Israel plans to dismantle and break up Pakistan and Saudi Arabia at the same time to maintain her claim to have the full control over oil, gas, drug and goods routes in the MENA, SCAR regions
An Analysis of Logistic Support to the US and NATO in Afghanistan: Is Pakistan still relevant?
by Umar Hayat,
“It’s OK for strategy to be conducted by amateurs, but logistics requires professionals.”
With the deployment of their forces in Afghanistan in the aftermath of 9/11, the US and NATO have been transporting large quantities of logistics goods to Afghanistan for sustenance of their troops and conduct of operations. Since Pakistan afforded an easy access to Afghanistan, therefore, it was an obvious and convenient choice for the US and NATO Forces to transit its military equipment, reconstruction material and logistic cargo to Afghanistan via Pakistan. The number of coalition troops in Afghanistan kept growing consistently since deployment in 2001and rose to around 1,00,000 (98,765 troops) in December 2009. On 1 December 2009, President Obama announced the deployment of an additional 30,000 US troops during 2010 and urged other partners to increase their troops by 10,000. Accordingly afresh inductions made total strength of troops over 130, 000 by end of 2011 with 50-70000 vehicles. For sustaining such a large force in the land locked Afghanistan, the US and NATO needed to import a wide range of materiel into Afghanistan; the bulk of which routed through the port of Karachi, Pakistan.
Pak-US relations experienced many ups and downs during the past decade resulting into destruction of cargoes and interruption of supplies many times. Such hiccups while highlighted the vulnerability of the US and NATO Forces, also exhibited Pakistan’s leverage in smooth sustenance of the forces and their success in Afghanistan. The US planners, visualizing that total dependence on Pakistan may limit their strategic options and realizing that enhanced leverage of Pakistan for maintenance of their forces in Afghanistan could be employed unfavourably, started exploring alternate supply routes to Afghanistan as early as 2005. However, the efforts to formalize the alternate supply route gained momentum in 2008 as the trust deficit between the US and Pakistan grew manifold at that time. Resultantly US decided to open the northern supply routes captioned as Northern Distribution Network (NDN); a commercially based logistical corridor connecting Baltic and Black Sea ports with Afghanistan via Russia and Central Asia. The US finalized accords with various Central Asian States during 2009 but she could convince the Russians in July 2010 for use of the supply route constructed by Soviets during 1980s for logistic support of their forces in Afghanistan.
With a plan in hand and alternative supply routes available, the US military had been reducing its reliance on PakGLOCs (Pakistan Ground Lines of Communications). In general terms, of all cargo destined for Afghanistan during 2009, about half used to pass through Pakistan, approximately 30 % through the NDN and 20 % by air. Since then the reliance on the NDN has been increasing and the volume of cargo kept growing through the north. Presently, roughly 85% of the fuel consumed by the US military in Afghanistan and 75% supplies are routed through Central Asia. The most obvious reason for such increased volumes on the NDN could be the closure of PakGLOCs for last seven months after Salala episode. While the arrangements made by the US and NATO for transportation of logistics show element of flexibility and avoids undue reliance on any one route or country, yet given the geography of the region, all of the supply routes into landlocked Afghanistan are difficult. A hostile Iran borders the west. The NDN passes through an underdeveloped infrastructure and politically unstable region which is strongly influenced by Russia and Pak GLOCs suffer from variety of problems too. In this contextual frame work, it is essential to analyze the efficacy of the NDN vis-a-vis PakGLOCs to determine the degree of Pakistan’s relevance for sustenance of the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, execution of scheduled withdrawal by 2014 and for materialization of stakes of the major players in the region. This paper will only focus on the aspects which contribute towards either increasing or decreasing the relevance of Pakistan for sustaining the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan. Having taking cognizance of routes related aspects, analysis in relation to Pakistan’s leverage will be offered.
PakGLOCs (Pakistan Ground Lines of Communications)
In Pakistan there are mainly two corridors / routes which are used for transportation of all the categories of cargo moving to Afghanistan. Approximately, 60% of this volume goes to Kabul via the Peshawar / Torkham route and remaining 40% travels through Quetta / Chaman to Kandahar. An estimated 200 trucks crossed the border daily before blockade imposed by Pakistan after Salala episode on 26 November 2011. These shipments are handled entirely by commercial carriers and require no US / NATO military presence in Pakistan. Karachi-Torkham route is about 1948 kilometers long with the capacity of 100-125 containers per day. Cargos moving on this route take 6-9 days in Pakistan and 16 days till Kabul, Afghanistan. The Karachi-Chaman route is around 1110 kilometers with the capacity of 75-100 containers per day. It takes 5-7 days in Pakistan and 12 days till Kandahar on this route.
In the present logistic system, cargo moving to Afghanistan through Pakistan falls into three distinct categories of cargo being handled by various carrying agencies. First category is Afghan Transit Trade Goods (Commercial Cargo which is commonly called as ATT Goods). It is being handled exclusively by Pakistan Railways and NLC. The second category is Afghan Cargo (Non Commercial which pertains to humanitarian aid). It comprises of Reconstruction Cargo, Rehabilitation Cargo and Non-Governmental Organization’s Cargo i.e. NGO Goods. It constitutes 17% of the total cargo that moves to Afghanistan. It is also being handled by NLC through its registered Transport Contractors (Hired Mechanical Transport) Contractors. The third category is Coalition Forces (NATO / ISAF and Embassies Cargo). It constitutes 83% of the total cargo which is moving to Afghanistan through Pakistan. It is being moved by the Coalition Forces under their own arrangements through their civilian hired contractors who are mainly American and Western citizens. Responsibility for safe delivery inside Afghanistan also lies with these private contractors and they use their own dedicated ship liners. Transport and shipment of the cargo till arrival at Karachi Port is totally handled by these individuals. On arrival at Karachi, it is handled by Pakistani Contractors to whom it has been sublet.

Hazards for Pakistan in Provision of GLOCs to the US and NATO
While the necessity of using PakGLOCs make Pakistan one of the most important country in accomplishment of GWOT related designs of the US and NATO, there are gray areas as well causing complications and raising serious concerns to policy makers and populace both. The lack of monitoring system is one of the chief anxieties. About 40% cargo of NATO and token cargo of the US entering Pakistan through Port Qasim is being scanned by NLC; the cargo coming through Karachi Port (KPT) is not being scanned owing to any scanning facility. With the start of scanning at Port Qasim, arrival of High Cube Container (9.5 feet high) got increased. The scanning of same is not possible as it cannot pass through the installed scanners. Beside that no scanning and monitoring of cargo en-route is being done. Anti-state elements and foreign hands are exploiting this weakness to their advantage. Cargo transporters do not adhere to the designate routes and resort to deviations suiting their own convenience. This too jeopardizes the security arrangements and denies effective monitoring. The problem is further compounded due to no defined mechanism for carrying out security check en-route. Strangely, despite laps of over 11 years, no single agency is made responsible to handle such an important issue. Also Pakistani agencies have no access of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) allowing visibility of about 90% cargo to US authorities only. No documentation of return cargo is another grey area allowing anti-state elements to execute their nefarious activities. The theft / pilferage en-route is one of the most serious hazards through which unauthorized cargo including weapons and ammunition can be spread on the Pakistani soil for any purpose. Even capability building for variety of nefarious activities is possible in the garb of looting / destruction. Possibility of developing monitoring or guiding capability against Pakistan’s strategic assets in this garb cannot be ruled out. Evaluation of the pattern, frequency and areas of looting and destruction will help to ascertain such postulations and designs.
The Northern Distribution Network (NDN)
In this section of paper the aspects related to the NDN will be examined for drawing comparison to PakGLOCs. Any military logistician since Alexander the Great could tell that landlocked Afghanistan is not an easily accessible destination. Given the growing insecurity of Pakistani supply routes, increasing demand for nonmilitary supplies and the exorbitant costs associated with a “Berlin airlift” to Afghanistan, the Unites States sought to create new logistical corridor. In 2008, Pentagon strategists, seeing an uptick in violence against their cargo and fuel trucks in Pakistan, began looking for an alternative route. What they came up with was the Northern Distribution Network (NDN). This change reflected a decision to demilitarize the character of the project and rely exclusively on commercial carriers transporting nonmetal goods.
The Northern Distribution Network or NDN traverses over 3,100 mile of seas, roads and rails of various countries like Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Latvia, Estonia and Russia. Via this network, supplies start their journey either in a Black Sea port in Georgia or the Baltic Sea port of Riga, Latvia or Estonia. The NDN faces realities like dictators regimes, fear of act of extremism, political sensitivity about the NATO missile shield, poor infrastructure, the constant loading and offloading of goods between ships, rail and trucks, etc. The NDN got operating with the first shipments made in March 2009. The NDN provided 35% of US supplies in April 2010, 50% in April 2011, and 55%-65% in July-September 2011. Currently, around 75% of all the goods transported by land including 85% of the fuel was being transported via the NDN.

The NDN involves three spurs. These are known as NDN North, South and KKT.
The NDN North
The Northern Spur brings supplies by ship to the Latvian port of Riga. From there, it uses existing Soviet-era rail line to traverse Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan and cargo enters Afghanistan from Uzbekistan at Termez. While this route avoids Pakistan, it is more expensive. In addition, it goes through Russia, which has its own national interests. This makes the US vulnerable to Russian policy demands.

The NDN South
The Southern Spur brings supplies by ship or rail to Georgian port of Poti on the Black Sea, then by rail through Georgia and Azerbaijan, by ferry across the Caspian Sea and by rail again through Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The port of Turkmenistan could be an additional destination for goods leaving Baku by ferry. This route avoids both Pakistan and Russia. But it is complex, transiting several countries and requires offloading to several different transportation modes along the way. Consequently, it is the most expensive route and has limited capacity.

The KKT (Kazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan)
The KKT route includes Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. KKT provides a backup to the Uzbek border crossing Termez. According to the US TRANSCOM (Transport Command), this route has some bad stretches of road in Tajikistan that limit throughput.

Challenges to the US and NATO for Operating the NDN
The NDN remains subject to a range of geopolitical dangers and logistical inefficiencies. Following aspects make the prospective doomed:
Long Traveling Timings
On the NDN, the supplies travel through Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, ultimately terminating at the US supply bases in Afghanistan. Multiple mode changes are necessary. Rail-gauge incompatibilities eliminated potential routes through the NATO partner nations of Poland and the Czech Republic causing further delays. On average, from the time an order is placed to the time of delivery, it takes on average about 75 days transit time from Germany to Afghanistan.

Increased use of the NDN could draw the attention of militants leading to the same type of attacks on fuel tankers that have been seen in Pakistan. Cargo and oil tanks remain stuck up on the Uzbek side of the border for weeks before passing into Afghanistan. Taliban strikes in the region against such targets could not be deemed “beyond the realm of possibility”. Some US military strategists fear that bringing Central Asia into the theatre of war could lead to an increased threat of attack by the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and the Islamic Jihad Union groups that have a loyal following in the Fergana valley which stretches through Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Chocking Effect due to bottleneck of Salang Tunnel
The way in and out from Afghan is through treacherous Salang Tunnel which was built by the Soviets. It travels 11,000 feet up the Hindu Kush Mountains. Years of war, neglect and geology have turned it into a dangerous bottleneck. Pavements have been deteriorated into extremely rough, bumpy, dirt and in some places, mud road. The tunnel is barely wide enough for two lanes of traffic and the uneven road surface means trucks often tilt over at precarious angles. Even though the tunnel is only 1.6 miles long, a drive through it takes unusual time because it’s jammed with massive trucks inching along the cratered road. At times dust gets so thick that one could barely see five feet in front. Lines of trucks waiting to pass through the tunnel often stretch up to 10 miles on either side which would further pile up during the withdrawal phase. In such a scenario, one can realize the fragile security environment at the time of withdrawal with the level of support to the US and NATO almost diminished.

Capacity and Cost
The chief disadvantage to relying solely on the NDN is that there is a limit to how much it can carry and how quickly. The number of TEU / containers could be expanded to 500 per week, if needed and 24,000 TEUs per year could be transported while operating at the maximum capacity of the NDN, but it would be at a cost of 250% more per TEU than supplies moving along PakGLOCs. Each container coming through the NDN to Afghanistan costs $14,000. AS per some estimates, it is $17,500. As the deadline of 2014 looms, cost will go through the roof. Already deals for bases in the CARs are being renegotiated way up, upwards. About 40 to 45% of the NDN comprises sea routes, while the rest is covered through rail and road networks. The Pakistani route, on the contrary, costs $7,000, since 80 to 85% of the distance is via sea while the rest is through road. Even after paying $5,000 per container to Pakistan, the cost of shipping supplies through Pakistani territory will be less than that incurred using the NDN and will take less time. Purely from logistical standpoint, the NDN appears to be a resounding achievement having provided an alternative; making the US and NATO free of one single route and country, yet it cannot diminish the necessity of PakGLOCs altogether for a prolonged period.
Poor Infrastructure
It relies on poor infrastructure, both along its routes and within Afghanistan, which only has two short railway lines across its northern border with Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Despite recent construction efforts, the lack of effective entry points and Afghanistan’s poor road links are huge limiting factors to deliver supplies throughout Afghanistan via the NDN.
Time Delay at Borders
Transportation of cargo through the NDN involve border crossing of 9 countries which results into undesired delays owing to variety of law and inadequate custom clearance system. For instance DLA Director Vice Admiral Alam Thompson noted in March 2010: “one issue we’re working on is a time delay at the border with Uzbekistan that was more than 30 days… we’re closer to 20 days now, but we still need to reduce it further”. Meanwhile, railway experts have questioned whether the existing rail route through Uzbekistan is capable of handling the amount of traffic envisioned by the US military and its allies.
The Russia Factor
For Russians it is a dilemma no less complicated than for the Americans. Besides the diplomatic issues, Russia which is the main player in the Central Asian region sees NATO at its front door in the Baltic countries; it’s backdoor in Afghanistan and in its basement in the other “stans” in Central Asia. On the other hand, Russia would never like all NATO equipment falling into the hands of the Taliban or other extremist groups. She would prefer that NATO wipe out the Taliban before getting out, otherwise, the Russians see themselves worrying about Afghanistan again. Moreover, the US determination to extend its military presence in the region after 2014, which Moscow categorically opposes, will be of key importance.
Geopolitical Schisms
Although logistically viable routes through China and Iran exist for diversifying supply lines into Afghanistan, they have not been explored for geopolitical reasons illustrating that such political rifts are one of the biggest obstacles to the easy flow of logistics from routes other than PakGLOCs and the NDN. Moreover, marred relations among countries housing the NDN in the region would remain a challenge of regular nature.
Multinational Regulations
Working with various jurisdictions involved for making sure the shipments comply with each country’s rules and requirements for timely delivery; else undesired delays would be a frequent feature.
Competing Stakes of Major Players in the Central Asia
Since 2001, the OEF and ISAF missions together with the cooperation between the countries in Central Asia and the coalition have radically changed the region and strengthened the individual states. The logistical role for the mission in Afghanistan has resulted in a notable influx of funds to CARs which has significantly strengthened the region’s countries vis-à-vis Russia. They have gained importance and political independence and broken Russia’s monopoly on shaping the regional security situation. During the next two years greater efforts will be made to make maximum use of available political and economic opportunities. While the withdrawal of the US and NATO forces from Afghanistan is expected to increase the level of instability in the region and change the relationship between Russia, China and the USA, it is also likely to cause thorough revision of the geopolitical balance of power in the region. It is expected that the US and countries in the region themselves will remain interested in maintaining or strengthening a US military presence in the region. Russia and China which are emphasizing for coordination of their policies towards Afghanistan beyond 2014, will strongly oppose the US military presence in the region. Such processes will also significantly affect the functioning of the NDN and encourage its exploitation for use in political manoeuvring.
Analysis: Pakistan’s relevance will not diminish
While all are preparing for the new cold war which the US along with her allies intends to initiate against China and Russia, Pakistan would become a special arena for competing and conflicting stakes of major players in the new geo-political scenario emerging rapidly in the world, focusing on Afghanistan. Disagreements exist between the US and China over Taiwan and Pacific issues. Russia opposes the US intentions to deploy national missile defence system (NMD) in Europe and expansion of NATO towards Eastern Europe. Both Russia and China exhibited consonance in their policy against the US on many issues: they vetoed the UN Security Council resolution calling the Syrian president to quit, opposed the US-led NATO attack on Libya and urged the US to resolve the Iran’s nuclear issue peacefully. Pakistan, after reassessing her engagement with the US in the aftermath of incidents like 2 May and 26 November 2011, besides China, has also established relationship with the Russia. In this backdrop, some of the aspects which will keep Pakistan relevant to the US and NATO for sustenance of their forces in Afghanistan, during the withdrawal phase and for stable Afghanistan beyond 2014 are explored in the ensuing paragraphs.
Historical context
While Soviets could not rely on timely supply support from home depots in 1980s due to geographical and terrain related difficulties only with no multinational political issues to be managed, how can the US and NATO totally rely on the NDN especially when seen vis-à-vis additional hiccups of political diversity and other factors highlighted above.
The cargo losses in Pakistan are negligible
The main projected reason for diversification cargo routes to Afghanistan was to reduce reliance on PakGLOCs owing to security reason, while disruptive, the material lost from insurgent attacks and pilferage was a fraction of what the United States successfully transported from Pakistan to Afghanistan. General J. McNabb, commander of the U.S. Transportation Command once stated that the attrition along the Pakistani supply line was not severe enough to hamper the overall war effort. The PakGLOCs will remain viable despite occasional losses by militants. Containers passed through Pakistan since 2002 got damaged at the rate of approximately 10% which is negligible and affordable. Resumption of supplies from Pakistan after seven months, despite ability to transport 75% via the NDN, substantiates this view point.
High cost and limited capacity of the NDN
The significant advantage of alternate route, end of the US complete logistical reliance on Pakistan, availability of new opportunities for the US engagement in the Central Asian region notwithstanding, high cost and limited capacity of the NDN necessitates keeping Pakistan on board.
PakGLOCs will remain vital even if the NDN is available
The US alone has some 100,000 shipping containers filled with stuff and 50,000 wheeled vehicles to send through the pipeline back to the US before the end of 2014. Although the NDN are available having accruing benefits, the US will still have to use the Pakistani ground supply routes as well to get everything out of Afghanistan as per laid down timelines.
Linkage of Gwadar and Kandahar
The city of Kandahar, the largest Pashtun and the second largest city of the Afghanistan, when connected with the Gwadar will establish linkage with Afghanistan and beyond (all Central Asia, Europe and much of the Middle East). If this link is established and opened, it would cut the transport time from Europe to Pakistan and Southeast Asia substantially. Although Iran with help from Russia and India is developing competing port of Chabahar but it is not as well situated as Gwadar for the emerging continental trade. On Gwadar, the interests of the U S, Afghanistan and Pakistan are aligned. It is past time to seize this opportunity and open Kandahar to long-distance traffic. It will give Central Asian States a southern alternative instead of shipping everything to market through distant Russia. Pakistan, thus, stands a chance to benefit enormously exploiting this importance and enhance her soft image and seek relevance. Pakistan, therefore, should lure in the interested stake holders to build a highway connecting Gwadar and Kandahar.
Withdrawal could be a nightmare
It is estimated that 1,30,000 soldiers, 50-70,000 vehicles and 1,20,000 containers must be moved out by 2014. The US and NATO are quite aware of Afghanistan’s history with invaders. Military withdrawals from Afghanistan have ended in disaster several times in the past. When the British left Kabul in 1842, only a few fortunate members of an expedition force of 17,000 escaped. The Soviets withdrawal in 1989 also ended in chaos, as their convoys struggled through the snow-covered mountains at Salang Tunnel while under fire from the Mujahideen. Both the British and the Soviets left a country that they had been unable to pacify. This also holds true for the US and NATO today. Afghan insurgents will presumably do everything possible to launch attacks on NATO troops as they withdraw.
The pressure during Drawdown may result into hot pursuit operations on Pakistani soil
The US and NATO would be required to increase air power to protect the withdrawing troops. This is historically what the US has done, most especially in Vietnam during 1972. Increased air power is necessary for extrication of troops from interior Afghanistan. For the Iraq withdrawal, the US set up staging areas to move equipment to various staging areas, where it was prepared for shipment and then moved to Kuwait for storage until ready to be shipped out. They will not have these luxuries in Afghanistan. This could mean the smaller outposts will have to pack themselves up and ready for road transport out all the while being vulnerable to attack. They have to face all the risks of driving out of the mountains themselves. This all raises worries about the security of the forces that would be withdrawing and those remaining after the drawdown. If scheduled drawdown by 2014 is implemented, a stage may come wherein employing air power to protect the troops from insurgents including hot pursuit operations most likely on Pakistani soil become necessary. The sudden surge in the endeavours for operating the NDN at full capacity and unusual increase in carrier based aircrafts in the region reinforces such postulations.
Opening of Pak GLOCs after seven months illustrates that Pakistan is relevant and shall remain so even beyond 2014
The decision for restoration of Pak GLOCs as a preferred route despite having alternative route of the NDN has many reasons. The analysis of exiting cargo requirements, availability of routes and their capacity, security hazards along various routes with overall impact on the cargo flow, politico- diplomatic intricacies and terrain and weather related complicacies leads to the conclusion that no single route can sustain the logistic requirements for over 1,30,000 troops for foreseeable future. With military needs likely to shrink with intended drawdown of the US and NATO troops, the economic factor is going to take over and prevail in the future. Pakistan based routes will attain rather enhanced relevance allowing a requisite degree of leverage to Pakistan vis-à-vis the US and NATO especially after linkage of Karachi with Kandahar through Gwadar. That fits in the future military and economic overtures. The establishment of secretariat in Kabul for the Central Asia South Asia power supply project and conclusion of TAPI (The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-lndia Natural Gas Pipeline) projects are akin to a “Eurasian globalization” and the indicators of regional economic collaborations in the offing; bringing ripe moments for Pakistan to benefit exponentially. Late Ambassador Richard Holbrooke believed that there was no solution in Afghanistan unless Pakistan was part of that solution. Pakistan has a strategic geo-political location at the corridor of world major maritime oil supply lines and has close proximity to oil rich central Asian countries. Pakistan’s location could influences Central Asia, South Asia and the Middle East. So, Pakistan is focus of attention in wake of emerging geo-political scenario and its relevance cannot be diminished.
An Analysis of Logistic Support to the US and NATO in Afghanistan: Is Pakistan still relevant?
by Umar Hayat,
“It’s OK for strategy to be conducted by amateurs, but logistics requires professionals.”
With the deployment of their forces in Afghanistan in the aftermath of 9/11, the US and NATO have been transporting large quantities of logistics goods to Afghanistan for sustenance of their troops and conduct of operations. Since Pakistan afforded an easy access to Afghanistan, therefore, it was an obvious and convenient choice for the US and NATO Forces to transit its military equipment, reconstruction material and logistic cargo to Afghanistan via Pakistan. The number of coalition troops in Afghanistan kept growing consistently since deployment in 2001and rose to around 1,00,000 (98,765 troops) in December 2009. On 1 December 2009, President Obama announced the deployment of an additional 30,000 US troops during 2010 and urged other partners to increase their troops by 10,000. Accordingly afresh inductions made total strength of troops over 130, 000 by end of 2011 with 50-70000 vehicles. For sustaining such a large force in the land locked Afghanistan, the US and NATO needed to import a wide range of materiel into Afghanistan; the bulk of which routed through the port of Karachi, Pakistan.
Pak-US relations experienced many ups and downs during the past decade resulting into destruction of cargoes and interruption of supplies many times. Such hiccups while highlighted the vulnerability of the US and NATO Forces, also exhibited Pakistan’s leverage in smooth sustenance of the forces and their success in Afghanistan. The US planners, visualizing that total dependence on Pakistan may limit their strategic options and realizing that enhanced leverage of Pakistan for maintenance of their forces in Afghanistan could be employed unfavourably, started exploring alternate supply routes to Afghanistan as early as 2005. However, the efforts to formalize the alternate supply route gained momentum in 2008 as the trust deficit between the US and Pakistan grew manifold at that time. Resultantly US decided to open the northern supply routes captioned as Northern Distribution Network (NDN); a commercially based logistical corridor connecting Baltic and Black Sea ports with Afghanistan via Russia and Central Asia. The US finalized accords with various Central Asian States during 2009 but she could convince the Russians in July 2010 for use of the supply route constructed by Soviets during 1980s for logistic support of their forces in Afghanistan.
With a plan in hand and alternative supply routes available, the US military had been reducing its reliance on PakGLOCs (Pakistan Ground Lines of Communications). In general terms, of all cargo destined for Afghanistan during 2009, about half used to pass through Pakistan, approximately 30 % through the NDN and 20 % by air. Since then the reliance on the NDN has been increasing and the volume of cargo kept growing through the north. Presently, roughly 85% of the fuel consumed by the US military in Afghanistan and 75% supplies are routed through Central Asia. The most obvious reason for such increased volumes on the NDN could be the closure of PakGLOCs for last seven months after Salala episode. While the arrangements made by the US and NATO for transportation of logistics show element of flexibility and avoids undue reliance on any one route or country, yet given the geography of the region, all of the supply routes into landlocked Afghanistan are difficult. A hostile Iran borders the west. The NDN passes through an underdeveloped infrastructure and politically unstable region which is strongly influenced by Russia and Pak GLOCs suffer from variety of problems too. In this contextual frame work, it is essential to analyze the efficacy of the NDN vis-a-vis PakGLOCs to determine the degree of Pakistan’s relevance for sustenance of the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, execution of scheduled withdrawal by 2014 and for materialization of stakes of the major players in the region. This paper will only focus on the aspects which contribute towards either increasing or decreasing the relevance of Pakistan for sustaining the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan. Having taking cognizance of routes related aspects, analysis in relation to Pakistan’s leverage will be offered.
PakGLOCs (Pakistan Ground Lines of Communications)
In Pakistan there are mainly two corridors / routes which are used for transportation of all the categories of cargo moving to Afghanistan. Approximately, 60% of this volume goes to Kabul via the Peshawar / Torkham route and remaining 40% travels through Quetta / Chaman to Kandahar. An estimated 200 trucks crossed the border daily before blockade imposed by Pakistan after Salala episode on 26 November 2011. These shipments are handled entirely by commercial carriers and require no US / NATO military presence in Pakistan. Karachi-Torkham route is about 1948 kilometers long with the capacity of 100-125 containers per day. Cargos moving on this route take 6-9 days in Pakistan and 16 days till Kabul, Afghanistan. The Karachi-Chaman route is around 1110 kilometers with the capacity of 75-100 containers per day. It takes 5-7 days in Pakistan and 12 days till Kandahar on this route.
In the present logistic system, cargo moving to Afghanistan through Pakistan falls into three distinct categories of cargo being handled by various carrying agencies. First category is Afghan Transit Trade Goods (Commercial Cargo which is commonly called as ATT Goods). It is being handled exclusively by Pakistan Railways and NLC. The second category is Afghan Cargo (Non Commercial which pertains to humanitarian aid). It comprises of Reconstruction Cargo, Rehabilitation Cargo and Non-Governmental Organization’s Cargo i.e. NGO Goods. It constitutes 17% of the total cargo that moves to Afghanistan. It is also being handled by NLC through its registered Transport Contractors (Hired Mechanical Transport) Contractors. The third category is Coalition Forces (NATO / ISAF and Embassies Cargo). It constitutes 83% of the total cargo which is moving to Afghanistan through Pakistan. It is being moved by the Coalition Forces under their own arrangements through their civilian hired contractors who are mainly American and Western citizens. Responsibility for safe delivery inside Afghanistan also lies with these private contractors and they use their own dedicated ship liners. Transport and shipment of the cargo till arrival at Karachi Port is totally handled by these individuals. On arrival at Karachi, it is handled by Pakistani Contractors to whom it has been sublet.
Hazards for Pakistan in Provision of GLOCs to the US and NATO
While the necessity of using PakGLOCs make Pakistan one of the most important country in accomplishment of GWOT related designs of the US and NATO, there are gray areas as well causing complications and raising serious concerns to policy makers and populace both. The lack of monitoring system is one of the chief anxieties. About 40% cargo of NATO and token cargo of the US entering Pakistan through Port Qasim is being scanned by NLC; the cargo coming through Karachi Port (KPT) is not being scanned owing to any scanning facility. With the start of scanning at Port Qasim, arrival of High Cube Container (9.5 feet high) got increased. The scanning of same is not possible as it cannot pass through the installed scanners. Beside that no scanning and monitoring of cargo en-route is being done. Anti-state elements and foreign hands are exploiting this weakness to their advantage. Cargo transporters do not adhere to the designate routes and resort to deviations suiting their own convenience. This too jeopardizes the security arrangements and denies effective monitoring. The problem is further compounded due to no defined mechanism for carrying out security check en-route. Strangely, despite laps of over 11 years, no single agency is made responsible to handle such an important issue. Also Pakistani agencies have no access of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) allowing visibility of about 90% cargo to US authorities only. No documentation of return cargo is another grey area allowing anti-state elements to execute their nefarious activities. The theft / pilferage en-route is one of the most serious hazards through which unauthorized cargo including weapons and ammunition can be spread on the Pakistani soil for any purpose. Even capability building for variety of nefarious activities is possible in the garb of looting / destruction. Possibility of developing monitoring or guiding capability against Pakistan’s strategic assets in this garb cannot be ruled out. Evaluation of the pattern, frequency and areas of looting and destruction will help to ascertain such postulations and designs.
The Northern Distribution Network (NDN)
In this section of paper the aspects related to the NDN will be examined for drawing comparison to PakGLOCs. Any military logistician since Alexander the Great could tell that landlocked Afghanistan is not an easily accessible destination. Given the growing insecurity of Pakistani supply routes, increasing demand for nonmilitary supplies and the exorbitant costs associated with a “Berlin airlift” to Afghanistan, the Unites States sought to create new logistical corridor. In 2008, Pentagon strategists, seeing an uptick in violence against their cargo and fuel trucks in Pakistan, began looking for an alternative route. What they came up with was the Northern Distribution Network (NDN). This change reflected a decision to demilitarize the character of the project and rely exclusively on commercial carriers transporting nonmetal goods.
The Northern Distribution Network or NDN traverses over 3,100 mile of seas, roads and rails of various countries like Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Latvia, Estonia and Russia. Via this network, supplies start their journey either in a Black Sea port in Georgia or the Baltic Sea port of Riga, Latvia or Estonia. The NDN faces realities like dictators regimes, fear of act of extremism, political sensitivity about the NATO missile shield, poor infrastructure, the constant loading and offloading of goods between ships, rail and trucks, etc. The NDN got operating with the first shipments made in March 2009. The NDN provided 35% of US supplies in April 2010, 50% in April 2011, and 55%-65% in July-September 2011. Currently, around 75% of all the goods transported by land including 85% of the fuel was being transported via the NDN.
The NDN involves three spurs. These are known as NDN North, South and KKT.
The NDN North
The Northern Spur brings supplies by ship to the Latvian port of Riga. From there, it uses existing Soviet-era rail line to traverse Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan and cargo enters Afghanistan from Uzbekistan at Termez. While this route avoids Pakistan, it is more expensive. In addition, it goes through Russia, which has its own national interests. This makes the US vulnerable to Russian policy demands.
The NDN South
The Southern Spur brings supplies by ship or rail to Georgian port of Poti on the Black Sea, then by rail through Georgia and Azerbaijan, by ferry across the Caspian Sea and by rail again through Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The port of Turkmenistan could be an additional destination for goods leaving Baku by ferry. This route avoids both Pakistan and Russia. But it is complex, transiting several countries and requires offloading to several different transportation modes along the way. Consequently, it is the most expensive route and has limited capacity.
The KKT (Kazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan)
The KKT route includes Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. KKT provides a backup to the Uzbek border crossing Termez. According to the US TRANSCOM (Transport Command), this route has some bad stretches of road in Tajikistan that limit throughput.
Challenges to the US and NATO for Operating the NDN
The NDN remains subject to a range of geopolitical dangers and logistical inefficiencies. Following aspects make the prospective doomed:
Long Traveling Timings
On the NDN, the supplies travel through Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, ultimately terminating at the US supply bases in Afghanistan. Multiple mode changes are necessary. Rail-gauge incompatibilities eliminated potential routes through the NATO partner nations of Poland and the Czech Republic causing further delays. On average, from the time an order is placed to the time of delivery, it takes on average about 75 days transit time from Germany to Afghanistan.
Increased use of the NDN could draw the attention of militants leading to the same type of attacks on fuel tankers that have been seen in Pakistan. Cargo and oil tanks remain stuck up on the Uzbek side of the border for weeks before passing into Afghanistan. Taliban strikes in the region against such targets could not be deemed “beyond the realm of possibility”. Some US military strategists fear that bringing Central Asia into the theatre of war could lead to an increased threat of attack by the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and the Islamic Jihad Union groups that have a loyal following in the Fergana valley which stretches through Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Chocking Effect due to bottleneck of Salang Tunnel
The way in and out from Afghan is through treacherous Salang Tunnel which was built by the Soviets. It travels 11,000 feet up the Hindu Kush Mountains. Years of war, neglect and geology have turned it into a dangerous bottleneck. Pavements have been deteriorated into extremely rough, bumpy, dirt and in some places, mud road. The tunnel is barely wide enough for two lanes of traffic and the uneven road surface means trucks often tilt over at precarious angles. Even though the tunnel is only 1.6 miles long, a drive through it takes unusual time because it’s jammed with massive trucks inching along the cratered road. At times dust gets so thick that one could barely see five feet in front. Lines of trucks waiting to pass through the tunnel often stretch up to 10 miles on either side which would further pile up during the withdrawal phase. In such a scenario, one can realize the fragile security environment at the time of withdrawal with the level of support to the US and NATO almost diminished.
Capacity and Cost
The chief disadvantage to relying solely on the NDN is that there is a limit to how much it can carry and how quickly. The number of TEU / containers could be expanded to 500 per week, if needed and 24,000 TEUs per year could be transported while operating at the maximum capacity of the NDN, but it would be at a cost of 250% more per TEU than supplies moving along PakGLOCs. Each container coming through the NDN to Afghanistan costs $14,000. AS per some estimates, it is $17,500. As the deadline of 2014 looms, cost will go through the roof. Already deals for bases in the CARs are being renegotiated way up, upwards. About 40 to 45% of the NDN comprises sea routes, while the rest is covered through rail and road networks. The Pakistani route, on the contrary, costs $7,000, since 80 to 85% of the distance is via sea while the rest is through road. Even after paying $5,000 per container to Pakistan, the cost of shipping supplies through Pakistani territory will be less than that incurred using the NDN and will take less time. Purely from logistical standpoint, the NDN appears to be a resounding achievement having provided an alternative; making the US and NATO free of one single route and country, yet it cannot diminish the necessity of PakGLOCs altogether for a prolonged period.
Poor Infrastructure
It relies on poor infrastructure, both along its routes and within Afghanistan, which only has two short railway lines across its northern border with Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Despite recent construction efforts, the lack of effective entry points and Afghanistan’s poor road links are huge limiting factors to deliver supplies throughout Afghanistan via the NDN.
Time Delay at Borders
Transportation of cargo through the NDN involve border crossing of 9 countries which results into undesired delays owing to variety of law and inadequate custom clearance system. For instance DLA Director Vice Admiral Alam Thompson noted in March 2010: “one issue we’re working on is a time delay at the border with Uzbekistan that was more than 30 days… we’re closer to 20 days now, but we still need to reduce it further”. Meanwhile, railway experts have questioned whether the existing rail route through Uzbekistan is capable of handling the amount of traffic envisioned by the US military and its allies.
The Russia Factor
For Russians it is a dilemma no less complicated than for the Americans. Besides the diplomatic issues, Russia which is the main player in the Central Asian region sees NATO at its front door in the Baltic countries; it’s backdoor in Afghanistan and in its basement in the other “stans” in Central Asia. On the other hand, Russia would never like all NATO equipment falling into the hands of the Taliban or other extremist groups. She would prefer that NATO wipe out the Taliban before getting out, otherwise, the Russians see themselves worrying about Afghanistan again. Moreover, the US determination to extend its military presence in the region after 2014, which Moscow categorically opposes, will be of key importance.
Geopolitical Schisms
Although logistically viable routes through China and Iran exist for diversifying supply lines into Afghanistan, they have not been explored for geopolitical reasons illustrating that such political rifts are one of the biggest obstacles to the easy flow of logistics from routes other than PakGLOCs and the NDN. Moreover, marred relations among countries housing the NDN in the region would remain a challenge of regular nature.
Multinational Regulations
Working with various jurisdictions involved for making sure the shipments comply with each country’s rules and requirements for timely delivery; else undesired delays would be a frequent feature.
Competing Stakes of Major Players in the Central Asia
Since 2001, the OEF and ISAF missions together with the cooperation between the countries in Central Asia and the coalition have radically changed the region and strengthened the individual states. The logistical role for the mission in Afghanistan has resulted in a notable influx of funds to CARs which has significantly strengthened the region’s countries vis-à-vis Russia. They have gained importance and political independence and broken Russia’s monopoly on shaping the regional security situation. During the next two years greater efforts will be made to make maximum use of available political and economic opportunities. While the withdrawal of the US and NATO forces from Afghanistan is expected to increase the level of instability in the region and change the relationship between Russia, China and the USA, it is also likely to cause thorough revision of the geopolitical balance of power in the region. It is expected that the US and countries in the region themselves will remain interested in maintaining or strengthening a US military presence in the region. Russia and China which are emphasizing for coordination of their policies towards Afghanistan beyond 2014, will strongly oppose the US military presence in the region. Such processes will also significantly affect the functioning of the NDN and encourage its exploitation for use in political manoeuvring.
Analysis: Pakistan’s relevance will not diminish
While all are preparing for the new cold war which the US along with her allies intends to initiate against China and Russia, Pakistan would become a special arena for competing and conflicting stakes of major players in the new geo-political scenario emerging rapidly in the world, focusing on Afghanistan. Disagreements exist between the US and China over Taiwan and Pacific issues. Russia opposes the US intentions to deploy national missile defence system (NMD) in Europe and expansion of NATO towards Eastern Europe. Both Russia and China exhibited consonance in their policy against the US on many issues: they vetoed the UN Security Council resolution calling the Syrian president to quit, opposed the US-led NATO attack on Libya and urged the US to resolve the Iran’s nuclear issue peacefully. Pakistan, after reassessing her engagement with the US in the aftermath of incidents like 2 May and 26 November 2011, besides China, has also established relationship with the Russia. In this backdrop, some of the aspects which will keep Pakistan relevant to the US and NATO for sustenance of their forces in Afghanistan, during the withdrawal phase and for stable Afghanistan beyond 2014 are explored in the ensuing paragraphs.
Historical context
While Soviets could not rely on timely supply support from home depots in 1980s due to geographical and terrain related difficulties only with no multinational political issues to be managed, how can the US and NATO totally rely on the NDN especially when seen vis-à-vis additional hiccups of political diversity and other factors highlighted above.
The cargo losses in Pakistan are negligible
The main projected reason for diversification cargo routes to Afghanistan was to reduce reliance on PakGLOCs owing to security reason, while disruptive, the material lost from insurgent attacks and pilferage was a fraction of what the United States successfully transported from Pakistan to Afghanistan. General J. McNabb, commander of the U.S. Transportation Command once stated that the attrition along the Pakistani supply line was not severe enough to hamper the overall war effort. The PakGLOCs will remain viable despite occasional losses by militants. Containers passed through Pakistan since 2002 got damaged at the rate of approximately 10% which is negligible and affordable. Resumption of supplies from Pakistan after seven months, despite ability to transport 75% via the NDN, substantiates this view point.
High cost and limited capacity of the NDN
The significant advantage of alternate route, end of the US complete logistical reliance on Pakistan, availability of new opportunities for the US engagement in the Central Asian region notwithstanding, high cost and limited capacity of the NDN necessitates keeping Pakistan on board.
PakGLOCs will remain vital even if the NDN is available
The US alone has some 100,000 shipping containers filled with stuff and 50,000 wheeled vehicles to send through the pipeline back to the US before the end of 2014. Although the NDN are available having accruing benefits, the US will still have to use the Pakistani ground supply routes as well to get everything out of Afghanistan as per laid down timelines.
Linkage of Gwadar and Kandahar
The city of Kandahar, the largest Pashtun and the second largest city of the Afghanistan, when connected with the Gwadar will establish linkage with Afghanistan and beyond (all Central Asia, Europe and much of the Middle East). If this link is established and opened, it would cut the transport time from Europe to Pakistan and Southeast Asia substantially. Although Iran with help from Russia and India is developing competing port of Chabahar but it is not as well situated as Gwadar for the emerging continental trade. On Gwadar, the interests of the U S, Afghanistan and Pakistan are aligned. It is past time to seize this opportunity and open Kandahar to long-distance traffic. It will give Central Asian States a southern alternative instead of shipping everything to market through distant Russia. Pakistan, thus, stands a chance to benefit enormously exploiting this importance and enhance her soft image and seek relevance. Pakistan, therefore, should lure in the interested stake holders to build a highway connecting Gwadar and Kandahar.
Withdrawal could be a nightmare
It is estimated that 1,30,000 soldiers, 50-70,000 vehicles and 1,20,000 containers must be moved out by 2014. The US and NATO are quite aware of Afghanistan’s history with invaders. Military withdrawals from Afghanistan have ended in disaster several times in the past. When the British left Kabul in 1842, only a few fortunate members of an expedition force of 17,000 escaped. The Soviets withdrawal in 1989 also ended in chaos, as their convoys struggled through the snow-covered mountains at Salang Tunnel while under fire from the Mujahideen. Both the British and the Soviets left a country that they had been unable to pacify. This also holds true for the US and NATO today. Afghan insurgents will presumably do everything possible to launch attacks on NATO troops as they withdraw.
The pressure during Drawdown may result into hot pursuit operations on Pakistani soil
The US and NATO would be required to increase air power to protect the withdrawing troops. This is historically what the US has done, most especially in Vietnam during 1972. Increased air power is necessary for extrication of troops from interior Afghanistan. For the Iraq withdrawal, the US set up staging areas to move equipment to various staging areas, where it was prepared for shipment and then moved to Kuwait for storage until ready to be shipped out. They will not have these luxuries in Afghanistan. This could mean the smaller outposts will have to pack themselves up and ready for road transport out all the while being vulnerable to attack. They have to face all the risks of driving out of the mountains themselves. This all raises worries about the security of the forces that would be withdrawing and those remaining after the drawdown. If scheduled drawdown by 2014 is implemented, a stage may come wherein employing air power to protect the troops from insurgents including hot pursuit operations most likely on Pakistani soil become necessary. The sudden surge in the endeavours for operating the NDN at full capacity and unusual increase in carrier based aircrafts in the region reinforces such postulations.
Opening of Pak GLOCs after seven months illustrates that Pakistan is relevant and shall remain so even beyond 2014
The decision for restoration of Pak GLOCs as a preferred route despite having alternative route of the NDN has many reasons. The analysis of exiting cargo requirements, availability of routes and their capacity, security hazards along various routes with overall impact on the cargo flow, politico- diplomatic intricacies and terrain and weather related complicacies leads to the conclusion that no single route can sustain the logistic requirements for over 1,30,000 troops for foreseeable future. With military needs likely to shrink with intended drawdown of the US and NATO troops, the economic factor is going to take over and prevail in the future. Pakistan based routes will attain rather enhanced relevance allowing a requisite degree of leverage to Pakistan vis-à-vis the US and NATO especially after linkage of Karachi with Kandahar through Gwadar. That fits in the future military and economic overtures. The establishment of secretariat in Kabul for the Central Asia South Asia power supply project and conclusion of TAPI (The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-lndia Natural Gas Pipeline) projects are akin to a “Eurasian globalization” and the indicators of regional economic collaborations in the offing; bringing ripe moments for Pakistan to benefit exponentially. Late Ambassador Richard Holbrooke believed that there was no solution in Afghanistan unless Pakistan was part of that solution. Pakistan has a strategic geo-political location at the corridor of world major maritime oil supply lines and has close proximity to oil rich central Asian countries. Pakistan’s location could influences Central Asia, South Asia and the Middle East. So, Pakistan is focus of attention in wake of emerging geo-political scenario and its relevance cannot be diminished.
Little Ice Age: The Approaching Disaster

By Tom Chatham,
There are so many dangers lurking in the shadows today it is difficult to keep up and even harder for the average person to prepare for them all. One of the first things a person must do is to identify the threats and determine a course of action to remain safe. Even without the necessary preparations, knowing what the challenges are gives you an edge on the rest of society when things start to fall apart. Among other things to worry about is a danger from nature that can have catastrophic consequences. A global shift into another ice age. Imagine if you will, humanity attempting to recover from a global financial crisis after having lost their jobs and all of their wealth. If another global disaster suddenly appeared from the shadows at a time when people had no resources to prepare for their survival, what would they do?
Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in St. Petersburg, Russia predicts that a little ice age could begin by 2014. His theory is that long term variations in the amount of solar energy reaching earth is the principal reason driving and defining the whole mechanism of climate change from global warming to glacial periods. He states that Total Solar Irradiance is the primary factor causing climate variations on Earth, not carbon dioxide. He believes we are headed for a long period of low solar activity that could reduce the energy received by Earth, causing a cooling effect much like the period between 1645 and 1850.
The Earth has spent much of its history moving from one ice age to another separated by short periods of warn weather. An ice age is the norm not the exception on this planet. These periods of warn weather are thought to be around 12,000 years. It seems that we may be nearing the end of one of those warm periods and a shift to a colder climate may be imminent. Some scientists speculate this cold period could last only 30 to 100 years and others think it may last as much as 100,000 years. It could take decades for the climate to cool but there are no guarantees that a small initial change could not happen in the near future that threatens our food production capability. Even if it took decades for the climate to become unbearable to us, our food production would have ceased long before then. Even if you can grow your own food, how will you do so if the weather is too cold?
It may seem crazy to consider this as a threat given the unusually hot weather we are experiencing but if solar irradiance is the cause of global weather, the solar maximum we are about to see peak could be the cause of this hot weather. If this is so, and it is followed by a solar minimum lasting decades, it could have immediate and serious consequences for our climate.
To prepare for possible disasters people have learned to produce their own food and have taken the personal responsibility to store supplies to last for a few years. If we slowly lose the ability to grow crops over several decades, how could anybody possibly store up that many supplies, especially if they have been financially ruined and don't have the money. Even if you stored 20 years worth of food, it would eventually run out, then what? This scenario could lead to the slow starvation of billions. The only way for humanity to survive indefinitely is to have the ability to produce food in a sustainable way.
As with a radiation hazard you have two choices. You can evacuate or shelter in place. The problem with a global disaster, that requires evacuation from some areas, is that if there are safe zones following the disaster, how many people can that safe zone realistically support? If everyone has the same idea of moving to that zone, what will be the outcome? The first people in the zone will see it as their zone and at some point will try to limit or stop others from entering to insure their own survival. This is human nature. If you are one of the first ones in, are you prepared to fight to maintain that zone and for how long? How long do you think you will be able to fight off the rest of the world? If there is a great deal of fighting, will the resources in the safe zone survive destruction? These are all valid questions that we need to answer before something like this becomes a reality.
In an environment where you have to do everything inside, at least for a large portion of the year, energy is the key to everything. With enough energy you can produce light to grow food, stay warm, provide ventilation, produce power and run machines. In some survival situations, energy may be the primary need in order to produce food and pump water.
Wood is a good energy source that humans are very accustomed to using and we have a plentiful supply. One of the problems with long term storage of wood is it's tendency to decay or rot. The fact that we have some homes in America with 200 year old timbers in them attests to the fact that wood under the right circumstances can be stored for a long time.
Coal is a good source of energy and we have an abundant supply of it in this country. We have used coal for over a hundred years and we know how to get the most from it. It can be dirty but will store indefinitely and is a compact source of energy.
In a long term survival situation where energy is a key to staying alive, a dependable source of power will be a necessary component to your plan. The storage of liquid fuels is possible to run a generator but could you afford a 20 year supply of fuel right now if you needed it? If so will it store for that long and how will you replace it when it is all gone? Also, generators running on liquid fuels will require periodic maintenance and replacement of components. Even with a supply of repair parts, your engine will eventually wear out requiring a replacement. You need a power system that is easy to maintain, is extremely durable and is simple enough that you can manufacture parts for if necessary.
A simple, tried and tested power system is steam power. With a boiler and a steam engine you can power just about anything and secondary steam can be used for heating. Machines and generators powered by a power take-off shaft can be run by a single engine. Boilers and steam engines are much simpler in design and function than petroleum based engines making repairs and maintenance long term more realistic. With a power take-off shaft you can run several items off of one engine such as a water pump, DC generator, AC generator, metal working machines and ventilation equipment.
With fuel in limited supply it would be necessary to store power for long periods. A battery system is the natural way to store power but lead acid batteries will only last 5 to 10 years before they lose the ability to hold a charge. A better battery for long term use is a nickel-iron battery. These batteries are very durable, to the extent that some in use today have been used for almost a century. They only require a change of electrolyte every 20 years or so and they are almost impossible to damage by overcharging. They do have draw backs such as not being as efficient as lead acid and needing to be topped of occasionally with distilled water but these things may be secondary considering the service life. The expense is also a consideration that may necessitate a group purchase of items in this type of scenario.
The graph of the Vostok ice core data indicate that Ice Age maximums and warm interglacials occur within a regular cyclic pattern. About every 100,000 years the cold glacial period is interrupted by a warn interglacial period lasting about 12,000 years.
We are now near the end of a warm interglacial period and the Earth is due to enter the next ice age. The Milankovich cycles each affect the amount of solar radiation reaching Earth and act together to produce the cycle of cold Ice Age maximums and warm interglacials.
The data from paleoclimatology, including ice cores, sea sediments, geology, paleobotany and zoology, indicate that we are on the verge of entering another Ice Age, and the data also shows that severe and lasting climate change can occur within only a few years.
In all likelihood, a return to a little ice age will entail cooler summers and colder winters with a growing season 1 to 2 months shorter in many places. This is something we can adapt to and is much less catastrophic than a full fledged ice age with glaciers covering large portions of the northern hemisphere. Even though we will be able to adapt, it will still cause problems with food production in a world that continues to grow at an ever increasing rate. It could still mean shortages and starvation for some around the world as the grain producing regions in the north are able to produce much less or nothing at all in some places. Even a small shift in climate still holds the potential for dire results if we do not plan for it ahead of time. Now is the time to take a serious look at our future and plan appropriately. Next week we will look at the subject of climate change in a little more detail.
By Tom Chatham,
There are so many dangers lurking in the shadows today it is difficult to keep up and even harder for the average person to prepare for them all. One of the first things a person must do is to identify the threats and determine a course of action to remain safe. Even without the necessary preparations, knowing what the challenges are gives you an edge on the rest of society when things start to fall apart. Among other things to worry about is a danger from nature that can have catastrophic consequences. A global shift into another ice age. Imagine if you will, humanity attempting to recover from a global financial crisis after having lost their jobs and all of their wealth. If another global disaster suddenly appeared from the shadows at a time when people had no resources to prepare for their survival, what would they do?
Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in St. Petersburg, Russia predicts that a little ice age could begin by 2014. His theory is that long term variations in the amount of solar energy reaching earth is the principal reason driving and defining the whole mechanism of climate change from global warming to glacial periods. He states that Total Solar Irradiance is the primary factor causing climate variations on Earth, not carbon dioxide. He believes we are headed for a long period of low solar activity that could reduce the energy received by Earth, causing a cooling effect much like the period between 1645 and 1850.
The Earth has spent much of its history moving from one ice age to another separated by short periods of warn weather. An ice age is the norm not the exception on this planet. These periods of warn weather are thought to be around 12,000 years. It seems that we may be nearing the end of one of those warm periods and a shift to a colder climate may be imminent. Some scientists speculate this cold period could last only 30 to 100 years and others think it may last as much as 100,000 years. It could take decades for the climate to cool but there are no guarantees that a small initial change could not happen in the near future that threatens our food production capability. Even if it took decades for the climate to become unbearable to us, our food production would have ceased long before then. Even if you can grow your own food, how will you do so if the weather is too cold?
It may seem crazy to consider this as a threat given the unusually hot weather we are experiencing but if solar irradiance is the cause of global weather, the solar maximum we are about to see peak could be the cause of this hot weather. If this is so, and it is followed by a solar minimum lasting decades, it could have immediate and serious consequences for our climate.
To prepare for possible disasters people have learned to produce their own food and have taken the personal responsibility to store supplies to last for a few years. If we slowly lose the ability to grow crops over several decades, how could anybody possibly store up that many supplies, especially if they have been financially ruined and don't have the money. Even if you stored 20 years worth of food, it would eventually run out, then what? This scenario could lead to the slow starvation of billions. The only way for humanity to survive indefinitely is to have the ability to produce food in a sustainable way.
As with a radiation hazard you have two choices. You can evacuate or shelter in place. The problem with a global disaster, that requires evacuation from some areas, is that if there are safe zones following the disaster, how many people can that safe zone realistically support? If everyone has the same idea of moving to that zone, what will be the outcome? The first people in the zone will see it as their zone and at some point will try to limit or stop others from entering to insure their own survival. This is human nature. If you are one of the first ones in, are you prepared to fight to maintain that zone and for how long? How long do you think you will be able to fight off the rest of the world? If there is a great deal of fighting, will the resources in the safe zone survive destruction? These are all valid questions that we need to answer before something like this becomes a reality.
In an environment where you have to do everything inside, at least for a large portion of the year, energy is the key to everything. With enough energy you can produce light to grow food, stay warm, provide ventilation, produce power and run machines. In some survival situations, energy may be the primary need in order to produce food and pump water.
Wood is a good energy source that humans are very accustomed to using and we have a plentiful supply. One of the problems with long term storage of wood is it's tendency to decay or rot. The fact that we have some homes in America with 200 year old timbers in them attests to the fact that wood under the right circumstances can be stored for a long time.
Coal is a good source of energy and we have an abundant supply of it in this country. We have used coal for over a hundred years and we know how to get the most from it. It can be dirty but will store indefinitely and is a compact source of energy.
In a long term survival situation where energy is a key to staying alive, a dependable source of power will be a necessary component to your plan. The storage of liquid fuels is possible to run a generator but could you afford a 20 year supply of fuel right now if you needed it? If so will it store for that long and how will you replace it when it is all gone? Also, generators running on liquid fuels will require periodic maintenance and replacement of components. Even with a supply of repair parts, your engine will eventually wear out requiring a replacement. You need a power system that is easy to maintain, is extremely durable and is simple enough that you can manufacture parts for if necessary.
A simple, tried and tested power system is steam power. With a boiler and a steam engine you can power just about anything and secondary steam can be used for heating. Machines and generators powered by a power take-off shaft can be run by a single engine. Boilers and steam engines are much simpler in design and function than petroleum based engines making repairs and maintenance long term more realistic. With a power take-off shaft you can run several items off of one engine such as a water pump, DC generator, AC generator, metal working machines and ventilation equipment.
With fuel in limited supply it would be necessary to store power for long periods. A battery system is the natural way to store power but lead acid batteries will only last 5 to 10 years before they lose the ability to hold a charge. A better battery for long term use is a nickel-iron battery. These batteries are very durable, to the extent that some in use today have been used for almost a century. They only require a change of electrolyte every 20 years or so and they are almost impossible to damage by overcharging. They do have draw backs such as not being as efficient as lead acid and needing to be topped of occasionally with distilled water but these things may be secondary considering the service life. The expense is also a consideration that may necessitate a group purchase of items in this type of scenario.
The graph of the Vostok ice core data indicate that Ice Age maximums and warm interglacials occur within a regular cyclic pattern. About every 100,000 years the cold glacial period is interrupted by a warn interglacial period lasting about 12,000 years.
We are now near the end of a warm interglacial period and the Earth is due to enter the next ice age. The Milankovich cycles each affect the amount of solar radiation reaching Earth and act together to produce the cycle of cold Ice Age maximums and warm interglacials.
The data from paleoclimatology, including ice cores, sea sediments, geology, paleobotany and zoology, indicate that we are on the verge of entering another Ice Age, and the data also shows that severe and lasting climate change can occur within only a few years.
In all likelihood, a return to a little ice age will entail cooler summers and colder winters with a growing season 1 to 2 months shorter in many places. This is something we can adapt to and is much less catastrophic than a full fledged ice age with glaciers covering large portions of the northern hemisphere. Even though we will be able to adapt, it will still cause problems with food production in a world that continues to grow at an ever increasing rate. It could still mean shortages and starvation for some around the world as the grain producing regions in the north are able to produce much less or nothing at all in some places. Even a small shift in climate still holds the potential for dire results if we do not plan for it ahead of time. Now is the time to take a serious look at our future and plan appropriately. Next week we will look at the subject of climate change in a little more detail.
Benjamin Stora et le relais de BHL dans le jeu de dominos
Par Omar Mazri,
Le journal Al Moujahid écrit à la une du 14 mai 2012 : « Dans un entretien au journal en ligne «Mediapart», Benjamin Stora : “Hollande doit faire des gestes d’apaisement mémoriel avec l’Algérie” ». J’en profite pour répondre à notre valeureux journal et au grand Benjamin stora en publiant de nouveau un ancien article sur son évaluation de l’Algérie
Benjamin Stora, universitaire « spécialisé » sur le Maghreb, monte au créneau au Figaro suite à l’agression franco atlantiste contre la Libye pour décréter que les dirigeants algériens donnent l’impression de ne pas tenir compte de la nouvelle donne géopolitique et que «Le régime algérien fait preuve de myopie». Son article plein de « trous noirs » mérite d’être corrigé et refocalisé pour nous éviter les ténèbres qui nous sont promis et que relaye la presse algérienne comme si l’éditeur en chef etait BHL, Benjamin Stora ou un adjudant chef des « Think Tank » français.
Je me rappelle qu’en début des années 2000 le Point avait écrit un article, avec comme tête d’affiche le Général Lamari et comme titre « Harro sur les Généraux ». Le Général algérien croyait que l’interview était à son honneur et qu’il s’adressait au peuple algérien mais la subtilité de la langue française lui a manqué pour comprendre que « Haro » est le cri poussé par quelqu’un pour attirer l’attention sur le coupable d’un forfait ou le cri lancé par les Seigneurs pour galvaniser leurs chiens lancés dans la chasse à courre contre le gros gibier. Quelques mois plus tard le Général Lamari appris la langue française à ses dépens malgré de longs et loyaux services. Le Figaro veut rééditer le coup du Point et Benjamin Stora celui du coup de Tripoli et ainsi préparer la mise à la tête de l’État algérien d’un « plus français que moi tu meurs ». BHL est appelé, pour l’instant à travailler dans les coulisses auprès de ses réseaux algériens. Il est trop ivre par son succès libyen pour apparaitre en plein jour avec une gueule de bois et il risque de froisser la sensibilité des algériens. Entre l’article du Point et celui du Figaro l’Algérie a beaucoup changé mais les fichiers français ne sont pas à jour car l’effet pygmalion joue en leur défaveur : les Algériens qui les renseignent sont déconnectés de la réalité et à leur tour ils ont le regard perverti par le regard porté sur eux par leur manipulateur qu’ils ont informé.
Notre ami et cousin Benjamin Stora veut sans doute envoyer un message aux « Juifs convertis à l’Islam »[i] de l’Algérie post coloniale comme BHL l’a fait à ceux de Misrata en Libye pour faire au sol ce que les bombardements aériens et le pilonnage naval ont préparé à Tripoli
En synthèse de son interview il dit aux algériens d’oublier les réminiscences anti impérialistes et qu’il faut être réaliste « La matrice culturelle du régime algérien a peu changé depuis l’époque Boumediene. Le fer de lance de la diplomatie algérienne, c’est encore en grande partie l’anti-impérialisme des années 1970. Cela peut paraître difficile à croire, mais les dirigeants algériens donnent l’impression de ne pas tenir compte de la nouvelle donne géopolitique, qu’il s’agisse de la chute du mur de Berlin, de la fin de la guerre froide, de l’élection de Barack Obama… » Un universitaire français qui croit au Messianisme obamique, aux fabulations et aux superstitions. Boumediene reste une épine dans la gorge. J’avais pensé que la pensée française avait plus de talent et de subtilités pour exprimer ses haines et ses peurs mais nous avons une fois de plus la confirmation de la mort de l’intelligentsia en France. Il n’y a que les Algériens de Liberté, d’Al Watan et d’autres canailleries à y croire. La référence à la chute du mur de Berlin n’est pas fortuite elle témoigne l’idée dominante en Occident qui se résume en trois points :
- La fin des pôles idéologiques et le triomphe définitif du sionisme et de l’impérialisme ;
- L’axe Vatican CIA a fait tomber le mur de Berlin par le noyautage des mouvements protestataires et « démocratiques » dans les syndicats et dans la société civile ;
- Les Arabes et les Musulmans sont les artisans de la chute de l’URSS et ils restent le fer de lance de la recomposition du monde par leur inculture politique et leur convulsion émotionnelle :
Les Moudjahiddines arabes et afghans qui ont poussé l’URSS à un effort de guerre insoutenable
L’Arabie saoudite qui a fait couler les recettes pétrole de l’URSS ;
Il nous demande de reconnaitre le nouvel ordre mondial et de nous soumettre à la théorie de la domination impérialo sioniste défendue par les néo conservateurs américains et dont les Européens sont devenus les exécutants. Cette théorie est celle de Francis Fukuyama « La fin de l’Histoire ». Il faut nous soumettre au triomphe arrogant du capitalisme, du mode de vie américain et de la domination du sionisme. Il faut nous plier au remodelage du monde musulman selon des schémas ethniques, confessionnels, topographiques dans un Syse Picot 2 qui réalise six objectifs :
- La main mise sur les ressources du sous sol au profit des appétits prédateurs de l’Occident,
- L’impossibilité du monde musulman ou arabe de créer une unité civilisationnelle en disloquant et en fragmentant ce qui est latent à la renaissance islamique en l’occurrence la contigüité spatiale, la continuité historique, la mémoire collective, le devenir commun,
- Le chaos constructeur d’un patchwork à façade démocratique où chaque élément du puzzle disloqué est un comptoir commercial comme dans les traditions des comptoirs anglais, hollandais ou français en Asie et en Afrique ;
- L’installation de bases militaires
- La prise de contrôle du continent africain comme réservoir de matière premières et gisements de marché de consommation pour les biens et services industriels ou domestiques obsolètes
- Encercler la Chine et interdire l’émergence des projets de l’organisation de l’alliance de Shanghai (Russie-Chine) et sa mise en réseau avec les pays du BRIC.
Benjamin Stora dit : « c’est un nationalisme exacerbé qui rejette le principe du droit d’ingérence. Enfin, un certain nombre de responsables algériens redoutent que ce printemps arabe ne fasse le jeu d’un islam radical qu’ils ont combattu tout au long des années 1990. Il est clair que le pouvoir est divisé sur la conduite à adopter. Le courant conservateur tient la corde, mais il ne représente pas forcément l’armée. Il y a des islamo-conservateurs ou de vieux nationalistes arabes qui sont toujours au pouvoir, qui s’accrochent au passé et qui ne comprennent pas les aspirations aux changements de la jeunesse arabe, en particulier de la jeunesse berbère, nombreuse, éduquée et à l’affût des bruits du monde. » Sans commentaire : le nationalisme de canaille, l’islamisme infantile, le berbérisme sectaire sont les portes d’entrées de l’ingérence française en Algérie
Comme toujours il attise les particularismes locaux contre l’unité nationale : « Un espace immense et une population hétérogène qui se compose de Sahariens, de Mozabites, de Kabyles, d’Algérois, d’Oranais qui ne marchent pas forcément du même pas. » Vous reconnaitrez avec moi que depuis qu’il a fuit l’Algérie sa vision sur l’Algérie devient de l’emporte pièces. Oranais et Algérois c’est des ethnies, des confessions, des doctrines, des territoires, des cultures ou des vues d’un esprit qui veut montrer les divisions en Algérie comme insurmontable pour que les Algériens vivent en paix ensemble et qu’il faut partitionner le pays pour le rendre gérable, gouvernable, démocratique et séculier
Cerise sur la tarte storaïque : « En outre, l’Algérie est un pays très riche et le pouvoir dispose de ressources financières considérables de nature à empêcher qu’un mouvement de revendications sociales ne se transforme en contestation politique. Malgré cela, les Algériens sont de plus en plus choqués par la répression en Syrie, suivent avec intérêt le processus de démocratisation en Tunisie, et craignent également un possible isolement de leur pays sur la scène internationale. Comment, dans ces conditions, ne pas croire à un changement démocratique en Algérie? »
Je ne vais pas lui livrer toutes mes cartes et toutes mes connaissances sur un pays que j’ai honorablement servi et loyalement critiqué mais dire au public français : attention les nostalgiques de l’Algérie française vous invitent à une aventure qui va vous couter cher ! Je m’explique sans rentrer dans les détails que vos spécialistes connaissent mais que votre actuel gouvernement belliqueux peut ignorer pour des considérations électorales ou de géostratégie ( le front atlantiste et le front sioniste) :
- Ce n’est plus le même personnel militaire qui dirige l’Algérie. Les seconds couteaux qui ont mené la lutte antiterroriste se considèrent comme légitimes et comme les Messies Sauveurs de l’Algérie. Vous avez créé les conditions politiques et géopolitiques pour qu’il y ait une guerre civile en Algérie. Ces Militaires ont maté les Algériens et tout particulièrement les Maquis islamiques ou pseudo islamiques. Ils se considèrent comme les véritables détenteurs du pouvoir réel et comme les plus méritants à user de la rente de l’Algérie. Qui touchera à leurs privilèges se mordra les dents car ils sont aguerris à mener de longues opérations militaires sans pitié.
- La mentalité du régime algérien vous échappe. La France et les lobbies pro français en Algérie pensent que les décideurs algériens sont inféodés à la France alors qu’ils ne sont inféodés qu’à leur logique interne : la survie de la meute et le maintien de l’Algérie sous chasse gardée privée. La France a été un auxiliaire et non le donneur d’ordres. Quand les décideurs algériens ont liquidé les réseaux islamiques ils se sont tournés vers un autre auxiliaire : les États-Unis. Ces derniers ont raflé toutes les mises stratégiques. Quand les États-Unis ont voulu imposer leur agenda les Algériens se sont tournés vers les Russes et les Chinois.
- La culture politique algérienne, après la force, est la corruption. Elle a commencé par corrompre tous les laïcs qui ont vécu à l’ombre de la rente dans le service public et les as laissé divaguer dans leurs journaux.
- Les Algériens ont développé un réseau de clientélisme et de corruption en France par l’intermédiaire des laïcs éradicateurs qui le moment venu sont obligés de défendre le régime algérien que de prendre le risque de tout perdre. Ils n’ont pas d’idéal mais des intérêts. Les intérêts liés à la corruption entre l’Algérie et la France vont entrer en jeu lorsque le conflit monte au degré intenable
- Les Algériens disposent de cellules nés du FLN et de l’amicale des Algériens en France capables de mobiliser l’émigration musulmane et de mener une lutte sociale, politique, religieuse et armée en France. Tout le drame des jeunes nés de parents algériens en France est la hantise des Français de le voir se retourner contre eux. Cette hantise tient davantage à l’esprit revanchard et nostalgique de la guerre d’Algérie que des Algériens. Les Français ont semé le vent les décideurs algériens peuvent produire la tempête quand ils le veulent.
- Le peuple algérien est épuisé par deux décennies qui ont le mérite de lui dévoiler la vérité sur ses gouvernants, les opposants et les élites. Il est en stand by. Il attend le retour du Mahdi ou la refondation du mouvement islamique sur une base saine débarrassé des débris de l’incompétence et de l’improvisation.
- La topographie de l’Algérie est complexe ;
- Les Algériens ont pratiqué la France pendant 132 ans de colonisation et 50 ans de post colonisation : ils connaissent son discours, ses actes et ses intentions
Dans mes livres « Le dilemme arabe et les 10 commandements US » et dans « Islamophobie : Deus Machina » j’ai montré le rôle du Qatar dans la récupération de la jeunesse des banlieues et des universitaires en quête de reconnaissance sociale afin de faciliter l’implantation du sionisme dans les banlieues qui n’a jamais peu avoir lieu par le passé; j’ai montré également le rôle que veut jouer le Qatar pour gagner l’opinion d’origine arabe en France dans l’éventualité d’une guerre contre la Syrie, l’Iran et l’Algérie.
Le peuple Algérien a une longue expérience de résistance passive et celui qui l’a pratiqué sait que ce n’est pas un tube digestif ni une foule (Ghachi) mais une intelligence politique qui va exprimer un sursaut de conscience et de vigilance à la lumière des événements de Libye, de Syrie, de Palestine. Il sait que la révolution tunisienne a été confisquée par des arrangements d’appareils avec l’armée tunisienne et les caciques de Bourguiba sous les auspices de la France et des États-Unis. Il attend un sursaut révolutionnaire en Tunisie et une poursuite de la Révolution en Égypte. Le deal passé entre l’armée égyptienne, les Frères Musulmans et la Turquie allié de l’OTAN ne passe pas inaperçu aux algériens qui ont vu les Frères Musulmans étaler leur corruption et leurs alliances contre nature.
Enfin un dernier mot : Benjamin Stora et BHL à l’instar de Sarkosy et des monarchies arabes font de l’intox en prenant leurs désirs pour des réalités. Le temps va nous montrer que l’affaire libyenne n’est qu’à son début et que la braise sous la cendre est comme un Phénix. Le temps va nous montrer que le colonialisme anglais a su atteindre ses objectif au Machrek par son intelligence et sa gestion par vassal interposé alors que le colonialisme français court à sa perte par son arrogance, sa stupidité et son ignorance. Dieu merci. Le temps va nous montrer qui va sortir gagnant de la bataille que vont se livrer les services français et algériens pour le contrôle et l’instrumentalisation de l’Aqmi.
Les peuples libyens, tunisiens et égyptiens eux aussi n’ont pas dit leur dernier mot. Les peuples maghrébins comme leurs gouvernants savent jouer aux dominos. C’est moins raffiné et plus bruyant que le jeu d’échec mais il y a des combinaisons intéressantes pour fermer ou ouvrir le jeu et c’est le seul jeu où il arrive au gagnant de perdre s’il n’a pas joué tous ses dominos. Il n’est pas dit que les armes disponibles en Libye vont aller uniquement en Algérie. Il y a d’autres destinations : Gaza, l’Afghanistan, le Maroc et même la France…
{Dis : « Contemplez ce qu’il y a dans les Cieux et la terre. A quoi serviraient les Signes et les avertissements à des gens qui ne sont pas croyants ? S’attendent-ils à autre chose que comme les jours de ceux qui passèrent avant eux ? Dis : « Attendez, je suis avec vous de ceux qui attendent. »} Younes 101
Par Omar Mazri,
Le journal Al Moujahid écrit à la une du 14 mai 2012 : « Dans un entretien au journal en ligne «Mediapart», Benjamin Stora : “Hollande doit faire des gestes d’apaisement mémoriel avec l’Algérie” ». J’en profite pour répondre à notre valeureux journal et au grand Benjamin stora en publiant de nouveau un ancien article sur son évaluation de l’Algérie
Benjamin Stora, universitaire « spécialisé » sur le Maghreb, monte au créneau au Figaro suite à l’agression franco atlantiste contre la Libye pour décréter que les dirigeants algériens donnent l’impression de ne pas tenir compte de la nouvelle donne géopolitique et que «Le régime algérien fait preuve de myopie». Son article plein de « trous noirs » mérite d’être corrigé et refocalisé pour nous éviter les ténèbres qui nous sont promis et que relaye la presse algérienne comme si l’éditeur en chef etait BHL, Benjamin Stora ou un adjudant chef des « Think Tank » français.
Je me rappelle qu’en début des années 2000 le Point avait écrit un article, avec comme tête d’affiche le Général Lamari et comme titre « Harro sur les Généraux ». Le Général algérien croyait que l’interview était à son honneur et qu’il s’adressait au peuple algérien mais la subtilité de la langue française lui a manqué pour comprendre que « Haro » est le cri poussé par quelqu’un pour attirer l’attention sur le coupable d’un forfait ou le cri lancé par les Seigneurs pour galvaniser leurs chiens lancés dans la chasse à courre contre le gros gibier. Quelques mois plus tard le Général Lamari appris la langue française à ses dépens malgré de longs et loyaux services. Le Figaro veut rééditer le coup du Point et Benjamin Stora celui du coup de Tripoli et ainsi préparer la mise à la tête de l’État algérien d’un « plus français que moi tu meurs ». BHL est appelé, pour l’instant à travailler dans les coulisses auprès de ses réseaux algériens. Il est trop ivre par son succès libyen pour apparaitre en plein jour avec une gueule de bois et il risque de froisser la sensibilité des algériens. Entre l’article du Point et celui du Figaro l’Algérie a beaucoup changé mais les fichiers français ne sont pas à jour car l’effet pygmalion joue en leur défaveur : les Algériens qui les renseignent sont déconnectés de la réalité et à leur tour ils ont le regard perverti par le regard porté sur eux par leur manipulateur qu’ils ont informé.
Notre ami et cousin Benjamin Stora veut sans doute envoyer un message aux « Juifs convertis à l’Islam »[i] de l’Algérie post coloniale comme BHL l’a fait à ceux de Misrata en Libye pour faire au sol ce que les bombardements aériens et le pilonnage naval ont préparé à Tripoli
En synthèse de son interview il dit aux algériens d’oublier les réminiscences anti impérialistes et qu’il faut être réaliste « La matrice culturelle du régime algérien a peu changé depuis l’époque Boumediene. Le fer de lance de la diplomatie algérienne, c’est encore en grande partie l’anti-impérialisme des années 1970. Cela peut paraître difficile à croire, mais les dirigeants algériens donnent l’impression de ne pas tenir compte de la nouvelle donne géopolitique, qu’il s’agisse de la chute du mur de Berlin, de la fin de la guerre froide, de l’élection de Barack Obama… » Un universitaire français qui croit au Messianisme obamique, aux fabulations et aux superstitions. Boumediene reste une épine dans la gorge. J’avais pensé que la pensée française avait plus de talent et de subtilités pour exprimer ses haines et ses peurs mais nous avons une fois de plus la confirmation de la mort de l’intelligentsia en France. Il n’y a que les Algériens de Liberté, d’Al Watan et d’autres canailleries à y croire. La référence à la chute du mur de Berlin n’est pas fortuite elle témoigne l’idée dominante en Occident qui se résume en trois points :
- La fin des pôles idéologiques et le triomphe définitif du sionisme et de l’impérialisme ;
- L’axe Vatican CIA a fait tomber le mur de Berlin par le noyautage des mouvements protestataires et « démocratiques » dans les syndicats et dans la société civile ;
- Les Arabes et les Musulmans sont les artisans de la chute de l’URSS et ils restent le fer de lance de la recomposition du monde par leur inculture politique et leur convulsion émotionnelle :
Les Moudjahiddines arabes et afghans qui ont poussé l’URSS à un effort de guerre insoutenable
L’Arabie saoudite qui a fait couler les recettes pétrole de l’URSS ;
Il nous demande de reconnaitre le nouvel ordre mondial et de nous soumettre à la théorie de la domination impérialo sioniste défendue par les néo conservateurs américains et dont les Européens sont devenus les exécutants. Cette théorie est celle de Francis Fukuyama « La fin de l’Histoire ». Il faut nous soumettre au triomphe arrogant du capitalisme, du mode de vie américain et de la domination du sionisme. Il faut nous plier au remodelage du monde musulman selon des schémas ethniques, confessionnels, topographiques dans un Syse Picot 2 qui réalise six objectifs :
- La main mise sur les ressources du sous sol au profit des appétits prédateurs de l’Occident,
- L’impossibilité du monde musulman ou arabe de créer une unité civilisationnelle en disloquant et en fragmentant ce qui est latent à la renaissance islamique en l’occurrence la contigüité spatiale, la continuité historique, la mémoire collective, le devenir commun,
- Le chaos constructeur d’un patchwork à façade démocratique où chaque élément du puzzle disloqué est un comptoir commercial comme dans les traditions des comptoirs anglais, hollandais ou français en Asie et en Afrique ;
- L’installation de bases militaires
- La prise de contrôle du continent africain comme réservoir de matière premières et gisements de marché de consommation pour les biens et services industriels ou domestiques obsolètes
- Encercler la Chine et interdire l’émergence des projets de l’organisation de l’alliance de Shanghai (Russie-Chine) et sa mise en réseau avec les pays du BRIC.
Benjamin Stora dit : « c’est un nationalisme exacerbé qui rejette le principe du droit d’ingérence. Enfin, un certain nombre de responsables algériens redoutent que ce printemps arabe ne fasse le jeu d’un islam radical qu’ils ont combattu tout au long des années 1990. Il est clair que le pouvoir est divisé sur la conduite à adopter. Le courant conservateur tient la corde, mais il ne représente pas forcément l’armée. Il y a des islamo-conservateurs ou de vieux nationalistes arabes qui sont toujours au pouvoir, qui s’accrochent au passé et qui ne comprennent pas les aspirations aux changements de la jeunesse arabe, en particulier de la jeunesse berbère, nombreuse, éduquée et à l’affût des bruits du monde. » Sans commentaire : le nationalisme de canaille, l’islamisme infantile, le berbérisme sectaire sont les portes d’entrées de l’ingérence française en Algérie
Comme toujours il attise les particularismes locaux contre l’unité nationale : « Un espace immense et une population hétérogène qui se compose de Sahariens, de Mozabites, de Kabyles, d’Algérois, d’Oranais qui ne marchent pas forcément du même pas. » Vous reconnaitrez avec moi que depuis qu’il a fuit l’Algérie sa vision sur l’Algérie devient de l’emporte pièces. Oranais et Algérois c’est des ethnies, des confessions, des doctrines, des territoires, des cultures ou des vues d’un esprit qui veut montrer les divisions en Algérie comme insurmontable pour que les Algériens vivent en paix ensemble et qu’il faut partitionner le pays pour le rendre gérable, gouvernable, démocratique et séculier
Cerise sur la tarte storaïque : « En outre, l’Algérie est un pays très riche et le pouvoir dispose de ressources financières considérables de nature à empêcher qu’un mouvement de revendications sociales ne se transforme en contestation politique. Malgré cela, les Algériens sont de plus en plus choqués par la répression en Syrie, suivent avec intérêt le processus de démocratisation en Tunisie, et craignent également un possible isolement de leur pays sur la scène internationale. Comment, dans ces conditions, ne pas croire à un changement démocratique en Algérie? »
Je ne vais pas lui livrer toutes mes cartes et toutes mes connaissances sur un pays que j’ai honorablement servi et loyalement critiqué mais dire au public français : attention les nostalgiques de l’Algérie française vous invitent à une aventure qui va vous couter cher ! Je m’explique sans rentrer dans les détails que vos spécialistes connaissent mais que votre actuel gouvernement belliqueux peut ignorer pour des considérations électorales ou de géostratégie ( le front atlantiste et le front sioniste) :
- Ce n’est plus le même personnel militaire qui dirige l’Algérie. Les seconds couteaux qui ont mené la lutte antiterroriste se considèrent comme légitimes et comme les Messies Sauveurs de l’Algérie. Vous avez créé les conditions politiques et géopolitiques pour qu’il y ait une guerre civile en Algérie. Ces Militaires ont maté les Algériens et tout particulièrement les Maquis islamiques ou pseudo islamiques. Ils se considèrent comme les véritables détenteurs du pouvoir réel et comme les plus méritants à user de la rente de l’Algérie. Qui touchera à leurs privilèges se mordra les dents car ils sont aguerris à mener de longues opérations militaires sans pitié.
- La mentalité du régime algérien vous échappe. La France et les lobbies pro français en Algérie pensent que les décideurs algériens sont inféodés à la France alors qu’ils ne sont inféodés qu’à leur logique interne : la survie de la meute et le maintien de l’Algérie sous chasse gardée privée. La France a été un auxiliaire et non le donneur d’ordres. Quand les décideurs algériens ont liquidé les réseaux islamiques ils se sont tournés vers un autre auxiliaire : les États-Unis. Ces derniers ont raflé toutes les mises stratégiques. Quand les États-Unis ont voulu imposer leur agenda les Algériens se sont tournés vers les Russes et les Chinois.
- La culture politique algérienne, après la force, est la corruption. Elle a commencé par corrompre tous les laïcs qui ont vécu à l’ombre de la rente dans le service public et les as laissé divaguer dans leurs journaux.
- Les Algériens ont développé un réseau de clientélisme et de corruption en France par l’intermédiaire des laïcs éradicateurs qui le moment venu sont obligés de défendre le régime algérien que de prendre le risque de tout perdre. Ils n’ont pas d’idéal mais des intérêts. Les intérêts liés à la corruption entre l’Algérie et la France vont entrer en jeu lorsque le conflit monte au degré intenable
- Les Algériens disposent de cellules nés du FLN et de l’amicale des Algériens en France capables de mobiliser l’émigration musulmane et de mener une lutte sociale, politique, religieuse et armée en France. Tout le drame des jeunes nés de parents algériens en France est la hantise des Français de le voir se retourner contre eux. Cette hantise tient davantage à l’esprit revanchard et nostalgique de la guerre d’Algérie que des Algériens. Les Français ont semé le vent les décideurs algériens peuvent produire la tempête quand ils le veulent.
- Le peuple algérien est épuisé par deux décennies qui ont le mérite de lui dévoiler la vérité sur ses gouvernants, les opposants et les élites. Il est en stand by. Il attend le retour du Mahdi ou la refondation du mouvement islamique sur une base saine débarrassé des débris de l’incompétence et de l’improvisation.
- La topographie de l’Algérie est complexe ;
- Les Algériens ont pratiqué la France pendant 132 ans de colonisation et 50 ans de post colonisation : ils connaissent son discours, ses actes et ses intentions
Dans mes livres « Le dilemme arabe et les 10 commandements US » et dans « Islamophobie : Deus Machina » j’ai montré le rôle du Qatar dans la récupération de la jeunesse des banlieues et des universitaires en quête de reconnaissance sociale afin de faciliter l’implantation du sionisme dans les banlieues qui n’a jamais peu avoir lieu par le passé; j’ai montré également le rôle que veut jouer le Qatar pour gagner l’opinion d’origine arabe en France dans l’éventualité d’une guerre contre la Syrie, l’Iran et l’Algérie.
Le peuple Algérien a une longue expérience de résistance passive et celui qui l’a pratiqué sait que ce n’est pas un tube digestif ni une foule (Ghachi) mais une intelligence politique qui va exprimer un sursaut de conscience et de vigilance à la lumière des événements de Libye, de Syrie, de Palestine. Il sait que la révolution tunisienne a été confisquée par des arrangements d’appareils avec l’armée tunisienne et les caciques de Bourguiba sous les auspices de la France et des États-Unis. Il attend un sursaut révolutionnaire en Tunisie et une poursuite de la Révolution en Égypte. Le deal passé entre l’armée égyptienne, les Frères Musulmans et la Turquie allié de l’OTAN ne passe pas inaperçu aux algériens qui ont vu les Frères Musulmans étaler leur corruption et leurs alliances contre nature.
Enfin un dernier mot : Benjamin Stora et BHL à l’instar de Sarkosy et des monarchies arabes font de l’intox en prenant leurs désirs pour des réalités. Le temps va nous montrer que l’affaire libyenne n’est qu’à son début et que la braise sous la cendre est comme un Phénix. Le temps va nous montrer que le colonialisme anglais a su atteindre ses objectif au Machrek par son intelligence et sa gestion par vassal interposé alors que le colonialisme français court à sa perte par son arrogance, sa stupidité et son ignorance. Dieu merci. Le temps va nous montrer qui va sortir gagnant de la bataille que vont se livrer les services français et algériens pour le contrôle et l’instrumentalisation de l’Aqmi.
Les peuples libyens, tunisiens et égyptiens eux aussi n’ont pas dit leur dernier mot. Les peuples maghrébins comme leurs gouvernants savent jouer aux dominos. C’est moins raffiné et plus bruyant que le jeu d’échec mais il y a des combinaisons intéressantes pour fermer ou ouvrir le jeu et c’est le seul jeu où il arrive au gagnant de perdre s’il n’a pas joué tous ses dominos. Il n’est pas dit que les armes disponibles en Libye vont aller uniquement en Algérie. Il y a d’autres destinations : Gaza, l’Afghanistan, le Maroc et même la France…
{Dis : « Contemplez ce qu’il y a dans les Cieux et la terre. A quoi serviraient les Signes et les avertissements à des gens qui ne sont pas croyants ? S’attendent-ils à autre chose que comme les jours de ceux qui passèrent avant eux ? Dis : « Attendez, je suis avec vous de ceux qui attendent. »} Younes 101
Benjamin Stora, universitaire « spécialisé » sur le Maghreb, monte au créneau au Figaro suite à l’agression franco atlantiste contre la Libye pour décréter que les dirigeants algériens donnent l’impression de ne pas tenir compte de la nouvelle donne géopolitique et que «Le régime algérien fait preuve de myopie». Son article plein de « trous noirs » mérite d’être corrigé et refocalisé pour nous éviter les ténèbres qui nous sont promis et que relaye la presse algérienne comme si l’éditeur en chef etait BHL, Benjamin Stora ou un adjudant chef des « Think Tank » français.
Je me rappelle qu’en début des années 2000 le Point avait écrit un article, avec comme tête d’affiche le Général Lamari et comme titre « Harro sur les Généraux ». Le Général algérien croyait que l’interview était à son honneur et qu’il s’adressait au peuple algérien mais la subtilité de la langue française lui a manqué pour comprendre que « Haro » est le cri poussé par quelqu’un pour attirer l’attention sur le coupable d’un forfait ou le cri lancé par les Seigneurs pour galvaniser leurs chiens lancés dans la chasse à courre contre le gros gibier. Quelques mois plus tard le Général Lamari appris la langue française à ses dépens malgré de longs et loyaux services. Le Figaro veut rééditer le coup du Point et Benjamin Stora celui du coup de Tripoli et ainsi préparer la mise à la tête de l’État algérien d’un « plus français que moi tu meurs ». BHL est appelé, pour l’instant à travailler dans les coulisses auprès de ses réseaux algériens. Il est trop ivre par son succès libyen pour apparaitre en plein jour avec une gueule de bois et il risque de froisser la sensibilité des algériens. Entre l’article du Point et celui du Figaro l’Algérie a beaucoup changé mais les fichiers français ne sont pas à jour car l’effet pygmalion joue en leur défaveur : les Algériens qui les renseignent sont déconnectés de la réalité et à leur tour ils ont le regard perverti par le regard porté sur eux par leur manipulateur qu’ils ont informé.
Notre ami et cousin Benjamin Stora veut sans doute envoyer un message aux « Juifs convertis à l’Islam »[i] de l’Algérie post coloniale comme BHL l’a fait à ceux de Misrata en Libye pour faire au sol ce que les bombardements aériens et le pilonnage naval ont préparé à Tripoli
En synthèse de son interview il dit aux algériens d’oublier les réminiscences anti impérialistes et qu’il faut être réaliste « La matrice culturelle du régime algérien a peu changé depuis l’époque Boumediene. Le fer de lance de la diplomatie algérienne, c’est encore en grande partie l’anti-impérialisme des années 1970. Cela peut paraître difficile à croire, mais les dirigeants algériens donnent l’impression de ne pas tenir compte de la nouvelle donne géopolitique, qu’il s’agisse de la chute du mur de Berlin, de la fin de la guerre froide, de l’élection de Barack Obama… » Un universitaire français qui croit au Messianisme obamique, aux fabulations et aux superstitions. Boumediene reste une épine dans la gorge. J’avais pensé que la pensée française avait plus de talent et de subtilités pour exprimer ses haines et ses peurs mais nous avons une fois de plus la confirmation de la mort de l’intelligentsia en France. Il n’y a que les Algériens de Liberté, d’Al Watan et d’autres canailleries à y croire. La référence à la chute du mur de Berlin n’est pas fortuite elle témoigne l’idée dominante en Occident qui se résume en trois points :
- La fin des pôles idéologiques et le triomphe définitif du sionisme et de l’impérialisme ;
- L’axe Vatican CIA a fait tomber le mur de Berlin par le noyautage des mouvements protestataires et « démocratiques » dans les syndicats et dans la société civile ;
- Les Arabes et les Musulmans sont les artisans de la chute de l’URSS et ils restent le fer de lance de la recomposition du monde par leur inculture politique et leur convulsion émotionnelle :
Les Moudjahiddines arabes et afghans qui ont poussé l’URSS à un effort de guerre insoutenable
L’Arabie saoudite qui a fait couler les recettes pétrole de l’URSS ;
Il nous demande de reconnaitre le nouvel ordre mondial et de nous soumettre à la théorie de la domination impérialo sioniste défendue par les néo conservateurs américains et dont les Européens sont devenus les exécutants. Cette théorie est celle de Francis Fukuyama « La fin de l’Histoire ». Il faut nous soumettre au triomphe arrogant du capitalisme, du mode de vie américain et de la domination du sionisme. Il faut nous plier au remodelage du monde musulman selon des schémas ethniques, confessionnels, topographiques dans un Syse Picot 2 qui réalise six objectifs :
- La main mise sur les ressources du sous sol au profit des appétits prédateurs de l’Occident,
- L’impossibilité du monde musulman ou arabe de créer une unité civilisationnelle en disloquant et en fragmentant ce qui est latent à la renaissance islamique en l’occurrence la contigüité spatiale, la continuité historique, la mémoire collective, le devenir commun,
- Le chaos constructeur d’un patchwork à façade démocratique où chaque élément du puzzle disloqué est un comptoir commercial comme dans les traditions des comptoirs anglais, hollandais ou français en Asie et en Afrique ;
- L’installation de bases militaires
- La prise de contrôle du continent africain comme réservoir de matière premières et gisements de marché de consommation pour les biens et services industriels ou domestiques obsolètes
- Encercler la Chine et interdire l’émergence des projets de l’organisation de l’alliance de Shanghai (Russie-Chine) et sa mise en réseau avec les pays du BRIC.
Benjamin Stora dit : « c’est un nationalisme exacerbé qui rejette le principe du droit d’ingérence. Enfin, un certain nombre de responsables algériens redoutent que ce printemps arabe ne fasse le jeu d’un islam radical qu’ils ont combattu tout au long des années 1990. Il est clair que le pouvoir est divisé sur la conduite à adopter. Le courant conservateur tient la corde, mais il ne représente pas forcément l’armée. Il y a des islamo-conservateurs ou de vieux nationalistes arabes qui sont toujours au pouvoir, qui s’accrochent au passé et qui ne comprennent pas les aspirations aux changements de la jeunesse arabe, en particulier de la jeunesse berbère, nombreuse, éduquée et à l’affût des bruits du monde. » Sans commentaire : le nationalisme de canaille, l’islamisme infantile, le berbérisme sectaire sont les portes d’entrées de l’ingérence française en Algérie
Comme toujours il attise les particularismes locaux contre l’unité nationale : « Un espace immense et une population hétérogène qui se compose de Sahariens, de Mozabites, de Kabyles, d’Algérois, d’Oranais qui ne marchent pas forcément du même pas. » Vous reconnaitrez avec moi que depuis qu’il a fuit l’Algérie sa vision sur l’Algérie devient de l’emporte pièces. Oranais et Algérois c’est des ethnies, des confessions, des doctrines, des territoires, des cultures ou des vues d’un esprit qui veut montrer les divisions en Algérie comme insurmontable pour que les Algériens vivent en paix ensemble et qu’il faut partitionner le pays pour le rendre gérable, gouvernable, démocratique et séculier
Cerise sur la tarte storaïque : « En outre, l’Algérie est un pays très riche et le pouvoir dispose de ressources financières considérables de nature à empêcher qu’un mouvement de revendications sociales ne se transforme en contestation politique. Malgré cela, les Algériens sont de plus en plus choqués par la répression en Syrie, suivent avec intérêt le processus de démocratisation en Tunisie, et craignent également un possible isolement de leur pays sur la scène internationale. Comment, dans ces conditions, ne pas croire à un changement démocratique en Algérie? »
Je ne vais pas lui livrer toutes mes cartes et toutes mes connaissances sur un pays que j’ai honorablement servi et loyalement critiqué mais dire au public français : attention les nostalgiques de l’Algérie française vous invitent à une aventure qui va vous couter cher ! Je m’explique sans rentrer dans les détails que vos spécialistes connaissent mais que votre actuel gouvernement belliqueux peut ignorer pour des considérations électorales ou de géostratégie ( le front atlantiste et le front sioniste) :
- Ce n’est plus le même personnel militaire qui dirige l’Algérie. Les seconds couteaux qui ont mené la lutte antiterroriste se considèrent comme légitimes et comme les Messies Sauveurs de l’Algérie. Vous avez créé les conditions politiques et géopolitiques pour qu’il y ait une guerre civile en Algérie. Ces Militaires ont maté les Algériens et tout particulièrement les Maquis islamiques ou pseudo islamiques. Ils se considèrent comme les véritables détenteurs du pouvoir réel et comme les plus méritants à user de la rente de l’Algérie. Qui touchera à leurs privilèges se mordra les dents car ils sont aguerris à mener de longues opérations militaires sans pitié.
- La mentalité du régime algérien vous échappe. La France et les lobbies pro français en Algérie pensent que les décideurs algériens sont inféodés à la France alors qu’ils ne sont inféodés qu’à leur logique interne : la survie de la meute et le maintien de l’Algérie sous chasse gardée privée. La France a été un auxiliaire et non le donneur d’ordres. Quand les décideurs algériens ont liquidé les réseaux islamiques ils se sont tournés vers un autre auxiliaire : les États-Unis. Ces derniers ont raflé toutes les mises stratégiques. Quand les États-Unis ont voulu imposer leur agenda les Algériens se sont tournés vers les Russes et les Chinois.
- La culture politique algérienne, après la force, est la corruption. Elle a commencé par corrompre tous les laïcs qui ont vécu à l’ombre de la rente dans le service public et les as laissé divaguer dans leurs journaux.
- Les Algériens ont développé un réseau de clientélisme et de corruption en France par l’intermédiaire des laïcs éradicateurs qui le moment venu sont obligés de défendre le régime algérien que de prendre le risque de tout perdre. Ils n’ont pas d’idéal mais des intérêts. Les intérêts liés à la corruption entre l’Algérie et la France vont entrer en jeu lorsque le conflit monte au degré intenable
- Les Algériens disposent de cellules nés du FLN et de l’amicale des Algériens en France capables de mobiliser l’émigration musulmane et de mener une lutte sociale, politique, religieuse et armée en France. Tout le drame des jeunes nés de parents algériens en France est la hantise des Français de le voir se retourner contre eux. Cette hantise tient davantage à l’esprit revanchard et nostalgique de la guerre d’Algérie que des Algériens. Les Français ont semé le vent les décideurs algériens peuvent produire la tempête quand ils le veulent.
- Le peuple algérien est épuisé par deux décennies qui ont le mérite de lui dévoiler la vérité sur ses gouvernants, les opposants et les élites. Il est en stand by. Il attend le retour du Mahdi ou la refondation du mouvement islamique sur une base saine débarrassé des débris de l’incompétence et de l’improvisation.
- La topographie de l’Algérie est complexe ;
- Les Algériens ont pratiqué la France pendant 132 ans de colonisation et 50 ans de post colonisation : ils connaissent son discours, ses actes et ses intentions
Dans mes livres « Le dilemme arabe et les 10 commandements US » et dans « Islamophobie : Deus Machina » j’ai montré le rôle du Qatar dans la récupération de la jeunesse des banlieues et des universitaires en quête de reconnaissance sociale afin de faciliter l’implantation du sionisme dans les banlieues qui n’a jamais peu avoir lieu par le passé; j’ai montré également le rôle que veut jouer le Qatar pour gagner l’opinion d’origine arabe en France dans l’éventualité d’une guerre contre la Syrie, l’Iran et l’Algérie.
Le peuple Algérien a une longue expérience de résistance passive et celui qui l’a pratiqué sait que ce n’est pas un tube digestif ni une foule (Ghachi) mais une intelligence politique qui va exprimer un sursaut de conscience et de vigilance à la lumière des événements de Libye, de Syrie, de Palestine. Il sait que la révolution tunisienne a été confisquée par des arrangements d’appareils avec l’armée tunisienne et les caciques de Bourguiba sous les auspices de la France et des États-Unis. Il attend un sursaut révolutionnaire en Tunisie et une poursuite de la Révolution en Égypte. Le deal passé entre l’armée égyptienne, les Frères Musulmans et la Turquie allié de l’OTAN ne passe pas inaperçu aux algériens qui ont vu les Frères Musulmans étaler leur corruption et leurs alliances contre nature.
Enfin un dernier mot : Benjamin Stora et BHL à l’instar de Sarkosy et des monarchies arabes font de l’intox en prenant leurs désirs pour des réalités. Le temps va nous montrer que l’affaire libyenne n’est qu’à son début et que la braise sous la cendre est comme un Phénix. Le temps va nous montrer que le colonialisme anglais a su atteindre ses objectif au Machrek par son intelligence et sa gestion par vassal interposé alors que le colonialisme français court à sa perte par son arrogance, sa stupidité et son ignorance. Dieu merci. Le temps va nous montrer qui va sortir gagnant de la bataille que vont se livrer les services français et algériens pour le contrôle et l’instrumentalisation de l’Aqmi.
Les peuples libyens, tunisiens et égyptiens eux aussi n’ont pas dit leur dernier mot. Les peuples maghrébins comme leurs gouvernants savent jouer aux dominos. C’est moins raffiné et plus bruyant que le jeu d’échec mais il y a des combinaisons intéressantes pour fermer ou ouvrir le jeu et c’est le seul jeu où il arrive au gagnant de perdre s’il n’a pas joué tous ses dominos. Il n’est pas dit que les armes disponibles en Libye vont aller uniquement en Algérie. Il y a d’autres destinations : Gaza, l’Afghanistan, le Maroc et même la France…
{Dis : « Contemplez ce qu’il y a dans les Cieux et la terre. A quoi serviraient les Signes et les avertissements à des gens qui ne sont pas croyants ? S’attendent-ils à autre chose que comme les jours de ceux qui passèrent avant eux ? Dis : « Attendez, je suis avec vous de ceux qui attendent. »} Younes 101
Le sheykh Ali Benhadj sur les criminels de guerre franco-israeliens et le cas de l'agent juif sioniste francais Khaled Nejjar, (arabise en Nezzar)
Planned war on Iran and the General who said No!

US General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
By Gordon Duff,
Today, General Dempsey, Chairman of America’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, the man who flew to Tel Aviv and informed Netanyahu that America wanted no part of his scheming against Iran was the subject of an assassination attempt in Afghanistan.
This wasn’t an act of terrorism or Taliban militants. It was a “mob hit” against someone who failed to kiss the feet of Netanyahu. His response was to unleash killers, not a fact for the public but a fact just the same, one the American military knows very well. Netanyahu has a problem with “hubris.”
The culprits, “militants,” managed to escape undetected from the most sophisticatedly defended real estate on earth, the perimeter of Bagam Air Force Base. Lucky for them they attacked at night, a time when America’s 5th generation night vision, ground radar and other detection systems were mysteriously disabled.
The rocket detection systems, early warning blimps with ground penetrating synthetic aperture radar and the continual coverage by UAV drones using infrared detection, $2 billion in technology on this one perimeter alone, cost the plane of America’s top military commander and wounds were sustained by two crew members.
Dempsey had just left Tel Aviv where he told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the following:
“I may not know about all of [Israel's] capabilities, but I think that it’s a fair characterization to say that they could delay but not destroy Iran’s nuclear capabilities.”
Dempsey then told waiting reporters:
“We compare intelligence, we discuss regional implications, and we’ve admitted to each other that our clocks are turning at different rates, we have to understand the Israelis; they live with a constant suspicion with which we do not have to deal.”
There are those close to President Obama who don’t accept the attack on Dempsey at face value, with a public admission by the Taliban of complicity. Such statements, which would certainly cost dearly in reprisals by the US, are most often found on Internet sites lacking a credible connection to any Islamic source.
To some Americans, the attack appears to be a reprisal against Dempsey who, out of coincidence, cited the motive in his own appraisal of Israel’s judgment, their “constant suspicion.”
News agencies buried the failed attack, knowing Dempsey is hated by Netanyahu and respected by the Taliban as both “truthful and fair.”
Netanyahu longs for the days when General Myers held Dempsey’s job, under Bush (43), both flawed and narcissistic, predictable puppets, the perfect fodder for Netanyahu’s machinations.
Only two weeks ago, Presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, returned from a trip overseas, coming back to America with $60 million dollars collected in Israel and Britain while accompanied by Casino boss Sheldon Adelson who’s Las Vegas and China organizations have long been reputed to be the center of worldwide organized crime.
The business, gambling, drugs, prostitution, money laundering and now war, is seeking its own president and war on Iran is the only issue driving the American campaign.
Romney, as a state governor, was, if anything, to the “left” of President Obama. Romney’s support of government health care and widespread gun controls run totally opposite to the core constituency of the Republican Party, the weapons lobby and the medical racketeers.
Romney has found, however, that, though it is illegal for any American candidate to accept money overseas, while overseas, from overseas, at home from those who are citizens of other countries, he feels himself above the law, in the sweet and motherly arms of the Israeli controlled American media.
Now drowning in illegal cash, much from London bankers, his most interesting catch was the private dinner he shared with the Tel Aviv “blood diamond” smugglers who donated up to $25 million dollars in one night.
Key to his financial successes is his lifelong history of working closely with organized crime. His investment company, Bain, was funded initially by cash infusion from El Salvador death squads many years ago. These investors are still at his side despite charges of mass murder and corruption.
Bain Capital is Romney’s money laundering and tax avoidance company with thousands of secret bank accounts in “safe havens” around the world, invisible billions, hidden transactions, unseen profits and unseen “clients.”
Now Romney has found the “mother of all causes,” selling the promise of an American war, fought by Americans, financed by Americans, American dead, American blood, American collapse, a war demanded by, not Jews of the world but by organized crime groups operating through Israel’s Likudist party, dominated by the Koch Brothers, American gasoline speculators, Sheldon Adelson, whose reputation would fill volumes and Rupert Murdoch, whose spy organization is now proven to have blackmailed three consecutive British government, well proven, and likely to have been even more successful in the United States, Germany, Canada, Australia and a dozen other nations.
Most embarrassing to both Russia and the United States has been the ability of criminal organizations to secure sanctions against Iran when both nations are burdened by official reports stating with comprehensive clarity that Iran has no nuclear program.
Even more embarrassing for Russia, who refused to veto sanctions as they did with Iran’s ally Syria, is the fact that Iran’s peaceful nuclear program is built, in near entirety on Russian technology, a Russian nuclear reactor and 3000 Russian technicians.
Statements by Obama directly contradict America’s National Intelligence Estimate. The estimate stated that Iran has no nuclear program. Russia’s Putin has similarly ignored, not just his own intelligence agencies but the fact that Russia is actually building Iran’s reactor and has 3000 technicians in Iran, all of whom probably are not entirely deaf and blind.
Obama has no rational claim to ignorance. His behavior is like that of the playground, all the other children are eating dirt, he feels he has to do the same. In this case, however, when known falsehoods likely to end in a destructive war are agreed to out of fear of retaliation by a former furniture salesman (Netanyahu) or gambling boss, the real importance of the presidency comes into doubt.
A problem no one will mention, is the behavior of Putin in Tel Aviv, backing Netanyahu’s claims of Iran’s violation of voluntary agreements based on no facts other than the statements of one of the world best known pathological liars. What does the failed furniture salesman from Philadelphia have on Uncle Vladimir?
Neither leader has dealt with the simple fact, Iran has the right to build anything it wants for any reason it wishes.
Similarly, the United States, under Bush, both withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972 and withdrew from participation in the International Criminal Court at The Hague.
The latter, the withdrawal from the court, is a veritable admission of complicity in war crimes with key U.S. officials facing indictment and arrest across the globe.
Were one to be honest, the entire Bush administration is under a privileged form of “house arrest” as is Britain’s Tony Blair. All face criminal proceedings and continually make plans to travel but end up cancelling, sometimes out of public outcry for justice or to actually avoid arrest.
Despite his pronouncements, even with an election upcoming and the need to parrot childish threats in order to please the Israeli press a prerequisite, Obama has made it clear he will not attack Iran. It is time the public realizes that by opposing war and running against Romney, an agent of a hostile foreign power and longtime organized crime affiliate, the president and those around him are at great risk.
The carefully choreographed and very public attempt on the life of General Dempsey is a greeting card from the Adelson/Romney/Netanyahu camp.
Several appropriate responses, RSVPs as it were, come to mind, some partially fatal. Is an American president really the leader of the free world, as we so often say, if any “two bit thug” can dictate policy?
Despite that position, Obama controls well over 80% of the Jewish vote in the United States where, as pointed out in an earlier article, studies have shown only 4% of Jewish voters in America feel Iran is any threat to Israel.
A critical part of understanding organized crime requires the study of its origins, particularly in America, during the 19th century.
While London, from the earliest days of what America had believed to be freedom from British rule, in actuality ran America’s economy, and was, itself, subjected to rule by continental bankers.
Britain, the colonizer of the world was, itself, no more than a client of the Bauer/Rothschild group who underwrote the British pound.
The real criminal groups running American politics developed from among the immigrant gangs that settled America’s cities. There were German, Irish, Italian and Jewish gangs. All that survive now are the remnants of the Mafia, the Jewish gangs who now run Washington and Wall Street and the new threats from Kosovo and Albania, the latest round of criminal immigration into America.
With the full cooperation of FBI Director Hoover, tasked with protecting America from criminal organizations, the government stood aside while every aspect of American life, every necessity from water to electricity to medicine, leaving nothing out, came under assault by criminal groups grown fat on profiteering from war, narcotics and, during the Prohibition years, the sale of illegal alcohol.
For decades, America’s media has been tasked with blaming all ills on Italian Americans and corrupt trade unions while America has been little but a colony of key European banking families who created wars, suppressed technologies, manipulated currencies, raised and crushed stock markets and national economies and, in the end, became as a hydra, the multi-headed beast of Greek mythology, ruling all.
What drew Adelson, Romney and even Putin to Israel at this critical time as the world sits on the brink of nuclear war over Syria is simple. We are again reminded of Putin’s visit to Israel.
No Israeli citizen was spoken to, no public concerns were addressed, no, a visit to Israel is a visit to the “safe haven” for worldwide organized crime that controls and manages the vast and endless wealth of the Russian continent as easily as it runs Britain or dances its Washingtonian puppets into discarding laws and traditions and becoming a surrogate bully, not for a nation but for an international criminal conspiracy.
The language of politics must be replaced with the language of crime as the solutions to what are misconstrued as political problems are and have long been responses to the depredations of criminal organizations.
It isn’t as though Iran were the only target, simply the public target where control of the United Nations Security Council can be exercised, a demonstration of the raw power of evil.
The mistake made by so many is to use principles of geopolitics to describe the world condition, the continual entropy, the centralization of wealth and the rapid deterioration of human rights as wars rage without end.
Even the educated classes, searching for patterns and rationales to explain how 2000 trillion dollars represented by “derivative debt” could encumber all the world’s currencies, a staggering amount created by an unseen hand through a process none have yet been able to describe.
Debt, or as it is known in criminal circles as “loan sharking,” is the business of the world. Controlling currencies was not enough, thus controlled governments, bribed, threatened, blackmailed and bought looked away while the wealth and hope of a hundred generations was stolen overnight, a few lines of text, a few entries on computers and generations of our progeny are changed, in that moment, from citizens of the world to “useless eaters,” as Henry Kissinger would describe them.
Armies may march, air forces may bomb, drones may attack but none of this is war or politics, nor has it been for centuries. This is where we went awry. We chose to play chess while our opponents simply put a pistol on the table and emptied our pockets.
America is living this today, as it looks on an upcoming election. The very few can escape the packaged news, scripted in Hollywood or Washington or Tel Aviv, our political life is a theatrical production, a comic tragedy without the Shakespearean irony.
This is a government that Sheldon Adelson, the man who believes he will be America’s real next president, believes he can take to war, a systematic conquest of the Middle East and Central Asia, done for the criminal elements some call Israel, done, quite simply, to prove the power of evil over good.
US General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
By Gordon Duff,
Today, General Dempsey, Chairman of America’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, the man who flew to Tel Aviv and informed Netanyahu that America wanted no part of his scheming against Iran was the subject of an assassination attempt in Afghanistan.
This wasn’t an act of terrorism or Taliban militants. It was a “mob hit” against someone who failed to kiss the feet of Netanyahu. His response was to unleash killers, not a fact for the public but a fact just the same, one the American military knows very well. Netanyahu has a problem with “hubris.”
The culprits, “militants,” managed to escape undetected from the most sophisticatedly defended real estate on earth, the perimeter of Bagam Air Force Base. Lucky for them they attacked at night, a time when America’s 5th generation night vision, ground radar and other detection systems were mysteriously disabled.
The rocket detection systems, early warning blimps with ground penetrating synthetic aperture radar and the continual coverage by UAV drones using infrared detection, $2 billion in technology on this one perimeter alone, cost the plane of America’s top military commander and wounds were sustained by two crew members.
Dempsey had just left Tel Aviv where he told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the following:
“I may not know about all of [Israel's] capabilities, but I think that it’s a fair characterization to say that they could delay but not destroy Iran’s nuclear capabilities.”
Dempsey then told waiting reporters:
“We compare intelligence, we discuss regional implications, and we’ve admitted to each other that our clocks are turning at different rates, we have to understand the Israelis; they live with a constant suspicion with which we do not have to deal.”
There are those close to President Obama who don’t accept the attack on Dempsey at face value, with a public admission by the Taliban of complicity. Such statements, which would certainly cost dearly in reprisals by the US, are most often found on Internet sites lacking a credible connection to any Islamic source.
To some Americans, the attack appears to be a reprisal against Dempsey who, out of coincidence, cited the motive in his own appraisal of Israel’s judgment, their “constant suspicion.”
News agencies buried the failed attack, knowing Dempsey is hated by Netanyahu and respected by the Taliban as both “truthful and fair.”
Netanyahu longs for the days when General Myers held Dempsey’s job, under Bush (43), both flawed and narcissistic, predictable puppets, the perfect fodder for Netanyahu’s machinations.
Only two weeks ago, Presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, returned from a trip overseas, coming back to America with $60 million dollars collected in Israel and Britain while accompanied by Casino boss Sheldon Adelson who’s Las Vegas and China organizations have long been reputed to be the center of worldwide organized crime.
The business, gambling, drugs, prostitution, money laundering and now war, is seeking its own president and war on Iran is the only issue driving the American campaign.
Romney, as a state governor, was, if anything, to the “left” of President Obama. Romney’s support of government health care and widespread gun controls run totally opposite to the core constituency of the Republican Party, the weapons lobby and the medical racketeers.
Romney has found, however, that, though it is illegal for any American candidate to accept money overseas, while overseas, from overseas, at home from those who are citizens of other countries, he feels himself above the law, in the sweet and motherly arms of the Israeli controlled American media.
Now drowning in illegal cash, much from London bankers, his most interesting catch was the private dinner he shared with the Tel Aviv “blood diamond” smugglers who donated up to $25 million dollars in one night.
Key to his financial successes is his lifelong history of working closely with organized crime. His investment company, Bain, was funded initially by cash infusion from El Salvador death squads many years ago. These investors are still at his side despite charges of mass murder and corruption.
Bain Capital is Romney’s money laundering and tax avoidance company with thousands of secret bank accounts in “safe havens” around the world, invisible billions, hidden transactions, unseen profits and unseen “clients.”
Now Romney has found the “mother of all causes,” selling the promise of an American war, fought by Americans, financed by Americans, American dead, American blood, American collapse, a war demanded by, not Jews of the world but by organized crime groups operating through Israel’s Likudist party, dominated by the Koch Brothers, American gasoline speculators, Sheldon Adelson, whose reputation would fill volumes and Rupert Murdoch, whose spy organization is now proven to have blackmailed three consecutive British government, well proven, and likely to have been even more successful in the United States, Germany, Canada, Australia and a dozen other nations.
Most embarrassing to both Russia and the United States has been the ability of criminal organizations to secure sanctions against Iran when both nations are burdened by official reports stating with comprehensive clarity that Iran has no nuclear program.
Even more embarrassing for Russia, who refused to veto sanctions as they did with Iran’s ally Syria, is the fact that Iran’s peaceful nuclear program is built, in near entirety on Russian technology, a Russian nuclear reactor and 3000 Russian technicians.
Statements by Obama directly contradict America’s National Intelligence Estimate. The estimate stated that Iran has no nuclear program. Russia’s Putin has similarly ignored, not just his own intelligence agencies but the fact that Russia is actually building Iran’s reactor and has 3000 technicians in Iran, all of whom probably are not entirely deaf and blind.
Obama has no rational claim to ignorance. His behavior is like that of the playground, all the other children are eating dirt, he feels he has to do the same. In this case, however, when known falsehoods likely to end in a destructive war are agreed to out of fear of retaliation by a former furniture salesman (Netanyahu) or gambling boss, the real importance of the presidency comes into doubt.
A problem no one will mention, is the behavior of Putin in Tel Aviv, backing Netanyahu’s claims of Iran’s violation of voluntary agreements based on no facts other than the statements of one of the world best known pathological liars. What does the failed furniture salesman from Philadelphia have on Uncle Vladimir?
Neither leader has dealt with the simple fact, Iran has the right to build anything it wants for any reason it wishes.
Similarly, the United States, under Bush, both withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972 and withdrew from participation in the International Criminal Court at The Hague.
The latter, the withdrawal from the court, is a veritable admission of complicity in war crimes with key U.S. officials facing indictment and arrest across the globe.
Were one to be honest, the entire Bush administration is under a privileged form of “house arrest” as is Britain’s Tony Blair. All face criminal proceedings and continually make plans to travel but end up cancelling, sometimes out of public outcry for justice or to actually avoid arrest.
Despite his pronouncements, even with an election upcoming and the need to parrot childish threats in order to please the Israeli press a prerequisite, Obama has made it clear he will not attack Iran. It is time the public realizes that by opposing war and running against Romney, an agent of a hostile foreign power and longtime organized crime affiliate, the president and those around him are at great risk.
The carefully choreographed and very public attempt on the life of General Dempsey is a greeting card from the Adelson/Romney/Netanyahu camp.
Several appropriate responses, RSVPs as it were, come to mind, some partially fatal. Is an American president really the leader of the free world, as we so often say, if any “two bit thug” can dictate policy?
Despite that position, Obama controls well over 80% of the Jewish vote in the United States where, as pointed out in an earlier article, studies have shown only 4% of Jewish voters in America feel Iran is any threat to Israel.
A critical part of understanding organized crime requires the study of its origins, particularly in America, during the 19th century.
While London, from the earliest days of what America had believed to be freedom from British rule, in actuality ran America’s economy, and was, itself, subjected to rule by continental bankers.
Britain, the colonizer of the world was, itself, no more than a client of the Bauer/Rothschild group who underwrote the British pound.
The real criminal groups running American politics developed from among the immigrant gangs that settled America’s cities. There were German, Irish, Italian and Jewish gangs. All that survive now are the remnants of the Mafia, the Jewish gangs who now run Washington and Wall Street and the new threats from Kosovo and Albania, the latest round of criminal immigration into America.
With the full cooperation of FBI Director Hoover, tasked with protecting America from criminal organizations, the government stood aside while every aspect of American life, every necessity from water to electricity to medicine, leaving nothing out, came under assault by criminal groups grown fat on profiteering from war, narcotics and, during the Prohibition years, the sale of illegal alcohol.
For decades, America’s media has been tasked with blaming all ills on Italian Americans and corrupt trade unions while America has been little but a colony of key European banking families who created wars, suppressed technologies, manipulated currencies, raised and crushed stock markets and national economies and, in the end, became as a hydra, the multi-headed beast of Greek mythology, ruling all.
What drew Adelson, Romney and even Putin to Israel at this critical time as the world sits on the brink of nuclear war over Syria is simple. We are again reminded of Putin’s visit to Israel.
No Israeli citizen was spoken to, no public concerns were addressed, no, a visit to Israel is a visit to the “safe haven” for worldwide organized crime that controls and manages the vast and endless wealth of the Russian continent as easily as it runs Britain or dances its Washingtonian puppets into discarding laws and traditions and becoming a surrogate bully, not for a nation but for an international criminal conspiracy.
The language of politics must be replaced with the language of crime as the solutions to what are misconstrued as political problems are and have long been responses to the depredations of criminal organizations.
It isn’t as though Iran were the only target, simply the public target where control of the United Nations Security Council can be exercised, a demonstration of the raw power of evil.
The mistake made by so many is to use principles of geopolitics to describe the world condition, the continual entropy, the centralization of wealth and the rapid deterioration of human rights as wars rage without end.
Even the educated classes, searching for patterns and rationales to explain how 2000 trillion dollars represented by “derivative debt” could encumber all the world’s currencies, a staggering amount created by an unseen hand through a process none have yet been able to describe.
Debt, or as it is known in criminal circles as “loan sharking,” is the business of the world. Controlling currencies was not enough, thus controlled governments, bribed, threatened, blackmailed and bought looked away while the wealth and hope of a hundred generations was stolen overnight, a few lines of text, a few entries on computers and generations of our progeny are changed, in that moment, from citizens of the world to “useless eaters,” as Henry Kissinger would describe them.
Armies may march, air forces may bomb, drones may attack but none of this is war or politics, nor has it been for centuries. This is where we went awry. We chose to play chess while our opponents simply put a pistol on the table and emptied our pockets.
America is living this today, as it looks on an upcoming election. The very few can escape the packaged news, scripted in Hollywood or Washington or Tel Aviv, our political life is a theatrical production, a comic tragedy without the Shakespearean irony.
This is a government that Sheldon Adelson, the man who believes he will be America’s real next president, believes he can take to war, a systematic conquest of the Middle East and Central Asia, done for the criminal elements some call Israel, done, quite simply, to prove the power of evil over good.
La sainte ville d’Al-Quds transformée en géante caserne militaire !
Al-Quds occupée – CPI,
Les colonies sionistes perturbent de plus en plus les montagnes de la sainte ville d’Al-Quds. Le mur de séparation discriminatoire trouble ses vallées et serpente entre les maisons et les quartiers palestiniens. Les cyprès et les pins ne décorent plus les rues : elles sont désormais entourées de barbelés et de caméras de surveillance électronique. C’est le destin de la sainte ville depuis qu’elle est sous occupation. Elle a désormais l’air d’une caserne militaire encerclée par les occupants sionistes, leurs soldats et leurs armements, de partout.
Planification systématique
La transformation de la ville occupée d’Al-Quds en une caserne militaire ne se fait pas sans arrière-pensée ; c’est une politique sioniste bien planifiée destinée à chasser ses habitants natifs, à la judaïser et à y réaliser toutes les revendications des Juifs.
Dr. Jamal Omar est expert en colonisation. Il dit à notre Centre Palestinien d’Information (CPI) que les occupants sionistes appliquent une politique sécuritaire spéciale dans la ville d'Al-Quds et continuent à bâtir des casernes et des colonies, dans le dessein d’une mainmise totale sur la ville, de chasser ses habitants.
Les sionistes construisent leurs colonies l’une à côté de l’autre, de façon compacte, empêchant tout élargissement palestinien, souligne l’expert.
Des zones vertes
En outre, ajoute Omar, les occupants sionistes ne se suffisent pas de construire des colonies. Ils mettent aussi la main sur de larges terrains autour d’elles, les appelant de zones vertes et interdisant les Palestiniens de les approcher.
Et pour assurer des rues spéciales à leurs colons, les occupants sionistes ont ouvert des rues qui ont volé des milliers d’hectares de terrains aux Palestiniens, ajoute l’expert. Puis il y a toutes ces caméras de surveillance, des barrages militaires, permanents ou non, qui gâchent la vie des Palestiniens, jour et nuit.
Les facultés militaires
Khalil Al-Tof est un autre expert en colonisation. Il dit à notre Centre Palestinien d’Information (CPI) que les occupants sionistes construisent des casernes militaires à l’intérieur de la ville, délibérément, ainsi que des bâtiments et des facultés militaires.
L’expert indique que les occupants sionistes ont mis en place, en 1970, la direction de la région du Centre, dans le village de Beit Hanina. L’hôpital jordanien a été donné à la direction de la police sioniste. Sur la montagne d’Az-Zaytoun, ils ont installé une caserne pour contrôler la vallée du Jourdain.
La direction de l’état-major de l’armée de l’occupation sioniste planifie la construction d’une faculté militaire. Cette construction vise, souligne l’expert Al-Tofkaji, deux objectifs. Le premier est civil, disant que la ville d'Al-Quds est la capitale de tous les Juifs du monde entier. Le deuxième est religieux, pour dire que la ville n’appartient qu’à l’entité sioniste.
Finalement, l’expert ajoute que le serment de l’état-major sera mené dans des zones surplombant le Dôme du Rocher, une façon de dire qu’il fait partie de leur histoire, qu’il est le lieu de leur prétendu "Troisième temple".
Al-Quds occupée – CPI,
Les colonies sionistes perturbent de plus en plus les montagnes de la sainte ville d’Al-Quds. Le mur de séparation discriminatoire trouble ses vallées et serpente entre les maisons et les quartiers palestiniens. Les cyprès et les pins ne décorent plus les rues : elles sont désormais entourées de barbelés et de caméras de surveillance électronique. C’est le destin de la sainte ville depuis qu’elle est sous occupation. Elle a désormais l’air d’une caserne militaire encerclée par les occupants sionistes, leurs soldats et leurs armements, de partout.
Planification systématique
La transformation de la ville occupée d’Al-Quds en une caserne militaire ne se fait pas sans arrière-pensée ; c’est une politique sioniste bien planifiée destinée à chasser ses habitants natifs, à la judaïser et à y réaliser toutes les revendications des Juifs.
Dr. Jamal Omar est expert en colonisation. Il dit à notre Centre Palestinien d’Information (CPI) que les occupants sionistes appliquent une politique sécuritaire spéciale dans la ville d'Al-Quds et continuent à bâtir des casernes et des colonies, dans le dessein d’une mainmise totale sur la ville, de chasser ses habitants.
Les sionistes construisent leurs colonies l’une à côté de l’autre, de façon compacte, empêchant tout élargissement palestinien, souligne l’expert.
Des zones vertes
En outre, ajoute Omar, les occupants sionistes ne se suffisent pas de construire des colonies. Ils mettent aussi la main sur de larges terrains autour d’elles, les appelant de zones vertes et interdisant les Palestiniens de les approcher.
Et pour assurer des rues spéciales à leurs colons, les occupants sionistes ont ouvert des rues qui ont volé des milliers d’hectares de terrains aux Palestiniens, ajoute l’expert. Puis il y a toutes ces caméras de surveillance, des barrages militaires, permanents ou non, qui gâchent la vie des Palestiniens, jour et nuit.
Les facultés militaires
Khalil Al-Tof est un autre expert en colonisation. Il dit à notre Centre Palestinien d’Information (CPI) que les occupants sionistes construisent des casernes militaires à l’intérieur de la ville, délibérément, ainsi que des bâtiments et des facultés militaires.
L’expert indique que les occupants sionistes ont mis en place, en 1970, la direction de la région du Centre, dans le village de Beit Hanina. L’hôpital jordanien a été donné à la direction de la police sioniste. Sur la montagne d’Az-Zaytoun, ils ont installé une caserne pour contrôler la vallée du Jourdain.
La direction de l’état-major de l’armée de l’occupation sioniste planifie la construction d’une faculté militaire. Cette construction vise, souligne l’expert Al-Tofkaji, deux objectifs. Le premier est civil, disant que la ville d'Al-Quds est la capitale de tous les Juifs du monde entier. Le deuxième est religieux, pour dire que la ville n’appartient qu’à l’entité sioniste.
Finalement, l’expert ajoute que le serment de l’état-major sera mené dans des zones surplombant le Dôme du Rocher, une façon de dire qu’il fait partie de leur histoire, qu’il est le lieu de leur prétendu "Troisième temple".
Les colonies sionistes perturbent de plus en plus les montagnes de la sainte ville d’Al-Quds. Le mur de séparation discriminatoire trouble ses vallées et serpente entre les maisons et les quartiers palestiniens. Les cyprès et les pins ne décorent plus les rues : elles sont désormais entourées de barbelés et de caméras de surveillance électronique. C’est le destin de la sainte ville depuis qu’elle est sous occupation. Elle a désormais l’air d’une caserne militaire encerclée par les occupants sionistes, leurs soldats et leurs armements, de partout.
Planification systématique
La transformation de la ville occupée d’Al-Quds en une caserne militaire ne se fait pas sans arrière-pensée ; c’est une politique sioniste bien planifiée destinée à chasser ses habitants natifs, à la judaïser et à y réaliser toutes les revendications des Juifs.
Dr. Jamal Omar est expert en colonisation. Il dit à notre Centre Palestinien d’Information (CPI) que les occupants sionistes appliquent une politique sécuritaire spéciale dans la ville d'Al-Quds et continuent à bâtir des casernes et des colonies, dans le dessein d’une mainmise totale sur la ville, de chasser ses habitants.
Les sionistes construisent leurs colonies l’une à côté de l’autre, de façon compacte, empêchant tout élargissement palestinien, souligne l’expert.
Des zones vertes
En outre, ajoute Omar, les occupants sionistes ne se suffisent pas de construire des colonies. Ils mettent aussi la main sur de larges terrains autour d’elles, les appelant de zones vertes et interdisant les Palestiniens de les approcher.
Et pour assurer des rues spéciales à leurs colons, les occupants sionistes ont ouvert des rues qui ont volé des milliers d’hectares de terrains aux Palestiniens, ajoute l’expert. Puis il y a toutes ces caméras de surveillance, des barrages militaires, permanents ou non, qui gâchent la vie des Palestiniens, jour et nuit.
Les facultés militaires
Khalil Al-Tof est un autre expert en colonisation. Il dit à notre Centre Palestinien d’Information (CPI) que les occupants sionistes construisent des casernes militaires à l’intérieur de la ville, délibérément, ainsi que des bâtiments et des facultés militaires.
L’expert indique que les occupants sionistes ont mis en place, en 1970, la direction de la région du Centre, dans le village de Beit Hanina. L’hôpital jordanien a été donné à la direction de la police sioniste. Sur la montagne d’Az-Zaytoun, ils ont installé une caserne pour contrôler la vallée du Jourdain.
La direction de l’état-major de l’armée de l’occupation sioniste planifie la construction d’une faculté militaire. Cette construction vise, souligne l’expert Al-Tofkaji, deux objectifs. Le premier est civil, disant que la ville d'Al-Quds est la capitale de tous les Juifs du monde entier. Le deuxième est religieux, pour dire que la ville n’appartient qu’à l’entité sioniste.
Finalement, l’expert ajoute que le serment de l’état-major sera mené dans des zones surplombant le Dôme du Rocher, une façon de dire qu’il fait partie de leur histoire, qu’il est le lieu de leur prétendu "Troisième temple".
Lakhdar Brahimi, a zionist freemason, working for the international zionist jewry in Washington from Kissinger to Brzezinsky. Brahimi is deeply tied to the french-israeli services in Paris, controlling the Algerian army, he played a major role in overthrowing the newly elected Islamic Front of Salvation in 1991, provoking a civil war that led to the death of at least 550 000, and 60 000 missing, millions of refugees. He is a war criminal like his zionist jewish masters
Lakhdar Brahimi: aiding repression at home and conflict fighting abroad
Lakhdar Brahimi's daughter Reem (also spelled Rym), who was a CNN Correspondent in Baghdad during the 2003 Iraq american-israeli invasion, is married to Prince Ali of Jordan, brother of the Anglo-Sefardim king, put in place by the mossad in Amman.
By Zakaria Lamine,
With his debonair look, soft-spoken manner and avuncular smile, Lakhdar Brahimi seems to exude wisdom, innocence and deep concern for the wretched of this earth. His mediating skills in finding solutions to the problems that had affected Lebanon, Haiti, Afghanistan and Iraq are acclaimed worldwide. His record may indeed be outstanding. We leave the assessment of the outcome of his mediation efforts to the Lebanese, the Haitian, the Afghan and the Iraqi. In the same manner we cannot judge the record of Kofi Annan in the light of his failure to make progress in the resolution of the Syrian crisis. We leave the assessment of the man and his record of achievements to the Ghanaians, who undoubtedly know more about him than non-Ghanaians. We will follow this truism and look at Lakhdar Brahimi from an Algerian perspective and find out whether the Elder, hailed by the international community as a skilful conflict fighter, is fit for purpose. His appointment as UN and Arab League envoy to Syria may have dire consequences for the appalling suffering of the Syrians who are heavily bleeding and whose towns and village are being systematically destroyed.
Algeria can be said to have been there first when it comes to the Arab Spring. In December 1991, the Algerians voted in the first free and fair elections ever to be held in Algeria for an opposition party to signify their rejection of the corrupt security system, called the Algerian state, woven in place by successive military coups and an inflation of security services vying with each for the subjugation of the Algerians. The security system cancelled the elections, dismissed the elected president of the country and imposed its will on the people. A High Security Council was created to fill the vacuum left by the dismissal of the president. The members of this institution were selected from the most loyal and illustrious members of the Algerian establishment. The roll call goes like this: Sid Ahmed Ghozali (Prime Minister), Lakhdar Brahimi (Foreign Affairs Minister), Hamdani Benkhelli (Justice Minister), Khaled Nezzar (Defence Minister), Larbi Belkheir (Interior Minister) and Abdelmalek Guenaizia (Chief of Staff). The Council took decisions which were to open the gates of hell on Algerian society. As for the presence of Lakhdar Brahimi in this Council, we leave it to Lounis Aggoun and Jean-Baptiste Rivoire to explain it away (1): “As for foreign affairs, a seasoned diplomat like Lakhdar Brahimi is required to convince international opinion of the so-called “legality” of the change of government.” Our Elder shuttled the world and spared no effort in selling the policies of the murderous Algerian junta to all and sundry. He had fulfilled this task to the best of his abilities until February 1993.
Digging the past of Lakhdar Brahimi is no joy to Algerians. If he had simply faded away to ruminate his achievements and sleep on the laurels he had collected for his achievements in international diplomacy we would not have had the urge to remind ourselves of his past actions in the service of oppression and the apology of crimes against humanity. It pains many Algerians to see these relics, who had served and aided oppression at home, displaying on the world stage contrived wisdom and concern for the wretched. His sight reminds us of the hundreds of thousands of Algerians killed by the Algerian junta which Lakhdar Brahimi had served as foreign minister from 1992 to 1993. His appearance on television screens resurrects in us painful memories of thousands of disappeared whose relatives cannot find the closure required because of the absence of a grave to visit. Is the task of elucidating the fate of 20 000 disappeared in Algeria beneath the qualifications of the Elder Lakhdar Brahimi? Can he not use his international aura to help those mothers who keep weekly vigils in the squares of Algiers, undeterred by barrages of aggressive and scornful baton-wielding and heavily armed police officers, in search of answers to disappeared loved ones? Can he not remind the president of Algeria Abdelaziz Bouteflika that it is not decent to shrug off the plight of these mothers by telling them that their sons were not in his pocket? Can he not find some inner strength to apologise to the Algerians for his association with mass murderers and torturers?
The yearning for natural justice is a universal feeling. Natural justice dictates that actors and apologists of oppression and human rights abuses should not be entrusted to resolve conflicts because their instinct is not on the side of justice and human rights. Lakhdar Brahimi had aided and abetted a murderous regime in his home country. How can he be trusted by the Syrians to deliver them from the murderous and sectarian regime of Bashar al-Assad who is killing his people with the connivance of Russia, China, Hezbollah, Iran and others like Algeria? Bashar al-Assad is waging a war with heavy weapons and warplanes against the cities of Syria, the cradle of human civilisation. He claims to fight fundamentalists and armed gangs. How similar is this rhetoric to that deployed by the Algerian junta when it trampled on the will of the Algerians in January 1992 with the then blessing of our Elder Lakhdar Brahimi.
Lamine Zakaria
23 August 2012
Note de référence :
1. Lounis Aggoun et Jean-Baptiste Rivoire, in Françalgérie, crimes et mensonges d'États. Histoire secrète, de la guerre d'indépendance à la « troisième guerre » d'Algérie , La Découverte, Paris, 2004,
By Zakaria Lamine,
With his debonair look, soft-spoken manner and avuncular smile, Lakhdar Brahimi seems to exude wisdom, innocence and deep concern for the wretched of this earth. His mediating skills in finding solutions to the problems that had affected Lebanon, Haiti, Afghanistan and Iraq are acclaimed worldwide. His record may indeed be outstanding. We leave the assessment of the outcome of his mediation efforts to the Lebanese, the Haitian, the Afghan and the Iraqi. In the same manner we cannot judge the record of Kofi Annan in the light of his failure to make progress in the resolution of the Syrian crisis. We leave the assessment of the man and his record of achievements to the Ghanaians, who undoubtedly know more about him than non-Ghanaians. We will follow this truism and look at Lakhdar Brahimi from an Algerian perspective and find out whether the Elder, hailed by the international community as a skilful conflict fighter, is fit for purpose. His appointment as UN and Arab League envoy to Syria may have dire consequences for the appalling suffering of the Syrians who are heavily bleeding and whose towns and village are being systematically destroyed.
Algeria can be said to have been there first when it comes to the Arab Spring. In December 1991, the Algerians voted in the first free and fair elections ever to be held in Algeria for an opposition party to signify their rejection of the corrupt security system, called the Algerian state, woven in place by successive military coups and an inflation of security services vying with each for the subjugation of the Algerians. The security system cancelled the elections, dismissed the elected president of the country and imposed its will on the people. A High Security Council was created to fill the vacuum left by the dismissal of the president. The members of this institution were selected from the most loyal and illustrious members of the Algerian establishment. The roll call goes like this: Sid Ahmed Ghozali (Prime Minister), Lakhdar Brahimi (Foreign Affairs Minister), Hamdani Benkhelli (Justice Minister), Khaled Nezzar (Defence Minister), Larbi Belkheir (Interior Minister) and Abdelmalek Guenaizia (Chief of Staff). The Council took decisions which were to open the gates of hell on Algerian society. As for the presence of Lakhdar Brahimi in this Council, we leave it to Lounis Aggoun and Jean-Baptiste Rivoire to explain it away (1): “As for foreign affairs, a seasoned diplomat like Lakhdar Brahimi is required to convince international opinion of the so-called “legality” of the change of government.” Our Elder shuttled the world and spared no effort in selling the policies of the murderous Algerian junta to all and sundry. He had fulfilled this task to the best of his abilities until February 1993.
Digging the past of Lakhdar Brahimi is no joy to Algerians. If he had simply faded away to ruminate his achievements and sleep on the laurels he had collected for his achievements in international diplomacy we would not have had the urge to remind ourselves of his past actions in the service of oppression and the apology of crimes against humanity. It pains many Algerians to see these relics, who had served and aided oppression at home, displaying on the world stage contrived wisdom and concern for the wretched. His sight reminds us of the hundreds of thousands of Algerians killed by the Algerian junta which Lakhdar Brahimi had served as foreign minister from 1992 to 1993. His appearance on television screens resurrects in us painful memories of thousands of disappeared whose relatives cannot find the closure required because of the absence of a grave to visit. Is the task of elucidating the fate of 20 000 disappeared in Algeria beneath the qualifications of the Elder Lakhdar Brahimi? Can he not use his international aura to help those mothers who keep weekly vigils in the squares of Algiers, undeterred by barrages of aggressive and scornful baton-wielding and heavily armed police officers, in search of answers to disappeared loved ones? Can he not remind the president of Algeria Abdelaziz Bouteflika that it is not decent to shrug off the plight of these mothers by telling them that their sons were not in his pocket? Can he not find some inner strength to apologise to the Algerians for his association with mass murderers and torturers?
The yearning for natural justice is a universal feeling. Natural justice dictates that actors and apologists of oppression and human rights abuses should not be entrusted to resolve conflicts because their instinct is not on the side of justice and human rights. Lakhdar Brahimi had aided and abetted a murderous regime in his home country. How can he be trusted by the Syrians to deliver them from the murderous and sectarian regime of Bashar al-Assad who is killing his people with the connivance of Russia, China, Hezbollah, Iran and others like Algeria? Bashar al-Assad is waging a war with heavy weapons and warplanes against the cities of Syria, the cradle of human civilisation. He claims to fight fundamentalists and armed gangs. How similar is this rhetoric to that deployed by the Algerian junta when it trampled on the will of the Algerians in January 1992 with the then blessing of our Elder Lakhdar Brahimi.
Lamine Zakaria
23 August 2012
Note de référence :
1. Lounis Aggoun et Jean-Baptiste Rivoire, in Françalgérie, crimes et mensonges d'États. Histoire secrète, de la guerre d'indépendance à la « troisième guerre » d'Algérie , La Découverte, Paris, 2004,
The coming fall of the French-Israeli-Algerian Zionist Jews will provoke a war in France. Sarkozy tried to maintain the israeli domination over the Algerian military apparatus (DRS) but failed to start a civil war in Toulouse with 'Operation Merah'. French-Israeli are in control of the fake 'jihadis' groups such as GIA-AQIM (created by the DST-DCRI), MUJAO (driven by the french DGSE), while the pentagon has full control over the Ansar Deen leader, Iyad Ag Ghaly, a malian linked to the qataris and saudis, and a good part of Boko Haram with the British MI5-6
The Ugly Truth about Algeria
Despite not really being in the news, Algeria still appears in the Western media intermittently. As the Maghreb’s last dictatorship, the recent wave of regime change and democratization has passed this important country by, at least so far. Algeria is the key state in Northwest Africa—by virtue of its size, position, natural wealth and regional influence—yet has missed out on the trend that has overtaken so much of the Arab world for the past two years. It remains notable that Algeria’s bloody civil war, which began twenty years ago, never really ended. And now with the help of Al Qaeda, the conflict may be spreading across the Sahel region.
Events in Algeria have long been underreported in the U.S. and Western media (with the exception of France), and there is a general lack of understanding of what ails the country. Certainly the terrible fratricide there in the 1990s got little coverage in Western media, despite the fact that it probably claimed twice as many lives as the Bosnian conflict, which ran concurrently and received nonstop Western attention.
Algeria’s nightmare years of 1993–1997 were a focus of the international human-rights community, which correctly pointed out that the conduct of the government was hardly better than that of Islamist terrorists trying to take over the country. But since 9/11, the Algerian narrative has been subsumed into the West’s counterterrorism effort, to the extent it is reported at all. Enormous poverty, inequality, and the regime’s rapacious and brutal conduct get little attention from Western experts, who seem more interested in speculating about potential Al Qaeda attacks in the Maghreb.
The Real Story
The official story is straightforward. Two decades ago, the military-led junta, which had governed the country since independence from France in 1962, cancelled a democratic election that likely would have brought Islamists to power, and mujahidin took up arms against the secular regime. By 1993, the supremely violent Armed Islamic Group (GIA) emerged as the implacable foe of the regime and the local Al Qaeda affiliate. Although GIA was not the only Islamist resistance group in the country, it was unquestionably the bloodiest. It conducted brutal attacks not just in Algeria but in Europe as well, including a wave of bombings in Paris in the summer of 1995, remembered by terrorism gurus as Al Qaeda’s first attacks on the West. Failing to achieve victory, GIA fell into mass murder, slaughtering Algerian civilians by the hundreds, causing Al Qaeda to break ties with the group in early 1997. Largely killed off by the Algerian security forces, by 1998 the remnants of GIA had coalesced into the GSPC, a far smaller group which posed no serious threat to the regime and spent most of its time on kidnappings and robberies.
In 2006, after almost a decade hiatus, Al Qaeda reinitiated Algerian mujahidin into its ranks, renaming the local franchise Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). While AQIM has been more active in terrorism than the GSPC, it also seems more like an armed gang than a bona fide jihadist group. Over the last few years, AQIM’s reach has extended across the Maghreb and into the Sahel, leading some jihad-watchers to posit that it constitutes a threat to the region, a view shared by many in the U.S. government.
While this account is not entirely inaccurate, it leaves out so many important details as to be essentially false. Above all, it omits the role of the Algerian regime in counterterrorism, which has been effective at defeating the jihad even though its methods would make most Westerners shudder. The lead agency in the fight against the Algerian mujahidin has been the country’s military intelligence service, the feared DRS. With a reputation for ruthlessness and efficiency second to none in the Arab world, the DRS is arguably the world’s most effective intelligence service when it comes to fighting Al Qaeda; it is also probably the most cold-blooded. The DRS can be considered the backbone of the military-led junta. General Mohamed Mediene has headed the DRS since 1990, making him the longest-serving intelligence boss in world history—and few doubt that he is the most powerful man in the country.
Trained by the KGB and schooled in the hard fight for independence, Algerian spies have used tactics against homegrown extremists reminiscent of a sinister B-grade movie. Several high-ranking DRS officers have explained what they did to defeat the mujahidin, including violating human rights on an industrial scale, but hardly anyone outside France seems to have noticed.
Simply put, GIA was the creation of the DRS; using proven Soviet methods of penetration and provocation, the agency assembled it to discredit the extremists. Much of GIA’s leadership consisted of DRS agents, who drove the group into the dead end of mass murder, a ruthless tactic that thoroughly discredited GIA Islamists among nearly all Algerians. Most of its major operations were the handiwork of the DRS, including the 1995 wave of bombings in France. Some of the most notorious massacres of civilians were perpetrated by military special units masquerading as mujahidin, or by GIA squads under DRS control. Having driven GIA into the ground by the late 1990s, DRS has continued to infiltrate and influence Islamist groups in the country. To what extent the local Al Qaeda affiliate is secretly controlled by the military—as GIA and GSPC were—is an open question, but its recent record suggests that DRS influence over any Algerian extremist group is considerable.
U.S. Intel Failure?
These realities, understood by Algerians, are little known in the West, particularly in the United States. While French senior officials have hinted they have been wise to DRS games for many years, a similar understanding seems altogether lacking in the Pentagon or the U.S. intelligence community, which have partnered with Algeria in the fight against Al Qaeda since the 1990s. Whether they really are ignorant or simply do not want to know the sordid details is an open and important question.
To be fair to those inside the Beltway, outside “terrorism experts” are just as credulous about Algeria’s “official story,” and an entire subindustry has arisen in recent years that seeks to explain Algeria and its violent homegrown jihad without any reference to basic realities inside the country.
Yet Algeria’s neighbors, who fear the country’s outsized influence in Northwest Africa, are appropriately skeptical of the Algiers-created narrative that portrays AQIM as a major threat to regional stability. They reject the idea that extremists can be combated only by greater Algerian involvement in regional affairs that is implicitly supported by the United States. African officials are known to drop unsubtle hints that AQIM is not quite what it seems to be and ought to be viewed within the broader context of Algerian foreign policy. In one of the rare cases where such doubts were aired openly, Mali’s head of state security, who is charged with keeping Algerian mujahidin out of his country, told the press in June 2009 that “at the heart of AQIM is the DRS.” Shortly thereafter, he was shot dead at home by “unknown gunmen.”
U.S. interest in the Sahel has only grown in recent years, roughly in tandem with the alleged rise of AQIM in the region. It is no coincidence that the U.S. Army is aligning a combat brigade with U.S. Africa Command—which heretofore has had no combat units permanently assigned to it—and the Pentagon’s interest in the region is rising fast. “Terrorist elements around the world go to the areas they think has the least resistance,” explained army chief of staff General Ray Odierno, “and right now, you could argue that’s Africa.”
While Al Qaeda unquestionably has a great deal of interest in the Maghreb, and would surely like to see the Algerian junta fall and be replaced by a Salafi regime bent on rebuilding the imaginary caliphate, the chances of this outcome are virtually nil. DRS methods, plus the usual extremist tone-deafness, have successfully soured the vast majority of Algerians on the jihadist message. While most Algerians want an end to what they simply call le pouvoir (“the power”), the corrupt military elite that has run the country since France left in 1962, few pine for any sort of Islamist dictatorship.
Unsolved Mystery
Last weekend, Algeria celebrated fifty years of independence. But for most Algerians, buffeted by poverty, instability, corruption and war, there is little to celebrate. Mid-May parliamentary elections resulted in a surprising win for the junta, leading to accusations of fraud as well as despair for those hoping for change via the ballot box. It is clear that the military has no intention to bowing to any sort of peaceful regime change, but infighting among the elite may undo the system. When the junta falls, as someday it surely will, the change will rock those who have waged Algeria’s dirty war against terrorism. The effects on the junta’s foreign supporters, who have turned a blind eye to massive human-rights abuses in the name of counterterrorism, will be serious too.
It is time for the U.S. government to follow the lead of human-rights groups: Washington should start asking important questions about what Algiers has really been up to since 1992, and to what extent the junta and the DRS have been engaged in mass repression and state terrorism under the guise of fighting Al Qaeda—all possibly with U.S. assistance. The saga of Algeria over the last twenty years constitutes “one big murder mystery,” said one of the few writers in the Anglosphere to take notice. It’s time to get to the bottom of it.
John R. Schindler is professor of national-security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College as well as chair of the Partnership for Peace’s Combating Terrorism Working Group. He is a former counterintelligence officer with the National Security Agency. The views expressed here are entirely his own.
Image: Magharebia
Events in Algeria have long been underreported in the U.S. and Western media (with the exception of France), and there is a general lack of understanding of what ails the country. Certainly the terrible fratricide there in the 1990s got little coverage in Western media, despite the fact that it probably claimed twice as many lives as the Bosnian conflict, which ran concurrently and received nonstop Western attention.
Algeria’s nightmare years of 1993–1997 were a focus of the international human-rights community, which correctly pointed out that the conduct of the government was hardly better than that of Islamist terrorists trying to take over the country. But since 9/11, the Algerian narrative has been subsumed into the West’s counterterrorism effort, to the extent it is reported at all. Enormous poverty, inequality, and the regime’s rapacious and brutal conduct get little attention from Western experts, who seem more interested in speculating about potential Al Qaeda attacks in the Maghreb.
The Real Story
The official story is straightforward. Two decades ago, the military-led junta, which had governed the country since independence from France in 1962, cancelled a democratic election that likely would have brought Islamists to power, and mujahidin took up arms against the secular regime. By 1993, the supremely violent Armed Islamic Group (GIA) emerged as the implacable foe of the regime and the local Al Qaeda affiliate. Although GIA was not the only Islamist resistance group in the country, it was unquestionably the bloodiest. It conducted brutal attacks not just in Algeria but in Europe as well, including a wave of bombings in Paris in the summer of 1995, remembered by terrorism gurus as Al Qaeda’s first attacks on the West. Failing to achieve victory, GIA fell into mass murder, slaughtering Algerian civilians by the hundreds, causing Al Qaeda to break ties with the group in early 1997. Largely killed off by the Algerian security forces, by 1998 the remnants of GIA had coalesced into the GSPC, a far smaller group which posed no serious threat to the regime and spent most of its time on kidnappings and robberies.
In 2006, after almost a decade hiatus, Al Qaeda reinitiated Algerian mujahidin into its ranks, renaming the local franchise Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). While AQIM has been more active in terrorism than the GSPC, it also seems more like an armed gang than a bona fide jihadist group. Over the last few years, AQIM’s reach has extended across the Maghreb and into the Sahel, leading some jihad-watchers to posit that it constitutes a threat to the region, a view shared by many in the U.S. government.
While this account is not entirely inaccurate, it leaves out so many important details as to be essentially false. Above all, it omits the role of the Algerian regime in counterterrorism, which has been effective at defeating the jihad even though its methods would make most Westerners shudder. The lead agency in the fight against the Algerian mujahidin has been the country’s military intelligence service, the feared DRS. With a reputation for ruthlessness and efficiency second to none in the Arab world, the DRS is arguably the world’s most effective intelligence service when it comes to fighting Al Qaeda; it is also probably the most cold-blooded. The DRS can be considered the backbone of the military-led junta. General Mohamed Mediene has headed the DRS since 1990, making him the longest-serving intelligence boss in world history—and few doubt that he is the most powerful man in the country.
Trained by the KGB and schooled in the hard fight for independence, Algerian spies have used tactics against homegrown extremists reminiscent of a sinister B-grade movie. Several high-ranking DRS officers have explained what they did to defeat the mujahidin, including violating human rights on an industrial scale, but hardly anyone outside France seems to have noticed.
Simply put, GIA was the creation of the DRS; using proven Soviet methods of penetration and provocation, the agency assembled it to discredit the extremists. Much of GIA’s leadership consisted of DRS agents, who drove the group into the dead end of mass murder, a ruthless tactic that thoroughly discredited GIA Islamists among nearly all Algerians. Most of its major operations were the handiwork of the DRS, including the 1995 wave of bombings in France. Some of the most notorious massacres of civilians were perpetrated by military special units masquerading as mujahidin, or by GIA squads under DRS control. Having driven GIA into the ground by the late 1990s, DRS has continued to infiltrate and influence Islamist groups in the country. To what extent the local Al Qaeda affiliate is secretly controlled by the military—as GIA and GSPC were—is an open question, but its recent record suggests that DRS influence over any Algerian extremist group is considerable.
U.S. Intel Failure?
These realities, understood by Algerians, are little known in the West, particularly in the United States. While French senior officials have hinted they have been wise to DRS games for many years, a similar understanding seems altogether lacking in the Pentagon or the U.S. intelligence community, which have partnered with Algeria in the fight against Al Qaeda since the 1990s. Whether they really are ignorant or simply do not want to know the sordid details is an open and important question.
To be fair to those inside the Beltway, outside “terrorism experts” are just as credulous about Algeria’s “official story,” and an entire subindustry has arisen in recent years that seeks to explain Algeria and its violent homegrown jihad without any reference to basic realities inside the country.
Yet Algeria’s neighbors, who fear the country’s outsized influence in Northwest Africa, are appropriately skeptical of the Algiers-created narrative that portrays AQIM as a major threat to regional stability. They reject the idea that extremists can be combated only by greater Algerian involvement in regional affairs that is implicitly supported by the United States. African officials are known to drop unsubtle hints that AQIM is not quite what it seems to be and ought to be viewed within the broader context of Algerian foreign policy. In one of the rare cases where such doubts were aired openly, Mali’s head of state security, who is charged with keeping Algerian mujahidin out of his country, told the press in June 2009 that “at the heart of AQIM is the DRS.” Shortly thereafter, he was shot dead at home by “unknown gunmen.”
U.S. interest in the Sahel has only grown in recent years, roughly in tandem with the alleged rise of AQIM in the region. It is no coincidence that the U.S. Army is aligning a combat brigade with U.S. Africa Command—which heretofore has had no combat units permanently assigned to it—and the Pentagon’s interest in the region is rising fast. “Terrorist elements around the world go to the areas they think has the least resistance,” explained army chief of staff General Ray Odierno, “and right now, you could argue that’s Africa.”
While Al Qaeda unquestionably has a great deal of interest in the Maghreb, and would surely like to see the Algerian junta fall and be replaced by a Salafi regime bent on rebuilding the imaginary caliphate, the chances of this outcome are virtually nil. DRS methods, plus the usual extremist tone-deafness, have successfully soured the vast majority of Algerians on the jihadist message. While most Algerians want an end to what they simply call le pouvoir (“the power”), the corrupt military elite that has run the country since France left in 1962, few pine for any sort of Islamist dictatorship.
Unsolved Mystery
Last weekend, Algeria celebrated fifty years of independence. But for most Algerians, buffeted by poverty, instability, corruption and war, there is little to celebrate. Mid-May parliamentary elections resulted in a surprising win for the junta, leading to accusations of fraud as well as despair for those hoping for change via the ballot box. It is clear that the military has no intention to bowing to any sort of peaceful regime change, but infighting among the elite may undo the system. When the junta falls, as someday it surely will, the change will rock those who have waged Algeria’s dirty war against terrorism. The effects on the junta’s foreign supporters, who have turned a blind eye to massive human-rights abuses in the name of counterterrorism, will be serious too.
It is time for the U.S. government to follow the lead of human-rights groups: Washington should start asking important questions about what Algiers has really been up to since 1992, and to what extent the junta and the DRS have been engaged in mass repression and state terrorism under the guise of fighting Al Qaeda—all possibly with U.S. assistance. The saga of Algeria over the last twenty years constitutes “one big murder mystery,” said one of the few writers in the Anglosphere to take notice. It’s time to get to the bottom of it.
John R. Schindler is professor of national-security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College as well as chair of the Partnership for Peace’s Combating Terrorism Working Group. He is a former counterintelligence officer with the National Security Agency. The views expressed here are entirely his own.
Image: Magharebia
“John R. Schindler ... Combating Terrorism..."
As such, John R. Schindler is immediately disqualified and cannot be trusted to write the WHOLE truth about Algeria or any Muslim country. As a professor, he must be an idiot to use such terms as “Islamist terrorists”, “Islamist dictatorship”, etc., because these exist only in the minds and propaganda book of the imperialist West. As soon as any author starts using other terms other than the proper term MUSLIM, I just keep away from him! There is no such thing as a “MUSLIM TERRORIST”!
I am sure Schindler is convinced, like all the other fools that Muslims carried out the implosions of 11 September 2001 despite the fact that SIX MILLION EXPERTS have already proven that Israel and the US establishment carried them out!
I would agree with him however when he says that Algeria suffers from “Enormous poverty, inequality” and that the regime is RAPACIOUS and BRUTAL and that “GIA was the creation of the DRS !”
“Most of its (GIA’S – GROUPE ISRAËL ARMÉE or ARMED ISRAEL GROUP) major operations were the handiwork of the DRS, including the 1995 wave of bombings in France. Some of the most notorious massacres of civilians were perpetrated by military special units masquerading as mujahidin, or by GIA squads under DRS control.”
These are correct statements as they have been fully documented. To have been able to spawn such a killing machine like the GIA within Algeria itself proves how degenerates the Muslims of Algeria had become thanks to their adoption of the FRENCH WAY OF LIFE, THAT OF SATAN HIMSELF, DIIN AS SHAYTAAN, AND ITS FASCIST AND RACIST LAÏCITÉ!
BAFS - 4:48 PM
- (continued)
I wish however and hope that The French-Israeli-Algerian Jews will fall, but unfortunately I have not yet come across any evidence about this providential miracle! I do not wish any country to be stricken by war, but I moat heartedly welcome the idea of war coming to France. Non content of their treacherous and murderous past during the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Slave Trade, and other wars, the French military backed by the French intelligentsia, Churches, bank gangsters, corporations, mainstream media, academia, and Jehovah or Yahweh, has been mass murdering defenceless people around the world, in Indo-China, Africa, the Arab and Muslim countries and now with the Jews in total control of the French Fascist and Totalitarian Regime, they are preparing for more ritual sacrifice to their blood-thirsty Gods. Therefore, THE LAW OF KARMA WILL (HAVE TO) APPLY!
The Israeli and Jewish domination over the Algerian Military Machine started already with the end of the useless Algerian Revolution when the Muslims were defeated and their country taken hostage by France. There was no Nuremberg trial for French mass murderers, rapists, torturers, sodomites, and racists because Muslims were and are still regarded as inferior to Jews and to all other people on earth!
I see no evidence that the French and the Zionists intended to start a Civil War with OPERATION MERAH. If that was the case, the Civil War would have happened! It is well documented that the West and Israel are in total control of all the FAKE “JIHADIS” talked about in the Western Press on a daily basis. The “MUJAHEDIN” E KHALQ, GIA, and others, all the creation of the CIA, MOSSAD, DST-DGSE, MI5-MI6, etc.
As for the ANSAR DEEN and BOKO HARAM, I need to do more research. But, I would tend to trust the author that they too are controlled by US-UK intelligence and military.
I met an Algerian ‘Muslim’ in London during Ramadaan, who was praising “British democracy” and saying that everything is going on well in Algeria. “We know the government is corrupt, but we are free to do whatever we want!” And, he was very happy about it. What he does not realise is that he is and his parents and grand parents were the Survivors of the Third Algerian Holocaust of the 1910s carried by France and the Jews in their land.
We cannot blame the West however for not reporting the extent of the blood bath that has occurred in Algeria some twenty years ago, but only the Algerians who are so backward that they do not know what to do with their lives. It was and still up to them to tell the whole world the REAL TRUTH ABOUT ALGERIA. Just like it is up to the Muslims to tell the world about what is really happening in OCCUPIED ARABIA! Algeria has never ceased to be under French occupation and has produced bastards and retards by the millions to such an extent that, financed and supported by the French and the Jews, they kill each other and feel no guilt at all about it!
I am sorry, but John R. Schindler is just another piece of shit who did not name the real guilty parties behind the Third Algerian Holocaust and the ongoing assassinations, executions, and murder of civilians – the Jews, the French, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, with UN complicity, of course!
BAFS - 4:50 PM
- PART 1
“John R. Schindler is professor of national-security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College as well as chair of the Partnership for Peace’s Combating Terrorism Working Group. He is a former counterintelligence officer with the National Security Agency. The views expressed here are entirely his own.”
As such, John R. Schindler is immediately disqualified and cannot be trusted to write the WHOLE truth about Algeria or any Muslim country. As a professor, he must be an idiot to use such terms as “Islamist terrorists”, “Islamist dictatorship”, etc., because these exist only in the minds and propaganda book of the imperialist West. As soon as any author starts using other terms other than the proper term MUSLIM, I just keep away from him! There is no such thing as a “MUSLIM TERRORIST”!
I am sure Schindler is convinced, like all the other fools that Muslims carried out the implosions of 11 September 2001 despite the fact that SIX MILLION EXPERTS have already proven that Israel and the US establishment carried them out!
I would agree with him however when he says that Algeria suffers from “Enormous poverty, inequality” and that the regime is RAPACIOUS and BRUTAL and that “GIA was the creation of the DRS !”
“Most of its (GIA’S – GROUPE ISRAËL ARMÉE or ARMED ISRAEL GROUP) major operations were the handiwork of the DRS, including the 1995 wave of bombings in France. Some of the most notorious massacres of civilians were perpetrated by military special units masquerading as mujahidin, or by GIA squads under DRS control.”
These are correct statements as they have been fully documented. To have been able to spawn such a killing machine like the GIA within Algeria itself proves how degenerates the Muslims of Algeria had become thanks to their adoption of the FRENCH WAY OF LIFE, THAT OF SATAN HIMSELF, DIIN AS SHAYTAAN, AND ITS FASCIST AND RACIST LAÏCITÉ!
(to be continued) - 5:16 AM
Melinda said...
- Anyone who trusts anyone from the NSA is foolish. John Schindler is a complete dumb ass fraud. He got busted sexting with a woman. He sent a pic of his soft dick via twitter. Who in their right mind would trust an idiot like this with National security? He's a loser of the highest magnitude.
- 4:27 AM
“John R. Schindler ... Combating Terrorism..."
As such, John R. Schindler is immediately disqualified and cannot be trusted to write the WHOLE truth about Algeria or any Muslim country. As a professor, he must be an idiot to use such terms as “Islamist terrorists”, “Islamist dictatorship”, etc., because these exist only in the minds and propaganda book of the imperialist West. As soon as any author starts using other terms other than the proper term MUSLIM, I just keep away from him! There is no such thing as a “MUSLIM TERRORIST”!
I am sure Schindler is convinced, like all the other fools that Muslims carried out the implosions of 11 September 2001 despite the fact that SIX MILLION EXPERTS have already proven that Israel and the US establishment carried them out!
I would agree with him however when he says that Algeria suffers from “Enormous poverty, inequality” and that the regime is RAPACIOUS and BRUTAL and that “GIA was the creation of the DRS !”
“Most of its (GIA’S – GROUPE ISRAËL ARMÉE or ARMED ISRAEL GROUP) major operations were the handiwork of the DRS, including the 1995 wave of bombings in France. Some of the most notorious massacres of civilians were perpetrated by military special units masquerading as mujahidin, or by GIA squads under DRS control.”
These are correct statements as they have been fully documented. To have been able to spawn such a killing machine like the GIA within Algeria itself proves how degenerates the Muslims of Algeria had become thanks to their adoption of the FRENCH WAY OF LIFE, THAT OF SATAN HIMSELF, DIIN AS SHAYTAAN, AND ITS FASCIST AND RACIST LAÏCITÉ!
BAFS - 4:48 PM
- (continued)
I wish however and hope that The French-Israeli-Algerian Jews will fall, but unfortunately I have not yet come across any evidence about this providential miracle! I do not wish any country to be stricken by war, but I moat heartedly welcome the idea of war coming to France. Non content of their treacherous and murderous past during the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Slave Trade, and other wars, the French military backed by the French intelligentsia, Churches, bank gangsters, corporations, mainstream media, academia, and Jehovah or Yahweh, has been mass murdering defenceless people around the world, in Indo-China, Africa, the Arab and Muslim countries and now with the Jews in total control of the French Fascist and Totalitarian Regime, they are preparing for more ritual sacrifice to their blood-thirsty Gods. Therefore, THE LAW OF KARMA WILL (HAVE TO) APPLY!
The Israeli and Jewish domination over the Algerian Military Machine started already with the end of the useless Algerian Revolution when the Muslims were defeated and their country taken hostage by France. There was no Nuremberg trial for French mass murderers, rapists, torturers, sodomites, and racists because Muslims were and are still regarded as inferior to Jews and to all other people on earth!
I see no evidence that the French and the Zionists intended to start a Civil War with OPERATION MERAH. If that was the case, the Civil War would have happened! It is well documented that the West and Israel are in total control of all the FAKE “JIHADIS” talked about in the Western Press on a daily basis. The “MUJAHEDIN” E KHALQ, GIA, and others, all the creation of the CIA, MOSSAD, DST-DGSE, MI5-MI6, etc.
As for the ANSAR DEEN and BOKO HARAM, I need to do more research. But, I would tend to trust the author that they too are controlled by US-UK intelligence and military.
I met an Algerian ‘Muslim’ in London during Ramadaan, who was praising “British democracy” and saying that everything is going on well in Algeria. “We know the government is corrupt, but we are free to do whatever we want!” And, he was very happy about it. What he does not realise is that he is and his parents and grand parents were the Survivors of the Third Algerian Holocaust of the 1910s carried by France and the Jews in their land.
We cannot blame the West however for not reporting the extent of the blood bath that has occurred in Algeria some twenty years ago, but only the Algerians who are so backward that they do not know what to do with their lives. It was and still up to them to tell the whole world the REAL TRUTH ABOUT ALGERIA. Just like it is up to the Muslims to tell the world about what is really happening in OCCUPIED ARABIA! Algeria has never ceased to be under French occupation and has produced bastards and retards by the millions to such an extent that, financed and supported by the French and the Jews, they kill each other and feel no guilt at all about it!
I am sorry, but John R. Schindler is just another piece of shit who did not name the real guilty parties behind the Third Algerian Holocaust and the ongoing assassinations, executions, and murder of civilians – the Jews, the French, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, with UN complicity, of course!
BAFS - 4:50 PM
- PART 1
“John R. Schindler is professor of national-security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College as well as chair of the Partnership for Peace’s Combating Terrorism Working Group. He is a former counterintelligence officer with the National Security Agency. The views expressed here are entirely his own.”
As such, John R. Schindler is immediately disqualified and cannot be trusted to write the WHOLE truth about Algeria or any Muslim country. As a professor, he must be an idiot to use such terms as “Islamist terrorists”, “Islamist dictatorship”, etc., because these exist only in the minds and propaganda book of the imperialist West. As soon as any author starts using other terms other than the proper term MUSLIM, I just keep away from him! There is no such thing as a “MUSLIM TERRORIST”!
I am sure Schindler is convinced, like all the other fools that Muslims carried out the implosions of 11 September 2001 despite the fact that SIX MILLION EXPERTS have already proven that Israel and the US establishment carried them out!
I would agree with him however when he says that Algeria suffers from “Enormous poverty, inequality” and that the regime is RAPACIOUS and BRUTAL and that “GIA was the creation of the DRS !”
“Most of its (GIA’S – GROUPE ISRAËL ARMÉE or ARMED ISRAEL GROUP) major operations were the handiwork of the DRS, including the 1995 wave of bombings in France. Some of the most notorious massacres of civilians were perpetrated by military special units masquerading as mujahidin, or by GIA squads under DRS control.”
These are correct statements as they have been fully documented. To have been able to spawn such a killing machine like the GIA within Algeria itself proves how degenerates the Muslims of Algeria had become thanks to their adoption of the FRENCH WAY OF LIFE, THAT OF SATAN HIMSELF, DIIN AS SHAYTAAN, AND ITS FASCIST AND RACIST LAÏCITÉ!
(to be continued) - 5:16 AM
- Melinda said...
- Anyone who trusts anyone from the NSA is foolish. John Schindler is a complete dumb ass fraud. He got busted sexting with a woman. He sent a pic of his soft dick via twitter. Who in their right mind would trust an idiot like this with National security? He's a loser of the highest magnitude.
- 4:27 AM
US rewarding Myanmar for massacring Muslims
By Kevin Barrett,
Dear American Buddhist brothers and sisters,
I am writing to every contact listed at’s American Buddhist Directory to ask:
Are you aware of the ongoing genocide in Myanmar (Burma) -- a genocide that is being committed in the name of Buddhism?
And did you know that the United States of America bears responsibility for this genocide, since the US has been rewarding the Myanmar regime with ever-closer political and economic ties during recent months of accelerating atrocities?
As American Buddhists, you are in a position to help stop this genocide, by pressuring the US and Myanmar governments as well as international human rights organizations. Your visible participation in the campaign to save the Rohingya people from extermination by murderous Buddhist fanatics will not only help draw the world’s attention to this horrific situation, but also help restore the image of Buddhism as a religion of compassion.
The facts about the genocide in Myanmar are not in dispute. The fanatical Buddhist nationalists, who unfortunately represent a large segment of the roughly 60 million Buddhists in Myanmar, admit that they are trying to uproot and exterminate the roughly one million Muslim Rohingya from land that the Rohingya have lived on for centuries.
Here is what a typical genocidal Buddhist fanatic from Myanmar wrote in a comment on a Wall Street Journal article:
“Burma is Buddhist nation created for the 135 Tibeto-Burman tribes. People do not get citizenship just because born there or illegally lived there for centuries. Please do not interfere with the law and internal affairs of Burma just as you do not like other nations to poke their nose in your internal affairs.”
“People do not get citizenship just because born there or illegally lived there for centuries.” This statement, which aptly sums up the official policy of the Burmese regime, could get the person who made it, and the government that follows it, hanged for crimes against humanity. Obviously, being born in a modern nation to a family that has been there for centuries automatically confers citizenship. And obviously, any modern nation that denies citizenship to such people, burns their homes and communities, and murders them en masse, with the aim of removing them from the nation of their birth, is committing the internationally-recognized crime of genocide.
In recent weeks, many thousands of homes, and more than 20 mosques, have been burned by murderous Buddhist mobs, backed by national security forces, in the Arakan state of Myanmar. Estimates of the number of Rohingya Muslims murdered, whether directly or by drowning in the Naf River, as they flee the killers, range from the thousands to the tens of thousands. Every one of the more than 500 mosques in Arakan has been taken over by the genocidal regime’s security forces and shut down, and they are being demolished one-by-one. (This happened during the holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims are supposed to spend as much time as possible in a mosque.)
Muslims have been living in Burma since roughly 800 c.e. -- that is, nearly for as long as the religion of Islam has existed. And Arakan has been a Muslim region, ruled by Muslim kings and/or populated by Bengali Muslims, since 1430. The most notable population increase of Muslims in Arakan took place in the 1600s. The idea that the Rohingya people are somehow “recent immigrants” to the region is clinically insane -- a symptom of the larger insanity known as nationalist fanaticism.”
Both Buddhism and Islam are universalist religions: They proclaim truths that are valid for all people, indeed for all of existence. And the core truth that both religions proclaim is the primacy of compassion. In Buddhism, a central feature of the Buddha nature is compassion for all beings. If one were to choose a single hallmark of a successful advanced practitioner of Buddhism, it would be a highly-developed sense of compassion.
Whatever has happened to the Myanmar Buddhists’ compassion for their fellow citizens who happen to be born as Rohingyas?
Islam, too, views compassion as a central reality of creation. Muslim theologians, like the more advanced Christian and Jewish religious thinkers, view God as ineffable; but the primary and overriding tangible characteristic of God in Islam (with the proviso that no tangible characteristics fully express the reality of the one ineffable God) is rahma, or compassion. The two adjectives Muslims use the most to “describe” God are ar-rahman ar-rahim, usually translated as “the merciful, the compassionate.” (The root of rahma and its cognates derives from the word for “womb,” suggesting that this “compassion” has something in common with the nurturing, all-embracing, unconditional love that mothers feel for their children.)
Additionally, both Buddhism and Islam teach us to transcend or even annihilate the (tribal) ego. Buddhism offers a set of teachings that take its practitioners beyond the ego, which is the source of the endless desire that is the cause of the pervasive suffering or disappointment that characterizes ordinary human existence. Likewise, Islam teaches its serious practitioners to annihilate the “ego that desires evil” through absolute submission to God. Each religion offers a very similar cure for the unhappiness of the ordinary human condition.
The kind of chest-thumping egotistical nationalism that proclaims “I am a Buddhist, my heroic nation is Buddhist, I am so much better than those non-Buddhists that I must kill them or exile them” is about as far from the compassionate teachings of the Buddha as it is possible to get. Likewise, extremist Muslims who proclaim that their narrow version of Islam is the only truth, and that everyone who disagrees should be killed, are equally far from the universal, all-compassionate message proclaimed by God through Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him).
Muslims and Buddhists ought to unite against ego-driven nationalist fanaticism, which is an affront to both religious traditions. A good starting point would be joining forces against the genocide in Myanmar. Below are some suggestions for action.
Suggestions for action:
1. Write and call Myanmar’s government contacts pointing out that every modern nation agrees that anyone born inside a nation, whose parents and ancestors also lived on that territory, is automatically a citizen of that nation and must be protected by that nation's government.
2. Contact Amnesty International’s International Secretariat and Amnesty International USA to demand that they issue an Appeal for Action to save the Rohingya people.
3. Contact Human Rights Watch to thank them for their attempts to bring attention to the plight of the Rohingya, and ask them to do more.
4. Contact the Center for Justice and Accountability to ask that they seek the prosecution of Myanmar leaders for genocide.
5. Contact The Carter Center to suggest that Jimmy Carter attempt to visit Arakan to bring humanitarian relief and stop the genocide.
6. Contact the Genocide Intervention Network and ask them to accelerate their efforts to stop the genocide in Myanmar.
7. Contact the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UNHCR Refugee Agency, and the UNHCR Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide to demand an end to the genocide in Myanmar.
8. Contact your congressional representative and ask him or her to introduce legislation to pressure the Myanmar junta to stop the genocide.
By Kevin Barrett,
Dear American Buddhist brothers and sisters,
I am writing to every contact listed at’s American Buddhist Directory to ask:
Are you aware of the ongoing genocide in Myanmar (Burma) -- a genocide that is being committed in the name of Buddhism?
And did you know that the United States of America bears responsibility for this genocide, since the US has been rewarding the Myanmar regime with ever-closer political and economic ties during recent months of accelerating atrocities?
As American Buddhists, you are in a position to help stop this genocide, by pressuring the US and Myanmar governments as well as international human rights organizations. Your visible participation in the campaign to save the Rohingya people from extermination by murderous Buddhist fanatics will not only help draw the world’s attention to this horrific situation, but also help restore the image of Buddhism as a religion of compassion.
The facts about the genocide in Myanmar are not in dispute. The fanatical Buddhist nationalists, who unfortunately represent a large segment of the roughly 60 million Buddhists in Myanmar, admit that they are trying to uproot and exterminate the roughly one million Muslim Rohingya from land that the Rohingya have lived on for centuries.
Here is what a typical genocidal Buddhist fanatic from Myanmar wrote in a comment on a Wall Street Journal article:
“Burma is Buddhist nation created for the 135 Tibeto-Burman tribes. People do not get citizenship just because born there or illegally lived there for centuries. Please do not interfere with the law and internal affairs of Burma just as you do not like other nations to poke their nose in your internal affairs.”
“People do not get citizenship just because born there or illegally lived there for centuries.” This statement, which aptly sums up the official policy of the Burmese regime, could get the person who made it, and the government that follows it, hanged for crimes against humanity. Obviously, being born in a modern nation to a family that has been there for centuries automatically confers citizenship. And obviously, any modern nation that denies citizenship to such people, burns their homes and communities, and murders them en masse, with the aim of removing them from the nation of their birth, is committing the internationally-recognized crime of genocide.
In recent weeks, many thousands of homes, and more than 20 mosques, have been burned by murderous Buddhist mobs, backed by national security forces, in the Arakan state of Myanmar. Estimates of the number of Rohingya Muslims murdered, whether directly or by drowning in the Naf River, as they flee the killers, range from the thousands to the tens of thousands. Every one of the more than 500 mosques in Arakan has been taken over by the genocidal regime’s security forces and shut down, and they are being demolished one-by-one. (This happened during the holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims are supposed to spend as much time as possible in a mosque.)
Muslims have been living in Burma since roughly 800 c.e. -- that is, nearly for as long as the religion of Islam has existed. And Arakan has been a Muslim region, ruled by Muslim kings and/or populated by Bengali Muslims, since 1430. The most notable population increase of Muslims in Arakan took place in the 1600s. The idea that the Rohingya people are somehow “recent immigrants” to the region is clinically insane -- a symptom of the larger insanity known as nationalist fanaticism.”
Both Buddhism and Islam are universalist religions: They proclaim truths that are valid for all people, indeed for all of existence. And the core truth that both religions proclaim is the primacy of compassion. In Buddhism, a central feature of the Buddha nature is compassion for all beings. If one were to choose a single hallmark of a successful advanced practitioner of Buddhism, it would be a highly-developed sense of compassion.
Whatever has happened to the Myanmar Buddhists’ compassion for their fellow citizens who happen to be born as Rohingyas?
Islam, too, views compassion as a central reality of creation. Muslim theologians, like the more advanced Christian and Jewish religious thinkers, view God as ineffable; but the primary and overriding tangible characteristic of God in Islam (with the proviso that no tangible characteristics fully express the reality of the one ineffable God) is rahma, or compassion. The two adjectives Muslims use the most to “describe” God are ar-rahman ar-rahim, usually translated as “the merciful, the compassionate.” (The root of rahma and its cognates derives from the word for “womb,” suggesting that this “compassion” has something in common with the nurturing, all-embracing, unconditional love that mothers feel for their children.)
Additionally, both Buddhism and Islam teach us to transcend or even annihilate the (tribal) ego. Buddhism offers a set of teachings that take its practitioners beyond the ego, which is the source of the endless desire that is the cause of the pervasive suffering or disappointment that characterizes ordinary human existence. Likewise, Islam teaches its serious practitioners to annihilate the “ego that desires evil” through absolute submission to God. Each religion offers a very similar cure for the unhappiness of the ordinary human condition.
The kind of chest-thumping egotistical nationalism that proclaims “I am a Buddhist, my heroic nation is Buddhist, I am so much better than those non-Buddhists that I must kill them or exile them” is about as far from the compassionate teachings of the Buddha as it is possible to get. Likewise, extremist Muslims who proclaim that their narrow version of Islam is the only truth, and that everyone who disagrees should be killed, are equally far from the universal, all-compassionate message proclaimed by God through Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him).
Muslims and Buddhists ought to unite against ego-driven nationalist fanaticism, which is an affront to both religious traditions. A good starting point would be joining forces against the genocide in Myanmar. Below are some suggestions for action.
Suggestions for action:
1. Write and call Myanmar’s government contacts pointing out that every modern nation agrees that anyone born inside a nation, whose parents and ancestors also lived on that territory, is automatically a citizen of that nation and must be protected by that nation's government.
2. Contact Amnesty International’s International Secretariat and Amnesty International USA to demand that they issue an Appeal for Action to save the Rohingya people.
3. Contact Human Rights Watch to thank them for their attempts to bring attention to the plight of the Rohingya, and ask them to do more.
4. Contact the Center for Justice and Accountability to ask that they seek the prosecution of Myanmar leaders for genocide.
5. Contact The Carter Center to suggest that Jimmy Carter attempt to visit Arakan to bring humanitarian relief and stop the genocide.
6. Contact the Genocide Intervention Network and ask them to accelerate their efforts to stop the genocide in Myanmar.
7. Contact the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UNHCR Refugee Agency, and the UNHCR Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide to demand an end to the genocide in Myanmar.
8. Contact your congressional representative and ask him or her to introduce legislation to pressure the Myanmar junta to stop the genocide.
Revealed secret israeli plan to take full control of the MENA-SCAR regions under the 'Great Middle East' and 'European Neighborhood policy'. This plan is directed against the Arab-Berberian-Touareg-Zwei, peoples and not the governments, which are all including, Libya, Tunisia, Syria, Saudis, Qataris, Emirates, Oman, Jordan, Morocco and Algeria, are all playing a multi-level game, accomplices in the zionist plan, under the fake 'Arab Spring' and 'Terrorism'.
A clarification : As Muslims we do not make the confusion between the real Mujahideens, fighting to gain absolute sovereignty and total control of their wealths, lands, fighting against the oppressors and zionist imperialists and the Contras-Mercenaries, financed and armed by the israelis and their lackeys in Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, Doha and Ryadh, Algiers, Ankara or Tripoli and Damascus.
ISLAAM forbids any kind of alliance with enemies killing, occupying Muslim lands or puppets that were put in place by the enemy like the Gaddafas, the Al Assad, the Sauds, the Al Khalifah, the Nahyane, the Al Sabah or any other sell-out to the enemy, Russian and Chinese included. While there is in the 'alternative media' a deliberate and maintained confusion about the 'Islamic Resistance' and her different Muslim groups fighting to liberate their countries from the occupation, and the Contras-Mercenaries or fake 'Islamic groups', all created by the West, under NATO-israel command, trained and armed by the Pentagon, the British MOD, the French-Israelis, the German and even the Russians in the Caucasus and Chinese in Central Asia, which aim is to channelize the military efforts for their geo-economical interests and gain, leaving the Muslims orphans of their own wealths and lands in the enemy hands. Muslims are not fighting under the old puppets banners, nor the new puppets banners, the Zionists in France, UK, US, Germany try to place in the Arab world under the 'Arab Spring' to guaranty Israel's domination. Israel wants civil wars every where in the West under, Islamophobia orchestrated by the US and European governments and agencies, and an internal Muslim warfare, sunnis-shias wars, or Muslim-Christian wars in South of Europe, 'clash of civilizations'.
There are genuine and authentically Muslim Resistance groups, which defeated militarily the US and NATO already in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen, Somalia, the enemy is trying to discredit them by creating 'fake groups' to organize a counter-revolution, slaughtering innocents, creating civil wars among Muslims, balkanizing all the MENA, SCAR, Caspian regions, to give Israel a military advantage when they will blitzkrieg the Middle East. We can tell that the Libyan and Syrian people, and 90% of the Muslim peoples from Mauritania to Indonesia, know perfectly these facts and they are only on stand-by waiting for their Hour to smash the Zionist plans. Time will tell very soon insha Allah if the fake groups under Israel command are defeated, but the Seal of the Prophet Muhammad, saws, explained 1400 years ago, in greater details, how Israel and her shabbath-goyims will be smashed in the Middle East by THE Muslim Resistance.
A clarification : As Muslims we do not make the confusion between the real Mujahideens, fighting to gain absolute sovereignty and total control of their wealths, lands, fighting against the oppressors and zionist imperialists and the Contras-Mercenaries, financed and armed by the israelis and their lackeys in Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, Doha and Ryadh, Algiers, Ankara or Tripoli and Damascus.
ISLAAM forbids any kind of alliance with enemies killing, occupying Muslim lands or puppets that were put in place by the enemy like the Gaddafas, the Al Assad, the Sauds, the Al Khalifah, the Nahyane, the Al Sabah or any other sell-out to the enemy, Russian and Chinese included. While there is in the 'alternative media' a deliberate and maintained confusion about the 'Islamic Resistance' and her different Muslim groups fighting to liberate their countries from the occupation, and the Contras-Mercenaries or fake 'Islamic groups', all created by the West, under NATO-israel command, trained and armed by the Pentagon, the British MOD, the French-Israelis, the German and even the Russians in the Caucasus and Chinese in Central Asia, which aim is to channelize the military efforts for their geo-economical interests and gain, leaving the Muslims orphans of their own wealths and lands in the enemy hands. Muslims are not fighting under the old puppets banners, nor the new puppets banners, the Zionists in France, UK, US, Germany try to place in the Arab world under the 'Arab Spring' to guaranty Israel's domination. Israel wants civil wars every where in the West under, Islamophobia orchestrated by the US and European governments and agencies, and an internal Muslim warfare, sunnis-shias wars, or Muslim-Christian wars in South of Europe, 'clash of civilizations'.
There are genuine and authentically Muslim Resistance groups, which defeated militarily the US and NATO already in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen, Somalia, the enemy is trying to discredit them by creating 'fake groups' to organize a counter-revolution, slaughtering innocents, creating civil wars among Muslims, balkanizing all the MENA, SCAR, Caspian regions, to give Israel a military advantage when they will blitzkrieg the Middle East. We can tell that the Libyan and Syrian people, and 90% of the Muslim peoples from Mauritania to Indonesia, know perfectly these facts and they are only on stand-by waiting for their Hour to smash the Zionist plans. Time will tell very soon insha Allah if the fake groups under Israel command are defeated, but the Seal of the Prophet Muhammad, saws, explained 1400 years ago, in greater details, how Israel and her shabbath-goyims will be smashed in the Middle East by THE Muslim Resistance.
NATO Terrorists Target Syria & Algeria
NATO's Pan-Arab Terrorist Blitzkrieg.
by Tony Cartalucci
August 29, 2012 - Western policy makers admit that NATO's operations in Libya have played the primary role in emboldening Al Qaeda's AQIM faction (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb). The Fortune 500-funded Brookings Institution's Bruce Riedel in his article, "The New Al Qaeda Menace," admits that AQIM is now heavily armed thanks to NATO's intervention in Libya, and that AQIM's base in Mali, North Africa, serves as a staging ground for terrorist activities across the region.
Image: NATO's intervention in Libya has resurrected listed-terrorist organization and Al Qaeda affiliate, LIFG. It had previously fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now has fighters, cash and weapons, all courtesy of NATO, spreading as far west as Mali, and as far east as Syria. The feared "global Caliphate" Neo-Cons have been scaring Western children with for a decade is now taking shape via US-Saudi, Israeli, and Qatari machinations, not "Islam." In fact, real Muslims have paid the highest price in fighting this real "war against Western-funded terrorism."
AQIM, like their Libyan counterparts, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) are both listed by the US State Department as "Foreign Terrorist Organizations." Likewise, both the UK Home Office (.pdf, listed as GSPC) and the UN recognize both organizations as terrorists.
Despite this, military intervention in Libya was pursued by the West and condoned by the UN with full knowledge that the militants leading so-called "pro-democracy uprisings" were in fact merely the continuation of decades of violent terrorism carried out by Al Qaeda affiliates. The West had full knowledge of this, primarily because it was Western intelligence agencies arming and supporting these militants for the last 30 years, in Libya's case, while coddling their leaders in Washington and London.
Additionally, the US Army itself meticulously documented foreign terrorists fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, noting that the highest percentage per capita emanated from Libya's cities of Benghazi and Darnah, the so-called "cradle" of 2011's "pro-democracy uprisings" in Libya.
CTC at West Point's "Al-Qa'ida's Foreign Fighters in Iraq." (.pdf)
What unfolded was a premeditated lie - where placard waving "activists" overnight turned into battle-hardened heavily armed, tank driving, jet flying militants waging a nationwide battle against Libyan leader, Muammar Qaddafi. In reality, it was the fruition of 30 years of covert support the West has poured into militant groups across the region - support that would not end with the fall of Qaddafi.
Image: Libyan terrorist manning a tank during NATO's 2011 overthrow of the Libyan government. The media expects the public to believe placard waving peaceful demonstrators had somehow, in just days, transitioned into tank driving, jet flying rebel forces - just like in Hollywood.
LIFG terrorists promptly turned both east to Syria and west to Mali beyond their borders - a logistical matter they had perfected during their operations in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past decade. LIFG commander Abdul Hakim Belhaj, as early as November 2011, arrived on the Turkish-Syrian border to provide cash, weapons, and LIFG terrorist fighters, overseen by Western intelligence along with US funding and arms laundered through Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) members such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Since then Libyan militants have been confirmed to be leading entire brigades of foreign fighters inside Syria.
And as Bruce Riedel of Brookings concedes, these weapons went west to Mali as well. Algeria had feared just such a scenario unfolding with NATO's intervention in Libya - a fear now fully realized. Ironically, Riedel, in August 2011, had tried to make a case for Algeria being "next to fall" in an article titled literally, "Algeria Will Be Next to Fall."
A year ago, Riedel attempted to argue that it would be the so-called "Arab Spring" that would spread into Algeria after having taken root in neighboring Libya. He had eluded to, and it has now become abundantly clear, that by "Arab Spring," Riedel meant, US-backed subversion, and more specifically NATO-armed Al Qaeda-brand militancy and terrorism.
With the US now openly arming, supporting, and literally "cheering" Al Qaeda in Syria, it is clear that the "War on Terror" is an unprecedented geopolitical fraud perpetuated at the cost of millions of lives destroyed and an incalculable social and economic toll. NATO, with full knowledge of the consequences is literally carving out of North Africa and the Middle East, the so-called "Caliphate" Western leaders had held over their impressionable people's heads as the impetus to perpetually wage global war. Torn from the pages of Orwell's 1984, an artificial war has been created to carry forward corporate-financier machinations both abroad and domestically. The so-called threat to Western civilization is in fact a foreign legion of Western corporate-financier interests, executing Wall Street and London's foreign policy on a global scale where and in a manner traditional Western forces cannot.
NATO's terrorist blitzkrieg across the Arab World will not end in Syria. It will continue, if allowed, into Iran, through the Caucasus Mountains and into Russia, across China's western borders, and even across Southeast Asia. The price for ignorance, apathy, and complicity in supporting the West's so-called "War on Terror" will ironically reap all the horrors and then some in reality, that were promised to us if we didn't fight this "Long War."
Our support of both the political gambits of our politicians, as well as our daily patronage of the corporate-financier interests driving this agenda have already reaped an unprecedented and still growing regional safe haven for terrorists - and as moderate secular governments continue to be undermined and toppled, we can only imagine the blowback, retaliation, and other consequences as this destructive foreign policy unfolds. To imagine that such meddling will not end up being visited back upon us, even if in the form of a false flag attack dwarfing 9/11, would be folly.
Already, we are suffering economic devastation and an increasingly stifling security apparatus at home, and as long as we capitulate to this current agenda instead of asserting a more rational one of our own, it will only get worse.
NATO's Pan-Arab Terrorist Blitzkrieg.
by Tony Cartalucci
August 29, 2012 - Western policy makers admit that NATO's operations in Libya have played the primary role in emboldening Al Qaeda's AQIM faction (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb). The Fortune 500-funded Brookings Institution's Bruce Riedel in his article, "The New Al Qaeda Menace," admits that AQIM is now heavily armed thanks to NATO's intervention in Libya, and that AQIM's base in Mali, North Africa, serves as a staging ground for terrorist activities across the region.
by Tony Cartalucci
August 29, 2012 - Western policy makers admit that NATO's operations in Libya have played the primary role in emboldening Al Qaeda's AQIM faction (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb). The Fortune 500-funded Brookings Institution's Bruce Riedel in his article, "The New Al Qaeda Menace," admits that AQIM is now heavily armed thanks to NATO's intervention in Libya, and that AQIM's base in Mali, North Africa, serves as a staging ground for terrorist activities across the region.
Image: NATO's intervention in Libya has resurrected listed-terrorist organization and Al Qaeda affiliate, LIFG. It had previously fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now has fighters, cash and weapons, all courtesy of NATO, spreading as far west as Mali, and as far east as Syria. The feared "global Caliphate" Neo-Cons have been scaring Western children with for a decade is now taking shape via US-Saudi, Israeli, and Qatari machinations, not "Islam." In fact, real Muslims have paid the highest price in fighting this real "war against Western-funded terrorism."
AQIM, like their Libyan counterparts, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) are both listed by the US State Department as "Foreign Terrorist Organizations." Likewise, both the UK Home Office (.pdf, listed as GSPC) and the UN recognize both organizations as terrorists.
Despite this, military intervention in Libya was pursued by the West and condoned by the UN with full knowledge that the militants leading so-called "pro-democracy uprisings" were in fact merely the continuation of decades of violent terrorism carried out by Al Qaeda affiliates. The West had full knowledge of this, primarily because it was Western intelligence agencies arming and supporting these militants for the last 30 years, in Libya's case, while coddling their leaders in Washington and London.
Additionally, the US Army itself meticulously documented foreign terrorists fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, noting that the highest percentage per capita emanated from Libya's cities of Benghazi and Darnah, the so-called "cradle" of 2011's "pro-democracy uprisings" in Libya.
CTC at West Point's "Al-Qa'ida's Foreign Fighters in Iraq." (.pdf)
What unfolded was a premeditated lie - where placard waving "activists" overnight turned into battle-hardened heavily armed, tank driving, jet flying militants waging a nationwide battle against Libyan leader, Muammar Qaddafi. In reality, it was the fruition of 30 years of covert support the West has poured into militant groups across the region - support that would not end with the fall of Qaddafi.
Image: Libyan terrorist manning a tank during NATO's 2011 overthrow of the Libyan government. The media expects the public to believe placard waving peaceful demonstrators had somehow, in just days, transitioned into tank driving, jet flying rebel forces - just like in Hollywood.
LIFG terrorists promptly turned both east to Syria and west to Mali beyond their borders - a logistical matter they had perfected during their operations in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past decade. LIFG commander Abdul Hakim Belhaj, as early as November 2011, arrived on the Turkish-Syrian border to provide cash, weapons, and LIFG terrorist fighters, overseen by Western intelligence along with US funding and arms laundered through Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) members such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Since then Libyan militants have been confirmed to be leading entire brigades of foreign fighters inside Syria.
And as Bruce Riedel of Brookings concedes, these weapons went west to Mali as well. Algeria had feared just such a scenario unfolding with NATO's intervention in Libya - a fear now fully realized. Ironically, Riedel, in August 2011, had tried to make a case for Algeria being "next to fall" in an article titled literally, "Algeria Will Be Next to Fall."
A year ago, Riedel attempted to argue that it would be the so-called "Arab Spring" that would spread into Algeria after having taken root in neighboring Libya. He had eluded to, and it has now become abundantly clear, that by "Arab Spring," Riedel meant, US-backed subversion, and more specifically NATO-armed Al Qaeda-brand militancy and terrorism.
With the US now openly arming, supporting, and literally "cheering" Al Qaeda in Syria, it is clear that the "War on Terror" is an unprecedented geopolitical fraud perpetuated at the cost of millions of lives destroyed and an incalculable social and economic toll. NATO, with full knowledge of the consequences is literally carving out of North Africa and the Middle East, the so-called "Caliphate" Western leaders had held over their impressionable people's heads as the impetus to perpetually wage global war. Torn from the pages of Orwell's 1984, an artificial war has been created to carry forward corporate-financier machinations both abroad and domestically. The so-called threat to Western civilization is in fact a foreign legion of Western corporate-financier interests, executing Wall Street and London's foreign policy on a global scale where and in a manner traditional Western forces cannot.
NATO's terrorist blitzkrieg across the Arab World will not end in Syria. It will continue, if allowed, into Iran, through the Caucasus Mountains and into Russia, across China's western borders, and even across Southeast Asia. The price for ignorance, apathy, and complicity in supporting the West's so-called "War on Terror" will ironically reap all the horrors and then some in reality, that were promised to us if we didn't fight this "Long War."
Our support of both the political gambits of our politicians, as well as our daily patronage of the corporate-financier interests driving this agenda have already reaped an unprecedented and still growing regional safe haven for terrorists - and as moderate secular governments continue to be undermined and toppled, we can only imagine the blowback, retaliation, and other consequences as this destructive foreign policy unfolds. To imagine that such meddling will not end up being visited back upon us, even if in the form of a false flag attack dwarfing 9/11, would be folly.
Already, we are suffering economic devastation and an increasingly stifling security apparatus at home, and as long as we capitulate to this current agenda instead of asserting a more rational one of our own, it will only get worse.
L’Initiative de la Mosquée Al Aqsaa pour la réconciliation en Syrie – Salah-Eddine Ben Ibrahim Abu Arafat

Conférence animée par le Sheykh Salahudine Ben Ibrahim Abu Arafat de Jérusalem ce jeudi 30 août avec des frères de Jérusalem intitulée :
L’initiative de la Mosquée El Aqsaa pour la réconciliation en Syrie et l’appel à tous les musulmans de bien pour arrêter l’effusion de sang.
L’imam Salahudine Ben Ibrahim a – entre autre – déclaré :
“Nous disons aux gens de Syrie qui sont sortis manifester pour le progrès ou le changement, nous disons aux gens censés d’entre eux, le Prophète paix sur Lui a dit : Allah a décrété la bienfaisance pour toute chose. Celui qui doit détruire une maison doit le faire avec excellence, alors imaginez donc celui qui veut le construire ?
Les bonnes choses ne se font que par de bonnes actions, et on ne peut améliorer les choses en détruisant et il n’y pas d’autre attitude (salvatrice) que de se plier à la volonté d’Allah et de renoncer aux pêchers”
Et il a aussi envoyé un message au président syrien Bachar El Assad en disant :
“Nous disons au gouverneur de Syrie, c’est ton propre peuple, tes sujets, leurs enfants sont tes enfants, leurs aînés sont tes aînés et tes semblables, alors sois avenant avec eux et sache qu’Allah est au-dessus de toi comme tu l’es avec eux”
Une bonne partie du message fut aussi adressé aux gens de science (savants) qui ont autorisé l’effusion de sang, en disant :
“Il faut que ceux qui ont incendié la Syrie sachent que les savants sont les héritiers des prophètes et ils n’ont pas à commercer dans les tombes et l’effusion de sang, et qu’ils ne se hâtent pas vers le meurtre mais plutôt ils doivent chercher la réconciliation.
Ces évènements ont commencé en Tunisie comme les vagues de la mer qui se succèdent. Et nous connaissons un groupe de gens à leur tête Al Qaradawi qui se’étaient envolés vers l’Afghanistan afin d’éviter que la statue ne soit pas détruite (ndlr, statue bouddhiste de Bâmiyân, 2001), demandez-leur pourquoi ne s’envolent-ils pas vers la Syrie en se hâtant à vouloir arrêter le courroux des musulmans (entre eux) et leur disant la parole d’Allah : “Craignez Allah”* ?”
Noble Coran 8:01
“Ils t’interrogent au sujet du butin. Dis : “Le butin est à Allah et à Son messager.” Craignez Allah, maintenez la concorde entre vous et obéissez à Allah et à Son messager, si vous êtes croyants.”
Source en arabe
Conférence animée par le Sheykh Salahudine Ben Ibrahim Abu Arafat de Jérusalem ce jeudi 30 août avec des frères de Jérusalem intitulée :
L’initiative de la Mosquée El Aqsaa pour la réconciliation en Syrie et l’appel à tous les musulmans de bien pour arrêter l’effusion de sang.
L’imam Salahudine Ben Ibrahim a – entre autre – déclaré :
“Nous disons aux gens de Syrie qui sont sortis manifester pour le progrès ou le changement, nous disons aux gens censés d’entre eux, le Prophète paix sur Lui a dit : Allah a décrété la bienfaisance pour toute chose. Celui qui doit détruire une maison doit le faire avec excellence, alors imaginez donc celui qui veut le construire ?Et il a aussi envoyé un message au président syrien Bachar El Assad en disant :
Les bonnes choses ne se font que par de bonnes actions, et on ne peut améliorer les choses en détruisant et il n’y pas d’autre attitude (salvatrice) que de se plier à la volonté d’Allah et de renoncer aux pêchers”
“Nous disons au gouverneur de Syrie, c’est ton propre peuple, tes sujets, leurs enfants sont tes enfants, leurs aînés sont tes aînés et tes semblables, alors sois avenant avec eux et sache qu’Allah est au-dessus de toi comme tu l’es avec eux”Une bonne partie du message fut aussi adressé aux gens de science (savants) qui ont autorisé l’effusion de sang, en disant :
“Il faut que ceux qui ont incendié la Syrie sachent que les savants sont les héritiers des prophètes et ils n’ont pas à commercer dans les tombes et l’effusion de sang, et qu’ils ne se hâtent pas vers le meurtre mais plutôt ils doivent chercher la réconciliation.Noble Coran 8:01
Ces évènements ont commencé en Tunisie comme les vagues de la mer qui se succèdent. Et nous connaissons un groupe de gens à leur tête Al Qaradawi qui se’étaient envolés vers l’Afghanistan afin d’éviter que la statue ne soit pas détruite (ndlr, statue bouddhiste de Bâmiyân, 2001), demandez-leur pourquoi ne s’envolent-ils pas vers la Syrie en se hâtant à vouloir arrêter le courroux des musulmans (entre eux) et leur disant la parole d’Allah : “Craignez Allah”* ?”
“Ils t’interrogent au sujet du butin. Dis : “Le butin est à Allah et à Son messager.” Craignez Allah, maintenez la concorde entre vous et obéissez à Allah et à Son messager, si vous êtes croyants.”
Source en arabe
La strategie israelienne de guerre civile sunnis-shias Iran-pays du golf et la mise en place de nouveaux pantins se reclamant de l'Islaam politique par BHL, Fabius, Netanyahu, Hollande et Sarkozy en Libye et Syrie afin qu'Israel puisse crier au loup et envahir l'Egypte et tous les pays du Golf.
The Yinon Thesis Vindicated: Neocons, Israel, and the Fragmentation of Syria
Israel does not want Assad to be removed or any fake puppets of the CNS, NATO-qatar-saud backed mercenaries-contras to replace him. Israel is playing a long internal civil war making sure that the majority of the Sunnis never get access to kind of military organisation capable of resisting any ground invasion from Tel Aviv, destroying the AGP and Iranian pipelines. The majority of the Syrian people, Sunnis do not believe in the Saudis nor the Qatar, seen as Zionist puppets, nor they believe Russia will help them. Syrians understood clearly these facts as Iraq invasion remains in their minds. Israel will face a military defeat when Netanyahu and Barak will try to grab South of Lebanon and Damascus.
By Stephen J. Sniegoski,
It is widely realized now that the fall of President Bashar Assad’s regime would leave Syria riven by bitter ethnic, religious, and ideological conflict that could splinter the country into smaller enclaves. Already there has been a demographic shift in this direction, as both Sunnis and Alawites flee the most dangerous parts of the county, seeking refuge within their own particular communities. Furthermore, it is widely believed in Syria that, as the entire country becomes too difficult to secure, the Assad regime will retreat to an Alawaite redoubt in the northern coastal region as a fallback position. link
By Stephen J. Sniegoski,
It is widely realized now that the fall of President Bashar Assad’s regime would leave Syria riven by bitter ethnic, religious, and ideological conflict that could splinter the country into smaller enclaves. Already there has been a demographic shift in this direction, as both Sunnis and Alawites flee the most dangerous parts of the county, seeking refuge within their own particular communities. Furthermore, it is widely believed in Syria that, as the entire country becomes too difficult to secure, the Assad regime will retreat to an Alawaite redoubt in the northern coastal region as a fallback position. link
Syrian Kurds, about ten percent of the country’s population, are also interested in gaining autonomy or joining with a larger Kurdistan. The Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party (PYD)—linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has engaged in a separatist insurgency in Turkey’s Kurdish southeast region for nearly three decades—has gained control of key areas in northeast Syria. While Turkey has supported the Syrian opposition, it is terrified of a Kurdish autonomous zone in Syria, believing that it could provide a safe haven for staging attacks into Turkey. Moreover, Kurdish autonomy would encourage separatist sentiment within the Turkish Kurdish minority. Turkey has threatened to invade the border areas of Syria to counter such a development and Turkish armed forces with armor have been sent to Turkey’s border with the Syrian Kurdish region. A Turkish invasion would add further complexities to the fracturing of Syria.
What has not been readily discussed in reference to this break-up of Syria is that the Israeli and global Zionist Right has long sought the fragmentation of Israel’s enemies so as to weaken them and thus enhance Israel’s primacy in the Middle East. While elements of this geostrategic view can be traced back to even before the creation of the modern state of Israel, the concept of destabilizing and fragmenting enemies seems to have been first articulated as an overall Israeli strategy by Oded Yinon in his 1982 piece, “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties.” Yinon had been attached to the Israeli Foreign Ministry and his article undoubtedly reflected high-level thinking in the Israeli military and intelligence establishment in the years of Likudnik Menachem Begin’s leadership. Israel Shahak’s translation of Yinon’s article was titled “The Zionist Plan for the Middle East.”
In this article, Yinon called for Israel to use military means to bring about the dissolution of Israel’s neighboring states and their fragmentation into a mosaic of homogenous ethnic and sectarian groupings. Yinon believed that it would not be difficult to achieve this result because nearly all the Arab states were afflicted with internal ethnic and religious divisions, and held together only by force. In essence, the end result would be a Middle East of powerless mini-statelets unable to confront Israeli power. Lebanon, then facing divisive chaos, was Yinon’s model for the entire Middle East. Yinon wrote: “Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target.” link
Eminent Middle East historian, Bernard Lewis, who is a Zionist of a rightist hue and one of the foremost intellectual gurus for the neoconservatives, echoed Yinon with an article in the September 1992 issue of “Foreign Affairs” titled “Rethinking the Middle East.” In it, he wrote of a development he called “Lebanonization,” stating “[A] possibility, which could even be precipitated by [Islamic] fundamentalism, is what has of late been fashionable to call ‘Lebanonization.’ Most of the states of the Middle East—Egypt is an obvious exception—are of recent and artificial construction and are vulnerable to such a process. If the central power is sufficiently weakened, there is no real civil society to hold the polity together, no real sense of common identity. . . . The state then disintegrates—as happened in Lebanon—into a chaos of squabbling, feuding, fighting sects, tribes, regions, and parties.” Since Lewis— credited with coining the phrase “clash of civilizations”—has been a major advocate of a belligerent stance for the West against the Islamic states, it would appear that he realized that such fragmentation would be the result of his belligerent policy.
In 1996, the neoconservatives presented to incoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu their study “A Clean Break” (produced under the auspices of an Israeli think tank, the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies), which described how Israel could enhance its regional security by toppling enemy regimes. Although this work did not explicitly focus on the fragmentation of states, such was implied in regard to Syria when it stated that “Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq — an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right — as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions.” It added that “Damascus fears that the ‘natural axis’ with Israel on one side, central Iraq and Turkey on the other, and Jordan, in the center would squeeze and detach Syria from the Saudi Peninsula. For Syria, this could be the prelude to a redrawing of the map of the Middle East which would threaten Syria’s territorial integrity.”
David Wurmser authored a much longer follow-up document to “A Clean Break” for the same Israeli think tank, entitled “Coping with Crumbling States: A Western and Israeli Balance of Power Strategy for the Levant.” In this work, Wurmser emphasized the fragile nature of the Middle Eastern Baathist dictatorships in Iraq and Syria in line with Lewis’s thesis, and how the West and Israel should act in such an environment.
In contrast to some of the Western democracies as well as Arab states, Israel did not publicly call for Assad’s removal until a few months ago. This, however, does not mean that the Netanyahu government did not support this outcome. This tardiness has a number of likely reasons, one of which being the fear that an Islamist government would replace Assad that would be even more hostile to Israel and more prone than he to launch reckless attacks. Moreover, instability in a country on Israel’s border is of tremendous concern to its security establishment. It is feared that in such a chaotic condition, Assad’s massive chemical weapons arsenal and advanced surface-to-air missile systems could end up in the hands of terrorist groups like the Lebanese Hezbollah, which would not be hesitant to use them against Israel. link
Unlike the armchair destabilization strategists and the neocons, the actual Israeli leaders, including hardline Likudniks such as Prime Minister Netanyahu, have to be concerned about facing the immediate negative political consequences of their decisions even if they believe that the long-term benefits would accrue to the country. This invariably leads to the exercise of caution in regard to dramatic change. Thus, the concern about the immediate security risks cited above likely had a significant effect on their decision-making.
Furthermore, it could have been counterproductive for Israel to express support for the Syrian opposition in its early stages. For Assad has repeatedly maintained that the opposition is orchestrated by foreign powers, using this argument to justify his brutal crackdown. Since Israel is hated by virtually all elements in the Middle East, its open support of the opposition could have turned many Syrians, and much of the overall Arab world, against the uprising. While Israel did not openly support the armed resistance, there have been claims from reliable sources that Israeli intelligence has been providing some degree of covert support along with other Western intelligence agencies, including that of the United States.
Since May of this year, however, the Israeli government has become open in its support for the overthrow of the Assad regime. In June, Netanyahu condemned the ongoing massacre of Syrian civilians by Assad, blaming the violence on an “Axis of Evil,” consisting of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah. “Iran and Hezbollah are an inseparable part of the Syrian atrocities and the world needs to act against them,” he proclaimed. This inclusion of Iran and Hezbollah illustrates Israel’s goal of using the Syrian humanitarian issue to advance its own national interest.
If the Assad regime were to fall, Israel would certainly be more secure with a splintered congeries of small statelets than a unified Syria under an anti-Israel Islamist regime. Consequently, staunch neoconservative Harold Rhode presents the fragmentation scenario in a positive light in his article, “Will Syria Remain a Unified State?” (July 10, 2012). In contrast to what has been the conventional Western narrative of the uprising against the Assad regime, which presents a heroic Sunni resistance being brutally terrorized by government forces and pro-government Alawite militias, Rhode writes with sympathy for the pro-government non-Sunni Syrian minorities: “In short, what stands behind most of the violence in Syria is the rise of Arab Sunni fundamentalism in its various forms – whether Salafi, Wahhabi, or Muslim Brotherhood. All of those threaten the very existence of the Alawites, the Kurds, and other members of the non-Sunni ethnic and religious groups.
“It is therefore much easier to understand why the ruling Alawites feel they are fighting a life and death battle with the Sunnis, and why they believe they must spare no effort to survive. It also explains why most of Syria’s other minorities – such as the Druze, Ismailis, and Christians – still largely support the Assad regime.”
For a short aside, the neoconservative background of Harold Rhode is of considerable relevance, providing further evidence for the much denied neocon support for the fragmentation of Israel’s enemies. (The mainstream view is that the neocons are naïve idealists whose plans to transform dictatorships into model democracies invariably go awry.) Rhode, a longtime Pentagon official who was a specialist on the Middle East, was closely associated with neocon stalwarts Michael Ledeen, Paul Wolfowitz, and Richard Perle. He was also a protégé of Bernhard Lewis, with Lewis dedicating his 2003 book, “The Crisis of Islam,” to him. Rhode served as a Middle East specialist for Douglas Feith, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy during the administration of George W. Bush, where he was closely involved with the Office of Special Plans, which provided spurious propaganda to promote support for the war on Iraq. Rhode was a participant in the Larry Franklin affair, which involved dealings with Israeli agents, though Rhode was not charged with any crime. Alan Weisman, the author of the biography of Richard Perle, refers to Rhode as an “ardent Zionist” (“Prince of Darkness: Richard Perle,” p.146), more pro-Israel than Perle, which takes some doing since the latter has been accused of handing classified material to the Israelis. Rhode is currently a fellow with the ultra-Zionist Gatestone Institute, for which he wrote the above article.
Obviously the very removal of the Assad regime would be a blow against Israel’s major enemy, Iran, since Syria is Iran’s major ally. Significantly, Assad’s Syria has provided a conduit for arms and assistance from Iran to Hezbollah and, to a lesser extent, Hamas, to use against Israel. If Israel and Iran had gone to war, these arms would have posed a significant threat to the Israeli populace. Moreover, a defanged Hezbollah would not be able to oppose Israeli military incursions into south Lebanon or even Syria.
A fragmented Syria removes the possible negative ramifications of Assad’s removal since it would mean that even if the Islamists should replace Assad in Damascus they would only have a rump Syrian state to control, leaving them too weak to do much damage to Israel and forcing them to focus their attention on the hostile statelets bordering them. Moreover, Israel is purportedly contemplating military action to prevent Assad’s chemical weapons from falling into the hands of anti-Israel terrorists. With such a divided country there is no powerful army capable of standing up to an Israeli military incursion.
The benefits accruing to Israel from the downfall of the Assad regime and the concomitant sectarian fragmentation and conflict in Syria go beyond the Levant to include the entire Middle East region. For sectarian violence in Syria is likely to cause an intensification of the warfare between Sunnis and Shiites throughout the entire Middle East region. Iran might retaliate against Saudi Arabia’s and Qatar’s support for the Syrian opposition by fanning the flames of Shiite Muslim revolution in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia’s oil-rich and majority Shiite Eastern Province. Both areas have witnessed intermittent periods of violent protest and brutal government suppression since the Arab Spring of 2011. And Iraq remains a tinderbox ready to explode into ethno-sectarian war among the Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds, with violence already on an uptick since the formal departure of American troops in December 2011.
In assessing the current regional situation, American-born Barry Rubin, professor at the Interdisciplinary Center (Herzliya, Israel) and director of its Global Research in International Affairs Center, writes in the Jerusalem Post (“The Region: Israel is in good shape,” July 15, 2012) : “The more I think about Israel’s security situation at this moment, the better it looks.” He goes on to state: “By reentering a period of instability and continuing conflict within each country, the Arabic-speaking world is committing a self-induced setback. Internal battles will disrupt Arab armies and economies, reducing their ability to fight against Israel. Indeed, nothing could be more likely to handicap development than Islamist policies.” link
It should be noted that the “period of instability and continuing conflict” in the Middle East region has been the result of regime change and is in line with the thinking of Oded Yinon who, along with the other aforementioned geostrategic thinkers, pointed out that the major countries of the Middle East were inherently fissiparous and only held together by authoritarian regimes.
America’s removal of Saddam in a war spearheaded by the pro-Israel neoconservatives served to intensify Sunni-Shiite regional hostility and, in a sense, got the destabilization ball rolling. Iran is targeted now, and Israel and its neocon supporters seek to make use of dissatisfied internal elements, political and ethnic—the radical MEK, democratic secularists, monarchists, Kurds, Arabs, Baluchis, and Azeris— to bring down the Islamic regime. And while Saudi Arabia is currently serving Israeli interests by opposing Iran, should the Islamic Republic of Iran fall, Israel and their supporters would likely turn to Saudi Arabia’s dismemberment, seeking the severance of the predominantly Shiite, oil-rich Eastern Province, with some neocons already having made such a suggestion—e.g., Max Singer, Richard Perle, and David Frum (schemes which have been put on ice while Israel and its supporters have focused on Iran). If everything went according to plan, the end result would be a Middle East composed of disunited states, or mini-states, involved in intractable, internecine conflict, which would make it impossible for them to confront Israeli power and to provide any challenge to Israel’s control of Palestine. The essence of Yinon’s geostrategic vision of Israeli preeminence would be achieved.
Stephen Sniegoski
OPERATION MERAH : Sarkozy, Mangoux et Netanyahu auraient liquide le vice-consul algerien de Gao. La DGSE pousse la guerre dans les rues de France
Corbin de Mangoux controlant le MUJAO, groupe cree a l'origine et finance par le DRS du juif sioniste algerien Mohamed Mediene, dit Tewfik, a l'origine du demantelement de l'Algerie, mais repris par les services francais a travers les services qataris et emiratis, libyens tout comme le GIA-AQMI, affirme avoir liquide le vice-consul algerien de Gao.
MISE A JOUR (Lundi 3 Septembre 2012, 10H50 GMT): Les pedo-pornophiles racistes, mythomanes et incompetents de la guestapo du CRIF a Levallois-Perret repondent a mon post dans le journal le Monde, tenu par la racaille sioniste Israelewicz, qui a pris 2 millions d'euros pour plebisciter les juifs sionistes d'Algerie il y a quelques semaines, voir ici. La quenelle passe mal apparement. Allez un peu de courage racailles juifistes, faites nous de beaux attentats avec des milliers de morts, qu'on en finisse avec vous. (AS)
C'est le site algerien TSA qui l'affirme, voir ici, mais nos sources Touaregs ne confirment rien pour le moment. Il y a plus de 72 heures, j'ai recu une information venant de sources tres fiables au Maroc ou Sarkozy, en total panique, cherchait la protection de l'etat francais, 10 gardes du corps ca lui suffit pas! Car selon lui, selon la DGSE, un commando 'd'islamistes algeriens' se serait infiltre, la bas pour le liquider. Alors que la veritable raison, etait que les juges francais veulent l'entendre, voir l'arreter, au sujet des affaires de corruptions et de terrorisme en France. 48 heures plus tard, Corbin de Mangoux et Patrick Clavar ordonnaient au MUJAO et a AQMI, qu'ils controlent a 100 %, de rompre les negociations a la derniere minute, pour la liberation des ' 4 derniers otages algeriens' du consulat de Gao, dans le nord du Mali.
Sarkozy a demande la protection immediate de la France et il tenterait de fuir vers le Gabon, car les juges francais ne s'accommodent pas de l'immunite marocaine donnee a Sarkozy en temps que 'conseiller special' du roitelet juifiste de la famille Glaoui de Marrakech. Une famille juive sioniste de tyrants qui regne et terrorise le Maroc avec l'aide des services francais et israeliens.
Pour rappel, lors des dernieres elections presidentielles, Sarkozy, Squarcini, Mangoux, Gueant, Guaino, Bajolet, Molins, Hauteclocques et Boillon, avec les reseaux du CRIF et de la maison mossad-pasqua (Gladio-OTAN) ont organise les meurtres de militaires a Toulouse, Montauban et d'une famille d'orthodoxes juifs et d'une mere algerienne dans l'Essone pour permettre a Sarkozy d'etre re-elu et declencher une guerre civile contre les Musulmans, ceci afin de positionner la France aux cotes d'Israel lors de l'attaque sur l'Iran dont l'invasion du Liban et du Sud de la Syrie n'est que la premiere phase.
Nous etions les seuls sur ce blog et sur le net a annoncer une attaque israelienne sur la Syrie, le Liban puis l'Iran pour Fevrier-Mars 2012. Or Martin Hindyk, conseiller a l'administration Obama, a clairement reproche a Netanyahu et Barak de ne pas avoir lance l'attaque en Mars 2012, voir ici. Le general Dempsey ayant meme retire les troupes US en annoncant ne pas vouloir 'etre complice' de la follie des guerres messianiques israeliennes, lire ici. Sarkozy pensait reellement que l'attaque aurait lieu. La DCRI avait prepare, depuis le mois de Septembre 2011, avec une partie du DRS algerien, un attentat massif contre une ambassade americaine a Tunis, ou a Paris, et ce n'etait pas celle de l'Inde qui etait visee. Les juges peuvent le verifier aupres de l'ambassade US a Paris, nous avons intercepte leurs communications et celles de Squarcini.
La encore, nous etions les seuls sur tout le net a avoir annonce cela. Squarcini et Hautecloques, deux mafieux de la maison mossad-pasqua, ont fait assassine Mohamed Merah en l'accusant de tous les maux. Pendant que Sarkozy echoua a raquetter les generaux DAF d'Alger, car Gaddafi avait saisi 150 millions d'euros, sur les 300 millions des retro-commissions blanchies descontrats SAWARI2, Myksa, Agosta, par l'emir du Qatar. Ayant echoue a raqueter les generaux DAF franco-algero-israeliens pour financer sa campagne 2012 apres l'arrestation du Dr Mourad Dhina, ce qui fut un fiasco total pour la justice corrompue francaise et les services francais qui ont du battre en retraite immediatement. Defaite magistrale, avec la liberation de Adlene Hicheur qui finit d'humilier les juifs sionistes francais et Squarcini mis sous pression par nos soins. En attendant l'enquete sur les bombes nucleaires sales de Breivik et ses liens avec des agents de la DCRI en France. La guestapo du CRIF a Levallois-Perret n'a pas fini de boire le calice jusqu'a la lie. De Breivik nous allons aide les juges a remonte au prochain 11 septembre nucleaire, qui doit servir a Israel pour envahir l'Iran et detruire les pays du Golf dans une guerre sunnis-shias.
Sarkozy etait lui meme pris a son propre jeu, voyant qu'Israel ne lancait pas d'attaque, il tenta de sauver sa tete a la va-vite et il commit des erreures qui le perdirent. La DGSE envoya une femme anglo-pakistanaise a mon domicile pour menacer ma femme si je n'arretais pas immediatement de publier sur le deroulement des operations et les possibles frappes sur Londres, avec toute sorte de menaces.
Netanyahu ayant annule l'operation. Il serait interessant de voir pourquoi Israel n'a pas attaque comme prevu.... et la nous aurions beaucoup a dire, mais tout ce que je peux ecrire, c'est que nous tenons les services francais et l'etat francais de bas en haut et qu'ils sont responsables! Bande de racistes, mythomanes, incompetents! Mais Netanyahu perdra les elections de Septembre 2012 si il ne tente pas d'envahir le sud Liban ou au minimum faire croire au monde qu'il a fait tomber Al Assad en Syrie, donc attendez-vous a des attaques plus severes sur la Syrie dans les 24-48 heures. Nous ne pensons pas que Al Assad resiste reellement au sionisme, il fait leur jeu notamment avec la creation du grand kurdistan, comme Tarek Azziz, Tewfik et Gaddafi qui ont offert leurs pays a l'ennemi, laissant les peuples se faire massacrer, empechant que les Musulmans ne puissent se defendre, pillant leurs richesses. Le jeu irano-likud prendra fin avec l'invasion de l'Iran en 2014 voir 2015. Mais seul Allah swt sait. Shimon Peres et Kadima, si la criminelle de guerre Tzivi Lipni gagne les elections dans 2 semaines, proposeront avec la Turquie un 'plan de paix' pour consolider la domination sioniste sur tous les pays Arabes en pleine guerre civile. Le Hamas parle d'une demande sioniste de 10 ans de treves sans hostilites et Peres a signe la dessus, mais personne ne croit plus les israeliens qui seront contenus avant que le temple de leur machiah-Dajjal ne soit construit en 2020. Ce nouveau faux plan de paix ne peut se faire que si Al Assad s'en va, et le ministre des affaires etrangeres qatari affirme, en prive, que Al Assad a accepte les milliards du Qatar pour partir, certains disent 6.5 milliards. Des tunisiens affirment la meme chose depuis la fin du mois de Juin. Info ou Intox, nous verrons bien!
Pris a son propre piege et humilie par des 'Franco-Algeriens'. Tu peux pas savoir comme on a jouit de te voir en faillite l'israelien, on attendait juste une bombe de plus dans un metro ou un bus apres l'operation Merah ou la frappe sur les americains, pour vous massacrer, mais tu le sais ca l'israelien. La DGSE precipita l'invasion du Mali pour faire diversion, sans en avertir Washington, qui furieux, utiliserent les reseaux de la CIA en France pour abattre Sarkozy, la marionnette ayant perdue les pedales, et mettre Hollande. Sinon, Sarkozy passait avec 'l'operation Merah' et le coup d'etat au Mali avec le soutien de toute la classe politique.
Apres la Libye, Sarkozy tentait donc de menacer les harkis d'Alger, de demembrer l'Algerie, si ils n'enterraient pas Mohamed Merah, un innocent, rahima Allah, en Algerie et si ils ne l'aidaient pas a rester au pouvoir en l'aidant financierement. Je ne parle meme pas des malettes ayant finance Montebourg, Ayrault ou Hollande... On s'en servira le moment venu insha Allah.
Comprenant que les americains et les europeens avaient deja acte le remplacement de Mohamed Mediene, en creant de nouveaux faux groupes islamiques pour renverser les groupes tenus par Tewfik, et en prenant le controle total du MUJAO et de AQMI, par l'entremise des qataris et des emiratis, en destabilisant le nord du Mali, Sarkozy croyait avoir reussi a limiter la casse. Mais, les services francais avaient le plus de mal au monde a contenir la revolte des Musulmans en France et du peuple francais, ayant compris le but politique de l'assassinat de Mohamed Merah. Tewfik avait lui aussi compris qu'il etait devenu obsolete pour les interets franco-israeliens et americains. Il demanda avec Ouyahia l'invasion du Mali par l'Algerie et Tewfik s'empara de l'affaire Merah en menacant aussitot de reveler la verite sur 'l'affaire Merah', croyant manipuler les 'Franco-Algeriens' de France. Alors qu'il mene une guerre d'extermination du peuple Algerien au nom des interets israeliens dans la region depuis que la DST et l'agent franco-israelien Larbi Belkheir l'ont installe a la tete du DRS.
Quelques heures apres, la DGSE faisait enlever 7 'diplomates algeriens' dans le consulat de Gao, dans le Nord Mali. Ce jour, il est clair et evident que l'etat francais cherche la guerre et le demembrement de tout le Maghreb-Sahel pour mieux le recoloniser car etant en total faillite et l'annexer au l'Euro-Reich ou marche transatlantique sioniste pour 2015. Les 10 millions de Musulmans vivant en France doivent maintenant clairement afficher des reflexes de survie et d'auto-defense, s'acheter armes et munitions, car Netanyahu, Sarkozy, Clavar, Valls et Mangoux veulent les exterminer au nom de la defense des interets franco-israeliens au Maghreb-Sahel et les reduire au silence afin de pouvoir mener une derniere attaque sur l'Iran et prendre le controle absolu de tout le Moyen Orient.
Nous n'avons absolument rien avoir avec les harkis d'Alger, nous sommes agresses par les services franco-anglo-americano-germano-OTAN-israeliens et nous leur avons donne une bonne lecon, n'est ce pas Squarcini, l'ane du mossad en France? Il etait plus que normal que des enfants des peuples Musulmans du Maghreb-Sahel detruisent la maison mossad-pasqua et le CRIF qui a le controle total de l'interieur, la defense, le quai d'Orsay, et la justice. Corbin de Mangoux ne fait que nous renforcer, maintenant voyons si Tewfik liquidera l'ambassadeur francais a Alger ou prendra son telephone pour menacer de faire sauter la DCRI. Ce n'est pas pour rien que depuis 15 jours je parle de guerre en France.
Entretuez-vous chiens de Sion, la victoire pour la Resistance Musulmane Afro-Arabo-Berbero-Maghrebine insha Allah
Que la France-Israel perisse de la pire des manieres!
P.S: Ce sont avec les armes que la DGSE a largue sur la Libye et la DCRI a distribue 'aux clans' qu'elle controle, dont les jeunes marmots a Marseille s'entretuent. Il y a une volonte manifeste de Mangoux et Valls, Clavar de provoquer une guerre dans le sud de la France dans le cadre 'israelien du clash des civilisations', lire ici. Voyez comme les banques israeliennes Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan a Londres et Washington pauperisent les grecs, italiens, espagnols, et portuguais pour mieux s'en servir comme chaire a canon et les envoyer dans les nouvelles croisades messianiques de Tel Aviv, apres le prochain 11 septembre nucleaire en Europe...
Comment la mafia juive sioniste francaise au sein des ministeres de la defense et de l'interieur, innonde le sud de la France avec de l'opium Afghan afin de provoquer une guerre dans les banlieues entre dealers, approvisiones, armes et manipules par la DCRI et ses clans corses
La base militaire francaise a Abu Dhabi, Emirats, ou la DGSE a pris ses nouveaux quartiers, joue un role central dans les trafics de drogue entre l'Afghanistan, l'Inde, Pakistan et le Sud de la France
Il est un secret de polichinelle de savoir que l'OTAN est la structure qui sert de logistique aux americains, israeliens, francais, anglais, allemands pour convoyer l'opium Afghan vers l'Europe et les USA, lire ici.
Les americains utilisent leur base au Kosovo, Camp Bondsteel, pour revendre la drogue aux mafias locales, italiennes, corses, juives d'Europe de l'Est, ceci se fait sur la place de Vienne en Autriche. L'argent est ensuite blanchi a Zurich et innonde les comptes des partis politiques americains, dont le Parti Republicain et les reseaux de John McCain principalement, cote Democrates, les reseaux de Joe Liebermann, l'AIPAC, la maison Bush et la maison Clinton.
Pour ce qui est des francais, la drogue Afghane est convoyee vers la base militaire, ou la DGSE a installe son QG, des Emirats Arabes Unis. L'opium est transportee par avion vers le Tchad, le sud de la Libye, mais egalement au Mali, Niger ou les reseaux de sefarades franco-maghrebins tunisiens, algeriens, marocains, libyens, comme on l'a vu dans l'affaire Neyret, voir ici, et ici font remonter la drogue, qu'ils melangent avec les reseaux de Hashish dans les zones tribales Zwei, Touaregs, Berberes, Bedouins, Arabes, vers le sud de l'Europe.
Ce sont les mafieux sefarades et pieds noirs, installes en Corse, et dans le sud a Marseille, Toulon, Perpignan, Montpellier, Narbonne, Sete, Nice, Lyon, Grenoble, Clermont, Toulouse, Bordeaux et Paris, a l'interieur de l'etat francais (police; DCRI, douanes; PAF, armee; DGSE, justice) qui avec la mafia juive sioniste francaise originaire du Maghreb, tirent les ficelles et les plus gros gains pour leurs reseaux politico-mafieux. Le plus gros clan de dealer etant celui de la maison mossad-Charles Pasqua, la 'french-connexion' voir la video suivante
Ces sionistes ont des connections avec l'armee US et l'OTAN, les cartels colombiens et mexicians, ceux de Miami, et ils sont a la tete d'une puissante pieuvre mafieuse au coeur de Marseille, et l'arriere pays nicois, qui a la main mise sur tout ce qui rentre dans les ports, aeroports, douanes francais, qu'ils soient civils ou militaires. Actuellement, la maison mossad-pasqua est a la peine, Pasqua tente de sauver sa tete sur son fauteuil roulant, pour cela, il menace de guerre la France, si la justice met son nez dans ses reseaux et affaires de retro-commissions, terrorisme, liant son poulain Sarkozy et son maitre Balladur. Guaino est un pur produit Pasqua, c'est son perroquet prefere, et il a une grande gueule ce Guaino, en privee et au telephone, c'est lui qui manage le bloc identitaire a Nice. Estrosi, Mariani, Squarcini, Mangoux, Gueant et Hortefeuj sont aussi des larbins de Pasqua. lire ici.
Pasqua ordonne a Squarcini et Corbin de Mangoux, Sarkozy. C'est le chikour en chef, il pense les operations comme 'l'operation Merah', qui est une pale copie de 'l'operation Kelkal' de 1995, c'est lui qui a monte ca de toutes pieces, son second fils spirituel n'est en fait que la courroie de transmission DRS algerien-israel-Gladio-OTAN. Pasqua, comme une bonne partie du Front National dans le sud, sont du Gladio-OTAN, mais ca on va en reparler abondamment par la suite cette annee insha Allah. Pasqua, Marchiani et Mitterand, donc Hollande de facto, ont monte la guerre civile en Algerie et le coup d'etat de 1992 avec leurs DAF, pour que leurs reseaux politico-mafieux et loges maconniques puissent continuer a vivre du pillage des peuples Afro-Maghrebins.
Voici donc le plan, qui n'est que la repetition des emeutes de Londres l'annee derniere. Lire ici
Le Magheb-Sahel est une region immense et tres riches en ressources minieres et hydrocarbures de toutes sortes, le gaz principalement, mais egalement de l'eau, lire ici. Les reseaux de la France-Israel ont toujours maintenus une presence militaire secrete soit par l'intermediaire des services au Maghreb, qu'elle noyotte, comme le DRS ou le Makhzen, ou bien par les armees Mauritanienne, Nigerienne ou Malienne, tenues par la DGSE et les reseaux mossad-pasqua, lire ici . Ces trois derniers pays sont tous sous la coupe du ministere de la defense francais et de la DGSE, qui y organise coups d'etat sur coups d'etat.
La DGSE, ayant maintenant entrepris avec les forces speciales qataries, qu'elle forme et les emiratis, libyens de s'attaquer au Maghreb dans le cadre de son annexion dans le marche transatlantique, tout comme le Moyen Orient, la Caspienne, dont la date butoire est 2015. Voir ici la strategie de l'OTAN-Israel pour annexer le monde Arabo-Berbero-Musulman, pour cela, il faut gagner la guerre du controle des faux groupes en organisant des fausses prises d'otages permettant a l'armee francaise de re-occuper officiellement le Niger, Mali. Puis, prendre le controle des faux groupes dont le GIA-AQMI, MUJAO et les retourner contre ses createurs algeriens par exemple dont on a plus besoin et qui sont devenus obsoletes, voir l'enlevement des diplomates algeriens de Gao au Mali. L'un des buts des fausses prises d'otage dans cette region, sous couvert de terrorisme, est d'imposer aux americains la presence militaire francaise comme absolument indispensable dans cette ancienne region coloniale francaise, meme sous le chapeau de l'OTAN, pour ne pas perdre definitivement pied. Apparement l'AFRICOM ne voit pas du tout les choses sous le meme angle.
La DGSE, ayant maintenant entrepris avec les forces speciales qataries, qu'elle forme et les emiratis, libyens de s'attaquer au Maghreb dans le cadre de son annexion dans le marche transatlantique, tout comme le Moyen Orient, la Caspienne, dont la date butoire est 2015. Voir ici la strategie de l'OTAN-Israel pour annexer le monde Arabo-Berbero-Musulman, pour cela, il faut gagner la guerre du controle des faux groupes en organisant des fausses prises d'otages permettant a l'armee francaise de re-occuper officiellement le Niger, Mali. Puis, prendre le controle des faux groupes dont le GIA-AQMI, MUJAO et les retourner contre ses createurs algeriens par exemple dont on a plus besoin et qui sont devenus obsoletes, voir l'enlevement des diplomates algeriens de Gao au Mali. L'un des buts des fausses prises d'otage dans cette region, sous couvert de terrorisme, est d'imposer aux americains la presence militaire francaise comme absolument indispensable dans cette ancienne region coloniale francaise, meme sous le chapeau de l'OTAN, pour ne pas perdre definitivement pied. Apparement l'AFRICOM ne voit pas du tout les choses sous le meme angle.
Depuis la crise de 2007-2008 aux Etats -Unis, les experts estiment entre 750 a 1200 milliards de dollars l'argent de la drogue blanchie dans les banques en faillites en Europe et aux USA, lire ici .
Ce fut un cadeau divin pour les occidentaux et un soulagement de pouvoir trouver des fonds pour continuer a faire tourner le systeme bancaire capitaliste en faillite et sous perfusion. Mais tres rapidement les plus grandes agglomerations europeenes et americaines ont vu leur marches locaux totalement inondes de drogue afghane, syntethiques, hash, marijuana de toutes parts et sur tous les marches.
En 2010, un rapport de la police anglaise, a Londres met le feu aux poudres, les nouveaux reseaux de dealers devenus surpuissants pourraient deranger le deroulement des jeux olympiques. La drogue en Angleterre est convoyee par l'OTAN et ses larbins anglais depuis le sud de l'Espagne et le Portugal, principalement. Depuis le Danemark et les Pays-Bas au Nord. La surabondance de drogues en Ireland du Nord notamment et a Londres a vu la mulitplication des reseaux, qui se battaient pour 'leurs territoires', comme en France en region parisienne, et partout en Europe, Berlin, Rome, Barcelone.
Voyant la situation se deteriorer tres rapidement et la baisse des effectifs de securite due a la crise, le gouvernement britannique monta un plan pour reprendre le controle des choses a la mi 2010 et en profita pour passer encore plus de lois liberticides pour renforcer son controle dictatorial sur la societe la plus fliquee de la planete. Fin 2010, 'la rarefaction' de la drogue provoqua une augmentation des prix, moins de clients, moins de business, plus de guerre de dealers et gangs. L'arrogance ou la conspiration de certains milieux de flics, impliques dans les trafics, les poussa a un meurtre du jeune Mark Duggan dans le quartier de Tottenham, a Londres, qui provoqua un debut de guerre civile a Londres et en Angleterre et la mise en application du plan gouvernemental comme par enchantement.
C'est sur ce plan que se base actuellement la mafia juive sioniste francaise au pouvoir et dans l'opposition pour demarrer la guerre en France. Parallelement et tres bizarrement, Valls continue 'd'expulser des Roms', c'est en fait la continuation des plans Sarkozy, qui devaient mettre en branle la machine gouvernementale des camps de concentrations appeles de 'retention' en France, voir ici 'Operation Grenoble' et mes informations la dessus, en se servant des Roms comme excuse primaire, puis de la guerre 'de la drogue', des operations false flag de terrorisme, pour cibler les populations dans les banlieues, comme seconde excuse officielle pour enfin isoler et mettre principalement les populations Afro-Maghrebines Musulmanes, immigrees dans des camps de concentration, voir des cites-concentrationnaires de type Gaza en 2014/15.
Ce plan sioniste est en marche, son but est de vilifier les Musulmans et les populations de banlieues, dans le but de les mettre sous silence, provoquer un clash des civilisations dans le sud de la France, avant la prise finale du Maghreb-Sahel par l'OTAN-Israel et le demantelement des pays d'origines de 90% de l'immigration en France, puis de lancer la derniere attaque sur l'Iran et le Khaleej.
Ce plan sioniste est en marche, son but est de vilifier les Musulmans et les populations de banlieues, dans le but de les mettre sous silence, provoquer un clash des civilisations dans le sud de la France, avant la prise finale du Maghreb-Sahel par l'OTAN-Israel et le demantelement des pays d'origines de 90% de l'immigration en France, puis de lancer la derniere attaque sur l'Iran et le Khaleej.
Demandez a n'importe quel ancien dealer, ils vont diront tous ceci, les fonctionnaires de l'etat francais, les gouvernants locaux ou nationaux profitent tous de cette manne de la drogue, lire ici les temoignages confirmant la corruption de l'administration francaise a tous les niveaux qui recoit des enveloppes des clans mafieux en haut, comme celles de petits revendeurs locaux d'en bas, des salaires pouvant atteindre 10 000 euros en cash a Marseille pour certains flics, prefets et autres racistes mythomanes, incompetents a la DCRI, ou la DGSE. Les liens ouverts entre les services francais et la drogue en Guyane et en Afrique, c'est ici
Les plans sionistes sont tres clairs, la mafia juive sioniste de l'etat francais est la seule responsable...
- scredman313777 said...
- ce qui est marrant c est de voir la façon dont l affaire clearstream, karachi, bettencourt se déroule, le temps que les juges mettent histoire que les preuves s effacent et l attente d une guerre généralisée pour acquitter toute la politique!! ça sent vraiment mauvais, autant sous Sarkozy que sous hollande!! aucune justice, les médias racontent que de la merde, maquillent, travestissent l info, mettent en forme des pseudos règlements de comptes visant a protéger ceux qui les ont monter en l air!! quand a tout les toxicos qui bossent pour l ump et Israël, faut faire bien attention, des vrais caméléons!! ils se font griller, change d attitude, se remettre un masque puis ré attaquent 1 an après tellement leurs mensonges et leur passé risquent de compromettre leur image!! pitoyable l info, le déroulement des événements après le printemps arabe, mais si on regarde bien, tout ce qui se passe en ce moment était prévu depuis le 11 septembre et même depuis le plan Manhattan d avant la guerre mondiale de 39 45.. entre kabbale, mort de masse, génocide précis, cadastre biblique sionisé et maitres du monde, y a juste a suivre le sillon spirituel et tu devines toute la suite de leur plan machiavélique, de vrais nasillards dans leur obscurantisme et ce dans tout les gouvernements d Europe et leurs valets! il est évident que ça va péter sous peu avec des motifs encore bien spéciaux!! la guerre civile est toute proche, 1 er missile sur la Syrie de la part de l alliance et l Europe entre en guerre civile en même temps que la guerre mondiale va se déclencher pays par pays! quand la haine se propage, tout le monde devient sauvage!
- 9:40 PM
- corsu said...
- pierre yves veyrat ! le front national est le seul parti antisioniste ,les lepen sont amis avec l'iran et la palestine voir sur internet :1 les antisionistes doivent voter marine lepen 2 marine lepen ,antisemite ? (elle est juste antisioniste pas antisemite) 3 marine lepen ,le discours fondateur contre l'oligarchie ,la banque et la finance 4 lepen soutien la palestine et l'iran ! voir aussi l'association des lepen :sos enfant d'irak ,les lepen aident financierement les enfants d'irak et de palestine avec souvent l'argent du front national !
- 11:57 PM
Israel is using the French Zionist Jewry Mafia to organise a coup d'etat in Syria like France did with the fake Islamic groups, named GIA, now AQIM in North Africa. France already collapsed, and is on the verge of a total war between Zionists and Muslims, a war manufactured by the Netanyahu-Sarkozy networks since 2002. Francois Hollande, a Zionist Algerian Jew, like Bernard Henri Levy are extending a civil war in Syria on behalf of Israel supremacism. The entire secret service in Syria, Lebanaon like Algeria were created by France, the former occupant. While the US is launching the Turks against the Syrians, betraying all the Muslim peoples of the Shaam. Now don't get surprised when the Syrians take weapons against Israel, France, Germany, the US and UK in Lebanon, cause the fake groups are representing only themselves, and 90% of the Syrian Sunnis are waiting for Israel's nazis. The one who win Syria will win the entire Middle East and this is surely not Israel!
'West "adventure" in Syria may backfire in face of the world by WW3'
France has started providing direct aid and money to rebel-controlled areas of Syria and is even considering supplying anti-aircraft weapons to the opposition, a diplomatic source has said. Geopolitical researcher F. William Engdahl says the rebel forces Paris is backing are fighting to impose their own order on the Syrian people.
La manipulation de la religion par les monarques illegitimes des pays du Golfe et les dictatures Arabes mises en places par le colon imperialiste sioniste euro-americain pour empecher les peuples Musulmans de se liberer!
Lac d'Annecy : Affaire Al Hilli, la gendarmerie et le procureur de la republique Maillaud ont couvert le commando de tueurs issus de la banlieue lyonnaise, c'est une operation militaire qui vise a eleminer un 'Arabe' travaillant et connaissant une toute petite partie du design du bouclier aero-spatial de l'OTAN-Israel
Contrairement a ce qui se rapporte dans les medias corrompus anglo-francais, Saad Al Hilli etait en fait sous protection britannique car il travaillait au design de nouveaux systemes GPS de missiles inter-continentaux et les harmonisations des sytemes de guidance et inter-operabilites europeenes des boucliers aero-spatiaux de l'OTAN. Les iraniens, les coreens du Sud, chinois, russes possederaient deja les plans de l'architecture aero-spatiale de la militarisation de l'espace aerien occidental, et ce sont en fait les israeliens qui ont fourni les plans de la technologie et certains des plans europeens a l'Est, contre des milliards chinois. Israel quant a elle ne fournit aucun detail de son 'iron dome'.
Le pentagone menerait une enquete sur les fuites depuis l'annee derniere, depuis que Putin s'amuse a narguer les americains en affirmant qu'il connait les faiblesses de ce fameux bouclier 'secret'. Les israeliens ont decide de mettre le tout sur le dos de ce fils d'ancien baathist proche de Saddam Hussein. Les anglais confirment que les tueurs sont partis depuis la banlieue lyonnaise, et qu'ils ont ete deliberement proteges par les autorites francaises, et ils affirment maintenant que les autorites suisses n'ont jamais ete avertis par la gendarmerie francaise, qui a donne le temps aux tueurs de s'enfuir. Saad Al Hilli avait des 'security clearance' anglaises, et il etait sous protection anglaise.
Si les cartels financiers bancaires et Israel veulent une 'guerre mondiale d'emancipation' ou les russes et les occidentaux se cartonnent entre eux, ils ont interet a mener ce genre d'operations et faire diversion dans des pays ou ce sont des agents israeliens qui sont au pouvoir, Londres ou Paris. (AS)
A Classic MOSSAD/MI5 Assassination. He obviously knew too much!
He fled Iraq as a boy, settled in Surrey and was spied on by the Special Branch: The extraordinary life of the engineer victim at the centre of the Alps shooting
Stationed on a driveway just yards from their target's £1million home, British police were said to have spent several weeks tracking the movements of Saad Al-Hilli at the start of the last Gulf War.
Officers thought to be from Special Branch maintained constant surveillance on the aeronautical engineer and his family, regularly following Mr Al-Hilli – who fled Iraq as a boy – and his brother whenever they drove off.
Last night Philip Murphy, a neighbour in the wealthy village of Claygate, Surrey, recalled how police asked if they could use his driveway to spy on the massacre victims' mock-Tudor house.
The retired finance director said:
'I watched them from the window and they were watching Mr Al-Hilli and his brother. I thought they were from Special Branch. They would sit there all day in their parked car just looking at the house.
'When Mr Al-Hilli came out and drove off, they would follow him. It was all very odd. I never told the family they were being watched.'The surveillance happened as the invasion of Iraq by US and British forces began in March 2003.
Any operation on the family would almost certainly have been backed up by bugging devices within their detached home. Last night it remained unclear why a surveillance team would be sent to watch a man who, on the outside at least, was a respected engineer.
A close friend told how Mr Al-Hilli's father Kadhim, a former factory owner, and mother Fasiha fled Baghdad in the late 1970s. The friend told how Mr Al-Hilli's father had fallen out with the Ba'ath party and was forced to flee the country.
- scredman313777 said...
- la France couvre quand même des choses bizarres!! mort d Ararat, trésor de saddam hussein chez clearstream et on en passe!!
une armée de médias anglais arrivent en France pour trouver les failles de cette affaire!! un peu de ménage en France fera du bien car cette histoire comme de nombreuses autres sont un double discours, des menaces comme la propagande al qaida made in sarkozy cnt qatar ou trafic d opium par les alliés des usa en Afghanistan!!
il est temps de faire du ménage dans la politique française et démasqué tout les flics et pourris dans ce pays car il arrive un moment ou trop c est trop, on le voit chaque jours quand on suit bien les affaires de prêt et notamment avec l ingérence des nouveaux riches français dans de nombreuses affaires qui ne les regardent pas.. du genre bolloré!! lui c est un fouteur de merde de 1ere catégorie qui a acces aux services secret français, a des passes droits partout et fout une grosse merde médiatique afin de fabriquer des coupables parfait entre autres!! regardez bien 2008 2012 et qui est concerné de prêt ou de loin par la paranoïa et recourt au terrorisme d état sous secret défense!! les mecs ils sont milliardaires, pillent la frique, s accaparent toute l économie française et se pensent intouchables et financent des tueurs pour fumer les possibles témoins dérangeants le clan Sarkozy et le tout en mettant en forme des faux conflits.. du genre rap, trafic ou autres procédés visant a maquiller certaines choses suspectes!! et le tout avec le soutiens du gouvernement qu ils oit de Sarkozy ou hollande!! ça n a rien a voir a priori avec l histoire halili mais de loin on s en rapproche quand on parles des réseaux gladiators de l OTAN et leurs alliances!! vivendi canal + direct 8 .. tout ça c est dans le même actionnariat que meryll lynch, bank of america les banques d affaires américaines, donc les objectifs sont forcement commun... regardez bien leur propagande et comment ils tiennent des familles en otage!! - 6:44 AM
- Abu-Suleyman said...
- l'etat francais est corrompu jusqu'a la moelle de Sion
- 6:54 AM
- Abu-Suleyman said...
maintenant les anglais nous disent car ils savent que mes infos sont du solide et du beton arme que al hilli avait des clearance des services anglais, ils nous disent dans le telegraph que non il bossait pas pour l'otan mais il aurait bosse dan un lab nucleaire a l' internationally-renowned Rutherford Appleton research centre in the 1980s
il faut des security clearance car c'est secret defense la bas
voir ici
mes sources sont top
Al Hilli a ete utilise comme bouc emissaire lors de passages d'infos sur le bouclier aero-spatial de l'otan ...
maintenant sylvain mollier le cycliste tue travaillerait aussi dans le nucleaire mais al hilli a travaille il y a plus de 20 ans et la technologie nucleaire a extraordinairement evolue, donc sans reels interets, Maillaud devra trouver autre chose
israel a fourni les plans de defense aero-spatiale occidentale, une partie aux chinois, puis aux russes dans le cadre de la preparation a la guerre otan-russie, Al Hilli est un bouc emissaire, cherche pas plus loin, on sait exactement ce que le mossad fait en france- 1:51 PM
- scredman313777 said...
- bon documentaire, prends soin de toi!! on voit que certaines révélations mettent le feu dans la diplomatie arrogante et mensongère!! leurs conspirations tombent en pièce les unes après les autres! la mort du diplomate américain ressemble a un complot américain visant a installer un peu plus de troupes prés de l Algérie!! ils préparent le tapis rouge pour la marionnette sioniste romney on dirait!
le Mossad est beaucoup présent en Angleterre?, il entretient beaucoup de relations avec le mi6?? - 3:40 PM
- Abu-Suleyman said...
- cameron est un israelien, son pere travaillait pour le mossad
- 11:20 PM
- scredman313777 said...
- tiens, rien a voir avec l affaire al hilli, je te met sur la piste d un documentaire d une juive sioniste sur mouamar kadhafi l accusant des pires blasphème afin de le discréditer, il est mort et ils le salissent encore sur des faits invérifiable pendant que seif el islma est emprisonné par les troupes du cnt qui lui ont déboité, voir amputer une partie de la main droite/
et aussi ça, ça devrait t éclairer sur leurs façons de faire de la provocation/
y a certains pays ou les journalistes ne font pas les guignols comme ça car en moins de 2 ils se font casser les jambes et couper les doigts mais quand on voit l actionnariat de vivendi, on comprend leurs haines communes synchronisées!!
Principaux actionnaires en 201017
BlackRock 5,01 %
Amundi 4,72 %
Capital Research and Management Company 4,67 %
Société Générale 4,03 %
Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations 3,80 %
Crédit Agricole 3,54 %
Emirates International Investment Company 2,82 %
Natixis Asset Management 2,48 %
AllianceBernstein 2,00 %
PEG Vivendi 1,55 %
Merrill Lynch 1,52 %
Crédit Suisse Securities 1,13 %
BNP Paribas 1,05 %
Prudential 0,90 %
UBS Investment Bank 0,85 %
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority 0,63 %
DNCA Finances 0,57 %
Société Générale Gestion 0,57 %
Crédit Agricole Structured AM 0,55 %
Rothschild - Asset Management 0,51 %
tu comprendras la politique sarkozyenne et hollandaise!!
et tu vas voir comment ils vont se faire discret pour mieux attaquer ensuite, feu assuré!! ces gens là ont des passes droits partout et limites ils sont chez toi avec des masques pour te fumer sous couverture de la gendarmerie et armée!!! en tout cas supervises bien leurs réactions, tu comprendras le sens de leurs manipulations et la façon dont ils fabriquent des coupables parfaits et comment les médias sont devenus une machine de guerre a part entière!!!
quand a moi adviendra ce qu il adviendra, je suis plus a une menace prêt! - 7:18 AM
- scredman313777 said...
- une petite vidéo de prasquier et hortefeuj 10 ou 15 jours avant l affaire merrah... sur le sacrifice... ça en dit long entre les lignes sur la suite de ce mois avant les élections et l intronisation d e hollande au poste de président et de valls au poste de ministre des affaires étrangères.. - 10:55 AM
Syrie : Initiative pour la reconciliation du Sheykh Salah-Eddine Ben Ibrahim Abu Arafat.
Il ne s'agit ici nullement de soutenir un camp contre un autre, mais bien de rappeler l'obligation Islamique de trouver et soutenir uniquement une solution Islamique pour proteger au maximum les populations qui sont les veritables cibles, prises en tenaille dans cette epreuve, en n'incluant jamais les USA, ni la France, ni l'Allemagne, ni la Grande Bretagne, ni Israel qui hatisent la guerre civile partout en terres Musulmanes pour continuer a piller les sous-sols et a affaiblir les pays Musulmans face a Israel, qui n'a plus rien de 'sure et dominateur' a partir du moment ou les peuples decident et sont aux commandes.
Goldman Sachs le bras terroriste financier de l'oligarchie sioniste
Goldman Sachs, la banque qui dirige le monde
Plus qu'une banque, Goldman Sachs est un empire invisible riche de 700 milliards d'euros d'actifs, soit deux fois le budget de la France.
On l'appelle "la Firme", comme dans les romans d'espionnage des années 1980. Après s'être enrichie pendant la crise des subprimes en pariant sur la faillite des ménages américains, elle a été l'un des instigateurs de la crise de l'euro en maquillant les comptes de la Grèce puis en misant contre la monnaie unique.
Un empire de l'argent sur lequel le soleil ne se couche jamais, qui a transformé la planète en un vaste casino. Grâce à son réseau d'influence unique au monde, et son armée de 30 000 moines-banquiers, Goldman Sachs a su profiter de la crise pour accroître sa puissance financière, augmenter son emprise sur les gouvernements et bénéficier de l'impunité des justices américaine et européennes.
Suivi de l'esclavagisation des masses par la dette, l'usure, le Riba:
Israel did 9/11 - All the Proof in the World
Followed by :
Followed by :
9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, Full-length, Pre-Release-v1.3
Faux otages de la DCRI-GIA-AQMI au Sahel : Mangoux confirme 'On a tourne ca a Oran chez Benichou!'
Mensonges de la mafia juive sioniste de l'etat francais : Hollande veut envahir le Maghreb-Sahel en commencant par le Mali
Par Omar Mazri,
UPDATE FROM LIBYA; 13 September 2012-11H18 GMT: Special forces which stroke the US embassy in Benghazi are definitively from the UAE and were dressed as NATO special forces. These are trained and supervised by the french DGSE, like the qataris special forces in Libya, the head of the DGSE is Erard Corbin de Mangoux, he was put in place in France by mossadnik Sarkozy. Mangoux is a Gladio-mossad member like his master Charles Pasqua
Different witnesses in Benghazi confirmed that the commandos which attacked the US convoy had night-vision helmets, laser-guided weapons, highly sophisticated, and GPS trackers, they were dressed as NATO special forces units, like the ones operating in Benghazi up to the Egyptian border. These witnesses confirm that none of the attackers speak any Arabic or Berberian dialect use in the area, they flew the scene very quickly. The different factions in Benghazi are trained and supervised by the pentagone. Only French and British are dressed this way in the area. None of any groups in Benghazi have the ability to trace so easily any target, otherwise they would have killed Gaddafi without NATO help. Prime suspects are the israelis, as Obama is still refusing to meet with Netanyahu. Like in 2007, Zionist cartoons provocation, Israel is fueling the West with Islamophobia because Israel lost the intelligence battle over the Middle East, as the US had been able to know exactly what Netanyahu was doing, something entirely new in Washington. This new wave of provocations is designed to fuel the hatred against Muslims in the US, and put the israeli agenda on the table, 7 weeks before the presidential elections, to give Romney 'an agenda', as his defeat is now sure, unless Israel is able to trigger serious attacks against the US military in the Middle East. This has all the trademarks of a false flag, Israel does not need the US anymore meddling in Libya, like in Lebanon in 1982, they will strike and kill a maximum of US and NATO military forces to signify that they are in charge now.
High alert at US embassies: Fear that anger at anti-Islam film may engulf Middle East
By Gordon Duff,
For Press TV,
Behind it all, two names are seen as so desperate to try to light the world aflame, an effort underway in Syria for some time, an effort perhaps not working out as well as hoped.
The names are Netanyahu and Romney though few believe “Mitt Romney” to be more than a puppet. A careful examination of his life, misrepresented as one of wealth and accomplishment shows him to be emotionally unstable, shallow, lazy and inept, a life of trickery and deceit under the protection of a powerful family and its even more powerful friends.
Netanyahu, perhaps another puppet, but not so benign, fumes away at the world, reports of his encroaching insanity and its threat to Israel and world peace are now impossible to hide. There is nothing “Jewish” or “Semitic” about Netanyahu, just psychotic.
This week of violence lands entirely on his doorstep, his and his “lapdogs” in the US, extremists at the fringe of power still controlling America’s massive private armies and intelligence groups, a major portion of the entire world’s might wielded by corporations, used to advance the plots and conspiracies of groups now long accepted as eccentric, homicidal and apocalyptic.
This week with the upheavals across the Middle East over a mysterious and extreme attack on Islam and its institutions, the real culprits are using the press to hide their intention and identities.
To cover their tracks, the real conspirators, stories about “youtube” and “Coptic Christians” and a forgotten and tasteless film long consigned to the trash heap are used to disguise the real criminals.
Ethnic and religious attacks like the ones largely responsible for the protests, all except the US Embassy attack in Libya, are considered crimes in most nations. In Canada, Australia, Germany, France and many other nations, anyone who has questioned Israel’s politics or accused anyone of Jewish background, no matter if they are caught with a bloody knife in their hands, of wrongdoing are considered criminals and consigned to a decade or more in prison.
In the United States, there is a long history of jailing anyone whose actions lead to violence. By the standard of law applied to the Chicago 7 and other Vietnam War protest groups, Terry Jones would be arrested for not only inciting a riot but for conspiracy to commit murder, acts in support of terrorism and hate crimes.
American laws cover each of these areas and his actions, were he who he says he is, an Islamophobe fanatic responsible for a massive internet onslaught of pornography, bigotry and purposeful instigation of attacks on Americans overseas, he would be in jail now, and should expect never to be released.
However, the “reverend” Terry Jones, the real culprit, can expect, any time he wishes, full support for anything he does, even if millions of emails are sent out, even if the bandwidth of the entire Internet is needed to spew his filth.
Terror groups organized by NATO were set up in 36 nations on 3 continents. When no Soviet invasion happened, they began operating independently, 20 years of bombings across Europe as “P2,” war in El Salvador, Guatemala, Chile, Argentina, Angola, drug operations in Columbia, revolutionary groups in Nicaragua and Mexico, the “saviors of NATO” became the basis of terror organizations around the world, organizations now blamed on “extremists.”
The real extremists were NATO and the story is a simple one. After World War II, there were two influxes of recruits into US intelligence. First was the Galen group from NAZI Germany, brought into the US by CIA head Allen Dulles under Operation Paperclip and eventually run by George H.W. Bush and former German SS General Walter Dornberger.
This group arranged the murder of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, partnered with extremist groups in Israel and led the US down the path to oligarchical control, as is so obviously exhibited in America’s behavior around the world.
Gladio was one of their ploys, a Hitleresque plan to fight communism hijacked by a cabal of powerful international organizations, banking, oil, weapons, intent on world domination.
The second input to this organization was after the fall of the Berlin Wall when hundreds of highly trained STASI spies and killers were recruited by right wing extremist groups within the US.
They were brought into the CIA and other intelligence agencies, took over key security agencies in Europe and used their unparalleled training, skills and brutality to reinvigorate efforts toward world domination by the interests we never see except when watching Israel or the Wall Street Banks, the clumsy and stupid buffoons of the New World Order.
The truth can be difficult to accept, if not impossible. Those who sacrifice in brutal wars are hesitant to admit, no matter how compelling the evidence, that their efforts were, in actuality, in service of great evil.
During the early 20th Century, a Marine General, two time winner of the Medal of Honor came to the realization that all wars were economic, that all use of military force was a form of robbery. Smedley Butler was his name. He considered himself a “gangster for Wall Street” and, for those familiar with his teachings and military theories, considered one of the greatest men of our time.
Butler was a famous American hero, a lifelong enemy of both communism and fascism, once imprisoned for insulting Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini over an incident where Mussolini ran down a small child with his Bugatti and drove off without notice.
The realities of human development, long stifled by decades of colonial rule, were coming to an end. The fall of Mubarak, in particular, an Israeli stooge wearing the mask of a Muslim leader, being the most dramatic.
With Egypt “in the wind” as it were, only a civil war between Christians and Muslims could put off the disaster Netanyahu feared, an America sick of war, an American military unwilling to occupy the Middle East as an Israeli surrogate and a people who may well be slowly awakening to find their government infiltrated and bought by criminal interests hard wired to Netanyahu and his gangster friends.
Intelligence sources in Libya tell us that a team arrived from the UAE set to infiltrate the demonstrators and butcher the American ambassador and his elite security team.
Perhaps it is this relationship that is the sickest of all, the circle of deception between the Gulf States, Saudi Arabia and Israel, all nations based on foreign slave labor, American military protection and rule by brutality and deception.
I am reminded of a line from a film, “The Usual Suspects.”
“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn’t exist.”
With the web collapsing around Tel Aviv and the maniac unlikely to die outside a bunker as his enemies close in around him, Netanyahu still has his hands on the strings that control puppets around the world, the press, entertainment industry, key world leaders, the list is considerable as is his ability to do evil as this week has shown us.
Netanyahu and his brother in strife, Rupert Murdoch, put three consecutive British prime ministers in office and controlled them and the security services through bribery and blackmail.
His empire nearly brought down President Clinton, helped rig the election of President Bush 43 twice, started two wars and almost a third and, despite opposition, stands ready to destroy the world over Syria and Iran.
In the process, the only surviving economy in the world may be the US, though hopelessly in debt and battered by a decade of rule by foreign gangsters.
Even the super-economy of China has become brittle; the German money-machine is grinding to a halt and nations hoping for the benefits of science and human development languish yet another decade.
All of this was no accident.
The last week was no accident either, every member of the press pouring out the deceit, so many governments silent or complicit and those responsible knowing they will never be called to settle accounts. Not yet anyway.
Tunis, (Al-Akhbar): For the past three months, the Arab Maghreb countries have been witnessing a growing number of controversies and scandals concerning cells linked to Israeli espionage activities.
It began when an informants network was dismantled in Mauritania early this year. Then Mossad made the headlines in Algeria and Morocco in a string of reports, rumors, and hoaxes.
Finally, a new scandal reverberated across Tunisia last week involving a wide network of Mossad operations, including espionage centers using the country as a base to spy across the Maghreb region.
Abderraouf al-Ayadi, head of the Wafa Movement which split from the Rally for the Republic (RPR), caused a huge stir last week when he revealed that Mossad has stepped up its activities in post-revolutionary Tunisia.
He said that these activities were being conducted under the “cover of European and US NGOs that claim to be charitable, humanitarian, or cultural.”
This echoes earlier statements by the head of the Tunisian Workers Party (formerly POCT), Hamma al-Hammami, about “Israeli spy networks operating in post-revolution Tunisia that took advantage of the state of chaos and lawlessness that swept the country following president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali’s escape.”
The information revealed by Ayadi and Hammami coincided with a February report by the Yafa Center for Studies and Research focusing on Mossad activities in the Maghreb. The report said that the agency began concentrating its operations in Tunisia following the PLO’s exit from Beirut and relocation to Tunis in 1982.
Interest in the region declined after the signing of the Oslo accords, until the Tunisian revolution brought it back.
The report spoke about the post-Oslo Tunisian-Israeli rapprochement which became public with the establishment of a bureau for economic cooperation in 1996.
The relationship included a secret item about the “establishment of a system for security coordination between the Mossad and Tunisia by Shalom Cohen, a Tunisian Jew working in the North Africa section of the Israeli Mossad. In the same year, he became the director of the Israeli interest bureau in Tunisia.”
According to the report, Cohen used his diplomatic cover to build a “Mossad network” based in the capital Tunis, with branches in Sousse and Djerba.
The Yafa center information is consistent with that which Ayadi said he had received from a high-ranking Tunisian security source who reported the surveillance of a secret Mossad network “of around 300 agents” distributed over the three spying bases.
The first base was in the capital and run by a certain Nachman Jalboagh. It focused on Algeria by collecting information, monitoring targets, and recruiting agents.
The second is in Sousse and run by Doron Pierre. Its operations were primarily inside Tunisia, especially the monitoring the remaining Palestinians in Tunisia, Salafi movements, and groups opposing peace with Israel.
The third is in Djerba, run by Nurit Tsur, and focuses on Libya. It also acts to protect the Jewish sect in Tunisia, which is concentrated on the island, and collects information about Jewish archaeological sites and landmarks in Tunisia, Algeria, and Libya.
Tunisian authorities have remained silent despite the uproar caused by the revelations. The government has yet to take any public action concerning the issue.
Speaking to al-Maghreb newspaper, interior minister Ali al-Arid said “the statements concerning 300 Mossad spies in Tunisia, working under the cover of cultural NGOs and travel agencies, are unfounded and completely irresponsible.”
“They are intended to disturb the work of security agencies that toil night and day to protect Tunisia. Anyone who has information about the issue should contact the security agencies so they can confirm it,” he added.
Tunisian anti-normalization activists believe that the interior minister’s statements contradict information broadcast on official Israeli television in the first days of the Tunisian revolution.
Mossad had boasted about “a special operation in Tunisia, under the cover of European companies, to evacuate a group of Israelis who were visiting Djerba, the site of the oldest synagogue in the world, al-Ghariba temple.”
Tunisian activists suggest that “Mossad activities and crimes are not new in Tunisia. The most famous was the bombing of the Hammam al-Shat suburb in the autumn of 1985. It targeted the offices of late Palestinian president Yasser Arafat. The Mossad also carried out numerous assassinations in Tunisia, including that of the mastermind behind the first intifada, Abu Jihad, in 1988.”
Following the Oslo agreement, nationalist and leftist currents, as well as anti-normalization associations accused Ben Ali of “facilitating Mossad operations and activities in Tunisia.”
This was highlighted in a documentary broadcast by Tunisian television following the revolution called “The State of Corruption.” The film exposed the significant role that Ben Ali played in setting the scene for the accords.
Following Oslo, the former dictator opened an Israeli economic cooperation bureau in Tunis. The office initiated its activities by contacting several Tunisian intellectuals and journalists to lure them into normalization activities. The majority refused to be involved.
The bureau was later closed due to popular pressure following the 2002 Israeli assault on the West Bank and the consequent siege of Yasser Arafat’s headquarters in Ramallah.
The alarm sounded by Ayadi and Hammami is based on evidence and information corroborated by rights activist Ahmed al-Kahlawi, president of the Tunisian Association for Fighting Normalization and Supporting the Arab Resistance (TAFNSAR).
Kahlawi said that “several foreign organizations active in post-revolution Tunisia, such as Freedom House, play a major role in propagating the culture of normalization under the pretext of defending human rights.”
He also laid bare the schemes of an organization called “AMIDEAST, which teaches English under the supervision of the US embassy. It entices students to give up their animosity towards Israel and promotes programs that claim to call for peace and dialogue between cultures, but in reality it aims to foster normalization.”
“With the fall of Ben Ali, Israel lost a strong strategic ally in North Africa,” Kahlawi explained. He indicated that most Zionist leaders admit this openly, including Benjamin Netanyahu and Silvan Shalom, who is of Tunisian origins (born in the city of Qabis).
Ben Ali had officially welcomed Shalom in 2005 in a meeting that was not covered by the Tunisian media, coinciding with the World Summit for the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis.
Kahlawi said the latest revelations about Mossad’s role in Tunisia should be further grounds for the constituent assembly to ratify chapter 27 of the proposed constitution, related to crimes of normalization and prosecuting collaboration with the Zionist state.
He added that “al-Nahda had rejected the criminalization of normalization, with a demagogic argument contending that the Tunisian constitution will last longer than the Israeli state, which will inevitably perish!”
Most Tunisian anti-normalization activists suspect the real reason behind al-Nahda eschewing the criminalization of normalization to be “pressure from the US on the ruling troika, and specifically on the movement, to prevent the ratification of chapter 27, which had been proposed by anti-normalization associations.”
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

Etudiant en philosophie à l’université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, au début des années 1980, Harlem Désir s'engage dans le syndicat étudiant UNEF-ID dont il devient membre du bureau national. A la fin de ses études, couronnées par l’obtention d’une licence en philosophie en 1983, ce proche de Julien Dray déploie son action en dehors du mouvement syndical étudiant.
Cette fin d’année 1983 est marquée par un évènement politique important : la Marche pour l’égalité et contre le racisme. A Paris, le 3 décembre 1983, 100 000 personnes environ accueillent dans une ambiance de fête la Marche partie de Marseille le 15 octobre 1983 (1). Dans la foulée de la Marche, les affrontements raciaux entre grévistes et non-grévistes à l’usine Talbot-Poissy marquent un tournant. Les marcheurs soutiennent les grévistes immigrés, signifiant ainsi leur refus de jouer la carte de la division entre les enfants, accueillis au sein de la République, et les parents O.S. congédiés des usines. De son côté, le mouvement « antiraciste » ayant accueilli la Marche reste totalement silencieux.
Ressentant les risques d’instrumentalisation, les militants de l’immigration et des banlieues réfléchissent alors à l’organisation de leur action de manière plus durable afin de pouvoir faire valoir leurs revendications d’égalité et de justice. Dans ce but, une seconde marche est organisée l’année suivante : Convergence 1984. Au vu du succès de la marche de l’année précédente, le Parti socialiste tente de se rapprocher des organisateurs, en vain.
A l’arrivée à Paris, un petit groupe de militants vend des badges en forme de petite main jaune, avec l’inscription paternaliste « Touche pas à mon pote ». SOS Racisme est lancé par le PS pour mettre un terme aux velléités politiques autonomes des militants de l’immigration et des banlieues. La nouvelle association a été créée de toutes pièces pour l'occasion par une cellule élyséenne, selon Jacques Attali dans Verbatim. Deux hommes jouent un rôle décisif dans la nouvelle structure : Harlem Désir qui assure la présidence de l’association et Julien Dray qui en assure la vice-présidence.
Véritable dirigeant de SOS Racisme, J. Dray, dont le frère était un dirigeant du Betar-France, utilisa la nouvelle association pour étouffer toute expression de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien. Les marcheurs, qui avaient parcouru la France en portant le keffieh palestinien autour du coup, représentaient une menace réelle pour les sectateurs d’« Israël ». J. Dray plaça des militants de l’Union des Etudiants Juifs de France (UEJF) à la tête de SOS Racisme et musela toute forme d’expression de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien.
Revenant sur cette page de l’histoire, il y a quelques années, le Mouvement de l’Immigration des Banlieues (MIB) expliquait la fonction sociale d’Harlem Désir et de SOS Racisme dans les volontés du pouvoir socialiste de faire taire toute expression politique autonome issue des banlieues : « Tant que les beurs jouent les multiculturels, ça passe, mais dès qu'ils revendiquent la dignité, l'égalité devant la loi, le respect de leurs parents et attaquent la police, ça ne va plus. En fait, le PS voulait en faire des représentants frisés d'une gauche couscous-paëlla qui verra le jour en décembre 1984 sous les traits d'Harlem Désir et de SOS Racisme. Puisque les beurs n'ont pas voulu jouer le jeu, d'autres s'en sont chargés à leur place, raflant la mise de l'espoir et la dynamique de la marche ».
Ayant commencé sa carrière en participant à une opération de police politique contre l’immigration et les banlieues au profit du pouvoir socialiste, Harlem Désir poursuivit sa carrière au sein du PS après avoir quitté la direction de SOS Racisme en 1992. Maintenant qu’il est arrivé à la tête du Parti socialiste, faisons lui entièrement confiance pour poursuivre sa politique de manipulations inaugurée il y a bientôt trente ans.
Youssef Girard
13 septembre 2012
Référence :
(1) Cf. Abdallah Mogniss, « 1983 : La marche pour l’égalité », URL :
The Corbett Report discuss with Grant F. Smith, Research Director for the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy at, the secret Israeli espionage program that smuggled nuclear materials out of the United States to help start the Israeli nuclear program in the 1960s. They go over the declassified documents tying Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to the smuggling ring, and explore Smith's book, Divert!: NUMEC, Zalman Shapiro and the diversion of US weapons grade uranium into the Israeli nuclear weapons program
Keelan Balderson, Contributor
Activist Post
Unelected President of the EU Commission, José Manuel Barroso, announced last week plans for an all encompassing “banking union”, which would give the European Central Bank supervisory powers over every member-state financial institution [1]; yet another step in a long-planned superstate agenda.
“We need to move to common supervisory decisions,” Barroso brazenly declared, demanding that the ECB should rule over all euro-zone banks, a number that pushes 6,000 individual institutions.
Without mincing words the Bilderberg member called for the end of national sovereignty, and in its wake a “federation of nation-states” under the centralized control of unelected EU bureaucrats should be formed [2]; a vastly different system than was originally sold to the public back in the 1950s.
Speaking to the BBC French finance minister Pierre Moscovici stated [3]: “The UK, like us, would like if possible quite a swift timeline,” in the handing over of power.
Despite often claiming to be a eurosceptic, a spokesperson for David Cameron revealed the Prime Minister’s enthusiasm for the agenda [4]:
In an exclusive WideShutUK interview, author Chris Morris pointed out the hypocrisy of Barroso’s plans, and broke down the history of the EU agenda and its deceptive and secretive aims.
Jump to 1:16:10 for interview:
Barroso “has been pushing for the integration of European & global financial markets and regulatory bodies for quite some time”, back in 2008 when the contrived financial crisis first became widely apparent, Barroso met with then US President George Bush and Nicolas Sarkozy to call for a “a new global financial order” [5]. As we see in Britain with the LibLabCon’s joint support for the EU and America with the Republican and Democrats’ joint support for NATO the United Nations and global financial decisions, the push for further centralized global governance is bipartisan and goes beyond the redundant circus of party politics.
“Barroso is a frequent Bilderberg attendee” revealed Morris; the secretive yearly gathering of the world’s financial, political and corporate elite. In a row over Dutch and Belgian attendees claiming expenses for this year’s meeting, an admission on the event’s official website was cited, which states “participants attend Bilderberg in a private and not an official capacity”, although according to Barroso “the travel expenses incurred were paid by the [EU] commission, as for any mission” [6]. This begs the question, why aren’t taxpayers being made privy to the goings on of the club?
Instead concerned citizens have been forced to do their own research and thanks to some leaked documents obtained by WikiLeaks, the pieces are finally coming together. According to minutes from the second Bilderberg conference in 1955, a year or more before the concept of a European Economic Community was sold to the public, the elite were already planning a single currency and a full-blown authoritarian Superstate. The document reads [7]:
Morris explains:
Morris continued by explaining the role of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). According to their own website their mission is to “Serve central banks in their pursuit of monetary and financial stability, to foster international cooperation in those areas and to act as a bank for central banks“ [8].
“The key thing about this bank,” Morris warns is that “it’s completely privately owned”, although unlike your average corporation, the vested interests do not make their individual selves or agendas public. This means when “you see the IMF going in to Greece or Ireland etc, giving financial advice advice and pushing austerity measures, you have to remember that the organization that oversees the IMF (the BIS) is privately owned…it doesn’t take a genius to see that vested interests might influence this [for their own benefit]…their happy to see 50% of youth unemployment in Spain for example.”
Most people do not tend to follow the money trail all the way up the pyramid. They end at national governments and their national debts, or the buck stops in Europe. Yet the way the system is set up, nearly all economic activity around the world ends up passing through the BIS.
The UK is currently £4.8 trillion in debt thanks to the Government borrowing money to spend on the EU, illegal wars and its other bloated programs. Since they have no money of their own this is automatically a debt on the citizens, which is pledged through future taxation and cuts to public services. Currently your tax only goes to cover the interest on the national debt, because the liabilities are so huge!
George Osbourne knows Britain is broke and can mathematically never pay back its debts (he is in charge of the books), however he futilely continues to keep his paymaster’s system afloat. The money the government borrows comes from private financial institutions, not too unlike if you borrowed from a high-street bank. These banks get a portion of their money from central banks and are often regulated by them, and those central banks are beholden to the Bank for International Settlements, itself a private bank.
The kicker?
As revealed on the website of the New York Federal Reserve [9], “86 percent of the shares of the BIS are registered in the names of central banks, and 14 percent are held by private shareholders.”
In other words the Bank that regulates Central Banks to keep them stable and operating fairly, is actually owned by those Central Banks. They regulate themselves! They ensure their own profits and survival over that of the people and can manipulate markets for their own political agendas! Furthermore, 14% of shares are held by individuals. “The shares owned by private shareholders consist of part of the French and Belgian issues and all of the shares that were in the original U.S. issue in 1930.”
As explained by official Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) historian Dr. Carroll Quigley, in his seminal work Tragedy and Hope. A History of the World in Our Time [10]:
So When Barroso stands up and calls the current economic climate a crisis, he’s being disingenuous. The problems the world faces today are systematic, in-built and long planned by groups such as the CFR and Bilderberg, of which Barroso is a member. His solution of further integration is fulfilling the plans of those who caused the problem in the first place and will simply streamline their system of global control.
The New World Order is not a conspiracy theory, it’s a conspiracy fact!
This article first appeared at
Keelan Balderson is an independent journalist, documentary filmmaker and Internet radio host from the UK. You can listen to his WideShut Webcast every Monday at 8pm GMT on Resistance Radio. Please support his work by visiting his website:
(orginally published by Press TV)
by Kevin Barrett, for Press TV
By Kevin Barrett,
Today's nominee for the Larry Silverstein Award for Chutzpah Beyond the Call of Duty: Israel lobbyist Patrick Clawson, who is openly calling for the mass murder of Americans, along the lines of the USS Maine, Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, USS Liberty, and (by implication) 9/11 orchestrated war-trigger events.
If we're going to murder anybody to start a war, I suggest slowly disemboweling Patrick Clawson, then declaring war on Israel in retaliation for 9/11.
The US government is planting the propaganda seed that according to “highly classified” documents provided by the Join Chiefs of Staff’s Intelligence Directorate confirm that Iranian hackers are committing cyber-attacks against US financial institutions.
While preparing for financial collapse, the technocrats on Wall Street are also acquiring firearms, ammunition and control over private mercenary corporations like DynCorp and ‘Blackwater” as authorized by the Department of Defense (DoD) directive 3025.18.
La DGSE et les clans sarkozystes-likudistes de France, dont les racailles de Charlie Hebdo, ont participe a l'operation de destabilisation d'Obama a Benghazi, et dans le monde Musulman, pour placer Romney en tete des sondages a 4 semaines des elections US.
Ce raisonnement s’appuie sur le fait que dès que l’OTAN a montré qu’elle appuyait ouvertement l’opération viant à destituer le leder libyen, ce dernier a menacé de révéler les détails de sa relation avec l’ancien président de la France, Nicolas Sarkozy, qui «avait donc raisons plus que suffisantes pour essayer de lui ôter la vie,» soutient le Corriere Della Sera qui fait référence à des révélations recueillies par le journal il y a trois jours à Benghazi.

The White House has held a series of secret meetings in recent months to examine the threat posed by al-Qaeda’s franchise in North Africa and consider for the first time whether to prepare for unilateral strikes, U.S. officials said.
The deliberations reflect concern that al-Qaeda’s African affiliate has become more dangerous since gaining control of large pockets of territory in Mali and acquiring weapons from post-revolution Libya. The discussions predate the Sept. 11 attacks on U.S. compounds in Libya but gained urgency after the assaults there were linked to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM.

U.S. officials said the discussions have focused on ways to help regional militaries confront al-Qaeda but have also explored the possibility of direct U.S. intervention if the terrorist group continues unchecked.
“Right now, we’re not in position to do much about it,” said a senior U.S. counterterrorism official involved in the talks. As a result, he said, officials have begun to consider contingencies, including the question of “do we or don’t we” deploy drones.
The effort has been led by White House counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan and involves top officials from the CIA, State Department and Pentagon. At the same time, the U.S. military commander for Africa has crisscrossed the region in recent weeks, making stops in Mauritania, Algeria and other countries that could become part of a peacekeeping force for Mali.
White House officials declined to comment.
Army Gen. Carter F. Ham, chief of U.S. Africa Command, said Friday during a visit to Morocco that there “are no plans for U.S. direct military intervention” in Mali. But he and others have made clear that the United States is prepared to support counterterrorism or peacekeeping operations by other countries.
In addition, the U.S. military has launched a series of clandestine intelligence missions, including the use of civilian aircraft to conduct surveillance flights and monitor communications over the Sahara Desert and the arid region to the south, known as the Sahel.
The burst of U.S. activity reflects a reappraisal of a terrorist group long considered one of the weaker al-Qaeda offshoots. AQIM grew out of an insurgency in Algeria. It has been known mainly as a local scourge, using kidnappings and other crimes to support its effort to impose Islamist rule.
That perception has changed in the past year, largely because of the group’s ability to exploit regional political chaos. A coup in Mali divided the landlocked country, enabling AQIM and other insurgent movements to take control of cities in the northern part of the country, including Gao and Timbuktu.
At the same time, the overthrow of dictator Moammar Gaddafi in Libya triggered a migration of African mercenaries and their weapons back to countries where al-Qaeda elements are based. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton described the trend lines in stark terms at the United Nations last week.
With “increased freedom to maneuver, terrorists are seeking to extend their reach and their networks in multiple directions,” Clinton said. She said the United States was “stepping up our counterterrorism efforts” to combat what she described as “a threat to the entire region and to the world.”
U.S. officials said they are reexamining AQIM’s potential in part to avoid earlier mistakes underestimating an al-Qaeda franchise based in Yemen.
The question looming over the White House discussions, a senior U.S. intelligence official said, is: “Do you see AQIM being in the same place AQAP was five years ago?”
Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, as the Yemen-based affiliate is known, was similarly discounted as a regional menace until it was linked to the attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound plane on Christmas in 2009.
It took more than year for the United States to mount a full-scale campaign against the Yemen group, using armed drones operated by the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command and the CIA. The United States has carried out 33 airstrikes in Yemen this year, according to independent estimates. Even so, AQAP has continued to attempt attacks, including an airline bomb plot disrupted earlier this year.
Some counterterrorism experts voiced concern that the administration is inflating the threat posed by al-Qaeda in North Africa. Although a small number of AQIM fighters were involved in the siege of U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, last month, U.S. intelligence officials said they see no indication the attacks were directed by the organization.
“AQIM has always been way more talk than action,” said a former senior U.S. counterterrorism official who tracked the organization until earlier this year. The group was for years known among analysts as “the most underperforming affiliate of al-Qaeda.”
Officials stressed that no decisions have been made about deploying armed drones or other lethal assets. The nearest U.S. drone base in Africa is across the continent in Ethiopia, and administration officials said they would consider unilateral strikes only as a last resort.
For now, the officials said, the emphasis is on replicating aspects of the counterterrorism formula in Somalia. The United States has conducted intelligence operations there, as well as strikes, but has mainly relied on African troops to battle an al-Qaeda-linked militant group known as al-Shabab.
Ham, the U.S. commander in Africa, has said that in Mali, that task has been made more difficult by political instability and the failure to act earlier. The United States, the Malian government and other countries “missed an opportunity to deal with AQIM when they were weak,” Ham told reporters during a visit to Senegal in July.
He called AQIM the “best-funded, wealthiest” affiliate, thanks to its lucrative practice of kidnapping foreigners for ransom and its smuggling prowess.
The Pentagon has been prohibited from giving military aid or training to Mali in the aftermath of the March coup. The ban, imposed by the State Department, is unlikely to be lifted until a democratically elected government can be reinstated.
In the meantime, the administration has been stepping up its military aid to Mali’s neighbors, including two that have been dealing with refugees and other spillover effects from the conflict there.
In July, the Defense Department allocated $6.9 million worth of military trucks, uniforms and communications gear for Mauritania. It also agreed to give Niger $11.6 mllion in equipment, primarily in the form of two Cessna airplanes that can be used for surveillance and to transport troops.
That same month, about 600 U.S. troops organized and led a joint military exercise, dubbed Western Accord 2012, with several West African nations, including Senegal, Burkina Faso, Guinea and Gambia. French troops also participated.
The Africa Command has continued to operate surveillance flights — under a classified program code-named Creek Sand – from a U.S. Special Operations forces base in Burkina Faso.
Senior U.S. officials said there was no American involvement in a reported June airstrike in northern Mali and that they still don’t know whether it occurred. Regional news organizations described a “mystery airstrike” that killed seven AQIM-aligned fighters traveling in a convoy of four vehicles.
Mali’s interim government has said that it would welcome a proposed peacekeeping force of about 3,300 troops from a 15-nation consortium known as the Economic Community of West African States.
La fausse prise d'otage, video ci-dessous, est une supercherie de la DCRI, pour envahir le Maghreb-Sahel et l'annexer au marche transatlantique en 2015, et sa section marocaine du Makhzen qui fait les videos dans la cave de Merguez Andre Azoulay a Rabat! Comme dirait certains decret cremieux, 'On a tourne ca chez Benichou a Oran et on fait la prod chez Glaoui a Rabat'. Les francais sont des veaux, c'est Bensoussan qui l'a dit le premier!
Hier le clan des israeliens de France se rememorait les 'rafles des nazis' a la synagogue de la 'victoire' a Paris, dont les petites gens de chez les juifs ont fait les frais, on se rappelera les juifs communistes massacres par les sionistes et leur allies allemands nazis a Varsovie. Aujourd'hui ce sont eux les descendants qui hatisent la haine et la guerre partout,
'ils ne meritent pas d'etre sur terre', dixit un ministre malade mental. Ils poussent a l'extermination des Musulmans partout, ils raflent les Musulmans et les massacrent un peu partout dans le monde. La guestapo s'appelle la DCRI, le MI5, la CIA, le FBI, l'OTAN... en hommage au crime de tous les crimes... et aux mythomanes et manipulateurs qui detruisent le monde et l'envoit dans un conflagration mondiale
Redevenons serieux, l'agent sioniste algerien Mohamed Mediene dit Tewfik, chef du renseignement militaire franco-israelo-algerien, forme par la DST, puis passe sous pavillon americain, voyant que ses groupes sont directement responsables de sa future disparition, actee a Washington et Bruxelles, sera semble-t-il elimine a la Omar Suleiman comme je l'ai explique a Allain Jules, le blogeur le plus celebre du Maghreb-Sahel.
Omar Suleiman, l'ancien chef des renseignements egyptiens, entierement a la solde des israeliens, comme Tewfik, soignait sa maladie aux Etats-Unis, comme Tewfik... Les ricains ont oublie d'eteindre la pompe a infusion lors de sa derniere chimiotherapie, il est mort d'une surdose, il en savait trop... sur les israeliens, comme Saddate. Des fois que des juges egyptiens mettent la main dessus.
IDEM POUR TEWFIK DANS LES SEMAINES A VENIR???!!! A MOINS QUE LA MOMIE BOUTEF EL HABLI NE SUCCOMBE LE PREMIER! Sans porter atteinte a la dignite humaine de ces criminels de guerre... Nous sommes a Allah swt et c'est a Lui que nous revenons, j'en connais un qui aura du mal a justifier devant le Tout Puissant, son je suis 'Rab el Djazair'...
IDEM POUR TEWFIK DANS LES SEMAINES A VENIR???!!! A MOINS QUE LA MOMIE BOUTEF EL HABLI NE SUCCOMBE LE PREMIER! Sans porter atteinte a la dignite humaine de ces criminels de guerre... Nous sommes a Allah swt et c'est a Lui que nous revenons, j'en connais un qui aura du mal a justifier devant le Tout Puissant, son je suis 'Rab el Djazair'...
Apres le Shoahnanas, ecoutez celle-ci, le chef 'd'AQMI', selon les mythomanes racistes et incompetents de la guestapo du CRIF a Levallois-Perret, qui a toutes les armees a ses trousses et tous les drones de l'AFRICOM-OTAN, serait mort .... d'un accident de la route. Mais ne rigolez pas!!! C'est pas Dieudonne qui le dit dans son dernier spectacle 'Foxtrot', un des surnom de Tewfik, ce sont les larbins des medias francais de RFI qui l'affirment, une information de premiere ordre venant de Patrick Clavar, le remplacant de l'ancien emir en chef Bernard Squarcini, l'ane du mossad en France. lire ici.
La les services francais effacent les traces de leurs forfaits, c'est clair net et evident...
J'ai ecris ce post en trois fois, car je suis tombe de ma chaise en lisant la derniere info de Clavar le caffard de Tel Aviv... J'arrete pas de rire, j'ai mal au dos maintenant. Clavar tu devrais consulter un psy, t'es un fou furieux, qu'est ce que tu prends comme drogue?
A bon entendeur Salaam,
« Notre ami Bouteflika – de l’Etat rêvé à l’Etat scélérat » : vérité ou diversion ?
Voici la carte originale de la vision strategique europeene pour 2015-2020. Il s'agit bien d'annexer la Caspienne, les pays limitrophes a la Russie, observez bien la Syrie, la Turquie et le Maghreb-Sahel, tous annexes militairement par l'OTAN avec l'excuse du terrorisme ou du 'printemps Arabe' pour securiser les flux (humains, biens, energetiques). Voici donc la 'politique europeene de voisinage', soumis au 'Grand Israel'. Ce que font les harkis d'Alger c'est annexer le Maghreb ou les usines europeenes viendront s'installer pour payer les ouvriers a 350 euros par mois pour rester dans la course contre la Chine et l'Inde. Les entreprises algeriennes, du Maghreb seront balayees en 2020 car la France-Israel tient l'economie algerienne avec 600 entreprises. Le plan de la Resistance, c'est de detruire le MEDEF et les societes francaises au Maghreb, pour mieux les reprendre quand la bourse sera a 500. Sarkozy tombe, Tewfik suivra, c'est ecrit... Sous notre Ere, Musulmane, les grandes marques et firmes 'francaises' seront aux mains des Musulmans, discretement mais tres surement, et j'en connais qui sont depasses a Paris, l'anglo-americain suit l'argent, le franco-israelien sa haine.... Mangoux nous sommes la pour diriger dans la decade qui suit, et vous mater et vous dresser, pas vous regarder faire, c'est ce qui manque dans ta description de mes activites dans tes rapports! (AS)
Par Omar Mazri,
Je suis tombé sur un article, en trois parties, du journal « le matindz » intitulé « Les dessous de la complicité Bouteflika – Émirats ». Ces articles font l’apologie du livre « Notre ami Bouteflika – de l’État rêvé à l’État scélérat » ainsi que la publicité au directeur de ce journal Mohamed Benchicou président du collectif rédacteur du livre.
Je n’ai aucune sympathie pour ce journal qui n’existe que par le monopole de l’État sur la publicité qui distribue la rente aux journaux servant sa stratégie de communication. Si ce journal et tant d’autres du même gabarit devaient compter sur la qualité du travail d’investigation de leurs journalistes et de l’intérêt du peuple algérien pour leur contenu il y a longtemps que ces journaux auraient déclaré faillite et mis la clé sous le paillasson.
Ce qui m’a amené à prendre la plume c’est la capacité de nuisance et de désinformation qu’il laisse dans l’esprit de jeunes en quête de scandales sur une gouvernance incompétente faute de se prendre en charge et de s’impliquer dans une dynamique de changement. Il y a une volonté délibérée de diversion qu’il faut dénoncer : Haqqoun ourida bihi bàatiloun (Une vérité dont la visée est de faire valoir le faux – Ali Ibn Abi Taleb)
Ce journal et le livre dont il fait la promotion ne donnent pas une réflexion sur la dynamique du changement, mais répondent en apparence à une logique commerciale de la presse à sensation et de l’opposition à dénonciation verbale, mais sans apporter du nouveau sur les pratiques du pouvoir qui n’échappent pas aux gens de la plèbe. Lorsque 300 000 Algériens et l’Algérie avec son histoire, ses ressources et son avenir sont occis par l’incitation à la haine, à l’éradication et à la guerre civile par ce même journal et son directeur on peut se demander : quelle est la signification des milliards qu’aurait détournés le Président Boutelflika ?
Ce journal dont la nature idéologique n’est plus le trotskisme, mais les affaires comme l’ensemble de la gauche algérienne même si Gilles Perrault appelé à la rescousse pour donner crédit et notoriété à leur livre a un passé notoire de trotskiste. Celui qui veut s’intéresser à l’histoire du trotskisme verra comment ce mouvement a été souvent l’écran de dissimulation du sionisme et de la CIA. La meilleure illustration est le rôle des trotskistes en mai 68 qui a fait tomber le général de Gaule connu pour son refus de l’alliance avec l’OTAN, son refus du sionisme et sa politique d’une politique d’ouverture avec le monde arabe. L’histoire retient également qu’après l’offensive militaire de Ho Chi Minh en mars 68 contre l’armée américaine au Vietnam la France était chargée d’ouvrir les négociations entre l’Amérique et Ho Chi Minh en mai 68 et qui ont abouti à la conférence de Paris en 1969. Alors que le monde progressiste et les peuples des anciennes colonies venaient de découvrir ce héros vietnamien, les trotskistes français n’ont pas trouvé mieux que d’organiser une manifestation avec des drapeaux et des banderoles en hommage non pas à Ho Chi Minh, mais à Trotski. Pour Malek Bennabi qui avait analysé l’aspect idéologique des progressistes algériens et français qui refusent aux musulmans le débat idéologique, il y avait une supercherie sioniste et américaine pour faire imposer leur agenda dans une manifestation à la fois anti-impérialiste et reconnaissante à la lutte du peuple vietnamien. On peut légitimement se poser la question sur la place d’un Trotskiste comme Gilles Perrault dans un problème qui relève de l’Algérie et des Algériens.
Le talent, l’engagement, la biographie et la bibliographie de Gilles Perrault ne sont pas des facteurs déterminants pour préfacer un livre écrit par des Algériens attaquant un président algérien en exercice même si ce président est illégitime, corrompu, autocratique. Il y a des principes à ne pas transgresser. J’ai refusé que le général Khaled Nezzar soit trainé dans un tribunal français ou suisse non par sympathie pour lui, mais par dignité pour mes proches qui sont morts pour la patrie et qui ont connu les camps d’internement durant la guerre de libération. Mon refus m’a fait rompre des amitiés solides et anciennes, car l’égard pour l’Algérie, nonobstant son État pitoyable et pour lequel Khaled Nezzar a une part de responsabilité, impose à tout algérien un sentiment patriotique libéré du patriotisme de canailles que certaines personnes dans le pouvoir, dans l’opposition et dans les médias algériens cultivent sans honte ni pudeur. Il n’appartient ni à la France ni à la Suisse ni aux États-Unis ni aux monarchies du Golfe d’interférer dans nos affaires internes : il y va de notre devenir, de notre dignité, de notre souveraineté même si celle-ci est lourdement mise en cause par les gouvernants. Si nous tolérons un instant, dans un livre ou dans une affaire de justice, le droit de regard de l’Étranger sur une affaire relevant du droit algérien et concernant le peuple algérien, même si pour l’instant le droit et le peuple sont les plus grands absents, nous devenons des complices à l’ingérence étrangère qui est la nouvelle doctrine du nouvel ordre mondial pour nous asservir de nouveau. Musulman je crois en la justice divine : si l’État algérien n’est pas constitué pour rendre justice avec équité et impartialité, les responsables de crimes politiques et économiques, et d’atteinte à la vie des individus ne peuvent échapper à l’impunité de l’histoire et du Jugement dernier.
Enfin, il reste à montrer le paradoxe des trotskistes et des gauchistes algériens. Ils se sont convertis depuis longtemps à l’économie de marché et à l’affairisme qu’ils oublient dans leur analyse de recourir à la dialectique marxiste qui consiste essentiellement à analyser la dynamique sociale, politique, économique et historique d’un système, ses rapports avec la géopolitique, et ses contradictions. Il s’agit d’analyses de processus pour comprendre et pour agir et non de prise de positions partisanes en faveur ou contre des individus. Les progressistes algériens, en rupture avec la culture dialectique et nationaliste des grandes figures du marxisme algérien telles que Mohamed Harbi ou Hachemi Hajerès, sont otages intellectuellement et moralement des appareils bureaucratiques dont ils sont issus et otages de leur culture d’éradication du peuple qu’ils ne pourront jamais représenter, car ils savent qu’ils sont désavoués par ce peuple sur le plan moral, religieux et idéologique. Ils savent qu’ils sont le produit d’un système qu’ils ont servi et défendu. Je ne défends pas le président Bouteflika, dont le bilan n’échappe à personne et je ne vais pas faire de la surenchère sur la situation du peuple algérien. Je m’insurge contre la désinformation qui consiste à présenter un président ou un homme comme bouc émissaire de la catastrophe annoncée. Nous savons tous que ce président est coopté par le système et s’il y a un devoir courageux de demander des comptes et de situer les responsabilités il consiste à analyser le système et les alliances nationales et internationales qui ont permis l’arrivée de monsieur Bouteflika et sa longévité alors que monsieur Boudiaf a fini tragiquement en direct et que le général Liamine Zéroual a jeté l’éponge.
Bien entendu les pseudos progressistes algériens, journalistes et écrivains, ne nous diront jamais qu’ils ont constitué l’ossature de l’appareil bureaucratique de l’appareil d’État et des appareils économiques du secteur public dont sont issus le secteur privé parasitaire et la presse « libre » qui tous vivent de la rente de l’État et de sa corruption.
Pourquoi alors se comporter comme les pharisiens accusant de fornication l’élément faible de la société juive et laissant les autres péchés dans l’oubli et le silence que Jésus est venu les réformer ?
La réponse est simple et connue par tout le monde sans jeter l’anathème sur les pharisiens de l’Algérie post indépendance. Elle est simple quand on sait que la bataille que se livrent les différents clans du pouvoir pour la rente et la prébende se fait par deux canaux : le terrorisme contre le peuple et la guerre médiatique. Tout le monde sait pour qui roule notre presse indépendante. Elle ne roule pas pour l’État algérien ni pour le peuple algérien : elle roule pour un clan contre l’autre. Elle ne roule pas pour la souveraineté nationale et la résistance contre la prédation nationale et internationale, mais elle roule pour un enjeu stratégique contre un autre enjeu aussi stratégique.
Le premier enjeu stratégique :
L’Algérie après l’indépendance et jusqu’à la fin de l’ère Chadli était un terrain de bataille entre les nationalistes (toutes idéologies et tendances politiques confondues), les partisans du Makhzen marocain (une république monarchiste avec la même matrice politique, économique et sécuritaire que celle du Maroc) et le Hizb frança, la cinquième colonne qui veut maintenir l’Algérie dans la francophonie sur le plan culturel et politique et le comptoir commercial sur le plan économique et géopolitique.
Le second enjeu stratégique :
Les mêmes acteurs jouent et toujours très mal à qui emmènera l’Algérie dans le giron américano-qatari saoudien ou dans le giron franco-européen. Le second est classique et bien rôdé avec ses clercs et ses appareils au sein des médias, des appareils administratifs et économiques pour maintenir l’Algérie comme comptoir commercial de la France et de ses partenaires européens. Le premier est « moderne » et en voie de puissance pour embarquer l’Algérie comme base coloniale de l’OTAN pour jouer le rôle de gendarme en Afrique et en supplétifs dans une prochaine guerre contre l’Iran. Cet axe nouveau repose sur le « soft powerment » de Brezinski qui accorde une large part aux islamo nationalistes, aux courants maraboutiques et aux anarchistes de l’Islam infantile qui sont mus par le désir de vengeance et par la quête de pouvoir.
Les arguments du « matin » et de monsieur Benchicou sont tellement évidents et fallacieux que nous ne sommes pas dans un réquisitoire dicté par l’éveil de conscience de l’algérianité contre les droits bafoués et les richesses spoliées, mais dans une démarche de psychopathes qui ont peur d’un scénario qui les exclut du contrôle des rouages de l’État et du partage de la rente qu’ils ont patiemment et méthodiquement élaboré depuis la « révolution agraire » par le noyautage de l’administration et de l’économie. Servant leurs intérêts idéologiques, linguistiques, politiques et économiques ils ne peuvent pas attaquer la monarchie saoudienne ou qatarie de vassaux de l’impérialisme et du sionisme, car ils n’ont ni le courage ni le nationalisme qui défend la souveraineté du peuple et ses valeurs arabo musulmanes. Ils ont par contre la perfidie et la lâcheté de poignarder, comme à leur habitude, le peuple algérien en le frappant dans ce qui est sacré tout en faisant de la désinformation sur les origines et les acteurs du système de prédation de l’Algérie. Ainsi, ce qui est à retenir dans leur détraction de Bouteflika et des monarchies est cette expression perdue dans le verbiage :
« Algérie réorientée vers une engeance arabo-islamique. Le terme engeance signifie bien leur embarras qui témoigne de leur désespoir de conquérir le sommet du pouvoir et de leur doute sur leur l’efficacité de leurs alliances classiques. Ils savent qu’à terme l’Algérie ne leur appartiendra pas. Ils ont choisi la tyrannie, l’exclusion et le monopole au nom de la liberté et de la démocratie, le temps de rendre des comptes n’est pas loin. Bouteflika est déjà sur la voie de rejoindre son créateur qui lui demandera des comptes.
Je les mets au défi, de ramener non pas Gilles Perrault, mais un institut de sondage compétent et indépendant pour définir le nombre de vendus de leur presse, le profil de leur lecteur et les rubriques consultées. Je fais le pari d’un litre d’huile kabyle contre une olive palestinienne que la majorité des gens qui achètent leurs journaux le font pour consulter la rubrique sportive et la rubrique nécrologique.
Le diction algérien s’applique bien à ces parasites saltimbanques de foire : Yakoul al Ghalla wa iyssab al Milla ( Il mange leur nourriture et puis insulte leur confession).
Il est plus que jamais urgent de se réveiller, car il y a le feu dans la demeure Algérie, les pyromanes et les corrupteurs sont plus nombreux que les réformateur.
Un changement pacifié et accompagné sous le contrôle de l’ANP qui s’engagerait à respecter et à faire respecter la Constitution et à rester en dehors des luttes partisanes et politiques est urgent avant que le changement ne soit pas imposé contre la souveraineté nationale. Faisons du slogan « pour les idées et le débat » une réalité au service de l’Algérie.
The Racist anti-Islamic movie financed by Israelis talmudists is designed to attack the US in retaliation of Dempsey and the Obama administration refusal to obey Netanyahu orders and to give Romney a 'presidential agenda' which is 'Protect, Serve and Die for Israel'
Netanyahu's commandos killed the US ambassador Christopher Stevens, a specialist in secret military diplomacy operations, in Benghazi
UPDATE FROM LIBYA; 13 September 2012-11H18 GMT: Special forces which stroke the US embassy in Benghazi are definitively from the UAE and were dressed as NATO special forces. These are trained and supervised by the french DGSE, like the qataris special forces in Libya, the head of the DGSE is Erard Corbin de Mangoux, he was put in place in France by mossadnik Sarkozy. Mangoux is a Gladio-mossad member like his master Charles Pasqua
Different witnesses in Benghazi confirmed that the commandos which attacked the US convoy had night-vision helmets, laser-guided weapons, highly sophisticated, and GPS trackers, they were dressed as NATO special forces units, like the ones operating in Benghazi up to the Egyptian border. These witnesses confirm that none of the attackers speak any Arabic or Berberian dialect use in the area, they flew the scene very quickly. The different factions in Benghazi are trained and supervised by the pentagone. Only French and British are dressed this way in the area. None of any groups in Benghazi have the ability to trace so easily any target, otherwise they would have killed Gaddafi without NATO help. Prime suspects are the israelis, as Obama is still refusing to meet with Netanyahu. Like in 2007, Zionist cartoons provocation, Israel is fueling the West with Islamophobia because Israel lost the intelligence battle over the Middle East, as the US had been able to know exactly what Netanyahu was doing, something entirely new in Washington. This new wave of provocations is designed to fuel the hatred against Muslims in the US, and put the israeli agenda on the table, 7 weeks before the presidential elections, to give Romney 'an agenda', as his defeat is now sure, unless Israel is able to trigger serious attacks against the US military in the Middle East. This has all the trademarks of a false flag, Israel does not need the US anymore meddling in Libya, like in Lebanon in 1982, they will strike and kill a maximum of US and NATO military forces to signify that they are in charge now.
US consulate attack in Libya: unrepentant film-maker goes into hiding
Telegraph UK Appearing to have no discernible track record in film, religion or politics, Bacile identifies himself as an Israeli Jew and said he produced, directed and wrote the two-hour film, “Innocence of Muslims”.
It was released in July, but only began to be noticed in the Islamic world after a version dubbed into Arabic was put online last week.
Speaking by telephone to the Associated Press from an undisclosed location, Bacile, who went into hiding on Tuesday, remained defiant, saying Islam is a “cancer” and that he intended his film to be a provocative political statement condemning the religion.
Bacile, who is aged 52 or 56, said he believed the film will help his native land by exposing Islam’s flaws to the world.
“Islam is a cancer, period,” he repeatedly said, claiming the film cost £3.3 million to make and was financed with the help of more than 100 Jewish donors.
He said he had worked with some 60 actors and 45 crew to make the two-hour film in a three-month period last year in California. “The movie is a political movie. It’s not a religious movie,” he said.
It is also being promoted by controversial Florida pastor Terry Jones, who sparked protests in the past for burning the Koran and vehemently opposing the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero in New York.
Jones had said he planned to show a 13-minute clip of the film on Tuesday evening at his church in Gainesville, Florida.
Though Mr Bacile was apologetic about the American deaths in Benghazi, he blamed lax embassy security and the perpetrators of the violence.
“I feel the security system [at the embassies] is no good,” said Bacile. “America should do something to change it.”
A 14-minute trailer of the film that sparked the protests depicts Muhammad as a fraud, a womanizer and a madman in an overtly ridiculing way, showing him having sex and calling for massacres. Its production values are shoddy and the dialogue stilted. In most scenes actors are super-imposed on desert locations; many have browned their faces with make-up.
The New York Times reported that the film excerpt had drawn little attention since being posted in July, but was picked up after a version dubbed into Arabic was put online last week.
Bacile said the film was produced in English and he doesn’t know who dubbed it in Arabic. The full work has been shown once, to a mostly empty cinema in Hollywood earlier this year, he said.
The website’s guidelines call for removing videos that include a threat of violence, but not those that only express opinions. YouTube’s practice is not to comment on specific videos.
A scene from the film was also was broadcast on the Egyptian television channel Al-Nas, and then on Sunday, Egyptian Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa denounced “the actions undertaken by some extremist Copts who made a film offensive to the prophet”.
Morris Sadek, an Egyptian-born Christian in the US known for his anti-Islam views, told the Associated Press from Washington that he was promoting the video on his website and on certain television stations, which he did not identify. He has staged protests before with Terry Jones.
Both Sadek and Bacile depicted the film as showing how Coptic Christians are oppressed in Egypt, though it goes well beyond that to ridicule Muhammad – a reflection of their contention that Islam as a religion is inherently oppressive.
“The main problem is I am the first one to put on the screen someone who is [portraying] Muhammad. It makes them mad,” Bacile said. “But we have to open the door. After 9/11 everybody should be in front of the judge, even Jesus, even Muhammad.”
For several days, Egyptian media have been reporting on the video, playing some excerpts from it and blaming Sadek for it, with ultraconservative clerics going on air to denounce it.
Muslims find it offensive to depict Muhammad in any fashion, much less in an insulting way. The 2005 publication of 12 caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper triggered riots in many Muslim countries.
Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation based in Manchester, issued a statement which led with the a condemnation of the film.
“I wish to condemn with reservation the vile and disgusting film by Israeli filmmaker Sam Bacile, produced in the United States which depicts the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in a derogatory way. The only intention of this evil man is to cause harm to the hearts of Muslims and create more friction amongst our diverse communities,” he said.
He went on to condemn the killing of US ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens. “Whilst we Muslims are hurting and disgusted at his film we must maintain peaceful protest and ensure we channel our anger towards those that have done such actions.”
He called on YouTube to remove the film. The foundation’s stated aim is to work for the “peaceful co-existence and dialogue for all communities”.
It was released in July, but only began to be noticed in the Islamic world after a version dubbed into Arabic was put online last week.
Speaking by telephone to the Associated Press from an undisclosed location, Bacile, who went into hiding on Tuesday, remained defiant, saying Islam is a “cancer” and that he intended his film to be a provocative political statement condemning the religion.
Bacile, who is aged 52 or 56, said he believed the film will help his native land by exposing Islam’s flaws to the world.
“Islam is a cancer, period,” he repeatedly said, claiming the film cost £3.3 million to make and was financed with the help of more than 100 Jewish donors.
He said he had worked with some 60 actors and 45 crew to make the two-hour film in a three-month period last year in California. “The movie is a political movie. It’s not a religious movie,” he said.
It is also being promoted by controversial Florida pastor Terry Jones, who sparked protests in the past for burning the Koran and vehemently opposing the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero in New York.
Jones had said he planned to show a 13-minute clip of the film on Tuesday evening at his church in Gainesville, Florida.
Though Mr Bacile was apologetic about the American deaths in Benghazi, he blamed lax embassy security and the perpetrators of the violence.
“I feel the security system [at the embassies] is no good,” said Bacile. “America should do something to change it.”
A 14-minute trailer of the film that sparked the protests depicts Muhammad as a fraud, a womanizer and a madman in an overtly ridiculing way, showing him having sex and calling for massacres. Its production values are shoddy and the dialogue stilted. In most scenes actors are super-imposed on desert locations; many have browned their faces with make-up.
The New York Times reported that the film excerpt had drawn little attention since being posted in July, but was picked up after a version dubbed into Arabic was put online last week.
Bacile said the film was produced in English and he doesn’t know who dubbed it in Arabic. The full work has been shown once, to a mostly empty cinema in Hollywood earlier this year, he said.
The website’s guidelines call for removing videos that include a threat of violence, but not those that only express opinions. YouTube’s practice is not to comment on specific videos.
A scene from the film was also was broadcast on the Egyptian television channel Al-Nas, and then on Sunday, Egyptian Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa denounced “the actions undertaken by some extremist Copts who made a film offensive to the prophet”.
Morris Sadek, an Egyptian-born Christian in the US known for his anti-Islam views, told the Associated Press from Washington that he was promoting the video on his website and on certain television stations, which he did not identify. He has staged protests before with Terry Jones.
Both Sadek and Bacile depicted the film as showing how Coptic Christians are oppressed in Egypt, though it goes well beyond that to ridicule Muhammad – a reflection of their contention that Islam as a religion is inherently oppressive.
“The main problem is I am the first one to put on the screen someone who is [portraying] Muhammad. It makes them mad,” Bacile said. “But we have to open the door. After 9/11 everybody should be in front of the judge, even Jesus, even Muhammad.”
For several days, Egyptian media have been reporting on the video, playing some excerpts from it and blaming Sadek for it, with ultraconservative clerics going on air to denounce it.
Muslims find it offensive to depict Muhammad in any fashion, much less in an insulting way. The 2005 publication of 12 caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper triggered riots in many Muslim countries.
Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation based in Manchester, issued a statement which led with the a condemnation of the film.
“I wish to condemn with reservation the vile and disgusting film by Israeli filmmaker Sam Bacile, produced in the United States which depicts the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in a derogatory way. The only intention of this evil man is to cause harm to the hearts of Muslims and create more friction amongst our diverse communities,” he said.
He went on to condemn the killing of US ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens. “Whilst we Muslims are hurting and disgusted at his film we must maintain peaceful protest and ensure we channel our anger towards those that have done such actions.”
He called on YouTube to remove the film. The foundation’s stated aim is to work for the “peaceful co-existence and dialogue for all communities”.
High alert at US embassies: Fear that anger at anti-Islam film may engulf Middle East
US embassies across the globe are tightening security after the ambassador to Libya died in a militia attack against the Benghazi consulate. The attack was sparked by a US film satirizing the Prophet Muhammad. Protests over the film are widening.
A US Marine Corps anti-terrorism group has been dispatched to Libya to boost security in the wake of the deadly attack, officials said Wednesday.
The roughly 50-member unit of the Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team is currently en route to the North African country. The Tuesday night attack resulted in the death of John Christopher Stevens, the US ambassador to Libya, and three other diplomatic staffers.
Washington condemned the attack, and urged American embassies and citizens across the world to take extra precautions. Calls for more protests are already being raised in Egypt, Afghanistan, Algeria, Tunisia and other countries. In Gaza, Palestinian protesters burned a US flag.
Palestinian men burn the US flag during a demonstration against a film deemed offensive to Islam, on September 12, 2012 in front of the United Nations headquarters in Gaza City (AFP Photo / Mahmud Hams)
The Taliban called on Afghans Wednesday to prepare for a fight against Americans, and urged insurgents to "take revenge" on US soldiers.
"The Islamic Emirate calls on religious heads around the country to completely inform Muslim followers of the inhumane acts of Americans… And make them ready for a long-term fight," the group said in a statement.
Afghan authorities forced the country’s largest telecom service to restrict access to YouTube to prevent the controversial film from being viewed. Washington also asked Kabul for assistance maintaining calm over video. The service will continue to be blocked “until the video is taken down," Afghan officials said. Pakistan has reportedly followed suit.
Moroccan women shout slogans during a demonstration against a film deemed offensive to Islam, on September 12, 2012 near the US consulate in Casablanca (AFP Photo / Abdelhal Senna)
The movie behind the recent outrage is the two-hour-long amateur film "Innocence of Muslims", which satirizes the life of the Prophet Mohammed. The movie claims the prophet was a fraud and a philanderer who, among other sins, approved of sexually abusing children.
After being uploaded to YouTube, the film sparked outrage among the international Muslim community and sent its director, Israeli-American Sam Bacile, into hiding. Bacile later commented that Islam is a “cancer” that threatens Israel, and therefore needed to be exposed to the world.
Some 2,000 Egyptian demonstrators massed around the US embassy Tuesday night. After climbing the compound’s walls and tearing down the American flag, they hoisted a black banner bearing the traditional Islamic message: “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet.”
On Wednesday, the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s largest political organization, urged “peaceful protests outside all the main mosques in all of Egypt's provinces.” The demonstrations are set for Friday, and “all national forces” are urged to join in, the group said.
Egyptian politicians have also voiced concerns that the film aims to incite sectarian violence in the country. Production is reported to have involved two US-based Coptic Christians, while Copts make up a powerful religious minority in Egypt.
Dubbing the movie a “racist crime,” Egypt’s Freedom and Justice Party said that “both elements of the Egyptian people – Christians and Muslims – have been and will always be united in the face of such despicable attempts that seek to foment conflict in this homeland.”
Zionists, NATO real culprit behind anti-Islam plots
By Gordon Duff,
For Press TV,
Much has happened this week, conflicting stories, the hand of intelligence agencies and special operations groups seen everywhere, controlled and orchestrated press, jumping from one farcical conspiracy theory to another.
Behind it all, two names are seen as so desperate to try to light the world aflame, an effort underway in Syria for some time, an effort perhaps not working out as well as hoped.
The names are Netanyahu and Romney though few believe “Mitt Romney” to be more than a puppet. A careful examination of his life, misrepresented as one of wealth and accomplishment shows him to be emotionally unstable, shallow, lazy and inept, a life of trickery and deceit under the protection of a powerful family and its even more powerful friends.
Netanyahu, perhaps another puppet, but not so benign, fumes away at the world, reports of his encroaching insanity and its threat to Israel and world peace are now impossible to hide. There is nothing “Jewish” or “Semitic” about Netanyahu, just psychotic.
This week of violence lands entirely on his doorstep, his and his “lapdogs” in the US, extremists at the fringe of power still controlling America’s massive private armies and intelligence groups, a major portion of the entire world’s might wielded by corporations, used to advance the plots and conspiracies of groups now long accepted as eccentric, homicidal and apocalyptic.
This week with the upheavals across the Middle East over a mysterious and extreme attack on Islam and its institutions, the real culprits are using the press to hide their intention and identities.
To cover their tracks, the real conspirators, stories about “youtube” and “Coptic Christians” and a forgotten and tasteless film long consigned to the trash heap are used to disguise the real criminals.
Ethnic and religious attacks like the ones largely responsible for the protests, all except the US Embassy attack in Libya, are considered crimes in most nations. In Canada, Australia, Germany, France and many other nations, anyone who has questioned Israel’s politics or accused anyone of Jewish background, no matter if they are caught with a bloody knife in their hands, of wrongdoing are considered criminals and consigned to a decade or more in prison.
In the United States, there is a long history of jailing anyone whose actions lead to violence. By the standard of law applied to the Chicago 7 and other Vietnam War protest groups, Terry Jones would be arrested for not only inciting a riot but for conspiracy to commit murder, acts in support of terrorism and hate crimes.
American laws cover each of these areas and his actions, were he who he says he is, an Islamophobe fanatic responsible for a massive internet onslaught of pornography, bigotry and purposeful instigation of attacks on Americans overseas, he would be in jail now, and should expect never to be released.
However, the “reverend” Terry Jones, the real culprit, can expect, any time he wishes, full support for anything he does, even if millions of emails are sent out, even if the bandwidth of the entire Internet is needed to spew his filth.
Terry Jones has worked for the CIA for much of his life, initially coordinating recruitment of terrorist groups in Germany under the Gladio program. Years ago, NATO hired social misfits and psychopaths to set up terror groups that were intended to become “underground cells” if the Soviets invaded Europe and Latin America.
Terror groups organized by NATO were set up in 36 nations on 3 continents. When no Soviet invasion happened, they began operating independently, 20 years of bombings across Europe as “P2,” war in El Salvador, Guatemala, Chile, Argentina, Angola, drug operations in Columbia, revolutionary groups in Nicaragua and Mexico, the “saviors of NATO” became the basis of terror organizations around the world, organizations now blamed on “extremists.”
The real extremists were NATO and the story is a simple one. After World War II, there were two influxes of recruits into US intelligence. First was the Galen group from NAZI Germany, brought into the US by CIA head Allen Dulles under Operation Paperclip and eventually run by George H.W. Bush and former German SS General Walter Dornberger.
This group arranged the murder of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, partnered with extremist groups in Israel and led the US down the path to oligarchical control, as is so obviously exhibited in America’s behavior around the world.
Gladio was one of their ploys, a Hitleresque plan to fight communism hijacked by a cabal of powerful international organizations, banking, oil, weapons, intent on world domination.
The second input to this organization was after the fall of the Berlin Wall when hundreds of highly trained STASI spies and killers were recruited by right wing extremist groups within the US.
They were brought into the CIA and other intelligence agencies, took over key security agencies in Europe and used their unparalleled training, skills and brutality to reinvigorate efforts toward world domination by the interests we never see except when watching Israel or the Wall Street Banks, the clumsy and stupid buffoons of the New World Order.
The truth can be difficult to accept, if not impossible. Those who sacrifice in brutal wars are hesitant to admit, no matter how compelling the evidence, that their efforts were, in actuality, in service of great evil.
During the early 20th Century, a Marine General, two time winner of the Medal of Honor came to the realization that all wars were economic, that all use of military force was a form of robbery. Smedley Butler was his name. He considered himself a “gangster for Wall Street” and, for those familiar with his teachings and military theories, considered one of the greatest men of our time.
Butler was a famous American hero, a lifelong enemy of both communism and fascism, once imprisoned for insulting Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini over an incident where Mussolini ran down a small child with his Bugatti and drove off without notice.
Today the single dead child might well be the endless dead from 9/11, an event now believed by most legitimate experts to have been staged with no Muslim terrorists involved and considerable complicity from the Bush administration with very strong evidence pointing toward Israeli operational capabilities.
The realities of human development, long stifled by decades of colonial rule, were coming to an end. The fall of Mubarak, in particular, an Israeli stooge wearing the mask of a Muslim leader, being the most dramatic.
With Egypt “in the wind” as it were, only a civil war between Christians and Muslims could put off the disaster Netanyahu feared, an America sick of war, an American military unwilling to occupy the Middle East as an Israeli surrogate and a people who may well be slowly awakening to find their government infiltrated and bought by criminal interests hard wired to Netanyahu and his gangster friends.
Intelligence sources in Libya tell us that a team arrived from the UAE set to infiltrate the demonstrators and butcher the American ambassador and his elite security team.
Perhaps it is this relationship that is the sickest of all, the circle of deception between the Gulf States, Saudi Arabia and Israel, all nations based on foreign slave labor, American military protection and rule by brutality and deception.
I am reminded of a line from a film, “The Usual Suspects.”
“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn’t exist.”
With the web collapsing around Tel Aviv and the maniac unlikely to die outside a bunker as his enemies close in around him, Netanyahu still has his hands on the strings that control puppets around the world, the press, entertainment industry, key world leaders, the list is considerable as is his ability to do evil as this week has shown us.
Netanyahu and his brother in strife, Rupert Murdoch, put three consecutive British prime ministers in office and controlled them and the security services through bribery and blackmail.
His empire nearly brought down President Clinton, helped rig the election of President Bush 43 twice, started two wars and almost a third and, despite opposition, stands ready to destroy the world over Syria and Iran.
In the process, the only surviving economy in the world may be the US, though hopelessly in debt and battered by a decade of rule by foreign gangsters.
Even the super-economy of China has become brittle; the German money-machine is grinding to a halt and nations hoping for the benefits of science and human development languish yet another decade.
All of this was no accident.
The last week was no accident either, every member of the press pouring out the deceit, so many governments silent or complicit and those responsible knowing they will never be called to settle accounts. Not yet anyway.
Tunisia: Mossad in the Maghreb: Stepping up its game
Tunis, (Al-Akhbar): For the past three months, the Arab Maghreb countries have been witnessing a growing number of controversies and scandals concerning cells linked to Israeli espionage activities.
It began when an informants network was dismantled in Mauritania early this year. Then Mossad made the headlines in Algeria and Morocco in a string of reports, rumors, and hoaxes.
Finally, a new scandal reverberated across Tunisia last week involving a wide network of Mossad operations, including espionage centers using the country as a base to spy across the Maghreb region.
Abderraouf al-Ayadi, head of the Wafa Movement which split from the Rally for the Republic (RPR), caused a huge stir last week when he revealed that Mossad has stepped up its activities in post-revolutionary Tunisia.
He said that these activities were being conducted under the “cover of European and US NGOs that claim to be charitable, humanitarian, or cultural.”
This echoes earlier statements by the head of the Tunisian Workers Party (formerly POCT), Hamma al-Hammami, about “Israeli spy networks operating in post-revolution Tunisia that took advantage of the state of chaos and lawlessness that swept the country following president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali’s escape.”
The information revealed by Ayadi and Hammami coincided with a February report by the Yafa Center for Studies and Research focusing on Mossad activities in the Maghreb. The report said that the agency began concentrating its operations in Tunisia following the PLO’s exit from Beirut and relocation to Tunis in 1982.
Interest in the region declined after the signing of the Oslo accords, until the Tunisian revolution brought it back.
The report spoke about the post-Oslo Tunisian-Israeli rapprochement which became public with the establishment of a bureau for economic cooperation in 1996.
The relationship included a secret item about the “establishment of a system for security coordination between the Mossad and Tunisia by Shalom Cohen, a Tunisian Jew working in the North Africa section of the Israeli Mossad. In the same year, he became the director of the Israeli interest bureau in Tunisia.”
According to the report, Cohen used his diplomatic cover to build a “Mossad network” based in the capital Tunis, with branches in Sousse and Djerba.
The Yafa center information is consistent with that which Ayadi said he had received from a high-ranking Tunisian security source who reported the surveillance of a secret Mossad network “of around 300 agents” distributed over the three spying bases.
The first base was in the capital and run by a certain Nachman Jalboagh. It focused on Algeria by collecting information, monitoring targets, and recruiting agents.
The second is in Sousse and run by Doron Pierre. Its operations were primarily inside Tunisia, especially the monitoring the remaining Palestinians in Tunisia, Salafi movements, and groups opposing peace with Israel.
The third is in Djerba, run by Nurit Tsur, and focuses on Libya. It also acts to protect the Jewish sect in Tunisia, which is concentrated on the island, and collects information about Jewish archaeological sites and landmarks in Tunisia, Algeria, and Libya.
Tunisian authorities have remained silent despite the uproar caused by the revelations. The government has yet to take any public action concerning the issue.
Speaking to al-Maghreb newspaper, interior minister Ali al-Arid said “the statements concerning 300 Mossad spies in Tunisia, working under the cover of cultural NGOs and travel agencies, are unfounded and completely irresponsible.”
“They are intended to disturb the work of security agencies that toil night and day to protect Tunisia. Anyone who has information about the issue should contact the security agencies so they can confirm it,” he added.
Tunisian anti-normalization activists believe that the interior minister’s statements contradict information broadcast on official Israeli television in the first days of the Tunisian revolution.
Mossad had boasted about “a special operation in Tunisia, under the cover of European companies, to evacuate a group of Israelis who were visiting Djerba, the site of the oldest synagogue in the world, al-Ghariba temple.”
Tunisian activists suggest that “Mossad activities and crimes are not new in Tunisia. The most famous was the bombing of the Hammam al-Shat suburb in the autumn of 1985. It targeted the offices of late Palestinian president Yasser Arafat. The Mossad also carried out numerous assassinations in Tunisia, including that of the mastermind behind the first intifada, Abu Jihad, in 1988.”
Following the Oslo agreement, nationalist and leftist currents, as well as anti-normalization associations accused Ben Ali of “facilitating Mossad operations and activities in Tunisia.”
This was highlighted in a documentary broadcast by Tunisian television following the revolution called “The State of Corruption.” The film exposed the significant role that Ben Ali played in setting the scene for the accords.
Following Oslo, the former dictator opened an Israeli economic cooperation bureau in Tunis. The office initiated its activities by contacting several Tunisian intellectuals and journalists to lure them into normalization activities. The majority refused to be involved.
The bureau was later closed due to popular pressure following the 2002 Israeli assault on the West Bank and the consequent siege of Yasser Arafat’s headquarters in Ramallah.
The alarm sounded by Ayadi and Hammami is based on evidence and information corroborated by rights activist Ahmed al-Kahlawi, president of the Tunisian Association for Fighting Normalization and Supporting the Arab Resistance (TAFNSAR).
Kahlawi said that “several foreign organizations active in post-revolution Tunisia, such as Freedom House, play a major role in propagating the culture of normalization under the pretext of defending human rights.”
He also laid bare the schemes of an organization called “AMIDEAST, which teaches English under the supervision of the US embassy. It entices students to give up their animosity towards Israel and promotes programs that claim to call for peace and dialogue between cultures, but in reality it aims to foster normalization.”
“With the fall of Ben Ali, Israel lost a strong strategic ally in North Africa,” Kahlawi explained. He indicated that most Zionist leaders admit this openly, including Benjamin Netanyahu and Silvan Shalom, who is of Tunisian origins (born in the city of Qabis).
Ben Ali had officially welcomed Shalom in 2005 in a meeting that was not covered by the Tunisian media, coinciding with the World Summit for the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis.
Kahlawi said the latest revelations about Mossad’s role in Tunisia should be further grounds for the constituent assembly to ratify chapter 27 of the proposed constitution, related to crimes of normalization and prosecuting collaboration with the Zionist state.
He added that “al-Nahda had rejected the criminalization of normalization, with a demagogic argument contending that the Tunisian constitution will last longer than the Israeli state, which will inevitably perish!”
Most Tunisian anti-normalization activists suspect the real reason behind al-Nahda eschewing the criminalization of normalization to be “pressure from the US on the ruling troika, and specifically on the movement, to prevent the ratification of chapter 27, which had been proposed by anti-normalization associations.”
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.
Another clear evidence that Netanyahu killed the US envoy in Benghazi, just before the start of major drills and military exercises in the Gulf, to push the shabbath goys of the pentagone to fight and die for Israel's messianic wars!
US Leads Unprecedented War Games Exercise in Strait of Hormuz
The aggression show of force is the biggest such military exercise ever taken in the Persian Gulf, escalating tensions in an uneasy region.
Battleships, aircraft carriers, minesweepers and submarines from 25 nations are swarming into the Persian Gulf, in the largest such military exercise ever undertaken in the region, as concerns of a looming Israeli strike on Iran still linger.
Countries leading the massive war games exercise inlcude the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Fleets of warships will flood the Strait of Hormuz, the important waterway through which 40 percent of the world’s seaborne oil passes, as a show of force to deter Iran from trying to close the straits or retaliate against US assets in the region, even in response to an unprovoked Israeli strike.
Despite the unprecedented scale of the operations, chances of a US or Israeli strike on Iran have lessened considerably in recent weeks, as American refusal to back an Israeli strike have turned the tide of war-hawks in Israel. The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remains one of the few still advocating harsher postures, and he is increasingly isolated.
A torrent of military and intelligence analysis rejecting the need or viability of a preventive strike on Iran have come out in recent days. A report by dozens of former government officials, national security experts and retired military officers released Thursday concluded military action would spark an uncontrollable regional war and have counterproductive results.
“We do not believe it would lead to regime change, regime collapse or capitulation,” the report says, adding that an attack would increase Iran’s motivation to build a bomb, in order to deter further military action “and redress the humiliation of being attacked.”
The US has made it clear to both Israel and Iran that a military strike is not imminent. “I suspect the Americans have given quiet assurances through indirect channels that they have no intention of moving into Iranian national waters,” Scott Lucas, an Iran expert at Birmingham University in England, said.
“Both sides have good reasons to avoid a conflict – they have other issues to deal with right now.” Still, the war games do a good job of escalating tensions in a very uneasy region.
Les partis politiques en occident sont des sectes talmudo-sionistes!
Harlem Désir : trente ans de manipulations
Par Youssef Girard,
Dans la plus grande transparence et dans le respect le plus strict des règles démocratiques, Harlem Désir a été désigné par Jean-Marc Ayrault et Martine Aubry pour prendre la tête du Parti socialiste. A 52 ans, il accède au poste particulièrement convoité de premier secrétaire du PS après une longue carrière politico-associative.
Etudiant en philosophie à l’université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, au début des années 1980, Harlem Désir s'engage dans le syndicat étudiant UNEF-ID dont il devient membre du bureau national. A la fin de ses études, couronnées par l’obtention d’une licence en philosophie en 1983, ce proche de Julien Dray déploie son action en dehors du mouvement syndical étudiant.
Cette fin d’année 1983 est marquée par un évènement politique important : la Marche pour l’égalité et contre le racisme. A Paris, le 3 décembre 1983, 100 000 personnes environ accueillent dans une ambiance de fête la Marche partie de Marseille le 15 octobre 1983 (1). Dans la foulée de la Marche, les affrontements raciaux entre grévistes et non-grévistes à l’usine Talbot-Poissy marquent un tournant. Les marcheurs soutiennent les grévistes immigrés, signifiant ainsi leur refus de jouer la carte de la division entre les enfants, accueillis au sein de la République, et les parents O.S. congédiés des usines. De son côté, le mouvement « antiraciste » ayant accueilli la Marche reste totalement silencieux.
Ressentant les risques d’instrumentalisation, les militants de l’immigration et des banlieues réfléchissent alors à l’organisation de leur action de manière plus durable afin de pouvoir faire valoir leurs revendications d’égalité et de justice. Dans ce but, une seconde marche est organisée l’année suivante : Convergence 1984. Au vu du succès de la marche de l’année précédente, le Parti socialiste tente de se rapprocher des organisateurs, en vain.
A l’arrivée à Paris, un petit groupe de militants vend des badges en forme de petite main jaune, avec l’inscription paternaliste « Touche pas à mon pote ». SOS Racisme est lancé par le PS pour mettre un terme aux velléités politiques autonomes des militants de l’immigration et des banlieues. La nouvelle association a été créée de toutes pièces pour l'occasion par une cellule élyséenne, selon Jacques Attali dans Verbatim. Deux hommes jouent un rôle décisif dans la nouvelle structure : Harlem Désir qui assure la présidence de l’association et Julien Dray qui en assure la vice-présidence.
Véritable dirigeant de SOS Racisme, J. Dray, dont le frère était un dirigeant du Betar-France, utilisa la nouvelle association pour étouffer toute expression de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien. Les marcheurs, qui avaient parcouru la France en portant le keffieh palestinien autour du coup, représentaient une menace réelle pour les sectateurs d’« Israël ». J. Dray plaça des militants de l’Union des Etudiants Juifs de France (UEJF) à la tête de SOS Racisme et musela toute forme d’expression de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien.
Revenant sur cette page de l’histoire, il y a quelques années, le Mouvement de l’Immigration des Banlieues (MIB) expliquait la fonction sociale d’Harlem Désir et de SOS Racisme dans les volontés du pouvoir socialiste de faire taire toute expression politique autonome issue des banlieues : « Tant que les beurs jouent les multiculturels, ça passe, mais dès qu'ils revendiquent la dignité, l'égalité devant la loi, le respect de leurs parents et attaquent la police, ça ne va plus. En fait, le PS voulait en faire des représentants frisés d'une gauche couscous-paëlla qui verra le jour en décembre 1984 sous les traits d'Harlem Désir et de SOS Racisme. Puisque les beurs n'ont pas voulu jouer le jeu, d'autres s'en sont chargés à leur place, raflant la mise de l'espoir et la dynamique de la marche ».
Ayant commencé sa carrière en participant à une opération de police politique contre l’immigration et les banlieues au profit du pouvoir socialiste, Harlem Désir poursuivit sa carrière au sein du PS après avoir quitté la direction de SOS Racisme en 1992. Maintenant qu’il est arrivé à la tête du Parti socialiste, faisons lui entièrement confiance pour poursuivre sa politique de manipulations inaugurée il y a bientôt trente ans.
Youssef Girard
13 septembre 2012
Référence :
(1) Cf. Abdallah Mogniss, « 1983 : La marche pour l’égalité », URL :
Nor Israel nor NATO have the capacity to strike Iran and the Gulf. Israel will trigger a new NBC 9/11!
VIDEO: Israel’s Nuclear Smuggling: The Secret Israeli Espionage Program
Video link:
Sur l'application de la Sunnah du Sceau des Prophetes Muhammad saws
Par le sheykh Salah Eddine Bin Ibrahim Abu Arafat,
EURO-REICH : Barroso’s Banking Union: the Next Step in Long Planned Superstate Agenda
José Manuel Barroso |
Activist Post
Unelected President of the EU Commission, José Manuel Barroso, announced last week plans for an all encompassing “banking union”, which would give the European Central Bank supervisory powers over every member-state financial institution [1]; yet another step in a long-planned superstate agenda.
“We need to move to common supervisory decisions,” Barroso brazenly declared, demanding that the ECB should rule over all euro-zone banks, a number that pushes 6,000 individual institutions.
Without mincing words the Bilderberg member called for the end of national sovereignty, and in its wake a “federation of nation-states” under the centralized control of unelected EU bureaucrats should be formed [2]; a vastly different system than was originally sold to the public back in the 1950s.
Speaking to the BBC French finance minister Pierre Moscovici stated [3]: “The UK, like us, would like if possible quite a swift timeline,” in the handing over of power.
Despite often claiming to be a eurosceptic, a spokesperson for David Cameron revealed the Prime Minister’s enthusiasm for the agenda [4]:
We have consistently argued that a banking union is an essential part of a single currency and, as the single currency central bank, the European Central Bank is the right organisation to take on that supervisory role for euro area banks.Unsurprisingly there has been zero talk of giving citizens a democratic vote on the matter.
In an exclusive WideShutUK interview, author Chris Morris pointed out the hypocrisy of Barroso’s plans, and broke down the history of the EU agenda and its deceptive and secretive aims.
Jump to 1:16:10 for interview:
Barroso “has been pushing for the integration of European & global financial markets and regulatory bodies for quite some time”, back in 2008 when the contrived financial crisis first became widely apparent, Barroso met with then US President George Bush and Nicolas Sarkozy to call for a “a new global financial order” [5]. As we see in Britain with the LibLabCon’s joint support for the EU and America with the Republican and Democrats’ joint support for NATO the United Nations and global financial decisions, the push for further centralized global governance is bipartisan and goes beyond the redundant circus of party politics.
“Barroso is a frequent Bilderberg attendee” revealed Morris; the secretive yearly gathering of the world’s financial, political and corporate elite. In a row over Dutch and Belgian attendees claiming expenses for this year’s meeting, an admission on the event’s official website was cited, which states “participants attend Bilderberg in a private and not an official capacity”, although according to Barroso “the travel expenses incurred were paid by the [EU] commission, as for any mission” [6]. This begs the question, why aren’t taxpayers being made privy to the goings on of the club?
Instead concerned citizens have been forced to do their own research and thanks to some leaked documents obtained by WikiLeaks, the pieces are finally coming together. According to minutes from the second Bilderberg conference in 1955, a year or more before the concept of a European Economic Community was sold to the public, the elite were already planning a single currency and a full-blown authoritarian Superstate. The document reads [7]:
A European speaker expressed concern about the need to achieve a common currency, and indicated that in his view this necessarily implied the creation of a central political authority. A participant, speaking as a German industrialist, said that, having fought for integration before, German industry was still determined to pursue the same purpose, but he expressed considerable doubt as to the functional approach to integration by moving from one economic sector to another. In his view, the common problems of differences in labour standards and currencies and the various elements entering into the common market must be brought nearer to parity as a condition of further progress…it is our common responsibility to arrive in the shortest possible time at the highest degree of integration, beginning with a common European market.What this tells us is that the soft early steps towards today’s European Union were nothing more than a ruse to get the public and uninitiated politicians on side. It was always planned as a superstate, and as integration has slowly increased we’re reaching a point of no return.
Morris explains:
So in 1955 the Bilderberg Club are already openly discussing the deregulation of markets and integration, which has followed extensively over the decades. This has resulted in the phenomenon of globalization, which groups such as Bilderberg now use as their justification for meeting.The solution to the problems created by the centralization of power is being sold to the public as further centralization of power, by the people who centralized it in the first place!
Morris continued by explaining the role of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). According to their own website their mission is to “Serve central banks in their pursuit of monetary and financial stability, to foster international cooperation in those areas and to act as a bank for central banks“ [8].
“The key thing about this bank,” Morris warns is that “it’s completely privately owned”, although unlike your average corporation, the vested interests do not make their individual selves or agendas public. This means when “you see the IMF going in to Greece or Ireland etc, giving financial advice advice and pushing austerity measures, you have to remember that the organization that oversees the IMF (the BIS) is privately owned…it doesn’t take a genius to see that vested interests might influence this [for their own benefit]…their happy to see 50% of youth unemployment in Spain for example.”
Most people do not tend to follow the money trail all the way up the pyramid. They end at national governments and their national debts, or the buck stops in Europe. Yet the way the system is set up, nearly all economic activity around the world ends up passing through the BIS.
The UK is currently £4.8 trillion in debt thanks to the Government borrowing money to spend on the EU, illegal wars and its other bloated programs. Since they have no money of their own this is automatically a debt on the citizens, which is pledged through future taxation and cuts to public services. Currently your tax only goes to cover the interest on the national debt, because the liabilities are so huge!
George Osbourne knows Britain is broke and can mathematically never pay back its debts (he is in charge of the books), however he futilely continues to keep his paymaster’s system afloat. The money the government borrows comes from private financial institutions, not too unlike if you borrowed from a high-street bank. These banks get a portion of their money from central banks and are often regulated by them, and those central banks are beholden to the Bank for International Settlements, itself a private bank.
The kicker?
As revealed on the website of the New York Federal Reserve [9], “86 percent of the shares of the BIS are registered in the names of central banks, and 14 percent are held by private shareholders.”
In other words the Bank that regulates Central Banks to keep them stable and operating fairly, is actually owned by those Central Banks. They regulate themselves! They ensure their own profits and survival over that of the people and can manipulate markets for their own political agendas! Furthermore, 14% of shares are held by individuals. “The shares owned by private shareholders consist of part of the French and Belgian issues and all of the shares that were in the original U.S. issue in 1930.”
As explained by official Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) historian Dr. Carroll Quigley, in his seminal work Tragedy and Hope. A History of the World in Our Time [10]:
The powers of financial capitalism had far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank, in the hands of men like Montagu Norman of the Bank of England, Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Charles Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.
The New World Order is not a conspiracy theory, it’s a conspiracy fact!
This article first appeared at
Keelan Balderson is an independent journalist, documentary filmmaker and Internet radio host from the UK. You can listen to his WideShut Webcast every Monday at 8pm GMT on Resistance Radio. Please support his work by visiting his website:
La version presentee des les premieres heures sur ce blog est confirmee par les videos parues depuis sur le net
MISE A JOUR JEUDI 20 SEPTEMBRE 2012: 07H22 GMT: Voici encore une preuve irrefutable que la DCRI detient les faux otages du Niger, AQMI seulement maintenant menacerait de les tuer... un peu de courage Clavar, vas-y fais le!Lire ici dans le journal sioniste Le Monde. L'OTAN affirme que les GIA-AQMI de la DCRI possederaient des missiles libyens, tenez-vous bien, stockes par Gaddafi dans le sud Libyen. Tenez-vous bien, ces missiles sont a tetes chimiques et de fabrications israeliennes, c'est ecrit en hebreu dessus, nos sources touaregs en possedent, donc pas utilisable par AQMI, et c'est la raison que Clavar et Mangoux ont avance comme excuse pour dire que TOTAL et ses personnels et AREVA et ses personels et toutes les societes francaises, pourtant declarees ennemis et a liquider, n'ont jamais ete bombardees par AQMI... CQFD. En Iraq ou au Yemen, les resistants, les vrais eux cibles systematiquement les installations petrolieres et gazieres, pipelines des occidentaux empechant de voler les richesses et ils ciblent les militaires et 'contractors', jamais les civils, AQMI ne l'a jamais fait, car AQMI n'est rien d'autre que la DCRI qui cherche a re-occuper l'Algerie et la garder sous son giron, car la Chine y a pris 60 % des marches! La gestion des harkis d'Alger n'etant plus satisfaisante dans le cadre du projet d'annexion au marche transatlantique prevu pour 2015, la France-Israel souhaite re-occuper toute la zone du Maghreb-Sahel.
Aucun manifestants avant l'attaque, comme confirme par les gardes du consulat, aucun blesses ou morts cote jeunes libyens, ceci sur toutes les prises de vues et des videos sur le net, aucun libyens armes sur toutes les videos presentes a ce jour sur le net, aucune traces de conflits armes entre les navy SEAL et les jeunes libyens venus apres l'attaque pour enmener l'americain aux soins. Du travail de professionels, le commando est venu des Emirats Arabes Unis et a tue pour le compte de Netanyahu, les commandos ont recu le soutien logistique des reseaux francais de Netanyahu (clans sarkozystes de la DGSE) et de l'OTAN. Cet ambassadeur nous a ete presente comme trop pro-Arabe et anti-sioniste par le New York Times,lire ici l'analyse en anglaisetecouter celle-ci, une maniere de revendiquer l'operation sioniste, qui a eut lieu le jour ou de grandes manoeuvres navales debutaient dans le Golfe persique, ceci le 11 Septembre 2012.
Notons que la DCRI, au travers de sa branche algerienne des GIA-AQMI, vient d'appeler a tuer des americains. On se demande pourquoi les medias francais n'ont pas impute le forfait de Benghazi a AQMI des le depart comme ils ont l'ordre de le faire a chaque fois pour proteger les services francais? On se pose la question de ce que fait la DCRI dans le sud de l'Algerie et de la Libye ou les entreprises petrolieres americaines sont presentes, comme les francaises et celles-ci n'ont jamais ete attaquees par AQMI, POURQUOI? Pourquoi tuer des americains dans des ambassades alors que l'OTAN a fourni des missiles capables de detruire tous les pipelines et installations petrolieres, gazieres de toute l'Afrique du Nord? Cet AQMI francais, (car il en existe plusieurs sur le terrain controles par le DRS, le makhzen, le FBI, le MI5, les libyens), n'existe pas dans le reel, ce sont les services francais! Decidement depuis le coup d'etat au Mali, et la fin de reigne de Sarkozy, le torchon brule entre l'administration Obama et les reseaux juifs sionistes likudistes a Paris. En liquidant Stevens, Israel prepare l'attaque sur l'Egypte sur les deux fronts... a mediter!!!
Islamic Intel blog
[VIDEO] La vérité sur la mort de l ’Ambassadeur américain en Libye
« Il y a quelqu ’un à l ’intérieur (…) C ’est un étranger, c ’est un étranger. Sortez-le ! », crie un homme qui appelle à l ’aide. « Sortez-le ! Sortez-le ! », dit un autre.
« L ’homme est en vie. Sortez-le, les gars. Sortez-le ! », lance un troisième. « Il est vivant! Il est vivant! Dieu est le plus grand ! », scande alors la foule.
« Poussez-vous… Est-qu ’il y a un médecin ici? Il nous faut une voiture, vite ! », entend-on.
« Poussez-vous… Est-qu ’il y a un médecin ici? Il nous faut une voiture, vite ! », entend-on.
La vidéo montre l ’ambassadeur gisant à terre dans une salle remplie de fumée. Quelques minutes plus tard, il est sorti du bâtiment par une fenêtre et déposé sur le sol en tommettes d ’une cour. Un jeune homme pose une main sur le cou du diplomate pour voir s ’il respire encore.
En signe de reconnaissance, un manifestant embrasse un homme qui a aidé à sortir l ’ambassadeur de l ’immeuble.
Quelques secondes après avoir trouvé Christopher Stevens vivant, un jeune homme à l ’arrière-plan crie: « Prenez-le dans ma voiture, emportez-le dans ma voiture ! »
Selon Fahd Al-Bakouch, le jeune activiste qui a réalisé la vidéo, l ’ambassadeur« remuait les lèvres, ses yeux bougeaient, son corps était noirci par la fumée. » Un médecin qui était de garde cette nuit-là aux urgences du centre médical de Benghazi a confirmé que des civils avaient amené l ’ambassadeur vers 1 heure du matin.
Malgré les efforts prodigués pendant trois quarts d ’heure pour le ranimer, l ’ambassadeur est finalement déclaré mort.
L ’occident a voulu faire croire à un lynchage de l ’ambassadeur par la foule en colère ce qui n ’est pas du tout le cas.
Operation Merah: Le peuple francais a decouvert que l'etat francais et ses administrations (interieur, defense, justice, affaires etrangeres) etaient totalement corrompus, qui pour rester au pouvoir, n'hesitaient pas a monter des operations barbouzes entrainant la France dans une guerre civile au nom de la 'defense d'Israel'
VIDEO: Affaire Merah : la faillite des médias
Par Hicham Hamza,
Le site d’”Arrêt sur images” a consacré cet été une longue émission au sujet de l’affaire Merah. Objectif du débat : repérer, pour mieux les dénoncer, les traces de “complotisme” sur Internet à propos de la version officielle. Ironie du sort, cette volonté consistant à caricaturer tout sceptique en conspirationniste s’est retournée au fur et à mesure que les principaux débatteurs s’embourbaient dans des explications oiseuses pour dissiper certaines questions cruciales.
Le 22 juin, j’ai été convié à débattre de l’affaire Merah par l’assistante de Daniel Schneidermann. En raison de mes nombreux articles -publiés en ligne- à propos des anomalies de la version officielle, je représentais visiblement un point de vue complémentaire et enrichissant pour la discussion. En déplacement en province, je ne pouvais me rendre disponible dans les temps impartis. Dieu merci : loin de constituer un débat organisé de manière contradictoire et sans a priori sur le fond, la discussion était conçue dans le but unique de décortiquer le “complotisme”, concept-tarte à la crème très en vogue dans la classe médiatique parisienne.
Je fus finalement remplacé, in extremis, par Isabelle Coutant-Peyre, l’avocate française du père de Mohamed Merah, que j’avais par ailleurs interviewé en 2009 lors du procès Fofana. Mise d’emblée en minorité, elle s’est retrouvée seule sur le plateau pour représenter la critique de la version officielle. Face à elle, les journalistes Eric Pelletier, Soren Seelow,Frédéric Helbert et Laure Daussy ont incarné, malgré leurs différences de style, la même défense, dans les grandes lignes, du récit gouvernemental. Timidement, Helbert a cependant tenté, plusieurs fois, de faire le grand écart entre une posture prudemment officialiste et la franche remise en question de la narration policière.
De manière cocasse, l’animateur du débat, Daniel Schneidermann, a progressivement basculé au cours de l’émission, passant d’une interrogation neutre et légitime à propos du scepticisme développé par l’affaire Merah jusqu’à sa propre sidération après la découverte des nombreuses anomalies accumulées. Malheureusement, comme si le déni devait finalement l’emporter, l’équipe de l’émission a posté par la suite, sur Twitter, un commentaire tiède, sans prise de position et dans le sens du vent :
“Notre diagnostic : la police a sans doute connu de gros ratés pour Merah. Mais ses non réponses entretiennent le complotisme”
Un mois plus tard, j’ai consacré, pour ma part, un papier spécial pour mettre, noir sur blanc, les multiples incohérences et autres mensonges de la version officielle. Le lecteur curieux est invité à découvrir ce travail exhaustif de collecte et de recoupement d’informations dans les liens suivants :
P.S: Notez jamais la guestapo du CRIF, la DCRI (Direction Centrale de la Racaille Israelienne de France, j'y peux rien c'est ecrit dedans Clavar l'israelien!), ni les larbins de journaleux francais qui sont briefes et alimentes par les flics de Levallois Perret, ne citent ouvertement ce blog.... Peut-etre que la DCRI a peur que certains emails confidentiels ne sortent et ne provoquent le chaos total en France... peut etre... qui sait, Seul Allah swt Sait! L'affaire Merah ne fait que debuter, attention aux rebondissements spectaculaires .... voir ici mon article sur le sujet et les affirmations de l'ambassadeur US Martin Hyndik sur les frappes sionistes prevues le mois de Mars 2012, l'operation Merah correspond exactement au timing des attaques israeliennes, ce n'est pas une coincidence. Sarkozy avait traite Netanyahu de menteur quelques semaines apparavant, mais Sarkozy etait regle sur le timing de Netanyahu en mars 2012!!! Je doute fort que Hyndik ait des raisons de mentir, nous allons faire des israeliens de France au sein des ministeres de l'interieur, la defense et la justice, ceux de la maison mossad-pasqua, la risee de la planete (AS)
- scredman313777 said...
- le problème est que la justice est totalement corrompus, que les franc maçons entourent leurs victimes et donnent de faux témoignages!! une enquête sur le voisinage et la personnalité de ses voisins en dirait long sur leurs procédés!! un détecteur de mensonge serait le bien venu sur des question pique posées a la face du monde!! mais bon tout est synchroniser, des hlm appartement, voisinages a rôle, témoignage préparés, processus de longues dates, sacrifices sionistes.. car il faut rentrer dans le concept sioniste du sacrifice sémite pour comprendre tout le shema obscure de leur conspiration et comprendre comment les forces de l état font passer le sacrifice kabbalistique avant l intérêt juridique du peuple et des victimes, sur ces shemas géométrique de sacrifice, on comprendra mieux la politique du gouvernement français!! une enquête sur les assassinats mystérieux des dernières décennies en dirait long sur ces pratiques visant a s accaparant l inconscient le conscient des gens sur des rites bien bizarres.. il ne faut pas douter que le mite sémite et ses pratiques sont protéger par la police, gendarmerie, armée et justice française!!
la question est de savoir ce que le crif fout en France et comment il opère, pourquoi la France est leur terrain de chasse et quels sont leurs intérêts a faire ça!! sachant que les riches lobbys us subventionnent et pervertissement notre peuple... et si on remonte a la 2 eme guerre mondiale, le bombardement de la France, Allemagne et notamment quelques lieu historiques religieux puis l invasion de la Palestine coordonnés par l Angleterre, usa Allemagne nazi avec déportation et chemin de fer a l appuis a travers l Eurasie, on comprendra tout leur processus bizarre d aryen reptilien sioniste de recréation d une race supérieure... dont les éléments tiennent les reines de l armée, des politiques occidentales et ont des alliés rituel en Afrique et orient!! la vérité se trouve la!!! le sacrifice rituel et ses énergies!! le livre de sang et le génocide de masse jusqu au meurtre isolé, le meurtre médiatique et me meurtre sans traces!! y a des shemas bizarres... mais tous portent une trace temporelle bien évidente! sans oublier les meurtres pour déclencher des guerres non plus!!
ceci dit, on nous cache beaucoup d choses et la France maçonique a une historique bien particulière!! - 8:31 AM
- scredman313777 said...
- n oublions pas non plus qu hitler a été financer par prescott bush, qu il a été élevé par des sociétés secrétes et articuler pour faire un massacre barbare officiel couvrant toute petite guerre durables avec meurtres silencieux, que les juifs pieux d europe ont été assassinés et d autres déportés en Palestine occupée, que els tziganes ont été exterminé et des franc maçons de même!! le tout pour légitimer le plan manhattan des usa et leur projet de conscience globale.. c est pour ça qu il doit y avoir un lien entre des familles puissantes descendants de charlemagne par exemple autour du pentagone et d autres avec une forme de consanguinité tel le faisaient les égyptiens du temps des pharaons avec des rites bizarre.. sachant que le temple de salomon, a été construit sur la pensée des égyptiens et que netanyahu veut reconstruire un temple sur le même style sur al aqsa... sans oublier les nurseries astrologique des usa ou les bébés sont conçus selon tel astres et a telle date selon une constellation spécifique le tout accordé a des énergies minérales bien spéciales!! il faut aussi voir le rôle du séfarade sarkozy réécrivant l histoire de f rance, le rôle des nazis en France avec la collaboration des scientifique anglais, français anglais américains communément en activité durant la seconde guerre mondiale sur certains sites religieux de France,des cathédrales notamment de reims, besançons, autun, ou els menhirs de grande Bretagne pour enterrer des fibules ou des urnes justifiant la supériorité de la race allemande sur l europe.. pendant que les soldats s entretuaient dans une guerre de chiffres au front!! de nombreuse communautés allemandes aryenne ont été implanté dans divers pays et ont semé une généalogie spécifique alors que d autres ont été exterminé sur des génocides sans noms sous couvert de guerres terroristes ou autres et d autres déportés ou forcer a l exil!!
sachant que leur but a long terme est la domination du monde..
la 1ere guerre mondiale a permis de piller l or d europe et de mettre la laïcité au 1er plan, la 2 eme a permis l invasion de la terre sainte et la légitimation du sionisme sur l Europe, et la 3eme s attaque aux musulmans en général pour mettre une branche musulmane spécifique... en accord avec les plans sionistes et généalogie sionistes.. c est mon point de vue.. y a des guerres de surpopulation certes, mais d autres enjeux sous ces guerres! et les rites sémites prennent tout leurs sens dans ces conflits!
après chacun son avis mais le savoir ne st pas dans les médias et est bien réguler sur internet, la liturgique a été rechercher a travers l histoire, certaines bruler et d autres conservés dans des pays bien spéciaux en terme géopolitique.. le pillage de l Irak.. du Liban voir de la Syrie pendant la colonisation en dit assez sur ces pratiques... et la chine voit d un mauvais œil le bouddhisme qui a des liens avec le nazisme et le sionisme! - 8:32 AM
PAX TALMUDICA 2012 : URGENT: Les veritables raisons qui ont pousse le porteur de valises du DRS Jean Marc Ayrault a declarer l'etat d'urgence en voulant priver les Musulmans de leurs droits fondamentaux, inalienables a la liberte d'expression, de se rassembler, de manifester
Pour les lecteurs assidus de ce blog, il est une evidence que la liquidation de l'ambassadeur US a Benghazi est l'oeuvre de Netanyahu et ses reseaux locaux a Benghazi, DGSE et OTAN. Que le film et les caricatures sont l'oeuvre des reseaux likudistes israeliens aux Etats-Unis et en France. Ces operations sont destinees a abattre Obama aux presidentielles de novembre 2012 et mettre en place Romney, un proche de Netanyahu, a la maison blanche entre autres raisons deja detaillees sur ce blog. Je vous fais part ici de l'explication d'une de mes sources, ayant travaille dans l'administration francaise a un tres haut niveau.
'Jean Marc Ayrault couvre Corbin de Mangoux'
Les americains ont fait part de leur etonnement hier, au sujet des caricatures francaises du torchon sioniste Charlie Hebdo, et comme vous le savez, c'est l'administration Obama qui a joue un role dans l'ejection de Nicolas Sarkozy au printemps dernier, notamment avec le financement libyen de la campagne de 2007. Hollande ayant ete mis en place pour eviter justement ce genre d'operations de destabilisations a quelques semaines des elections americaines. Or, il se trouve que selon des sources militaires tres bien informees aux Etats-Unis, que le pentagone a identifie le role exact de la DGSE a Benghazi dans l'operation sur le consulat americain. Des discussions tres franches ont deja eut lieu avec Paris a ce sujet et les menaces ont fuse sur Hollande et Ayrault qui sont restes passifs et n'ont pas prevenu l'ambassade americaine a Paris de possibles troubles et ont ete tres peu cooperatifs et tres flous depuis le debut de cette affaire.
Valls, un ami eternel d'Israel, a donc organise la manifestation de samedi dernier sur l'ambassade des Etats-Unis en guise de menaces tout en reiterant son soutien indefectible a la re-election d'Obama. Les SMS a l'origine de la manifestation viennent de flics, ils servent deux objectifs, menacer l'ambassade des Etats-Unis et faire passer la loi pour proteger la DCRI et la DGSE et les reseaux israeliens de France de tout retour de baton comme ce fut le cas dans 'l'Operation Merah'. Sur ce, les americains ont immediatement entrepris d'activer leurs reseaux en France pour faire monter la sauce et organiser des manifestations en France, menacant de destabiliser le gouvernement Hollande si celui-ci ne mettait pas une fin directe a la participation de la France dans l'operation de destabilisation menee par Netanyahu.
Souvenez-vous des emeutes de 2005, provoquees par la DST, le mossad et une partie des reseaux sionistes de l'OTAN. Les americains possedent des reseaux similaires en France qu'ils peuvent activer pour faire sauter un ministre ou un gouvernement. La reponse fut immediate, Charlie Hebdo recut l'ordre d'aboyer et de provoquer pour donner une excuse officielle a Jean Marc Ayrault, afin que celui-ci prenne des mesures d'etat d'urgence pour proteger les reseaux israeliens de France, qui poussent a la guerre civile, faire monter au maximum l'islamophobie, afin d'aligner automatiquement la France dans la prochaine possible invasion du sud Liban et du sud de la Syrie prevue pour le Yom Kipur, le 25 septembre 2012, voir eventuellement la prise du Sinai. Une guerre necessaire pour que Netanyahu se maintienne au pouvoir.
Souvenez-vous des emeutes de 2005, provoquees par la DST, le mossad et une partie des reseaux sionistes de l'OTAN. Les americains possedent des reseaux similaires en France qu'ils peuvent activer pour faire sauter un ministre ou un gouvernement. La reponse fut immediate, Charlie Hebdo recut l'ordre d'aboyer et de provoquer pour donner une excuse officielle a Jean Marc Ayrault, afin que celui-ci prenne des mesures d'etat d'urgence pour proteger les reseaux israeliens de France, qui poussent a la guerre civile, faire monter au maximum l'islamophobie, afin d'aligner automatiquement la France dans la prochaine possible invasion du sud Liban et du sud de la Syrie prevue pour le Yom Kipur, le 25 septembre 2012, voir eventuellement la prise du Sinai. Une guerre necessaire pour que Netanyahu se maintienne au pouvoir.
Ma source pense que les americains vont provoquer Emanuel Valls, qui est inexperimente, et est conseille par Richard Prasquier du CRIF, et que les manifestations seront la couverture ideale pour abattre Erard Corbin de Mangoux et Valls en represailles de leurs roles respectifs. Jean Marc Ayrault, en porte-a-faux, souhaiterait que les Musulmans le protegent et ne manifestent pas. Le faire serait etre complice de l'operation de provocation de Netanyahu qui cherche lui la guerre civile en France. En s'attaquant lachement et en privant les Musulmans de leurs droits fondamentaux, inalienables du droit d'expression, de liberte de parole, de se rassembler, et de manifester et en ne prenant aucune mesure radicale contre les reseaux israeliens francais qui ont brule le torchon sioniste Charlie Hebdo l'an dernier car en faillite, une escroquerie a l'assurance, comme la LDJ par exemple, connu pour ce type d'operations, couvertes par le ministere de l'interieur, qui vient encore de lancer des grenades dans une superette casher de Sarcelles pour hatiser le feu de la guerre civile comme en octobre 2005.
Soit Ayrault se debarasse de Valls, et ceci sera surement fait ce week-end, car une partie des manifestations sont organisees par les americains pour le faire tomber, parce qu'il a pris parti pour Netanyahu, soit il reste neutre, autorise toutes les manifestations et laisse a Israel la responsabilite des degats et du 'blowback'. Les Musulmans, dans cette affaire, sont les victimes et les boucs emissaires, de ces operations de provocations et Jean Marc Ayrault souhaitent les faire passer pour les agresseurs.
Ayrault et les reseaux israeliens doivent comprendre que les rapports de forces ont change et que la France ne peut imposer son nazisme et ses lois nazies sur les Musulmans, et qu'aucune loi d'exception n'est toleree, toutes votees sous l'ere Charles Pasqua, un terroriste notoire, ces mesures d'exceptions n'ont aucun cours sur les Musulmans, le terrorisme est le fait de l'etat francais et ses services pas des Musulmans. Le probleme se situe au niveau du CRIF, des reseaux israeliens en France qui ont la main mise sur la DCRI, et la DGSE, les reseaux sarkozystes, qu'Ayrault s'occupe de ces gens la. Si les americains decident de liquider qui que ce soit, qu'Ayrault aille a l'ambassade americaine de Paris et regle ses problemes la-bas, mais qu'il ne s'avise pas de provoquer et d'insulter les Musulmans comme il vient de le faire! Les Musulmans ont le droit de manifester librement et personne en France ne leur donne d'autorisations, securite ou pas securite, trouvez une autre excuse...
Ayrault et les reseaux israeliens doivent comprendre que les rapports de forces ont change et que la France ne peut imposer son nazisme et ses lois nazies sur les Musulmans, et qu'aucune loi d'exception n'est toleree, toutes votees sous l'ere Charles Pasqua, un terroriste notoire, ces mesures d'exceptions n'ont aucun cours sur les Musulmans, le terrorisme est le fait de l'etat francais et ses services pas des Musulmans. Le probleme se situe au niveau du CRIF, des reseaux israeliens en France qui ont la main mise sur la DCRI, et la DGSE, les reseaux sarkozystes, qu'Ayrault s'occupe de ces gens la. Si les americains decident de liquider qui que ce soit, qu'Ayrault aille a l'ambassade americaine de Paris et regle ses problemes la-bas, mais qu'il ne s'avise pas de provoquer et d'insulter les Musulmans comme il vient de le faire! Les Musulmans ont le droit de manifester librement et personne en France ne leur donne d'autorisations, securite ou pas securite, trouvez une autre excuse...
Je rappel que l'Allemagne a expulse le pasteur Terry Jones, islamophobe notoire, sur injonction du departement d'etat US et que ce sont les USA qui ont demande au gouvernement egyptien d'ouvrir une enquete sur les coptes ayant participe a la provocation israelienne, qu'Ayrault prenne son courage a deux mains et qu'il s'occupe des reseaux sionistes francais qui sont a l'origine de la guerre civile... sinon qu'il paie sa folie sur le champs car les Musulmans ont interet pour leur securite que Valls, Mangoux, Clavar, le CRIF disparaissent au plus vite!
- Abu-Suleyman said...
- oui je suis au courant der l'argent que rafik hariri a achce dans des reseaux financiers, y compris l'argent des retro-commissions des contrats impliquant la sarkozie... il y a des millairds... van ryumbeke ne sait pas ou cet argent est... mais j'ai retrace bernard squarcini et j'ai trouve 18 , 4 millions d'euros dans des comptes qui lui appartiennent de pres ou de loin, .... car apres la liquidation de Hariri, villepin chirac squarcini et sarkozy ont voulu se partager une part du gateau... ils savent pas ou est l'argent des reseauz saddam lagardere le pere des Assad et le fiston Bashar savent exactement, Hariri est mort en emportant avec lui le secret... mais une bonne partie est dand des bnawues off shores gereee par les emiratis ou les qataris, singapour, macao
si gaddafi a bloque les 150 millions de cash qataris des contrats agosta myksa devant servir a finance la campagne 2012, et que gaddafi a bloque l'argent sur ordre des etats unis ou une autre histoire de dettes pas rembourser par la France... on comprend mieux pourquoi son clone a ete descendu, moi je n'ai aucune preuve genetique que le vrai gaddafi est mort, son cousin lui est surement mort a Sirte... mais la aussi des analyses genetiques s'imposent...
A part ca on a foutu le chaos dans les ervices francais et Mangoux va gouter maintenant - 11:51 PM
- scredman313777 said...
- apparemment ils ont mal digéré, ils savent plus qui assassiner et comment pour mettre la pression, les masques tombent!!
la justice est totalement instrumentalisée, les coupables sont totalement construit et toute la politique française est corrompue!!
sans parler des milices flics et civils qui assassinent a tort a travers comme pour l affaire merrah, dans le 91 ou a belleville encore hier soir, les services secret étrangers doivent se régaler de voir les sionistes se rafaler comme ça en ce moment!! a mon avis d ici quelques années, ils vont tous finir a la haye a moins que le monde en ait marre et que des groupuscules les assassinent un par un.. possible aussi vu les guerres des dernières années, les menaces et autres!! t as de quoi ouvrir un journal quotidien vu comment ça s emballe... ils savent plus quoi trouver comme excuse pour se justifier ces lâches d état de merde.. comme si on voyait pas les flics et les politiques a travers tout ces meurtres! l autres jours ils ont envoyer je sais pas combien de camion de crs devant une mosquée histoire de chercher de quoi se cacher derrière l actu, manque de bol, y avait pas un seul manifestant... et encore faut voir certaine ville ou village ou chaque soir y a au moins 5 6 helicopters qui survolent en rond depuis 4 5 ans pour surveiller... c est hallucinant ce complot!! je comprend mieux l affaire merrah maintenant et la mise en garde qu elle a adresser a tout ceux qui chercheraient trop a savoir ce que l état cache... mais quand on est victime de leurs manipulations, c est pas du tout la même chose!!
comme tu disais ils ont prêt a tout pour chercher du bouc émissaire et les médias sont totalement a leur service!! ils menacent plus maintenant , il tuent et des vendus incorporés dans l islam ou qui prêche l islam sont totalement asservis a leur petit jeu, sur et certain!! - 3:09 PM
- scredman313777 said...
- tiens regardes un nouveau remake made in tf 1 sur la fabrication de coupable en France avec une actu bien étoffée, décidément il se passe des choses bizarres dans le gouvernement hollande, entre les ligne, un tas de détails bien croustillant, fais tout de même attention a pas être accusé de terrorisme, si tu es menacé, ne t ettones pas, ils arrivent plus a masqué leur culpabilité dans la fabrication de coupable depuis de nombreuses années!! affaire villemin, merrah, dsk squarcini, tout est dit dans leur bordel suivis d une accusation de terrorisme car il y a liens avec une musique ou un articles de presse d extrême gauche, pitoyable ce pays de France!! je dis ça parce qu aujourd hui ça menace ouvertement, tu peux pas faire in pas, ils sont derrière ton cul , tu te prends des amendes sans arrêts, des violations de vie privées intempestives, des menaces directes sous couvert de la gendarmerie, des agressions sur ta famille.. agresseurs + gendarmes compris!, ça devient étouffant ce pays de racistes!!
la fabrication de coupable tourne a pleine et visiblement certaines preuves les dérangent énormément et il est impossible de se défendre dans un pays ou la justice ne marche que dans un seul sens, ou tu manges a chaque délits même mineurs et eux peuvent t agresser sans que tu ais droit a la justice!!
suis bien l actualité journalistique française, canal + tf1 ou d autres et tu verras que hollande, Sarkozy, tous sont dans le même clan et agissent au nom d une seule et unique idéologie! un vrai pays de lâches et d hypocrites!! - 4:45 PM
Le Sheykh Ali Benhadj sur les provocations sionistes francaises et l'hypocrisie de l'Arabie Saoudite et des larbins du Khaleej qui torturent des centaines de savants Musulmans pour plaire a Israel detournant tous les enseignements de l'Islaam a leurs profits
Israel seeks war on Iran to keep lid on 9/11
(orginally published by Press TV)
by Kevin Barrett, for Press TV
Almost every politically-aware person on the planet is puzzled by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s bizarre obsession with Iran. Netanyahu is risking his political career, his reputation, and Israel’s future by intervening in the US presidential elections. He is using all of Zionism’s considerable might – including organized crime assets like “Las Vegas Godfather” Sheldon Adelson – to force Obama to attack Iran; or, failing that, to make sure that Obama is defeated by the Zionist puppet Romney. There are even rumors of Israeli-sponsored assassination attempts on Obama.
Even the rabidly pro-Zionist (but relatively honest) Jewish Daily Forward editorialized:
It’s difficult to recall a time when an Israeli prime minister has inserted himself into a presidential election campaign in the way that Benjamin Netanyahu has. It’s even harder to recall a time when a trusted ally openly urged the American president to undertake a questionable, unpopular and highly risky war. We sure hope Netanyahu knows what he’s doing, because the stakes for him — and for the two nations he professes to care about the most — could not be higher.
The Jewish Daily Forward has good reasons to wonder whether Netanyahu knows what he’s doing. The editorialist cites polls showing that the American people strongly oppose attacking Iran, even if war breaks out between Iran and Israel and only US intervention could save Israel! These polls show that American voters no longer give a damn whether Israel, which has chosen to live by the sword, finally dies by the sword. As Dave Lindorff observes, Netanyahu’s mad obsession with pushing the US into yet another unwanted war for Israel “may have fundamentally undermined the long-standing ‘special relationship’ between the US and Israel.
And still Netanyahu continues on this seemingly suicidal course. He even orders the Mossad and its CIA assets including Gladio veteran Terry Jones to unleash a rabidly anti-Islam film, spammed into the faces of every Muslim on the planet via millions of dollars of computer server time and intelligence agency expertise – an obvious attempt to fan the flames of islamophobia and pave the way to a US war on Iran for Israel. Obama, who is on record saying he hates Netanyahu and that Netanyahu is a liar, and who knows that Netanyahu manufactured the “Innocence of Muslims” crisis to try to get Romney elected, responded by refusing to meet with Netanyahu in New York, and going on the David Letterman Show instead. A more blatant snub could hardly be imagined.
So what in the world is Netanyahu really up to? Does he actually believe that Iran has a nuclear weapons program, even though the CIA has certified that it does not? Does he really think that even if Iran DID have a nuclear weapons program, any Iranian government would be crazy enough to guarantee Iran’s incineration by launching a first strike against Israel?
Of course he doesn’t really believe such nonsense. Even hard-line Israeli strategists admit that Iran appears to be only developing nuclear expertise, not actual weapons, and that in their worst-case scenario, Israel could live with a nuclear-armed Iran. After all, Iran has not attacked another nation in centuries.
Since the “nuclear crisis” is a hoax (like alleged Iraqi WMD in 2003) then what is the real reason for Netanyahu’s Iran obsession? Is it the Iranian government’s support for anti-Zionist resistance groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, and its calls for an end to Zionism through free and fair elections?
Perhaps. Iran’s open commitment to principled anti-Zionism represents the nearly unanimous position of the people of the Middle East, who have never accepted the genocidal Zionist entity as a legitimate state. Israel has been able to bully every other government in the region into shameful silence. The Islamic Republic of Iran will not be silenced. Leveling Iran with bombs would send a message to future Middle Eastern governments: Do not give a voice to your people’s resistance to Zionism, or else!
But while starting a war might punish Iran for its anti-Zionism, such a war would carry terrible risks for Israel. Even if all went well for Israel on the battlefield, the suffering of the people of Iran would probably shame the world into turning against Zionism even more sharply than the world turned against apartheid in the 1980s.
And there is no guarantee that things would go well for Israel on the battlefield. Iran has the capability to riddle Israel with rocket attacks, or even to take out Israel’s Dimona nuclear facility and perhaps render Israel and much of the surrounding region permanently uninhabitable. And Israel does not have the capability to seriously damage Iran’s nuclear program without US help. If the US intervened on the side of Israel, Iran could shut the Straits of Hormuz, and possibly sink many if not all of the ships there with Sunburn missiles, driving gasoline prices over $10 a gallon and paralyzing the world economy. Additionally, Iran has the capability to massively attack the US bases that surround it, killing thousands if not tens of thousands of US soldiers. A US president, especially one who dislikes Netanyahu and puts America’s interests ahead of Israel’s, would be very unlikely to help Netanyahu attack Iran.
Given that a war on Iran is a lose-lose proposition for Israel, why is Netanyahu fanatically fanning the flames of war, to the extent that even his American Zionist cheering section is baffled and embarrassed by his behavior?
Some question Netanyahu’s intelligence, arguing that he is just a furniture salesman who has been promoted far beyond his level of incompetence. While there may be some truth to this – I certainly wouldn’t want to overestimate Netanyahu’s intelligence – I don’t think he’s quite that stupid. I think Netanyahu has a very good reason to prefer war with Iran, despite all its risks, to peace. I think he does know what he’s doing.
Netanyahu needs the 9/11-triggered 100-years-war on Islam to continue for the very good reason that if it does not, the State of Emergency still in place in the US will be lifted, and Americans, unencumbered by the National Security restrictions of wartime, will quickly learn what really happened on September 11th, 2001. That possibility poses a very real existential threat to Israel – and to Netanyahu.
As Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College, told Press TV: “I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at the Marine Corps Headquarters, and I have made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period. If Americans ever know that Israel did this, they are going to scrub them off the earth.” And even if Israel were “scrubbed off the earth” peacefully through a one-state solution, Netanyahu would certainly hang for his role in the 9/11 attacks.
Unfortunately for Netanyahu and Zionism, Dr. Sabrosky isn’t the only US National Security insider leaking the truth about 9/11. Hundreds of military and intelligence people have come forward (see: ).The two biggest recent leaks are revelations by CIA asset Susan Lindauer that the CIA had detailed foreknowledge of 9/11 and attributed the controlled demolitions of the three NYC skyscrapers to “those goddamned Israelis”; and the assertion by Gwenyth Todd, who worked beside Richard Clarke on the National Security Council, that Clarke (who was publicly fired from an earlier job for being an Israeli spy) is the top suspect as hands-on controller of 9/11 from the US end. Yes, you heard that right: Richard Clarke’s colleague on the National Security Counsel, Gwenyth Todd, suspects Clarke of masterminding and running the 9/11 attacks. If Todd and other high-level sources are right about this, Clarke’s book’s title Your Government Failed You is an understatement.
Some of the same high-level sources who finger Richard Clarke as the US boss of the Israeli-instigated 9/11 false-flag operation also claim that President Obama, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Dempsey, and other powerful Americans are considering exposing the truth about 9/11 during a second Obama term. In other words, Obama’s re-election could put Israel out of business, and get Netanyahu hanged from the nearest lamp-post.
No wonder Netanyahu is “overplaying his hand” by doing everything he can to get rid of Obama. And no wonder Netanyahu is desperately trying to throw gasoline on the “clash of civilizations” fire and trigger war with Iran. A huge Middle East war, no matter how destructive, would maintain the wartime State of Emergency in the US and impede the inexorable revelation of America’s biggest state secret: That American traitors, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush, Richard Myers, and others, helped Israel blow up the World Trade Center, bomb the Pentagon, and kill 3000 Americans on 9/11.
La France-Israel est une dictature mafieuse juive sioniste d'essence talmudo-maconnique, preparant l'internement dans des camps de concentrations, les Musulmans, Immigres et Dissidents politiques, tout ceci au nom 'de la defense d'Israel'
Pour les camps speciaux de concentrations de type Buchenwald ou cite concentrationnaires de type Gaza pour Musulmans, Immigres, Roms (deja existants et mis en branle par Sarkozy depuis Aout 2010), et les dissidents politiques,lire ici!
Un week-end en Francisraël.
- Samedi, vers 14 heures, face au Trocadéro à Paris. Des dizaines de camions de gendarmes cernent les abords de la place. Un important dispositif de sécurité est déployé pour contrer les éventuelles manifestations de musulmans en colère contre les caricatures de Muhammed (NDLR: rectification du nom et saws ajoute par moi, pour ceux qui veulent comprendre ce que le mot issu du talmud de mahomet veut dire, lire ici). Mais à l'horizon, aucun manifestant. Aucun rassemblement. Seulement des touristes et des badauds. Pourtant au milieu de la foule, des CRS procèdent à plusieurs contrôles d'identité, notamment des femmes portant le voile. Au moins une quinzaine de personnes ont été emmenées dans un panier à salade garé sur la place pour avoir refusé de présenter leurs papiers. L'une d'entre elles, particulièrement virulente, a même crié "J'emmerde la laïcité" avant d'être interpellée par des policiers en civil sous le regard des passants et des journalistes. (
- Une soixantaine de CRS, appuyés par un hélicoptère de la gendarmerie, se sont déployés samedi après-midi dans le centre de Marseille, face à un seul manifestant qui avait appelé à dénoncer les caricatures du prophète Muhammed parues dans Charlie Hebdo, a constaté l'AFP. (
- Le Grand rabbin salue les appels au calme des musulmans. Mais, ajoute-t-il, «les appels au calme ne doivent pas, pour autant, faire oublier l'attentat du 19 septembre contre un supermarché casher à Sarcelles (Val-d'Oise), les cris de haine lancés pendant la manifestation du 15 septembre à Paris, ainsi que les agressions et menaces antisémites qui ont proliféré depuis les tueries de Toulouse et de Montauban, alors que l'horreur de ces événements aurait dû, au contraire, les faire reculer».
- Les juifs de France "peuvent porter avec fierté leur kippa!", a affirmé avec force dimanche le ministre de l'Intérieur Manuel Valls, en pourfendant le "discours de haine et de rejet" porté selon lui par le Front national et sa présidente Marine Le Pen.Très applaudi, il était lui-même coiffé d'une kippa pour participer à la traditionnelle cérémonie des voeux à la communauté juive de France, organisée à la Grande synagogue de la Victoire à Paris. (
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Et pendant ce temps, à New York Original Israeli version Source :
La DGSE de l'israelien Mangoux prepare activement l'invasion du Nord Mali en Corse. une fois le Mali re-occupe par la France-Israel, l'Egypte sera attaquee et l'Algerie coupee en 3 parties, le Sahara etant entierement sous occupation de l'OTAN
Erard Corbin de Mangoux, est un agent du Gladio-OTAN-mossad.
MISE A JOUR Mardi 25 Septembre 2012 (16H01 GMT): Je recois des messages me demandant des preuves que Mangoux est un agent du Gladio-Mossad. Durant vos recherches sur le net et ailleurs vous trouverez que depuis 1982, sous l'amiral Lacoste, la DGSE et la DST sont des nids de batards de collabos et agents du sionisme lire ici et ici. Vous trouverez que Charles Pasqua et le SAC, l'OAS, Jean Marie Le Pen et son ancien bras droit 'du DPS' Marc Bellier voir ici, et la en sont. Leur noms sont associes au nom de Larbi Belkheir, createurs des GIAs-AQMI, et les tyrants du Maghreb qui sont des membres directs ou indirects de ces cellules terroristes franc maconniques sionistes basees a Bruxelles, Londres, Washington, Tel Aviv, dont le role est maintenant de provoquer une guerre directe contre l'Islaam pour maintenir la colonisation en place au Maghreb-Sahel, par le marche transatlantique, garant de la superiorite sioniste sur l'Afrique du Nord. Les reseaux de toute l'extreme droite francaise, et une grande partie des partis politiques, les verts compris, sont aujourd'hui domines par le CRIF a 90%, et sont inclus dans le Gladio-mossad, tres presents dans le sud de l'Europe, Marseille en etant l'un des fiefs et le lieu choisi par Israel pour le debut de la guerre. (AS)
La DGSE ne cache plus ses liens et son controle sur les forces speciales emiraties, qataries, impliquees avec le mossad dans la liquidation de l'ambassadeur US a Benghazi. L'OTAN a annexe deja les pays du GCC (Gulf Council Cooperation) ou Khaleej... L'entrainement en Corse est la pre-figuration de l'invasion du Nord Mali
Des forces spéciales saoudiennes en Corse
Un exercice conjoint des forces spéciales françaises et saoudiennes aura lieu en Corse du 1er au 18 octobre, à partir de la base de Solenzara.
Baptisé "Tigre 2", il impliquera des moyens importants, dont plusieurs hélicoptères saoudiens Black Hawk.
Cet exercice du COS (Commandement des Opérations Spéciales) est conjoint avec le rendez-vous annuel de la BFST (Brigade des forces spéciales Terre), "Gorgones" qui se déroulait généralement à Caylus (Tarn-et-Garonne).
L’an passé, une délégation saoudienne avait assisté à Gorgones, ce qui l’a visiblement convaincue. Tigre 2 n’est pas un exercice purement terrestre : des moyens de la Marine et de l’Armée de l’air seront également engagés.
Discrète, la coopération française avec les forces spéciales du Moyen-Orient est très active, que ce soit avec la Jordanie, le Qatar, les Emirats ou l’Arabie saoudite.
Les éléments français participant à Tigre 2 sont des unités appartenant au COS, dont la BFST :
le 1er régiment parachutiste d’infanterie de marine (1er RPIMa),
le 13e régiment de dragons parachutistes (13e RDP),
le 4e régiment d’hélicoptère forces spéciales (4e RHFS),
des commandos marine,
des commandos de l’air,
et l’escadron de transport Poitou.
Baptisé "Tigre 2", il impliquera des moyens importants, dont plusieurs hélicoptères saoudiens Black Hawk.
Cet exercice du COS (Commandement des Opérations Spéciales) est conjoint avec le rendez-vous annuel de la BFST (Brigade des forces spéciales Terre), "Gorgones" qui se déroulait généralement à Caylus (Tarn-et-Garonne).
L’an passé, une délégation saoudienne avait assisté à Gorgones, ce qui l’a visiblement convaincue. Tigre 2 n’est pas un exercice purement terrestre : des moyens de la Marine et de l’Armée de l’air seront également engagés.
Discrète, la coopération française avec les forces spéciales du Moyen-Orient est très active, que ce soit avec la Jordanie, le Qatar, les Emirats ou l’Arabie saoudite.
Les éléments français participant à Tigre 2 sont des unités appartenant au COS, dont la BFST :
La France, sous controle israelien, envahit le Maghreb-Sahel pour l'annexer au marche transatlantique (Euro-reich) en 2015 et y transferer une partie de son industrie comme Renault, afin de pouvoir rester competitif face au BRICS et soumettre de facto toute la region a Israel.... La guerre a debute dans le silence du Sahara avec des fausses prises d'otages mises en scene tantot par la DCRI qui a le controle des GIAs-AQMI depuis l'ere Larbi Belkheir, et maintenant par la DGSE avec le MUJAO qu'elle a retourne grace a l'argent du Qatar et qu'elle controle, les repercussions seront tres lourdes a Paris, difficile de voir autre chose que la guerre dans les rues de France avec les provocations juives sionistes
Les forces spéciales françaises vont renforcer leurs effectifs au Sahel
24 septembre 2012 – 10:21
Depuis maintenant quelques années, les forces spéciales françaises sonr présentes au Sahel, que ce soit pour des tâches de formation au profit d’armées locales, comme cela a été le cas en Mauritanie, des missions de renseignement, ou encore des interventions lors de prises d’otage concernant des ressortissants français (3 en deux ans).
Et d’ailleurs, avec l’influence grandissante de groupes jihadistes dans cette région, où ces derniers menacent les intérêts français – comme par exemple les mines d’uranium exploitées par Areva au Niger – l’on ne peut pas être surpris par le déploiement d’éléments du Commandement des Opérations Spéciales (COS) au Sahel.
Mais ce que l’on ignorait, c’était l’ampleur des moyens engagés. Selon le Figaro, une centaine de militaires français des forces spéciales y seraient actuellement présents et leurs effectifs pourraient être prochainement renforcés par des commandos marine.
Leur mission, avance le quotidien, est de former quelques centaines d’hommes de l’armée malienne pour reconquérir l’Azawad, la région qui couvre le Nord-Mali, passée sous le contrôle d’al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique (AQMI), le mouvement Ansar Dine et les jihadistes du Mujao (Mouvement pour l’unicité et le jihad en Afrique de l’Ouest).
Le dispositif français est complété par des avions de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 qui sillonnent les vastes étendues désertiques avec leurs moyens de recueil de renseignements ainsi que par “système de surveillance” basé au Niger.
Dans cette affaire, Paris n’entend pas jouer les premiers rôles et préfére laisser l’initiative aux pays africains concernés, notamment ceux de la Cédéao (Communauté économique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest), qui peinent d’ailleurs à mettre sur pied une force militaire appelée à être déployée au Mali.
“Il faut maintenant que les forces africaines s’organisent, déterminent une feuille de route, le fassent en collaboration avec les autorités françaises et nous appuierons logistiquement cette démarche” a expliqué, la semaine passée, Jean-Yves Le Drian, le ministre français de la Défense.
Cela étant, la France, qui compte 6 otages aux mains d’AQMI dans la région, n’est pas la seule à être impliquée indirectement dans les préparatifs visant à la reconquête du Nord-Mali. Le Royaume-Uni y est également engagé et la coopération franco-britannique serait “excellente” affirme Le Figaro. L’Allemagne et la Pologne devraient fournir des moyens en matière de renseignement. De même que les Etats-Unis, qui ont installé dans la région plusieurs bases discrètes pour y surveiller les activités des groupes jihadistes, dans le cadre de l’opération Creek Sand.
Quoi qu’il en soit, la situation dans l’Azawad, qui sera évoquée cette semaine aux Nations unies, à New York, est un dossier urgent. Toujours d’après le Figaro, qui cite des sources sécuritaires françaises, la région est en train de devenir une nouvelle filière pour le recrutement de jihadistes europées.
“Depuis quelques mois, des islamistes quittent la France ou d’autres pays européens pour rejoindre le nord du Mali, une région où est appliquée la charia, pour défendre la terre d’islam” a confié l’une d’elles au quotidien. Et c’est lorsqu’ils reviennent du “Malistan” qu’ils sont susceptibles d’être dangereux. “Le but est de ne pas les laisser trop longtemps dans la nature, pour éviter une nouvelle affaire Merah. Mais il est très difficile de leur mettre la main dessus car ils jouent de la porosité des frontières dans la région et reviennent souvent par le Sénégal” a-t-elle précisé.
URGENT WARNING : Israel Lobbyist suggests False Flag attack to start war with Iran
UPDATE: Wednesday 26 September 2012, 14H16 GMT: Netanyahu is about to kill the anglo-sefardim puppet king of Jordan and blame it on the local Muslim Brotherhood, read mossad propaganda here. Our sources in Jordan explained us that there are specific orders to not attack Israel from Jordan but from South of Syria to provoke Netanyahu invasion so far, he refused to do so, fearing heavy military defeat. The real goal of the operation in Amman is to genocide the Palestinians of the West Bank and to force them to leave to Jordan, zionists call this ethnical cleansing and genocide the 'transfer', read here. Once again, to build the temple of their moschiah in Jerusalem, they have to kill all the goyims or 'non-jews' and massacre the Palestinians.
The operation in Benghazi on the September 11, was designed to take full military command in Libya and paralyse local groups by killing Stevens, as well as Egypt and threaten Cairo of a two side NATO attacks from the West and the East fronts. Netanyahu needs a war to stay in power, if he loose the next israelis elections, we had been informed by high level HAMAS members and Arab diplomats that Tzivi Lipni will replace him and come out with a Turkish-Qatar 'peace plan' of '10 years truce', Saudi Arabia is not involved here, that's why they tried to kill Bin Al Khalifah in Doha few weeks ago, as Saudia is to be destabilised following 'Jordan King' operation. This fake peace plan had been signed by war criminal Shimon Peres, Barak Obama. Netanyahu-Barak, brainmasters of 9/11, are clearly at stake... Jordan is the weakest link in the area and the last chance for Netanyahu-Barak to stay in power longer enough to start a war with Iran, and destroy any 'truce' and push towards the talmudists messianic wars needed to fulfill the Ezekiel prophecies of the coming of their 'moschiah'... Abu-Suleyman
By Kevin Barrett,
Today's nominee for the Larry Silverstein Award for Chutzpah Beyond the Call of Duty: Israel lobbyist Patrick Clawson, who is openly calling for the mass murder of Americans, along the lines of the USS Maine, Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, USS Liberty, and (by implication) 9/11 orchestrated war-trigger events.
If we're going to murder anybody to start a war, I suggest slowly disemboweling Patrick Clawson, then declaring war on Israel in retaliation for 9/11.
Pax Talmudica 2012 : End of the Federal Reserve bail 21 December 2012 : How the zionist financial cartel plans to destroy the current financial system and implement the new zionist electronic money, and blame it on the Muslims
Please read this article because these hacking attacks or IT bugs blamed on Iran in the US or China in the UK, are designed to steal the people money because the banks are short of paper money and the goal is to implement the RFID electronic currency worldwide under the total control of the Zionist financial cartels: How eliminating paper money could end recessions.
Mega-Bank’s Plan to Steal Your Money and Blame Fake Muslim Cyber Attack
Occupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel Senator and self-proclaimed Zionist Joseph Lieberman declared that it was Iran who cyber-attacked Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase in 2011 and began with more frequency this year. Lieberman, as the chairman of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee states that the financial attack was spurned from the state-sponsored anti-Muslim film circulating the Middle East thanks to CIA-operatives al-Qaeda.
Lieberman explains: “I don’t believe these were just hackers. I believe this was done by Iran and the Qods force, which has its own developing cyber-attack capacity. And I believe it was in response to the increasingly strong economic sanctions that the United States and our European allies have put on Iranian financial institutions.”
The US government is planting the propaganda seed that according to “highly classified” documents provided by the Join Chiefs of Staff’s Intelligence Directorate confirm that Iranian hackers are committing cyber-attacks against US financial institutions.
This report assures that US mega-banks are a “valid target” of the Iranian “cyber army”. However, the attackers used a known forum that is utilized by the CIA-controlled Anonymous to issue threats and brag about their successes.
The timing of the newly formed “digital al-Qaeda” and their expressed anger over the US-produced anti-Muslim film are questionable considering how the US and Israeli government are setting the stage for a justified war with Iran. This fake hacker group is threatening other countries controlled by the Zionist regime, such as France, Germany and Britain. According to the false flag group: “The army was recently formed and we have started to work as a team after we used to work individually. The hacking operations are of course a response to the offence against the prophet, peace and blessing be upon him.”
Radware, a security firm, analyzed the attacks and concluded that the alleged Iranian nameless, faceless cyber army accused to attacking BoA and JPMorgan Chase did not conduct the attack.
This week, Wells Fargo & Co. upped their cybersecurity measures after being attacked by a nameless, faceless group calling themselves Cyber Fighters of Izz ad-din Al Qassam. Wells Fargo announced in a formal statement: “We apologize to customers who may be experiencing intermittent access issues to and online banking. We are working to quickly resolve this issue.”
Customer complaints included difficulty logging-in as well as pages not loading properly.
Cyber Fighters of Izz ad-din Al Qassam claimed that their attack was retaliatory for the anti-Muslim film produced by the US government.
According to House Representative Mike Rogers, the anti-Muslim film was released to cover the US government’s involvement in the bombing and death of US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens at the hand of the CIA-sponsored al-Qaeda.
The film in question is actually a 14 minute trailer written, produced and directed by Sam Bacile, a.k.a. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula who is an FBI informant , an Israeli citizen and the pasty used by the Zionist regime in order to facilitate a manufactured revolt of fake Islamic tension in the Middle East.
Just as the false flag bomb threats called in by anonymous members of al-Qaeda earlier this month, this banking threat has the hall marks of a state-sponsored false flag to unnerve the American public, mask a planned implosion of the US economy through the ultimate theft of the banking cartels: the money deposited into private checking accounts by banking customers.
On August 9th the banks were given the legal authority to steal money from their customer’s private accounts just as Jon Corzine had with MF Global with the ruling on Sentinel Management Group.
Based on the ruling, regulatory systems such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SPIC) will not insure customer funds, investments, depositors and retirees who hold accounts in banks. In fact, the FDIC has announced that beginning in January 2013, they will stop insuring all deposits. Of the estimated $1.6 trillion in deposits, and a measured 85-90% in the hands of the mega-banks, large depositors are expected to close their accounts due to the lack of security.
The money in deposits will be funneled through the US Treasury for short-term securities. It is expected that the US Treasury will offer negative interest rates and this combination will surely cause a run on the banks that will put Spain and Greece to shame.
Per request of the Federal Reserve Bank, in 2010 the mega-banks filed contingency plans wherein the US government could not assist them. Called resolution plans, they describe how to liquidate banking assets without causing further damage to a failing financial system. By selling “non-core assets” without upsetting shareholders while protecting the monetary system, taxpayers and creditors is the work of the mega-banks who have contributed solely to the destruction of the global financial markets.
In the event of insolvency, duress or bankruptcy, the banks could use customer secured funds to assist them in repaying debts and loans. Currently Bank of America (BoA) has sold off portions of their domestic assets to secure capitol while Citigroup has followed suit.
By adhering to initiatives provided by the Financial Stability Board, these mega-banks will, when they enact their resolution plans, coordinate with international banking institutions and regulators rather than simply implode.
While preparing for financial collapse, the technocrats on Wall Street are also acquiring firearms, ammunition and control over private mercenary corporations like DynCorp and ‘Blackwater” as authorized by the Department of Defense (DoD) directive 3025.18.
Recently, the former mortgage broker of JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley revealed that due to their involvement in the mortgage-backed securities and derivatives fraud, they are selling off their non-core assets. This means that Morgan Stanley is becoming insolvent.
The recent false flag attacks on our banks falls in line with the scenario that has been coming into view for quite some time. In America, just announcing a banking holiday would cause absolute chaos and there may not be enough armed forces within our US borders to handle the rioting in the streets. However, the banking cartels must implode the US economy in order to gain the sovereign debt – as they are currently doing in Spain and Greece.
Meanwhile, there is a Zionist plot to attack Iran over false claims of procurement of nuclear weapons that do not exist. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has been decrying this lie since 1992. Twenty years later, it appears that the Zionist-controlled Israeli government may just have their war with Iran along with the “unwavering support” of the US government.
Framing Iran for the American banking system’s computer failure kills two birds with one stone. Not only would the banking cartels be able to shut down all banking computers (and simultaneously syphon the remaining money in their customer’s accounts) but also use this fake cyber-attack to engage the American public against Iran and justify their highly anticipated military strike.
By blaming Iran, the technocrats could initiate the shutdown of all domestic banking computer systems in order to “purge” the virus and reconfigure their systems. However this would be a false flag meant to pacify the public to avert mass panic. While the general public would fall for the cover story, the banking cartels would simply electronically transfer all customer funds from private checking accounts out to off-shore banks where they could not be touched and cover their tracks.
The American public, being told that Iran was to blame might not riot in the streets as we have seen in European countries of late. There would be total support for the war with Iran if this scheme could be pulled off. The technocrats could not only bankrupt America but also simultaneously stave off a social display and breakdown of society because the Iranians would be to blame.
The plan is perfect. All we have to do is not be fooled and use the recent riots in Spain as a barometer as to how we can take this country back from the Zionists and the banking cartels.
- Salaam
Could we have a (brief) summary, please. Thank you. Barak Allah Fik.
Basheer - 3:23 AM
Hillary Clinton’s plan for PATO to replace NATO
By Wayne Madsen,
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s first-ever attendance by a Secretary of State at the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) in the Cook Islands capital of Avarua on Rarotonga has international observers wondering about the Obama administration’s plans to extend the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) deep into the Pacific Ocean, as well as into South East Asia.
Clinton had in tow with her U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) Commander Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III, the chief American proconsul who deals with military relations with the Asia-Pacific region. Clinton was accompanied by some 60 other lower-ranking U.S. diplomatic, military, and intelligence officials in Rarotonga. After the Cook Islands stop, the delegation’s itinerary included Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia and China before a final stop to attend the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Vladivostok . . .
Locklear’s presence as the number two U.S. representative to the PIF summit and on the first visit by an American Secretary of State to the self-governing Cook Islands is a testament to the steady militarization of American foreign policy. In Africa, it is the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) that calls the shots. For the Middle East and South Asia the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) and for Latin American and the Caribbean the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), respectively, dominate U.S. foreign policy decisions in their respective areas of operation.
Mrs. Clinton’s trip to the South Pacific comes after a strategic decision by the Obama administration to “pivot” U.S. foreign policy toward Asia in an attempt to counter a perceived Chinese military presence in the region. The pivot decision has seen an increase in U.S. naval fleet strength and air power in the region, with new U.S. military bases being established in Darwin and Perth, Australia and talk of another U.S. Indian Ocean base in the Australian-run Cocos (Keeling Islands) to supplement the U.S. air and naval base on Diego Garcia in the British Indian Ocean Territory.
Although Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard left the Cook Islands summit early to deal with the deaths of five Australian soldiers in Afghanistan, the other chief water carrier for U.S. military goals in the region, New Zealand Prime Minister John Key, helped handle Clinton’s interaction with the heads of government of the small Pacific island states for which New Zealand has been granted direct oversight by the Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Ominously, most of the PIF meetings, held at resort hotels in Rarotonga and on Aitutaki, were closed events. Mrs. Clinton’s reported knack for finger-pointing at such venues as the PIF was not on display for the international media, which traveled to the Cook Islands for the summit. Many of the island nations have been both courted and warned by Israel to withhold support for Palestine’s application to become a full observer state at this year’s UN General Assembly meeting in New York. Clinton has never failed to finger point at leaders of other nations when their lack of support for Israel is an issue.
The UK-USA intelligence alliance created after World War II handed over primary responsibility for monitoring political and economic affairs in the South Pacific English-speaking islands, all of which were colonies of New Zealand, Britain, and Australia, to New Zealand. Australia played a more minor role in the alliance, particularly with regard to Papua New Guinea.
New Zealand monitored the occasional presence in the South Pacific of Soviet fishing trawlers that doubled as intelligence collectors, diplomatic agreements between newly-independent Pacific states and the Soviet Union and China, including Kiribati’s fishing agreement with the USSR in 1985 and its establishment of diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China in 1980 and agreement for China to establish a satellite tracking station in the island nation in 1997. Pacific island nations traded off diplomatic recognition of China and Taiwan in what became known as “checkbook diplomacy,” with recognition going to the country that provided the most economic aid. With recognition by Tuvalu and Nauru, and Vanuatu of the independence of Abkhazia and Tuvalu and Nauru of South Ossetia’s independence, charges of checkbook diplomacy by Russia have emanated from the U.S., New Zealand, and Australia. With Obama’s pivot of foreign policy to the Asia-Pacific region, it seems certain that Washington’s desires for a PATO includes eventual membership for the Pacific Island Forum states of Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Nauru, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Tonga, Samoa, Palau, Micronesia, and Marshall Islands, with associate membership for the Cook Islands and Niue.
NATO is increasingly moving eastward and through the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI), it has developed military and political relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council nations of Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates with Saudi Arabia and Oman showing an increased interest in the initiative. NATO and the United States are attempting to re-create the defunct Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), a Cold War alliance of the United States, Pakistan, Britain, Iran, Turkey, and, before it withdrew, Iraq.
Mrs. Clinton’s foray into the South Pacific to pivot U.S. foreign policy toward Asia is clearly an attempt to re-create another defunct Cold War-era alliance, the South East Asia treaty Organization (SEATO), which was composed of the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand, France, and Pakistan. The transformation of NATO into PATO—the Pacific-Atlantic Treaty Organization—is, like the former CENTO and SEATO, directed against China and Russia.
During the Nixon administration, there was an attempt to expand NATO by creating a South Atlantic Treaty Organization (SATO), that would have included the United States, apartheid South Africa, Portugal, and the right-wing fascist Latin American regimes of Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil that cooperated with the CIA in Operation Condor, which exchanged intelligence that targeted leftist activists, students, and regime opponents. Although SATO never materialized, the program provided evidence that NATO was never intent on its North Atlantic-only charter but sought to expand it around the globe.
Today, the United States is pursuing the acquisition or re-acquisition of bases it lost in the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Brunei, and Cambodia. Clinton’s visit to Indonesia and recent visits to Laos and Myanmar had a military dimension, one that seeks to establish around China a cordon sanitaire to pen in China’s growing military power in the region. Conceivably, Vietnam, Brunei, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Mongolia, and Myanmar could be coaxed into joining a PATO, along with more certain probabilities of South Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and, unofficially and through secret protocols, Taiwan. Such an expanded alliance would be certain to throw down the gauntlet to China over disputed islands in the oil- and natural gas-rich South China Sea. PATO would also signal to Russia that they would be boxed in to the West and East.
The history of failed empires—Persia, Rome, Byzantium, and Ottoman—show that before they collapsed, they over-extended their reach and fell from within and invasion from without. The collapse of representative democratic republicanism in the United States, coupled with economic malaise and a resuscitated Cold War-era global military American hegemony, means that all China, Russia, and other emerging powers have to do is wait. For when America reaches the inevitable event horizon of collapse, it will occur so fast the world will be left stunned.
Clinton had in tow with her U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) Commander Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III, the chief American proconsul who deals with military relations with the Asia-Pacific region. Clinton was accompanied by some 60 other lower-ranking U.S. diplomatic, military, and intelligence officials in Rarotonga. After the Cook Islands stop, the delegation’s itinerary included Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia and China before a final stop to attend the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Vladivostok . . .
Locklear’s presence as the number two U.S. representative to the PIF summit and on the first visit by an American Secretary of State to the self-governing Cook Islands is a testament to the steady militarization of American foreign policy. In Africa, it is the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) that calls the shots. For the Middle East and South Asia the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) and for Latin American and the Caribbean the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), respectively, dominate U.S. foreign policy decisions in their respective areas of operation.
Mrs. Clinton’s trip to the South Pacific comes after a strategic decision by the Obama administration to “pivot” U.S. foreign policy toward Asia in an attempt to counter a perceived Chinese military presence in the region. The pivot decision has seen an increase in U.S. naval fleet strength and air power in the region, with new U.S. military bases being established in Darwin and Perth, Australia and talk of another U.S. Indian Ocean base in the Australian-run Cocos (Keeling Islands) to supplement the U.S. air and naval base on Diego Garcia in the British Indian Ocean Territory.
Although Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard left the Cook Islands summit early to deal with the deaths of five Australian soldiers in Afghanistan, the other chief water carrier for U.S. military goals in the region, New Zealand Prime Minister John Key, helped handle Clinton’s interaction with the heads of government of the small Pacific island states for which New Zealand has been granted direct oversight by the Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Ominously, most of the PIF meetings, held at resort hotels in Rarotonga and on Aitutaki, were closed events. Mrs. Clinton’s reported knack for finger-pointing at such venues as the PIF was not on display for the international media, which traveled to the Cook Islands for the summit. Many of the island nations have been both courted and warned by Israel to withhold support for Palestine’s application to become a full observer state at this year’s UN General Assembly meeting in New York. Clinton has never failed to finger point at leaders of other nations when their lack of support for Israel is an issue.
The UK-USA intelligence alliance created after World War II handed over primary responsibility for monitoring political and economic affairs in the South Pacific English-speaking islands, all of which were colonies of New Zealand, Britain, and Australia, to New Zealand. Australia played a more minor role in the alliance, particularly with regard to Papua New Guinea.
New Zealand monitored the occasional presence in the South Pacific of Soviet fishing trawlers that doubled as intelligence collectors, diplomatic agreements between newly-independent Pacific states and the Soviet Union and China, including Kiribati’s fishing agreement with the USSR in 1985 and its establishment of diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China in 1980 and agreement for China to establish a satellite tracking station in the island nation in 1997. Pacific island nations traded off diplomatic recognition of China and Taiwan in what became known as “checkbook diplomacy,” with recognition going to the country that provided the most economic aid. With recognition by Tuvalu and Nauru, and Vanuatu of the independence of Abkhazia and Tuvalu and Nauru of South Ossetia’s independence, charges of checkbook diplomacy by Russia have emanated from the U.S., New Zealand, and Australia. With Obama’s pivot of foreign policy to the Asia-Pacific region, it seems certain that Washington’s desires for a PATO includes eventual membership for the Pacific Island Forum states of Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Nauru, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Tonga, Samoa, Palau, Micronesia, and Marshall Islands, with associate membership for the Cook Islands and Niue.
NATO is increasingly moving eastward and through the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI), it has developed military and political relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council nations of Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates with Saudi Arabia and Oman showing an increased interest in the initiative. NATO and the United States are attempting to re-create the defunct Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), a Cold War alliance of the United States, Pakistan, Britain, Iran, Turkey, and, before it withdrew, Iraq.
Mrs. Clinton’s foray into the South Pacific to pivot U.S. foreign policy toward Asia is clearly an attempt to re-create another defunct Cold War-era alliance, the South East Asia treaty Organization (SEATO), which was composed of the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand, France, and Pakistan. The transformation of NATO into PATO—the Pacific-Atlantic Treaty Organization—is, like the former CENTO and SEATO, directed against China and Russia.
During the Nixon administration, there was an attempt to expand NATO by creating a South Atlantic Treaty Organization (SATO), that would have included the United States, apartheid South Africa, Portugal, and the right-wing fascist Latin American regimes of Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil that cooperated with the CIA in Operation Condor, which exchanged intelligence that targeted leftist activists, students, and regime opponents. Although SATO never materialized, the program provided evidence that NATO was never intent on its North Atlantic-only charter but sought to expand it around the globe.
Today, the United States is pursuing the acquisition or re-acquisition of bases it lost in the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Brunei, and Cambodia. Clinton’s visit to Indonesia and recent visits to Laos and Myanmar had a military dimension, one that seeks to establish around China a cordon sanitaire to pen in China’s growing military power in the region. Conceivably, Vietnam, Brunei, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Mongolia, and Myanmar could be coaxed into joining a PATO, along with more certain probabilities of South Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and, unofficially and through secret protocols, Taiwan. Such an expanded alliance would be certain to throw down the gauntlet to China over disputed islands in the oil- and natural gas-rich South China Sea. PATO would also signal to Russia that they would be boxed in to the West and East.
The history of failed empires—Persia, Rome, Byzantium, and Ottoman—show that before they collapsed, they over-extended their reach and fell from within and invasion from without. The collapse of representative democratic republicanism in the United States, coupled with economic malaise and a resuscitated Cold War-era global military American hegemony, means that all China, Russia, and other emerging powers have to do is wait. For when America reaches the inevitable event horizon of collapse, it will occur so fast the world will be left stunned.
This article originally appeared in Strategic Culture Foundation on-line journal.Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report (subscription required).
Pax Talmudica 2012: Zionist mega banks cartel is implementing the new RFID electronic money. Israel, UK are the brainmasters of these fake cyberattacks
Digital-Electronic money the next step in the Pax Talmudica 2012 or NWO, remember the Federal Reserve is going to die, (or not?) the 21 December 2012... Do you want know what is the Zionist RFID electronic money, you must watch this video, here!!!!
According to Netanyahu, America is a thing you can move very easily... Kill his staff in Benghazi .... blame the 'Ay-rabs', shabbath goys in the pentagone will crusade for Israel for ever...
HIGH ALERT! Millions of Bankers can’t bank online. BofA blames Hackers from MIddle East. Bank cyber attacks by Iran? Black Monday October 1, 2012?
The financial and banking industries are on high alert tonight as a massive cyberattack continues, with potentially millions of customers of Bank of America, PNC and Wells Fargo finding themselves blocked from banking online.
“There is an elevated level of threat,” said Doug Johnson, a vice president and senior adviser of the American Bankers Association. “The threat level is now high.”
“This is twice as large as any flood we have ever seen,” said D*** Clarke, an ABC News consultant and former cybersecurity czar.
Sources told ABC News that the so-called denial of service attacks had been caused by hackers from the Middle East who had secretly transmitted signals commandeering thousands of computers worldwide.
A group of purported hackers in the Middle East has claimed credit for problems at the websites of both banks, citing the online video mocking the founder of Islam. One security source called that statement “a cover” for the Iranian government’s operations.
The attack is described by one source, a former U.S. official familiar with the attacks, as being “significant and ongoing” and looking to cause “functional and significant damage.” Also, one source suggested the attacks were in response to U.S. sanctions on Iranian banks.
Senior U.S. officials acknowledge that Iranian attacks have been the subject of intense interest by U.S. intelligence for several weeks. Last week, the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s Intelligence Directorate, known as J-2, confirmed continuing Iranian cyber attacks against U.S. financial institutions in a report described as “highly classified.”
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“There is an elevated level of threat,” said Doug Johnson, a vice president and senior adviser of the American Bankers Association. “The threat level is now high.”
“This is twice as large as any flood we have ever seen,” said D*** Clarke, an ABC News consultant and former cybersecurity czar.
Sources told ABC News that the so-called denial of service attacks had been caused by hackers from the Middle East who had secretly transmitted signals commandeering thousands of computers worldwide.
A group of purported hackers in the Middle East has claimed credit for problems at the websites of both banks, citing the online video mocking the founder of Islam. One security source called that statement “a cover” for the Iranian government’s operations.
The attack is described by one source, a former U.S. official familiar with the attacks, as being “significant and ongoing” and looking to cause “functional and significant damage.” Also, one source suggested the attacks were in response to U.S. sanctions on Iranian banks.
Senior U.S. officials acknowledge that Iranian attacks have been the subject of intense interest by U.S. intelligence for several weeks. Last week, the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s Intelligence Directorate, known as J-2, confirmed continuing Iranian cyber attacks against U.S. financial institutions in a report described as “highly classified.”
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Les defaites de Netanyahu et Romney en Octobre puis Novembre 2012 provoqueront-elles l'arrestation de Sarkozy et de ses larbins comme Squarcini? Ou provoqueront-elle une vague de terrorisme en France de la part des reseaux israeliens, qui pousseront a envahir le Maghreb-Sahel? Nos informations nous poussent a penser que la maison mossad-pasqua pour se couvrir n'a plus le choix, elle doit frapper en France car la DGSE a ete prise a Benghazi et la pression est sur les mythomanes, racistes, incompetents, de la guestapo du CRIF qui ont perdu la bataille de 'l'operation Merah', sinon Sarkozy sera arrete ou elimine car il met en danger Netanyahu et Israel et comme c'est une donneuse et une balance!
Affaire Bettencourt: les nouvelles pistes du juge Gentil
Qu'on se le dise : Jean-Michel Gentil travaille d’arrache-pied. Aidé de deux collègues du tribunal de grande instance de Bordeaux, le juge d’instruction se consacre exclusivement au dossier Bettencourt, dont il a été saisi en décembre 2010. Les investigations dirigées par Jean-Michel Gentil sont toujours empreintes d’une extrême discrétion qui confine parfois à la paranoïa (il n'existe d'ailleurs pas de photo de lui, sauf un mauvais cliché vieux de quinze ans). Or, selon des informations obtenues par Mediapart, le magistrat vient de faire savoir – officieusement – qu’il souhaite achever son instruction à la fin de l’année.
Jean-Michel Gentil brigue, par ailleurs, une promotion à Paris, ceci pouvant expliquer cela. Les magistrats devant régulièrement changer de cour d’appel pour obtenir de l’avancement, le juge Gentil, qui est en poste à Bordeaux (comme vice-président chargé de l’instruction) depuis décembre 1999, a postulé, au printemps puis en juillet dernier, pour être nommé avocat général à la cour d’appel de Paris. Un poste « hors hiérarchie » qui est très demandé, et qu’il n’a pas obtenu. Qu'importe, d'autres occasions se présenteront.
Pour le moment, après vingt mois de travail, le juge Gentil a mis en examen sept personnes dans le volet central de l’affaire Bettencourt, qui vise des faits d’« abus de faiblesse, complicité et recel », de « trafic d’influence », et de « recel de financement illicite de parti politique ».
Sont concernés : l’artiste François-Marie Banier et son compagnon Martin d’Orgeval (dont une grande partie des biens a été saisie), le gestionnaire de fortune Patrice de Maistre (qui a effectué trois mois de détention provisoire), l’ex-ministre UMP Éric Woerth, ainsi que les avocats fiscalistes Pascal Wilhelm et Fabrice Goguel. D'autres pourraient suivre.
Les agendas de Sarkozy examinés à la loupe
Le juge Gentil, qui pourrait achever rapidement les investigations sur le volet patrimonial de l’affaire, évalue actuellement le rôle des notaires qui ont enregistré les testaments successifs de Liliane Bettencourt. Il a notamment perquisitionné le notaire Patrice Bonduelle, dans le coffre duquel il a saisi un testament récent, daté d’août 2011, et trois expertises médicales de la richissime octogénaire.
Pour ce qui est du volet politique de l’affaire, le juge consacre beaucoup de temps à l’exploitation minutieuse des agendas de Nicolas Sarkozy, qu’il a saisis lors de la triple perquisition visant l’ex-président de la République, effectuée le 3 juillet avec les policiers de la brigade financière.
Selon des informations obtenues par Mediapart, le juge Gentil effectue actuellement un travail méticuleux pour vérifier si Nicolas Sarkozy a rencontré Éric Woerth à des dates proches des rencontres ayant eu lieu entre le trésorier de l’UMP et son ami Patrice de Maistre, alors gestionnaire de fortune de Liliane Bettencourt, et qui organisait discrètement le rapatriement d’espèces depuis la Suisse.
Selon des sources proches du dossier, le juge Gentil entend bel et bien creuser jusqu’au bout la piste politique de l’affaire Bettencourt, même s’il semble que d’éventuels faits de financement illégal de la campagne présidentielle de 2007 seraient prescrits concernant Nicolas Sarkozy.
Par ailleurs, toujours selon ces mêmes sources, le juge d'instruction bordelais épluche les contacts entre l’Élysée et le magistrat Philippe Courroye, afin de vérifier si le traitement de cette affaire d’abus de faiblesse par l’alors procureur de Nanterre a subi une inflexion à la suite d’instructions politiques qui auraient pu être données au plus haut niveau de l’État.
La thèse de Françoise Bettencourt-Meyers et de ses avocats, Olivier Metzner, Didier Martin et Florian Bouaziz, étant que le procureur Courroye a voulu étouffer l’affaire après avoir reçu des conseils appuyés de l’Élysée.
De mystérieux contacts entre Bernard Squarcini et Laurent Obadia
Enfin, selon des informations obtenues par Mediapart, le juge Gentil effectue également des vérifications sur de mystérieux contacts entre l’ex-directeur du renseignement intérieur (DCRI) Bernard Squarcini et le communicant Laurent Obadia, un proche de l'avocat fiscaliste Pascal Wilhelm, ancien protecteur de Liliane Bettencourt (proche de plusieurs patrons, et mis en cause dans l'affaire de l'investissement réalisé dans la société de Stéphane Courbit).
Au cours de ses investigations, le magistrat a en effet déniché des échanges de SMS fréquents entre Squarcini et Obadia qui concerneraient le dossier Bettencourt, et il souhaite éclaircir ce point précis, selon une source informée. Bernard Squarcini s'est-il intéressé à l'affaire Bettencourt de sa propre initiative, pour se renseigner sur l'avenir du groupe L'Oréal, ou parce que l'Élysée s'inquiétait des développements judiciaires de l'affaire, dans laquelle le financement de l'UMP et celui de la campagne présidentielle de 2007 transparaissaient déjà ?
Très proche de Nicolas Sarkozy, Bernard Squarcini s'est souvent vu reprocher de dévoyer les puissants moyens dont il disposait à la tête de la DCRI pour protéger le chef de l'État, qu'il s'agisse des rumeurs sur sa vie privée ou des enquêtes des juges financiers (Karachi, Takieddine, Bettencourt).
Quant à Laurent Obadia, à la tête de l'agence Opus conseils, il avait pris en charge l’image de Liliane Bettencourt moyennant de copieux honoraires, allant même jusqu’à accompagner la milliardaire lors de ses voyages exotiques, et à organiser des interviews très calibrées avec son ami Pascal Wilhelm, notamment en juillet 2010 sur TF1 (groupe Bouygues), puis en octobre 2011 avec Europe 1et le JDD (groupe Lagardère).
À noter : selon Marianne, Laurent Obadia avait, par ailleurs, organisé des déjeuners entre des journalistes et le procureur de Nanterre Philippe Courroye, quand celui-ci, favori de l'Élysée, visait le poste prestigieux de procureur à Paris alors occupé par Jean-Claude Marin.
C'est certainement un des mérites de l'enquête judiciaire qui s'achève : elle explore tout un réseau caché d'influences et d'intérêts croisés, où s'entremêlent l'argent, la politique et la communication.« Le juge est en train de colorer le dossier judiciaire, pour que chacun sache à quoi s'en tenir, le jour où s'ouvrira le procès public, savoure un spécialiste du dossier. Si Liliane Bettencourt a été manipulée par un groupe de prédateurs, on verra aussi que la justice a été manipulée par l'Élysée. »
- scredman313777 said...
- cette affaire semble plutôt un contrefeu!! mais ce qui est bizarre, c est que bettencourt se fasse dépouillé de son fric comme une vulgaire ringarde alors qu elle st une des plus grosses fortunes mondiale!! comme si elle n était pas si puissante au point d être manipulé comme elle semble la voir été! quand a Sarkozy, il sera jamais arrêté vu ses relations avec les usa, la CIA, son frère au groupe carlyle, les bush, le crif, l aipac, bolloré et autres riches personnages d influence sur terre.. ce juge comme tant d autre sera retrouver mort naturellement d on ne sait quelle substance indétectable et le reste sera étouffé, des juges feront semblant de faire une enquête, histoire de faire voir au monde que la justice est là mais c est comme la justice internationale, c est que des proches de puissants comme les usa et leur gouvernement! mais bon on eput tout de meme remarquer que quand une certaines lignée historique est en difficulté, la finance bizarrement s écroule et les rôles du monde sont redistribués!! on sait très bien que la justice n existe que pour les riches et entre simple particuliers!! pour le modeste qui se fait dépouiller par les riches, y a rien, qu une diabolisation médiatique,des accusations bizarres, puis un processus visant a le rendre dépressif suivis de menace puis un suicide ou une maladie succincte résumant le tout!! ça va pas plus loin
- 11:15 AM
- scredman313777 said...
- tiens un petit lien reliant brièvement cette affaire du temps de sarkozy le paranoïaque en pleine manipulation de la justice avec ses acolytes qui te permettra de comprendre comment certains ministres font pour se faire une place, réussir une carrière puis maquillé la buis de faiblesse 21 avril 2009...
En déplacement à Nice le 21 avril, Nicolas Sarkozy, accompagné de Michèle Alliot-Marie, Rachida Dati et Eric Woerth a annoncé de nouvelles orientations dans la lutte contre l’insécurité.
Les principales propositions de Nicolas Sarkozy :
- Interdiction du port de cagoules ou de masques lors de manifestations
- L’appartenance consciente à une bande sera passible d’une condamnation à trois années d’emprisonnement
- Poursuites judiciaires pour toute intrusion dans un établissement scolaire qui sera considérée comme un délit et circonstance aggravante pour l’agression d’un fonctionnaire de l’Education nationale, y compris hors de l’école
- Droit pour les victimes à un avocat dès la première minute de l’agression
- Développement de la vidéosurveillance et généralisation des vidéos dans les voitures de police
- Développement de la « police d’agglomération » et des « unités territoriales de quartier » : déploiement de gendarmes mobiles et de CRS dans les quartiers difficiles, aux heures les plus sensibles
- Examen d’un projet de loi visant à réformer la responsabilité des magistrats et à revoir la composition du Conseil supérieur de la magistrature - 11:18 AM
- scredman313777 said...
- puis enfin je voulais vous faire montrer un petit documentaire su Israël , enfin la Palestine colonisée puis l accaparement des sépultures prophétique a des fins capitalistiques
si comme moi, certains s intéresse a la Palestine mais surtout a la terre mythique qu elle est, ile st inconcevable de censuré le christianisme originel qui y découle car chaque prophète est justesse de son époque tout comme muhamad est justesse de son époque, épée qui tranche la vie d un seul trait, tout comme tant d autres prophètes ont traversé les temps, plus ou moins reconnus selon par qui ils étaient cernés!!
et vu que la politique de diverses époques a toujours jalousé les prophètes, il est important de ne pas s éloigner du coté spirituel de ce que représente une prophète!
quand certains prêchent la guerre d apostasie, pour moi ce sont des ennemis de la religion ces prêcheurs de divisions qui outragent un fils de dieu!! ceci dit , aujourd hui l islam est diabolisée et la Palestine est vidé de tout ses chrétiens d origine, comment attiré l attention des yeux du monde sur la Palestine aujourd hui et l importance idéologique, religieuse et fondamentale de cette terre??
comment 17 millions de juifs dans le monde peuvent avoir plus de droits que 2.5 milliards de chrétiens et 1 .5 milliard de musulmans??
comment la justice peut elle se fondé sur une histoire erronée et en se coupant ses propres racines?,
sur quel socle repose la justice?? - 11:49 AM
- scredman313777 said...
- aujourd hui on peut voir l état morale du monde et ça craint!! ceci dit l homme est la pire de s espèces de l histoire de la terre donc n attendons rien de l homme si ce n est idolâtrie, possession, guerres, diabolisations , persécutions ! rare sont ceux qui savent reconnaitre que l homme est plus proche du diable que ne peut l être tout le reste du vivant sur cette terre!
mais ceci dit quand on vit ce que l homme peut accepter, accepter qu on blasphème sur le tombeau d un prophète, accepter une religion tout en persécutant une autre, je trouve ça indigne d un croyant, mais il ne faut pas rester aveugle ou se forcer a l être, c est sur que la terreur aura toujours raison de la majorité mais la vie aura raison de la terreur, chacun peut voir malgré tout la réalité mais l homme globalement a montrer son vrai visage,celui d un égoïste qui n agit que pour son propre intérêt ou qui s attaque en meute a une ethnie minoritaire ou qui dupe le monde dans al course a la victimologie, on a tout vu ces dernières années, surtout depuis que la finance a métamorphoser le monde et a fait voir le plus profond de chacun.. quand a l affaire bettencourt, elle montre bien la perversité des uns et le manque de justice pour d autre!! mais quand la justice ne colle plus a la morale, c est une guerre mondiale qui s en suit et on y vient a grand pas!
mais une guerre mondiale ne survient pas comme ça, on a jamais vu une puissance qui a des intérêts a protéger ne pas préparer ses stocks, ses reverses et planifier son shema de guerre dans un monde qui on sait a une démocratie galopante mais qui reste malgré tout diviser en plusieurs blocs qui veulent s arracher le leader ship..
on a vu lors de la 1ere guerre mondiale des monuments aux morts avec plus jamais ça disait on a l époque... mais jamais ça n a empêcher que ça recommence, mais le destin est bien trouble des fois mais le clairvoyant saura voir la réalité de ce monde de possédé, tel est la vie entre naissance t mort, les secrets du temps et de l espace.. rien en reste figé sur cette planète qui tourne autour du dollar, de l or ou personne n est lui même finalement.. on peut en faire un roman de cette affaire bettencourt, ça empêchera pas que l intérêt national passera sur l intérêt de l humanité entière sans difficultés!! surtout quand la sphère médiatique est travestit a un point de non retour et est prise en otage par ses propre mensonges et ses actions chez les marchands d armes!!
mais bon finalement ce qui compte c est d être bien avec dieu, même quand on suit la pire des épreuves sur terre!! je pense qu il y a pire ailleurs, en Irak par exemple ou des enfants sont mutilés, n ont plus de père, plus de mère, plus de famille, pas d avenir, une guerre civile a subir, une morale a reconstruire.. la vie c est rien finalemnt, c est qu un passage de la me dans un corps, une épreuves, et le corps ne st que l emballage de la me, chacun sa mission, chacun sa croyance, mais on verra quand même comment certaines choses peuvent mettre le monde dans un chaos total! on peut se forcer a ignorer dieu mais le jugement sera le même!! ça sert a rien de se mentir a soi même dans le fond, et ça bien de gens on du mal a se le mettre en tête, tanpis pour eux! y a des choses qu on peut tolérer mais d autres qu on se doit de haïr et bannir!
ceci dit , il faut bien se mettre en tête qu on est sans cesse sous surveillance et qu il est facile d être accuser pour ses bonnes œuvres parce que l égoïsme des uns prévaut sur la bonne volonté des autres! mais y a que dieu qui est irréprochable dans la morale...
la justice peut faire ce qu elle veut, certains profanes peuvent user de leur malice pour salir d autres, les flics peuvent etiquetté qui ils veulent, la vie c est court... usé d étant de péchés pour finalement finir possédé par l excès, franchement.. mieux vaut être un misérable détesté qu un gros porc adulé mais qui subira le pire des châtiment le jour ou il affrontera son passé! l apparence est un fait, la réalité une autre!! - 11:54 AM
- scredman313777 said...
- je te conseil de voir un film , ennemi d état , le dernier, ça parle vaguement du terrorisme des réseaux terroristes en liaison avec les pouvoirs, peut être que tu l as vu, mais les apparences avec la situation actuelle est troublante!!
mais le problème du moment est qu ils mêlent apocalypse selon juda avec terroristes potentiel dans les extrêmes, attisez la haine sur des thèmes théologique, c est un peu fabriquer des coupables en outrageant la religion, la religion est bien instrumentaliser par la politique, c est sur et certain! la meilleure arme est la vérité!! mais la vérité fait des menteurs des tueurs... etc e que tu as écrit auparavant se passe bien comme prévu, les interpellation a Strasbourg, un mort, l attentat a sarcelles!! mais ça rappel l histoire des interpellations des forsane alizza en parallèle avec la propagande sioniste pour fabriquer des coupables parfait!! mais relie bien apocalypse selon juda et saint paul avec propagande dgse!!
quand aux menaces , elles ont redoublés d intensité ces dernières semaines, il y a le feu, on sent que les sionistes sont pris a leur propre piège malheureusement, la justice c est eux, la police c est eux, l armée c est eux les médias c est eux!! le reste va se faire éliminer!
des fois on se demande comment on peut tomber dans des cul de sac sans issues, la réalité est bien la guerre contre la religion et on sait qui est derrière, qui veut discréditer la religion a tout les niveaux quitte a sacrifier la vérité pour leur propre intérêt quand elle leu échappe ou quand leur affaires capitalistiques leur échappe!! tout le programme juridique de hollande vise a cadenasser leur proies sur lesquelles ils font du fric, rien a voir avec terrorisme mais la dgse fera tout pour mettre en forme un terroriste pour faire plaisir a leur financier électoraux du crif, de l aipac et du likoud!! même certains rabbins le disent qu ils sont totalement corrompus et n ont aucun respect pour la religion !!
mais pour se débarrasser de la vérité, ils mettent le paquet, tueur a gage, mafia, jeun de cité, peut importe, faut pas que ça leur colle a la peau!!
en tout cas ils se moquent bien de la religion, c est certain! - 8:29 PM
- Abu-Suleyman said...
- si je regarde les derneires operations montees contre 'la communaute juive'... je peux affirmer avec 100% qu'elles sont toutes montees par des gens de la communate juive depuis l'operation merah jusqu'a sarcelles... ils provoquent le terrorisme car ils se savent finis et les guerres en syrie, mali, et palestine sont leur fait, ce qu'ils recherchent c'est de se servir des services de l'etat pour mener leurs guerres en France car jamais la DCRI et la DGSE n'ont ete attaquee comme cela ...
- 12:55 AM
- scredman313777 said...
- tiens regarde un petit condensé de la paranoïa nuancée d une certaine classe touché au plus profond de leur conspiration,
apprécies la nuance victimologiste d un clan coupable apeuré par la terreur d être démasqué a sa conception du terrorisme ainsi que de ses lois!
visiblement l apocalypse selon juda ne se passe pas comme prévue, prasquier est dégouté!
j ai regarder le film prometheus, ce film est pas mal bien que le monde est du mal a sortir du processus dans lequel il est clivé, ça apporte une petite touche de ce que certains fanatiques scientologue aimeraient inculquer au monde!!
revenons aux interpellations antiterroristes, de ce week end, je suis stupéfait de l action des forces de l ordre en fonction de l inquiétude des lobbys et comment l affaire merah colle aux élections française avec un peu avant l affaire forssane aliza et quelques fabrications médiatiques et des incarcérations dans certains département que je ne citerais pas ici pour éviter certains problèmes ainsi que l affaire de ce week end avec les élections us et l instauration de romney pour envahir l Iran et satisfaire l actionnariat des usines a fabrications d armes us sionistes!! c est intrigant quand même et comment on ne peut rien faire contre ça si c en est subir une fabrication de coupable affligeante autant que désordonnée mais toujours crédible aux yeux des juges pourris qui font partis du même clan sioniste! mais bon la ou le bas blesse, c est que les médias qui fabriquent ce genre de maquillage ont ou des liens avec l industrie de l armement et les actions pétrolières.. plus ou moins directement!! quand aux interpellés, on ne saura jamais rien d eux puisqu ils seront privé de parole de n importe quelles manières!! mais bon le monde a des yeux, un cerveau pour voir et comprendre!
ceci dit il faut se méfier des tueurs a gage de ces culpabilisés qui n ont d autre solutions que de tuer pour garder une image clean!! on les voit se justifier a longueur de temps dans nos beaux médias publics pendant que la vérité se fait malmené, se fait torturé, humiliée, persécuté, refoulé de ses droits!! c est honteux a ce point de les voir se vautrer mais continuer et pire sont ceux qui savent mais travaillent pour eux en toutes connaissances de cause!! mais c est connus, faut nourrir sa famille, ça justifie tout y compris les erreurs judiciaires malheureusement!! - 2:43 PM
Le Sheykh Ali Benhadj sur l'invasion du Maghreb-Sahel par la France-Israel du juif pied noir algerien Francois Hollande sous couvert des droits de l'Homme et de l'excuse du terrorisme que les services franco-israelo-algeriens creent pour recoloniser la zone
Trois semaines apres l'operation israelienne de Benghazi, ou l'ambassadeur US Stevens, fut liquide par les reseaux likoudistes de la DGSE et l'OTAN. L'agent de la CIA, Mahmoud Djibril, ancien leader du CNT, tres proche de l'administration Obama, accuse ouvertement Sarkozy, la DGSE et la DCRI d'avoir fait liquider le cousin de Gaddafi, Ali Majid Al Andalus a Sirte l'annee derniere...
Petit rappel, suites aux frappes americaines de 1986 sur Tripoli, Gaddafi avait deux clones officiels. L'un d'eux Ali Majid Al Andalous, etait le cousin de Gaddafi, et c'etait lui qui a ete assassine a Sirte, car c'est un assassinat que Sarkozy a ordonne pour preparer les elections de 2012 et faire croire qu'il punissait Gaddafi car celui-ci avait fait saisir 150 millions des retro-commissions des contrats Agosta, Myksa, Sawari 2, que l'emir du Qatar avait fait blanchir dans ses banques. Sarkozy avait utilise l'affaire des infirmieres bulgares comme couverture pour transferer les fonds de Doha a Tripoli, plus de 300 millions d'euros. Selon Takkiedine, le colonel Gaddafi et Senoussi avaient saisi 150 millions d'euros de ces retro-commissions, lors des negociations sur le projet de vente de centrale nucleaire, car ceux-ci pensaient que Sarkozy, Gueant voulaient les extorquer. L'OTAN et les americains ont tout fait pour eviter de produire des analyses genetiques pour confirmer la veracite de l'identite de l'homme assassine a Sirte, vrai colonel Gaddafi ou pas? Selon mes informations, qui ont provoque l'ire des pedales juives sionistes algeriennes de la DCRI et celles du DRS, qui m'ont accuse de tenir le 'blog de madame soleil', le colonel du DRS de l'ambassade a Paris sait de quoi il retourne, mes informations se revelerent exactes dans 'l'operation Merah' et leurs larbins du net se turent sur le champs, et moi je ne colporte ni leurs ragots de pedales sionistes de la DCRI ou de la flicaille sioniste, et je sonne a la porte de ceux qui me menacent de mort, n'est ce pas Bernard Squarcini?
Mes informations confirment que le vrai Gaddafi a quitte la Libye au mois de Juin 2011, et que c'est la racaille juifiste de Mohamed Mediene dit Tewfik, qui l'a evacue vers l'Indonesie, les journaux appartenant au DRS, Ennahar et Al Khabar ont confirme a demi-mots l'info, faisant etat de l'operation ayant recupere la femme et la fille de Gaddafi, qui elles ont ete amenees fin Juillet, debut Aout 2011 en Algerie. Il reste un second double de Gaddafi qui est egalement un membre de sa tribu, et qui apparait de temps en temps sur les sites de la 'resistance verte', barbe prononcee, mais plus vieux que le colonel Gaddafi. L'information selon laquelle la DGSE sur ordre de Sarkozy a assassine le clone de Gaddafi, refait surface alors que l'administration Obama semble avoir dejoue les operations de Netanyahu (et entreprend de punir les reseaux likudistes francais Sarkozy-Mangoux-Squarcini), pour faire elire Romney, qui traine a 10 points derriere dans les sondages, suite la publication des videos privees et secretes de Romney par les equipes de l'administration Obama en reponse.
Ce qui nous pousse a penser qu'il y aura des attentats aux Etats-Unis ou une tentative de false flag, pour faire remonter Romney comme Sarkozy l'a fait a Toulouse... Mangoux, forme par les services US, semble depasse par la rapidite des informations ayant filtrees sur sa participation a l'operation sur le consulat americain de Benghazi le 11 Septembre 2012... La quenelle fut puissante et de tres gros calibre, n'est ce pas ?
Ce qui nous pousse a penser qu'il y aura des attentats aux Etats-Unis ou une tentative de false flag, pour faire remonter Romney comme Sarkozy l'a fait a Toulouse... Mangoux, forme par les services US, semble depasse par la rapidite des informations ayant filtrees sur sa participation a l'operation sur le consulat americain de Benghazi le 11 Septembre 2012... La quenelle fut puissante et de tres gros calibre, n'est ce pas ?
A bon entendeur,
Mouammar Kadhafi assassiné par un tueur à gages français?
Mahmoud Jibril, ancien premier ministre du Conseil National de Transition libyen vient de déclarer lors d’un entretien télévisé que le colonel Mouammar Kadhafi n’a pas été assassiné par un milicien libyen mais par un agent, un tueur à gages, français.
Et que ce tueur agissait sur ordre et dans l’intérêt personnel du président français de l’époque Nicolas Sarkozy.
Cette théorie, nous dit-on, serait très en vogue dans les milieux diplomatiques en Libye.
Alors vrai ou faux ?
Difficile à dire, mais Mahmoud Jibril n’est sans doute pas le moins bien informé des politiciens libyens actuels !
On peut juste noter que cette théorie ou information sort au moment où on sent que Nicolas Sarkozy commence à repointer le bout de son nez. Ne l’a-t-on pas vu en effet tout sourire lors d’un récent match du Paris Saint-Germain, le club de football qui appartient désormais à ses amis du Qatar ?
Un agent Français derrière la mort de Kadhafi
L’ancien premier ministre Libyen Mahmoud Jibril déclare au Caire que l’auteur du tir [mortel] était un agent qui ne faisait pas partie des milices [rebelles]
ABC (Espagne) 29 septembre 2012 traduit de l’espagnol par Djazaïri
Une fois de plus, la version officielle de la mort de Kadhafi est mise en doute. Mais cette fois ci, les spéculations sont formulées par l’ancien premier ministre du gouvernement de transition qui se trouve être aujourd’hui un des prétendants à la direction politique du pays.
Selon sa théorie, reprise ce samedi par le «Corriere della Sera», ce serait un «agent étranger» et non un membre des brigades révolutionnaires libyennes qui aurait été l’auteur du tir qui aurait finalement causé la mort de Kadhafi.
Jibril a fait ces déclarations dans une interview au Caire avec la chaîne de télévision égyptienne «Dream TV», et il a affirmé textuellement que l’auteur du tir mortel «était un agent étranger qui s’était mêlé aux brigades révolutionnaires.»
Cette théorie est étayée, selon le journal italien, par les commentaires «non officiels» qui circulent le plus souvent chez les diplomates occidentaux présents en Libye, selon lesquels «s’il y avait vraiment un tueur à gages, il était sûrement français.»
Le juge Gentil semble bien décidé à explorer jusqu'au bout le versant politique de l'affaire Bettencourt. Le magistrat bordelais a, voici quelques jours, chargé les policiers parisiens de la brigade financière d'interroger trois proches de Nicolas Sarkozy, selon des informations obtenues par Mediapart. Thierry Herzog, Xavier Musca et Patrick Ouart, qui font tous les trois partie de la garde rapprochée de l'ex-président de la République, doivent être entendus comme témoins mardi et mercredi, dans les locaux parisiens de la brigade financière, selon des sources informées.
Thierry Herzog est un ami de trente ans de Nicolas Sarkozy, ils se sont connus comme jeunes avocats au début des années 1980 et sont restés très proches. Thierry Herzog est devenu le défenseur de l'homme politique Sarkozy, et il l'est resté quand celui-ci est entré à l'Élysée. Le cabinet Herzog a été associé de très près aux différentes plaintes déposées par Nicolas Sarkozy comme ministre de l'intérieur puis comme président de la République, que ce soit dans l'affaire Clearstream, ou encore l'épisode de la poupée vaudou ou celui du compte bancaire piraté.
Pénaliste chevronné, combatif, Thierry Herzog surveille aussi les différentes affaires menaçant son ami, comme les dossiers Takieddine. Adhérent revendiqué du RPR puis de l'UMP, l'avocat a été décoré de la Légion d'honneur par le président Sarkozy en 2009.
Le magistrat Patrick Ouart, lui, est un homme de l'ombre. Ayant fait l'essentiel de sa carrière au ministère de la justice, il a notamment été conseiller d'Albin Chalandon Place Vendôme, puis d'Édouard Balladur à Matignon, avant d'aller pantoufler dans le privé. Nicolas Sarkozy en a fait son conseiller à l'Élysée de 2007 à 2009. On dit alors de lui qu'il est le véritable garde des Sceaux tandis que Rachida Dati occupe la Place Vendôme.
Fin connaisseur de la procédure pénale, spécialiste des arcanes de la magistrature, Patrick Ouart retourne chez LVMH en 2009, mais il continue à surveiller les affaires pour le compte de Nicolas Sarkozy, notamment le dossier Clearstream. Les enregistrements Bettencourt, révélés par Mediapart en 2010, montrent également qu'il est en contact étroit avec le procureur de Nanterre Philippe Courroye. Patrick Ouart a été perquisitionné et interrogé dans cette affaire début 2011.
Xavier Musca, quant à lui, est un ancien condisciple de Nicolas Sarkozy à Sciences-Po, qui est resté son ami. Énarque, il a notamment été conseiller d'Édouard Balladur à Matignon, et a fait l'essentiel de sa carrière à Bercy. Nommé en 2004 à la tête de la puissante Direction générale du trésor et de la politique économique, il est devenu secrétaire-général adjoint de l'Élysée en 2009, puis secrétaire-général de 2011 à 2012. À ce titre, il a eu la haute main sur les dossiers sensibles du quinquennat.
Après la défaite de Nicolas Sarkozy, il a rejoint le Crédit agricole. Xavier Musca fait, par ailleurs, l'objet d'une enquête préliminaire après avoir été accusédans une affaire de corruption et de trafic d'influence.
Depuis plusieurs semaines, le juge Gentil épluche les agendas de Nicolas Sarkozy, et s'attache à vérifier si le président de la République a pu influencer le cours de l'enquête préliminaire pour abus de faiblesse dirigée à Nanterre par le procureur Philippe Courroye.
Depuis plusieurs semaines, le juge Gentil épluche les agendas de Nicolas Sarkozy, et s'attache à vérifier si le président de la République a pu influencer le cours de l'enquête préliminaire pour abus de faiblesse dirigée à Nanterre par le procureur Philippe Courroye.
Le juge d'instruction bordelais consacre du temps à l’exploitation minutieuse des agendas de Nicolas Sarkozy, qu’il a saisis lors de la triple perquisition visant l’ex-président de la République, effectuée le 3 juillet avec les policiers de la brigade financière.
Selon des sources informées, le magistrat veut vérifier si Nicolas Sarkozy a rencontré Éric Woerth à des dates proches des rencontres ayant eu lieu entre le trésorier de l’UMP et son ami Patrice de Maistre, alors gestionnaire de fortune de Liliane Bettencourt, et qui organisait discrètement le rapatriement d’espèces depuis la Suisse. Par ailleurs, toujours selon ces mêmes sources, le juge d'instruction bordelais épluche les contacts entre l’Élysée et le magistrat Philippe Courroye, afin de vérifier si le traitement de cette affaire d’abus de faiblesse par l’alors procureur de Nanterre a subi une inflexion à la suite d’instructions politiques qui auraient pu être données au plus haut niveau de l’État.
La thèse de Françoise Bettencourt-Meyers et de ses avocats étant que le procureur Courroye a voulu étouffer l’affaire après avoir reçu des conseils appuyés de l’Élysée.
La thèse de Françoise Bettencourt-Meyers et de ses avocats étant que le procureur Courroye a voulu étouffer l’affaire après avoir reçu des conseils appuyés de l’Élysée.
- scredman313777 said...
- salut a toi as,
excellent article, pour une quenelle, c est une rafale comme tu dis,
je voulais savoir, en Roumanie, Pologne, Géorgie, il existe des prisons secrètes ou sont torturés les prisonniers politiques ou les futurs accusés de terrorisme,
est ce qu en France sionisé , il existe des prisons secrètes ou des laboratoires du mossad visant a fabriquer des terroristes??
puis dans le même sujet, de falsification de l histoire par le sionisme, un petit doc sur le christianisme avec comment on falsifie l histoire et comment on s accapare des terres dans le dos des gens, de l audimat publique!
en tout cas courage pour ton journal, y en a pas un d aussi pertinent dans la sphère d internet!! très bien renseigné et très réaliste! - 6:59 AM
- Abu-Suleyman said...
- oui des sources aux ministeres de la defense nous ont dit en 2004 que lille, lyon, la grande banlieue parisienne cote sud est, et marseille-nice ont ce genre de prisons secretes que la dst-dcri peut utiliser pour aider les reseaux sionistes a enlever des gens, ca peut des disidents politiques ou de riches entrewpreneurs russes ou asiatiques, voir de l'europe de l'est... je peux pas en dire plus
je peux dire que la dcri a cesse d'embeter Adlene Hicheur quand squarcini avait compris qu'on savait ou se trouvait le mossad a lyon et a marseille et comment ils preparaient les frappes ... ces informations sont alles a oslo en Norvege... maintenant squarcini a compris qu'on aqvait du monde au sein des administrations egalement et qu'on peut faire tres tres tres mal a n'importe quel gouvernement, je pense a l'operation merah qui sera le water gate francais - 7:06 AM
- Abu-Suleyman said...
- j'ai oublie de parler des camps de andre azoulay au maroc, le sud de l'Espagne, la Sicile, et la Macedoine, ou des flics de la DCRI se rendent souvent ... la la dst et le mossad fabrique les faux GIAs
- 7:07 AM
- Kyoledemon17 said...
- Salam AS
Quand tu parles de l'élimination de Valls et Mangoux, tu parles d'une élimination physique ou ils vont simplement être dégagé de l'organigramme ?
Si c'est la ère option, comment vont ils réussir à faire passer ça ? Maquillage en accident ou assassinat pur et simple ? - 7:35 AM
- Kyoledemon17 said...
- Salam AS
Quand tu parles de l'élimination de Valls et Mangoux, tu parles d'une élimination physique ou ils vont simplement être dégagé de l'organigramme ?
Si c'est la ère option, comment vont ils réussir à faire passer ça ? Maquillage en accident ou assassinat pur et simple ? - 7:36 AM
- Abu-Suleyman said...
- Salaam,
Valls a ete remis en place si tu as vu, certains de ses dossiers lui ont ete retires ... mangoux dehors ... ensuite ca va dependre de la tournure des evenements car si ca pete la on peut parler d'elimination physique... je pense que mangoux est dans le viseur et qu'ils vont le tuer mais dire quand c'est impossible... il en sait trop et si j'etais sarkozy je considerai les revelations de Jibril comme le premeir de son elimination physique, car la c'est extremement grave ce que dit Jibril... j'ai prevenu hier avec le post de mediapart pour avertir les gens
Wa Allah swt 'alam - 9:05 AM
- scredman313777 said...
- au moins c est clair, les prisons secrètes existent et pire mais je pensais pas qu ils prenaient en otage des riches entrepreneurs, c est culotté de la part d un pays si facile a faire sauté mais bon ici tout se vend, tout est possible quand un billet est versé a la justice!! j ai très bien remarqué et tout le monde a très bien remarqué le rôle de la justice, médias politique et ses accaparement de richesses, de patrimoine, de généalogies!! mais y a d es dossiers encore plus puants et ils veulent éliminer des gens en mettant des masques et se faisant passer pour des proches comme ils l ont fait a saddam hussein en l empoisonnant a petit feu!! mais une autre chose est sure, c est que la France a agacé beaucoup de monde qui n acceptent pas certaines choses osées!! si l administration obama bouge, tanpis pour eux, mais ils ne sont pas que dans le collimateur de l administration obama, c est certain, la France coule et financièrement ça devient critique, idem pour les usa et prochainement pour Israël, ils paieront tôt ou tard leurs actes et chèrement!! pour tuer des familles, prendre en otage, faire de smini guantanamo camp bluray, ils savent faire mais quand ils sont démasqué, ils sont du mal a expliquer la réalité... quand on voit depuis 2008 la cacophonie qui règne dans ce pays, comment le patrimoine est brader, comment tout se monnaie, il y a un moment , il faut rendre des comptes et pas qu au seul peuple français, car y a des sujets qui concernent le monde entier et notamment le monde croyant, je sais de quoi je parle!! la France athé s approprie des choses qu elle ne devrait pas toucher! et ça les religieux ne le tolèrent pas!!
chacun a un droit de savoir, d ou il vient et ou il va mais quand on te retire la vue, les repères, tu sais pas ou aller, et ça ils en profitent bien.. mais tout prend un terme tôt ou tard! ils peuvent pas maitriser le destin, ils ont beau monter des scénarios pour tout cacher, préparer des révolutions contrôlées, mettre en scène des pseudos révolutionnaires, ils ont encore rien vu!! - 2:49 PM
- scredman313777 said...
- y a le feu dans les médias en ce moment!! la république française corrompue et arrogante commence a faire face a son réel visage..
pensez vous que bolloré et vivendi aient des liens avec le mossad? - 11:06 AM
Le grand echiquier au Maghreb-Sahel : Jeux d'influences et batailles pour le controle des AQMI et le controle des resources naturelles du Maghreb-Sahel.
Lisez bien cet article du Washington Post et les accusations portees contre les reseaux francais de Netanyahu et vous comprendrez que la bataille pour le controle du Maghreb-Sahel se joue en ce moment meme. Il transparait clairement que les americains affirment aujourd'hui que la liquidation de leur ambassadeur a Benghazi est le fait de la situation precaire au Mali, que la DGSE a destabilise, sans l'aval US, pour faire re-elire Sarkozy, et pour la garder sous son controle et giron colonial, obligeant ainsi les americains a renoncer a l'AFRICOM, et empechant son installation dans la zone. Une maniere pour l'agent du mossad Sarkozy de donner des gages aux elites racistes corrompues francaises, et aux multinationales francaises comme TOTAL et AREVA qui volent les richesses des peuples de la region, qu'il savait et pouvait gerer la situation et l'agenda sioniste du 'Grand Moyen Orient' ou 'politique europeene de voisinage' apres l'echec patent de la mise en place de 'l'Union pour la Mediteranee' qui consacrait le pillage exclusif aux reseaux maconniques et politiques francais que le pere Guigoux mettaient en place, ce que l'agent Merkel ne put tolerer, une histoire de gros sous, et de securite energetique, voir le projet Desertec. Toujours!
Ceci afin que tout le monde a Paris puisse s'en mettre plein les poches, exceptes les peuples locaux, geres a l'ancienne, au travers de guerre civiles financees et provoquees par l'etat francais et les loges maconniques francaises dont les patrons de JM Le Pen du B'nai B'ret, qui sont a l'origine du chaos en Algerie depuis l'invasion de 1830, afin d'assurer leur controle et leur domination. Si l'AFRICOM s'installait a Tunis, comme c'etait le projet initial, la DGSE, la DCRI, sous total controle de Netanyahu, seraient les harkis de l'AFRICOM dans la zone avec des miettes comme lors de l'invasion de l'Iraq en 1991. Or, Netanyahu le mythomane, a du promettre a Sarkozy, Squarcini et Mangoux tout comme il le fait avec Mitt Romney, des parts du gateau car AQMI, au depart, ce n'est rien d'autre que la mafia juive sioniste franco-israelo-algerienne, dont Tewfik a trahi pour se ranger cote Washington. Si Romney perd, Netanyahu ne peut agir que sous la banniere DGSE ou DCRI, car ce sont les colons de l'espace sahelien actuellement.
La bataille pour le controle israelien du Maghreb-Sahel fait donc rage entre les differents factions a Washington, Paris, Londres (boko haram) et Tel Aviv. La DGSE est la grande perdante dans l'affaire car la Mauritanie, le Mali et le Niger sont sous son controle direct, Mangoux a installe tous les pantins et il y extermine toute opposition. Sarkozy a commis plusieurs fautes et notamment celle de croire qu'il avait gagne la bataille du controle de AQMI (il en existe maintenant plusieurs cree par le FBI, le Makhzen, le DRS-DST-DCRI, mossad, le MI6 etc...) en prenant le controle du MUJAO pour damner le pion a Tewfik, qui comme Putin souhaite continuer a jouer son role dans sa sphere d'influence, pour amener les plans mondialistes sionistes a leurs phases finales tout en s'en mettant plein les poches.
Tewfik a le controle de l'AQMI sigle Abu Zeyd, Patrick Clavar celle de la branche de Belmokhtar. A l'origine les GIA-AQMI sont la creation de Larbi Belkheir et Philippe Rondot a la DST, a Paris, pour empecher les Algeriens de prendre le pouvoir dans leur propre pays, voir la genese des GIAs et maintenir la main mise francaise sur les hydrocarbures et l'economie en Algerie. L'operation de Benghazi n'aura fait qu'affaiblir la DGSE, au contraire, et induire sa perte de controle de la zone, au grand damne de Netanyahu qui agit par son biais. Ce sont les americains qui bloquent l'intervention au Mali car ils estiment que la France et l'OTAN doivent etre leurs harkis locaux. La DGSE et la DCRI ayant active leurs reseaux locaux, en Libye, Niger, Mali, Algerie pour que leurs harkis algeriens envahissent la zone pour eux, une maniere de respecter la 'pyramide coloniale actuelle de domination'. Chacun est le harki de l'autre... N'oubliez pas que le but finale est de soumettre la zone a Israel et que Netanyahu veut se debarasser des staff de l'administration Obama, comme a Benghazi, pour installer les membres de ses reseaux sionistes afin de faciliter la planification des operations balkanisation, libanisation, iraquisation de la zone et la destruction de tous les pays connus aujourd'hui. (AS)
White House secret meetings examine al-Qaeda threat in North Africa
By Greg Miller and Craig Whitlock, Published: October 2
The White House has held a series of secret meetings in recent months to examine the threat posed by al-Qaeda’s franchise in North Africa and consider for the first time whether to prepare for unilateral strikes, U.S. officials said.
The deliberations reflect concern that al-Qaeda’s African affiliate has become more dangerous since gaining control of large pockets of territory in Mali and acquiring weapons from post-revolution Libya. The discussions predate the Sept. 11 attacks on U.S. compounds in Libya but gained urgency after the assaults there were linked to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM.
U.S. officials said the discussions have focused on ways to help regional militaries confront al-Qaeda but have also explored the possibility of direct U.S. intervention if the terrorist group continues unchecked.
“Right now, we’re not in position to do much about it,” said a senior U.S. counterterrorism official involved in the talks. As a result, he said, officials have begun to consider contingencies, including the question of “do we or don’t we” deploy drones.
The effort has been led by White House counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan and involves top officials from the CIA, State Department and Pentagon. At the same time, the U.S. military commander for Africa has crisscrossed the region in recent weeks, making stops in Mauritania, Algeria and other countries that could become part of a peacekeeping force for Mali.
White House officials declined to comment.
Army Gen. Carter F. Ham, chief of U.S. Africa Command, said Friday during a visit to Morocco that there “are no plans for U.S. direct military intervention” in Mali. But he and others have made clear that the United States is prepared to support counterterrorism or peacekeeping operations by other countries.
In addition, the U.S. military has launched a series of clandestine intelligence missions, including the use of civilian aircraft to conduct surveillance flights and monitor communications over the Sahara Desert and the arid region to the south, known as the Sahel.
The burst of U.S. activity reflects a reappraisal of a terrorist group long considered one of the weaker al-Qaeda offshoots. AQIM grew out of an insurgency in Algeria. It has been known mainly as a local scourge, using kidnappings and other crimes to support its effort to impose Islamist rule.
That perception has changed in the past year, largely because of the group’s ability to exploit regional political chaos. A coup in Mali divided the landlocked country, enabling AQIM and other insurgent movements to take control of cities in the northern part of the country, including Gao and Timbuktu.
At the same time, the overthrow of dictator Moammar Gaddafi in Libya triggered a migration of African mercenaries and their weapons back to countries where al-Qaeda elements are based. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton described the trend lines in stark terms at the United Nations last week.
With “increased freedom to maneuver, terrorists are seeking to extend their reach and their networks in multiple directions,” Clinton said. She said the United States was “stepping up our counterterrorism efforts” to combat what she described as “a threat to the entire region and to the world.”
U.S. officials said they are reexamining AQIM’s potential in part to avoid earlier mistakes underestimating an al-Qaeda franchise based in Yemen.
The question looming over the White House discussions, a senior U.S. intelligence official said, is: “Do you see AQIM being in the same place AQAP was five years ago?”
Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, as the Yemen-based affiliate is known, was similarly discounted as a regional menace until it was linked to the attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound plane on Christmas in 2009.
It took more than year for the United States to mount a full-scale campaign against the Yemen group, using armed drones operated by the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command and the CIA. The United States has carried out 33 airstrikes in Yemen this year, according to independent estimates. Even so, AQAP has continued to attempt attacks, including an airline bomb plot disrupted earlier this year.
Some counterterrorism experts voiced concern that the administration is inflating the threat posed by al-Qaeda in North Africa. Although a small number of AQIM fighters were involved in the siege of U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, last month, U.S. intelligence officials said they see no indication the attacks were directed by the organization.
“AQIM has always been way more talk than action,” said a former senior U.S. counterterrorism official who tracked the organization until earlier this year. The group was for years known among analysts as “the most underperforming affiliate of al-Qaeda.”
Officials stressed that no decisions have been made about deploying armed drones or other lethal assets. The nearest U.S. drone base in Africa is across the continent in Ethiopia, and administration officials said they would consider unilateral strikes only as a last resort.
For now, the officials said, the emphasis is on replicating aspects of the counterterrorism formula in Somalia. The United States has conducted intelligence operations there, as well as strikes, but has mainly relied on African troops to battle an al-Qaeda-linked militant group known as al-Shabab.
Ham, the U.S. commander in Africa, has said that in Mali, that task has been made more difficult by political instability and the failure to act earlier. The United States, the Malian government and other countries “missed an opportunity to deal with AQIM when they were weak,” Ham told reporters during a visit to Senegal in July.
He called AQIM the “best-funded, wealthiest” affiliate, thanks to its lucrative practice of kidnapping foreigners for ransom and its smuggling prowess.
The Pentagon has been prohibited from giving military aid or training to Mali in the aftermath of the March coup. The ban, imposed by the State Department, is unlikely to be lifted until a democratically elected government can be reinstated.
In the meantime, the administration has been stepping up its military aid to Mali’s neighbors, including two that have been dealing with refugees and other spillover effects from the conflict there.
In July, the Defense Department allocated $6.9 million worth of military trucks, uniforms and communications gear for Mauritania. It also agreed to give Niger $11.6 mllion in equipment, primarily in the form of two Cessna airplanes that can be used for surveillance and to transport troops.
That same month, about 600 U.S. troops organized and led a joint military exercise, dubbed Western Accord 2012, with several West African nations, including Senegal, Burkina Faso, Guinea and Gambia. French troops also participated.
The Africa Command has continued to operate surveillance flights — under a classified program code-named Creek Sand – from a U.S. Special Operations forces base in Burkina Faso.
Senior U.S. officials said there was no American involvement in a reported June airstrike in northern Mali and that they still don’t know whether it occurred. Regional news organizations described a “mystery airstrike” that killed seven AQIM-aligned fighters traveling in a convoy of four vehicles.
Mali’s interim government has said that it would welcome a proposed peacekeeping force of about 3,300 troops from a 15-nation consortium known as the Economic Community of West African States.
« La menace d’une révélation d’un financement de Sarkozy en 2006-2007 a été suffisamment prise au sérieux pour que quiconque à l’Élysée veuille la mort de Kadhafi très rapidement », souligne-t-il, évoquant de manière sibylline les« voyages de Cécilia Sarkozy » en Libye. Contactée, celle-ci a réagi :« Ce monsieur dit ce qu'il veut. Je ne suis absolument pas au courant de ce genre de choses. »
Avez-vous des détails concernant le ou les agents français impliqué(s) ?
L’occupation arrête cinq Jérusalémites pour avoir lutté contre les intrusions des colons à Al-Aqsa

This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.
3. Details of the event hosted by CagePrisoners featuring Robert King, a political prisoner who suffered 29 years in solitary confinement in the US can be found here:
Erard Corbin de Mangoux est la cible de l'ambassade des Etats-Unis a Paris, et son elimination approche! Les reseaux de la CIA, pro-Obama attaquent ouvertement la DGSE pro-Netanyahu a Paris, accusee d'avoir assassinee l'ambassadeur Stevens pro-Obama a Benghazi! ENTRETUEZ-VOUS CHIENS DE SION! LA VICTOIRE POUR LA RESISTANCE AFRO-ARABO-BERBERO-MUSULMANE INSHA ALLAH!
Erard Corbin de Mangoux, la taupe israelienne mise en place par les reseaux de la maison mossad-pasqua, voir son role dans 'l'Operation Merah', ici
Kadhafi « exécuté » : les révélations d’un agent libyen
Les images montraient un lynchage, mais il pourrait s’agir d’un meurtre d’État. Selon un ancien responsable du renseignement libyen, Mouammar Kadhafi a été exécuté par des agents des services spéciaux français après avoir été lapidé par la foule, le 20 octobre 2011. L’attaque préalable de son convoi aurait été coordonnée par la DGSE, les services secrets français, sur ordre de l’Élysée.
Répondant aux questions de Mediapart, Rami El Obeidi, ex-coordinateur du renseignement extérieur auprès du Conseil national de transition (CNT) libyen, assure que « des agents français ont directement exécuté Kadhafi ». Selon lui, l’exécution du chef d’État libyen est consécutive à ses menaces de révéler, peu avant le déclenchement de la guerre, les financements occultes de Nicolas Sarkozy en 2007.
« La menace d’une révélation d’un financement de Sarkozy en 2006-2007 a été suffisamment prise au sérieux pour que quiconque à l’Élysée veuille la mort de Kadhafi très rapidement », souligne-t-il, évoquant de manière sibylline les« voyages de Cécilia Sarkozy » en Libye. Contactée, celle-ci a réagi :« Ce monsieur dit ce qu'il veut. Je ne suis absolument pas au courant de ce genre de choses. »
El Obeidi, proche du général Younès, chef de l'insurrection libyenne assassiné en juillet 2011, a été l’un des interlocuteurs privilégiés des services secrets occidentaux en Libye. Samedi, il avait expliqué à nos confères duCorriere della Sera et du Daily Telegraph comment les forces de l'OTAN avaient récupéré les données de localisation de Kadhafi en surveillant ses correspondants libyens à Damas.
« Le président syrien lui-même a transmis le numéro de téléphone satellitaire de Kadhafi aux agents français », a-t-il assuré auCorriere della Sera. Au Daily Telegraph, El Obeidi a déclaré que la capture et la mort de Kadhafi étaient « une opération exclusivement française » : « Quand il a été pris vivant, les Français n’ont pas fait grand cas du fait qu’il ait été battu ou blessé », a-t-il dit.
L’ancien responsable de l’espionnage libyen assure qu’un rapport a été rédigé mais « censuré » au sujet des circonstances de cette mort. Ces questions sur la responsabilité éventuelle de la France dans la mort de Kadhafi n’ont pour l’instant provoqué aucune réaction politique en France.
Deux dignitaires libyens ont successivement évoqué ce dossier explosif la semaine passée après l’enlèvement et la mort (à Paris) de l’un des principaux acteurs de la capture de l’ancien chef de l’État libyen, Omran Ben Chaaban. Dans une interview au Point, l’actuel chef de l’État, Mohammed Youssef El Megarief, a confié qu’il n’était « pas impossible » que Kadhafi ait financé Nicolas Sarkozy, connaissant « son mode de fonctionnement ». L’ancien président du CNT, Mahmoud Jibril, a indiqué quant à lui à une télévision égyptienne que « beaucoup de services arabes comme occidentaux avaient un intérêt à ce que (Kadhafi) se taise à jamais ».
Sollicité hier par Mediapart, le porte-parole de la DGSE s’est refusé à tout commentaire.
MEDIAPART : Savez-vous si des agents des forces spéciales françaises étaient présents à Syrte quand Mouammar Kadhafi a été capturé ?
RAMI EL OBEIDI : Oui, des forces spéciales françaises et des agents opérationnels de la DGSE étaient sur le terrain, à Syrte, comme d’autres opérationnels d’autres pays.
« Kadhafi a humilié Sarkozy »
Est-ce que Mouammar Kadhafi a été tué où il a été capturé ou dans un autre endroit ?
Peut-être sur la route de Misrata, mais absolument pas à l’endroit précis où il a été découvert après l’attaque de son convoi.
Savez-vous si, oui ou non, un agent français a directement tué Mouammar Kadhafi ?
Oui, des agents français ont directement exécuté Kadhafi.
Aucun détail. C’est à peu près impossible d’en avoir.
Est-ce que les services de renseignements extérieurs libyens que vous dirigiez ont rédigé un rapport sur l’implication de la France dans la mort de Mouammar Kadhafi ?
Oui mais il a été censuré parce que M. Sarkozy contrôlait la politique du CNT aux côtés de l’émir du Qatar. Je ne sais pas si ce rapport existe encore.
Vous souvenez-vous à quelle date le régime de Bachar el-Assad a donné le numéro de téléphone de Kadhafi pour le localiser ?
C’était la première semaine d’octobre 2011. Kadhafi a été tué le 20 octobre.
Pouvez-vous confirmer l’intervention de deux engins aériens français pour arrêter le convoi de Kadhafi ?
Je ne peux pas confirmer cela. L’attaque aérienne a pu être conduite par n’importe quel pays membre de l’OTAN, mais l’opération était commandée et dirigée par la DGSE et des responsables à l’Élysée.
Quel service français était impliqué ?
La Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure.
Pensez-vous que le meurtre de Kadhafi soit lié à ses menaces de révéler la corruption de M. Sarkozy ?
Absolument. C’était l’une des nombreuses raisons. La menace d'une révélation d'un financement de la campagne de Sarkozy en 2006-2007 a dû être la paille qui a cassé le dos du chameau et a été prise suffisamment au sérieux pour que quiconque à l’Élysée veuille la mort de Kadhafi très rapidement. N’oubliez pas que Kadhafi a humilié Sarkozy en n’honorant pas la plupart des contrats d’armement et d’énergie signés dans le fameux protocole d’accord de 10 milliards d’euros pendant sa fameuse visite à Paris (en décembre 2007 - ndlr).
Sarkozy a offert à Kadhafi un accueil protocolaire unique, digne d’un roi. Il y avait aussi plusieurs dossiers qui dataient de la guerre au Tchad (sous l’ère Mitterrand) et qui étaient très embarrassants pour la France. Mais aussi des opérations conjointes de renseignements en Afrique, au Darfour, etc.
Avez-vous des informations concernant les sommes d’argent versées par le régime libyen à Nicolas Sarkozy ?
Vous devez regarder un peu plus en détail les fréquentes visites de Cécilia Sarkozy en Libye. Selon mes informations, les paiements n’ont pas eu lieu d’un coup, mais de manière partielle, notamment au travers de Nouri Mesmari, l’ancien chef du protocole du régime Kadhafi.
Mediapart a publié des informations concernant le versement de 50 millions d’euros en 2006-2007 à l’occasion de la campagne présidentielle de M. Sarkozy. Avez-vous des informations à ce sujet ?
J’ai entendu la même chose. Moussa Koussa (l’ancien chef des services secrets sous Kadhafi - ndlr), Bachir Saleh (l’ancien directeur de cabinet du dictateur - ndlr) et Nouri Mesmari sont les mieux placés pour savoir.
- scredman313777 said...
- un petit court métrage marrant mais réaliste sur l affaire merrah!! - 10:24 AM
- scredman313777 said...
- que penses tu d abbas,? quel est son rôle dans la nouvelle religion de Jérusalem falsifiée et colonisée??
et vois tu un lien entre les expériences du cern et le sionisme??
et pour finir vois tu un lien entre la dgse et ses lois anti terroristes et ces expériences machiavéliques appeler sciences laïques et la colonisation de la terre sainte puis la falsification du christianisme bien avant la seconde guerre mondiale??
des petits liens pour te mettre sur la piste.. histoire de démêler le vrai du faux et l objectif des guerres.. et les prises d otage par la politique sioniste.. et ses succursales terroristes..
L'archéologie complice du nazisme - 11:27 AM
- Abu-Suleyman said...
- Abbas est fini et ne fait que la police pour netanyahu mais son role est d'empecher l'unite des palestiniens et par dela l'unite des arabes
l'objectif du cern est preparer la venue de l'antechrist en tentant de ramener l'idee que Dieu fait parti de la science mais le Dieu qu'ils pronent est leur machiah, regardes le fil mproemteus et tu araus une idee claire... ils vuelent la science pour eux, et amelioer leur l'ADN pour faire le saut faire une espece de sper race humaine... toute indiquant que l'homme ne fut pas la creation de dieu mais 'd'extra-terrestres' et que ce sont eux les 'Messies'... nous savons que ces extra terrestres ne sont rien d'autres que djinns a loeur tete le grand architecte ou machiah, d'ailleur la bonne femme abandonne Jesus et sa religion pour 'adorer les 'ingenieurs' dans le film... le cern envoit le meme message
les lois sont la pour proteger la dcri et la dgse et leurs reseaux terroristes... et empecher quiconque de venir mettre un nez dans ce qu'ils font...
la laicite tout comme le terrorisme sont les deux faces d'une meme piece, ils servent a maintenir la colonisation et l'esclavagisation des masses par une minorite de croyants issus d'une secte la franc maconnerie... qui prepare l'avenement de son grand architecte sur terre... le terrorisme est un outil colonial et l'excuse parfaite pour occuper militairement les pays musulmans ou riches en ressources naturelles
j'espere que j'ai fait le tour
Salaam - 12:31 PM
- scredman313777 said...
- tiens encore un petit détail de qui finance le terrorisme... 38 eme seconde.. on accuse l islam mais c est bien le crif qui menace et met en scène des pseudos attentats attribué a des musulmans ou mme soleil.. entre autres..
y a juste a les pousser about pour qu ils dévoilent leur visage au grand jour!!
le reste, l injustice, les tribunaux pourris de France sont sous leur coupe, la police, l armée, les services secret de même!! une confirmation de plus.. en parallèle y a toujours leurs binômes qui se manifestent et leurs perroquets!!
la véritable question est, faut il mettre les juifs en sécurité, ou plutôt les nons juifs ne sécurité!! personnellement j opte pour la 2 eme solution! je sais de quoi je parle, les franc maçons sont avec eux..
prasquier ben laden a la manœuvre...on aura tout vu, terroristes islamistes, extrémistes intégristes chrétiens, nazis.. ils savent plus quoi inventer pour se maquiller ces focus!!
des fois t arrives a échapper a leur tentatives d assassinats jusqu au jour ou t as des présidents de plus en plus verreux et tut e retrouves en quarantaine avec tout ce qui faut, flics pourris, médias pourris, justice pourris et toute la clic pour bien mettre en scène... voila mon point de vue.. le reste chacun doit protéger ses arrières comme il peut en légitime défense ou autres ... les nouvelles lois de surveillance n annoncent rien de bons y compris pour ceux qui sont sur liste noire et ne peuvent pas s exiler dans un pays croyant et neutre.. l argent aura toujours raison.. c est pas un délire c est la réalité.. ils sont comme ça eux!! - 3:38 PM
Nouvelle tentative sioniste d'invasion de la mosquee d'Al Aqsa
L’occupation arrête cinq Jérusalémites pour avoir lutté contre les intrusions des colons à Al-Aqsa
Jérusalem occupée - CPI
Selon le centre d'information de Wadi Hilwa jeudi soir, l'occupation israélienne a arrêté le jeune homme Zughayyar Ihab en face de sa maison dans la vieille ville pour avoir affronté les colons. Cinq personnes ont été arrêtées, dont un enfant et deux gardiens de la mosquée d’Al-Aqsa.
Les fidèles ont réussi hier à faire sortir les colons des esplanades de la mosquée tandis que la police continue de renforcer sa présence aux portes de la mosquée.
Les forces d'occupation israéliennes ont arrêté l'enfant Abdul Rahim Rashid Shweiki (11 ans) de Silwan, et l'ont blessé au cou. Ils l’ont ensuite relâché après l'intervention des fidèles.
Khamis Shehada et Mouadh Maswada, deux employés du Waqf, ont aussi été arrêtés. Deux autres jeunes hommes Alaa al-Masri (31) et Thaer Raed Zughayyar (17 ans) ont également été interpelés et conduits au poste de police dans la vieille ville de Jérusalem.
Pour la première fois, un hélicoptère a essayé d’atterrir sur le toit de la mosquée Marwani, qui n'était qu'à quelques mètres en même temps de la prise d'assaut de 140 colons sionistes de la mosquée d’al-Aqsa par la Porte des Maghrébins gardée par les forces d'occupation. Ceci s’est passé durant les confrontations entre les fidèles et la police sioniste.
Pendant le raid, l'un des groupes portait une image du prétendu Temple, où il y avait des explications aux extrémistes. Des affrontements ont éclaté après que les colons ont essayé d’agresser des enfants durant les takbirs des femmes, des enfants et des hommes.
Un colon a aussi essayé de pratiquer des rituels religieux, mais il a été arrêté et emmené à la sortie de la porte Silsila, tandis qu’un groupe de colons est sorti en scandant «la mosquée est à nous»
9/11 Perps Still in the Saddle: Killers of 3,000 Americans Run Romney’s Campaign, US Courts and Media
- “The missing 2.3 trillion? We stole it to pay for 9/11. Any further questions?” -Rabbi Dov Zakheim
- By Kevin Barrett,
In May 2011, a team of US Navy Seals allegedly killed Osama Bin Laden, then dumped a bearded body in the ocean before it could be identified. The American people were told that the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks had been “taken out.” Revenge had been exacted; justice had been served. Right?
Wrong. The real perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks are still at large. And what’s worse, they control most of the United States Federal Court system and mainstream media, and are running the campaign of presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
Romney’s top foreign policy advisor is Rabbi Dov Zakheim, one of the leading suspected hands-on designers and controllers of the Israeli-instigated 9/11 false-flag operation. On May 4th, 2001, Zakheim was appointed Comptroller of the Pentagon, where he proceeded to “lose” at least 2.3 trillion dollars – a sum amounting to more than five times the Pentagon’s annual budget. (CIA whistleblower Susan Lindauer says the actual sum is 9.1 trillion dollars.)
On Monday, September 10th, 2001, Pentagon Chief Donald Rumsfeld announced that 2.3 trillion dollars had gone missing from the Pentagon. The oddest thing about this announcement, besides the gargantuan sum, was its timing. It was the first and last time that any significant political figure has ever chosen to announce major bad news on a Monday. Reveal a scandal on Monday, and the media will have all week to “give it legs.” Reveal it on Friday, and it will get lost over the weekend. That’s why all self-damaging revelations are aired on Fridays.
Rumsfeld, unlike most of us, apparently knew in advance that a huge news story, even larger than the Pentagon losing five times its annual budget, would break on Tuesday, September 11th, 2001, and make everyone forget about the missing 2.3 trillion.
So what happened to the Pentagon’s missing 2.3 trillion dollars (or 9.1 trillion dollars if you believe Susan Lindauer)? The one thing we know for sure is that it has never been found…at least not officially. Lindauer says insiders know it was embezzled by agents of Israel. Interestingly, the Comptroller of the Pentagon – the man who was running the Pentagon’s finances – was a known Israeli agent, Rabbi Dov Zakheim. (Yes, he really is a rabbi!)
Conveniently for Zakheim and Rumsfeld, the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon targeted the accountants who were on the trail of the missing trillions. According to Barbara Honegger, recently-retired Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterrey, California, those accountants were killed in precise, surgical bombings carried out under cover of a nonexistent “hijacked 757 crash” at the Pentagon.
Rabbi Dov Zakheim, top advisor to Romney, did not merely help embezzle trillions of dollars from US taxpayers to pay for the 9/11 operation. Before becoming Pentagon Comptroller, Zakheim ran System Planning Corporation (SPC), which developed a Flight Termination System or FTS. As article on the subject states:
“This highly sophisticated war-game technology allows the control of several ‘drones’ from a remote location, on varying frequencies, and has a range of several hundred miles. This technology can be used on many different types of aircraft, including large passenger jets.”
Zakheim’s FTS system was apparently used to remote-hijack passenger aircraft, and stage a military attack disguised as a hijacking incident, under cover of the 46 military drills happening on and around September 11th, 2001. (One of those drills, a live fly hijacked-plane-into-building exercise, apparently “went live,” while the others provided distractions and excuses.)
Zakheim’s company SPC also had detailed knowledge of the blueprints and architecture of the World Trade Center. An SPC subsidiary, Tridata Corporation, oversaw the investigation of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The knowledge thereby gained was presumably used in the controlled demolitions of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11.
Rabbi Dov Zakheim is not the only 9/11 suspect associated with Romney’s presidential campaign. Another is Sheldon Adelson, the Las Vegas mafia kingpin, who gave 100 million dollars to Romney, thereby buying Romney’s eternal enslavement to the looney-tunes Likud faction in Israel. Adelson is reputedly linked to the same Likudnik crime mob that includes most of the key perpetrators of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, including “Lucky Larry” Silverstein, Frank Lowy, and Lewis Eisenberg – the mobsters who stepped forward to take the money-hemmoraging, asbestos-ridden Twin Towers off of New York City’s hands, and set up an extralegal demolition, “urban renewal by other means,” to be blamed on Israel’s enemies.
The mass-murderers of 9/11 are not only running Romney’s campaign, they’re also in control of the US federal courts. The latest example: Yesterday US Federal Judge George Daniels ordered Iran and other innocent parties to pay six billion dollars in damages to the victims of the 9/11 attacks. Why Iran, a long-time adversary of Bin Laden and the Taliban? Because Iran is Israel’s enemy du jour, and the Likudnik 9/11 criminals own the US court system. Daniels’ ruling is only one of a long series of US Federal Court outrages in which the innocent are blamed, and the guilty rewarded, for 9/11.
The Likud crime mob that orchestrated and carried out 9/11 owns not only the Romney campaign and the US federal courts, but most of the big US and global media as well. It isn’t just that the people who own and run the media tend to be Jewish and pro-Zionist, as CNN’s Rick Sanchez observed shortly before he was fired. (The well-known Jewish journalist Philip Weiss has estimates that “more than half” of the people he worked beside, and for, in the US media are Jewish, and that most of them are consciously propagandizing for Israel in their media work.)
The problem is that only six corporations control 90% of the media in America. And whether or not those six corporations are entirely owned by the Rothschilds, the founding family and true owners of Israel, they are obviously owned and controlled by Zionists, as anyone who follows media coverage of the Middle East can see. By far the single most powerful force behind the 9/11 cover-up is the complicity of big media, which have taken every available opportunity to hide the true facts of 9/11, and trumpet the genocidal myth that Muslims were responsible.
Fortunately the mainstream media is losing influence and going broke as internet-based alternatives steal market share. As people learn the facts about 9/11 from internet-based alternative media, such as Press TV,,, and, they increasingly see big media for what it is: pro-corporate, pro-Israeli propaganda.
It is not surprising that Americans’ trust in big media has reached a new low according to the latest Gallup poll. If this trend continues, a “tipping point” will eventually arrive when a sufficient number of Americans demand 9/11 justice. When that day comes, the 9/11 criminals running Romney’s campaign, the federal courts, and the mainstream media will quickly fall from their current positions of power, and find themselves twisting slowly in the breeze.
Let us hope and pray that that day arrives soon.
Merguez Andre Azoulay, officier du mossad, a recrute et forme Bernard Squarcini et d'autres agents connus, nes au Maroc. Andre Azoulay est le pendant 'marocain' du general 'algerien' Larbi Belkheir (de son vrai nom Joseph Cohen Solal Abulker). Azoulay, Belkheir ont directement cree les GIA-AQMI avec Philippe Rondot, le juif sioniste qui tenait la DST durant les annees 1980. Quand a la famille Glaoui de Marrakech, dont sont issus Hassan 2 et son fils, installe au pouvoir violant toutes les lois islamiques. Ce sont des alaouites, secte shiite issue de tribues khazars, que les loges maconniques francaises du B'nai B'ret, ont installe au pouvoir en Turquie, Syrie, Liban, Jordanie, Iraq, Maghreb, par le terrorisme, la force, le viol, le massacre, avec le decret Isaac Cremieux. Ils n'ont absolument rien avoir avec l'Islaam et ne sont la que pour detruire les pays Musulmans de l'interieur et les soumettre a la juiverie sioniste emigree a Paris ou en occident, au nom de la 'defense et la superiorite d'Israel'
Mise a jour Samedi 6 Octobre 2012 (14H56 GMT): Hollande a ordonne la provocation terroriste menee par la guestapo du CRIF a Paris, Cannes et Strasbourg, villes ou le mossad a d'importantes cellules, notamment Strasbourg. Je parle ici en connaissance de cause. Hollande, mis en place par les americains et l'administration Obama, sait que les americains qui controlent Ansar Deen s'opposeront a une intervention de la CEDEAO au Mali, et que les loges maconniques du B'nai B'ret et leurs partis politiques de France seront depossedes du Maghreb-Sahel au profit des loges anglo-saxonnes tout aussi racistes et sionistes, la bataille fait rage et les Musulmans sont une nouvelle fois pris pour cible et sont les boucs emissaires. Hollande doit intervenir au Mali. Comme en Syrie, il doit montrer qu'il agit sur demande americaine, ce qui est totalement faux, c'est Netanyahu qui a besoin d'une guerre pour se maintenir au pouvoir... Il doit ensuite museler les Musulmans en France qui se revolteront si le Maghreb-Sahel est mis a feu et a sang par l'etat francais, a la maniere d'un Sarkozy ou d'un Netanyahu, en les assassinant, pour les terroriser et les reduire au silence. Puis il va s'aligner sur les operations en cours de Netanyahu, qui a convoque des elections dans 15 jours et qui prevoit de tuer le roi de Jordanie pour ensuite blamer les Musulmans et expulser les Palestiniens de Cisjordanie vers la Jordanie, annexer le Sinai et une partie du golan syrien, et le sud Liban. Hollande a participe au coup d'etat franco-israelien de 1992 en Algerie, en etant de la garde rapprochee de Mitterand-Pasqua, il a recu une fin de non recevoir du harki Sellal, hier a Malte en marge de la réunion des 5+5 (Algérie, Tunisie, Maroc, Libye et Mauritanie, France, Italie, Espagne, Portugal et Malte) concernant le feu vert pour une intervention militaire francaise au Mali. Hollande, Fabius suivent a la lettre l'agenda israelien que Sarkozy a debute en Mars 2012, en tentant de faire croire que l'administration Obama les y pousse pour cacher les dissensions qui sont visibles depuis Sirius dans la galaxie d'Orion. ...
Queneni, Brzezinsky ordonne a Fabius et Hollande de faire du bruit pour 'calmer' Netanyahu en Syrie notamment, pour le pousser dans ses derniers retranchements dans le cadre de l'Iran et le pousser a la faute, pour s'en debarasser car il fait reculer la cause sioniste... Netanyahu risque de finir comme Sarkozy ou Sharon. Ce qui ne change rien fondamentalement sur le terrain pour les Musulmans car le but est la desatibilisation de la zone pour la soumettre a l'hegemonie sioniste d'un clan ou d'un autre.
Fabius a notamment affirme a Sellal, que les Musulmans en France 'seront tenus' car la guerre va s'etendre a tout le Maghreb et la France en un rien de temps, (ce que vous avez vu ce matin en France, c'est la traductioon des menaces de Fabius, nous tuerons autant de Musulmans qu'il faut mais le Magheb-Sahel sera annexe a Israel au travers de nos agendas europeens transatlantiques). Fabius a demande a Sellal de ne pas s'opposer a une intervention militaire francaise au Mali lors de la resolution deposee a l'ONU pour dans 15 jours, le timing correspond exactement aux operations de Netanyahu a Tel Aviv. Hollande sait qu'il n'ira jamais en Algerie ce mois de decembre 2012, car les rapports de forces ont change, les services franco-israeliens etant maintenant les cibles ouvertes des peuples au Maghreb et en France. Il y a le feu a la DCRI et a la DGSE, a la maison mossad-pasqua, ceci en meme temps, ce n'est pas anodin. Les israeliens de France sont finis, ils en sont reduits a assassiner, caches derriere des uniformes, dans la plus pure tradition nazie sioniste talmudiste. Leurs mensonges ecules ne pourront les sauver. Nous leur souhaitons la pire des fins dans les rues de France. (AS)
Jacob Cohen porte des accusations, connues dans le monde Musulman, contre les services franco-israeliens qui tiennent le Maghreb et qui mettent la France a feu et a sang au nom de la 'defense d'Israel'. Andre Azoulay, qui vendait des 'merguez' a ses debuts, a cree les 'guantanamo marocains' qui ont servi a fabriquer le GIA et maintenant AQMI, avec la DST, Larbi Belkheir, le Gladio-OTAN. Andre Azoulay est un tres bon ami de Charles Pasqua et ils se partagent les plus gros benefices des trafics de drogues entrant en Europe. Andre Azoulay est le conseiller occulte de Sarkozy, Bernard Squarcini, Mangoux, Guaino, ou Alain Bauer, c'est lui qui a fait offrir la villa a Sarkozy a Marrakech. Il est tres lie aux Cartels de la drogue a Miami et a Bogota et il a meme ses entrees a l'AIPAC a Washington. Azoulay est l'artificier du mossad dont le role est d'empecher la resolution de la crise du polisario avec 'son ami algerien' Tewfik, un juif sioniste de Kabylie, qui fut l'eleve de Azoulay et Belkheir.La DCRI et la DGSE sont sous le controle de personnes comme Azoulay, mais nous avons identifie un bon nombre de fonctionnaires francais de souche, au ministere de l'interieur et la defense suite au coup d'etat de 1992 a Alger. Une phase agressive d'identification qui a pousse l'ambassade des Etats-Unis a Paris a eliminer Sarkozy, car Washington pense, entre autres raisons, que les Musulmans en Europe sortiraient vainqueurs d'une guerre contre les services franco-israeliens et l'etat francais. (AS)
Sellal et Hollande a Malte, hier
Queneni, Brzezinsky ordonne a Fabius et Hollande de faire du bruit pour 'calmer' Netanyahu en Syrie notamment, pour le pousser dans ses derniers retranchements dans le cadre de l'Iran et le pousser a la faute, pour s'en debarasser car il fait reculer la cause sioniste... Netanyahu risque de finir comme Sarkozy ou Sharon. Ce qui ne change rien fondamentalement sur le terrain pour les Musulmans car le but est la desatibilisation de la zone pour la soumettre a l'hegemonie sioniste d'un clan ou d'un autre.
Fabius a notamment affirme a Sellal, que les Musulmans en France 'seront tenus' car la guerre va s'etendre a tout le Maghreb et la France en un rien de temps, (ce que vous avez vu ce matin en France, c'est la traductioon des menaces de Fabius, nous tuerons autant de Musulmans qu'il faut mais le Magheb-Sahel sera annexe a Israel au travers de nos agendas europeens transatlantiques). Fabius a demande a Sellal de ne pas s'opposer a une intervention militaire francaise au Mali lors de la resolution deposee a l'ONU pour dans 15 jours, le timing correspond exactement aux operations de Netanyahu a Tel Aviv. Hollande sait qu'il n'ira jamais en Algerie ce mois de decembre 2012, car les rapports de forces ont change, les services franco-israeliens etant maintenant les cibles ouvertes des peuples au Maghreb et en France. Il y a le feu a la DCRI et a la DGSE, a la maison mossad-pasqua, ceci en meme temps, ce n'est pas anodin. Les israeliens de France sont finis, ils en sont reduits a assassiner, caches derriere des uniformes, dans la plus pure tradition nazie sioniste talmudiste. Leurs mensonges ecules ne pourront les sauver. Nous leur souhaitons la pire des fins dans les rues de France. (AS)
Jacob Cohen porte des accusations, connues dans le monde Musulman, contre les services franco-israeliens qui tiennent le Maghreb et qui mettent la France a feu et a sang au nom de la 'defense d'Israel'. Andre Azoulay, qui vendait des 'merguez' a ses debuts, a cree les 'guantanamo marocains' qui ont servi a fabriquer le GIA et maintenant AQMI, avec la DST, Larbi Belkheir, le Gladio-OTAN. Andre Azoulay est un tres bon ami de Charles Pasqua et ils se partagent les plus gros benefices des trafics de drogues entrant en Europe. Andre Azoulay est le conseiller occulte de Sarkozy, Bernard Squarcini, Mangoux, Guaino, ou Alain Bauer, c'est lui qui a fait offrir la villa a Sarkozy a Marrakech. Il est tres lie aux Cartels de la drogue a Miami et a Bogota et il a meme ses entrees a l'AIPAC a Washington. Azoulay est l'artificier du mossad dont le role est d'empecher la resolution de la crise du polisario avec 'son ami algerien' Tewfik, un juif sioniste de Kabylie, qui fut l'eleve de Azoulay et Belkheir.La DCRI et la DGSE sont sous le controle de personnes comme Azoulay, mais nous avons identifie un bon nombre de fonctionnaires francais de souche, au ministere de l'interieur et la defense suite au coup d'etat de 1992 a Alger. Une phase agressive d'identification qui a pousse l'ambassade des Etats-Unis a Paris a eliminer Sarkozy, car Washington pense, entre autres raisons, que les Musulmans en Europe sortiraient vainqueurs d'une guerre contre les services franco-israeliens et l'etat francais. (AS)
Mossad in the Maghreb (II): Historic Services From Morocco
King Mohammed VI of Morocco (C) parades on horseback during the "Celebration of loyalty and allegiance", which marks the 13th anniversary of his accession to the throne, in the Mechouar square at the Royal Palace in Rabat, 21 August 2012. (Photo: Reuters - Maghreb Arabe Presse - Handout)
Casablanca - Earlier this year, Jacob Cohen, a Moroccan-French Jewish writer known for his anti-Zionist writings, posted an article on his blog which caused a sensation in Morocco. He revealed that Andre Azoulay, a veteran royal counsellor to both former King Hassan II and his son Mohamed VI, is also employed as an Israeli spy. The article said 71-year-old Azoulay, who hails from a Jewish family from the southern town of Essaouira, was a key member of the Mossad’s sayanim organization, a worldwide network of non-Israeli Jewish operatives.
The Moroccan authorities did not officially comment on this delicate matter, and Azoulay issued no denial of the accusation. But the authorities responded indirectly by cancelling a conference that Cohen was scheduled to attend to discuss the subject of Muslim-Jewish coexistence in Morocco. This was widely seen as a bid to prevent any discussion of Cohen’s charge against Azoulay, or, more generally, of his recently-published book Spring of the Sayanim.
Cohen defines the sayanim as Diaspora Jews who, for “patriotic” reasons, arrange to collaborate with the Mossad or other Zionist agencies and provide them with assistance as required in their areas of expertise. The network was established in the 1950s and was used in many Israeli intelligence and propaganda operations, including the process of uprooting Jews from their communities around the world to turn them into colonizers in Palestine.
Recently, Israeli President Shimon Peres hosted an event to honor the Israeli agent who organized the first migrations of Jewish Moroccans to Israel. David Littman arrived in Morocco posing as a British Christian clergyman, and settled in Casablanca. He oversaw a scheme for the transfer of Moroccan Jews to Israel known as Operation Mural, which targeted mainly Moroccan Jewish children. Littman sent them to Israel under the guise of organizing summer holiday trips to Switzerland for poor children.
The Moroccan authorities did not officially comment on this delicate matter, and Azoulay issued no denial of the accusation. But the authorities responded indirectly by cancelling a conference that Cohen was scheduled to attend to discuss the subject of Muslim-Jewish coexistence in Morocco. This was widely seen as a bid to prevent any discussion of Cohen’s charge against Azoulay, or, more generally, of his recently-published book Spring of the Sayanim.
Cohen defines the sayanim as Diaspora Jews who, for “patriotic” reasons, arrange to collaborate with the Mossad or other Zionist agencies and provide them with assistance as required in their areas of expertise. The network was established in the 1950s and was used in many Israeli intelligence and propaganda operations, including the process of uprooting Jews from their communities around the world to turn them into colonizers in Palestine.
Recently, Israeli President Shimon Peres hosted an event to honor the Israeli agent who organized the first migrations of Jewish Moroccans to Israel. David Littman arrived in Morocco posing as a British Christian clergyman, and settled in Casablanca. He oversaw a scheme for the transfer of Moroccan Jews to Israel known as Operation Mural, which targeted mainly Moroccan Jewish children. Littman sent them to Israel under the guise of organizing summer holiday trips to Switzerland for poor children.
Before and after Operation Mural, the Moroccan monarchy profited handsomely from facilitating the uprooting of Moroccan Jews, especially after Hassan II assumed power in 1961. He oversaw the deals personally.
French author Agnes Bensimon detailed in her book Hassan II and the Jews how the Mossad initiated negotiations with Hassan II four months after the death of Mohamed V. The new king demanded payment of half a million dollars to facilitate the despatch of a first batch of 50,000 Jews, and the same for a subsequent batch. This had also been exposed by Simon Levy, one of the Moroccan Jews who resisted pressure to emigrate to Israel, who was a dissident during the reign of Hassan II and died two years ago.
Payments for the transfer of the Moroccan Jews were sent from Israel to secret bank accounts in Switzerland, reportedly in the king’s own name. But the monarch’s friend Ahmed Reda Kadira, who negotiated the deals on his behalf and was later appointed one of his advisors, was not left out of pocket. The proceeds helped finance his daily newspaper Les Phares, which served as the palace’s de facto mouthpiece and specialized in denouncing the king’s critics.
Israel’s penetration of the Moroccan royal court was not only geared to uprooting Moroccan Jews. The Mossad also sought to turn Hassan II politically and thwart any rapprochement between him and Egypt’s Gamal Abdul-Nasser.
The “War of the Sands” which broke out between Morocco and Algeria in 1963 provided the Israelis with their opportunity, after Abdul-Nasser sided with newly-liberated Algeria against the Moroccan attack on its territory.
Dealings between Rabat and Tel Aviv at the time were concluded via Tehran, under the shah of Iran’s auspices. But military cooperation between the two sides persisted. Israel is thought to have played a major role in the construction of the massive 2,600-kilometer security wall in Western Sahara designed to prevent attacks by the Polisario Front, which has been fighting for the territory’s independence since 1975.
The conflict remains unresolved despite a 1999 cease-fire. During the 6 years of fighting that preceded it, Polisario fighters often captured arms from the Moroccan army which were made in Israel or apartheid-era South Africa.
French author Agnes Bensimon detailed in her book Hassan II and the Jews how the Mossad initiated negotiations with Hassan II four months after the death of Mohamed V. The new king demanded payment of half a million dollars to facilitate the despatch of a first batch of 50,000 Jews, and the same for a subsequent batch. This had also been exposed by Simon Levy, one of the Moroccan Jews who resisted pressure to emigrate to Israel, who was a dissident during the reign of Hassan II and died two years ago.
Payments for the transfer of the Moroccan Jews were sent from Israel to secret bank accounts in Switzerland, reportedly in the king’s own name. But the monarch’s friend Ahmed Reda Kadira, who negotiated the deals on his behalf and was later appointed one of his advisors, was not left out of pocket. The proceeds helped finance his daily newspaper Les Phares, which served as the palace’s de facto mouthpiece and specialized in denouncing the king’s critics.
Israel’s penetration of the Moroccan royal court was not only geared to uprooting Moroccan Jews. The Mossad also sought to turn Hassan II politically and thwart any rapprochement between him and Egypt’s Gamal Abdul-Nasser.
The “War of the Sands” which broke out between Morocco and Algeria in 1963 provided the Israelis with their opportunity, after Abdul-Nasser sided with newly-liberated Algeria against the Moroccan attack on its territory.
Dealings between Rabat and Tel Aviv at the time were concluded via Tehran, under the shah of Iran’s auspices. But military cooperation between the two sides persisted. Israel is thought to have played a major role in the construction of the massive 2,600-kilometer security wall in Western Sahara designed to prevent attacks by the Polisario Front, which has been fighting for the territory’s independence since 1975.
The conflict remains unresolved despite a 1999 cease-fire. During the 6 years of fighting that preceded it, Polisario fighters often captured arms from the Moroccan army which were made in Israel or apartheid-era South Africa.
Military cooperation soon led to intelligence cooperation, especially after Mossad chief Yitzhak Hofi arranged a secret meeting in Morocco in 1976 between Hassan II and Israeli prime minister Yitzak Rabin. The king’s subsequent collaboration with Israel has been widely documented by writers and dissidents. According to Egyptian writer Muhammad Hassanein Haikal in his book Kalam fis-Siyasa (Talking Politics) Hassan II even allowed the Mossad to bug the venues where Arab summits were held in Morocco. Hassan’s best-known role, however, was helping to broker the Israeli-Egyptian peace deal. Israel acknowledged its indebtedness to him: it issued a commemorative postage stamp to honor him after his death in 1999.
In return for the services of the Moroccan king, Israel and the Mossad placed themselves at his disposal, especially in terms of protecting him from his opponents. There was a clear Mossad hand in the abduction and murder of Morocco’s most famous dissident, Mahdi Ben-Barka, who disappeared in Paris in 1965. The Israelis are also thought to have alerted the king to several coup plots and other planned moves agains his rule in the 1960s and 1970s.
The Mossad is no longer known to be particularly active in Morocco these days. The country no longer plays an important role in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Besides, the emergence of “rival” collaborators in the eastern part of the Arab world gave Israeli intelligence plenty of other intelligence partners to choose from and options to pursue.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.
- blog-hamza said...
- salam alikoum !
j'aimerai en savoir d'avantage sur l'aqmi, et gia ... et leur création par des agents sionistes, français algériens, et ce qui me pose problème ,se sont la manipulation de certains groupes ici et là qui soutiennent aqmi ... gia on sait tous mtnt que c'était une invention pour faire régné la terreur en algérie, merci pasquouille and co ! ... voilà mon email, - 4:16 AM
- blog-hamza said...
- salam alikoum !
pourquoi bcps de groupes , forums, et autres soutiennent'ils l'aqmi ? alros que vous nous prouvez que c'est une invention sioniste comme le fut le gia dans les années 91 en algérie ! voilà mon adresse
merci de nous tenir informé !
fraternellement pour Allah ! votre frère Hamza ! - 4:19 AM
- Abu-Suleyman said...
- parce que beaucoup dont des bruxellois sont manipules par le makhzen et la dcri... abu zeyd n'a jamais existe tout comme belmokhtar n'est pas celui que vous croyez, ce sont les services francais et algeriens sur la lancee du gia qui ont monte ce faux groupe... a partir des restes du GIA et certianement pas a partir du GSPC qui fut decime par les juifs algeriens
Gaddafi, a participe egalement a cette operation qui s'est faite sur une fausse lettre ecrite depuis l'Iraq... Ansar Deen est aux mains d'un agent du pentagone, Iyag Ag un larbin des services algeriens qui non satisfait de sa paie est passe sous drapeau americain. AQMI n'a jamais attaque les interets francais, les prises d'otages sont des montages realisees par le DRS, le makhzen... avec la branche mauritanienne du FBI... installee depuis 2002 a Nouakchott... la pression monte car la france veut envahir le maghreb-sahel et ne peut pas, elle organise donc des faux attentats en France pour museler les Musulmans, c'est en fait une guerre entre les Musulmans et les services franco-israeliens en France et au Maghreb a laquelle nous assistons.
Tu peux aller en Algerie et demander a la famille de Blemokhtar et ils te diront que le type que vous voyez sur les videos, ce n'est pas belmokhtar... abu zeyd n'existe que dans les reves de Tewfik. Demandez aux familles de ces gens et ils vous diront que le vrai blemokhtar a ete assassine par le DRS, j'ai deja parle du cas Abu Zeyd en octobre 2011 sur ce blog, suffit de relire... - 6:24 AM
- blog-hamza said...
- merci de ta réponse ! j'ai lus tes article de 2011 ! en effet c'est édifiant, mais ce qui m'effraie à travers certains groupes qui on l'air et la chanson d'être sincère et engagés peuvent'ils être à ce point manipulable ? quand on vois ce qui se passe au mali, je me dis c'est là qui faut allé ... mais quant on lis tes écrit, on y réfléchis à 2 fois ! merci encore akhy ... qu'Allah nous montre le faux du vrai et le vrai du faux, qu'Allah nous éloigne de nos ennemis, qu'Allah préserve les musulmans sincères ! wa salam
- 10:35 AM
Il y a quelques jours le Sheykh Ali Benhadj parlait ouvertement des menaces de la juiverie sioniste franco-algerienne concernant l'invasion du Mali en rappelant le role nefaste des juifs sionistes franco-algeriens des 2 cotes de la Mediteranee et notamment la racaille pied noir
Quelques jours plus tard, la juiverie sioniste d'Alger menace ouvertement d'assassiner le Sheykh Ali Benhadj, arrete alors qu'il manifestait devant l'ambassade de France a Alger. Les messages sont clairs de la part des services franco-israeliens de France, ils veulent la guerre...
How the British goverment erased evidences of his direct involvement in international terrorism (9/11, 7/7, Beslan, Istanboul, Bali) by avoiding embarassing trials and lying all along without showing an ounce of evidence
PRESS RELEASE: It’s Rendition NOT Extradition
CagePrisoners condemns today’s ruling permitting the extradition of Abu Hamza, Khalid al Fawwaz, Adel Abdel Bary, Babar Ahmad and Talha Ahsan to the United States.
The men collectively spent four decades without charge in British prisons. They have never had the opportunity to challenge in any meaningful manner the allegations made against them.
Today’s decision marks a dark day for British justice and undermines the rule of law. It sets an alarming precedent for future cases and renders the British courts powerless to prevent the extradition of innocent people under an unbalanced extradition treaty. There are no safeguards for anyone against the whims of the FBI or CIA ,discredited bodies that have a well-documented history of oppression , a witch hunt by the media and the political dictat of the government of the day.
Director of CagePrisoners and former detainee in US custody at Guantanamo Bay and Bagram, Moazzam Begg, commented:
“All these men are innocent and have already served lengthy periods in prison. Now they face the prospect of solitary confinement completely estranged from their families in a country known for perpetrating torture and inhumane and degrading treatment upon prisoners”
Babar Ahmad today stated:
“Today I have lost my 8 year and 2 month battle against extradition to the US. I would like to thank all those over the years who supported me and my family: lawyers, politicians, journalists and members of the public from all walks of life. By exposing the fallacy of the UK’s extradition arrangements with the US, I leave with my head held high having won the moral victory.”
Amidst the inhumane hysteria and baiting by some sections of the press CagePrisoners expresses its solidarity with the families of the men being extradited today. They have suffered many years of detention and now their nightmare has taken another horrific twist as they find themselves handed to a country with a vindictive criminal justice system.
CagePrisoners will continue to campaign for the release and repatriation of all extraditees by working closely with our partners in the United States. These individuals can never be forgotten. We convened a press conference in New York yesterday highlighting our concerns about the fate of these individuals and we will also be holding a public event on Thursday 18th October 2012 in London. This unique event will uncover the reality of the United States penal system and hear from a prisoner held in solitary confinement for 29 years who will provide a first hand account vividly illustrating the brutality of the super max prison system.
We call upon the world to recognise the injustice to these men and demand their immediate release by contacting the UK Home Secretary in respect of the British citizens as well as the Egyptian and Saudi Authorities to protect the rights of their citizens. All citizens are entitled to basic rights and protection by their own country. It is a devastating indictment that today all of us wherever we may be are at the mercy of a country vengeful to punish all that dare to question its policies. The process may have the label of judicial extradition but it is nothing more than rendition.
1. CagePrisoners is a human rights NGO that exists to raise awareness of the plight of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and other detainees held as part of the War on Terror. We aim to give a voice to the voiceless.
2. Babar Ahmad, Syed Talha Ahsan, Abu Hamza, Khalid al-Fawwaz and Abdel Abdel Bary have been held in British high security prisons for over 40 years collectively without charge or trial. More information can be found at the CagePrisoners website:
Guerre pour le control d'AQMI: Le journal du fiston a Tewfik tape sur ses anciens chikours de Paris en devoilant les liens directs entre la DCRI et AQMI (section Belmokhtar), et la DGSE avec le MUJAO
Radio France International a diffusé la photo de deux ressortissants français à qui elle attribue la qualité de «djihadistes». Les deux hommes, des Français de souche, armés de kalachnikovs, sont assis à l’arrière d’un pick-up à côté d’un membre d’un des groupes islamistes armés qui sévissent à Gao, au Nord-Mali, où les sept diplomates algériens sont détenus. Les deux Français appartiennent, en réalité, aux services du renseignement extérieur et ont été dépêchés au Mali, par la caserne Mortier, siège de la DGSE, pour prêter main forte aux terroristes et justifier la nécessité d’une intervention étrangère dans ce pays.
Cette thèse est d’autant plus plausible, explique une source informée à Algeriepatriotique, que les djihadistes français sont tous issus des banlieues françaises et ont tous des origines maghrébines ou africaines. Ce qui est loin d’être le cas des deux hommes pris en photo à leur insu. RFI dit avoir vérifié la véracité de ses informations et estime, en citant différentes sources, que les deux hommes en question pouvaient être «des binationaux mais aussi de simples Français, attirés par une aventure qui, souvent, prend une tournure sanglante». «Difficile à croire», répond notre source. «Sur la photo exclusive publiée sur cette page, on reconnaît nettement l’un d’eux. Il est assis à l'arrière d'un véhicule de type pick-up. La photo a été prise à Gao. Les passagers du véhicule ne savaient pas qu’ils étaient pris en photo. L’auteur du cliché, rencontré à Bamako, explique que la veille, il avait rencontré Mohamedou, un des surnoms du Français assis à l’arrière et qui tient en bandoulière une kalachnikov», précise RFI. «Il était content d’être à Gao, chez ses frères de lutte, il se sent chez lui», témoigne encore l’auteur du document photo dont une copie s’est manifestement retrouvée entre les mains de la DCRI, «comme l’indique une source parisienne qui n’a pas eu, elle, accès à l’image», poursuit RFI. «Tout ceci est un montage pour créer une diversion au cas où la mission secrète était découverte par les services des renseignements des pays du champ, directement concernés par ce qui se passe dans la région du Sahel», explique encore notre source. RFI, qui dit se référer à des sources sécuritaires, rapporte qu’il y a «de plus en plus de Français qui sont attirés par le djihad dans le nord du Mali». «Certains sont des binationaux. Pour brouiller les pistes, ils débarquent généralement à Dakar, au Niger ou au Burkina Faso. Ils planquent leur passeport français et prennent un passeport africain», affirme RFI. Le journal français Le Figaro a parlé d’une centaine de militaires français des forces spéciales qui seraient actuellement présents au Mali et leurs effectifs pourraient être prochainement renforcés par des commandos marins qui passeraient par la Mauritanie. Ces ressortissants français «repérés» avec les groupes terroristes «ont un accent français impeccable», a assuré un témoin oculaire à RFI. Un accent très loin du verlan usité dans les milieux immigrés de la banlieue parisienne.
PS: Algerie patriotique n'a absolument rien ni d'algerien, ni de patriotique, ce site est finance par les fiston des genenars harkis de Tewfik, et le fils de Nejjar (dit Nezzar). Je le dis au passage pour que vous compreniez que la guerre des AQMI se joue en ce moment pour le controle du Maghreb-Sahel... Confirmant ce que je decris sur ce blog depuis un petit moment. Le MUJAO est la DGSE. Si Tewfik sort des photos, il va sortir d'autres choses, alors qu'ils s'entretuent avec la racaille juifiste sioniste de Hollande, Fabius, Prasquier, Valls, Clavar et Mangoux de Paris et nous autres les Musulmans, nous rafleront la mise insha Allah (AS)
Israel prepare la destruction de la mosquee Al Aqsa pour construire le temple du machiah... un pas de plus vers la guerre mondiale
Les raids sionistes faits à la mosquée d’Al-Aqsa : préparation à un grand désastre ?

CAIRO – Revelations that a Danish Muslim convert was in reality an undercover agent posing as extremist in an attempt to trap young Muslims are sending shockwaves across the sizable minority in Denmark.
“The police and security services want us to trust them but they are sending agitators into our community to lead people astray,” Qadir Baksh, chairman of the Luton Islamic Center in Bury Park Road, told Luton Today newspaper on Wednesday, October 10.
A Muslim convert, Morten Storm, has unveiled that he was an undercover agent for the Danish intelligence service (PET) and the CIA.
Allowing FBI Mosque Spying for US Security
US Defends FBI Stings to Trap Muslims
He told Jyllands-Posten daily that he was recruited by PET in 2006 to track down extremists in the Scandinavian country.
He also said that he led the CIA to Al-Qaeda leader in Yemen Anwar Al-Awlaki, who was killed in a drone attack last year.
The convert moved to Luton in 1999, where he told community leaders that he wanted to start a new life after a history of extremism.
However, he started to propagate his radical ideas in an effort to lure young Muslims into his line.
“Certain people here propped him up, such as Al Muhajiroun,” Baksh said, referring to an outlawed Islamist group in Britain, which has an office in Denmark.
“They made him their scholar.”
The Muslim leader said that the undercover had tried hard to spread his radical ideas in the Muslim community.
“He tried very hard to spread mischief in the community,” he said.
“He would come to us and tell us his views, and we would send him away with his tail between his legs.”
Peaceful Muslims
Baksh said the radical ideas championed by the undercover largely fell on the deaf ears of most Danish Muslims.
“He was running around here, there and everywhere, with a corrupt version of Islam, and leading people astray,” he said.
“There are extremist jihadists in Luton and he was propagating their thoughts among young people, spreading lies about Islam.
“We thought he was probably being watched by the security services.”
The Muslim leader said that the behavior of the convert had raised suspicions in the community.
“Early on I had my suspicions about him, but I didn’t have clear evidence,” Baksh said.
“We know the CIA do conduct sting operations.”
The CIA and FBI are used to use fake operations to trap what they say “potential terror” suspects.
But the technique has sparked anger among US Muslims, who accuse the two agencies of trapping young Muslims into terrorism.
In 2009, Muslim groups had threatened to suspend all contacts with the FBI over its tactics of sending informants into mosques to trap worshippers.
“The vast majority of Muslims just want to get on with their lives and practise their religion in peace,” Baksh said.
Denmark is home to a Muslim minority of 200,000, making three percent of the country's 5.4 million population.
The Scandinavian country was the focus of Muslim anger in 2005 after a newspaper published cartoons lampooning Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him).
Following the cartoons crisis, Muslims worldwide took many initiatives to remove widely circulated stereotypes about Islam in the West.Danish Muslims established the European Committee for Honoring the Prophet, a grouping of 27 Danish Muslim organizations, to raise awareness about the merits and characteristics of the Prophet.
MISE A JOUR Vendredi 13 Octobre 2012 (10H14 GMT): Pour ceux qui comprennent un peu la politique. Voici une menace a peine voilee de Biden, le sioniste irelandais, concernant l'operation israelienne menee par la DGSE a Benghazi le 11 Septembre 2012... '"Nous irons jusqu'au fond de l'affaire, et où que nous mènent les faits, et quels qu'ils soient, nous en ferons part aux Américains, car quelles que soient les erreurs qui ont été faites, elle ne seront pas répétées", a répondu Joe Biden (source). En gros ca veut dire que Mangoux sera elimine physiquement si Obama est re-elu. Comme ca, ils pourront pas dire, 'c'est les islamo-bamboulas'. Donc les israeliens ont reellement besoin d'une guerre avant les elections americaines pour eliminer Obama et les elements de son administration qui derangent Netanyahu et ses plans. Hollande participe activement, en tant que juif pied noir algerien, a ces plans terroristes de pillages des richesses Musulmanes et du vol de leurs terres... A bon entendeur Salaam (AS)
URGENT Jeudi 12 Octobre 2012 (22H29 GMT): Netanyahu annonce les elections pour le 22 Janvier 2013, voir ici. C'est le signal pour les attentats en France... Hollande comme vous avez pu le constater dans son discours hier et ses mensonges sur le GIA-AQMI, cree par les agents juifs sionistes franco-algero-marocains, ainsi que les operations de la guestapo du CRIF la semaine derniere, est totalement aligne sur l'agenda guerrier et terroriste de Netanyahu, voir le false flag en preparation aux Etats-Unis, ici, et les attaques prevues sur la ville de Marseille. Musulmans preparez vous a la guerre dans les rues de France, ceci est aujourd'hui inevitable... Netanyahu peut attaquer a tout moment (AS).
Vous avez pu constater en lisant ce blog assidument que l'information qui donnait la fistonne Le Pen a l'assemblee nationale et puis ministre de l'interieur en 2014 etait parue sur ce blog au mois d'Octobre 2011 et apparement la loge maconnique du Bn'ai B'ret de Melanchon est passee par la....
J'ai egalement donne Guaino et ses liens avec le bloc des identitaires et leurs liens avec Breivik, le Gladio-OTAN et la DCRI et les liens entre Gueant et Aliot au travers du CRIF de Prasquier. J'ai detaille les plans d'attentats prevus pour la re-election de Sarkozy, (dont j'ai eu les plans le 8 Decembre 2011) en decrivant les pourquoi du comment de l'arrestation du Dr Mourad Dhina et j'ai cite les villes de Toulouse et Marseille le 16 Janvier 2012. Toulouse pour 'l'operation Merah', c'est passe... et maintenant Marseille pour envahir le Mali et puis balkaniser le Maghreb-Sahel. Marseille sera la cible de possibles prochains attentats a la bombe sale israeliens et la date du 20 au 21 Octobre 2012 me sont avancees par des sources et americaines et Musulmanes. Maintenant ne dites pas que vous n'avez pas ete prevenus...
C'est a croire que les portables de nos ennemis sont tous sur ecoutes. J'ai eu vent de rumeurs que des personnes, qui avaient encore le cerveau en place (l'equipe B pour ceux qui comprennent), lisaient ce blog et tentaient de me joindre, ne me joignez pas si vous etes un fonctionnaire de l'etat francais... ce serait considere comme un acte de provocation et de guerre! Et les consequences pourraient etre facheuses pour vous. Lisez le blog et vous avez les infos, elles vous derangent ou pas dans votre travail, ca vous regarde pas moi. Le 'blog de madame soleil' enfile les quenelles aux ministeres de la defense et de l'interieur franco-israelien, soudainement c'est plus le blog de 'madame soleil' et vous avez tous peur de mourrir... (AS)

Al-Khalil (Hébron) – CPI
Une guerre d’une nouvelle sorte se prépare dans les sanctuaires de la sainte mosquée d’Al-Aqsa, visant le temps, l’espace et l’identité. Elle dénigre les cultes, le sacré, la patrie. C’est une guerre préparant le terrain à ce qui suivra ces incursions, ces raids, ces invasions donnés aux places de la mosquée. C’est une guerre pour changer la réalité du terrain, une guerre existentielle. C’est une guerre visant à diviser la grande mosquée. Petit à petit, les grandes lignes de ce plan diabolique sont plus claires.
Une nouvelle catastrophe ?
Djamel Amro, expert en affaires de la ville d'Al-Quds, dit à notre Centre Palestinien d’Information (CPI) que les raids donnés à répétition aux cours de la sainte mosquée d’Al-Aqsa vise à apprivoiser l’esprit palestinien, à l’acclimater, à le formater afin que toutes ces invasions et toutes ces profanations faites à la grande mosquée ne soient plus choquantes, afin qu’il soit prêt à accepter ce qui suit ces agissements. Ces agissements pourraient conduire à infliger à Al-Aqsa ce que le sanctuaire d’Al-Ibrahimi, dans la ville d’Al-Khalil (Hébron), avait subi : un affreux massacre sioniste contre des fidèles musulmans qui a été pris comme prétexte pour la diviser et priver les Palestiniens de leur mosquée si chère à leur cœur.
L’intensification des raids donnés à la sainte mosquée d’Al-Aqsa, ajoute Amro, n’est pas le fruit du hasard ; elle est appliquée selon un plan mis en place par des psychologues sionistes pour deux raisons. Tout d’abord, le plan veut ausculter la réaction palestinienne. Puis il vise à imposer de nouvelles réalités sur le terrain, de façon à ce qu’elles deviennent petit à petit, avec le temps, des scènes banales. Et lorsque les médias les répètent, ces scènes d’invasions quasi-quotidiennes, et que le Palestinien se montre silencieux, le deuxième stade débutera : la division de la sainte mosquée d’Al-Aqsa. En effet, les sionistes font des agissements qu’ils font suivre d’un moment de silence, puis des agissements suivis d’un grand silence, jusqu’à l’arrivée du terme de leur plan, comme cela a été le cas de la sainte mosquée d’Al-Ibrahimi.
Les occupants sionistes projettent la division des cours de la sainte mosquée d’Al-Aqsa. Ce projet est devenu de plus en plus clair et évident, surtout après la mainmise faite sur les palais omeyyades adjacents aux murs de la mosquée, après la mainmise faite sur une partie du cimetière d’Ar-Rahma, ainsi que sur la porte Al-Maghariba et le quartier d’Al-Charaf. Toutes ces mainmises font partie du plan destiné à encercler davantage la mosquée, une phase avant le rêve final : destruire la mosquée et construire le temple à sa place.
Netanyahu complice du crime
Les habitants regardent d’un mauvais œil les agissements sionistes dans la sainte mosquée d’Al-Aqsa : les fidèles âgés de moins de quarante-cinq ans sont interdits d’y entrer. La garde sur ses portes est renforcée, sauf contre les invasions des colons sionistes, entre autres. Les habitants d’Al-Quds remarquent que ce plan se fait sous l’auspice d’associations sionistes et du gouvernement de Netanyahu. Ce gouvernement permet, depuis quelques mois, à ses soldats d’entrer dans la mosquée avec leurs uniformes militaires.
Abdou Aj-Jabbar Abou Nadjma, un garde d’Al-Aqsa, dit au correspondant du Centre Palestinien d’Information (CPI) qu’ils ont pour mission de protéger la mosquée. Les forces sionistes d'occupation soutiennent cependant les colons pendant leurs raids. Cela confirme le fait qu’elles sont de mèche avec les envahisseurs. En effet, des dizaines de colons envahissent les cours protégées par des centaines de policiers et de soldats : « Parfois, ils nous arrêtent au profit des colons et leurs provocations contre les fidèles et les lieux ».Et si on se réfère aux déclarations et aux décisions du gouvernement de l’occupation israélienne, on remarque qu’il y a un accord tacite sur le plan de division de la sainte ville d’Al-Quds. Le plan est exécuté en plusieurs phases. Les soldats et les unités spéciales donnent des raids aux cours de la mosquée et tirent même des balles. Ce ne sont que des entraînements pour les phases suivantes. Puis le gouvernement facilite les raids des colons, ce qui confirme le rôle du gouvernement sioniste dans cette attaque discriminatoire. Puis ce gouvernement ajoute de l’huile sur le feu en considérant les cours de la mosquée comme des parcs publics, disent les habitants de la ville d'Al-Quds.
Une nouvelle catastrophe ?
Djamel Amro, expert en affaires de la ville d'Al-Quds, dit à notre Centre Palestinien d’Information (CPI) que les raids donnés à répétition aux cours de la sainte mosquée d’Al-Aqsa vise à apprivoiser l’esprit palestinien, à l’acclimater, à le formater afin que toutes ces invasions et toutes ces profanations faites à la grande mosquée ne soient plus choquantes, afin qu’il soit prêt à accepter ce qui suit ces agissements. Ces agissements pourraient conduire à infliger à Al-Aqsa ce que le sanctuaire d’Al-Ibrahimi, dans la ville d’Al-Khalil (Hébron), avait subi : un affreux massacre sioniste contre des fidèles musulmans qui a été pris comme prétexte pour la diviser et priver les Palestiniens de leur mosquée si chère à leur cœur.
L’intensification des raids donnés à la sainte mosquée d’Al-Aqsa, ajoute Amro, n’est pas le fruit du hasard ; elle est appliquée selon un plan mis en place par des psychologues sionistes pour deux raisons. Tout d’abord, le plan veut ausculter la réaction palestinienne. Puis il vise à imposer de nouvelles réalités sur le terrain, de façon à ce qu’elles deviennent petit à petit, avec le temps, des scènes banales. Et lorsque les médias les répètent, ces scènes d’invasions quasi-quotidiennes, et que le Palestinien se montre silencieux, le deuxième stade débutera : la division de la sainte mosquée d’Al-Aqsa. En effet, les sionistes font des agissements qu’ils font suivre d’un moment de silence, puis des agissements suivis d’un grand silence, jusqu’à l’arrivée du terme de leur plan, comme cela a été le cas de la sainte mosquée d’Al-Ibrahimi.
Les occupants sionistes projettent la division des cours de la sainte mosquée d’Al-Aqsa. Ce projet est devenu de plus en plus clair et évident, surtout après la mainmise faite sur les palais omeyyades adjacents aux murs de la mosquée, après la mainmise faite sur une partie du cimetière d’Ar-Rahma, ainsi que sur la porte Al-Maghariba et le quartier d’Al-Charaf. Toutes ces mainmises font partie du plan destiné à encercler davantage la mosquée, une phase avant le rêve final : destruire la mosquée et construire le temple à sa place.
Netanyahu complice du crime
Les habitants regardent d’un mauvais œil les agissements sionistes dans la sainte mosquée d’Al-Aqsa : les fidèles âgés de moins de quarante-cinq ans sont interdits d’y entrer. La garde sur ses portes est renforcée, sauf contre les invasions des colons sionistes, entre autres. Les habitants d’Al-Quds remarquent que ce plan se fait sous l’auspice d’associations sionistes et du gouvernement de Netanyahu. Ce gouvernement permet, depuis quelques mois, à ses soldats d’entrer dans la mosquée avec leurs uniformes militaires.
Abdou Aj-Jabbar Abou Nadjma, un garde d’Al-Aqsa, dit au correspondant du Centre Palestinien d’Information (CPI) qu’ils ont pour mission de protéger la mosquée. Les forces sionistes d'occupation soutiennent cependant les colons pendant leurs raids. Cela confirme le fait qu’elles sont de mèche avec les envahisseurs. En effet, des dizaines de colons envahissent les cours protégées par des centaines de policiers et de soldats : « Parfois, ils nous arrêtent au profit des colons et leurs provocations contre les fidèles et les lieux ».Et si on se réfère aux déclarations et aux décisions du gouvernement de l’occupation israélienne, on remarque qu’il y a un accord tacite sur le plan de division de la sainte ville d’Al-Quds. Le plan est exécuté en plusieurs phases. Les soldats et les unités spéciales donnent des raids aux cours de la mosquée et tirent même des balles. Ce ne sont que des entraînements pour les phases suivantes. Puis le gouvernement facilite les raids des colons, ce qui confirme le rôle du gouvernement sioniste dans cette attaque discriminatoire. Puis ce gouvernement ajoute de l’huile sur le feu en considérant les cours de la mosquée comme des parcs publics, disent les habitants de la ville d'Al-Quds.
L'organisation islamique condamne les attaques contre la mosquée d'el-Aqsa
Jérusalem - CPI
L'Organisation Islamique suprême de Jérusalem a tenu une réunion d'urgence, ce matin, pour discuter des événements contre la Mosquée bénie d'el-Aqsa, au cour de cette semaine, et plusieurs décisions ont été prises.
L'Organisation a déclaré dans un communiqué publié à la suite de la réunion que ce qui s'est passé, après la prière du vendredi dernier, dans la mosquée bénie d'el-Aqsa «est une action délibérée et planifiée », notant qu’une fois la prière fut terminé, un flux des dizaines de soldats occupants israéliens se sont dispersés dans les cours de la mosquée d'el Aqsa, accédant aux plusieurs portes tirant des balles en caoutchouc et des gaz lacrymogènes toxiques sur les fidèles blessant plus de 20 personnes et arrêtant plus de 20 autres. Ils ont mis la terreur dans les cœurs des fidèles et ont crée le chaos dans les esplanades sacrées de la mosquée sainte.
Le communiqué a fermement condamné les incursions répétées contre la Mosquée d'el-Aqsa par les forces armées de l'ennemi occupants, ses groupes de renseignements, ses partis extrémistes et par les fonctionnaires de son gouvernement et du Knesset.
Elle a rejeté complètement les déclarations agressives contre la mosquée d'el-Aqsa. Il a aussi dénoncé les attaques perpétuelles contre les mosquées et les églises à Jérusalem en particulier, et la Palestine en général.
L'Organisation affirmé que l’occupant israélien est responsable des violations flagrantes contre la mosquée bénie et les lieux saints.
Elle a souligné que toute partie d’el-Aqsa appartient à la civilisation des musulmans, sa légitimité, ses croyances et sa religion. Il a souligné que la mosquée est sacré et non pas un objet soumis, et nous ne renoncerons plus à un tel grain de sa terre.
En appelant les gouvernements et les régimes du monde arabo-islamique à assumer leurs responsabilités à l'égard de Jérusalem, el-Aqsa et les lieux saints, l'Organisation confirme qu' « el-Aqsa n'est plus seulement en simple danger, mais elle confronte, sans précédent, de multiples dangers, donc ne nous laissez pas seuls ! »
L'Organisation Islamique a ajouté dans sa déclaration que les fidèles de la mosquée d'el- Aqsa sont déterminés dans leur promesse et défendent la mosquée, et ceci est de leur devoir au nom de la nation islamique dans son ensemble. Mais cela ne dispense pas les musulmans dans le monde entier de leur responsabilité car les menaces contre la mosquée s’aggravent, plus que jamais et de jour en jour.
L'Organisation Islamique suprême de Jérusalem a tenu une réunion d'urgence, ce matin, pour discuter des événements contre la Mosquée bénie d'el-Aqsa, au cour de cette semaine, et plusieurs décisions ont été prises.
L'Organisation a déclaré dans un communiqué publié à la suite de la réunion que ce qui s'est passé, après la prière du vendredi dernier, dans la mosquée bénie d'el-Aqsa «est une action délibérée et planifiée », notant qu’une fois la prière fut terminé, un flux des dizaines de soldats occupants israéliens se sont dispersés dans les cours de la mosquée d'el Aqsa, accédant aux plusieurs portes tirant des balles en caoutchouc et des gaz lacrymogènes toxiques sur les fidèles blessant plus de 20 personnes et arrêtant plus de 20 autres. Ils ont mis la terreur dans les cœurs des fidèles et ont crée le chaos dans les esplanades sacrées de la mosquée sainte.
Le communiqué a fermement condamné les incursions répétées contre la Mosquée d'el-Aqsa par les forces armées de l'ennemi occupants, ses groupes de renseignements, ses partis extrémistes et par les fonctionnaires de son gouvernement et du Knesset.
Elle a rejeté complètement les déclarations agressives contre la mosquée d'el-Aqsa. Il a aussi dénoncé les attaques perpétuelles contre les mosquées et les églises à Jérusalem en particulier, et la Palestine en général.
L'Organisation affirmé que l’occupant israélien est responsable des violations flagrantes contre la mosquée bénie et les lieux saints.
Elle a souligné que toute partie d’el-Aqsa appartient à la civilisation des musulmans, sa légitimité, ses croyances et sa religion. Il a souligné que la mosquée est sacré et non pas un objet soumis, et nous ne renoncerons plus à un tel grain de sa terre.
En appelant les gouvernements et les régimes du monde arabo-islamique à assumer leurs responsabilités à l'égard de Jérusalem, el-Aqsa et les lieux saints, l'Organisation confirme qu' « el-Aqsa n'est plus seulement en simple danger, mais elle confronte, sans précédent, de multiples dangers, donc ne nous laissez pas seuls ! »
L'Organisation Islamique a ajouté dans sa déclaration que les fidèles de la mosquée d'el- Aqsa sont déterminés dans leur promesse et défendent la mosquée, et ceci est de leur devoir au nom de la nation islamique dans son ensemble. Mais cela ne dispense pas les musulmans dans le monde entier de leur responsabilité car les menaces contre la mosquée s’aggravent, plus que jamais et de jour en jour.
France, Germany, UK, US have fake 'islamic groups' or 'jama'at' acting under NATO clandestine terror networks, mostly financed by Arab Zionist Jewish puppets like the families of the Al Saud, the Al Nahyan, the Al Sabbah, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria and now Qatar and Turkey. The aim is to vilify the Muslims, Djihad and Islaam, and to infiltrate and take control of the real Islamic Resistance fighting to free the Muslim lands from the euro-american zionist jewish occupation
CIA Undercover Shocks Danish Muslims
Muslim convert Morten Storm has unveiled that he was an undercover agent for the Danish intelligence service (PET) and the CIA
CAIRO – Revelations that a Danish Muslim convert was in reality an undercover agent posing as extremist in an attempt to trap young Muslims are sending shockwaves across the sizable minority in Denmark.
“The police and security services want us to trust them but they are sending agitators into our community to lead people astray,” Qadir Baksh, chairman of the Luton Islamic Center in Bury Park Road, told Luton Today newspaper on Wednesday, October 10.
A Muslim convert, Morten Storm, has unveiled that he was an undercover agent for the Danish intelligence service (PET) and the CIA.
Allowing FBI Mosque Spying for US Security
US Defends FBI Stings to Trap Muslims
He told Jyllands-Posten daily that he was recruited by PET in 2006 to track down extremists in the Scandinavian country.
He also said that he led the CIA to Al-Qaeda leader in Yemen Anwar Al-Awlaki, who was killed in a drone attack last year.
The convert moved to Luton in 1999, where he told community leaders that he wanted to start a new life after a history of extremism.
However, he started to propagate his radical ideas in an effort to lure young Muslims into his line.
“Certain people here propped him up, such as Al Muhajiroun,” Baksh said, referring to an outlawed Islamist group in Britain, which has an office in Denmark.
“They made him their scholar.”
The Muslim leader said that the undercover had tried hard to spread his radical ideas in the Muslim community.
“He tried very hard to spread mischief in the community,” he said.
“He would come to us and tell us his views, and we would send him away with his tail between his legs.”
Peaceful Muslims
Baksh said the radical ideas championed by the undercover largely fell on the deaf ears of most Danish Muslims.
“He was running around here, there and everywhere, with a corrupt version of Islam, and leading people astray,” he said.
“There are extremist jihadists in Luton and he was propagating their thoughts among young people, spreading lies about Islam.
“We thought he was probably being watched by the security services.”
The Muslim leader said that the behavior of the convert had raised suspicions in the community.
“Early on I had my suspicions about him, but I didn’t have clear evidence,” Baksh said.
“We know the CIA do conduct sting operations.”
The CIA and FBI are used to use fake operations to trap what they say “potential terror” suspects.
But the technique has sparked anger among US Muslims, who accuse the two agencies of trapping young Muslims into terrorism.
In 2009, Muslim groups had threatened to suspend all contacts with the FBI over its tactics of sending informants into mosques to trap worshippers.
“The vast majority of Muslims just want to get on with their lives and practise their religion in peace,” Baksh said.
Denmark is home to a Muslim minority of 200,000, making three percent of the country's 5.4 million population.
The Scandinavian country was the focus of Muslim anger in 2005 after a newspaper published cartoons lampooning Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him).
Following the cartoons crisis, Muslims worldwide took many initiatives to remove widely circulated stereotypes about Islam in the West.Danish Muslims established the European Committee for Honoring the Prophet, a grouping of 27 Danish Muslim organizations, to raise awareness about the merits and characteristics of the Prophet.
Quand le QG de Sarkozy envisageait de proposer l’Intérieur à Marine Le Pen
MISE A JOUR Vendredi 13 Octobre 2012 (10H14 GMT): Pour ceux qui comprennent un peu la politique. Voici une menace a peine voilee de Biden, le sioniste irelandais, concernant l'operation israelienne menee par la DGSE a Benghazi le 11 Septembre 2012... '"Nous irons jusqu'au fond de l'affaire, et où que nous mènent les faits, et quels qu'ils soient, nous en ferons part aux Américains, car quelles que soient les erreurs qui ont été faites, elle ne seront pas répétées", a répondu Joe Biden (source). En gros ca veut dire que Mangoux sera elimine physiquement si Obama est re-elu. Comme ca, ils pourront pas dire, 'c'est les islamo-bamboulas'. Donc les israeliens ont reellement besoin d'une guerre avant les elections americaines pour eliminer Obama et les elements de son administration qui derangent Netanyahu et ses plans. Hollande participe activement, en tant que juif pied noir algerien, a ces plans terroristes de pillages des richesses Musulmanes et du vol de leurs terres... A bon entendeur Salaam (AS)
URGENT Jeudi 12 Octobre 2012 (22H29 GMT): Netanyahu annonce les elections pour le 22 Janvier 2013, voir ici. C'est le signal pour les attentats en France... Hollande comme vous avez pu le constater dans son discours hier et ses mensonges sur le GIA-AQMI, cree par les agents juifs sionistes franco-algero-marocains, ainsi que les operations de la guestapo du CRIF la semaine derniere, est totalement aligne sur l'agenda guerrier et terroriste de Netanyahu, voir le false flag en preparation aux Etats-Unis, ici, et les attaques prevues sur la ville de Marseille. Musulmans preparez vous a la guerre dans les rues de France, ceci est aujourd'hui inevitable... Netanyahu peut attaquer a tout moment (AS).
Vous avez pu constater en lisant ce blog assidument que l'information qui donnait la fistonne Le Pen a l'assemblee nationale et puis ministre de l'interieur en 2014 etait parue sur ce blog au mois d'Octobre 2011 et apparement la loge maconnique du Bn'ai B'ret de Melanchon est passee par la....
J'ai egalement donne Guaino et ses liens avec le bloc des identitaires et leurs liens avec Breivik, le Gladio-OTAN et la DCRI et les liens entre Gueant et Aliot au travers du CRIF de Prasquier. J'ai detaille les plans d'attentats prevus pour la re-election de Sarkozy, (dont j'ai eu les plans le 8 Decembre 2011) en decrivant les pourquoi du comment de l'arrestation du Dr Mourad Dhina et j'ai cite les villes de Toulouse et Marseille le 16 Janvier 2012. Toulouse pour 'l'operation Merah', c'est passe... et maintenant Marseille pour envahir le Mali et puis balkaniser le Maghreb-Sahel. Marseille sera la cible de possibles prochains attentats a la bombe sale israeliens et la date du 20 au 21 Octobre 2012 me sont avancees par des sources et americaines et Musulmanes. Maintenant ne dites pas que vous n'avez pas ete prevenus...
C'est a croire que les portables de nos ennemis sont tous sur ecoutes. J'ai eu vent de rumeurs que des personnes, qui avaient encore le cerveau en place (l'equipe B pour ceux qui comprennent), lisaient ce blog et tentaient de me joindre, ne me joignez pas si vous etes un fonctionnaire de l'etat francais... ce serait considere comme un acte de provocation et de guerre! Et les consequences pourraient etre facheuses pour vous. Lisez le blog et vous avez les infos, elles vous derangent ou pas dans votre travail, ca vous regarde pas moi. Le 'blog de madame soleil' enfile les quenelles aux ministeres de la defense et de l'interieur franco-israelien, soudainement c'est plus le blog de 'madame soleil' et vous avez tous peur de mourrir... (AS)
Nommer Marine Le Pen à l’Intérieur pour s’assurer une réélection dans un fauteuil, il n’y aurait rien eu d’incohérent, ni même de renversant, quand on s’appelle Sarkozy et que l’on s’est évertué pendant cinq ans à faire sauter toutes les digues de la politique, même les plus dangereusement contre-nature qui soient !
L’ex-hyperprésident d’une oligarchie triomphante aura mis à rude épreuve les grandes valeurs républicaines tout au long d’un mandat qui a fait feu de tout bois. Adepte de la politique du casting et de l’ouverture à gauche, il n’a guère plastronné lorsqu’il a réalisé, un peu tard, que sa stratégie populiste débridée avait revigoré le FN, au point que la fille à papa, Marine Le Pen, réussissait à lui damer le pion et à lui dicter l'agenda idéologique.
Dans sa course effrénée pour torpiller l’ennemi et se maintenir sur son trône, l’hypothèse d’un rapprochement avec la tornade blonde frontiste, et peut-être même de son entrée au gouvernement, et en poussant le bouchon encore plus loin, à l’Intérieur, aurait été envisagée par sa garde rapprochée.
Cet épisode, passé sous silence quand l’Elysée phosphorait sous les ordres de Patrick Buisson, ex-cadre du FN et ancien directeur de Minute, dont l’agence de communication a largement tiré profit de la frénésie sondagière qu’il a lui-même orchestrée, est révélé dans l'ouvrage d'Éric Mandonnet et de Ludovic Vigogne, « Ça m'emmerde ce truc !», qui retrace la campagne d'entre-deux-tours de l'ancien chef de l'Etat, à paraître le 17 octobre prochain chez Grasset.
France Inter, mardi matin, a relaté le passage du livre qui décrit un QG élyséen en pleine ébullition, imaginant tous les scénarios possibles pour coiffer Hollande au poteau, en quête du « bon geste » qui aurait été la main tendue vers la leader du FN. Ce nouveau geste de l’ouverture, qui tenait du glissement à droite toute, émane de Camille Pascal, un proche conseiller, et a germé avant le débat décisif face à François Hollande, mais n’aurait "jamais été formulé devant le président", selon Patrick Cohen, journaliste de France Inter.
Du côté du Front national, cette rumeur qui a traversé les allées du pouvoir fait sourire, voire jubiler, Florian Philippot assurant que Marine Le Pen n'aurait "jamais accepté de travailler avec Nicolas Sarkozy", dans un entretien au site Le Lab.
Pour la petite anecdote, les auteurs ont emprunté à Nicolas Sarkozy le titre éloquent de leur livre : « ça m’emmerde ce truc !». Cette nouvelle réplique triviale, tellement révélatrice du peu de considération que l'ex-locataire de l'Elysée avait pour la haute fonction présidentielle, a en effet fusé avant le grand duel qu'il rata en beauté. Au moins, il n’y a pas de doute là-dessus, c’est du Sarkozy dans le texte !
- scredman313777 said...
- bon article illustrant bien la paranoïa française!!
qu en est il des relations saoudiennes avec la France, celles des royaux saoudiens avec les ben laden de carlyle de sarkozy olivier, george bush, soros kodhokorvski et autres.. quand a ben laden a t il vraiment exister ou c était une marionnette des services saoudiens comme hitler était une marionnette de l ahnenerb?? quand aux services secret pakistanais, comment expliques tu qu ils aient couvert la légende ben laden jusqu au commando us, et comment aujourd hui le monde occidental soit aussi paranoïaque??
quand a lepen sarkozy jusqu a l extrême gauche, c est tous la meme famille, vrp de la finance, destruction des coutumes, instauration de la consommation, et pilier de l existence sioniste hébraïque recouvrant toute l antique culture et racine orientale!!
et que veux tu dires par mme soleil, menaces, vous avez tous peur de mourrir?? a s tu vu comment le crif menace ouvertement et subventionne des succursales d al qaida?, la réalité est que tout est contrôlé, et l argent achète tout le monde et surtout les plus vulnérable!! mais devant dieu, il n y a que la vérité qui reste debout, qu elle qu elle soit, otage politique ou pas!! les apparence sont souvent trompeuse et quand un état abuse du secret défense, bien souvent c est pour mettre des scénarios en place!! - 8:05 AM
- Abu-Suleyman said...
- les pakistanis n'ont jamais couvert Ben Laden ce sont eux qui ont confirme sa mort le 14 Decembre 2001... les medais occidentaux n'ont pas repirs mais le general Ahmed Gul les a balance et israel tout de suite le jour meme du 11 septembre
la dcri m'a envoye des larbins qui appelle ce blog celui de mamade soleil...
quand au crif, nous connaissons ces GIAs et ses AQMIs sur le bout des doigt, qu'ils fassent donc sauter la France... ils sont identifies ca vut dire en gros a la moindre erreure, ils y passent - 12:08 PM
- scredman313777 said...
- pour l histoire de ben laden, j ai un gros doute, mais bon je connais pas, mais a partir de ce document, je pense qu il y a tout un cercle obscur l entourant..
Le 11 septembre 2001, jour de l'attaque terroriste contre le World Trade Center à New York et le Pentagone à Washington, Carlyle réunit dans cette même ville son conseil annuel comprenant plusieurs centaines d'investisseurs liés au groupe. Parmi les invités figurent notamment George H. W. Bush, 41e président des États-Unis et père du président George W. Bush ainsi que Shafig Ben Laden, le demi-frère d'Oussama Ben Laden dirigeant d'Al-Qaïda, la structure accusée de l'agression7. Shafig Ben Laden fait partie des 13 membres de la famille Ben Laden qui ont quitté les États-Unis à bord d'un Boeing 727 immatriculé aux États-Unis N521DB le 19 septembre 20018. La proximité des noms Bush et Ben Laden en ce jour précis interpelle les médias9 et révèle Carlyle au grand public.
Principaux investisseurs et conseillers
Le groupe a eu plusieurs membres prestigieux dont :
James Baker, ancien secrétaire d'État américain.
Laurent Beaudoin, ex-président du groupe Bombardier.
George H. W. Bush, ancien président des États-Unis.
Frank Carlucci, ancien directeur-adjoint de la CIA, ancien secrétaire à la Défense américain, qui occupa la présidence du groupe.
Richard Darman (en), ancien directeur de l'U.S. Office of Management and Budget.
Paul Desmarais, président de Power Corporation of Canada.
Liu Hong Ru (ch), ancien président de l'organisme de surveillance des opérations boursières de Chine.
Arthur Levitt (en), ex-président de la Securities and Exchange Commission.
John Major, ancien Premier ministre conservateur de Grande-Bretagne.
Olivier Sarkozy directeur-associé des Services Financiers Internationaux « Global Financial Services Group »
Henri Martre, ancien de Matra Aérospatiale (en).
Anand Panyarachun, ancien Premier ministre de Thaïlande.
Karl Otto Pöhl (de), ex-président de la Bundesbank.
Fidel Ramos, ex-président des Philippines.
le financier George Soros6.
Thaksin Shinawatra, ancien Premier ministre de Thaïlande.
Merrill Lynch, société financière américaine6.
le fonds de pension de General Motors6.
Mikhaïl Khodorkovski, ancien oligarque russe des années Eltsine, condamné à une lourde peine de prison sous la présidence de Poutine.
Carlyle n’est pas coté en Bourse, et n’est donc pas tenu de communiquer à la Securities and Exchange Commission (la commission américaine chargée de veiller à la régularité des opérations boursières) le nom des associés, des actionnaires, pas plus que le nombre de leurs parts respectives.
Tous n'ont pas eu une part active au sein du groupe, certains noms célèbres de la politique et des affaires étant garants de la notoriété de l'entreprise dans le but d'attirer des investisseurs.
c est un copier coller rapide
ainsi que ça,
merci en tout cas pour les infos et l attention accordée en espérant que ça t amèneras pas de problèmes sur ton palier, bonne journée - 7:50 AM
- Abu-Suleyman said...
- carlysle c'est avec le pere ben laden et les gestionnaires de la famille ben laden pas le fils oussama... il est mort de sources afghanes de la resistance le 14 decembre 2001... c'est une certitude qui m'a ete confirmee par un ancien ambassadeur americain en poste dans un pays europeen et qui m'a contact il ya quelques annees pour me feliciter d'avoir eut le courage de le dire aux Musulmans... ce meme ambassadeur est un expert en blanchiment d'argent et il a dynamiter les clearstream europeens
- 8:54 AM
La DGSE sur ordre du CRIF et de Hollande a tente d'abattre son agent qui refuse de cautionner une invasion francaise du Mali. Ce larbin de Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz a ete mis en place par les juifs sionistes de la DGSE, et ce sont eux qui le protegent. Alors que la guerre civile bat son plein en France. Les israeliens de France perdent du terrain partout au Maghreb-Sahel!
Mise a jour Dimanche 14 Octobre 2012 (14H28 GMT): Selon l'agent israelien Erard Corbin de Mangoux, le harki Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz mis en place par la DGSE aurait ete victime d'un tir par erreur de sa propre armee, lire ici. Apres les faux emirs, des GIA-AQMI qui n'existent pas, qui se tuent dans des carrefours au beau milieu du Sahara, le coup du tir par erreur. Nul doute qu'a son retour de Paris, le harki mauritanien sous l'effet de drogues puissantes administrees a l'hopital militaire du Val de Grace, enverra son armee envahir le Mali pour les loges maconniques du B'nai B'ret du CRIF et pour Israel. Bizarre que le larbin de Mangoux n'est pas accuse AQMI ou son MUJAO (AS)
La racaille juifiste polonaise Prasquier au larbin juif pied noir algerien Hollande: 'Tu dois exterminer tous ces 'islamo-bamboulas', comme Bibi te l'as ordonne, sinon ils seront au pouvoir, et nous pourrons pas attaquer l'Iran en 2014... Tu es president ... tu les ....' voir ici. Toute ressemblance avec la realite est evidement fortuite et le fruit de votre imagination et Israel ne dirige pas la France et ne l'envoit pas dans une guerre mondiale surement et certainement...
Mes sources en Mauritanie, qui connaissent parfaitement les racailles juifistes de la DGSE et de la DCRI me confirment que la DGSE a tente d'abattre son larbin a cause de son refus d'aider la DGSE a envahir le Mali avant que les americains ne consolident Ag Ghali sur le terrain, et puissent rafler la zone pour eux. Les americains ont apparement un deal avec les harkis d'Alger, si ceux-ci maintiennent la Chine hors des prochains contrats gaziers. Mais si Obama perd, la DGSE pourrait reprendre le controle de la zone avec l'israelien Romney. Les operations visent egalement Andre Azoulay, Tewfik, et les responsables tunisiens, libyens des services, pendant que le goulot d'etranglement finit Valls, Mangoux et Clavar. Les reseaux juifs sionistes francais seront termines avant la fin de decembre 2012, nous parlons de guerre en France ici. Nos sources confirment que Tewfik est en phase terminale et n'est plus en mesure de dicter sa loi, la CIA a pris le controle de Tartag. Tewfik est le maillon faible de la strategie de Hollande et celle des americains. Si Romney gagne, la Chine bloquera toute invasion a l'ONU car un deal secret est en cours de realisation et il sera signe juste avant le debut decembre 2012, un tres important marche gazier, donc il se pourrait fortement que le peuple algerien puisse recouvrer sa liberte et puisse se defendre correctement en France, renversant Francois Hollande, Valls, ceux-ci menacent d'exterminer les Musulmans, lire ici. Ceci n'est plus de la speculation! Nous avons confiance insha Allah et nous nous en remettons a Allah swt pour que le Maghreb-Sahel soit nettoye de toute racaille franco-americano-israelienne. Les perdants pour le moment sont la DGSE, la DCRI et le CRIF. Nous attendons les attentats sur la ville de Marseille prevus pour le 20 octobre 2012, avant cela le mossad subira de tres lourdes pertes en France si Allah awj le veut. Le GIA-AQMI va exploser a la face de la France-Israel. Ici la variable d'ajustement c'est Netanyahu et ses plans terroristes pour demarrer la guerre mondiale et il est clair que Hollande est aligne sur Tel Aviv et se fou royalement des interets du peuple francais, y a plus besoin de dessins ici! Tu veux nous exterminer l'israelien...
Pendant que les chiens de sion s'entretuent, les Musulmans sauront-ils rafler la mise et detruire Israel en France... N'ayez pas peur de la DCRI, nous avons fait circuler les noms de tous les fonctionnaires franco-israeliens qui representent une menace directe pour les Musulmans, ceux-ci mourront les premiers...nous exterminerons le mossad francais a Paris, Rabat, Alger, Tunis, Tripoli, Bamako, N'djameyna, Niamey, Nouakchott, bi idni Allah awj
Le président mauritanien blessé par balle : Coup d’Etat ou bourde ?
Tentative de coup d’Etat ou simple bavure militaire ? Le président mauritanien, Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz a été blessé par balle, samedi en fin de journée, près de la capitale mauritanienne, ont annoncé plusieurs sources gouvernementales.
Tout le monde s’accorde sur le fait que le chef de l’Etat mauritanien, arrivé au pouvoir par un coup d’Etat en 2008, est hors danger. Mais rien d’officiel n’a filtré sur les circonstances de l’attentat. Le président a été « légèrement touché au bras par une balle, tirée contre lui par un automobiliste qui l’a directement visé alors qu’il se trouvait au volant de sa voiture » vers Tweila, à environ 40 km au nord de Nouakchott, a expliqué à l’AFP le responsable sécuritaire sous couvert d’anonymat. Selon lui, M. Ould Abdel Aziz revenait du Nord, « où il se rend pratiquement tous les week-ends » en excursion.
Par contre, le ministre Ould MAhdjoub a une autre version. Selon lui, le président a été « légèrement touché par des tirs de semonce d’une unité de l’armée» chargée de surveiller « l’entrée nord de la ville » de Nouakchott.
Quoiqu’il en soit, « le peuple mauritanien peut être tranquille, le président se porte bien, il est soigné à l’hôpital national. Il est légèrement touché, il est descendu lui-même de la voiture à son arrivée à l’hôpital où il marchait sans difficultés », a assuré le gouvernement mauritanien.
Cet énième attentat ravive les craintes d’un nouveau coup d’Etat dans un pays qui connaît une instabilité politique chronique. En 2005, l’ancien président, Ould Taya, avait été renversé par le général Illy Ould Mohamed Val, chef de la police. Ce dernier avait remis le pouvoir aux civils au cours d’une élection présidentielle qui s’est déroulé 2007. Le président élu, Sidi Ould Cheik Abdellahi, avait été renversé, une année plus tard, par l’actuel chef de l’Etat, el Général Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz. Ce dernier a formalisé sa présence au pouvoir par une élection présidentielle tenue en 2010.
Essaïd Wakli
- aangirfan