Massacre in Libya : A 1000 Libyans death, Kadhafi had the green light from Washington and London to slaughter his people 'to protect western oil companies strategic interests'
Abu-Suleyman8:00 AM2 comments
- Abu-Suleyman8:00 AM2 comments
Oil Companies Plan Evacuations From Libya
February 21st, 2011
Update: Reuters: Gaddafi Fled Libya, on Way to Venezuela [???]
Venezuela denies:
A senior source in the Venezuelan government denied on Monday reports that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was traveling to the South American oil-producing nation led by his ally President Hugo Chavez.
The Caracas government “denies such information,” the source told Reuters.
Via: Reuters:
British Foreign Secretary William Hague said on Monday he had seen some information to suggest Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi had fled the country and was on his way to Venezuela.
—End Update—
Via: New York Times:
Global oil companies said Monday that they were making plans to evacuate employees in Libya after some operations there were disrupted by political unrest. Libya holds the largest crude oil reserves in Africa, and the moves drove some stock prices down and a crucial oil benchmark to a three-year high.
Some 1,000 people have been killed by Libyan security forces in bombing raids against anti-government demonstrators, a Rome-based group representing Arab expatriates said Tuesday, citing sources inside the North African country.
'Hospitals have no electricity and no medicines,' said Foad Aodi, who heads the Arab World Communities in Italy (COMAI).
COMAI was appealing to the Italian government to send medical and other emergency supplies to Libya.
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's government 'must not remain ... deaf and dumb towards the revolution which is taking place in these hours,' Aodi said.
- February 21st, 2011
Update: Reuters: Gaddafi Fled Libya, on Way to Venezuela [???]
Venezuela denies:
A senior source in the Venezuelan government denied on Monday reports that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was traveling to the South American oil-producing nation led by his ally President Hugo Chavez.
The Caracas government “denies such information,” the source told Reuters.
Via: Reuters:
British Foreign Secretary William Hague said on Monday he had seen some information to suggest Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi had fled the country and was on his way to Venezuela.
—End Update—
Via: New York Times:
Global oil companies said Monday that they were making plans to evacuate employees in Libya after some operations there were disrupted by political unrest. Libya holds the largest crude oil reserves in Africa, and the moves drove some stock prices down and a crucial oil benchmark to a three-year high.
Some 1,000 people have been killed by Libyan security forces in bombing raids against anti-government demonstrators, a Rome-based group representing Arab expatriates said Tuesday, citing sources inside the North African country.
'Hospitals have no electricity and no medicines,' said Foad Aodi, who heads the Arab World Communities in Italy (COMAI).
COMAI was appealing to the Italian government to send medical and other emergency supplies to Libya.
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's government 'must not remain ... deaf and dumb towards the revolution which is taking place in these hours,' Aodi said.
Gaddafi's son Seif wounded in gunfire, dictator has fled: Muslim Brotherhood
By IB Times Staff Reporter
Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi’s son Seif al-Islam Gaddafi, who has been leading the campaign to quell the popular uprising that has reportedly led to the fleeing of his father, has been wounded in gunfire, the Muslim Brotherhood has said citing unofficial reports. The report also says Gaddafi, his wife and daughter have fled the country.
Saif al-Islam, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, speaks during an address on state television in Tripoli, in this still image taken from video, February 20, 201
The frontline Egyptian Opposition group that took an active role in the ouster of Hosni Mubarak, said in its website on Monday that 38-year-old Seif al-Islam, the second son of Gaddafi, has been wounded in gunfire, but gave no further details
"Unofficial reports proliferating that Seif al-Islam Gaddafi wounded by gunfire, while his father has fled with his wife and daughter," the website said in a terse report on the unfolding events in Libya, where more than 200 people have been reportedly killed ever since anti-government protests erupted last week.
Rumors have been rife over the weekend that the flashy dictator, who has been in power for more than 41 years, has run away to Venezuela.
- By IB Times Staff ReporterLibyan leader Moammar Gaddafi’s son Seif al-Islam Gaddafi, who has been leading the campaign to quell the popular uprising that has reportedly led to the fleeing of his father, has been wounded in gunfire, the Muslim Brotherhood has said citing unofficial reports. The report also says Gaddafi, his wife and daughter have fled the country.REUTERS
Saif al-Islam, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, speaks during an address on state television in Tripoli, in this still image taken from video, February 20, 201The frontline Egyptian Opposition group that took an active role in the ouster of Hosni Mubarak, said in its website on Monday that 38-year-old Seif al-Islam, the second son of Gaddafi, has been wounded in gunfire, but gave no further details"Unofficial reports proliferating that Seif al-Islam Gaddafi wounded by gunfire, while his father has fled with his wife and daughter," the website said in a terse report on the unfolding events in Libya, where more than 200 people have been reportedly killed ever since anti-government protests erupted last week.Rumors have been rife over the weekend that the flashy dictator, who has been in power for more than 41 years, has run away to Venezuela.
Michael said...
- lies that uk sanctioned killing
- 3:08 PM
Abu-Suleyman said...
- They pushed Kaddhafi to slaughter his people like they pushed Saddam to invade Kuweit... similar tricks, similar strategy
- 3:26 PM
- Michael said...
- lies that uk sanctioned killing
- 3:08 PM
- Abu-Suleyman said...
- They pushed Kaddhafi to slaughter his people like they pushed Saddam to invade Kuweit... similar tricks, similar strategy
- 3:26 PM
Guerre civile en France : Provocations racistes de la secte talmudo-sioniste au pouvoir et mise en pratique de la guerre des civilisations Islaam-Chretienté par les elites racistes juives sionistes en occident a l'aide de l'arme de la religion incréée du genocide colonial jacobino-franc-maconnique francais, la laicité.
Laïcité française – guerre génocidaire et Évangélisation !
Malgré son apparente intolérance étatique, les dérogations à la laïcité continuent principalement en faveur des Églises catholiques, protestantes et juives mais contre d’autres religions, en particulier l’Islam, malgré que la France compte entre 5 et 6 millions de Musulmans. Aujourd'hui la laïcité en France est devenue une arme anti-sémite anti-arabe et anti-islamique dans une pratique d'intolérance sélective.
La secte talmudique, franc-maconnique au pouvoir utilise la laicite pour provoquer une guerre des civilisations en occident. La laicite est la religion incréée de la franc-maconnerie, jamais mise reellement en pratique, elle est l'arme de la haine, du racisme, de la division, de l'occupation, de la discrimination contre les minorités et contre les Musulmans qui ne se soumettront jamais a la secte talmudo franc maconique jacobine ni a ses partis politiques responsables des genocides des peuples au service du sionisme mondialisant de ce debut de 21 ieme siecle. Il n'y aura jamais d'Islaam 'de France' ni d'Islaam 'laic', la laicite etant un instrument de domination coloniale en France comme ailleurs, les israeliens de France ont un agenda de guerre civile, ils ne font que se jetter dans leurs propres tombes tant il est aisé de lire dans le livre des chiens enragés de Tel Aviv.... comme l'histoire se repete.
« Ainsi, le bon stratège manipule l’ennemi tout en cachant ses propres intentions. » (Sun Tzu, l'Art de la guerre).
1. Introduction
La laïcité (il faut le répéter) est un concept français qui sépare l’Église catholique de l’État, y compris l’enseignement.
Un laïc (laïque) est un catholique qui n'appartient pas au clergé. Alors, un laïcat se réfère à un « ensemble des laïques dans l’Église catholique ». La laïcité [dérivée de laïque ou laïc adj. et n. (latin: laicus; grecque: laikos, qui appartient au peuple)] est un terme qui préconise l’indépendance des conceptions religieuses ou partisanes, et désigne un système qui exclut l’Église catholique de l’exercice du pouvoir politique ou administratif, et en particulier de l’organisation de l’enseignement public. Le laïcisme est la « doctrine des partisans de la laïcisation des institutions ». Laïcisation est l’action de laïciser, qui, à son tour, veut dire « rendre laïque ».
La laïcité est un signe d’une sécularisation de la société. Le terme séculariser veut dire rendre (des clercs) à la vie laïque. Séculier ou séculière (du latin: saeculum, siècle) « se dit d’un prêtre qui n’appartient à aucun ordre ou institut religieux (par opp. à régulier) »; qui vit dans le siècle, et n’a pas fait de vœux monastiques.
Dans la France pré-1789, le Catholicisme était reconnu comme la religion officielle. Le concept de la laïcité fut affirmé pour la première fois en matière politique avec la Révolution française [1789], qui renversa la Monarchie Bourbon et pour objectif de séparer l’Église Catholique de l’État. La laïcité apparaît comme un des fondements du pacte républicain. L’affirmation de la laïcité ne postule pas la disparition du principe spirituel, mais fait de celui-ci une pratique individuelle, relevant exclusivement de la sphère privée. Mais il y a eu beaucoup de dérogations et de controverses durant l’ère post-Révolution française.
Le système laïque français ne reconnaît, au niveau de l’État, ni l’existence d’un principe religieux, et ni les spécificités des communautés, laissant ainsi les croyances religieuses uniquement aux niveaux individuels. En France, l’histoire de la laïcité présente une originalité certaine, et les termes « laïque », « laïcité » sont intraduisibles hors des langues latines. Quoique la laïcité dénote la sécularisation de l’état, un état séculier n’est pas nécessairement laïque.
2. La philosophie des Lumières et la naissance de la laïcité
Les hiérarchies qui dominèrent les sociétés occidentales au Moyen Âge reproduisaient la primauté du spirituel sur le temporel, tel que le concevait par exemple Saint Augustin [354-430] dans la Cité de Dieu. Le roi de France était « le lieutenant de Dieu sur terre ». Sacré à Reims par l’archevêque de la ville, il reçoit alors l’onction et prête serment de défendre l’Église catholique et sa foi. La Réforme affirma le principe de l’identité entre le souverain et les sujets, selon l’adage « cujus regio, ejus religio » - telle la religion du prince, telle celle du pays. Cette primauté du spirituel sur le temporel se traduisait dans tous les actes de la vie sociale (à la naissance, au mariage et à la mort); elle avait de plus une incidence très directe sur le statut sociale des fidèles qui ne pratiquaient pas la religion principale du pays, le Catholicisme, comme dans le cas des Protestants et des Juifs dans la société française.
La philosophie des Lumières [1745-1785] se veut en France - Descartes l’annonçait - essentiellement laïque. Elle refuse d’être la servante de la théologie. Les circonstances propres à la France - sa centralisation, son catholicisme d’État, une Église catholique qui continue ses procès de sorcellerie, une agriculture défaillante, son intolérance de Contre-Réforme - ont fait, dans ce pays, de la philosophie anticléricale. La philosophie des Lumières est celle qui retire la France de l’ « obscurantisme catholique ». [v. Descartes, Malebranche, Fontenelle, Fénelon, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Diderot, Rousseau, quelle que soit leur diversité].
Aux États Unis, la Révolution Américaine [1776] fut inspirée de la philosophie des Lumières. Quoique la séparation de l’Église et de l’État est formellement insérée dans le 1er Amendement de la Constitution [1791], démontrant le principe de la sécularisation de l’État, le système américain permet, en cœxistence sociale, l’existence de la liberté religieuse et l’existence d’une religion civile qui perdure encore aujourd’hui. La France révolutionnaire et post-révolutionnaire ne pourra pas réaliser cette cœxistence et elle inventera une solution différente: la laïcité, terme emprunté à l’Église catholique.
Des auteurs comme Voltaire se firent les défenseurs de la tolérance tandis que, pour la France, la théorie de Rousseau s’averrait très paradoxale, car elle faisait partie des dogmes élémentaires de la religion civile : « hors de l’Église, point de salut ». Sans nommer le catholicisme, religion civile coïncidait avec religion positive, autrement dit dogmes de base de la morale sociale et système ecclésial particulier. Cela était inacceptable pour les partisans de la liberté religieuse, et, avec la Révolution française, dès 1789, la Déclaration des droits de l’Homme affirma dans son article 10 le principe de la liberté de conscience: « nul ne doit être inquiété pour ses opinions, même religieuses, pourvu que leur manifestation ne trouble pas l’ordre public établi par la loi ». Les Juifs et les Protestants étaient alors ‘égaux’ avec les Catholiques. Ce principe confirmait que la citoyenneté primait l’appartenance confessionnelle. Tout en allant dans le sens d’une laïcisation, l’État assurait désormais les actes de l’état civil à la place de l’Église catholique, et se préoccupait de mettre en place les fondements d’un enseignement public.
3. Les controverses
Durant les années sous le Consulat, Napoléon Bonaparte définissait le cadre institutionnel de la laïcité. La signature du Concordat avec Rome [1801] reconnaissait le Catholicisme comme «religion de la majorité des Français», mais n’excluait pas la reconnaissance des autres cultes (protestant et israélite) et leur organisation et structures capables de représenter ces communautés auprès des pouvoirs publiques. La laïcisation de l’état civil et le droit au divorce étaient confirmés. L’organisation du système éducatif échappait ainsi au contrôle de l’Église, sauf pour l’enseignement primaire.
Mais cet ordre restait toujours instable. Le régime de la Restauration [1814], tout en confirmant le principe de la liberté religieuse, rétablit l’interdiction du divorce [1815] et promulgua la loi sur le sacrilège [1825]. Dans l’enseignement, la neutralité subissait de multiples dérogations, comme la dérogation au monopole étatique pour l’enseignement primaire [loi Guizot, 1833] puis secondaire [loi Falloux, 1850]. Ces dérogations marquaient aussi la IIe République [1852-1870].
Les débuts de la IIIème République furent marqués par un affrontement entre légitimistes et républicains opportunistes et radicaux (les deux France). Ces derniers partagèrent une philosophie de rationalisme kantien, avec une appartenance à la franc-maçonnerie, et estimèrent que la laïcité était indissociable des valeurs de la République à construire. Les lois Ferry [1882 et 1886] avaient pour ambition d’enraciner la République, en faisant de l’école lieu d’enseignement d’une morale laïque, fondée sur les valeurs de la Révolution française [1789], le creuset de la nation. Pour Jules Ferry, la religion n’est pas le fondement de la morale mais, au contraire, la morale constitue l’élément solide et stable des religions. Une « morale laïque » peut donc devenir la valeur commune assurant le lien social. La laïcité est fondée sur le refus implicite d’une religion civile. La séparation de l’Église catholique et de l’État (1905), réalisé par le ministère Combes, marqua l’apogée de cette crise entre légitimistes et républicains. Cette loi réaffirmait le principe de la liberté de conscience tout en indiquant ne plus reconnaître aucun culte (religion).
Quoique le principe de la laïcité fût l’objet de nombreuses dérogations sous le gouvernement de Vichy, le régime des lois de 1905 est implicite dans la constitution de 1946, repris en 1958, aux « principes fondamentaux reconnus par les lois de la République ». Les deux textes constitutionnels réaffirmaient par ailleurs le caractère laïque de la République française.
4. La tendance internationale
L’histoire de la laïcité en France présente une originalité certaine, au point de n’être, selon certains auteurs, que « l’exception française ». Cette exception, réelle, n’est pourtant que relative. Le premier piège est ici la langue : « laïque », « laïcité » sont intraduisibles hors des langues latines. En anglais, secular (par opposition à lay) apparaît comme une catégorie générale. Ainsi s’explique que, sur les 170 États internationalement reconnus, seuls 9 États francophones d’Afrique et la Turquie (qui a démarqué le mot français) se sont proclamés « laïques ». Beaucoup plus nombreux sont ceux qui se pensent comme « séculiers », y compris les États-Unis. Les colons britanniques ou européens avaient fui leur pays pour trouver en Amérique la liberté religieuse. C’est cette liberté que les constituants voulurent préserver contre tout empiètement du nouvel État, à l’inverse de la France qui se heurtait à la dominance de l’Église catholique.
En vertu de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme [1948], tous reconnaissent le droit de chaque homme à la liberté publique (et non seulement privée) de conscience et de religion. Plusieurs pays, de moins en moins nombreux, continuent à reconnaître l’autorité supérieure de l’Église catholique (c’était le cas de l’Espagne, de l’Italie, de plusieurs pays latino-américains et quelques cantons suisses; c’est encore le cas de Monaco et du Liechtenstein, du Guatemala, du Costa Rica et de la Colombie) ou de l’Église orthodoxe (Grèce). La formulation la plus crue se trouve dans la Constitution de Malte, qui reconnaît à ses évêques « le droit et le devoir de dire le vrai et le faux, le bien et le mal en matière de principes » (art. 2.2). Radicalement différente est la situation des pays nordiques (Suède, Norvège, Danemark, Islande) et de l’Angleterre : la situation privilégiée d’une Eglise dite établie, nationale ou populaire, peut faire peser ses contraintes sur la population, voire sur la personne du souverain : elle laisse entière la souveraineté de l’État qui a autorité sur elle.
Une question reste ouverte : comment qualifier ces États qui font référence non à une Église particulière, mais à l’autorité souveraine de Dieu? Ce fut le cas de la France déclarant les droits de l’homme « en présence et sous les auspices de l’Être suprême » (ainsi que l’a rappelé la Constitution de 1958). C’est toujours celui des Etats-Unis, placés « under God », sous la souveraineté de Dieu, et dont la monnaie rappelle que « in God we trust », c’est-à-dire, nous ne faisons confiance qu’en Dieu; comme de la Suisse : « Au nom de Dieu tout-Puissant » de sa Constitution fondatrice (1291).
À l’opposé se trouvent - ou se trouvaient - les États communistes professant le marxisme athée. L’État restait celui de tous les citoyens, même s’il privilégiait le Parti officiellement athée.
Hors du domaine chrétien, la situation est analogue : la Chine et le Vietnam restent dans la tradition marxiste; le Népal est un État hindou; le Bhoutan est un État Bouddhique; les Philippines suivent le modèle américain; la Corée du Sud interdit toute religion d’État, ainsi que le Japon depuis 1946. Le monde musulman présente à peu près tous les cas de figure, et l’État islamique n’est qu’une des situations possibles.
Un tour du monde montre ainsi que bien des États contemporains sont encore loin d’une conception laïque et se montrent inégalement avancés sur cette voie. Par ailleurs, bien des États dont le caractère séculier est incontestable ne sont pas disposés à se dire « laïques ». Dans les enceintes internationales, c’est la sécularisation qui donne le ton.
5. L'intolérance d'un État laïque ou une laïcité à la carte
La laïcité est considérée comme « une exception française » :
(1) s’opposant non seulement aux modèles politiques à religion d’État, même s’ils sont élus par voie de la démocratie (par exemple, l’Algérie), mais
(2) s’opposant également à une tradition anglo-saxonne qui reconnaît, sans adopter, dans le cadre de l’État, l’existence d’un principe religieux, tout en laissant chaque citoyen adopter la croyance qu’il souhaite, et
(3) s’opposant aussi à la solution américaine qui reconnaît les spécificités de toutes les communautés, tout en séparant la religion de l’État Civil.
En Turquie la laïcité était carrément imposée par une constante violation des droits de l'homme. Avec le nouveau gouvernement turc, cette politique a bien changé.
Le système laïque français ne reconnaît, au niveau de l’État, ni l’existence d’un principe religieux, système basée sur l’athéisme : « Après 1945 : anticléricalisme composite irréligieux, laïc (opposition aux écoles catholiques) ou matérialiste athée »], et ni les spécificités des races et des communautés (principe intégrateur), laissant les croyances religieuses et leurs enseignements à la sphère privée. Même les langues et l’habillement deviennent par force sujets à la laïcisation. L’enseignement des langues non européennes en France ne prend pas en considération les dimensions culturelles et religieuses de ces langues, comme les langues hébraïques, arabe, indiennes.
Par contre, la laïcité autorise et impose l’enseignement de la théorie de l’évolution biologique de l'espèce humaine, basée sur l’athéisme, mais elle interdit catégoriquement l’enseignement de la théorie de la création biblique ou autre. [v. les ouvrages du Dr Kent Hovind [USA] sur le créationnisme v/s l’évolutionnisme]. L’athéisme préconise, entre autre, que c’est la nature temporaire de la vie qui pousse les humains vers une croyance divine incertaine, et que la divinité, si elle existe vraiment, n’est que d’ordre spirituel et non temporel, entravant ainsi le progrès et le développement, ce qui est tout à fait faux, bien sûr !
Malgré son apparente intolérance étatique, les dérogations à la laïcité continuent principalement en faveur des Églises catholiques, protestantes et juives mais contre d’autres religions, en particulier l’Islam, malgré que la France compte entre 5 et 6 millions de Musulmans. Aujourd'hui la laïcité en France est devenue une arme anti-sémite anti-arabe et anti-islamique dans une pratique d'intolérance sélective. Quoique la laïcité n’a rien à voir avec l’habillement, par son racisme étatique, la France s’élève contre toute tenue islamique, voir le hijab ou le jilbab, alors qu’elle encourage la tenue indécente. Charles Pasqua, ancien Ministre de l’Intérieure, prétend avoir inventé un ‘Islam de France’ qu’il voulait non seulement imposer sur les Musulmans en France mais aussi exporter dans le but de détruire la langue arabe et la culture islamique. Le Président juifiste Nicolas Sarkozy poursuit cette politique raciste et inflammatoire contre les Musulmans. À savoir que ce sont bien les pays que se disent laïques ou séculiers qui ont créé un état religieux juifiste en Palestine. La France elle-même est dirigé par le CRIF, le lobby juifiste, et le Quai D’Orsay est souvent décrit comme un « nid de juifistes », alors qu’ils parlent à tort d’islamistes. Il existe en France la « Ville Juif », l’Hôtel-dieu (établissement public), Rue Saint Denis, etc. C’est bien la laïcité française, deuxième version !
L’île sœur, la Réunion, département français, s’exprime parfois politiquement à contre-courant de la métropole, par exemple, en reconnaissant la spécificité des différentes ethnies et religions. Mais, dans le but d'empêcher les Créoles de ses D.O.M.-T.O.M., Départements et Territoires Outremers français, de faire des recherches plus approfondies sur leurs véritables identités ancestrales basées sur leurs langues (comme le Swahili, le Zulu) et religions (comme l'Islam), la France inventa aussi l'idéologie créoliste pour ses communautés dits créoles, la « créolité » étant une dérogation à la laïcité. La laïcité française est alors une laïcité à la carte !
6. Conclusion
La sécularisation et le déclin de la croyance et pratique religieuse étaient considérés par certains comme le cachet de la modernisation et de la démocratie libérale de l’ouest. Mais récemment, depuis la Révolution iranienne [1979], la prise de conscience des valeurs fondamentales de l’Islam, la résurrection de la Nouvelle Droite et les valeurs fondamentales dans la politique des États Unis dans les années 1980, le démantèlement des régimes communistes les plus séculiers (ultra laïques) vers la fin de cette décennie, les révolutions tunisienne (2011) et égyptienne (2011), la religion est largement reconnue comme un puissant facteur tant dans la vie individuelle que dans la vie publique . Quoiqu’il en soit, malgré que, d’après Jules Ferry, c’est la morale qui constitue l’élément solide et stable des religions, et non vice versa, il est de plus en plus reconnu qu’un ordre moral ne peut pas être laïque car la moralité et les religions du monde sont inexorablement liées. Pendant que la France distrait les esprits par une laïcité trompeuse, elle soutient en même temps le monde occidental et est directement imbriquée surtout depuis que Sarkozy, trahissant De Gaulle, a rejoint l’OTAN, dans des guerres génocidaires contre les Musulmans et l’Islam s’alliant en même temps à des dizaines de millions de Croisés chrétiens évangélistes (v. « Christian Invaders » (« Envahisseurs Chrétiens », par le Prof. Sam Richards, Penn State University).
M Rafic Soormally
22 février 2011
Article original 29 juin 2002 sous le titre « Laïcité française, intolérance de l’état laïque ».
Laïcité française – guerre génocidaire et Évangélisation !Malgré son apparente intolérance étatique, les dérogations à la laïcité continuent principalement en faveur des Églises catholiques, protestantes et juives mais contre d’autres religions, en particulier l’Islam, malgré que la France compte entre 5 et 6 millions de Musulmans. Aujourd'hui la laïcité en France est devenue une arme anti-sémite anti-arabe et anti-islamique dans une pratique d'intolérance sélective.La secte talmudique, franc-maconnique au pouvoir utilise la laicite pour provoquer une guerre des civilisations en occident. La laicite est la religion incréée de la franc-maconnerie, jamais mise reellement en pratique, elle est l'arme de la haine, du racisme, de la division, de l'occupation, de la discrimination contre les minorités et contre les Musulmans qui ne se soumettront jamais a la secte talmudo franc maconique jacobine ni a ses partis politiques responsables des genocides des peuples au service du sionisme mondialisant de ce debut de 21 ieme siecle. Il n'y aura jamais d'Islaam 'de France' ni d'Islaam 'laic', la laicite etant un instrument de domination coloniale en France comme ailleurs, les israeliens de France ont un agenda de guerre civile, ils ne font que se jetter dans leurs propres tombes tant il est aisé de lire dans le livre des chiens enragés de Tel Aviv.... comme l'histoire se repete.« Ainsi, le bon stratège manipule l’ennemi tout en cachant ses propres intentions. » (Sun Tzu, l'Art de la guerre).1. IntroductionLa laïcité (il faut le répéter) est un concept français qui sépare l’Église catholique de l’État, y compris l’enseignement.Un laïc (laïque) est un catholique qui n'appartient pas au clergé. Alors, un laïcat se réfère à un « ensemble des laïques dans l’Église catholique ». La laïcité [dérivée de laïque ou laïc adj. et n. (latin: laicus; grecque: laikos, qui appartient au peuple)] est un terme qui préconise l’indépendance des conceptions religieuses ou partisanes, et désigne un système qui exclut l’Église catholique de l’exercice du pouvoir politique ou administratif, et en particulier de l’organisation de l’enseignement public. Le laïcisme est la « doctrine des partisans de la laïcisation des institutions ». Laïcisation est l’action de laïciser, qui, à son tour, veut dire « rendre laïque ».La laïcité est un signe d’une sécularisation de la société. Le terme séculariser veut dire rendre (des clercs) à la vie laïque. Séculier ou séculière (du latin: saeculum, siècle) « se dit d’un prêtre qui n’appartient à aucun ordre ou institut religieux (par opp. à régulier) »; qui vit dans le siècle, et n’a pas fait de vœux monastiques.Dans la France pré-1789, le Catholicisme était reconnu comme la religion officielle. Le concept de la laïcité fut affirmé pour la première fois en matière politique avec la Révolution française [1789], qui renversa la Monarchie Bourbon et pour objectif de séparer l’Église Catholique de l’État. La laïcité apparaît comme un des fondements du pacte républicain. L’affirmation de la laïcité ne postule pas la disparition du principe spirituel, mais fait de celui-ci une pratique individuelle, relevant exclusivement de la sphère privée. Mais il y a eu beaucoup de dérogations et de controverses durant l’ère post-Révolution française.Le système laïque français ne reconnaît, au niveau de l’État, ni l’existence d’un principe religieux, et ni les spécificités des communautés, laissant ainsi les croyances religieuses uniquement aux niveaux individuels. En France, l’histoire de la laïcité présente une originalité certaine, et les termes « laïque », « laïcité » sont intraduisibles hors des langues latines. Quoique la laïcité dénote la sécularisation de l’état, un état séculier n’est pas nécessairement laïque.2. La philosophie des Lumières et la naissance de la laïcitéLes hiérarchies qui dominèrent les sociétés occidentales au Moyen Âge reproduisaient la primauté du spirituel sur le temporel, tel que le concevait par exemple Saint Augustin [354-430] dans la Cité de Dieu. Le roi de France était « le lieutenant de Dieu sur terre ». Sacré à Reims par l’archevêque de la ville, il reçoit alors l’onction et prête serment de défendre l’Église catholique et sa foi. La Réforme affirma le principe de l’identité entre le souverain et les sujets, selon l’adage « cujus regio, ejus religio » - telle la religion du prince, telle celle du pays. Cette primauté du spirituel sur le temporel se traduisait dans tous les actes de la vie sociale (à la naissance, au mariage et à la mort); elle avait de plus une incidence très directe sur le statut sociale des fidèles qui ne pratiquaient pas la religion principale du pays, le Catholicisme, comme dans le cas des Protestants et des Juifs dans la société française.La philosophie des Lumières [1745-1785] se veut en France - Descartes l’annonçait - essentiellement laïque. Elle refuse d’être la servante de la théologie. Les circonstances propres à la France - sa centralisation, son catholicisme d’État, une Église catholique qui continue ses procès de sorcellerie, une agriculture défaillante, son intolérance de Contre-Réforme - ont fait, dans ce pays, de la philosophie anticléricale. La philosophie des Lumières est celle qui retire la France de l’ « obscurantisme catholique ». [v. Descartes, Malebranche, Fontenelle, Fénelon, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Diderot, Rousseau, quelle que soit leur diversité].Aux États Unis, la Révolution Américaine [1776] fut inspirée de la philosophie des Lumières. Quoique la séparation de l’Église et de l’État est formellement insérée dans le 1er Amendement de la Constitution [1791], démontrant le principe de la sécularisation de l’État, le système américain permet, en cœxistence sociale, l’existence de la liberté religieuse et l’existence d’une religion civile qui perdure encore aujourd’hui. La France révolutionnaire et post-révolutionnaire ne pourra pas réaliser cette cœxistence et elle inventera une solution différente: la laïcité, terme emprunté à l’Église catholique.Des auteurs comme Voltaire se firent les défenseurs de la tolérance tandis que, pour la France, la théorie de Rousseau s’averrait très paradoxale, car elle faisait partie des dogmes élémentaires de la religion civile : « hors de l’Église, point de salut ». Sans nommer le catholicisme, religion civile coïncidait avec religion positive, autrement dit dogmes de base de la morale sociale et système ecclésial particulier. Cela était inacceptable pour les partisans de la liberté religieuse, et, avec la Révolution française, dès 1789, la Déclaration des droits de l’Homme affirma dans son article 10 le principe de la liberté de conscience: « nul ne doit être inquiété pour ses opinions, même religieuses, pourvu que leur manifestation ne trouble pas l’ordre public établi par la loi ». Les Juifs et les Protestants étaient alors ‘égaux’ avec les Catholiques. Ce principe confirmait que la citoyenneté primait l’appartenance confessionnelle. Tout en allant dans le sens d’une laïcisation, l’État assurait désormais les actes de l’état civil à la place de l’Église catholique, et se préoccupait de mettre en place les fondements d’un enseignement public.3. Les controversesDurant les années sous le Consulat, Napoléon Bonaparte définissait le cadre institutionnel de la laïcité. La signature du Concordat avec Rome [1801] reconnaissait le Catholicisme comme «religion de la majorité des Français», mais n’excluait pas la reconnaissance des autres cultes (protestant et israélite) et leur organisation et structures capables de représenter ces communautés auprès des pouvoirs publiques. La laïcisation de l’état civil et le droit au divorce étaient confirmés. L’organisation du système éducatif échappait ainsi au contrôle de l’Église, sauf pour l’enseignement primaire.Mais cet ordre restait toujours instable. Le régime de la Restauration [1814], tout en confirmant le principe de la liberté religieuse, rétablit l’interdiction du divorce [1815] et promulgua la loi sur le sacrilège [1825]. Dans l’enseignement, la neutralité subissait de multiples dérogations, comme la dérogation au monopole étatique pour l’enseignement primaire [loi Guizot, 1833] puis secondaire [loi Falloux, 1850]. Ces dérogations marquaient aussi la IIe République [1852-1870].Les débuts de la IIIème République furent marqués par un affrontement entre légitimistes et républicains opportunistes et radicaux (les deux France). Ces derniers partagèrent une philosophie de rationalisme kantien, avec une appartenance à la franc-maçonnerie, et estimèrent que la laïcité était indissociable des valeurs de la République à construire. Les lois Ferry [1882 et 1886] avaient pour ambition d’enraciner la République, en faisant de l’école lieu d’enseignement d’une morale laïque, fondée sur les valeurs de la Révolution française [1789], le creuset de la nation. Pour Jules Ferry, la religion n’est pas le fondement de la morale mais, au contraire, la morale constitue l’élément solide et stable des religions. Une « morale laïque » peut donc devenir la valeur commune assurant le lien social. La laïcité est fondée sur le refus implicite d’une religion civile. La séparation de l’Église catholique et de l’État (1905), réalisé par le ministère Combes, marqua l’apogée de cette crise entre légitimistes et républicains. Cette loi réaffirmait le principe de la liberté de conscience tout en indiquant ne plus reconnaître aucun culte (religion).Quoique le principe de la laïcité fût l’objet de nombreuses dérogations sous le gouvernement de Vichy, le régime des lois de 1905 est implicite dans la constitution de 1946, repris en 1958, aux « principes fondamentaux reconnus par les lois de la République ». Les deux textes constitutionnels réaffirmaient par ailleurs le caractère laïque de la République française.4. La tendance internationaleL’histoire de la laïcité en France présente une originalité certaine, au point de n’être, selon certains auteurs, que « l’exception française ». Cette exception, réelle, n’est pourtant que relative. Le premier piège est ici la langue : « laïque », « laïcité » sont intraduisibles hors des langues latines. En anglais, secular (par opposition à lay) apparaît comme une catégorie générale. Ainsi s’explique que, sur les 170 États internationalement reconnus, seuls 9 États francophones d’Afrique et la Turquie (qui a démarqué le mot français) se sont proclamés « laïques ». Beaucoup plus nombreux sont ceux qui se pensent comme « séculiers », y compris les États-Unis. Les colons britanniques ou européens avaient fui leur pays pour trouver en Amérique la liberté religieuse. C’est cette liberté que les constituants voulurent préserver contre tout empiètement du nouvel État, à l’inverse de la France qui se heurtait à la dominance de l’Église catholique.En vertu de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme [1948], tous reconnaissent le droit de chaque homme à la liberté publique (et non seulement privée) de conscience et de religion. Plusieurs pays, de moins en moins nombreux, continuent à reconnaître l’autorité supérieure de l’Église catholique (c’était le cas de l’Espagne, de l’Italie, de plusieurs pays latino-américains et quelques cantons suisses; c’est encore le cas de Monaco et du Liechtenstein, du Guatemala, du Costa Rica et de la Colombie) ou de l’Église orthodoxe (Grèce). La formulation la plus crue se trouve dans la Constitution de Malte, qui reconnaît à ses évêques « le droit et le devoir de dire le vrai et le faux, le bien et le mal en matière de principes » (art. 2.2). Radicalement différente est la situation des pays nordiques (Suède, Norvège, Danemark, Islande) et de l’Angleterre : la situation privilégiée d’une Eglise dite établie, nationale ou populaire, peut faire peser ses contraintes sur la population, voire sur la personne du souverain : elle laisse entière la souveraineté de l’État qui a autorité sur elle.Une question reste ouverte : comment qualifier ces États qui font référence non à une Église particulière, mais à l’autorité souveraine de Dieu? Ce fut le cas de la France déclarant les droits de l’homme « en présence et sous les auspices de l’Être suprême » (ainsi que l’a rappelé la Constitution de 1958). C’est toujours celui des Etats-Unis, placés « under God », sous la souveraineté de Dieu, et dont la monnaie rappelle que « in God we trust », c’est-à-dire, nous ne faisons confiance qu’en Dieu; comme de la Suisse : « Au nom de Dieu tout-Puissant » de sa Constitution fondatrice (1291).À l’opposé se trouvent - ou se trouvaient - les États communistes professant le marxisme athée. L’État restait celui de tous les citoyens, même s’il privilégiait le Parti officiellement athée.Hors du domaine chrétien, la situation est analogue : la Chine et le Vietnam restent dans la tradition marxiste; le Népal est un État hindou; le Bhoutan est un État Bouddhique; les Philippines suivent le modèle américain; la Corée du Sud interdit toute religion d’État, ainsi que le Japon depuis 1946. Le monde musulman présente à peu près tous les cas de figure, et l’État islamique n’est qu’une des situations possibles.Un tour du monde montre ainsi que bien des États contemporains sont encore loin d’une conception laïque et se montrent inégalement avancés sur cette voie. Par ailleurs, bien des États dont le caractère séculier est incontestable ne sont pas disposés à se dire « laïques ». Dans les enceintes internationales, c’est la sécularisation qui donne le ton.5. L'intolérance d'un État laïque ou une laïcité à la carteLa laïcité est considérée comme « une exception française » :(1) s’opposant non seulement aux modèles politiques à religion d’État, même s’ils sont élus par voie de la démocratie (par exemple, l’Algérie), mais(2) s’opposant également à une tradition anglo-saxonne qui reconnaît, sans adopter, dans le cadre de l’État, l’existence d’un principe religieux, tout en laissant chaque citoyen adopter la croyance qu’il souhaite, et(3) s’opposant aussi à la solution américaine qui reconnaît les spécificités de toutes les communautés, tout en séparant la religion de l’État Civil.En Turquie la laïcité était carrément imposée par une constante violation des droits de l'homme. Avec le nouveau gouvernement turc, cette politique a bien changé.Le système laïque français ne reconnaît, au niveau de l’État, ni l’existence d’un principe religieux, système basée sur l’athéisme : « Après 1945 : anticléricalisme composite irréligieux, laïc (opposition aux écoles catholiques) ou matérialiste athée »], et ni les spécificités des races et des communautés (principe intégrateur), laissant les croyances religieuses et leurs enseignements à la sphère privée. Même les langues et l’habillement deviennent par force sujets à la laïcisation. L’enseignement des langues non européennes en France ne prend pas en considération les dimensions culturelles et religieuses de ces langues, comme les langues hébraïques, arabe, indiennes.Par contre, la laïcité autorise et impose l’enseignement de la théorie de l’évolution biologique de l'espèce humaine, basée sur l’athéisme, mais elle interdit catégoriquement l’enseignement de la théorie de la création biblique ou autre. [v. les ouvrages du Dr Kent Hovind [USA] sur le créationnisme v/s l’évolutionnisme]. L’athéisme préconise, entre autre, que c’est la nature temporaire de la vie qui pousse les humains vers une croyance divine incertaine, et que la divinité, si elle existe vraiment, n’est que d’ordre spirituel et non temporel, entravant ainsi le progrès et le développement, ce qui est tout à fait faux, bien sûr !Malgré son apparente intolérance étatique, les dérogations à la laïcité continuent principalement en faveur des Églises catholiques, protestantes et juives mais contre d’autres religions, en particulier l’Islam, malgré que la France compte entre 5 et 6 millions de Musulmans. Aujourd'hui la laïcité en France est devenue une arme anti-sémite anti-arabe et anti-islamique dans une pratique d'intolérance sélective. Quoique la laïcité n’a rien à voir avec l’habillement, par son racisme étatique, la France s’élève contre toute tenue islamique, voir le hijab ou le jilbab, alors qu’elle encourage la tenue indécente. Charles Pasqua, ancien Ministre de l’Intérieure, prétend avoir inventé un ‘Islam de France’ qu’il voulait non seulement imposer sur les Musulmans en France mais aussi exporter dans le but de détruire la langue arabe et la culture islamique. Le Président juifiste Nicolas Sarkozy poursuit cette politique raciste et inflammatoire contre les Musulmans. À savoir que ce sont bien les pays que se disent laïques ou séculiers qui ont créé un état religieux juifiste en Palestine. La France elle-même est dirigé par le CRIF, le lobby juifiste, et le Quai D’Orsay est souvent décrit comme un « nid de juifistes », alors qu’ils parlent à tort d’islamistes. Il existe en France la « Ville Juif », l’Hôtel-dieu (établissement public), Rue Saint Denis, etc. C’est bien la laïcité française, deuxième version !L’île sœur, la Réunion, département français, s’exprime parfois politiquement à contre-courant de la métropole, par exemple, en reconnaissant la spécificité des différentes ethnies et religions. Mais, dans le but d'empêcher les Créoles de ses D.O.M.-T.O.M., Départements et Territoires Outremers français, de faire des recherches plus approfondies sur leurs véritables identités ancestrales basées sur leurs langues (comme le Swahili, le Zulu) et religions (comme l'Islam), la France inventa aussi l'idéologie créoliste pour ses communautés dits créoles, la « créolité » étant une dérogation à la laïcité. La laïcité française est alors une laïcité à la carte !6. ConclusionLa sécularisation et le déclin de la croyance et pratique religieuse étaient considérés par certains comme le cachet de la modernisation et de la démocratie libérale de l’ouest. Mais récemment, depuis la Révolution iranienne [1979], la prise de conscience des valeurs fondamentales de l’Islam, la résurrection de la Nouvelle Droite et les valeurs fondamentales dans la politique des États Unis dans les années 1980, le démantèlement des régimes communistes les plus séculiers (ultra laïques) vers la fin de cette décennie, les révolutions tunisienne (2011) et égyptienne (2011), la religion est largement reconnue comme un puissant facteur tant dans la vie individuelle que dans la vie publique . Quoiqu’il en soit, malgré que, d’après Jules Ferry, c’est la morale qui constitue l’élément solide et stable des religions, et non vice versa, il est de plus en plus reconnu qu’un ordre moral ne peut pas être laïque car la moralité et les religions du monde sont inexorablement liées. Pendant que la France distrait les esprits par une laïcité trompeuse, elle soutient en même temps le monde occidental et est directement imbriquée surtout depuis que Sarkozy, trahissant De Gaulle, a rejoint l’OTAN, dans des guerres génocidaires contre les Musulmans et l’Islam s’alliant en même temps à des dizaines de millions de Croisés chrétiens évangélistes (v. « Christian Invaders » (« Envahisseurs Chrétiens », par le Prof. Sam Richards, Penn State University).M Rafic SoormallyLondres22 février 2011Article original 29 juin 2002 sous le titre « Laïcité française, intolérance de l’état laïque ».
Apoc@lypse said...
- Salut AS
Attention à bien faire la différence, entre l'église Catholique qui est autant attaquée que l'islam, voir plus car elle a quasiment été détruite par la juiverie et ses sbires FM et autres paravents illuminés.
L'évangélisme et le protestantisme, mais aussi le jésuitisme sont des christianisme judaisé, et n'ont rien à voir avec le catholicisme. Ils en sont devenu l'antithèse.
L'intérêt de la juiverie est que nous confondions tout de façon à nous diviser. Bien sûr le Catholicisme a été infiltré depuis longtemps et dévié par petites touches de sa voie première, mais ne peut on en dire autant de l'Islam ? Quand on vois sur daily et youtube le nombre de soit disant musulmans sunnites qui laissent ISRAEL tranquille et s'attaque en priorité à l'Iran et au chiisme. Mais aussi le Wahhabisme on peut se poser la question.
Sinon comme d'hab, ton site est excellent et tes infos toujours percutante, quoi que parfois elles ne se réalisent pas, mais on ne te reprochera pas de leur mettre les bâtons dans les roues, et de les empêcher de comploter rond..
Salutations. - 10:11 AM
Abu-Suleyman said...
- Salaam,
En esperant qu'elles ne se realisent pas car denoncée a temps...
Et Allah swt est le plus SAvant, toujours ! - 1:21 PM
- Apoc@lypse said...
- Salut AS
Attention à bien faire la différence, entre l'église Catholique qui est autant attaquée que l'islam, voir plus car elle a quasiment été détruite par la juiverie et ses sbires FM et autres paravents illuminés.
L'évangélisme et le protestantisme, mais aussi le jésuitisme sont des christianisme judaisé, et n'ont rien à voir avec le catholicisme. Ils en sont devenu l'antithèse.
L'intérêt de la juiverie est que nous confondions tout de façon à nous diviser. Bien sûr le Catholicisme a été infiltré depuis longtemps et dévié par petites touches de sa voie première, mais ne peut on en dire autant de l'Islam ? Quand on vois sur daily et youtube le nombre de soit disant musulmans sunnites qui laissent ISRAEL tranquille et s'attaque en priorité à l'Iran et au chiisme. Mais aussi le Wahhabisme on peut se poser la question.
Sinon comme d'hab, ton site est excellent et tes infos toujours percutante, quoi que parfois elles ne se réalisent pas, mais on ne te reprochera pas de leur mettre les bâtons dans les roues, et de les empêcher de comploter rond..
Salutations. - 10:11 AM
- Abu-Suleyman said...
- Salaam,
En esperant qu'elles ne se realisent pas car denoncée a temps...
Et Allah swt est le plus SAvant, toujours ! - 1:21 PM
Veteran intelligence officer and pacific activist Ray McGovern assaulted by zionist mouth piece Hilary Clinton's gorillas
Has Obama ordered violence on veterans?
By Captain Eric H. May
Intelligence Editor
The Lone Star Iconoclast
HOUSTON, 2/20/11 -- These are tough times for Ray McGovern and me, two former Army intelligence officers who have seen better days:
- In 2003 we were war critics with credentials.
- In 2004 we signed the 9/11 Truth Statement.
- In 2005 we were part of Camp Casey.
Here's how government goons handled 71-year-old Ray last week: Ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Beaten, Arrested for Silent Protest at Clinton Speech,
Despite our connections we weren't acquainted, but I always respected his courage and candor. I wish him a speedy recovery, and hope that he will smile with me at the zany Zionist claim that we once controlled Cindy Sheehan:
With Eric May hanging around in the early days, and Ray McGovern sliming himself all over her later on, it’s clear that people with an agenda to steer her toward the blame Israel meme attached themselves to her. They were helpful, I’m sure, appearing to provide stolid, real world perspectives amid all those crazy peace activists. And people like McGovern and May assumed the authority of “insiders”. I mean, if Israel does control the U.S., surely a CIA honcho like McGovern would know about it, right?I can't speak for Ray, but I never said a dozen words to Cindy Sheehan, respecting her heartbreak from a distance. Anyway, the Code Pink inner circle who ran Camp Casey didn't care much for my military manners, although they were charmed with my dog, Dexter -- and that pretty much summed up my place in the order of things.
+ + +
For my part, on January 29 I was assaulted by staffers at the VA hospital in Houston. Administrators subsequently cut my access to the Internet, my veteran advocate, and the hospital police. Three days after the assault I went into a state of oxygen desaturation, lost consciousness, and almost died.
The senior respiratory therapist who saved me exclaimed to surrounding staff that the eight ounces of bloody phlegm she had extracted from my lungs was the most she had ever seen. She also said that she would like to report whoever was responsible for my close call.
One week after the assault, the police finally met my attorney and me, and their first question was why it had taken me so long to call them. After an hour of discussion with us, and some critical disclosure by informed nurses, they took a report, apologized for the hospital, and promised swift action. They have been silent for the last two weeks, however, and will not return my attorney's calls. I suspect that the VA, which muscled and muzzled me, is pressuring its police.
I shall soon present the full story to the public as The VA in 3-D. Section 3-D is where they put quadriplegic ventilator patients like me. Although I was held incommunicado, I was able to take enough notes for an eye-opening report.
+ + +
USA Update: Atomic Battle at Baghdad Airport
A physician wrote:
The DU debate is totally false as long as the issue of nukes is not addressed. In the Battle of Baghdad, the deaths of 3,000 US soldiers was kept secret because they were “friendly fire” nuked, along with 20,000 Iraqi soldiers engaging them. Their story is at Ghost Troop Home, As a medical doctor, I find that the DU sickness in veterans shows all the signs of regular alpha radiation illness.
Reply to a physician:
Doctor, I agree with both your historical and medical diagnoses. The Battle of Baghdad was pasted over with Jessica Lynch and jokes about Baghdad Bob. The nuke at Baghdad Airport was described by the commander of the Iraqi forces, General Al-Rawi, in a fourth-anniversary interview published by Al-Jazeera.
The Iconoclast had published the same analysis a few days earlier, independent of Al-Rawi and Al Jazeera. Three weeks later Congress held (CYA) hearings about misinformation in the false reports about Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman.
I was not involved in the military at the time of the Battle of Baghdad. The best story about my efforts to end the cover-up is by W. Leon Smith in his article, Captain Courageous Witnessed: Dr. Kelly Assassinated!,
+ + +
Recommended Reading:
- Militant Libertarian: Captain Eric H. May,
- ‘The Bitch in the Ditch’ vs. ‘General Betray Us’,
- 9/11 Truth Statement,
- The quote about Ray McGovern, Cindy Sheehan and me is from Ghosts in the Machine: Eric May and Infiltration of the Peace Movement,
- Has Obama ordered violence on veterans?
By Captain Eric H. May
Intelligence Editor
The Lone Star Iconoclast
HOUSTON, 2/20/11 -- These are tough times for Ray McGovern and me, two former Army intelligence officers who have seen better days:
- In 2003 we were war critics with credentials.
- In 2004 we signed the 9/11 Truth Statement.
- In 2005 we were part of Camp Casey.
Here's how government goons handled 71-year-old Ray last week: Ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Beaten, Arrested for Silent Protest at Clinton Speech,
Despite our connections we weren't acquainted, but I always respected his courage and candor. I wish him a speedy recovery, and hope that he will smile with me at the zany Zionist claim that we once controlled Cindy Sheehan:
With Eric May hanging around in the early days, and Ray McGovern sliming himself all over her later on, it’s clear that people with an agenda to steer her toward the blame Israel meme attached themselves to her. They were helpful, I’m sure, appearing to provide stolid, real world perspectives amid all those crazy peace activists. And people like McGovern and May assumed the authority of “insiders”. I mean, if Israel does control the U.S., surely a CIA honcho like McGovern would know about it, right?I can't speak for Ray, but I never said a dozen words to Cindy Sheehan, respecting her heartbreak from a distance. Anyway, the Code Pink inner circle who ran Camp Casey didn't care much for my military manners, although they were charmed with my dog, Dexter -- and that pretty much summed up my place in the order of things.
+ + +
For my part, on January 29 I was assaulted by staffers at the VA hospital in Houston. Administrators subsequently cut my access to the Internet, my veteran advocate, and the hospital police. Three days after the assault I went into a state of oxygen desaturation, lost consciousness, and almost died.
The senior respiratory therapist who saved me exclaimed to surrounding staff that the eight ounces of bloody phlegm she had extracted from my lungs was the most she had ever seen. She also said that she would like to report whoever was responsible for my close call.
One week after the assault, the police finally met my attorney and me, and their first question was why it had taken me so long to call them. After an hour of discussion with us, and some critical disclosure by informed nurses, they took a report, apologized for the hospital, and promised swift action. They have been silent for the last two weeks, however, and will not return my attorney's calls. I suspect that the VA, which muscled and muzzled me, is pressuring its police.
I shall soon present the full story to the public as The VA in 3-D. Section 3-D is where they put quadriplegic ventilator patients like me. Although I was held incommunicado, I was able to take enough notes for an eye-opening report.
+ + +
USA Update: Atomic Battle at Baghdad Airport
A physician wrote:
The DU debate is totally false as long as the issue of nukes is not addressed. In the Battle of Baghdad, the deaths of 3,000 US soldiers was kept secret because they were “friendly fire” nuked, along with 20,000 Iraqi soldiers engaging them. Their story is at Ghost Troop Home, As a medical doctor, I find that the DU sickness in veterans shows all the signs of regular alpha radiation illness.
Reply to a physician:
Doctor, I agree with both your historical and medical diagnoses. The Battle of Baghdad was pasted over with Jessica Lynch and jokes about Baghdad Bob. The nuke at Baghdad Airport was described by the commander of the Iraqi forces, General Al-Rawi, in a fourth-anniversary interview published by Al-Jazeera.
The Iconoclast had published the same analysis a few days earlier, independent of Al-Rawi and Al Jazeera. Three weeks later Congress held (CYA) hearings about misinformation in the false reports about Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman.
I was not involved in the military at the time of the Battle of Baghdad. The best story about my efforts to end the cover-up is by W. Leon Smith in his article, Captain Courageous Witnessed: Dr. Kelly Assassinated!,
+ + +Recommended Reading:
- Militant Libertarian: Captain Eric H. May,
- ‘The Bitch in the Ditch’ vs. ‘General Betray Us’,
- 9/11 Truth Statement,
- The quote about Ray McGovern, Cindy Sheehan and me is from Ghosts in the Machine: Eric May and Infiltration of the Peace Movement,
RAY MCGOVERN : Please Don’t Trust Fox News, There Was NO Heckler
EDITORS’ NOTE : On February 15, 2011, Ray McGovern, U.S. Army veteran and former senior CIA analyst whose duties included preparing the President’s Daily Brief and chairing National Intelligence Estimates, was beaten, handcuffed, violently dragged out and arrested by ‘two goons’ (in his words) after he stood up and turned his back ‘silently protesting’ a speech by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, at George Washington University, in which she ironically called for internet freedom and condemned governments in the Middle East especially Iran for arresting protesters and not allowing free expression. 
The term “heckler,” is certainly inappropriate for what he was doing, is defamatory and a false accusation by FOX NEWS.
Ray McGovern gives Press TV his own account of what exactly happened.
[A rushed press tv transcript below]
Press TV: Would you give us your own account of exactly what happened during and after the speech?
McGovern: Let me just start out by saying that your lead-in indicates that you are relying on Fox News, which is a notoriously unreliable source. There was no heckler. Iwas the person there. I said not a word. I stood silently with my back to the Secretary lest she get the idea that everyone in that whole auditorium agreed with her war-mongering policies.
I was standing silently, and I was jumped on by a man in a regular suit, then another person in a police uniform. I still do not know who jumped me, but I was taken outside where nobody was watching; I was manhandled; I have cuts and lacerations all over my body, and the important thing is that I was not heckling anyone.
I was completely silent. So I was taken completely by surprise, and by the time I realized what was happening to me, I had a chance to yell “So! This is what America has become!” Then I turned to my people that were pulling me out of this auditorium and said, “Who are you?” and the odd thing is that to this day I do not know who they were. But luckily there are photos on the Internet.
We will be able to find out who ordered that 220-pound muscular man who manhandled me; who ordered him to do that to a peaceful person not making a sound. Many still cameras captured exactly what I was doing and what I was not doing. I just finish up again by saying “Please do not trust Fox News. There was no heckler.”
Press TV: Mr. McGovern what happened after they dragged you out? From what we understand you were put in jail and left bleeding for quite a while. Also please, elaborate for our viewers what was the stance you were trying to make?
McGovern: Well, the stance that I was making is that Hillary Clinton is a person who has been an admirer of every war she has heard of. She was a great supporter of the Iraq war even though she knew better, because I told her, what a catastrophe it would be. She is a great supporter of the Afghanistan war, where many thousands of people have met their deaths, and she is in the forefront of agitating for war on Iran, and that comes through in her speech here.
I was amazed after I was released from prison and was able to go to the hospital and get my wounds bound. I read the speech, and it was quite remarkable. It was a speech about protests, and she is saying here in the speech – I just quote two or three sentences – that “Iran this week is once again using violence against protesters seeking basic freedoms. People protest. They stand. They march and chant. And the authorities track them and block them and arrest them.” There is something Kafaesque about this.
She is saying this; three paragraphs; and she stood silently watching me in the fourth row being pounced upon by these goons and unceremoniously ejected from the auditorium. She finishes with this sentence: “Iran is awful, because it is a government that routinely violates the rights of its people.”
And here I am being thrown out, bleeding profusely from these wounds that you can see there, and thrown in prison without any medical attention; kept there for three and a half hours, and it was myself that had to take a taxi cab to the hospital to get my wounds attended to; my wrists X-rayed to see what damage had been done.
Now fortunately I am going to survive, but I am thinking about people who are less able to defend themselves, not that I try to defend myself, but less able to contend with this kind of violence. And for Hillary Clinton to be talking about peaceful means of protest, in the same speech at which she continued as she watched me directly in front of her, being pounced upon and violated, there is a little too much to take.
Press TV: Indeed, this was very different from how Rumsfeld reacted when you peacefully confronted him as well. What do you say to that, and also, can you elaborate on the US’s double stance as far as what is going on in the Middle East these days; Bahrain, Yemen etc.?
McGovern: I think you have said it all when you say “double stance.” We are very much in favor of protest when it seems to be succeeding, except in our country. We like to keep the lid on. But what happened, of course, was that I was arrested and I am charged; I have to go to court. They said that I was guilty of “unruly conduct.” So there is a law against that, and I am smiling now, because there were about sixteen cameras there and there was indeed unlawful conduct, but it was not I who was doing the unlawful conduct. There were two goons. And the main question is “Who told them to violate me? Who told them to give me this kind of treatment?” We are going to find that out.
Press TV: We hope that you do, but from what I understand the Veterans Group, which you are also a part of, has demanded an apology from the office of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Have you gotten any response from them?
McGovern: Well, we are now holding our breath. You see, when you are the sole remaining super power in the world, you do not need to apologize for anything. I will give you five dollars if I get an apology from Hillary Clinton.
EDITORS’ NOTE : On February 15, 2011, Ray McGovern, U.S. Army veteran and former senior CIA analyst whose duties included preparing the President’s Daily Brief and chairing National Intelligence Estimates, was beaten, handcuffed, violently dragged out and arrested by ‘two goons’ (in his words) after he stood up and turned his back ‘silently protesting’ a speech by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, at George Washington University, in which she ironically called for internet freedom and condemned governments in the Middle East especially Iran for arresting protesters and not allowing free expression.
The term “heckler,” is certainly inappropriate for what he was doing, is defamatory and a false accusation by FOX NEWS.
Ray McGovern gives Press TV his own account of what exactly happened.
[A rushed press tv transcript below]
Press TV: Would you give us your own account of exactly what happened during and after the speech?
McGovern: Let me just start out by saying that your lead-in indicates that you are relying on Fox News, which is a notoriously unreliable source. There was no heckler. Iwas the person there. I said not a word. I stood silently with my back to the Secretary lest she get the idea that everyone in that whole auditorium agreed with her war-mongering policies.
I was standing silently, and I was jumped on by a man in a regular suit, then another person in a police uniform. I still do not know who jumped me, but I was taken outside where nobody was watching; I was manhandled; I have cuts and lacerations all over my body, and the important thing is that I was not heckling anyone.
I was completely silent. So I was taken completely by surprise, and by the time I realized what was happening to me, I had a chance to yell “So! This is what America has become!” Then I turned to my people that were pulling me out of this auditorium and said, “Who are you?” and the odd thing is that to this day I do not know who they were. But luckily there are photos on the Internet.
We will be able to find out who ordered that 220-pound muscular man who manhandled me; who ordered him to do that to a peaceful person not making a sound. Many still cameras captured exactly what I was doing and what I was not doing. I just finish up again by saying “Please do not trust Fox News. There was no heckler.”
Press TV: Mr. McGovern what happened after they dragged you out? From what we understand you were put in jail and left bleeding for quite a while. Also please, elaborate for our viewers what was the stance you were trying to make?
McGovern: Well, the stance that I was making is that Hillary Clinton is a person who has been an admirer of every war she has heard of. She was a great supporter of the Iraq war even though she knew better, because I told her, what a catastrophe it would be. She is a great supporter of the Afghanistan war, where many thousands of people have met their deaths, and she is in the forefront of agitating for war on Iran, and that comes through in her speech here.
I was amazed after I was released from prison and was able to go to the hospital and get my wounds bound. I read the speech, and it was quite remarkable. It was a speech about protests, and she is saying here in the speech – I just quote two or three sentences – that “Iran this week is once again using violence against protesters seeking basic freedoms. People protest. They stand. They march and chant. And the authorities track them and block them and arrest them.” There is something Kafaesque about this.
She is saying this; three paragraphs; and she stood silently watching me in the fourth row being pounced upon by these goons and unceremoniously ejected from the auditorium. She finishes with this sentence: “Iran is awful, because it is a government that routinely violates the rights of its people.”
And here I am being thrown out, bleeding profusely from these wounds that you can see there, and thrown in prison without any medical attention; kept there for three and a half hours, and it was myself that had to take a taxi cab to the hospital to get my wounds attended to; my wrists X-rayed to see what damage had been done.
Now fortunately I am going to survive, but I am thinking about people who are less able to defend themselves, not that I try to defend myself, but less able to contend with this kind of violence. And for Hillary Clinton to be talking about peaceful means of protest, in the same speech at which she continued as she watched me directly in front of her, being pounced upon and violated, there is a little too much to take.
Press TV: Indeed, this was very different from how Rumsfeld reacted when you peacefully confronted him as well. What do you say to that, and also, can you elaborate on the US’s double stance as far as what is going on in the Middle East these days; Bahrain, Yemen etc.?
McGovern: I think you have said it all when you say “double stance.” We are very much in favor of protest when it seems to be succeeding, except in our country. We like to keep the lid on. But what happened, of course, was that I was arrested and I am charged; I have to go to court. They said that I was guilty of “unruly conduct.” So there is a law against that, and I am smiling now, because there were about sixteen cameras there and there was indeed unlawful conduct, but it was not I who was doing the unlawful conduct. There were two goons. And the main question is “Who told them to violate me? Who told them to give me this kind of treatment?” We are going to find that out.
Press TV: We hope that you do, but from what I understand the Veterans Group, which you are also a part of, has demanded an apology from the office of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Have you gotten any response from them?
McGovern: Well, we are now holding our breath. You see, when you are the sole remaining super power in the world, you do not need to apologize for anything. I will give you five dollars if I get an apology from Hillary Clinton.
Breaking the siege of Gaza is high priority for Egypt’s young revolutionaries
Young participants in the 25th January Egyptian revolution have told the Palestine Information Centre that Egypt has been freed from a tyrannical regime and breaking the siege of Gaza is high on their list of priorities. Ousting Hosni Mubarak was difficult, they said, but it was just the beginning of the revolution, not the end. In Tahrir Square, they added, all sections of Egyptian society were united, including Muslims and Christians; leftists and members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Ahmed Bahaauddin Shaaban, one of the founders of the Egyptian Movement for Change (Kifaya), told the PIC, “We took part in a real battle pitting the Egyptian people against the corrupt regime, which was heavily entrenched. However, the Egyptian people were able to uproot it.” The people of Egypt have taken one step on a long road, said Shaaban, by overthrowing a dictator and his oppressive regime. “However, we still have a lot to do. We have a programme for democracy, social reform, and the creation of a modern, developed state. We have shaken the regime, as can be seen clearly in the fall of its corrupt symbols.”
Mr. Shaaban warned that the struggle will be long. “The fall of an oppressive dictator like Mubarak affects the entire regime structure but we will be able to deal with its remnants,” he said. “In the past few days we have defeated the most oppressive forces in the country – the Central Security Force and the State Security Force – which have vanished into thin air.” So, he added, has the former ruling party, the National Democratic Party, which had three million members.
Arab issues are at the top of the revolution’s priorities, stressed Shaaban, and the people of the Gaza Strip are delighted by its success because they also suffered at the hands of Mubarak’s regime. “The people of Gaza will feel the effects of the revolution because the siege of Gaza will end and the kinship between the people of Egypt and Palestine will be restored.”
Amr Ibrahim, another of the young leaders of the revolution and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood chipped in: “The most important characteristic of this revolution was that it was impossible to tell people apart on the basis of which political movement they belonged to. Everyone in Tahrir Square was there under the banner ‘I am an Egyptian’. You couldn’t tell who was a leftist and who was a Muslim Brother, or who was a Christian and who was a Muslim.”
According to Mr. Ibrahim, the youth of the Muslim Brotherhood were involved in the revolution from its beginning on the 25th January having asked for permission from the movement’s leaders. As the demonstrations increased in intensity and the occupation of Tahrir Square by the demonstrators grew, instructions were given by the leadership of the Brotherhood to their younger members to enter Tahrir Square in great numbers. In the end, claimed Ibrahim, Muslim Brotherhood youth members made up between 40 and 50% of the demonstrators.
A spokesman for the 6th April Youth Movement asserted that the resignation of the president was not one of the demands of the youth of the revolution when they were preparing for the 25th January. “We wanted the sacking of the Interior Minister and the implementation of a court decision setting the minimum wage at 1200 Egyptian pounds per month,” said Ahmed Maher. “The groups taking part in the movement are very diverse but together they organised protests, using Facebook and on the ground, on the 25th January and on the Day of Anger on Friday 28th January, in addition to organising the million man demonstrations on the 1st February and the ‘Day of Departure’, 4th February.”
Maher believes that it is important for Egyptians to cooperate in planning Egypt’s future post-Mubarak; he proposed the formation of a delegation of youth and members of the Front for the Support of the Demands of the Revolutions to negotiate with the army’s leaders. It is necessary for the government of Egypt to be transferred to civilians, he said, adding that the revolutionary youth can still achieve a great deal in bringing forth the fruits of the revolution.
With regards to lifting the siege of Gaza, Maher said that the issue cannot be ignored. It is, he stressed, one of the demands of the revolution: “Pressure exerted by the revolutionaries as well as Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi’s call to end the siege has obliged the army to fulfil this demand.” It is time to end the suffering of the people of Gaza, he said. This, ended Maher, has made the government in Israel “fearful” of Egyptian youth. “If young Egyptians demonstrated on the borders of occupied Palestine,” he grinned, “I wouldn’t rule out the Zionists packing up and leaving.”
RAFAH, (PIC)– The Egyptian authorities on Tuesday opened the Rafah border crossing with Gaza Strip in both directions after three weeks of closure but to a limited number of people.
A Palestinian source said that the Egyptian authorities allowed only 300 passengers daily to cross the terminal, noting that the crossing was closed following the outbreak of the Egyptian revolution that ousted former president Hosni Mubarak.
He underlined that travel will be allowed only for patients, students, those with residence permits in Egypt, and holders of visit visas to other countries.
He noted that 3,000 Palestinians wishing to travel had registered with the borders authority over the past few days.
- Young participants in the 25th January Egyptian revolution have told the Palestine Information Centre that Egypt has been freed from a tyrannical regime and breaking the siege of Gaza is high on their list of priorities. Ousting Hosni Mubarak was difficult, they said, but it was just the beginning of the revolution, not the end. In Tahrir Square, they added, all sections of Egyptian society were united, including Muslims and Christians; leftists and members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Ahmed Bahaauddin Shaaban, one of the founders of the Egyptian Movement for Change (Kifaya), told the PIC, “We took part in a real battle pitting the Egyptian people against the corrupt regime, which was heavily entrenched. However, the Egyptian people were able to uproot it.” The people of Egypt have taken one step on a long road, said Shaaban, by overthrowing a dictator and his oppressive regime. “However, we still have a lot to do. We have a programme for democracy, social reform, and the creation of a modern, developed state. We have shaken the regime, as can be seen clearly in the fall of its corrupt symbols.”
Mr. Shaaban warned that the struggle will be long. “The fall of an oppressive dictator like Mubarak affects the entire regime structure but we will be able to deal with its remnants,” he said. “In the past few days we have defeated the most oppressive forces in the country – the Central Security Force and the State Security Force – which have vanished into thin air.” So, he added, has the former ruling party, the National Democratic Party, which had three million members.
Arab issues are at the top of the revolution’s priorities, stressed Shaaban, and the people of the Gaza Strip are delighted by its success because they also suffered at the hands of Mubarak’s regime. “The people of Gaza will feel the effects of the revolution because the siege of Gaza will end and the kinship between the people of Egypt and Palestine will be restored.”
Amr Ibrahim, another of the young leaders of the revolution and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood chipped in: “The most important characteristic of this revolution was that it was impossible to tell people apart on the basis of which political movement they belonged to. Everyone in Tahrir Square was there under the banner ‘I am an Egyptian’. You couldn’t tell who was a leftist and who was a Muslim Brother, or who was a Christian and who was a Muslim.”
According to Mr. Ibrahim, the youth of the Muslim Brotherhood were involved in the revolution from its beginning on the 25th January having asked for permission from the movement’s leaders. As the demonstrations increased in intensity and the occupation of Tahrir Square by the demonstrators grew, instructions were given by the leadership of the Brotherhood to their younger members to enter Tahrir Square in great numbers. In the end, claimed Ibrahim, Muslim Brotherhood youth members made up between 40 and 50% of the demonstrators.
A spokesman for the 6th April Youth Movement asserted that the resignation of the president was not one of the demands of the youth of the revolution when they were preparing for the 25th January. “We wanted the sacking of the Interior Minister and the implementation of a court decision setting the minimum wage at 1200 Egyptian pounds per month,” said Ahmed Maher. “The groups taking part in the movement are very diverse but together they organised protests, using Facebook and on the ground, on the 25th January and on the Day of Anger on Friday 28th January, in addition to organising the million man demonstrations on the 1st February and the ‘Day of Departure’, 4th February.”
Maher believes that it is important for Egyptians to cooperate in planning Egypt’s future post-Mubarak; he proposed the formation of a delegation of youth and members of the Front for the Support of the Demands of the Revolutions to negotiate with the army’s leaders. It is necessary for the government of Egypt to be transferred to civilians, he said, adding that the revolutionary youth can still achieve a great deal in bringing forth the fruits of the revolution.
With regards to lifting the siege of Gaza, Maher said that the issue cannot be ignored. It is, he stressed, one of the demands of the revolution: “Pressure exerted by the revolutionaries as well as Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi’s call to end the siege has obliged the army to fulfil this demand.” It is time to end the suffering of the people of Gaza, he said. This, ended Maher, has made the government in Israel “fearful” of Egyptian youth. “If young Egyptians demonstrated on the borders of occupied Palestine,” he grinned, “I wouldn’t rule out the Zionists packing up and leaving.”
RAFAH, (PIC)– The Egyptian authorities on Tuesday opened the Rafah border crossing with Gaza Strip in both directions after three weeks of closure but to a limited number of people.
A Palestinian source said that the Egyptian authorities allowed only 300 passengers daily to cross the terminal, noting that the crossing was closed following the outbreak of the Egyptian revolution that ousted former president Hosni Mubarak.
He underlined that travel will be allowed only for patients, students, those with residence permits in Egypt, and holders of visit visas to other countries.
He noted that 3,000 Palestinians wishing to travel had registered with the borders authority over the past few days.
They Hate Our Meaning: Explaining the West's Suicidal Embrace of Islamophobia
"Why don't we hang ourselves?" "With what?" -Waiting for Godot
By Dr Kevin Barrett,
"The demonstrators filling the streets in Cairo, Tunis, Tripoli, Algiers, Manama, Sana and Tehran give every indication of dreaming dreams not entirely dissimilar from our own. Rather than rejecting modernity, as radical Islamists such as Osama bin Laden have urged, these protesters want a bigger slice of what modernity has to offer. Though not guaranteeing harmonious coexistence, this convergence of aspirations does suggest that a cosmic clash of civilizations is avoidable." - Andrew Bacevich
Bacevich, a conservative turned critic of American imperial folly, offers instructive insight into the limits of the West's empathetic imagination - and its grotesque inability to at least entertain the perspective of the Other.
Consider his new op-ed entitled They're doing it without us: Rendering a decade of U.S. policy irrelevant, the people of the Middle East are transforming the region themselves. The title, which aptly expresses his thesis, has some merit. Unfortunately, Bacevich is unable to imagine even the possibility that people in the Middle East may have different values and aspirations for transformation than he does.
Remember George W. Bush's hilariously absurd statement, "You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists" ? That statement, as I have explained to Composition students, is a classic example of the fallacy known as the false dilemma or false dichotomy. (Obviously there must be more potential choices available than either being with Bush's crowd, or being with "the terrorists" - especially since the two categories are identical!)
Bacevich serves up a warmed-over version of the same false dichotomy. According to him, the people of the Middle East face a stark choice between "rejecting modernity, as radical Islamists such as Osama bin Laden have urged," or pursuing "a bigger slice of what modernity has to offer." In other words, they must be the same as us - or we will have to wipe them out in an allegedly unavoidable "cosmic clash of civilizations."
Bacevich approves of "the Muslim masses demanding political freedom and economic opportunity" but is hostile toward "radical Islamists." This false dichotomy has nothing whatsoever to do with the reality of the Muslim-majority lands, where the vast majority of people want political freedom AND shariah-based law, economic opportunity AND an Islamic caliphate, technological advancement AND the rebirth of a genuinely Islamic civilization. The Muslim majority insists that all US military bases be removed from Islamic lands, and roughly half of Muslims polled - including more than eight in ten Egyptians - approve of attacks on US troops and military facilities as a means toward that end, just as Americans would support the resistance if their own lands were occupied. (Undoubtedly even more approve of military resistance against the Zionist genoicide of the Palestinians.) Yet Muslims oppose attacks on civilians even more strongly than Western non-Muslims do, and agree that it is a good thing that "the world becoming more connected through greater economic trade and faster communication." Clearly, the Muslim majority wants their restored Islamic caliphate, presiding over a Zionist-free Middle East, to coexist on an equal basis with, rather than war against, the peoples of other civilizations. (See poll data here.)
The whole notion that "radical Islamists" are "at war with modernity" and "hate our freedoms" has it backward. In the Islamic world, the people who have no use for modernity and democracy are the Sufis - the real ones, not the Psufis like the pself-appointed pshaykh Imam Rauf. The Sufis love freedom - real, inner freedom - not its political simulacrum. (Check out this manifesto.) The so-called Islamists (including the late, falsely-accused Bin Laden) like the majority of Muslims, generally view modernity and democracy positively - and any reservations they have could be characterized as ambivalence, not loathing. They want to keep a large part of democracy - the part that is compatible with Islam - and leave the rest.
Why won't even the anti-imperialist Bacevich let Muslims be Muslims? Why can so few Americans imagine allowing Islamic civilization to put itself back together, Humpty-Dumpty like, after being shattered by genocidal wars of European imperial-colonial aggression? As we Muslims ask, every time we hear about sex-torture gulags and drone attacks on wedding parties and millions murdered in wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan and the other ten million facets of Islamophobic hysteria: Why do they hate us?
The short answer: They hate our meaning.
Western civilization is dying, as Samuel Beckett well knew, because there is no longer any shared system of meaning holding it together. Bacevich smiles on "the Muslim masses demanding political freedom and economic opportunity" because it sounds so much like America's closest thing to a shared system of meaning: "life, liberty, and the pursuit of (material) happiness."
But life and liberty to what end? And what exactly is "happiness"? These clichés were adequate two hundred years ago, when vast material riches of new continents awaited plunder, and a measureless wealth of fossil fuel energy awaited exploitation. For termites confronting a rotting tree, or maggots gifted with an elephant's corpse, the meaning of life is simple: "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" - which is another way of saying, "Let's eat!"
Today, as Richard Heinberg puts it, the party's over. The "let's eat" philosophy of life will no longer even fill stomachs, much less satisfy people hungry for meaning. Most Westerners are at the end of the road: having surpassed and discarded modernity, post-modernity, and even post-post-modernity, we have lost faith in nihlism - while only a few of us (thus far) have taken the next logical step and embraced Islam, the most coherent, robust, and promising meaning-system on earth.
Religions, after all, are THE time-tested meaning systems. That is why the Constitution of the United States of America, written by Deists who were not themselves traditionally religious, privileges freedom of religion; and it is why federal, state and local governments offer churches tax breaks. A shared system of meaning, not energy or farmland or even human labor, is the ultimate national resource.
The West's elite jettisoned Christianity more than a century ago (see A.N. Wilson, God's Funeral). Can this particular Humpty-Dumpty be put back together? Probably not; it is hard to imagine the West recanting its current post-Christian phase and reviving itself as a specifically Christian civilization.
Islamophobia, then, is the malaise of a dying Western civilization venting its self-hatred by spewing the projections of its own inadequacies in the general direction of the Other. Bacevich knows the American experiment is in a terminal phase of decline; he sees Islam ascending as a time-tested system of meaning uniting 1.5 billion people (who happen to live over 80% of the world's best remaining energy resources); and he reacts with fear and aggression, both based in jealousy. Bereft of any viable shared system of meaning of his own, the Islamophobe tries to fill the void with hatred of those whose lives are so much richer than his.
If Bacevich, and other American pundits, were free from such ressentiment, they would be happy at the prospect of a renewal of Islamic civilization, and encourage its political expression: the rise of an Islamic caliphate capable of defending its own people and resources.
- "Why don't we hang ourselves?" "With what?" -Waiting for Godot
By Dr Kevin Barrett,
"The demonstrators filling the streets in Cairo, Tunis, Tripoli, Algiers, Manama, Sana and Tehran give every indication of dreaming dreams not entirely dissimilar from our own. Rather than rejecting modernity, as radical Islamists such as Osama bin Laden have urged, these protesters want a bigger slice of what modernity has to offer. Though not guaranteeing harmonious coexistence, this convergence of aspirations does suggest that a cosmic clash of civilizations is avoidable." - Andrew Bacevich
Bacevich, a conservative turned critic of American imperial folly, offers instructive insight into the limits of the West's empathetic imagination - and its grotesque inability to at least entertain the perspective of the Other.
Consider his new op-ed entitled They're doing it without us: Rendering a decade of U.S. policy irrelevant, the people of the Middle East are transforming the region themselves. The title, which aptly expresses his thesis, has some merit. Unfortunately, Bacevich is unable to imagine even the possibility that people in the Middle East may have different values and aspirations for transformation than he does.
Remember George W. Bush's hilariously absurd statement, "You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists" ? That statement, as I have explained to Composition students, is a classic example of the fallacy known as the false dilemma or false dichotomy. (Obviously there must be more potential choices available than either being with Bush's crowd, or being with "the terrorists" - especially since the two categories are identical!)
Bacevich serves up a warmed-over version of the same false dichotomy. According to him, the people of the Middle East face a stark choice between "rejecting modernity, as radical Islamists such as Osama bin Laden have urged," or pursuing "a bigger slice of what modernity has to offer." In other words, they must be the same as us - or we will have to wipe them out in an allegedly unavoidable "cosmic clash of civilizations."
Bacevich approves of "the Muslim masses demanding political freedom and economic opportunity" but is hostile toward "radical Islamists." This false dichotomy has nothing whatsoever to do with the reality of the Muslim-majority lands, where the vast majority of people want political freedom AND shariah-based law, economic opportunity AND an Islamic caliphate, technological advancement AND the rebirth of a genuinely Islamic civilization. The Muslim majority insists that all US military bases be removed from Islamic lands, and roughly half of Muslims polled - including more than eight in ten Egyptians - approve of attacks on US troops and military facilities as a means toward that end, just as Americans would support the resistance if their own lands were occupied. (Undoubtedly even more approve of military resistance against the Zionist genoicide of the Palestinians.) Yet Muslims oppose attacks on civilians even more strongly than Western non-Muslims do, and agree that it is a good thing that "the world becoming more connected through greater economic trade and faster communication." Clearly, the Muslim majority wants their restored Islamic caliphate, presiding over a Zionist-free Middle East, to coexist on an equal basis with, rather than war against, the peoples of other civilizations. (See poll data here.)
The whole notion that "radical Islamists" are "at war with modernity" and "hate our freedoms" has it backward. In the Islamic world, the people who have no use for modernity and democracy are the Sufis - the real ones, not the Psufis like the pself-appointed pshaykh Imam Rauf. The Sufis love freedom - real, inner freedom - not its political simulacrum. (Check out this manifesto.) The so-called Islamists (including the late, falsely-accused Bin Laden) like the majority of Muslims, generally view modernity and democracy positively - and any reservations they have could be characterized as ambivalence, not loathing. They want to keep a large part of democracy - the part that is compatible with Islam - and leave the rest.
Why won't even the anti-imperialist Bacevich let Muslims be Muslims? Why can so few Americans imagine allowing Islamic civilization to put itself back together, Humpty-Dumpty like, after being shattered by genocidal wars of European imperial-colonial aggression? As we Muslims ask, every time we hear about sex-torture gulags and drone attacks on wedding parties and millions murdered in wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan and the other ten million facets of Islamophobic hysteria: Why do they hate us?
The short answer: They hate our meaning.
Western civilization is dying, as Samuel Beckett well knew, because there is no longer any shared system of meaning holding it together. Bacevich smiles on "the Muslim masses demanding political freedom and economic opportunity" because it sounds so much like America's closest thing to a shared system of meaning: "life, liberty, and the pursuit of (material) happiness."
But life and liberty to what end? And what exactly is "happiness"? These clichés were adequate two hundred years ago, when vast material riches of new continents awaited plunder, and a measureless wealth of fossil fuel energy awaited exploitation. For termites confronting a rotting tree, or maggots gifted with an elephant's corpse, the meaning of life is simple: "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" - which is another way of saying, "Let's eat!"
Today, as Richard Heinberg puts it, the party's over. The "let's eat" philosophy of life will no longer even fill stomachs, much less satisfy people hungry for meaning. Most Westerners are at the end of the road: having surpassed and discarded modernity, post-modernity, and even post-post-modernity, we have lost faith in nihlism - while only a few of us (thus far) have taken the next logical step and embraced Islam, the most coherent, robust, and promising meaning-system on earth.
Religions, after all, are THE time-tested meaning systems. That is why the Constitution of the United States of America, written by Deists who were not themselves traditionally religious, privileges freedom of religion; and it is why federal, state and local governments offer churches tax breaks. A shared system of meaning, not energy or farmland or even human labor, is the ultimate national resource.
The West's elite jettisoned Christianity more than a century ago (see A.N. Wilson, God's Funeral). Can this particular Humpty-Dumpty be put back together? Probably not; it is hard to imagine the West recanting its current post-Christian phase and reviving itself as a specifically Christian civilization.
Islamophobia, then, is the malaise of a dying Western civilization venting its self-hatred by spewing the projections of its own inadequacies in the general direction of the Other. Bacevich knows the American experiment is in a terminal phase of decline; he sees Islam ascending as a time-tested system of meaning uniting 1.5 billion people (who happen to live over 80% of the world's best remaining energy resources); and he reacts with fear and aggression, both based in jealousy. Bereft of any viable shared system of meaning of his own, the Islamophobe tries to fill the void with hatred of those whose lives are so much richer than his.
If Bacevich, and other American pundits, were free from such ressentiment, they would be happy at the prospect of a renewal of Islamic civilization, and encourage its political expression: the rise of an Islamic caliphate capable of defending its own people and resources.
Criminal Khadafi using the similar tricks used to give away Iraq to Israel, Khadafi is playing the exact same scenario and he is giving blatantly Libya away to Israel as planned. As explained during the Tunisian intifadha in this blog, the US, Britain, Israel, France prepare for the military invasion and division of Libya and Algeria. Libyan and Algerian peoples are preparing to fight and expel all the western zionist mercenaries as an entire part of their Revolutions ! This is the war Israel wanted !
Take control of Tunisia, and then divide Libya in 'small emirates' and Algeria. Israeli plan to seize arab oil and gas in North Africa. Peoples in North Africa are fully aware of the israelis plans and prepared for this scenario. Kadhafi family is playing her part of the plan, giving Libya to Israel... as Iraq was given before ! These are deliberate 'mistakes' like the one we saw in 1990 in Kuweit...
- Take control of Tunisia, and then divide Libya in 'small emirates' and Algeria. Israeli plan to seize arab oil and gas in North Africa. Peoples in North Africa are fully aware of the israelis plans and prepared for this scenario. Kadhafi family is playing her part of the plan, giving Libya to Israel... as Iraq was given before ! These are deliberate 'mistakes' like the one we saw in 1990 in Kuweit...
Obama Prepares Invasion Of Libya Under Humanitarian Cover
Kurt Nimmo
February 23, 2011
In a speech delivered earlier today with Secretary of State Clinton at his side, Obama announced that the government of the United States will soon intervene in Libya with its globalist partners under the threadbare cover of humanitarian aid and respect for human rights.
Obama announced he will send CFR member and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William J. Burns to Europe and the Middle East.
According to teleprompter-reader-in-chief Obama, Mr. Burns will “intensify our consultation with allies and partners.” In other words Burns will serve as the point man ahead of the coming globalist intervention in Libya, where there is around 44 billion barrels of estimated oil reserves.
Obama’s speech coincided with a pronouncement made by UN boss Ban Ki-moon who demanded international action against attacks on civilians in Libya. Ki-moon said the North Africa country is now at a dangerous juncture. The UN Security Council and the Arab League chimed in with a round of condemnation as Ban said he was sure more international action is imminent.
The corporate media in the United States and Europe has called for intervention in Libya and has characterized the Security Council’s reaction inadequate. Carne Ross, writing for the Guardian, called for a no-fly zone or exclusion zone, a proposal originally suggested by Navi Pillay, the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Even the Huffington Post – now a subsidiary of the global transnational corporation AOL – has called for the UN to unleash the dogs, once again demonstrating that some liberals support invading small countries if it is done while one of their own is at the helm of the teleprompter in the United States.
Naturally, and right on cue, the CIA created bogeyman al-Qaeda has surfaced in eastern Libya. Earlier today it was reported that the manufactured terrorist group has set up an Islamic emirate in Derna, in eastern Libya, headed by a former US prisoner at Guantanamo Bay. It is said the scary Sunni terrorists have grabbed an FM radio station and have begun to impose the burqa on female Libyans, a scenario that plays right into the UN’s handbook on politically correct human rights.
One resident to the AFP the claims of an al-Qaeda emirate “was something to scare Europe with” and were not valid.
Finally, it should be noted that Libya has consistently refused to pay homage to the New World Order by refusing forays by the IMF and the banksters. The cult of personality dictator Qaddafi has made a fatal mistake by attacking his own people and thus allowing the globalists the option of militarily entering his country.
The people of Libya may believe things will change for the better after Qaddafi is gone, but they will be in for a surprise after their oil is stolen and they are reduced groveling at the feet of the banksters and their loan sharking operations run out of the IMF and World Bank.
- Kurt Nimmo
February 23, 2011
In a speech delivered earlier today with Secretary of State Clinton at his side, Obama announced that the government of the United States will soon intervene in Libya with its globalist partners under the threadbare cover of humanitarian aid and respect for human rights.Obama announced he will send CFR member and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William J. Burns to Europe and the Middle East.According to teleprompter-reader-in-chief Obama, Mr. Burns will “intensify our consultation with allies and partners.” In other words Burns will serve as the point man ahead of the coming globalist intervention in Libya, where there is around 44 billion barrels of estimated oil reserves.
Obama’s speech coincided with a pronouncement made by UN boss Ban Ki-moon who demanded international action against attacks on civilians in Libya. Ki-moon said the North Africa country is now at a dangerous juncture. The UN Security Council and the Arab League chimed in with a round of condemnation as Ban said he was sure more international action is imminent.The corporate media in the United States and Europe has called for intervention in Libya and has characterized the Security Council’s reaction inadequate. Carne Ross, writing for the Guardian, called for a no-fly zone or exclusion zone, a proposal originally suggested by Navi Pillay, the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights.Even the Huffington Post – now a subsidiary of the global transnational corporation AOL – has called for the UN to unleash the dogs, once again demonstrating that some liberals support invading small countries if it is done while one of their own is at the helm of the teleprompter in the United States.Naturally, and right on cue, the CIA created bogeyman al-Qaeda has surfaced in eastern Libya. Earlier today it was reported that the manufactured terrorist group has set up an Islamic emirate in Derna, in eastern Libya, headed by a former US prisoner at Guantanamo Bay. It is said the scary Sunni terrorists have grabbed an FM radio station and have begun to impose the burqa on female Libyans, a scenario that plays right into the UN’s handbook on politically correct human rights.One resident to the AFP the claims of an al-Qaeda emirate “was something to scare Europe with” and were not valid.Finally, it should be noted that Libya has consistently refused to pay homage to the New World Order by refusing forays by the IMF and the banksters. The cult of personality dictator Qaddafi has made a fatal mistake by attacking his own people and thus allowing the globalists the option of militarily entering his country.The people of Libya may believe things will change for the better after Qaddafi is gone, but they will be in for a surprise after their oil is stolen and they are reduced groveling at the feet of the banksters and their loan sharking operations run out of the IMF and World Bank.
More evidence that criminal Kadhafi is offering for free Libya to Israel as pre-planned before 'fleeing officially' the country, like Iraq was 'offered' to Israel in 1990
Is Qaddafi Working With Mossad?
By Christopher Bollyn,
February 24, 2011

The evidence indicates that Muammar Qaddafi, who controls the largest oil reserves in Africa, is secretly working with the Rothschild family and the Mossad.
"Fighter aircraft were bombing civilians on the streets of Tripoli, this is unprecedented violence." - Ali al-Essawi, Libyan Ambassador to India, 22 February 2011
Gaddafi’s youngest son Khamis was reportedly bringing mercenaries from African countries to fight against anti-regime protestors. Identity cards from Guinea, Niger, Chad, Mauritania and Sudan were found on individuals wearing Libyan uniforms and killed in the eastern city of Benghazi and other locations.
- Using Mercenaries to Quell Libya Revolution

A video image of one of Qaddafi's mercenaries who was killed...

...while other suspected African mercenaries stand in a room in a court in Benghazi as they are held by anti-Qaddafi protesters, February 24, 2011.
Is Muammar Qaddafi, the brutal and mercurial Libyan dictator, working with Israel's Mossad? The evidence suggests that he is. We need to remember that the Mossad works hand-in-hand with the Rothschild family, which controls global mining and oil production operations. Libya has the largest proven reserves of oil in Africa and exports about 1.5 million barrels per day and has important refineries that supply essential petroleum products to Europe.
Let's look at the evidence that Qaddafi is working with the Rothschild family and their intelligence agency, the Mossad.
First, Libya invested a reported $500 million into Allen Stanford's money laundering operation that was exposed two years ago this month to be a scam in which some $8 billion disappeared. Stanford's operation, based in Antigua and Houston, was one in which senior Mossadniks were both investors and recipients of investments from Allen Stanford. The Israeli venture capital funds which received millions of dollars from Stanford are all closely linked to the Mossad. Yair Shamir, the son of the infamous terrorist leader Yitzchak Shamir, was one of the investors in Stanford's "bank" in Antigua.

Yair Shamir (inset), the son of the notorious Zionist terrorist Yitzchak Shamir, is chairman and managing partner of the Catalyst Fund, a Mossad venture capital fund that received tens of millions of dollars from the Allen Stanford money-laundering operation. Shamir was also an investor in the Stanford bank.
Qaddafi invested the $500 million in Stanford's operation three weeks before the fund collapsed owing investors some $8 billion. The Stanford bank was reportedly a Mossad money-laundering operation funded with illegal drug profits. Libya, however, has never made a claim for the lost $500 million. Why would Qaddafi invest half a billion dollars in a Mossad-linked scam and not ask for the money back?
Secondly, there is the Rothschild connection to Qaddafi, through his son Saif. As the Daily Mail reported on February 24:
The friendship of oddball financier Nat Rothschild, 39, scion of one of Europe’s most distinguished Jewish families, with Colonel Gaddafi’s epicene son, Saif, is remarkable. Colonel Gaddafi confiscated all Jewish property in Libya when he came to power. All debts to Jews were cancelled and emigration legally prohibited. But in 2004 – the year Tony Blair befriended the Libyan madman – Gaddafi said he would discuss compensating Jews stripped of their possessions. It’s said Saif – who hoped to succeed his father – was behind these moves. A sop to Nat Rothschild?

Nat Rothschild works closely with the Qaddafi family.
Then there is the fact that Tony Blair serves as an adviser to Muammar Qaddafi. But who is Blair serving? It is well known that Blair is a Zionist-controlled politician who has sacrificed hundreds of British lives in the criminal fraud known as the "War on Terror". The Daily Mail reported in July 2010 that Blair had secret talks with Qaddafi in Tripoli:
Tony Blair was flown to Libya for secret talks with Colonel Gaddafi just days after denying he was an adviser to the dictator. Mr Blair was 'entertained as a brother', a senior Libyan government source has revealed. He told the Daily Mail that the former prime minister had offered Gaddafi, with whom he is on first-name terms, 'a great deal of invaluable advice'.

Mr Blair is said to be on first-name terms with the Libyan dictator and was treated like a 'brother' on his visit, according to the Daily Mail (U.K.)...

...although Britain officially blamed Qaddafi for the terror bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie.
Tony Blair is just one of the many Zionist-controlled politicians who have embraced the madman of Tripoli. Silvio Berlusconi of Italy, for example, who is very close to Qaddafi, was given the "Distinguished Statesman Award" by the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith in September 2003. If Qaddafi were really the terrorist behind Pan Am 103, would Berlusconi and all these other Zionist-controlled western leaders be allowed to embrace him as a friend?
Lastly, there is the claim made by Victor Ostrovsky in his books about the Mossad that Israeli agents based in Tripoli had sent messages that appeared to have been sent by Qaddafi's government. These counterfeit messages were picked up by American intelligence and were used to build their case against Libya. If Mossad was running such operations in Libya in the 1980s it is most likely that their penetration of Qaddafi's government only deepened in the 25 years since. The evidence strongly indicates that is the case.
The revolt and bloodshed in Libya will certainly lead to the end of the 42-year-old regime of Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi and his thugs. There is very little television footage coming from Libya, but the BBC Newhour program (of February 20) had an excellent telephone interview with a young Libyan woman named Sarah, in Tripoli. This is a very powerful and moving interview that helps one understand what is really happening in Libya. The interview with "Sarah in Tripoli" begins shortly after minute 26 and 30 seconds into the program. One can use the time button and begin listening at 26:30.
The interview can be heard on the BBC World Service website here:
Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi has been dictator of oil-rich Libya since 1969

Gaddafi and Silvio Berlusconi of Italy are quite close. Libya has many investments in Italy, the Guardian reported, "These include a stake of about 2% in Fiat, 7.5% of Juventus football club, a 2% stake in – and joint venture with – Italian aerospace and defence group Finmeccanica and 7.5% in UniCredit, the bank."

Britain's Tony Blair, who is controlled by Zionist money, was quite willing to embrace the madman of Libya - the same Arab tyrant who is said to have been behind the terror bombing over Lockerbie. How much sense does this make?

Qaddafi with Nicholas Sarkozy of France

Gaddafi and President Obama shaking hands

Hillary Clinton with Mutassim Gaddafi, one of his sons.
Facts on Libya: Oil and Gas, International Energy Agency, 21 February 2011
"Oddball banker's friendship with Gaddafi's son is remarkable," by Ephraim Hardcastle, Daily Mail Online, 24 February 2011
"Allen Stanford: A Libyan Connection?" by Matthew Goldstein, Business Week, 30 March 2009
"Stanford International Bank became a new BCCI,", 25 July 2010
"Libya's oil money has made it major world shareholder", The Guardian, 21 February 2011
By Christopher Bollyn,
February 24, 2011
The evidence indicates that Muammar Qaddafi, who controls the largest oil reserves in Africa, is secretly working with the Rothschild family and the Mossad."Fighter aircraft were bombing civilians on the streets of Tripoli, this is unprecedented violence." - Ali al-Essawi, Libyan Ambassador to India, 22 February 2011
Gaddafi’s youngest son Khamis was reportedly bringing mercenaries from African countries to fight against anti-regime protestors. Identity cards from Guinea, Niger, Chad, Mauritania and Sudan were found on individuals wearing Libyan uniforms and killed in the eastern city of Benghazi and other locations.
- Using Mercenaries to Quell Libya Revolution
A video image of one of Qaddafi's mercenaries who was killed...
...while other suspected African mercenaries stand in a room in a court in Benghazi as they are held by anti-Qaddafi protesters, February 24, 2011.Is Muammar Qaddafi, the brutal and mercurial Libyan dictator, working with Israel's Mossad? The evidence suggests that he is. We need to remember that the Mossad works hand-in-hand with the Rothschild family, which controls global mining and oil production operations. Libya has the largest proven reserves of oil in Africa and exports about 1.5 million barrels per day and has important refineries that supply essential petroleum products to Europe.
Let's look at the evidence that Qaddafi is working with the Rothschild family and their intelligence agency, the Mossad.First, Libya invested a reported $500 million into Allen Stanford's money laundering operation that was exposed two years ago this month to be a scam in which some $8 billion disappeared. Stanford's operation, based in Antigua and Houston, was one in which senior Mossadniks were both investors and recipients of investments from Allen Stanford. The Israeli venture capital funds which received millions of dollars from Stanford are all closely linked to the Mossad. Yair Shamir, the son of the infamous terrorist leader Yitzchak Shamir, was one of the investors in Stanford's "bank" in Antigua.
Yair Shamir (inset), the son of the notorious Zionist terrorist Yitzchak Shamir, is chairman and managing partner of the Catalyst Fund, a Mossad venture capital fund that received tens of millions of dollars from the Allen Stanford money-laundering operation. Shamir was also an investor in the Stanford bank.Qaddafi invested the $500 million in Stanford's operation three weeks before the fund collapsed owing investors some $8 billion. The Stanford bank was reportedly a Mossad money-laundering operation funded with illegal drug profits. Libya, however, has never made a claim for the lost $500 million. Why would Qaddafi invest half a billion dollars in a Mossad-linked scam and not ask for the money back?Secondly, there is the Rothschild connection to Qaddafi, through his son Saif. As the Daily Mail reported on February 24:The friendship of oddball financier Nat Rothschild, 39, scion of one of Europe’s most distinguished Jewish families, with Colonel Gaddafi’s epicene son, Saif, is remarkable. Colonel Gaddafi confiscated all Jewish property in Libya when he came to power. All debts to Jews were cancelled and emigration legally prohibited. But in 2004 – the year Tony Blair befriended the Libyan madman – Gaddafi said he would discuss compensating Jews stripped of their possessions. It’s said Saif – who hoped to succeed his father – was behind these moves. A sop to Nat Rothschild?
Nat Rothschild works closely with the Qaddafi family.Then there is the fact that Tony Blair serves as an adviser to Muammar Qaddafi. But who is Blair serving? It is well known that Blair is a Zionist-controlled politician who has sacrificed hundreds of British lives in the criminal fraud known as the "War on Terror". The Daily Mail reported in July 2010 that Blair had secret talks with Qaddafi in Tripoli:Tony Blair was flown to Libya for secret talks with Colonel Gaddafi just days after denying he was an adviser to the dictator. Mr Blair was 'entertained as a brother', a senior Libyan government source has revealed. He told the Daily Mail that the former prime minister had offered Gaddafi, with whom he is on first-name terms, 'a great deal of invaluable advice'.
Mr Blair is said to be on first-name terms with the Libyan dictator and was treated like a 'brother' on his visit, according to the Daily Mail (U.K.)...
...although Britain officially blamed Qaddafi for the terror bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie.Tony Blair is just one of the many Zionist-controlled politicians who have embraced the madman of Tripoli. Silvio Berlusconi of Italy, for example, who is very close to Qaddafi, was given the "Distinguished Statesman Award" by the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith in September 2003. If Qaddafi were really the terrorist behind Pan Am 103, would Berlusconi and all these other Zionist-controlled western leaders be allowed to embrace him as a friend?Lastly, there is the claim made by Victor Ostrovsky in his books about the Mossad that Israeli agents based in Tripoli had sent messages that appeared to have been sent by Qaddafi's government. These counterfeit messages were picked up by American intelligence and were used to build their case against Libya. If Mossad was running such operations in Libya in the 1980s it is most likely that their penetration of Qaddafi's government only deepened in the 25 years since. The evidence strongly indicates that is the case.SARAH IN TRIPOLI
The revolt and bloodshed in Libya will certainly lead to the end of the 42-year-old regime of Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi and his thugs. There is very little television footage coming from Libya, but the BBC Newhour program (of February 20) had an excellent telephone interview with a young Libyan woman named Sarah, in Tripoli. This is a very powerful and moving interview that helps one understand what is really happening in Libya. The interview with "Sarah in Tripoli" begins shortly after minute 26 and 30 seconds into the program. One can use the time button and begin listening at 26:30.
The interview can be heard on the BBC World Service website here:Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi has been dictator of oil-rich Libya since 1969
Gaddafi and Silvio Berlusconi of Italy are quite close. Libya has many investments in Italy, the Guardian reported, "These include a stake of about 2% in Fiat, 7.5% of Juventus football club, a 2% stake in – and joint venture with – Italian aerospace and defence group Finmeccanica and 7.5% in UniCredit, the bank."
Britain's Tony Blair, who is controlled by Zionist money, was quite willing to embrace the madman of Libya - the same Arab tyrant who is said to have been behind the terror bombing over Lockerbie. How much sense does this make?
Qaddafi with Nicholas Sarkozy of France
Gaddafi and President Obama shaking hands
Hillary Clinton with Mutassim Gaddafi, one of his sons.Sources:
Facts on Libya: Oil and Gas, International Energy Agency, 21 February 2011"Oddball banker's friendship with Gaddafi's son is remarkable," by Ephraim Hardcastle, Daily Mail Online, 24 February 2011"Allen Stanford: A Libyan Connection?" by Matthew Goldstein, Business Week, 30 March 2009"Stanford International Bank became a new BCCI,", 25 July 2010"Libya's oil money has made it major world shareholder", The Guardian, 21 February 2011
Behind Al Qaeda in North Africa there are Sarkozy and Netanyahu, who is in control of the CIA embassy in Tunisia where the fake 'Al Qaeda videos' were manufactured with the help of the harkas (traitors) of Algeria
US terror ally Mummar Gadhafi blames same fictitious 'Al-Qaeda' organisation for unrest in Libya
The revolution for freedom which started in Tunisia is fast spreading to several other Arab countries, such as Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Libya, Algeria, Bahrein, and so on. It is not true that those are revolutions for European democracy which is a corrupt, capitalist, militaristic and repressive political system where votes are bought, and is a system based on the manipulation by a Zionist-controlled media. If anything, they are revolutions to dismantle those systems imposed by those corrupt European capitalist democracies and to replace them with a free and fair system appropriate to the peoples of those countries.
Zionist Muammar Qaddafi speaking the language of his masters in Tel Aviv about fake 'al Qaeda' in Libya (official translation). Does it not sound like mad dogs Netanyahu, Clinton, Sarkozy, Cameron and Merkel when they insult Muslims and Islaam ? Make this video goes viral on the internet. Jazakum Allah kheyren
In an attempt to avoid such a revolution in ‘Saudi’ Arabia, the Saudi pro-West European dictators are increasing the salaries of Arabs in the democratic process of buying votes and acceptance of tyranny and corruption. Hence, the term ‘pro-democracy protestors’ is a complete misnomer and merely used for propaganda purposes. Those revolutions are about freedom, justice, the liberation of Arab countries, including Palestine, the establishment of a pan-Arab economic system much less dependent on West Europeans and a defence force to better defend Arab countries from the aggression and occupation they have been experiencing for nearly a century.
Lockerbie and US terror friendship with Gadhafi
As the predominantly Muslim Arab world reels under its peoples’ will to free themselves from pro-Zionist terror regimes, we hear the same Western and pro-Western European rhetoric of Al-Qaeda to justify the massacres and persecution of Muslims at home and abroad. The uprising against US-supported Gadhafi’s Libyan regime is no surprise. Gadhafi has been in power for 42 years. At one point, when his policy changed to denounce the US and Israel, he was branded the « mad dog of the Mediterranean ». On 15 April 1986, the US bombed the Libyan Capital Tripoli in an attempt to assassinate Gadhafi. They missed him and murdered his 15-month old adopted daughter Hanna instead. They accused Gadhafi of the Berlin discotheque bombing in 1986 and of supporting freedom movements, such as the IRA which wanted a unified Ireland and the removal of what they regarded as British armed terrorists from Irish soil, which the West Europeans branded as terrorist organisations.
Although there are clear indications that the bombing of the Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, on 21 December 1988 may have been the response of Iranians (and Palestinians) after the US Navy’s guided missile cruiser The USS Vincennes shot down, earlier, an Iranian Air Flight 655 on 3 July 1988 over the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf murdering all the crew and passengers, the US, who originally pointed the finger at Iran, shifted against Gadhafi and Libya for the Lockerbie bombing and even named the suspects they wanted to try. After years of sanctions and with the intervention of Nelson Mandela, the Libyan leader allowed the two suspects to be released to Scottish custody, tried in the ‘neutral’ Netherlands in 2000. One suspect was freed but Libyan agent Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi was convicted in 2001 on the most doubtful uncorroborated ‘recollection’, 12 years earlier, of the Maltese tailor Tony Gauci who allegedly identified Megrahi buying (in Malta) the clothes allegedly used to conceal the bomb. So flimsy was this evidence that even many parents and relatives of the victims did not believe Megrahi was the culprit (Ref. Robert Fisk & Mrs Irvine whose brother, Bill Cadman, was killed in the crash).
On 15th Oct 08, the High Court gave Megrahi leave of appeal to the Criminal Appeal Court against his conviction on the ground that a miscarriage of justice may have occurred. This appeal, which would have exculpated Magrahi, was never to be heard in 2009 because Megrahi (who is still alive) was, in the meantime, released on compassionate ground because he was terminally ill with prostate cancer. This saved the justice system a lot of embarrassment and the authorities would have had to look for other suspects. Parallel with Megrahi’s release, British Petroleum had clinched a deal worth billions of dollars to explore oil in Libya, while Gadhafi and the US had become new friends. Gadhafi also benefited many other juicy deals for him and his regime, including a Chair on the United Nations Human Rights Council, which includes the US, the greatest human rights violator of all – how vulgar! Now, the US want Libya out without stating on what ground Gadhafi’s Libya was admitted in the first place. Surely, if the tyrant Gadhafi is toppled, why should Libya be removed from the HRC? On the contrary Libya should remain as the people are fighting for their rights.
Gadhafi blames Bin Laden and Al Qaeda
Surely, the terror friendship between Gadhafi and US was not destined to last. The Libyan people opted to throw out the pro-US, tyrannical and oppressive Gadhafi regime where no political parties are allowed. The European West never campaigned for the freedom of the Libyans. They armed the regime to repress the people. The same arms, tanks, fighter planes and so on, are being used to murder protesting Libyans in the thousands like Palestinians are murdered by the European Israelis against whom no sanctions have ever been enforced. To legitimise such genocide, Muammar Gadhafi made out he was fighting Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda just like the US did when they put the blame of the 9/11 sophisticated military-precision attacks on the non-existent organisation. Gadhafi has clearly been well-trained by his masters. In a twist in the whole affair, Gadaffi’s Justice Minister Mustafa Abdel-Jalil now speaks out against Gadhafi alleging that he had ordered the Pam Am Flight 103 bombing over Lockerbie in a clear European Western strategy to promote him as Gadhafi’s successor.
Stealing assets of the Libyan people
When US President Obama says « By any measure, Muammar Gadhafi's government has violated international norms and common decency and must be held accountable », he fails to mention Israel and fails to point out that Gadhafi is his agent, bearing in mind that any sanctions will affect the people and not the Libyan regime. Similarly, when Switzerland, Germany, the US and other European countries freeze Gadhafi’s assets, they are effectively stealing the assets of the Libyan people like they did for Iran when the Shah was toppled. They will subsequently use those illegally frozen assets as a bargaining chip with any new government. This is one aspect which clearly demonstrates how they use the capitalist system and globalisation to subjugate countries. When people denounce capitalism, they are branded as anarchists. The Gadhafi’s story is not over yet? At the same time, people should also ask themselves why the West Europeans have gone so quiet on Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. Why not freeze his assets too? How about freezing the assets of the Saudi dictators and tyrants?
M Rafic Soormally
26 February 2011
US terror ally Mummar Gadhafi blames same fictitious 'Al-Qaeda' organisation for unrest in LibyaThe revolution for freedom which started in Tunisia is fast spreading to several other Arab countries, such as Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Libya, Algeria, Bahrein, and so on. It is not true that those are revolutions for European democracy which is a corrupt, capitalist, militaristic and repressive political system where votes are bought, and is a system based on the manipulation by a Zionist-controlled media. If anything, they are revolutions to dismantle those systems imposed by those corrupt European capitalist democracies and to replace them with a free and fair system appropriate to the peoples of those countries.
Zionist Muammar Qaddafi speaking the language of his masters in Tel Aviv about fake 'al Qaeda' in Libya (official translation). Does it not sound like mad dogs Netanyahu, Clinton, Sarkozy, Cameron and Merkel when they insult Muslims and Islaam ? Make this video goes viral on the internet. Jazakum Allah kheyrenIn an attempt to avoid such a revolution in ‘Saudi’ Arabia, the Saudi pro-West European dictators are increasing the salaries of Arabs in the democratic process of buying votes and acceptance of tyranny and corruption. Hence, the term ‘pro-democracy protestors’ is a complete misnomer and merely used for propaganda purposes. Those revolutions are about freedom, justice, the liberation of Arab countries, including Palestine, the establishment of a pan-Arab economic system much less dependent on West Europeans and a defence force to better defend Arab countries from the aggression and occupation they have been experiencing for nearly a century.Lockerbie and US terror friendship with GadhafiAs the predominantly Muslim Arab world reels under its peoples’ will to free themselves from pro-Zionist terror regimes, we hear the same Western and pro-Western European rhetoric of Al-Qaeda to justify the massacres and persecution of Muslims at home and abroad. The uprising against US-supported Gadhafi’s Libyan regime is no surprise. Gadhafi has been in power for 42 years. At one point, when his policy changed to denounce the US and Israel, he was branded the « mad dog of the Mediterranean ». On 15 April 1986, the US bombed the Libyan Capital Tripoli in an attempt to assassinate Gadhafi. They missed him and murdered his 15-month old adopted daughter Hanna instead. They accused Gadhafi of the Berlin discotheque bombing in 1986 and of supporting freedom movements, such as the IRA which wanted a unified Ireland and the removal of what they regarded as British armed terrorists from Irish soil, which the West Europeans branded as terrorist organisations.Although there are clear indications that the bombing of the Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, on 21 December 1988 may have been the response of Iranians (and Palestinians) after the US Navy’s guided missile cruiser The USS Vincennes shot down, earlier, an Iranian Air Flight 655 on 3 July 1988 over the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf murdering all the crew and passengers, the US, who originally pointed the finger at Iran, shifted against Gadhafi and Libya for the Lockerbie bombing and even named the suspects they wanted to try. After years of sanctions and with the intervention of Nelson Mandela, the Libyan leader allowed the two suspects to be released to Scottish custody, tried in the ‘neutral’ Netherlands in 2000. One suspect was freed but Libyan agent Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi was convicted in 2001 on the most doubtful uncorroborated ‘recollection’, 12 years earlier, of the Maltese tailor Tony Gauci who allegedly identified Megrahi buying (in Malta) the clothes allegedly used to conceal the bomb. So flimsy was this evidence that even many parents and relatives of the victims did not believe Megrahi was the culprit (Ref. Robert Fisk & Mrs Irvine whose brother, Bill Cadman, was killed in the crash).On 15th Oct 08, the High Court gave Megrahi leave of appeal to the Criminal Appeal Court against his conviction on the ground that a miscarriage of justice may have occurred. This appeal, which would have exculpated Magrahi, was never to be heard in 2009 because Megrahi (who is still alive) was, in the meantime, released on compassionate ground because he was terminally ill with prostate cancer. This saved the justice system a lot of embarrassment and the authorities would have had to look for other suspects. Parallel with Megrahi’s release, British Petroleum had clinched a deal worth billions of dollars to explore oil in Libya, while Gadhafi and the US had become new friends. Gadhafi also benefited many other juicy deals for him and his regime, including a Chair on the United Nations Human Rights Council, which includes the US, the greatest human rights violator of all – how vulgar! Now, the US want Libya out without stating on what ground Gadhafi’s Libya was admitted in the first place. Surely, if the tyrant Gadhafi is toppled, why should Libya be removed from the HRC? On the contrary Libya should remain as the people are fighting for their rights.Gadhafi blames Bin Laden and Al QaedaSurely, the terror friendship between Gadhafi and US was not destined to last. The Libyan people opted to throw out the pro-US, tyrannical and oppressive Gadhafi regime where no political parties are allowed. The European West never campaigned for the freedom of the Libyans. They armed the regime to repress the people. The same arms, tanks, fighter planes and so on, are being used to murder protesting Libyans in the thousands like Palestinians are murdered by the European Israelis against whom no sanctions have ever been enforced. To legitimise such genocide, Muammar Gadhafi made out he was fighting Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda just like the US did when they put the blame of the 9/11 sophisticated military-precision attacks on the non-existent organisation. Gadhafi has clearly been well-trained by his masters. In a twist in the whole affair, Gadaffi’s Justice Minister Mustafa Abdel-Jalil now speaks out against Gadhafi alleging that he had ordered the Pam Am Flight 103 bombing over Lockerbie in a clear European Western strategy to promote him as Gadhafi’s successor.Stealing assets of the Libyan peopleWhen US President Obama says « By any measure, Muammar Gadhafi's government has violated international norms and common decency and must be held accountable », he fails to mention Israel and fails to point out that Gadhafi is his agent, bearing in mind that any sanctions will affect the people and not the Libyan regime. Similarly, when Switzerland, Germany, the US and other European countries freeze Gadhafi’s assets, they are effectively stealing the assets of the Libyan people like they did for Iran when the Shah was toppled. They will subsequently use those illegally frozen assets as a bargaining chip with any new government. This is one aspect which clearly demonstrates how they use the capitalist system and globalisation to subjugate countries. When people denounce capitalism, they are branded as anarchists. The Gadhafi’s story is not over yet? At the same time, people should also ask themselves why the West Europeans have gone so quiet on Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. Why not freeze his assets too? How about freezing the assets of the Saudi dictators and tyrants?M Rafic SoormallyLondon26 February 2011
VIDEO: La laicite francaise, socle de l'actuelle Ripoublik, est l'outil colonial des genocides de la franc maconnerie au service du sionisme et d'Israel.
Apres la fausse révolution franc-maconnique de 1789 en France, l'empire colonial d'une micro elite francaise qui a pris le pouvoir en chassant l'eglise et le clergé, s'est bati et developpé sur les reseaux franc macons et sur sa religion incréée du genocide, de la haine, des massacres et du pillage partout en Afrique, au Moyen Orient et en Turquie, qu'est la laicité. Aucun dirigeant au Maghreb n'a jamais été élu par le peuple, que ce soit Mohamed V, Ben Bella, Bouteflika ou Bourguiba, et tous ceux qui ont suivi, ceux-ci étaient et sont tous des franc macons de differentes loges, servant l'agenda neo-colonial sioniste de la franc maconnerie a Paris, elle-meme au service du 'grand Israel' et de son 'Grand Architecte', plus connu sous le nom d''Antechrist-Dajjal' chez les Musulmans et les Chrétiens.
L'agent juif sioniste tunisien Habib Bourguiba, dans sa parure franc-maconnique 'présidentielle'.
Dans cette video, des journalistes tunisiens accusent le franc macon Boris Boillon, ambassadeur sarkozyste de France a Tunis, de vouloir maintenir la Tunisie sous domination coloniale sioniste de la franc-maconnerie, instaurée par le 33 ieme degré et agent sefarade sioniste Habib Bourguiba. Pere de la guerre contre l'Islaam en Tunisie au nom de la France-Israel !
Source :
- LE MAGHREB SOUS CONTROLE DES RESEAUX MACONNIQUES FRANCO-ISRAELIENS : LE CAS DE LA TUNISIE.Apres la fausse révolution franc-maconnique de 1789 en France, l'empire colonial d'une micro elite francaise qui a pris le pouvoir en chassant l'eglise et le clergé, s'est bati et developpé sur les reseaux franc macons et sur sa religion incréée du genocide, de la haine, des massacres et du pillage partout en Afrique, au Moyen Orient et en Turquie, qu'est la laicité. Aucun dirigeant au Maghreb n'a jamais été élu par le peuple, que ce soit Mohamed V, Ben Bella, Bouteflika ou Bourguiba, et tous ceux qui ont suivi, ceux-ci étaient et sont tous des franc macons de differentes loges, servant l'agenda neo-colonial sioniste de la franc maconnerie a Paris, elle-meme au service du 'grand Israel' et de son 'Grand Architecte', plus connu sous le nom d''Antechrist-Dajjal' chez les Musulmans et les Chrétiens.
L'agent juif sioniste tunisien Habib Bourguiba, dans sa parure franc-maconnique 'présidentielle'.
Dans cette video, des journalistes tunisiens accusent le franc macon Boris Boillon, ambassadeur sarkozyste de France a Tunis, de vouloir maintenir la Tunisie sous domination coloniale sioniste de la franc-maconnerie, instaurée par le 33 ieme degré et agent sefarade sioniste Habib Bourguiba. Pere de la guerre contre l'Islaam en Tunisie au nom de la France-Israel !
Source :
Israel and her stooges in the Pentagone and London are now pushing the agenda of civil war followed by a full scale military invasion to seize libyans oil, gas fields
Libya: Is Washington Pushing for Civil War to Justify a US-NATO Military Intervention?
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Global Research,
February 25, 2011
One should be opposed to dictatorship, but one should not forget the issue of foreign domination.
Is Tripoli being set up for a civil war to justify U.S. and NATO military intervention in oil-rich Libya?
Is “manufactured destruction” or “creative destruction” at work?
If Qaddafi is not ousted, are the talks about sanctions a prelude to an Iraq-like intervention?
Something is Rotten in the so-called “Jamahiriya” of Libya
There is no question that Colonel Muammar Al-Gaddafi (Al-Qaddafi) is a dictator. He has been the dictator and so-called “qaid” of Libya for about 42 years. Yet, it appears that tensions are being ratcheted up and the flames of revolt are being fanned inside Libya. This includes earlier statements by the British Foreign Secretary William Hague that Colonel Qaddafi had fled Libya to Venezuela. This statement served to electrify the revolt against Qaddafi and his regime in Libya.
Although all three have dictatorship in common, Qaddafi’s Libya is quite different from Ben Ali’s Tunisia or Mubarak’s Egypt. The Libyan leadership is not outright subservient to the United States and the European Union. Unlike the cases of Tunisia and Egypt, the relationship that exists between Qaddafi and both the U.S. and E.U. is a modus vivendi. Simply put, Qaddafi is an independent Arab dictator and not a “managed dictator” like Ben Ali and Mubarak.
In Tunisia and Egypt the status quo prevails, the military machine and neo-liberalism remain intact; this works for the interests of the United States and the European Union. In Libya, however, upsetting the established order is a U.S. and E.U. objective.
The U.S. and the E.U. now seek to capitalize on the revolt against Qaddafi and his dictatorship with the hopes of building a far stronger position in Libya than ever before. Weapons are also being brought into Libya from its southern borders to promote revolt. The destabilization of Libya would also have significant implications for North Africa, West Africa, and global energy reserves.
Colonel Qaddafi in Brief Summary
Qaddafi’s rise to power started as a Libyan captain amongst a group of military officers who carried out a coup d’état. The 1969 coup was against the young Libyan monarchy of King Idris Al-Sanusi. Under the monarchy Libya was widely seen as being acquiescent to U.S. and Western European interests.
Although he has no official state or government position, Qaddafi has nurtured and deeply rooted a political culture of cronyism, corruption, and privilege in Libya since the 1969 coup. Added to this is the backdrop of the “cult of personality” that he has also enforced in Libya.
Qaddafi has done everything to portray himself as a hero to the masses, specifically the Arabs and Africans. His military adventures in Chad were also tied to leaving his mark in history and creating a client state by carving up Chad. Qaddafi’s so-called “Green Book” has been forcefully portrayed and venerated as being a great feat in political thought and philosophy. Numerous intellectuals have been forced or bribed to praise it.
Over the years, Colonel Qaddafi has tried to cultivate a romantic figure of himself as a simple man of the people. This includes pretending to live in a tent. He has done everything to make himself stand out. His reprimanding of other Arab dictators, such as King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, at Arab League meetings have made headlines and have been welcomed by many Arabs. While on state visits he has deliberately surrounded himself with an entourage of female body guards with the intent of getting heads to turn. Moreover, he has also presented himself as a so-called imam or leader of the Muslims and a man of God, lecturing about Islam in and outside of Libya.
Libya is run by a government under Qaddafi’s edicts. Fear and cronyism have been the keys to keeping so-called “order” in Libya amongst officials and citizens alike. Libyans and foreigners alike have been killed and have gone missing for over four decades. The case of Lebanon’s Musa Al-Sadr, the founder of the Amal Movement, is one of the most famous of these cases and has always been a hindrance to Lebanese-Libyan relations. Qaddafi has had a very negative effect in creating and conditioning an entire hierarchy of corrupt officials in Tripoli. Each one looks out for their own interests at the expense of the Libyan people.
Fractions and Tensions inside the Hierarchy of Qaddafi’s Regime
Because of the nature of Qaddafi’s regime in Tripoli, there are a lot of internal tensions in Libya and within the regime structure itself. One of these sets of tensions is between Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi and his father’s circle of older ministers. Libyan ministers are generally divided amongst those that gather around Saif Al-Islam and those that are part of the “old guard.”
There are even tensions between Qaddafi and his sons. In 1999, Mutassim Al-Qaddafi tried to ouster his father while Colonel Qaddafi was outside of Libya. Mutassim Qaddafi holds a Libyan cabinet portfolio as a national security advisor. He is also famously known amongst Libyans for being a playboy who has spent much of his time in Europe and abroad. There is also Khames Gaddafi who runs his own militia of thugs, which are called the Khames militia. He has always been thought of as possible contender for succession too against his other brothers.
There have always been fears in Libya about the issue of succession after Colonel Qaddafi is gone. Over the years, Qaddafi has thoroughly purged Libya of any form of organized opposition to him or prevented anyone else, outside his family, from amassing enough power to challenge his authority.
The Issue of Loyalty and Defection in Libya
Undoubtedly, little loyalty is felt for Qaddafi and his family. It has been fear that has kept Libyans in line. At the level of the Libyan government and the Libyan military it has been both fear and self-interest that has kept officials, good and corrupt alike, in line. That mantle of fear has now been dispelled. Statements and declarations of denunciation against Gaddafi’s regime are being heard from officials, towns, and military barracks across Libya.
Aref Sharif, the head of the Libyan Air Force, has renounced Qaddafi. Interior Minister Abdul Fatah Al-Yunis (Al-Younis), who is from Benghazi (Bengasi) and oversees a branch of the special operations work in Libya, has resigned. Yunis is reported to be Qaddafi’s “number two” or second in charge, but this is incorrect. Abdullah Sanusi, the head of Libyan Internal Intelligence and Qaddafi’s relative through marriage, is the closest thing to a “number two” within the structure of power in Tripoli.
Reports have been made about two Libyan pilots defected to Malt and Libyan naval vessels refusing to attack Benghazi. Defections are snowballing amongst the military and government. Yet, there must be pause to analyze the situation.
The Libyan Opposition
At this point, however, it must be asked who is the “opposition” in Libya. The opposition is not a monolithic body. The common denominator is the opposition to the rule of Qaddafi and his family. It has to be said that “actions of opposition or resistance against an oppressor” and an “opposition movement” are also two different things. For the most part, the common people and corrupt Libyan officials, who harbour deep-seated hate towards Qaddafi and his family, are now in the same camp, but there are differences.
There is an authentic form of opposition, which is not organized, and a systematic form of opposition, which is either external or led by figures from within the Libyan regime itself. The authentic people’s internal opposition in Libya is not organized and the people’s “actions of opposition” have been spontaneous. Yet, opposition and revolt has been encouraged and prompted from outside Libya through social media networks, international news stations, and events in the rest of the Arab World.
The leadership of the internal opposition that is emerging in Libya is coming from within the regime itself. Corrupt officials that have rebelled against Gaddafi are not the champions of the people. These opposition figures are not opposed to tyranny; they are merely opposed to the rule of Colonel Qaddafi and his family. Aref Sharif and Al-Yunis are themselves Libyan regime figures.
It has to also be considered that some Libyan officials that have turned against Qaddafi are doing it to save themselves, while others in the future will work to retain or strengthen their positions. Abdel Moneim Al-Honi, the Libyan envoy to the Arab League in Cairo, can be looked at as an example. Al-Honi denounced Qaddafi, but it should be noted that he was one of the members of the group of Libyan officers who executed the coup in 1969 with Qaddafi and that later in 1975 he himself tried to take power in a failed coup. After the failed coup, he would flee Libya and only return in 1990 after Qaddafi pardoned him.
Al-Honi is not the only Libyan diplomat to resign. The Libyan ambassador to India has also done the same. There is an intention on the part of these officials to be members of the power structure in a Libya after the ouster of Qaddafi:
Libyan Ambassador to India Ali al-Essawi told the BBC that he was quitting, opposing his government's violent crackdown on demonstrators.
Mr. Al-Essawi was reported to be a Minister in Tripoli and could be an important figure in an alternative government, in case Libyan President Muammar Qadhafi steps down.
The second Libyan diplomat to put in his papers was Tripoli's Permanent Representative to the Arab League Abdel Moneim al-Honi, who said in Cairo that he had quit his job to “join the revolution” in his country.
“I have submitted my resignation in protest against the acts of repression and violence against demonstrators, and I am joining the ranks of the revolution,” said Mr. Al-Honi. The Second Secretary Hussein Sadiq al Musrati, announced his resignation from China, in an interview with Al-Jazeera, and called on the Army to intervene in the uprising.
Again, these revolting officials, like Al-Yunis and Sharif, are from within the regime. They are not mere diplomats, but former ministers. There is also the possibility that these types of “opposition figures” could have or could make arrangements with external powers.
External Forces at Play in Libya
The governments of the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, and Italy all knew very well that Qaddafi was a despot, but this did not stop any of them from making lucrative deals with Tripoli. When the media covers the violence in Libya, they should also ask, where are the weapons being used coming from? The arms sales that the U.S. and the E.U. have made to Libya should be scrutinized. Is this a part of their democracy promotion programs?
Since rapprochement between the U.S. and Libya, the military forces of both countries have moved closer. Libya and the U.S. have had military transactions and since rapprochement Tripoli has been very interested in buying U.S. military hardware. In 2009, a Pentagon spokeswoman, Lieutenant-Colonel Hibner, affirmed this relationship best: “The U.S. will consider Libyan requests for defence equipment that enables Libya to build capabilities in areas that serve our mutual interest or synchronized U.S. and Libyan interests.” The qualifier here is U.S. interests, meaning that the Pentagon will only arm Libya on the basis of U.S. interests.
In what seems to have happened overnight, a whole new arsenal of U.S. military hardware has appeared in Libya. American-made F-16 jets, Apache helicopters, and ground vehicles are being used inside Libya by Qaddafi. This is a shocking revelation, if corroborated. There are no public records about some of this U.S. military hardware in the the arsenal of the Libyan military. In regards to the F-16s, Libyan jets are traditionally French-made Mirages and Russian-made MiGs.
Silvio Berlusconi and the Italian government have also been strong supporters of Qaddafi’s regime. There is information coming out of Libya that Italian pilots are also being used by the Libyan Air Force. Mercenaries from Chad, Sudan, Niger, and Nigeria are also being used. This has been verified through video evidence coming out of Libya. The Libyan regime is also considering contracting American or European security firms (mercenaries).
The Politics of Al Jazeera
The Libyan government has shut down the internet and phone lines and an information war is underway. Although one of the most professional news networks in the world, it has to be cautioned that Al Jazeera is not a neutral actor. It is subordinate to the Emir of Qatar and the Qatari government, which is also an autocracy. By picking and choosing what to report, Al Jazeera’s coverage of Libya is biased. This is evident when one studies Al Jazeera’s coverage of Bahrain, which has been restrained due to political ties between the leaders of Bahrain and Qatar.
Reports by Al Jazeera about Libyan jets firing on protesters in Tripoli and the major cities are unverified and questionable. Hereto, the reports that Libyan jets have been attacking people in the streets have not been verified. No visual evidence of the jet attacks has been shown, while visual confirmation about other events have been coming out of Libya.
Al Jazeera is not alone in its biased reporting from Libya. The Saudi media is also relishing the events in Libya. Asharq Al-Awsat is a Saudi-owned paper that is strictly aligned to U.S. interests in the Middle East-North Africa (MENA) region. Its editor-in-chief is now running editorials glorifying the Arab League for their decision to suspend Libya, because of the use of force by Tripoli against Libyans protesters – why were such steps not taken for Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, or Yemen? Inside and outside the Arab World, the mainstream media is now creating the conditions for some sort of intervention in Libya.
The Role of Foreign Interests in Libya
Qaddafi and his sons have run Libya like a private estate. They have squandered its wealth and natural resources. One of Gaddafi’s son’s is known to have paid the American singer Beyoncé Knowles a million or more U.S. dollars for a private music concert. Foreign corporations also play a role in this story.
The positions and actions of foreign corporations, the U.S., and the European Union in regards to Libya should not be ignored.
Questioning the role of foreign governments and corporations in Libya is very important. The Italian and U.S. governments should be questioned about the role that pilots of Italian nationality and newly bought U.S. weaponry are playing in Libya.
It is very clear that democracy is only used as a convenient pretext against dictators and governments that do not bow down and serve U.S. and E.U. interests. All one needs to do is to just look at the way Mutassim Qaddafi was welcomed with open arms in Washington on April 21, 2009 by Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration. Upon their meeting, Secretary Clinton publicly said:
I am very pleased to welcome Minister Gaddafi to the State Department. We deeply value the relationship between the United States and Libya. We have many opportunities to deepen and broaden our cooperation and I am very much looking forward to building on this relationship. So Mr.Minister welcome so much here.
What the U.S. and the E.U. want to do now is maximize their gain in Libya. Civil war seems to be what Brussels and Washington have in mind.
The Balkanization of Libya and the Push to Civil War
Qaddafi’s son Saif Al-Islam has made statements on Libyan television about deviant Taliban-like faith-based organizations taking over Libya or attempting to take it over. Nothing is further from the truth. He has also warned of doom and civil war. This is part of the Qaddafi family’s efforts to retain power over Libya, but a path towards civil war is unfolding in Libya.
Amongst the ranking members of the military, Mahdi Al-Arab, the deputy chief of Libya’s military staff, was said to have renounced Qaddafi. Al-Arab, however, has modified his position by saying that he does not want to see Libya spiral into a civil war that will allow foreign intervention and tutelage. This is why Al-Arab prevented the people of his city, Zawarah, from joining the revolt and going to nearby Tripoli.
The drive towards civil war in Libya is fuelled by two factors. One is the nature of Qaddafi’s regime. The other is an external desire to divide and weaken Libya.
Qaddafi has always worked to keep Libyans divided. For years there have been fears that Qaddafi’s sons would start a civil war amongst themselves or that some other high ranking officials could try to jockey for power once Qaddafi was gone. Civil war on the basis of ethnicity, regionalism, or tribalism is not a big threat. Tribes and regions could be co-opted or allied with, but the people that would spark a civil war are regime figures. The threats of civil war arise from the rivalries amongst regime officials themselves. Yet, it must be understood that these rivalries are delibertly being encouraged to divide Libya.
The flames of revolt are being fanned inside Libya. Chaos in the Arab World has been viewed as beneficial in many strategic circles in Washington, Tel Aviv, London, and NATO Headquarters. If Libya falls into a state of civil war or becomes balkanized this will benefit the U.S. and the E.U. in the long-term and will have serious geo-political implications.
All the neighbouring states in North Africa would be destabilized by the events in Libya. West Africa and Central Africa would also be destabilized. The tribal boundaries running in Libya and Chad extend into countries like Niger, Algeria, and Sudan. The chaos in Libya would also have a significant effect on Europe and global energy. Already the events in Libya are being used to validate the drive to control the Arctic Circle and its energy resources.
What Will Be Qaddafi’s End?
It is very likely that Qaddafi will not have as fortunate an exit from power as Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt. Finding refuge for Qaddafi will not be easy. In general, Qaddafi is considered a liability by other governments. Saudi Arabia, which can be portrayed as a refuge for Arab dictators, will most likely not give Qaddafi refuge. Libya and Saudi Arabia have bad relations. He is also wanted for investigation in Lebanon. Generally, Qaddafi’s relationship with the leaders of the Arab petro-sheikhdoms in the Persian Gulf is tense and negative. He will not be granted refuge anywhere in the Persian Gulf.
In general, Arab governments will also be afraid to host him. In his efforts to present himself as a champion of the people, he has insulted many of his fellow Arab dictators. There is something to be said, however, when Qaddafi’s statements at Arab League meetings or about Palestine and Iraq are far more popular or candid than the rest of the Arab dictators.
It is highly improbable that any Latin American, European, or ex-Soviet countries will give him refuge. A country in sub-Sahara(n) Africa is the mostly likely place Qaddafi could seek refuge.
His options are limited and he is determined to hold on to power. Civil War seems to be looming in the horizon. It is highly unlikely that he will leave Libya peacefully and the U.S. and its allies have no doubt examined this scenario. On February 23-24, 2010, he met with the leaders of the three biggest tribes in Libya (Werfala, Tarhouna, and Wershfana), to secure their support. 16 His own tribe, Qaddafa is supporting him and it seems that the Madarha and Awlad Slieman tribes are also supporting him.
The Threats of NATO Intervention and U.S. and E.U. Control over Libya
Libya has been in the cross-hairs of the Pentagon for years. According to Wesley Clark, the retired general who was the supreme military commander of NATO, Libya was on a Pentagon list of nations to be invaded after Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. The list included Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, and lastly Iran. In Clark’s own words:
So I came back to see him a high ranking military officer in the Pentagon a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that.” He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, “I just got this down from upstairs” — meaning the Secretary of Defence’s office — “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”
In one way or another all the nations on the list have been attacked directly or indirectly and all of them, but Syria and Iran, have succumbed to the U.S. and its allies. Again, the only exceptions are Iran and its ally Syria. In Lebanon, the U.S. has made partial gains, but it is now receding with the decline of the Hariri-led March 14 Alliance.
Libya started secret negotiations with Washington in 2001 that materialized into formal rapprochement after the fall of Baghdad to British and American troops in 2003. Yet, the U.S. and its allies have always wanted to expand their influence over the Libyan energy sector and to appropriate Libya’s vast wealth. A civil war provides the best cover for this.
Libyans Must Be Aware of the Pretext of Humanitarian Intervention
The Libyan people should be on their high guards. In is clear that the U.S. and the E.U. are supporting both sides. The U.S. and the E.U. are not the allies of the people of the Arab World. In this regard, the U.S. supports Qaddafi on the ground through military hardware, while it also supports the “opposition.” If the so-called Western governments were serious about democracy, they would have cut their business ties to Libya, specifically in the energy sector, before 2011.
Both Washington and the powers in Brussels could co-opt opposition forces. They have supported Gaddafi, but they do not control him or his regime like they controlled Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt. Libya is a very different story. The objectives of Washington and Brussels will be to strengthen their control over Libya either through regime change or civil war.
“Actions of opposition to Gaddafi” are strong, but there is no strong organized “opposition movement.” The two are different. Nor is democracy guaranteed, because of the nature of the coalition opposed to Gaddafi, which includes corrupt regime officials.
There is now talk about a “humanitarian intervention” in Libya, similar to Yugoslavia and Iraq. A “no-fly zone” over Libya has been mentioned, as has NATO military intervention. The aims behind such statements are not humanitarian, but are intended to justify foreign interference, which could potentially lead to an invasion. Should this come to fruition, Libya would become an occupied country. Its resources would be plundered and its assets privatized and controlled by foreign corporations as in the case of Iraq.
Today, in Libya and the Arab World the ghosts of Omar Mukhtar and Saladin are still very much alive and active. Getting rid of Gaddafi and his sons alone is not the solution. The entire corrupt system of governance in Libya and the culture of political corruption must be dismantled. At the same time, however, foreign interference or domination should also not be allowed to take root in Libya. If the Libyan people are mobilized and steadfast, they can fight such schemes
Libya: Is Washington Pushing for Civil War to Justify a US-NATO Military Intervention?
Global Research,
February 25, 2011
One should be opposed to dictatorship, but one should not forget the issue of foreign domination.
Is Tripoli being set up for a civil war to justify U.S. and NATO military intervention in oil-rich Libya?
Is “manufactured destruction” or “creative destruction” at work?
If Qaddafi is not ousted, are the talks about sanctions a prelude to an Iraq-like intervention?
Something is Rotten in the so-called “Jamahiriya” of Libya
There is no question that Colonel Muammar Al-Gaddafi (Al-Qaddafi) is a dictator. He has been the dictator and so-called “qaid” of Libya for about 42 years. Yet, it appears that tensions are being ratcheted up and the flames of revolt are being fanned inside Libya. This includes earlier statements by the British Foreign Secretary William Hague that Colonel Qaddafi had fled Libya to Venezuela. This statement served to electrify the revolt against Qaddafi and his regime in Libya.
Although all three have dictatorship in common, Qaddafi’s Libya is quite different from Ben Ali’s Tunisia or Mubarak’s Egypt. The Libyan leadership is not outright subservient to the United States and the European Union. Unlike the cases of Tunisia and Egypt, the relationship that exists between Qaddafi and both the U.S. and E.U. is a modus vivendi. Simply put, Qaddafi is an independent Arab dictator and not a “managed dictator” like Ben Ali and Mubarak.
In Tunisia and Egypt the status quo prevails, the military machine and neo-liberalism remain intact; this works for the interests of the United States and the European Union. In Libya, however, upsetting the established order is a U.S. and E.U. objective.
The U.S. and the E.U. now seek to capitalize on the revolt against Qaddafi and his dictatorship with the hopes of building a far stronger position in Libya than ever before. Weapons are also being brought into Libya from its southern borders to promote revolt. The destabilization of Libya would also have significant implications for North Africa, West Africa, and global energy reserves.
Colonel Qaddafi in Brief Summary
Qaddafi’s rise to power started as a Libyan captain amongst a group of military officers who carried out a coup d’état. The 1969 coup was against the young Libyan monarchy of King Idris Al-Sanusi. Under the monarchy Libya was widely seen as being acquiescent to U.S. and Western European interests.
Although he has no official state or government position, Qaddafi has nurtured and deeply rooted a political culture of cronyism, corruption, and privilege in Libya since the 1969 coup. Added to this is the backdrop of the “cult of personality” that he has also enforced in Libya.
Qaddafi has done everything to portray himself as a hero to the masses, specifically the Arabs and Africans. His military adventures in Chad were also tied to leaving his mark in history and creating a client state by carving up Chad. Qaddafi’s so-called “Green Book” has been forcefully portrayed and venerated as being a great feat in political thought and philosophy. Numerous intellectuals have been forced or bribed to praise it.
Over the years, Colonel Qaddafi has tried to cultivate a romantic figure of himself as a simple man of the people. This includes pretending to live in a tent. He has done everything to make himself stand out. His reprimanding of other Arab dictators, such as King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, at Arab League meetings have made headlines and have been welcomed by many Arabs. While on state visits he has deliberately surrounded himself with an entourage of female body guards with the intent of getting heads to turn. Moreover, he has also presented himself as a so-called imam or leader of the Muslims and a man of God, lecturing about Islam in and outside of Libya.
Libya is run by a government under Qaddafi’s edicts. Fear and cronyism have been the keys to keeping so-called “order” in Libya amongst officials and citizens alike. Libyans and foreigners alike have been killed and have gone missing for over four decades. The case of Lebanon’s Musa Al-Sadr, the founder of the Amal Movement, is one of the most famous of these cases and has always been a hindrance to Lebanese-Libyan relations. Qaddafi has had a very negative effect in creating and conditioning an entire hierarchy of corrupt officials in Tripoli. Each one looks out for their own interests at the expense of the Libyan people.
Fractions and Tensions inside the Hierarchy of Qaddafi’s Regime
Because of the nature of Qaddafi’s regime in Tripoli, there are a lot of internal tensions in Libya and within the regime structure itself. One of these sets of tensions is between Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi and his father’s circle of older ministers. Libyan ministers are generally divided amongst those that gather around Saif Al-Islam and those that are part of the “old guard.”
There are even tensions between Qaddafi and his sons. In 1999, Mutassim Al-Qaddafi tried to ouster his father while Colonel Qaddafi was outside of Libya. Mutassim Qaddafi holds a Libyan cabinet portfolio as a national security advisor. He is also famously known amongst Libyans for being a playboy who has spent much of his time in Europe and abroad. There is also Khames Gaddafi who runs his own militia of thugs, which are called the Khames militia. He has always been thought of as possible contender for succession too against his other brothers.
There have always been fears in Libya about the issue of succession after Colonel Qaddafi is gone. Over the years, Qaddafi has thoroughly purged Libya of any form of organized opposition to him or prevented anyone else, outside his family, from amassing enough power to challenge his authority.
The Issue of Loyalty and Defection in Libya
Undoubtedly, little loyalty is felt for Qaddafi and his family. It has been fear that has kept Libyans in line. At the level of the Libyan government and the Libyan military it has been both fear and self-interest that has kept officials, good and corrupt alike, in line. That mantle of fear has now been dispelled. Statements and declarations of denunciation against Gaddafi’s regime are being heard from officials, towns, and military barracks across Libya.
Aref Sharif, the head of the Libyan Air Force, has renounced Qaddafi. Interior Minister Abdul Fatah Al-Yunis (Al-Younis), who is from Benghazi (Bengasi) and oversees a branch of the special operations work in Libya, has resigned. Yunis is reported to be Qaddafi’s “number two” or second in charge, but this is incorrect. Abdullah Sanusi, the head of Libyan Internal Intelligence and Qaddafi’s relative through marriage, is the closest thing to a “number two” within the structure of power in Tripoli.
Reports have been made about two Libyan pilots defected to Malt and Libyan naval vessels refusing to attack Benghazi. Defections are snowballing amongst the military and government. Yet, there must be pause to analyze the situation.
The Libyan Opposition
At this point, however, it must be asked who is the “opposition” in Libya. The opposition is not a monolithic body. The common denominator is the opposition to the rule of Qaddafi and his family. It has to be said that “actions of opposition or resistance against an oppressor” and an “opposition movement” are also two different things. For the most part, the common people and corrupt Libyan officials, who harbour deep-seated hate towards Qaddafi and his family, are now in the same camp, but there are differences.
There is an authentic form of opposition, which is not organized, and a systematic form of opposition, which is either external or led by figures from within the Libyan regime itself. The authentic people’s internal opposition in Libya is not organized and the people’s “actions of opposition” have been spontaneous. Yet, opposition and revolt has been encouraged and prompted from outside Libya through social media networks, international news stations, and events in the rest of the Arab World.
The leadership of the internal opposition that is emerging in Libya is coming from within the regime itself. Corrupt officials that have rebelled against Gaddafi are not the champions of the people. These opposition figures are not opposed to tyranny; they are merely opposed to the rule of Colonel Qaddafi and his family. Aref Sharif and Al-Yunis are themselves Libyan regime figures.
It has to also be considered that some Libyan officials that have turned against Qaddafi are doing it to save themselves, while others in the future will work to retain or strengthen their positions. Abdel Moneim Al-Honi, the Libyan envoy to the Arab League in Cairo, can be looked at as an example. Al-Honi denounced Qaddafi, but it should be noted that he was one of the members of the group of Libyan officers who executed the coup in 1969 with Qaddafi and that later in 1975 he himself tried to take power in a failed coup. After the failed coup, he would flee Libya and only return in 1990 after Qaddafi pardoned him.
Al-Honi is not the only Libyan diplomat to resign. The Libyan ambassador to India has also done the same. There is an intention on the part of these officials to be members of the power structure in a Libya after the ouster of Qaddafi:
Libyan Ambassador to India Ali al-Essawi told the BBC that he was quitting, opposing his government's violent crackdown on demonstrators.
Mr. Al-Essawi was reported to be a Minister in Tripoli and could be an important figure in an alternative government, in case Libyan President Muammar Qadhafi steps down.
The second Libyan diplomat to put in his papers was Tripoli's Permanent Representative to the Arab League Abdel Moneim al-Honi, who said in Cairo that he had quit his job to “join the revolution” in his country.
“I have submitted my resignation in protest against the acts of repression and violence against demonstrators, and I am joining the ranks of the revolution,” said Mr. Al-Honi. The Second Secretary Hussein Sadiq al Musrati, announced his resignation from China, in an interview with Al-Jazeera, and called on the Army to intervene in the uprising.
Again, these revolting officials, like Al-Yunis and Sharif, are from within the regime. They are not mere diplomats, but former ministers. There is also the possibility that these types of “opposition figures” could have or could make arrangements with external powers.
External Forces at Play in Libya
The governments of the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, and Italy all knew very well that Qaddafi was a despot, but this did not stop any of them from making lucrative deals with Tripoli. When the media covers the violence in Libya, they should also ask, where are the weapons being used coming from? The arms sales that the U.S. and the E.U. have made to Libya should be scrutinized. Is this a part of their democracy promotion programs?
Since rapprochement between the U.S. and Libya, the military forces of both countries have moved closer. Libya and the U.S. have had military transactions and since rapprochement Tripoli has been very interested in buying U.S. military hardware. In 2009, a Pentagon spokeswoman, Lieutenant-Colonel Hibner, affirmed this relationship best: “The U.S. will consider Libyan requests for defence equipment that enables Libya to build capabilities in areas that serve our mutual interest or synchronized U.S. and Libyan interests.” The qualifier here is U.S. interests, meaning that the Pentagon will only arm Libya on the basis of U.S. interests.
In what seems to have happened overnight, a whole new arsenal of U.S. military hardware has appeared in Libya. American-made F-16 jets, Apache helicopters, and ground vehicles are being used inside Libya by Qaddafi. This is a shocking revelation, if corroborated. There are no public records about some of this U.S. military hardware in the the arsenal of the Libyan military. In regards to the F-16s, Libyan jets are traditionally French-made Mirages and Russian-made MiGs.
Silvio Berlusconi and the Italian government have also been strong supporters of Qaddafi’s regime. There is information coming out of Libya that Italian pilots are also being used by the Libyan Air Force. Mercenaries from Chad, Sudan, Niger, and Nigeria are also being used. This has been verified through video evidence coming out of Libya. The Libyan regime is also considering contracting American or European security firms (mercenaries).
The Politics of Al Jazeera
The Libyan government has shut down the internet and phone lines and an information war is underway. Although one of the most professional news networks in the world, it has to be cautioned that Al Jazeera is not a neutral actor. It is subordinate to the Emir of Qatar and the Qatari government, which is also an autocracy. By picking and choosing what to report, Al Jazeera’s coverage of Libya is biased. This is evident when one studies Al Jazeera’s coverage of Bahrain, which has been restrained due to political ties between the leaders of Bahrain and Qatar.
Reports by Al Jazeera about Libyan jets firing on protesters in Tripoli and the major cities are unverified and questionable. Hereto, the reports that Libyan jets have been attacking people in the streets have not been verified. No visual evidence of the jet attacks has been shown, while visual confirmation about other events have been coming out of Libya.
Al Jazeera is not alone in its biased reporting from Libya. The Saudi media is also relishing the events in Libya. Asharq Al-Awsat is a Saudi-owned paper that is strictly aligned to U.S. interests in the Middle East-North Africa (MENA) region. Its editor-in-chief is now running editorials glorifying the Arab League for their decision to suspend Libya, because of the use of force by Tripoli against Libyans protesters – why were such steps not taken for Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, or Yemen? Inside and outside the Arab World, the mainstream media is now creating the conditions for some sort of intervention in Libya.
The Role of Foreign Interests in Libya
Qaddafi and his sons have run Libya like a private estate. They have squandered its wealth and natural resources. One of Gaddafi’s son’s is known to have paid the American singer Beyoncé Knowles a million or more U.S. dollars for a private music concert. Foreign corporations also play a role in this story.
The positions and actions of foreign corporations, the U.S., and the European Union in regards to Libya should not be ignored.
Questioning the role of foreign governments and corporations in Libya is very important. The Italian and U.S. governments should be questioned about the role that pilots of Italian nationality and newly bought U.S. weaponry are playing in Libya.
It is very clear that democracy is only used as a convenient pretext against dictators and governments that do not bow down and serve U.S. and E.U. interests. All one needs to do is to just look at the way Mutassim Qaddafi was welcomed with open arms in Washington on April 21, 2009 by Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration. Upon their meeting, Secretary Clinton publicly said:
I am very pleased to welcome Minister Gaddafi to the State Department. We deeply value the relationship between the United States and Libya. We have many opportunities to deepen and broaden our cooperation and I am very much looking forward to building on this relationship. So Mr.Minister welcome so much here.
What the U.S. and the E.U. want to do now is maximize their gain in Libya. Civil war seems to be what Brussels and Washington have in mind.
The Balkanization of Libya and the Push to Civil War
Qaddafi’s son Saif Al-Islam has made statements on Libyan television about deviant Taliban-like faith-based organizations taking over Libya or attempting to take it over. Nothing is further from the truth. He has also warned of doom and civil war. This is part of the Qaddafi family’s efforts to retain power over Libya, but a path towards civil war is unfolding in Libya.
Amongst the ranking members of the military, Mahdi Al-Arab, the deputy chief of Libya’s military staff, was said to have renounced Qaddafi. Al-Arab, however, has modified his position by saying that he does not want to see Libya spiral into a civil war that will allow foreign intervention and tutelage. This is why Al-Arab prevented the people of his city, Zawarah, from joining the revolt and going to nearby Tripoli.
The drive towards civil war in Libya is fuelled by two factors. One is the nature of Qaddafi’s regime. The other is an external desire to divide and weaken Libya.
Qaddafi has always worked to keep Libyans divided. For years there have been fears that Qaddafi’s sons would start a civil war amongst themselves or that some other high ranking officials could try to jockey for power once Qaddafi was gone. Civil war on the basis of ethnicity, regionalism, or tribalism is not a big threat. Tribes and regions could be co-opted or allied with, but the people that would spark a civil war are regime figures. The threats of civil war arise from the rivalries amongst regime officials themselves. Yet, it must be understood that these rivalries are delibertly being encouraged to divide Libya.
The flames of revolt are being fanned inside Libya. Chaos in the Arab World has been viewed as beneficial in many strategic circles in Washington, Tel Aviv, London, and NATO Headquarters. If Libya falls into a state of civil war or becomes balkanized this will benefit the U.S. and the E.U. in the long-term and will have serious geo-political implications.
All the neighbouring states in North Africa would be destabilized by the events in Libya. West Africa and Central Africa would also be destabilized. The tribal boundaries running in Libya and Chad extend into countries like Niger, Algeria, and Sudan. The chaos in Libya would also have a significant effect on Europe and global energy. Already the events in Libya are being used to validate the drive to control the Arctic Circle and its energy resources.
What Will Be Qaddafi’s End?
It is very likely that Qaddafi will not have as fortunate an exit from power as Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt. Finding refuge for Qaddafi will not be easy. In general, Qaddafi is considered a liability by other governments. Saudi Arabia, which can be portrayed as a refuge for Arab dictators, will most likely not give Qaddafi refuge. Libya and Saudi Arabia have bad relations. He is also wanted for investigation in Lebanon. Generally, Qaddafi’s relationship with the leaders of the Arab petro-sheikhdoms in the Persian Gulf is tense and negative. He will not be granted refuge anywhere in the Persian Gulf.
In general, Arab governments will also be afraid to host him. In his efforts to present himself as a champion of the people, he has insulted many of his fellow Arab dictators. There is something to be said, however, when Qaddafi’s statements at Arab League meetings or about Palestine and Iraq are far more popular or candid than the rest of the Arab dictators.
It is highly improbable that any Latin American, European, or ex-Soviet countries will give him refuge. A country in sub-Sahara(n) Africa is the mostly likely place Qaddafi could seek refuge.
His options are limited and he is determined to hold on to power. Civil War seems to be looming in the horizon. It is highly unlikely that he will leave Libya peacefully and the U.S. and its allies have no doubt examined this scenario. On February 23-24, 2010, he met with the leaders of the three biggest tribes in Libya (Werfala, Tarhouna, and Wershfana), to secure their support. 16 His own tribe, Qaddafa is supporting him and it seems that the Madarha and Awlad Slieman tribes are also supporting him.
The Threats of NATO Intervention and U.S. and E.U. Control over Libya
Libya has been in the cross-hairs of the Pentagon for years. According to Wesley Clark, the retired general who was the supreme military commander of NATO, Libya was on a Pentagon list of nations to be invaded after Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. The list included Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, and lastly Iran. In Clark’s own words:
So I came back to see him a high ranking military officer in the Pentagon a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that.” He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, “I just got this down from upstairs” — meaning the Secretary of Defence’s office — “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”
In one way or another all the nations on the list have been attacked directly or indirectly and all of them, but Syria and Iran, have succumbed to the U.S. and its allies. Again, the only exceptions are Iran and its ally Syria. In Lebanon, the U.S. has made partial gains, but it is now receding with the decline of the Hariri-led March 14 Alliance.
Libya started secret negotiations with Washington in 2001 that materialized into formal rapprochement after the fall of Baghdad to British and American troops in 2003. Yet, the U.S. and its allies have always wanted to expand their influence over the Libyan energy sector and to appropriate Libya’s vast wealth. A civil war provides the best cover for this.
Libyans Must Be Aware of the Pretext of Humanitarian Intervention
The Libyan people should be on their high guards. In is clear that the U.S. and the E.U. are supporting both sides. The U.S. and the E.U. are not the allies of the people of the Arab World. In this regard, the U.S. supports Qaddafi on the ground through military hardware, while it also supports the “opposition.” If the so-called Western governments were serious about democracy, they would have cut their business ties to Libya, specifically in the energy sector, before 2011.
Both Washington and the powers in Brussels could co-opt opposition forces. They have supported Gaddafi, but they do not control him or his regime like they controlled Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt. Libya is a very different story. The objectives of Washington and Brussels will be to strengthen their control over Libya either through regime change or civil war.
“Actions of opposition to Gaddafi” are strong, but there is no strong organized “opposition movement.” The two are different. Nor is democracy guaranteed, because of the nature of the coalition opposed to Gaddafi, which includes corrupt regime officials.
There is now talk about a “humanitarian intervention” in Libya, similar to Yugoslavia and Iraq. A “no-fly zone” over Libya has been mentioned, as has NATO military intervention. The aims behind such statements are not humanitarian, but are intended to justify foreign interference, which could potentially lead to an invasion. Should this come to fruition, Libya would become an occupied country. Its resources would be plundered and its assets privatized and controlled by foreign corporations as in the case of Iraq.
Today, in Libya and the Arab World the ghosts of Omar Mukhtar and Saladin are still very much alive and active. Getting rid of Gaddafi and his sons alone is not the solution. The entire corrupt system of governance in Libya and the culture of political corruption must be dismantled. At the same time, however, foreign interference or domination should also not be allowed to take root in Libya. If the Libyan people are mobilized and steadfast, they can fight such schemes
Effondrement de la France-Israel-Algerie: Les emirs du GIA/AQMI Juppé, Guéant en bonne place dans le gouvernement raciste colonialiste talmudo franc maconnique sarkozyste. Alliot Marie, premiere figure politique déférée devant une juridiction internationale pour crimes de guerre et genocide ?
La taupe Guéant n'a jamais aimé la lumiere, lui la brosse a reluire du mossadnik criminel de guerre Pasqua
Reglements de comptes entre harkis d'Alger et leurs maitres de la France-Israel. Les harkis et leurs maitres en pleine déroute quittent le navire, la chute des regimes harkis inféodés a la secte talmudique de la franc maconnerie francaise et ses reseaux mafieux de la France-Israel-Afrique, qui ont conduit a la chute du gouvernement sarkozy et une crise politique majeure en France. Une guerre civile pointe a l'horizon de la nouvelle agression raciste a l'encontre des Musulmans, guerre entierement fabriquée depuis Tel Aviv par les decrets cremieux, sefarades sionistes haineux du Maghreb controlant une bonne partie des services francais et algériens, marocains, tunisiens, mauritaniens, libyens des deux cotés de la Méditéranée. La coupure des fonds venant d'Afrique et la fin du monopole des multinationales francaises en Afrique accelerent la mise a mort de l'economie francaise et renforce le role des sionistes allemands au sein de l'union européene. Voila enfin dévoilé au monde le veritable role du gouvernement Sarkozy...
Il est imperatif que tous les membres des gouvernements francais encore vivant depuis Roccard jusqu'a Fillon soient arrétés et deférés devant des juridictions algériennes, bientot libérées du joug colonial, puis devant des juridictions internationales non controlées ou financées par des figures du sionisme, pour crimes de guerre et génocide de populations entieres au Maghreb et en Afrique. Cela concerne tous les partis politiques francais et tous les services de l'etat impliqué, d'ou cette guerre declarée aux Musulmans, qui osent se défendre face a des injustices commises contre eux et leurs familles au Maghreb et partout en Afrique.
Sarkozy et Guéant travaillent a cette guerre civile contre l'Islaam dans le seul et unique but d'eviter les tribunaux pas pour les elections de 2012 qu'ils savent deja perdues, ils tentent de sauver leurs peaux, les preuves de la création des GIA/AQMI par les gouvernements francais successifs sont sur la table et non pas scellées comme certains a Paris le croyaient ou le voudraient. La revolte fait escale a Paris et nous esperons que la franc maconnerie et sa religion de la haine, du racisme, du genocide, qu'est la laicité, qui n'a jamais été mise en pratique qui dirige cette ripoux-blique de criminels de guerre, de voleurs, mythomanes, de racistes soient balayée tres rapidement et que des francais dignes, honnetes, aux mains propres et pas tachées du sang de millions d'innocents reprennent enfin leur destin en main et celui de leur peuple!
Ce livre, article ci-dessous, est un reglement direct entre factions sefarades algeriennes et decret cremieux francais ayant programmé l'extermination de 550 000 civils lors de la guerre civile qui debuta par le coup d'etat des agents de la France-Israel en 1991 en Algerie !
A lire également comment les services francais, puis anglais et maintenant americains (qui se battent pour le controle des hydrocarbures en Afrique du Nord) controlaient et savaient exactement ce que leurs pantins et larbins faisaient en temps réel. La France-Israel a abandonné Larbi Belkheir car c'etait le Kissinger local, pris la main dans le sac, afin de retarder au maximum la chute du gouvernement francais. Belkheir qui avait crée avec d'autres generaux les GIAs et qui des le depart les avaient mis sous tutelle francaise, a été pris la main dans le sac en Angleterre avec Tewfik et le MI5/6 a monté des opérations bidons a Leicester et Manchester notamment.
Tous les officiers britanniques et flics de Scotland Yard impliqués avec le DRS-DST ont disparu apres 2005 de la circulation, certains haut gradés ont été suicidés par les services anglais, apparement dans des représailles terribles car des sources anglaises m'ont affirmé que la DST étaient chargée d'utiliser les GIAs de Belkheir pour frapper au coeur de Londres.... S'en sont suivis les attentats de Londres en Juillet 2005, qui ont suivi la perte par une des sectes de la France-Israel de plus 16 milliards d'euros de corruption pour les jeux olympiques a Paris alors que les anglo-israeliens ont fini par faire payer les londoniens 25 milliards de livres (30 milliards d'euro) les jeux de 2012.
La verité est que des franges talmudo-israeliennes dirigeant la France et l'Angleterre se battaient pour obtenir les jeux, et l'agent israelien Blair, etant allé mourrir pour Israel en Iraq en 2003, a eu gain de cause, ces factions juives sionistes mafieuses ont utilisé comme a leurs habitudes des faux groupes islamiques pour se cacher derriere leur guerre d'influence au sein de l'Europe. En attendant que Jacob Rotschield achete Sarkozy et aide ses pions a Washington a le placer au sommet de la France en 2007 et finisse de punir Villepin-Chirac. L'affaire AQMI/Germaneau est du meme type, sauf que c'est le FBI americain qui a trompé Sarkozy, Bajolet, Squarcini et Guéant en donnant de fausses informations par son canal DRS, canal historique dit Tewfik... En voyant ce qui se passe en Libye, copie conforme de ce qui se passera en Algérie, vous comprendrez mieux la situation !
Il y a une chose sur la quelle les belligérents ne se sont pas posés beaucoup de questions, les pouvoirs des peuples a se defendre contre de telles machinations ! Et la je peux dire que nous sommes confiant maintenant, la guerre se fera a Paris, Londres, Washington et nul part ailleurs, les peuples du Maghreb ont tout compris du terrorisme fabriqué par les colons occidentaux pour mieux les recoloniser, diviser et piller leurs richesses!
A lire liens entre gouvernement francais et GIAs, excellent outil pour vos recherches :
Abu Suleyman
Islamic Intelligence
Les révélations 'd’une taupe islamiste' dans un livre-choc
Que se passait-il en Europe pendant que des milliers d’Algériens tombaient en Algérie, assassinés par les différents groupes armés islamistes ? Depuis le 17 novembre dernier, un livre paraissant simultanément en France et dans les pays anglo-saxons, apporte des bribes de réponses :
sur le Vieux Continent, les services de renseignements occidentaux laissaient faire tant qu’ils avaient la certitude que leur pays ne serait pas touché.
Comme pour tous les conflits, la partition des services secrets est rarement connue du grand public, c’est pourquoi ce livre est à plus d’un titre captivant. À peine sorti, ce livre fourmillant de détails secoue déjà le petit monde secret des services de renseignements.
Résumons l’histoire telle que racontée par son auteur. Après avoir vécu au Maroc, il s’installe à Bruxelles dans sa famille et, pour des raisons financières, commence à acheter des armes pour le compte du GIA. Cela commence par des milliers de cartouches de kalachnikov pour finir avec du matériel de vision nocturne, des uzis et des explosifs.
Après avoir volé de l’argent à l’un des responsables du GIA en Europe, celui qui se présente avec le pseudonyme d’Omar Nasiri décide, pour sauver sa peau, de travailler pour le compte de la DGSE, le service d’espionnage français. Gilles, son officier traitant, lui donne la somme qu’il a dérobée et l’encourage à continuer ses trafics mortifères pour le GIA. Dans la maison familiale, véritable plaque tournante, le bulletin El Ansar est fabriqué avant d’être envoyé dans le monde ; des responsables de haut rang du GIA en Europe comme Ali Touchent (dit Tareq) y transitent c’est pour les services de renseignements français une source d’information de première main.
Dans le récit d’Omar Nasiri, certains détails sont saisissants. Lorsqu’on lui demande de convoyer par route et par bateau un véhicule bourré d’armes, de munitions et d’argent pour le Maroc, il prévient Gilles, et les deux hommes savent, début janvier 2005, que la cargaison est destinée aux maquis algériens. Le récit du trajet est édifiant, le véhicule tombe en panne à plusieurs reprises, des policiers marocains aident même à embarquer et à débarquer la voiture sur le bateau qui relie l’Espagne à Tanger.
La DGSE a-t-elle informé les autorités marocaines ? Difficile de penser le contraire tant la sécurité du royaume est l’un des fondements de la politique étrangère de la France. Ainsi, tout ce petit monde aide le véhicule chargé de mort à arriver à bon port. Pour le lecteur algérien, cela est d’autant plus choquant que l’auteur a des raisons de penser que les explosifs ont servi à l’attentat contre le commissariat central d’Alger sis au boulevard Amirouche, le 30 janvier 1995.
Des centaines de morts et de destins brisés auraient pu être évités, il suffisait pour cela d’arrêter le véhicule qui a pu traverser quatre pays sous l’œil complice des services secrets français et avec l’aide de policiers marocains.
De retour en Belgique, les trafics pour le compte du GIA s’intensifient jusqu’à ce que la menace commence à peser sur la Belgique et la France, le réseau est alors démantelé en mars 1995. Omar Nasiri et Ali Touchent échappent au coup de filet. Le quotidien La Libre Belgique rappelle que lors du procès qui suivra, un des frères de l’auteur l’accusera de les avoir trahis corroborant ainsi une grande partie du récit. Cela nous permet d’affirmer qu’Omar Nasiri est, en fait, Saïd al-Majda, dont les trois frères — Abdelfadel, Ali Mohammed et Youssef — sont, comme indiqué dans le livre, impliqués dans des affaires de terrorisme.
Grillé en Europe, Omar Nasiri est alors envoyé en Afghanistan pour infiltrer les camps d’entraînement.
De l’avis même de Michael Sheuer, l'ancien chef de l'unité de la CIA chargée de traquer Oussama Ben Laden, le récit d’Omar Nasiri/Saïd al-Majda est l’un des plus précis qu’il lui ait été donné de connaître, et est sans “équivalent dans tous les rapports des services secrets américains”.
Là encore, les détails fournis sont édifiants, notamment en matière d’explosifs, le niveau de sophistication atteint est inquiétant.
Que sont devenus tous les apprentis djihadistes envoyés, comme Omar Nasiri/Saïd al-Majda pour monter des cellules dormantes un peu partout dans le monde, et donc en Algérie ?
C’est, en, Grande-Bretagne qu’Omar Nasiri/Saïd al-Majda va mettre ses talents d’espion au profit de la DGSE et des services britanniques. Il infiltre les mosquées du Londonistan où il croise de nouveau Ali Touchent que la justice française recherche pour l’organisation des attentats de l’été 1995. Curieusement, l’un des hommes les plus recherchés à l’époque échappe encore à la vigilance de la DGSE. Piège.
Les portraits, qu’il dresse d’Abou Koutada et d’Abou Hamza, sont passionnants et leurs activités qu’il raconte aux services anglais et français ne les conduisent pas à mettre un terme aux activités mortifères des deux prédicateurs.
Les lecteurs algériens seront sans doute choqués d’apprendre qu’en 1997, Abou Hamza avait en toute impunité des discussions par téléphone satellite avec les responsables du GIA en Algérie sur la justification théologique des massacres collectifs de populations civiles à Raïs et Bentalha… rappelant une fois de plus, si besoin était, combien notre pays fut seul durant les années de larmes et de sang.
L'HEURE DU GRAND DEBALLAGE : LA FRANCE-ISRAEL ET LE SCANDALE DU GIA/AQMI. LA FIN DE LA V IEME REPUBLIQUE SIONISTE DE LA FRANCE-MACONNERIE, AVANT LE DEBUT DE L'ÉTÉ?La taupe Guéant n'a jamais aimé la lumiere, lui la brosse a reluire du mossadnik criminel de guerre Pasqua
Reglements de comptes entre harkis d'Alger et leurs maitres de la France-Israel. Les harkis et leurs maitres en pleine déroute quittent le navire, la chute des regimes harkis inféodés a la secte talmudique de la franc maconnerie francaise et ses reseaux mafieux de la France-Israel-Afrique, qui ont conduit a la chute du gouvernement sarkozy et une crise politique majeure en France. Une guerre civile pointe a l'horizon de la nouvelle agression raciste a l'encontre des Musulmans, guerre entierement fabriquée depuis Tel Aviv par les decrets cremieux, sefarades sionistes haineux du Maghreb controlant une bonne partie des services francais et algériens, marocains, tunisiens, mauritaniens, libyens des deux cotés de la Méditéranée. La coupure des fonds venant d'Afrique et la fin du monopole des multinationales francaises en Afrique accelerent la mise a mort de l'economie francaise et renforce le role des sionistes allemands au sein de l'union européene. Voila enfin dévoilé au monde le veritable role du gouvernement Sarkozy...
Il est imperatif que tous les membres des gouvernements francais encore vivant depuis Roccard jusqu'a Fillon soient arrétés et deférés devant des juridictions algériennes, bientot libérées du joug colonial, puis devant des juridictions internationales non controlées ou financées par des figures du sionisme, pour crimes de guerre et génocide de populations entieres au Maghreb et en Afrique. Cela concerne tous les partis politiques francais et tous les services de l'etat impliqué, d'ou cette guerre declarée aux Musulmans, qui osent se défendre face a des injustices commises contre eux et leurs familles au Maghreb et partout en Afrique.Sarkozy et Guéant travaillent a cette guerre civile contre l'Islaam dans le seul et unique but d'eviter les tribunaux pas pour les elections de 2012 qu'ils savent deja perdues, ils tentent de sauver leurs peaux, les preuves de la création des GIA/AQMI par les gouvernements francais successifs sont sur la table et non pas scellées comme certains a Paris le croyaient ou le voudraient. La revolte fait escale a Paris et nous esperons que la franc maconnerie et sa religion de la haine, du racisme, du genocide, qu'est la laicité, qui n'a jamais été mise en pratique qui dirige cette ripoux-blique de criminels de guerre, de voleurs, mythomanes, de racistes soient balayée tres rapidement et que des francais dignes, honnetes, aux mains propres et pas tachées du sang de millions d'innocents reprennent enfin leur destin en main et celui de leur peuple!Ce livre, article ci-dessous, est un reglement direct entre factions sefarades algeriennes et decret cremieux francais ayant programmé l'extermination de 550 000 civils lors de la guerre civile qui debuta par le coup d'etat des agents de la France-Israel en 1991 en Algerie !A lire également comment les services francais, puis anglais et maintenant americains (qui se battent pour le controle des hydrocarbures en Afrique du Nord) controlaient et savaient exactement ce que leurs pantins et larbins faisaient en temps réel. La France-Israel a abandonné Larbi Belkheir car c'etait le Kissinger local, pris la main dans le sac, afin de retarder au maximum la chute du gouvernement francais. Belkheir qui avait crée avec d'autres generaux les GIAs et qui des le depart les avaient mis sous tutelle francaise, a été pris la main dans le sac en Angleterre avec Tewfik et le MI5/6 a monté des opérations bidons a Leicester et Manchester notamment.Tous les officiers britanniques et flics de Scotland Yard impliqués avec le DRS-DST ont disparu apres 2005 de la circulation, certains haut gradés ont été suicidés par les services anglais, apparement dans des représailles terribles car des sources anglaises m'ont affirmé que la DST étaient chargée d'utiliser les GIAs de Belkheir pour frapper au coeur de Londres.... S'en sont suivis les attentats de Londres en Juillet 2005, qui ont suivi la perte par une des sectes de la France-Israel de plus 16 milliards d'euros de corruption pour les jeux olympiques a Paris alors que les anglo-israeliens ont fini par faire payer les londoniens 25 milliards de livres (30 milliards d'euro) les jeux de 2012.La verité est que des franges talmudo-israeliennes dirigeant la France et l'Angleterre se battaient pour obtenir les jeux, et l'agent israelien Blair, etant allé mourrir pour Israel en Iraq en 2003, a eu gain de cause, ces factions juives sionistes mafieuses ont utilisé comme a leurs habitudes des faux groupes islamiques pour se cacher derriere leur guerre d'influence au sein de l'Europe. En attendant que Jacob Rotschield achete Sarkozy et aide ses pions a Washington a le placer au sommet de la France en 2007 et finisse de punir Villepin-Chirac. L'affaire AQMI/Germaneau est du meme type, sauf que c'est le FBI americain qui a trompé Sarkozy, Bajolet, Squarcini et Guéant en donnant de fausses informations par son canal DRS, canal historique dit Tewfik... En voyant ce qui se passe en Libye, copie conforme de ce qui se passera en Algérie, vous comprendrez mieux la situation !Il y a une chose sur la quelle les belligérents ne se sont pas posés beaucoup de questions, les pouvoirs des peuples a se defendre contre de telles machinations ! Et la je peux dire que nous sommes confiant maintenant, la guerre se fera a Paris, Londres, Washington et nul part ailleurs, les peuples du Maghreb ont tout compris du terrorisme fabriqué par les colons occidentaux pour mieux les recoloniser, diviser et piller leurs richesses!
A lire liens entre gouvernement francais et GIAs, excellent outil pour vos recherches :
Abu Suleyman
Islamic Intelligence
Les révélations 'd’une taupe islamiste' dans un livre-choc
Que se passait-il en Europe pendant que des milliers d’Algériens tombaient en Algérie, assassinés par les différents groupes armés islamistes ? Depuis le 17 novembre dernier, un livre paraissant simultanément en France et dans les pays anglo-saxons, apporte des bribes de réponses :
sur le Vieux Continent, les services de renseignements occidentaux laissaient faire tant qu’ils avaient la certitude que leur pays ne serait pas touché.
Comme pour tous les conflits, la partition des services secrets est rarement connue du grand public, c’est pourquoi ce livre est à plus d’un titre captivant. À peine sorti, ce livre fourmillant de détails secoue déjà le petit monde secret des services de renseignements.
Résumons l’histoire telle que racontée par son auteur. Après avoir vécu au Maroc, il s’installe à Bruxelles dans sa famille et, pour des raisons financières, commence à acheter des armes pour le compte du GIA. Cela commence par des milliers de cartouches de kalachnikov pour finir avec du matériel de vision nocturne, des uzis et des explosifs.
Après avoir volé de l’argent à l’un des responsables du GIA en Europe, celui qui se présente avec le pseudonyme d’Omar Nasiri décide, pour sauver sa peau, de travailler pour le compte de la DGSE, le service d’espionnage français. Gilles, son officier traitant, lui donne la somme qu’il a dérobée et l’encourage à continuer ses trafics mortifères pour le GIA. Dans la maison familiale, véritable plaque tournante, le bulletin El Ansar est fabriqué avant d’être envoyé dans le monde ; des responsables de haut rang du GIA en Europe comme Ali Touchent (dit Tareq) y transitent c’est pour les services de renseignements français une source d’information de première main.
Dans le récit d’Omar Nasiri, certains détails sont saisissants. Lorsqu’on lui demande de convoyer par route et par bateau un véhicule bourré d’armes, de munitions et d’argent pour le Maroc, il prévient Gilles, et les deux hommes savent, début janvier 2005, que la cargaison est destinée aux maquis algériens. Le récit du trajet est édifiant, le véhicule tombe en panne à plusieurs reprises, des policiers marocains aident même à embarquer et à débarquer la voiture sur le bateau qui relie l’Espagne à Tanger.
La DGSE a-t-elle informé les autorités marocaines ? Difficile de penser le contraire tant la sécurité du royaume est l’un des fondements de la politique étrangère de la France. Ainsi, tout ce petit monde aide le véhicule chargé de mort à arriver à bon port. Pour le lecteur algérien, cela est d’autant plus choquant que l’auteur a des raisons de penser que les explosifs ont servi à l’attentat contre le commissariat central d’Alger sis au boulevard Amirouche, le 30 janvier 1995.
Des centaines de morts et de destins brisés auraient pu être évités, il suffisait pour cela d’arrêter le véhicule qui a pu traverser quatre pays sous l’œil complice des services secrets français et avec l’aide de policiers marocains.
De retour en Belgique, les trafics pour le compte du GIA s’intensifient jusqu’à ce que la menace commence à peser sur la Belgique et la France, le réseau est alors démantelé en mars 1995. Omar Nasiri et Ali Touchent échappent au coup de filet. Le quotidien La Libre Belgique rappelle que lors du procès qui suivra, un des frères de l’auteur l’accusera de les avoir trahis corroborant ainsi une grande partie du récit. Cela nous permet d’affirmer qu’Omar Nasiri est, en fait, Saïd al-Majda, dont les trois frères — Abdelfadel, Ali Mohammed et Youssef — sont, comme indiqué dans le livre, impliqués dans des affaires de terrorisme.
Grillé en Europe, Omar Nasiri est alors envoyé en Afghanistan pour infiltrer les camps d’entraînement.
De l’avis même de Michael Sheuer, l'ancien chef de l'unité de la CIA chargée de traquer Oussama Ben Laden, le récit d’Omar Nasiri/Saïd al-Majda est l’un des plus précis qu’il lui ait été donné de connaître, et est sans “équivalent dans tous les rapports des services secrets américains”.
Là encore, les détails fournis sont édifiants, notamment en matière d’explosifs, le niveau de sophistication atteint est inquiétant.
Que sont devenus tous les apprentis djihadistes envoyés, comme Omar Nasiri/Saïd al-Majda pour monter des cellules dormantes un peu partout dans le monde, et donc en Algérie ?
C’est, en, Grande-Bretagne qu’Omar Nasiri/Saïd al-Majda va mettre ses talents d’espion au profit de la DGSE et des services britanniques. Il infiltre les mosquées du Londonistan où il croise de nouveau Ali Touchent que la justice française recherche pour l’organisation des attentats de l’été 1995. Curieusement, l’un des hommes les plus recherchés à l’époque échappe encore à la vigilance de la DGSE. Piège.
Les portraits, qu’il dresse d’Abou Koutada et d’Abou Hamza, sont passionnants et leurs activités qu’il raconte aux services anglais et français ne les conduisent pas à mettre un terme aux activités mortifères des deux prédicateurs.
Les lecteurs algériens seront sans doute choqués d’apprendre qu’en 1997, Abou Hamza avait en toute impunité des discussions par téléphone satellite avec les responsables du GIA en Algérie sur la justification théologique des massacres collectifs de populations civiles à Raïs et Bentalha… rappelant une fois de plus, si besoin était, combien notre pays fut seul durant les années de larmes et de sang.
BP Nuke Spook Involved in Space Shuttle False Flag!
By Captain Eric H. May
Intelligence Editor
The Lone Star Iconoclast
HOUSTON, 2/28/11 -- Friday Veterans Today first published my chilling article, The False Flag Space Shuttle, While the article dealt primarily with the false flag attempts of 7/28/05 and 1/31/06, it has apparently touched some very raw nerves among those involved in the BP explosion.
Early this morning an anonymous writer posted a combative set of comments slamming me, my article and my publisher. I include both his and my remarks, and urge readers to refer to (and send around) the original article.
Our antagonist claims to have been within 300 yards of BP when the explosion occurred, to have had radiological equipment on hand, and to have been among the first to reach BP. Further, he claims to be with J.E. Merit, one of BP's main contractors, and to have been one of the investigators who smoothed the incident over. I find his narrative and claims highly suspicious, and accordingly offer them to my informed readers.
"Travis" wrote:
So we jump from Nuclear bombs hidden in a refinery to the Space Shuttle coordinating the attacks then jumping the shark completely by tying this into the Muslim cartoon in the Netherlands. HAHA!! ANYONE who believes these insane links needs to be checked into the nearest mental facility immediately.
Almost everything written by Capt May is absolutely WRONG. I live in League City, TX and work in Texas City. I am the Quality Assurance Manager for J.E. Merit, the main contractor for BP in the Texas City refinery.
I am not sure what Capt May’s agenda is, but for Gordon Duff to endorse this insanity is damaging his own credibility. BADLY. I enjoy reading Gordon’s articles and I agree with him on his opinions about 98% of the time. Capt May is an “expert” on intelligence matters but his apparent lack of research on how a refinery operates is appalling.
You cannot simply “sneak” a nuclear device into a refinery. It goes through 4 levels of security and tracking to begin with. Not to mention, this was during a scheduled maintenance shutdown or “Turn-Around”.
In these maintenance shutdowns, there are MANY people working to get the refinery back online as quickly as possible. This is what I do for a living and have done for 20 years in the business. My job is to make sure all proper materials have been installed correctly and the refinery is ready to “Return to Operations” for start-up.
Trust me, there were no Nukes exploded in the area, I was working next door in Dow Chemical at the time of the explosion about 300 yards away. One of the first things I did after the explosion was to get my industrial X-Ray crew there and use their Survey Meters (industrial geiger counter) to make sure the BP onsite x-ray crew’s equipment was not damaged. This is vital to the emergency rescue teams because if the x-ray camera is damaged, another retrieval team has to be called out to secure the gamma source before ANYONE can go into the area.
This day, there were NO radiation leaks from industrial x-ray cameras or from any other source. Not to mention but the BP onsite x-ray crew had a Cobalt x-ray source that day. Cobalt is a much stronger source than the usual Iridium sources used for this application
I was also involved in the J.E. Merit Root Cause Analysis investigation and the official details about the explosion are correct. You cannot fake or cover these things up, the operating unit’s Control Room have a “black box” type of recording device to record exactly what happens 24-7 so they can be reviewed in order to maximize operating efficiency and profits. It is a real-time hard copy print out and also saved to a computer file in downtown Houston at the Corporate office. When the hard copy print-out is compared to the saved computer file, they always match up. It is IMPOSSIBLE to fake these, everyone on the investigation teams gets to examine and compare the two recordings. Even the attorneys from both sides MUST examine the recordings as well
My advice to Capt Eric May is to stick with what you know, don’t try jumping to insane conclusions based on the Space Shuttle, lightning storms, BP Refining, Muslim Cartoons in the Netherlands and Nuclear bombs hidden in a crowded refinery. It makes you look ridiculously foolish while having no clue what you are talking about.
Reply to "Travis"
I am gratified that someone so involved in the BP false flag project would write this forum. It must rattle you folks pretty bad to have the facts coming into plain view. Your prose is excellent, and your rhetoric argues that: (1) you are a trustworthy expert; (2) I don't know what I'm talking about; and (3) Veterans Today shouldn't publish me.
I call BS on all three claims, and reply to them in order:
1. You don't write like an oil refinery contractor, you write like an information operator. You do not give your name. If you are a business man, why not get some free PR? Your knowledge that the cartoon slamming Islam originated in the Netherlands is most unusual for an oil industry contractor. You imply that what we saw on the night of 7/28/05 was a lightning storm. The curious reader can find both my live report and its transcript in The False Flag Space Shuttle.
2. I DO know what I'm talking about, and I was in contact with cops, feds and media weeks before the 7/28/05 explosion and the 2/1/06 nuke team appearance. That is documented by the links in my article. I also predicted the 3/30/04 BP explosion, as I documented in another article last week.
'I was the unidentified source of the intelligence that resulted a Gulf Coast terror alert: BP Amoco Plant Explosion Investigation Under Way, For the real story behind the cover story: Thwarting Nuclear Terror in Texas: Investigation,' -- From Mossad Mayor: Chicago's Rahm Emanuel,
As far as your Dow Chemical connection goes, I wouldn't brag about it. On 10/18/07 I issued a national alert several hours in advance of a Dow pipeline explosion quite near you. Were you involved in that, too? My alert coming ahead of your explosion was confirmed on mainstream radio:
"The warning of a sudden terror exercise in the refinery "national sacrifice area" in Texas came last night; the suspicious blast came early this morning. It would appear that monitoring exercises like Vigilant Shield and TOPOFF is essential to our survival." -- It pays to monitor terror exercises,
3. You're going to have a hard time persuading Veterans Today (or any of the hundreds who publish my articles) to turn away from a story that you are making so much more interesting. I believe that your attempt to undermine it will only increase its publication and readership on the internet, and for that I thank you.
+ + +
Captain May is a former Army intelligence officer and NBC editorial writer. The article attacked and defended above is: The False Flag Space Shuttle,
- By Captain Eric H. May
Intelligence Editor
The Lone Star Iconoclast
HOUSTON, 2/28/11 -- Friday Veterans Today first published my chilling article, The False Flag Space Shuttle, While the article dealt primarily with the false flag attempts of 7/28/05 and 1/31/06, it has apparently touched some very raw nerves among those involved in the BP explosion.
Early this morning an anonymous writer posted a combative set of comments slamming me, my article and my publisher. I include both his and my remarks, and urge readers to refer to (and send around) the original article.
Our antagonist claims to have been within 300 yards of BP when the explosion occurred, to have had radiological equipment on hand, and to have been among the first to reach BP. Further, he claims to be with J.E. Merit, one of BP's main contractors, and to have been one of the investigators who smoothed the incident over. I find his narrative and claims highly suspicious, and accordingly offer them to my informed readers.
"Travis" wrote:
So we jump from Nuclear bombs hidden in a refinery to the Space Shuttle coordinating the attacks then jumping the shark completely by tying this into the Muslim cartoon in the Netherlands. HAHA!! ANYONE who believes these insane links needs to be checked into the nearest mental facility immediately.
Almost everything written by Capt May is absolutely WRONG. I live in League City, TX and work in Texas City. I am the Quality Assurance Manager for J.E. Merit, the main contractor for BP in the Texas City refinery.
I am not sure what Capt May’s agenda is, but for Gordon Duff to endorse this insanity is damaging his own credibility. BADLY. I enjoy reading Gordon’s articles and I agree with him on his opinions about 98% of the time. Capt May is an “expert” on intelligence matters but his apparent lack of research on how a refinery operates is appalling.
You cannot simply “sneak” a nuclear device into a refinery. It goes through 4 levels of security and tracking to begin with. Not to mention, this was during a scheduled maintenance shutdown or “Turn-Around”.
In these maintenance shutdowns, there are MANY people working to get the refinery back online as quickly as possible. This is what I do for a living and have done for 20 years in the business. My job is to make sure all proper materials have been installed correctly and the refinery is ready to “Return to Operations” for start-up.
Trust me, there were no Nukes exploded in the area, I was working next door in Dow Chemical at the time of the explosion about 300 yards away. One of the first things I did after the explosion was to get my industrial X-Ray crew there and use their Survey Meters (industrial geiger counter) to make sure the BP onsite x-ray crew’s equipment was not damaged. This is vital to the emergency rescue teams because if the x-ray camera is damaged, another retrieval team has to be called out to secure the gamma source before ANYONE can go into the area.
This day, there were NO radiation leaks from industrial x-ray cameras or from any other source. Not to mention but the BP onsite x-ray crew had a Cobalt x-ray source that day. Cobalt is a much stronger source than the usual Iridium sources used for this application
I was also involved in the J.E. Merit Root Cause Analysis investigation and the official details about the explosion are correct. You cannot fake or cover these things up, the operating unit’s Control Room have a “black box” type of recording device to record exactly what happens 24-7 so they can be reviewed in order to maximize operating efficiency and profits. It is a real-time hard copy print out and also saved to a computer file in downtown Houston at the Corporate office. When the hard copy print-out is compared to the saved computer file, they always match up. It is IMPOSSIBLE to fake these, everyone on the investigation teams gets to examine and compare the two recordings. Even the attorneys from both sides MUST examine the recordings as well
My advice to Capt Eric May is to stick with what you know, don’t try jumping to insane conclusions based on the Space Shuttle, lightning storms, BP Refining, Muslim Cartoons in the Netherlands and Nuclear bombs hidden in a crowded refinery. It makes you look ridiculously foolish while having no clue what you are talking about.
Reply to "Travis"
I am gratified that someone so involved in the BP false flag project would write this forum. It must rattle you folks pretty bad to have the facts coming into plain view. Your prose is excellent, and your rhetoric argues that: (1) you are a trustworthy expert; (2) I don't know what I'm talking about; and (3) Veterans Today shouldn't publish me.
I call BS on all three claims, and reply to them in order:
1. You don't write like an oil refinery contractor, you write like an information operator. You do not give your name. If you are a business man, why not get some free PR? Your knowledge that the cartoon slamming Islam originated in the Netherlands is most unusual for an oil industry contractor. You imply that what we saw on the night of 7/28/05 was a lightning storm. The curious reader can find both my live report and its transcript in The False Flag Space Shuttle.
2. I DO know what I'm talking about, and I was in contact with cops, feds and media weeks before the 7/28/05 explosion and the 2/1/06 nuke team appearance. That is documented by the links in my article. I also predicted the 3/30/04 BP explosion, as I documented in another article last week.
'I was the unidentified source of the intelligence that resulted a Gulf Coast terror alert: BP Amoco Plant Explosion Investigation Under Way, For the real story behind the cover story: Thwarting Nuclear Terror in Texas: Investigation,' -- From Mossad Mayor: Chicago's Rahm Emanuel,
As far as your Dow Chemical connection goes, I wouldn't brag about it. On 10/18/07 I issued a national alert several hours in advance of a Dow pipeline explosion quite near you. Were you involved in that, too? My alert coming ahead of your explosion was confirmed on mainstream radio:
"The warning of a sudden terror exercise in the refinery "national sacrifice area" in Texas came last night; the suspicious blast came early this morning. It would appear that monitoring exercises like Vigilant Shield and TOPOFF is essential to our survival." -- It pays to monitor terror exercises,
3. You're going to have a hard time persuading Veterans Today (or any of the hundreds who publish my articles) to turn away from a story that you are making so much more interesting. I believe that your attempt to undermine it will only increase its publication and readership on the internet, and for that I thank you.
+ + +
Captain May is a former Army intelligence officer and NBC editorial writer. The article attacked and defended above is: The False Flag Space Shuttle,
URGENT: Qaddafi has lost control over oil, gas fields. That's why zionist thugs in London, Tel Aviv and Washington want to invade Libya
According to Muslim sources in North Africa, Islamic Scholars warned of a 'total jihad' if any military invasion under the humanitarian excuse was to be launched. Qaddafi lost control over strategic oil and gas fields, in the hand of the Libyan people. Zionist Terrorist in London, Paris, Washington and Tel Aviv prepare to invade Libya because, their assets, the Qaddafi family, failed to secure these fields as part of the initial plan.
The US and UK are rattling the sabers; desperate to find a reason to invade Libya and install a new puppet ruler. But the opposition leaders have made it very clear they do not want nor will they accept foreign interference. This is a popular uprising against a tyrant, and they do not intend to allow the US or UK (or Israel) to jump in and simply replace one puppet with another. They have been watching that game for 100 years and know all the tricks.
Qaddafi will probably not last the week. If his sons are stating they will not leave it means they are already considering it. Personally, I hope the Libyan people get their hands on Qaddafi, and send a message to tyrants everywhere that you do NOT point guns at your own people. (
- According to Muslim sources in North Africa, Islamic Scholars warned of a 'total jihad' if any military invasion under the humanitarian excuse was to be launched. Qaddafi lost control over strategic oil and gas fields, in the hand of the Libyan people. Zionist Terrorist in London, Paris, Washington and Tel Aviv prepare to invade Libya because, their assets, the Qaddafi family, failed to secure these fields as part of the initial plan.
The US and UK are rattling the sabers; desperate to find a reason to invade Libya and install a new puppet ruler. But the opposition leaders have made it very clear they do not want nor will they accept foreign interference. This is a popular uprising against a tyrant, and they do not intend to allow the US or UK (or Israel) to jump in and simply replace one puppet with another. They have been watching that game for 100 years and know all the tricks.
Qaddafi will probably not last the week. If his sons are stating they will not leave it means they are already considering it. Personally, I hope the Libyan people get their hands on Qaddafi, and send a message to tyrants everywhere that you do NOT point guns at your own people. (
Gadhafi has lost control over oil, gas fields
BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union says that Libya's strongman Moammar Gadhafi no longer controls most of oil and gas fields in the country.
EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said Monday that control over much of the oil and gas fields is in the hands of regional families or provisional regional leaders that have emerged from the revolt and chaos.
The unrest in the North African nation has sent shudders through global oil markets, with concern centering on the possibility that the unrest could spread to other OPEC members, triggering a major supply crunch that would propel prices forward and potentially undercut global economic recovery efforts.
THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.
CAIRO (AP) — Libya's eastern port of Tobruk reopened Monday and one tanker bound for China was being loaded, officials said, as the chief executive of Saudi Arabia's state-run oil giant announced his company had stepped in to compensate for an export shortfall stemming from the unrest in the North African nations.
The news offered a glimmer of hope that the disruption to exports from Libya may ease, at least slightly. The country, where Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi is embroiled in a violent struggle to stay in power, is the only member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries so far seriously affected by the protests roiling the Arab world.
The unrest in the North African nation has sent shudders through global oil markets, with concern centering on the possibility that the unrest could spread to other OPEC members, triggering a major supply crunch that would propel prices forward and potentially undercut global economic recovery efforts.
"The terminal (at Tobruk) is working at 100 percent," said, Rajab Sahnoun, an official with the Arabian Gulf Oil Co., which is based in the eastern city of Benghazi, told The Associated Press. He said that one tanker bound for China was being loaded at the Marsa al-Harigh (Tobruk) port, with a capacity of 1 million barrels of crude, while another Italy-bound tanker was waiting and expected to load in the coming days.
Sahnoun also said that at least two of the major eastern fields, Sarir and Misla, were still producing, though at slightly reduced capacity. He was not able to say how much production was down at those fields, but noted that the 34-inch pipeline to the terminal was operating normally. The terminal can store 4 million barrels of crude, he said.
Another Agoco official, Ali Faraj, who works in the emergency operations room at the facility, said the company's production of roughly 220,000 barrels per day was largely unaffected.
"A drop of 5,000 or 6,000 barrels per day, in our experience, is not a drop, really," Faraj said.
Gamal Shallouf, spokesman for the Tobruk city council, said that along with Sarir and Misla, the Nafoura field was also producing.
There were conflicting reports about the overall decline in Libya's output. The National Oil Company said production was down about 50 percent, according to Libyans working in the industry. The figure is roughly the same as estimates put forward by analysts and international oil company officials.
But Faraj and others dismissed that kind of a drop as propaganda designed to boost support for Gadhafi by showing how the unrest had hit the country. With communications down or difficult in many parts of the country and large areas of the country inaccessible because the danger posed by pro-Gadhafi militias, it has been difficult for executives and others to get a clear picture of the current overall production levels.
Libya produces about 1.6 million barrels per day of crude oil, and about 85 percent of its exports are Europe-bound.
Saudi Arabia and other OPEC members have repeatedly said they are ready to step in and compensate for any Libyan export losses. The fighting in the country has already hammered oil markets, with the U.S. benchmark hovering above $99 per barrel on Monday while the Brent futures contract in London was above $113 per barrel.
Khalid Al Falih, the chief executive of Saudi Aramco, said that the company had "met the additional needs resulting from the halt in Libyan exports." He did not specify how much additional crude the company had supplied its customers, saying that the situation "is continuously changing."
OPEC members have dismissed the need for an emergency meeting, even as consumer countries voiced alarm at the rally in prices that has sent crude futures in New York to nearly $100 per barrel on Monday while the London-based crude benchmark was above $113 per barrel.
But Saudi Arabia, which has carved a niche for itself as the market stabilizer, appeared eager to allay concerns by ramping up exports. Iran, which holds OPEC's revolving presidency this year, appeared to take issue with the Saudi efforts, with its oil minister, Masoud Mirkazemi, calling on Riyadh to "avoid any hasty decisions" regarding its crude oil output, the official IRNA news agency reported.
Iran and other OPEC members have repeatedly said the market is well supplied and that the price rally is driven now more by sentiment than supply-demand fundamentals.
But Iran is also one of the OPEC nations that relies heavily on oil revenues for its state budget, and the run-up in price is key to the government that is already under pressure from inflation, unemployment and international sanctions over its controversial nuclear program.
Libya's ongoing political struggle has hit hard at the country's vital oil sector. As the violence flared, with Gadhafi relying on militias and mercenaries to battle against Libyans demanding an end to his rule, production has been hit hard.
The country sits atop Africa's largest proven reserves of crude. But it also relies of foreign companies for their expertise as it has tried to boost its production.
The International Energy Agency reported late Friday that Libya is probably still producing about 850,000 barrels of oil daily, down from its normal capacity of 1.6 million barrels — but acknowledged the estimate is based on "incomplete, conflicting information."
Many of those companies, which include international giants such as Exxon Mobil, BP PLC, Spain's Repsol, Italy's Eni and Austria's OMV, however, pulled their foreign workers as the violence flared.
Oil workers for Britain's OPS International oil field services company made it across the Egyptian border in a convoy of buses across the desert late Sunday night, and another bus full of oil workers reached the Libyan port of Raf Lanuf Monday and got on a ship Monday bound for Malta, said company chairman Gavin de Salis.
Meanwhile, France's Total SA said it evacuated all expatriate oil workers in the country, and their families, said spokeswoman Phenelope Semavoine. She said the company "continues to reduce some of our production" of Libya oil but declined to provide more detail.
Repsol spokesman Kristian Rix said Monday that the company is now "declining to give production figures because the situation is unclear and communications are difficult." He said the company was able to get the rest of its employees and contractors out of remote Libyan desert production areas over the weekend. In all, about 200 employees have been evacuated since the crisis began.
Local employees, in many cases, also steered clear from the fields and their offices because of the unrest.
- BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union says that Libya's strongman Moammar Gadhafi no longer controls most of oil and gas fields in the country.EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said Monday that control over much of the oil and gas fields is in the hands of regional families or provisional regional leaders that have emerged from the revolt and chaos.The unrest in the North African nation has sent shudders through global oil markets, with concern centering on the possibility that the unrest could spread to other OPEC members, triggering a major supply crunch that would propel prices forward and potentially undercut global economic recovery efforts.THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.CAIRO (AP) — Libya's eastern port of Tobruk reopened Monday and one tanker bound for China was being loaded, officials said, as the chief executive of Saudi Arabia's state-run oil giant announced his company had stepped in to compensate for an export shortfall stemming from the unrest in the North African nations.The news offered a glimmer of hope that the disruption to exports from Libya may ease, at least slightly. The country, where Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi is embroiled in a violent struggle to stay in power, is the only member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries so far seriously affected by the protests roiling the Arab world.The unrest in the North African nation has sent shudders through global oil markets, with concern centering on the possibility that the unrest could spread to other OPEC members, triggering a major supply crunch that would propel prices forward and potentially undercut global economic recovery efforts."The terminal (at Tobruk) is working at 100 percent," said, Rajab Sahnoun, an official with the Arabian Gulf Oil Co., which is based in the eastern city of Benghazi, told The Associated Press. He said that one tanker bound for China was being loaded at the Marsa al-Harigh (Tobruk) port, with a capacity of 1 million barrels of crude, while another Italy-bound tanker was waiting and expected to load in the coming days.Sahnoun also said that at least two of the major eastern fields, Sarir and Misla, were still producing, though at slightly reduced capacity. He was not able to say how much production was down at those fields, but noted that the 34-inch pipeline to the terminal was operating normally. The terminal can store 4 million barrels of crude, he said.Another Agoco official, Ali Faraj, who works in the emergency operations room at the facility, said the company's production of roughly 220,000 barrels per day was largely unaffected."A drop of 5,000 or 6,000 barrels per day, in our experience, is not a drop, really," Faraj said.Gamal Shallouf, spokesman for the Tobruk city council, said that along with Sarir and Misla, the Nafoura field was also producing.There were conflicting reports about the overall decline in Libya's output. The National Oil Company said production was down about 50 percent, according to Libyans working in the industry. The figure is roughly the same as estimates put forward by analysts and international oil company officials.But Faraj and others dismissed that kind of a drop as propaganda designed to boost support for Gadhafi by showing how the unrest had hit the country. With communications down or difficult in many parts of the country and large areas of the country inaccessible because the danger posed by pro-Gadhafi militias, it has been difficult for executives and others to get a clear picture of the current overall production levels.Libya produces about 1.6 million barrels per day of crude oil, and about 85 percent of its exports are Europe-bound.Saudi Arabia and other OPEC members have repeatedly said they are ready to step in and compensate for any Libyan export losses. The fighting in the country has already hammered oil markets, with the U.S. benchmark hovering above $99 per barrel on Monday while the Brent futures contract in London was above $113 per barrel.Khalid Al Falih, the chief executive of Saudi Aramco, said that the company had "met the additional needs resulting from the halt in Libyan exports." He did not specify how much additional crude the company had supplied its customers, saying that the situation "is continuously changing."OPEC members have dismissed the need for an emergency meeting, even as consumer countries voiced alarm at the rally in prices that has sent crude futures in New York to nearly $100 per barrel on Monday while the London-based crude benchmark was above $113 per barrel.But Saudi Arabia, which has carved a niche for itself as the market stabilizer, appeared eager to allay concerns by ramping up exports. Iran, which holds OPEC's revolving presidency this year, appeared to take issue with the Saudi efforts, with its oil minister, Masoud Mirkazemi, calling on Riyadh to "avoid any hasty decisions" regarding its crude oil output, the official IRNA news agency reported.Iran and other OPEC members have repeatedly said the market is well supplied and that the price rally is driven now more by sentiment than supply-demand fundamentals.But Iran is also one of the OPEC nations that relies heavily on oil revenues for its state budget, and the run-up in price is key to the government that is already under pressure from inflation, unemployment and international sanctions over its controversial nuclear program.Libya's ongoing political struggle has hit hard at the country's vital oil sector. As the violence flared, with Gadhafi relying on militias and mercenaries to battle against Libyans demanding an end to his rule, production has been hit hard.The country sits atop Africa's largest proven reserves of crude. But it also relies of foreign companies for their expertise as it has tried to boost its production.The International Energy Agency reported late Friday that Libya is probably still producing about 850,000 barrels of oil daily, down from its normal capacity of 1.6 million barrels — but acknowledged the estimate is based on "incomplete, conflicting information."Many of those companies, which include international giants such as Exxon Mobil, BP PLC, Spain's Repsol, Italy's Eni and Austria's OMV, however, pulled their foreign workers as the violence flared.Oil workers for Britain's OPS International oil field services company made it across the Egyptian border in a convoy of buses across the desert late Sunday night, and another bus full of oil workers reached the Libyan port of Raf Lanuf Monday and got on a ship Monday bound for Malta, said company chairman Gavin de Salis.Meanwhile, France's Total SA said it evacuated all expatriate oil workers in the country, and their families, said spokeswoman Phenelope Semavoine. She said the company "continues to reduce some of our production" of Libya oil but declined to provide more detail.Repsol spokesman Kristian Rix said Monday that the company is now "declining to give production figures because the situation is unclear and communications are difficult." He said the company was able to get the rest of its employees and contractors out of remote Libyan desert production areas over the weekend. In all, about 200 employees have been evacuated since the crisis began.Local employees, in many cases, also steered clear from the fields and their offices because of the unrest.
Conspiracy: Not a Theory But History
Written by Husain Al-Qadi
One of the enduring perceptions of Arabs and Muslims in the West is that of a people who fall easy victim to conspiracy theories. Books are written on how the worldview of Muslims is influenced by conspiracy theories and we are often caricatured in fiction and folktales in the West as paranoid reactionaries. As a consequence of this, whenever a Muslim mentions the word "conspiracy", eyes roll even before he is able to finish his sentence and you can almost hear the collective groan of "oh-no-not-that again" echo around the room. This reaction has become so insidious that one can even find Muslims reacting in a similar manner, as I saw among the responses we received to last week's JumahPulse.
My analysis of the unfolding events in the Arab world was dismissed by some as mere "conspiracy theory" and a suggestion was made that I might be belittling the sacrifices made by those who have died in the Egyptian protests.
So for those of you who would have glanced at the title of this article and had your groan, I ask you to bear with me so that I can set the record straight and explain my reasoning, which I did not do last week for fear of the piece becoming too lengthy.
First of all, the innocent Muslims who died in Egypt at the hands of the brutality of the Mubarak regime are undoubtedly martyrs and we pray that Allah accepts their sacrifices and grants their relatives sabran jamilan. The courage and sincerity of their actions cannot be questioned. Hosni Mubarak was a notorious dictator who plundered the country's wealth and oppressed the Egyptian people for decades. Protesting (i.e. speaking the truth) against Egypt's brutal regime (sultanun ja'ir) was, in the words of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), afdal al-jihad (one of the best forms of jihad). However, the response from the regime and the apparent outcome of the protests was not, as those who celebrate seem to think, a revolution. Instead, it was a conspiracy and trickery of the most wretched kind.
Of course, no one can deny that there are fictitious stories of conspiracy circulating in gossip circuits and cyberspace but we are equally obliged, as thinking rational beings, to acknowledge that we live in a world where conspiracies do exist, even in the West where four American presidents were assassinated not by accident but by conspiracies. "Watergate", "Iran-gate", "Iraq-gate" were all conspiracies and the full list is too long to detail here.
As for the Muslim world, apart the from the long list of intrigues and "great games" played out against the Arab and Muslim nations during the last two centuries, the Sykes-Picot Agreement and the Balfour Declaration are conspiracies of such magnitude that they continue to cause pain, suffering and anger in the Muslim world even today.
Every day, day after day, these two conspiracies present the consciousness of Muslims with new tragedies and frustrations. These were such notorious conspiracies that the Christian historian George Antonius described them in the following words:
"The Sykes-Picot Agreement is a shocking document. It is not only the product of greed allied to suspicion and so leading to stupidity: it also stands out as a startling piece of double-dealing." (George Antonius, The Arab Awakening, p.248, 1939).
The effect of the Balfour Declaration was no less devastating, as the same author explained: "In those parts of the Arab world which were in direct touch with the Allies, the Balfour Declaration created bewilderment and dismay, even among those who were not aware of the exact nature of the British pledges to the Arabs... The news reached Egypt first, where it soon provoked a wave of protest on the part of the Arab leaders congregated in Cairo." (George Antonius, The Arab Awakening, p.267).
The latest result of these conspiracies is that Israel, just a few days ago, used the upheaval in the Arab world to fortify its stranglehold on al-Quds al-Sharif (Jerusalem). While the news bulletins are cluttered with reports of events in Libya and elsewhere, Israel has chosen to announce the relocation of three army colleges to East Jerusalem in the hope that it would go unnoticed. Pesky Orientalists often tell Muslims to "get over it" and to stop talking about the Sykes-Picot and Balfour conspiracies but when we have to live with their consequences day after day, decade after decade, it's easier said than done. The scheming and conspiracy-mongering of these "Balfour children" are not contained within the borders of Israel.
Israel and US Planned for Egypt's "Revolution"
In September 2008, the then Minister of Internal Security, Avi Dichter, gave a lecture in Tel Aviv in which he outlined the three scenarios within which Israel and the US were preparing for the transition of power in Egypt.
The first scenario was that the Muslim Brotherhood would take advantage of the deteriorating social and economic situation and install itself into government when strikes and popular uprisings brought the country to a standstill.
The second scenario was that the military would take control and the third was that either of the successors of Mubarak, Omar Suleiman or Jamal Mubarak would take over. However, it was envisaged that the situation would continue to deteriorate and it would be necessary to hold free elections to bring new players to the fore.
Dichter also said that Israel and the US were using all of their assets to monitor, and prepare to manage, these situations. As for scenario one, we now know that someone has convinced the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood not to field a candidate for the presidency and, more astonishingly, they now say that they "would not attempt to gain a majority in parliamentary elections."
With the Muslim Brotherhood placing themselves in a political straitjacket, scenario one is effectively neutralised, which leaves scenarios two and three in play, i.e. Omar Suleiman, the Military and the New Unknowns.
We know that Omar Suleiman was closer to the Israelis than Mubarak himself and a personal torturer for the US. While Mubarak was left on his own to deal with the pressure of the protests, the top-brass of the Egyptian military were out of the country. The people who are now in charge of running Egypt and have just ratified a draft of a new constitution were having discussions in Washington for three days during the protests. A high ranking military delegation, including the Chief of Staff Lt.Gen. Sami Anna, left Cairo for Washington on 24 January 2011. The protests began a day later and the military chiefs did not return to Egypt until 28 January. We do not know what instructions they received in Washington, but it would be hard to believe that the Pentagon officials neglected to mention what had just erupted in Cairo to the Egyptian Chief of Staff sitting across the table.
In Egypt today, while the masses celebrate, the declared state of emergency is still in force. The jails are still filled with political prisoners and the constitution has been rewritten and ratified under the auspices of a military junta that is still providing Mubarak with security as he continues to live in the luxury of the country's premier holiday resort, Sharm Al-Sheikh, while the masses are fed scraps of information about him and his family being prevented from leaving the country. Why would he want to leave such luxury? What kind of a revolution is this when, apart from a few figureheads, the entire regime remains intact and controls the country in a state of emergency?
The Constitution Trap
If one studies the history of the fall of the Ottoman Empire, one will notice that its institutions did not crumble overnight, nor did Kamal Ataturk single-handedly transform Turkish society into an anti-Islam, secular extremist polity. Although Ataturk is responsible for the manifestation of the worst that secularism had to offer in terms of enmity towards Islam, the groundwork for his project was laid well in advance by a network of activists with strong Masonic links. There was a mixture of "races and creed in which Turks predominated and Jews came second, with Ottoman nationals of other races in tow."[i]
These were known as the "Young Turks" and later the Committee for Unity and Progress (CUP). The military revolution on 24 July 1908 was their handiwork. "Constitution drafting" and "constitution defence" was a primary weapon in their arsenal. After forcing the Sultan to accept a constitution, it was easy to discredit him in the eyes of the masses with the charge of being against the constitution. If the Sultan is against the constitution then he has to be wrong because the constitution is always right.
Although he was critical of the failures of CUP's Young Turks, had it not been for the foundations they had laid, Kamal Ataturk could not have gotten away with declaring:
"In the face of knowledge, science, and of the whole extent of radiant civilization, I cannot accept the presence in Turkey's civilized community of people primitive enough to seek material and spiritual benefits in the guidance of sheiks. The Turkish republic cannot be a country of sheiks, dervishes, and disciples. The best, the truest order is the order of civilization. To be a man it is enough to carry out the requirements of civilization. The leaders of dervish orders will understand the truth of my words, and will themselves close down their lodges [tekke] and admit that their disciples have grown up." (Andrew Mango, Ataturk, p.367, 1991)
In Egypt, several groups have begun calling for the constitution to be rewritten and for the abolition of Article 2, which states that "Islam is the Religion of the State. Arabic is its official language, and the principal source of legislation is Islamic Jurisprudence (Sharia)." [ii]
A top judicial official, Hisham al-Bastawisy, is arguing that, "The current constitution is dead and nothing should be used from it."
The first party to be given official recognition after the resignation of Mubarak was the al-Wasat party, which is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. This party has been arguing for a constitution that allows a Christian to become head of state.
According to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, al-Wasat "seeks to interpret Islamic sharia principles in a manner consistent with the values of a liberal democratic system. Although al-Wasat advocates a political system that is firmly anchored in Islamic law, it also views sharia principles as flexible and wholly compatible with the principles of pluralism and equal citizenship rights." The party's manifesto accepts the right of a Christian to become head of state in a Muslim-majority country. (Courtesy of Wikipedia).
In June 2007, President Bush, speaking at a conference of dissidents in the Czech Republic said: "There are many dissidents who couldn't join us because they are being unjustly imprisoned or held under house arrest. I look forward to the day when a conference like this one could include Alexander Kozulin of Belarus, Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma, Oscar Elias Biscet of Cuba, Father Nguyen Van Ly of Vietnam, Ayman Nour of Egypt. (Applause.) The daughter of one of these political prisoners is in this room. I would like to say to her, and all the families: I thank you for your courage. I pray for your comfort and strength. And I call for the immediate and unconditional release of your loved ones... I have asked Secretary Rice to send a directive to every U.S. ambassador in an un-free nation: Seek out and meet with activists for democracy. Seek out those who demand human rights." Nour was released on health grounds on 18 February 2009. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)
Ayman Nour has special status not only because he has a project to rewrite the constitution but also because he wants to turn Egypt into a fully Westernised society, where religion will be pushed to the margins in favour of Western liberalism. However, he may have to be replaced as he suffered a severe injury to the head from a stone thrown by one of Mubarak's supporters in Tahrir Square.
Amidst calls for the abolition of Article 2, there have been protests by some groups in Egypt to retain Article 2 and the Islamic identity of the country.
The committee appointed by the military seems to have avoided confrontation on this issue by largely ignoring it. However, the liberal Westernised civil society groups are producing their own drafts of an entirely new constitution. Hafez Abou Saeda, head of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, said he already had his own draft ready.
Moreover, the Muslim Brotherhood has just announced that its political party will be called the "Freedom and Justice Party", which bears more than a passing resemblance to the current Turkish "Justice and Development Party".
I do not know who exactly is influencing the Muslim Brotherhood but one indication comes from an article for the Huffington Post published on 8 February 2011. It is entitled “Democratic Turkey is the Template for Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood” and its author, Tariq Ramadan, argues that:
"Only by exchanging ideas, and not by torture and dictatorship, can we find solutions that respect the people's will. Turkey's example should be an inspiration to us observers..."
"Today's Muslim Brotherhood draws these diverse visions together. But the leadership of the movement - those who belong to the founding generation are now very old - no longer fully represents the aspirations of the younger members, who are much more open to the world, anxious to bring about internal reform and fascinated by the Turkish example." (Tariq Ramadan, Huffington Post, 08.02.11)
Perhaps in choosing such a name for its political party, the Muslim Brotherhood is strategically trying to send a signal to the West that it, as Tayyip Erdogan does, will maintain the peace treaty with Israel or that it will also endeavour to become a secular Muslim state like Turkey.
What people seem to forget when thinking about Turkey is the direction, the trajectory. It is a country slowly working its way out of Ataturk’s anti-Islam minefields with the millstone of entry into to the European Union hanging around its neck and tugging it in the other direction. The progress is slow and painful as we have seen with the hijab issue. Though tolerated, it is still illegal to wear hijab in universities and because the decision was made in 2008 by the Constitutional Court to annul the proposal to lift the ban, there is now no possibility to appeal against that verdict. This is just one example of the deeply embedded hatred for Islam that persists from the legacy of Ataturk and the Young Turks.
Indeed, we can see why there have been many Western politicians (e.g. Jack Straw) who are keen to see all Arab countries, especially those bordering Israel, to copy the Turkish model. However, that advice should not be heeded without a full appreciation of the history of conspiracies in Turkish lands and the trajectory of today’s Turkey, which is pointing in a direction away from the Ataturk model and towards Islam. Turkey's trajectory even in foreign policy is slowly moving towards a more pro-Islam position. Egypt and other Arab countries should not be trying to move in the opposite direction, especially since the importance of Islam is still high in the consciousness of the populace of these countries. Listening to Egyptian politicians muse about Turkey as some par excellence model to emulate suggests that there is a big disconnect between their fascination with the West and the reality that surrounds them.
Leadership-less "revolutions", regularly characterised as "the revolution of the youth", coupled with an ardent focus on constitutions and calls for Westernisation have worrying echoes of a tragic era in Ottoman history. Incidentally, Israel has been in existence for 63 years: it still has neither a constitution nor stated borders and no one seems to be asking why.
There is more to it than meets the eye in respect of the events currently unfolding in the Arab world. As the Libyans demonstrate in the streets of Benghazi, believing they are following in the footsteps of an Egyptian revolution, little do they realise that it is they - the Libyan people - who may be having the first real revolution of the century, which the Egyptians and Tunisians may have to follow if they are to free themselves from the shackles of the powers that be.
Conspiracies aimed at those who believe in the finality of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and in the perfection of the words of the Quran will continue until the greatest of conspiracies envelops them all.
Allah, the Almighty says in the Quran:
By the sky which returns [rain],
And [by] the earth which cracks open,
Indeed, the Qur'an is a decisive statement,
And it is not amusement
Indeed, they are planning a plan,
But I too am planning a plan.
So allow time for the disbelievers.
Leave them awhile.
(Quran, 86:11-18)
[i] George Antonius, (1939),The Arab Awakening. p.101
[ii] An interesting twist to a similar Article 2 is found in the new Iraqi constitution, which says, "Islam is the official religion of the State and is a foundation source of legislation: A. No law may be enacted that contradicts the established provisions of Islam B. No law may be enacted that contradicts the principles of democracy." (Emphasis added)
- Written by Husain Al-Qadi
One of the enduring perceptions of Arabs and Muslims in the West is that of a people who fall easy victim to conspiracy theories. Books are written on how the worldview of Muslims is influenced by conspiracy theories and we are often caricatured in fiction and folktales in the West as paranoid reactionaries. As a consequence of this, whenever a Muslim mentions the word "conspiracy", eyes roll even before he is able to finish his sentence and you can almost hear the collective groan of "oh-no-not-that again" echo around the room. This reaction has become so insidious that one can even find Muslims reacting in a similar manner, as I saw among the responses we received to last week's JumahPulse.
My analysis of the unfolding events in the Arab world was dismissed by some as mere "conspiracy theory" and a suggestion was made that I might be belittling the sacrifices made by those who have died in the Egyptian protests.
So for those of you who would have glanced at the title of this article and had your groan, I ask you to bear with me so that I can set the record straight and explain my reasoning, which I did not do last week for fear of the piece becoming too lengthy.
First of all, the innocent Muslims who died in Egypt at the hands of the brutality of the Mubarak regime are undoubtedly martyrs and we pray that Allah accepts their sacrifices and grants their relatives sabran jamilan. The courage and sincerity of their actions cannot be questioned. Hosni Mubarak was a notorious dictator who plundered the country's wealth and oppressed the Egyptian people for decades. Protesting (i.e. speaking the truth) against Egypt's brutal regime (sultanun ja'ir) was, in the words of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), afdal al-jihad (one of the best forms of jihad). However, the response from the regime and the apparent outcome of the protests was not, as those who celebrate seem to think, a revolution. Instead, it was a conspiracy and trickery of the most wretched kind.
Of course, no one can deny that there are fictitious stories of conspiracy circulating in gossip circuits and cyberspace but we are equally obliged, as thinking rational beings, to acknowledge that we live in a world where conspiracies do exist, even in the West where four American presidents were assassinated not by accident but by conspiracies. "Watergate", "Iran-gate", "Iraq-gate" were all conspiracies and the full list is too long to detail here.
As for the Muslim world, apart the from the long list of intrigues and "great games" played out against the Arab and Muslim nations during the last two centuries, the Sykes-Picot Agreement and the Balfour Declaration are conspiracies of such magnitude that they continue to cause pain, suffering and anger in the Muslim world even today.
Every day, day after day, these two conspiracies present the consciousness of Muslims with new tragedies and frustrations. These were such notorious conspiracies that the Christian historian George Antonius described them in the following words:
"The Sykes-Picot Agreement is a shocking document. It is not only the product of greed allied to suspicion and so leading to stupidity: it also stands out as a startling piece of double-dealing." (George Antonius, The Arab Awakening, p.248, 1939).
The effect of the Balfour Declaration was no less devastating, as the same author explained: "In those parts of the Arab world which were in direct touch with the Allies, the Balfour Declaration created bewilderment and dismay, even among those who were not aware of the exact nature of the British pledges to the Arabs... The news reached Egypt first, where it soon provoked a wave of protest on the part of the Arab leaders congregated in Cairo." (George Antonius, The Arab Awakening, p.267).
The latest result of these conspiracies is that Israel, just a few days ago, used the upheaval in the Arab world to fortify its stranglehold on al-Quds al-Sharif (Jerusalem). While the news bulletins are cluttered with reports of events in Libya and elsewhere, Israel has chosen to announce the relocation of three army colleges to East Jerusalem in the hope that it would go unnoticed. Pesky Orientalists often tell Muslims to "get over it" and to stop talking about the Sykes-Picot and Balfour conspiracies but when we have to live with their consequences day after day, decade after decade, it's easier said than done. The scheming and conspiracy-mongering of these "Balfour children" are not contained within the borders of Israel.
Israel and US Planned for Egypt's "Revolution"
In September 2008, the then Minister of Internal Security, Avi Dichter, gave a lecture in Tel Aviv in which he outlined the three scenarios within which Israel and the US were preparing for the transition of power in Egypt.
The first scenario was that the Muslim Brotherhood would take advantage of the deteriorating social and economic situation and install itself into government when strikes and popular uprisings brought the country to a standstill.
The second scenario was that the military would take control and the third was that either of the successors of Mubarak, Omar Suleiman or Jamal Mubarak would take over. However, it was envisaged that the situation would continue to deteriorate and it would be necessary to hold free elections to bring new players to the fore.
Dichter also said that Israel and the US were using all of their assets to monitor, and prepare to manage, these situations. As for scenario one, we now know that someone has convinced the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood not to field a candidate for the presidency and, more astonishingly, they now say that they "would not attempt to gain a majority in parliamentary elections."
With the Muslim Brotherhood placing themselves in a political straitjacket, scenario one is effectively neutralised, which leaves scenarios two and three in play, i.e. Omar Suleiman, the Military and the New Unknowns.
We know that Omar Suleiman was closer to the Israelis than Mubarak himself and a personal torturer for the US. While Mubarak was left on his own to deal with the pressure of the protests, the top-brass of the Egyptian military were out of the country. The people who are now in charge of running Egypt and have just ratified a draft of a new constitution were having discussions in Washington for three days during the protests. A high ranking military delegation, including the Chief of Staff Lt.Gen. Sami Anna, left Cairo for Washington on 24 January 2011. The protests began a day later and the military chiefs did not return to Egypt until 28 January. We do not know what instructions they received in Washington, but it would be hard to believe that the Pentagon officials neglected to mention what had just erupted in Cairo to the Egyptian Chief of Staff sitting across the table.
In Egypt today, while the masses celebrate, the declared state of emergency is still in force. The jails are still filled with political prisoners and the constitution has been rewritten and ratified under the auspices of a military junta that is still providing Mubarak with security as he continues to live in the luxury of the country's premier holiday resort, Sharm Al-Sheikh, while the masses are fed scraps of information about him and his family being prevented from leaving the country. Why would he want to leave such luxury? What kind of a revolution is this when, apart from a few figureheads, the entire regime remains intact and controls the country in a state of emergency?
The Constitution Trap
If one studies the history of the fall of the Ottoman Empire, one will notice that its institutions did not crumble overnight, nor did Kamal Ataturk single-handedly transform Turkish society into an anti-Islam, secular extremist polity. Although Ataturk is responsible for the manifestation of the worst that secularism had to offer in terms of enmity towards Islam, the groundwork for his project was laid well in advance by a network of activists with strong Masonic links. There was a mixture of "races and creed in which Turks predominated and Jews came second, with Ottoman nationals of other races in tow."[i]
These were known as the "Young Turks" and later the Committee for Unity and Progress (CUP). The military revolution on 24 July 1908 was their handiwork. "Constitution drafting" and "constitution defence" was a primary weapon in their arsenal. After forcing the Sultan to accept a constitution, it was easy to discredit him in the eyes of the masses with the charge of being against the constitution. If the Sultan is against the constitution then he has to be wrong because the constitution is always right.
Although he was critical of the failures of CUP's Young Turks, had it not been for the foundations they had laid, Kamal Ataturk could not have gotten away with declaring:
"In the face of knowledge, science, and of the whole extent of radiant civilization, I cannot accept the presence in Turkey's civilized community of people primitive enough to seek material and spiritual benefits in the guidance of sheiks. The Turkish republic cannot be a country of sheiks, dervishes, and disciples. The best, the truest order is the order of civilization. To be a man it is enough to carry out the requirements of civilization. The leaders of dervish orders will understand the truth of my words, and will themselves close down their lodges [tekke] and admit that their disciples have grown up." (Andrew Mango, Ataturk, p.367, 1991)
In Egypt, several groups have begun calling for the constitution to be rewritten and for the abolition of Article 2, which states that "Islam is the Religion of the State. Arabic is its official language, and the principal source of legislation is Islamic Jurisprudence (Sharia)." [ii]
A top judicial official, Hisham al-Bastawisy, is arguing that, "The current constitution is dead and nothing should be used from it."
The first party to be given official recognition after the resignation of Mubarak was the al-Wasat party, which is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. This party has been arguing for a constitution that allows a Christian to become head of state.
According to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, al-Wasat "seeks to interpret Islamic sharia principles in a manner consistent with the values of a liberal democratic system. Although al-Wasat advocates a political system that is firmly anchored in Islamic law, it also views sharia principles as flexible and wholly compatible with the principles of pluralism and equal citizenship rights." The party's manifesto accepts the right of a Christian to become head of state in a Muslim-majority country. (Courtesy of Wikipedia).
In June 2007, President Bush, speaking at a conference of dissidents in the Czech Republic said: "There are many dissidents who couldn't join us because they are being unjustly imprisoned or held under house arrest. I look forward to the day when a conference like this one could include Alexander Kozulin of Belarus, Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma, Oscar Elias Biscet of Cuba, Father Nguyen Van Ly of Vietnam, Ayman Nour of Egypt. (Applause.) The daughter of one of these political prisoners is in this room. I would like to say to her, and all the families: I thank you for your courage. I pray for your comfort and strength. And I call for the immediate and unconditional release of your loved ones... I have asked Secretary Rice to send a directive to every U.S. ambassador in an un-free nation: Seek out and meet with activists for democracy. Seek out those who demand human rights." Nour was released on health grounds on 18 February 2009. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)
Ayman Nour has special status not only because he has a project to rewrite the constitution but also because he wants to turn Egypt into a fully Westernised society, where religion will be pushed to the margins in favour of Western liberalism. However, he may have to be replaced as he suffered a severe injury to the head from a stone thrown by one of Mubarak's supporters in Tahrir Square.
Amidst calls for the abolition of Article 2, there have been protests by some groups in Egypt to retain Article 2 and the Islamic identity of the country.
The committee appointed by the military seems to have avoided confrontation on this issue by largely ignoring it. However, the liberal Westernised civil society groups are producing their own drafts of an entirely new constitution. Hafez Abou Saeda, head of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, said he already had his own draft ready.
Moreover, the Muslim Brotherhood has just announced that its political party will be called the "Freedom and Justice Party", which bears more than a passing resemblance to the current Turkish "Justice and Development Party".
I do not know who exactly is influencing the Muslim Brotherhood but one indication comes from an article for the Huffington Post published on 8 February 2011. It is entitled “Democratic Turkey is the Template for Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood” and its author, Tariq Ramadan, argues that:
"Only by exchanging ideas, and not by torture and dictatorship, can we find solutions that respect the people's will. Turkey's example should be an inspiration to us observers..."
"Today's Muslim Brotherhood draws these diverse visions together. But the leadership of the movement - those who belong to the founding generation are now very old - no longer fully represents the aspirations of the younger members, who are much more open to the world, anxious to bring about internal reform and fascinated by the Turkish example." (Tariq Ramadan, Huffington Post, 08.02.11)
Perhaps in choosing such a name for its political party, the Muslim Brotherhood is strategically trying to send a signal to the West that it, as Tayyip Erdogan does, will maintain the peace treaty with Israel or that it will also endeavour to become a secular Muslim state like Turkey.
What people seem to forget when thinking about Turkey is the direction, the trajectory. It is a country slowly working its way out of Ataturk’s anti-Islam minefields with the millstone of entry into to the European Union hanging around its neck and tugging it in the other direction. The progress is slow and painful as we have seen with the hijab issue. Though tolerated, it is still illegal to wear hijab in universities and because the decision was made in 2008 by the Constitutional Court to annul the proposal to lift the ban, there is now no possibility to appeal against that verdict. This is just one example of the deeply embedded hatred for Islam that persists from the legacy of Ataturk and the Young Turks.
Indeed, we can see why there have been many Western politicians (e.g. Jack Straw) who are keen to see all Arab countries, especially those bordering Israel, to copy the Turkish model. However, that advice should not be heeded without a full appreciation of the history of conspiracies in Turkish lands and the trajectory of today’s Turkey, which is pointing in a direction away from the Ataturk model and towards Islam. Turkey's trajectory even in foreign policy is slowly moving towards a more pro-Islam position. Egypt and other Arab countries should not be trying to move in the opposite direction, especially since the importance of Islam is still high in the consciousness of the populace of these countries. Listening to Egyptian politicians muse about Turkey as some par excellence model to emulate suggests that there is a big disconnect between their fascination with the West and the reality that surrounds them.
Leadership-less "revolutions", regularly characterised as "the revolution of the youth", coupled with an ardent focus on constitutions and calls for Westernisation have worrying echoes of a tragic era in Ottoman history. Incidentally, Israel has been in existence for 63 years: it still has neither a constitution nor stated borders and no one seems to be asking why.
There is more to it than meets the eye in respect of the events currently unfolding in the Arab world. As the Libyans demonstrate in the streets of Benghazi, believing they are following in the footsteps of an Egyptian revolution, little do they realise that it is they - the Libyan people - who may be having the first real revolution of the century, which the Egyptians and Tunisians may have to follow if they are to free themselves from the shackles of the powers that be.
Conspiracies aimed at those who believe in the finality of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and in the perfection of the words of the Quran will continue until the greatest of conspiracies envelops them all.
Allah, the Almighty says in the Quran:By the sky which returns [rain],And [by] the earth which cracks open,Indeed, the Qur'an is a decisive statement,And it is not amusementIndeed, they are planning a plan,But I too am planning a plan.So allow time for the disbelievers.Leave them awhile.(Quran, 86:11-18)
[i] George Antonius, (1939),The Arab Awakening. p.101
[ii] An interesting twist to a similar Article 2 is found in the new Iraqi constitution, which says, "Islam is the official religion of the State and is a foundation source of legislation: A. No law may be enacted that contradicts the established provisions of Islam B. No law may be enacted that contradicts the principles of democracy." (Emphasis added)
The invasion of North Africa by israeli stooges Sarkozy, Cameron and Obama. Remember what we did say when the Tunisia intifadha started, Libya and Algeria will be divided and occupied by NATO on behalf of Israel.
US, UK, French forces land in Libya
Several hundred “defence advisors” to support anti-Ghadafi Forces
By Akhtar Jamal
Global Research, February 28, 2011
Global Research Editor's Note
This report by the Pakistan Observer is unconfirmed.
Islamabad—The United States, Britain and France have sent several hundred “defence advisors” to train and support the anti-Gadhafi forces in oil-rich Eastern Libya where “rebels armed groups” have apparently taken over.
According to an exclusive report confirmed by a Libyan diplomat in the region “the three Western states have landed their “special forces troops in Cyrinacia and are now setting up their bases and training centres” to reinforce the rebel forces who are resisting pro-Qaddafi forces in several adjoining areas.
A Libyan official who requested not to be identified said that the U.S. and British military gurus were sent on February 23 and 24 night through American and French warships and small naval boats off Libyan ports of Benghazi and Tobruk.
The Western forces are reportedly preparing to set-up training bases for local militias set-up by the rebel forces for an effective control of the oil-rich region and counter any push by pro- Qaddafi forces from Tripoli .
Other reports claim that efforts to “neutralize” the Libyan Air Force were also underway to limit Qaddafi’s rule in Tripoli if not fully uprooted from the country.
Meanwhile, three Indian Navy warships, are also being dispatched to be deployed in the rebel-held areas of Libya .
According to reports the Indian Navy has already sent two warships plus one its largest amphibious vessel INS Jalashwa. According to defence experts “Jalshwa” is the largest ship of Indian Navy which was delivered by the U.S. four years ago. Jalashwa, formaly the USS Trenton, has the capability to embark, transport & land various elements of an amphibious force & its equipped with mechanised landing craft, Sea King helicopters & armed with raders, ship to air missiles & rapid firing guns.
Experts say that Indian ship Jalashwa has a Landing Platform Dock with a capability 1000 fully armed troops. The warship is also used for maritime surveillance, special operations, search & rescue and to undertake other tasks.
Gadhafi vows to ‘triumph over enemy’
Tripoli—Muammar Gadhafi vowed defiantly on Friday to triumph over his enemies, vigorously urging supporters in Tripoli’s Green Square to protect the Libyan nation and its petroleum interests.
Addressing cheering supporters from the old city ramparts looking over Green Square, Gadhafi, wearing a winter jacket and a hunter’s cap that covered his ears, said when necessary he would open Libya’s arsenals of guns to the tribes.
“We can crush any enemy. We can crush it with the people’s will. The people are armed and when necessary, we will open arsenals to arm all the Libyan people and all Libyan tribes,” said Gadhafi, who has lost swathes of his country to rebels.—Reuters
- US, UK, French forces land in LibyaSeveral hundred “defence advisors” to support anti-Ghadafi Forces
By Akhtar JamalGlobal Research, February 28, 2011
Global Research Editor's Note
This report by the Pakistan Observer is unconfirmed.
Islamabad—The United States, Britain and France have sent several hundred “defence advisors” to train and support the anti-Gadhafi forces in oil-rich Eastern Libya where “rebels armed groups” have apparently taken over.According to an exclusive report confirmed by a Libyan diplomat in the region “the three Western states have landed their “special forces troops in Cyrinacia and are now setting up their bases and training centres” to reinforce the rebel forces who are resisting pro-Qaddafi forces in several adjoining areas.A Libyan official who requested not to be identified said that the U.S. and British military gurus were sent on February 23 and 24 night through American and French warships and small naval boats off Libyan ports of Benghazi and Tobruk.The Western forces are reportedly preparing to set-up training bases for local militias set-up by the rebel forces for an effective control of the oil-rich region and counter any push by pro- Qaddafi forces from Tripoli .Other reports claim that efforts to “neutralize” the Libyan Air Force were also underway to limit Qaddafi’s rule in Tripoli if not fully uprooted from the country.Meanwhile, three Indian Navy warships, are also being dispatched to be deployed in the rebel-held areas of Libya .According to reports the Indian Navy has already sent two warships plus one its largest amphibious vessel INS Jalashwa. According to defence experts “Jalshwa” is the largest ship of Indian Navy which was delivered by the U.S. four years ago. Jalashwa, formaly the USS Trenton, has the capability to embark, transport & land various elements of an amphibious force & its equipped with mechanised landing craft, Sea King helicopters & armed with raders, ship to air missiles & rapid firing guns.Experts say that Indian ship Jalashwa has a Landing Platform Dock with a capability 1000 fully armed troops. The warship is also used for maritime surveillance, special operations, search & rescue and to undertake other tasks.Gadhafi vows to ‘triumph over enemy’Tripoli—Muammar Gadhafi vowed defiantly on Friday to triumph over his enemies, vigorously urging supporters in Tripoli’s Green Square to protect the Libyan nation and its petroleum interests.Addressing cheering supporters from the old city ramparts looking over Green Square, Gadhafi, wearing a winter jacket and a hunter’s cap that covered his ears, said when necessary he would open Libya’s arsenals of guns to the tribes.“We can crush any enemy. We can crush it with the people’s will. The people are armed and when necessary, we will open arsenals to arm all the Libyan people and all Libyan tribes,” said Gadhafi, who has lost swathes of his country to rebels.—Reuters
Qaddafi the Jew, the French sefardim is playing a partition to give Libya to Israel, as Suleiman is doing in Egypt, or Al Maliki in Iraq
Qaddafi the Jew, the Rothschilds & the Mossad
By Chris Bollyn,
During a discussion on Israel Radio they just dropped this little tidbit. There is a Jew left in Libya. His name is Muammar Gadhafi.
- "You won't believe this...Gadhafi's mother was Jewish", 22 February 2011
Of his early life little is known, and even less is certain. He was born, it is said, in Sirte, a desert town, the son of a goatherd. Other versions suggest that his real father may have been French, and his mother Jewish.
- "Colonel Gaddafi is turning into a mellow megolamaniac" (comments), The Telegraph, 13 June 2009

Colonel Gaddafi's close ties to the Rothschild family and the Mossad make complete sense when we consider the fact that he is a Jew, the son of a Jewish mother, according to a report aired on Israeli television. How much oil money has the brutal Libyan dictator secretly stashed away in Israeli banks?
When an Arab journalist told me that Muammar Gaddafi was Jewish and that his mother's relative lived in Israel and had been on Israeli television, I thought it must be some kind of joke. But it's not. Here is the Israeli program in which his second cousin and another relative explain that the "Madman of Libya" is actually a Jew. According to the relatives' testimony on this show, there is no question that Gaddafi is a Jew under Jewish - and Israeli law. Gaddafi's Jewish blood explains his very close connection to the Rothschilds and their preferred intelligence agency - the Mossad. Now it all makes sense.
An Israeli television program in which Gaddafi's Jewish roots are discussed, by his second cousin in Israel. "With a Jewish Grandma, and a Jewish Mother, Gaddafi may seek refuge in Israel", according to Israel Insider.
The Israeli television program discusses Gaddafi's Jewish mother and grandmother. This is how Israel Insider explains the connection:
Israel’s Channel 2 News last year interviewed two Israeli women of Libyan origin who claimed to be relatives of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Israel Today's Ryan Jones reminds us.
The older of the two interviewees, Guita Brown, claimed that she is Gaddafi’s second cousin: her grandmother was the sister of Gaddafi’s grandmother. The younger of the two women, Rachel Saada, Brown's granddaughter , explained in more detail: “The story goes that Gaddafi’s grandmother, a Jewess, was married to a Jewish man at first. But he treated her badly, so she ran away and married a Muslim sheikh. Their child was the mother of Gaddafi.” While Gaddafi’s grandmother converted to Islam when she married the sheikh, according to Jewish religious law (and common sense), she was ethnically still Jewish. And that makes Gaddafi's mother a Jewess. And if Gaddafi's mother is a Jewess, what does that make Gaddafi?
At that point in the news report, the anchor exclaimed, “So, the point is that Gaddafi doesn’t just have Jewish relatives, he is Jewish!”
That may come in handy. According to Israel's Law of Return, anyone with a Jewish grandparent is entitled to become a citizen, no questions asked.
Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, who is seen as the Libyan dictator's most likely successor, was also a guest of billionaire financiers Jacob and Nat Rothschild at their Corfu villa where the Business Secretary stayed a week...days before it emerged that the Lockerbie bomber was to be freed.
- "Mandy and the Lockerbie bomber and ANOTHER 'coincidence' in Corfu", Daily Mail, 18 August 2009
Swinging London is but one hub of Gadhafi Inc. - a useful networking site where the Rothschilds were able to point Saif Gadhafi to investment opportunities in marina complexes in Montenegro.
- "Gadhafi's stolen billions stashed in London" Daily Telegraph, 25 February 2011

The evidence indicates that Muammar Qaddafi, who controls the largest oil reserves in Africa, works closely with the Rothschild family and the Mossad. This makes complete sense, if, as the Israeli television program reported, Qaddafi is actually a Jew.
"Fighter aircraft were bombing civilians on the streets of Tripoli, this is unprecedented violence."
- Ali al-Essawi, Libyan Ambassador to India, 22 February 2011
Gaddafi’s youngest son Khamis was reportedly bringing mercenaries from African countries to fight against anti-regime protestors. Identity cards from Guinea, Niger, Chad, Mauritania and Sudan were found on individuals wearing Libyan uniforms and killed in the eastern city of Benghazi and other locations.
- Using Mercenaries to Quell Libya Revolution

A video image of one of Qaddafi's mercenaries who was killed...

...while other suspected African mercenaries stand in a room in a court in Benghazi as they are held by anti-Qaddafi protesters, February 24, 2011.
The Qaddafi family is closely tied to and invested with the Rothschild family, which raises the question: Is Muammar Qaddafi, the brutal and mercurial Libyan dictator, working with Israel's Mossad? The evidence suggests that he is. We need to remember that the Mossad works hand-in-hand with the Rothschild family, which controls global mining and oil production operations. Libya has the largest proven reserves of oil in Africa and exports about 1.5 million barrels per day and has important refineries that supply essential petroleum products to Europe.

Major pipelines of Libya - Green lines are oil, red are gas
Let's look at the evidence that Qaddafi is working with the Rothschild family and their intelligence agency, the Mossad.
First, Libya invested a reported $500 million into Allen Stanford's money laundering operation that was exposed two years ago this month to be a scam in which some $8 billion disappeared. Stanford's operation, based in Antigua and Houston, was one in which senior Mossadniks were both investors and recipients of investments from Allen Stanford. The Israeli venture capital funds which received millions of dollars from Stanford are all closely linked to the Mossad. Yair Shamir, the son of the infamous terrorist leader Yitzchak Shamir, was one of the investors in Stanford's "bank" in Antigua.

Yair Shamir (inset), the son of the notorious Zionist terrorist Yitzchak Shamir, is chairman and managing partner of the Catalyst Fund, a Mossad venture capital fund that received tens of millions of dollars from the Allen Stanford money-laundering operation. Shamir was also an investor in the Stanford bank.
Qaddafi invested the $500 million in Stanford's operation three weeks before the fund collapsed owing investors some $8 billion. The Stanford bank was reportedly a Mossad money-laundering operation funded with illegal drug profits. Libya, however, has never made a claim for the lost $500 million. Why would Qaddafi invest half a billion dollars in a Mossad-linked scam and not ask for the money back?
Secondly, there is the Rothschild connection to Qaddafi, through his son Saif. As the Daily Mail reported on February 24:
The friendship of oddball financier Nat Rothschild, 39, scion of one of Europe’s most distinguished Jewish families, with Colonel Gaddafi’s epicene son, Saif, is remarkable. Colonel Gaddafi confiscated all Jewish property in Libya when he came to power. All debts to Jews were cancelled and emigration legally prohibited. But in 2004 – the year Tony Blair befriended the Libyan madman – Gaddafi said he would discuss compensating Jews stripped of their possessions. It’s said Saif – who hoped to succeed his father – was behind these moves. A sop to Nat Rothschild?

Nat Rothschild works closely with the Qaddafi family.
The Daily Telegraph published an article entitled "Gadhafi's stolen billions stashed in London" that points out the Gadhafi family ties with the Rothschilds:
This was painfully revealed when Saif, a supposed friend of the West, spoke on Libyan television this week. Saif took the awkward manner of an international plutocrat, forced only by circumstances out of his usual exalted milieu of Blairs, Deripaskas, Mandelsons and Rothschilds, to address Libya's "little people"...Swinging London is but one hub of Gadhafi Inc. - a useful networking site where the Rothschilds were able to point Saif Gadhafi to investment opportunities in marina complexes in Montenegro.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, son of the Libyan dictator
In a profile piece on Saif Gaddafi, The Observer provides more details about the Gaddafi family's close ties to the Rothschild family:
Saif is an acquaintance of Lord Mandelson and met the former Labour minister at a Corfu villa [of Jacob Rothschild] the week before it was announced that the Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, would be released from a Scottish prison. The two men met again when they were guests at Lord Rothschild's mansion in Buckinghamshire.
Rothschild's son and heir, Nat, also a close friend of Mandelson, held a party in New York attended by Saif in 2008. Saif in turn invited Nat Rothschild to his 37th birthday party in Montenegro, where the financier is investing in a luxury resort.

Saif Gaddafi met with Lord Mandelson (left) and Jacob (4th Baron) Rothschild (center) at Rothschild's villa in Corfu in August 2009, one week before it was announced that the "Lockerbie bomber" would be released from prison. Rothschild's father (Victor, the 3rd Baron Rothschild) worked in British intelligence during World War II in disinformation and espionage. Victor is alleged to have been a Soviet spy, which led him to state in December 1986, "I am not, and never have been, a Soviet agent."
Then there is the fact that Tony Blair serves as an adviser to Muammar Qaddafi. But who is Blair serving? It is well known that Blair is a Zionist-controlled politician who has sacrificed hundreds of British lives in the criminal fraud known as the "War on Terror". The Daily Mail reported in July 2010 that Blair had secret talks with Qaddafi in Tripoli:
Tony Blair was flown to Libya for secret talks with Colonel Gaddafi just days after denying he was an adviser to the dictator. Mr Blair was 'entertained as a brother', a senior Libyan government source has revealed. He told the Daily Mail that the former prime minister had offered Gaddafi, with whom he is on first-name terms, 'a great deal of invaluable advice'.

Mr Blair is said to be on first-name terms with the Libyan dictator and was treated like a 'brother' on his visit, according to the Daily Mail (U.K.)...

...although Britain officially blamed Qaddafi for the terror bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie.
Tony Blair is just one of the many Zionist-controlled politicians who have embraced the madman of Tripoli. Silvio Berlusconi of Italy, for example, who is very close to Qaddafi, was given the "Distinguished Statesman Award" by the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith in September 2003. If Qaddafi were really the terrorist behind Pan Am 103, would Berlusconi and all these other Zionist-controlled western leaders be allowed to embrace him as a friend?
Lastly, there is the claim made by Victor Ostrovsky in his books about the Mossad that Israeli agents based in Tripoli had sent messages that appeared to have been sent by Qaddafi's government. These counterfeit messages were picked up by American intelligence and were used to build their case against Libya. If Mossad was running such sophisticated intelligence operations in Libya in the 1980s it is more than likely that their penetration of Qaddafi's government had deepened in the 25 years since. The evidence strongly indicates that is the case.
The revolt and bloodshed in Libya will certainly lead to the end of the 42-year-old regime of Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi and his thugs. There is very little television footage coming from Libya, but the BBC Newhour program (of February 20) had an excellent telephone interview with a young Libyan woman named Sarah, in Tripoli. This is a very powerful and moving interview that helps one understand what is really happening in Libya. The interview with "Sarah in Tripoli" begins shortly after minute 26 and 30 seconds into the program. One can use the time button and begin listening at 26:30.
The interview can be heard on the BBC World Service website here:

Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi has been dictator of oil-rich Libya since 1969

Gaddafi and Silvio Berlusconi of Italy are quite close. Libya has many investments in Italy, the Guardian reported, "These include a stake of about 2% in Fiat, 7.5% of Juventus football club, a 2% stake in – and joint venture with – Italian aerospace and defence group Finmeccanica and 7.5% in UniCredit, the bank."

Britain's Tony Blair, who is controlled by Zionist money, was quite willing to embrace the madman of Libya - the same Arab tyrant who is said to have been behind the terror bombing over Lockerbie. How much sense does this make?

Qaddafi with Nicholas Sarkozy of France

Gaddafi and President Obama shaking hands

Hillary Clinton with Mutassim Gaddafi, one of his sons.
Sources and Recommended Reading:
"You won't believe this... Gadhafi's mother was Jewish",, 22 February 2011
Facts on Libya: Oil and Gas, International Energy Agency, 21 February 2011
By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer, by Victor Ostrovsky, St. Martin's Press 1990
Who Really Controls Our Political Parties?, by Christopher Bollyn, Solving 9/11
"Lord Mandelson runs the country - from Corfu", The Telegraph, 7 August 2009
"Mandy and the Lockerbie bomber and Another 'coincidence' in Corfu", by Tim Shipman and Sam Greenhill, The Daily Mail, 18 August 2009
"Saif al-Islam Gaddafi: The new face of Libyan defiance", by Jamie Doward, The Observer,, 26 February 2011
"Oddball banker's friendship with Gaddafi's son is remarkable," by Ephraim Hardcastle, Daily Mail Online, 24 February 2011
"Allen Stanford: A Libyan Connection?" by Matthew Goldstein, Business Week, 30 March 2009
"Stanford International Bank became a new BCCI,", 25 July 2010
"Libya's oil money has made it major world shareholder", The Guardian, 21 February 2011
- Qaddafi the Jew, the Rothschilds & the MossadBy Chris Bollyn,During a discussion on Israel Radio they just dropped this little tidbit. There is a Jew left in Libya. His name is Muammar Gadhafi.
- "You won't believe this...Gadhafi's mother was Jewish", 22 February 2011
Of his early life little is known, and even less is certain. He was born, it is said, in Sirte, a desert town, the son of a goatherd. Other versions suggest that his real father may have been French, and his mother Jewish.
- "Colonel Gaddafi is turning into a mellow megolamaniac" (comments), The Telegraph, 13 June 2009
Colonel Gaddafi's close ties to the Rothschild family and the Mossad make complete sense when we consider the fact that he is a Jew, the son of a Jewish mother, according to a report aired on Israeli television. How much oil money has the brutal Libyan dictator secretly stashed away in Israeli banks?
When an Arab journalist told me that Muammar Gaddafi was Jewish and that his mother's relative lived in Israel and had been on Israeli television, I thought it must be some kind of joke. But it's not. Here is the Israeli program in which his second cousin and another relative explain that the "Madman of Libya" is actually a Jew. According to the relatives' testimony on this show, there is no question that Gaddafi is a Jew under Jewish - and Israeli law. Gaddafi's Jewish blood explains his very close connection to the Rothschilds and their preferred intelligence agency - the Mossad. Now it all makes sense.An Israeli television program in which Gaddafi's Jewish roots are discussed, by his second cousin in Israel. "With a Jewish Grandma, and a Jewish Mother, Gaddafi may seek refuge in Israel", according to Israel Insider.The Israeli television program discusses Gaddafi's Jewish mother and grandmother. This is how Israel Insider explains the connection:Israel’s Channel 2 News last year interviewed two Israeli women of Libyan origin who claimed to be relatives of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Israel Today's Ryan Jones reminds us.
The older of the two interviewees, Guita Brown, claimed that she is Gaddafi’s second cousin: her grandmother was the sister of Gaddafi’s grandmother. The younger of the two women, Rachel Saada, Brown's granddaughter , explained in more detail: “The story goes that Gaddafi’s grandmother, a Jewess, was married to a Jewish man at first. But he treated her badly, so she ran away and married a Muslim sheikh. Their child was the mother of Gaddafi.” While Gaddafi’s grandmother converted to Islam when she married the sheikh, according to Jewish religious law (and common sense), she was ethnically still Jewish. And that makes Gaddafi's mother a Jewess. And if Gaddafi's mother is a Jewess, what does that make Gaddafi?
At that point in the news report, the anchor exclaimed, “So, the point is that Gaddafi doesn’t just have Jewish relatives, he is Jewish!”
That may come in handy. According to Israel's Law of Return, anyone with a Jewish grandparent is entitled to become a citizen, no questions asked.GADDAFI'S CLOSE TIES TO THE ROTHSCHILDSSaif al-Islam Gaddafi, who is seen as the Libyan dictator's most likely successor, was also a guest of billionaire financiers Jacob and Nat Rothschild at their Corfu villa where the Business Secretary stayed a week...days before it emerged that the Lockerbie bomber was to be freed.
- "Mandy and the Lockerbie bomber and ANOTHER 'coincidence' in Corfu", Daily Mail, 18 August 2009
Swinging London is but one hub of Gadhafi Inc. - a useful networking site where the Rothschilds were able to point Saif Gadhafi to investment opportunities in marina complexes in Montenegro.
- "Gadhafi's stolen billions stashed in London" Daily Telegraph, 25 February 2011
The evidence indicates that Muammar Qaddafi, who controls the largest oil reserves in Africa, works closely with the Rothschild family and the Mossad. This makes complete sense, if, as the Israeli television program reported, Qaddafi is actually a Jew."Fighter aircraft were bombing civilians on the streets of Tripoli, this is unprecedented violence."
- Ali al-Essawi, Libyan Ambassador to India, 22 February 2011
Gaddafi’s youngest son Khamis was reportedly bringing mercenaries from African countries to fight against anti-regime protestors. Identity cards from Guinea, Niger, Chad, Mauritania and Sudan were found on individuals wearing Libyan uniforms and killed in the eastern city of Benghazi and other locations.
- Using Mercenaries to Quell Libya Revolution
A video image of one of Qaddafi's mercenaries who was killed...
...while other suspected African mercenaries stand in a room in a court in Benghazi as they are held by anti-Qaddafi protesters, February 24, 2011.The Qaddafi family is closely tied to and invested with the Rothschild family, which raises the question: Is Muammar Qaddafi, the brutal and mercurial Libyan dictator, working with Israel's Mossad? The evidence suggests that he is. We need to remember that the Mossad works hand-in-hand with the Rothschild family, which controls global mining and oil production operations. Libya has the largest proven reserves of oil in Africa and exports about 1.5 million barrels per day and has important refineries that supply essential petroleum products to Europe.
Major pipelines of Libya - Green lines are oil, red are gasLet's look at the evidence that Qaddafi is working with the Rothschild family and their intelligence agency, the Mossad.First, Libya invested a reported $500 million into Allen Stanford's money laundering operation that was exposed two years ago this month to be a scam in which some $8 billion disappeared. Stanford's operation, based in Antigua and Houston, was one in which senior Mossadniks were both investors and recipients of investments from Allen Stanford. The Israeli venture capital funds which received millions of dollars from Stanford are all closely linked to the Mossad. Yair Shamir, the son of the infamous terrorist leader Yitzchak Shamir, was one of the investors in Stanford's "bank" in Antigua.
Yair Shamir (inset), the son of the notorious Zionist terrorist Yitzchak Shamir, is chairman and managing partner of the Catalyst Fund, a Mossad venture capital fund that received tens of millions of dollars from the Allen Stanford money-laundering operation. Shamir was also an investor in the Stanford bank.Qaddafi invested the $500 million in Stanford's operation three weeks before the fund collapsed owing investors some $8 billion. The Stanford bank was reportedly a Mossad money-laundering operation funded with illegal drug profits. Libya, however, has never made a claim for the lost $500 million. Why would Qaddafi invest half a billion dollars in a Mossad-linked scam and not ask for the money back?Secondly, there is the Rothschild connection to Qaddafi, through his son Saif. As the Daily Mail reported on February 24:The friendship of oddball financier Nat Rothschild, 39, scion of one of Europe’s most distinguished Jewish families, with Colonel Gaddafi’s epicene son, Saif, is remarkable. Colonel Gaddafi confiscated all Jewish property in Libya when he came to power. All debts to Jews were cancelled and emigration legally prohibited. But in 2004 – the year Tony Blair befriended the Libyan madman – Gaddafi said he would discuss compensating Jews stripped of their possessions. It’s said Saif – who hoped to succeed his father – was behind these moves. A sop to Nat Rothschild?
Nat Rothschild works closely with the Qaddafi family.GADHAFI MONEY STASHED IN ROTHSCHILD BANKS
The Daily Telegraph published an article entitled "Gadhafi's stolen billions stashed in London" that points out the Gadhafi family ties with the Rothschilds:This was painfully revealed when Saif, a supposed friend of the West, spoke on Libyan television this week. Saif took the awkward manner of an international plutocrat, forced only by circumstances out of his usual exalted milieu of Blairs, Deripaskas, Mandelsons and Rothschilds, to address Libya's "little people"...Swinging London is but one hub of Gadhafi Inc. - a useful networking site where the Rothschilds were able to point Saif Gadhafi to investment opportunities in marina complexes in Montenegro.
Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, son of the Libyan dictatorIn a profile piece on Saif Gaddafi, The Observer provides more details about the Gaddafi family's close ties to the Rothschild family:Saif is an acquaintance of Lord Mandelson and met the former Labour minister at a Corfu villa [of Jacob Rothschild] the week before it was announced that the Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, would be released from a Scottish prison. The two men met again when they were guests at Lord Rothschild's mansion in Buckinghamshire.
Rothschild's son and heir, Nat, also a close friend of Mandelson, held a party in New York attended by Saif in 2008. Saif in turn invited Nat Rothschild to his 37th birthday party in Montenegro, where the financier is investing in a luxury resort.
Saif Gaddafi met with Lord Mandelson (left) and Jacob (4th Baron) Rothschild (center) at Rothschild's villa in Corfu in August 2009, one week before it was announced that the "Lockerbie bomber" would be released from prison. Rothschild's father (Victor, the 3rd Baron Rothschild) worked in British intelligence during World War II in disinformation and espionage. Victor is alleged to have been a Soviet spy, which led him to state in December 1986, "I am not, and never have been, a Soviet agent."Then there is the fact that Tony Blair serves as an adviser to Muammar Qaddafi. But who is Blair serving? It is well known that Blair is a Zionist-controlled politician who has sacrificed hundreds of British lives in the criminal fraud known as the "War on Terror". The Daily Mail reported in July 2010 that Blair had secret talks with Qaddafi in Tripoli:Tony Blair was flown to Libya for secret talks with Colonel Gaddafi just days after denying he was an adviser to the dictator. Mr Blair was 'entertained as a brother', a senior Libyan government source has revealed. He told the Daily Mail that the former prime minister had offered Gaddafi, with whom he is on first-name terms, 'a great deal of invaluable advice'.
Mr Blair is said to be on first-name terms with the Libyan dictator and was treated like a 'brother' on his visit, according to the Daily Mail (U.K.)...
...although Britain officially blamed Qaddafi for the terror bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie.Tony Blair is just one of the many Zionist-controlled politicians who have embraced the madman of Tripoli. Silvio Berlusconi of Italy, for example, who is very close to Qaddafi, was given the "Distinguished Statesman Award" by the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith in September 2003. If Qaddafi were really the terrorist behind Pan Am 103, would Berlusconi and all these other Zionist-controlled western leaders be allowed to embrace him as a friend?Lastly, there is the claim made by Victor Ostrovsky in his books about the Mossad that Israeli agents based in Tripoli had sent messages that appeared to have been sent by Qaddafi's government. These counterfeit messages were picked up by American intelligence and were used to build their case against Libya. If Mossad was running such sophisticated intelligence operations in Libya in the 1980s it is more than likely that their penetration of Qaddafi's government had deepened in the 25 years since. The evidence strongly indicates that is the case.SARAH IN TRIPOLI
The revolt and bloodshed in Libya will certainly lead to the end of the 42-year-old regime of Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi and his thugs. There is very little television footage coming from Libya, but the BBC Newhour program (of February 20) had an excellent telephone interview with a young Libyan woman named Sarah, in Tripoli. This is a very powerful and moving interview that helps one understand what is really happening in Libya. The interview with "Sarah in Tripoli" begins shortly after minute 26 and 30 seconds into the program. One can use the time button and begin listening at 26:30.
The interview can be heard on the BBC World Service website here:
Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi has been dictator of oil-rich Libya since 1969
Gaddafi and Silvio Berlusconi of Italy are quite close. Libya has many investments in Italy, the Guardian reported, "These include a stake of about 2% in Fiat, 7.5% of Juventus football club, a 2% stake in – and joint venture with – Italian aerospace and defence group Finmeccanica and 7.5% in UniCredit, the bank."
Britain's Tony Blair, who is controlled by Zionist money, was quite willing to embrace the madman of Libya - the same Arab tyrant who is said to have been behind the terror bombing over Lockerbie. How much sense does this make?
Qaddafi with Nicholas Sarkozy of France
Gaddafi and President Obama shaking hands
Hillary Clinton with Mutassim Gaddafi, one of his sons.Sources and Recommended Reading:
"You won't believe this... Gadhafi's mother was Jewish",, 22 February 2011 on Libya: Oil and Gas, International Energy Agency, 21 February 2011 Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer, by Victor Ostrovsky, St. Martin's Press 1990
Who Really Controls Our Political Parties?, by Christopher Bollyn, Solving 9/11"Lord Mandelson runs the country - from Corfu", The Telegraph, 7 August 2009"Mandy and the Lockerbie bomber and Another 'coincidence' in Corfu", by Tim Shipman and Sam Greenhill, The Daily Mail, 18 August 2009
"Saif al-Islam Gaddafi: The new face of Libyan defiance", by Jamie Doward, The Observer,, 26 February 2011
"Oddball banker's friendship with Gaddafi's son is remarkable," by Ephraim Hardcastle, Daily Mail Online, 24 February 2011"Allen Stanford: A Libyan Connection?" by Matthew Goldstein, Business Week, 30 March 2009"Stanford International Bank became a new BCCI,", 25 July 2010"Libya's oil money has made it major world shareholder", The Guardian, 21 February 2011
Initiative historique : Des millions de Palestiniens au Liban, Syrie, Jordanie, Egypte se preparent a retourner sur leur Palestine natale
Des activistes sur "Facebook" appellent à 'une marche du retour' en Palestine historique
Gaza – CPI
Des activistes palestiniens ont appelé à une marche de plusiers millions, visant à la réalisation du droit de retour en Palestine historique, le 15 mai prochain".
Dans un communiqué publié le mercredi 2 Mars 2011, les activistes ont déclaré: "Après avoir mis notre confiance en Allah et après le succès des révolutions en Egypte et en Tunisie, notre croyance au droit au retour de notre peuple palestinien, en confirmation à ce droit et l'exécution des résolutions de la légitimité internationale sur le retour des réfugiés. Nous appelons notre peuple à retourner en Palestine historique et à mettre en œuvre ce retour des le 15 mai prochain".
Le groupe qui se nomme "Marche de retour 2011" a déclaré que le retour est un droit juridique, politique, humanitaire, moral et religieux, dont tout le monde doit travailler afin de l'atteindre.
Il a appelé à mettre en œuvre ce droit par un retour collectif des millions de palestiniens en Palestine historique, où tout réfugié déplacé doit retourner vers sa terre et sa maison dont il a été expulsé.
Le groupe a insisté sur l'importance que cette marche sera le premier pas vers la réalisation de la résolution onusienne N° 194 qui sera suivi par d'autres pas, y compris la reconnaissance des droits des réfugiés et les dédommagement.
Le groupe- qui a une page sur le Site "Facebook"- a confirmé que la marche sera pacifique et populaire, en disant: "La Marche de retour sera une manifestation de droit et légitimité et personne n'a le droit de s'y opposer ou de la contrarier".
Le communiqué a appelé tous les individus, sociétés, gouvernements et institutions palestiniens, arabes et internationales à soutenir cette marche pour démontrer le droit et faire retourner les autochtones de la Palestine vers leurs terres ancestrales.
Des sources proches du groupe ont déclaré qu'ils ont l'intention d'organiser des marches populaires et pacifiques de millions de personnes qui se dirigeront à travers la Bande de Gaza, la Cisjordanie et les pays voisins comme le Liban, la Syrie, la Jordanie et l'Egypte et comporteront des réfugiés qui ont été expulsés de la Palestine avant l'occupation en 1948, pour traverser les frontières et retourner vers la Palestine historique.
Les sources ont prévu que l'occupation tentera d'utiliser des moyens de répressions contre les manifestants, mais elles ont confirmé la possibilité de dépasser les frontières où toute force sur le terrain ne pourrait pas opprimer un tout peuple qui veut survivre dans son territoire historique.
Pour contacter le groupe:
- Des activistes sur "Facebook" appellent à 'une marche du retour' en Palestine historiqueGaza – CPI
Dans un communiqué publié le mercredi 2 Mars 2011, les activistes ont déclaré: "Après avoir mis notre confiance en Allah et après le succès des révolutions en Egypte et en Tunisie, notre croyance au droit au retour de notre peuple palestinien, en confirmation à ce droit et l'exécution des résolutions de la légitimité internationale sur le retour des réfugiés. Nous appelons notre peuple à retourner en Palestine historique et à mettre en œuvre ce retour des le 15 mai prochain".
Le groupe qui se nomme "Marche de retour 2011" a déclaré que le retour est un droit juridique, politique, humanitaire, moral et religieux, dont tout le monde doit travailler afin de l'atteindre.
Il a appelé à mettre en œuvre ce droit par un retour collectif des millions de palestiniens en Palestine historique, où tout réfugié déplacé doit retourner vers sa terre et sa maison dont il a été expulsé.
Le groupe a insisté sur l'importance que cette marche sera le premier pas vers la réalisation de la résolution onusienne N° 194 qui sera suivi par d'autres pas, y compris la reconnaissance des droits des réfugiés et les dédommagement.
Le groupe- qui a une page sur le Site "Facebook"- a confirmé que la marche sera pacifique et populaire, en disant: "La Marche de retour sera une manifestation de droit et légitimité et personne n'a le droit de s'y opposer ou de la contrarier".
Le communiqué a appelé tous les individus, sociétés, gouvernements et institutions palestiniens, arabes et internationales à soutenir cette marche pour démontrer le droit et faire retourner les autochtones de la Palestine vers leurs terres ancestrales.
Des sources proches du groupe ont déclaré qu'ils ont l'intention d'organiser des marches populaires et pacifiques de millions de personnes qui se dirigeront à travers la Bande de Gaza, la Cisjordanie et les pays voisins comme le Liban, la Syrie, la Jordanie et l'Egypte et comporteront des réfugiés qui ont été expulsés de la Palestine avant l'occupation en 1948, pour traverser les frontières et retourner vers la Palestine historique.
Les sources ont prévu que l'occupation tentera d'utiliser des moyens de répressions contre les manifestants, mais elles ont confirmé la possibilité de dépasser les frontières où toute force sur le terrain ne pourrait pas opprimer un tout peuple qui veut survivre dans son territoire historique.
Pour contacter le groupe:
Hommage à Nejm-Eddine Erbakan, un des pioniers en Turquie, de la lutte pour le retablissement du Khilafa
Par Zeynel Cekici,

« Une fleur ne fait pas le printemps, mais à chaque printemps naît une nouvelle fleur. » Necmeddin Erbakan
Un grand homme politique, charismatique, déterminé et constant dans ses convictions, un fervent croyant est parti pour l’éternité ce dimanche matin.
Même si l'histoire se chargera de lui rendre l'hommage du grand homme qu'il était et que ces anciens disciples de la Clique à Erdogan n'ont su lui rendre de son vivant, Il marquera à jamais leur esprit et le paysage politique turc.
Il a été inhumé aujourd’hui à Istanbul. Alors qu’il avait expressément précisé dans son testament qu’il refusait toute cérémonie officielle , et qu'aucun hommage ne lui soit rendu de la part des dirigeants turcs, les chaînes publiques ont toutes interrompues leurs programmes pour diffuser en direct la cérémonie à laquelle participaient plus d’un million de personnes venues lui rendre un dernier hommage.
Erbakan ce noble combattant infatigable
Les médias turcs l’ont toujours dénigré, diffamé, diabolisé ou simplement ignoré, les médias occidentaux l’accusaient d’être un dangereux islamiste, alors qu'il était visionnaire, une étoile brillante (son prénom veut dire étoile de la religion) guidant les esprits libres, un puits de savoir et de connaissance. Le paradigme de gouvernance qu’il proposait méritait pourtant d’être connu. C'était un homme qui avait une clairvoyance de la géopolitique mondiale et un réel projet d’union du monde musulman qu’il tenta à plusieurs reprises de concrétiser. Mais le sionisme international et ses laquais turcs ont toujours su l’en empêcher sans jamais réussir à le décourager. Après lui, plus aucun homme politique turc n’aura le courage de dénoncer le sionisme officiellement, ni ses banquiers internationaux responsables du chaos mondial.
Necmeddin Erbakan, en plus d’être un guide spirituel pour des millions de musulmans turcs, était aussi le dernier leader politique souverainiste proposant un projet économique alternatif d’inspiration islamique: un modèle sans spéculation ni usure, les deux mamelles du système économique et monétaire actuel. Il était le seul premier ministre de la république turque à combattre le sionisme et le libéralisme aussi ouvertement. Il n’eut cesse de mettre en garde contre les risques délétères de cette idéologie et son projet de gouvernement mondial par l’instauration de l’économie de marché globale. Bien avant les mouvements alter mondialiste, il dénonçait déjà les effets pervers de la globalisation économique et culturelle et ses objectifs criminels. Depuis le début des années 1970, il n'a cessé de mettre en garde contre les crises que nous subissons actuellement et leurs conséquences désastreuses à venir sur l’ensemble de l’humanité. Il était cet esprit fin et cultivé capable de voir à long terme, un homme doté d’une intelligence hors du commun, il avait un savoir encyclopédique et une connaissance très éclectique. Un fervent croyant ayant une vision globale des problèmes du monde et de la Oumma. Cet homme n’a jamais renoncé à la lutte intellectuelle malgré tous les déboires judiciaires, les emprisonnements, les tortures, les trahisons dont la dernière et la plus grande fut celle de Erdogan en 1998, qui a succombé à la tentation néo libérale. Erdogan, en tombant dans le piège des sionistes, a fait le jeu de la division en contrepartie d’une promesse de pouvoir qu’il a obtenu en 2002.
Je suis personnellement affecté par cette disparition, parce qu’il était aussi mon chef spirituel comme celui de tous les militants et cadres du mouvement « Milli Görus ». Nous lui avions tous fait allégeance, donc soumis aux contraintes de ce serment, qui était un engagement moral et spirituel. Les musulmans qui ont des notions de droit islamique connaissent le statut du musulman qui trahi son allégeance envers celui qui remplace temporairement le Calife. En attendant que le Califat soit rétabli et l’unité de la Oumma retrouvée, les doctes sunnites affirment unanimement que chaque musulman a l’obligation de faire allégeance à un maître spirituel ayant les attributs et les qualités requises et que la trahison de l’allégeance entrainerait l’hérésie. Dans un message public, Erbakan a malgré tout accordé son pardon et demandait aussi à Dieu de les pardonner. Malgré cette grande mansuétude, Erdogan et toute sa clique porteront jusqu’à la fin de leur vie, le poids de la lourde responsabilité d'avoir livrer définitivement la Turquie aux financiers internationaux.
Bien que Erdogan depuis son plus jeune âge ait été éduqué selon les principes du « Milli Görus » et en tant que le disciple de Erbakan, il n’éprouvera aucun remord à le trahir. Erdogan est un homme inconsistant qui a renié ses convictions pour de viles promesses, bien qu’il soit un très bon orateur il n’est que peu cultivé. Finalement il renoncera à tous les principes anti mondialistes et anti sionistes qui sont les fondements même du « Milli Görus ». Une fois élu à la maire d’Istanbul sous l'étiquette du parti de Erbakan et avoir atteint une notoriété au niveau national, il dira lors de sa trahison, qu’il ôtait « sa chemise » du « Milli Görus » et qu’il renonçait à tous ses principes fondateurs, adoptant sans vergogne l’idéologie néo libérale. La contre partie de cette trahison était la promesse américaine de faire entrer la Turquie (membre de l’Otan) dans l’Union Européenne. Nul besoin de préciser pourquoi les USA tiennent tant à ce que la Turquie intègre l’Union.
Erdogan, islamiste ou mondialiste néo libéral ?
Plus tard, Erdogan avouera avec beaucoup d’amertume que c’est sur l’instance de Abdullah Gül (contrairement à Erdogan, Gül à rejoint le mouvement juste avant la scission du parti) qu’il avait rencontré les représentants des lobbys sionistes venus depuis les USA spécialement pour lui. Les mêmes médias sionistes turcs qui depuis plus de 30 ans dénigraient et menaient une propagande acharnée contre « Milli Görus », se sont soudainement mis à encenser Erdogan. Ils ont réussi à retourner l’opinion des militants et des sympathisants contre Erbakan. A cause de cette scission, les sionistes auront réussi à écarter définitivement Erbakan de la vie politique. Sans la trahison de Erdogan, Necmeddin Erbakan aurait gagné les élections selon toutes les probabilités, mais il s’est retrouvé amputé de sa majorité populaire. Erdogan sera récompensé de la félonie, même si à cause d'une condamnation passée, il ne sera que premier ministre à défaut de pouvoir être président de la république, fonction qui sera finalement occupée par Abdullah Gül .
Un article intéressant du Réseau Voltaire pourrait expliquer le rôle que Abdullah Gül à jouer dans la trahison de Erdogan: « Selon Karen Hugues, sous-secrétaire d’État chargée de la Diplomatie publique et des Affaires publiques, a déclaré : ‘’ Plus de 130 participants [à nos programmes depuis 1945] sont devenus les leaders de leurs pays, y compris… le président Nicolas Sarkozy et le président Abdullah Gül ‘’ … c’est la première fois qu’un officiel états-unien reconnaît que MM. Sarkozy et Gül ont été formés par le département d’État, ce que les intéressés ont toujours cherché à masquer. » (1)
Erdogan et la majorité des sympathisants, militants et cadres du parti ont renoncé aux principes fondateurs de « Milli Görüs » en trahissant leur allégeance à Erbakan. Ils ont adopté les dogmes de la mondialisation, et tentent de diluer ce poison libéral dans l’Islam, pour en faire une religion « light » et « moderniste ». Le néolibéralisme, qui n’est autre qu’un des nombreux visages du capitalisme, n’est pas un modèle économique au service des citoyens comme doit en être sa vocation, mais un système infernal responsable de leur endettement et de leur ruine à terme. La pratique de la soumission par l’endettement est un phénomène historique, une stratégie de guerre silencieuse imparable. Les dangers de la nouvelle doctrine « démocrate-musulmane », idéologie sortie tout droit des laboratoires mondialistes et adoptée par Erdogan, est inspirée du modèle des partis démocrate-chrétiens européens. La Turquie à commencer sa « transition démocratique » et l’adoption du libéralisme économique au milieu des années quatre vingt avec le président Turgut Özal , membre lui aussi du milieu conservateur musulman. Lui aussi avait regretté a posteriori son choix, puisque’ avant de mourir, probablement assassiné, il avouera à ses proches l’ampleur du piège dans lequel il était tombé. En 2002 et l'arrivée de Erdogan au pouvoir avait comme objectif d’intégrer définitivement la Turquie à l’économie de marché. Certes, les citoyens turcs ont une relative liberté depuis 10 ans, mais à quel prix mais surtout pour combien de temps encore ? Les Turcs ont vu leur niveau de vie augmenter de manière significative, certes. Mais en contre partie de quoi ?
Le gouvernement Erdogan en bon disciple néo libéral encouragea la croissance par la consommation et pour y parvenir, il incita les banques à ouvrir les crédits à la consommation, les obligeant à distribuer des cartes de crédits même aux insolvables. Alors que cette consommation à crédit est une chose honteuse dans la culture turque, la majorité des citoyens est tombée dans le piège du surendettement consumériste. Des centaines de milliers de maisons sont saisies parce que les gens ne peuvent plus rembourser leurs débits bancaires. Depuis cette libéralisation forcenée et instaurée par Erdogan, chaque turc possède aujourd’hui plusieurs cartes de crédit qu’il utilisera sans en connaître les conséquences futures.
Même si le néo libéralisme est au début un manne financière pour les caisses de l’Etat et une impression de prospérité pour le peuple, ce modèle économique fini vite par montrer ses travers. Une fois les limites atteintes, l’avenir de Erdogan est plus qu’incertain et la révolution islamique plus proche que prévue.
- Par Zeynel Cekici,
« Une fleur ne fait pas le printemps, mais à chaque printemps naît une nouvelle fleur. » Necmeddin ErbakanUn grand homme politique, charismatique, déterminé et constant dans ses convictions, un fervent croyant est parti pour l’éternité ce dimanche matin.
Même si l'histoire se chargera de lui rendre l'hommage du grand homme qu'il était et que ces anciens disciples de la Clique à Erdogan n'ont su lui rendre de son vivant, Il marquera à jamais leur esprit et le paysage politique turc.
Il a été inhumé aujourd’hui à Istanbul. Alors qu’il avait expressément précisé dans son testament qu’il refusait toute cérémonie officielle , et qu'aucun hommage ne lui soit rendu de la part des dirigeants turcs, les chaînes publiques ont toutes interrompues leurs programmes pour diffuser en direct la cérémonie à laquelle participaient plus d’un million de personnes venues lui rendre un dernier hommage.
Erbakan ce noble combattant infatigable
Les médias turcs l’ont toujours dénigré, diffamé, diabolisé ou simplement ignoré, les médias occidentaux l’accusaient d’être un dangereux islamiste, alors qu'il était visionnaire, une étoile brillante (son prénom veut dire étoile de la religion) guidant les esprits libres, un puits de savoir et de connaissance. Le paradigme de gouvernance qu’il proposait méritait pourtant d’être connu. C'était un homme qui avait une clairvoyance de la géopolitique mondiale et un réel projet d’union du monde musulman qu’il tenta à plusieurs reprises de concrétiser. Mais le sionisme international et ses laquais turcs ont toujours su l’en empêcher sans jamais réussir à le décourager. Après lui, plus aucun homme politique turc n’aura le courage de dénoncer le sionisme officiellement, ni ses banquiers internationaux responsables du chaos mondial.
Necmeddin Erbakan, en plus d’être un guide spirituel pour des millions de musulmans turcs, était aussi le dernier leader politique souverainiste proposant un projet économique alternatif d’inspiration islamique: un modèle sans spéculation ni usure, les deux mamelles du système économique et monétaire actuel. Il était le seul premier ministre de la république turque à combattre le sionisme et le libéralisme aussi ouvertement. Il n’eut cesse de mettre en garde contre les risques délétères de cette idéologie et son projet de gouvernement mondial par l’instauration de l’économie de marché globale. Bien avant les mouvements alter mondialiste, il dénonçait déjà les effets pervers de la globalisation économique et culturelle et ses objectifs criminels. Depuis le début des années 1970, il n'a cessé de mettre en garde contre les crises que nous subissons actuellement et leurs conséquences désastreuses à venir sur l’ensemble de l’humanité. Il était cet esprit fin et cultivé capable de voir à long terme, un homme doté d’une intelligence hors du commun, il avait un savoir encyclopédique et une connaissance très éclectique. Un fervent croyant ayant une vision globale des problèmes du monde et de la Oumma. Cet homme n’a jamais renoncé à la lutte intellectuelle malgré tous les déboires judiciaires, les emprisonnements, les tortures, les trahisons dont la dernière et la plus grande fut celle de Erdogan en 1998, qui a succombé à la tentation néo libérale. Erdogan, en tombant dans le piège des sionistes, a fait le jeu de la division en contrepartie d’une promesse de pouvoir qu’il a obtenu en 2002.
Je suis personnellement affecté par cette disparition, parce qu’il était aussi mon chef spirituel comme celui de tous les militants et cadres du mouvement « Milli Görus ». Nous lui avions tous fait allégeance, donc soumis aux contraintes de ce serment, qui était un engagement moral et spirituel. Les musulmans qui ont des notions de droit islamique connaissent le statut du musulman qui trahi son allégeance envers celui qui remplace temporairement le Calife. En attendant que le Califat soit rétabli et l’unité de la Oumma retrouvée, les doctes sunnites affirment unanimement que chaque musulman a l’obligation de faire allégeance à un maître spirituel ayant les attributs et les qualités requises et que la trahison de l’allégeance entrainerait l’hérésie. Dans un message public, Erbakan a malgré tout accordé son pardon et demandait aussi à Dieu de les pardonner. Malgré cette grande mansuétude, Erdogan et toute sa clique porteront jusqu’à la fin de leur vie, le poids de la lourde responsabilité d'avoir livrer définitivement la Turquie aux financiers internationaux.
Bien que Erdogan depuis son plus jeune âge ait été éduqué selon les principes du « Milli Görus » et en tant que le disciple de Erbakan, il n’éprouvera aucun remord à le trahir. Erdogan est un homme inconsistant qui a renié ses convictions pour de viles promesses, bien qu’il soit un très bon orateur il n’est que peu cultivé. Finalement il renoncera à tous les principes anti mondialistes et anti sionistes qui sont les fondements même du « Milli Görus ». Une fois élu à la maire d’Istanbul sous l'étiquette du parti de Erbakan et avoir atteint une notoriété au niveau national, il dira lors de sa trahison, qu’il ôtait « sa chemise » du « Milli Görus » et qu’il renonçait à tous ses principes fondateurs, adoptant sans vergogne l’idéologie néo libérale. La contre partie de cette trahison était la promesse américaine de faire entrer la Turquie (membre de l’Otan) dans l’Union Européenne. Nul besoin de préciser pourquoi les USA tiennent tant à ce que la Turquie intègre l’Union.
Erdogan, islamiste ou mondialiste néo libéral ?
Plus tard, Erdogan avouera avec beaucoup d’amertume que c’est sur l’instance de Abdullah Gül (contrairement à Erdogan, Gül à rejoint le mouvement juste avant la scission du parti) qu’il avait rencontré les représentants des lobbys sionistes venus depuis les USA spécialement pour lui. Les mêmes médias sionistes turcs qui depuis plus de 30 ans dénigraient et menaient une propagande acharnée contre « Milli Görus », se sont soudainement mis à encenser Erdogan. Ils ont réussi à retourner l’opinion des militants et des sympathisants contre Erbakan. A cause de cette scission, les sionistes auront réussi à écarter définitivement Erbakan de la vie politique. Sans la trahison de Erdogan, Necmeddin Erbakan aurait gagné les élections selon toutes les probabilités, mais il s’est retrouvé amputé de sa majorité populaire. Erdogan sera récompensé de la félonie, même si à cause d'une condamnation passée, il ne sera que premier ministre à défaut de pouvoir être président de la république, fonction qui sera finalement occupée par Abdullah Gül .
Un article intéressant du Réseau Voltaire pourrait expliquer le rôle que Abdullah Gül à jouer dans la trahison de Erdogan: « Selon Karen Hugues, sous-secrétaire d’État chargée de la Diplomatie publique et des Affaires publiques, a déclaré : ‘’ Plus de 130 participants [à nos programmes depuis 1945] sont devenus les leaders de leurs pays, y compris… le président Nicolas Sarkozy et le président Abdullah Gül ‘’ … c’est la première fois qu’un officiel états-unien reconnaît que MM. Sarkozy et Gül ont été formés par le département d’État, ce que les intéressés ont toujours cherché à masquer. » (1)
Erdogan et la majorité des sympathisants, militants et cadres du parti ont renoncé aux principes fondateurs de « Milli Görüs » en trahissant leur allégeance à Erbakan. Ils ont adopté les dogmes de la mondialisation, et tentent de diluer ce poison libéral dans l’Islam, pour en faire une religion « light » et « moderniste ». Le néolibéralisme, qui n’est autre qu’un des nombreux visages du capitalisme, n’est pas un modèle économique au service des citoyens comme doit en être sa vocation, mais un système infernal responsable de leur endettement et de leur ruine à terme. La pratique de la soumission par l’endettement est un phénomène historique, une stratégie de guerre silencieuse imparable. Les dangers de la nouvelle doctrine « démocrate-musulmane », idéologie sortie tout droit des laboratoires mondialistes et adoptée par Erdogan, est inspirée du modèle des partis démocrate-chrétiens européens. La Turquie à commencer sa « transition démocratique » et l’adoption du libéralisme économique au milieu des années quatre vingt avec le président Turgut Özal , membre lui aussi du milieu conservateur musulman. Lui aussi avait regretté a posteriori son choix, puisque’ avant de mourir, probablement assassiné, il avouera à ses proches l’ampleur du piège dans lequel il était tombé. En 2002 et l'arrivée de Erdogan au pouvoir avait comme objectif d’intégrer définitivement la Turquie à l’économie de marché. Certes, les citoyens turcs ont une relative liberté depuis 10 ans, mais à quel prix mais surtout pour combien de temps encore ? Les Turcs ont vu leur niveau de vie augmenter de manière significative, certes. Mais en contre partie de quoi ?
Le gouvernement Erdogan en bon disciple néo libéral encouragea la croissance par la consommation et pour y parvenir, il incita les banques à ouvrir les crédits à la consommation, les obligeant à distribuer des cartes de crédits même aux insolvables. Alors que cette consommation à crédit est une chose honteuse dans la culture turque, la majorité des citoyens est tombée dans le piège du surendettement consumériste. Des centaines de milliers de maisons sont saisies parce que les gens ne peuvent plus rembourser leurs débits bancaires. Depuis cette libéralisation forcenée et instaurée par Erdogan, chaque turc possède aujourd’hui plusieurs cartes de crédit qu’il utilisera sans en connaître les conséquences futures.
Même si le néo libéralisme est au début un manne financière pour les caisses de l’Etat et une impression de prospérité pour le peuple, ce modèle économique fini vite par montrer ses travers. Une fois les limites atteintes, l’avenir de Erdogan est plus qu’incertain et la révolution islamique plus proche que prévue.
Dernière intervention télévisuelle de Necmeddin Erbakan sur le sionisme et la finance internationale (29/12/2010)
En attendant une traduction en français des vidéos ci-dessous, de la dernière interview de Erbakan réalisée par la chaine publique TRT, j’invite nos lecteurs turcs à l’écouter ou à la réécouter. Il y tient le même discours depuis plus de quarante ans: anti impérialiste, anti sioniste, mais surtout il y dénonce l’imposture de la finance internationale et le projet mondialiste. C’est grâce à lui, il y a plus de vingt cinq ans que j’ai été initié au « conspira - sionisme », que j'ai compris les dangers et du communisme collectiviste et du capitalisme individualiste, et leur incompatibilité fondamentale avec l’Islam. C’est ainsi que j’avais découvert le fonctionnement pyramidal du système économique mondial, les coulisses perverses de la finance internationale, les pièges de la monnaie fiduciaire, l’arnaque de l'argent créé ex nihilo, le vice structurel de la macro-économie, que toutes les banques centrales étaient privées y compris la FED, etc.
- En attendant une traduction en français des vidéos ci-dessous, de la dernière interview de Erbakan réalisée par la chaine publique TRT, j’invite nos lecteurs turcs à l’écouter ou à la réécouter. Il y tient le même discours depuis plus de quarante ans: anti impérialiste, anti sioniste, mais surtout il y dénonce l’imposture de la finance internationale et le projet mondialiste. C’est grâce à lui, il y a plus de vingt cinq ans que j’ai été initié au « conspira - sionisme », que j'ai compris les dangers et du communisme collectiviste et du capitalisme individualiste, et leur incompatibilité fondamentale avec l’Islam. C’est ainsi que j’avais découvert le fonctionnement pyramidal du système économique mondial, les coulisses perverses de la finance internationale, les pièges de la monnaie fiduciaire, l’arnaque de l'argent créé ex nihilo, le vice structurel de la macro-économie, que toutes les banques centrales étaient privées y compris la FED, etc.
URGENT : Israel is invading Libya and is seizing North Africa oil, gas fields
Al Qaeda Fighters Included in Israeli Force
By Gordon Duff,
In a move that surprises all but Middle East experts, Israel has promised Libya’s dictator of over 40 years, Colonel Gaddafi, 50,000 troops to aid in crushing rebels set on overthrowing his murderous rule. According to news sources inside Israel, “troops” are being hired across Africa, Uganda, Sudan, Chad and the Central Africa Republic, including Al Qaeda fighters, to be deployed against demonstrators and rebel forces currently involved in heavy fighting in a two week old attempt to overthrow the Libyan ruler that has left thousands dead.
In the last 72 hours, rebel leaders have been in contact with Britain and the United States, nations that have promised aid and have positioned forces in the Mediterranean for a decisive strike against Gaddafi. Additional US Marines have been sent to reinforce assault teams on the USS Kearsarge, a helicopter assault ship now stationed off Tripoli awaiting orders to begin operations.
Libyan airspace is currently open as are her ports, slated for the scheduled influx of military support from Israel, a clear violation of UN sanctions.
Oil exports from rebel held areas have resumed though oil prices continue to spike, threatening the American economy.
Though Israeli advisors and intelligence personnel have been on the ground in Tripoli for some time, there are questions as to whether the Gaddafi’s regime can hold on until substantial aid arrives, particularly in light of increasing pressure for a US strike, widely called for, bringing Gaddafi’s rule to an abrupt end. Sources in the region tell us;
“Israeli military advisors have been “in place” since the first and Mossad teams who have long used Libya as a base of operations in Africa are working to “decapitate” rebel leadership.”
With American and British forces at the ready and a possible strike eminent, the American military community has expressed concerns about the potential of another “Somalia” disaster. Though American amphibious forces may represent a credible threat to Gaddafi, the actual potential for any American ground deployment in Libya is remote. However, an air action against command and control centers in Libya is much more likely.
Support for such a strike has been growing across the Middle East after initial concerns about US involvement in the oil rich nation.
Despite his outward image as an Arab nationalist leader, Gaddafi has maintained close ties with Israel since his takeover of Libya in a military coup in 1969. That friendship, “strange bedfellows,” has finally come to light, one of the many “closeted partnerships” between Israel and Middle Eastern dictators that were exposed by Wikileaks.
Gaddafi, a Marxist, was himself the subject of a coup planned by British SAS founder David Sterling early on. Sterling was shocked when ordered to stand down, being told that Gaddafi was, though a communist, under the protection of both the United States and Israel.
Though, for decades, the western press has depicted Gadaffi as a staunch enemy of Israel and Zionism, the two nations have shared covert projects that can be traced as far back as the early 1970s. A consortium of “rogue” states, Iran under the Shah, apartheid South Africa, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Gaddafi’s Libya and Israel sold arms, developed weapons technologies and operated a network of spies, particularly inside the United States, keeping the Soviet Union abreast of NATO military and intelligence secrets and defense plans.
Of the original “Axis of Evil,” only Libya and Israel remain.
Libya, in partnership with Israel and the former apartheid regime in South Africa, began developing chemical and germ warfare capabilities. These WMDs were used by the South African forces in Angola and elsewhere, thousands died. Libya funded one of the largest chemical and biological weapons programs in the world, rivaling the former Soviet Union in size, a program thought to be in place as late as 2004. During the same period, a year after the American invasion of Iraq to end a WMD program now proven non-existent, Libya, with Israeli help, developed a nuclear capability and is said to control several “Hiroshima” style weapons, uranium based fission devices.
As part of this combined program, South Africa built 10 nuclear weapons at their Pelindaba facility between 1975 and 1980.
The three nations performed one successful weapons test, an 18.2 kiloton uranium weapon on September 22, 1979 on Prince Edward Island in the seas north of Antarctica. This test was observed and verified by both US and Soviet nuclear intelligence services and a “weapons signature” was developed. South Africa ended its program in 1990, shipping 6 of the remaining weapons to the US for dismantling. Three were sold and then transferred to British control and eventually shipped to Oman but disappeared in transit.
One of these weapons exploded in North Korea in 2009, their only successful nuclear test. Two are missing.
In March,2004, we are told by informed sources in Britain, Prime Minister Tony Blair made an “emergency” flight to Libya to meet with the Libyan leader, assuring him he would not be facing the fate of Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, who had been captured only a few months before by American forces and was awaiting trial.
It is believed that one of the subjects discussed by Blair was the “possibility” that Libya possessed the two missing weapons from South Africa, weapons Britain had failed to recover.
Blair left that meeting with a $200 million oil contract for Royal Dutch Shell and an undisclosed long term agreement between Libya and BAE Systems, a British defense contracting firm. There were no reports of what Gaddafi offered Blair in return. Some claims were made that Libya had agreed to end its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs but these reports, though widely circulated, are both unsubstantiated and unverified.
Now Libya is threatening its population with chemical and biological weapons with more possibly on the way from Israel.
Blair has remained an ardent supporter and defacto spokesman for the Libyan “strongman” since being forced to leave office in 2007.
This could be the first face-off between the US and Israel in the region since the USS Liberty attack in 1967. During that “incident,” Israeli air and sea forces attacked a lightly armed American naval vessel killing or wounding 201 of 296 crew members. American sailors repulsed Israeli attempt to seize the vessel and its crew. USS Liberty survivor, Phil Tourney reports that Israel surveillance planes had tracked the clearly marked American vessel for several hours before the attack Tourney describes as “murderous.”
“Israel still has a life raft from the Liberty, one they had strafed from gunboats who were also firing on fire and rescue personnel, on display in Tel Aviv as a “war trophy.”
Though the crew of the USS Liberty is the most decorated in US Naval history, until recently all were sworn to secrecy and threatened with imprisonment for revealing the details of the Israeli assault.
President Obama used his first United Nations Security Council veto to stop a move toward citing Israel for humanitarian violations against its Palestinian population. In fact, the United States has vetoed UN resolutions calling for humanitarian reforms by Israel and has done so dozens of times.
Now Israel has become militarily involved in Libya, directly against US policy and UN prohibitions and has done so, oddly protected in these acts by the United States and its “ever so reliable” Security Council veto of any move to modify Israeli behavior.
Libyan civilians may well, in days to come, be facing Israeli weaponry and even troops, as have the people of Gaza.
Now American Marines may well be facing that same fate.
- By Gordon Duff,
In a move that surprises all but Middle East experts, Israel has promised Libya’s dictator of over 40 years, Colonel Gaddafi, 50,000 troops to aid in crushing rebels set on overthrowing his murderous rule. According to news sources inside Israel, “troops” are being hired across Africa, Uganda, Sudan, Chad and the Central Africa Republic, including Al Qaeda fighters, to be deployed against demonstrators and rebel forces currently involved in heavy fighting in a two week old attempt to overthrow the Libyan ruler that has left thousands dead.
In the last 72 hours, rebel leaders have been in contact with Britain and the United States, nations that have promised aid and have positioned forces in the Mediterranean for a decisive strike against Gaddafi. Additional US Marines have been sent to reinforce assault teams on the USS Kearsarge, a helicopter assault ship now stationed off Tripoli awaiting orders to begin operations.Libyan airspace is currently open as are her ports, slated for the scheduled influx of military support from Israel, a clear violation of UN sanctions.Oil exports from rebel held areas have resumed though oil prices continue to spike, threatening the American economy.Though Israeli advisors and intelligence personnel have been on the ground in Tripoli for some time, there are questions as to whether the Gaddafi’s regime can hold on until substantial aid arrives, particularly in light of increasing pressure for a US strike, widely called for, bringing Gaddafi’s rule to an abrupt end. Sources in the region tell us;“Israeli military advisors have been “in place” since the first and Mossad teams who have long used Libya as a base of operations in Africa are working to “decapitate” rebel leadership.”
With American and British forces at the ready and a possible strike eminent, the American military community has expressed concerns about the potential of another “Somalia” disaster. Though American amphibious forces may represent a credible threat to Gaddafi, the actual potential for any American ground deployment in Libya is remote. However, an air action against command and control centers in Libya is much more likely.Support for such a strike has been growing across the Middle East after initial concerns about US involvement in the oil rich nation.THE TEL AVIV- TRIPOLI “WIKI-TANGO”Despite his outward image as an Arab nationalist leader, Gaddafi has maintained close ties with Israel since his takeover of Libya in a military coup in 1969. That friendship, “strange bedfellows,” has finally come to light, one of the many “closeted partnerships” between Israel and Middle Eastern dictators that were exposed by Wikileaks.Gaddafi, a Marxist, was himself the subject of a coup planned by British SAS founder David Sterling early on. Sterling was shocked when ordered to stand down, being told that Gaddafi was, though a communist, under the protection of both the United States and Israel.Though, for decades, the western press has depicted Gadaffi as a staunch enemy of Israel and Zionism, the two nations have shared covert projects that can be traced as far back as the early 1970s. A consortium of “rogue” states, Iran under the Shah, apartheid South Africa, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Gaddafi’s Libya and Israel sold arms, developed weapons technologies and operated a network of spies, particularly inside the United States, keeping the Soviet Union abreast of NATO military and intelligence secrets and defense plans.Of the original “Axis of Evil,” only Libya and Israel remain.“AXIS OF EVIL” NUKES/BLAIR’S VISITLibya, in partnership with Israel and the former apartheid regime in South Africa, began developing chemical and germ warfare capabilities. These WMDs were used by the South African forces in Angola and elsewhere, thousands died. Libya funded one of the largest chemical and biological weapons programs in the world, rivaling the former Soviet Union in size, a program thought to be in place as late as 2004. During the same period, a year after the American invasion of Iraq to end a WMD program now proven non-existent, Libya, with Israeli help, developed a nuclear capability and is said to control several “Hiroshima” style weapons, uranium based fission devices.As part of this combined program, South Africa built 10 nuclear weapons at their Pelindaba facility between 1975 and 1980.The three nations performed one successful weapons test, an 18.2 kiloton uranium weapon on September 22, 1979 on Prince Edward Island in the seas north of Antarctica. This test was observed and verified by both US and Soviet nuclear intelligence services and a “weapons signature” was developed. South Africa ended its program in 1990, shipping 6 of the remaining weapons to the US for dismantling. Three were sold and then transferred to British control and eventually shipped to Oman but disappeared in transit.One of these weapons exploded in North Korea in 2009, their only successful nuclear test. Two are missing.In March,2004, we are told by informed sources in Britain, Prime Minister Tony Blair made an “emergency” flight to Libya to meet with the Libyan leader, assuring him he would not be facing the fate of Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, who had been captured only a few months before by American forces and was awaiting trial.It is believed that one of the subjects discussed by Blair was the “possibility” that Libya possessed the two missing weapons from South Africa, weapons Britain had failed to recover.Blair left that meeting with a $200 million oil contract for Royal Dutch Shell and an undisclosed long term agreement between Libya and BAE Systems, a British defense contracting firm. There were no reports of what Gaddafi offered Blair in return. Some claims were made that Libya had agreed to end its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs but these reports, though widely circulated, are both unsubstantiated and unverified.Now Libya is threatening its population with chemical and biological weapons with more possibly on the way from Israel.Blair has remained an ardent supporter and defacto spokesman for the Libyan “strongman” since being forced to leave office in 2007.EARLIER CLASH BETWEEN ISRAEL AND AMERICAThis could be the first face-off between the US and Israel in the region since the USS Liberty attack in 1967. During that “incident,” Israeli air and sea forces attacked a lightly armed American naval vessel killing or wounding 201 of 296 crew members. American sailors repulsed Israeli attempt to seize the vessel and its crew. USS Liberty survivor, Phil Tourney reports that Israel surveillance planes had tracked the clearly marked American vessel for several hours before the attack Tourney describes as “murderous.”“Israel still has a life raft from the Liberty, one they had strafed from gunboats who were also firing on fire and rescue personnel, on display in Tel Aviv as a “war trophy.”
Though the crew of the USS Liberty is the most decorated in US Naval history, until recently all were sworn to secrecy and threatened with imprisonment for revealing the details of the Israeli assault.OBAMA UN VETO NOW CRIPPLES US POLICYPresident Obama used his first United Nations Security Council veto to stop a move toward citing Israel for humanitarian violations against its Palestinian population. In fact, the United States has vetoed UN resolutions calling for humanitarian reforms by Israel and has done so dozens of times.Now Israel has become militarily involved in Libya, directly against US policy and UN prohibitions and has done so, oddly protected in these acts by the United States and its “ever so reliable” Security Council veto of any move to modify Israeli behavior.Libyan civilians may well, in days to come, be facing Israeli weaponry and even troops, as have the people of Gaza.Now American Marines may well be facing that same fate.
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Defender Owl said...
- I don't think the Zionists would dare send their mercenaries into Libya to help the dictator. This just shows how vulnerable Africans are and how easily they can be manipulated. Even if the Zionists sent in mercenaries to help the dictator, with Allah's grace, the Zionists would fail as would the dictator.
- 12:07 AM
Pakistan Cyber Force said...
- InshAllah! Khilafah is next!!!
- 3:49 AM
- Defender Owl said...
- I don't think the Zionists would dare send their mercenaries into Libya to help the dictator. This just shows how vulnerable Africans are and how easily they can be manipulated. Even if the Zionists sent in mercenaries to help the dictator, with Allah's grace, the Zionists would fail as would the dictator.
- 12:07 AM
- Pakistan Cyber Force said...
- InshAllah! Khilafah is next!!!
- 3:49 AM
And everything Old World
Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
Of course, all aspects of the Old World are slated for elimination, as ancient values, be they of Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or even regional secular traditions, all pose a direct threat to the Anglo-American unipolar world government. Their world government is one of interdependence between the nation-states, who in turn are enslaved by servile dependence on "global institutions," most notably those involving a world-wide monetary system. Any tradition or value system that promotes independence, sovereignty, knowledge, and self-reliance represents a brick wall standing in the way of the corroding effects of the globalist agenda.
Eastern traditions and Islam in particular, however, have proven themselves most resilient. Islamic communities from the Middle East to Southeast Asia still exist, their local markets still thrive even in the presence of nearby Western consumerist troughs like Tesco of England. As technology progresses, these communities augment their commerce to compete fiercer yet with the Ponzi-scheme economy of the West. Throughout Asia along side these traditional, tightly knit Islamic communities, coexist Asian black-markets or the "underground economy." Together these form the closest model of real "free market" economics you can find. These are markets that not only progress at break-neck speed, but the amount of competition and the informed consumer base demanded by this otherwise unregulated economic activity, do the best job of "distributing" wealth and commodities at the lowest price possible.
While common sense drives the Asian black-markets, the Islamic communities are driven by something much deeper, derived from the Qu'ran. A particular lecturer on the Islamic world verses the international monetary system encapsulates these precepts best in a YouTube video series titled "Islam & the International Monetary System." If you are able to move past superficial details, ideological differences, and labels, and focus on the underlining message of Imran Hosein, Muslim or not, you will walk away enlightened. You will not only be enlightened as to why the globalists fear and despise the Old World, and Islam in particular, but you will understand the possible solution to subverting the globalists' depraved system with one that is as applicable for the American patriot as much as it is the for the Indonesian Muslim.
Imran Hosein's ultimate solution to the problem of international monetary predation is the construction of Islamic villages that are self-reliant and maintain their monetary sovereignty through using sound money locally based on Islamic law. These could just as easily be "Liberty Villages" in the United States where farmers and tradesmen come together and conduct commerce with sound money with intrinsic value.
It has been said many times before, independence is freedom, freedom is independence. It appears that the message of Ron Paul and genuine Libertarians is more than just an American message, it is a universal message, shared not just by secular or Christian Westerners, but also described in the texts of Islam of which there are over a billion adherents worldwide.
It would be highly beneficial for those who seek true freedom and the undermining of the global world order, to exhibit mutual respect for their secular, Christian, Judeo, and Islamic brothers and sisters, and meet each other in the middle on these fundamental issues of sovereignty, because if there is anything the globalists fear and detest more than Old World tradition and faith, it is the prospect of all Old World traditions and faiths meeting together and joining battle against the globcratic elite.
Below is the first of 11 videos. The entire playlist can be found here.
Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
Of course, all aspects of the Old World are slated for elimination, as ancient values, be they of Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or even regional secular traditions, all pose a direct threat to the Anglo-American unipolar world government. Their world government is one of interdependence between the nation-states, who in turn are enslaved by servile dependence on "global institutions," most notably those involving a world-wide monetary system. Any tradition or value system that promotes independence, sovereignty, knowledge, and self-reliance represents a brick wall standing in the way of the corroding effects of the globalist agenda.
Eastern traditions and Islam in particular, however, have proven themselves most resilient. Islamic communities from the Middle East to Southeast Asia still exist, their local markets still thrive even in the presence of nearby Western consumerist troughs like Tesco of England. As technology progresses, these communities augment their commerce to compete fiercer yet with the Ponzi-scheme economy of the West. Throughout Asia along side these traditional, tightly knit Islamic communities, coexist Asian black-markets or the "underground economy." Together these form the closest model of real "free market" economics you can find. These are markets that not only progress at break-neck speed, but the amount of competition and the informed consumer base demanded by this otherwise unregulated economic activity, do the best job of "distributing" wealth and commodities at the lowest price possible.
While common sense drives the Asian black-markets, the Islamic communities are driven by something much deeper, derived from the Qu'ran. A particular lecturer on the Islamic world verses the international monetary system encapsulates these precepts best in a YouTube video series titled "Islam & the International Monetary System." If you are able to move past superficial details, ideological differences, and labels, and focus on the underlining message of Imran Hosein, Muslim or not, you will walk away enlightened. You will not only be enlightened as to why the globalists fear and despise the Old World, and Islam in particular, but you will understand the possible solution to subverting the globalists' depraved system with one that is as applicable for the American patriot as much as it is the for the Indonesian Muslim.
Imran Hosein's ultimate solution to the problem of international monetary predation is the construction of Islamic villages that are self-reliant and maintain their monetary sovereignty through using sound money locally based on Islamic law. These could just as easily be "Liberty Villages" in the United States where farmers and tradesmen come together and conduct commerce with sound money with intrinsic value.
It has been said many times before, independence is freedom, freedom is independence. It appears that the message of Ron Paul and genuine Libertarians is more than just an American message, it is a universal message, shared not just by secular or Christian Westerners, but also described in the texts of Islam of which there are over a billion adherents worldwide.
It would be highly beneficial for those who seek true freedom and the undermining of the global world order, to exhibit mutual respect for their secular, Christian, Judeo, and Islamic brothers and sisters, and meet each other in the middle on these fundamental issues of sovereignty, because if there is anything the globalists fear and detest more than Old World tradition and faith, it is the prospect of all Old World traditions and faiths meeting together and joining battle against the globcratic elite.
Below is the first of 11 videos. The entire playlist can be found here.
The Zionist entity is the only occupied land in the world to have no border, no constitution. The only reason for this is that the 'Greater Israel planned' or the 'New Middle East' must finish his ethnic cleansing of Palestine, and Israel 'must' take direct control of all the Middle Eastern countries up to North Africa in the West and up to Kazakhstan, Pakistan going East. By waging ethnico-religious wars, chaos, divisions, before their fake 'machiah' known as the Antichrist-Dajjal can appear. But the fate and the tide of all these intifadhas will return to the oppressed Muslim peoples, as explained by the beloved Prophet Muhammad saws more than 1400 years ago and as described in the Noble Quran. How Israel will deal with a programmed defeat ? ( Picture from, which I recommand to the readers, AS)
By Sheykh Imran Hosein,
Friday, 28 Rabi'ul Awal 1432
The reality is that dramatic political change now sweeping the Arab world would eventually facilitate the execution of Israel’s war agenda against the Arabs, as well as against Pakistan and Iran.
Islamic scholarship must thread very carefully when responding to urgent and insistent Muslim requests for an explanatory response to the current Arab uprisings. The events now mysteriously unfolding in the Arab world have taken most of mankind by surprise, while raising legitimate questions concerning implications for Israel of what appears as a complete change in the strategic environment in which the Euro-Jewish State is located. Care is needed while writing on this subject since the appearance that Israel’s strategic environment is changing in a manner that poses a very grave threat to the Euro-Jewish State conceals a reality that is quite otherwise.
There is certainly more to the uprisings than meet the eye - but at this time we have no need to attempt to expose the maneuvering of hidden hands since the crusading western media has already recklessly and brazenly exposed what many had already suspected. In addition, many Muslims are slowly realizing the sinister role that western Riba has played in reducing the masses in Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Haiti and elsewhere to biting poverty. That biting poverty certainly played a role in bringing so many Arabs onto the streets.
Rather we must hasten to pay tribute to those courageous Tunisian and Egyptian people who gave a spectacular demonstration to the rest of mankind of what a united people can achieve when courageously confronting even the most ruthless of oppressors. We must also seize this opportunity to plead for an end to sectarian strife within the Muslim world while raising instead, and as high as possible, the standard of united Muslim resistance to Israeli oppression. We are painfully aware that millions (Arabs in particular) will die before we succeed in putting an end to that oppression. Even so, we must not falter in our resolve to fulfill the mission which was given to this Ummah of standing up for what is right and just, and standing up against what is wrong and unjust (amr bil m‘arūf and nahi ‘an al-munkar) regardless of the price we will surely have to pay.
This essay, written in the enchanting Venezuelan city of Caracas, attempts to provide an Islamic explanation of the uprisings by focusing, I believe quite rightly so, on how Israel and her Judeo-Christian Zionist supporters are likely to respond.
Muslims already know from their scriptures that the divinely-ordained destruction of Dajjāl the false Messiah, and of his foot-soldiers Gog and Magog, will seal the fate of the imposter State of Israel; and they also know from their scriptures that only the true Messiah can kill the false Messiah, and that only Allah Most High can destroy Gog and Magog. Hence Arab Muslims in particular know that until such time when Jesus the son of the Virgin Mary (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon them both) returns to this world, they must brace themselves for even more oppression than they have already experienced. Their supreme oppressors are a so-called ‘chosen people’ who desperately want to rule the whole world (and that of course includes nuclear-armed Russia and China). Their present very visible oppressors are those who now rule the world on Israel’s behalf.
When Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salām) saw himself in a dream/vision sacrificing his son Ishmael (‘alaihi al-Salām) the divine wisdom revealed an end of history which would witness precisely that sacrifice of Ishmael’s seed, the Arabs. The present Arab uprisings appear to be preparatory to that momentous pre-ordained sacrifice. But the Muslim who stands up against the oppressor is never afraid to die.
Let us hasten to explain, if the gentle reader did not already know it, that Israel wants ‘by hook or satanic crook’ to establish her messianic rule over the whole world, including the Arab world which surrounds Israel on all sides, so that a false Messiah can make a fraudulent claim from occupied Jerusalem to be the divinely-promised Messiah.
We explained in ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’ān’ (published in 2002) Prophet Muhammad’s prophecy that the false Messiah would live on earth for 40 days (i.e., after his release from his chains) in which “one day would be like a year, one day would be like a month, one day would be like a week, and all (the rest of) his days would be like your days.” (Sahih Muslim). Our analysis revealed that Dajjāl’s “day like a year” resulted in the emergence of a Pax Britanica in which Britain became the first of three messianic ruling-States. Similarly his “day like a month” gave to the world a Pax Americana in which USA became the second messianic ruling-State. We concluded that the historical process was now poised at that moment in time when a “day like a week” would soon deliver a Pax Judaica in which the imposter State of Israel would attempt to become the third and last messianic ruling-State.
In much the same way that both Britain and USA had to become the financial capitals of the world with the fraudulent Sterling pound and the equally fraudulent US dollar functioning as the respective international currencies, we argued that Israel would have to assume overt control over money in a new cashless international monetary system of fraudulent electronic money that would be created and managed by a Zionist-controlled international banking system. So-called Islamic banks would unwittingly play a coyly supportive role of that manifestly fraudulent monetary system. I know of no so-called Islamic Bank anywhere in the world which has displayed even elementary integrity in struggling for the restoration of the Gold Dinār and Silver Dirham as money.
Finally we argued that in much the same way that both Britain and USA had to wage great wars which killed millions, in order to impose their unchallengeable military power in the world, so too would Israel have to wage great wars which will kill even more millions (mostly Arabs) before it can lay claim to rule the world. Also, Israel cannot make a convincing claim to represent the Holy Israel of David and Solomon (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon them both) unless the territory of the State were to expand even further to encompass the frontiers of Holy Israel as (falsely) depicted in the Torah, i.e., “from the River of Egypt to the River Euphrates.” Israel will have to raise the bar of oppression against the Arabs even higher if that territorial expansion is ever to be achieved.
We pointed out in a lecture entitled ‘Beyond September 11th - What the Future Holds for Muslims’ which we delivered in Sydney in 2002, that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and nuclear plants, as well as Iran’s potential capacity of entering the nuclear club present formidable obstacles which will have to be eliminated before Israel can wage those wars. We did not at that time recognize that the hostile Arab population in and around Israel also constitute a formidable obstacle that would also have to be eliminated.
The Arab uprisings (regardless of whether they were entirely spontaneous or not) which are the subject of this essay, appear to offer to Israel, suspiciously so, precisely the opportunity she needs to wage war on the Arabs and to attempt to eventually decimate the population of the Arab world while posturing herself to be in pursuit of the morally justifiable goal of self-preservation.
The western-supported dictatorships of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and Ben Ali in Tunisia have yielded to the uprisings by disposing of their hated leaders, and it seems quite likely that the heads of other clients in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Libya etc., who either have long-standing service to their credit, or have recently been forced to bend their knees in servitude, may still roll before the dust settles. When a regime such as that in Libya resists the uprising, the western world shamelessly intervenes to ensure that more than just a Libyan head would roll.
The Arab uprisings have targeted not only dictators in pro-western client regimes but also those who are not overtly clients of the West. The uprisings therefore appear to be pan-Arab, and promises to restore to the Arabs a new dawn of freedom to choose their own rulers. We must of course wait to see if that promise will be kept.
Let us emphasize once again that it is not really important for Muslim analysts to enquire whether these uprising were stage-managed to facilitate any hidden agenda, - there is nothing hidden about the western desperation to bring down the Libyan regime. Rather it is far more important to recognize that many oppressed Arabs in Egypt and Tunisia in particular have demonstrated their right to rise up against oppressors and to seek liberation from oppression. Since Israel is the greatest oppressor of all it is not difficult for us to anticipate that the new-found political freedom may result in the emergence of governments pursuing political policies that would be pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel. Already the chants from the Arab streets declare their readiness to march to Al-Quds (Jerusalem).
Such dramatic political change in Israel’s strategic environment would certainly appear to be detrimental to Israel’s security and even survival. In fact I suspect that it is only a matter of time before the western media begins the next phase of its news crusade (i.e., when it takes a break from supporting the uprisings) of portraying the Arab uprisings to constitute the greatest of all threats to Israel’s very survival.
The gentle reader should not be surprised to know however, that appearance and reality in this matter differ substantially from each other. Israel and her Judeo-Christian Zionist supporters are delighted by, and are actively supporting the Arab uprisings that have already occurred, and are anxiously awaiting the fall of other heads as well. The reader would naturally wonder why Israel would be happy to see the heads of pro-western Egyptian and Tunisian regimes rolling and be anxiously awaiting a similar fate in a Saudi regime that Wikileaks recently exposed as ready to allow Israeli warplanes passage through Saudi airspace to attack Iran? Indeed why would Wikileaks so maliciously expose the Saudis and the Palestinian regime headed by Mahmoud Abbas as to dangerously undermine their very capacity to survive?
The reality is that dramatic political change now sweeping the Arab world would eventually facilitate the execution of Israel’s war agenda against the Arabs, as well as against Pakistan and Iran.
The Egyptian Armed Forces that responded to the Egyptian uprising in a suspiciously docile way can now be expected to hold suspiciously free and fair elections that would predictably pave the way for the Islamic Movement in Egypt to win power to rule over the country. If that were to happen, then it should not be difficult for events to eventually move in a direction that would allow Israel to claim that Egypt is supporting Hamas so-called terrorism against the Jewish State. Another carefully calculated horrendously brutal Israeli retaliatory strike against the hostile Arab population of Gaza can then well result in the exodus of all Gazans to an Egypt that would not be able to prevent their entry into that country.
If we were to globalize this same scenario in a pan-Arab context we can anticipate Israel orchestrating a propaganda offensive to convince the world that the Arabs are now poised (as a result of uprisings which Israel and her western allies encouraged and supported) to threaten the very existence of the Euro-Jewish State. This would then be used to justify wars through which Israel would attempt to realize such an expansion of her territory as would encompass the (false) Biblical frontiers of the Holy Land.
If Israel succeeds in waging such wars, and in then imposing her will on decimated or exported Arabs, she would have made significant progress towards realizing her blood-stained goal of ruling the world.
But the truth is that the threat to Israel comes not from the world of Islam but rather, from Magog who are located in the north:
The LORD said to me, "From the north disaster will be poured out on all who live in the land (i.e., the Holy Land).
(Jeremiah 1:14)
In my book entitled ‘An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World’ (see my website I have identified a Russian-led alliance with Magog of the Qur’an. The Judeo-Christian Zionists who now rule the world from London, Washington and Jerusalem are quite aware of this massive attack that will come from the north, and this explains the incremental NATO encirclement of Russia. Despite this, they are preparing to hoodwink mankind by portraying the popular uprisings in Muslim Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen and elsewhere in the Arab part of the world of Islam as potentially the greatest of all threats to Israel, sufficiently grave to eventually justify massive so-called preemptive wars by Israel.
The blessed Qur’ān has warned that the enemy makes plans which Allah Most High counters with His own plans, and that Allah’s plans prevail. Allah Most High has spoken quite explicitly of His plan in which He will one day cause Gog and Magog to surge against each other in a mighty cataclysm:
“And on that day We shall cause them to surge like waves (that dash) against one another; and the trumpet (heralding the destruction of the imposter State of Israel) will be blown, and We shall gather them all together (to perish in that final divinely-ordained punishment).
(Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 18:99) [Kindly note that this writer’s commentary of the verse is in brackets.]
The mighty Gog/Magog nuclear-war cataclysm in which most of mankind will perish is perhaps referred to in Judeo/Christian eschatology as the Battle of Armageddon. The nuclear mushroom clouds that will envelop the earth are perhaps the Dukhān (smoke) that was prophesied as one of the Signs of the Last Day (see essay on my website entitled “Ten Major Signs of the Last day – Has One just occurred”?). This essay identifies the imposter State of Israel and all its supporters with those whose plans will be countered by Divine plans; and it is in that context that we sought in this essay to anticipate possible Israeli responses to the dramatic popular Arab uprisings.
We must remind readers in parting that even while we already know the fate which awaits Israel from the Magog attack which will come from the north, we also know that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) has prophesied that Muslims would fight the Jews and defeat them.
However this armed conflict appears to be more of a 'mopping-up' operation than the decisive attack that will destroy Israel’s military power. This is clear from the statement which the Prophet made that the Jews would at that time be on the run and that they would hide behind trees and stones:
“The Last Hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews. The Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: ‘Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him;’ but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.”
(Sahih Muslim, Kitab al-Fitan wa Ashrat as-Sa'ah, Book 41, 6985)
The reader should not make the mistake of concluding from this prophecy that the Prophet is referring to all Jews. Rather he is referring to only those Jews who are oppressors and who have to be punished for their oppression.
There are Jews in the world today who oppose and denounce Israeli injustice and oppression while actively sympathizing with and supporting the struggle for liberation from that injustice and oppression. Such Jews, as well as all the rest of mankind who oppose oppression, are potential allies of those Arab Muslims whose uprisings succeeded in removing Hosni Mubarak and Ben Ali from leadership of Egypt and Tunisia. We salute them for the courage with which they opposed the oppressor. There are many Muslims in USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, Singapore and even in my native Caribbean island of Trinidad who should now summon the courage and integrity to follow that example of standing up against both the oppressor, as well as against those who support the oppressor.
The Interim before the Wars
It is quite possible that we may have to wait for a few years before Israel`s great wars against the Arabs begin. In the interim it is certain that Dajjāl the false Messiah will work overtime to exploit the new opportunities created by the uprisings to try to demolish whatever now remains of Islam in the lives of the Arab masses. One can just imagine how the new freedom can soon become a secular freedom in which all would be permissible. Not only would 'women dress and yet be naked' but eventually the 'day would mate with the day' and the 'night would mate with the night'. The result would be the complete seduction of the cities of the Arab world into the godless global society.
There is also the distinct possibility of Islamic political parties assuming power in government and then losing credibility when they fail to bring relief to the miserably poor masses because of an incapacity to respond to the awesome challenge of Riba. One need not even mention the immense difficulties that would attend any effort to restore the universal Islamic Khilafah.
What should Muslims do at this time?
Firstly, Muslims must never give up the just struggle for liberation from oppression. This can best be maintained if they keep the right company. Surah al-Kahf of the blessed Qur’an has advised that they must search for and keep the company of those who are true servants of Allah Most High:
وَاصْبِرْ نَفْسَكَ مَعَ الَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ رَبَّهُم بِالْغَدَاةِ وَالْعَشِيِّ يُرِيدُونَ وَجْهَهُ وَلَا تَعْدُ عَيْنَاكَ عَنْهُمْ تُرِيدُ زِينَةَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَلَا تُطِعْ مَنْ أَغْفَلْنَا قَلْبَهُ عَن ذِكْرِنَا وَاتَّبَعَ هَوَاهُ وَكَانَ أَمْرُهُ فُرُطًا
‘And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever [in] neglect.’ (Qur’an, al-Kahf, 18:28)
Surah al-Kahf also advises withdrawal from the godless society. This can perhaps be best achieved through residence in small Muslim Villages in the countryside rather than the cities of the modern world. Such villages can have village markets which use Dinārs and Dirhams as money for buying and selling.
We should in addition recite Surah al-Kahf on every day of Jumu‘ah without fail and also regularly recite the Masnoon Duah for protection from Dajjāl’s Fitnah.
We intend to write in greater detail Insha Allah, at a later time.
The Zionist entity is the only occupied land in the world to have no border, no constitution. The only reason for this is that the 'Greater Israel planned' or the 'New Middle East' must finish his ethnic cleansing of Palestine, and Israel 'must' take direct control of all the Middle Eastern countries up to North Africa in the West and up to Kazakhstan, Pakistan going East. By waging ethnico-religious wars, chaos, divisions, before their fake 'machiah' known as the Antichrist-Dajjal can appear. But the fate and the tide of all these intifadhas will return to the oppressed Muslim peoples, as explained by the beloved Prophet Muhammad saws more than 1400 years ago and as described in the Noble Quran. How Israel will deal with a programmed defeat ? ( Picture from, which I recommand to the readers, AS)
By Sheykh Imran Hosein,Friday, 28 Rabi'ul Awal 1432The reality is that dramatic political change now sweeping the Arab world would eventually facilitate the execution of Israel’s war agenda against the Arabs, as well as against Pakistan and Iran.
Islamic scholarship must thread very carefully when responding to urgent and insistent Muslim requests for an explanatory response to the current Arab uprisings. The events now mysteriously unfolding in the Arab world have taken most of mankind by surprise, while raising legitimate questions concerning implications for Israel of what appears as a complete change in the strategic environment in which the Euro-Jewish State is located. Care is needed while writing on this subject since the appearance that Israel’s strategic environment is changing in a manner that poses a very grave threat to the Euro-Jewish State conceals a reality that is quite otherwise.
There is certainly more to the uprisings than meet the eye - but at this time we have no need to attempt to expose the maneuvering of hidden hands since the crusading western media has already recklessly and brazenly exposed what many had already suspected. In addition, many Muslims are slowly realizing the sinister role that western Riba has played in reducing the masses in Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Haiti and elsewhere to biting poverty. That biting poverty certainly played a role in bringing so many Arabs onto the streets.Rather we must hasten to pay tribute to those courageous Tunisian and Egyptian people who gave a spectacular demonstration to the rest of mankind of what a united people can achieve when courageously confronting even the most ruthless of oppressors. We must also seize this opportunity to plead for an end to sectarian strife within the Muslim world while raising instead, and as high as possible, the standard of united Muslim resistance to Israeli oppression. We are painfully aware that millions (Arabs in particular) will die before we succeed in putting an end to that oppression. Even so, we must not falter in our resolve to fulfill the mission which was given to this Ummah of standing up for what is right and just, and standing up against what is wrong and unjust (amr bil m‘arūf and nahi ‘an al-munkar) regardless of the price we will surely have to pay.This essay, written in the enchanting Venezuelan city of Caracas, attempts to provide an Islamic explanation of the uprisings by focusing, I believe quite rightly so, on how Israel and her Judeo-Christian Zionist supporters are likely to respond.Muslims already know from their scriptures that the divinely-ordained destruction of Dajjāl the false Messiah, and of his foot-soldiers Gog and Magog, will seal the fate of the imposter State of Israel; and they also know from their scriptures that only the true Messiah can kill the false Messiah, and that only Allah Most High can destroy Gog and Magog. Hence Arab Muslims in particular know that until such time when Jesus the son of the Virgin Mary (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon them both) returns to this world, they must brace themselves for even more oppression than they have already experienced. Their supreme oppressors are a so-called ‘chosen people’ who desperately want to rule the whole world (and that of course includes nuclear-armed Russia and China). Their present very visible oppressors are those who now rule the world on Israel’s behalf.When Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salām) saw himself in a dream/vision sacrificing his son Ishmael (‘alaihi al-Salām) the divine wisdom revealed an end of history which would witness precisely that sacrifice of Ishmael’s seed, the Arabs. The present Arab uprisings appear to be preparatory to that momentous pre-ordained sacrifice. But the Muslim who stands up against the oppressor is never afraid to die.Let us hasten to explain, if the gentle reader did not already know it, that Israel wants ‘by hook or satanic crook’ to establish her messianic rule over the whole world, including the Arab world which surrounds Israel on all sides, so that a false Messiah can make a fraudulent claim from occupied Jerusalem to be the divinely-promised Messiah.We explained in ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’ān’ (published in 2002) Prophet Muhammad’s prophecy that the false Messiah would live on earth for 40 days (i.e., after his release from his chains) in which “one day would be like a year, one day would be like a month, one day would be like a week, and all (the rest of) his days would be like your days.” (Sahih Muslim). Our analysis revealed that Dajjāl’s “day like a year” resulted in the emergence of a Pax Britanica in which Britain became the first of three messianic ruling-States. Similarly his “day like a month” gave to the world a Pax Americana in which USA became the second messianic ruling-State. We concluded that the historical process was now poised at that moment in time when a “day like a week” would soon deliver a Pax Judaica in which the imposter State of Israel would attempt to become the third and last messianic ruling-State.In much the same way that both Britain and USA had to become the financial capitals of the world with the fraudulent Sterling pound and the equally fraudulent US dollar functioning as the respective international currencies, we argued that Israel would have to assume overt control over money in a new cashless international monetary system of fraudulent electronic money that would be created and managed by a Zionist-controlled international banking system. So-called Islamic banks would unwittingly play a coyly supportive role of that manifestly fraudulent monetary system. I know of no so-called Islamic Bank anywhere in the world which has displayed even elementary integrity in struggling for the restoration of the Gold Dinār and Silver Dirham as money.Finally we argued that in much the same way that both Britain and USA had to wage great wars which killed millions, in order to impose their unchallengeable military power in the world, so too would Israel have to wage great wars which will kill even more millions (mostly Arabs) before it can lay claim to rule the world. Also, Israel cannot make a convincing claim to represent the Holy Israel of David and Solomon (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon them both) unless the territory of the State were to expand even further to encompass the frontiers of Holy Israel as (falsely) depicted in the Torah, i.e., “from the River of Egypt to the River Euphrates.” Israel will have to raise the bar of oppression against the Arabs even higher if that territorial expansion is ever to be achieved.We pointed out in a lecture entitled ‘Beyond September 11th - What the Future Holds for Muslims’ which we delivered in Sydney in 2002, that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and nuclear plants, as well as Iran’s potential capacity of entering the nuclear club present formidable obstacles which will have to be eliminated before Israel can wage those wars. We did not at that time recognize that the hostile Arab population in and around Israel also constitute a formidable obstacle that would also have to be eliminated.The Arab uprisings (regardless of whether they were entirely spontaneous or not) which are the subject of this essay, appear to offer to Israel, suspiciously so, precisely the opportunity she needs to wage war on the Arabs and to attempt to eventually decimate the population of the Arab world while posturing herself to be in pursuit of the morally justifiable goal of self-preservation.The western-supported dictatorships of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and Ben Ali in Tunisia have yielded to the uprisings by disposing of their hated leaders, and it seems quite likely that the heads of other clients in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Libya etc., who either have long-standing service to their credit, or have recently been forced to bend their knees in servitude, may still roll before the dust settles. When a regime such as that in Libya resists the uprising, the western world shamelessly intervenes to ensure that more than just a Libyan head would roll.The Arab uprisings have targeted not only dictators in pro-western client regimes but also those who are not overtly clients of the West. The uprisings therefore appear to be pan-Arab, and promises to restore to the Arabs a new dawn of freedom to choose their own rulers. We must of course wait to see if that promise will be kept.Let us emphasize once again that it is not really important for Muslim analysts to enquire whether these uprising were stage-managed to facilitate any hidden agenda, - there is nothing hidden about the western desperation to bring down the Libyan regime. Rather it is far more important to recognize that many oppressed Arabs in Egypt and Tunisia in particular have demonstrated their right to rise up against oppressors and to seek liberation from oppression. Since Israel is the greatest oppressor of all it is not difficult for us to anticipate that the new-found political freedom may result in the emergence of governments pursuing political policies that would be pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel. Already the chants from the Arab streets declare their readiness to march to Al-Quds (Jerusalem).Such dramatic political change in Israel’s strategic environment would certainly appear to be detrimental to Israel’s security and even survival. In fact I suspect that it is only a matter of time before the western media begins the next phase of its news crusade (i.e., when it takes a break from supporting the uprisings) of portraying the Arab uprisings to constitute the greatest of all threats to Israel’s very survival.The gentle reader should not be surprised to know however, that appearance and reality in this matter differ substantially from each other. Israel and her Judeo-Christian Zionist supporters are delighted by, and are actively supporting the Arab uprisings that have already occurred, and are anxiously awaiting the fall of other heads as well. The reader would naturally wonder why Israel would be happy to see the heads of pro-western Egyptian and Tunisian regimes rolling and be anxiously awaiting a similar fate in a Saudi regime that Wikileaks recently exposed as ready to allow Israeli warplanes passage through Saudi airspace to attack Iran? Indeed why would Wikileaks so maliciously expose the Saudis and the Palestinian regime headed by Mahmoud Abbas as to dangerously undermine their very capacity to survive?The reality is that dramatic political change now sweeping the Arab world would eventually facilitate the execution of Israel’s war agenda against the Arabs, as well as against Pakistan and Iran.The Egyptian Armed Forces that responded to the Egyptian uprising in a suspiciously docile way can now be expected to hold suspiciously free and fair elections that would predictably pave the way for the Islamic Movement in Egypt to win power to rule over the country. If that were to happen, then it should not be difficult for events to eventually move in a direction that would allow Israel to claim that Egypt is supporting Hamas so-called terrorism against the Jewish State. Another carefully calculated horrendously brutal Israeli retaliatory strike against the hostile Arab population of Gaza can then well result in the exodus of all Gazans to an Egypt that would not be able to prevent their entry into that country.If we were to globalize this same scenario in a pan-Arab context we can anticipate Israel orchestrating a propaganda offensive to convince the world that the Arabs are now poised (as a result of uprisings which Israel and her western allies encouraged and supported) to threaten the very existence of the Euro-Jewish State. This would then be used to justify wars through which Israel would attempt to realize such an expansion of her territory as would encompass the (false) Biblical frontiers of the Holy Land.If Israel succeeds in waging such wars, and in then imposing her will on decimated or exported Arabs, she would have made significant progress towards realizing her blood-stained goal of ruling the world.But the truth is that the threat to Israel comes not from the world of Islam but rather, from Magog who are located in the north:The LORD said to me, "From the north disaster will be poured out on all who live in the land (i.e., the Holy Land).(Jeremiah 1:14)In my book entitled ‘An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World’ (see my website I have identified a Russian-led alliance with Magog of the Qur’an. The Judeo-Christian Zionists who now rule the world from London, Washington and Jerusalem are quite aware of this massive attack that will come from the north, and this explains the incremental NATO encirclement of Russia. Despite this, they are preparing to hoodwink mankind by portraying the popular uprisings in Muslim Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen and elsewhere in the Arab part of the world of Islam as potentially the greatest of all threats to Israel, sufficiently grave to eventually justify massive so-called preemptive wars by Israel.The blessed Qur’ān has warned that the enemy makes plans which Allah Most High counters with His own plans, and that Allah’s plans prevail. Allah Most High has spoken quite explicitly of His plan in which He will one day cause Gog and Magog to surge against each other in a mighty cataclysm:“And on that day We shall cause them to surge like waves (that dash) against one another; and the trumpet (heralding the destruction of the imposter State of Israel) will be blown, and We shall gather them all together (to perish in that final divinely-ordained punishment).(Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 18:99) [Kindly note that this writer’s commentary of the verse is in brackets.]The mighty Gog/Magog nuclear-war cataclysm in which most of mankind will perish is perhaps referred to in Judeo/Christian eschatology as the Battle of Armageddon. The nuclear mushroom clouds that will envelop the earth are perhaps the Dukhān (smoke) that was prophesied as one of the Signs of the Last Day (see essay on my website entitled “Ten Major Signs of the Last day – Has One just occurred”?). This essay identifies the imposter State of Israel and all its supporters with those whose plans will be countered by Divine plans; and it is in that context that we sought in this essay to anticipate possible Israeli responses to the dramatic popular Arab uprisings.We must remind readers in parting that even while we already know the fate which awaits Israel from the Magog attack which will come from the north, we also know that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) has prophesied that Muslims would fight the Jews and defeat them.However this armed conflict appears to be more of a 'mopping-up' operation than the decisive attack that will destroy Israel’s military power. This is clear from the statement which the Prophet made that the Jews would at that time be on the run and that they would hide behind trees and stones:“The Last Hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews. The Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: ‘Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him;’ but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.”
(Sahih Muslim, Kitab al-Fitan wa Ashrat as-Sa'ah, Book 41, 6985)The reader should not make the mistake of concluding from this prophecy that the Prophet is referring to all Jews. Rather he is referring to only those Jews who are oppressors and who have to be punished for their oppression.There are Jews in the world today who oppose and denounce Israeli injustice and oppression while actively sympathizing with and supporting the struggle for liberation from that injustice and oppression. Such Jews, as well as all the rest of mankind who oppose oppression, are potential allies of those Arab Muslims whose uprisings succeeded in removing Hosni Mubarak and Ben Ali from leadership of Egypt and Tunisia. We salute them for the courage with which they opposed the oppressor. There are many Muslims in USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, Singapore and even in my native Caribbean island of Trinidad who should now summon the courage and integrity to follow that example of standing up against both the oppressor, as well as against those who support the oppressor.The Interim before the WarsIt is quite possible that we may have to wait for a few years before Israel`s great wars against the Arabs begin. In the interim it is certain that Dajjāl the false Messiah will work overtime to exploit the new opportunities created by the uprisings to try to demolish whatever now remains of Islam in the lives of the Arab masses. One can just imagine how the new freedom can soon become a secular freedom in which all would be permissible. Not only would 'women dress and yet be naked' but eventually the 'day would mate with the day' and the 'night would mate with the night'. The result would be the complete seduction of the cities of the Arab world into the godless global society.There is also the distinct possibility of Islamic political parties assuming power in government and then losing credibility when they fail to bring relief to the miserably poor masses because of an incapacity to respond to the awesome challenge of Riba. One need not even mention the immense difficulties that would attend any effort to restore the universal Islamic Khilafah.What should Muslims do at this time?Firstly, Muslims must never give up the just struggle for liberation from oppression. This can best be maintained if they keep the right company. Surah al-Kahf of the blessed Qur’an has advised that they must search for and keep the company of those who are true servants of Allah Most High:
‘And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever [in] neglect.’ (Qur’an, al-Kahf, 18:28)Surah al-Kahf also advises withdrawal from the godless society. This can perhaps be best achieved through residence in small Muslim Villages in the countryside rather than the cities of the modern world. Such villages can have village markets which use Dinārs and Dirhams as money for buying and selling.We should in addition recite Surah al-Kahf on every day of Jumu‘ah without fail and also regularly recite the Masnoon Duah for protection from Dajjāl’s Fitnah.We intend to write in greater detail Insha Allah, at a later time.
Don't say that you were not warned: Libyan Islamic Resistance began their operations against NATO mercenaries zionist genociders British, French, German, US and israelis invaders
Update: 6th March 2011: US-UK-ISRAEL-NATO war criminals are scheduling an official military invasion for the 11th March 2011. Islamic Resistance Units are in position in Tripoli and ready to kill all the puppet Qaddafi family, they will do it insha Allah just before Israel and her US-EU stooges strategical plan to steal oil, gas fields is foiled definitively. That means that any invasion is a military agression and the plan that worked for Iraq will not work for Libya bidni Allah. Small country, small people, but very cleverly advised !!!! Next fall is Morocco where french-israeli are already fleeing the country.
Our advise is that anything that is supporting Israel in North Africa, whether Arabic, African or European, American leave now! You've been warned on all the arabic satellite channels yesterday, there will be no prisoners and no oil, gas facilities working until Israel and zionist freemasonery networks disappear from North Africa! Oil and gas fields are the property of the Libyan people no body else, BP, Total, Anadarko etc... never return and forget about North Africa.
Now Netanyahu you are in control of EU stooges, launch you crusades, pogroms against Muslims in EU ! What are you waiting for ????
Libyan Rebels Capture British SAS Unit
British Troops Sent to 'Offer Help' After Repeated Warnings Against Foreign Meddling
Sometimes no really means no.
That’s what the British military learned today when, after a solid week of Libyan rebel leaders insisting that they didn’t want any foreign intervention in the ongoing efforts to oust long-time dictator Moammar Gadhafi, they decided a great idea would be to dispatch a unit of their special forces, the SAS, to Benghazi to “offer help.”

British PM David Cameron
The troops arrived in plain clothes and accompanied a “junior diplomat” who had ostensibly been dispatched to “establish relations” with the opposition’s leadership council. The rebels have been in control of virtually the entire eastern half of the nation plus a number of cities in the west for over a week.
But the rebels’ troops spotted the plain clothes troops and hauled them away, worrying that public support would be damaged if they were seen as a Western-backed coup against Gadhafi, one of the chief reasons they have repeatedly spurned US and British offers of military help.
Though the diplomat’s arrival doesn’t appear to have been a major problem, the protest movement has sought international recognition as the “legitimate government of Libya” over the Gadhafi regime, the fact that he showed up uninvited with a unit of soldiers appears to have angered the rebel leadership council, which immediately ordered the lot of them thrown into a military brig.
Publicly the British Defense Ministry has declined comment on the arrests, saying that they never comment on any activities of the SAS, but officials have said off the record that they don’t expect the matter to escalate and that the rebels are “just making a point.”
The point, which appears to have been lost on Western officials the first hundred times they said it, is that Libya’s protest movement does not want a NATO-led occupation, or any other occupation, and that they feel perfectly capable of taking the rest of the nation on their own, using a combination of the military defectors (which amount to most of Libya’s military) and the massive popular support for Gadhafi’s ouster.
- Sometimes no really means no.
That’s what the British military learned today when, after a solid week of Libyan rebel leaders insisting that they didn’t want any foreign intervention in the ongoing efforts to oust long-time dictator Moammar Gadhafi, they decided a great idea would be to dispatch a unit of their special forces, the SAS, to Benghazi to “offer help.”
British PM David Cameron
The troops arrived in plain clothes and accompanied a “junior diplomat” who had ostensibly been dispatched to “establish relations” with the opposition’s leadership council. The rebels have been in control of virtually the entire eastern half of the nation plus a number of cities in the west for over a week.
But the rebels’ troops spotted the plain clothes troops and hauled them away, worrying that public support would be damaged if they were seen as a Western-backed coup against Gadhafi, one of the chief reasons they have repeatedly spurned US and British offers of military help.
Though the diplomat’s arrival doesn’t appear to have been a major problem, the protest movement has sought international recognition as the “legitimate government of Libya” over the Gadhafi regime, the fact that he showed up uninvited with a unit of soldiers appears to have angered the rebel leadership council, which immediately ordered the lot of them thrown into a military brig.
Publicly the British Defense Ministry has declined comment on the arrests, saying that they never comment on any activities of the SAS, but officials have said off the record that they don’t expect the matter to escalate and that the rebels are “just making a point.”
The point, which appears to have been lost on Western officials the first hundred times they said it, is that Libya’s protest movement does not want a NATO-led occupation, or any other occupation, and that they feel perfectly capable of taking the rest of the nation on their own, using a combination of the military defectors (which amount to most of Libya’s military) and the massive popular support for Gadhafi’s ouster.
La révolte algerienne contre les éléments de la France-Israel et la chute programmée du gouvernement francais aux mains d'Israel et sa france-maconnerie, qui jouent la guerre civile et le chaos en 2011. DST/DCRI-DRS-MAKHZEN FOU LE CAMP !
Lettre ouverte au général régnant de l’Algérie, Mohamed Médiène : « DRS, dégage ! »
par Habib Souaïdia, auteur de La Sale Guerre,
Il est trop tard pour un « ravalement de façade » de votre régime
Pour accaparer à votre profit et à celui de vos obligés les richesses du pays, les revenus de son gaz et de son pétrole, vous avez utilisé votre police politique afin de maintenir notre peuple dans la misère et la hogra. Et vous avez fait torturer et tuer des dizaines de milliers d’hommes et de femmes. La gégène et le chiffon sont devenus vos instruments ordinaires de pouvoir, faisant de vos agents autant de criminels – souvent devenus des psychopathes et des névrosés.
Votre gestion du pays est devenue si désastreuse qu’on peut se demander s’il pourra retrouver un jour ses lettres de noblesse, le respect et sa place éminente dans la sphère des nations. Et si le sort que vous lui préparez n’est pas celui de la Somalie. Vous avez, paraît-il, déclaré à Bouteflika, à Saïd Sadi et à l’ex-Premier ministre Mouloud Hamrouche que « l’Algérie va mal », le DRS ayant fait un sondage auprès du peuple algérien pour mesurer le mécontentement de la rue. Mais les Algériens n’ont pas besoin de sondages du DRS ou de tout autre organe du pouvoir pour connaître leur désarroi. La misère sociale et le sentiment d’injustice s’étalent dans les rues depuis des années. C’est pourquoi les émeutes de janvier 2011 vous ont fait paniquer : plus violentes et massives que celles qui secouent presque quotidiennement le pays depuis dix ans, elles vous ont amené à tenter de « prendre les devants », parce que, en effet, vous risquez gros.
Il y a trois sortes de généraux dans le monde arabe, selon leur place dans l’appareil de pouvoir. Il y a la version des régimes de Ben Ali ou Moubarak, qui n’ont jamais eu affaire à une révolte de grande ampleur de la rue : pris de panique, ils ont multiplié les discours pour tenter de calmer le peuple et de négocier, avant de vouloir faire sortir l’armée dans la rue pour faire peur – mais ses chefs sont restés en retrait. Et il y a la version Nezzar ou Kadhafi, ceux qui ne parlent pas, mais qui tirent sur la foule à balles réelles quand elle les menace. Vous incarnez sans doute la troisième catégorie, variante perverse de la précédente : après avoir usé de la pire violence, avec votre coup d’État de 1992 et le « fleuve de sang » qui a suivi, vous avez instauré la manipulation et le mensonge pour « gérer le peuple ». Pour tenter de mater le peuple qui bouge, le peuple qui vibre, le peuple qui se révolte, le peuple qui hurle son besoin de démocratie, vous avez organisé le simulacre d’une opposition entre des partis clonés et un président cloné.
Depuis votre coup d’État de 1992, on ne voit plus le bout du tunnel. Chaque jour apporte son lot de désolations. Rien n’a changé. Pire, on assiste dix-neuf ans plus tard à un reformatage de la vie politique pour remettre en selle des barons qui ont violé l’intimité de ce pays à la place d’un autre déclinant. Mais tenter un ravalement de façade avec un Mouloud Hamrouche, un Saïd Sadi ou un autre, par des manœuvres déjà mille fois vues pendant les années noires ne changera rien à l’aspiration du peuple au changement radical de la République.
Le peuple algérien ne se contentera pas du départ de Bouteflika, il veut la fin de la police politique qui l’a amené au pouvoir. Et le prétendu bras de fer qui oppose la façade du « pouvoir » algérien incarné par ce dernier à la Coordination nationale pour le changement et la démocratie (CNDC) n’est certainement pas la voie pour y parvenir. Certes, au sein de la coordination, il y a des hommes et des femmes qui méritent le respect de tous les Algériens. Mais on pourrait faire remarquer, au regard de sa faible capacité de mobilisation, que cette coordination comprend aussi des éléments visant clairement à tirer vers le bas le mouvement de révolte et qui se distinguent par leur complaisance avec vos desseins.
Car hélas, vos agents sont partout. Pour vous maintenir au pouvoir, vous avez choisi en effet de vous appuyer sur votre police politique, ciment principal d’une alliance rentière et prédatrice, qui a gangrené tout le système politique algérien. Preuve en est le vide politique créé par une décennie sanglante durant laquelle le DRS, par son entreprise de destruction, a privé le pays de toute expression démocratique.
- Pour accaparer à votre profit et à celui de vos obligés les richesses du pays, les revenus de son gaz et de son pétrole, vous avez utilisé votre police politique afin de maintenir notre peuple dans la misère et la hogra. Et vous avez fait torturer et tuer des dizaines de milliers d’hommes et de femmes. La gégène et le chiffon sont devenus vos instruments ordinaires de pouvoir, faisant de vos agents autant de criminels – souvent devenus des psychopathes et des névrosés.Votre gestion du pays est devenue si désastreuse qu’on peut se demander s’il pourra retrouver un jour ses lettres de noblesse, le respect et sa place éminente dans la sphère des nations. Et si le sort que vous lui préparez n’est pas celui de la Somalie. Vous avez, paraît-il, déclaré à Bouteflika, à Saïd Sadi et à l’ex-Premier ministre Mouloud Hamrouche que « l’Algérie va mal », le DRS ayant fait un sondage auprès du peuple algérien pour mesurer le mécontentement de la rue. Mais les Algériens n’ont pas besoin de sondages du DRS ou de tout autre organe du pouvoir pour connaître leur désarroi. La misère sociale et le sentiment d’injustice s’étalent dans les rues depuis des années. C’est pourquoi les émeutes de janvier 2011 vous ont fait paniquer : plus violentes et massives que celles qui secouent presque quotidiennement le pays depuis dix ans, elles vous ont amené à tenter de « prendre les devants », parce que, en effet, vous risquez gros.Il y a trois sortes de généraux dans le monde arabe, selon leur place dans l’appareil de pouvoir. Il y a la version des régimes de Ben Ali ou Moubarak, qui n’ont jamais eu affaire à une révolte de grande ampleur de la rue : pris de panique, ils ont multiplié les discours pour tenter de calmer le peuple et de négocier, avant de vouloir faire sortir l’armée dans la rue pour faire peur – mais ses chefs sont restés en retrait. Et il y a la version Nezzar ou Kadhafi, ceux qui ne parlent pas, mais qui tirent sur la foule à balles réelles quand elle les menace. Vous incarnez sans doute la troisième catégorie, variante perverse de la précédente : après avoir usé de la pire violence, avec votre coup d’État de 1992 et le « fleuve de sang » qui a suivi, vous avez instauré la manipulation et le mensonge pour « gérer le peuple ». Pour tenter de mater le peuple qui bouge, le peuple qui vibre, le peuple qui se révolte, le peuple qui hurle son besoin de démocratie, vous avez organisé le simulacre d’une opposition entre des partis clonés et un président cloné.Depuis votre coup d’État de 1992, on ne voit plus le bout du tunnel. Chaque jour apporte son lot de désolations. Rien n’a changé. Pire, on assiste dix-neuf ans plus tard à un reformatage de la vie politique pour remettre en selle des barons qui ont violé l’intimité de ce pays à la place d’un autre déclinant. Mais tenter un ravalement de façade avec un Mouloud Hamrouche, un Saïd Sadi ou un autre, par des manœuvres déjà mille fois vues pendant les années noires ne changera rien à l’aspiration du peuple au changement radical de la République.Le peuple algérien ne se contentera pas du départ de Bouteflika, il veut la fin de la police politique qui l’a amené au pouvoir. Et le prétendu bras de fer qui oppose la façade du « pouvoir » algérien incarné par ce dernier à la Coordination nationale pour le changement et la démocratie (CNDC) n’est certainement pas la voie pour y parvenir. Certes, au sein de la coordination, il y a des hommes et des femmes qui méritent le respect de tous les Algériens. Mais on pourrait faire remarquer, au regard de sa faible capacité de mobilisation, que cette coordination comprend aussi des éléments visant clairement à tirer vers le bas le mouvement de révolte et qui se distinguent par leur complaisance avec vos desseins.Car hélas, vos agents sont partout. Pour vous maintenir au pouvoir, vous avez choisi en effet de vous appuyer sur votre police politique, ciment principal d’une alliance rentière et prédatrice, qui a gangrené tout le système politique algérien. Preuve en est le vide politique créé par une décennie sanglante durant laquelle le DRS, par son entreprise de destruction, a privé le pays de toute expression démocratique.
L’intolérable impunité des généraux criminels à la tête de l’ANP
En janvier 1992, une partie du peuple algérien pensait renouer avec l’espoir après le retour du président Boudiaf, puis elle a assisté six mois plus tard à son assassinat en direct. Votre justice aux ordres a ensuite qualifié l’assassinat d’« acte isolé », mais les responsables des services de renseignement chargés de la protection du président ont été promus et mutés vers d’autres unités. Mohamed Boudiaf a payé de sa vie son refus de jouer le jeu de votre mentor, le général Larbi Belkheir. Boudiaf était l’une des figures de la révolution algérienne, mais son histoire ne l’a pas protégé contre vos ambitions : vous avez oublié ce qu’il a été avant, pendant et après la révolution. Puis fut le temps de Liamine Zéroual, un général que vous avez « bricolé » dans vos laboratoires pour en faire un président ; et, encore une fois, cela n’a pas marché. Son mandat s’est achevé avec les massacres de masse de 1997, instrumentalisés par vos services pour le déposer définitivement.
Mon général, sachez que l’intolérable impunité des « forces de l’ordre » a ébranlé le pays au plus profond de son âme. Car elle dit l’extrême violence, la corruption et le chaos qui règnent dans l’Algérie d’aujourd’hui. Pour mesurer l’ampleur du mal, il faut connaître le niveau d’implication de la nouvelle hiérarchie militaire dans les crimes contre l’humanité commis durent la « sale guerre » des années 1990. Toute la chaîne du commandement militaire actuel est composée de criminels, jusqu’au sommet. De surcroît, chacun « touche » à chaque étage, et chaque fois plus. C’est pourquoi un poste élevé au ministère de la Défense et à l’état-major se vend à celui qui à bien « bossé » dans les unités de « lutte antiterroriste ».
Cette lutte antiterroriste, qui a transformé progressivement chaque soldat en animal, a aussi transformé des sous-lieutenants et des lieutenants en lieutenants-colonels. Et elle a promu des chefs de section en commandants de régiment, des lieutenants-colonels en généraux-majors, commandants de région militaire ou commandant des forces terrestres. Et à chaque fête nationale, la presse algérienne nous a gavés des noms d’assassins promus à des grades supérieurs – des hommes que mes années de jeune officier en exercice dans les forces spéciales, de 1990 à 1995, m’ont parfois permis de connaître de près.
L’un de ces militaires, aujourd’hui général-major et commandant des forces terrestres – le second dans la pyramide après Gaïd Salah, chef d’état-major de l’armée – est le général-major Kadour Bendjemil. Cet artilleur, originaire d’Annaba, n’a cessé depuis son arrivée au commandement fin 1993, de se mouler dans le personnage militaire d’un homme qui ne recule devant rien. À l’époque, sa rage purificatrice n’a épargné personne dans son secteur d’intervention de Bouira (le « SOB »). Il a alors constitué une sorte de garde prétorienne composée de quelques officiers et sous-officiers de l’ANP et d’officiers du DRS, pour, d’après ses dires, « rétablir l’ordre » : au hasard des rafles qui avaient lieu, le jour dans les rues, la nuit dans les maisons, de jeunes Algériens étaient entassés dans des fourgons banalisés, enchaînés pour terroriser la foule et montrer comment l’armée traitait ses ennemis. Et beaucoup de soldats, de sous-officiers et d’officiers ont également perdu la vie à cause de la fameuse règle militaire selon laquelle le chef a toujours raison, même s’il a tort.
D’autres noms ? La liste est longue, mon général, de vos officiers criminels occupant aujourd’hui les plus hauts postes de notre ANP ! Je pourrais en citer, hélas, des dizaines… Comme le général Abdelkader Benzerkhoufa, ex-commandant du 11e RIM, régiment d’infanterie mécanisé stationné entre 1993 et 1997 à La Gare Omar (Bouira). Ou le général Noureddine Hambli, parachutiste commandant du 25e régiment de reconnaissance, l’un des responsables du massacre du 5 octobre 1988 à Alger. Ou encore le général-major Habib Chentouf, aujourd’hui commandant de la 1re région militaire ; le général-major Omar Tlemçani, commandant de la 2e région militaire, ex-commandant du 4e régiment de parachutiste (4e RAP) ; le général-major Amar Athamnia, 3e et 6e région militaire, ex-commandant du 12e régiment de para-commandos (12e RAP) ; le général Maamar Boukhenoufa, commandant du régiment d’infanterie mécanisé stationné à l’époque à Dar El-Beida ; le général Tirech, ex-capitaine à l’Académie militaire ; le général Rachid Guetaf, le général Abed Litim, commandant parachutiste, ex-capitaine aux 4e et 18e RAP, aujourd’hui commandant de l’École d’application des forces spéciales à Biskra ; le général-major Saïd Chengriha, ex-commandant de la 1re division blindée puis commandant de la 8e division blindée, aujourd’hui commandant de la 3e région militaire ; ou aussi les pires criminels que sont le général-major Mhenna Djebbar, ex-commandant du CTRI de Blida aujourd’hui chef de la DCSA, le général-major Bachir Tartag ou le général-major Abdelrazek Chérif, parachutiste commandant de la 4e région militaire.
Tous ces généraux ont été et sont toujours les acteurs d’une gigantesque entreprise de prise en otage d’un peuple entier. Avec demandes de rançons, chantage et détresse de dizaines de milliers de familles. De 1992 à 1999, ils ont conduit une « sale guerre » ciblant de manière délibérée des civils désarmés dans les zones sensibles, qui a fait 200 000 morts. Et en 2000 encore, ils ont lancé la terrible opération « Saïf El-Hadjaj » (« L’épée de El-Hadjaj »), dont le nom est le symbole même de la mort et de la terreur pour tous les musulmans. Avec vos pairs, vous avez ainsi mis en œuvre les principes de la « guerre psychologique » tels qu’ils ont déjà été appliqués pendant la guerre de libération par l’armée coloniale française, ou au Viêt-nam et en Amérique du Sud par les militaires américains et leurs alliés. Des méthodes qui incluent le bouclage physique des villes et des villages, la prise en otage de civils, les exécutions extrajudiciaires, l’enlèvement et la torture de toute personne soupçonnée d’appartenir à un groupe d’opposition.
D’où la fameuse question qui vous taraude aujourd’hui, avec vos complices : « Si nous lâchons le pouvoir, nous serons jugés pour crimes contre l’humanité ou crimes de guerre. » Vos généraux ont donc en permanence à l’esprit un kit de survie psychologique, et ils font tout pour respecter le pacte criminel qui les unit.
- En janvier 1992, une partie du peuple algérien pensait renouer avec l’espoir après le retour du président Boudiaf, puis elle a assisté six mois plus tard à son assassinat en direct. Votre justice aux ordres a ensuite qualifié l’assassinat d’« acte isolé », mais les responsables des services de renseignement chargés de la protection du président ont été promus et mutés vers d’autres unités. Mohamed Boudiaf a payé de sa vie son refus de jouer le jeu de votre mentor, le général Larbi Belkheir. Boudiaf était l’une des figures de la révolution algérienne, mais son histoire ne l’a pas protégé contre vos ambitions : vous avez oublié ce qu’il a été avant, pendant et après la révolution. Puis fut le temps de Liamine Zéroual, un général que vous avez « bricolé » dans vos laboratoires pour en faire un président ; et, encore une fois, cela n’a pas marché. Son mandat s’est achevé avec les massacres de masse de 1997, instrumentalisés par vos services pour le déposer définitivement.Mon général, sachez que l’intolérable impunité des « forces de l’ordre » a ébranlé le pays au plus profond de son âme. Car elle dit l’extrême violence, la corruption et le chaos qui règnent dans l’Algérie d’aujourd’hui. Pour mesurer l’ampleur du mal, il faut connaître le niveau d’implication de la nouvelle hiérarchie militaire dans les crimes contre l’humanité commis durent la « sale guerre » des années 1990. Toute la chaîne du commandement militaire actuel est composée de criminels, jusqu’au sommet. De surcroît, chacun « touche » à chaque étage, et chaque fois plus. C’est pourquoi un poste élevé au ministère de la Défense et à l’état-major se vend à celui qui à bien « bossé » dans les unités de « lutte antiterroriste ».Cette lutte antiterroriste, qui a transformé progressivement chaque soldat en animal, a aussi transformé des sous-lieutenants et des lieutenants en lieutenants-colonels. Et elle a promu des chefs de section en commandants de régiment, des lieutenants-colonels en généraux-majors, commandants de région militaire ou commandant des forces terrestres. Et à chaque fête nationale, la presse algérienne nous a gavés des noms d’assassins promus à des grades supérieurs – des hommes que mes années de jeune officier en exercice dans les forces spéciales, de 1990 à 1995, m’ont parfois permis de connaître de près.L’un de ces militaires, aujourd’hui général-major et commandant des forces terrestres – le second dans la pyramide après Gaïd Salah, chef d’état-major de l’armée – est le général-major Kadour Bendjemil. Cet artilleur, originaire d’Annaba, n’a cessé depuis son arrivée au commandement fin 1993, de se mouler dans le personnage militaire d’un homme qui ne recule devant rien. À l’époque, sa rage purificatrice n’a épargné personne dans son secteur d’intervention de Bouira (le « SOB »). Il a alors constitué une sorte de garde prétorienne composée de quelques officiers et sous-officiers de l’ANP et d’officiers du DRS, pour, d’après ses dires, « rétablir l’ordre » : au hasard des rafles qui avaient lieu, le jour dans les rues, la nuit dans les maisons, de jeunes Algériens étaient entassés dans des fourgons banalisés, enchaînés pour terroriser la foule et montrer comment l’armée traitait ses ennemis. Et beaucoup de soldats, de sous-officiers et d’officiers ont également perdu la vie à cause de la fameuse règle militaire selon laquelle le chef a toujours raison, même s’il a tort.D’autres noms ? La liste est longue, mon général, de vos officiers criminels occupant aujourd’hui les plus hauts postes de notre ANP ! Je pourrais en citer, hélas, des dizaines… Comme le général Abdelkader Benzerkhoufa, ex-commandant du 11e RIM, régiment d’infanterie mécanisé stationné entre 1993 et 1997 à La Gare Omar (Bouira). Ou le général Noureddine Hambli, parachutiste commandant du 25e régiment de reconnaissance, l’un des responsables du massacre du 5 octobre 1988 à Alger. Ou encore le général-major Habib Chentouf, aujourd’hui commandant de la 1re région militaire ; le général-major Omar Tlemçani, commandant de la 2e région militaire, ex-commandant du 4e régiment de parachutiste (4e RAP) ; le général-major Amar Athamnia, 3e et 6e région militaire, ex-commandant du 12e régiment de para-commandos (12e RAP) ; le général Maamar Boukhenoufa, commandant du régiment d’infanterie mécanisé stationné à l’époque à Dar El-Beida ; le général Tirech, ex-capitaine à l’Académie militaire ; le général Rachid Guetaf, le général Abed Litim, commandant parachutiste, ex-capitaine aux 4e et 18e RAP, aujourd’hui commandant de l’École d’application des forces spéciales à Biskra ; le général-major Saïd Chengriha, ex-commandant de la 1re division blindée puis commandant de la 8e division blindée, aujourd’hui commandant de la 3e région militaire ; ou aussi les pires criminels que sont le général-major Mhenna Djebbar, ex-commandant du CTRI de Blida aujourd’hui chef de la DCSA, le général-major Bachir Tartag ou le général-major Abdelrazek Chérif, parachutiste commandant de la 4e région militaire.Tous ces généraux ont été et sont toujours les acteurs d’une gigantesque entreprise de prise en otage d’un peuple entier. Avec demandes de rançons, chantage et détresse de dizaines de milliers de familles. De 1992 à 1999, ils ont conduit une « sale guerre » ciblant de manière délibérée des civils désarmés dans les zones sensibles, qui a fait 200 000 morts. Et en 2000 encore, ils ont lancé la terrible opération « Saïf El-Hadjaj » (« L’épée de El-Hadjaj »), dont le nom est le symbole même de la mort et de la terreur pour tous les musulmans. Avec vos pairs, vous avez ainsi mis en œuvre les principes de la « guerre psychologique » tels qu’ils ont déjà été appliqués pendant la guerre de libération par l’armée coloniale française, ou au Viêt-nam et en Amérique du Sud par les militaires américains et leurs alliés. Des méthodes qui incluent le bouclage physique des villes et des villages, la prise en otage de civils, les exécutions extrajudiciaires, l’enlèvement et la torture de toute personne soupçonnée d’appartenir à un groupe d’opposition.D’où la fameuse question qui vous taraude aujourd’hui, avec vos complices : « Si nous lâchons le pouvoir, nous serons jugés pour crimes contre l’humanité ou crimes de guerre. » Vos généraux ont donc en permanence à l’esprit un kit de survie psychologique, et ils font tout pour respecter le pacte criminel qui les unit.
« DRS, dégage ! »
Aujourd’hui, mon général, en Algérie comme à l’étranger, vos émissaires sont sur tous les plateaux de télévision. Ces charlatans et pseudo-démocrates prétendent nous expliquer « comment devenir des opposants ». Ils veulent nous montrer la voie du « salut » par des discours démagogiques tout droit sortis de vos laboratoires de désinformation. Or que représentent-ils réellement dans la société algérienne ? Est-ce qu’un « démocrate » qui va manifester avec des gardes du corps de la police est crédible ?
Cette comédie peut peut-être abuser encore un temps des médias occidentaux – et français en particulier – qui ont depuis si longtemps renoncé à comprendre la perversité de votre système de pouvoir. Et vous avez su avec efficacité, à coups de prébendes et de désinformation, les encourager en ce sens pour vous soutenir. Mais vous ne pouvez plus abuser l’immense majorité du peuple algérien, qui est parfaitement lucide sur vos crimes et qui ne pense qu’une seule chose : « DRS, dégage ! »
Je sais comme tout le monde que votre souci principal est de ne pas se retrouver devant un tribunal pénal international, pour les crimes que vous avez commis depuis 1991. Chaque Algérien sait aussi que votre poulain Bouteflika est âgé et malade et qu’il a, tout au long de son mandat, abusé des circuits de corruption que vous lui avez laissés. L’affaire Sonatrach, devenue votre cheval de bataille pour brider celui qui prétend contester votre emprise sur ces circuits, est un révélateur de l’état de l’Algérie : de ses inégalités, de ses injustices sociales, de ses déséquilibres institutionnels, des abus d’un président sans contrôle comme de ceux de votre propre clan.
Dans votre régime en fin de règne, ces querelles misérables ne révèlent rien d’autre que la complicité conflictuelle qui vous lie, vous et votre président de façade, pour piller notre peuple. Ainsi, le DRS enquête et met à nu des réalités qui dévoilent les impostures et les mensonges d’un tout petit monde, qui par la faveur de votre pouvoir s’approprie la richesse nationale. On se souvient de ces grands titres de la presse dite « libre », mais très manipulée, qui révèlent telle ou telle affaire et de la fébrilité puis de la panique qui se sont emparées du cercle de votre président… Autant de faux-semblants d’une prétendue « lutte anticorruption » dont le seul objet est de préserver les pires pratiques de corruption.
Voyez par vous-même, mon général : ce qui était impensable il y a encore quelques semaines en Tunisie et en Égypte, peut bientôt se reproduire en Algérie. Des dictateurs ont plié bagage devant la colère de la rue. Mais soyez-en sûr, l’intifada fondatrice ne sera pas organisée par les faux opposants.
J’ignore ce qui va se passer maintenant. Nous avons des jours difficiles devant nous. Tout ce que je sais, c’est que l’Algérie a plus que jamais besoin d’hommes et de femmes profondément loyaux et intègres, et non pas de ceux qu’on achète et qui se vendent. Des hommes et de femmes qui défendraient la justice et la vérité même si l’univers s’écroulait. Qu’il ne soit jamais dit que les Algériens n’ont rien dit, n’ont rien fait contre la bête immonde qui détruit notre nation. Les événements de ce début d’année 2011 dessinent une trajectoire fatale qu’il faut identifier et contrer pour préserver notre pays. Y a-t-il encore quelqu’un pour écouter la voix d’un Algérien ? Avons-nous peur de nos responsabilités ? Que deviennent-ils, les fils et les filles de l’indépendance ? De la guerre de libération ? L’Algérie est notre mère patrie, elle souffre d’un interminable cancer. C’est pour cela que je propose un congrès de la vraie opposition, une sorte de nouveau Sant’Egidio, parce que nous arrivons à un moment critique de notre histoire, à une époque d’incroyables défis à relever.
- Aujourd’hui, mon général, en Algérie comme à l’étranger, vos émissaires sont sur tous les plateaux de télévision. Ces charlatans et pseudo-démocrates prétendent nous expliquer « comment devenir des opposants ». Ils veulent nous montrer la voie du « salut » par des discours démagogiques tout droit sortis de vos laboratoires de désinformation. Or que représentent-ils réellement dans la société algérienne ? Est-ce qu’un « démocrate » qui va manifester avec des gardes du corps de la police est crédible ?Cette comédie peut peut-être abuser encore un temps des médias occidentaux – et français en particulier – qui ont depuis si longtemps renoncé à comprendre la perversité de votre système de pouvoir. Et vous avez su avec efficacité, à coups de prébendes et de désinformation, les encourager en ce sens pour vous soutenir. Mais vous ne pouvez plus abuser l’immense majorité du peuple algérien, qui est parfaitement lucide sur vos crimes et qui ne pense qu’une seule chose : « DRS, dégage ! »Je sais comme tout le monde que votre souci principal est de ne pas se retrouver devant un tribunal pénal international, pour les crimes que vous avez commis depuis 1991. Chaque Algérien sait aussi que votre poulain Bouteflika est âgé et malade et qu’il a, tout au long de son mandat, abusé des circuits de corruption que vous lui avez laissés. L’affaire Sonatrach, devenue votre cheval de bataille pour brider celui qui prétend contester votre emprise sur ces circuits, est un révélateur de l’état de l’Algérie : de ses inégalités, de ses injustices sociales, de ses déséquilibres institutionnels, des abus d’un président sans contrôle comme de ceux de votre propre clan.Dans votre régime en fin de règne, ces querelles misérables ne révèlent rien d’autre que la complicité conflictuelle qui vous lie, vous et votre président de façade, pour piller notre peuple. Ainsi, le DRS enquête et met à nu des réalités qui dévoilent les impostures et les mensonges d’un tout petit monde, qui par la faveur de votre pouvoir s’approprie la richesse nationale. On se souvient de ces grands titres de la presse dite « libre », mais très manipulée, qui révèlent telle ou telle affaire et de la fébrilité puis de la panique qui se sont emparées du cercle de votre président… Autant de faux-semblants d’une prétendue « lutte anticorruption » dont le seul objet est de préserver les pires pratiques de corruption.Voyez par vous-même, mon général : ce qui était impensable il y a encore quelques semaines en Tunisie et en Égypte, peut bientôt se reproduire en Algérie. Des dictateurs ont plié bagage devant la colère de la rue. Mais soyez-en sûr, l’intifada fondatrice ne sera pas organisée par les faux opposants.J’ignore ce qui va se passer maintenant. Nous avons des jours difficiles devant nous. Tout ce que je sais, c’est que l’Algérie a plus que jamais besoin d’hommes et de femmes profondément loyaux et intègres, et non pas de ceux qu’on achète et qui se vendent. Des hommes et de femmes qui défendraient la justice et la vérité même si l’univers s’écroulait. Qu’il ne soit jamais dit que les Algériens n’ont rien dit, n’ont rien fait contre la bête immonde qui détruit notre nation. Les événements de ce début d’année 2011 dessinent une trajectoire fatale qu’il faut identifier et contrer pour préserver notre pays. Y a-t-il encore quelqu’un pour écouter la voix d’un Algérien ? Avons-nous peur de nos responsabilités ? Que deviennent-ils, les fils et les filles de l’indépendance ? De la guerre de libération ? L’Algérie est notre mère patrie, elle souffre d’un interminable cancer. C’est pour cela que je propose un congrès de la vraie opposition, une sorte de nouveau Sant’Egidio, parce que nous arrivons à un moment critique de notre histoire, à une époque d’incroyables défis à relever.
U.S. And NATO Escalate World’s Deadliest War On Both Sides Of Afghan-Pakistani Border
by Rick Rozoff
Global Research, March 1, 2011
The United States and its military allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization have entered the third month of war in Afghanistan this year, which President Barack Obama in December of 2009 announced as the year in which American and other foreign occupation forces would be reduced preparatory to their full withdrawal.
Within months of the U.S. head of state’s claim, the commander-in-chief had over 90,000 troops in the conquered country and currently there are 60,000 more from some fifty other nations serving in NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). The total number exceeds that of any foreign military force ever before stationed in Afghanistan. The presence of American and allied troops, beginning as it did on October 7, 2001, is the longest in the Asian nation’s history, with U.S. forces already in the country for several months longer than Soviet troops were stationed there from late 1979 until early 1989.
Since Obama’s pledge that U.S. and NATO troop strength would be reduced this year – not a firm deadline but an evasion, a self-serving lie designed to take the sting out of the announcement of increased troop deployments, one the international community, self-styled and genuine, chose to take at face value – the world’s only ongoing war of occupation has stretched into not only the longest armed conflict in Afghanistan’s history but also in that of the U.S.
In the same interim several new force contributors like Armenia, Bahrain, Colombia, Egypt, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Montenegro, Mongolia, South Korea (which had withdrawn an earlier contingent in 2007) and Tonga were recruited to provide troops to serve under NATO’s Afghan command, to which the overwhelming majority of American troops are now also assigned, and to be initiated into 21st century warfare under the control of the West.
Last year marked the largest amount of U.S. and ISAF deaths in the war that is now in its eleventh calendar year, as well as the most Afghan government troop and police fatalities, the highest number of reported insurgent deaths and the most civilians slain in the nearly decade-long war. 712 foreign soldiers and almost 10,000 Afghans were killed in 2010.
To the east of Afghanistan, unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) missile attacks conducted by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency killed in the neighborhood of 1,000 people in Pakistan last year, the most in any year since the cowardly targeted assassinations and concomitant civilian “collateral damage” were begun in 2004 and almost half of the total dead for the entire period.
As last year wound down, bombing, strafing and other air attacks launched by the U.S. and NATO increased in intensity, with October registering the highest monthly number of air combat missions, over 1,000, of the war to date.
The Pentagon has ordered a record quantity of Predator, Reaper and other death-dealing drones for this year, beyond to the new “drawdown” date – 2014 – and for as far afterward as it chooses to continue and further escalate the war on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border.
On that score, the infinite plasticity of a final withdrawal date, U.S. Marine General James Mattis, the head of U.S. Central Command, stated last month that he was “militarily uncomfortable” with the 2014 deadline, [1] and Senator Joseph Lieberman said “it was unwise to set the beginning of any exit date.” [2]
In addition to unprecedented foreign troop numbers, air attacks and drone operations, head of U.S. Special Operations Command Admiral Eric Olson recently said of special forces operations, increasingly the ground combat emphasis for America’s counterinsurgency war in South Asia, that the demand for special operations forces in Afghanistan is “insatiable,” and:
“As we have essentially doubled our force over the last nine years [and] tripled our budget over the last nine years, we have quadrupled our overseas deployments over the last nine years.” [3]
U.S.-selected and -protected Afghan President Hamid Karzai announced last month that Washington intends to establish permanent military bases in his nation – a development that was evident to many almost a decade ago – and “The bases would enable US troops to remain in the area beyond the planned transfer of security responsibility from US and NATO troops to Afghan forces by end of 2014….” [4]
The military installations to be retained, added and expanded would include the Bagram, Kandahar and Shindand air bases in the north, south and west of the nation from which the Pentagon could conduct surveillance and combat operations not only in Afghanistan but throughout the region.
Afghans are not to be spared another decade – or generation or more – of Western military occupation and attacks of the sort that occurred on February 17 in the eastern province of Kunar.
A week after the event, an Afghan government investigation determined that NATO air strikes targeted civilians in a village in the province, killing over five dozen people including 50 women and children, among them 19 females from seven months to 18 years of age. 21 teenage boys and 15 elderly men were also slain. [5]
The head of the government delegation appointed to conduct the probe stated:
“After four days of discussions and interviews with tribal leaders, security officials and other civilians, we found that 65 civilians were killed by NATO missiles in the Ghazi Abad district of Kunar province.” [6]
In the week between the slaughter and the release of the report documenting its details, a NATO attack in the province of Nangarhar “hit a house, killing a couple and their four children,” according to a spokesman for the province’s governor. [7]
During the same period the U.S. was occupied in killing people on the Pakistani side of the border. Drone missile attacks were launched near Miranshah, the administrative headquarters of North Waziristan in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. A local security official told the news media that “three missiles were fired at a residential compound in Dattakhel Mohammedkhel,” resulting in five people being killed in an “attack which completely demolished [their] house.”
The same source added, “the identity of those killed could not be ascertained.”
Another local official described what has become the typical modus operandi of the murderous CIA missile strikes when he detailed that “two people were killed when a missile strike from another drone hit a vehicle proceeding towards the house that was targeted earlier.” [8]
The day before, February 20, the U.S. also attacked a village in South Waziristan, killing six people and wounding several others.
According to a Pakistani news source which placed the death toll for the other attack at eight, “The two attacks by the US drones in the Pakistani tribal areas were the first ones after the arrest of CIA spy Raymond Davis for killing two Pakistanis in Lahore.” [9]
Regarding the strike in South Waziristan, it was reported that the “identity of the slain people could not be ascertained, but local tribesmen claimed all of them were tribal people.”
And in reference to the attacks in North Waziristan:
“Villagers and official sources said 10 US spy planes were seen hovering over various villages in Mir Ali and Miramshah throughout the day on Monday [February 21]. According to villagers in Mir Ali, the drones fired four missiles and hit two rooms and a car parked inside [a] mud house.
“The villagers claimed all the victims were local tribespeople and had no affiliation with militants. They said the injured people were rushed to a nearby hospital in the town of Mir Ali, where doctors said the condition of some of them was critical. The tribesmen who pulled out bodies from the debris of the house said the bodies of the majority of the slain people were mutilated beyond recognition.”
According to a local tribesman, “The Americans don’t care for others and they will continue killing us.” [10]
American and NATO war deaths in Afghanistan are at 71 so far this year, before the spring fighting season has begun, but Afghan and Pakistani civilian deaths exceed those of Western belligerents.
Earlier last month NATO and Afghan government forces shelled a Pakistani military post in North Waziristan, killing a soldier and wounding seven more.
A local news source said some of the injured were in critical condition and that “Pakistani forces returned the fire with artillery and rocket launchers and targeted the Nato and Afghan forces’ positions across the border.”
“Soon after the shelling, Nato helicopters intruded into Pakistan airspace and kept flying for some time over the area….Some reports said Nato jet fighters also violated the Pakistani airspace in the border area….Later in the evening, five mortar shells fired by Nato forces landed in the Saidgi locality in Ghulam Khan Tehsil.” [11]
Two days later, February 4, NATO renewed the bombardment and “Shelling from across the Durand Line continued unabated as 22 more mortar shells fired by Nato and Afghan forces from Afghanistan’s territory fell in North Waziristan,” with shells landing in populated areas of the agency. [12]
The deadly attack by NATO against Pakistani military targets was not the first such incident and will not be the last. On September 30 of 2010 NATO helicopter gunships attacked a security post in the Upper Kurram Agency in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, killing three Pakistani soldiers and reducing the fort to rubble in the third violation of the nation’s airspace in a week.
Two fixed-wing NATO aircraft accompanied the helicopters, which launched two attacks over four hours apart. “According to local people, the dead and injured had suffered severe burn injuries.”
In a strike in the same agency three days before, “Nato claimed killing six insurgents and injuring eight others while local people contradicted the claim and said those killed were Muqbal tribesmen.” [13]
The following month NATO aircraft penetrated the province of Balochistan when “NATO warplanes and helicopter gunships entered up to 15 kilometers inside Pakistani airspace.” [14]
By November NATO attack helicopters had, in addition to conducting strikes in the tribal belt, “violated Pakistani airspace, defying the integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan, over half a dozen times in…northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and southwest Balochistan provinces….” [15]
Not only has the U.S. killed over 2,000 people with drone missile strikes in North and South Waziristan, but over the last five months NATO has slain several Pakistani military personnel, extending the war into a nation with a population of 170 million and nuclear weapons.
While most of the world’s attention is concentrated on events in North Africa, the West is steadily and inexorably intensifying the longest, largest and most lethal war on the planet.
1) Reuters, February 2, 2011
2) New York Times, February 6, 2011
3) U.S. Department of Defense, February 8, 2011
4) Deutsche Presse-Agentur, February 8, 2011
5) Deutsche Presse-Agentur, February 27, 2011
6) Ibid
7) Deutsche Presse-Agentur, February 21, 2011
8) RTT News, February 24, 2011
9) The News International, February 22, 2011
10) Ibid
11) The News International, February 3, 2011
12) The News International, February 6, 2011
13) DawnNews, October 6, 2010
14) Asian News International, October 19, 2010
15) Xinhua News Agency, November 28, 2010
Figure 1
- by Rick RozoffGlobal Research, March 1, 2011
The United States and its military allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization have entered the third month of war in Afghanistan this year, which President Barack Obama in December of 2009 announced as the year in which American and other foreign occupation forces would be reduced preparatory to their full withdrawal.
Within months of the U.S. head of state’s claim, the commander-in-chief had over 90,000 troops in the conquered country and currently there are 60,000 more from some fifty other nations serving in NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). The total number exceeds that of any foreign military force ever before stationed in Afghanistan. The presence of American and allied troops, beginning as it did on October 7, 2001, is the longest in the Asian nation’s history, with U.S. forces already in the country for several months longer than Soviet troops were stationed there from late 1979 until early 1989.
Since Obama’s pledge that U.S. and NATO troop strength would be reduced this year – not a firm deadline but an evasion, a self-serving lie designed to take the sting out of the announcement of increased troop deployments, one the international community, self-styled and genuine, chose to take at face value – the world’s only ongoing war of occupation has stretched into not only the longest armed conflict in Afghanistan’s history but also in that of the U.S.
In the same interim several new force contributors like Armenia, Bahrain, Colombia, Egypt, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Montenegro, Mongolia, South Korea (which had withdrawn an earlier contingent in 2007) and Tonga were recruited to provide troops to serve under NATO’s Afghan command, to which the overwhelming majority of American troops are now also assigned, and to be initiated into 21st century warfare under the control of the West.
Last year marked the largest amount of U.S. and ISAF deaths in the war that is now in its eleventh calendar year, as well as the most Afghan government troop and police fatalities, the highest number of reported insurgent deaths and the most civilians slain in the nearly decade-long war. 712 foreign soldiers and almost 10,000 Afghans were killed in 2010.
To the east of Afghanistan, unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) missile attacks conducted by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency killed in the neighborhood of 1,000 people in Pakistan last year, the most in any year since the cowardly targeted assassinations and concomitant civilian “collateral damage” were begun in 2004 and almost half of the total dead for the entire period.
As last year wound down, bombing, strafing and other air attacks launched by the U.S. and NATO increased in intensity, with October registering the highest monthly number of air combat missions, over 1,000, of the war to date.
The Pentagon has ordered a record quantity of Predator, Reaper and other death-dealing drones for this year, beyond to the new “drawdown” date – 2014 – and for as far afterward as it chooses to continue and further escalate the war on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border.
On that score, the infinite plasticity of a final withdrawal date, U.S. Marine General James Mattis, the head of U.S. Central Command, stated last month that he was “militarily uncomfortable” with the 2014 deadline, [1] and Senator Joseph Lieberman said “it was unwise to set the beginning of any exit date.” [2]
In addition to unprecedented foreign troop numbers, air attacks and drone operations, head of U.S. Special Operations Command Admiral Eric Olson recently said of special forces operations, increasingly the ground combat emphasis for America’s counterinsurgency war in South Asia, that the demand for special operations forces in Afghanistan is “insatiable,” and:
“As we have essentially doubled our force over the last nine years [and] tripled our budget over the last nine years, we have quadrupled our overseas deployments over the last nine years.” [3]
U.S.-selected and -protected Afghan President Hamid Karzai announced last month that Washington intends to establish permanent military bases in his nation – a development that was evident to many almost a decade ago – and “The bases would enable US troops to remain in the area beyond the planned transfer of security responsibility from US and NATO troops to Afghan forces by end of 2014….” [4]
The military installations to be retained, added and expanded would include the Bagram, Kandahar and Shindand air bases in the north, south and west of the nation from which the Pentagon could conduct surveillance and combat operations not only in Afghanistan but throughout the region.
Afghans are not to be spared another decade – or generation or more – of Western military occupation and attacks of the sort that occurred on February 17 in the eastern province of Kunar.
A week after the event, an Afghan government investigation determined that NATO air strikes targeted civilians in a village in the province, killing over five dozen people including 50 women and children, among them 19 females from seven months to 18 years of age. 21 teenage boys and 15 elderly men were also slain. [5]
The head of the government delegation appointed to conduct the probe stated:
“After four days of discussions and interviews with tribal leaders, security officials and other civilians, we found that 65 civilians were killed by NATO missiles in the Ghazi Abad district of Kunar province.” [6]
In the week between the slaughter and the release of the report documenting its details, a NATO attack in the province of Nangarhar “hit a house, killing a couple and their four children,” according to a spokesman for the province’s governor. [7]
During the same period the U.S. was occupied in killing people on the Pakistani side of the border. Drone missile attacks were launched near Miranshah, the administrative headquarters of North Waziristan in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. A local security official told the news media that “three missiles were fired at a residential compound in Dattakhel Mohammedkhel,” resulting in five people being killed in an “attack which completely demolished [their] house.”
Another local official described what has become the typical modus operandi of the murderous CIA missile strikes when he detailed that “two people were killed when a missile strike from another drone hit a vehicle proceeding towards the house that was targeted earlier.” [8]
The day before, February 20, the U.S. also attacked a village in South Waziristan, killing six people and wounding several others.
According to a Pakistani news source which placed the death toll for the other attack at eight, “The two attacks by the US drones in the Pakistani tribal areas were the first ones after the arrest of CIA spy Raymond Davis for killing two Pakistanis in Lahore.” [9]
Regarding the strike in South Waziristan, it was reported that the “identity of the slain people could not be ascertained, but local tribesmen claimed all of them were tribal people.”
And in reference to the attacks in North Waziristan:
“Villagers and official sources said 10 US spy planes were seen hovering over various villages in Mir Ali and Miramshah throughout the day on Monday [February 21]. According to villagers in Mir Ali, the drones fired four missiles and hit two rooms and a car parked inside [a] mud house.
“The villagers claimed all the victims were local tribespeople and had no affiliation with militants. They said the injured people were rushed to a nearby hospital in the town of Mir Ali, where doctors said the condition of some of them was critical. The tribesmen who pulled out bodies from the debris of the house said the bodies of the majority of the slain people were mutilated beyond recognition.”
According to a local tribesman, “The Americans don’t care for others and they will continue killing us.” [10]
American and NATO war deaths in Afghanistan are at 71 so far this year, before the spring fighting season has begun, but Afghan and Pakistani civilian deaths exceed those of Western belligerents.
Earlier last month NATO and Afghan government forces shelled a Pakistani military post in North Waziristan, killing a soldier and wounding seven more.
A local news source said some of the injured were in critical condition and that “Pakistani forces returned the fire with artillery and rocket launchers and targeted the Nato and Afghan forces’ positions across the border.”
“Soon after the shelling, Nato helicopters intruded into Pakistan airspace and kept flying for some time over the area….Some reports said Nato jet fighters also violated the Pakistani airspace in the border area….Later in the evening, five mortar shells fired by Nato forces landed in the Saidgi locality in Ghulam Khan Tehsil.” [11]
Two days later, February 4, NATO renewed the bombardment and “Shelling from across the Durand Line continued unabated as 22 more mortar shells fired by Nato and Afghan forces from Afghanistan’s territory fell in North Waziristan,” with shells landing in populated areas of the agency. [12]
The deadly attack by NATO against Pakistani military targets was not the first such incident and will not be the last. On September 30 of 2010 NATO helicopter gunships attacked a security post in the Upper Kurram Agency in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, killing three Pakistani soldiers and reducing the fort to rubble in the third violation of the nation’s airspace in a week.
Two fixed-wing NATO aircraft accompanied the helicopters, which launched two attacks over four hours apart. “According to local people, the dead and injured had suffered severe burn injuries.”
In a strike in the same agency three days before, “Nato claimed killing six insurgents and injuring eight others while local people contradicted the claim and said those killed were Muqbal tribesmen.” [13]
The following month NATO aircraft penetrated the province of Balochistan when “NATO warplanes and helicopter gunships entered up to 15 kilometers inside Pakistani airspace.” [14]
By November NATO attack helicopters had, in addition to conducting strikes in the tribal belt, “violated Pakistani airspace, defying the integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan, over half a dozen times in…northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and southwest Balochistan provinces….” [15]
Not only has the U.S. killed over 2,000 people with drone missile strikes in North and South Waziristan, but over the last five months NATO has slain several Pakistani military personnel, extending the war into a nation with a population of 170 million and nuclear weapons.
While most of the world’s attention is concentrated on events in North Africa, the West is steadily and inexorably intensifying the longest, largest and most lethal war on the planet.
1) Reuters, February 2, 2011
2) New York Times, February 6, 2011
3) U.S. Department of Defense, February 8, 2011
4) Deutsche Presse-Agentur, February 8, 2011
5) Deutsche Presse-Agentur, February 27, 2011
6) Ibid
7) Deutsche Presse-Agentur, February 21, 2011
8) RTT News, February 24, 2011
9) The News International, February 22, 2011
10) Ibid
11) The News International, February 3, 2011
12) The News International, February 6, 2011
13) DawnNews, October 6, 2010
14) Asian News International, October 19, 2010
15) Xinhua News Agency, November 28, 2010Figure 1
France-Israel-Afrique : couper l'Afrique des elites racistes de la France-Israel et elles organiseront une guerre civile en France
Corruption: Un avion présidentiel dans la 4e dimension
Réagissant aux propos tenus par Thierry Meyssan sur le site suisse Mecanopolis à propos d’un avion présidentiel français vendu secrètement par Michèle Alliot-Marie à ses amis tunisiens, le Comité Valmy a retracé le mystérieux itinéraire de cet appareil. L’opacité qui entoure la transaction et les déplacements de l’Airbus renforce les soupçons d’une vente illicite au clan Ben Ali avec rétro-commissions au clan Sarkozy.

Dix ans après ses révélations sur les attentats du 11 septembre, Thierry Meyssan est reconnu comme un journaliste d’investigation de tout premier plan et pour la fiabilité de ses sources. Aussi, quand il avance qu’il y aurait eu de graves irrégularités sur la vente d’un avion présidentiel Airbus A319 d’une valeur de 32 millions d’euros, il n’est pas inutile de procéder à quelques simples vérifications, ce que nous avons fait.
Il en ressort de très troublantes anomalies qui tendent à accréditer les terribles hypothèses du fondateur du Réseau Voltaire, dont voici un extrait de l’interview (voir la vidéo complète) : « On a vendu deux avions (ndlr : 2 Airbus A319, F-RBFA, cn1484 et F-RBFB, cn1556) pour en acheter un gigantesque et très bien équipé. Je voudrais savoir qui a vendu ça et à quel prix ça a été vendu. Je voudrais savoir pourquoi cet avion (ndlr : F-RBFB, l’autre, F-RBFA a été vendu au Sénégal, la vente a été négociée avec Karim Wade, fils du président, ce qui a fait scandale dans ce pays aux finances exsangues) a, en définitive, atterri dans les mains de l’ami de Madame Alliot-Marie (ndlr : Aziz Miled) en collaboration avec le beau-frère du président Ben Ali (ndlr : Belhassen Trabelsi). Je pense que les contribuables français seraient intéressés de connaître la réponse. » (ndlr : Thierry Meyssan montre ici une solution efficace, la voie judiciaire, dont le droit du contribuable à s’opposer à la dilapidation du patrimoine national)
- Corruption: Un avion présidentiel dans la 4e dimensionRéagissant aux propos tenus par Thierry Meyssan sur le site suisse Mecanopolis à propos d’un avion présidentiel français vendu secrètement par Michèle Alliot-Marie à ses amis tunisiens, le Comité Valmy a retracé le mystérieux itinéraire de cet appareil. L’opacité qui entoure la transaction et les déplacements de l’Airbus renforce les soupçons d’une vente illicite au clan Ben Ali avec rétro-commissions au clan Sarkozy.
Dix ans après ses révélations sur les attentats du 11 septembre, Thierry Meyssan est reconnu comme un journaliste d’investigation de tout premier plan et pour la fiabilité de ses sources. Aussi, quand il avance qu’il y aurait eu de graves irrégularités sur la vente d’un avion présidentiel Airbus A319 d’une valeur de 32 millions d’euros, il n’est pas inutile de procéder à quelques simples vérifications, ce que nous avons fait.
Il en ressort de très troublantes anomalies qui tendent à accréditer les terribles hypothèses du fondateur du Réseau Voltaire, dont voici un extrait de l’interview (voir la vidéo complète) : « On a vendu deux avions (ndlr : 2 Airbus A319, F-RBFA, cn1484 et F-RBFB, cn1556) pour en acheter un gigantesque et très bien équipé. Je voudrais savoir qui a vendu ça et à quel prix ça a été vendu. Je voudrais savoir pourquoi cet avion (ndlr : F-RBFB, l’autre, F-RBFA a été vendu au Sénégal, la vente a été négociée avec Karim Wade, fils du président, ce qui a fait scandale dans ce pays aux finances exsangues) a, en définitive, atterri dans les mains de l’ami de Madame Alliot-Marie (ndlr : Aziz Miled) en collaboration avec le beau-frère du président Ben Ali (ndlr : Belhassen Trabelsi). Je pense que les contribuables français seraient intéressés de connaître la réponse. » (ndlr : Thierry Meyssan montre ici une solution efficace, la voie judiciaire, dont le droit du contribuable à s’opposer à la dilapidation du patrimoine national)
1. Le registre de la DGAC
Première vérification, première anomalie : les deux Airbus présidentiels ne figurent plus dans le registre officiel de l’aviation civile, pas même à la rubrique des immatriculations radiées. [1]
Les recherches avec les immatriculations peintes sur les carlingues des appareils (voir photos jointes) ne donnent aucun résultat. L’A319 immatriculé F-RBFA, appareil officiel de la Présidence française depuis 2002, aujourd’hui vendu à la Présidence du Sénégal, n’aurait-il donc jamais existé ?
L’A319 immatriculé F-RBFB, celui que Thierry Meyssan suspecte d’avoir été irrégulièrement cédé par Mme Alliot-Marie aux compagnies propriétés du clan Trabelsi, n’aurait, lui non plus, jamais existé. Il faut rechercher les appareils avec leurs immatriculations précédentes (F-GXFA et F-GXFB, quand ils appartenaient encore au constructeur Airbus Industries) pour les retrouver dans le registre officiel français. Surprise, ils y apparaissent avec la mention « vendu à l’étranger » depuis 2002.
Quelqu’un aurait voulu faire croire qu’ils n’auraient jamais appartenu à l’État français de 2002 à 2010 qu’il ne s’y serait pas pris autrement !
Première question : qui a donné des ordres en ce sens aux personnels chargés de tenir le registre de la Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile ?
- Première vérification, première anomalie : les deux Airbus présidentiels ne figurent plus dans le registre officiel de l’aviation civile, pas même à la rubrique des immatriculations radiées. [1]
Les recherches avec les immatriculations peintes sur les carlingues des appareils (voir photos jointes) ne donnent aucun résultat. L’A319 immatriculé F-RBFA, appareil officiel de la Présidence française depuis 2002, aujourd’hui vendu à la Présidence du Sénégal, n’aurait-il donc jamais existé ?
L’A319 immatriculé F-RBFB, celui que Thierry Meyssan suspecte d’avoir été irrégulièrement cédé par Mme Alliot-Marie aux compagnies propriétés du clan Trabelsi, n’aurait, lui non plus, jamais existé. Il faut rechercher les appareils avec leurs immatriculations précédentes (F-GXFA et F-GXFB, quand ils appartenaient encore au constructeur Airbus Industries) pour les retrouver dans le registre officiel français. Surprise, ils y apparaissent avec la mention « vendu à l’étranger » depuis 2002.
Quelqu’un aurait voulu faire croire qu’ils n’auraient jamais appartenu à l’État français de 2002 à 2010 qu’il ne s’y serait pas pris autrement !
Première question : qui a donné des ordres en ce sens aux personnels chargés de tenir le registre de la Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile ?
2. L’absence totale de transparence
a) L’A319 F-RBFA vendu au Sénégal
S’il est très probable qu’un accord soit intervenu avec Karim Wade, [2] fils du président sénégalais Abdoulaye Wade, rien n’a été rendu public sur une transaction qui a fait scandale au Sénégal et qui a été passée sous silence en France. Le prix final aurait été de 20,9 milliards de francs CFA [3], soit 32 millions d’euros. Rien ni personne pour s’assurer que ce prix soit la réelle valeur de l’appareil, un légèreté troublante de la part d’un pays qui ne serait capable que de mobiliser 350.000 euros pour venir en aide à la Tunisie récemment libérée.
« Le premier vient d’être vendu pour 32 millions d’euros à l’État sénégalais, qui devrait l’utiliser à partir de 2011, a précisé l’Élysée. Le second a fait l’objet d’un appel d’offres pour lequel, selon la même source, "des clients privés et des États se sont déjà déclarés intéressés" ». [4]
b) L’A319 F-RBFB disparu dans la 4e dimension ? Repeint en blanc ?
Tout d’abord, l’appareil figure toujours en tête de la liste des aéronefs de la base de Villacoublay [Voir le site internet de la Base 107.]. Les appareils ici listés sont cliquables pour avoir plus de détails. Malheureusement, les liens ne fonctionnent pas et génèrent un message d’erreur...opportun ?
Pas un mot sur la mise en vente des appareils, le message d’erreur précité occulte le nombre d’A319 détenus par l’ETEC. Évidemment, pas un mot des appareils valant au total plus de 60 millions d’euros sur les sites officiels de vente des domaines, alors qu’une procédure d’une rigueur extrême est requise pour vendre de simples éléments d’uniformes militaires...
Le site ajoute encore à la confusion en répertoriant l’avion vendu au Sénégal avec le numéro constructeur de l’un (cn1485 / F-RBFA) ayant pour immatriculation précédente le numéro de l’autre (cn1556 / F-RBFB) « avec des titres et le logo de queue, F-reg avant la livraison, (1485 F-URBSFA encore tout blanc) ex F-RBFB » [5]
Ces mentions laissent penser que l’opacité autour de l’appareil vendu au Sénégal viserait à introduire une confusion entre les deux appareils, voire que le second aurait été maquillé, "still all white".
- a) L’A319 F-RBFA vendu au Sénégal
S’il est très probable qu’un accord soit intervenu avec Karim Wade, [2] fils du président sénégalais Abdoulaye Wade, rien n’a été rendu public sur une transaction qui a fait scandale au Sénégal et qui a été passée sous silence en France. Le prix final aurait été de 20,9 milliards de francs CFA [3], soit 32 millions d’euros. Rien ni personne pour s’assurer que ce prix soit la réelle valeur de l’appareil, un légèreté troublante de la part d’un pays qui ne serait capable que de mobiliser 350.000 euros pour venir en aide à la Tunisie récemment libérée.
« Le premier vient d’être vendu pour 32 millions d’euros à l’État sénégalais, qui devrait l’utiliser à partir de 2011, a précisé l’Élysée. Le second a fait l’objet d’un appel d’offres pour lequel, selon la même source, "des clients privés et des États se sont déjà déclarés intéressés" ». [4]
b) L’A319 F-RBFB disparu dans la 4e dimension ? Repeint en blanc ?
Tout d’abord, l’appareil figure toujours en tête de la liste des aéronefs de la base de Villacoublay [Voir le site internet de la Base 107.]. Les appareils ici listés sont cliquables pour avoir plus de détails. Malheureusement, les liens ne fonctionnent pas et génèrent un message d’erreur...opportun ?
Pas un mot sur la mise en vente des appareils, le message d’erreur précité occulte le nombre d’A319 détenus par l’ETEC. Évidemment, pas un mot des appareils valant au total plus de 60 millions d’euros sur les sites officiels de vente des domaines, alors qu’une procédure d’une rigueur extrême est requise pour vendre de simples éléments d’uniformes militaires...
Le site ajoute encore à la confusion en répertoriant l’avion vendu au Sénégal avec le numéro constructeur de l’un (cn1485 / F-RBFA) ayant pour immatriculation précédente le numéro de l’autre (cn1556 / F-RBFB) « avec des titres et le logo de queue, F-reg avant la livraison, (1485 F-URBSFA encore tout blanc) ex F-RBFB » [5]
Ces mentions laissent penser que l’opacité autour de l’appareil vendu au Sénégal viserait à introduire une confusion entre les deux appareils, voire que le second aurait été maquillé, "still all white".
3. L’historique des vols
D’après le site allemand, le dernier vol de l’A319 F-RBFB ayant pour opérateur l’Armée de l’air française date du 11 novembre 2010 (à l’occasion de la rencontre d’Angela Merkel avec Nicolas Sarkozy à Deauville). Puis, juste après que soit parue l’interview de Thierry Meyssan, l’appareil réapparaît, le 1er mars 2011, avec la mention « unknown airline » comme opérateur, ce qui laisse penser que l’avion ne serait plus utilisé par l’Armée de l’air française, ce qui n’est possible qu’après la vente de l’appareil.
Contacted [UTC] Callsign Flightnumber Routing Registration Operator Type
13:42 CEV4651 CEV4651 F-RBFB unknown
airline A319
12:42 4651 4651 F-RBFB unknown
airline A319
13:03 CTM1276 CTM1276 F-RBFB Armée de l’Air Française A319
Un autre site, suédois,, ne faisait plus figurer aucun vol dans l’historique de l’appareil F-RBFB jusqu’au 1er mars, date à laquelle l’avion y parait à nouveau ainsi, cette fois, avec l’Armée de l’air française toujours aux commandes :
« This Airbus A319-115X, with serial number 1556 is flying for French Air Force. Latest flights by F-RBFB : CEV4651 seen @ 2011-03-01 14:47 CET - 4651 seen @ 2011-03-01 14:37 CET » [6]
- D’après le site allemand, le dernier vol de l’A319 F-RBFB ayant pour opérateur l’Armée de l’air française date du 11 novembre 2010 (à l’occasion de la rencontre d’Angela Merkel avec Nicolas Sarkozy à Deauville). Puis, juste après que soit parue l’interview de Thierry Meyssan, l’appareil réapparaît, le 1er mars 2011, avec la mention « unknown airline » comme opérateur, ce qui laisse penser que l’avion ne serait plus utilisé par l’Armée de l’air française, ce qui n’est possible qu’après la vente de l’appareil.
Contacted [UTC] Callsign Flightnumber Routing Registration Operator Type 2011/03/01
13:42CEV4651 CEV4651 F-RBFB unknown
airlineA319 2011/03/01
12:424651 4651 F-RBFB unknown
airlineA319 2010/11/11
13:03CTM1276 CTM1276 F-RBFB Armée de l’Air Française A319
« This Airbus A319-115X, with serial number 1556 is flying for French Air Force. Latest flights by F-RBFB : CEV4651 seen @ 2011-03-01 14:47 CET - 4651 seen @ 2011-03-01 14:37 CET » [6]
4. L’Airbus F-RBFB est-il encore à Genève ?
Le 2 mars, à 9 heures (08H03 UTC), le site, utilisant le système Google Maps pour cartographier toutes les données reçues du réseau des utilisateurs de récepteurs ADS-B a signalé l’A319 F-RBFB, en train d’atterrir à l’aéroport international de Genève. Ce vol était totalement occulté des données publiées par l’aviation civile, il n’a été enregistré nulle part, ce qui est extrêmement rare et ce qui est impensable de la part d’un opérateur qui n’a rien à cacher. Sans le réseau des utilisateurs de récepteurs de signaux radars ADS-B, jamais l’A319 F-RBFB n’aurait pu être localisé. (Voir la capture d’écran ci-dessous)

D’après nos informations, il est très probable que l’avion soit toujours à l’aéroport international de Genève, sinon qu’il y a fait escale le 2 mars. Nous transmettons donc ce texte à la justice suisse [7] pour, qu’après avoir pris acte des irrégularités précitées, elle s’autosaisisse et s’assure, par le contrôle des documents de bord, que l’A319 F-RBFB est régulièrement sur le territoire helvétique et qu’il n’est pas la propriété d’une personne dont les avoirs seraient saisissables en Suisse. Si l’appareil n’est plus à Genève, que la justice suisse rende publique les conditions de l’escale à l’aéroport de Genève, sa destination et les informations collectées à cette occasion sur son opérateur et son propriétaire.
Nous transmettons également ce texte aux autorités compétentes en leur demandant de répondre aux questions qui les concernent :
1. Qui Nicolas Sarkozy a t-il mandaté pour procéder à la vente des avions F-RBFA et F-RBFB ?
2. Se porte t-il garant de la régularité des procédures ?
3. Est-il intervenu directement dans ces opérations ?
4. Michèle Alliot-Marie est-elle intervenue dans les ventes des avions F-RBFA et F-RBFB ? A t-elle traité de ces affaires avec des représentants de l’Etat tunisien, des sociétés NouvelAir, Tunisair, TTS Financière ou Karthago Airlines ?
5. Y a t-il eu des mouvements financiers relatifs à ces avions ?
6. Pourquoi la procédure normale et transparente d’appel d’offres n’a t-elle pas été employée ?
7. qui a donné des ordres aux personnels chargés de tenir le registre de la Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile pour que les 2 A319 F-RBFA et F-RBFB n’y figurent plus ?
8. A qui appartiennent aujourd’hui les appareils F-RBFA et F-RBFB ?
9. Quelles logos, marques et immatriculations portent aujourd’hui les appareils ?
10. Où est l’Airbus A319 F-RBFB, cn 1556 ?
IMPORTANT Nous rappelons que les interrogations soulevées par cet article ne présument en rien de la culpabilité de quiconque. (selon le principe de la présomption d’innocence). Il se peut que toutes les anomalies relevées ne soient que pures coïncidences et que se soit par un effet extraordinaire du hasard qu’elles se soient concentrées sur la cession de cet aéronef. Nous nous en remettons donc aux explications que voudront bien nous fournir les autorités concernées, à qui ce texte est transmis, dont :
L’Elysée :
Le secrétariat de la Présidence,
ses Conseillers,
Le Premier Ministre :
le Premier Ministre et son cabinet,
ses Conseillers,
La Cour des Comptes,
Le Ministère de la défense :
Le Cabinet du Ministre,
La Délégation à l’information et à la communication de la défense (DICoD)
La Base aérienne de Villacoublay (BA107)
La D.G.A.C. :
Le Directeur du Cabinet
Le Chargé des relations Presse
Le Procureur général du Canton de Genève
Les autorités tunisiennes concernées :
Le Ministère du Transport
L’Office de l’Aviation civile et des Transports
L’Ambassade de Tunisie en Suisse
Le Consulat de Tunisie à Genève
L’organisation européenne pour la sécurité de la navigation aérienne (EUROCONTROL)
Patrimoine du Peuple
Source Comité Valmy
Association républicaine française. Site Internet.
[1] Registre d’immatriculation des aéronefs DGAC.
[2] « Nouvel avion présidentiel : Karim Wade serait au coeur des négociations », Politico, 15 novembre 2010.
[3] « Sénégal : Me Wade achète l’avion de Sarkozy pour 20,9 milliards de F Cfa », par Abdoul Aziz Seck et Bachir Fofan, Le Populaire du 13 novembre 2010, repris sur Afriscoop,
[4] « Premier vol de Sarkozy dans l’avion présidentiel », Le Parisien, 11 novembre 2010.
[5] « Airbus A319 -115ACJ 1556 6V- République du Sénégal at BOD 25feb11 with titles & tail logo, F-reg prior delivery, (1485 F-RBFA still all white) ex F-RBFB »
[6] « F-RBFB - French Air Force »,
[7] Transmis à M. Daniel Zappelli, Procureur général du Canton de Genève.
- Le 2 mars, à 9 heures (08H03 UTC), le site, utilisant le système Google Maps pour cartographier toutes les données reçues du réseau des utilisateurs de récepteurs ADS-B a signalé l’A319 F-RBFB, en train d’atterrir à l’aéroport international de Genève. Ce vol était totalement occulté des données publiées par l’aviation civile, il n’a été enregistré nulle part, ce qui est extrêmement rare et ce qui est impensable de la part d’un opérateur qui n’a rien à cacher. Sans le réseau des utilisateurs de récepteurs de signaux radars ADS-B, jamais l’A319 F-RBFB n’aurait pu être localisé. (Voir la capture d’écran ci-dessous)
D’après nos informations, il est très probable que l’avion soit toujours à l’aéroport international de Genève, sinon qu’il y a fait escale le 2 mars. Nous transmettons donc ce texte à la justice suisse [7] pour, qu’après avoir pris acte des irrégularités précitées, elle s’autosaisisse et s’assure, par le contrôle des documents de bord, que l’A319 F-RBFB est régulièrement sur le territoire helvétique et qu’il n’est pas la propriété d’une personne dont les avoirs seraient saisissables en Suisse. Si l’appareil n’est plus à Genève, que la justice suisse rende publique les conditions de l’escale à l’aéroport de Genève, sa destination et les informations collectées à cette occasion sur son opérateur et son propriétaire.
Nous transmettons également ce texte aux autorités compétentes en leur demandant de répondre aux questions qui les concernent :
1. Qui Nicolas Sarkozy a t-il mandaté pour procéder à la vente des avions F-RBFA et F-RBFB ?
2. Se porte t-il garant de la régularité des procédures ?
3. Est-il intervenu directement dans ces opérations ?
4. Michèle Alliot-Marie est-elle intervenue dans les ventes des avions F-RBFA et F-RBFB ? A t-elle traité de ces affaires avec des représentants de l’Etat tunisien, des sociétés NouvelAir, Tunisair, TTS Financière ou Karthago Airlines ?
5. Y a t-il eu des mouvements financiers relatifs à ces avions ?
6. Pourquoi la procédure normale et transparente d’appel d’offres n’a t-elle pas été employée ?
7. qui a donné des ordres aux personnels chargés de tenir le registre de la Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile pour que les 2 A319 F-RBFA et F-RBFB n’y figurent plus ?
8. A qui appartiennent aujourd’hui les appareils F-RBFA et F-RBFB ?
9. Quelles logos, marques et immatriculations portent aujourd’hui les appareils ?
10. Où est l’Airbus A319 F-RBFB, cn 1556 ?
IMPORTANT Nous rappelons que les interrogations soulevées par cet article ne présument en rien de la culpabilité de quiconque. (selon le principe de la présomption d’innocence). Il se peut que toutes les anomalies relevées ne soient que pures coïncidences et que se soit par un effet extraordinaire du hasard qu’elles se soient concentrées sur la cession de cet aéronef. Nous nous en remettons donc aux explications que voudront bien nous fournir les autorités concernées, à qui ce texte est transmis, dont :
L’Elysée :
Le secrétariat de la Présidence,
ses Conseillers,
Le Premier Ministre :
le Premier Ministre et son cabinet,
ses Conseillers,
La Cour des Comptes,
Le Ministère de la défense :
Le Cabinet du Ministre,
La Délégation à l’information et à la communication de la défense (DICoD)
La Base aérienne de Villacoublay (BA107)
La D.G.A.C. :
Le Directeur du Cabinet
Le Chargé des relations Presse
Le Procureur général du Canton de Genève
Les autorités tunisiennes concernées :
Le Ministère du Transport
L’Office de l’Aviation civile et des Transports
L’Ambassade de Tunisie en Suisse
Le Consulat de Tunisie à Genève
L’organisation européenne pour la sécurité de la navigation aérienne (EUROCONTROL)
Patrimoine du Peuple
Source Comité Valmy
Association républicaine française. Site Internet.
[1] Registre d’immatriculation des aéronefs DGAC.
[2] « Nouvel avion présidentiel : Karim Wade serait au coeur des négociations », Politico, 15 novembre 2010.
[3] « Sénégal : Me Wade achète l’avion de Sarkozy pour 20,9 milliards de F Cfa », par Abdoul Aziz Seck et Bachir Fofan, Le Populaire du 13 novembre 2010, repris sur Afriscoop,
[4] « Premier vol de Sarkozy dans l’avion présidentiel », Le Parisien, 11 novembre 2010.
[5] « Airbus A319 -115ACJ 1556 6V- République du Sénégal at BOD 25feb11 with titles & tail logo, F-reg prior delivery, (1485 F-RBFA still all white) ex F-RBFB »
[6] « F-RBFB - French Air Force »,
[7] Transmis à M. Daniel Zappelli, Procureur général du Canton de Genève.
Israel and the programmed fall of the sefardim Al Saud zionist family, and the next Middle East war
Will Saudi be the next to rise up?
By Jody McIntyre
It is strange to read in the news that the Saudi monarchy has “banned” demonstrations; as if such demonstrations were allowed in the first place. Nevertheless, small protests in the east of Saudi Arabia do signal a change. With March 11th being ear-marked as a ‘day of rage’, thousands of security forces are being sent to the region to suppress any potential uprising.
The focus has shifted away from Egypt since the fall of ex-President Hosni Mubarak, but, from yesterday’s events, it is clear that his toppling was only the beginning of an Egyptian revolution. On Saturday, Egyptian activists stormed state security buildings in Cairo and Alexandria, including the secret police’s main headquarters in northern Cairo’s Nasr City neighbourhood, in a bid to recover documents detailing torture, interrogation and human rights abuses of all manners under thirty years of the Mubarak regime.
The people in Egypt have lost their fear. The army tried to get them to leave the buildings, but did not use force; they know that a change has happened in their country, and they cannot suppress the people’s will any longer.
But the protests also show how much work is still to be done. The overthrowing of Mubarak was a huge victory, not only for Egyptians, but for people across the Arab world; but what comes next?
We should take inspiration from the determination and directness of the Egyptian demonstrators. They protested for hours outside the headquarters for hours, before taking matters into their own hands and storming the building. They found huge bags full of shredded documents; evidence of an attempted cover-up by the remnants of the regime.
Mubarak’s fall must set a precedent, not count as an exception. All sections of the regime guilty of committing crimes must be brought to justice. And the Egyptian activists must send a message to regimes across the region; you will not get away with oppressing us, the people, forever.
It will be extremely interesting to see how events develop in Saudi Arabia later in the week. It will also be interesting to see if the US and Britain take the Mubarak-Gaddafi-Ben Ali line in the case of Saudi; disposing of friendly dictators once they pass their sell-by date, or if they make a little more effort in supporting their number one ally.
It is difficult to be optimistic, especially when the Saudi monarchy can fall back on handing out $37 billion in “benefits” to citizens in an attempt to appease unrest, but then again, I would not have imagined seeing a day when the headquarters of the secret police in Cairo were taken over by ordinary people. Stranger things have happened.
- The focus has shifted away from Egypt since the fall of ex-President Hosni Mubarak, but, from yesterday’s events, it is clear that his toppling was only the beginning of an Egyptian revolution. On Saturday, Egyptian activists stormed state security buildings in Cairo and Alexandria, including the secret police’s main headquarters in northern Cairo’s Nasr City neighbourhood, in a bid to recover documents detailing torture, interrogation and human rights abuses of all manners under thirty years of the Mubarak regime.The people in Egypt have lost their fear. The army tried to get them to leave the buildings, but did not use force; they know that a change has happened in their country, and they cannot suppress the people’s will any longer.But the protests also show how much work is still to be done. The overthrowing of Mubarak was a huge victory, not only for Egyptians, but for people across the Arab world; but what comes next?We should take inspiration from the determination and directness of the Egyptian demonstrators. They protested for hours outside the headquarters for hours, before taking matters into their own hands and storming the building. They found huge bags full of shredded documents; evidence of an attempted cover-up by the remnants of the regime.Mubarak’s fall must set a precedent, not count as an exception. All sections of the regime guilty of committing crimes must be brought to justice. And the Egyptian activists must send a message to regimes across the region; you will not get away with oppressing us, the people, forever.It will be extremely interesting to see how events develop in Saudi Arabia later in the week. It will also be interesting to see if the US and Britain take the Mubarak-Gaddafi-Ben Ali line in the case of Saudi; disposing of friendly dictators once they pass their sell-by date, or if they make a little more effort in supporting their number one ally.It is difficult to be optimistic, especially when the Saudi monarchy can fall back on handing out $37 billion in “benefits” to citizens in an attempt to appease unrest, but then again, I would not have imagined seeing a day when the headquarters of the secret police in Cairo were taken over by ordinary people. Stranger things have happened.
Jihad a Just Struggle or Unjust Violence ?
Omar Mazri : Second souffle venant des Libyens ou effusion de sang pour le compte d'autrui?
{Ne défaillez point dans la poursuite de ces gens. Si vous souffrez, eux aussi ils souffrent autant que vous souffrez, mais vous espérez d’Allah ce qu’ils n’espèrent point. Allah A toujours Été Omniscient, Sage.} An Nissa 104
Tel est le comportement courageux et déterminé du peuple libyen faisant face à Néron. Néron mort politiquement, symboliquement et socialement attend la fin militaire dans un combat qu’il va livrer sans pitié comme un chef de mercenaires à moins que pris de panique il ne fuit vers un pays de nulle part.
La révolution libyenne populaire armée est en train de payer le lourd tribut de sa libération :
{Ne perdez donc pas courage, ne vous affligez point alors que vous êtes les supérieurs, si vous êtes croyants. Si une blessure vous atteint, les autres gens furent sûrement atteints d’une blessure pareille. Et ces jours, Nous les Alternons parmi les Hommes, afin qu’Allah Voit ceux qui devinrent croyants, qu’Il Prenne des témoins d’entre vous (martyrs) _ Allah n’Aime point les injustes - et pour qu’Il Purifie ceux qui devinrent croyants, et qu’Il Anéantisse les mécréants. Ou bien pensiez-vous entrer au Paradis sans qu’Allah ne Voie ceux qui ont lutté d’entre vous et sans Voir les persévérants ?} Al ‘Imrane 139
L’Occident surpris par les révolutions arabes et en particulier par la révolution libyenne a montré les limites de sa connaissance, de sa science et de sa technologie. Il n’est ni dieu ni devin pour jouer sur les cœurs des peuples ou savoir quelles sont leurs intentions, leur haine, leur amour, leurs désirs profonds. Passé le stade de la surprise il récupère ses esprits et tente de ramasses ses billes pour sauver ses intérêts et sa main mise sur le destin des peuples de la région arabe et sur la vassalisation de leurs gouvernants futurs.
Le scénario le plus favorable est le scénario irakien : intervenir et instaurer sa démocratie en Libye déstabilisant du même coup les résultats importants remportés par les peuples tunisiens et égyptiens : dissolution prononcés ou en cours contre les puissants appareils de la sureté de l’État et de la police politique, élections d’assemblée constituante, libertés publiques et indépendance de la presse. Le second scénario est de pousser à une longue guerre civile où la Libye sort exsangue et consentante à tous les arrangements dictés par l’Occident pour demeurer un comptoir commercial, un champ pétrolifère et une digue contre l’émigration africaine vers l’Europe.
La presse éradicatrice et quelques irréductibles de gauche continuent de voir, contre le bons sens et contre les conséquences démocratiques sur le développement régional et les changements géostratégiques, la main des États-Unis et du sionisme dans ces révolutions arabes. On comprend cette tentative de brouiller les cartes pour d’une part diaboliser la révolution libyenne et redonner crédit à la lutte antiterroriste menée par Kadhafi contre les islamistes et d’autre part placer les laïcs algériens sans représentation populaire aux commandes de la gouvernance en Algérie faisant l’économie d’une révolution populaire pouvant ramener de nouveau les islamistes au pouvoir après l’arrêt du processus électoral.
Malgré, les contradictions apparentes, intervenir, ne pas intervenir, il y a consensus sur l’essentiel entre les Occidentaux et les « Élites » arabes : pas de solution islamique.
Dans ces contradictions apparentes il y a juste une préférence tactique sur le choix d’intervention en Libye : tout de suite ou en différé ? Le peuple libyen dit non malgré quelques voix dans l’opposition libyenne qui sont pressées, naïvement ou cyniquement, d’en finir rapidement avec connaissance ou ignorance des risques de l’intervention étrangère qui sera en réalité américaine, les européens ne joueront que le rôle de comparses et de couverture diplomatique et médiatique.
C’est dans cette perspective que la Ligue arabe, au lieu d’apporter son soutien humanitaire et logistique au peuple libyen, appelle le conseil de sécurité à instaurer un embargo aérien comme si la surface de la Libye et la folie combattive de son tyran allaient autoriser cet embargo sans bataille terrestre et sans conséquences futures comme pour l’Irak. Une fois l’embargo installé on peut toujours inventer une Qaeda qui menace les intérêts de l’Occident et qui risque d’envahir la rive latine de la Méditerranée. Le scénario de l’AQMI sera réactualisé. Le scénario de guerres tribales ou d’insurrection des tribus Touareg en Libye, en Algérie et au Mali pour faire un nouveau « Kurdistan ».
On peut en toute légitimité avoir peur quand on entend le conseil des Affaires étrangères des monarchies du Golfe demander au conseil de sécurité de faire tout son possible pour prendre toutes les mesures jugées nécessaires pour protéger la population civile libyenne. On est en droit de se poser des questions sur l’arabité, l’islamité, l’humanité qui animent ces monarchies qui tyrannisent leurs peuples. On peut se poser des questions sur ces monarchies, création de l’impérialisme, qui n’ont ni pudeur ni indépendance en devenant des bases américaines contre les peuples arabes et musulmans et qui peuvent entrevoir, pour être épargnées des révolutions en projet dans la tête de leurs peuples, de donner la couverture financière, diplomatique, politique et religieuse à une occupation de la Libye. Le machiavélisme du grand Satan qui supervise ces monarques ne doit pas être pris à la légère ni son projet de fragmentation du monde arabe et musulman.
On peut être plus inquiet sur ce projet qui se profile à l’horizon quand on sait que Bernard-Henri Lévy, de « retour » de Benghazi témoigne que les insurgés « ne sont pas des islamistes » - « ils sont "menacés de mort par un dingue » – « Il n'est "pas envisageable de laisser les gens vivre face à la menace permanente des avions de Kadhafi et de ses mercenaires » - « le gouvernement provisoire de la Libye libre demande aux Occidentaux de neutraliser les engins de mort de Mouammar Kadhafi qui bombardent les villes libyennes aux mains des rebelles. »
Le Prophète (saws) nous a demandé de ne pas croire à l’augure en disant :
« les astrologues mentent même s’il leur arrive de dire parfois des vérités »
« Les prédictions des devins sont un mélange de quelques vérités et de centaines de mensonges »
Le Coran nous a appris à calculer et à élaborer des raisonnements et des prévisions par déduction, logiques, analyse logique et historique, observation directe des phénomènes :
{Il A Fait la nuit une quiétude, et le soleil et la lune un moyen de calcul. Cela est la détermination de l’Invincible, de L’Omniscient. Et c’est Lui qui A Fait pour vous les étoiles pour que vous vous orientiez dans les ténèbres de la terre et de la mer. Nous Avons Précisé les Signes pour des gens qui savent.} Al An’âme 97
Les signes dont nous disposons aujourd’hui sont évidents, ils ne nécessitent pas de grandes connaissances en stratégie :
La communauté internationale doit reconnaitre le gouvernement libyen de transition qualifié pour gérer et administrer les fonds gelés et les revenus du pétrole. Il appartient à ce gouvernement et à son commandement militaire de constituer la logistique militaire en achetant librement les armes modernes pour faire face aux engins de mort aériens ou terrestres. Pour cela l’Occident ne doit pas s’opposer à l’acheminement des armes qui doit relever de la seule autorité des libyens : achat, transport, stockage, distribution et entrainement. Les libyens avec des armes et des munitions classiques de la seconde guerre mondiale ont tenu en échec les commandos de Néron et de ses fils pyromanes.
La jeunesse libyenne a montré au monde et au tyran sa bravoure et son enthousiasme ainsi que son appartenance à Omar al Mokhtar et à toutes les générations d’héros national que les villes, villages et douars libyens ont produit contre le colonialisme italien. Il leur appartient dans ces moments où le Fou de Tripoli montre sa détermination meurtrière à ne pas le combattre par l’improvisation, l’enthousiasme et les tactiques d’une armée traditionnelle mais de prendre le temps de livrer une guérilla avec ses coups de main, ses embuscades, ses sabotages tant dans les camps des milices et des mercenaires que dans leur déplacement et leur logistique.
{Certes, Allah Aime ceux qui combattent pour Sa Cause, en rang, comme s’ils étaient un édifice bien consolidé.} As Saf 4
Le maréchal Rommel commandant en chef de l’AfrikaCorp, surnommé le renard du désert, et qui a combattu les britanniques principalement à Tobrouk a laissé l’expérience d’un guerrier connaissant le combat du désert : « Rapidité de jugement, capacité de créer des situations nouvelles et des surprises, plus vite que l'ennemi ne peut réagir. Absence de dispositions arrêtées à l'avance, telles sont les bases de la tactique dans le désert. Le mérite et la valeur du soldat s'y mesurent par sa résistance physique et son intelligence, sa mobilité et son sang-froid, sa ténacité, son audace, son stoïcisme. Chez un officier, il faut les mêmes qualités à un degré supérieur, et il doit aussi posséder une inflexibilité exceptionnelle, ainsi que communier avec ses hommes, juger instinctivement du terrain de l'ennemi, réagir et penser avec rapidité… Une arme à longue portée est décisive dans la guerre du désert… Le ravitaillement est un facteur décisif dans la victoire. »
Rommell a rendu un grand hommage aux soldats italiens qui ont combattu à ses côtés contre l'empire britannique.
L'histoire a rendu un plus grand hommage en faisant des libyens les tombeurs des soldats italiens sur le désert libyen dont il avait la maitrise topographique, ethnologique et militaire. Les Libyens ont récupéré ce que les italiens ont pris aux Ottomans par lke traité de Lausanne de 1912. Après la mort de Omar Al Mokhtar les italiens qui n'ont jamais pu l'emporter sur la guerrila musulmane araba berbère et turque ont eu recours à une repression impitoyable digne d'un tribunal jugeant les crimes de guerres et les crimes contre l'humanité : razzai, déportation, exécution sommaire... Une ligne spéciale de 250 km de fils barbelés fut érigée pour empécher la venue d'armes et de renforts d'Egypte. 10 000 Libyens perdirent la vie dans des conditions infernales dans la traversée du désert vers les lieux de leur déportation. L'Italie fut obligé de recourir aux mercenaires indigènes et africians pour mater en vain la résistance. Comme en Algérie il y eut une politique de peuplement suivie par une politique de pacification et d'indigénation mais la libye résistante par la bravoure de ses fils eut son indépendance en 1951. En 1954 les libyens peu instruits et incapables de gouverner du fait des sescquelles de la colonisation autorisèrent des bases américaines faisant suite aux bases britanniques installées en 1953.
La jeunesse libyenne en 2011 a fait tomber Tobrouk, Benghazi et les principales villes du pays en quelques jours il ne lui reste que 2 ou 3 villes forteresses et enfin la citadelle de Bab Al Azizia. Cependant les derniers bastions sont les plus durs sur le plan de la topographie et sur le plan de l’instinct de survie de Néron et ses troupes prêtes a exterminer la population pour reconquérir une parcelle de grandeur et de gloire qui n’existe que dans la tête du despote. L’indiscipline et l’euphorie dans les rangs des jeunes révolutionnaires que les chaines de télévision transmettent doivent maintenant céder la place à la discipline, à la concentration et au refus de l’empressement. Le défi d'aujourdh'ui ressemble à celui d'hier. Les mêmes acteurs d'hier sont au devant de la scène ou derrières les coulisses aujourd'hui!
Sur un pays immense les mercenaires ont l’avantage des blindés, de l’artillerie et de l’aviation. L’aviation ne peut occuper un terrain. Les blindés peuvent être coupés de leur base de ravitaillement. Les guérillas modernes disposent de contre mesures contre l’artillerie et les blindés. Les avions ont deux points faibles les missiles sol air et les aérodromes d’où ils décollent et qui peuvent être sabotés par des commandos.
En attendant il y aurait lieu sans doute de penser à s’inscrire dans la durée et donner l’urgence à l’action politique, diplomatique et médiatique du gouvernement de transition pour disposer des moyens militaires et de l’entrainement. L’action la plus forte que les libyens ont commencé à mener est la guerre psychologique et subversive. Disposant de moyens de communication internes ils sont en train de retourner la désinformation du régime et inspirent la défaite et la perte de confiance non seulement dans sa base mais dans le cercle des plus rapprochés de lui. Il va finir par se fissurer et voler en éclats.
Les villes non encore libérées et les militaires au sein des mercenaires vont finir par se disloquer devant l’impasse de Néron qui n’a aucune chance de remporter la victoire finale contre un peuple qui ne veut plus de lui et qui a pris les armes pour refuser de se soumettre :
{Combats donc pour la cause d’Allah, tu n’es chargé que de toi-même. Et incite les croyants, puisse Allah mettre fin à la guerre de ceux qui devinrent mécréants. Allah Est plus Fort en rigueur et plus Fort en supplice.} An Nissa 81
Donner l’occasion aux Mécréants d’intervenir c’est profaner le Sabil Allah et se mettre dans la situation de l’Irak, de l’Afghanistan et du Soudan. Soit une fragmentation soit une partition soit une confiscation de la révolution populaire. Le courage et la quête du martyr chez les libyens ont été occultés par ce tyran qui finira par partir emporté par sa folie ou par sa lacheté selon le destin qu’Allah a écrit pour lui et selon l’image qu’Il voudrait laisser de son image dans l’histoire des hommes et la mémoire d’un peuple qu’il a tyrannisé plus de 40 ans :
{Dis : « Allah Est Créateur de toute chose et Il Est l’Unique, l’Omni-Dominateur. » Il Fit descendre du ciel une eau, alors des vallées coulèrent à sa mesure, et le flux porta de l’écume agitée. Et, de ce qu’ils mettent sur le feu, aspirant à un bijou ou un ustensile, de l’écume pareille ! Ainsi, Allah Différencie le mal et le vrai. Quant à l’écume, elle est réduite à rien, et quant à ce qui est utile aux Hommes, il reste sur la terre. Ainsi Allah Fournit les paraboles. A ceux qui ont favorablement répondu à l’Appel de leur Seigneur, ce qu’il y a de meilleur.} Ar Ra’âd 16
Sur le plan prospectif il serait peut être judicieux de voir le temps "perdu" maintenant comme une économie de vie humaine et un investissement productif à moyen et long terme. Le peuple libyen doit construire une nouvelle armée à partir du néant c'est à dire construire une doctrine de guerre, un état major, des commandements d'armées et des troupes. Les jeunes Moujahiddines qui se sont formés et qui ont menés les combats pour la victoire sont les mieux placés pour former l'embryon de cette armée populaire, son commandement, sa stratégie de formation, ses accords de coopération militaire et surtout sa présence dans l'institution militaire comme garantie que la révolution ne soit ni trahie, ni déviée ni vidée de l'identité et des valeurs de ce peuple arabo berbère et musulman.
Accompagnons nos frères Libyens, Tunisiens et Egyptiens par la pensée, le jeûne, l'aumône, le soutien concret et l’invocation. La victoire est proche, plus proche que nous ne l’imaginions. Préparons nous à voir d’autres révolutions et d’autres victoires inchaallah. L’espérance est une branche de la foi. J'ai expliqué dans un article antérieur comment le phénomène libyen allait redonner un second souffles, une plus grande radicalité et une plus grande étendue aux révolutions arabes et comment les effets obtenus en Egypte et en Tunisie vont à leur tour entrainer la machine démocratique et organisationnelle en Libye. Toute l'Afrique du Nord est appelée à se reconfigurer dans ses rapports internes et ses rapports externes. Les Makhzen algériens et marocains ont décidé d'ouvrir leurs frontières respectives mais ils font bloc dans le sens contraire de l'histoire en mouvement dans le monde arabe.
Je n'interviens pas pour donner des leçons à mes frères libyens qui sont eux mêmes et leur expérience une école d'enseignement mais j'interviens pour apporter la détraction et la contradiction à leurs ennemis déclarés ou cachés par devoir de solidarité et par amour. Ce devoir et cet amour m'obligent à me poser des questions sur des faits "surprenants" et déroutants. Le premier nous l'avons déja évoqué est celui de cette articulation entre la guerrilla et l'armée traditionnelle et qui se comporte sur le terrain ni comme une armée classique ni comme une guerrilla moderne. Rien n'empêche de penser que la contre révolution s'est déja organisée par la mise sur pied d'un appareil militaire et il appartient aux jeunes révolutionnaires de prendre le contrôle et le pouvoir sur cet appareil s'ils ne veulent pas se retrouvés ejectés en fin de processus.
Le second éléments déroutant est l'apparition soudaine et simultannée du drapeau noir-rouge-vert avec le croissant et l’étoile qui était celui de la monarchie sénousite renversée par Kadhafi en 1969. Nous avons évoqué la présence des bases britaniiques et américianes en libye par la grâce du monarque Sidi Muhammad Idris al-Mahdi al-Senoussi qui fut mis sur le trône de Libye par les Anglais. La découverte du pétrole a rendu la Libye concession internationale appartenant aux anglais, américains et italiens. La question qui se pose est pourquoi la réapparution avec force de ce drapeau de la monarchie inféodé à l'impérialisme au lieu d'un nouveau drapeau qui rompt avec le régime autocratique de Kadhafi et le régime monarchique de Senoussi et leurs relations privilégiés avec l'impérialisme. Nous espérons voir la nouvelle constitution libyenne remettre à l'ordre du jour le drapeau, les emblèmes et les symboles nationaux dans l'opitique révolutionnaire et non dans l'insertion du nouvel ordre mondial. Rien n'interdit là aussi de penser à une tentative de récupération de la révoluition par les Anglais qui vont tenter de remettre sur la sellette le descendant royal vivant en Angleterre (scénario tenté sans succès en Afghanistan et en Irak) ou des accords déja passés avec certains membres du conseil national de transition ou de l'opposition vivant à l'étranger et faisant ainsi l'impasse sur les jeunes révolutionnaires. Il est vrai que cela fait mal de savoir que depuis des siècles les Musulmans paient le prix fort de leur révolte, de leur insurrection, de leur révolution et ce sont toujours les mêmes qui récoltent les fruits car les Musulmans continuent d'agir sans pensée constructive, sans planification et sans cap. L'activisme politique et militaire ou le volontarisme religieux et nationaliste ne peut conduire à bon port.
L'unité d'orientation idéologique n'est annoncée dans aucune des révolutions arabes la rendant fragile, précaire et pouvant déboucher sur n'importe quel scénario au nom de principes vagues tels que la démocratie et la liberté sans contenu idéologique et sans programme politique. Au moment de l'élaboration des nouvelles constitutions, des jeux idéologiques et de la mobilisation des moyens économiques,; diplomatiques et médiatiques les peuples et les élites musulmans sans expérience, sans vision stratégique se trouvent dans l'incompétence de faire le lien entre l'actuel et le futur à moyen et long terme faute d'analyse prospective et d'ingénierie idéologique, médiatique et politique.
Le troisième élément est l'absence de fiabilité, de crédibilité des sources. En effet nous voyons la chaine al Jazeera donner crédit à des informations non vérifiées et véhiculer des tactiques de combat alors que le combat réel sur le terrain n'est livré aux correspondants de guerre que sur des champs de bataille dont la stratégie et la tactique échappent aux journalistes. Mettre le peuple à vivre la lutte armée en directe par mles médias c'est faire supporter à la révolution ce qu'elle ne peut supporter : les aléas du combat et les exigences de victoire immédiate que le public attend alors qu'aucune analyse stratégique et qu'aucun rapport distancié ne permet d'en évaluer le temps et le cout. On est en droit de se poser la question sur cet empressement à voir la révolution emporter rapidement une victoire décisive au point de vouloir finir cette révolution à n'importe quel prix même au prix d'arrangements avec le tyran ou avec les forces armées impérialistes. On est en droit de penser à ceux qui mènent le jeu politique et médiatique et sur leurs objectifs.
Le quatrième et dernier élément déroutant est relatif à cette information sur le départ des 90 000 paramédicaux asiatiques conjugué à l'inefficacité des ONG humanitaires occidentales en Libye. Si l'inefficacité pose problème c'est qu'il y a un problème voulu d'aggravation soit de l'information humanitaire en provenance de Libye soit d'une volonté délibérée pour céder le pas à l'humanitaire militaire. Ile ne faudrait pas perdre de vue que le medecin, l'infirmier et le volontaire ne sont que la face visible des ONG et de l'humanitaire. La face capitale et invisible relève de la géostratégie et du diplomatique. Il n'y a pas d'humanisme mais des intérêts négociés ou des conditions imposées par le plus fort et le plus diligent. Sur ce terrain nous sommes loin d'avoir le génie humanitaire ni l'organisation.
Annoncer 90 000 départs de paramédicaux asiatiques c'est annoncer une catastrophe sanitaire sans précédent dans l'histoire moderne des peuples. Le chiffre de 90 000 pose problème de logique en terme de santé publique. Si on admet ce chiffre alors la Libye dispose d'un ration de 15 infirmiers pour 1000 habitants ce qui est enorme vu le niveau de développement du pays, sa topographie et son infrastructure. La France ne dispose que de 7 infirmiers pour 1000 habitants dans le meilleur des cas. Si nous acceptons comme vrai ces ratios nous sommes obligés de faire une transposition de chiffres sachant qu'en france il y a 3 medecins par mille habitants. Ce qui doit donner pour la Libye 6 medecins par mille habitants. Ce qui est enorme puisque l'OMS parle d'une moyenne raisonnable de 1 medecin par 1000 habitant. L'Algérie avec son fort taux de développement économique n'avait atteint que 1 medecin pour 2000 habitants sauf pour Oran avec 1 medecin pour 1000 habitants. Il y a un problème grave. Soit l'information est non crédible et à ce moment pourquoi l'alarmisme sur cette catastrophe sanitaire annoncée. Sinon il y a un excellent ratio medecin et paramédicaux et alors pourquoi l'opposition libyenne prétend que le libyen doit se déplacer en Egypte ou en Tunisie pour se soigner. Sinon il n'y a que des paramédicaux dont certains font office de medecins et ceci est une entorse grave aux règlements de l'OMS et la question dans ce cas est pourquoi le silence sur cette catastrophe sanitaire depuis longtemps déja.
Il est du devoir musulman et citoyen de la jeunesse libyenne d'être représentée dans les instances en emergence. LL'ancienne garde qui a servi Kadhafi, en rejoignant la révolution, doit apporter son expertise, son conseil mais ne pas se substituer aux révolutionnaires eux mêmes. Pour une crédibilité dans la négociation avec le monde extérieur le président de ce conseil de transition peut être un ancien sans qu'il n'ait le pouvoir de décision qui doit demeurer entre les mains des révolutionnaires. Les Talibans, la guerre civile en Afghanistan et la guerre menée par la coalition internationale contre eux ont commencé lorsque le principal victorieux de la guerre contre l'armée rouge, Hekmetyar Qalbeddine, a été occulté, par l'Occident et les monarchies du Golfe, au profit de Messaoud désigné comme le lion ou le renard des montagnes afghanes provoquant ainsi la scission et la lutte fratricides.
Le sang de la jeunesse musulmane a trop coulé car le temps a été gaspillé dans des actions sans planification ni organisation. La foi et le courage n'ont de signification que si le croyant est "Fatane Kayiss", éveillé et perspicace.
{Ne défaillez point dans la poursuite de ces gens. Si vous souffrez, eux aussi ils souffrent autant que vous souffrez, mais vous espérez d’Allah ce qu’ils n’espèrent point. Allah A toujours Été Omniscient, Sage.} An Nissa 104
Tel est le comportement courageux et déterminé du peuple libyen faisant face à Néron. Néron mort politiquement, symboliquement et socialement attend la fin militaire dans un combat qu’il va livrer sans pitié comme un chef de mercenaires à moins que pris de panique il ne fuit vers un pays de nulle part.
La révolution libyenne populaire armée est en train de payer le lourd tribut de sa libération :
{Ne perdez donc pas courage, ne vous affligez point alors que vous êtes les supérieurs, si vous êtes croyants. Si une blessure vous atteint, les autres gens furent sûrement atteints d’une blessure pareille. Et ces jours, Nous les Alternons parmi les Hommes, afin qu’Allah Voit ceux qui devinrent croyants, qu’Il Prenne des témoins d’entre vous (martyrs) _ Allah n’Aime point les injustes - et pour qu’Il Purifie ceux qui devinrent croyants, et qu’Il Anéantisse les mécréants. Ou bien pensiez-vous entrer au Paradis sans qu’Allah ne Voie ceux qui ont lutté d’entre vous et sans Voir les persévérants ?} Al ‘Imrane 139
L’Occident surpris par les révolutions arabes et en particulier par la révolution libyenne a montré les limites de sa connaissance, de sa science et de sa technologie. Il n’est ni dieu ni devin pour jouer sur les cœurs des peuples ou savoir quelles sont leurs intentions, leur haine, leur amour, leurs désirs profonds. Passé le stade de la surprise il récupère ses esprits et tente de ramasses ses billes pour sauver ses intérêts et sa main mise sur le destin des peuples de la région arabe et sur la vassalisation de leurs gouvernants futurs.
Le scénario le plus favorable est le scénario irakien : intervenir et instaurer sa démocratie en Libye déstabilisant du même coup les résultats importants remportés par les peuples tunisiens et égyptiens : dissolution prononcés ou en cours contre les puissants appareils de la sureté de l’État et de la police politique, élections d’assemblée constituante, libertés publiques et indépendance de la presse. Le second scénario est de pousser à une longue guerre civile où la Libye sort exsangue et consentante à tous les arrangements dictés par l’Occident pour demeurer un comptoir commercial, un champ pétrolifère et une digue contre l’émigration africaine vers l’Europe.
La presse éradicatrice et quelques irréductibles de gauche continuent de voir, contre le bons sens et contre les conséquences démocratiques sur le développement régional et les changements géostratégiques, la main des États-Unis et du sionisme dans ces révolutions arabes. On comprend cette tentative de brouiller les cartes pour d’une part diaboliser la révolution libyenne et redonner crédit à la lutte antiterroriste menée par Kadhafi contre les islamistes et d’autre part placer les laïcs algériens sans représentation populaire aux commandes de la gouvernance en Algérie faisant l’économie d’une révolution populaire pouvant ramener de nouveau les islamistes au pouvoir après l’arrêt du processus électoral.
Malgré, les contradictions apparentes, intervenir, ne pas intervenir, il y a consensus sur l’essentiel entre les Occidentaux et les « Élites » arabes : pas de solution islamique.
Dans ces contradictions apparentes il y a juste une préférence tactique sur le choix d’intervention en Libye : tout de suite ou en différé ? Le peuple libyen dit non malgré quelques voix dans l’opposition libyenne qui sont pressées, naïvement ou cyniquement, d’en finir rapidement avec connaissance ou ignorance des risques de l’intervention étrangère qui sera en réalité américaine, les européens ne joueront que le rôle de comparses et de couverture diplomatique et médiatique.
C’est dans cette perspective que la Ligue arabe, au lieu d’apporter son soutien humanitaire et logistique au peuple libyen, appelle le conseil de sécurité à instaurer un embargo aérien comme si la surface de la Libye et la folie combattive de son tyran allaient autoriser cet embargo sans bataille terrestre et sans conséquences futures comme pour l’Irak. Une fois l’embargo installé on peut toujours inventer une Qaeda qui menace les intérêts de l’Occident et qui risque d’envahir la rive latine de la Méditerranée. Le scénario de l’AQMI sera réactualisé. Le scénario de guerres tribales ou d’insurrection des tribus Touareg en Libye, en Algérie et au Mali pour faire un nouveau « Kurdistan ».
On peut en toute légitimité avoir peur quand on entend le conseil des Affaires étrangères des monarchies du Golfe demander au conseil de sécurité de faire tout son possible pour prendre toutes les mesures jugées nécessaires pour protéger la population civile libyenne. On est en droit de se poser des questions sur l’arabité, l’islamité, l’humanité qui animent ces monarchies qui tyrannisent leurs peuples. On peut se poser des questions sur ces monarchies, création de l’impérialisme, qui n’ont ni pudeur ni indépendance en devenant des bases américaines contre les peuples arabes et musulmans et qui peuvent entrevoir, pour être épargnées des révolutions en projet dans la tête de leurs peuples, de donner la couverture financière, diplomatique, politique et religieuse à une occupation de la Libye. Le machiavélisme du grand Satan qui supervise ces monarques ne doit pas être pris à la légère ni son projet de fragmentation du monde arabe et musulman.
On peut être plus inquiet sur ce projet qui se profile à l’horizon quand on sait que Bernard-Henri Lévy, de « retour » de Benghazi témoigne que les insurgés « ne sont pas des islamistes » - « ils sont "menacés de mort par un dingue » – « Il n'est "pas envisageable de laisser les gens vivre face à la menace permanente des avions de Kadhafi et de ses mercenaires » - « le gouvernement provisoire de la Libye libre demande aux Occidentaux de neutraliser les engins de mort de Mouammar Kadhafi qui bombardent les villes libyennes aux mains des rebelles. »
Le Prophète (saws) nous a demandé de ne pas croire à l’augure en disant :
« les astrologues mentent même s’il leur arrive de dire parfois des vérités »
« Les prédictions des devins sont un mélange de quelques vérités et de centaines de mensonges »
Le Coran nous a appris à calculer et à élaborer des raisonnements et des prévisions par déduction, logiques, analyse logique et historique, observation directe des phénomènes :
{Il A Fait la nuit une quiétude, et le soleil et la lune un moyen de calcul. Cela est la détermination de l’Invincible, de L’Omniscient. Et c’est Lui qui A Fait pour vous les étoiles pour que vous vous orientiez dans les ténèbres de la terre et de la mer. Nous Avons Précisé les Signes pour des gens qui savent.} Al An’âme 97
Les signes dont nous disposons aujourd’hui sont évidents, ils ne nécessitent pas de grandes connaissances en stratégie :
La communauté internationale doit reconnaitre le gouvernement libyen de transition qualifié pour gérer et administrer les fonds gelés et les revenus du pétrole. Il appartient à ce gouvernement et à son commandement militaire de constituer la logistique militaire en achetant librement les armes modernes pour faire face aux engins de mort aériens ou terrestres. Pour cela l’Occident ne doit pas s’opposer à l’acheminement des armes qui doit relever de la seule autorité des libyens : achat, transport, stockage, distribution et entrainement. Les libyens avec des armes et des munitions classiques de la seconde guerre mondiale ont tenu en échec les commandos de Néron et de ses fils pyromanes.
La jeunesse libyenne a montré au monde et au tyran sa bravoure et son enthousiasme ainsi que son appartenance à Omar al Mokhtar et à toutes les générations d’héros national que les villes, villages et douars libyens ont produit contre le colonialisme italien. Il leur appartient dans ces moments où le Fou de Tripoli montre sa détermination meurtrière à ne pas le combattre par l’improvisation, l’enthousiasme et les tactiques d’une armée traditionnelle mais de prendre le temps de livrer une guérilla avec ses coups de main, ses embuscades, ses sabotages tant dans les camps des milices et des mercenaires que dans leur déplacement et leur logistique.
{Certes, Allah Aime ceux qui combattent pour Sa Cause, en rang, comme s’ils étaient un édifice bien consolidé.} As Saf 4
Le maréchal Rommel commandant en chef de l’AfrikaCorp, surnommé le renard du désert, et qui a combattu les britanniques principalement à Tobrouk a laissé l’expérience d’un guerrier connaissant le combat du désert : « Rapidité de jugement, capacité de créer des situations nouvelles et des surprises, plus vite que l'ennemi ne peut réagir. Absence de dispositions arrêtées à l'avance, telles sont les bases de la tactique dans le désert. Le mérite et la valeur du soldat s'y mesurent par sa résistance physique et son intelligence, sa mobilité et son sang-froid, sa ténacité, son audace, son stoïcisme. Chez un officier, il faut les mêmes qualités à un degré supérieur, et il doit aussi posséder une inflexibilité exceptionnelle, ainsi que communier avec ses hommes, juger instinctivement du terrain de l'ennemi, réagir et penser avec rapidité… Une arme à longue portée est décisive dans la guerre du désert… Le ravitaillement est un facteur décisif dans la victoire. »
Rommell a rendu un grand hommage aux soldats italiens qui ont combattu à ses côtés contre l'empire britannique.L'histoire a rendu un plus grand hommage en faisant des libyens les tombeurs des soldats italiens sur le désert libyen dont il avait la maitrise topographique, ethnologique et militaire. Les Libyens ont récupéré ce que les italiens ont pris aux Ottomans par lke traité de Lausanne de 1912. Après la mort de Omar Al Mokhtar les italiens qui n'ont jamais pu l'emporter sur la guerrila musulmane araba berbère et turque ont eu recours à une repression impitoyable digne d'un tribunal jugeant les crimes de guerres et les crimes contre l'humanité : razzai, déportation, exécution sommaire... Une ligne spéciale de 250 km de fils barbelés fut érigée pour empécher la venue d'armes et de renforts d'Egypte. 10 000 Libyens perdirent la vie dans des conditions infernales dans la traversée du désert vers les lieux de leur déportation. L'Italie fut obligé de recourir aux mercenaires indigènes et africians pour mater en vain la résistance. Comme en Algérie il y eut une politique de peuplement suivie par une politique de pacification et d'indigénation mais la libye résistante par la bravoure de ses fils eut son indépendance en 1951. En 1954 les libyens peu instruits et incapables de gouverner du fait des sescquelles de la colonisation autorisèrent des bases américaines faisant suite aux bases britanniques installées en 1953.La jeunesse libyenne en 2011 a fait tomber Tobrouk, Benghazi et les principales villes du pays en quelques jours il ne lui reste que 2 ou 3 villes forteresses et enfin la citadelle de Bab Al Azizia. Cependant les derniers bastions sont les plus durs sur le plan de la topographie et sur le plan de l’instinct de survie de Néron et ses troupes prêtes a exterminer la population pour reconquérir une parcelle de grandeur et de gloire qui n’existe que dans la tête du despote. L’indiscipline et l’euphorie dans les rangs des jeunes révolutionnaires que les chaines de télévision transmettent doivent maintenant céder la place à la discipline, à la concentration et au refus de l’empressement. Le défi d'aujourdh'ui ressemble à celui d'hier. Les mêmes acteurs d'hier sont au devant de la scène ou derrières les coulisses aujourd'hui!
Sur un pays immense les mercenaires ont l’avantage des blindés, de l’artillerie et de l’aviation. L’aviation ne peut occuper un terrain. Les blindés peuvent être coupés de leur base de ravitaillement. Les guérillas modernes disposent de contre mesures contre l’artillerie et les blindés. Les avions ont deux points faibles les missiles sol air et les aérodromes d’où ils décollent et qui peuvent être sabotés par des commandos.
En attendant il y aurait lieu sans doute de penser à s’inscrire dans la durée et donner l’urgence à l’action politique, diplomatique et médiatique du gouvernement de transition pour disposer des moyens militaires et de l’entrainement. L’action la plus forte que les libyens ont commencé à mener est la guerre psychologique et subversive. Disposant de moyens de communication internes ils sont en train de retourner la désinformation du régime et inspirent la défaite et la perte de confiance non seulement dans sa base mais dans le cercle des plus rapprochés de lui. Il va finir par se fissurer et voler en éclats.
Les villes non encore libérées et les militaires au sein des mercenaires vont finir par se disloquer devant l’impasse de Néron qui n’a aucune chance de remporter la victoire finale contre un peuple qui ne veut plus de lui et qui a pris les armes pour refuser de se soumettre :
{Combats donc pour la cause d’Allah, tu n’es chargé que de toi-même. Et incite les croyants, puisse Allah mettre fin à la guerre de ceux qui devinrent mécréants. Allah Est plus Fort en rigueur et plus Fort en supplice.} An Nissa 81
Donner l’occasion aux Mécréants d’intervenir c’est profaner le Sabil Allah et se mettre dans la situation de l’Irak, de l’Afghanistan et du Soudan. Soit une fragmentation soit une partition soit une confiscation de la révolution populaire. Le courage et la quête du martyr chez les libyens ont été occultés par ce tyran qui finira par partir emporté par sa folie ou par sa lacheté selon le destin qu’Allah a écrit pour lui et selon l’image qu’Il voudrait laisser de son image dans l’histoire des hommes et la mémoire d’un peuple qu’il a tyrannisé plus de 40 ans :
{Dis : « Allah Est Créateur de toute chose et Il Est l’Unique, l’Omni-Dominateur. » Il Fit descendre du ciel une eau, alors des vallées coulèrent à sa mesure, et le flux porta de l’écume agitée. Et, de ce qu’ils mettent sur le feu, aspirant à un bijou ou un ustensile, de l’écume pareille ! Ainsi, Allah Différencie le mal et le vrai. Quant à l’écume, elle est réduite à rien, et quant à ce qui est utile aux Hommes, il reste sur la terre. Ainsi Allah Fournit les paraboles. A ceux qui ont favorablement répondu à l’Appel de leur Seigneur, ce qu’il y a de meilleur.} Ar Ra’âd 16
Sur le plan prospectif il serait peut être judicieux de voir le temps "perdu" maintenant comme une économie de vie humaine et un investissement productif à moyen et long terme. Le peuple libyen doit construire une nouvelle armée à partir du néant c'est à dire construire une doctrine de guerre, un état major, des commandements d'armées et des troupes. Les jeunes Moujahiddines qui se sont formés et qui ont menés les combats pour la victoire sont les mieux placés pour former l'embryon de cette armée populaire, son commandement, sa stratégie de formation, ses accords de coopération militaire et surtout sa présence dans l'institution militaire comme garantie que la révolution ne soit ni trahie, ni déviée ni vidée de l'identité et des valeurs de ce peuple arabo berbère et musulman.
Accompagnons nos frères Libyens, Tunisiens et Egyptiens par la pensée, le jeûne, l'aumône, le soutien concret et l’invocation. La victoire est proche, plus proche que nous ne l’imaginions. Préparons nous à voir d’autres révolutions et d’autres victoires inchaallah. L’espérance est une branche de la foi. J'ai expliqué dans un article antérieur comment le phénomène libyen allait redonner un second souffles, une plus grande radicalité et une plus grande étendue aux révolutions arabes et comment les effets obtenus en Egypte et en Tunisie vont à leur tour entrainer la machine démocratique et organisationnelle en Libye. Toute l'Afrique du Nord est appelée à se reconfigurer dans ses rapports internes et ses rapports externes. Les Makhzen algériens et marocains ont décidé d'ouvrir leurs frontières respectives mais ils font bloc dans le sens contraire de l'histoire en mouvement dans le monde arabe.
Je n'interviens pas pour donner des leçons à mes frères libyens qui sont eux mêmes et leur expérience une école d'enseignement mais j'interviens pour apporter la détraction et la contradiction à leurs ennemis déclarés ou cachés par devoir de solidarité et par amour. Ce devoir et cet amour m'obligent à me poser des questions sur des faits "surprenants" et déroutants. Le premier nous l'avons déja évoqué est celui de cette articulation entre la guerrilla et l'armée traditionnelle et qui se comporte sur le terrain ni comme une armée classique ni comme une guerrilla moderne. Rien n'empêche de penser que la contre révolution s'est déja organisée par la mise sur pied d'un appareil militaire et il appartient aux jeunes révolutionnaires de prendre le contrôle et le pouvoir sur cet appareil s'ils ne veulent pas se retrouvés ejectés en fin de processus.
Le second éléments déroutant est l'apparition soudaine et simultannée du drapeau noir-rouge-vert avec le croissant et l’étoile qui était celui de la monarchie sénousite renversée par Kadhafi en 1969. Nous avons évoqué la présence des bases britaniiques et américianes en libye par la grâce du monarque Sidi Muhammad Idris al-Mahdi al-Senoussi qui fut mis sur le trône de Libye par les Anglais. La découverte du pétrole a rendu la Libye concession internationale appartenant aux anglais, américains et italiens. La question qui se pose est pourquoi la réapparution avec force de ce drapeau de la monarchie inféodé à l'impérialisme au lieu d'un nouveau drapeau qui rompt avec le régime autocratique de Kadhafi et le régime monarchique de Senoussi et leurs relations privilégiés avec l'impérialisme. Nous espérons voir la nouvelle constitution libyenne remettre à l'ordre du jour le drapeau, les emblèmes et les symboles nationaux dans l'opitique révolutionnaire et non dans l'insertion du nouvel ordre mondial. Rien n'interdit là aussi de penser à une tentative de récupération de la révoluition par les Anglais qui vont tenter de remettre sur la sellette le descendant royal vivant en Angleterre (scénario tenté sans succès en Afghanistan et en Irak) ou des accords déja passés avec certains membres du conseil national de transition ou de l'opposition vivant à l'étranger et faisant ainsi l'impasse sur les jeunes révolutionnaires. Il est vrai que cela fait mal de savoir que depuis des siècles les Musulmans paient le prix fort de leur révolte, de leur insurrection, de leur révolution et ce sont toujours les mêmes qui récoltent les fruits car les Musulmans continuent d'agir sans pensée constructive, sans planification et sans cap. L'activisme politique et militaire ou le volontarisme religieux et nationaliste ne peut conduire à bon port.
L'unité d'orientation idéologique n'est annoncée dans aucune des révolutions arabes la rendant fragile, précaire et pouvant déboucher sur n'importe quel scénario au nom de principes vagues tels que la démocratie et la liberté sans contenu idéologique et sans programme politique. Au moment de l'élaboration des nouvelles constitutions, des jeux idéologiques et de la mobilisation des moyens économiques,; diplomatiques et médiatiques les peuples et les élites musulmans sans expérience, sans vision stratégique se trouvent dans l'incompétence de faire le lien entre l'actuel et le futur à moyen et long terme faute d'analyse prospective et d'ingénierie idéologique, médiatique et politique.
Le troisième élément est l'absence de fiabilité, de crédibilité des sources. En effet nous voyons la chaine al Jazeera donner crédit à des informations non vérifiées et véhiculer des tactiques de combat alors que le combat réel sur le terrain n'est livré aux correspondants de guerre que sur des champs de bataille dont la stratégie et la tactique échappent aux journalistes. Mettre le peuple à vivre la lutte armée en directe par mles médias c'est faire supporter à la révolution ce qu'elle ne peut supporter : les aléas du combat et les exigences de victoire immédiate que le public attend alors qu'aucune analyse stratégique et qu'aucun rapport distancié ne permet d'en évaluer le temps et le cout. On est en droit de se poser la question sur cet empressement à voir la révolution emporter rapidement une victoire décisive au point de vouloir finir cette révolution à n'importe quel prix même au prix d'arrangements avec le tyran ou avec les forces armées impérialistes. On est en droit de penser à ceux qui mènent le jeu politique et médiatique et sur leurs objectifs.
Le quatrième et dernier élément déroutant est relatif à cette information sur le départ des 90 000 paramédicaux asiatiques conjugué à l'inefficacité des ONG humanitaires occidentales en Libye. Si l'inefficacité pose problème c'est qu'il y a un problème voulu d'aggravation soit de l'information humanitaire en provenance de Libye soit d'une volonté délibérée pour céder le pas à l'humanitaire militaire. Ile ne faudrait pas perdre de vue que le medecin, l'infirmier et le volontaire ne sont que la face visible des ONG et de l'humanitaire. La face capitale et invisible relève de la géostratégie et du diplomatique. Il n'y a pas d'humanisme mais des intérêts négociés ou des conditions imposées par le plus fort et le plus diligent. Sur ce terrain nous sommes loin d'avoir le génie humanitaire ni l'organisation.
Annoncer 90 000 départs de paramédicaux asiatiques c'est annoncer une catastrophe sanitaire sans précédent dans l'histoire moderne des peuples. Le chiffre de 90 000 pose problème de logique en terme de santé publique. Si on admet ce chiffre alors la Libye dispose d'un ration de 15 infirmiers pour 1000 habitants ce qui est enorme vu le niveau de développement du pays, sa topographie et son infrastructure. La France ne dispose que de 7 infirmiers pour 1000 habitants dans le meilleur des cas. Si nous acceptons comme vrai ces ratios nous sommes obligés de faire une transposition de chiffres sachant qu'en france il y a 3 medecins par mille habitants. Ce qui doit donner pour la Libye 6 medecins par mille habitants. Ce qui est enorme puisque l'OMS parle d'une moyenne raisonnable de 1 medecin par 1000 habitant. L'Algérie avec son fort taux de développement économique n'avait atteint que 1 medecin pour 2000 habitants sauf pour Oran avec 1 medecin pour 1000 habitants. Il y a un problème grave. Soit l'information est non crédible et à ce moment pourquoi l'alarmisme sur cette catastrophe sanitaire annoncée. Sinon il y a un excellent ratio medecin et paramédicaux et alors pourquoi l'opposition libyenne prétend que le libyen doit se déplacer en Egypte ou en Tunisie pour se soigner. Sinon il n'y a que des paramédicaux dont certains font office de medecins et ceci est une entorse grave aux règlements de l'OMS et la question dans ce cas est pourquoi le silence sur cette catastrophe sanitaire depuis longtemps déja.
Il est du devoir musulman et citoyen de la jeunesse libyenne d'être représentée dans les instances en emergence. LL'ancienne garde qui a servi Kadhafi, en rejoignant la révolution, doit apporter son expertise, son conseil mais ne pas se substituer aux révolutionnaires eux mêmes. Pour une crédibilité dans la négociation avec le monde extérieur le président de ce conseil de transition peut être un ancien sans qu'il n'ait le pouvoir de décision qui doit demeurer entre les mains des révolutionnaires. Les Talibans, la guerre civile en Afghanistan et la guerre menée par la coalition internationale contre eux ont commencé lorsque le principal victorieux de la guerre contre l'armée rouge, Hekmetyar Qalbeddine, a été occulté, par l'Occident et les monarchies du Golfe, au profit de Messaoud désigné comme le lion ou le renard des montagnes afghanes provoquant ainsi la scission et la lutte fratricides.
Le sang de la jeunesse musulmane a trop coulé car le temps a été gaspillé dans des actions sans planification ni organisation. La foi et le courage n'ont de signification que si le croyant est "Fatane Kayiss", éveillé et perspicace.
The Zionist Mega-Scams of 9/11, Bernard Madoff & Allen Stanford
By Chris Bollyn,
March 7, 2011
The people who are preventing the discovery of the facts in such cases are actually complicit in covering-up crimes of mass murder. Logically, there can be no reason for dedicated Zionists to obstruct the investigation of 9-11 other than to conceal the evidence of Israeli and Zionist involvement in the crimes.
- Christopher Bollyn, "The Planes of 9-11", Solving 9/11
'Do you really think that criminals are clever, good people, Thrasymachus?'
'Yes, if their criminality is able to manifest in a perfect form and they are capable of dominating countries and nations.'
- Plato's Republic, ca. 360 B.C.

Jose Padilla's lawsuit against Donald Rumsfeld and Robert Gates for the gross injustice and torture he suffered in a Navy brig in South Carolina was thrown out by Richard Gergel, a Jewish Zionist judge appointed to the bench by President Obama. Gergel ruled that Padilla, an American citizen from Chicago, had no right to sue for constitutional violations.

The White House announcement of Richard Gergel's (right) appointment to the federal bench in 2009 noted that he had served as President of the Columbia Hebrew Benevolent Society, one of the oldest Zionist/Rothschild secret societies in America. This is just the latest example of how highly-placed agents of Zionist secret societies, devoted to foreign interests, manage and control the fraudulent "War on Terror". The mega-scams against the American people: 9/11, Bernard Madoff, and Allen Stanford are all completely controlled by Zionist agents in order to protect the guilty. Understanding the true nature of these Zionist-controlled scams is the first step to solving these crimes. (Photo - Getty Images, 15 April 2010)
“I am saying that the banks and funds were complicit in one form or another and my information to Picard when he was here established this.”
- Bernard Madoff, "From jail, Madoff says others knew", New York Times 15 February 2011
Irving H. Picard, the court-appointed trustee of the Madoff case, is a Zionist Jew who happens to be married to Sharon Madoff (a.k.a. Medoff) of Worcester, Massachusetts. Is this just a coincidence or are they related?
The false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 and the multi-billion dollar financial scams of Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford are, like peas in a pod, three mega-scams that have been carried out by Israeli intelligence and high-level Zionist agents in the United States - against the American people. The people behind these crimes are from the same foreign criminal network described in greater detail in "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11" (Chapter VII of Solving 9/11).
Key individuals of this network are involved in all three mega-crimes, e.g. Joseph Ciechanover. The very same Israeli/Rothschild funding entities, such as Israel Discount Bank, the Challenge Fund, and the Catalyst Fund are involved in all three crimes. The cover-ups of all three crimes have been tightly controlled by Zionist investigators, trustees, and judges in order to protect their fellow Zionist Jews. Understanding the Zionist control of these crimes and cover-ups helps us understand the nature of the crimocracy that controls the United States.

Joseph Ciechanover, 77, former chairman of the board of Israel Discount Bank and El Al Israel Airlines, is one of the key individuals connected to three Zionist mega-crimes in the United States: the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 and the financial scams of Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford. (Photo - Moti Kimche in Haaretz)
The investigations of 9/11 and the huge financial scams of the past decade are strikingly similar in their appalling lack of success. To be honest, the government investigation of the terror attacks of 9/11 is more aptly defined as a "non-investigation" because the most crucial evidence from the crime scene was confiscated and destroyed by the officials who were responsible for leading the investigation. Likewise, the investigations of the immense financial scams of Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford have utterly failed to identify the key players involved in the scams or to locate where the missing billions went.
As Floyd Norris of the New York Times wrote recently about the cost of following the Madoff trail:
Financial frauds tend to follow predictable paths after they are uncovered. At first, there is outrage and a determination to find and punish the villains. But passions fade and investigations run into ambiguities.
The cost of following the Madoff trail "has risen to unthinkable levels", Norris wrote. "Through the end of last year, the trustee appointed by the Securities Investor Protection Corp. [Irving H. Picard] had spent $228.3 million. And that does not count the money that has gone to the victims. Baker Hostetler, the law firm representing the trustee [where Picard is a partner], received most of the money."
The false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 and the financial scams of Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford share one noteworthy similarity: While Israeli Mossadniks and high-level Zionist agents are key suspects or defendants in all three cases, the investigations are all under the control of Zionist Jews. When we consider that these faulty investigations are Zionist-controlled endeavors, we can understand why they have failed to investigate and expose the Zionist elements of these mega-crimes. The primary reason for these Zionist-controlled investigations is to protect the real criminals.

Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff, the son of an Israeli Mossad agent, supervised the non-investigation of 9-11 and authorized the confiscation and destruction of crucial evidence, such as videos from the Pentagon and the steel of the World Trade Center.
Larry Doyle of, a well known Wall Street veteran, raises good questions in his article of 7 February 2011 entitled “Questions Left Unanswered”.
Will the American public ever truly learn what happened inside Bernard Madoff's operations? What about Allen Stanford? His trial has been postponed for two years. Do we really think Stanford will ever stand trial? Will we ever learn the nature of this scam? Was Stanford acting on behalf of the Department of Justice in operating his Caribbean based operation? Was the U.S. Government, that is the Department of Justice, effectively complicit in Stanford's scheme? Will we ever know?
Will we ever know what happened inside the mega-scams of Madoff and Stanford? Mr. Doyle's question sounds very much like the key question about 9/11: Will we ever know what really happened?
To answer that question we need to identify who is actually preventing us from finding the truth about who is behind these huge crimes. While such investigations are what a free press is supposed to be engaged in, we won't hear about it on CNN or FOX News and we certainly won't read about it in the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal. The Zionist-controlled press is not in the business of investigating or exposing the Zionist criminal network; its real mission is to protect it.
In an age of monstrous Zionist crimes like 9/11, the $20 billion Madoff scam, and the immense plundering of the U.S. Treasury (and others, such as the State of California and Iceland) the Zionist-controlled media is a dog that won't hunt. Subjects that the media should be investigating are left completely untouched. The controlled press has no need of investigative journalists.
As an independent investigative journalist, I have written a great deal about the numerous connections linking the criminals of the huge financial frauds that surfaced in 2008-2009 with the Zionist terror network behind the false-flag terrorism of 9/11. Unfortunately, many of these articles were removed from the Internet when my previous website ( was confiscated by agents of U.S. military intelligence in March 2009. While many articles were lost, some of them were saved on other websites, such as

Bernard L. Madoff (left) was national treasurer of the American Jewish Congress and Yeshiva University (YU). Madoff was chairman of YU's Sy Syms School of Business along with Sy Syms of Israel Discount Bank (center). Here, Madoff and Syms attend a Hanukkah dinner at YU with Josh S. Weston, chairman of Boys Town Jerusalem foundation.

Sy Syms (center, in black), director of Israel Discount Bank of New York, was Madoff's close friend and business partner. Larry Silverstein was a business partner with Sy Syms in an Israeli tax-free zone project along with Larry Tisch of CBS. Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak are both friends and business associates of Silverstein. This is the small circle of Zionist masterminds behind 9-11 and the Madoff scam.
In "Money Laundering? Bernie Madoff & Sy Syms (IDB)", one of my re-titled articles about Madoff's connections to Israel, I pointed out that Sy Syms, Madoff's friend and business partner, was a director of the Israel Discount Bank of New York, a private Israeli bank known for massive money-laundering operations.
Madoff was chairman of the Syms business school at Yeshiva University with his partner, Sy Merns, a.k.a. Sy Syms, the long-standing director of the notorious Israel Discount Bank of New York, a bank charged for laundering tens of billions of dollars in 2005. So where did the $50 billion go?
The IDB is the Israeli bank at the center of the 9-11 funding matrix connected to the Bronfman family and Israeli military intelligence. IDB is the Israeli financial institution at the center of the Zionist crimocracy...
The Jerusalem Post reported on 2 November 2006 that the scale of money-laundering going on at the Israeli bank was much, much larger than the Brazil case reported in the New York Times. The Post reported that U.S. regulators fined the Israel Discount Bank of New York $12 million for violating federal and state laws designed to thwart money laundering. The Israeli bank now controlled by the Bronfmans had failed to set up an adequate program to identify and report money laundering, according to federal and state regulators. A "substantial" part of $35.4 billion in third-party wire transfers during the year ended March 2005 showed traits common to laundering operations, the complaint said.
While Madoff has said that he acted alone in orchestrating the fraud, this is seen as very unlikely. There was probably a very sophisticated team working on wire transfers to secret bank accounts, perhaps at Israel Discount Bank's Swiss branch, which opened in Switzerland in 2000.
The key point to be understood about the huge financial frauds carried out by Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford is that these men were front men for a well-organized Zionist criminal network that will never be exposed by the controlled press. A current Google news search, for example, finds some 4,000 articles about Madoff but not a single one even mentions Sy Syms.
The method behind the Madoff and Stanford cover-ups is exactly the same as that used by the Zionist criminal network to hide the truth about 9/11. First, control the investigation and access to the evidence. Second, control the prosecution and court process so that there is zero chance of any discovery of fact. Finally, use the controlled media outlets to spread the politically acceptable version of events and publish textbooks to teach these lies as history to future generations.
In a recent development, Bernard Madoff said that the banks he worked with were complicit in his scam of some $20 billion:
“I am saying that the banks and funds were complicit in one form or another and my information to Picard when he was here established this.”
As noted above, Bernard Madoff was a business partner at Yeshiva University with Sy Syms, a long-standing director of Israel Discount Bank of New York. I have reported on Madoff's Israeli connection since the Madoff case surfaced:
...Madoff has very close and long-standing business ties to the directors and owners of two of Israel's largest banks, which were privatized in 2005-06 under Israeli finance ministers Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Olmert: Bank Leumi and Israel Discount Bank. It is a matter of record that the IDB has a history of money-laundering and illegal money transfers.
Jacob Ezra Merkin, who funneled hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars to Madoff's fund, is co-owner of Bank Leumi. Madoff's co-chair at the Sy Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University was Sy Syms, a long-standing director of Israel Discount Bank of New York. These two relationships strongly suggest that Madoff's scheme was a massive theft being disguised as a Ponzi scheme in which fellow Zionist fund-raisers played key roles.
If this is the case and the Madoff fraud is actually a huge Zionist fund-raising scheme in which untold billions have been stolen, then we would expect that the role of the prosecutor would be played by a Zionist agent acting the role of a tough, but not too tough, prosecutor. It should come as no surprise that this is, in fact, the case.
The New York Times of February 15 reported: "In e-mails, Mr. Madoff said repeatedly that he provided useful information to Irving H. Picard, the trustee trying to recover assets for the fraud victims. He met with Mr. Picard’s team over four days last summer, he said."
Irving H. Picard is "the trustee trying to recover assets for the fraud victims." As I say, the first essential part of a cover-up is to control the investigation and access to the evidence. This would mean that if there is a cover-up of certain aspects of the Madoff case, Picard would have to be part of the cover-up.
Irving H. Picard is a Jew who is married to Sharon M. Picard. It may come as a surprise to some but the M. stands for Madoff (also spelled Medoff). This is to say that the receiver in the $20 billion Madoff scam is married to a member of the Madoff family. While this may be just a coincidence it is certainly relevant to the controlled investigation of the $20 billion Madoff scam.
Irving Picard's wife Sharon is the daughter of Abraham Medoff and Lillian Kunin of Worcester, Massachusetts. U.S. Census records from 1920 show Sharon's father, Abraham Madoff, living in Worcester with the last name spelled Madoff. Abraham's father, Philip, was a 38-year-old immigrant from Russia. Worcester city directories from 1918, 1929, and 1932 all list Abraham and Philip Madoff using the same spelling as Bernard Madoff. There are two other Abraham Madoffs found in the U.S. Census of 1920. One of them is Bernard Madoff's uncle Abe. Madoff's father Ralph was 9 years old in 1920 and lived in Scranton, Pennsylvania. His father, David, was a 28-year-old immigrant from Russia. Are these Madoff families related?
Allen Stanford is the 60-year-old Texan who ran an international financial operation that had more than $8 billion in assets under management when the scam surfaced in February 2009. The Stanford scam has been described as a money-laundering operation and a Ponzi scheme. Stanford has stated that he wants to fight the charges against him but that doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon. David Hittner, U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Texas, ruled that Stanford was mentally incompetent in the first week of January 2011, three weeks before his trial was slated to begin on 24 January 2011.

The Jewish judge who ruled Stanford mentally incompetent: David Hittner (right), originally from Schenectady, New York, with his son, attorney George J. Hittner and his wife Erica at the Hittner family seder for Passover 2010 in Houston.
Stanford was diagnosed as mentally incompetent after being grossly over-medicated for more than one year by doctors at the privately-owned Joe Corley Detention Facility in Conroe, Texas. The Corley prison is owned by the GEO Group of Boca Raton, Florida, which is headed by the Greek immigrant-cum-private prison millionaire, George C. Zoley. The GEO Group was formerly known as the Wackenhut Corrections Corporation until a name change in 2003. The GEO Group, Inc. now runs former Wackenhut facilities in 14 states, as well as in South Africa and Australia. The Wackenhut company was started by the late George R. Wackenhut, who began his career with the FBI. Several of Wackenhut's senior executives were former CIA operatives, and Wackenhut's board of directors included former FBI director Clarence Kelly, former National Security Agency director Bobby R. Inman, and former deputy CIA director Frank Carlucci.
While in GEO Group's Corley prison, Stanford was over-medicated with three times the recommended dosage of powerful mind-altering drugs. Stanford was prescribed anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications after suffering a savage beating in an extremely over-crowded cell that lacked both light or air conditioning during the hot Texan summer with temperatures over 100 degrees (F). Stanford had sustained head injuries in September 2009 after being attacked by at least two other inmates, who were neither identified nor charged. The assault occurred in an eight-man cell that was being used to hold 14 men. Before the attack, which occurred in conditions of "virtual darkness", Stanford had made three requests to be moved to another prison.

Allen Stanford at court hearing in Houston, 25 June 2009
"When Mr. Stanford surrendered to authorities, he was a healthy 59-year-old man," Stanford's Houston-based lawyer, Robert Bennett, wrote in a 2010 brief on which Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz consulted. "Mr. Stanford's pretrial incarceration has reduced him to a wreck of a man: he has suffered potentially life-impairing illnesses; he has been so savagely beaten that he has lost all feeling in the right side of his face and has lost near-field vision in his right eye," Bennett said. Bennett, it should be noted, is a former partner with the high-level Zionist law firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom in Washington, D.C. Bennett was charging Stanford $1,000 per hour for his lawyering.
Skadden Arps is closely tied to the state of Israel and does a great deal of business representing Israeli interests, as its webpage on Israel says: "Founded in 1948, Skadden is one of the leading global law firms advising Israeli companies doing business and raising capital outside Israel and advising non-Israeli companies and individuals doing business in Israel." One of the partners at Skadden Arps is Joseph "Yossi" Vebman, an Israeli who specializes in corporate finance and financial transactions. Vebman has represented the Challenge Fund and other Israeli entities such as Amdocs.
One of the key defendants in the 9/11 tort litigation was the Israeli Mossadnik airport security company ICTS (International Consultants on Targeted Security), and its wholly owned subsidiary Huntleigh USA, which was responsible for passenger screening at the key airports on 9/11. Skadden Arps partner Sheila Birnbaum played a pivotal role in the 9/11 tort litigation as the court-appointed mediator who pushed the families of victims to accept out-of-court settlements in lieu of having their cases heard in court.

JUSTICE DENIED - Skadden Arps partner Sheila Birnbaum was the court-appointed mediator who forced the 9/11 families into out-of-court settlements. 96 families chose to use the courts to find those responsible for 9/11. Not a single case went to trial.
Of the 96 families of 9/11 relatives that chose to litigate rather than accept the government payment, not a single case ever went to trial in the Manhattan courtroom of the Zionist orthodox Jewish judge Alvin K. Hellerstein.

Alvin K. Hellerstein, a devoted Zionist judge with family connections to the Israeli defendant in the 9/11 litigation, has obstructed justice by blocking a trial from occurring. The 9/11 tort litigation process under Hellerstein has been an appalling travesty of justice.
The fact that Bennett was one of Stanford's first attorneys suggests that his $8 billion scam was very highly connected - and well protected. As a partner with Skadden Arps, Robert S. Bennett represented Enron and was lead counsel in the KPMG tax shelter investigation. He represented Caspar Weinberger, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, during the Iran-Contra scandal of the 1980s, Clark Clifford in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal, Paul Wolfowitz in the World Bank Scandal, and President Bill Clinton during the Paula Jones trial. It is worth noting that in 2008 Bennett defended Peter S. Lowy, the son of Frank Lowy, the former Israeli commando who held the lease on the World Trade Center on 9/11 with Larry Silverstein. The tax evasion complaint against Peter Lowy said that Lowy’s father, Frank Lowy, an Australian citizen, used Liechtenstein-based LGT Group to set up a series of shell companies, including a U.S. based foundation, to divert $68 million in assets in order to avoid U.S. taxes.
Is Allen Stanford the fall guy in a massive C.I.A./Israeli money laundering operation?

Allen Stanford was savagely beaten in a private prison and then intentionally over-medicated on mind-altering drugs. Does this sound like any way to treat a federal prisoner worth $8 billion? It rather looks like the way Stalin's K.G.B. disposed of inconvenient political prisoners in the Soviet Union. (Photo - Daily Mail )
Stanford reportedly suffered fractures to his eye socket, cheek bones and severe bruising to his body. He also lost all feeling in the right side of his face. Oddly, no one was punished for the attack, although there were a dozen eyewitnesses. Stanford spent three weeks in solitary confinement before being moved to another prison.
During a competency hearing in early January 2011 several psychiatrists deemed Stanford unfit to stand trial and in need of treatment for addiction to the drugs. Stanford's alleged mental incompetence is the result of long-term over-medication with the anti-anxiety drug clonazepam along with the powerful anti-depressant mirtazapine, defense psychiatrist Victor Scarano testified in January 2011. Scarano testified that for more than a year Stanford “has been taking 3 milligrams a day of the anti-anxiety drug clonazepam, and that a normal dose is up to 1 milligram a day for no longer than two weeks,” the Houston Chronicle disclosed.
The psychiatrist told the court that “he is unable to work effectively and rationally with his attorneys in his defense against the charges.” “He is unable to focus, he’s unable to keep a train of thought,” Scarano testified.
Stanford’s attorney Ali Fazel told the court that his client had been assaulted while in federal custody [in a private facility], severely beaten and that it was prison physicians who prescribed the medications to which the accused swindler is now addicted. “It’s the government that caused the problem,” Fazel said. Once Stanford is weaned off his medication, additional tests will determine how much damage was caused by the prison injury, and the drugs. "We just have to take it a step at a time," Fazel said.

Chris Strickland, warden of the privately-owned prison where Allen Stanford was savagely beaten and then over-medicated by prison doctors with mind-altering drugs that erase one's memory.
Stanford was indicted in February 2009 on 21 counts including securities fraud and money laundering. U.S. prosecutors accuse him of creating false accounting records, lying to investors and bribing a regulatory official in Antigua.
The way the Stanford case has been handled raises obvious questions:
Why has Stanford, the key player in a $8 billion fraud case, been kept in a private prison in crowded and unsafe conditions that allowed him to be beaten? Why was such a valuable prisoner not protected while in custody of the state?
Why has Stanford been prescribed drugs that are known to cause people to lose their mind - and their memory?
Why has the Stanford case not been tried? It seems that the beating and the drugs are part of a plot to keep the Stanford case from going to trial, but why?
The real reason Allen Stanford was beaten, over-medicated on mind-altering drugs, and why he has been been ruled mentally incompetent is because a proper investigation and trial will expose that his $8 billion scam was an Israeli money laundering operation working with three Mossad funds (Catalyst, AguaAgro, and Infinity I-China) - all connected to Ehud Barak and the criminal gang running the state of Israel.
Merav Ankori of Globes (Israel) reported in August 2007 that Stanford Financial Group had invested $10 million in the Aqua Agro Fund, an Israeli venture capital fund of Gaon Agro Industries Ltd., controlled by chairman Benjamin Gaon. The Stanford investment was for the fund’s entire eight-year lifespan, with a two-year option to extend. With Stanford's investment, Aqua Agro Fund announced that it had secured more than $30 million in financing. This is the same Israeli Mossad fund that Hugo Neu is invested in. Hugo Neu is the Zionist-owned scrapyard that recycled the crucial steel evidence from the World Trade Center - before it could be examined by investigators.
If Stanford was running a Ponzi scheme, why was he investing in Mossad-linked venture capital funds that run Mossad companies and operations in the United States? Stanford's operation, based in Antigua and Houston, was one in which senior Mossadniks were both investors and recipients of investments from Allen Stanford. The Israeli venture capital funds which received millions of dollars from Stanford are all closely linked to the Mossad. Yair Shamir, the son of the infamous terrorist leader Yitzchak Shamir, was one of the investors in Stanford's "bank" in Antigua.
Will Ralph S. Janvey, the Zionist Jew from Hempstead, New York, who is handling the receivership (i.e. recovery) of Stanford assets be leaning on the Israeli Mossad "venture capital" funds to return the tens of millions of dollars they received through the Stanford operation they were part of? Don't count on it, he is part of the Zionist control team to protect the guilty.

Ralph S. Janvey is the highly-paid court-appointed (and S.E.C.) receiver in the $8 billion Allen Stanford scam. The Janvey family is involved at the highest-levels in fund-raising organizations for the state of Israel, such as the UJA and B'nai Jesherun of New York City. The controlled media ignores the Janvey family's Zionist connections to the state of Israel, which is deeply involved in the Stanford scam.
Sources and Recommended Reading:
"Allen Stanford’s Private-Equity Connections", Deal Journal, Wall Street Journal (blogs), 18 February 2009
Ankori, Merav, "Stanford Group puts $10m in Gaon’s cleantech fund", Globes (Israel), 19 August 2007
Austin, Scott, "Allen Stanford’s Venture Capital Investments Revealed", Wall Street Journal (blogs) 16 July 2009
"B'nai B'rith, British Weapon Against America", by Paul Goldstein, The Campaigner, December 1978
Bloodied and shackled: Controversial cricket tycoon Allen Stanford beaten up by jail inmates as he awaits trial, Daily Mail (UK), 8 November 2010
Bollyn, Christopher, "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11", 25 July 2008
Bollyn, "Who is Bernard Madoff", 14 December 2008
Bollyn, "The Lehman Scam and Fuld's Mossad Connection", 18 March 2010
Bollyn, "The Criminal Nature of the Zionist Controlled Press", 8 December 2009
Bollyn, "Judge Hellerstein's Unethical Connection to Key Defendant in 9-11 Lawsuit", May 10, 2010
Bollyn, "The Murderous Mossad and 9/11", 23 March 2010
Bollyn, "The Israeli Role in the Plundering of Iceland", May 22, 2010
Madsen, Wayne, "Stanford laundered and siphoned money from wealthy Latin Americans to fund anti-leftist rebellions", Online Journal, 8 April 2009
Norris, Floyd, "The cost of following Madoff trail", International Herald Tribune, 25 February 2011
“'Savagely beaten' Stanford asks to be freed”, by Jonathan Stempel, Reuters, 18 May 2010
Schudel, Matt, "George Wackenhut Dies; Security Pioneer", Washington Post, 7 January 2005
Sixel, L.M., "Judge orders Stanford to get drug treatment", Houston Chronicle, 7 January 2011
Talalay, Sarah, "Miami Heat's Micky Arison: ticket sales down; sponsor sales better than anticipated",, November 11, 2009
Bollyn, "Michael Chertoff's Childhood in Israel", 26 October 2007
- By Chris Bollyn,March 7, 2011The people who are preventing the discovery of the facts in such cases are actually complicit in covering-up crimes of mass murder. Logically, there can be no reason for dedicated Zionists to obstruct the investigation of 9-11 other than to conceal the evidence of Israeli and Zionist involvement in the crimes.
- Christopher Bollyn, "The Planes of 9-11", Solving 9/11
'Do you really think that criminals are clever, good people, Thrasymachus?'
'Yes, if their criminality is able to manifest in a perfect form and they are capable of dominating countries and nations.'
- Plato's Republic, ca. 360 B.C.
Jose Padilla's lawsuit against Donald Rumsfeld and Robert Gates for the gross injustice and torture he suffered in a Navy brig in South Carolina was thrown out by Richard Gergel, a Jewish Zionist judge appointed to the bench by President Obama. Gergel ruled that Padilla, an American citizen from Chicago, had no right to sue for constitutional violations.
The White House announcement of Richard Gergel's (right) appointment to the federal bench in 2009 noted that he had served as President of the Columbia Hebrew Benevolent Society, one of the oldest Zionist/Rothschild secret societies in America. This is just the latest example of how highly-placed agents of Zionist secret societies, devoted to foreign interests, manage and control the fraudulent "War on Terror". The mega-scams against the American people: 9/11, Bernard Madoff, and Allen Stanford are all completely controlled by Zionist agents in order to protect the guilty. Understanding the true nature of these Zionist-controlled scams is the first step to solving these crimes. (Photo - Getty Images, 15 April 2010)“I am saying that the banks and funds were complicit in one form or another and my information to Picard when he was here established this.”
- Bernard Madoff, "From jail, Madoff says others knew", New York Times 15 February 2011Irving H. Picard, the court-appointed trustee of the Madoff case, is a Zionist Jew who happens to be married to Sharon Madoff (a.k.a. Medoff) of Worcester, Massachusetts. Is this just a coincidence or are they related?
The false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 and the multi-billion dollar financial scams of Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford are, like peas in a pod, three mega-scams that have been carried out by Israeli intelligence and high-level Zionist agents in the United States - against the American people. The people behind these crimes are from the same foreign criminal network described in greater detail in "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11" (Chapter VII of Solving 9/11).
Key individuals of this network are involved in all three mega-crimes, e.g. Joseph Ciechanover. The very same Israeli/Rothschild funding entities, such as Israel Discount Bank, the Challenge Fund, and the Catalyst Fund are involved in all three crimes. The cover-ups of all three crimes have been tightly controlled by Zionist investigators, trustees, and judges in order to protect their fellow Zionist Jews. Understanding the Zionist control of these crimes and cover-ups helps us understand the nature of the crimocracy that controls the United States.
Joseph Ciechanover, 77, former chairman of the board of Israel Discount Bank and El Al Israel Airlines, is one of the key individuals connected to three Zionist mega-crimes in the United States: the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 and the financial scams of Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford. (Photo - Moti Kimche in Haaretz)The investigations of 9/11 and the huge financial scams of the past decade are strikingly similar in their appalling lack of success. To be honest, the government investigation of the terror attacks of 9/11 is more aptly defined as a "non-investigation" because the most crucial evidence from the crime scene was confiscated and destroyed by the officials who were responsible for leading the investigation. Likewise, the investigations of the immense financial scams of Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford have utterly failed to identify the key players involved in the scams or to locate where the missing billions went.
As Floyd Norris of the New York Times wrote recently about the cost of following the Madoff trail:Financial frauds tend to follow predictable paths after they are uncovered. At first, there is outrage and a determination to find and punish the villains. But passions fade and investigations run into ambiguities.The cost of following the Madoff trail "has risen to unthinkable levels", Norris wrote. "Through the end of last year, the trustee appointed by the Securities Investor Protection Corp. [Irving H. Picard] had spent $228.3 million. And that does not count the money that has gone to the victims. Baker Hostetler, the law firm representing the trustee [where Picard is a partner], received most of the money."The false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 and the financial scams of Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford share one noteworthy similarity: While Israeli Mossadniks and high-level Zionist agents are key suspects or defendants in all three cases, the investigations are all under the control of Zionist Jews. When we consider that these faulty investigations are Zionist-controlled endeavors, we can understand why they have failed to investigate and expose the Zionist elements of these mega-crimes. The primary reason for these Zionist-controlled investigations is to protect the real criminals.
Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff, the son of an Israeli Mossad agent, supervised the non-investigation of 9-11 and authorized the confiscation and destruction of crucial evidence, such as videos from the Pentagon and the steel of the World Trade Center.WILL WE EVER KNOW?Larry Doyle of, a well known Wall Street veteran, raises good questions in his article of 7 February 2011 entitled “Questions Left Unanswered”.Will the American public ever truly learn what happened inside Bernard Madoff's operations? What about Allen Stanford? His trial has been postponed for two years. Do we really think Stanford will ever stand trial? Will we ever learn the nature of this scam? Was Stanford acting on behalf of the Department of Justice in operating his Caribbean based operation? Was the U.S. Government, that is the Department of Justice, effectively complicit in Stanford's scheme? Will we ever know?Will we ever know what happened inside the mega-scams of Madoff and Stanford? Mr. Doyle's question sounds very much like the key question about 9/11: Will we ever know what really happened?To answer that question we need to identify who is actually preventing us from finding the truth about who is behind these huge crimes. While such investigations are what a free press is supposed to be engaged in, we won't hear about it on CNN or FOX News and we certainly won't read about it in the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal. The Zionist-controlled press is not in the business of investigating or exposing the Zionist criminal network; its real mission is to protect it.
In an age of monstrous Zionist crimes like 9/11, the $20 billion Madoff scam, and the immense plundering of the U.S. Treasury (and others, such as the State of California and Iceland) the Zionist-controlled media is a dog that won't hunt. Subjects that the media should be investigating are left completely untouched. The controlled press has no need of investigative journalists.
As an independent investigative journalist, I have written a great deal about the numerous connections linking the criminals of the huge financial frauds that surfaced in 2008-2009 with the Zionist terror network behind the false-flag terrorism of 9/11. Unfortunately, many of these articles were removed from the Internet when my previous website ( was confiscated by agents of U.S. military intelligence in March 2009. While many articles were lost, some of them were saved on other websites, such as
Bernard L. Madoff (left) was national treasurer of the American Jewish Congress and Yeshiva University (YU). Madoff was chairman of YU's Sy Syms School of Business along with Sy Syms of Israel Discount Bank (center). Here, Madoff and Syms attend a Hanukkah dinner at YU with Josh S. Weston, chairman of Boys Town Jerusalem foundation.
Sy Syms (center, in black), director of Israel Discount Bank of New York, was Madoff's close friend and business partner. Larry Silverstein was a business partner with Sy Syms in an Israeli tax-free zone project along with Larry Tisch of CBS. Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak are both friends and business associates of Silverstein. This is the small circle of Zionist masterminds behind 9-11 and the Madoff scam.ISRAEL DISCOUNT BANK'S MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATIONSIn "Money Laundering? Bernie Madoff & Sy Syms (IDB)", one of my re-titled articles about Madoff's connections to Israel, I pointed out that Sy Syms, Madoff's friend and business partner, was a director of the Israel Discount Bank of New York, a private Israeli bank known for massive money-laundering operations.Madoff was chairman of the Syms business school at Yeshiva University with his partner, Sy Merns, a.k.a. Sy Syms, the long-standing director of the notorious Israel Discount Bank of New York, a bank charged for laundering tens of billions of dollars in 2005. So where did the $50 billion go?
The IDB is the Israeli bank at the center of the 9-11 funding matrix connected to the Bronfman family and Israeli military intelligence. IDB is the Israeli financial institution at the center of the Zionist crimocracy...
The Jerusalem Post reported on 2 November 2006 that the scale of money-laundering going on at the Israeli bank was much, much larger than the Brazil case reported in the New York Times. The Post reported that U.S. regulators fined the Israel Discount Bank of New York $12 million for violating federal and state laws designed to thwart money laundering. The Israeli bank now controlled by the Bronfmans had failed to set up an adequate program to identify and report money laundering, according to federal and state regulators. A "substantial" part of $35.4 billion in third-party wire transfers during the year ended March 2005 showed traits common to laundering operations, the complaint said.
While Madoff has said that he acted alone in orchestrating the fraud, this is seen as very unlikely. There was probably a very sophisticated team working on wire transfers to secret bank accounts, perhaps at Israel Discount Bank's Swiss branch, which opened in Switzerland in 2000.The key point to be understood about the huge financial frauds carried out by Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford is that these men were front men for a well-organized Zionist criminal network that will never be exposed by the controlled press. A current Google news search, for example, finds some 4,000 articles about Madoff but not a single one even mentions Sy Syms.
The method behind the Madoff and Stanford cover-ups is exactly the same as that used by the Zionist criminal network to hide the truth about 9/11. First, control the investigation and access to the evidence. Second, control the prosecution and court process so that there is zero chance of any discovery of fact. Finally, use the controlled media outlets to spread the politically acceptable version of events and publish textbooks to teach these lies as history to future generations."THE BANKS AND FUNDS WERE COMPLICIT"In a recent development, Bernard Madoff said that the banks he worked with were complicit in his scam of some $20 billion:“I am saying that the banks and funds were complicit in one form or another and my information to Picard when he was here established this.”As noted above, Bernard Madoff was a business partner at Yeshiva University with Sy Syms, a long-standing director of Israel Discount Bank of New York. I have reported on Madoff's Israeli connection since the Madoff case surfaced:...Madoff has very close and long-standing business ties to the directors and owners of two of Israel's largest banks, which were privatized in 2005-06 under Israeli finance ministers Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Olmert: Bank Leumi and Israel Discount Bank. It is a matter of record that the IDB has a history of money-laundering and illegal money transfers.
Jacob Ezra Merkin, who funneled hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars to Madoff's fund, is co-owner of Bank Leumi. Madoff's co-chair at the Sy Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University was Sy Syms, a long-standing director of Israel Discount Bank of New York. These two relationships strongly suggest that Madoff's scheme was a massive theft being disguised as a Ponzi scheme in which fellow Zionist fund-raisers played key roles.
If this is the case and the Madoff fraud is actually a huge Zionist fund-raising scheme in which untold billions have been stolen, then we would expect that the role of the prosecutor would be played by a Zionist agent acting the role of a tough, but not too tough, prosecutor. It should come as no surprise that this is, in fact, the case.The New York Times of February 15 reported: "In e-mails, Mr. Madoff said repeatedly that he provided useful information to Irving H. Picard, the trustee trying to recover assets for the fraud victims. He met with Mr. Picard’s team over four days last summer, he said."
Irving H. Picard is "the trustee trying to recover assets for the fraud victims." As I say, the first essential part of a cover-up is to control the investigation and access to the evidence. This would mean that if there is a cover-up of certain aspects of the Madoff case, Picard would have to be part of the cover-up.M IS FOR MADOFF
Irving H. Picard is a Jew who is married to Sharon M. Picard. It may come as a surprise to some but the M. stands for Madoff (also spelled Medoff). This is to say that the receiver in the $20 billion Madoff scam is married to a member of the Madoff family. While this may be just a coincidence it is certainly relevant to the controlled investigation of the $20 billion Madoff scam.
Irving Picard's wife Sharon is the daughter of Abraham Medoff and Lillian Kunin of Worcester, Massachusetts. U.S. Census records from 1920 show Sharon's father, Abraham Madoff, living in Worcester with the last name spelled Madoff. Abraham's father, Philip, was a 38-year-old immigrant from Russia. Worcester city directories from 1918, 1929, and 1932 all list Abraham and Philip Madoff using the same spelling as Bernard Madoff. There are two other Abraham Madoffs found in the U.S. Census of 1920. One of them is Bernard Madoff's uncle Abe. Madoff's father Ralph was 9 years old in 1920 and lived in Scranton, Pennsylvania. His father, David, was a 28-year-old immigrant from Russia. Are these Madoff families related?ALLEN STANFORD'S ISRAELI PARTNERS
Allen Stanford is the 60-year-old Texan who ran an international financial operation that had more than $8 billion in assets under management when the scam surfaced in February 2009. The Stanford scam has been described as a money-laundering operation and a Ponzi scheme. Stanford has stated that he wants to fight the charges against him but that doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon. David Hittner, U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Texas, ruled that Stanford was mentally incompetent in the first week of January 2011, three weeks before his trial was slated to begin on 24 January 2011.
The Jewish judge who ruled Stanford mentally incompetent: David Hittner (right), originally from Schenectady, New York, with his son, attorney George J. Hittner and his wife Erica at the Hittner family seder for Passover 2010 in Houston.Stanford was diagnosed as mentally incompetent after being grossly over-medicated for more than one year by doctors at the privately-owned Joe Corley Detention Facility in Conroe, Texas. The Corley prison is owned by the GEO Group of Boca Raton, Florida, which is headed by the Greek immigrant-cum-private prison millionaire, George C. Zoley. The GEO Group was formerly known as the Wackenhut Corrections Corporation until a name change in 2003. The GEO Group, Inc. now runs former Wackenhut facilities in 14 states, as well as in South Africa and Australia. The Wackenhut company was started by the late George R. Wackenhut, who began his career with the FBI. Several of Wackenhut's senior executives were former CIA operatives, and Wackenhut's board of directors included former FBI director Clarence Kelly, former National Security Agency director Bobby R. Inman, and former deputy CIA director Frank Carlucci.
While in GEO Group's Corley prison, Stanford was over-medicated with three times the recommended dosage of powerful mind-altering drugs. Stanford was prescribed anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications after suffering a savage beating in an extremely over-crowded cell that lacked both light or air conditioning during the hot Texan summer with temperatures over 100 degrees (F). Stanford had sustained head injuries in September 2009 after being attacked by at least two other inmates, who were neither identified nor charged. The assault occurred in an eight-man cell that was being used to hold 14 men. Before the attack, which occurred in conditions of "virtual darkness", Stanford had made three requests to be moved to another prison.
Allen Stanford at court hearing in Houston, 25 June 2009"When Mr. Stanford surrendered to authorities, he was a healthy 59-year-old man," Stanford's Houston-based lawyer, Robert Bennett, wrote in a 2010 brief on which Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz consulted. "Mr. Stanford's pretrial incarceration has reduced him to a wreck of a man: he has suffered potentially life-impairing illnesses; he has been so savagely beaten that he has lost all feeling in the right side of his face and has lost near-field vision in his right eye," Bennett said. Bennett, it should be noted, is a former partner with the high-level Zionist law firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom in Washington, D.C. Bennett was charging Stanford $1,000 per hour for his lawyering.SKADDEN ARPS AND ISRAEL
Skadden Arps is closely tied to the state of Israel and does a great deal of business representing Israeli interests, as its webpage on Israel says: "Founded in 1948, Skadden is one of the leading global law firms advising Israeli companies doing business and raising capital outside Israel and advising non-Israeli companies and individuals doing business in Israel." One of the partners at Skadden Arps is Joseph "Yossi" Vebman, an Israeli who specializes in corporate finance and financial transactions. Vebman has represented the Challenge Fund and other Israeli entities such as Amdocs.
One of the key defendants in the 9/11 tort litigation was the Israeli Mossadnik airport security company ICTS (International Consultants on Targeted Security), and its wholly owned subsidiary Huntleigh USA, which was responsible for passenger screening at the key airports on 9/11. Skadden Arps partner Sheila Birnbaum played a pivotal role in the 9/11 tort litigation as the court-appointed mediator who pushed the families of victims to accept out-of-court settlements in lieu of having their cases heard in court.
JUSTICE DENIED - Skadden Arps partner Sheila Birnbaum was the court-appointed mediator who forced the 9/11 families into out-of-court settlements. 96 families chose to use the courts to find those responsible for 9/11. Not a single case went to trial.Of the 96 families of 9/11 relatives that chose to litigate rather than accept the government payment, not a single case ever went to trial in the Manhattan courtroom of the Zionist orthodox Jewish judge Alvin K. Hellerstein.
Alvin K. Hellerstein, a devoted Zionist judge with family connections to the Israeli defendant in the 9/11 litigation, has obstructed justice by blocking a trial from occurring. The 9/11 tort litigation process under Hellerstein has been an appalling travesty of justice.The fact that Bennett was one of Stanford's first attorneys suggests that his $8 billion scam was very highly connected - and well protected. As a partner with Skadden Arps, Robert S. Bennett represented Enron and was lead counsel in the KPMG tax shelter investigation. He represented Caspar Weinberger, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, during the Iran-Contra scandal of the 1980s, Clark Clifford in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal, Paul Wolfowitz in the World Bank Scandal, and President Bill Clinton during the Paula Jones trial. It is worth noting that in 2008 Bennett defended Peter S. Lowy, the son of Frank Lowy, the former Israeli commando who held the lease on the World Trade Center on 9/11 with Larry Silverstein. The tax evasion complaint against Peter Lowy said that Lowy’s father, Frank Lowy, an Australian citizen, used Liechtenstein-based LGT Group to set up a series of shell companies, including a U.S. based foundation, to divert $68 million in assets in order to avoid U.S. taxes.Is Allen Stanford the fall guy in a massive C.I.A./Israeli money laundering operation?
Allen Stanford was savagely beaten in a private prison and then intentionally over-medicated on mind-altering drugs. Does this sound like any way to treat a federal prisoner worth $8 billion? It rather looks like the way Stalin's K.G.B. disposed of inconvenient political prisoners in the Soviet Union. (Photo - Daily Mail )Stanford reportedly suffered fractures to his eye socket, cheek bones and severe bruising to his body. He also lost all feeling in the right side of his face. Oddly, no one was punished for the attack, although there were a dozen eyewitnesses. Stanford spent three weeks in solitary confinement before being moved to another prison.During a competency hearing in early January 2011 several psychiatrists deemed Stanford unfit to stand trial and in need of treatment for addiction to the drugs. Stanford's alleged mental incompetence is the result of long-term over-medication with the anti-anxiety drug clonazepam along with the powerful anti-depressant mirtazapine, defense psychiatrist Victor Scarano testified in January 2011. Scarano testified that for more than a year Stanford “has been taking 3 milligrams a day of the anti-anxiety drug clonazepam, and that a normal dose is up to 1 milligram a day for no longer than two weeks,” the Houston Chronicle disclosed.The psychiatrist told the court that “he is unable to work effectively and rationally with his attorneys in his defense against the charges.” “He is unable to focus, he’s unable to keep a train of thought,” Scarano testified.Stanford’s attorney Ali Fazel told the court that his client had been assaulted while in federal custody [in a private facility], severely beaten and that it was prison physicians who prescribed the medications to which the accused swindler is now addicted. “It’s the government that caused the problem,” Fazel said. Once Stanford is weaned off his medication, additional tests will determine how much damage was caused by the prison injury, and the drugs. "We just have to take it a step at a time," Fazel said.
Chris Strickland, warden of the privately-owned prison where Allen Stanford was savagely beaten and then over-medicated by prison doctors with mind-altering drugs that erase one's memory.Stanford was indicted in February 2009 on 21 counts including securities fraud and money laundering. U.S. prosecutors accuse him of creating false accounting records, lying to investors and bribing a regulatory official in Antigua.The way the Stanford case has been handled raises obvious questions:Why has Stanford, the key player in a $8 billion fraud case, been kept in a private prison in crowded and unsafe conditions that allowed him to be beaten? Why was such a valuable prisoner not protected while in custody of the state?Why has Stanford been prescribed drugs that are known to cause people to lose their mind - and their memory?Why has the Stanford case not been tried? It seems that the beating and the drugs are part of a plot to keep the Stanford case from going to trial, but why?STANFORD'S ISRAELI CONNECTIONS
The real reason Allen Stanford was beaten, over-medicated on mind-altering drugs, and why he has been been ruled mentally incompetent is because a proper investigation and trial will expose that his $8 billion scam was an Israeli money laundering operation working with three Mossad funds (Catalyst, AguaAgro, and Infinity I-China) - all connected to Ehud Barak and the criminal gang running the state of Israel.Merav Ankori of Globes (Israel) reported in August 2007 that Stanford Financial Group had invested $10 million in the Aqua Agro Fund, an Israeli venture capital fund of Gaon Agro Industries Ltd., controlled by chairman Benjamin Gaon. The Stanford investment was for the fund’s entire eight-year lifespan, with a two-year option to extend. With Stanford's investment, Aqua Agro Fund announced that it had secured more than $30 million in financing. This is the same Israeli Mossad fund that Hugo Neu is invested in. Hugo Neu is the Zionist-owned scrapyard that recycled the crucial steel evidence from the World Trade Center - before it could be examined by investigators.
If Stanford was running a Ponzi scheme, why was he investing in Mossad-linked venture capital funds that run Mossad companies and operations in the United States? Stanford's operation, based in Antigua and Houston, was one in which senior Mossadniks were both investors and recipients of investments from Allen Stanford. The Israeli venture capital funds which received millions of dollars from Stanford are all closely linked to the Mossad. Yair Shamir, the son of the infamous terrorist leader Yitzchak Shamir, was one of the investors in Stanford's "bank" in Antigua.
Will Ralph S. Janvey, the Zionist Jew from Hempstead, New York, who is handling the receivership (i.e. recovery) of Stanford assets be leaning on the Israeli Mossad "venture capital" funds to return the tens of millions of dollars they received through the Stanford operation they were part of? Don't count on it, he is part of the Zionist control team to protect the guilty.
Ralph S. Janvey is the highly-paid court-appointed (and S.E.C.) receiver in the $8 billion Allen Stanford scam. The Janvey family is involved at the highest-levels in fund-raising organizations for the state of Israel, such as the UJA and B'nai Jesherun of New York City. The controlled media ignores the Janvey family's Zionist connections to the state of Israel, which is deeply involved in the Stanford scam.Sources and Recommended Reading:
"Allen Stanford’s Private-Equity Connections", Deal Journal, Wall Street Journal (blogs), 18 February 2009
Ankori, Merav, "Stanford Group puts $10m in Gaon’s cleantech fund", Globes (Israel), 19 August 2007
Austin, Scott, "Allen Stanford’s Venture Capital Investments Revealed", Wall Street Journal (blogs) 16 July 2009
"B'nai B'rith, British Weapon Against America", by Paul Goldstein, The Campaigner, December 1978
Bloodied and shackled: Controversial cricket tycoon Allen Stanford beaten up by jail inmates as he awaits trial, Daily Mail (UK), 8 November 2010
Bollyn, Christopher, "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11", 25 July 2008, "Who is Bernard Madoff", 14 December 2008, "The Lehman Scam and Fuld's Mossad Connection", 18 March 2010
Bollyn, "The Criminal Nature of the Zionist Controlled Press", 8 December 2009, "Judge Hellerstein's Unethical Connection to Key Defendant in 9-11 Lawsuit", May 10, 2010, "The Murderous Mossad and 9/11", 23 March 2010Sixel, L.M., "Judge orders Stanford to get drug treatment", Houston Chronicle, 7 January 2011
Bollyn, "The Israeli Role in the Plundering of Iceland", May 22, 2010
Madsen, Wayne, "Stanford laundered and siphoned money from wealthy Latin Americans to fund anti-leftist rebellions", Online Journal, 8 April 2009
Norris, Floyd, "The cost of following Madoff trail", International Herald Tribune, 25 February 2011
“'Savagely beaten' Stanford asks to be freed”, by Jonathan Stempel, Reuters, 18 May 2010
Schudel, Matt, "George Wackenhut Dies; Security Pioneer", Washington Post, 7 January 2005
Talalay, Sarah, "Miami Heat's Micky Arison: ticket sales down; sponsor sales better than anticipated",, November 11, 2009
Bollyn, "Michael Chertoff's Childhood in Israel", 26 October 2007
Paulie said...
- Alvin K. Hellerstein looks like a mobster from the old movies. This is what I don't like. Justice taking sides and prosecuting whoever they feel like because those people have money and pay themselves out of prison time. That's not right. What are we supposed to do? Hire Private investigator New York City and do research on these people ourselves? Maybe with some solid evidence, some of these people would finally pay for their crimes.
- 1:56 AM
- Paulie said...
- Alvin K. Hellerstein looks like a mobster from the old movies. This is what I don't like. Justice taking sides and prosecuting whoever they feel like because those people have money and pay themselves out of prison time. That's not right. What are we supposed to do? Hire Private investigator New York City and do research on these people ourselves? Maybe with some solid evidence, some of these people would finally pay for their crimes.
- 1:56 AM
Guerre civile en France : Israel, Marine Le Pen, Sarkozy, DSK, trois candidats a la solde de Tel Aviv et la fin programmée de la cinquieme republique ou la partition de la France en 8 regions autonomes selon l'agenda sioniste, sous couvert de guerre civile contre l'Islaam
Le «Kuwait Gate» gêne DSK

par/von Christian Campiche
Vingt ans après la guerre du Golfe, l’affaire des puits de pétrole en feu au Koweït rebondit devant la justice. Elle pourrait embarrasser Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
L’assignation qui se trouve sur le bureau de l’huissier du Tribunal de grande instance (TGI) de Paris ressemble à une bombe à retardement. L’objet de la demande émane d’un citoyen niçois, Christian Basano, et vise à «condamner l’Etat français à réparer le préjudice causé à cet expert-comptable et commissaire aux Comptes des faits de déni de justice et faute lourde de l’Etat». M. Basano, lit-on dans le document, «a été victime d’usurpation d’identité, faux et usage de faux, vol et recels dans l’affaire dite Kuwait Gate, de 1991 à ce jour».
Le «Kuwait Gate»? Un gigantesque trafic d’argent qui a suivi l’incendie, par les troupes de Saddam Hussein, de 1100 puits de pétrole au Koweït. Les feux ont pu être éteints en quelques semaines grâce au système développé par Joseph Ferrayé, un industriel libanais établi dans le midi de la France. Une catastrophe écologique majeure a été ainsi évitée. Mais tant le concepteur du procédé que son associé Christian Basano n’ont jamais touché un sou de dédommagement, à la différence d’une myriade d’intermédiaires, notaires et banquiers, notamment suisses. Dominique Kounkou, l’avocat parisien de Christian Basano, parle d’«une escroquerie internationale à 22 milliards de dollars».
L’affaire Clearstream
Dans son livre «La boîte noire» qui dénonce les mécanismes de corruption du scandale Clearstream, le journaliste Denis Robert résume: «L’affaire Basano a commencé quand ce dernier s’est rendu compte qu’on s’était servi de son identité et de ses papiers pour transférer, via une banque hollandaise, des fonds provenant du Koweït. Ces fonds seront investis en titres grâce à un compte non publié de Clearstream.»
Le texte de l’assignation relève aussi qu’une filiale de l’Institut français du pétrole, la société Horwell, a obtenu le marché d’extinction des puits de pétrole, «exploitant sans licence les procédés brevetés par le mandant de M. Basano, l’inventeur Joseph Ferrayé». Horwell, poursuit le document, a été «fortement recommandée» au gouvernement koweïtien par Dominique Strauss-Kahn, alors ministre délégué à l’Industrie et au commerce extérieur français dans le gouvernement d’Edith Cresson, aujourd’hui directeur général du Fonds monétaire international.
«Il est clair, lit-on encore dans l’assignation, que M. le ministre Dominique Strauss-Kahn fut très bien informé du dépôt de ces brevets par Joseph Ferrayé, puisque l’INPI (Institut national de la propriété industrielle, ndlr), dépositaire, était un de ses services et qu’il a très simplement affecté l’exploitation des brevets nouvellement déposés à la société Horwell qui n’était à l’époque des faits qu’une coquille quasiment vide.»
Accord à point nommé
Représentant de l’Etat français devant le tribunal, l’agent judiciaire du Trésor n’a pas encore pris position. «Les conclusions sont attendues à une audience fixée au 16 mars prochain. Ensuite une enquête approfondie devra être diligentée par le TGI dans les prochains mois», précise Me Kounkou.
«La sagesse serait de crever l’abcès en parvenant à un accord sur l’indemnisation avant la fin de la procédure», commente l’avocat de Christian Basano. Une allusion nullement voilée à l’échéance de 2012, l’année de l’élection à la présidence française. Beaucoup, dans les rangs de la gauche, poussent Dominique Strauss-Kahn à annoncer officiellement sa candidature. Mais il ne faudrait pas pour lui que le «Kuwait Gate» se transforme en boulet.
Article paru dans « La Liberté » du 1er mars 2011
par/von Christian Campiche
L’assignation qui se trouve sur le bureau de l’huissier du Tribunal de grande instance (TGI) de Paris ressemble à une bombe à retardement. L’objet de la demande émane d’un citoyen niçois, Christian Basano, et vise à «condamner l’Etat français à réparer le préjudice causé à cet expert-comptable et commissaire aux Comptes des faits de déni de justice et faute lourde de l’Etat». M. Basano, lit-on dans le document, «a été victime d’usurpation d’identité, faux et usage de faux, vol et recels dans l’affaire dite Kuwait Gate, de 1991 à ce jour».
Article paru dans « La Liberté » du 1er mars 2011
CIA, The Mother Hen
Growing vandalism of CIA led foreign agencies in Pakistan
A Momin is never bittien twice from the same hole. (Hadith)
By Brig Asif Haroon Raja,
Apart from its agenda in Afghanistan, the US had defined objectives set for Pakistan as well. Under the ruse of alliance, America wanted to denuclearize Pakistan and turn it into a compliant state subservient to India. For the accomplishment of its objectives, the US in connivance with Israel, Britain and India chalked out a comprehensive covert plan spread over 7-8 years to weaken it from within. On the pretext of helping Pakistan’s agencies in tracing and nabbing Al-Qaeda and Taliban runaways as well as those harboring them, a secret deal was struck with Gen Musharraf in December 2001 and later renewed in March 2008 that CIA and FBI operatives would be allowed complete liberty of action and immunity from criminal jurisprudence to operate in any part of the country and provided full cooperation by law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
Under the plea of keeping a watch on terrorists and netting them, CIA and FBI established Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) in FATA, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. The two agencies soon took complete control over intelligence gathering and dissemination and marginalized the role of ISI and MI. These FOBs became spying and clandestine operations hideouts to destabilize FATA and Balochistan. Their task was not to control terrorists but to fan terrorism, sectarianism, ethnicity and separatism by subverting the loyalties of people, cultivating agents within militant and criminal groups and using them for assassinating important personalities, clerics and pro-government tribal elders and for sabotage and subversion. Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in FATA and Baloch Liberation Army in Balochistan were the creation of CIA duly helped by RAW. Banned Jihadi groups were goaded to join up with TTP.
Blackwater elements under the supervision of CIA started operating in Pakistan from 2008 onwards under various guises with a view to expand covert war in major urban centres, pass on information about sensitive installations, gain maximum information about nuclear facilities and draw road maps leading to these sites. DynCorps Pvt Ltd Security Company run by a retired army captain was an offshoot of Xe-World (new name of Blackwater) or Xe Services. Its main office was established in Islamabad and its main function was to distribute weapons procured from abroad.
Xe-Services also had a proper recruiting and training centre in a hired house with a large compound at Sihala next door to police academy. This facility was opened to train the police but it was misused to train a local force for multiple purposes and to keep a close eye on Kahuta nuclear plant. Retired army and police commandoes and ex soldiers were hired on handsome salaries and trained for providing local intelligence, security duties and protection of private contractors and safe houses. Group attack practice to militants was imparted in this building. Sihala centre and Dyncorps office were closed after public protests and media pressure, but Interior Minister maintained all along that there was no Blackwater operative in Pakistan.
Another training centre was opened at Warsak to train Frontier Corps but was used for other purposes as well. Trainers were under cover CIA operatives and were linked with a private residence hired in Peshawar University Chinar Road converted into a safe house. Xe Services provides security contractors to CIA. USA, Israel and India fund this Company since the private contractors act as double agents and execute clandestine operations for the three countries.
Xe-Services elements as well as CIA, FBI, Mossad and RAW agents including over 1000 under cover operatives of US Special Forces work in tandem and are still active in provincial capitals and are responsible for escalating incidents of terrorism. These elements are behind most terrorist attacks including attacks on mosques, shrines of saints and religious places. In addition, a specially trained force of 3000 ex Afghan soldiers trained by CIA had been inducted in FATA sometime in 2007/08 to carryout target killings of pro-government and anti-US notables and sympathizers of anti-US militants and also to beef up TTP.
Aid under Kerry-Lugar Bill was designed to induct greater number of agents belonging to Special Operations on the pretext of coordinators and distributors of funds for approved projects. CIA agents belonging to US Special Forces started slipping into Pakistan in various garbs. Large numbers of private houses were hired in 2009 in Islamabad and provincial capitals to accommodate new faces.
Under cover CIA agents posing as diplomats, officials, businessmen, consultants and security contractors are provided official residences in posh areas duly protected by Blackwater security guards; they move in official cars with diplomatic number plates. Each one of them comes well trained and well equipped. They are given heavier perks, privileges and pay compared to US military personnel engaged in combat in Afghanistan. Since these undesirable elements under fake identity have sneaked in without scrutiny and in big numbers and fanned out in different urban centres, it becomes that much problematic for security agencies to track them.
The US and Indian Embassies in Islamabad as well as consulates have become dens of espionage within Pakistan and safe houses for Raymond Davis like terrorists. The so-called diplomats and staff posted in US and Indian Embassies and consulates are mostly involved in espionage. US media has disclosed that Davis was part of a covert intelligence network involving hundreds of spies operating in Pakistan without the knowledge of security agencies. Death of three US Special Forces trainers in Lower Dir as a result of suicide attack, arrest of Davis in Lahore, and Aaron Mark De-Haven from Peshawar and identification of Jonathan Banks as chief supervisor of drone attacks and detection of Blackwater activities gives an idea about the scale of organized CIA network in Pakistan.
The US plans to convert its embassy in Islamabad into the biggest and most modern embassy in the world surpassing its Baghdad Embassy. 16 acres of extra land has been acquired and work is underway. It plans to station 1000 Marines and greater number of CIA and Blackwater elements along with APCs, large fleet of vehicles including Humvies and other latest gadgets so as to expand its intelligence network and improve its staying power as well as its quick reaction capability. This force can also act as the staging section to guide the main assault group against a specified target. Pentagon has made contingency plans for quick seizure or destruction of our nuclear arsenal.
US Consulates in Peshawar, Lahore and Karachi as well as Xe Services offices are connected with several Joint Special Operation Command (JSOC) and FOBs. Based on policy guidelines received from US Ambassador in Islamabad, the JSOCs plan, coordinate and monitor the activities of field operatives as well as provide intelligence for drone strikes. Efforts are now in hand to open another consulate in Quetta to be able to add fuel to the dying fire of separatist movement led by a small band of Baloch rebels. Pressure on Pakistan to mount an operation in North Waziristan is with a devious intent. Departure date from Afghanistan has not been extended by USA to 2014 to convert its defeat into victory but to steal Pakistan’s nukes.
There have been numerous cases wherein the US diplomats and officials have been found breaking the law of the land in Islamabad and in Lahore. Some were in possession of unlicensed and prohibited bore weapons, grenades and explosives and traveling at ungodly hours of the night. Each time they were apprehended by the police, they were let off scot-free. The Interior Minister has always been coming to the rescue of the culprits, while our Ambassador in Washington Hussein Haqqani assists the undesirables in obtaining visas and getting clearance from Foreign Office.
If the going still gets tough, the PM or the President removes all bottlenecks created by ever watchful ISI. It is owing to our over keenness to keep Washington pleased that our rulers feel no qualm in violating own laws and rules. Laxity in abiding with rules and regulations has resulted in massive inflow of US citizens with criminal background.
Heavy inflow of undesirable American citizens from 2008 onwards without proper checks at Embassy’s end was objected to by ISI after several incidents of terrorism took place in Peshawar, Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore in which hand of Blackwater was visible. Certain US officials involved in suspicious activities and deported from Pakistan had been re-issued visas by our Embassy in Washington. Raymond Davis was twice declared persona non-grata and sent back and yet he managed to return to Pakistan and this time he killed two Pakistanis.
On repeated complaints of ISI when restrictions were imposed on issuance of visas and credentials of each entrant were checked, Washington pulled a long face and resorted to its usual practice of threats asserting that aid under Kerry-Lugar Bill will get affected. Based on the complaint of Hussein Haqqani that the ISI and Foreign Office were causing unnecessary problems in clearing visas of US nationals, Rahman Malik prevailed upon PM Gilani and convinced him to issue an executive order in July 2010 empowering Haqqani to issue visas to Americans without any scrutiny.
Our Embassy in Washington issued 500 visas in one week and has ever since continued to issue visas freely. Record of visas issued in last three years indicate 3528 in 2008, 3784 in 2009 and 3555 in 2010. It is not known as to how many out of 11567 visas issued by Haqqani are CIA, Mosad and RAW agents under the garb of diplomats. Despite the spy network been exposed, the US is still unwilling to wind up and withdraw it’s under cover agents in hundreds from Pakistan. Ongoing spate of bomb and suicide attacks gives rise to suspicion that under cover agents are resorting to yet another kind of pressure tactics to get Davis released.
Hussein Haqqani owes an explanation to 170 million people of Pakistan for dispatching faceless CIA agents wearing numerous masks to Pakistan and endangering their lives. He got the rules on visas relaxed and did away with basic verification and security checks of visa applicants. He did this merely to please USA but in the process allowed hundreds of Raymond Davis type assassins to play havoc in Pakistan. He and Rahman Malik are mainly responsible for this inexcusable offence and must be held accountable. Gilani should be asked as to why he blindly agreed to illegal request made by Haqqani and recommended by Malik. He should cancel the executive order forthwith. It is high time that we gird up our loins and get rid of the foreign assassins as well as snakes in the grass at the earliest.
How long should we continue to be bitten from the same hole?
By Brig Asif Haroon Raja,
Apart from its agenda in Afghanistan, the US had defined objectives set for Pakistan as well. Under the ruse of alliance, America wanted to denuclearize Pakistan and turn it into a compliant state subservient to India. For the accomplishment of its objectives, the US in connivance with Israel, Britain and India chalked out a comprehensive covert plan spread over 7-8 years to weaken it from within. On the pretext of helping Pakistan’s agencies in tracing and nabbing Al-Qaeda and Taliban runaways as well as those harboring them, a secret deal was struck with Gen Musharraf in December 2001 and later renewed in March 2008 that CIA and FBI operatives would be allowed complete liberty of action and immunity from criminal jurisprudence to operate in any part of the country and provided full cooperation by law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
Under the plea of keeping a watch on terrorists and netting them, CIA and FBI established Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) in FATA, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. The two agencies soon took complete control over intelligence gathering and dissemination and marginalized the role of ISI and MI. These FOBs became spying and clandestine operations hideouts to destabilize FATA and Balochistan. Their task was not to control terrorists but to fan terrorism, sectarianism, ethnicity and separatism by subverting the loyalties of people, cultivating agents within militant and criminal groups and using them for assassinating important personalities, clerics and pro-government tribal elders and for sabotage and subversion. Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in FATA and Baloch Liberation Army in Balochistan were the creation of CIA duly helped by RAW. Banned Jihadi groups were goaded to join up with TTP.
Blackwater elements under the supervision of CIA started operating in Pakistan from 2008 onwards under various guises with a view to expand covert war in major urban centres, pass on information about sensitive installations, gain maximum information about nuclear facilities and draw road maps leading to these sites. DynCorps Pvt Ltd Security Company run by a retired army captain was an offshoot of Xe-World (new name of Blackwater) or Xe Services. Its main office was established in Islamabad and its main function was to distribute weapons procured from abroad.Xe-Services also had a proper recruiting and training centre in a hired house with a large compound at Sihala next door to police academy. This facility was opened to train the police but it was misused to train a local force for multiple purposes and to keep a close eye on Kahuta nuclear plant. Retired army and police commandoes and ex soldiers were hired on handsome salaries and trained for providing local intelligence, security duties and protection of private contractors and safe houses. Group attack practice to militants was imparted in this building. Sihala centre and Dyncorps office were closed after public protests and media pressure, but Interior Minister maintained all along that there was no Blackwater operative in Pakistan.Another training centre was opened at Warsak to train Frontier Corps but was used for other purposes as well. Trainers were under cover CIA operatives and were linked with a private residence hired in Peshawar University Chinar Road converted into a safe house. Xe Services provides security contractors to CIA. USA, Israel and India fund this Company since the private contractors act as double agents and execute clandestine operations for the three countries.Xe-Services elements as well as CIA, FBI, Mossad and RAW agents including over 1000 under cover operatives of US Special Forces work in tandem and are still active in provincial capitals and are responsible for escalating incidents of terrorism. These elements are behind most terrorist attacks including attacks on mosques, shrines of saints and religious places. In addition, a specially trained force of 3000 ex Afghan soldiers trained by CIA had been inducted in FATA sometime in 2007/08 to carryout target killings of pro-government and anti-US notables and sympathizers of anti-US militants and also to beef up TTP.Aid under Kerry-Lugar Bill was designed to induct greater number of agents belonging to Special Operations on the pretext of coordinators and distributors of funds for approved projects. CIA agents belonging to US Special Forces started slipping into Pakistan in various garbs. Large numbers of private houses were hired in 2009 in Islamabad and provincial capitals to accommodate new faces.Under cover CIA agents posing as diplomats, officials, businessmen, consultants and security contractors are provided official residences in posh areas duly protected by Blackwater security guards; they move in official cars with diplomatic number plates. Each one of them comes well trained and well equipped. They are given heavier perks, privileges and pay compared to US military personnel engaged in combat in Afghanistan. Since these undesirable elements under fake identity have sneaked in without scrutiny and in big numbers and fanned out in different urban centres, it becomes that much problematic for security agencies to track them.The US and Indian Embassies in Islamabad as well as consulates have become dens of espionage within Pakistan and safe houses for Raymond Davis like terrorists. The so-called diplomats and staff posted in US and Indian Embassies and consulates are mostly involved in espionage. US media has disclosed that Davis was part of a covert intelligence network involving hundreds of spies operating in Pakistan without the knowledge of security agencies. Death of three US Special Forces trainers in Lower Dir as a result of suicide attack, arrest of Davis in Lahore, and Aaron Mark De-Haven from Peshawar and identification of Jonathan Banks as chief supervisor of drone attacks and detection of Blackwater activities gives an idea about the scale of organized CIA network in Pakistan.The US plans to convert its embassy in Islamabad into the biggest and most modern embassy in the world surpassing its Baghdad Embassy. 16 acres of extra land has been acquired and work is underway. It plans to station 1000 Marines and greater number of CIA and Blackwater elements along with APCs, large fleet of vehicles including Humvies and other latest gadgets so as to expand its intelligence network and improve its staying power as well as its quick reaction capability. This force can also act as the staging section to guide the main assault group against a specified target. Pentagon has made contingency plans for quick seizure or destruction of our nuclear arsenal.US Consulates in Peshawar, Lahore and Karachi as well as Xe Services offices are connected with several Joint Special Operation Command (JSOC) and FOBs. Based on policy guidelines received from US Ambassador in Islamabad, the JSOCs plan, coordinate and monitor the activities of field operatives as well as provide intelligence for drone strikes. Efforts are now in hand to open another consulate in Quetta to be able to add fuel to the dying fire of separatist movement led by a small band of Baloch rebels. Pressure on Pakistan to mount an operation in North Waziristan is with a devious intent. Departure date from Afghanistan has not been extended by USA to 2014 to convert its defeat into victory but to steal Pakistan’s nukes.There have been numerous cases wherein the US diplomats and officials have been found breaking the law of the land in Islamabad and in Lahore. Some were in possession of unlicensed and prohibited bore weapons, grenades and explosives and traveling at ungodly hours of the night. Each time they were apprehended by the police, they were let off scot-free. The Interior Minister has always been coming to the rescue of the culprits, while our Ambassador in Washington Hussein Haqqani assists the undesirables in obtaining visas and getting clearance from Foreign Office.If the going still gets tough, the PM or the President removes all bottlenecks created by ever watchful ISI. It is owing to our over keenness to keep Washington pleased that our rulers feel no qualm in violating own laws and rules. Laxity in abiding with rules and regulations has resulted in massive inflow of US citizens with criminal background.Heavy inflow of undesirable American citizens from 2008 onwards without proper checks at Embassy’s end was objected to by ISI after several incidents of terrorism took place in Peshawar, Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore in which hand of Blackwater was visible. Certain US officials involved in suspicious activities and deported from Pakistan had been re-issued visas by our Embassy in Washington. Raymond Davis was twice declared persona non-grata and sent back and yet he managed to return to Pakistan and this time he killed two Pakistanis.On repeated complaints of ISI when restrictions were imposed on issuance of visas and credentials of each entrant were checked, Washington pulled a long face and resorted to its usual practice of threats asserting that aid under Kerry-Lugar Bill will get affected. Based on the complaint of Hussein Haqqani that the ISI and Foreign Office were causing unnecessary problems in clearing visas of US nationals, Rahman Malik prevailed upon PM Gilani and convinced him to issue an executive order in July 2010 empowering Haqqani to issue visas to Americans without any scrutiny.Our Embassy in Washington issued 500 visas in one week and has ever since continued to issue visas freely. Record of visas issued in last three years indicate 3528 in 2008, 3784 in 2009 and 3555 in 2010. It is not known as to how many out of 11567 visas issued by Haqqani are CIA, Mosad and RAW agents under the garb of diplomats. Despite the spy network been exposed, the US is still unwilling to wind up and withdraw it’s under cover agents in hundreds from Pakistan. Ongoing spate of bomb and suicide attacks gives rise to suspicion that under cover agents are resorting to yet another kind of pressure tactics to get Davis released.Hussein Haqqani owes an explanation to 170 million people of Pakistan for dispatching faceless CIA agents wearing numerous masks to Pakistan and endangering their lives. He got the rules on visas relaxed and did away with basic verification and security checks of visa applicants. He did this merely to please USA but in the process allowed hundreds of Raymond Davis type assassins to play havoc in Pakistan. He and Rahman Malik are mainly responsible for this inexcusable offence and must be held accountable. Gilani should be asked as to why he blindly agreed to illegal request made by Haqqani and recommended by Malik. He should cancel the executive order forthwith. It is high time that we gird up our loins and get rid of the foreign assassins as well as snakes in the grass at the earliest.
Chertoff Denies Knowing Who Authorized Destruction of 9/11 Steel
By Chris Bollyn,
I am working on the final chapter of Solving 9/11, which focuses on the destruction of the crucial steel evidence from the World Trade Center. In the interest of accuracy and completeness this effort requires contacting the key players in the administration of President George W. Bush. Yesterday, I called and wrote to John Ashcroft and Michael Chertoff, respectively the U.S. Attorney General and Assistant Attorney General during the Bush administration. Ashcroft has not yet responded; Chertoff has.

U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft (right) and Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff of the Criminal Division during a news conference at the Department of Justice in February 2003.
Michael Chertoff, who headed the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice at the time, responded to my email question. Chertoff said that he does not know who authorized the destruction of the crucial evidence from the World Trade Center. It should be noted that the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which is part of the Criminal Division of the Dept. of Justice, led the 9/11 investigation.

FBI Director Robert Mueller (right) at a press conference as Attorney General John Ashcroft looks on September 27, 2001 in Washington, DC. Robert Mueller had only been director of the FBI for one week when 9/11 occurred.
This is to say that Chertoff, the official who had the highest managerial responsibility for the FBI investigation, says he does not know who authorized the destruction of the evidence from the crime scene his agency controlled. How believable is that?

The FBI, which controlled the criminal investigation, had ultimate authority over the evidence from the World Trade Center.
The FBI website says this about its 9/11 investigation:
Our ensuing investigation of the attacks of 9/11—code-named “PENTTBOM”—was our largest investigation ever. At the peak of the case, more than half our agents worked to identify the hijackers and their sponsors and, with other agencies, to head off any possible future attacks. We followed more than half-a-million investigative leads, including several hundred thousand tips from the public. The attack and crash sites also represented the largest crime scenes in FBI history.

Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld at ground zero three days after the World Trade Center collapsed. A New York Times article entitled "Ground Zero Illness Clouding Giuliani's Legacy" reported that Giuliani “seized control” of the World Trade Center site. Why did the U.S. government allow him to destroy the evidence?
Here is the email exchange between me and Michael Chertoff:
Mr. Chertoff,
I am a journalist working on an article about the destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center. The questions that I am posing herewith are for the purpose of this article.
When Kenneth Holden of the Department of Design and Construction of New York City gave his statement to the 9/11 Commission on April 1, 2003, he said that he had received "verbal permission" to send the steel to scrap yards in New Jersey, but failed to name the person who had authorized the move.
Did you give the permission to send the steel from the World Trade Center to the scrap yard? If you did not authorize the destruction of the steel, who did?
Chertoff responded the same day:
From: Chertoff, Michael
Subject: Re: Question for M. Chertoff on WTC Steel
Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2011, 11:39 AM
No. No idea.
I responded to Chertoff on March 9:
Mr. Chertoff,
Thank you for your prompt response.
When Commissioner Holden was reappointed head of New York City’s Department of Design and Construction in January 2002, Mayor Bloomberg praised him saying:
New Yorkers are fortunate to have Commissioner Holden agree to remain as Commissioner of DDC. Over the last four months he has done a terrific job managing the clean up of the World Trade Center and so that the reconstruction process for Lower Manhattan can begin. By coordinating the movement of millions of tons of steel and rubble, excavating one of the most dangerous work sites in the world all seemingly ahead of schedule, under budget and without a fatality, Kenneth Holden has been the unsung hero of this enormous task.
Can you tell me why U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, which you headed, allowed Mayor Giuliani to “seize control” of the crime scene and make decisions that resulted in the hasty destruction of crucial evidence before it could be properly examined?
The New York City Department of Design and Construction reportedly oversaw the recovery efforts. A New York Times article entitled "Ground Zero Illness Clouding Giuliani's Legacy" of 14 May 2007 reported that Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani “seized control” of the World Trade Center site:
An examination of Mr. Giuliani’s handling of the extraordinary recovery operation during his last months in office shows that he seized control and largely limited the influence of experienced federal agencies…
A Mayor in Control - From the beginning, there was no doubt that Mr. Giuliani and his team ruled the hellish disaster site. Officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Army Corps of Engineers and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, all with extensive disaster response experience, arrived almost immediately, only to be placed on the sideline. One Army Corps official said Mr. Giuliani acted like a “benevolent dictator.”
Despite the presence of those federal experts, Mr. Giuliani assigned the ground zero cleanup to a largely unknown city agency, the Department of Design and Construction. Kenneth Holden, the department’s commissioner until January 2004, said in a deposition in the federal lawsuit against the city that he initially expected FEMA or the Army Corps to try to take over the cleanup operation. Mr. Giuliani never let them.
Why did President Bush and Attorney General Ashcroft allow Mayor Giuliani to “take over the cleanup operation”?
Christopher Bollyn
Sources and Recommended Reading:
Bollyn, Christopher, “Who Destroyed the 9/11 Evidence?”
- By Chris Bollyn,I am working on the final chapter of Solving 9/11, which focuses on the destruction of the crucial steel evidence from the World Trade Center. In the interest of accuracy and completeness this effort requires contacting the key players in the administration of President George W. Bush. Yesterday, I called and wrote to John Ashcroft and Michael Chertoff, respectively the U.S. Attorney General and Assistant Attorney General during the Bush administration. Ashcroft has not yet responded; Chertoff has.
U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft (right) and Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff of the Criminal Division during a news conference at the Department of Justice in February 2003.
Michael Chertoff, who headed the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice at the time, responded to my email question. Chertoff said that he does not know who authorized the destruction of the crucial evidence from the World Trade Center. It should be noted that the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which is part of the Criminal Division of the Dept. of Justice, led the 9/11 investigation.
FBI Director Robert Mueller (right) at a press conference as Attorney General John Ashcroft looks on September 27, 2001 in Washington, DC. Robert Mueller had only been director of the FBI for one week when 9/11 occurred.This is to say that Chertoff, the official who had the highest managerial responsibility for the FBI investigation, says he does not know who authorized the destruction of the evidence from the crime scene his agency controlled. How believable is that?
The FBI, which controlled the criminal investigation, had ultimate authority over the evidence from the World Trade Center.The FBI website says this about its 9/11 investigation:Our ensuing investigation of the attacks of 9/11—code-named “PENTTBOM”—was our largest investigation ever. At the peak of the case, more than half our agents worked to identify the hijackers and their sponsors and, with other agencies, to head off any possible future attacks. We followed more than half-a-million investigative leads, including several hundred thousand tips from the public. The attack and crash sites also represented the largest crime scenes in FBI history.
Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld at ground zero three days after the World Trade Center collapsed. A New York Times article entitled "Ground Zero Illness Clouding Giuliani's Legacy" reported that Giuliani “seized control” of the World Trade Center site. Why did the U.S. government allow him to destroy the evidence?Here is the email exchange between me and Michael Chertoff:Mr. Chertoff,I am a journalist working on an article about the destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center. The questions that I am posing herewith are for the purpose of this article.When Kenneth Holden of the Department of Design and Construction of New York City gave his statement to the 9/11 Commission on April 1, 2003, he said that he had received "verbal permission" to send the steel to scrap yards in New Jersey, but failed to name the person who had authorized the move.Did you give the permission to send the steel from the World Trade Center to the scrap yard? If you did not authorize the destruction of the steel, who did?
Chertoff responded the same day:From: Chertoff, Michael
Subject: Re: Question for M. Chertoff on WTC Steel
Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2011, 11:39 AMNo. No idea.I responded to Chertoff on March 9:Mr. Chertoff,Thank you for your prompt response.When Commissioner Holden was reappointed head of New York City’s Department of Design and Construction in January 2002, Mayor Bloomberg praised him saying:New Yorkers are fortunate to have Commissioner Holden agree to remain as Commissioner of DDC. Over the last four months he has done a terrific job managing the clean up of the World Trade Center and so that the reconstruction process for Lower Manhattan can begin. By coordinating the movement of millions of tons of steel and rubble, excavating one of the most dangerous work sites in the world all seemingly ahead of schedule, under budget and without a fatality, Kenneth Holden has been the unsung hero of this enormous task.Can you tell me why U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, which you headed, allowed Mayor Giuliani to “seize control” of the crime scene and make decisions that resulted in the hasty destruction of crucial evidence before it could be properly examined?The New York City Department of Design and Construction reportedly oversaw the recovery efforts. A New York Times article entitled "Ground Zero Illness Clouding Giuliani's Legacy" of 14 May 2007 reported that Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani “seized control” of the World Trade Center site:An examination of Mr. Giuliani’s handling of the extraordinary recovery operation during his last months in office shows that he seized control and largely limited the influence of experienced federal agencies…
A Mayor in Control - From the beginning, there was no doubt that Mr. Giuliani and his team ruled the hellish disaster site. Officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Army Corps of Engineers and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, all with extensive disaster response experience, arrived almost immediately, only to be placed on the sideline. One Army Corps official said Mr. Giuliani acted like a “benevolent dictator.”
Despite the presence of those federal experts, Mr. Giuliani assigned the ground zero cleanup to a largely unknown city agency, the Department of Design and Construction. Kenneth Holden, the department’s commissioner until January 2004, said in a deposition in the federal lawsuit against the city that he initially expected FEMA or the Army Corps to try to take over the cleanup operation. Mr. Giuliani never let them.Why did President Bush and Attorney General Ashcroft allow Mayor Giuliani to “take over the cleanup operation”?Christopher BollynSources and Recommended Reading:
Israel do not need anymore Jewish Al Saud if they don't start a major sunni-shia war in the Muslim world. The coming division of Saudi Arabia by Israel is starting from Yemen.
Yemen, Red Sea and Israel
By Rehmat's World,
The leaders of the World Zionist Congress – which was established in Basel (Switzerland) on August 29, 1897 to campaign for the establishment of Eretz-Israel (Greater Israel) in Ottoman Palestine by applying every mean to populate the with European Jews – had realized the strategic importance of the Red Sea (which leads to Suez Cannal, Mediterranean and Dead Sea) being the only Sea route open to their land-locked Eretz-Israel dream. The proposed map of Eretz-Israel which was presented by Theodor Herzl (d. 1904) and wrote in his Diaries, vol. II, page 711: “The area of Jewish State stretches from the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrate”. This map (shown at the bottom of this post) was also inscribed on Israel’s 10-agora coin, showing the Zionist entity stretching from “the Mediterranean to Mesopotamia and from Red Sea to Euphrate and upto Medinnah in Saudi Arabia.”.
Yemen is located at the mouth of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden which is the major route of the oil tankers. Along this route, Yemen is one of the two countries which have not been ruled by a western-puppet government plus half of country’s population is pro-Iran Shia and anti-Zionist regime including its president Ali Abdullah Saleh who after USS Cole bombing blamed Israel for funding/training the Al-Qaeda group. The other country is Eritrea - that’s why it’s being targeted by the Israeli lobbying groups in the US.
CIA-Mossad planned and executed the Christmas Eve bombing hoax and blamed the Nigerian Muslim pasty for having links to Al-Qaeda (made in Israel) Al-Qaeda. This gave a golden opportunity to pro-Israeli Jewish Senator Joe Lieberman who said on Fox News: “Iraq was yesterday war. Afghanistan is today’s war. If we don’t act preemptively, Yemen could be our next war. That’s the danger we face.” Obama was quick to offer every help to President Ali Abdullah Saleh, diretly and indirectly through Saudi Arabi, to make sure Yemen doesn’t fall into those anti-Zionist Iranian Islamists. He despatched Gen. David Petraeus (an Israel-firster) to Yemeni capital Sana’s. According to FARS News, during Saleh-Petraeus meeting (January 2, 2010), the two agreed to have the US build a millitary base on the Island of Socotra which would be only 3000 km away from one America’s largest naval base at Diego Garcia (Indian Ocean). This new base will allow both the US and Israel to keep an eye on the commercial and military vessels from China and Russian passing through this stategic waterway.
Keith Johnson in an article titled Israel, Yemen, the Gold Watch and Everything! wrote:
The fingerprints of Israel’s meddling are all over the place in Yemen. And you better believe that we’ll be hearing a lot more about Yemeni connections to all manner of atrocities committed in the name of “Allah” against the United States. Israel will make darn sure of that. And what’s my evidence? Well, recent history would be a good place to start.
Does anybody remember the USS Cole? In October, 2000 while refueling in the Port of Aden, the USS Cole was sunk by a small boat loaded with explosives, resulting in the death of 17 soldiers and injuring another 39. Samples of the explosives taken from the ships hull revealed that the explosive was of a type only available in the U.S. and…(drum roll please) that’s right-Israel!
How about the bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Sa’ana? In October 2008 Yemeni security forces arrested a group of alleged Islamists militants linked to Israeli intelligence in connection to that provocatuered attack. The network was described as 40 people from different Arab nationalities that were spying for the Mossad. Say it ain’t so, Joe!
Israel has even been linked to the Somali piracy trade when Somali pirates were found to have telephone links to former Israeli Prime minister Ehud Olmert’s office. Nasty business.
Now how could our “only ally in the Middle East” do such awful things to their best friend in the whole wide world? Simple. It’s the old Mossad “we will wage war by way of deception” technique of carrying out attacks on your ally and blaming it on the one’s you want your ally to attack in retaliation (in layman’s terms of course).
So what’s the hubbub, bub? Why all this activity concentrated in and around Yemen? Well, Israel has always salivated over controlling that region. In an article appearing in “The Yemen Times” on October 26, 2008 titled “Israeli Strategy to occupy Al-Mandab Strait” Najeeb Al-Ghurbani writes:
If you want an even better grasp on the Israeli strategy you can find it in Saudi Arabian Colonel Turki Al-Anazi’s “Strategy Research Project” document titled “Strategic Importance of the Red Sea”. Starting on page 13 under the heading “Israeli Strategy”, Col. Al-Anazi states:
“Free navigation to and from Eilat is considered absolutely essential to Israel’s security and economic interests and to reduce Israel’s political isolation, due to the enmity with its Arab neighbors.
The Red Sea’s importance for Israel grew since it is the best waterway for shipping and trade with East Africa and the Far East. The prime concern for the Israelis is to secure free passage through the straits of the Red Sea so it would not be under any political or economical pressure.
The Israeli strategy in the Red Sea stands on certain bases.
First, the necessity of Israel’s security that demands controlling the straits and waterways of the Red Sea and preventing any of its adversaries from controlling them.
Secondly, the Red Sea is vital to Israel’s economic well being since it’s a maritime route to the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean’s and links it to Asian and African trading markets.
The Israelis even set their own goals dealing with the Red Sea region, which are:
1.) To secure free navigation on the Red Sea
2.) To accomplish a strategic depth in the Red Sea, which enable Israel to monitor the Arab military in this region
3.) To break any Arab blockade on any of the Red Sea straits, waterways or on the Israeli ships
4.) To guarantee and secure the civilian line and military lines in the Red Sea which are directed to the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal or to the Indian Ocean through the Strait of Bab Al-Mandab.”
Webster Tarpley in his assessment of the situation points out that the objective in Yemen is to break it up into micro-states and mini-states. And there are at least four groups that can be used to facilitate this. To the north are the Shiite Houthie rebels who are supported by Iran and fighting in opposition to the central government. Then we have the Saudi backed Sunni who are in support of the central government. Throw in some hard lined Communist left-overs from the old soviet days and a bunch of Guantanamo ex-cons and escaped prisoners joining the CIA…uh, I mean…al-Queda and you’ve got the makings of one hell of a party!
And of course after they get through killing each other off and pieces of Yemen start breaking into sub-regions and enclaves, Obama can step in with his Nobel prize in hand and offer humanitarian aid and assistance; which essentially means Wall Street, Tel-Aviv and London coming in for the kill under the President’s left cover.
And by the time its all over, the U.S. will have set a nice little table for its client state Israel to feast upon.
- Yemen, Red Sea and Israel
By Rehmat's World,
The leaders of the World Zionist Congress – which was established in Basel (Switzerland) on August 29, 1897 to campaign for the establishment of Eretz-Israel (Greater Israel) in Ottoman Palestine by applying every mean to populate the with European Jews – had realized the strategic importance of the Red Sea (which leads to Suez Cannal, Mediterranean and Dead Sea) being the only Sea route open to their land-locked Eretz-Israel dream. The proposed map of Eretz-Israel which was presented by Theodor Herzl (d. 1904) and wrote in his Diaries, vol. II, page 711: “The area of Jewish State stretches from the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrate”. This map (shown at the bottom of this post) was also inscribed on Israel’s 10-agora coin, showing the Zionist entity stretching from “the Mediterranean to Mesopotamia and from Red Sea to Euphrate and upto Medinnah in Saudi Arabia.”.
Yemen is located at the mouth of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden which is the major route of the oil tankers. Along this route, Yemen is one of the two countries which have not been ruled by a western-puppet government plus half of country’s population is pro-Iran Shia and anti-Zionist regime including its president Ali Abdullah Saleh who after USS Cole bombing blamed Israel for funding/training the Al-Qaeda group. The other country is Eritrea - that’s why it’s being targeted by the Israeli lobbying groups in the US.CIA-Mossad planned and executed the Christmas Eve bombing hoax and blamed the Nigerian Muslim pasty for having links to Al-Qaeda (made in Israel) Al-Qaeda. This gave a golden opportunity to pro-Israeli Jewish Senator Joe Lieberman who said on Fox News: “Iraq was yesterday war. Afghanistan is today’s war. If we don’t act preemptively, Yemen could be our next war. That’s the danger we face.” Obama was quick to offer every help to President Ali Abdullah Saleh, diretly and indirectly through Saudi Arabi, to make sure Yemen doesn’t fall into those anti-Zionist Iranian Islamists. He despatched Gen. David Petraeus (an Israel-firster) to Yemeni capital Sana’s. According to FARS News, during Saleh-Petraeus meeting (January 2, 2010), the two agreed to have the US build a millitary base on the Island of Socotra which would be only 3000 km away from one America’s largest naval base at Diego Garcia (Indian Ocean). This new base will allow both the US and Israel to keep an eye on the commercial and military vessels from China and Russian passing through this stategic waterway.Keith Johnson in an article titled Israel, Yemen, the Gold Watch and Everything! wrote:The fingerprints of Israel’s meddling are all over the place in Yemen. And you better believe that we’ll be hearing a lot more about Yemeni connections to all manner of atrocities committed in the name of “Allah” against the United States. Israel will make darn sure of that. And what’s my evidence? Well, recent history would be a good place to start.Does anybody remember the USS Cole? In October, 2000 while refueling in the Port of Aden, the USS Cole was sunk by a small boat loaded with explosives, resulting in the death of 17 soldiers and injuring another 39. Samples of the explosives taken from the ships hull revealed that the explosive was of a type only available in the U.S. and…(drum roll please) that’s right-Israel!How about the bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Sa’ana? In October 2008 Yemeni security forces arrested a group of alleged Islamists militants linked to Israeli intelligence in connection to that provocatuered attack. The network was described as 40 people from different Arab nationalities that were spying for the Mossad. Say it ain’t so, Joe!Israel has even been linked to the Somali piracy trade when Somali pirates were found to have telephone links to former Israeli Prime minister Ehud Olmert’s office. Nasty business.Now how could our “only ally in the Middle East” do such awful things to their best friend in the whole wide world? Simple. It’s the old Mossad “we will wage war by way of deception” technique of carrying out attacks on your ally and blaming it on the one’s you want your ally to attack in retaliation (in layman’s terms of course).So what’s the hubbub, bub? Why all this activity concentrated in and around Yemen? Well, Israel has always salivated over controlling that region. In an article appearing in “The Yemen Times” on October 26, 2008 titled “Israeli Strategy to occupy Al-Mandab Strait” Najeeb Al-Ghurbani writes:If you want an even better grasp on the Israeli strategy you can find it in Saudi Arabian Colonel Turki Al-Anazi’s “Strategy Research Project” document titled “Strategic Importance of the Red Sea”. Starting on page 13 under the heading “Israeli Strategy”, Col. Al-Anazi states:“Free navigation to and from Eilat is considered absolutely essential to Israel’s security and economic interests and to reduce Israel’s political isolation, due to the enmity with its Arab neighbors.The Red Sea’s importance for Israel grew since it is the best waterway for shipping and trade with East Africa and the Far East. The prime concern for the Israelis is to secure free passage through the straits of the Red Sea so it would not be under any political or economical pressure.The Israeli strategy in the Red Sea stands on certain bases.First, the necessity of Israel’s security that demands controlling the straits and waterways of the Red Sea and preventing any of its adversaries from controlling them.Secondly, the Red Sea is vital to Israel’s economic well being since it’s a maritime route to the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean’s and links it to Asian and African trading markets.The Israelis even set their own goals dealing with the Red Sea region, which are:1.) To secure free navigation on the Red Sea2.) To accomplish a strategic depth in the Red Sea, which enable Israel to monitor the Arab military in this region3.) To break any Arab blockade on any of the Red Sea straits, waterways or on the Israeli ships4.) To guarantee and secure the civilian line and military lines in the Red Sea which are directed to the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal or to the Indian Ocean through the Strait of Bab Al-Mandab.”Webster Tarpley in his assessment of the situation points out that the objective in Yemen is to break it up into micro-states and mini-states. And there are at least four groups that can be used to facilitate this. To the north are the Shiite Houthie rebels who are supported by Iran and fighting in opposition to the central government. Then we have the Saudi backed Sunni who are in support of the central government. Throw in some hard lined Communist left-overs from the old soviet days and a bunch of Guantanamo ex-cons and escaped prisoners joining the CIA…uh, I mean…al-Queda and you’ve got the makings of one hell of a party!And of course after they get through killing each other off and pieces of Yemen start breaking into sub-regions and enclaves, Obama can step in with his Nobel prize in hand and offer humanitarian aid and assistance; which essentially means Wall Street, Tel-Aviv and London coming in for the kill under the President’s left cover.
And by the time its all over, the U.S. will have set a nice little table for its client state Israel to feast upon.
L'OTAN prevoit une invasion terrestre officielle le 11 Mars 2011. Les israeliens de France, Angleterre et Etats-Unis feront sauter des puits de petrole pour justifier l'invasion selon toute vraisemblance
URGENT : "Ceux" qui ont fait sauter les puits de pétrole au Koweït en 1991, vont faire sauter quelques puits de pétrole en Lybie !
{Mise a jour (10 Mars 2011, 15H03 GMT) : Et voila le travail, des 'troupes de Al Qaeddafi' auraient mis le feu a des puits de petrole libyens... a la Saddam Hussein. Ce sont en fait les israeliens qui viennent de mettre le feu a plusieurs puits pour provoquer une invasion et pendant ce temps ils continuent a hatiser les flammes de la guerre civile. Ce scenario se reproduira en Algerie. Voir lien Abu-Suleyman }
Par Christian Basano,

"Ils" vont bien évidemment accuser Kadhafi... et le Conseil de Sécurité de l'Onu votera une résolution qui sera adoptée à l'unanimité pour envahir la Lybie. Les troupes américaines sont déjà prêtes...
7 hommes des commandos spéciaux britanniques SAS viennent de se faire prendre comme des bleus sur le sol libyen !
Et, avec la méthode révolutionnaire mise au point par Joseph Ferrayé, ils seront très rapidement éteints!!!
Messieurs les militaires non corrompus, réveillez-vous !
"Ils" vont bien évidemment accuser Kadhafi... et le Conseil de Sécurité de l'Onu votera une résolution qui sera adoptée à l'unanimité pour envahir la Lybie. Les troupes américaines sont déjà prêtes...
7 hommes des commandos spéciaux britanniques SAS viennent de se faire prendre comme des bleus sur le sol libyen !
Et, avec la méthode révolutionnaire mise au point par Joseph Ferrayé, ils seront très rapidement éteints!!!
Messieurs les militaires non corrompus, réveillez-vous !
"Operation Libya" and the Battle for Oil: Redrawing the Map of Africa
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky,
The geopolitical and economic implications of a US-NATO led military intervention directed against Libya are far-reaching.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
"Operation Libya" is part of the broader military agenda in the Middle East and Central Asia which consists in gaining control and corporate ownership over more than sixty percent of the world's reserves of oil and natural gas, including oil and gas pipeline routes.
"Muslim countries including Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Nigeria, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, possess between 66.2 and 75.9 percent of total oil reserves, depending on the source and methodology of the estimate." (See Michel Chossudovsky, The "Demonization" of Muslims and the Battle for Oil, Global Research, January 4, 2007) .
With 46.5 billion barrels of proven reserves, (10 times those of Egypt), Libya is the largest oil economy in the African continent followed by Nigeria and Algeria (Oil and Gas Journal). In contrast, US proven oil reserves are of the order of 20.6 billion barrels (December 2008) according to the Energy Information Administration. U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves)
The most recent estimates place Libya's oil reserves at 60 billion barrels. Its gas reserves at 1,500 billion m3. Its production has been between 1.3 and 1.7 million barrels a day, well below its productive capacity. Its longer term objective is three million b/d and a gas production of 2,600 million cubic feet a day, according to figures of the National Oil Corporation (NOC).
The (alternative) BP Statistical Energy Survey (2008) places Libya's proven oil reserves at 41.464 billion barrels at the end of 2007 which represents 3.34 % of the world's proven reserves. (Mbendi Oil and Gas in Libya - Overview).
Oil is the "Trophy" of US-NATO led Wars
An invasion of Libya under a humanitarian mandate would serve the same corporate interests as the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq. The underlying objective is to take possession of Libya's oil reserves, destabilize the National Oil Corporation (NOC) and eventually privatize the country's oil industry, namely transfer the control and ownership of Libya's oil wealth into foreign hands.
The National Oil Corporation (NOC) is ranked 25 among the world’s Top 100 Oil Companies. (The Energy Intelligence ranks NOC 25 among the world’s Top 100 companies. -
The planned invasion of Libya, which is already underway is part of the broader "Battle for Oil". Close to 80 percent of Libya’s oil reserves are located in the Sirte Gulf basin of Eastern Libya. (See map below)
Libya is a Prize Economy. "War is good for business". Oil is the trophy of US-NATO led wars.
Wall Street, the Anglo-American oil giants, the US-EU weapons producers would be the unspoken beneficiaries of a US-NATO led military campaign directed against Libya.
Libyan oil is a bonanza for the Anglo-American oil giants. While the market value of crude oil is currently well in excess of 100 dollars a barrel, the cost of Libyan oil is extremely low, as low as $1.00 a barrel (according to one estimate). As one oil market expert commented somewhat cryptically:
"At $110 on the world market, the simple math gives Libya a $109 profit margin." (Libya Oil, Libya Oil One Country's $109 Profit on $110 Oil, March 12, 2008)
Foreign Oil Interests in Libya
Foreign oil companies operating prior to the insurrection in Libya include France's Total, Italy's ENI, The China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC), British Petroleum, the Spanish Oil consortium REPSOL, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Occidental Petroleum, Hess, Conoco Phillips.
Of significance, China plays a central role in the Libyan oil industry. The China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) had until its repatriation a Chinese workforce in Libya of 30,000. British Petroleum (BP) in contrast had a British workforce of 40 which ahs been repatriated.
Eleven percent (11%) of Libyan oil exports are channelled to China. While there are no figures on the size and importance of CNPC's production and exploration activities, there are indications that they are sizeable.
More generally, China's presence in North Africa is considered by Washington to constitute an intrusion. From a geopolitical standpoint, China is an encroachment. The military campaign directed against Libya is intent upon excluding China from North Africa.
Also of importance is the role of Italy. ENI, the Italian oil consortium puts out 244,000 barrels of gas and oil, which represents almost 25 percent of Libya's total exports. ( Sky News: Foreign oil firms halt Libyan operations, February 23, 2011).
Among US companies in Libya, Chevron and Occidental Petroleum (Oxy) decided barely 6 months ago (October 2010) not to renew their oil and gas exploration licenses in Libya. (Why are Chevron and Oxy leaving Libya?: Voice of Russia, October 6, 2010). In contrast, in November 2010, Germany's oil company, R.W. DIA E signed a far-reaching agreement with Libya's National Oil Corporation (NOC) involving exploration and production sharing. AfricaNews - Libya: German oil firm signs prospecting deal - The AfricaNews,
The financial stakes as well as "the spoils of war" are extremely high. The military operation is intent upon dismantling Libya's financial institutions as well as confiscating billions of dollars of Libyan financial assets deposited in Western banks.
It should be emphasised that Libya's military capabilities, including its air defense system are weak.

Libya Oil Concessions
Redrawing the Map of Africa
Libya has the largest oil reserves in Africa. The objective of US-NATO interference is strategic: it consists in outright theft, in stealing the nation's oil wealth under the disguise of a humanitarian intervention.
This military operation is intent upon establishing US hegemony in North Africa, a region historically dominated by France and to lesser extent by Italy and Spain.
With regard to Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria, Washington's design is to weaken the political links of these countries to France and push for the installation of new political regimes which have a close rapport with the US. This weakening of France as part of a US imperial design is part of a historical process which goes back to the wars in Indochina.
US-NATO intervention leading to the eventual formation of a US puppet regime is also intent upon excluding China from the region and edging out China's National Petroleum Corp (CNPC). The Anglo-American oil giants including British Petroleum which signed an exploration contract in 2007 with the Ghadaffi government are among the potential "beneficiaries" of the proposed US-NATO military operation.
More generally, what is at stake is the redrawing of the map of Africa, a process of neo-colonial redivision, the scrapping of the demarcations of the 1884 Berlin Conference, the conquest of Africa by the United States in alliance with Britain, in a US-NATO led operation.
The colonial redivision of Africa. 1913
Libya: Strategic Saharan Gateway to Central Africa
Libya has borders with several countries which are France's sphere of influence including Algeria, Tunisia, Niger and Chad.
Chad is potentially an oil rich economy. ExxonMobil and Chevron have interests in Southern Chad including a pipeline project. Southern Chad is a gateway into the Darfur region of Sudan, which is also strategic in view of its oil wealth.
China has oil interests in both Chad and Sudan. The China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) signed a farreaching agreement with the Chad government in 2007.
Niger is strategic to the United States in view of its extensive reserves of uranium. At present, France dominates the uranium industry in Niger through the French nuclear conglomerate Areva, formerly known as Cogema. China also has a stake in Niger's uranium industry.
More generally, the Southern border of Libya is strategic for the United States in its quest to extend its sphere of influence in Francophone Africa, a vast territory extending from North Africa to Central and Western Africa. Historically this region was part of France and Belgium's colonial empires, the borders of which were established at the Berlin Conference of 1884.
The US played a passive role at the 1884 Berlin Conference. This new 21st Century redivision of the African continent, predicated on the control over oil, natural gas and strategic minerals (cobalt, uranium, chromium, manganese, platinum and uranium) largely supports dominant Anglo-American corporate interests.
US interference in North Africa redefines the geopolitics of an entire region. It undermines China and overshadows the influence of the European Union.
This new redivision of Africa not only weakens the role of the former colonial powers (including France and Italy) in North Africa. it is also part of a broader process of displacing and weakening France (and Belgium) over a large part of the African continent.
US puppet regimes have been installed in several African countries which historically were in the sphere of influence of France (and Belgium), including The Republic of the Congo and Rwanda. Several countries in West Africa within the sphere of France (including Côte d'Ivoire) are slated to become US proxy states.
The European Union is heavily dependent on the flow of Libyan oil. 85 percent of its oil is sold to European countries. In the case of a war with Libya, the supply of petroleum to Western Europe could be disrupted, largely affecting Italy, France and Germany, which are heavily dependent on Libyan oil. The implications of these disruptions are far-reaching. They also have direct bearing on the relationship between the US and the European Union.
Concluding Remarks
The mainstream media through massive disinformation is complicit in justifying a military agenda which, if carried out, would have devastating consequences not only for the Libyan people: the social and economic impacts would be felt Worldwide.
There are at present three distinct war theaters in the broader Middle East Central Asian region: Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq. In the case of an attack on Libya, a fourth war theater would be opened up in North Africa, with the risk of military escalation.
Public opinion must take cognizance of the hidden agenda behind this alleged humanitarian undertaking, heralded by the heads of state and heads of government of NATO countries as a "Just War". The Just War theory in both its classical and contemporary versions upholds war as a "humanitarian operation". It calls for military intervention on ethical and moral grounds against "rogue states" and "Islamic terrorists". The Just war theory demonizes the Ghadaffi regime while providing
The heads of state and heads of government of NATO countries are the architects of war and destruction in Iraq and Afghanistan. In an utterly twisted logic, they are heralded as the voices of reason, as the representatives of the "international community".
Realities are turned upside down. A humanitarian intervention is launched by war criminals in high office, who are the guardians of the Just War theory.
Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo,... Civilian casualties in Pakistan resulting from US drone attacks on town and villages, ordered by president Obama are not front page news, nor are the 2 million civilian deaths in Iraq. There is no such thing as a "Just War".
The history of US imperialism should be understood. The 2000 Report of the Project of the New American Century entitled "Rebuilding Americas' Defenses" calls for the implementation of a long war, a war of conquest. One of the main components of this military agenda is: to "Fight and decisively win in multiple, simultaneous theater wars".
Operation Libya is part of that process. It is another theater in the Pentagon's logic of "simultaneous theater wars".
The PNAC document faithfully reflects the evolution of US military doctrine since 2001. The US plans to be involved simultaneously in several war theaters in different regions of the World.
While protecting America, namely "National Security" of the United States of America is upheld as an objective, the PNAC report does spell out why these multiple theater wars are required. The humanitarian justification is not mentioned.
What is the purpose of America's military roadmap?
Libya is targeted because it is one among several remaining countries outside America's sphere of influence, which fail to conform to US demands. Libya is a country which has been selected as part of a military "road map" which consists of "multiple simultaneous theater wars". In the words of former NATO Commander Chief General Wesley Clark:
"in the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.... (Wesley Clark, Winning Modern Wars, p. 130).
Part I
Insurrection and Military Intervention: The US NATO Attempted Coup d'Etat in Libya?
Part III"War is Good for Business": The Libya Insurrection has Triggered a Surge in Oil Prices. Speculators Applaud... (forthcoming)
Global Research Articles by Michel Chossudovsky
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky,The geopolitical and economic implications of a US-NATO led military intervention directed against Libya are far-reaching.Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US."Operation Libya" is part of the broader military agenda in the Middle East and Central Asia which consists in gaining control and corporate ownership over more than sixty percent of the world's reserves of oil and natural gas, including oil and gas pipeline routes."Muslim countries including Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Nigeria, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, possess between 66.2 and 75.9 percent of total oil reserves, depending on the source and methodology of the estimate." (See Michel Chossudovsky, The "Demonization" of Muslims and the Battle for Oil, Global Research, January 4, 2007) .
With 46.5 billion barrels of proven reserves, (10 times those of Egypt), Libya is the largest oil economy in the African continent followed by Nigeria and Algeria (Oil and Gas Journal). In contrast, US proven oil reserves are of the order of 20.6 billion barrels (December 2008) according to the Energy Information Administration. U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves)
The most recent estimates place Libya's oil reserves at 60 billion barrels. Its gas reserves at 1,500 billion m3. Its production has been between 1.3 and 1.7 million barrels a day, well below its productive capacity. Its longer term objective is three million b/d and a gas production of 2,600 million cubic feet a day, according to figures of the National Oil Corporation (NOC).
The (alternative) BP Statistical Energy Survey (2008) places Libya's proven oil reserves at 41.464 billion barrels at the end of 2007 which represents 3.34 % of the world's proven reserves. (Mbendi Oil and Gas in Libya - Overview).
Oil is the "Trophy" of US-NATO led WarsAn invasion of Libya under a humanitarian mandate would serve the same corporate interests as the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq. The underlying objective is to take possession of Libya's oil reserves, destabilize the National Oil Corporation (NOC) and eventually privatize the country's oil industry, namely transfer the control and ownership of Libya's oil wealth into foreign hands.The National Oil Corporation (NOC) is ranked 25 among the world’s Top 100 Oil Companies. (The Energy Intelligence ranks NOC 25 among the world’s Top 100 companies. - planned invasion of Libya, which is already underway is part of the broader "Battle for Oil". Close to 80 percent of Libya’s oil reserves are located in the Sirte Gulf basin of Eastern Libya. (See map below)Libya is a Prize Economy. "War is good for business". Oil is the trophy of US-NATO led wars.Wall Street, the Anglo-American oil giants, the US-EU weapons producers would be the unspoken beneficiaries of a US-NATO led military campaign directed against Libya.Libyan oil is a bonanza for the Anglo-American oil giants. While the market value of crude oil is currently well in excess of 100 dollars a barrel, the cost of Libyan oil is extremely low, as low as $1.00 a barrel (according to one estimate). As one oil market expert commented somewhat cryptically:"At $110 on the world market, the simple math gives Libya a $109 profit margin." (Libya Oil, Libya Oil One Country's $109 Profit on $110 Oil, March 12, 2008)Foreign Oil Interests in LibyaForeign oil companies operating prior to the insurrection in Libya include France's Total, Italy's ENI, The China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC), British Petroleum, the Spanish Oil consortium REPSOL, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Occidental Petroleum, Hess, Conoco Phillips.Of significance, China plays a central role in the Libyan oil industry. The China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) had until its repatriation a Chinese workforce in Libya of 30,000. British Petroleum (BP) in contrast had a British workforce of 40 which ahs been repatriated.Eleven percent (11%) of Libyan oil exports are channelled to China. While there are no figures on the size and importance of CNPC's production and exploration activities, there are indications that they are sizeable.More generally, China's presence in North Africa is considered by Washington to constitute an intrusion. From a geopolitical standpoint, China is an encroachment. The military campaign directed against Libya is intent upon excluding China from North Africa.Also of importance is the role of Italy. ENI, the Italian oil consortium puts out 244,000 barrels of gas and oil, which represents almost 25 percent of Libya's total exports. ( Sky News: Foreign oil firms halt Libyan operations, February 23, 2011).Among US companies in Libya, Chevron and Occidental Petroleum (Oxy) decided barely 6 months ago (October 2010) not to renew their oil and gas exploration licenses in Libya. (Why are Chevron and Oxy leaving Libya?: Voice of Russia, October 6, 2010). In contrast, in November 2010, Germany's oil company, R.W. DIA E signed a far-reaching agreement with Libya's National Oil Corporation (NOC) involving exploration and production sharing. AfricaNews - Libya: German oil firm signs prospecting deal - The AfricaNews,The financial stakes as well as "the spoils of war" are extremely high. The military operation is intent upon dismantling Libya's financial institutions as well as confiscating billions of dollars of Libyan financial assets deposited in Western banks.It should be emphasised that Libya's military capabilities, including its air defense system are weak.
Libya Oil Concessions
Redrawing the Map of AfricaLibya has the largest oil reserves in Africa. The objective of US-NATO interference is strategic: it consists in outright theft, in stealing the nation's oil wealth under the disguise of a humanitarian intervention.This military operation is intent upon establishing US hegemony in North Africa, a region historically dominated by France and to lesser extent by Italy and Spain.With regard to Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria, Washington's design is to weaken the political links of these countries to France and push for the installation of new political regimes which have a close rapport with the US. This weakening of France as part of a US imperial design is part of a historical process which goes back to the wars in Indochina.US-NATO intervention leading to the eventual formation of a US puppet regime is also intent upon excluding China from the region and edging out China's National Petroleum Corp (CNPC). The Anglo-American oil giants including British Petroleum which signed an exploration contract in 2007 with the Ghadaffi government are among the potential "beneficiaries" of the proposed US-NATO military operation.More generally, what is at stake is the redrawing of the map of Africa, a process of neo-colonial redivision, the scrapping of the demarcations of the 1884 Berlin Conference, the conquest of Africa by the United States in alliance with Britain, in a US-NATO led operation.The colonial redivision of Africa. 1913Libya: Strategic Saharan Gateway to Central AfricaLibya has borders with several countries which are France's sphere of influence including Algeria, Tunisia, Niger and Chad.Chad is potentially an oil rich economy. ExxonMobil and Chevron have interests in Southern Chad including a pipeline project. Southern Chad is a gateway into the Darfur region of Sudan, which is also strategic in view of its oil wealth.
China has oil interests in both Chad and Sudan. The China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) signed a farreaching agreement with the Chad government in 2007.
Niger is strategic to the United States in view of its extensive reserves of uranium. At present, France dominates the uranium industry in Niger through the French nuclear conglomerate Areva, formerly known as Cogema. China also has a stake in Niger's uranium industry.More generally, the Southern border of Libya is strategic for the United States in its quest to extend its sphere of influence in Francophone Africa, a vast territory extending from North Africa to Central and Western Africa. Historically this region was part of France and Belgium's colonial empires, the borders of which were established at the Berlin Conference of 1884.Source www.hobotraveler.comThe US played a passive role at the 1884 Berlin Conference. This new 21st Century redivision of the African continent, predicated on the control over oil, natural gas and strategic minerals (cobalt, uranium, chromium, manganese, platinum and uranium) largely supports dominant Anglo-American corporate interests.US interference in North Africa redefines the geopolitics of an entire region. It undermines China and overshadows the influence of the European Union.This new redivision of Africa not only weakens the role of the former colonial powers (including France and Italy) in North Africa. it is also part of a broader process of displacing and weakening France (and Belgium) over a large part of the African continent.US puppet regimes have been installed in several African countries which historically were in the sphere of influence of France (and Belgium), including The Republic of the Congo and Rwanda. Several countries in West Africa within the sphere of France (including Côte d'Ivoire) are slated to become US proxy states.The European Union is heavily dependent on the flow of Libyan oil. 85 percent of its oil is sold to European countries. In the case of a war with Libya, the supply of petroleum to Western Europe could be disrupted, largely affecting Italy, France and Germany, which are heavily dependent on Libyan oil. The implications of these disruptions are far-reaching. They also have direct bearing on the relationship between the US and the European Union.Concluding RemarksThe mainstream media through massive disinformation is complicit in justifying a military agenda which, if carried out, would have devastating consequences not only for the Libyan people: the social and economic impacts would be felt Worldwide.There are at present three distinct war theaters in the broader Middle East Central Asian region: Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq. In the case of an attack on Libya, a fourth war theater would be opened up in North Africa, with the risk of military escalation.Public opinion must take cognizance of the hidden agenda behind this alleged humanitarian undertaking, heralded by the heads of state and heads of government of NATO countries as a "Just War". The Just War theory in both its classical and contemporary versions upholds war as a "humanitarian operation". It calls for military intervention on ethical and moral grounds against "rogue states" and "Islamic terrorists". The Just war theory demonizes the Ghadaffi regime while providingThe heads of state and heads of government of NATO countries are the architects of war and destruction in Iraq and Afghanistan. In an utterly twisted logic, they are heralded as the voices of reason, as the representatives of the "international community".Realities are turned upside down. A humanitarian intervention is launched by war criminals in high office, who are the guardians of the Just War theory.Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo,... Civilian casualties in Pakistan resulting from US drone attacks on town and villages, ordered by president Obama are not front page news, nor are the 2 million civilian deaths in Iraq. There is no such thing as a "Just War".The history of US imperialism should be understood. The 2000 Report of the Project of the New American Century entitled "Rebuilding Americas' Defenses" calls for the implementation of a long war, a war of conquest. One of the main components of this military agenda is: to "Fight and decisively win in multiple, simultaneous theater wars".Operation Libya is part of that process. It is another theater in the Pentagon's logic of "simultaneous theater wars".The PNAC document faithfully reflects the evolution of US military doctrine since 2001. The US plans to be involved simultaneously in several war theaters in different regions of the World.While protecting America, namely "National Security" of the United States of America is upheld as an objective, the PNAC report does spell out why these multiple theater wars are required. The humanitarian justification is not mentioned.What is the purpose of America's military roadmap?Libya is targeted because it is one among several remaining countries outside America's sphere of influence, which fail to conform to US demands. Libya is a country which has been selected as part of a military "road map" which consists of "multiple simultaneous theater wars". In the words of former NATO Commander Chief General Wesley Clark:"in the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.... (Wesley Clark, Winning Modern Wars, p. 130).
Part I
Insurrection and Military Intervention: The US NATO Attempted Coup d'Etat in Libya?
Part III"War is Good for Business": The Libya Insurrection has Triggered a Surge in Oil Prices. Speculators Applaud... (forthcoming)
Global Research Articles by Michel Chossudovsky
L'agent sefarade de la DGSE Al Qaeddafi sait aussi que Sarkozy est directement impliqué dans l'assassinat de Rafik Hariri car celui-ci avait aidé Chirac, Lagardere et autres a detourné les retro-commissions des contrats Agosta et Sawari 2 sur des comptes au Moyen Orient et en Asie. Il semble que nous ne sommes plus les seuls a pouvoir pulveriser la ripoublique jacobino talmudo sioniste france-maconnique et ses elites racistes, genocidaires avant le debut de l'été! Il n'y aura pas d'elections en 2012 la revolution, la vraie est la ! France-Israel rend ton passeport et ta carte d'identité et DEGAGE A TEL AVIV ! ICI C'EST CHEZ NOUS !
Le fou malfaisant Sarkozy va-t-il entraîner la France dans une nouvelle guerre en Afrique du Nord pour faire taire un témoin gênant? Voilà qui arrangerait bien ses commanditaires Américains et Israéliens. Quant aux veaux....

Selon une source bien informée, voici le contenu de l’échange entre Nicolas Sarkozy et les deux représentants de l’opposition libyenne qu’il recevait ce matin à l’Elysée.
Les Libyens ont demandé au président français :
- de brouiller les transmissions militaires de l’armée de Kadhafi.
- de détruire le bunker du colonel.
- de neutraliser les trois aéroports qui lui servent à mener ses opérations (notamment la base de Syrte d’où partent l’essentiel des avions qui bombardent les villes à l’Ouest de Benghazi, et l’aéroport proche du Tchad où arrivent les mercenaires.)
- de reconnaître officiellement l’opposition, représentée par le Conseil exécutif, comme la seule autorité légitime.
- d’imposer une no fly zone.
Nicolas Sarkozy a tout accepté. Il a seulement expliqué que la zone d’exclusion aérienne sera probablement impossible à obtenir au Conseil de Sécurité.
Sur les frappes ciblées, il a dit qu’il allait, demain, demander aux Européens de mener une opération commune. Il a précisé que l’Allemagne était réticente. Il a dit qu’il était tout à fait hostile à une intervention sous pavillon de l’Otan (qu'autrement dit, il ne souhaite pas une participation des Etats-Unis).
Il a affirmé qu’en tout état de cause et si nécessaire la France effectuerait ces frappes elle-même.
C’est Bernard-Henry Lévy qui a facilité la rencontre. Il a téléphoné de Benghazi à Nicolas Sarkozy jeudi soir, alors qu’il se trouvait avec le patron du Conseil National de Transition et son porte-parole. Il a proposé au chef de l’Etat de rencontrer des représentants de cette opposition cette semaine, ce que Nicolas Sarkozy a accepté tout de suite.
Bernard-Henry Lévy était présent lors de la rencontre de ce matin. Sur son rôle, il dit : « Je suis peu suspect de complaisance avec Nicolas Sarkozy. Je suis en désaccord à peu près total avec tout ce qu’il fait ces temps-ci, souvent même choqué. Mais ce matin j’étais heureux et fier de la position prise par mon pays. »
Interrogé sur les risques d’une nouvelle intervention militaire occidentale dans un pays arabe, BHL a répondu : « Rien ne dit que cette neutralisation des bases de la mort sera l’œuvre d’une aviation européenne. Il y a au moins une aviation dans la région, celle de l’Egypte, qui a les moyens logistiques et la base pour le faire. »
Kadhafi menace de révéler un 'grave secret' sur Sarkozy
Le régime libyen a affirmé jeudi 10 mars, via son agence officielle, que la révélation d'un 'grave secret' allait entraîner la chute du président français Nicolas Sarkozy, peu après la reconnaissance par Paris du Conseil national de transition comme représentant du peuple libyen. L'agence officielle libyenne Jana a annoncé avoir 'appris qu'un grave secret va entraîner la chute de Sarkozy, voire son jugement en lien avec le financement de sa campagne électorale'.
Cette annonce, reprise par la télévision officielle, est survenue peu après la reconnaissance par Paris du Conseil national de transition (CNT) libyen, qui réunit l'opposition au régime du colonel Mouammar Kadhafi, comme le seul 'représentant légitime du peuple libyen' et sa décision d'envoyer prochainement un ambassadeur à Benghazi.
En outre, un responsable du ministère des affaires étrangères libyen a menacé de rompre tout lien diplomatique avec la France en raison de la reconnaissance par Paris du CNT. 'La Libye va réfléchir à rompre ses relations avec la France en raison d'informations circulant sur l'intervention dommageable de la France dans les affaires intérieures libyennes', a dit ce diplomate à l'agence Jana.

Notes :
La reconnaissance par Paris du Conseil national de transition (CNT), qui rassemble l'opposition au colonel Kadhafi, comme étant le "représentant légitime" du peuple libyen a provoqué la stupeur de ses partenaires européens, dont les ministres des Affaires étrangères se sont réunis jeudi à Bruxelles pour discuter de la Libye.
La décision française a suscité des réactions "réservées voire négatives" de la part de nombreux ministres des Affaires étrangères, a indiqué le ministre belge Steven Vanackere à l'issue de la réunion.
A Paris, une source proche du dossier a en outre déclaré, un peu plus tard, que le président Nicolas Sarkozy allait proposer à ses partenaires de l'UE des "frappes aériennes ciblées" en Libye, ainsi que le brouillage des systèmes de transmission du commandement de Mouammar Kadhafi.
"L'Italie ne participera pas à des frappes ciblées en terre libyenne", a aussitôt prévenu le ministre italien des Affaires étrangères Franco Frattini.
"Nous ne voulons pas être aspirés dans une guerre en Afrique du Nord", avait dit auparavant son homologue allemand Guido Westerwelle.
"La France a reconnu le Conseil national de transition comme étant le représentant légitime du peuple libyen", a annoncé à la presse un émissaire du CNT, Ali Essaoui, à l'issue d'un entretien avec M. Sarkozy à l'Elysée.
Cette information a été immédiatement confirmée par la présidence de la République, faisant de la France le premier pays à reconnaître le CNT en tant que seul représentant "légitime" du peuple libyen.
Paris a reçu le soutien du Parlement européen à Strasbourg qui a voté à une écrasante majorité une résolution demandant au chef de la diplomatie européenne, Catherine Ashton, d'"établir des relations avec le CNT" et d'"entamer le processus" menant à une reconnaissance officielle de cette instance.
Mme Ashton avait refusé la veille de soutenir la demande du CNT d'être reconnu comme étant la seule autorité légitime en Libye.
Les gouvernements européens sont en effet très divisés sur la conduite à tenir. Berlin juge la situation "encore trop confuse pour décider comment on doit procéder", a expliqué le secrétaire d'Etat allemand aux Affaires étrangères, Werner Hoyer.
Même si le gouvernement actuel est "discrédité", les structures d'un gouvernement de transition "ne sont pas encore claires", a-t-il souligné.
Le chef du gouvernement italien, Silvio Berlusconi, a jugé quant à lui "préférable d'attendre la position de l'ensemble de l'Union européenne".
M. Berlusconi a souligné que la démarche française représentait "la position d'un seul gouvernement".
"Le fait de reconnaître doit être une décision européenne, pas nationale", a renchéri Franco Frattini. "Nous reconnaissons les Etats, pas les groupes", a-t-il averti.
Une porte-parole du ministère britannique des Affaires étrangères a convenu que le CNT était "un interlocuteur valable", mais n'a pas parlé de "représentant légitime".
Nous reconnaissons le CNT "de facto", a pour sa part déclaré le chef de la diplomatie hongroise Janos Martonyi, en ajoutant que cette reconnaissance "n'avait pas de base juridique". "Nous devons être prudents", a dit M. Martonyi dont le pays assure actuellement la présidence de l'UE.
L'opposition libyenne poursuit néanmoins sa campagne de demande de reconnaissance. Le Premier ministre belge, Yves Leterme devait recevoir en fin d'après-midi deux de ses représentants et décider de l'attitude à observer.
La secrétaire d'Etat américaine Hillary Clinton a pour sa part annoncé son intention de rencontrer l'opposition libyenne lors de son déplacement au Caire la semaine prochaine.
Le fou malfaisant Sarkozy va-t-il entraîner la France dans une nouvelle guerre en Afrique du Nord pour faire taire un témoin gênant? Voilà qui arrangerait bien ses commanditaires Américains et Israéliens. Quant aux veaux.... Selon une source bien informée, voici le contenu de l’échange entre Nicolas Sarkozy et les deux représentants de l’opposition libyenne qu’il recevait ce matin à l’Elysée.
Les Libyens ont demandé au président français :
- de brouiller les transmissions militaires de l’armée de Kadhafi.
- de détruire le bunker du colonel.
- de neutraliser les trois aéroports qui lui servent à mener ses opérations (notamment la base de Syrte d’où partent l’essentiel des avions qui bombardent les villes à l’Ouest de Benghazi, et l’aéroport proche du Tchad où arrivent les mercenaires.)
- de reconnaître officiellement l’opposition, représentée par le Conseil exécutif, comme la seule autorité légitime.
- d’imposer une no fly zone.
Nicolas Sarkozy a tout accepté. Il a seulement expliqué que la zone d’exclusion aérienne sera probablement impossible à obtenir au Conseil de Sécurité.
Sur les frappes ciblées, il a dit qu’il allait, demain, demander aux Européens de mener une opération commune. Il a précisé que l’Allemagne était réticente. Il a dit qu’il était tout à fait hostile à une intervention sous pavillon de l’Otan (qu'autrement dit, il ne souhaite pas une participation des Etats-Unis).
Il a affirmé qu’en tout état de cause et si nécessaire la France effectuerait ces frappes elle-même.
C’est Bernard-Henry Lévy qui a facilité la rencontre. Il a téléphoné de Benghazi à Nicolas Sarkozy jeudi soir, alors qu’il se trouvait avec le patron du Conseil National de Transition et son porte-parole. Il a proposé au chef de l’Etat de rencontrer des représentants de cette opposition cette semaine, ce que Nicolas Sarkozy a accepté tout de suite.
Bernard-Henry Lévy était présent lors de la rencontre de ce matin. Sur son rôle, il dit : « Je suis peu suspect de complaisance avec Nicolas Sarkozy. Je suis en désaccord à peu près total avec tout ce qu’il fait ces temps-ci, souvent même choqué. Mais ce matin j’étais heureux et fier de la position prise par mon pays. »
Interrogé sur les risques d’une nouvelle intervention militaire occidentale dans un pays arabe, BHL a répondu : « Rien ne dit que cette neutralisation des bases de la mort sera l’œuvre d’une aviation européenne. Il y a au moins une aviation dans la région, celle de l’Egypte, qui a les moyens logistiques et la base pour le faire. »
Kadhafi menace de révéler un 'grave secret' sur Sarkozy
Le régime libyen a affirmé jeudi 10 mars, via son agence officielle, que la révélation d'un 'grave secret' allait entraîner la chute du président français Nicolas Sarkozy, peu après la reconnaissance par Paris du Conseil national de transition comme représentant du peuple libyen. L'agence officielle libyenne Jana a annoncé avoir 'appris qu'un grave secret va entraîner la chute de Sarkozy, voire son jugement en lien avec le financement de sa campagne électorale'.
Cette annonce, reprise par la télévision officielle, est survenue peu après la reconnaissance par Paris du Conseil national de transition (CNT) libyen, qui réunit l'opposition au régime du colonel Mouammar Kadhafi, comme le seul 'représentant légitime du peuple libyen' et sa décision d'envoyer prochainement un ambassadeur à Benghazi.
En outre, un responsable du ministère des affaires étrangères libyen a menacé de rompre tout lien diplomatique avec la France en raison de la reconnaissance par Paris du CNT. 'La Libye va réfléchir à rompre ses relations avec la France en raison d'informations circulant sur l'intervention dommageable de la France dans les affaires intérieures libyennes', a dit ce diplomate à l'agence Jana.Notes :
La reconnaissance par Paris du Conseil national de transition (CNT), qui rassemble l'opposition au colonel Kadhafi, comme étant le "représentant légitime" du peuple libyen a provoqué la stupeur de ses partenaires européens, dont les ministres des Affaires étrangères se sont réunis jeudi à Bruxelles pour discuter de la Libye.
La décision française a suscité des réactions "réservées voire négatives" de la part de nombreux ministres des Affaires étrangères, a indiqué le ministre belge Steven Vanackere à l'issue de la réunion.
A Paris, une source proche du dossier a en outre déclaré, un peu plus tard, que le président Nicolas Sarkozy allait proposer à ses partenaires de l'UE des "frappes aériennes ciblées" en Libye, ainsi que le brouillage des systèmes de transmission du commandement de Mouammar Kadhafi.
"L'Italie ne participera pas à des frappes ciblées en terre libyenne", a aussitôt prévenu le ministre italien des Affaires étrangères Franco Frattini.
"Nous ne voulons pas être aspirés dans une guerre en Afrique du Nord", avait dit auparavant son homologue allemand Guido Westerwelle.
"La France a reconnu le Conseil national de transition comme étant le représentant légitime du peuple libyen", a annoncé à la presse un émissaire du CNT, Ali Essaoui, à l'issue d'un entretien avec M. Sarkozy à l'Elysée.
Cette information a été immédiatement confirmée par la présidence de la République, faisant de la France le premier pays à reconnaître le CNT en tant que seul représentant "légitime" du peuple libyen.
Paris a reçu le soutien du Parlement européen à Strasbourg qui a voté à une écrasante majorité une résolution demandant au chef de la diplomatie européenne, Catherine Ashton, d'"établir des relations avec le CNT" et d'"entamer le processus" menant à une reconnaissance officielle de cette instance.
Mme Ashton avait refusé la veille de soutenir la demande du CNT d'être reconnu comme étant la seule autorité légitime en Libye.
Les gouvernements européens sont en effet très divisés sur la conduite à tenir. Berlin juge la situation "encore trop confuse pour décider comment on doit procéder", a expliqué le secrétaire d'Etat allemand aux Affaires étrangères, Werner Hoyer.
Même si le gouvernement actuel est "discrédité", les structures d'un gouvernement de transition "ne sont pas encore claires", a-t-il souligné.
Le chef du gouvernement italien, Silvio Berlusconi, a jugé quant à lui "préférable d'attendre la position de l'ensemble de l'Union européenne".
M. Berlusconi a souligné que la démarche française représentait "la position d'un seul gouvernement".
"Le fait de reconnaître doit être une décision européenne, pas nationale", a renchéri Franco Frattini. "Nous reconnaissons les Etats, pas les groupes", a-t-il averti.
Une porte-parole du ministère britannique des Affaires étrangères a convenu que le CNT était "un interlocuteur valable", mais n'a pas parlé de "représentant légitime".
Nous reconnaissons le CNT "de facto", a pour sa part déclaré le chef de la diplomatie hongroise Janos Martonyi, en ajoutant que cette reconnaissance "n'avait pas de base juridique". "Nous devons être prudents", a dit M. Martonyi dont le pays assure actuellement la présidence de l'UE.
L'opposition libyenne poursuit néanmoins sa campagne de demande de reconnaissance. Le Premier ministre belge, Yves Leterme devait recevoir en fin d'après-midi deux de ses représentants et décider de l'attitude à observer.
La secrétaire d'Etat américaine Hillary Clinton a pour sa part annoncé son intention de rencontrer l'opposition libyenne lors de son déplacement au Caire la semaine prochaine.