'année suivante, pourtant, c'étaient les modérés du Parti de la justice et du développement (PJD), soutenu par Mohamed VI qui raflaient la mise électorale. Son leader, Saad Eddine Othmani, se présentant ainsi : "Modéré, Othmani s'est souvent présenté comme un « démocrate musulman » à l'image des démocrates chrétiens européens. À ceux, nombreux dans les classes aisées, qui craignent le PJD et s'inquiètent de l'islamisation du pays, Othmani répond qu'il est au contraire un recours contre les islamistes radicaux et les forces plus extrémistes, qui ont eux aussi fleuri sur le terreau de la pauvreté. Il rappelle aussi que son parti a voté en faveur des récentes lois libéralisant quelque peu la société marocaine, comme le nouveau Code de la famille de 2004 qui améliore le statut des femmes" note le Devoir. Pour un pays dirigé par le "Roi Mohammed VI, descendant du Prophète et Commandeur des Croyants" il y avait là de quoi faire réfléchir. Oubliés, les attentats de 2003 qui avaient tenté de réveiller le spectre de l'islamisme extrémiste. Un appui du pouvoir qui n'est pas sans soubresauts, avec l'arrestation en 2008 d'un réseau "terroriste" au sein même du mouvement. Visiblement un coup de semonce envoyé par le pouvoir à une organisation qui aurait pu être tenté par une dérive possible. Il se trouvera bien un imam en 2010 pour s'en prendre aux amazighes minoritaires, mais le mouvement ne sera pas suivi.
Or cette idée d'un Ben Ali qui devait être côtoyé car il aurait été l'ultime rempart contre l'islamisme, il y en un autre qui y a cru aussi, et il s'appelle... Nicolas Sarkozy. "Au niveau interne, l’idée que monsieur Ben Ali est un rempart contre l’islamisme ne marche plus. Je dirais même qu’il marche à l’envers, c’est-à-dire que les gens ne veulent plus entendre cet argument. Au niveau extérieur, ça marche, par exemple, encore en France. Le mythe de monsieur Ben Ali comme rempart à l’islamisme radical fonctionne probablement dans la tête de Nicolas Sarkozy et de son gouvernement" nous disait intelligemment Vincent Geisser interrogé par Christophe Boisbouvier. Ben Ali aurait été jugé "présentable" car son pays n'avait pas été rongé par l'islamisme extrémiste : voilà qui reste plutôt à prouver comme raisonnement : la façon dont se sont passées les manifestations de ces derniers jours prouve le contraire. Aucun slogan islamiste de visible, et plutôt des pancartes très directes : "Game Over", ou "Dorénavant, on n’a plus peur", "Dégagez"...
Aujourd'hui donc, affirmer que l'un des otages à été abattu par l'armée française, une information en provenance du SITE est donc bien de la propagande, destinée à attiser la haine à propos de la présence française au Niger chez les sympathisants possibles de l'action de l'AQMI. En dehors de savoir si c'est vrai ou pas, le but visé est clair : celui de discréditer l'action française, pense-t-on de prime abord. Mais comme on a affaire à des gens "tordus", c'est bien plus tordu que ça encore. La revendication après coup des islamistes n'a de toute évidence aucune crédibilité, se dit le commun des mortels : sinon ils l'auraient dit avant les nigériens ou les français : ce qui revient à dire qu'Al-Qaïda une nouvelle fois ment, ouvertement, tellement c'est grotesque. Et si les terrorristes mentent, c'est que la version qu'ils donnent des événements n'est donc pas la bonne : à savoir que c'est la thèse française officielle qui est la seule valable. Voilà nos militaires fort rassurés, au final du grotesque de la déclaration : "ne les écoutez donc pas, vous voyez bien que c'est nous qui avons raison" : ils ont écrit leur communiqué d'après le nôtre". Le doute insidieux favorise un seul camp en réalité. Celui de ceux qui clament qu'ils ont déjà fait toute la lumière : les journaux ont titré déjà depuis plusieurs jours "on sait comment ils sont morts", alors qu'on n'en sait toujours fichtre rien, à vrai dire, exactement. On peut voir là un des aspects habituels de SITE, IntelCenter ou MEMRI qui cherchent avant tout à favoriser la haine, et monter des populations les unes contre les autres. Ici, les deux partis peuvent s'estimer satisfaits. Les partisans d'AQMI trouveront la déclaration suffisante, en gommant son côté grotesque, ceux favorables à la thèse gouvernementale française tout autant, en la trouvant complètement farfelue, car singeant la déclaration de l'armée française, si possible que l'on puisse parler ainsi avec mort d'hommes. Neuf, au total en fait, de tués : les deux otages français, les ravisseurs et les "fameux" policiers nigériens, dont on ne comprend toujours pas la présence "armée" au sein du groupe. Neuf morts. Ce qui semble beaucoup, au regard de l'intervention qui peut donc être perçue en résumé comme extrêmement violente. Tout l'inverse de ce qu'on peut attendre de la libération d'otages.
Il y a donc bien eu manipulation des faits, et elle est double, hélas, les français ayant visiblement menti lors de leurs premières déclarations sur le déroulement exact des faits. Une propagande française a d'abord été complaisamment étalée, celle justifiant un véritable massacre de neuf personnes, otages compris, propagande reprise le lendemain par une contre propagande qui met le doigt où ça fait mal : celui de l'imprécision française sur le sort exact des deux otages. C'est propagande contre propagande, à part que la seconde n'est en aucune façon l'œuvre des terroristes eux-mêmes ; mais bien la réalisation habituelle d'un site internet dont la spécialité depuis toujours est de diaboliser au maximum les islamistes, au nom d'une politique qui cache de plus en plus difficilement ses acteurs véritables. Quand il ne fait pas dans le grotesque, ce site fait dans l'abject. Il est l'un des principaux responsables de l'entretien journalier du mythe Al-Qaida, qui sans lui serait fort peu de choses à vrai dire. SITE ou IntelCenter sont devenu une référence médiatique dont la presse ou la télévision ne se rend même plus compte de la nocivité et du détournement d'idées qu'ils effectuent : l'été dernier, toutes les chaînes de télévision on complaisamment montré les images de ce pauvre Michel Germaneau, surmontées du logo de propagande d'IntelCenter. Sans chercher à le gommer, sans même le rendre flou, comme si c'était une agence d'information véritable respectant un code de déontologie. Or c'est tout sauf ça, il serait temps de s'en rendre compte. C'est quand on ne distingue plus la manipulation que celle-ci peut pavoiser.
Chez SITE, Intel Center ou le MEMRI on doit lever les verres depuis plusieurs jours : à la santé de la "guerre au terrorisme" chers à ceux que l'on connaît. Ne tombons pas dans leur panneau, et ne laissons pas récupérer non plus la mort de deux jeunes gens par un gouvernement manipulateur. S'il avait su lire la lettre des amis des deux victimes (**), jamais Nicolas Sarkozy n'aurait osé assister aux obsèques. Mais on est en présence d'un président indécent, que la dignité n'étouffe pas. "Si c'était à refaire, le le referais" avait-il dit en ricanant. Devant un cercueil de jeune soldat. Souhaitons qu'à Linselles il se taise, au moins.
sur SITE, MEMRI et IntelCenter on peut lire ceci :
(*) Steven Emerson, un journaliste responsable du Think Tank « The Investigative Project On Terrorism » et spécialiste au départ des Émirats Arabes Unis, qui la recrute, car elle parle la langue du crû. Un homme controversé, mêlant journalisme et purs racontars, qui n’a pas toujours eu le nez : en 1990, il clamera par exemple que c’était l’Iran qui était derrière l’attentat de Lockerbie alors que la Libye reconnaîtra ses torts en dédommageant les victimes ! L’homme a depuis longtemps choisi un camp semble-t-il en n’écrivant pas seulement contre une prétendue invasion islamiste aux États unis, devenus une véritable obsession chez lui, mais aussi plusieurs articles et ouvrages contre la théorie du complot en ce qui concerne le premier attentat du WTC ou le second. En y ajoutant des musulmans, bien sûr, mais venus cette fois selon lui de l’ex-Yougoslavie pour celui de 1993 (? ??)…
Il écrira surtout en février 2003 « American Jihad : The Terrorists Living Among Us » qui résume assez bien sa pensée profonde, celle d’un pays déjà envahi selon lui par le terrorisme islamiste. Un de ces agitateurs de chiffon rouge, choyé par le pouvoir de W.Bush qui en avait tant besoin. Évidemment, pour lui aussi, l’attentat d’Oklahoma était aussi l’œuvre de ces extrémistes musulmans, ce qui est difficilement crédible, pour tout dire. Il l’avait clamé à plusieurs reprises en direct à la télévision, devant les ruines de l’édifice encore fumant. En 1996, il fut l’un des premiers à enfourcher la thèse de la bombe à bord du TWA 800…. une bombe de terroriste arabe, forcément. À partir de 1996, heureusement, à force de mensonges, son aura médiatique va heureusement s’affaiblir. C’est beaucoup mieux ainsi, car selon Seymour Hersh, cet homme « est un poison » pour le journalisme.
On découvrira en effet plus tard de véritables malversations dans ses textes. Ainsi, il citera un jour dans un de ses articles un obscur apport du FBI, qui lui servait à étayer tout son propos. Jusqu’au jour où un journaliste plus curieux que d’autres épluchera un des anciens articles d’Emerson pour découvrir qu’il ressemblait mot pour mot au prétendu rapport… Or ce texte avait bien été cité comme étant du FBI par Associated Press, où Emerson était consultant. Il ne sera plus. En 1995, il « assiste » un autre journal, le Tampa Tribune, dans la découverte d’un soi-disant réseau islamiste en Floride. Pour preuve, il montrera un calendrier rédigé en arabe saisi chez un particulier : or c’était une demande universitaire d’un enseignant, ayant demandé à ses élèves de rapporter du matériel rédigé en arabe, pour l’étudier. Bref, notre journaliste ne s’embarrasse pas trop de vérité et enfourche bien trop vite son seul dada islamophobe en toute occasion. Et épouse au passage des thèses douteuses. Il avait affirmé ainsi en 1998 qu’un enseignant de Floride, Sami Al-Arian, « influençait ses élèves en voulant les convertir », ce que l’Université de Tampa niera et contestera fermement. En mars 1995, dans le Jewish Monthly, il avait également affirmé que « l’Islam glorifie et planifie le génocide, car cela fait partie de sa doctrine religieuse ».
(**) contenu de la lettre des amis de promotion d'Antoine de Léocour :
Monsieur le ministre de la Défense et des Anciens Combattants,
Nous condamnons unanimement l'acte de barbarie qui nous prive aujourd'hui d'un ami cher. Cependant, votre empressement à justifier l'intervention militaire qui a conduit à la mort d'Antoine de Léocour et Vincent Delory nous a beaucoup surpris.
Réduire l'analyse de ce drame à un discours sécuritaire ne fait qu'alimenter grossièrement la presse à sensations. Cela occulte totalement les enjeux globaux de la situation économique et politique que traverse la zone sahélienne. Les épiphénomènes que nous vivons actuellement participent des conséquences de politiques étrangères occidentales vis-à-vis de ces régions.
« Ne rien faire, c'est prendre un double risque. »
Vos déclarations nous amènent à nous interroger sur la mission de l'armée française : consiste-t-elle à abréger les souffrances de ses ressortissants (emmenés par les ravisseurs […] et on sait ensuite comment ils sont traités) lorsque vous, M. le ministre de la Défense et M. le président de la République, chef des armées n'êtes pas en mesure d'envisager une autre solution, plus digne ?
Ou a-t-elle pour objectifs de démontrer – quel qu'en soit le prix – que la France est prête à entrer dans l'escalade de la violence au nom de son combat pour la démocratie et contre le terrorisme (ne rien faire, c'est donner un signal que la France finalement ne se bat plus contre le terrorisme) ?
Sachez qu'à nos yeux la raison d'Etat ne doit jamais l'emporter sur le respect de la vie des citoyens.
Nous sommes particulièrement indignés par le ton de vos propos et de ceux de la majorité de la classe politique française dans un consensus national sans fausse note.
Nous croyons comprendre que la France, patrie des droits de l'homme, sacrifie ses ressortissants sur l'autel d'orientations stratégiques occultes. Vous avez effectivement pris le parti de vous mettre à l'abri de tous moyens de pression en excluant l'option des négociations.
Nous nous inquiétons également du traitement différencié réservé aux citoyens et victimes en fonction de ce que leurs employeurs représentent pour les intérêts de la France.
En conclusion, si vous « assumez » si bien cette mission, sachez dire aux Français qu'elle est un échec et prenez véritablement vos responsabilités en démissionnant. Si un tel courage vous manque, alors ayez au moins la décence de laisser reposer en paix les âmes d'Antoine et de Vincent en stoppant toute récupération politique de cet assassinat sordide.
AQMI et les otages du Niger : la manipulation est évidente, mais elle est double Les deux portes paroles 'd'AQMI', le mossadnik Sarkozy et son maitre Netanyahu, connu pour etre un des cerveaux demasqué du 11 septembre 2001 (LE GIA, GICM, GSPC(a partir de 1996), AQMI C'EST LA FRANCE-ISRAEL et les reseaux 'juifs algeriens, marocains, tunisiens, pieds noirs' de la DST/DCRI au Maghreb, et ses filiales makhzen, DRS, police secrete tunisienne)Par Morice,J’ai déjà assez dit ici et ailleurs que le site intitulé SITE ; créé par une iranienne d’origine et Steven Emerson (*), comme celui du MEMRI par un ancien du Mossad (Yigal Carmon), et Intel Center (installé à Washington) tout dévolu à la CIA, manipulent l’information au sujet du terrorisme islamiste. La démonstration n’est plus à faire, à avoir mis en ligne les délires d’un Jack Idema (voir ici et là), d’un Adam Gadahn ou d’un échappé de prison afghane contrôlée par des milliers de soldats américains, Abu Yahya al-Libi. Aujourd’hui, qu’annonce donc ce site ? Tout simplement que l’un des otages français détenus par l’AQMI a été abattu par l’armée française, alors que le second a bien été froidement assassiné par le groupe islamiste. Sans même présumer de ce qui a bien pu se passer réellement, je ne peux que constater à ce sujet que le timing de l’opération de communication va dans le sens d’une propagande : le jour même et le lendemain encore, le pseudo groupe terroriste n’avait strictement rien revendiqué. Ce n’est qu’après la parution d’articles de presse mettant en cause la version officielle délivrée par les français qu’un message audio apparaît, du type de ceux parmi les plus faciles à falsifier, du genre de ceux que transmet aussi depuis 8 ans maintenant le mort-vivant leader d’Al-Qaida. Ce message étant à la fois une revendication et une accusation. Cela ne tient pas debout.
Pour résumé, en effet, avec un ordinateur, un micro, Internet et dix minutes de clavier, un communiqué comme ça tout le monde peut en pondre un. SITE, encore une fois, manipule l'information dans le sens qui l'intéresse. SITE, émanation de services secrets US et Israéliens délivre une version bâtie de toutes pièces pour appuyer l'idée d'une guerre au terrorisme qui serait à tout prix à faire, et des français présents qui devraient être chassés du Niger. C'est une énième revendication bidon. Et cette fois, c'est encore plus flagrant : le communiqué des soi-disants terroristes est calqué mot à mot sur celui des armées françaises et nigériennes, qui se disputent sur l'interprétation à donner de l'assaut donné. Du pain béni pour l'AQMI, qui n'en attendait pas tant : SITE a fondu aussitôt sur les écarts entre les deux versions données pour attiser le feu, et provoquer une fois encore des réactions haineuses des deux côtés.
"Al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique a affirmé qu'un des deux otages français avait été tué au Mali par les frappes aériennes françaises et que l'autre avait été exécuté par Aqmi, selon un communiqué rapporté samedi 15 janvier par le service américain de surveillance des sites islamistes SITE" nous assène la presse, à la veille de l''enterrement des deux malheureux jeunes otages, si concernés par l'aide humanitaire, comme l'ont dit leurs amis restés d'une dignité exemplaire que tout le monde se doit de saluer. De vrais amis, qui avaient l'habitude de se rendre dans un de des estaminets de la Flandre (belge). Depuis, le patron de l'établissement est effondré : c'est une partie d'une belle jeunesse pleine de vie et responsable qui a été atteinte : "Si tous les jeunes étaient comme eux, il y aurait moins de problèmes. Jamais un mot de travers, pas une embrouille. Des fois, après quelques bières, il y avait bien un petit chant mais vraiment, c'étaient des jeunes agréables... "
Il est donc évident que cette revendication tardive est un montage éhonté : comme à son habitude, le site de Rita Katz s'efforce de suivre les événements plutôt que de les devancer, et propose une version qui va exactement dans le sens de ce que souhaitent les Etats-Unis (et Israël, qui vend des armes également aux pays concernés) : à savoir d'une part continuer la fameuse "guerre au terrorisme" puisqu'un des deux otages à été assassiné par un terroriste, paraît-il, et en même temps se débarrasser de l'encombrante présence française dans la région, puisque selon SITE, ce sont les français qui sont coupables de la mort du second otage. Ce n'est donc pas AQMI qui parle, mais SITE, et donc des services secrets qui manipulent l'opinion en flattant ses plus bas instincts. Et si AQMI laisse faire et en démentit pas, c'est bien parce que l'AQMI est une création de toutes pièces de services secrets algériens et américains, qui ont tout intérêt à laisser planer un tel doute sur le sort des otages français. Diaboliser les islamistes était courant chez lui, diaboliser les français beaucoup moins. Mais l'enjeu militaire au Sahara est là, comme je viens de vous le dire dans les épisodes précédents sur les neocons en Afrique.
Cette histoire d'islamistes servant à absoudre toutes les exactions, on en a eu une belle preuve ces derniers heures. Je ne sais pas si vous avez eu le temps de regarder la télévision depuis, mais à plusieurs reprises, dans les débats sur la Tunisie, le même thème est revenu. Celui d'un Ben Ali béni des européens et des américains pour avoir dans son pays contrôlé d'une main de fer la poussée islamiste, a-t-on affirmé. Or, qu'a-t-on vu comme scènes lors des émeutes ? Des "barbus" se faire littéralement jeter des manifestations au cri de "récupération". Les tunisiens, comme d'autres pays n'apprécient pas plus les extrêmistes islamistes que cela. Au contraire même ! Résultat, on nous berné pendant 23 ans sur le manque de poussée islamiste dans le pays : Ben Ali n'y était pas pour grand chose : mettant toute l'opposition en prison, de toute façon, islamiste ou pas... ils se retrouvaient "au trou" l'un et l'autre.
On a même assisté à un moment surréaliste, avec l'aveu assez candide d'un ambassadeur démissionnaire venu expliquer la version des faits donnée par son leader. Selon lui, en effet , les émeutes étaient le fait des islamistes, le repoussoir habituel : "On m'a donné de fausses informations. On m'a menti, à moi mais aussi à mon collègue ambassadeur de Tunisie en France [Raouf Najar, ndlr]. J'ai parlé au président Ben Ali le 10 janvier. Je lui ai expliqué ce qui se disait ici dans les médias. Il m'a répondu que ce qui se passait était un complot des islamistes qui se cachaient derrière les manifestants. J'y ai cru, jusqu'à ce que des amis m'ouvrent les yeux et me racontent la réalité de ce qui se passe en Tunisie". Ben Ali se la jouant Richard Nixon au soir de sa démission, fulminant contre les "gauchistes, les communistes, les pacifistes" (en y ajoutant même en langage fleuri nixonien les homosexuels et les juifs, nixon ne cachant que difficilement son antisémitisme !).
Ben Ali repoussant les islamistes, tel St Michel le Dragon, il n'y a que le Figaro pour oser le présenter ainsi aujourd'hui encore sous la plume de l'ineffable Yves Thréard, le rédacteur en chef ("zélé") du journal, celui qui raconte aussi que son patron Serge Dassault "n'a aucun contrat avec l'armée française"... (et d'autres phrases étranges encore ...) dans un texte paru le 14 janvier, voici ce qu'il affirme en effet : "Les fous d’Allah séviront et sévissent toujours en Algérie. En Tunisie, leur chef s’appelle Rached Ghannouchi (sans lien de parenté avec le président par intérim depuis vendredi). Il menace, mais le pays ne sombrera jamais. Ben Ali veille, frappe, élimine. Et tout le monde lui en est reconnaissant. La grande majorité des Tunisiens, élevés aux valeurs enseignées par Bourguiba. Et les Occidentaux qui voient en lui un rempart bien utile face à l’intégrisme. C’est ainsi que Ben Ali se maintient, gagne ses « lettres de noblesse ». Les critiques restent feutrées, tempérées, lointaines". Or que trouve-t-on ailleurs, sur Wikipedia sur le cas de Rached Ghannouchi ? Tout le contraire ! Le leader a été poursuivi par Bourguiba, mais libéré par Ben Ali ! "Condamné à onze ans de prison (trois ans purgés) en 1981, il est à nouveau condamné aux travaux forcés à perpétuité le 27 septembre 1987. Néanmoins, cette condamnation n'est pas considérée comme suffisante par le président Bourguiba qui ordonne un nouveau procès destiné à obtenir la peine de mort. Il n'a pas lieu en raison de la destitution de Bourguiba et Ghannouchi est gracié par le nouveau président Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali le 14 mai 1988. En remerciement, il lui exprime sa confiance dans une interview publiée le 17 juillet par le journal Assabah"... drôle de façon de "veiller", "frapper", et "éliminer", non ? Ghannouchi, exilé à Londres depuis 1990 a déjà averti qu'il souhaiterait faire partie d'un nouveau gouvernement tunisien... hélas. Si le pays pouvait s'en passer... (et si on pouvait nous se passer de Thréard...).
En tout cas, en Tunisie, l'islamisme virulent n'a en réalité jamais pris. En Algérie voisine il s'est répandu et a essaimé jusqu'au Sahara, on le sait aujourd'hui, grâce avant tout aux énormes coups de pouce donnés par le pouvoir algérien et la mise en place de mythes véritables appelés eux aussi "le Ben Laden algérien". Plus le GIA assassinait, plus les généraux algériens corrompus pouvaient serrer la vis à une jeunesse algérienne ayant autant envie de vivre que celle de Tunisie. La France participera à cette ambiance délétère, en faisant arrêter des opposants à Bouteflika présentés comme étant de redoutables islamistes coupables d'enlèvement de personnel d'ambassade : un montage éhonté, une propagande incroyable servie sur un plateau par Charles Pasqua aux autorités algériennes. C'est l'époque de "terroriser les terroristes", phrase célèbre prononcé par le ministre de l'intérieur français, qui est aussi présenté comme le mentor d'un dénommé Sarkozy, qui lui piquera sa place quand il sera hospitalisé. C'est du domaine "Du Bon Usage de la Terreur", le nom d'un rapport de Marck Hecker, de l' Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI) de la série "Focus Stratégique" : dix ans après (en 2004) ils y étaient toujours, au Burkina Faso ceux de Folembray. "La France leur paye toujours leurs pensions", affirme-t-on dans le reportage, ce qui devient surréaliste : la France paye un salaire depuis 16 ans maintenant à ceux qu'elle a accusé jadis de terrorisme ! Au Maroc, il s'est passé un autre phénomène : le pouvoir demeuré laïc a tout fait pour aider la frange modérée des islamistes : résultat, à part des attentats comme ont connu un bon nombre de pays visés par une destabilisation venue de l'extérieur, le pays n'a pas connu de vague d'islamisation comme nous le serinaient les fameux "experts" dont je vous ai déjà parlé ici-même.
Selon le rapport d'Hecker, en effet, la propagande est vitale pour ces mouvements de faible ampleur : comme pour l'AQMI il semble bien qu'ils ne possèdent absolument pas les capacités à analyser les médias et à les regurgiter, on comprend bien que c'est SITE qui s'en charge à leur place, en faisant d'un phénomène somme toute anecdotique militairement un phénomène mondial : c'est ce qui a été fait avec cet Al-Qaida élevé au rang de mythe par ceux chargés de le combattre. "Si des méthodes de terreur sont employées contre les insurgés, cela engendrera sans doute un mouvement de sympathie en faveur de ces derniers et, parfois, la sympathie se transformera en soutien réel. Ce soutien peut être purement rhétorique. Ainsi, Jacques Soustelle s’indigne-t-il en 1957 : « Le conflit algérien est à 80% une guerre psychologique où l’adversaire trouve son arsenal chez nous. Point n’est besoin à la cervelle épaisse d’un Ouamrane, ni même à l’esprit subtil d’un Ferhat Abbas, de fournir le moindre effort d’invention : c’est notre presse quotidienne ou hebdomadaire, c’est notre intelligentsia qui leur offrent arguments, slogans, thèmes de propagande ». Le soutien peut également devenir plus concret comme en témoigne l’émergence de réseaux de « porteurs de valises » pendant la guerre d’Algérie" : sans aller jusque là, il faut bien admettre que la présentation de la mort d'otage dont on rend responsable l'armée française n'est pas anodine du tout. C'est bien destiné à faire de l'AQMI un mouvement légitime, alors qu'en réalité ce ne sont que des contrebandiers de cigarette, de haschich et de cocaïne avides de gagner davantage encore. Un mouvement manipulé par un pouvoir, ou plutôt aujourd'hui deux, en l'occurrence l'Algérie et les Etats-Unis, ravis d'avoir un adversaire à présenter comme plus dangereux qu'il n'est en réalité.
Tous les pays du Maghreb n'ont pas versé pour autant dans l'extrémisme islamiste. Nicolas Beau, de Bakchich, s'est lui-même pourtant engagé dans la voie de faire peur en publiant " Quand le Maroc sera islamiste" en 2006. L'année suivante, pourtant, c'étaient les modérés du Parti de la justice et du développement (PJD), soutenu par Mohamed VI qui raflaient la mise électorale. Son leader, Saad Eddine Othmani, se présentant ainsi : "Modéré, Othmani s'est souvent présenté comme un « démocrate musulman » à l'image des démocrates chrétiens européens. À ceux, nombreux dans les classes aisées, qui craignent le PJD et s'inquiètent de l'islamisation du pays, Othmani répond qu'il est au contraire un recours contre les islamistes radicaux et les forces plus extrémistes, qui ont eux aussi fleuri sur le terreau de la pauvreté. Il rappelle aussi que son parti a voté en faveur des récentes lois libéralisant quelque peu la société marocaine, comme le nouveau Code de la famille de 2004 qui améliore le statut des femmes" note le Devoir. Pour un pays dirigé par le "Roi Mohammed VI, descendant du Prophète et Commandeur des Croyants" il y avait là de quoi faire réfléchir. Oubliés, les attentats de 2003 qui avaient tenté de réveiller le spectre de l'islamisme extrémiste. Un appui du pouvoir qui n'est pas sans soubresauts, avec l'arrestation en 2008 d'un réseau "terroriste" au sein même du mouvement. Visiblement un coup de semonce envoyé par le pouvoir à une organisation qui aurait pu être tenté par une dérive possible. Il se trouvera bien un imam en 2010 pour s'en prendre aux amazighes minoritaires, mais le mouvement ne sera pas suivi.
Or cette idée d'un Ben Ali qui devait être côtoyé car il aurait été l'ultime rempart contre l'islamisme, il y en un autre qui y a cru aussi, et il s'appelle... Nicolas Sarkozy. "Au niveau interne, l’idée que monsieur Ben Ali est un rempart contre l’islamisme ne marche plus. Je dirais même qu’il marche à l’envers, c’est-à-dire que les gens ne veulent plus entendre cet argument. Au niveau extérieur, ça marche, par exemple, encore en France. Le mythe de monsieur Ben Ali comme rempart à l’islamisme radical fonctionne probablement dans la tête de Nicolas Sarkozy et de son gouvernement" nous disait intelligemment Vincent Geisser interrogé par Christophe Boisbouvier. Ben Ali aurait été jugé "présentable" car son pays n'avait pas été rongé par l'islamisme extrémiste : voilà qui reste plutôt à prouver comme raisonnement : la façon dont se sont passées les manifestations de ces derniers jours prouve le contraire. Aucun slogan islamiste de visible, et plutôt des pancartes très directes : "Game Over", ou "Dorénavant, on n’a plus peur", "Dégagez"...
Aujourd'hui donc, affirmer que l'un des otages à été abattu par l'armée française, une information en provenance du SITE est donc bien de la propagande, destinée à attiser la haine à propos de la présence française au Niger chez les sympathisants possibles de l'action de l'AQMI. En dehors de savoir si c'est vrai ou pas, le but visé est clair : celui de discréditer l'action française, pense-t-on de prime abord. Mais comme on a affaire à des gens "tordus", c'est bien plus tordu que ça encore. La revendication après coup des islamistes n'a de toute évidence aucune crédibilité, se dit le commun des mortels : sinon ils l'auraient dit avant les nigériens ou les français : ce qui revient à dire qu'Al-Qaïda une nouvelle fois ment, ouvertement, tellement c'est grotesque. Et si les terrorristes mentent, c'est que la version qu'ils donnent des événements n'est donc pas la bonne : à savoir que c'est la thèse française officielle qui est la seule valable. Voilà nos militaires fort rassurés, au final du grotesque de la déclaration : "ne les écoutez donc pas, vous voyez bien que c'est nous qui avons raison" : ils ont écrit leur communiqué d'après le nôtre". Le doute insidieux favorise un seul camp en réalité. Celui de ceux qui clament qu'ils ont déjà fait toute la lumière : les journaux ont titré déjà depuis plusieurs jours "on sait comment ils sont morts", alors qu'on n'en sait toujours fichtre rien, à vrai dire, exactement. On peut voir là un des aspects habituels de SITE, IntelCenter ou MEMRI qui cherchent avant tout à favoriser la haine, et monter des populations les unes contre les autres. Ici, les deux partis peuvent s'estimer satisfaits. Les partisans d'AQMI trouveront la déclaration suffisante, en gommant son côté grotesque, ceux favorables à la thèse gouvernementale française tout autant, en la trouvant complètement farfelue, car singeant la déclaration de l'armée française, si possible que l'on puisse parler ainsi avec mort d'hommes. Neuf, au total en fait, de tués : les deux otages français, les ravisseurs et les "fameux" policiers nigériens, dont on ne comprend toujours pas la présence "armée" au sein du groupe. Neuf morts. Ce qui semble beaucoup, au regard de l'intervention qui peut donc être perçue en résumé comme extrêmement violente. Tout l'inverse de ce qu'on peut attendre de la libération d'otages.
Il y a donc bien eu manipulation des faits, et elle est double, hélas, les français ayant visiblement menti lors de leurs premières déclarations sur le déroulement exact des faits. Une propagande française a d'abord été complaisamment étalée, celle justifiant un véritable massacre de neuf personnes, otages compris, propagande reprise le lendemain par une contre propagande qui met le doigt où ça fait mal : celui de l'imprécision française sur le sort exact des deux otages. C'est propagande contre propagande, à part que la seconde n'est en aucune façon l'œuvre des terroristes eux-mêmes ; mais bien la réalisation habituelle d'un site internet dont la spécialité depuis toujours est de diaboliser au maximum les islamistes, au nom d'une politique qui cache de plus en plus difficilement ses acteurs véritables. Quand il ne fait pas dans le grotesque, ce site fait dans l'abject. Il est l'un des principaux responsables de l'entretien journalier du mythe Al-Qaida, qui sans lui serait fort peu de choses à vrai dire. SITE ou IntelCenter sont devenu une référence médiatique dont la presse ou la télévision ne se rend même plus compte de la nocivité et du détournement d'idées qu'ils effectuent : l'été dernier, toutes les chaînes de télévision on complaisamment montré les images de ce pauvre Michel Germaneau, surmontées du logo de propagande d'IntelCenter. Sans chercher à le gommer, sans même le rendre flou, comme si c'était une agence d'information véritable respectant un code de déontologie. Or c'est tout sauf ça, il serait temps de s'en rendre compte. C'est quand on ne distingue plus la manipulation que celle-ci peut pavoiser.
Chez SITE, Intel Center ou le MEMRI on doit lever les verres depuis plusieurs jours : à la santé de la "guerre au terrorisme" chers à ceux que l'on connaît. Ne tombons pas dans leur panneau, et ne laissons pas récupérer non plus la mort de deux jeunes gens par un gouvernement manipulateur. S'il avait su lire la lettre des amis des deux victimes (**), jamais Nicolas Sarkozy n'aurait osé assister aux obsèques. Mais on est en présence d'un président indécent, que la dignité n'étouffe pas. "Si c'était à refaire, le le referais" avait-il dit en ricanant. Devant un cercueil de jeune soldat. Souhaitons qu'à Linselles il se taise, au moins.
sur SITE, MEMRI et IntelCenter on peut lire ceci :
(*) Steven Emerson, un journaliste responsable du Think Tank « The Investigative Project On Terrorism » et spécialiste au départ des Émirats Arabes Unis, qui la recrute, car elle parle la langue du crû. Un homme controversé, mêlant journalisme et purs racontars, qui n’a pas toujours eu le nez : en 1990, il clamera par exemple que c’était l’Iran qui était derrière l’attentat de Lockerbie alors que la Libye reconnaîtra ses torts en dédommageant les victimes ! L’homme a depuis longtemps choisi un camp semble-t-il en n’écrivant pas seulement contre une prétendue invasion islamiste aux États unis, devenus une véritable obsession chez lui, mais aussi plusieurs articles et ouvrages contre la théorie du complot en ce qui concerne le premier attentat du WTC ou le second. En y ajoutant des musulmans, bien sûr, mais venus cette fois selon lui de l’ex-Yougoslavie pour celui de 1993 (? ??)…
Il écrira surtout en février 2003 « American Jihad : The Terrorists Living Among Us » qui résume assez bien sa pensée profonde, celle d’un pays déjà envahi selon lui par le terrorisme islamiste. Un de ces agitateurs de chiffon rouge, choyé par le pouvoir de W.Bush qui en avait tant besoin. Évidemment, pour lui aussi, l’attentat d’Oklahoma était aussi l’œuvre de ces extrémistes musulmans, ce qui est difficilement crédible, pour tout dire. Il l’avait clamé à plusieurs reprises en direct à la télévision, devant les ruines de l’édifice encore fumant. En 1996, il fut l’un des premiers à enfourcher la thèse de la bombe à bord du TWA 800…. une bombe de terroriste arabe, forcément. À partir de 1996, heureusement, à force de mensonges, son aura médiatique va heureusement s’affaiblir. C’est beaucoup mieux ainsi, car selon Seymour Hersh, cet homme « est un poison » pour le journalisme.
On découvrira en effet plus tard de véritables malversations dans ses textes. Ainsi, il citera un jour dans un de ses articles un obscur apport du FBI, qui lui servait à étayer tout son propos. Jusqu’au jour où un journaliste plus curieux que d’autres épluchera un des anciens articles d’Emerson pour découvrir qu’il ressemblait mot pour mot au prétendu rapport… Or ce texte avait bien été cité comme étant du FBI par Associated Press, où Emerson était consultant. Il ne sera plus. En 1995, il « assiste » un autre journal, le Tampa Tribune, dans la découverte d’un soi-disant réseau islamiste en Floride. Pour preuve, il montrera un calendrier rédigé en arabe saisi chez un particulier : or c’était une demande universitaire d’un enseignant, ayant demandé à ses élèves de rapporter du matériel rédigé en arabe, pour l’étudier. Bref, notre journaliste ne s’embarrasse pas trop de vérité et enfourche bien trop vite son seul dada islamophobe en toute occasion. Et épouse au passage des thèses douteuses. Il avait affirmé ainsi en 1998 qu’un enseignant de Floride, Sami Al-Arian, « influençait ses élèves en voulant les convertir », ce que l’Université de Tampa niera et contestera fermement. En mars 1995, dans le Jewish Monthly, il avait également affirmé que « l’Islam glorifie et planifie le génocide, car cela fait partie de sa doctrine religieuse ».
(**) contenu de la lettre des amis de promotion d'Antoine de Léocour :
Monsieur le ministre de la Défense et des Anciens Combattants,
Nous condamnons unanimement l'acte de barbarie qui nous prive aujourd'hui d'un ami cher. Cependant, votre empressement à justifier l'intervention militaire qui a conduit à la mort d'Antoine de Léocour et Vincent Delory nous a beaucoup surpris.
Réduire l'analyse de ce drame à un discours sécuritaire ne fait qu'alimenter grossièrement la presse à sensations. Cela occulte totalement les enjeux globaux de la situation économique et politique que traverse la zone sahélienne. Les épiphénomènes que nous vivons actuellement participent des conséquences de politiques étrangères occidentales vis-à-vis de ces régions.
« Ne rien faire, c'est prendre un double risque. »
Vos déclarations nous amènent à nous interroger sur la mission de l'armée française : consiste-t-elle à abréger les souffrances de ses ressortissants (emmenés par les ravisseurs […] et on sait ensuite comment ils sont traités) lorsque vous, M. le ministre de la Défense et M. le président de la République, chef des armées n'êtes pas en mesure d'envisager une autre solution, plus digne ?
Ou a-t-elle pour objectifs de démontrer – quel qu'en soit le prix – que la France est prête à entrer dans l'escalade de la violence au nom de son combat pour la démocratie et contre le terrorisme (ne rien faire, c'est donner un signal que la France finalement ne se bat plus contre le terrorisme) ?
Sachez qu'à nos yeux la raison d'Etat ne doit jamais l'emporter sur le respect de la vie des citoyens.
Nous sommes particulièrement indignés par le ton de vos propos et de ceux de la majorité de la classe politique française dans un consensus national sans fausse note.
Nous croyons comprendre que la France, patrie des droits de l'homme, sacrifie ses ressortissants sur l'autel d'orientations stratégiques occultes. Vous avez effectivement pris le parti de vous mettre à l'abri de tous moyens de pression en excluant l'option des négociations.
Nous nous inquiétons également du traitement différencié réservé aux citoyens et victimes en fonction de ce que leurs employeurs représentent pour les intérêts de la France.
En conclusion, si vous « assumez » si bien cette mission, sachez dire aux Français qu'elle est un échec et prenez véritablement vos responsabilités en démissionnant. Si un tel courage vous manque, alors ayez au moins la décence de laisser reposer en paix les âmes d'Antoine et de Vincent en stoppant toute récupération politique de cet assassinat sordide.
Open question, Will Israel fall in 2022 ? Is Iran able to take partial control of Israel with the help of Hezbollah, if Lebanon is attacked in February 2011?
Will Israel fall in 2022 ?
We are presenting a book called End of Israel in 2022, written by a Palestinian, Sunni Islamic scholar, named Bassam Jarrar. He wrote the first draft of this book in Lebanon, after being deported by Israel in 1993.
This is our translation of Bassam Jarrar's book as published in Arabic. It is a modified version of a translation done by Bassam Jarrar. Our version more accurately captures the essence of the original book in Arabic. We have also modified the translation of some of the verses (Bassam Jarrar used Yusuf Ali's translation of the Quran). Furthermore, we have added Quranic verses in Arabic whereas Bassam Jarrar's translation mentions only English translation of the verses.
We expect that Muslims under the leadership of the Mahdi will score a major victory against the Romans in 2022 AD and capture or re-capture Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is possible that Israel will fall into the hands of Iran and Lebanese Hezbollah shias before 2022, even before the rise of the Mahdi. In 2022 AD, Muslim may re-capture Palestine, if it fell into the hands of the enemies before.
Bassam Jarrar's book (in English) is divided into 2 large Chapters:
1. Chapter 1: Introduction to the Quranic prophecies about Children of Israel and the corruption they spread.
Page 1 of Bassam Jarrar's book
Page 2 of Bassam Jarrar's book
2. Chapter 2: The author uses various Mathematical methods to decode the secrets of relevant verses. He arrives at amazing results such as year 2022 being the year in which Israel will very likely end.
Page 3 of Bassam Jarrar's book
Page 4 of Bassam Jarrar's book
If you don't have time to read the whole book, we recommend that you read at least Chapter 2 (Page 3 & 4).
Click here to read about Jabber Bolushi's book regarding the expected End of Israel, the Mahdi, Jesus, Anti-Christ, etc.
Conquest of
Jerusalem & Israel
We expect that Muslims under the leadership of the Mahdi will score a major victory against the Romans (Europeans) and enter into Jerusalem in 2022 AD. However, there is some possibility that Israel will fall into the hands of Muslims or Shia/Iranians before the rise of the Mahdi. In 2022 AD, Muslim may re-capture Jerusalem, if it fell into the hands of the enemies before.
The next Israeli Knesset (Parliament) which is likely to end around 2017 is the 19th Israeli Knesset coincides with the Quranic number 19, so the 19th Knesset is likely to be the last Knesset in the current form of Israel. Verse 76 of Sura Israa (Chapter 17) of the Quran seems to indicate that Israel will provoke the Palestinians and then expel those Palestinians who live inside Israel or are Israeli citizens. Thus, Israel could be transformed into 100% Jewish State around 2017.
Today, the current Israeli Knesset (Parliament) elected in 2009 is the 18th Knesset. Each Knesset of Israel has lasted 3 - 4 years. So, the next Knesset is going to the 19th Knesset. Based on the historical evidence that each of the Corrupted Jewish Kingdoms has been ruled by 19 kings and Israel considers the Knesset as a king, it is quite reasonable to conclude that the next Knesset, the 19th Knesset, will be the last one before Israel becomes a 100% Jewish State.
76. وَإِن كَادُواْ لَيَسْتَفِزُّونَكَ مِنَ الْأَرْضِ لِيُخْرِجُوكَ مِنْهَا وَإِذًا لاَّ يَلْبَثُونَ خِلاَفَكَ إِلاَّ قَلِيلاً
76. Once they provoke you out of your land to expel you out of it, they will not remain there after you except for a little while.
The verse number of Verse 76 of Sura Israa (Chapter 17) (this Sura is also known as Sura of Children of Israel) meaning 76 represents the expected age of Israel which is 76 Hijri years if Israel ends in 2022 (or 2023). Furthermore, this verse seems to be indicate that Israel will provoke and then expel the Palestinians who are living inside Israel, within the borders of Israel as recognized by the United Nations. This verse tells us that once this expulsion happens, the Jews will remain in control of Israel only for a short period. The word in this verse which is translated as "a little while" is قَلِيلاً and it consists of 5 letters, which could mean either 5 years (5 months). Therefore, Israel will expel the Palestinians 5 years (or 5 months) before 2022 (or 2023), meaning around 2017-2018 (or 5 months before the end of Israel in 2022-2023).
The provocation caused by Israel that will lead to expulsion of the Palestinians could be be the re-building of Temple of Solomon and destruction of Al-Aqsa Mosque. We have indicated above that the next Knesset will be the last in the current Israel. Once Israel expels the Palestinians, it becomes 100% Jewish State and a new form of Israel starts.
This also is likely to coincide with the end of the U.S. and we expect based on Quranic verses 17:104 and 5:22 that there will be extensive Jewish migration from around the World to Israel, starting from 2017 and onwards. Then, within 5 years, around 2022, Israel will be conquered by Muslims.
All the Hadith and Athar about the conquest of Jerusalem mention that it will be by Muslims before the Mahdi. However, these Hadith and Athar are considered weak. However the numerical analysis of the Quran indicates that Muslims will enter the Aqsa Mosque in 2022. The following are all the Hadith and Athar available about the conquest of Jerusalem:
Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "(Armies carrying) Black Flags will come from Khorasan. No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Eelya إيلياء (Jerusalem) where they will erect their flags". (Tirmizi)
خرج ( ك ) نعيم بن حماد (902) عن كعب [ بن ] علقمة [ عن سفيان الكلبي ] قال:
يخرج على لواء المهدي غلام حديث السن, خفيف اللحية, أصفر, لو قاتل الجبال لهدها, حتى ينزل أيلياء
Ka'b bin Alqama based on Sufyan Al-Kalbi said: " Leading the army of the Mahdi will be a young man, with light (meaning not thick) beard, yellow complexion. If he fights mountains, he would crumble them, until he lands in Eelya (Jerusalem)." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan)
أخرج ( ك ) نعيم بن حماد (894) عن محمد بن الحنفية قال:
تخرج راية سوداء لبني العباس, ثم تخرج من خراسان أخرى سوادء, قلانسهم سود و ثيابهم بيض, على مقدمتهم رجل يقال له : شعيب بن صالح [ بن شعيب ], من تميم, يهزمون أصحاب السفياني حتى ينزل ببيت المقدس , و يوطئ للمهدي سلطانه, ويمد إليه ثلاثمائة من الشام , يكون بين خروجه وبين أن يسلم الأمر للمهدي اثنان وسبعون شهرا
Muhammad bin Al-Hanafia, said: " A black banner (army battalion) of Bani Al-Abbas ( family of Prophet Mohammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم uncle, Al-Abbas) will come out . Then, another black banner (army battalion) will come from Khorasan. Their turbans are black and their clothes are white. At their front end will be a man named Shuayb bin Salih, from Tamim (tribe) . They will defeat supporters of the Sufyani (and proceed further) until he (Shuayb bin Salih) arrives to Jerusalem (where) he will lay the foundation for the Mahdi's (future) dominion. He will be supplied with three hundred (men) from AshSham (Syria). From the time, he comes out (from Khorasan) until he hands over the matter (rule) to the Mahdi, there will be seventy two months (six years)." (Nuaim Ibn Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan)
حدثنا عبد الله بن مروان عن الهيثم بن عبد الرحمن عمن حدثه
عن علي بن أبي طالب رضى الله عنه قال يخرج رجل قبل المهدي من أهل بيته بالمشرق يحمل السيف على عاتقه ثمانية أشهر يقتل
ويمثل ويتوجه إلى بيت المقدس فلا يبلغه حتى يموت
Al-Haytham bin Abd-Al-Rahman narrated based someone that Ali bin Abi Taleb (r.a.), who is the cousin, son-in-law, and the 4th successor (Caliph) of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said: " A man will come out from the East before the Mahdi, from his Household (family), carrying a sword for 8 months, killing and maiming people. He heads toward Jerusalem and dies once he reaches (conquers) it." (Nuaim Ibn Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan)
حدثنا الوليد عن روح بن أبي العيزار قال حدثني عبد الرحمن بن آدم الأودي قال سمعت عبد الرحمن بن الغاز بن ربيعة الجرشي يقولسمعت عمرو بن مرة الجملي صاحب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول لتخرجن من خراسان راية سوداء حتى تربط خيولها بهذا الزيتون الذي بين بيت لهيا وحرستا
قلنا [ ما نرى ] ما بين هاتين زيتونة
قال سينصب بينهما زيتون حتى ينزلها أهل تلك الراية فتربط خيولها بها
قال عبد الله بن آدم وحدثت بهذا الحديث عبد الرحمن بن سليمان فقال إنما يربط بها أهل الراية السواء الثانية التي تخرج على الراية الأولى فإذا نزلوها خرج عليهم خارجي من أهل هذه فلا يجد من أهل الراية الأولى إلا مختفيا فيهزمهم
Amr Bin Marra Al-Jamli said that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: " 'Surely, (armies carrying) Black Flags from Khorasan will go out until a group (of them) will tie their horse leashes to the Olive Trees between Beit Lahia (in Gaza district, Palestine) and Harasta (near Damascus, Syria).' We said: There is not any Olive tree between these two (places)?' He said, 'Olive trees) will be grown there so that those people (of Khorasan) will come and tie their horses there'.” (Nuaim bin Hammad's book Kitab Al-Fitan)
يا ابن حوالة ! إذا رأيت الخلافة قد نزلت الأرض المقدسة فقد دنت الزلازل و البلابل و الأمور العظام و الساعة يومئذ أقرب من الناس من يدي هذه من رأسك
Ibn Hawalah narrated that he Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "O' Ibn Hawalah! If you live to see the seat of the Caliphate in Bayt Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), then, earthquakes, disasters and great calamities are imminent. The Hour will be closer to people than this hand of mine to your head!" (Al-Haakim)
- Will Israel fall in 2022 ?We are presenting a book called End of Israel in 2022, written by a Palestinian, Sunni Islamic scholar, named Bassam Jarrar. He wrote the first draft of this book in Lebanon, after being deported by Israel in 1993.This is our translation of Bassam Jarrar's book as published in Arabic. It is a modified version of a translation done by Bassam Jarrar. Our version more accurately captures the essence of the original book in Arabic. We have also modified the translation of some of the verses (Bassam Jarrar used Yusuf Ali's translation of the Quran). Furthermore, we have added Quranic verses in Arabic whereas Bassam Jarrar's translation mentions only English translation of the verses.We expect that Muslims under the leadership of the Mahdi will score a major victory against the Romans in 2022 AD and capture or re-capture Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is possible that Israel will fall into the hands of Iran and Lebanese Hezbollah shias before 2022, even before the rise of the Mahdi. In 2022 AD, Muslim may re-capture Palestine, if it fell into the hands of the enemies before.Bassam Jarrar's book (in English) is divided into 2 large Chapters:1. Chapter 1: Introduction to the Quranic prophecies about Children of Israel and the corruption they spread.Page 1 of Bassam Jarrar's bookPage 2 of Bassam Jarrar's book2. Chapter 2: The author uses various Mathematical methods to decode the secrets of relevant verses. He arrives at amazing results such as year 2022 being the year in which Israel will very likely end.Page 3 of Bassam Jarrar's bookPage 4 of Bassam Jarrar's bookIf you don't have time to read the whole book, we recommend that you read at least Chapter 2 (Page 3 & 4).Click here to read about Jabber Bolushi's book regarding the expected End of Israel, the Mahdi, Jesus, Anti-Christ, etc.Conquest of
Jerusalem & IsraelWe expect that Muslims under the leadership of the Mahdi will score a major victory against the Romans (Europeans) and enter into Jerusalem in 2022 AD. However, there is some possibility that Israel will fall into the hands of Muslims or Shia/Iranians before the rise of the Mahdi. In 2022 AD, Muslim may re-capture Jerusalem, if it fell into the hands of the enemies before.The next Israeli Knesset (Parliament) which is likely to end around 2017 is the 19th Israeli Knesset coincides with the Quranic number 19, so the 19th Knesset is likely to be the last Knesset in the current form of Israel. Verse 76 of Sura Israa (Chapter 17) of the Quran seems to indicate that Israel will provoke the Palestinians and then expel those Palestinians who live inside Israel or are Israeli citizens. Thus, Israel could be transformed into 100% Jewish State around 2017.Today, the current Israeli Knesset (Parliament) elected in 2009 is the 18th Knesset. Each Knesset of Israel has lasted 3 - 4 years. So, the next Knesset is going to the 19th Knesset. Based on the historical evidence that each of the Corrupted Jewish Kingdoms has been ruled by 19 kings and Israel considers the Knesset as a king, it is quite reasonable to conclude that the next Knesset, the 19th Knesset, will be the last one before Israel becomes a 100% Jewish State.76. وَإِن كَادُواْ لَيَسْتَفِزُّونَكَ مِنَ الْأَرْضِ لِيُخْرِجُوكَ مِنْهَا وَإِذًا لاَّ يَلْبَثُونَ خِلاَفَكَ إِلاَّ قَلِيلاً 76. Once they provoke you out of your land to expel you out of it, they will not remain there after you except for a little while. The verse number of Verse 76 of Sura Israa (Chapter 17) (this Sura is also known as Sura of Children of Israel) meaning 76 represents the expected age of Israel which is 76 Hijri years if Israel ends in 2022 (or 2023). Furthermore, this verse seems to be indicate that Israel will provoke and then expel the Palestinians who are living inside Israel, within the borders of Israel as recognized by the United Nations. This verse tells us that once this expulsion happens, the Jews will remain in control of Israel only for a short period. The word in this verse which is translated as "a little while" is قَلِيلاً and it consists of 5 letters, which could mean either 5 years (5 months). Therefore, Israel will expel the Palestinians 5 years (or 5 months) before 2022 (or 2023), meaning around 2017-2018 (or 5 months before the end of Israel in 2022-2023).The provocation caused by Israel that will lead to expulsion of the Palestinians could be be the re-building of Temple of Solomon and destruction of Al-Aqsa Mosque. We have indicated above that the next Knesset will be the last in the current Israel. Once Israel expels the Palestinians, it becomes 100% Jewish State and a new form of Israel starts.This also is likely to coincide with the end of the U.S. and we expect based on Quranic verses 17:104 and 5:22 that there will be extensive Jewish migration from around the World to Israel, starting from 2017 and onwards. Then, within 5 years, around 2022, Israel will be conquered by Muslims.All the Hadith and Athar about the conquest of Jerusalem mention that it will be by Muslims before the Mahdi. However, these Hadith and Athar are considered weak. However the numerical analysis of the Quran indicates that Muslims will enter the Aqsa Mosque in 2022. The following are all the Hadith and Athar available about the conquest of Jerusalem:Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "(Armies carrying) Black Flags will come from Khorasan. No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Eelya إيلياء (Jerusalem) where they will erect their flags". (Tirmizi)أخرج ( ك ) نعيم بن حماد (902) عن كعب [ بن ] علقمة [ عن سفيان الكلبي ] قال:يخرج على لواء المهدي غلام حديث السن, خفيف اللحية, أصفر, لو قاتل الجبال لهدها, حتى ينزل أيلياءKa'b bin Alqama based on Sufyan Al-Kalbi said: " Leading the army of the Mahdi will be a young man, with light (meaning not thick) beard, yellow complexion. If he fights mountains, he would crumble them, until he lands in Eelya (Jerusalem)." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan)أخرج ( ك ) نعيم بن حماد (894) عن محمد بن الحنفية قال:تخرج راية سوداء لبني العباس, ثم تخرج من خراسان أخرى سوادء, قلانسهم سود و ثيابهم بيض, على مقدمتهم رجل يقال له : شعيب بن صالح [ بن شعيب ], من تميم, يهزمون أصحاب السفياني حتى ينزل ببيت المقدس , و يوطئ للمهدي سلطانه, ويمد إليه ثلاثمائة من الشام , يكون بين خروجه وبين أن يسلم الأمر للمهدي اثنان وسبعون شهراMuhammad bin Al-Hanafia, said: " A black banner (army battalion) of Bani Al-Abbas ( family of Prophet Mohammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم uncle, Al-Abbas) will come out . Then, another black banner (army battalion) will come from Khorasan. Their turbans are black and their clothes are white. At their front end will be a man named Shuayb bin Salih, from Tamim (tribe) . They will defeat supporters of the Sufyani (and proceed further) until he (Shuayb bin Salih) arrives to Jerusalem (where) he will lay the foundation for the Mahdi's (future) dominion. He will be supplied with three hundred (men) from AshSham (Syria). From the time, he comes out (from Khorasan) until he hands over the matter (rule) to the Mahdi, there will be seventy two months (six years)." (Nuaim Ibn Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan)
عن علي بن أبي طالب رضى الله عنه قال يخرج رجل قبل المهدي من أهل بيته بالمشرق يحمل السيف على عاتقه ثمانية أشهر يقتلويمثل ويتوجه إلى بيت المقدس فلا يبلغه حتى يموتAl-Haytham bin Abd-Al-Rahman narrated based someone that Ali bin Abi Taleb (r.a.), who is the cousin, son-in-law, and the 4th successor (Caliph) of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said: " A man will come out from the East before the Mahdi, from his Household (family), carrying a sword for 8 months, killing and maiming people. He heads toward Jerusalem and dies once he reaches (conquers) it." (Nuaim Ibn Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan)
قلنا [ ما نرى ] ما بين هاتين زيتونة
قال سينصب بينهما زيتون حتى ينزلها أهل تلك الراية فتربط خيولها بها
قال عبد الله بن آدم وحدثت بهذا الحديث عبد الرحمن بن سليمان فقال إنما يربط بها أهل الراية السواء الثانية التي تخرج على الراية الأولى فإذا نزلوها خرج عليهم خارجي من أهل هذه فلا يجد من أهل الراية الأولى إلا مختفيا فيهزمهمAmr Bin Marra Al-Jamli said that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: " 'Surely, (armies carrying) Black Flags from Khorasan will go out until a group (of them) will tie their horse leashes to the Olive Trees between Beit Lahia (in Gaza district, Palestine) and Harasta (near Damascus, Syria).' We said: There is not any Olive tree between these two (places)?' He said, 'Olive trees) will be grown there so that those people (of Khorasan) will come and tie their horses there'.” (Nuaim bin Hammad's book Kitab Al-Fitan)يا ابن حوالة ! إذا رأيت الخلافة قد نزلت الأرض المقدسة فقد دنت الزلازل و البلابل و الأمور العظام و الساعة يومئذ أقرب من الناس من يدي هذه من رأسكIbn Hawalah narrated that he Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "O' Ibn Hawalah! If you live to see the seat of the Caliphate in Bayt Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), then, earthquakes, disasters and great calamities are imminent. The Hour will be closer to people than this hand of mine to your head!" (Al-Haakim)
Salim Shayboub confirme que la DST/DCRI a preparé 800 voitures piegées avec la police secrete tunisienne en prevision de la chute de Ben Ali. Le chef de la police secrete tunisienne a affirmé que les services francais lui ont demandé de dire publiquement que c'etait AQMI qui etait derriere la revoltes des jeunes, pour leur donner une couverture et debuter une vague d'attentats du meme type que celle employee en Iraq et Pakistan.
Tunisia’s startling revolution
By Marwan Asmar,
Many are calling it the “Jasmine Revolution” after the nation’s national flower; others a “popular revolution” and “Velvet Revolution” in relation to what happened in Eastern Europe, when the people there overthrew their former regimes. Others still are comparing it to the 1978 Iranian Revolution when Iranians deposed the Shah through street politics.
What’s happening in Tunisia is a combination of all three. Their month-old popular uprising unexpectedly resulted in the deposing of President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali who ruled their country for 23 years through the iron-fist.
It resembled a “velvet revolution” when he swiftly left the country on 14 December through his own accord, calling it quits, and no doubt taking his clue from previous dictators who either left their countries in extreme situations or others who decided to stay and fight another day, like the former Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein.
Ben Ali, as he said, read the mood of the street, which has been clamoring for his overthrow since 17 December 2010, when Mohammad Bu Azizi set himself on fire because the authorities took away his vegetable cart and denied him making a meager living.
This was the spark that lead to what became a mass revolution, creating the domino effect on people rising up in town and cities throughout the country to tourist-laden coastal areas, eventually smacking unto the streets of the capital, Tunis.
Despite references to the police state which had been built up throughout the reign of Ben Ali, security officers were not able to turn the tide of the demonstrators in what observers called a social revolution that had never been witnessed in the modern political history of Tunisia or since the country’s independence from the French in 1956.
The latest Tunisian uprising is not being given a specific label. It is not being led by communists or Islamists, with Ben Ali cracking down on the latter group. In fact, observers argue this is why he was tolerated by the West since he came to power in 1987.
If anything, it was the educated masses that eventually grew frustrated with the economic policies put forward by men like Mohammad Al Ghanoushi, who today continues to rule as prime minister in a caretaker government waiting to hold elections within 60 days as specified by the Constitution.
While official statistics put the employment rate at 14 percent, unofficially many say the rate is as much as 25 percent and annually increasing as school dropouts and university graduates were being churned out every 12 months onto the unemployment heap in a country of about 9.5 million facing higher commodity prices.
Bu Azizi, 26, was forced to work as a vegetable seller to take care of his family, having been unemployed long after his university graduation. Many such graduates stand unemployed today in Tunisia. Just before Ben Ali left the country, he promised he would create 300,000 jobs in the next few years but he didn’t say how.
The regime had already lost its credibility among the masses, it was deemed to be “uncaring” to the masses, continuously echoing its own voice and distinct brand of ideology through its Constitutional Democratic Rally Party, presided over by Habib Abu Bourguiba, the country’s first president who eventually gave way to Ben Ali in a bloodless coup in 1987.
Initially Ben Ali was seen as a man of reform who wanted political change, however, he soon power consolidated his position through the different security apparatuses of state using and abusing his power and changing the Constitution to stand again as president.
At the first multi-candidate presidential election in 1999, he won with a farcical 99.44 percent of the vote. This earned him the nickname Mr 99 Percent, although he was also known as Ben A Vie (president-for-life). Just before he left the country, he told the street he wouldn’t be standing for the next 2014 elections and no longer supported the president-for-life concept put forward by Abu Bourguiba.
But people were already fed up; it was clearly a mood made too little too late, especially when he told them patronizingly in Arabic “I now know what you want.”
His quick exit was a bit of a surprise especially since dictators take more than one month to be persuaded to leave the country, as was the case with the Shah when it took him months to get out, being only forced by day-in-day-out popular demonstrations, also in the face of a large security regime and after the loss of his American allies.
But once the decision was taken, Ben Ali felt he had to rapidly move forward realizing his foreign allies would no longer support him, and even were glad to see the back of him with them playing to the tunes of democracy and the will of the people.
First hovering over the skies of Malta, contacted Sardinia and then Paris where he was fobbed off by non-other than French President Nicolas Sarkozy, his four-plane entourage was finally allowed to land in Jeddah.
By being marooned the skies, the ex-president was getting a taste of his own medicine and the initial taste of exile. Just like the many Tunisians who were forced into exile under his rule, he was adjusting to his own exile, which started when he hurriedly left the country that made him billions. His fortune tucked away in overseas banks is estimated to be anywhere from $3 billion dollars to $15 billion.
Accompanied by his wife, Laila Al Tarabulsi, and others, he was welcomed by the Saudi Arabian authorities as a private guest. His wife, 20 years his junior and initially a hairdresser from a modest family background, had climbed the greasy pole by skillfully manipulating the politics of the palace.
She played a very skillful behind-the-scene role, appointing ones she approved of and dismissing others. These were ministers, ambassadors and in the public sector. A chic First Lady, she was the second wife of Ben Ali and a former divorcee, and had a mesmerizing grip on the president that one almost thinks she was his shadow.
Her siblings, Belhussayn and Imad Al Tarabulsi, were given high profile jobs to willy-nilly make good on whatever they could take at the expense of the state. Belhussayn headed an airline company. She was also the force behind Mohammad Sakher Al Maatri, her son-in-law and husband of her eldest daughter.
Observers say the billionaire businessmen, was a media mogul in Tunis who owned the Islamic Al Zaytouna broadcast, bought Al Sabah newspaper, one of Tunisia top dailies, in 2009 as well as an Islamic bank. He was reportedly being groomed by Ben Ali (74) to lead the party.
Such as was the blatant political and economic corruption, abusing the system for personal power and family aggrandizement. It was made open by the ruler who had no compunction about the population he was leading through authoritarian and police tactics.
Weaned on Western friendship, while courting Europe and the European Union, and standing as a bulwark against Islamic fundamentalism, Ben Ali sought to build a yet another era of modern Tunisia based on alliances, foreign investments and opening the country to mass tourism from Europe.
However, he was well-known for stifling free speech, censorship and control of the media with the internet closely monitored. Many argued this upset his educated population who were exposed to European ideas and thought.
Today, it appears that he also built a very effective 1000-man presidential guard as evidenced by the fact it is fighting the army on the streets of the capital as looting and mayhem continue in an area where law and order is to be restored.
It is yet to be seen whether the popular street, the one which must be congratulated for the removal of Ben Ali, will succumb to the promises of the current political establishment who are still, after all, a continuation of the old guard, or will they wait to see if their demands can be met through political means.
Negotiations for a unity government are still being discussed but it is still to be seen whether Tunisia’s mass revolution can be turned into a velvet one. Many ordinary watchers in the Arab world fear that Tunisia could turn into another Iraq!
Dr. Marwan Asmar is an Amman-based journalist specializing in Middle Eastern affairs.
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Tunisia’s startling revolutionBy Marwan Asmar,Many are calling it the “Jasmine Revolution” after the nation’s national flower; others a “popular revolution” and “Velvet Revolution” in relation to what happened in Eastern Europe, when the people there overthrew their former regimes. Others still are comparing it to the 1978 Iranian Revolution when Iranians deposed the Shah through street politics.What’s happening in Tunisia is a combination of all three. Their month-old popular uprising unexpectedly resulted in the deposing of President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali who ruled their country for 23 years through the iron-fist.It resembled a “velvet revolution” when he swiftly left the country on 14 December through his own accord, calling it quits, and no doubt taking his clue from previous dictators who either left their countries in extreme situations or others who decided to stay and fight another day, like the former Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein.Ben Ali, as he said, read the mood of the street, which has been clamoring for his overthrow since 17 December 2010, when Mohammad Bu Azizi set himself on fire because the authorities took away his vegetable cart and denied him making a meager living.This was the spark that lead to what became a mass revolution, creating the domino effect on people rising up in town and cities throughout the country to tourist-laden coastal areas, eventually smacking unto the streets of the capital, Tunis.Despite references to the police state which had been built up throughout the reign of Ben Ali, security officers were not able to turn the tide of the demonstrators in what observers called a social revolution that had never been witnessed in the modern political history of Tunisia or since the country’s independence from the French in 1956.The latest Tunisian uprising is not being given a specific label. It is not being led by communists or Islamists, with Ben Ali cracking down on the latter group. In fact, observers argue this is why he was tolerated by the West since he came to power in 1987.If anything, it was the educated masses that eventually grew frustrated with the economic policies put forward by men like Mohammad Al Ghanoushi, who today continues to rule as prime minister in a caretaker government waiting to hold elections within 60 days as specified by the Constitution.While official statistics put the employment rate at 14 percent, unofficially many say the rate is as much as 25 percent and annually increasing as school dropouts and university graduates were being churned out every 12 months onto the unemployment heap in a country of about 9.5 million facing higher commodity prices.Bu Azizi, 26, was forced to work as a vegetable seller to take care of his family, having been unemployed long after his university graduation. Many such graduates stand unemployed today in Tunisia. Just before Ben Ali left the country, he promised he would create 300,000 jobs in the next few years but he didn’t say how.The regime had already lost its credibility among the masses, it was deemed to be “uncaring” to the masses, continuously echoing its own voice and distinct brand of ideology through its Constitutional Democratic Rally Party, presided over by Habib Abu Bourguiba, the country’s first president who eventually gave way to Ben Ali in a bloodless coup in 1987.Initially Ben Ali was seen as a man of reform who wanted political change, however, he soon power consolidated his position through the different security apparatuses of state using and abusing his power and changing the Constitution to stand again as president.At the first multi-candidate presidential election in 1999, he won with a farcical 99.44 percent of the vote. This earned him the nickname Mr 99 Percent, although he was also known as Ben A Vie (president-for-life). Just before he left the country, he told the street he wouldn’t be standing for the next 2014 elections and no longer supported the president-for-life concept put forward by Abu Bourguiba.But people were already fed up; it was clearly a mood made too little too late, especially when he told them patronizingly in Arabic “I now know what you want.”His quick exit was a bit of a surprise especially since dictators take more than one month to be persuaded to leave the country, as was the case with the Shah when it took him months to get out, being only forced by day-in-day-out popular demonstrations, also in the face of a large security regime and after the loss of his American allies.But once the decision was taken, Ben Ali felt he had to rapidly move forward realizing his foreign allies would no longer support him, and even were glad to see the back of him with them playing to the tunes of democracy and the will of the people.First hovering over the skies of Malta, contacted Sardinia and then Paris where he was fobbed off by non-other than French President Nicolas Sarkozy, his four-plane entourage was finally allowed to land in Jeddah.By being marooned the skies, the ex-president was getting a taste of his own medicine and the initial taste of exile. Just like the many Tunisians who were forced into exile under his rule, he was adjusting to his own exile, which started when he hurriedly left the country that made him billions. His fortune tucked away in overseas banks is estimated to be anywhere from $3 billion dollars to $15 billion.Accompanied by his wife, Laila Al Tarabulsi, and others, he was welcomed by the Saudi Arabian authorities as a private guest. His wife, 20 years his junior and initially a hairdresser from a modest family background, had climbed the greasy pole by skillfully manipulating the politics of the palace.She played a very skillful behind-the-scene role, appointing ones she approved of and dismissing others. These were ministers, ambassadors and in the public sector. A chic First Lady, she was the second wife of Ben Ali and a former divorcee, and had a mesmerizing grip on the president that one almost thinks she was his shadow.Her siblings, Belhussayn and Imad Al Tarabulsi, were given high profile jobs to willy-nilly make good on whatever they could take at the expense of the state. Belhussayn headed an airline company. She was also the force behind Mohammad Sakher Al Maatri, her son-in-law and husband of her eldest daughter.Observers say the billionaire businessmen, was a media mogul in Tunis who owned the Islamic Al Zaytouna broadcast, bought Al Sabah newspaper, one of Tunisia top dailies, in 2009 as well as an Islamic bank. He was reportedly being groomed by Ben Ali (74) to lead the party.Such as was the blatant political and economic corruption, abusing the system for personal power and family aggrandizement. It was made open by the ruler who had no compunction about the population he was leading through authoritarian and police tactics.Weaned on Western friendship, while courting Europe and the European Union, and standing as a bulwark against Islamic fundamentalism, Ben Ali sought to build a yet another era of modern Tunisia based on alliances, foreign investments and opening the country to mass tourism from Europe.However, he was well-known for stifling free speech, censorship and control of the media with the internet closely monitored. Many argued this upset his educated population who were exposed to European ideas and thought.Today, it appears that he also built a very effective 1000-man presidential guard as evidenced by the fact it is fighting the army on the streets of the capital as looting and mayhem continue in an area where law and order is to be restored.It is yet to be seen whether the popular street, the one which must be congratulated for the removal of Ben Ali, will succumb to the promises of the current political establishment who are still, after all, a continuation of the old guard, or will they wait to see if their demands can be met through political means.Negotiations for a unity government are still being discussed but it is still to be seen whether Tunisia’s mass revolution can be turned into a velvet one. Many ordinary watchers in the Arab world fear that Tunisia could turn into another Iraq!
Dr. Marwan Asmar is an Amman-based journalist specializing in Middle Eastern affairs.Copyright © 1998-2007 Online Journal
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The Second Islamic Revolution Begins in Tunisia
By Dr Kevin Barrett,
The Zionist-dominated Western media is doing everything it can to downplay this week's Tunisian Revolution and ignore its historic implications. Mainstream Middle East expert Juan Cole calls the Tunisian revolution "potentially more consequential for the Middle East" than the Iranian Revolution of 1979" and adds: "As usual, the important news from the region is being ignored by US television news."
In fact, the US mainstream media doesn't report Middle East news. It just vomits up Zionist propaganda. Whatever you see (or don't see) on US-dominated news channels is there (or not there) to serve the interests of apartheid Greater Israel and its US colony. And the reason the Tunisian revolution is not there is simple: The more publicity it gets, the faster it will spread to the other Zio-American neo-colonies in the region.
To the extent the Zio-American mouthpieces are talking about the fall of the ultra-secularist Tunisian regime--until yesterday the last remaining overtly anti-Islamic regime in the Muslim world now that Turkey is being reclaimed by its people--they are nervously reassuring themselves that this is not an Islamist revolution, the people just want more blue jeans and McDonalds, ad nauseum. Such commentators have their heads in the proverbial sand; though they may be seeing a few grains accurately, they miss the big picture. Of course it is too early to say what will emerge directly from the current chaos. But in the long run, Tunisia will be going the way of Turkey--away from forced secularization by a brutal military dictatorship, and toward some form of Islamic democracy. Similar revolutions, with similar outcomes, are likely to follow throughout the region.
I hope and suspect that this second Islamic revolution will be more practical and moderate and peaceful than the first one. The governments that emerge may look more like Turkey than Iran. But I also hope and expect that this second Islamic revolution will hold to its ideals and to the aspirations of people in the Muslim-majority countries for:
* An end to the Zionist settler colony and the return of Palestine to the Palestinians.
* A move away from colonially-imposed Western legal traditions, toward indigenous Islamic ones.
* A rejection of any form of imperial-colonial interference in the Muslim-majority countries, starting with the ejection of all foreign military forces and bases from Muslim lands.
* A prohibition of usurious banker-issued currencies, and a move toward the Islamic gold dinar and silver dirham as the only lawful currencies in Muslim lands (and the only thing acceptable in exchange for oil and other resources).
* The gradual, peaceful re-unification of the Muslim-majority countries following the model of the EU: common markets, common currency, common citizenship, and so on.
The Muslim-majority countries already have all the necessary bases of unity: A common religion, a common language (Arabic, which every educated Muslim must learn and which is in easy reach thanks to the internet and satellite TV), a common currency (the gold dinar and silver dirham, mandated by shariah), and more than a billion people who think of themselves as Muslims first and ethnic/national groups secondarily if at all. Despite all the nationalist propaganda Muslims get from their Zionist-puppet rulers, an overwhelming majority--two-thirds according to one poll--want to "unify all Islamic counties into a single Islamic state or caliphate."
How long can the Zionists succeed in playing the divide-and-conquer card against such popular aspirations for Islamic unity? And when is the USA going to cut its losses, end its support for the globally-reviled Zionists, and throw its full support behind its fellow monotheists of the emerging Islamic Caliphate -- the perfect energy-rich bulwark against America's Chinese and Indian competitors?
- By Dr Kevin Barrett,
www.truthjihad.blogspot.comThe Zionist-dominated Western media is doing everything it can to downplay this week's Tunisian Revolution and ignore its historic implications. Mainstream Middle East expert Juan Cole calls the Tunisian revolution "potentially more consequential for the Middle East" than the Iranian Revolution of 1979" and adds: "As usual, the important news from the region is being ignored by US television news."
In fact, the US mainstream media doesn't report Middle East news. It just vomits up Zionist propaganda. Whatever you see (or don't see) on US-dominated news channels is there (or not there) to serve the interests of apartheid Greater Israel and its US colony. And the reason the Tunisian revolution is not there is simple: The more publicity it gets, the faster it will spread to the other Zio-American neo-colonies in the region.
To the extent the Zio-American mouthpieces are talking about the fall of the ultra-secularist Tunisian regime--until yesterday the last remaining overtly anti-Islamic regime in the Muslim world now that Turkey is being reclaimed by its people--they are nervously reassuring themselves that this is not an Islamist revolution, the people just want more blue jeans and McDonalds, ad nauseum. Such commentators have their heads in the proverbial sand; though they may be seeing a few grains accurately, they miss the big picture. Of course it is too early to say what will emerge directly from the current chaos. But in the long run, Tunisia will be going the way of Turkey--away from forced secularization by a brutal military dictatorship, and toward some form of Islamic democracy. Similar revolutions, with similar outcomes, are likely to follow throughout the region.
I hope and suspect that this second Islamic revolution will be more practical and moderate and peaceful than the first one. The governments that emerge may look more like Turkey than Iran. But I also hope and expect that this second Islamic revolution will hold to its ideals and to the aspirations of people in the Muslim-majority countries for:
* An end to the Zionist settler colony and the return of Palestine to the Palestinians.
* A move away from colonially-imposed Western legal traditions, toward indigenous Islamic ones.
* A rejection of any form of imperial-colonial interference in the Muslim-majority countries, starting with the ejection of all foreign military forces and bases from Muslim lands.
* A prohibition of usurious banker-issued currencies, and a move toward the Islamic gold dinar and silver dirham as the only lawful currencies in Muslim lands (and the only thing acceptable in exchange for oil and other resources).
* The gradual, peaceful re-unification of the Muslim-majority countries following the model of the EU: common markets, common currency, common citizenship, and so on.
The Muslim-majority countries already have all the necessary bases of unity: A common religion, a common language (Arabic, which every educated Muslim must learn and which is in easy reach thanks to the internet and satellite TV), a common currency (the gold dinar and silver dirham, mandated by shariah), and more than a billion people who think of themselves as Muslims first and ethnic/national groups secondarily if at all. Despite all the nationalist propaganda Muslims get from their Zionist-puppet rulers, an overwhelming majority--two-thirds according to one poll--want to "unify all Islamic counties into a single Islamic state or caliphate."
How long can the Zionists succeed in playing the divide-and-conquer card against such popular aspirations for Islamic unity? And when is the USA going to cut its losses, end its support for the globally-reviled Zionists, and throw its full support behind its fellow monotheists of the emerging Islamic Caliphate -- the perfect energy-rich bulwark against America's Chinese and Indian competitors?
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