Le chantage a l'antisemitisme
Israel multiplie les provocations racistes contre les peuples Musulmans dans le but de declencher une nouvelle guerre durant ce mois de Ramadan
l’occupation sioniste devra assumer les conséquences de ses crimes à Kalandia.
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Gaza – CPI
Le Mouvement de la résistance islamique "Hamas" condamne fermement les crimes odieux contre le peuple palestinien dans le camp de réfugiés de Kalandia, près d’Al Qods occupée, le premier jour du mois de Ramadan.
Dans une déclaration publiée par son bureau de presse, le mouvement de la résistance a déclaré : "Nous condamnons fortement ce crime. L’occupation sera entièrement responsable des conséquences des horribles assassinats commis avec atrocité et barbarisme par des soldats appartenant à la brigade "Kfir" de l'armée d'occupation, auxquels a été confiée la tâche de commettre les crimes les plus odieux contre notre peuple en Cisjordanie." "Hamas" a averti l'entité sioniste des conséquences si elle continue à commettre des crimes contre les civils innocents du peuple palestinien. Le mouvement a rappelé aux services de sécurité de l'AP, à Ramallah : « La protection du peuple palestinien contre la machine de guerre sioniste et de ces incursions en Cisjordanie est une responsabilité politique et morale. » Soumis a une intense pression, le fusible du mossad, Gueant met en place en France les memes methodes utilisées lors de la guerre civile en Algerie dans les années 1990. D'abord, il crée des groupes de 'voisins vigilants' une espece de reseaux de harkis qui se feront bientot appelés 'patriotes', travaillant pour les services sous couvert de 'legitime defense'. Puis les escadrons de la mort, ' les GIAs' (groupes des israeliens armés), frapperont, couverts par l'etat et en relation directe avec l'OTAN. Comme deja vu en 2005 lors des incendies volontaires de foyers et d'hotels ou residaient des familles africaines, les provocations et la degradations des lieux de culte musulmans et autres cimetieres, le mitraillage de mosquees et de commerces musulmans, des emeutes fabriquées de toutes pieces dans les banlieues, le tout pour faire passer Sarkozy par la force en 2012. Or la guerre civile, comme on a pu le voir en Norvege est un objectif politique des classes dirigeantes sionistes en occident. L'extreme droite juive sioniste au pouvoir Sarkozy, Cameron, Merkel, tous des israeliens, portent une lourde responsabilité dans les attentats d'Oslo, ils preparent la guerre civile et le chaos dans le but de proteger et renforcer les politiques pro-israeliennesPoussées pétainistes : Guéant promeut la délation dans les quartiers
27 juillet 2011 (Nouvelle Solidarité) — Nicolas Sarkozy aime bien jouer les durs en matière de sécurité alors qu’en réalité, avec le non-remplacement d’un fonctionnaire sur deux imposé par la révision générale des politiques publiques (RGPP), les coupes sont claires partout dans les budgets de la Police et de la Gendarmerie.
Comment faire face alors à la montée de la criminalité, conséquence de la crise économique, du manque criant de repères dans la société, et de mauvaises exemples qui viennent d’en haut ? Comment regagner la confiance des Français à quelques mois des élections présidentielles alors que Marine Le Pen se maintient à 16 % dans les sondages ?
Claude Guéant a cru trouver l’idée géniale en demandant aux citoyens de jouer eux-mêmes aux vigilantes, c’est-à-dire à prendre eux-mêmes en main la justice, via des projets du type « voisins vigilants ».
Ce concept vicieux a d’abord été promu à Cour-Cheverny dans le Loir-et-Cher. Première étape : la Gendarmerie a été chargée de surveiller des zones beaucoup trop vastes par rapport à ses capacités à y assurer une présence suffisante ; deuxième étape : à l’été 2008, une vague de vols a eu lieu dans la zone résidentielle de Cour-Cheverny où dans ce paisible village de 2700 habitants, quinze villas ont été cambriolées en un mois ; troisième étape : furieux, les citoyens mettent en place des rondes et s’organisent en véritable milice civile et parfois armée, plongeant la préfecture dans l’embarras ; quatrième étape : pour éviter les dérapages, la Gendarmerie propose l’adoption du concept « voisins vigilants », testé déjà dans les Alpes Maritimes, où les citoyens créent leur propre réseau des « vigilantes » avec, comme dans l’ancienne RDA, un « référent » en contact avec la Gendarmerie pour chaque pâté de maisons.
D’après le Journal du Dimanche, « les habitants se mettent à l’affût, notent tout ce qui leur paraît douteux : inconnus qui rôdent, démarcheurs insistants, voitures au pas… Puis préviennent le référent du pâté de maisons, qui a son tour alerte la Gendarmerie ». Parmi les choses soi-disant « étranges » à signaler : « un rassemblement nocturne de jeunes qui vident des bières à proximité de leur école ».
Ce concept a d’abord été testé dans 29 communes des Alpes Maritimes ; désormais Claude Guéant a appelé tous les préfets à le « promouvoir » au niveau national.
Rappelons que ce concept de vigilantes est hérité de la Rome impériale, où la lutte contre les incendies, mais aussi l’arrestation des esclaves en fuite, ou des mendiants, était attribué à des vigiles urbani.
Livrer le pouvoir d’appliquer la justice à d’autres qu’aux autorités représentant l’Etat, chargées de veiller sur le bien commun, équivaut à « privatiser » la justice, à la donner à des personnes qui pourront s’en servir non pour protéger la collectivité mais pour défendre leurs intérêts les plus étroits.
Ceci ne peut conduire qu’aux pratiques de délation qu’on a constatées lors de l’occupation durant la deuxième guerre mondiale. Il faut, au contraire, rétablir une force de l’ordre au service des citoyens, ayant un sens de sa mission républicaine, rétribuée et formée pour être à la hauteur de cette tâche.
Que les citoyens tentent de se protéger eux-mêmes face à la défaillance de l’Etat est compréhensible. Le problème est, cependant, que ce n’est pas telle ou telle commune qui menace de prendre l’eau. Du fait des politiques financières de nos gouvernants, c’est la Maison France qui risque de couler.
Nous vous invitons donc, à exercer votre pleine vigilance citoyenne à l’égard des nos gouvernants au niveau national et surtout, à vous engager pleinement, et de façon totalement légitime, à les changer.
Massacre In Norway: Mossad Strikes Again Under ‘Lone Gunman’ Cover
The everyday murderous behavior of the world’s hegemonic powers, led by the exponentially powerful Zionist entity that has illegally occupied Palestine for 63 years, has split humanity right down the middle into two reactionary groups when a catastrophic event shakes the geopolitical sphere. The first group can be classified as “the sheep;” the oblivious, ignorant masses that believe anything and everything that the talking heads on the ‘fiction box’ known as the television tell them. “The sheep” believe that there is an international ‘Islamic’ terrorist organization known as Al-Qaeda that is responsible for a great majority of the world’s terror attacks. The sheep are unaware that Al-Qaeda doesn’t exist, it never has existed and it is nothing more than a creation of Zionist neo-conservative warmongers to be used as a psychological warfare tool by global intelligence agencies (1). This is because they are sheep. The second group can be classified as the “awakened.” The awakened wholeheartedly and emphatically reject what they hear and see on the fiction box, as it is owned and run by Zionists with an agenda firmly rooted in brainwashing, and when they hear of any ‘game-changing’ geopolitical event, they pin the blame on one of the aforementioned global intelligence agencies, with Israel’s Mossad sitting atop the mountain and America’s CIA, Britain’s MI-6 and India’s RAW providing support cohesively or individually depending upon the region. The evidence excavated by the ‘awakened’ shows deadly accuracy in their ‘pinning.’ The ‘Arabs’ or ‘Muslims’ reported by the Zionist media as the perpetrators of such attacks, if they actually exist that is, are always patsies. Not sometimes, but always. However, on July 22nd, 2011, the sheep and the awakened were taken by severe surprise when tragedy and horror struck the European nation of Norway. A man named Anders Behring Breivik, described by media outlets as a “right-wing Christian fundamentalist,” bombed the Norwegian Prime Minister’s office in the capital of Oslo and went on a shooting spree on Utøya Island that left at least 94 people dead, mostly teenagers (2). Was this man really responsible for such brutality, such carnage? Was the Zionist media telling the truth for once? Or was there something more to all of it? Something more, much more indeed. The evidence will show, that this “right-wing Christian fundamentalist” was simply the face of another Mossad false flag operation conducted under ‘lone gunman’ cover.
The Zionist media would like the public to believe that Anders Behring Breivik is a nut; a madman; a mentally disturbed ‘loner’ who simply lost it and carried out a heinous crime. 32 years old, no contact with his estranged father, immature with women, obsessed with the Dragon Age II video game and doped up on multiple doses of xenophobia (3), upon first glance, Breivik appears to be just that: a lunatic. But a first glance is never enough to truly solve a crime with implications that shake the foundations of the geopolitical establishment. Upon a second glance, a third and several more, Breivik is a Freemason, initiated in the Saint Johannes Lodge in Oslo in 2008 (4), an extreme bigot with strong anti-Muslim, anti-Arab, anti-immigrant sentiments, an avid Zionist who supports the genocidal Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Leiberman and his Yisrael Beitenu party and an endorser of racist, fascist and xenophobic Dutch Politician Geert Wilders (5). Wilders of course, is the tour-de-force behind the Netherlands’ shift towards solidarity with the Zionist entity and has infamously given his support to the violent, extremist Israeli settlers fully dedicated to ethnically cleansing every Palestinian from occupied Palestine (6). Breivik was ‘inspired’ by anti-Islamic Zionist ideologues like Daniel Pipes, Pam Geller and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch (7). The latter two are heavily funded by the Zionist power couple of Aubrey and Joyce Chernick, who have donated to the ADL and Zionist Organization of America for decades (8). Seemingly, in 2007, Breivik took his inspiration to new heights by directly contacting the Chernick-funded Geller through an email which she later posted on her website, the Zionist hate festival known as ‘Atlas Shrugs.’ In the message, Breivik moaned and groaned of increasing Muslim immigration to Oslo and boasted of the Zionist entity launching a strike against ‘all of its enemies’ in the Middle East. Breivik also drew inspiration from David Horowitz, the screaming Zionist neoconservative who not only funds Robert Spencer’s abhorrent Jihad Watch, but an entire network of anti-Muslim/anti-Arab organizations, including magazines, publishing firms, NGOs and student groups. Horowitz has also gone on record to state that all “Palestinians are Nazis (9).” Breivik frequently posted on the boards of the blog, ‘Document.no,’ run by Zionist propagandist and xenophobe Hans Rustad (10).
All of these connections to Zionist hatemongers and extremists coupled with his own despicable views on Arabs, Muslims and immigrants, culminated in Breivik’s 1,467-page manifesto entitled, ‘2083: A European Declaration of Independence.’ In the manifesto, Breivik described a war of epic proportions (in vivid detail) that would be waged by a Freemasonic reincarnation of the Knights Templar against Europe’s Muslim population. Just prior to the Oslo attacks on July 22nd, Breivik emailed this document to thousands of people (14). It is now readily available for anyone to read on a plethora of websites and blogs across the Internet. But there is something violently wrong with Breivik’s manifesto: large sections of it are plagiarized from the writings of the man widely accused of being the ‘Unabomber;’ outright copy-and-pasted (15). With all of Breivik’s links to the Zionist network of hasbara fellows and propagandists, the question begs to be asked: how much more of his manifesto was ‘plagiarized?’ Or was it completely composed by the aforesaid propagandists or like-similar elements then deposited online to reinforce the lone gunman narrative? Additionally, despite initially admitting that he was behind the assault on Oslo and Utøya Island, Breivik pleaded ‘not guilty’ in court on July 25th. While in court, he bragged that there were two more cells from the ‘Knights Templar’ network still at large, preparing to carrying out more attacks (16). This, by itself, is a strong indicator that Breivik was by no means alone in this slaughter of innocents. It is a strong indicator that Breivik is nothing more than the frontman of a larger operation, taking the fall for the team.
Prior to Anders Behring Breivik’s name hitting the airwaves, search engines and television sets across the globe, the Zionist media did what it normally does when there’s a terror attack: it blamed Islam and using its ever-expanding rolodex of buzz words including militants, terrorists, extremists, fundamentalists, jihadis, jihadists and Islamofascists, it attempted to convince the masses that this blame was rooted in fact. Well, as the usual case is, fact was nowhere near the Zionist media’s pathetic excuse for ‘reporting.’ ‘Analysts and experts’ from around the globe, America to Britain, began stating that the Norway attack was the work of al-Qaeda after the first reports rolled in regarding the bombing of the Prime Minister’s office in Oslo. When the second stream of reports rolled in about the savage shooting on Utøya Island, the ‘analysts and experts’ compared the attack to the Mumbai massacre of 2008 (17). This was the last thing that they should’ve done as the 26/11 attack in Mumbai has been completely debunked as an ‘Islamist’ op and fully exposed as a joint false flag operation between Mossad and India’s RAW, carried out to achieve regional objectives against Iran and Pakistan and cover up Zionist-Hindutvadi crimes against humanity in occupied Kashmir (18). But still, even after Breivik’s identity was exposed, the ‘experts’ and the media outlets that gave them a platform persisted. Zionist-run British media in particular did everything in its power to direct the world’s attention from Breivik’s blatant connections to the Zionist entity and Freemasonry, instead choosing to blame the attacks on ‘Islamism’ and Nazism {one of Israel’s favorite and most effective propaganda tools} (19). The most prominent ‘expert’ quoted during the Norway horror and the man who planted the ‘jihadist’ seed in the minds of the planet’s populace was US State Department Advisor and Center For Naval Analyses (CNA) agent Will McCants. McCants absurdly claimed that he received his information from the most ‘elite jihadi forum in the world.’ The Zionist-owned, Zionist-run New York Times ran McCants’ disgraceful story as fact and the hasbara mouthpieces commonly known as BBC, the Guardian and the Washington Post followed suit, even after McCants retracted his lie (20).
Not only has the Zionist media exhaustively worked to deflect Breivik’s adherence to Zionism and Freemasonry from the public eye via anti-Muslim, anti-Arab hate-rhetoric, but it has also exhaustively worked to maintain the ‘lone gunman’ theory. The evidence to counter this theory however, is far too overwhelming and damning to ignore.
“So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists and multiculturalists (23).” ~ Anders Behring Breivik.
This quote, from Breivik’s startling manifesto, has been completely repressed by the Zionist media. It’s no surprise why. This single declaration not only shows that Breivik is a militant Zionist, but one who is ready to shed blood for the usurping entity's ‘crusade against Muslims.’ Sick doesn’t begin to describe it. This critical revelation will be revisited in just a moment. As was the case with the attacks in New York City and Washington D.C. on September 11th, 2001, when multiple war games and terror drills were being conducted as Mossad’s false flag operation commenced (24), and the attacks against Britain on July 7th, 2005, when a terror drill involving mock bombings were being conducted just hours before another Mossad false flag operation unfolded (25), Norway also had its own pre-false-flag-op terror drill. 48 hours before carnage struck Oslo and Utøya Island, Oslo police staged a dramatic sham terror attack with bombs and firearms near the Oslo Opera House (26). Alone, this piece of information shatters the already fragile mainstream narrative; it displays foreknowledge. Someone knew that this was coming and nothing was done to stop it. Why? And who knew? The manner in which the unsuspecting innocents on Utøya Island were massacred was yelling at the top its lungs, “there is more than one shooter! There is more than one shooter!” And indeed there was. Multiple eyewitnesses confirm that at least two shooters were on the island, as bullets spilled blood from two different directions at the exact same time. The second shooter was described as ‘Nordic in appearance, tall, dark hair.’ The brutality of Breivik and this other gunman was also described. Eyewitnesses confirm that Breivik and his accomplice made sure whoever was shot, was shot dead, including a young boy who was already dying on the ground as the second shooter fired into him again to solidify the kill (27). Animalistic. And where were the police? Where were the ‘anti-terror’ units? SWAT? Anyone? Why did it take 90 minutes before any law enforcement showed up and why was access to their helicopters blocked (28)? In fact, why did this bloodshed even occur? Why wasn’t Breivik taken into custody back in March when he was put on a Norwegian Secret Service watchlist for purchasing massive amounts of fertilizer (29)? How was a man on an intelligence watchlist able to acquire such high-powered weaponry? And lastly, how did Norwegian police know Anders Behring Breivik’s name before they even arrived on Utøya Island and obtained visual identification of the suspect (30)?
And still, the plot thickens. Breivik honed his skills, perfected his tactics and learned how to develop bombs in pine forest ‘training camps’ with a ‘neo-Nazi’ group known as The Vikings (34). Intelligence sources from Pakistan and Norway have revealed to Mask of Zion that The Vikings are the farthest thing from neo-Nazis and have sinisterly used the label as a front. The Vikings are a proxy of the Zionist entity’s Mossad, and have served as the European branch of Israel’s Dragon Policy operation since 2001. Weapons, funds to build camps and set up cells and high-level paramilitary training have been provided to The Vikings by a Mossad team stationed in Oslo. Mossad’s movement between camps and headquarters was/is protected by its Freemasonic allies in Norway’s terribly corrupted security establishment. The Vikings are part of a 10-year operational ‘standby’ plan to balkanize any European nation that is not prepared to adhere to the Zionist regime’s ‘Greater Israel’ vision. Several cells have been set up throughout Europe with ‘sleeping orders,’ awaiting activation. Norway was the first target and the operations base. This intelligence is confirmed by Zionist asset and Breivik object of admiration Daniel Pipes, who just so happens to foresee Europe entering a state of “protracted civil conflict” in a matter of a few short years (35). Just two days after the Norway attacks, Zionist Defense Minister and war criminal Ehud Barak stated that “Israel must exert all efforts” in stopping UN recognition of a Palestinian state (bantustan) in September. He specifically mentioned Europe as Zionism’s main target in this mobilization (36). Terrorism has always been an Israeli speciality; was Barak referring to ‘exerting’ terrorism to ensure his objectives result in success? The Dragon Policy is one of Israel’s most successful and most murderous operations and Pakistan bears the scars. Mossad has collaborated with RAW in using the fake ‘Tehrik-I-Taliban’ to plunge the Islamic nation into chaos via car bombings and shootings en masse (37). The Zionist entity’s Dragon Policy has successfully struck Europe; Norway now bears the scars too.
Tentacles of Mossad Further Exposed The Anders Behring Breivik affair is not the first time the Israeli mass murder apparatus known as Mossad has meddled in Norway. On July 21, 1973, in the Norwegian resort town of Lillehammer, a Mossad hit squad shot dead a Moroccan waiter named Ahmed Bouchikhi in front of his pregnant wife. In a miserable, disgraced operation, the agents mistook Bouchikhi for Hassan Salameh, a PLO intelligence chief and premier Mossad target. The Norwegian government slammed the heinous crime as a serious violation of its sovereignty and despite the Zionist entity attempting to cover up its murderous behavior by paying blood money to Bouchikhi’s grieving family, Norway remained infuriated. The Nordic nation reopened the case in 1990 and tried for a decade to get a conviction before abandoning the case in disgust in 2000 (38). The ‘Lillehammer Affair’ was led by Mossad veteran Mike Harari, infamous for dealing $500 million worth of (Israeli) arms across Latin America and his role as advisor (read: handler) to US-Israeli intelligence asset and Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega (39). As confirmed by Norwegian police, the bomb used by Breivik in downtown Oslo at the Prime Minister’s office was in fact a car bomb (40). The car bomb is Mossad’s signature weapon. It has used this device in thousands of operations across occupied Iraq, in mosques of various sects, churches, homes, businesses and government buildings. Mossad has used the car bomb to effectively transform Iraq into an apocalyptic wasteland. It also used the car bomb for the operation at al-Qiddissin Church in Alexandria, Egypt and as mentioned in the previous section, in collaboration with India’s RAW, the car bomb has been Mossad’s weapon of choice in ravaging Pakistan (41). Even the materials used in Breivik’s bomb bear the signature of Mossad; the bomb was comprised of fertilizer and fuel, exactly like the bomb used in the Oklahoma City false flag attack on April 19th, 1995 (42). Unbeknownst to most, the Oklahoma City false flag attack was a Mossad operation, planned and executed by Zionist agents out of Elohim City, Oklahoma (43). In the aftermath of the devastating bloodshed, The Jerusalem Post, the militant right-wing Israeli newspaper and widely-known mouthpiece of the Tel Aviv regime, composed an editorial on July 24th shockingly telling Norway to look at the attack as “an opportunity to seriously reevaluate policies for immigration integration (44).” The immigrants that the Zionist writers are speaking of are Muslims of course. This was no mere editorial, it was a reinforcement of the threat made against Norway with the attacks.
In the modern era, no geopolitical analysis would be complete without the mentioning of the world’s ‘finest whistleblower,’ Wikileaks. Anders Behring Breivik stated that he had been planning his attack since 2009 and by some mystical, odd, magical coincidence, Wikileaks released ‘cables’ from 2009 on the exact same day of Breivik’s rampage that Norway was “in over its head” in regards to a terror attack, going further to state that Norway “felt immune to terrorism” and was “unprepared (48).” When it is taken into consideration that Julian Assange is an agent of the Rothschild family, the Zionist entity’s godfathers, and the Wikileaks organization is a Mossad-CIA ‘limited hangout operation’ designed to control dissent in a re-branding of COINTELPRO and attack ‘hostile’ nations with psychological warfare (49), it can easily be deducted that the release of these ‘cables’ was the usurping Israeli regime’s way of gloating as Norway coped with the tragedy. It is now known that Anders Behring Breivik traveled to the Zionist entity several times before the July 22nd operation (50). What isn’t known is what Breivik’s reasons were for traveling to Zionist-governed historic Palestine, but based on the evidence presented in the previous section, it is of the strongest likelihood that Breivik made pilgrimage to the occupied holy land to receive additional orders from his Tel Aviv paymasters. The target of Breivik and his accomplice in Oslo was Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and Breivik has now admitted that his target on Utøya Island was former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, commonly referred to as the ‘the mother of the nation (51).’ These were assassination attempts and they overtly wreak of Mossad involvement. But why didn’t Kidon, Mossad’s high-level assassination unit, pull the trigger directly? And furthermore, why didn’t Israel use its typical ‘Islamic fundamentalist’ patsies for the operation?
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces, Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, has gone on the record to state with no hesitation that Tel Aviv was behind the Norway atrocities. Major General Firouzabadi hit the nail on the head when he said that the Zionist regime is attempting to create divisions and deviations within Christianity and subsequently convince the world that ‘Christian’ Zionism is the real face of the Christian religion (53). Taking it a step further, the 7/22 false flag was meant to sow discord between Europe’s Christian and Muslim populations, which enjoy brotherly relations. Hopefully, both groups will see through the Zionist media lies and avoid the trap.
Despite the fact that the Norwegian government recognizes the illegitimate and criminal existence of the Zionist entity and has actively participated in the (Israeli-led) international conspiracy against Syria by slapping the Arab nation with sanctions (54), relations between Tel Aviv and Oslo have been anything but friendly. Assumably attained by Mossad, Israel has at least 169 articles on file that it considers “anti-Semitic” regarding Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Zionist regime has launched a full-scale hasbara assault against the Norwegian government to discredit these foreign policy positions (55). Israeli-Norwegian tension has been at an all-time high since the Zionist regime’s genocidal bombing of illegally besieged Gaza during Operation Cast Lead. During the bombardment, a prominent Norwegian physician named Dr. Mads Gilbert performed invaluable humanitarian work and documented Israel’s crimes against humanity in detail (56). Two months after Israel’s cold, calculated and murderous campaign of destruction in Gaza, Israeli Foreign Minister and object of Brevik’s admiration Avigdor Lieberman called for an ‘overall reassessment’ of the usurping Zionist entity’s relationship with Norway and demanded that the Norwegian state’s human rights observers in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron), placed there after psychotic Zionist mass murderer Baruch Goldstein brutally massacred 29 Palestinian men and children as they prayed on February 25, 1994, be thrown out (57). And so began the downward spiral. Shortly thereafter, heeding the call of the Palestinian Stop The Wall Campaign, Norway’s State Pension Fund completed its divestment from Israeli military contractor, Elbit Systems, a producer of death machines for the illegal entity and well-known occupation profiteer. Thanks to Norway’s decision, Danwatch, a top Danish financial watchdog, placed Elbit Systems on its blacklist and then the largest bank in Denmark replicated the motion (58). Norway’s next divestment was an even bigger statement, sending shockwaves through the upper echelons of Zionist financial circles. In August 2010, Norway’s Finance Ministry dumped the shares it had in the Zionist firms Africa Israel and Danya Cebus, both of which were heavily involved in illegal settlement construction in the occupied West Bank and occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem). Both of which are also owned by Israeli multi-billionaire Lev Leviev (59), a morally destitute blood diamond dealer who is intimately linked with the powerful Russian Jewish mafia and who has dedicated his life to the Zionist project, spending tens of millions to “judaize” all of criminally occupied Palestine (60). In 2011, Norway’s opposition to several objectives of international Zionism ascended its position in Tel Aviv from ‘annoying’ to ‘despised.’ On March 29th, Norwegian Education Minister Kristin Halvorsen’s Socialist Left Party released a proposal that was nothing short of earth-shattering: Halvorsen and her constituents called for military action against the Zionist entity if it attacked Hamas and the defenseless, starving, civilian population of illegally besieged Gaza (61). On June 27th, a humanitarian aid ship called the “Juliano,” for slain Palestinian-Jewish activist and director Juliano Mer-Khamis, was sabotaged in Greece. The ship was jointly owned by solidarity groups from Greece, Sweden and yes, Norway (62). Only a few days after the potentially life-threatening sabotage, former IOF chief of staff, war criminal and Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Ya’alon admitted with sickening braggadocio that IOF carried out the sabotage operation (63). The documentary “Tears of Gaza,” a powerful piece of film-making that walks the viewer through the ungodly devastation that the Zionist entity inflicted upon the coastal enclave during Operation Cast Lead and indicts it for crimes against humanity, was put together by Norwegian director and actress Vibeke Løkkeberg. It exposes Israel for the barbaric, soulless entity that it is through the eyes and words of the children it unleashed hell upon. Løkkeberg has come under heavy fire from various Zionists for the film (64). Just four days before the Mossad operation of July 22nd rocked Norway, the Norwegian Foreign Minister offered his support for the unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state that is expected to come at the UN in September (65). While ultimately, this is what the Zionist entity wants, for such a declaration would legitimize 63 years of ethnic cleansing and land theft since the criminal establishment of the usurping regime, it was expecting its European allies to go along with the charade in public. Norway didn’t play ball.
Norway’s acts of divestment, harsh rhetoric, righteous solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and exposés of Zionism’s crimes obviously and most certainly play a part in why the atrocities of July 22nd took place, but nothing infuriated the Zionist Power Configuration quite like the Norwegian decision to stop partaking in the hostilities against Libya. Back in May, Prime Minister Stoltenberg told reporters that the carnage in Libya required a political solution and his government then pledged to scale down its participation in the bloodthirsty bombing campaign before rounding out its ‘commitment’ on June 24th (67). Now, Norway has officially bowed out of the illegal aggression against Muammar Qaddafi and the people of Libya (68). Though it isn’t talked about enough, the ongoing demolition of the Libyan nation was 100% designed, instigated and carried out by Israel and its agents, using NATO as the ‘strongman’ to maliciously assault Qaddafi for his multiple ‘acts of war’ against the usurping regime and for the purpose of satisfying Israeli energy needs (69). And with the CIA-backed, Israeli-advised rebels becoming a more formidable international force, they are now ready to allow the Zionist regime occupying al-Quds to construct a military base in eastern Cyrenaica on a 30-year lease (70). Norway could no longer tow the Zionist line and go along with this plot. Israel made Norway pay.
Conclusion: A Bloody Anniversary and More Media Coverups While many will dismiss the idea of a Zionist-Masonic alliance as laughable, delusional or the all-time favorite, “conspiracy theory,” there is an undeniable link that exists between the Talmudic enclave built upon ethnically cleansed Palestinian land and the satanic secret society that has had a prominent, clandestine hand in world events for centuries. One needs to look no further than the buildings and lodges donated to the Zionist entity by its founders, the international banking giants and originators, the Rothschild family, who are rumored to “own” 80% of historic Palestine. Literally, Freemasonry is written all over each massive structure. The reason why this connection needs to be discussed is painfully significant. The Zionist regime is exceedingly precise in carrying out its intelligence operations of death and destruction on anniversaries, on Jewish holidays or on days with deeper, “spiritual” meaning in the Kabbalist-Masonic context of “sacred geometry.” Examples: Mossad’s false flag attack on September 11th, 2001; in Kabbalistic teaching, the numbers (9/11) represent the day in which the religion of the world becomes one of which that requires its followers to disbelieve in ‘God’ on earth and believe that all life on earth should be annihilated (71). Leading 9/11 researcher, journalist, writer, professor and scholar Kevin Barrett described the September 11th attacks as “a mass human sacrifice designed to ritually inaugurate a New World Order of global government by Satanists and atheists (72).” It is also 11 years to the day that George Bush’s father called for such a ‘New World Order.’ Next, one of Mossad’s false flag attacks in Mumbai and the infamous train bombings in Madrid; the events of both attacks were overwrought with Kabbalistic numerology, the destructive number 11 in particular (73). Also, the criminal, genocidal, Zionist invasions of Iraq and Libya; both nations were invaded on the twisted Jewish revenge holiday of Purim, in which the blood of the Amalekites (in this case, Arabs) must be spilled for the ‘Jewish people’ to rejoice in victory (74). And now: the 7/22 (‘oddly enough,’ the sum of the numbers is Kabbalistic 11) atrocities in Norway; 65 years to the day that terrorism in the Middle East was born, when the deranged and mass murdering Irgun militia, led by future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, bombed the King David Hotel in al-Quds, killing at least 92 people. This sanguinary operation paved the way for the Zionist entity to be established. It is an event that is celebrated to this day by Zionists, including the butcher of Gaza himself and current leader of the occupation, Benjamin Netanyahu (75). How did Israelis, the thieves of Palestine, react to the 7/22 terror attacks in Norway? Taking historical precedent, they celebrated. The Israeli daily Ynet called the murdered teenagers of Utøya Island “anti-Israeli hatemongers (76).” The Jerusalem Post called the Utøya Island activists murdered by Breivik attendees of a “pro-terrorist camp (77).” Israelis across the web hit the message boards to bash Norway’s martyrs and state repeatedly that they “got what they deserved” and cheer gleefully that the enemies of the Zionist entity had been killed (78). Appalling.
Meanwhile in occupied Afghanistan, hundreds of civilians, mostly women and children, have been killed by NATO machine guns, brutal air raids, helicopter assaults and Mossad-RAW car bombs every day for three weeks straight and excluding the Islamic Republic of Iran’s English-language Press TV, it has not been talked about anywhere. At all. Children being slaughtered like animals at the hands of men in possession of war machines and they are ignored as if they carpet in a cheap apartment. This Zionist-instigated criminal occupation, which has claimed millions of Afghan lives and destroyed millions of others, has become forgotten completely by the mainstream press and abysmally covered by the alternative press.
There is an echo in this danger; and once again, the echo is Freemasonic. In a letter dated August 15th, 1871, the highest-ranking Freemason in North America, General Albert Pike wrote to the highest-ranking Freemason in Europe and founder of the Italian mafia, Giuseppe Mazzini, mapping the plans for three world wars that would trigger the ‘New World Order.’ The last of which would be fought between Islam and political Zionism, destroying both and making way for a satanic one world religion that would be universally accepted as ‘savior’ by the world’s masses (82); a religion of consumerism, self-worship, capitalism, bigotry and the worst forms of depravity known to man; a religion that already exists. This plot is unfolding right before the very eyes of the world but the inability to see is of such severity, the plot grows stronger with each passing moment. Political Zionism as we know it today encompasses a vast network of lunatics, hatemongers, warmongers and zealots but none are as noteworthy (or as mentally disturbed) as the Christian Zionists who have taken the Zionist entity itself as their idol-god. The reference in Albert Pike’s letter to political Zionism was of Christian Zionism, the final, transmuted, dilapidated form of Christianity after centuries of Jewish-Zionist weakening, put on the altar to be sacrificed along with Islam, annihilating all “goyim” once and for all.
~ The End ~ Sources: (1) The Power Of Nightmares: The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear by Adam Curtis, BBC (2) Norway Attacks: Police Search Farm For Clues After Shooting, Explosion Leave 94 Dead by Michael Birnbaum, The Washington Post (3) Breivik And His Enablers by Roger Cohen, The New York Times (4) Was Norway Killer Anders Behring Breivik A Freemason? by Info Wars (5) Norway Suspect Laid Out Detailed Plans For Violence Against “Traitors,” Muslims by Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada (6) Dutch Islamophobe Geert Wilders Reaffirms Norway Killer’s Goals But Rejects Methods by Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada (7) Anders Behring Breivik, A Perfect Product Of The Axis Of Islamophobia by Max Blumenthal (8) Park51: A Zionist PSYOP by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion (9) About David Horowitz (Spencer’s Boss) by Spencer Watch (10) Neo-Cons And Muslim Haters by Phil Giraldi, Council For The National Interest (11) Norway Killer Anders Behring Breivik Had Extensive Links To English Defence League by Mark Hughes and Gordon Rayner, The Telegraph (12) English Defence League Forges Links With America’s Tea Party by Mark Townsend, The Guardian (13) The Billionaires Bankrolling The Tea Party by Frank Rich, The New York Times (14) Breivik Manifesto: What Does ‘2083' Mean? by The International Business Times (15) Norway Shooting: Anders Behring Breivik Plagiarised ‘Unabomber’ by Andrew Hough, The Telegraph (16) Defiant From The Dock, Breivik Boasts More Will Die by Mark Townsend and Simon Tisdall, The Guardian (17) The News Coverage Of The Norway Mass-Killings Was Fact-Free Conjecture by Charlie Brooker, The Guardian (18) 26/11: Mossad Terrorizes Mumbai by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion (19) While Ignoring Norway Terrorist’s Support Of Israel, Media Tries To Tie Attacks To Islamism, Nazism by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black (20) How A Clueless “Terrorism Expert” Set Media Suspicion On Muslims After Oslo Horror by Benjamin Doherty, The Electronic Intifada (21) Who We Are by CNA Analysis And Solutions (22) About Us: Leadership by CNA Analysis And Solutions (23) The Norway Shooter’s Zionist Streak by Michelle Goldberg, The Daily Beast (24) 9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion (25) 7/7: The Terror Drill, The Military Explosives, And The Israeli Connection by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black (26) Oslo Police Conducted Bombing Exercise Days Before Terrorist Blast by Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet (27) At Least Two Terrorists Behind Norwegian Youth Camp Massacre – Witnesses by Ria Novosti (28) Norway Police Arrive 90 Minutes After Firing Began by Ian MacDougall and Louise Nordstrom, Associated Press (29) Anders Breivik ‘Was On Norwegian Secret Service Watchlist’ After Buying Chemical Haul From Polish Retailer by Chris Slack, The UK Daily Mail (30) Police Knew Gunman’s Name Before Arrest by Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet (31) Secret Terror, The Price Of Ignorance: A Very Real Masonic Plot by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today (32) Freemasonry Is Kabbalah by 800 Pound Gorilla (33) Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight Of Three Thousand Years by Israel Shahak (rip) (34) Norway Nazi Was On Drugs by N. Syson, The UK Sun (35) Norway’s Terrorism In Context by Daniel Pipes, National Review Online (36) Barak: Focus On Europe To Stop UN Bid by Ma’an News Agency (37) 26/11 Revisited: Raymond Davis And A Travesty Of Justice by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion (38) Norway Solves Riddle Of Mossad Killing by Doug Mellgren, The Guardian (39) Norway Reopens Mossad Case Of Mistaken Identity by Patrick Cockburn, The Independent (40) Police Aren’t Ruling Out More Suspects In Norway Attacks by CNN (41) Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq And Egypt by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion (42) Norway Attack: 90 Minute Police Delay Gave Killer Time To Lure Some To Their Deaths by Larry McShane, New York Daily News (43) Lest We Forget – Oklahoma City Was More Than Likely A Trial Run Of 9/11 by Mark Glenn, Mark Dankof and Michael Collins Piper, The Ugly Truth; Oklahoma City Bombing Linked To Mossad By CBS News Investigative Reporter by Richard Volaar, Oped News (44) Norway’s Challenge by The Jerusalem Post (45) Terrorism Experts On Parade by Philip Giraldi, Antiwar.com (46) Evan Kohlmann: The Doogie Howser Of Terrorism by Spin Watch (47) The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre: Zionist Fingerprints All Over by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion (48) Wikileaks Files Show Norway Unprepared For Terror Attack by Mark Hughes, The Telegraph (49) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion (50) ‘Zionist Trail In Norway Terror Attacks’ by Press TV (51) Norway Shooting: Killer ‘Confirms Gro Harlem Brundtland Was Main Target’ by The Telegraph (52) Was The Massacre In Norway A Reaction To BDS? by Gilad Atzmon, My Cat Bird Seat (53) Zionists Behind Oslo Terror: Iran Cmdr. by Press TV (54) Norway Joins EU Sanctions Against Syria by Rolleiv Solholm, The Norway Post (55) Norway And Israel Political Relations by The Glaring Facts (56) Palestinian Civil Society Stands In Solidarity With Norway by Maureen Clare Murphy, The Electronic Intifada (57) Lieberman: Norway Too ‘Hostile’ To Have Monitors In Hebron by Barak Ravid, Haaretz (58) Scandinavian Financial Institutions Drop Elbit Due To BDS Pressure by Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada (59) Norway Government-Run Pension Fund Drops Africa Israel Group Shares by Shuki Sadeh, Haaretz (60) What Do Susan Sarandon, Alan Dershowitz And The Russian Mob Have In Common? by Richard Silverstein, Tikun Olam (61) Norway: Socialist Left Party To Vote On Motion Calling For Bombing Israel If It Acts Against Hamas In Gaza by Europe News (62) Gaza-Bound Ship “Juliano” Found Sabotaged In Greek Port by Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada (63) Israeli Deputy Prime Minister: Flotilla Sabotage Thanks To IDF by Richard Silverstein, Tikun Olam (64) ‘Tears Of Gaza’ – Lest Our Tears Dry Up by Susan Abulhawa, Mondoweiss (65) Norway Backs Palestinian Path To UN Statehood Vote by The Jerusalem Post (66) Was The Massacre In Norway A Reaction To BDS? by Gilad Atzmon, My Cat Bird Seat (67) Libya Solution More Political Than Military – Norway by Reuters (68) Norway Quits NATO’s Libya Mission Ahead Of Schedule by Agence France-Presse (69) Libya: The Zionist Dragon And The Drums Of War by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion (70) NATO’s Alternative Universe In Libya by Wayne Madsen, The San Francisco Bay View (71) 9/11: What Happened To The 10 by Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Ascent of Safed (72) Breathing A Word Of Truth About 9/11 Will Kill Your Career: Kevin Barrett; an interview by Kourosh Ziabari, Intifada Palestine (73) 7/7 9/11 Madrid Mumbai Kabbalistic Connection? by Divining The News (DVN) (74) Libya: The Zionist Dragon And The Drums Of War by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion (75) British Anger At Terror Celebration by Ned Parker and Stephen Farrell, The Times (76) The Hateful Norway Debate by Manfred Gerstenfeld, Ynet (77) The Region: The Oslo Syndrome by Barry Rubin, The Jerusalem Post (78) This Sick Glee In The Face Of A Terrorist Attack by Yossi Gurvitz, 972 Magazine; Israelis Debate On The Web: Did Norway Get What It Deserved? by J.J. Goldberg, The Jewish Daily Forward (79) Pure Evil: NATO Attacked Libyan Water Supply Pipeline And The Factory That Makes Replacement Pipes by Scott Creighton, Empire Strikes Black (80) BREAKING NEWS: Libyan Transitional Council Rebels In Total Disarray by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Research (81) Europe’s Right-Wing Populists Find Allies In Israel by Charles Hawley, Der Spiegel (82) Albert Pike’s 1871 Plan For Three World Wars by Liberty For Life Association La crise humanitaire en Somalie: Les Musulmans doivent se mobiliser dans la durée pour aider les 12 millions de personnes dans la corne Est de l'AfriqueLes groupes islamiques en Somalie ont reconnu la sécheresse, mais ont contesté les affirmations occidentales sur sa gravité.La Corne de l'Afrique connaît actuellement sa pire sécheresse depuis des décennies. Au début de ce mois-ci, Antonio Guterres, le chef de la Commission des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR), a visité un camp de réfugiés au Kenya en déclarant: «Je n'ai aucun doute que dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, la Somalie correspond à la pire catastrophe humanitaire que j'ai jamais vue dans un camp de réfugiés avec de telles conditions désespérées. »Par Salah Eddine Al-Masri,La Somalie dans le passé et le présent
La Corne de l'Afrique a souffert d'une histoire tumultueuse. En 1884, l'Europe a agrée l'invasion, l'occupation, la colonisation et l'annexion de l'Afrique. La Grande Bretagne, la France et l'Italie ont réclamé les différentes parties de la région maintenant connue comme la Somalie. Depuis 40 ans, la Grande-Bretagne contrôle le nord de la Somalie en raison de son accès à la mer Rouge, les Italiens tiennent le sud de la Somalie tandis que la France contrôle le Djibouti voisin.
Les deux territoires britannique et italien ont obtenu l'indépendance" en 1960 et ont fusionné pour former la Somalie des temps modernes. Le président en exercice de la Somalie a été assassiné dans un coup d’État militaire en 1969 ; seulement 9 ans après le départ des Européens.
Mohammed Siad Barre est devenu le nouveau président de la Somalie en 1969 et fonde le Barre conseil suprême révolutionnaire comme le seul parti politique en Somalie.
En 1991, Mohamed Siad Barre a été chassé du pouvoir, et s'ensuivit une lutte de pouvoir entre chefs de guerre. L’Amérique a utilisé cette instabilité comme une excuse pour déployer environ 30.000 soldats en Somalie. La mission fut un échec et elle a entraîné un retrait humiliant pour les États-Unis.
Aujourd'hui la Somalie a subi près de deux décennies de chaos et de conflit. Le pays avait commencé à apprécier une certaine stabilité dans la seconde moitié de 2006 lorsque l'Union des Tribunaux Islamiques (UTI) a pris le contrôle de Mogadiscio et d'autres parties du sud, après avoir vaincu les seigneurs de guerre. Après des années d'anarchie, l'UTI a travaillé pour apporter une certaine loi et l'ordre repose sur la mise en œuvre des aspects de la charia d'Allah (swt). Cela a été insupportable pour l'Amérique qui a ordonné son mandataire, l'Éthiopie, d'envahir le pays pour retirer la Cour Suprême des Tribunaux Islamiques (CSTI), conduisant ainsi plus d'1 million de réfugiés au déplacement à la suite des combats. C'est politique et non économique
Alors que la famine causée par la sécheresse est un phénomène naturel, l'interférence étrangère a aggravé les problèmes de la Corne de l'Afrique. Bien que l'Occident n'ait pas manqué d'intervenir partout dans le monde en dépensant des billions de dollars pour faire la guerre tout en tuant des milliers de civils, il a montré une négligence volontaire de la catastrophe humanitaire qui peut facilement être éliminée avec un coût plus faible que la somme des interventions militaires. Ce n'est pas la première fois que le monde voit des bébés affamés en Afrique !
La guerre indirecte des des États-Unis, en utilisant l’Éthiopie, contre l'Union des Tribunaux Islamiques (UTI), déstabilise davantage la région en fondant les bases de la crise actuelle.
La réponse des gouvernements musulmans n'a pas été meilleure : le Qatar a importé 430 millions de dollars d'œuvres d'art à partir des États-Unis seul durant les six dernières années ; ajouté à cela, un prolongement d'une ligne de crédit illimitée aux banques américaines durant la crise financière mondiale. Ces mesures contrastent avec l'abandon de la Oumma de Somalie en temps de besoin. Quand les enfants périssent à cause de la malnutrition, les dirigeants musulmans sont trop occupés à enrichir les banques américaines.
La famine en Afrique de l'Est est un problème pour tous les musulmans et la solution à ces problèmes réside dans la réunification des musulmans. Ceci permettra de mettre fin à l'ingérence étrangère une fois pour toutes et de fournir les ressources nécessaires afin résoudre le problème des besoins de base des populations. Ceci est la principale raison de l'existence d'un État. C'est un échec moral que d'accepter la charité hypocrite de l'ouest pour résoudre le problème de la faim, alors qu'en fait c'est le rôle de l'État d'y répondre.http://islamotion.tv The War on Libya : An Imperialist Project to Create Three Libyas
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya,
TRIPOLI, July 28, 2011 The division of Libya into three separate countries is part of the US-NATO imperial design. It is part of a project shared by the U.S., Britain, Italy, and France.
The NATO war launched against Libya in March 2011 was geared towards the breakup of the country into three separate entities.
The NATO led war, however, is back firing. The Libyan people have united to save their country and Tripoli is exploring its strategic options.
Preface: Reality versus Fiction
Almost all of the text herein was written a few months prior to my trip to Tripoli. It is part of a series of articles on Libya which I have been updating. It is fitting to conclude it in Tripoli, Libya. To be here on the ground in Libya is to be witness to the lies and warped narratives of the mainstream media and the governments. These lies have been used to justify this criminal military endeavor.
The mainstream media has been a major force in this war. They have endorsed and fabricated the news, they have justified an illegal and criminal war against an entire population.
Passing through the neighbourhood of Fashloom in Tripoli it is apparent that no jets attacked it as Al Jazeera and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) falsely claimed. Now the same media networks, newspapers, and wires claim on a daily basis that Tripoli is about to fall and that the Transitional Council is making new advances to various cities. Tripoli is nowhere near falling and is relatively peaceful. Foreign journalists have also all been taken to the areas that are being reported to have fallen to the Transitional Council, such as Sabha and its environs.
The mainstream media reporting out of Tripoli have consistently produced false reports. They report about information from “secure internet services” which essentially describes embassy and intelligence communication media. This is also tied to the “shadow internet” networks that the Obama Administration is promoting as part of a fake protest movement directed against governments around the world, including Latin America, Africa and Eurasia.
The foreign press operating out of Libya have deliberately worked to paint a false picture of Libya as a country on the brink of collapse and Colonel Qaddafi as a despot with little support.
A journalist was filmed wearing a bulletproof vest for his report in a peaceful area where there was no need for a bulletproof vest. These journalists broadly transmit the same type of news as the journalists embedded with the armed forces, the so-called embedded journalists. Most of the foreign press has betrayed the sacred trust of the public to report accurately and fairly.
Not only are they actively misreporting, but are serving the interests of the military coalition. They are actively working "against Libya." They and their editors have deliberately fashioned reports and taken pictures and footage which have been used to portray Tripoli as an empty ghost town.
Le Monde for example published an article on July 7, 2011 by Jean-Philippe Rémy, which included misleading photographs that presented Tripoli as a ghost city. The photographs were taken by Laurent Van der Stickt, but it was the editors in Paris who selected the pictures to be used for publication. Le Monde is an instrument of war propaganda. It is publishing material which serves to mislead French public opinion.
Sky News is no better. Lisa Holland of Sky News has always used the words “claimed,” “claim,” and “unverified” for anything that Libyan officials say, but presents everything that NATO says without the same doubt-casting language as if it is an unquestionable truth. She used every chance she had to degrade the Libyans. When she visited the bombed home of the daughter of Mohammed Ali Gurari, where the entire family was killed by NATO, she repeatedly asked if Qaddafi was responsible for the bombing to the dismay of those present, with the exception of the reporters who helped paint distorted pictures in the mind of their audiences and readers. She has deliberately distorted the underlying the reality of the situation, blaming Qaddafi, while knowing full well who had killed the Gurari family.
Other reports include those of Liseron Boudoul., Boudoul is a reporter for Télévision française 1 (TF1), who has been in Tripoli for months. She reported on March 22, 2011 that all the reports coming out of Tripoli are reviewed and censored by Tripoli. This statement was fabricated. If the Libyans had been censoring the news, they would not have allowed her to make that statement or for her and her colleagues to continue their disinformation campaign. Like all the other foreign journalists in Libya, she has witnessed the popular support for Colonel Qaddafi, but this important information has been deliberately withheld from her reports.
Much of what is being passed on as news by foreign reporters on the ground is a mirror of the US-NATO's fake humanitarian mandate.
There is a real military-industrial-media complex at work in North America and Western Europe. Most of the media claims are nonsensical and contrary to the facts on the ground. They ignore the realities and hard facts. Were these to have been revealed, people in NATO countries would be mobilizing against their governments and against the NATO led war on Libya.
They have helped portray the victim as the aggressor. They use every chance they have to demonize the Libyan government, while upholding the legitimacy of NATO. Essentially many of these so-called journalists are professional propagandists.
The mainstream media has also basically worked as an intelligence branch of the Pentagon and NATO in multiple ways. The mainstream media has been party to atrocities and crimes and that point should not be lost when analyzing the war in Libya. British journalists have even been said to have given coordinates for bombings to NATO.
Libya: A Nation and its Society
Because of its geographic location, Libya has been at the crossroads, a meeting point of various ethnic groups and nationalities, The inhabitants of Libya are a mixed people of various stocks from Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, Europe, and Southwest Asia. Berbers, Egyptians, Greeks, people of Italian descent, people from the Levant, Iranians, Arabs, Turks, Vandals, Hadjanrais, Tuaregs (the Kel Tamajaq or Kel Tamashq), and several other groups have all contributed to the mosaic that constitutes the present population and society of Libya.
The genesis of the concept of a Libyan nation as a loosely-knit entity started with the imperial rule of the Ottoman Empire in North Africa. For the inhabitants of Libya it resulted in a shared feeling of similarity that intensified after the Italo-Ottoman War. After this war between the Ottoman Empire and Italy, the three Ottoman provinces in Libya fell under Italian colonial control.
From the Ottoman and Italian periods onwards up until the years after the Italian defeat the Eastern Libyans had much in common with their kindred in Egypt, while Western Libyans had much in common with their kindred in Tunisia and Algeria, and while Southern Libyans had much in common with their kindred in Niger, Chad, and Sudan. The inhabitants of Libya, however, also had much in common with each other. This included a shared history, a shared language with similar dialects of Arabic, a shared faith, and shared political goals.
Geographic proximity and a united feeling of animosity towards the Italians were also important ingredients in establishing a sense of nationhood. Under Italian rule of Libya this feeling of similarity amongst the local inhabitants eventually developed into a national identity as well as a resistance movement to Italian colonial rule. The aspirations of this indigenous resistance were local sovereignty and unity without any foreign yoke.
The Devil’s Game: Divide and Conquer
Libya has fallen deeper and deeper into a trap. The flames of internal fighting have been fuelled in Libya with the aim of replicating the same divisive scenarios that occurred in the former Yugoslavia and in Iraq. These plans are also aimed at igniting chaos in North Africa and West Africa in an effort to re-colonize Africa in its entirety.
The objective of Washington and its allies consists in confiscating and managing Libya's vast wealth and controlling its resources. The have initiated a foreign-propelled civil war in Libya. Meanwhile the forces of Colonel Qaddafi have regained control of most of Libyan territory.
The coaltion then decided to intervene when the Benghazi-based Transitional Council was lying in its deathbed and was in very desperate shape. If it had to, the Transitional Council was willing to make a deal with the “Devil” for its survival. Thus, the Transitional Council embraced its NATO enablers even closer.
It must also be asked, which Libyan tribes have publicly sided with the Transitional Council? This is a very important question that allows one to establish the extent of public support for the rebellion. Anyone who understands Libyan society also understands the heavy political weight and representation the tribes have.
Also, how many people remain in Benghazi? The demographics of that city have changed since the start of the conflict. Many people have fled to Egypt and abroad from Benghazi. This is not due to the fighting alone, but is tied to a lack of support for the Transitional Council, not to mention the foreign fighters that the TNC has brought, and the lawlessness prevailing in Benghazi.
Dividing Libya into Three Trusteeships
There have been longstanding designs for dividing Libya that go back to 1943 and 1951. This started with failed attempts to establish a trusteeship over Libya after the defeat of Italy and Germany in North Africa during the Second World War. The attempts to divide Libya then eventually resulted in a strategy that forced a monarchical federal system onto the Libyans similar to the "federal system" imposed on Iraq following the illegal 2003 Anglo-American invasion. If the Libyans had accepted federalism in their relatively homogenous society they could have forfeited their independence in 1951. [1]
![]() Libya and the Italo-Ottoman War Great sacrifices were made by the Libyans who fought to liberate their nation. During the Second World War the Libyans allowed Britain to enter their country to fight the Italians and the Germans. Benghazi fell to British military control on November 20, 1942, and Tripoli on January 23, 1943.[2] Despite its promises to allow Libya to become an independent country, London intended to administer the two Libyan provinces of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica separately as colonies, while Paris was given control over the region of Fezzan (Fazzan), which is roughly one-third of Libya and the area to the southwest of the country bordering Algeria, Niger, and Chad. [3]
Following the end of the Second World War the victors and Italy attempted to partition Libya into territories that they would govern over as trust territories. It is because of the failure of this project that the Libyans gained independence as a united nation. The political scientist Henri Habib describes this best:
Once the matter was handed to the U.N. General Assembly, the British and the Italians made a last-ditch proposal on May 10, 1949, called the Bevin-Sfora Plan for Libya that consisted in dividing Libyan territory into an Italian-controlled Tripolitania, a British-controlled Cyrenaica, and a French-ruled Fezzan. [5] The motion failed by a vote of one and if it were not for the crucial vote of Haiti the U.N. would have portioned Libya into three separate countries. [6] (See map below)
![]() The defeat of the plans to divide Libya at the U.N. would not be the end of the project to divide the North African country. There was still the internal card, division from within. This is where King Idris came into the picture.
Soft Balkanization through a Federal Emirate
Libya could have ended up like Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the Trucial Sheikhdoms which subsequently formed the United Arab Emirates. The British, the French, and the Italians did not give up their design for Libya, even when the U.N. General Assembly voted in favour of a united and independent Libya. They continued to try to divide Libya and even establish spheres of influence in consultaiton with the U.S. The focus was on Libyan federalism through an unelected National Assembly controlled by King Idris and a small circle of Libyan chieftains. [7]
The federalist system was unacceptable to many Libyans, which saw the new undemocratic National Assembly as a means of sidestepping the Libyan people. Moreover, the elected representatives from the heavily populated region of Tripolitania would be outweighed by the unelected chieftains from Cyrenaica and Fezzan. The official U.S. position was that the so-called “indigenous political leadership” of Cyrenaica and Fezzan enter the National Assembly with the elected representatives from Tripolitania on the “basis of equal representation for all parts of Libya.” [8] This was Orwellian double-speak that was meant to sidestep the will of the Libyan people. What was being pushed for by the U.S., Britain, France, and Italy was a country similar to the Arab sheikhdoms of the Persian Gulf.
In 1951, the U.S. State Department had this to say about the unelected National Assembly and King Idris:
This did not sit well with many Arabs. Egypt was highly critical and saw through the diplomatic deceit. The Egyptian and wider Arab opposition were based on the following rationale:
(a) the National Assembly (which prepared the [Libyan] constitution) should have been an elected rather than an appointed body (Egypt has contended previously that only an elected [or democratic] National Assembly in which the three parts of Libya [...] were represented in proportion to their population could properly represent the people of Libya in the constitution-making process [...]) ; (b) the form of government should be unitary rather than federal ; and (c) the present federation plan is merely a disguised method of maintaining old imperialist control over Libya by the interested great powers. [10]
In this regard, Henri Habib states: “When Libya obtained its independence in December 1951, federalism was imposed upon the country by King Idris and the foreign powers [specifically Britain, France, the U.S., and Italy] despite opposition from the majority of Libyans.” [11] He adds further: “Libyans saw their country deliberately divided by Britain and France, and [the] seeds of division planted among them.” [12]
Federalism, however, would be defeated by the steadfast pan-Arab demands for unity by the Libyan people:
Despite the initially strong opposition of King Idris and his British mentors, the country was forced by the nature of things to adopt the unitary system in April 1963. The federal experiment was a failure and even the king had to acknowledge it. A special royal decree was issued on April 27, 1963, abolishing federalism and establishing the unitary system. [13]
If Washington, London, Paris, and Rome had succeeded in their design, modern-day Libya would in all likelihood not have become a republic. Instead Libya would most probably have mirrored the model of the United Arab Emirates, as an Arab petro-sheikhdom in the Mediterranean and the only Arab sheikhdom outside of the Persian Gulf littoral.
Calculated Balkanization via Civil War: Dividing Libya into Trusteeships
There was more than just fate on the side of the Libyan people who had fought for their independence. The imperialist attempt to divide Libya into three territories was defeated by the Libyan people. In the words of Henri Habib:
During the previous scheme to divide their country many Libyans realized that the objective of the former colonial powers was to enhance the powers of King Idris. Idris was to serve as a foreign vassal and the "local manager" of foreign interests. His role would have been similar to the Arab monarchs in Jordan and Morocco. The purpose was to install a neocolonial regime while weakening Libya as a nation-State. [15]
Today, in the context of the US-NATO led war, the objectives to divide Libya into the three territories of Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, and Fezzan are very much alive. James Clapper Jr., the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, had testified to the U.S. Senate in March 2011 that at the end of the conflict Libya would revert to its previous federalist divisions which existed under the monarchy and that the country would have two or three different administrations. [16]
Thus, effectively Britain, France and Italy have resumed their neocolonial project to balkanize Libya into three separate states. All three countries have acknowledged sending military advisors to the Transitional Council: “Italian Defence Minister Ignazio La Russa said 10 military instructors would be sent and details were being worked out. He spoke Wednesday [April 20, 2011] after meeting with his British counterpart, Liam Fox.” [17] It is most likely that hundreds of NATO and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) military advisors and special troops are operating on the ground in Libya.
France has openly admitted funnelling weapons into the Western Mountains to forces hostile to the Tripoli government. [18] This constitutes a breach of U.N. security council resolution 1973. It constitutes a blatant violation of international law. The French government claims that they are sending weapons to civilians to protect themselves. This is a non-sequitur argument. It has no legal standing whatsoever and is an utter lie.
Weapons' shipments have also been flown into Benghazi by these Western European powers and the U.S. under the disguise of humanitarian aid. Moreover there are signs that the small insurgency in the Western Mountains was coordinated by U.S. diplomats in November 2010. [19] One U.S. diplomat was asked to leave Libya in November 2010 for making unauthorized secret trips to the area, just as U.S. and French diplomats have done in Hama to stroke tensions in Syria. [20]
This war seeks to create divisions within Libyan society. Admiral Stravridis, the U.S. commander in charge of NATO, has told the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee in March 2011 that he believed that Qaddafi’s support base would shrink as the tribal cleavages in Libya came “into play” as the war proceeded. [21] What Stravridis indirectly spelled out is that the NATO operations in Libya will cause further internal divisions through igniting tribal tensions that will cement regional differences. This is one of the real aims of the bombing campaign. [22] The U.S. and NATO also know full well that if Colonel Qaddafi is gone that the Libyan tribes would bicker amongst themselves for power and be politically divided. This is why they have been very adamant about removing Qaddafi.
The U.S., Britain, France, Italy, and NATO have all banked on a power vacuum that would be left by Qaddafi if he leaves power or dies. This is why they want to kill him. They have calculated that there will be a mad dash to fill the power vacuum that will help divide Libya further and promote violence. They are also very well aware that any tribal conflicts in Libya will spread from North Africa into West Africa and Central Africa.
The NATO-led coalition against Libya is supported by covert intelligence operaitons on the ground as psychological operations (PSYOPS) to create internal divisions within the Tripoli government. This is intended to not only weaken the regime and to make it act more desperately, but it is also intended to compound the internal divisions within Libya. Britain’s William Hague has offered sanctuary to any Libyan officials, such as Musa Al-Kusa, that wish to defect from Tripoli and has said that London will exempt them from international sanctions. [23] This British offer of “exemption” also illustrates that the international sanctions against Libya are a political weapon with very little moral or ethical meaning or drive.
Even within the Benghazi-based Transitional Council there are divisions that the Pentagon and NATO have been exploiting. The Wall Street Journal had this to report about the animosity between the so-called jihadist elements and the rest of the Transitional Council: “Some rebel leaders are wary of their [meaning the jihadists] roles. ‘Many of us were concerned about these people’s backgrounds,’ said Ashour Abu Rashed, one of Darna’s representatives on the rebel’s provisional government body, the Transitional National Council.” [24] It has also been disclosed that the Transitional Council forces are also fighting each other and using NATO against each other. [25]
Sowing the Seeds of Chaos: Al-Qaeda and Libya
U.S. officials have increasingly been talking about the expansion of Al-Qaeda in Africa and how the “Global War on Terrorism” must be extended into the African continent. This talking point severes the following objectives:
The U.S. and the E.U. would not not accept a truly independent Libyan government. In this regard, there are contingency plans which would allow the US and the E.U., if they so choose, to betray the Transitional Council or dispose of it like an outdated utensil. This is why the Pentagon and the mainstream media have started to speak about an Al-Qaeda presence in Libya.
Such scenario of betrayal should come as no surprise. The U.S. and its allies have consistently betrayed former allies. Saddam Hussein is one example and another is the Taliban government in Kabul, which was directly supported by the US.
Washington and its cohorts are deliberately keeping the Al-Qaeda card in reserve to use against the Transitional Council in case it refuses to cooperate with Washington and NATO. Regardless of a Transitional Council victory, they also want to use the Al-Qaeda card as a a justificaiton for future military interventions in Libya under the banner of the "war on terrorism".
It is very likely that terrorist attacks will occur in Libya in some form like they did in Iraq following its 2003 invasion and occupation. These acts of terrorism will be covertly coordinated by Washington and its NATO allies.
In the words of Robin Cook the former foreign minister of Britain, Al-Qaeda is “originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians [sic.; Soviets].” [26] Washington and NATO are now planning to use Al-Qaeda and the militant Islamists that they themselves created to fight countries opposed to their agenda, such as Syria and Libya, and to implant a new generation of subservient Islamist politicians into Arab countries, such as Egypt.
Dividing Libya: Destroying the Nation State
This war in Libya has nothing to do with saving lives. Truth is turned upside down: Killing is saving lives, being dead is being alive, war is peace, destruction is preservation, and open lies are presented as the truth. People have been blinded by a slew of lies and utter deception.
In this conflict most of the propaganda, most of the lies, and most of the hatred have invariably come from people who are not actually involved in the fighting. Others have been used as their pawns and Libya as their battlefield. All the known advocates of Pentagon militarism and global empire demanded for this war to take place, including Paul Wolfowitz, John McCain, Joseph Lieberman, Eliott Abrahams, Leon Wieseltier, John Hannah, Robert Kagan, and William Kristol.
There has been a blatant infringement of international law. War crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed by NATO in Libya. These crimes will never be investigated by the International Criminal Court (I.C.C.) or the U.N. Quite the opposite: the U.N. Security Council and the I.C.C. are political weapons, which are being used against Libya. The UN is silent on the use of depleted uranium (D.U.) ammunition or the bombing of civilian targets
This is not a a humanitarian war: the first target of the war was the Mint which prints and issues Libyan dinars and the country's food storage facilities. Several humanitarian organizations were targetted including schools, a children center, hospitals, the offices of the Down’s Syndrome Society, the Handicapped Women’s Foundation, the National Diabetic Research Centre, the Crippled Children’s Foundation. Among the hospitals and medical facilities which have been bombed is a complex used for medical oxygen production.
The bombings have also targetted residential areas, a hotel, restaurants, a bus filled with civilians, Nasser University (a campus of Al-Fatah University), and a conference hall with participants involved in anti-war activism. Meanwhile NATO was supplying the rebels with offensive weapons [27]
What is happening in Libya is an insidious process. The underlying objective is create divisions within Libyan society.
The war is dragging out, which in turn creates a situation in which the Transitional Council becomes increasingly dependent on the US and NATO military alliance. This is why NATO has deliberately prolonged the war and reduced its support to the Transitional Council’s forces on the battlefield. This is one of the reasons why rebel forces have been pushed back. Even the so-called “friendly fire” incidents whereby NATO bombed the Transitional Council’s tank column heading towards Tripoli are suspect. Was this a deliberate attack with a view to prolonging the fighting. [28]
NATO has now bombed advancing Transitional Council forces several times. The Transitional Council has found it hard to explain why NATO has been bombing its forces and has even been placed in a position where it had to apologize on April 2, 2011 to NATO when its frontline volunteers were killed by NATO war planes. [29] Internal political fighting within the Transitional Council may also be a factor behind these "friendly fire" NATO bombings.
Many reports have described the conflict as intensifying:
In reality there is a virtual stalemate. The Transitional Council is not moving westward, but has also been entrenched in its eastward positions due to NATO support.
One objective of NATO is to control both sides. The idea is that as both sides become more desperate they will also increasingly turn to Washington and Brussels for a way out of the war and make more concessions to U.S. and E.U. demands. The Israelis are also another player that can be turned to by both sides in Libya.
Both Tripoli and Benghazi have talked with the U.S. and the E.U. through different channels, which include using individuals in unofficial positions. Kurt Weldon, a former member of the U.S. Congress for Pennsylvania, went to meet with Libyan officials at the start of April 2011. Weldon made the trip to Tripoli in coordination with the White House. The U.S. media tried to casually gloss over Weldon’s visit running articles about how he did not meet Qaddafi.
At the onset of the fighting Tripoli accepted Venezuelan offers for mediation, which the U.S. and the E.U. undermined and the Transitional Council rejected. Tripoli even said that it accepted an initial March 2011 African Union ceasefire and reform plan, which were ignored by Washington and its allies. Tripoli even requested that the African Union, the U.N., and the E.U. investigate for themselves the claims against the Libyan government. Worldwide, most governments, from Brazil and Nigeria to Malaysia and China, voiced support for a negotiated settlement in Libya, but this has been ignored by the U.S., NATO, and the unrepresentative group of Arab dictators they call their allies.
The Qaddafi family’s subsequent requests for diplomatic negotiations were also turned down by the U.S. and the main E.U. powers. [31] Afterwards, Tripoli again accepted African Union offers for mediation spearheaded by the Republic of South Africa and a repeated African Union proposal for a ceasefire, which the U.S. and the E.U. undermined again and the Transitional Council rejected. [32] The repeated African Union proposal called for a ceasefire, the creation of humanitarian corridors, protection of foreigners, and finally dialogue between both sides in bringing democratic reform. [33] A massive people’s initiative for a reconciliation march across the war zone in Libya was even started, which received little press coverage outside of Africa and a few countries. [34]
The government in Tripoli has even put together a new constitution. [35] Tripoli even gave orders for the military to leave Misurata (Misrata/Misratah) and allow the local tribes to establish political order and security in the city and its surrounding district. [36] During talks with Greece officials from Libya even tried to use billions of frozen dollars to provide humanitarian aid to the Libyan people on both sides of the conflict, but had their plan obstructed and blocked by France. [37]
As they did during the invasion of Iraq, the political ranks have started to show breaks in London. Conservative parliamentarians in the British Parliament, such as John Baron, David Davis, and Peter Bone, are starting to criticize their leader, Prime Minister Cameron. [38] Baron told the British press that the war on Libya has changed significantly: “When it was put before the House, the emphasis was very much on humanitarian assistance. This has changed into a mission of regime change [in Libya].” [39]
The Geo-Politics of Dividing Libya
Of significance, Washington does not want to have a visible presence in the war in North Africa. It has deliberately let its allies take the lead in the operation and painstakingly tried to distance itself from the war. It has presented itself as cautious and reluctant to go to war. [40] Washington’s allies are in reality acting on behalf of the Empire. NATO is also in the process of performing the role of global military force acting indirectly on behalf of the United States.
This war is not exclusively about controlling energy reserves and the Libyan economy. The war also encompasses a strategy to entrench U.S. and E.U. control over Africa as well balkanize the entire African region. The U.S. and the E.U. were adamant regarding Tripoli's project to develop and unify Africa, as opposed to the neocolonial strategy of maintaining Africa as a provider of raw materials and (unmanufactured) natural resources. [41]
It is worth noting, in this regard, that the Director of National Intelligence, in testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee during a session focusing on Libya, stated that Russia and China constitute “mortal threats” to the United States. [42] The war in Libya is also meant to shore up the drive into Eurasia, which targets Russia, China, Iran, and Central Asia.
The Arab sister-republics of Lebanon and Syria are targets too. Syria has been destabilized and the groundwork is underway in Lebanon with the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL). Control over Libya, Syria, and Lebanon would also complete the Mediterranean Union, which is a geo-political project of the E.U. and Washington to control the entire Mediterranean. [43]
Towards An African NATO
The war against Libya will also be used to create a NATO-like military structure in Africa that will be tied to AFRICOM. While speaking to the U.S. Senate Arms Services Committee, General Ham of AFRICOM pointed out that a military partnership with African states and support for regional military cooperation in Africa were strategic for Washington. General Ham was pointing to the fact that U.S. was planting the seeds of a NATO-like military structure in Africa that would be subordinate to Washington. In General Ham’s own words:
Libya is the crown of Africa and from Libya there is a perfect opening for the U.S., NATO, and the E.U. into the African continent. U.S. and NATO bases may also be established in the eastern portion of Libya and used as a staging ground for a possible war against Sudan. These bases could be established at the request of the Transitional Council and justified as a means of providing stability to North Africa and as a means of protecting the Libyan people in Benghazi.
The Destruction of the Libyan State
Washington and the E.U. want to privatize the Libyan public sector under the control of their corporations, take over Libyan industries, and control every aspect of the Libyan economy. On March 19, 2011 the Transitional Council declared that it had established a new Benghazi-based Libyan oil corporation and a new national bank under the auspicious of the Central Bank of Benghazi, which would be responsible for all of Libya’s monetary policies. [45] The new Benghazi-based institutions are an opening for an economic invasion and the colonization of Libya. The Central Bank of Benghazi, which is controlled by Britain’s Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), could also be given control of the Arab Banking Corporation, which could be used as an umbilical cord by Wall Street and Canary Wharf for infiltrating Libya.
The Benghazi-based Transitional Council is already starting the process of exporting oil with the aid of Qatar from the Libyan seaport of Tobruk (Tobruq) near the Egyptian border. [46] The countries and corporations trading with the Transitional Council are all breaching international law. This act is not only intended to weaken Libya, but it also criminal and a form of economic exploitation.
Moreover, Libyan oil will be used to finance weapons sales. The Transitional Council will use the funds from oil sales that it receives to purchase weapons to fight the Libyan military. This will also violate the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The Associated Press reported about this on April 1, 2011 saying:
France, Italy, and Qatar have all recognized the Transitional Council as the government of Libya. [48] The U.S., Britain, Germany, Turkey, and their allies have also all given various forms of recognition to the Transitional Council. They are all working now to control the new institutions of the Benghazi administered areas of Libya. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is also hovering over Libya under the pretext of furthering democracy amongst the Arabs. [49] They all plan on profiting off the interests from the loans that they are now giving to the Transitional Council.
Two Parallel Administrations in Libya
The U.S. and the E.U. are trying to manipulate the Libyan people to their advantage; they are using the Libyan people as cannon fodder. The objective is to create a deadlock and foment chaos across North Africa. Even the sniper attacks on both Libyan sides could be the work of U.S., British, French, NATO, Egyptian, and Khaliji (Gulf) Arab agent provocateurs. The objective is to manipulate the Libyans into destroying their country from the within. The destruction of Yugoslavia, namely the "Balkanization of the Balkans" is the model which is being applied to Libya, leading to its division and political subordination to Washington and Brussels.
There have been discussions about splitting the country up, between the regimes in Tripoli and Benghazi. The government in Tripoli would keep everything from Tripoli to somewhere near Misurata, while the Transitional Council would get to administer all the territory in the east running to the Egyptian border. [50] Two parallel Libyan governments are at present a reality. Benghazi already has U.N., U.S., E.U., Qatari, British, French, German, Turkish, and Italian diplomatic missions.
As mentioned earlier, the U.S. and the E.U. waited until the Libyan military had reached the doors of Benghazi and the Transitional Council was nearly on its deathbed to take action. This was no mere coincidence. David Owen, a member of the British House of Lords is worth quoting about the timing of the military intervention: “Without it, within hours, Benghazi would have fallen, and [Colonel Qaddafi] would have won.” [51] This was made to insure the indispensability of NATO to an acquiescent Transitional Council.
Israel and Libya
The supporters of the Transitional Council accuse the Qaddafi regime of being supported by Israel, while they themselves are openly supported by NATO and the Arab petro-sheikhdoms, which oppose democracy and freedom in their own countries. Both sides in Libya have to realize that NATO and Israel, as well as Saudi Arabia and the Arab petro-sheikhdoms, are allies and work closely together against the legitimate aspirations of the Arab peoples. They are merely being played one against the other.
Israel is also involved in this equation. The visit of Bernard-Henri Lévy to Benghazi serves Israeli interests. [52] Tel Aviv has sought to play both sides. Rumours about an Israeli plan to establish a military base on the Libyan eastern border with Egypt have also been circulating for months. What should also be considered is that just like the natural gas deal between Israel and Egypt, where Egyptian natural gas was sold to Israel below market prices, Libyan water from the Great Man-Made River could be diverted to Israel from a pipeline running through Egypt. Like South Sudan, it is being said that the Transitional Council will recognize Israel. Lévy has also said that the Transitional Council has told him that they intend to recognize Israel. [53]
The Role of Banks and Currency in the War on Libya
Banks have a role to play in this war. U.S. and European financial institutions are major players. The vast overseas financial holdings and sovereign funds owned by Libya are the "spoils of war" accruing to major Western banks and financial institutions.
In 2008, Goldman Sachs was given 1.3 billion dollars (U.S.) by the Libyan Investment Authority. [54] In unfathomable terms, Goldman Sachs told the Libyans that 98% of the investment value was lost, which means that the Libyans lost almost all their investment. [55] Goldman Sachs had merely appropriated Libya’s money wealth. The Libyan government and Goldman Sachs would then try to work something out by giving Libya huge shares in Goldman Sachs, but the negotiations failed in 2009. Nor was Goldman Sachs alone in taking Libyan money; the Société Générale SA, the Carlyle Group, J.P. Morgan Chase, Och-Ziff Capital Management Group and Lehman Brothers Holdings were all also holding vast amounts of Libyan funds. [56]
Signs of Hope: Libya’s Promise of Tomorrow. A New Strategic Axis?
The Libyans have realized that they need to continue on a pan-African path and to follow a model of self-sufficiency. Many in Tripoli have also started thinking about the future. Old disputes and animosities may also be put aside with other global players that are opposed to U.S. hegemony and opposed to NATO.
A strategic axis between Libya, Algeria, Syria, and Iran that will later include Lebanon may blossom as the Libyans begin to explore their strategic options on the political and security levels. Libya has realized that it has made mistakes and now knows that it must find a place in some sort of a global counter-alliance against the U.S. and its allies. Tripoli will eventually try to find a strategic equilibrium for itself in a geo-strategic concept that will balance Russia, China, and Iran.
A new strategic concept for the Libyans would also include Venezuela and the Bolivarian Bloc in Latin America. Venezuela, along with Syria, has been Libya’s staunchest supporter during the NATO war.
Eventually, Lebanon and Libya will also mend fences. The dossier of Musa Al-Sadr only remains between Lebanon and Libya on the insistence of Nabih Berri. The upper echelons within Hezbollah, including Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, have tried not to antagonize Berri and the leadership of the Amal Movement on the issue of Musa Al-Sadr as part of an effort to prevent divisions in the Shiite Muslim community of Lebanon, but if a strategic axis begins to form between Algeria, Libya, Syria, and Iran the issue of Al-Sadr will have to be resolved in Lebanon.
In France and Western Europe tensions are also rising internally and against Washington. Gaullism may become reinvigorated in a declining France. The people of Africa have also become even more aware of the exploitation of their continent and the importance of Libya to the rest of Africa.
Most importantly, the NATO bombings have helped bring much of Libya together too and have given the nation a new sense of mission.
The Libyan people have been reinvigorated with this sense of mission. They have been energized and a revolutionary spirit has been stirred and awakened in the youth.
When the dust settles, the people of Libya will begin to weed out political corruption. The worst enemy of all for the Libyans has been the enemy from within.
This war has chiefly been against the Libyan people. It has not been the Libyan military that has kept the country standing, but the Libyan people themselves and their resistance.
NATO has become tired and faces many internal and external pressures. Italy has now been forced to withdraw from the war. [58] Norway will also withdraw in August 2011. [59] France has even accepted what Paris and NATO refused to accept from the start of the conflict, namely to end the war and to stop bombing Libya if both sides in Tripoli and Benghazi start political talks. [60] In reality, Tripoli has been calling for political dialogue with an entire international chorus for months, but it has been the U.S. and the E.U. that have refused to listen. This also exposes the guilt of the U.S. and the E.U. in waging a war of aggression against Libya.
It should also be noted that Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has also said that he was told that the war would end when the population of Tripoli revolted against Colonel Qaddafi. [61] This is a significant statement by the Italian Prime Minister. An analysis of cause and effect is very important here. It means that the war did not start as a result of any revolts, but was intended to instigate revolts against the Libyan government. This would explain why NATO has deliberately been targeting and punishing the civilian population. The aim has been to instigate them against Colonel Qaddafi.
The security of the familiar is gone. The issue of succession to Colonel Qaddafi was something that the Libyans thought little about or largely ignored prior to the conflict in Libya, but it is now something that has been addressed. If the war never happened, it is likely that there would have been a civil war in Libya once Qaddafi left. Now this is something that has been prepared for. Many of the corrupt people in Libya have also been exposed and have shown their true colours too. Libyans are no longer ignoring these problems as they did before.
Libya is not perfect and many of the Libyan people will be amongst the first to admit it. Now many of them are prepared to fix their problems at home for the sake of saving their country, their society, and their families. They face an uphill battle, but they are willing to fight and to make all the sacrifices needed for a better tomorrow. This inner recognition and will to change is the start of authentic change. These people will not give up even if NATO were to launch an invasion or increasing its bombings to devastating levels. Although the conflict is far from over, in the end history will judge the NATO war against Libya as a huge mistake and as the beginning of the end for NATO.
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)
http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=25637 Breaking news: Libya's biggest tribe turns pro-Qaddafi![]() 1-2 pm: Peymon and guest. 2-3 pm: Kevin interviews Franklin Lamb, reporting live from Tripoli, Libya! Franklin has kindly allowed me to break the story below - which builds on his recent article End Game For Benghazi Rebels As Libyan Tribes Prepare To Weigh In. I personally sympathize with both Libyan sides in this unfortunate conflict, and would like to see the problem solved by a fair election (which Qaddafi's forces would almost certainly win, now that NATO has made the rebels look like traitors) followed by a generous amnesty for the rebels...BUT NO FORGIVENESS FOR NATO AND THE WESTERN BANKERS AND OILIGACHS WHO OWN IT!!! It would be wonderful if a Libyan victory over NATO and the banksters could become a model for other nations...and if Libya could return to its revolutionary roots and resume funding anti-empire revolutions worldwide! Libya's biggest tribe turns pro-Qaddafi Warfalla tribe resists Qatar occupation of Libya and accompanying atrocities (from Lamb's sources in Libya) The Warfalla tribe, the largest tribe in Libya, (Sheikh Ali is the head of this Tribe and all Libyan Tribes) is lit up! They are pissed, the killing of Abdel Fateh Younes has caused a huge rift in the so called rebels and they are now actively fighting against al Qaeda in Benghazi. Last night 4 or 5 al Qaeda elements were killed. The Warfalla tribes are not armed with any sophisticated arms and some of the Libyan soldiers that were fighting for the rebels have returned to fight against the al Qaeda elements with the tribes. Also, some factions of Warfalla members in the East that had not spoken up before are now speaking and fighting, ALL OF THEM ARE PRO GHADAFI. The atrocities that are occurring now are startling. Qatar troops, tanks and helicopters are openly killing these unarmed tribal members. They have their (Qatar) tanks in the streets of Benghazi. They are speaking on loud speakers telling the people to leave and go home. They are actively shooting on unarmed civilians. NOW, tonight, Dr. Khaled stated that there are more tribes wanting to join in with the Warfalla tribe and they are making their way to Benghazi as we speak. He stated that now Libya is very worried about what NATO will do, he said “they have made a commitment, they cannot abandon them now, can they”? So, killing innocent unarmed or armed with knives and rocks civilians is what NATO and Qatar are openly engaging in. Just 10 minutes ago we had a visit from a Warfalla tribal member, he had 2 cousins killed today by Qatar and they were NOT armed. One of them was carrying a green flag and the other one had a broom stick. He stated that there has been a blood bath by Qatar and more than 120 innocent civilians have been killed and the number is raising. Ismil stated that not just Qatar is there killing innocent civilians but also US, British and French special forces are seen in the streets with Qatar, killing the innocent tribal members. Answer me this: Who the hell is Qatar, the US, UK or France to say who will rule, live or die in Libya? What the hell is wrong with them? Wasn’t this war started over some LIE that Ghadafi was killing innocent civilians?? One of the problems is no money for the people in Benghazi and the East of Libya. Ramadan begins tomorrow and the custom is to fast then feast every day for the (approx) 30 days. Muslim families all over the world fill their larders in preparation for this religious period. The East of Libya cannot buy daily needs much less any feast. The pro-Ghadafi people live in fear of execution. The pro rebels suffer from lack of all goods and services. Now the Ramadan season has further demonstrated their terrible state. For months the rebels and TNC have promised money for the people. Where has all the money gone? It simply never happened. Any money that came in went into the pockets of the leaders and the paid rebel mercenaries, but none to the innocent people. The promise of FINALLY $500 yesterday became only $100. This is not enough to buy even one lamb per family for their celebrations. NATO is truly a terrorists group funded and supported by our government. NATO is actively bombing peaceful cities, openly supporting the illegal takeover of a sovereign nation. How do they get away with this? http://www.truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/ What Comes Next After Norway Northwoods?By Captain Eric H. May, Iconoclast Intelligence and Abu Salem Sofyan, Islamic IntelligenceAlleged Norway lone gunman Anders Behring Breivik was a both a Neonazi and a Zionazi.Five weeks ago we published Germany False Flag Forecast, Summer 2011, in which we identified two anniversaries as the most likely dates for a North Europe terror attack over the next ten weeks: July 20 for the German officers coup against Hitler, and July 22 for the Jewish terror attack against the King David Hotel. The July 22 terror attack in Norway confirmed our fears. We don’t feel satisfaction for our anticipation, but remorse for not having done more. We had labored to refresh our Germany warning with a France false flag forecast before 7/22, but cyber-gremlins impeded us. The nearly-complete article varnished from the Veterans Today system two days before Oslo. Given our worldwide readership, had we posted the France article on time we might have saved lives in Norway.
We recommend the articles Norway’s 9/11 by Gordon Duff and Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag by Webster Tarpley. This is the fifth article in our series, which includes: Introduction, United States, United Kingdom and Germany. All the news extracts are from the mainstream media. The events below marked with an asterisk occurred during or within two days of a space shuttle mission.
What Comes Next?The date of the Mumbai attack, the 11th, won’t be ignored as investigators try to figure out who was behind today’s deadly commuter train attacks in India. The 11th has now been chosen as an attack date in New York, Madrid and Mumbai. Last year’s attack in London was on 7/7. “There’s a lot of symbolism involved when terrorists choose their targets and the dates of their attacks,” said Jack Cloonan, a former FBI agent on the bin Laden squad who now works as an ABC News consultant. — ABC, May 5, 2001
“Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that’s why this is so important.” — Department of Defense News, April 28, 1997
“They plot and plan, and God too plans; but the best of planners is God”
Members of the navy 'seal team six' involved in the fake operation ' Ben Laden' in Pakistan were sent to a certain death in Afghanistan, a sure way to silence them for ever. Nobody can win in Afghanistan or Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Syria. The pentagon knows that, but don't forget, they are only israelis 'shabbath goys' puppets.Black Man shot dead by Police in Tottenham Hale, Lond
The later story that the CO19 Police Officer in Tottenham Hale was shot at first but was saved by his radio sounds very much like a Wild West story where a Sheriff kills a Native Indian and then claims that it was in self-defence because he was shot at first but ‘saved’ by his star badge.
Mark Duggan, shot twice by elite CO19 officers in Tottenham, London
Going to work by car on Friday 5th August 2011 around 7 am, I was stopped by the Police at Blackhorse Road Station junction. The Officer asked which way I was going and advised that I take the A406 North Circular Road instead as all roads through Tottenham Hale have been closed. I read the same morning that it was due to a Police Officer being ‘shot’ in Ferry Lane, Tottenham Hale the previous day at 6.15pm. Returning from work the same day, the other end of Tottenham Hale was still blocked and all traffic deviated. It did look very strange that the Police had blocked this road on both sides for over 24 hours and still longer as the night wore on. Given the efficiency and speed of the London Metropolitan Police, within a few hours, they should have gathered all evidence and restore life to normal. But it was not to be. Why?
In truth, the elite CO19 Officers working closely with the Trident Operational Command Unit (OCU) is the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on gun related murders within the black community, had shot dead a Black man, a certain Mark Duggan, 29-year-old father-of-four, allegedly in self-defence because he had shot at an Officer first. The Officer was admitted to hospital but released shortly afterwards because his injury was not serious. The story got better. The Officer was allegedly miraculously saved by his radio which had taken the brunt of the Black man’s bullet. The story got better still. Mark Duggan was known to the Police who were already keeping an eye on him. He was shot dead not by the Officer who he allegedly shot at, but by other Officers on the scene. Mark Duggan was killed, some say « murdered », on the spot by two bullets either from the same gun or from two separate Officers.
Police blocked residents and potential witnesses
Mark Duggan’s family and those who knew him agreed that he may have been involved in things, but that he was never an aggressive person and never hurt anyone. They could not understand how he could have been killed by Police in such a way. Any case of Police shooting is automatically referred to the Police so-called Independent Complaints Commission (ICC) even though no one makes any complaint. So far, there is no independent corroboration of anything as all information comes from the Police. The area was sealed off by Police and residents and others suspect that the Police themselves may well tamper with the evidence and interfere with witnesses to cover-up any wrongdoing. The residents were not allowed home after the killing. Even « Shoppers who were in a supermarket in Ferry Lane were not allowed to leave as police taped off the entrance to the store », Haringey Independent, 5th August 2011.
The same techniques were used when, on 22nd July 2005 at Stockwell tube station, Jean Charles de Menezes was shot dead by a CO19 Officer on the tube with 8 bullets in his head and chest. Like Mark Duggan, he too was being watched by the Police. CCTV footages were confiscated and later alleged not to have been working. The Police even alleged that he was wearing a bulky jacket under which he was hiding a suicide vest when, in truth, he was wearing no jacket at all, but they still killed him ruthlessly anyway and the ICC exonerated the unnamed Officer in question. Similar techniques were used during 9/11 when all witnesses were intimidated and CCTV footages confiscated around the Pentagon because the building was hit by a guided missile and not by a passenger plane as alleged. Even the eye witnesses who said that the planes which sliced through the Twin Towers were unmarked military planes without windows were suppressed.
The later story that the CO19 Police Officer in Tottenham Hale was shot at first but was saved by his radio sounds very much like a Wild West story where a Sheriff kills a Native Indian and then claims that it was in self-defence because he was shot at first but ‘saved’ by his star badge. Even though Mark Duggan may have been carrying a gun (unlawfully) for his safety because he was apparently the target of a gang after his friend Kelvin Easton was killed by stabbing in Mile End on 27th March 2011, so far, there is no independent corroboration that on 4th August 2011 he shot at any Police Officer. People who know him reject this allegation and his killing sparked riots in Tottenham, spilling into Wood Green area, some reports say. Police cars, a bus and shops were attacked and burnt and many Police Officers injured. Black local MP David Lammy appealed for calm, arguing that to understand such violent killing, « we must have calm » as resorting to unlawful acts can only complicate matters. But, as is usually the case, the ICC is expected to exonerate the Police.
Case of Ian Tomlinson
People would remember the protests at the G20 summit in London in 2009. Ian Tomlinson was not even a protester; he was walking home when he was savagely pushed to the ground by a brutal Police Officer, from which he died. The mainstream media spun the story away from what really happened as they repeated Police allegations as fact without corroboration. The Daily Telegraph said : « As officers went to the man’s aid, they were pelted with bottles and other missiles, forcing them to retreat. » Even though there were various independent photograghs and footages, the ICC found nothing wrong and exonerated the Officer in question. But, although an inquiry found that Ian Tomlinson was unlawfully killed, it went out of its way to say that the Police « did not try to cover up Ian Tomlinson G20 death ».
In the case of the killing of Mark Duggan, not by the CO19 Officer who was allegedly shot at first and miraculously saved by his radio, but by other CO19 Officers present at the scene, there are no such photographs and footages and no independent corroboration of the Police stories. But one thing seems certain - the other Officers must have had their guns already pointed at Mark Duggan well before the alleged attempt to arrest him on 4th August 2011.
M Rafic Soormally
7th August 2011
Riots expand in London, Birmingham going viral all over the UK. No money for the youth, money for zionist warmongers and their bankster masters, with huge bonuses, looting literally the people. A decade of corruption at the top of the elite in the country had bankrupted Great Britain and put the innocent people in his kneesOOPS: Less Than A Year Ago The British Government Said People Would Not Riot After Austerity CutsIn September of last year, the British Home Secretary Theresa May refused to accept claims by the British police that austerity cuts would affect their ability to contain civil unrest (h/t George Monbiot).A look at an article from the Guardian reveals May's belief that British people simply did not riot:
The British public don't simply resort to violent unrest in the face of challenging economic circumstances. We must have a rational and reasonable debate about policing. Your association has a long and proud history of constructive and sensible contributions to policing policy-making – long may it continue.
May was speaking after the announcement of deep austerity cuts, that police officials predicted would lead to 40,000 police staff job cuts. May refused to accept this and told the police superintendents' annual conference:
I will work hard to ensure a fair deal for policing but there will, most definitely, need to be savings made. It is ridiculous to suggest that there are not savings that can be made in policing.
Wow, what a difference a year makes.The engineered collapse of the West : Wall Street and the City are falling, and 'spontaneous riots' started exactly as the fake 'muslim riots' that took place in France in October-November 2005. Agent provocateurs infiltatred and controlling gangs, drug networks, backed logisticaly by former cops, secret services working for the NATO clandestine terror networks. We are seeing the exact same frame, scenarios, scenes unfolding here in London and now going viral all over the UK
Except local looters, in the actual atmosphere who really benefits?
Update: 10 August 2011, 10H43: Yesterday evening, according to the Murdoch Sky news, 'local residents' patrolled their streets 'to help the police' against the 'rioters, looters'. Now if you have a much deeper look at it, you'll find that these 'patrols' were set up by the NATO-MI5 crusaders of the EDL and former cops, military, SAS, all recruited in the stay behind NATO networks. Now, you have NATO behind the drug-rings networks, hard core of the 'rioters, looters', not all of them, and NATO behind the crusaders of the zionist EDL, this civil war is a huge manipulation to protect the real criminals in power in the UK.
Here is what I've been told and receive as information from different sources during the last 72 hours. I recommend that you read the false flag series for the UK, wrote with Captain Eric May to get the bigger picture. One of my EU top source explained that David Cameron sent messages to Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, Barak Obama explaining that he will probably have to resign from his position because of the coming explosives revelations involving the British secret services, Ruppert Murdoch, New of The World and the make up of the Iraq War, and consequently the false flag operation 7/7/2005.
NOWT scandal is just at the very beginning and it is like we said, a huge spying network that has been uncovered since 2009, covered up by the metropolitan police, MOD and the foreign affairs. Our sources explain that basically what is going one is that 'the combination of the austerity, the long economical crisis mainly due to the death of the dollar and the race to control the new transatlantic market between Germany, UK, Washington, and the NOTW scandal tool as a weapon in this open fight between clans' is used by different clans in Washington, London, Brussels to impose more drastic cuts, more austerity measures, emergency-martial law preserve the UK financial role in the 'shaping of the euramerica transatlantic market' in building for 2015, and David Cameron's chance to be re-elected after the government collapse at the fall of the year 2011 because of the Murdoch-Israel spying networks affair. The non intervention of the police and the very slow response, combined with a huge mobility of the 'gangs' is also very suspicious. Obviously 'emergency law' or 'martial law' will see Cameron staying at his place avoiding polls for at least another one year or more. There was a huge amount of pressure on Nick Clegg to pull out from the government in October, and these riots have the opposite effects. So who really benefits ?
Remember mossadnik Sarkozy in 2005. Riots were deliberately provoked to build a 'mister Sarkozy security image to the public' and help him to be elected in 2007. Sarkozy was facing the National Front, headed by Jean Marie Le Pen, who said publicly on the TV, that he will win the election in 2007 'if there are massive riots in the French ghettos'.... NATO clandestine terror networks deeply infiltrated in the youth gangs in most of the french cities, mossad made the rest and helped Sarkozy to grab power in 2007. We have similar configuration here in London, where NATO is recruiting and controlling most of the former policemen forces sacked since the 2008 crisis, NATO and mossad are running some of the most important drug gang-rings from local youth to ex-yougoslavia, eastern europe, Nigerian, caribbeans, asian networks. We are talking about 9000 NATO stay behind force in total all over the UK/Ireland, combine this with the fake EDL, another NATO-MI5 front, some fake 'Muslim groups' as well managed by NATO-MI5-RAW-ISI connexions and you have an explosive cocktail the British banksters 'elite' can use at any time 'to impose a full dictatorship'. These riots have all the trademarks of a stay behind 'strategy of tension' used by NATO, a private terrorist organization working for the highly financial criminals, who created Israel. Now destroying the dollar, creating chaos and pushing for a new transatlantic union, they call NWO for the sake of their new reign over the masses.
Read as well the excellent analogy made by Aangirfan : http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2011/08/false-flag-london-riots.html Israeli hand behind Norway massacre is now very difficult to hideIs Fjordman an Israeli Agent?By Chris Bollyn,www.bollyn.com
August 9, 2011
![]() BOYCOTT ISRAEL - Norway's foreign minister Jonas Gahr Støre got the message when he visited the AUF camp shortly before these young people were massacred by Anders Breivik. Although it is not at all uncommon to see such signs in Scandinavia, high-level politicians have met similar fates after calling for a European boycott of Israel. Were these young Norwegian political activists targeted for taking a stand against militant Zionism? ![]() Sweden's Foreign Minister Anna Lindh called upon the European Union to sever ties with Israel in protest against Israeli practices in April 2002... ![]() A well known supporter of Palestinians' human and political rights, Lindh was brutally murdered in Stockholm on 11 September 2003. I wrote an article entitled "The Strange Death of Anna Lindh" shortly after her murder.
We can only begin to heal our self-inflicted civilizational wounds if we embrace the Jewish component of our cultural identity.
- Fjordman, "Why Europeans Should Support Israel" We demand that all financial support to the Palestinian Authority should cease immediately. It is proven beyond any doubt that this has in the past been used to finance campaigns of Jihad terrorism against Jews in Israel and against Christians in territories under PA control. A public statement in support of Israel against Muslim aggression should be issued, and the money that has previously been awarded to Palestinians should be allocated partly to Israel's defense, partly to establish a Global Infidel Defense Fund with the stated goal of disseminating information about Muslim persecution of non-Muslims worldwide. - Fjordman a.k.a. Peder Jensen, "Native Revolt: A European Declaration of Independence"
Fjordman is the nom de plume of the previously anonymous pro-Israel and anti-Islamic blogger who inspired the Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik. Two days after Breivik's killing spree, in which scores of young people were massacred, the Norwegian press reported that Fjordman was "an important ideological inspiration" for the mass murderer.
Breivik cites Fjordman extensively in his manifesto. The Norwegian mass murderer and terrorist also named Fjordman as his favourite author with similar views. One idea of Fjordman’s that Breivik quoted was that Christians should meet “Islamization” by arming themselves. One of Fjordman's articles, titled “Native Revolt: A European Declaration of Independence,” states that if the demands of the anti-Islamic movement are not met, they would “have no choice but to realize that our leaders have betrayed us” and that they will “take the necessary steps in order to protect our own security and national survival.” This is Breivik's basic rationale for his murderous actions on July 22.
Shortly after the bombing of Oslo, Fjordman wrote on his "Gates of Vienna" blog that Jens Stoltenberg, the Norwegian prime minister, who was the primary target of the bomb, was a "pathetic sucker for Islam". Later, after the mass murder of 69 young people from the youth organization of Norway's labor party (Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking or AUF), Fjordman described the AUF youngsters under attack as a "gang of anti-Israel, pro-Palestine young socialists".
On August 5, the Norwegian media revealed the identity of Fjordman, the rabid anti-Islamic blogger who is said to have inspired the terror atrocity of 22 July 2011. Fjordman was named as Peder Are Nøstvold Jensen, from Ålesund on Norway's west coast. What kind of Norwegian could harbor such animosity for his fellow Norwegians? Would Jensen get off so lightly calling for war against any other religious group? What would happen if Jensen had called for the expulsion of Jews and the destruction of their synagogues, as he and his ilk do against the Muslims? Why are Zionist extremists like Jensen not prosecuted for their anti-Muslim hate speech? Peder Are Nøstvold Jensen, a.k.a. Fjordman, has gone into hiding.
Peder Jensen is the Zionist extremist/anti-Islamic blogger known as Fjordman. One of his articles from 2007 is entitled "Why Europeans Should Support Israel". Jensen's outspoken support for Israel and Zionism and his non-Nordic appearance (and his father's) have led some to speculate that he may be partly Ashkenazi Jewish.
Steinar Nøstvold Jensen, Peder's father, was active in Norway's communist party.
While Peder Jensen may very well have Jewish ancestors, there are other factors in his life that suggest that Jensen is a Zionist agent with close connections to the state of Israel. It is Jensen's Zionist connection that is probably the true source of the hateful anti-Islamic propaganda that is said to have inspired the July 22 massacre in Norway.
Jensen reportedly studied Arabic at the American University in Cairo, Egypt, in 2001. This is highly unusual for a Norwegian. Although he studied Arabic in the most populous nation in the Middle East, Jensen seems to have very little understanding of Muslims. Jensen claims to have abruptly changed his opinion about Muslims after having seen Egyptians celebrating the 9/11 terror attacks by eating cake. It should be noted that Israel used fraudulent methods to try to portray Palestinians as celebrating the terror attacks of 9/11. Furthermore, five Israelis connected to Israeli intelligence were actually arrested on 9/11 in New Jersey after having been seen videotaping themselves celebrating with the burning towers in the background.
In early 2002, Jensen went to Palestine and took a position with the Temporary International Presence in Hebron, which I find very suspicious. This international observer mission in Hebron, which communicates with the Israeli army, is supposed to monitor the situation in the Israeli-occupied town on the West Bank. Jensen, who says that he turned against Islam after 9/11, remained in this position in Hebron until mid-2003. Why would a person who is strongly opposed to Islam want to serve as a monitor in an Israeli-occupied Islamic city? Was there another reason for Jensen to be in Israeli occupied territory? Was he recruited by Israeli intelligence during his stay in Israel? There is obviously some very important information missing from Peder Jensen's biography. ![]() Hebron, the burial site of Abraham... ![]() is today a place of strife between Jewish settlers and the native Palestinians.
Jensen's year and a half in Israel and Palestine would have allowed him to spend a great deal of time with Israelis, especially with those in military intelligence. He would have probably spent his free time in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, mingling with Israelis who shared his anti-Islamic views. His working relationship with the Israeli military and his stated disgust with Islam would have made him a perfect candidate to become a Zionist agent spreading anti-Islamic propaganda in Europe. Did Peder Jensen become a Zionist agent during his sojourn in Palestine? This is a crucial question about this agent provocateur that certainly needs to be looked into by the Norwegian authorities.
Øyvind Strømmen, a leading investigator of the far right in Norway, said that Peder Jensen “is responsible for spreading an ideology where violence is a natural, logical conclusion of his reasoning.” Now that Norway has tasted the bitter fruit of Jensen's hateful ideology, will this Zionist agent be charged with inciting hatred? Sources and Recommended Reading:
Bollyn, Christopher, "Anders Breivik and the Zionist 'War on Terror'", 1 August 2011
Bollyn, Christopher, "The Strange Death of Anna Lindh", 26 September 2003
http://www.bollyn.com/anna-lindh-2 ‘Fjordman’ raises anonymity issues, Views and News from Norway, 8 August 2011 http://www.newsinenglish.no/2011/08/08/fjordman-raises-anonymity-issues/
"Officials howling over US Embassy’s secret surveillance in Norway", 4 November 2010
http://www.newsinenglish.no/2010/11/04/officials-howling-over-us-embassys-secret-surveillance-in-norway/ British government begins stealing its peoples’ bank deposits ahead of the global financial collapse.![]()
A police officer ordered by the government to rob the people.
It happened before and it is starting again. Government confiscating (stealing) the people’s life savings. Just like in 1929 the British government began its theft of the people’s life savings just before the Great Depression. After an inflationary run-up in prices and asset values, the stock market crashed in 1929, and the economy soon went with the crash. This time the British government is disguising its outright theft by claiming the entire contents of safety deposit banks are owned by criminals and the contents are the proceeds of crimes.
In March of 2011 the British Prime Minister David Cameron ordered British police to execute Operation Rize - raid and seize the entire contents (art, gold ingots, gold dust, jewelery and cash) of nearly 7,000 safety deposit boxes from three vaults in London. The British government simply told Scotland Yard that the safety deposit boxes were used by criminals to store cash, guns and drugs.
The British government instructed the police to arrest anyone who went to the vaults to try and recover the contents of their safety deposit boxes. Those who protested the seizure of the contents of their safety deposit boxes were to be charged with various offenses including pedophilia, money-laundering, drug-dealing and firearms possession.
When word spread about the government raid and theft of the contents of their safety deposit boxes people rushed to the bank vaults. The police arrested 146 and charged 30 (those with the most cash and gold in their safety deposit boxes) with trumped up pedophilia, money-laundering, drug-dealing and firearms charges.
This isn’t the first time the British government ordered the seizure of its people’s deposits. Back in June 2008, 1 year after the global economic crisis began, police armed with automatic weapons (shown in above image) were ordered by Gordon Brown to seize (to take by force) thousands of deposit boxes, ranging from small book-sized boxes to large walk-in safes in a string of west London raids. Armed robbery is defined as a crime ” involving the use of a weapon in the taking of money or goods in the possession of another, from his or her person or immediate presence“.
The contents of safety deposit boxes were stolen by the British government from Park Lane Safe Depository in Park Street, Hampstead Safe Depository in Finchley Road, and Edgware Safe Depository in High Street, Edgware.
The British government came up with the idea back in 2006. The British government needed new money and the only new and real money was being held by the people in safety deposit boxes. The government can’t tax what is sitting for years in thousands of safety deposit boxes so they decided to confiscate it all. The confiscation of the people’s money was codenamed Operation Rize. Operation Rize being code for Ruse. The ruse is the British government labeling all safety deposit box owners as criminals in order to steal the valuable contents of their safety deposit boxes. Every safety deposit box in the largest vaults in London were ordered raided based entirely on the British government’s assertion that a handful of safety deposit box owners were suspected of being corrupt.
Why is this significant for people in the United States? The U.S. government is preparing to do the same in the United States.
The U.S. government has been stealing its people’s money since 2008 and the only real money ($trillions) left in the United States is being kept in its peoples’ safety deposit boxes. The U.S. government has lost its prized AAA rating and the S&P made it known that it could drop it again in November. Yesterday,Guan Jianzhong, chairman of Dagong Global Credit Rating, said the U.S. currency (the worthless Federal Reserve Note) is being “gradually discarded by the world,” and the “process will be irreversible.” Because of the rating downgrade and foreign governments dropping the worthless Federal Reserve Note, the U.S. government is being forced by the Federal Reserve bankers to make preparations to confiscate the people’s valuable financial assets held in safety deposit boxes across the U.S. by using the same false accusation as the British government – all safety deposit box owners are criminals and the contents of those boxes deemed to be criminal proceeds.
Government confiscation (theft) of its peoples gold dates back to the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917. In 1917, President Woodrow Wilson was forced by the bankers of the newly formed Federal Reserve to sign the “TWEA” into law, forbidding American individuals and businesses from engaging in trade with “enemy nations.” The world’s functional gold standard, which had overseen tremendous global economic growth in the early years of the twentieth century, was effectively halted by the Federal Reserve bankers and the outbreak of World War I soon followed. With gold no longer being the standard for trade (the worthless counterfeit Federal Reserve Note replaced it) the stage was thus set for the Great Depression and World War II.
Shortly after taking office sixteen years later, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was forced by the Federal Reserve bankers to sign Executive Order 6102 into law, prohibiting the “hoarding” of gold. Under this Federal Reserve order, Americans were prohibited from owning more than $100 worth of gold coins, and all “hoarders” (i.e. people who owned more than $100 worth of gold) were forced, by law, to sell their “excess” gold to the Federal Reserve bankers at the prevailing price of $20.67 per ounce.
Then, once the Federal Reserve bankers had all the gold, FDR revalued the dollar relative to gold so that gold was now worth $35 an ounce. By simple decree, the Federal Reserve bankers had thereby robbed millions of American citizens at a rate of $14.33 per ounce of confiscated gold, which is why most historians agree that the Gold Confiscation of 1933 was the single most draconian economic act in the history of the United States – that is until the Federal Reserve bankers did it again 75 years later.
On November 24, 2008, U.S. Republican Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) wrote, “In bailing out failing companies, they are confiscating money from productive members of the economy and giving it to failing ones. By sustaining companies with obsolete or unsustainable business models, the government prevents their resources from being liquidated and made available to other companies that can put them to better, more productive use. An essential element of a healthy free market, is that both success and failure must be permitted to happen when they are earned. But instead with a bailout, the rewards are reversed – the proceeds from successful entities are given to failing ones. How this is supposed to be good for our economy is beyond me…. It won’t work. It can’t work… It is obvious to most Americans that we need to reject corporate cronyism, and allow the natural regulations and incentives of the free market to pick the winners and losers in our economy, not the whims of bureaucrats and politicians.”
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Short URL: http://presscore.ca/2011/?p=3598
Comme annoncé sur ce blog, au mois d'Avril 2011, selon nos sources musulmanes a New York, la note de la France sera degradée sur ordre de Goldman Sachs selon un plan ordonné, dont la finalité est le pillage des epargnants francais, ceci avec la totale complicité de Sarkozy et son gouvernement dont 'le conseiller' malade mental et criminel de guerre Attali qui a pour mission 'divine' de preparer Jerusalem comme nouvelle capitale mondiale, la les choses sont claires pour tout le monde, les liens sont etablis et l'agenda se deroule devant nos yeux. Un bon embarguo energetique, suivant l'invasion de l'OTAN en Afrique du Nord finira la France-Israel au mois de Decembre 2011
Par Fabrice Arfi et Karl Laske,
Quel obscur pacte Nicolas Sarkozy espérait-il conclure, en 2008, avec le dictateur syrien Bachar el-Assad ? Alors que les forces de sécurité syriennes continuent de réprimer dans le sang les manifestations, Mediapart publie une série de documents inédits qui prouvent que le marchand d'armes Ziad Takieddine, soupçonné de financement politique occulte par le juge Van Ruymbeke dans l'affaire Karachi, a été, entre 2007 et 2009, l'homme-orchestre du rapprochement entre la France et la Syrie et l'introducteur du président français auprès du chef de l'Etat syrien.
Le point culminant de ce travail de l'ombre aura été la visite, en juillet 2008, de Bachar el-Assad à Paris, suivie de celle, en septembre de la même année, de Nicolas Sarkozy à Damas. Ziad Takieddine a été le principal organisateur de ces déplacements qui avaient déjà légitimement provoqué un tollé en France compte tenu des atteintes aux droits de l'homme imputées au régime syrien.
En contrepartie, Ziad Takieddine a pris part à des négociations menées par le groupe français Total en Syrie, avec l'appui politique de Nicolas Sarkozy, selon des notes et courriers internes au groupe pétrolier en notre possession.
Comme en Libye, le marchand d'armes se plaçait ainsi parmi les intermédiaires incontournables du régime syrien pour les sociétés françaises et tout à la fois comme le représentant officieux de l'Etat français auprès des Syriens. Il escomptait ainsi décrocher des commissions occultes en échange de l'obtention de gisements pétroliers ou gaziers.
Confirmant des liens avec Ziad Takieddine, le groupe Total assure toutefois qu'il n'a opéré aucun versement direct ou indirect en sa faveur s'agissant de projets en Syrie. L'Elysée, de son côté, n'a pas donné suite à nos sollicitations.
Comme dans les dossiers saoudien et libyen, c'est l'actuel ministre de l'intérieur, Claude Guéant, alors secrétaire général de l'Elysée, qui s'est chargé de mettre en scène le scénario, écrit par Takieddine, du rapprochement puis de la lune de miel franco-syrienne. Claude Guéant passait alors pour un «homme exceptionnel» aux yeux de Bachar el-Assad, reconnaissant de sa «réhabilitation» sur la scène internationale grâce à la France, à en croire les écrits de M. Takieddine.
Notes confidentielles, éléments de langage, traductions, organisations de déplacements à Damas, rencontres secrètes avec des émissaires syriens dans des capitales européennes... Pour le compte de l'actuel ministre de l'intérieur, Ziad Takieddine a joué le rôle d'un véritable conseiller de l'ombre, toujours disposé à court-circuiter la diplomatie officielle du Quai d'Orsay très peu pro-syrienne – le ministre des affaires étrangères était alors Bernard Kouchner.
Les premières interventions du marchand d'armes pour l'Elysée sur le dossier syrien se sont cristallisées, fin 2007, autour du règlement de la crise politique libanaise née de l'assassinat du président Rafic Hariri deux ans plus tôt.
Des débuts difficiles
Dès janvier 2008, Ziad Takieddine, sur lequel pèse aujourd'hui le soupçon d'un financement illicite de la campagne présidentielle d'Edouard Balladur en 1995, se fait le porte-voix direct de Nicolas Sarkozy. Les pourparlers s'engagent plutôt mal – l'impasse politique est alors totale au Liban du fait de l'attitude syrienne –, mais ils s'amélioreront une fois la crise dénouée en mai 2008, après l'élection d'un nouveau président libanais.
Dans un compte-rendu de visite à Damas (voir ci-dessous), où il a rencontré, le 1er janvier 2008, des responsables syriens, Ziad Takieddine note ainsi que l'objet de sa «visite se résume comme suit»: «Signifier aux responsables syriens l'amertume du président Sarkozy vis-à-vis de l'échec des initiatives successives que la France a entamées. Cette amertume est à la dimension des espoirs et de la confiance qu'avait mis le Président dans la crédibilité de la Syrie.»
«Il est évident, poursuit la note, que toute chose qui se passe est imputée à la Syrie et que la France a tout fait malgré ceci pour éviter de les tenir responsables de tout.»
Dans sa note de janvier 2008, M. Takieddine parle au nom du président français: «Le Président Sarkozy souhaite qu'il n'y ait aucune ambiguïté. Il veut absolument faire élire un Président de la République au Liban. Il souhaite élire un Président consensuel choisi par les Libanais. Il souhaite aussi que ce Président de la République puisse être un homme d'envergure et un homme qui n'a pas d'animosité avec la Syrie, qui sera approuvé par les Syriens et leurs alliés.»
«Ceci est la position de la France», affirme, péremptoire, Ziad Takieddine, soudainement devenu l'ambassadeur secret de l'Elysée.
Quelques jours plus tard, le 17 janvier 2008, le marchand d'armes rencontre à Berlin le ministre des affaires étrangères de la Syrie, Walid al-Moallem, pour lui faire part une nouvelle fois de la position de la France. Dans un compte-rendu rédigé le lendemain, M. Takieddine écrit que son«interlocuteur» tient à «confirmer la confiance totale» dans la «démarche»de la France.
Le 12 février, Ziad Takieddine commet une note mystérieusement titrée «La Substance» (reproduite page suivante). Objectif: rendre la Syrie respectable, même si la chose n'est pas aisée. «Les dernières déclarations ont instauré une situation laissant croire à une ambiguïté sur la position de la France, notamment à travers les interventions répétées du Ministre des Affaires étrangères (Bernard Kouchner, NDLR), qui seraient sujettes à des interprétations remettant en cause les démarches avec la Syrie», rapporte le marchand d'armes.
Il poursuit: «Il convient de confirmer l'élément essentiel adopté par le pouvoir au plus haut niveau, représenté par Monsieur Claude Guéant, comme étant indispensable pour jouer un rôle important dans toute solution régionale et internationale, notamment à partir du Liban.»
Les secrets du coup de fil Sarkozy/Assad
Parmi les «plans d'action» relayés par Takieddine figurent, pêle-mêle, un«accord avec la France, sur la proposition de la France, pour la fourniture de l'énergie nucléaire civile / AREVA» et un accord franco-syrien afin de «faire entrer le Hamas dans les négociations avec Israël».
Pour autant, la situation politique libanaise est, à cette époque, toujours chaotique. Ce qui agace la France. De retour de Damas, où il a notamment rencontré les 12 et 13 février le ministre al-Moallem, le marchand d'armes relève dans un compte-rendu que «les Syriens (...) se sont sentis obligés de se résoudre au fait qu'ils n'ont plus grand-chose à espérer de l'initiative française à la suite des déclarations anti-syriennes» de Nicolas Sarkozy et Bernard Kouchner.
Mais tout n'est pas perdu. Le ministre syrien lui assure que la «confiance»est «renouvelée» s'agissant des«actions et de la détermination de Claude Guéant et du Président Sarkozy».
En mars et avril 2008, au plus fort de la crise politique libanaise, marquée par d'énormes difficultés institutionnelles pour faire élire un nouveau président de la République, Ziad Takieddine continue d'envoyer de nombreuses notes à l'Elysée. Finalement, une issue est trouvée entre les différents partis politiques libanais. Le 28 mai 2008, Michel Sleiman est élu au poste suprême. C'est le début du réchauffement des relations entre Paris et Damas.
Dans une note (non datée) consacrée aux «relations France-Syrie après l'élection du Président au Liban», Ziad Takieddine écrit: «La Syrie souhaite que la France entre par la grande porte dans la région après une longue absence.»
Et les éloges du dictateur Assad à l'égard du président français ne tardent pas: «La confiance du Président Assad est totale, vu la qualité, le dynamisme, et la volonté du Président Sarkozy à assumer ce rôle pour la France. Il trouvera en Syrie un partenaire efficace jouant son rôle d'acteur très important dans cette région.» Les nuages commencent à se dissiper dans le ciel franco-syrien.
Le 30 mai 2008, Ziad Takieddine rédige une note «confidentielle» faisant état du contenu d'une «conversation téléphonique» entre Nicolas Sarkozy et le dictateur Bachar el-Assad, conversation à laquelle le marchand d'armes a, de toute évidence, assisté personnellement, ou dont il a été informé du contenu. La lune de miel est cette fois totale, à en juger par la lecture du document.
La note du 30 mai commence ainsi: «Le Président Sarkozy, par égard pour la Syrie et le rôle qu'elle a tenu dans le dénouement de la crise libanaise, a souhaité confirmer son estime pour la Syrie et donner à sa visite à Damas un caractère exclusif et officiel, en la dissociant de sa visite éclair prévue au Liban.»
Il est alors évoqué l'organisation d'une visite du président français en Syrie à la suite d'une venue de Bachar el-Assad en France. «Le Président Sarkozy a tenu, également, à l'occasion de l'appel téléphonique au Président Assad, confirmer à ce dernier son invitation au Sommet des Pays de la Méditerranée, fixé le 13 juillet prochain à Paris, et le convier, à ses côtés, au défilé du 14-Juillet.»
Un mot pour Guéant: «Amitiés - Ziad»
Immédiatement, il est question de marchés, de contrat, d'argent: «Le Président français a souligné la volonté de la France de voir des projets réalisés dans divers domaines économiques.» Deux domaines sont cités par Nicolas Sarkozy, l'«aviation» et le «pétrole». Cela tombe bien: il se trouve que l'or noir n'est pas complètement étranger aux intérêts du conseiller occulte préféré de l'Elysée, Ziad Takieddine, comme nous allons le voir. Le mélange des genres, cautionné par le sommet de l'Etat, ne peut que susciter des interrogations aujourd'hui.
Le note du 30 mai se termine sur la perspective d'une visite préparatoire de«C.G.» – Claude Guéant – en Syrie, «sous 15 jours». Celle-ci aura en effet lieu deux semaines plus tard, le 15 juin 2008. L'ancien secrétaire général de l'Elysée rencontre à Damas Bachar el-Assad.
Les documents récupérés par Mediapart nous apprennent aujourd'hui que ce déplacement de M. Guéant a été préparé de bout en bout par Ziad Takieddine. Avant son départ pour Damas, M. Guéant reçoit par exemple de M. Takieddine trois notes de travail, précédées d'un mot qui en dit long sur la proximité entre le marchand d'armes et l'actuel hôte de la place Beauvau: «Je vous souhaite un très bon voyage et un grand succès bien mérité (...) Pour tout ce que vous faites, pour tout ce que vous avez fait, pour tout cela un immense merci. Amitiés. Ziad.»
Si l'on en croit la littérature de Ziad Takieddine, Damas a prévu de réserver un accueil chaleureux au n°2 de l'Elysée. Dans une «note à délivrer personnellement à Monsieur Claude Guéant», on peut par exemple lire:«Conformément à l'initiative française du départ, la Syrie a tenu à maintenir et à renforcer des relations stratégiques et distinguées avec le Président Monsieur Nicolas Sarkozy, et de tourner la page des relations avec l'ancien Président Chirac.»
Le lendemain de la rencontre Guéant/Assad à Damas, immortalisée par plusieurs photographes, Ziad Takieddine s'entretient avec le ministre des affaires étrangères syrien, Walid al-Moallem. Dans une note datée du 16 juin 2008 adressée au n°2 de l'Elysée, le marchand d'armes écrit: «Votre visite et les rencontres effectuées à Damas, hier, ont été très positives et constructives. Elles constituent une étape essentielle dans le rapprochement franco-syrien.»
«Mon interlocuteur m'a fait part de leur détermination à développer les relations bilatérales entre la France et la Syrie, ce, dans tous les domaines», continue le document.
Claude Guéant se voit ensuite couvrir de compliments par la dictature...«Mon interlocuteur a tenu à confirmer l'excellente impression que M. Claude Guéant continue de faire au Président Assad, ainsi qu'à lui-même. Ils le considèrent comme un homme exceptionnel et c'est lui qui assurera les relations à un très haut niveau.»
Le marchand d'armes est plus que jamais l'émissaire exclusif de l'Elysée pour la Syrie, méprisant tous les canaux officiels en la matière. Le 7 juillet 2008, une semaine avant la venue en grande pompe à Paris de Bachar el-Assad, M. Takieddine se rend à Damas pour y rencontrer le dictateur en personne. Le message véhiculé par Takieddine est clair: l'invitation de Nicolas Sarkozy est «de la part de la France une tentative de ramener la Syrie au “bercail” occidental et démocratique». En contrepartie, «le chef de l'Etat syrien a besoin d'une relation de confiance personnelle avec le Président français», souligne la note.
Rien n'est laissé au hasard. Ainsi, Ziad Takieddine note-t-il que le leader syrien lui a affirmé que «de même que le Président Sarkozy est soucieux de la perception que l'opinion française aura de la visite du Président syrien en France, de même l'opinion arabe regarde avec beaucoup d'attention ce qui résultera de la visite».
Le pétrole syrien en ligne de mire
Pour préparer le terrain, Bachar el-Assad a accepté de donner une interview au Figaro, «remarquablement menée par M. Mougeotte», observe Ziad Takieddine dans sa note transmise à l'Elysée. Mediapart a déjà raconté les liens étroits entretenus par Etienne Mougeotte, le directeur des rédactions duFigaro, et le marchand d'armes. Ces liens ne sont manifestement pas inutiles quand il s'agit de donner une bonne image d'une dictature dans l'un des principaux quotidiens français.
Dans le foulée de la venue de Bachard el-Assad à Paris, Ziad Takieddine se rend de nouveau à Damas, le 17 juillet. Les échos sont excellents et laissent augurer la venue de Nicolas Sarkozy en Syrie, programmée pour les 3 et 4 septembre 2008, dans les meilleures conditions imaginables.
«Le Président Bachar el-Assad et M. Wallid al-Moallem ont tenu à transmettre un message de remerciements et d'amitié au Président Nicolas Sarkozy, ainsi qu'à Monsieur Claude Guéant, pour l'accueil et également l'atmosphère de confiance dans laquelle les sujets ont été abordés, ce qui a permis de donner à cette visite l'éclat qui a particulièrement touché le Président Assad», écrit Ziad Takieddine dans une nouvelle note (ci-dessous).
Il ajoute: «Le Président Assad estime qu'une nouvelle page des relations entre la France et la Syrie est désormais ouverte. Il estime que cela implique des actes forts des deux côtés.»
Aux yeux des Syriens, le déplacement du président français à Damas sera un«succès», comme en témoigne le compte-rendu rédigé par Ziad Takieddine (ci-dessous). «Le Président Assad est très satisfait d'avoir pu établir une relation personnelle avec le Président Sarkozy», poursuit l'homme d'affaires.
«Le Président Assad remercie la France pour son rôle déterminant quant à la position de la Syrie dans le “concert” international (...) Le Président Assad a bien noté que, d'une manière générale, la presse française, pour la première fois, a adopté un ton globalement très positif à l'égard de la Syrie, de son Président et de la visite du Président Sarkozy à Damas»,peut-on encore lire dans le document.
Surtout, les présidents Sarkozy et el-Assad ont scellé, début septembre à Damas, des accords pétroliers entre les deux pays, sur l'extension du permis de Deir Ez Zor, le lancement du projet «gaz» de Tabiyeh et la signature d'un accord-cadre qui ouvre la voix à des projets d'exploration et de production très ambitieux pour la France. Au cœur du dispositif se trouve le groupe Total.
Or, à la même période, Ziad Takieddine est en relations avec Total. La confusion des genres, autorisée par l'Elysée, paraît vertigineuse. Le 28 août 2008, soit une semaine avant la venue de Nicolas Sarkozy à Damas, Ziad Takieddine avait reçu d'un dirigeant de Total un document confidentiel sur les perspectives du groupe français en Syrie. De grands espoirs sont placés dans le déplacement de M. Sarkozy.
Le rapport affirme ainsi, dès sa première ligne, que «la visite du Président de la République en Syrie début septembre devrait être l'occasion de conclure, en présence des deux présidents, les accords suivants». Plusieurs projets pétroliers sont alors cités (voir ci-dessous).
«Le véritable enjeu, affirme Total, reste le démarrage effectif d'une coopération concrète avec les sociétés d'Etat sur un ou deux projets E&P (Exploration et Production, ndlr) identifiés (...). Ce point reste à concrétiser lors d'un entretien au plus haut niveau entre le Groupe et les autorités syriennes, avant ou en marge de la visite du PR (Président la République, ndlr) en Syrie.»
Il y a là de quoi ravir Ziad Takieddine. Huit jours seulement après le passage de Nicolas Sarkozy en Syrie, le 12 septembre 2008, M. Takieddine reçoit du directeur d'une compagnie pétrolière dénommée Gulf Regal Corporation, Hani Salaam, une proposition de partage 50/50 des bénéfices d'une coopération avec... Total en Syrie, comme l'atteste la lettre ci-dessous.«Nous avons tous les deux travaillé très dur pour participer à des projets commerciaux avec Total», écrit M. Salaam.
Les choses semblent décidément bien faites. Le 24 novembre de la même année, le directeur général de Total, Christophe de Margerie, écrit à l'associé de Takieddine, Hani Salaam, pour lui proposer un large partenariat en Syrie. Une copie de la lettre est même envoyée à Ziad Takieddine par un dirigeant de Total (ci-dessous). La boucle paraît bouclée.
Contacté, le groupe Total assure pourtant aujourd'hui qu'aucun versement n'a été opéré, dans le dossier syrien, en faveur de Ziad Takieddine ou de la société Gulf Regal Corporation, dont les projets de coopération «ont été abandonnés», affirme-t-on au sein du groupe pétrolier. Il n'en sera pas de même avec le pétrole libyen, comme Mediapart le racontera dans les prochains jours.
Blueprint For NATO Attack On Syria Revealed : Strike on Syria is technically feasible, former French general says
A Nato strike to disable the Syrian army is technically feasible according to experts, such as former French air chief Jean Rannou. But it could make the country's internal situation worse.
Nato member countries would begin by using satellite technology to spot Syrian air defences. A few days later, warplanes, in larger numbers than Libya, would take off from the UK base in Cyprus and spend some 48 hours destroying Syrian surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) and jets. Alliance aircraft would then start an open-ended bombardment of Syrian tanks and ground troops.
The scenario is based on analysts in the French military, from the specialist British publication Jane's Defence Weekly and from Israel's Channel 10 TV station.
The Syrian air force is said to pose little threat. It has around 60 Russian-made MiG-29s. But the rest - some 160 MiG-21s, 80 MiG-23s, 60 MiG-23BNs, 50 Su-22s and 20 Su-24MKs - is out of date.
Its latest SAMs could shoot down a handful of Nato pilots. In the past three years, Syria deployed hundreds of Russian-made SA-17s, which come up on radars for a very short time before firing. Israel in 2007 bombed a suspected nuclear site in Syria using a cyber attack cut electricity to air defences. The SA-17s are believed to be cyber-insulated and Israel might not share its secrets with Nato, however.
Syria in 2006 bought around 30 Russian-made Pantsyr-S1 anti-aircaft cannon...It has stocked up on modern SA-18 missiles from Belarus and Russia. But these are short-range weapons that would only pose a danger to Nato helicopters in a later stage of the operation.
There are also assymetric threats - Nato countries have vulnerable troops in Unifil, the UN mission in neighbouring Lebanon...
Robert Baer, a former CIA officer in Syria, said there is small hope a Nato strike would bring peace: "Any force used on Syria would be a total shot in the dark, a hope the military under attack will turn on the regime. But when has this ever happened? It didn't with [late Iraqi leader] Saddam or [Libyan leader] Gaddafi."
Baer previously told this website the turmoil in Syria is more complicated than the image in mainstream media of a downtrodden Sunni Muslim majority calling for reform by the Shia Muslim ruling elite.
Alastair Crooke, a former MI6 officer and high-level EU advisor who runs an NGO in Beirut, backed up Baer's views.
"Syrians want change. But whether Westerners believe it or not, most people in Damascus, in Aleppo, the middle classes, the merchant classes and the [sectarian] minorities believe Assad is the only person who can bring in reforms," he said. "They fear two things above all else - civil war and Western intervention ... They would like to avoid the example of Libya because it would lead them into civil war."
Crooke said two important forces behind events are Sunni radicals and Syrian exile groups in France and the US.
He said the radicals follow the teaching of Abu Musab Zarqawi, a late Jordanian Islamist, who aimed to create a Sunni emirate in Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria called Bilad a-Sham. They are experienced urban guerillas who fought in Iraq and have outside finance. They infilitrate protests to attack Assad forces, as in Jisr al-Shagour in June, where they inflicted heavy casualties.
Crooke said the exile groups aim to topple the anti-Israeli regime. They are funded and trained by the US. They pay Sunni tribal chiefs to put people on the streets, work with NGOs to feed uncorroborated stories of atrocities to Western media and co-operate with radicals in the hope that escalating violence will justify Nato intervention.
"There is a huge difference with [the revolution in] Egypt," he added. "But the picture you see in the European and American press is that you are dealing with peaceful protests and that Assad has nothing better than to do than to kill his own people."
Lending money on interest is called Riba in Islaam, it is forbidden, that's the major reason the zionist jews controlling the western financial system hate us. Interest, no matter how abundant, ultimately leads to poverty, enslavement.
Conference about the 'Riba' (interest, usury), Kuala Lumpur
By Sheykh Imran Hosein, www.imranhosein.org Allah swt states in Quran:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ لاَ تَأْكُلُواْ الرِّبَا أَضْعَافًا مُّضَاعَفَةً وَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ
3:130 O you who have believed, do not consume usury, doubled and multiplied, but fear Allah that you may be successful.
وَأَحَلَّ اللّهُ الْبَيْعَ وَحَرَّمَ الرِّبَا
2:175 Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest
Quran explicitly prohibits Riba, and since Quran is an undisputed source of guidance, all Muslims unanimously agrees on prohibition of Riba. There is no difference of opinion among any school of thought on prohibition of Riba in Islamic Shariah. Libye – OTAN : Échec consommé de la coalition ! Il faut faire cesser les bombardements de civils !
Tribune Libre - Djerrad Amar
Que reste-t-il à faire après avoir épuisé tous les moyens funestes pour faire tomber un homme que soutient l’écrasante majorité de son peuple ? Au moins 5 millions et demi dont 2 millions ont été armés, pour un pays de 7 millions d’habitants - (observons les manifestations récentes, les plus remarquables : Tripoli le 1er juillet, 1million 750 000 ; Sebha le 8 juillet, 800 000 ; Laadjilet le jeudi 14 juillet, 1 million ; Zliten le vendredi 15 juillet,1 million ; Ezzaouiya le samedi 16 juillet, 600 000 et bien d’autres endroits - soit 80% au vu des autres manifestations dans plusieurs régions y compris celles de l’Est).
Que reste-t-il des faux prétextes qui ont « justifié » l’agression de cette Libye qui vivait en paix et dans l’abondance jusqu’au jour où des brigands, des envieux, ont décidé de concert de la saigner pour accaparer ses richesses et ses biens. Que reste-t-il des mensonges et de la «stratégie» utilisée consistant à « protéger des civils » des mains d’un « dictateur » car on a fait, jusque-là, qu’en tuer, intentionnellement, par des bombardements aériens croyant ainsi susciter une révolte populaire. Que reste-t-il de ce Conseil fantoche, de type CNT, qui s’est avéré un ramassis de traitres libyens sans dignité et principes, composés d'opposants qui vivent pour leur majorité en Occident depuis plus de 30 ans, qui emmargent à la CIA et le MI6, d'ex-ministres opportunistes de dissidence récente, de quelques militaires renégats, d'ex haut fonctionnaires félons et d’affairistes qui ne reconnaissent de la Libye que ce qu’ils peuvent tirer comme richesse personnelle. Les plus cités sont entre autres Abdeljalil, Bouchena, Hafter, Younes, Tarhouni, Chemmam, Chelgham , Dogha, Djibril, Koussa, Logelli, Fethi, Hassouna, Hariri , Aissaoui et Baiba qui sollicitent des frappes destructrices et désignent les objectifs de ce qu'ils disent être leur pays, dirigent des milices auxquels se sont alliés l’Aqmi d’Al Qaida et le front islamique libyen que représentent entre autres Lahssadi, Salabi, Benguemou, Belaaradj et Fertas. Que reste-t-il des vantardises continues et médiatisées des « héros de la liberté » qui conquièrent de nouveaux territoires et qui seraient depuis 4 mois aux portes de Tripoli ? Que reste-t-il enfin après cet acharnement, par vengeance, à ‘sanctionner’ une population qui refuse l’abdication en se ‘cristallisant’, contrairement aux calculs, encore plus autour de son Guide face à l’adversité ? 2000 tributs et plus de 5 millions de manifestants qui renouvellent leur soutien franc et solennel à Kadhafi n’est pas chose banale malgré les 6788 frappes de missiles sur 17794 vols de reconnaissance des avions de combat au 6 aout 2011, surtout de nuit. Frappes qui ont atteint ou détruit des habitations civiles, des hôpitaux, des écoles et collèges, des bâtiments administratifs dont les locaux de police et des renseignements généraux chargés de la corruption, la cité de l'enfance, des infrastructures de bases, des dépôts de nourritures, des réseaux de communication, la télévision, des check point ; tuant des milliers de personnes civiles parmi eux des femmes, des vieillards, des hommes de religions dans leur lieu de culte, des enfants, des bébés et ce en plus des dizaines de viols de jeunes filles suivis d'assassinats (des scènes terribles filmées surtout à Mesrata). Tous les moyens politiques, militaires, juridiques, religieux et de propagandes ont été utilisés sans interruption mais surtout sans succès! Que pouvait-il bien rester comme cartes devant un enlisement annoncé lorsque tout était construit sur du mensonge et du faux ! S’entêter et bombarder encore et encore, les mêmes cibles souvent, pendant aussi le mois sacré de Ramadhan, le mois de foi et de générosité, de surcroit au moment des prières surérogatoires (Tarâwih)? Pour tuer, inutilement et gratuitement, encore plus de civils et détruire encore plus pour une cause et une face déjà perdue ? Cela rappelle les nazis avec leur solution finale. Que reste-il comme mensonge et propagande subversive ? Les répéter ? Comme l’annonce de la 2ème mort de Khamis Kadhafi qui dirige la brigade la plus redoutée; information que démentent les libyens et qui vient comme diversion afin de masquer les crimes récents commis à Zliten.
L’Otan mène bien des actions criminelles pour un projet funeste issu d’une pensée obscurantiste, en filoutant l’Onu, en s’alliant à des groupes criminels et terroristes qu’elle prétend toujours combattre, pour un projet néocolonialiste plus étendu qui ne s’arrête pas aux frontières de la Libye. Par CNT interposé l’Otan, mais surtout la France de Sarkozy et la GB de Cameron - qu’appuient les Émirs du Qatar et des Émirat ainsi que le sinistre Amr Moussa et des Cheikhs de services - croient utiliser les islamistes pour leur projet et ces derniers jouent le jeu pour leur projet aussi. L’Otan le sait, mais en se croyant la plus maline. L'occident « démocratique » sait aussi que l’écrasante majorité des libyens soutiens Kadhafi, mais il n'est pas venu pour cela. Il n’a que faire de la démocratie dans ces contrées utiles. Ce qui l’intéresse c’est les intérêts, le pétrole et le gaz, et rien d’autres. Que valent ces foules d’idiots arabes, de musulmans, d’africains – utilisés comme faire valoir et chair à canon - devant des citoyens européens dans la mesure où les méfaits qu’ils commettront se dérouleront chez eux et entre-eux ! Dans le cas de la Libye, il s’agit d’un complot extérieur exécuté par des libyens qui doivent s’entretuer dans une guerre fratricide, pour des intérêts étrangers. Cette conception chauvine, égoïste, raciste et belliqueuse des relations internationales, aura sans aucun doute, de graves conséquences que l’esprit étriqué des dirigeants actuels occidentaux incompétents ne peut encore saisir. Nous avions bien dit, par ailleurs au sujet de l’ignoble pression de Sarkozy sur le Mali pour faire libérer, des mains de l’Aqmi, un citoyen français pris en otage, par le paiement d’une rançon aux terroristes que par ce geste volontaire la France venait « d’ouvrir le “boîte à Pandore” » en entrant, en plein, dans un engrenage infernal … ! La voici maintenant, cette France, se servir du même groupe pour les besoins de ses objectifs en Libye, elle qui ne cesse de se considérer, avec arrogance, chantre dans cette lutte anti-terroriste. Mensonge et mensonge quand on constate qu’elle n’est pas à sa première ineptie, notamment dans l’affaire de l’Arch de Zoé dans le trafic d’enfants, ou bien l’affaire dite des ‘infirmières bulgares’ ou encore l’affaire du Rwanda et de la Côte d’Ivoire. Au vu de l’évolution des choses, les islamistes - en avançant leurs pions, en gagnant du terrain, en renforçant leurs moyens en armes - s’avèrent les vrais meneurs de jeu ! « A malin, malin et demi ». Ce CNT qui ne décide rien sans l’accord de Sarkozy et du sioniste milliardaire Bernard-Henri Lévy, le coordonnateur - ce « philosophe proconsul de Cyrénaïque (capitale Benghazi) » comme le titre un chroniqueur ou ce titre « narcissisme guerrier » de Daniel Salvatore Schiffer ( Médiapart) - s’avère épouvantail entre les mains des islamistes qui se permettent même d’assassiner, après d’atroces tortures, leur allié chef de guerre Abdelfattah Younes du CNT, avec une facilité troublante ; liée sans doute aux luttes intestines pour l’influence et la destinée des aides financières de l’Occident mais aussi à la débâcle de Bréga ( « plus de 600 mort » selon une source libyenne ). La brigade « Abou Oubeida Aljarah » serait derrière cet acte. Malgré cela la coalition des diablotins de l’Otan - dont il ne reste que la France en tête, la GB, le Qatar et les Emirat - continue à fournir encore plus d’ «aides» et de « logistique » qui prennent, pour une bonne partie, d’autres directions pour d’autres destinations et usages. Un vrai ‘bisness’ d’armes s’est installé. Quelle arnaque, quelle escroquerie du siècle ! Sarkozy et Cameron doivent se mordre les doigts. Par les actions bafouant le droit international que se permet l’Otan dans son agression – et de connivence avec l’ONU – il devient désormais légitime de ‘blanchir’ de l’argent, de faire de la piraterie, d’aider les terroristes, de prendre d’assaut les ambassades, d’aider les séparatistes, d’user des mercenaires, de tuer les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernements en cas de conflit. Alors que les milices de Benghazi s’étaient alliées entre elles, en faire-valoir de l’Otan - contre le « dictateur de Tripoli qui bombarde sa population » - les voici maintenant, s’apercevant sûrement de la haute supercherie, s’entretuer par vengeance sur ‘font tribal’ à l’image de la composante d’un CNT hétéroclite, renégat, sans principes et sans projet pour la Libye que de la détruire et subtiliser ses avoirs, qui a transformé Benghazi et sa région en lieu où règne la terreur, les règlements de comptes, l’insécurité et où les habitants ne disposent plus de revenu, du minimum vital, que l’on a transformé en quémandeurs de nourriture. Quelle avilissement quand on constate que le pays jouit du 3ème revenu national brut (RNB) par habitant d’Afrique et affiche de bons indicateurs de développement humain (IDH) et qui aidait d’autres pays dans le besoin ! Situation que n’ont cessé de mettre en garde des analystes politiques éclairés dont la télé libyenne par l’image et les preuves ; depuis février. La vedette est l’analyste politique le Dr Youssef Amine Chakir - ex opposant– devenu la bête noire de l’Otan, du CNT et d’Aljazeera. Ces milices - composées de prisonniers libérés de Benghazi, d’islamistes graciés, de frustrés et de ratés qui ont trouvé l’occasion de se venger et de s’enrichir, de bandits, de voyous, de plusieurs groupes d'Al-Qaïda surtout de l’Aqmi qui profite de la situation pour s’armer, de jeunes désœuvrés abrutis, dupés ou forcés – sont affublés du titre de «combattants de la liberté» malgré leur nombre réduit tandis que les millions de libyens qui défendent leur pays contre un agresseur dévastateur, tueur de civils et d’enfants qu’aide des traitres et des aventuriers , sont taxés de terroristes et de mercenaires. L’Otan pratique ou autorise tous les interdits dont elle accuse, par diversion, l’armée libyenne. C’est la perversion. Sur le terrain, à Benghazi, c’est la débandade des insurgés qui ne savent plus à quel chef se vouer et qui constatent le non-respect de leurs morts surtout ceux à Bréga que l’on a enterré, discrètement, dans des fosses communes près de Jdhabia ou de nuit au cimetière Al Haouari (des charniers en vue de les imputer à Kadhafi ?). C’est les combats de rues, les violations de domiciles, des hôpitaux et les enlèvements. C’est la liquidation des Ourfallis et Tarhounis (137 morts). C’est aussi ces mêmes fils de tribus avec ceux originaires de Zliten qui manifestent, en drapeau vert à Benghazi, leur soutien à Kadhafi et leur rejet du CNT et de l’Otan. C’est le chaos et la frustration des rebelles après l’échec aussi de Tidji puis de Mesrata et leur fuite de Zliten, de Dafnia et de Jdhabia non sans avoir semer des mines ; ils blâment tous leurs commandants. C’est les bombardements quotidiens et au hasard des villes qui ont manifesté leur soutien au Guide. C’est la fuite éperdue des Qataris vers Tobrouk. C’est les manifestations réclamant les salaires qui n’arrivent jamais. C’est les « bavures » qui se multiplient en bombardant encore des…insurgés. C’est des tribus qui menacent d’envahir surtout Benghazi et Mesrata pour les libérer. Citons Allain Jules : « Les évènements récents à Benghazi ont démontré le degré avancé de putréfaction du nid de vipère caché derrière le CNT … la dislocation du CNT arrive à la vitesse grand V. … le CNT ne survivra pas à la mort du général Younès… C’est clair, Mouammar Kadhafi est entrain de gagner sa lutte contre la coalition impérialiste …». C’est le clan Younes, que soutiennent d’autres groupes, qui menace de faire parler les armes si toute la lumière n’est pas faite sur cet assassinat dans 3 jours. On apprend, en dernière, que 15 agents de l'OTAN ont été capturés à Benghazi ; en échange de leur libération, les Libyens réclament le retrait immédiat de l'OTAN de leur sol. Chakir soutient mordicus que Younes a été assassiné à la suite d’un complot monté par Abdeljalil et Hafter de connivence avec les islamistes de l’Aqmi. Il donne pour cela les détails troublants du quand, comment et pourquoi. Cela est confirmé dans un article de « Sharq el Awsset », du dissident Mohamed Abdelmoutrib El Houni posant 21 questions, intitulé « des questions qui demandes réponses ». Chakir avait déjà averti dans plusieurs émissions passées qu’il y avait des luttes de clan au sein du CNT et qu’ils vont certainement « s’entretuer ». Un document filmé par portable a été diffusé montant une prise de bec, entre responsables à Benghazi dont des éléments barbus connus pour leur « qaidisme » et des militaires dissidents, après la débâcle de Bréga. Cet assassinat montre que le CNT de l’Otan est une « duperie » de traitres sans dignité qui vont s’exterminer dans leur course, à qui mieux mieux, pour ‘arnaquer’ l’Occident. C’est enfin le coup de grâce lorsque le porte-parole du gouvernement Libyen, Ibrahim Moussa, répond aux évaluations des experts de l’OTAN, selon laquelle les capacités défensives du régime libyen aurait été réduits de 20% par «nous avons encore des réserves impressionnantes / des armes / mais ne jugeons pas nécessaire de les utiliser ». Malgré tous les signes et indices d’un échec consommé de ce qui reste de la coalition - humiliée par un petit pays maghrébin de 7 millions d’habitants, qu’elle a cru faire abdiquer en quelques jours, mais qui résiste encore à 5 mois de bombardement aux missiles, tout en la défiant – il se trouve encore des hurluberlus comme le ministre de la défense britannique qui déclare a peu près ceci : « on s’attendait à une présence des islamistes d’Al Qaida, qu’on sait qu’ils sont présents mais on s’étonne de leur présence en Libye » ( ?!) pour ensuite affirmer l’incapacité des insurgés à gagner et qu’il faudra « trouver des traitres proches du cercle de Kadhafi» (et le CNT alors ?). A mister Haig de pérorer que l’intervention en Libye a permis de « sécuriser la Tunisie et l’Egypte » (pouah !). Gérard Longuet demande, quant à lui, au million 750 mille tripolitains qui ont soutenu récemment (le 1er juillet) Kadhafi « de se révolter » alors que Juppé reconnait une erreur dans l’appréciation des forces de Kadhafi. Tous se permettent encore de dicter, tels des suzerains, l’avenir d’un pays souverain et indépendant et d’exiger le « départ de Kadhafi ». Rien que des niaiseries ou stupidités de responsables incompétents - entrées frauduleusement en politique – qui essayent de se mesurer à un Maitre. Au moment où ce dernier réussissait sa révolution en 1969 à l’âge de 27 ans, en faisant abdiquer le Roi Idris, ces drôles de cocos étaient encore en culotte courte ! Si les Américains - qui se sont retirés sur la pointe des pieds de ce piège libyen - trouve maintenant matière à faire de la politique politicienne en orientant/imputant les choses à l’Iran qui soutiendrait Al Qaida comme ils l’ont fait pour l’Afghanistan c’est qu’ils admettent l’échec de cette aventure. Hugo Chavez assène « nous refusons d’une manière catégorique cette pantomime d’un Conseil de transition et l’attirail farineux de ces pays européens et d’autres qui ont reconnu un groupe de terroristes et lui ont donné une légitimité. Cela viole et détruit les bases du droit international ». Les libyens et Kadhafi combattent légitimement, légalement et avec bonne conscience pour défendre leur pays contre une coalition d’agresseurs, de brigands, de barbares sans foi ni loi et sans morale, aidés par d’exécrables traitres à leur pays. Les premiers sont dans la gloire, la respectabilité et le martyr tandis que les seconds sont dans l’ignominie, le déshonneur et la poubelle de l’histoire. Rappelons-nous les objectifs du projet « Grand Moyen Orient » devenu « Nouveau Moyen Orient ». Selon ce projet qui se base sur les travaux de Bernard Lewis, Ralph Peters et Zbigniew Brzezinski, il s’agit de recomposer le monde musulman et arabe avec un nouveau tracé géographique qui doit reposer sur le principe «diviser pour régner» en créant des mini-États pétroliers et ethniques et ce, pour mieux contrôler et s'assurer cette richesse et surtout sécuriser Israël. Cet objectif, disions-nous par ailleurs, ne peut aboutir qu'en agitant les peuples, en suscitant des conflits entre arabes et persans, entre sunnites et chiites, entre musulmans et chrétiens pour ensuite manipuler et recomposer dans le sens souhaité. On parle de Sykes-Picot 2. La Libye et la Syrie étant les pays déterminants pour la réussite de ce projet. A l’Université de Tel Aviv, en compagnie de Tzipi Livni, BHL déclare, en se comportant comme un dirigeant de l’insurrection en Libye « si nous réussissons à faire tomber Kadhafi ce sera un message pour Assad ». Mais ces deux pays résistent. La Libye encore plus au regard de l’enlisement de l’Otan, dans ce petit pays, sans possibilité d’une sortie honorable. La seule issue est d’arrêter immédiatement les bombardements des civils, contraire à la résolution 1973, et laisser les libyens trouver eux-mêmes la solution à leurs problèmes sans se voir dicter quoi que ce soit. Sarkozy et Cameron se retrouvent dans la situation suivante : fournir de l’argent au CNT qui en réclame de plus en plus, mais sans avancée sur le terrain des combats; ne pas en fournir et voir sonner le glas du CNT que l’on a reconnu et par conséquent accepter l’échec en Libye sans possibilité de négociation ; demander au CNT de négocier par le biais de l’UA et s’en sortir du guêpier à bon compte. Dans tous les cas c’est Kadhafi qui aura le dernier mot car, fort d’un soutien populaire majeur. Sarkozy et Cameron et d’autres se sont bien fait avoir pour leur incompétence, leur penchant à la prédation et l’envie. Pour une Organisation dite du Traité de l’Atlantique Nord, destinée à faire face aux géants russe et chinois, quelle déchéance ! La Libye sera bien la malédiction de L’Otan, de l’ONU et des meneurs de cette coalition démoniaque ! Amar Djerrad 13 août 2011 http://www.hoggar.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2906:libye--otan--echec-consomme-de-la-coalition--il-faut-faire-cesser-les-bombardements-de-civils-&catid=157:djerrad-amar&Itemid=36 Cameron has to rule whether the plundering of the UK is stopped from the banksters side and the streets or it is allowed and therefore he is responsible of the collapse of this country, moral, value, integrity, like all the prime ministers since Thatcher. Now the privatisation of the police by using private military companies won't change anything ! Where is the money of the innocent people ?La France-Israel plonge le peuple francais dans la misere, l'embarguo energetique mettra l'economie francaise au niveau de celle de l'Ethiopie suite a l'invasion de l'OTAN. Sarkozy et BHL tentent de faire diversion avec de fausses menaces de 'contrats' pesant sur leurs tetes car ils ont perdu la guerre qu'ils ont fabriqué eux memes pour le compte d'Israel, Sarkozy prepare l'invasion de la Syrie, une nouvelle fuite desesperée en avantBHL sous protection policière pour son engagement en faveur de la rébellion libyenneTribune Libre - Djeha
« Le philosophe Bernard-Henry Lévy est placé sous protection policière depuis plusieurs semaines, en raison de son engagement en faveur des insurgés libyens, a-t-on appris samedi de source policière, confirmant une information du Parisien. Cette protection, qui n'a pas été demandée par le philosophe, est effectuée par des policiers du service de protection des hautes personnalités (SPHP), a précisé cette source. Auparavant, l'Unité de coordination de la lutte antiterroriste (UCLAT) avait évalué le niveau de menace, conformément à la procédure, selon cette même source. Défenseur des rebelles libyens, le philosophe Bernard-Henri Lévy s'est rendu, ces derniers mois, à quatre reprises en Libye. Il entretient des contacts réguliers avec les responsables du Conseil national de transition (CNT) de Benghazi, fief de la rébellion dans l'est du pays. » (AFP, 13/08/2011 à 16:37)
Le pôvre ! Et on va avoir droit à un nouvel opuscule larmoyant sur le martyre de l’intelligence sémitique, philanthropiquement vouée à la protection des goys. L’esquisse d’une future œuvre hyperbrillante, qui sera consacrée comme de bien entendu par un prix littéraire et, si les copains et les coquins se débrouillent bien (comme d’habitude, ils le seront), suivi par un Nobel exceptionnel de la littérature du XXIème siècle qui enterrera définitivement celui que Sartre a eu l’outrecuidance de refuser (si Sarko a casé DSK au FMI, il ne refusera pas de donner le coup de pouce qu’il faudra et oubliera que BHL avait soutenu la compagne de François en 2007). Heureusement, que c’est chez Aron, chez Camus (revisité par le mythe algérianiste partagé par nos benêts domestiques - de ce côté-ci des eaux) et surtout chez Levinas et Benny Lévy (alias Pierre Victor) qu’il trouve ses racines le BHL. Bof ! Les Libyens eux, tout le monde s’en fiche. Tant qu’il y a du pétrole, il y a de l’espoir. C’est en Libye qu’il devrait être BHL. Sous le déluge de bombes qu’il a commandé pour libérer les Libyens. Ou du côté de Lampedusa et des divers camps en Europe où s’entassent les dizaines de milliers de réfugiés qui ont tout perdu, ces pauvres bougres qui ont une dette immense envers lui et qui doivent être pressés de le remercier d’avoir tant fait pour eux… Qu’il y a aille donc les consoler de leur avoir rendu leur dignité. Tiens, en compagnie de Sarko, le Grand Libérateur devant l’Eternel. Mais sans protection policière. Rien que lui dans sa chemise amidonnée. Chiche ! Djeha 14 août 2011 LA SOURATE DE LA CAVERNE (SURAH AL-KAHF), livre traduit en francais
Par le Sheykh Imran Hosein, www.imranhosein.org Préface A l’heure où s’intensifie la guerre contre l’Islam, où se précisent les ambitions de l’Etat judéoeuropéen et imposteur d’Israël d’accéder au rang de Première Superpuissance Mondiale, et où le Faux Messie (le Dājjal ) est en passe de diriger le monde depuis Jérusalem et de se proclamer Vrai Messie, je redoute de voir se multiplier les partisans de l’interdiction d’ouvrages traitant du Coran, notamment parmi les gouvernements qui revendiquent leur sympathie à l’égard des Etats-Unis et donc d’Israël. Je prie donc très humblement Allah le Très-Haut – et j’invite mes aimables lecteurs à bien vouloir me rejoindre dans cette prière – de protéger les livres (à l’instar de cet humble quatuor de livres sur la Sourate al-Kahf) qui utilisent le Saint Coran pour expliquer, dénoncer et mettre au défi ceux qui livrent une guerre injuste contre l’Islam. Aamīn. Le premier des quatre volumes, Texte, Traduction et commentaire contemporain de la Sourate al-Kahf, est le livre préliminaire à notre principal ouvrage intitulé «La Sourate al-Kahf et les Temps Modernes», ouvrage qu’il accompagne en tant que support d’analyse. Nous espérons publier sur ce sujet, Incha’Allah, un troisième et un quatrième volume dans lesquels nous proposerons à nos lecteurs une interprétation contemporaine crédible et exhaustive des Ahadīth du Prophète Mouhammad (sallalahou ‘alayhi wa sallam) et des versets coraniques traitant –directement et indirectement – des thèmes cruciaux du Dajjāl, le Faux Messie ou Antéchrist, et de Gog et Magog. Si de tels livres ont déjà été écrits, ils doivent pouvoir se compter sur les doigts d’une main. Les quatre volumes auront donc les titres suivants : · Volume Premier : « La Sourate al-Kahf : texte arabe, traduction et commentaire contemporain » ; · Volume Deux : « La Sourate al-Kahf et les Temps Modernes » ; · Volume Trois : « Dajjāl, le Faux Messie ou Antéchrist » ; · Volume Quatre : « Gog et Magog dans le Coran et les Hadiths »; Je suis des plus reconnaissant à Sulaiman Dufford et Sabina Watanabe pour avoir bien voulu corriger les épreuves de ce manuscrit, me faisant ainsi bénéficier de précieuses remarques. L’écriture de ces quatre volumes sur la Sourate al-Kahf a été rendue possible grâce à de chaleureux soutiens issus de divers horizons : Rabia Aboobakar Hussein Jakhura et Aboobakar Hussein Jakhura du Malawi en Afrique, Abdoul Mājid Kāder Sultān et Fatimah Abdoullah de Malaisie, et Hajjah Haniffa Bte Omar Khan Sourattee et Allahyarhama Hajjah Mariam Bte Fakir Mohammed de Singapour. Abdoul Mājid Kāder Sultān, qui a rencontré à la fois Maoulāna le Dr. Ansari et son professeur, Maoulāna Abdoul Aliim Siddiqui, à Singapour et qui prenait tant de plaisir à narrer ces rencontres mémorables a été rappelé par Allah dans Sa grâce pendant l’écriture de ces livres sur la Sourate al-Kahf. Puisse Allah le Miséricordieux les bénir tous, les sponsors ainsi que tous ceux qui m’ont soutenu d’autres façons et puisse-t-Il accorder Sa miséricorde à l’âme de Abdoul Mājid Kāder Sultān et de tous ceux (décédés) cités ci-dessus. Aamīn ! Imran N. Hosein Île de Trinidad, Caraïbes. Février 2007. Traduction : Samir Boulhila
Le livre est telechargeable sur le site : http://imranhosein.org/media/books/SouratedelaCaverne-Traduction.pdf
UK riots due to immoral secular values, thieving bankers and corrupt politicians
While there is no justification for looting, many argued that the government must take the blame for those riots because of its secular immorality, discriminatory policies and increased students’ fees, because young adults are left on dole queues with no prospect of a descent job and a future, and due to corrupt politicians and thieving bankers.
Tariq Jahan, father of Haroon Jahan, one of three men killed,
addressed a peace rally in Birmingham on 14th August 2011
The Police killing of black man Mark Duggan
The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) admitted that it may have misled people in alleging that alleged black gangster Mark Duggan, a 29-year-old father-of-four, was killed in self-defence in Ferry Lane, Tottenham, on 8th August 2011, by Scotland Yard elite unit SO19 which also killed Jean-Charles de Menezes at a Stockwell Station tube in 2007, after Mark Duggan allegedly shot at Police.
In truth, Mark never shot at anyone and did not even have a gun in his hand. Police originally said he was resisting arrest but, in reality he was in a taxi which was surrounded and Mark Duggan shot dead. But the Police, after alleging that a gun was found in Mark’s sock, later alleged that a gun was found « on the scene », which could mean anything, perhaps even planted there as the alleged Mark’s bullet which hit the Officer’s radio, thus allegedly saving his life, turned out to be police issue. The Police also blocked Ferry Lane on both sides for over 48 hours, prevented people going to their homes and prevented people from leaving the supermarket near to the shooting. The taxi driver’s version has not yet been heard.
Killing sparked riots
The Black communities in Tottenham and elsewhere have always felt that they have been discriminated against by Police, and this callous and what appears to be a pre-meditated killing sparked riots in Tottenham and nearby. Black adults and youths attacked Police and business alike and set buildings alight. Those riots soon inflamed many other areas in London and in other cities in England, such as in Liverpool, Birmingham and Bristol. The Police stood back and did next to nothing for 3 days and nights to stop them. They have been blamed for the killings in Croydon, Ealing, and Birmingham where three youths who were protecting property and businesses in their area in the absence of Police action were hit on the pavement by a car which drove off. As the situation was out of hand, the British PM David Cameron cut short his holiday and promised to increase police presence from 6,000 to 16,000 officers overnight (where were they before?), and authorised the use of water canon and plastic bullets. But the riots have, by then, died down. He also authorised the setting-up of kangaroo Magistrate Courts overnight to judge and pass quick sentences on mainly the young unemployed rioters. Even a child of 11 was charged.
While, Joshua Donald, one suspected murderer of the Birmingham three was arrested and charged, addressing a peace rally in Birmingham on 14th August 2011, Tariq Jahan, the father of one of the victims, appealed for calm and said : « We Muslims believe the gates of heaven are open and the gates of hell are shut this month [Ramadan]. That gives me the strength to believe that the boys did not die in vain – they died for this community. I hope that this community will remember them. » [The Independent, 15th August 2011].
Young whites have « now become black »
Although the riots were triggered by the Police killing of Mark Duggan, the rioters were not only Blacks as they were joined by White gangs too. Historian David Starkey said on the BBC2 Newsnight programme on 13th August 2011 that Enoch Powell’s anti-immigration « Rivers of blood » speech in Birmingham on 20th April 1968 in which he said : « Like the Roman, I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood’ », turned out to be correct. He also said : « A substantial section of the chavs have become black. The whites have become black. A particular sort of violent, destructive, nihilistic gangster culture has become the fashion. Black and white, boy and girl operate in this language together. This language which is wholly false, which is a Jamaican patois, that’s been intruded in England and this is why so many of us have this sense of literally a foreign country ». (Daily Mail, 14 August 2011).
« Moral collapse »
While this is no justification for looting, many argued that the government must take the blame for those riots because of its secular immorality, discriminatory policies and increased students’ fees, because young adults are left on dole queues with no prospect of a descent job and a future, and due to corrupt politicians and thieving bankers.
The British PM David Cameron said the riots were due to a « moral collapse » and to « Irresponsibility. Selfishness. Behaving as if your choices have no consequences. Children without fathers. Schools without discipline ». [Independent 15th August 2011]. But this sort of secular immorality is being fostered throughout Europe and imposed by force on non-European countries.
On the other hand, the Leader of the Opposition Ed Miliband, while agreeing that individual responsibility has its role to play, argued that « the looters have not been the only ones to demonstrate greed and selfishness ». He went on to say that :
« The bankers who took millions while destroying people's savings: greedy, selfish, immoral. »
« The MPs who fiddled their expenses: greedy, selfish, immoral. »
« The people who hacked phones to get stories and make money for themselves: greedy, selfish and immoral. Let's talk about what this does to our culture ».
Ed Milliband blames Bankers and MPs who failed to set a better example to society and demanded a full-scale inquiry into the riots, and accused the government for being « scared » for looking at the real reasons behind such social breakdown.
The fact that moral values have degraded due to secularism in Europe, some more extreme that others, like in France, are in no doubt. People are instilled with selfish libertarian individuality, sexual depravity with no respect for their teachers, parents and elders as the media and banks are controlled by equally selfish capitalists and their crimes go largely unpunished. The rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer. The laws are laws passed by politicians financed by capitalists and powerful lobbies. People are up to their necks in debt which they are passing on to their younger future generations with no job prospects. The Police have been gifted with special powers to shoot on sight and arrange explanations later, to arbitrarily arrest people because of the colour of their skin and their religious beliefs. The country is justifying murderous wars abroad, destroying lives and property and inculcating the people with a culture of violence. The kangaroo courts set up to judge and sentence rioters during the night are reminiscent of military and fascist courts to suppress the people in breach of their human rights.
M Rafic Soormally
15 August 2011
London Riots and Its Roots“Tre is an up an' coming member of the 'Outlawz', one of Grand Central City's biggest gangs. Crime Life: Gang Wars is all about you're going to help Tre become top dog, all the while protecting his turf from Grand Central's most notorious big-city crooks.You'll be glad to know that the action is primarily fighting. Each battle feels like a make or break opportunity -you'll make your name, or they'll break your face is basically what we're saying here. Your main aim is to defend your crew from the violence and treachery that permeates society”. These are words of advertisement run by Konami Games (UK), to attract young boys and girls to buy the video game related to Gang Wars. In the modern Bazaar of lust and hunger for a quick buck, the Game and Film industry has crossed all limits of luring in the youth to the destructive gang culture. While going through the videos of looting spree in London and scenes of masquerading gangs rampaging through one of the most civilised metropolises in the word, I was trying to answer one big question, what has gone wrong with the youth of the West? One could clearly see five major trends in the London Riots. One ,the Gang behaviour, two, the universality of rowdiness(there were all kinds of gangs, white skin heads, blacks, asians, latinos, boys and girls),three, feeling of disenfranchisement and apathy from society, four frustration with the symbols of capitalism and five directionlessness. While leaving the explanation of these trends to be evaluated by worthy readers, I would make a humble effort to find the root causes of these trends and also project the fallout of London Looting Spree on Europe and the rest of the world. We will have to go back in history(about two hundred years) when the foundation was being laid for the so called great experiment in human history. Materialism was taking its final shape and the west was challenging the God Almighty and everything associated with religion to prove that the man had found the ultimate recipe for happiness. The phrase Life ,Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness enshrined in US Declaration of Independence became the end of everything, from economic exploitation of weaker societies to the phenomenon of individualism and from the destructive World Wars of 20th centuries to the creation of Economic Hitmen of present times. Since religion’s moorings rested on pillars of family system, love of God, selfless social service and the clergy, the new mantra of pursuit of happiness warranted a systematic destruction of each of these pillars. Through the themes of women emancipation, individual lebensraum, winner takes it all, defamation of clergy and population control, every pillar of religiosity was systematically attacked and raised to ground within a span of a century. The atomization of family system destroyed the basic brick on which societies and civilizations build their foundations. Current inverted demographic trends have pushed the west (including Japan) across the Rubicon of impotency, where a recovery seems impossible. Pat Buchannan declared this trend as The Death of the West. Individualism was pushed beyond limits, not realizing that human being is basically a social animal who seeks and longs for association; no wonder the runaway kid from a torn family system tried to build a gang culture to fulfill the thirst of association, the father was replaced by the God-father or the gang leader. Individualism also created serious psychological problems, when the teen aged boy found out that his divorced mother was to live with her nth boyfriend and the boy could not bring in the house his own girl friend as the house did not have enough space to accommodate them all. The term My Space was born out of necessity, everyone had to find his libensraum, and this proved to be the end of family system. Clergy(who happened to be the flag bearer of religion) was the next target, religious figures were mocked, insulted and restricted to the confines of the Church.TV and Hollywood played the old Jewish game of attacking religion, even the the personality of prophets and saints of Christianity were not spared; movies like Da Vinci Code were a direct attack on the sublime and honored Prophet Jesus Christ(peace be upon Him),unfortunately such ugly ventures were allowed by the Christians in the heart of the biggest custodian of the faith, the United States. The Jewish domination of Christian clergy was so complete that few voices raised against these ugly ventures were silenced by the media in the name of freedom of expression. On the other hand the monster of capitalism was unleashed on the innocent people of the west and east. John Perkins’, Confessions of an Economic Hitman gives a bone chilling account of exploits of capitalism, as per John Perkins, “Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly-paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign "aid" organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources. Their tools included fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization.” The winner takes it all philosophy of the capitalism gave the smart, intelligent and crook individuals, corporations and governments the right to rob their brother human beings groups and countries and declared it morally correct in achieving the golden end, the pursuit of happiness.No wonder the Bernie Maddofs, George Sorros, Rupert Murdochs and Double Shahs played havoc with fortunes of simple(but greedy) people and governments. Even the Governments played with public money and indebted their exchequers with trillions of dollars of debt, that is why the biggest economy of US and Europe has been found to be so hollow from inside and awaits another great depression. The youth demoralized by loss of jobs, broken family system, fear of immigrants(a corollary of poor demography),lack of faith in religion and reeling under exploits of capitalism(where you own nothing but a credit card for rest of your life),was left with no choice but to come out and say it loudly, we are fed up with this God forsaken system! To summarize, the current turmoil in Europe is the beginning of the end of exploitative system of capitalism and everything associated with it. Its fallout could lead to civil wars and wars of hate in the West. Since the global economy is linked with this monstrous system and had feet of clay, its fall is likely to generate a tsunami of catastrophic events that could lead to tragedies unfathomable by the mankind. May be Dr Iqbal’s prophesy is about to become true who commented on the moral degeneration of the west (in 1906) as; O the dwellers of the west, God’s land is not a shop of business The Glitter of everything you consider Gold will prove to be false Your creed will commit suicide with its own dagger For a nest built on delicate branches will not last longer. Umar Waqar: Umar Waqar is a young and upcoming freelance journalist who has been regularly writing on contemporary issues. He is trying to specialize in demographics, western culture, Middle East, India and development of young leadership in Pakistan. Has attended National Media Workshop at National Defence University Islamabad and seeks to become a professional journalist and true Pakistani. http://www.opinion-maker.org/2011/08/london-riots-and-its-roots/ |
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