Sarkozy sachant que les anglais et israeliens etaient derriere les attentats en Egypte , tout comme lui supervise et finance le terrorisme au Maghreb Niger, Mali, a menti pour declencher une guerre des civilisations entre Chretiens et Musulmans, pour sauver Israel de sa propre auto-destruction programmée
Un membre du clan Moubarak est soupçonné d’avoir commandité l’attentat anti-chrétien d’Alexandrie
par Hicham Hamza
Explosif. La justice égyptienne soupçonne un ancien ministre de l’Intérieur d’avoir secrètement organisé un attentat terroriste imputé à Al Qaida.
Depuis treize ans, et jusqu’au 31 janvier dernier, il était un membre éminent du gouvernement. Hier, l’ex-ministre de l’Intérieur égyptien, Habib El Adly, a été mis en examen pour son implication supposée dans l’attentat anti-copte du Nouvel An qui a causé la mort de 24 personnes à Alexandrie. Le procureur général Abd-el-Majid Mahmud a considéré qu’il existait suffisamment d’éléments « sérieux » pour ouvrir une enquête sur l’ancien homme fort du régime Moubarak.
Interrogé par Al Jazeera, un avocat copte, Ramzi Mamdouh, a déclaré avoir présenté au procureur une requête en ce sens à la suite d’articles parus notamment dans la presse libanaise et faisant état d’une curieuse rumeur : un diplomate anglais aurait expliqué à ses homologues français que le Premier ministre David Cameron était désireux de voir Hosni Moubarak quitter le pouvoir en raison d’une information confidentielle obtenue récemment par l’ambassade britannique du Caire. Venu demander l’asile politique, le lieutenant Fathi Abdelwahid, ancien membre de la police secrète du régime, a révélé que l’attentat d’Alexandrie résulterait d’une machination organisée par l’ex-ministre de l’Intérieur. L’objectif consistait à s’attirer la solidarité des gouvernements occidentaux en provoquant un attentat qui serait sous-traité par des extrémistes islamistes, eux-mêmes recrutés -et finalement piégés- par un intermédiaire.
Inside job
Ironie du sort, c’est le mardi 25 janvier, au premier jour de la révolte qui secoue le pays, qu’un entretien -rétrospectivement édifiant- avec le ministre paraît dans la presse égyptienne. Selon le quotidien pro-gouvernemental Al-Ahram, Habib El Adly accusa Al-Qaida et « l’armée islamique de Gaza » d’être les organisations responsables de l’attentat. Insistant quant à l’absence, sur le territoire national, de toute cellule affiliée au label de Ben Laden, le ministre a présenté, à l’inverse, la bande de Gaza comme une véritable pépinière de terroristes plus ou moins liés au Hamas et à Al-Qaida. Un discours parfaitement aligné sur les positions du gouvernement israélien. Il y a deux semaines, ces propos pouvaient encore s’apparenter à la rhétorique coutumière consistant à amplifier la menace terroriste dans la région. Au vu du soupçon judiciaire qui pèse désormais sur Habib El Adly, ses accusations à l’encontre de « terroristes-islamistes-militants-de-la-cause-palestinienne » semblent davantage relever d’une propagande purement et simplement mensongère. L’enquête ouverte par la justice s’annonce d’ores et déjà particulièrement sensible : il s’agira non seulement de vérifier le rôle exact de l’ancien ministre – qui a désormais pour interdiction de quitter l’Égypte- mais aussi de déterminer sur quelles complicités étatiques -nationales et/ou étrangères- il a pu s’appuyer pour élaborer un tel complot.
Dans les prochains jours, la réaction de la classe politique française et des éditorialistes hexagonaux à l’égard de cette stupéfiante information ne manquera pas d’être intéressante à suivre. Oumma et La Vie avaient été les seuls médias à souligner un fait singulier : l’absence de toute revendication formelle pour l’attentat d’Alexandrie. Cet élément méconnu du grand public n’a guère empêché la plupart des journaux français de reprendre à leur compte la version officielle du gouvernement égyptien. Comme l’avait fait Nicolas Sarkozy en instrumentalisant ce drame, il était plus sans doute plus commode de ne pas faire de contre-enquête et de se contenter d’alerter l’opinion publique sur une « épuration religieuse » en cours au Moyen-Orient. Une note d’espoir s’est fait néanmoins entendre : à l’inverse de l’intelligentsia française, les Coptes sur place ne semblent pas avoir cédé au piège consistant à se représenter tous leurs concitoyens comme les membres d’une communauté musulmane devenue tout à coup hostile et dangereuse. L’attentat d’Alexandrie n’a pas complètement atteint le but fomenté par ses commanditaires.
- par Hicham Hamza
Explosif. La justice égyptienne soupçonne un ancien ministre de l’Intérieur d’avoir secrètement organisé un attentat terroriste imputé à Al Qaida.
Depuis treize ans, et jusqu’au 31 janvier dernier, il était un membre éminent du gouvernement. Hier, l’ex-ministre de l’Intérieur égyptien, Habib El Adly, a été mis en examen pour son implication supposée dans l’attentat anti-copte du Nouvel An qui a causé la mort de 24 personnes à Alexandrie. Le procureur général Abd-el-Majid Mahmud a considéré qu’il existait suffisamment d’éléments « sérieux » pour ouvrir une enquête sur l’ancien homme fort du régime Moubarak.
Interrogé par Al Jazeera, un avocat copte, Ramzi Mamdouh, a déclaré avoir présenté au procureur une requête en ce sens à la suite d’articles parus notamment dans la presse libanaise et faisant état d’une curieuse rumeur : un diplomate anglais aurait expliqué à ses homologues français que le Premier ministre David Cameron était désireux de voir Hosni Moubarak quitter le pouvoir en raison d’une information confidentielle obtenue récemment par l’ambassade britannique du Caire. Venu demander l’asile politique, le lieutenant Fathi Abdelwahid, ancien membre de la police secrète du régime, a révélé que l’attentat d’Alexandrie résulterait d’une machination organisée par l’ex-ministre de l’Intérieur. L’objectif consistait à s’attirer la solidarité des gouvernements occidentaux en provoquant un attentat qui serait sous-traité par des extrémistes islamistes, eux-mêmes recrutés -et finalement piégés- par un intermédiaire.Inside jobIronie du sort, c’est le mardi 25 janvier, au premier jour de la révolte qui secoue le pays, qu’un entretien -rétrospectivement édifiant- avec le ministre paraît dans la presse égyptienne. Selon le quotidien pro-gouvernemental Al-Ahram, Habib El Adly accusa Al-Qaida et « l’armée islamique de Gaza » d’être les organisations responsables de l’attentat. Insistant quant à l’absence, sur le territoire national, de toute cellule affiliée au label de Ben Laden, le ministre a présenté, à l’inverse, la bande de Gaza comme une véritable pépinière de terroristes plus ou moins liés au Hamas et à Al-Qaida. Un discours parfaitement aligné sur les positions du gouvernement israélien. Il y a deux semaines, ces propos pouvaient encore s’apparenter à la rhétorique coutumière consistant à amplifier la menace terroriste dans la région. Au vu du soupçon judiciaire qui pèse désormais sur Habib El Adly, ses accusations à l’encontre de « terroristes-islamistes-militants-de-la-cause-palestinienne » semblent davantage relever d’une propagande purement et simplement mensongère. L’enquête ouverte par la justice s’annonce d’ores et déjà particulièrement sensible : il s’agira non seulement de vérifier le rôle exact de l’ancien ministre – qui a désormais pour interdiction de quitter l’Égypte- mais aussi de déterminer sur quelles complicités étatiques -nationales et/ou étrangères- il a pu s’appuyer pour élaborer un tel complot.Dans les prochains jours, la réaction de la classe politique française et des éditorialistes hexagonaux à l’égard de cette stupéfiante information ne manquera pas d’être intéressante à suivre. Oumma et La Vie avaient été les seuls médias à souligner un fait singulier : l’absence de toute revendication formelle pour l’attentat d’Alexandrie. Cet élément méconnu du grand public n’a guère empêché la plupart des journaux français de reprendre à leur compte la version officielle du gouvernement égyptien. Comme l’avait fait Nicolas Sarkozy en instrumentalisant ce drame, il était plus sans doute plus commode de ne pas faire de contre-enquête et de se contenter d’alerter l’opinion publique sur une « épuration religieuse » en cours au Moyen-Orient. Une note d’espoir s’est fait néanmoins entendre : à l’inverse de l’intelligentsia française, les Coptes sur place ne semblent pas avoir cédé au piège consistant à se représenter tous leurs concitoyens comme les membres d’une communauté musulmane devenue tout à coup hostile et dangereuse. L’attentat d’Alexandrie n’a pas complètement atteint le but fomenté par ses commanditaires.
Who is so blind?
(from Dick Eastman)
Who is so blind not to notice that Muslim/populist/Egyptians are all for peace and it is the pro-Zionist Israel-US controlled Mubarak -- taker of US Jew awarded US taxpayer financed weapons -- who kills and throws bombs to provoke? The ones the Jews* back are doing the killing -- the Moslems are giving us the best demonstration of Christlike forbearance since Mahatma Gandhi!!!! We must notice that! We must respond to that -- we must reclaim the American idealism that the Jews have destroyed and recognize the goodness of the Egyptian demonstrators and the murder and chaos serving ways of Zionism's puppets -- the Eliteworld sociopaths who are alike the world over. On the streets of Egypt is being exhibited the evil of a government in of Israel/Zionism/globalization policy, and the basic goodness of the common people in Islaam. What more does the world need to see in order to render the necessary verdict? I'm asking YOU!
-Dick Eastman, 2/6/2011
A Call to Jihad
by Kevin Barrett,
Since my mission as an educator is currently fi sabili llah, I thought it might be educational to issue a call to jihad. And I am not just talking about "greater jihad" - the effort or struggle to be a better person. I am calling on my fellow Muslims, and all good people, to rise up in lesser jihad.
What, exactly, is lesser jihad? Despite all the Zionist media propaganda, it is NOT "holy war." Instead, it might be defined as "political effort or struggle to defend the community by annihilating tyranny and striving for justice."
Does this mean...armed struggle?! Historically, it usually did. Islam was born in a defensive armed struggle against the tyranny of the Meccan oligarchy. After more than a decade of turn-the-other-cheek preaching (610-622 c.e.) during which the Prophet SAAS and companions suffered atrocious persecution, the nascent Muslim community was given permission to defend itself by force. And it did so - with tremendous success.
The lesson of this and so many other historical episodes - that if good abjures the clenched fist, evil will use it to rule unopposed - is clear to everyone who has faced a playground bully or studied history.
Unfortunately, the concept of jihad has been much-abused by Muslim rulers and their court scholars. They have often used jihad as a synonym for legitimate or just war. And in a ruler's eyes, any war he engages in must, by definition, be just.
A more clear-eyed view of jihad was offered by Sayyid Qutb, the brilliant Egyptian philosopher-polemicist who is so often demonized by the enemies of Islam (and not a few "moderate Muslim" uncle toms.) Qutb's basic insight - that the core political tenet of Islam is that human beings should be servants only of God, not of other humans - informs his view of jihad as struggle against tyranny. As long as some people feel the need to dominate and oppress their fellows, there will be a need for this kind of jihad. Qutb's view that jihad is fard ayn - incumbent upon individuals when faced with oppression - makes more sense to me than the countervailing doctrine, that it may only be declared by a legitimate Muslim caliph. (Since when has there been a fully legitimate caliph since the time of the khulafa' ar-rashidûn? And since when did any actual Muslim ruler NOT use court scholars to declare any war he wanted to fight a legitimate "jihad"?)
Qutb's notion of jihad as struggle against tyranny, incumbent upon every Muslim, has terrified the world's tyrants. They have responded by raising their level of tyranny to unimaginable heights. The torture and murder of millions of Muslims who are struggling for justice - whether in the dungeons of Egypt or the cages of Guantanamo and Bagram or the depleted-uranium-poisoned killing fields of Iraq and Afghanistan and Palestine - is the tyrants' tacit admission: "Yes, we are the tyrants you hate - what of it?" The use of false-flag terror tactics on a hitherto unimaginable scale, from the death-squad slaughter of more than 100,000 Algerians to the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center to the detonation of an Israeli mini-nuke in Bali to the bombing of trains in Madrid and London to the mass shootings in Mumbai - is the tyrants' tacit admission: "Yes, we are the liars and mass murderers that you silly people who believe in truth and justice take us for - what of it?" And the September 11th 2008 controlled demolition of the US and world economy is the tyrants' tacit admission: "We are building a tyrannical global empire on usury, and we intend to finish the job - what of it?"
Anne Norton, Adam Curtis and others have remarked that today's world seems to be divided between the followers of Leo Strauss - aptly described by Shadia Drury as a "teacher of evil" - and Sayyid Qutb. Strauss, the world's leading apologist for tyranny, taught that those who are strong enough to know that there is no such thing as truth or goodness, and that therefore lies and evil rule, must seize power and use lies, murder, and any other available means to perpetuate their tyranny. Qutb's call to the everlasting struggle against tyranny does indeed make him a sort of anti-Strauss.
By staging a seemingly endless series of false-flag attacks designed to demonize the followers of Qutb, the followers of Strauss have tried to misrepresent Qutb's call to jihad as a call to senseless violence. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Muslim political activists - the kind of people who are today locked up in Guantanamo and Bagram (alongside the market vendors and taxi drivers turned in for a bounty by the criminals who collaborate with occupiers) - have, taken together, been responsible for a minuscule fraction of the violence committed by those who are imprisoning them. For every non-combatant killed by a Qutb-inspired "jihadi," tens of thousands have been slaughtered by the tyrants those jihadis are struggling against.
But lesser jihad - the universal individual duty to struggle against tyranny - is not just armed struggle. The hadith "the best jihad is a word of truth flung in the face of a tyrant" tells us that even at the time of the Prophet, the word was mightier - and better - than the sword. Today, when swords have been replaced by nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, words-of-truth are looking better and better all the time.
That is why I am calling on all Muslims, and all good people, to rise up against the world's tyrants in the "best jihad" - by fearlessly speaking the truth.
The people of Egypt, amassed in Liberation Square to annihilate the tyrant Mubarak with their words of truth, represent the real future of jihad.
May Allah bless their struggle - and yours.
* * *
* Personally I disagree with Dick Eastman's use of the term "the Jews," when what he means is "the Zionists." Zionists are not Jews - they are idolaters and blasphemers and criminals against humanity. Here are real Jews. Unfortunately, since the Zionist Power Configuration completely dominates organized "Jewry" in the US and around the world, and the ZPC is dominated by people who falsely call themselves Jews, Eastman's language is not completely indefensible.
- Who is so blind?
(from Dick Eastman)
Who is so blind not to notice that Muslim/populist/Egyptians are all for peace and it is the pro-Zionist Israel-US controlled Mubarak -- taker of US Jew awarded US taxpayer financed weapons -- who kills and throws bombs to provoke? The ones the Jews* back are doing the killing -- the Moslems are giving us the best demonstration of Christlike forbearance since Mahatma Gandhi!!!! We must notice that! We must respond to that -- we must reclaim the American idealism that the Jews have destroyed and recognize the goodness of the Egyptian demonstrators and the murder and chaos serving ways of Zionism's puppets -- the Eliteworld sociopaths who are alike the world over. On the streets of Egypt is being exhibited the evil of a government in of Israel/Zionism/globalization policy, and the basic goodness of the common people in Islaam. What more does the world need to see in order to render the necessary verdict? I'm asking YOU!
-Dick Eastman, 2/6/2011
A Call to Jihad
by Kevin Barrett,
Since my mission as an educator is currently fi sabili llah, I thought it might be educational to issue a call to jihad. And I am not just talking about "greater jihad" - the effort or struggle to be a better person. I am calling on my fellow Muslims, and all good people, to rise up in lesser jihad.
What, exactly, is lesser jihad? Despite all the Zionist media propaganda, it is NOT "holy war." Instead, it might be defined as "political effort or struggle to defend the community by annihilating tyranny and striving for justice."
Does this mean...armed struggle?! Historically, it usually did. Islam was born in a defensive armed struggle against the tyranny of the Meccan oligarchy. After more than a decade of turn-the-other-cheek preaching (610-622 c.e.) during which the Prophet SAAS and companions suffered atrocious persecution, the nascent Muslim community was given permission to defend itself by force. And it did so - with tremendous success.
The lesson of this and so many other historical episodes - that if good abjures the clenched fist, evil will use it to rule unopposed - is clear to everyone who has faced a playground bully or studied history.
Unfortunately, the concept of jihad has been much-abused by Muslim rulers and their court scholars. They have often used jihad as a synonym for legitimate or just war. And in a ruler's eyes, any war he engages in must, by definition, be just.
A more clear-eyed view of jihad was offered by Sayyid Qutb, the brilliant Egyptian philosopher-polemicist who is so often demonized by the enemies of Islam (and not a few "moderate Muslim" uncle toms.) Qutb's basic insight - that the core political tenet of Islam is that human beings should be servants only of God, not of other humans - informs his view of jihad as struggle against tyranny. As long as some people feel the need to dominate and oppress their fellows, there will be a need for this kind of jihad. Qutb's view that jihad is fard ayn - incumbent upon individuals when faced with oppression - makes more sense to me than the countervailing doctrine, that it may only be declared by a legitimate Muslim caliph. (Since when has there been a fully legitimate caliph since the time of the khulafa' ar-rashidûn? And since when did any actual Muslim ruler NOT use court scholars to declare any war he wanted to fight a legitimate "jihad"?)
Qutb's notion of jihad as struggle against tyranny, incumbent upon every Muslim, has terrified the world's tyrants. They have responded by raising their level of tyranny to unimaginable heights. The torture and murder of millions of Muslims who are struggling for justice - whether in the dungeons of Egypt or the cages of Guantanamo and Bagram or the depleted-uranium-poisoned killing fields of Iraq and Afghanistan and Palestine - is the tyrants' tacit admission: "Yes, we are the tyrants you hate - what of it?" The use of false-flag terror tactics on a hitherto unimaginable scale, from the death-squad slaughter of more than 100,000 Algerians to the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center to the detonation of an Israeli mini-nuke in Bali to the bombing of trains in Madrid and London to the mass shootings in Mumbai - is the tyrants' tacit admission: "Yes, we are the liars and mass murderers that you silly people who believe in truth and justice take us for - what of it?" And the September 11th 2008 controlled demolition of the US and world economy is the tyrants' tacit admission: "We are building a tyrannical global empire on usury, and we intend to finish the job - what of it?"
Anne Norton, Adam Curtis and others have remarked that today's world seems to be divided between the followers of Leo Strauss - aptly described by Shadia Drury as a "teacher of evil" - and Sayyid Qutb. Strauss, the world's leading apologist for tyranny, taught that those who are strong enough to know that there is no such thing as truth or goodness, and that therefore lies and evil rule, must seize power and use lies, murder, and any other available means to perpetuate their tyranny. Qutb's call to the everlasting struggle against tyranny does indeed make him a sort of anti-Strauss.
By staging a seemingly endless series of false-flag attacks designed to demonize the followers of Qutb, the followers of Strauss have tried to misrepresent Qutb's call to jihad as a call to senseless violence. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Muslim political activists - the kind of people who are today locked up in Guantanamo and Bagram (alongside the market vendors and taxi drivers turned in for a bounty by the criminals who collaborate with occupiers) - have, taken together, been responsible for a minuscule fraction of the violence committed by those who are imprisoning them. For every non-combatant killed by a Qutb-inspired "jihadi," tens of thousands have been slaughtered by the tyrants those jihadis are struggling against.
But lesser jihad - the universal individual duty to struggle against tyranny - is not just armed struggle. The hadith "the best jihad is a word of truth flung in the face of a tyrant" tells us that even at the time of the Prophet, the word was mightier - and better - than the sword. Today, when swords have been replaced by nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, words-of-truth are looking better and better all the time.
That is why I am calling on all Muslims, and all good people, to rise up against the world's tyrants in the "best jihad" - by fearlessly speaking the truth.
The people of Egypt, amassed in Liberation Square to annihilate the tyrant Mubarak with their words of truth, represent the real future of jihad.
May Allah bless their struggle - and yours.
* * *
* Personally I disagree with Dick Eastman's use of the term "the Jews," when what he means is "the Zionists." Zionists are not Jews - they are idolaters and blasphemers and criminals against humanity. Here are real Jews. Unfortunately, since the Zionist Power Configuration completely dominates organized "Jewry" in the US and around the world, and the ZPC is dominated by people who falsely call themselves Jews, Eastman's language is not completely indefensible.
How long before Israel grabs the Sinai from Egypt?
According to The Economist, there could be a big Middle East war during 2011.
"Unless remedial action is taken, 2011 might see the most destructive (Middle East) war for many years."
(The United States, Israel and the Arabs.)
Step 1 - topple Mubarak
Step 2 - create turmoil in the Sinai
Step 3 - invade
Remember what happened after the CIA toppled the Shah?
There was a long and bloody war between Iraq and Iran.
On 21 January 2011, Executive Intelligence Review has an article entitled: 'Economist' Announces: A Big Mideast War Coming in 2011
EIR reckons that Lebanon and Gaza may soon be attacked by Israel.
"In a two-page analysis released on 13 January, by the Council on Foreign Relations ... Elliott Abrams, floated the idea of a two-front attack on Hezbollah by the Israeli Defense Forces (from the south) and the regular Lebanese Army (from the north)...
"The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), which was co-founded by... Dennis Ross, posted a disinformation report on Jan. 4 claiming that Hamas had intensified rocket attacks on southern Israel from within the Gaza Strip during December 2010, and the 'deterrent' effects of Israel's December 2008 Gaza invasion have now run their course, greatly increasing the need for, and likelihood of, an Israeli preemptive strike on Gaza."
Saudi Arabia will be next.
If Israel is to invade the Sinai it needs an excuse.
"A Coptic church in the Egyptian town of Rafah bordering the Gaza Strip was in flames on Saturday (5 January 2011), with witnesses reporting a blast...
"Witnesses said they saw flames coming out of the Mar Girgis church in Rafah after hearing an explosion. Armed men on motorbikes were spotted near the church, one of them said." (Church in flames in Egypt's Sinai: witnesses)
According to (sabotage adds new dimension):
Egyptian state TV reported 'dangerous explosions continuing from one spot to another' in the main source of gas supplying pipeline in El Arish.
The attackers used explosives to blow up the 240km- long pipeline in the town of Lihfen in northern Sinai near the Gaza Strip and the army shut down the gas supplies to Israel and Jordan, Egyptian officials said.
"It's big terrorist operation," the state-tv quoted an official as saying, who blamed the attack on "foreign elements."
The attack on the pipeline came after Israel, which receives 40 per cent of its gas demand from Egypt, expressed concern that the supplies could be threatened if a new regime takes over in Cairo...

The SITE intelligence group, which monitors Al-Qaeda and other Islamist websites, said some groups had been urging Islamic militants to attack the pipeline to Israel while the security situation in Egypt is in flux.
Egypt is a modest gas exporter, using pipelines to export gas to Israel and also to Jordan and other regional states.
SITE intelligence being, of course, Rita Katz, the notorious Zionist disinfo peddler of ZERO CREDIBILITY...
Problems in the Sinai, problems that raise concerns in Israel about Israel's security, and which can be blamed on Islamic terrorists, would be very helpful to JUSTIFY some sort of military intervention.
We assume that is one of Israel's goals - to occupy the Sinai.
Turns out, the Israeli section was not hit.
Subsequent reports said the attack struck a part of the pipeline carrying gas to Jordan.
The Israeli section was not hit, but gas flow was interrupted to prevent damage.
In his Cairo speech, Obama said: "I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world."
The new beginning would seem to involve the USA destroying the last remaining parts of the Moslem world that are prosperous and at peace.
- How long before Israel grabs the Sinai from Egypt?On 21 January 2011, Executive Intelligence Review has an article entitled: 'Economist' Announces: A Big Mideast War Coming in 2011
According to The Economist, there could be a big Middle East war during 2011.
"Unless remedial action is taken, 2011 might see the most destructive (Middle East) war for many years."
(The United States, Israel and the Arabs.)
Step 1 - topple Mubarak
Step 2 - create turmoil in the Sinai
Step 3 - invade
Remember what happened after the CIA toppled the Shah?
There was a long and bloody war between Iraq and Iran.
EIR reckons that Lebanon and Gaza may soon be attacked by Israel.
"In a two-page analysis released on 13 January, by the Council on Foreign Relations ... Elliott Abrams, floated the idea of a two-front attack on Hezbollah by the Israeli Defense Forces (from the south) and the regular Lebanese Army (from the north)...
"The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), which was co-founded by... Dennis Ross, posted a disinformation report on Jan. 4 claiming that Hamas had intensified rocket attacks on southern Israel from within the Gaza Strip during December 2010, and the 'deterrent' effects of Israel's December 2008 Gaza invasion have now run their course, greatly increasing the need for, and likelihood of, an Israeli preemptive strike on Gaza."
Saudi Arabia will be next.
If Israel is to invade the Sinai it needs an excuse.
"A Coptic church in the Egyptian town of Rafah bordering the Gaza Strip was in flames on Saturday (5 January 2011), with witnesses reporting a blast...
"Witnesses said they saw flames coming out of the Mar Girgis church in Rafah after hearing an explosion. Armed men on motorbikes were spotted near the church, one of them said." (Church in flames in Egypt's Sinai: witnesses)
According to (sabotage adds new dimension):
Egyptian state TV reported 'dangerous explosions continuing from one spot to another' in the main source of gas supplying pipeline in El Arish.
The attackers used explosives to blow up the 240km- long pipeline in the town of Lihfen in northern Sinai near the Gaza Strip and the army shut down the gas supplies to Israel and Jordan, Egyptian officials said.
"It's big terrorist operation," the state-tv quoted an official as saying, who blamed the attack on "foreign elements."
The attack on the pipeline came after Israel, which receives 40 per cent of its gas demand from Egypt, expressed concern that the supplies could be threatened if a new regime takes over in Cairo...
The SITE intelligence group, which monitors Al-Qaeda and other Islamist websites, said some groups had been urging Islamic militants to attack the pipeline to Israel while the security situation in Egypt is in flux.
Egypt is a modest gas exporter, using pipelines to export gas to Israel and also to Jordan and other regional states.
SITE intelligence being, of course, Rita Katz, the notorious Zionist disinfo peddler of ZERO CREDIBILITY...
Problems in the Sinai, problems that raise concerns in Israel about Israel's security, and which can be blamed on Islamic terrorists, would be very helpful to JUSTIFY some sort of military intervention.
We assume that is one of Israel's goals - to occupy the Sinai.
Turns out, the Israeli section was not hit.
Subsequent reports said the attack struck a part of the pipeline carrying gas to Jordan.
The Israeli section was not hit, but gas flow was interrupted to prevent damage.
In his Cairo speech, Obama said: "I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world."
The new beginning would seem to involve the USA destroying the last remaining parts of the Moslem world that are prosperous and at peace.
Les services serbes longtemps financés par les services allemands et manipulés par les services francais accusent ouvertement les gouvernements francais, allemand, britannique et israelien de preparer un nouvel 11 septembre en Europe en utilisant du material radio-nucleaire, pour declencher une guerre de civilisations entre Musulmans et Chretiens. Comme revelé par ce blog depuis Octobre 2006 et l'affaire Litvinenko
Le gouvernement Sarkozy s'est totalement effondré, et la revolution au Maghreb aura fini de demontrer au monde entier l'ampleur du scandale impliquant la classe politique francaise dans son ensemble dans un genocide pre-programmé depuis Paris, avec le risque de soulevement generalisé des populations musulmanes en France. Selon nos sources a Paris, tout comme ailleurs, les elections presidentielles de 2012 n'auront pas lieu dans ce climat de guerre au Moyen Orient.
Sarkozy attend en fait le debut de la guerre israelienne pour lancer des attaques sur les installations petrolieres algeriennes, libyennes afin de justifier la prise de controle des gisements strategiques en Afrique du Nord. Israel lancant une guerre eclaire au Moyen Orient et fermant le Canal de Suez, provoquera la replique iranienne, turque, chinoise. Israel, Sarkozy, Merkel, Cameron en profiteront pour faire sauter ces bombes sales en Europe, accuser l'Iran et lancer l'Europe dans un chaos total. La France et l'Europe toute entiere seront gouvernés sous la loi martiale et l'etat d'urgence, avec l'ouverture de ces fameux camps de concentrations pour populations immigrées et musulmanes.
Si, effectivement, comme le craignent les européens, un pareil scenario se mettait en place, ce qui semble se confirmer un peu partout en Europe ou les langues se delient et accusent les israeliens dirigeant la France, l'Angleterre et l'Allemagne de vouloir plonger l'Europe dans une guerre mondiale au profit d'Israel. Les serbes accusent maintenant l'OTAN de servir a la preparation de ce nouvel 11 septembre confirmant qu'Israel sous couverture americaine et sous couverture francaise en Ex-Yougoslavie, entrainent des jeunes Arabes, des sefarades dans le cadre de ce scenario. Confirmant ainsi ce que le blog affirme depuis l'affaire Litvinenko en octobre 2006 et puis en Novembre 2008, sur la preparation d'attentats de type 11 septembre utilisant du materiel nucleaire russe, voir iranien, puisqu'Israel a deja planter le decors du bouc emissaire, en faisant exploser ces bombes embarquées dans des bateaux empruntant les grands fleuves europeens. Information qui a rendu fou les israeliens de la DCRI qui depuis font tout pour me discrediter, sans resultats.
Video de Gordon Duff, de Veterans Today interviewant un ancien responsable serbe des services de renseignements confirmant ce que le blog Islamic-Intelligence affirme seul depuis 2006, les israeliens, l'OTAN preparent des attentats a l'aide de micro bombes atomiques en Europe.
Abu Suleyman
Veterans Today Senior Editor Gordon Duff Interviews Vojislav Milosevic of the Center for Counter Terrorism and World Peace on the issuses facing NATO, Europe, and U.S. Foreign Policy.
He graduated at the Faculty for Political Sciences in Belgrade in 1980. The topic for his postgraduate studies was : “Islam fundamentalism as a form of political organizings and work”. He took part in the conferences of UNESCO and UNCTAD as a counselor in 1980 and 1981. He was a journalist for TANJUG agency in 1983. He was the counselor at the Protocol of the Federal Parliament from December 1983 till June 1999. He was a participant and a speaker at The Conference of Balkan countries which was dedicated to peace in the Balkans, held in Florina, Greece in 1993. At the local elections in November 1996 he was a candidate of the coalition “Zajedno” and a participant of the protest against the stealing of the votes during the following three months. During the visit of the special deputy of the general secretary of UN Elizabeth Wrenn on June 4th, 1997 he was a member of the delegation of Democratic opposition during the sessions. During the work for the Federal Parliament he organized and directed state visits of Francois Mitterand, Helmut Koll, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Peres de Quellar, prime minister of Japan Nakasone, Franz Josef Strauss, Robert Mugabe, Mikhail Gorbachov. He organised the visits of parliament delegations of the USA Congress, Russian duma, Canadian Parliament, Greek Parliament, NATO delegation, EU delegation, British Parliament, Bundestag delegation, Mexican Parliament, during which Kosovo and Metohia were visited. He is the author of many articles in daily and weekly newspapers on international relationships. He wrote the book “The Balkan Knot” in 1999. He is a fluent speaker of English and he can use Spanish and Russian a little.
Visit Official Web Site for the Center for Counter-Terrorism and World Peace
- Le gouvernement Sarkozy s'est totalement effondré, et la revolution au Maghreb aura fini de demontrer au monde entier l'ampleur du scandale impliquant la classe politique francaise dans son ensemble dans un genocide pre-programmé depuis Paris, avec le risque de soulevement generalisé des populations musulmanes en France. Selon nos sources a Paris, tout comme ailleurs, les elections presidentielles de 2012 n'auront pas lieu dans ce climat de guerre au Moyen Orient.Sarkozy attend en fait le debut de la guerre israelienne pour lancer des attaques sur les installations petrolieres algeriennes, libyennes afin de justifier la prise de controle des gisements strategiques en Afrique du Nord. Israel lancant une guerre eclaire au Moyen Orient et fermant le Canal de Suez, provoquera la replique iranienne, turque, chinoise. Israel, Sarkozy, Merkel, Cameron en profiteront pour faire sauter ces bombes sales en Europe, accuser l'Iran et lancer l'Europe dans un chaos total. La France et l'Europe toute entiere seront gouvernés sous la loi martiale et l'etat d'urgence, avec l'ouverture de ces fameux camps de concentrations pour populations immigrées et musulmanes.Si, effectivement, comme le craignent les européens, un pareil scenario se mettait en place, ce qui semble se confirmer un peu partout en Europe ou les langues se delient et accusent les israeliens dirigeant la France, l'Angleterre et l'Allemagne de vouloir plonger l'Europe dans une guerre mondiale au profit d'Israel. Les serbes accusent maintenant l'OTAN de servir a la preparation de ce nouvel 11 septembre confirmant qu'Israel sous couverture americaine et sous couverture francaise en Ex-Yougoslavie, entrainent des jeunes Arabes, des sefarades dans le cadre de ce scenario. Confirmant ainsi ce que le blog affirme depuis l'affaire Litvinenko en octobre 2006 et puis en Novembre 2008, sur la preparation d'attentats de type 11 septembre utilisant du materiel nucleaire russe, voir iranien, puisqu'Israel a deja planter le decors du bouc emissaire, en faisant exploser ces bombes embarquées dans des bateaux empruntant les grands fleuves europeens. Information qui a rendu fou les israeliens de la DCRI qui depuis font tout pour me discrediter, sans resultats.Video de Gordon Duff, de Veterans Today interviewant un ancien responsable serbe des services de renseignements confirmant ce que le blog Islamic-Intelligence affirme seul depuis 2006, les israeliens, l'OTAN preparent des attentats a l'aide de micro bombes atomiques en Europe.
Abu Suleyman
Veterans Today Senior Editor Gordon Duff Interviews Vojislav Milosevic of the Center for Counter Terrorism and World Peace on the issuses facing NATO, Europe, and U.S. Foreign Policy.VOJISLAV MILOSEVICHe graduated at the Faculty for Political Sciences in Belgrade in 1980. The topic for his postgraduate studies was : “Islam fundamentalism as a form of political organizings and work”. He took part in the conferences of UNESCO and UNCTAD as a counselor in 1980 and 1981. He was a journalist for TANJUG agency in 1983. He was the counselor at the Protocol of the Federal Parliament from December 1983 till June 1999. He was a participant and a speaker at The Conference of Balkan countries which was dedicated to peace in the Balkans, held in Florina, Greece in 1993. At the local elections in November 1996 he was a candidate of the coalition “Zajedno” and a participant of the protest against the stealing of the votes during the following three months. During the visit of the special deputy of the general secretary of UN Elizabeth Wrenn on June 4th, 1997 he was a member of the delegation of Democratic opposition during the sessions. During the work for the Federal Parliament he organized and directed state visits of Francois Mitterand, Helmut Koll, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Peres de Quellar, prime minister of Japan Nakasone, Franz Josef Strauss, Robert Mugabe, Mikhail Gorbachov. He organised the visits of parliament delegations of the USA Congress, Russian duma, Canadian Parliament, Greek Parliament, NATO delegation, EU delegation, British Parliament, Bundestag delegation, Mexican Parliament, during which Kosovo and Metohia were visited. He is the author of many articles in daily and weekly newspapers on international relationships. He wrote the book “The Balkan Knot” in 1999. He is a fluent speaker of English and he can use Spanish and Russian a little.Visit Official Web Site for the Center for Counter-Terrorism and World Peace1 comments:
juui said...
- "Les services serbes longtemps financés par les services allemands et manipulés par les services francais accusent ouvertement les gouvernements francais, allemand, britannique et israelien de preparer un nouvel 11 septembre en Europe en utilisant du material radio-nucleaire, pour declencher une guerre de civilisations entre Musulmans et Chretiens."
c'est stupide, comme si la france avait besoin d'un n'importe quel pretexte, si vraiment c'etait son souhait, elle virait tous simplement les arabes de son territoire. pas compliqué - 5:51 AM
- juui said...
- "Les services serbes longtemps financés par les services allemands et manipulés par les services francais accusent ouvertement les gouvernements francais, allemand, britannique et israelien de preparer un nouvel 11 septembre en Europe en utilisant du material radio-nucleaire, pour declencher une guerre de civilisations entre Musulmans et Chretiens."
c'est stupide, comme si la france avait besoin d'un n'importe quel pretexte, si vraiment c'etait son souhait, elle virait tous simplement les arabes de son territoire. pas compliqué - 5:51 AM
Coup and counter coup, Israel is behind the chaos and the coming bloodshed in Egypt.
By Gordon Duff Senior Editor
Latest reports from Egypt in light of the deteriorating security situation after the shocking revelations from President Mubarak:
- Coup against Mubarak and Suleiman eminent
- US Embassy in Cairo to be targeted
- El Baradei calls out to army for support “save Egypt
- Crowds are moving on the Presidential Palace. Gunfire has erupted. Among the crowds are members of organized paramilitary units. Something is going on, something more than a public response.
- President Obama has expressed shock to his close advisors, in the belief that Mubaraks attempts to retain power will result in large scale violence.
- Embassies, particularly those of Egypt’s neighbors, are evacuating.
- The power struggle between Vice President Suleiman and Defense Minister Tantawi, with Suleiman backed by Israel, is likely to turn bloody.
more below…..
Reports received from senior intelligence officials in the Middle East indicate that President Mubarak of Egypt will leave the country within 48 hours though he just denied this in an announcement. We can wait and see. Indications are that he has been packing and saying his “goodbyes.”
Diplomats from embassies throughout the region have been notified as has the United States, Israel and Russia.
It is said, that Mubarak will claim to be suffering from an illness requiring medical care. We are told that “care” will be given in Germany.
Vice President Suleiman, chosen by Israel and the United States to take control of the interim government was attacked last night. Two of his body guards were killed. Sources inside the Egyptian Army claim those loyal to President Mubarak are responsible. Read the latest:
“There was story aired by fox news 10 days ago claiming that Suleiman was targeted and some of body guard killed, 10 days ago is just not right Suleiman was just not at the place, it happen last evening and Suleiman and Shafiq are now clearly targeted. There is now an anonymous ‘High Council of The Egyptian Army’ that sent messages through Arabs diplomats and intelligence agencies claiming that they were behind the attempt to kill Suleiman.
This ‘High Council of the Egyptian Army’ is a bogus, and the information coming from Fox news was a fake 10 days ago was in fact coming from Israelis intelligence in Cairo. Was it a warning ? May be, but Suleiman was now targeted and at least 2 bodyguards definitely killed.
There is someone generating confusion and chaos and obviously, these are Israelis. The Israelis wanted to put the blame on the general Tantawi, Defense Minister, because he is very critical of them, so there is a fight between Suleiman and Tantawi at the moment ongoing”
“American are busy in fact short cutting some real military opposed to Suleiman projects, but these are at moment divided on the strategy to adopt against Suleiman. It is not clear who is pulling the strings but Defense Minister, General Tantawi would like to sit at the place of Suleiman. He clearly mentioned the risk of the division of the country and the Sinai according to well placed sources.
There are clearly two agendas at work.
It appears now that there is a major split between Mubarak and his American and Israelis masters backing Suleiman, who want to get rid of him asap. Mubarak is not responding anymore to the orders, so tomorrow just expect much more violence to take Mubarak out. Mubarak just went on Egyptian TV saying he will not move, he wants stay until September, a coup now is more likely to happen ”
By Gordon Duff Senior EditorLatest reports from Egypt in light of the deteriorating security situation after the shocking revelations from President Mubarak:
- Coup against Mubarak and Suleiman eminent
- US Embassy in Cairo to be targeted
- El Baradei calls out to army for support “save Egypt
- Crowds are moving on the Presidential Palace. Gunfire has erupted. Among the crowds are members of organized paramilitary units. Something is going on, something more than a public response.
- President Obama has expressed shock to his close advisors, in the belief that Mubaraks attempts to retain power will result in large scale violence.
- Embassies, particularly those of Egypt’s neighbors, are evacuating.
- The power struggle between Vice President Suleiman and Defense Minister Tantawi, with Suleiman backed by Israel, is likely to turn bloody.
more below…..Reports received from senior intelligence officials in the Middle East indicate that President Mubarak of Egypt will leave the country within 48 hours though he just denied this in an announcement. We can wait and see. Indications are that he has been packing and saying his “goodbyes.”
Diplomats from embassies throughout the region have been notified as has the United States, Israel and Russia.It is said, that Mubarak will claim to be suffering from an illness requiring medical care. We are told that “care” will be given in Germany.ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT YESTERDAY, Mubarak Blamed (Raw Intel)Vice President Suleiman, chosen by Israel and the United States to take control of the interim government was attacked last night. Two of his body guards were killed. Sources inside the Egyptian Army claim those loyal to President Mubarak are responsible. Read the latest:“There was story aired by fox news 10 days ago claiming that Suleiman was targeted and some of body guard killed, 10 days ago is just not right Suleiman was just not at the place, it happen last evening and Suleiman and Shafiq are now clearly targeted. There is now an anonymous ‘High Council of The Egyptian Army’ that sent messages through Arabs diplomats and intelligence agencies claiming that they were behind the attempt to kill Suleiman.
This ‘High Council of the Egyptian Army’ is a bogus, and the information coming from Fox news was a fake 10 days ago was in fact coming from Israelis intelligence in Cairo. Was it a warning ? May be, but Suleiman was now targeted and at least 2 bodyguards definitely killed.
There is someone generating confusion and chaos and obviously, these are Israelis. The Israelis wanted to put the blame on the general Tantawi, Defense Minister, because he is very critical of them, so there is a fight between Suleiman and Tantawi at the moment ongoing”“American are busy in fact short cutting some real military opposed to Suleiman projects, but these are at moment divided on the strategy to adopt against Suleiman. It is not clear who is pulling the strings but Defense Minister, General Tantawi would like to sit at the place of Suleiman. He clearly mentioned the risk of the division of the country and the Sinai according to well placed sources.
There are clearly two agendas at work.
It appears now that there is a major split between Mubarak and his American and Israelis masters backing Suleiman, who want to get rid of him asap. Mubarak is not responding anymore to the orders, so tomorrow just expect much more violence to take Mubarak out. Mubarak just went on Egyptian TV saying he will not move, he wants stay until September, a coup now is more likely to happen ”
Breaking news special: Did Mossad agent Mike Harari brag of organizing 9/11?
Khalezov on 9/11; Debate on Palestinian Right of Return

Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 2/11/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.
First hour: Did an infamous Mossad agent named Mike Harari brag of organizing 9/11? Special follow-up show with Gordon Duff, editor of Veterans Today, and Dmitri Khalezov, author of The Third Truth About 9/11. We may also get a call-in from JB Campbell, author of the Veterans Today story mentioning Khalezov's claim that his then-friend, Mossad agent Mike Harari, admitted (in so many words) to organizing 9/11.
My special interview yesterday with Dmitri Khalezov is unlikely to please those in the 9/11 truth movement who are allergic to the mention of "Israel" and "9/11" in the same breath. Nor will Khalezov immediately convince those of us who accept the strong evidence for the use of nanothermate explosives in the WTC demolitions. (Khalezov argues that the Towers and WTC-7 had built-in nuclear demolition systems that were used on 9/11.)
But when someone is willing to go on record about an alleged confession by an "organizer" of 9/11, and when their bona fides are supported by Veterans Today insiders, I think it's worth hearing them out...and seeing to it that their actual spoken words are permanently archived (here and here).
Remember: It really doesn't matter what ex-CIA Asset Susan Lindauer thinks about whether there were Muslim hijackers; her testimony about CIA Case Officer Richard Fuisz's detailed 9/11 foreknowledge is evidence that could be used in court. Likewise, it doesn't matter so much whether Khalezov is right about how the demolitions were accomplished or the Pentagon struck; what matters is that his testimony about Mike Harari's confessions about "organizing" 9/11 is evidence that could be used in court.
Second hour: Debate on Palestinian Right of Return!
2:00 - 2:30 Central: Francis Boyle,
Professor of International Law, University of Illinois, author of the brand-new The Palestinian Right of Return Under International Law: "The just resolution of the Palestinian right of return is at the very heart of the Middle East peace process. Nonetheless, the Obama administration intends to impose a comprehensive peace settlement upon the Palestinians that will force them to give up their well-recognized right of return under United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194(III)) of 1948; accept a Bantustan of disjointed and surrounded chunks of territory on the West Bank in Gaza; and even expressly recognize Israel as 'the Jewish State,' as newly demanded by Benjamin Netanyahu. All this will fail for the reasons so powerfully and eloquently stated in this book. For the past three decades, Francis A. Boyle has provided the leadership of the Palestinian people with advice, counsel, and representation at all stages of the Middle East Peace Process. Here, he elaborates what the Palestinians must now do to realize their international legal right of return, in keeping with his startling perception of Israel as itself nothing more than a Jewish Bantustan bound for failure."
Francis Boyle is also in the forefront of the prosecute-Bush-for-war-crimes effort that recently frightened Bush into cancelling his trip to Switzerland.
2:30 - 3:00 pm Central: Ph
ilosophy professor Richard Curtis, supporter of "labor Zionism" and a two-state solution without Right of Return. Unlike some radio hosts, I am not afraid to bring on guests with whom I strongly disagree. (Remember Bill Warner?) As I once explained to Fox News hosts, my job (whether in the classroom or on the radio) isn't to teach people what to think, but how to think. And the first lesson is to go easy on the preconceptions, open one's mind to differences of opinion, and weigh the arguments.
Did Mossad agent Mike Harari brag of organizing 9/11?
Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 2/11/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.
First hour: Did an infamous Mossad agent named Mike Harari brag of organizing 9/11? Special follow-up show with Gordon Duff, editor of Veterans Today, and Dmitri Khalezov, author of The Third Truth About 9/11. We may also get a call-in from JB Campbell, author of the Veterans Today story mentioning Khalezov's claim that his then-friend, Mossad agent Mike Harari, admitted (in so many words) to organizing 9/11.
My special interview yesterday with Dmitri Khalezov is unlikely to please those in the 9/11 truth movement who are allergic to the mention of "Israel" and "9/11" in the same breath. Nor will Khalezov immediately convince those of us who accept the strong evidence for the use of nanothermate explosives in the WTC demolitions. (Khalezov argues that the Towers and WTC-7 had built-in nuclear demolition systems that were used on 9/11.)
But when someone is willing to go on record about an alleged confession by an "organizer" of 9/11, and when their bona fides are supported by Veterans Today insiders, I think it's worth hearing them out...and seeing to it that their actual spoken words are permanently archived (here and here).
Remember: It really doesn't matter what ex-CIA Asset Susan Lindauer thinks about whether there were Muslim hijackers; her testimony about CIA Case Officer Richard Fuisz's detailed 9/11 foreknowledge is evidence that could be used in court. Likewise, it doesn't matter so much whether Khalezov is right about how the demolitions were accomplished or the Pentagon struck; what matters is that his testimony about Mike Harari's confessions about "organizing" 9/11 is evidence that could be used in court.
Second hour: Debate on Palestinian Right of Return!
2:00 - 2:30 Central: Francis Boyle,Professor of International Law, University of Illinois, author of the brand-new The Palestinian Right of Return Under International Law: "The just resolution of the Palestinian right of return is at the very heart of the Middle East peace process. Nonetheless, the Obama administration intends to impose a comprehensive peace settlement upon the Palestinians that will force them to give up their well-recognized right of return under United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194(III)) of 1948; accept a Bantustan of disjointed and surrounded chunks of territory on the West Bank in Gaza; and even expressly recognize Israel as 'the Jewish State,' as newly demanded by Benjamin Netanyahu. All this will fail for the reasons so powerfully and eloquently stated in this book. For the past three decades, Francis A. Boyle has provided the leadership of the Palestinian people with advice, counsel, and representation at all stages of the Middle East Peace Process. Here, he elaborates what the Palestinians must now do to realize their international legal right of return, in keeping with his startling perception of Israel as itself nothing more than a Jewish Bantustan bound for failure."
Francis Boyle is also in the forefront of the prosecute-Bush-for-war-crimes effort that recently frightened Bush into cancelling his trip to Switzerland.
2:30 - 3:00 pm Central: Philosophy professor Richard Curtis, supporter of "labor Zionism" and a two-state solution without Right of Return. Unlike some radio hosts, I am not afraid to bring on guests with whom I strongly disagree. (Remember Bill Warner?) As I once explained to Fox News hosts, my job (whether in the classroom or on the radio) isn't to teach people what to think, but how to think. And the first lesson is to go easy on the preconceptions, open one's mind to differences of opinion, and weigh the arguments.
Did Mossad agent Mike Harari brag of organizing 9/11?
Thursday, Feb. 10th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon - 1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast...
Guest: Dmitri Khalezov, who says that "legendary" Mossad agent Mike Harari admitted to organizing the 9/11 false-flag op.
JB Campbell writes in Veterans Today: "I have been fortunate to be in contact with Dimitri Khalezov, whose blockbuster revelations about 9-11 are about to change our perception of reality for the better just as profoundly as 9-11 changed them for the worse. He has revealed from first-hand knowledge that Mike Harari organized the 9-11 massacre. First-hand means in this case, Mike Harari told him."
Dmitri Khalezov is the author of The Third Truth About 9/11. Buy here. Download free here.
He offers this brief bio:
Mr. Dimitri A. Khalezov, a former Soviet citizen, a former commissioned officer of the so-called “military unit 46179”, otherwise known as “the Special Control Service” of the 12th Chief Directorate of the Defense Ministry of the USSR. The Special Control Service, also known as the Soviet atomic (later “nuclear”) intelligence was a secret military unit responsible for detecting of nuclear explosions (including underground nuclear tests) of various adversaries of the former USSR as well as responsible for controlling of observance of various international treaties related to nuclear testing and to peaceful nuclear explosions. After September the 11th Khalezov undertook some extensive 9/11 research and proved that the Twin Towers of World Trade Center as well as its building 7 were demolished by three underground thermo-nuclear explosions – which earned the very name “ground zero” to the demolition site. Moreover, he testifies that he knew about the in-built so-called “emergency nuclear demolitions scheme” of the Twin Towers as long ago as back in the ‘80s – while being a serviceman in the Soviet Special Control Service.
Note: I have been skeptical about Mr. Khalezov in the past based on some of his seemingly offbeat or hyperbolic statements such as:
"...almost 99% of so-called '9/11 truthers' and full-time 9/11 conspiracy theorists are merely government appointed shills..." (That estimate sounds a little high...can I really be the only one not getting a government paycheck?!)
But some folks I respect over at Veterans Today take Mr. Khalezov's testimony very seriously. So I'm going back and looking over his work...and looking forward to our conversation.
Watch Dmitri Khalezov video.
Thursday, Feb. 10th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon - 1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast...
Guest: Dmitri Khalezov, who says that "legendary" Mossad agent Mike Harari admitted to organizing the 9/11 false-flag op.
JB Campbell writes in Veterans Today: "I have been fortunate to be in contact with Dimitri Khalezov, whose blockbuster revelations about 9-11 are about to change our perception of reality for the better just as profoundly as 9-11 changed them for the worse. He has revealed from first-hand knowledge that Mike Harari organized the 9-11 massacre. First-hand means in this case, Mike Harari told him."
Dmitri Khalezov is the author of The Third Truth About 9/11. Buy here. Download free here.
He offers this brief bio:
Mr. Dimitri A. Khalezov, a former Soviet citizen, a former commissioned officer of the so-called “military unit 46179”, otherwise known as “the Special Control Service” of the 12th Chief Directorate of the Defense Ministry of the USSR. The Special Control Service, also known as the Soviet atomic (later “nuclear”) intelligence was a secret military unit responsible for detecting of nuclear explosions (including underground nuclear tests) of various adversaries of the former USSR as well as responsible for controlling of observance of various international treaties related to nuclear testing and to peaceful nuclear explosions. After September the 11th Khalezov undertook some extensive 9/11 research and proved that the Twin Towers of World Trade Center as well as its building 7 were demolished by three underground thermo-nuclear explosions – which earned the very name “ground zero” to the demolition site. Moreover, he testifies that he knew about the in-built so-called “emergency nuclear demolitions scheme” of the Twin Towers as long ago as back in the ‘80s – while being a serviceman in the Soviet Special Control Service.
Note: I have been skeptical about Mr. Khalezov in the past based on some of his seemingly offbeat or hyperbolic statements such as:
"...almost 99% of so-called '9/11 truthers' and full-time 9/11 conspiracy theorists are merely government appointed shills..." (That estimate sounds a little high...can I really be the only one not getting a government paycheck?!)
But some folks I respect over at Veterans Today take Mr. Khalezov's testimony very seriously. So I'm going back and looking over his work...and looking forward to our conversation.
Watch Dmitri Khalezov video.
The Division of Egypt: Threats of US, Israeli, and NATO Military Intervention?
UPDATE: Mubarak the israeli agent left and Suleiman has one week to decide, whether serve Egypt or serve Israel. Muslim countries are offering to finance and help the Egyptian economy by investing massively in his infrastrucutre if American and Israelis are totally ousted from the country. We hope that the Gaza border will be open fully very soon insha Allah we are told by our local Arabic sources which we thank for their confidence in using our networks. Muslims will never abandoned Palestine whatever the price to be paid.
Algeria is the next country to be freed from the french zionist jewish occupation, and then why not free France from zionist occupation ? With 10-12 millions Muslims living in France, this scenario is more than likely to happen ! Knowing the fact that we have now official allies working against the Israeli lobby in France, everything is possible... Bi idni Allah !
Congratulations to the couragous Egyptian people and all my close Egyptians brothers, the more difficult is to be done, Suleiman and the zionist mafia system. I remember now my Egyptian Quranic teacher telling me one day 'you will be the generation of the change for this Ummah, your generation will lead this change for Good insha Allah, you are the future leaders of this Ummah. Spending time to lear your deen in the West while 'fitnas' all over the place'. He was encouraging us to learn and teach the Quran, it was 17 years ago.
Have no doubt Islaam is coming ! Have no doubt Islaam is changing the face of the earth for Good !
Wa akheer da'wana ana Alhamdulillahi Rab Al 'alamin
Abu Suleyman
The Division of Egypt: Threats of US, Israeli, and NATO Military Intervention?
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
The protests in Tunisia have had a domino effect in the Arab World. Egypt, the largest Arab country, is now electrified with popular uproar to remove the Mubarak regime in Cairo. It must be asked what effects would this event have? Will the U.S., Israel, and NATO simply watch the Egyptian people establish a free government?
The parable of the Arab dictators is like that of the spider's web. Although the spider feels safe in its web, in reality the web is one of the frailest homes. All the Arab dictators and tyrants, from Morocco to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, are in fear now. Egypt is on the brink of what could amount to being one of the most important geo-political events in this century.
Pharaohs, ancient or modern, all have their end days. Mubarak's days are numbered, but the powers behind him have not yet been defeated. Egypt is an important part of America's global empire. The U.S. government, Tel Aviv, the E.U., and NATO all have significant interests in maintaining Egypt as a puppet regime.
The U.S. and Israel want to use the Egyptian Military to Police the Egyptian PeopleWhen protests started in Egypt, the heads of the Egyptian military all went to the U.S. and consulted with U.S. officials for orders. The Egyptians are well aware that the regime in Cairo is a pawn in the services of the U.S. and Israel. This is why Egyptian slogans are not only directed against the Mubarak regime but are also aimed against the U.S. and Israel, in similarity to some of the slogans of the Iranian Revolution. The U.S. has been involved in every aspect of the Egyptian government's activities. Cairo has not made a single move without consulting both the White House and Tel Aviv. Israel has also permitted the Egyptian military to move into urban areas in the Sinai Peninsula.
The reality of the situation is that the U.S. government has worked against freedom in the Arab World and beyond. When President Obama says that there should be a period of "transition" in Egypt, it means that Mubarak and the Egyptian regime should stay intact. The U.S. does not want a people's government in Cairo.
Martin Indyk, a former Clinton Administration official at the U.S. National Security Council with an area of responsible for the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and an individual closely tied to the Obama Administration, told The New York Times that the U.S. must work towards bringing the Egyptian military into control of Egypt until a "moderate and legitimate political leadership [can] emerge." [1] Not only did Indyk call for a military takeover in Egypt, he also used U.S. State Department double-speak. What U.S. officials mean by "moderate" are dictatorships and regimes like Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E., Jordan, Morocco, and Ben Ali's Tunisia. As for legitimacy, in the eyes of U.S. officials, it means individuals who will serve U.S. interests.
Tel Aviv is far less coy than the U.S. about the situation in Egypt. Out of fear of losing Cairo, Tel Aviv has been encouraging the Mubarak regime to unleash the full force of the Egyptian military on the civilian protesters. It has also been defending Mubarak internationally. In this regard, the Egyptian military's primary role has always been to police the Egyptian people and to keep the Mubarak regime in power. U.S. military aid to Egypt is solely intended for this purpose.

Revolutionary Egypt: A Second Iran in the Middle East?If the Egyptian people manage to establish a new and truly sovereign government, it would equate to a second Iran in the Middle East. This would cause a major regional and global geo-political shift. It would also deeply upset and cripple the interests of the U.S., Britain, Israel, France, the E.U., and NATO in what would amount to a colossal loss, like that of Iran in 1979.
If a new revolutionary government were to emerge in Cairo the bogus Israeli-Palestinian peace talks would be over, the starvation of the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip would end, the cornerstone of Israeli military security would be gone, and the Iranian-Syrian Awliyaa (Alliance) could possibly gain a significant new member.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed Tel Aviv's fears about Egypt allying with Iran and a new gateway of Iranian influence being opened in a speech by saying: "Tehran is waiting for the day in which darkness descends [in Egypt]." [2] Netanyahu is correct about one thing, the Iranian Foreign Ministry has been monitoring the events in Egypt very eagerly and the Iranians are awaiting the establishment of a new revolutionary government that could join Iran and the Resistance Bloc. Tehran has been overjoyed and Iran is abuzz with speeches by its officials about what they believe to be an "Islamic Awakening."
While the Arab members of the Resistance Bloc have made low-key statements about the protests in Egypt, non-Arab Iran has been vocal in its support of the protesters in the Arab World. Syria has made low-key remarks, because of its own fears of revolt at home. Hezbollah and Hamas have also been relatively low-key on their stances about the protests in the Arab World, because they wish to avoid being targeted by the Arab regimes through accusations of meddling.
At every opportunity the so-called "moderate" Arab regimes seek to demonize these Arab players. On the other hand the Turkish government, which maintains close ties to the Arab regimes, has also been virtually silent about the protests in the Arab World.
Israel is preparing itself for the possible reality that an unfriendly government will be taking office in Cairo, which is what will happen if the Egyptian people are successful. Tel Aviv has secret military-security contingency plans for Egypt. In the words of Netanyahu to the Israeli Knesset: "A peace agreement does not guarantee the existence of peace [between Israel and Egypt], so in order to protect it and ourselves, in cases in which the agreement disappears or is violated due to regime change on the other side, we protect it with security arrangements on the ground." [3]

Threats of U.S., Israeli, and NATO Military Intervention in Egypt: Recall the 1956 Invasion of Egypt?
There is also the chance of renewed war with Israel and even American and NATO military intervention in Egypt. The threat of military intervention in Egypt must be considered. In 1956, the British, the French, and the Israelis jointly attacked Egypt when President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal. Recalling 1956, the U.S. and NATO could do the same. General James Mattis, the commander of U.S. Central Command said that the U.S. will deal with Egypt "diplomatically, economically, [and] militarily" should access to the Suez Canal be shut by Egypt to the U.S. and its allies. [4]
In 2008, Norman Podhoretz proposed a unthinkable nightmare scenario. In this nightmare scenario the Israelis would militarily occupy the oil refineries and naval ports of the Persian Gulf to insure "energy security" and they would also launch a so-called pre-emptive nuclear attack against Iran, Syria, and Egypt. [5]
In 2008, the main questions that arose were: "energy security" for whom and why attack Egypt, where the Mubarak government has been a staunch Israeli ally?
Would the Israelis attack Egypt if a revolutionary government emerged in Cairo? This is what essentially happened a few years after Gamal Abdel Nasser took power from Mohammed Naguib in Egypt. Also, is such a military attack on Egypt tied to Israel's secret military-security contingency plans that Netanyahu assured the Israeli Knesset about.
Is such a nightmare scenario, which includes the use of nuclear weapons, a distinct possiblity? Podhoretz has close ties to both Israeli and U.S. officials. It should also be mentioned that Podhoretz is a recipient of the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom for his intellectual influence in the U.S. and is one of the original 1997 signatories of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) along with Elliot Abrams, Richard Cheney, John (Jeb) Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Steen Forbes Jr., and Paul Wolfowitz. The PNAC has essentially outlined plans for transforming America into a global empire through militarism overseas and domestic militarization.
"Managed Chaos" and the Threats of Balkanization in Egypt: The Yinon Plan at Work?
Egypt cannot be managed by the Mubarak regime, the U.S., Israel, and their allies anymore. Thus, the U.S., Israel, and their allies are now working to divide and destabilize Egypt, as the most powerful Arab state, so that no strategic challenge can emerge from Cairo. The attacks on the peaceful protestors in Cairo's central Tahrir Square by Mubarak's club-wielding thugs riding camels and horses was a stage-managed event to build public support outside of the Arab World for having a dictatorial strongman in Cairo. It epitomized every stereotype and incorrect Orientalist attitude about Arabs and the peoples of the Middle East. It would come as no surprise if the U.S., Israel, and Britain played direct or advisory roles in the event.
In a major departure from reality, the Mubarak regime's state-controlled media is reporting popular support for Mubarak by millions of Egyptians and wide-spread approval of his speech and his "transitional government" plans. In a show of desperation, the same state-controlled media is also trying to blame Iran and its Arab allies for the Egyptian protests. Egyptian state-controlled media has reported that Iranian commandos and special forces, along with the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Palestinian Hamas, have been on destabilization and sabotage missions against Egypt.
These types of accusations by the regime in Cairo are not new. Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan, and Mahmoud Abbas also all do the same. The Mubarak regime has blamed Iran, Hezbollah, the Free Patriotic Movement, Syria, and Hamas for meddling and inciting revolt several times in the past. When the Free Patriotic Movement criticized the Mubarak regime about the treatment of Egyptian Christians, the Mubarak regime accused Michel Aoun of sectarian sedition. On the other hand, Hezbollah was accused of attempting to create chaos in Egypt when Hassan Nasrallah asked the Egyptian people to show solidarity with the Palestinians and demand that their government allow humanitarian aid to go to the people of the Gaza Strip.
Managed Chaos at Work
Although Mubarak's thugs are also creating chaos in Egypt to try to keep his regime in power, the doctrine of "managed chaos" is being used by external actors with the Israeli Yinon Plan in mind. Making Egyptians fight against one another and turning Egypt into a divided and insecure state, just like Anglo-American Iraq, appears to be the objective of the U.S., Israel, and their allies. The building tensions between Egyptian Muslims and Egyptian Christians, which includes the attacks on Coptic churches, is tied to this project. In this context, on the thirteenth day of the protests in Egypt, the Mar Girgis Church in the Egyptian town of Rafah, next to Gaza and Israel, was attacked by armed men on motorcycles. [6]
The White House and Tel Aviv do not want a second Iran in the Middle East. They will do whatever they can to prevent the emergence of a strong and independent Egypt.
A free Egypt could prove to be a much bigger threat than non-Arab Iran within the Arab World to the objectives of the U.S., Israel, and NATO.
The Return of the Egyptian Eagle as the Champion of Arab Independence?
Egypt was once a major strategic challenge to the U.S., Israel, France, and Britain in the Arab World and Africa. Nasserite Egypt aided the Algerian Resistance against the French occupation of Algeria, openly supported the Palestinians against the Israeli occupation of their homes, supported the Yemenite Resistance against the British occupation in South Yemen, challenged the legitimacy of the British-installed Hashemites and the American-supported House of Saud, and offered support to national liberation and anti-imperialist movements. Cairo under a revolutionary government, whether deeply tied to Islam or not, could give the Arab World a new leader that would revive pan-Arabism, make Tel Aviv further nervous about trying to launch wars, and rally the Arabs and other peoples worldwide in revolt against the global confederacy formed by the U.S. and its allies.
Egypt is not free from bondage yet. The Egyptian people must also address the role of global capitalism in supporting the Mubarak regime. At the same time they must remain united. If they are successful, they will make a huge impact on the history of the current century.
Addendum (February 10, 2011)
After the text was written and published, Hezbollah publicly came forward in support of the protests in Egypt. The Hamas-led government in the Gaza Strip has also started to allow rallies to be held in support of the Egyptian protestors, whereas Mahmoud Abbas and Fatah in the West Bank are prohibiting them. In Lebanon, Hezbollah and its allies have also held rallies to support the Egyptian protestors. The March 14 Alliance, which are the Mubarak regime's allies in Lebanon, have severly been critical of Hezbollah and its political allies in this respect.
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).
[1] Elisabeth Bumiller, "Calling for Restraint, Pentagon Faces Test of Influence With Ally," The New York Times, January 29, 2011; Indyk's words are as follows: "What we have to focus on now is getting the military into a position where they can hold the ring for a moderate and legitimate political leadership to emerge."
[2] Attila Somfalvi, "Natanyahu: Democratic Egypt no threat," Yedioth Ahronoth, February 2, 2011.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Adrian Croft, "U.S. sees Suez Canal closure as inconceivable," eds. Peter Griffiths and Elizabeth Fullerton, Reuters, February 1, 2011.
[5] Norman Podhoretz, "Stopping Iran: Why the Case for Military Action Still Stands," Commentary Magazine, vol.125, no. 2, (February, 2008): pp.11-19.
[6] "Church in flames in Egypt's Sinai: witness," Agence France-Presse (AFP), February 6, 2011.
Related articles are as follows:
The Balkanization of Sudan: The Redrawing of the Middle East and North AfricaDictatorship and Neo-Liberalism: The Tunisian People's UprisingRevolution: Is 1848 Repeating Itself in the Arab World?Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East”
- UPDATE: Mubarak the israeli agent left and Suleiman has one week to decide, whether serve Egypt or serve Israel. Muslim countries are offering to finance and help the Egyptian economy by investing massively in his infrastrucutre if American and Israelis are totally ousted from the country. We hope that the Gaza border will be open fully very soon insha Allah we are told by our local Arabic sources which we thank for their confidence in using our networks. Muslims will never abandoned Palestine whatever the price to be paid.Algeria is the next country to be freed from the french zionist jewish occupation, and then why not free France from zionist occupation ? With 10-12 millions Muslims living in France, this scenario is more than likely to happen ! Knowing the fact that we have now official allies working against the Israeli lobby in France, everything is possible... Bi idni Allah !Congratulations to the couragous Egyptian people and all my close Egyptians brothers, the more difficult is to be done, Suleiman and the zionist mafia system. I remember now my Egyptian Quranic teacher telling me one day 'you will be the generation of the change for this Ummah, your generation will lead this change for Good insha Allah, you are the future leaders of this Ummah. Spending time to lear your deen in the West while 'fitnas' all over the place'. He was encouraging us to learn and teach the Quran, it was 17 years ago.
Have no doubt Islaam is coming ! Have no doubt Islaam is changing the face of the earth for Good !Wa akheer da'wana ana Alhamdulillahi Rab Al 'alamin
Abu Suleyman
The Division of Egypt: Threats of US, Israeli, and NATO Military Intervention?
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
The protests in Tunisia have had a domino effect in the Arab World. Egypt, the largest Arab country, is now electrified with popular uproar to remove the Mubarak regime in Cairo. It must be asked what effects would this event have? Will the U.S., Israel, and NATO simply watch the Egyptian people establish a free government?
The parable of the Arab dictators is like that of the spider's web. Although the spider feels safe in its web, in reality the web is one of the frailest homes. All the Arab dictators and tyrants, from Morocco to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, are in fear now. Egypt is on the brink of what could amount to being one of the most important geo-political events in this century.
Pharaohs, ancient or modern, all have their end days. Mubarak's days are numbered, but the powers behind him have not yet been defeated. Egypt is an important part of America's global empire. The U.S. government, Tel Aviv, the E.U., and NATO all have significant interests in maintaining Egypt as a puppet regime.
The U.S. and Israel want to use the Egyptian Military to Police the Egyptian PeopleWhen protests started in Egypt, the heads of the Egyptian military all went to the U.S. and consulted with U.S. officials for orders. The Egyptians are well aware that the regime in Cairo is a pawn in the services of the U.S. and Israel. This is why Egyptian slogans are not only directed against the Mubarak regime but are also aimed against the U.S. and Israel, in similarity to some of the slogans of the Iranian Revolution. The U.S. has been involved in every aspect of the Egyptian government's activities. Cairo has not made a single move without consulting both the White House and Tel Aviv. Israel has also permitted the Egyptian military to move into urban areas in the Sinai Peninsula.The reality of the situation is that the U.S. government has worked against freedom in the Arab World and beyond. When President Obama says that there should be a period of "transition" in Egypt, it means that Mubarak and the Egyptian regime should stay intact. The U.S. does not want a people's government in Cairo.
Martin Indyk, a former Clinton Administration official at the U.S. National Security Council with an area of responsible for the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and an individual closely tied to the Obama Administration, told The New York Times that the U.S. must work towards bringing the Egyptian military into control of Egypt until a "moderate and legitimate political leadership [can] emerge." [1] Not only did Indyk call for a military takeover in Egypt, he also used U.S. State Department double-speak. What U.S. officials mean by "moderate" are dictatorships and regimes like Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E., Jordan, Morocco, and Ben Ali's Tunisia. As for legitimacy, in the eyes of U.S. officials, it means individuals who will serve U.S. interests.
Tel Aviv is far less coy than the U.S. about the situation in Egypt. Out of fear of losing Cairo, Tel Aviv has been encouraging the Mubarak regime to unleash the full force of the Egyptian military on the civilian protesters. It has also been defending Mubarak internationally. In this regard, the Egyptian military's primary role has always been to police the Egyptian people and to keep the Mubarak regime in power. U.S. military aid to Egypt is solely intended for this purpose.
Revolutionary Egypt: A Second Iran in the Middle East?If the Egyptian people manage to establish a new and truly sovereign government, it would equate to a second Iran in the Middle East. This would cause a major regional and global geo-political shift. It would also deeply upset and cripple the interests of the U.S., Britain, Israel, France, the E.U., and NATO in what would amount to a colossal loss, like that of Iran in 1979.
If a new revolutionary government were to emerge in Cairo the bogus Israeli-Palestinian peace talks would be over, the starvation of the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip would end, the cornerstone of Israeli military security would be gone, and the Iranian-Syrian Awliyaa (Alliance) could possibly gain a significant new member.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed Tel Aviv's fears about Egypt allying with Iran and a new gateway of Iranian influence being opened in a speech by saying: "Tehran is waiting for the day in which darkness descends [in Egypt]." [2] Netanyahu is correct about one thing, the Iranian Foreign Ministry has been monitoring the events in Egypt very eagerly and the Iranians are awaiting the establishment of a new revolutionary government that could join Iran and the Resistance Bloc. Tehran has been overjoyed and Iran is abuzz with speeches by its officials about what they believe to be an "Islamic Awakening."
While the Arab members of the Resistance Bloc have made low-key statements about the protests in Egypt, non-Arab Iran has been vocal in its support of the protesters in the Arab World. Syria has made low-key remarks, because of its own fears of revolt at home. Hezbollah and Hamas have also been relatively low-key on their stances about the protests in the Arab World, because they wish to avoid being targeted by the Arab regimes through accusations of meddling.
At every opportunity the so-called "moderate" Arab regimes seek to demonize these Arab players. On the other hand the Turkish government, which maintains close ties to the Arab regimes, has also been virtually silent about the protests in the Arab World.
Israel is preparing itself for the possible reality that an unfriendly government will be taking office in Cairo, which is what will happen if the Egyptian people are successful. Tel Aviv has secret military-security contingency plans for Egypt. In the words of Netanyahu to the Israeli Knesset: "A peace agreement does not guarantee the existence of peace [between Israel and Egypt], so in order to protect it and ourselves, in cases in which the agreement disappears or is violated due to regime change on the other side, we protect it with security arrangements on the ground." [3]
Threats of U.S., Israeli, and NATO Military Intervention in Egypt: Recall the 1956 Invasion of Egypt?
There is also the chance of renewed war with Israel and even American and NATO military intervention in Egypt. The threat of military intervention in Egypt must be considered. In 1956, the British, the French, and the Israelis jointly attacked Egypt when President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal. Recalling 1956, the U.S. and NATO could do the same. General James Mattis, the commander of U.S. Central Command said that the U.S. will deal with Egypt "diplomatically, economically, [and] militarily" should access to the Suez Canal be shut by Egypt to the U.S. and its allies. [4]
In 2008, Norman Podhoretz proposed a unthinkable nightmare scenario. In this nightmare scenario the Israelis would militarily occupy the oil refineries and naval ports of the Persian Gulf to insure "energy security" and they would also launch a so-called pre-emptive nuclear attack against Iran, Syria, and Egypt. [5]
In 2008, the main questions that arose were: "energy security" for whom and why attack Egypt, where the Mubarak government has been a staunch Israeli ally?
Would the Israelis attack Egypt if a revolutionary government emerged in Cairo? This is what essentially happened a few years after Gamal Abdel Nasser took power from Mohammed Naguib in Egypt. Also, is such a military attack on Egypt tied to Israel's secret military-security contingency plans that Netanyahu assured the Israeli Knesset about.
Is such a nightmare scenario, which includes the use of nuclear weapons, a distinct possiblity? Podhoretz has close ties to both Israeli and U.S. officials. It should also be mentioned that Podhoretz is a recipient of the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom for his intellectual influence in the U.S. and is one of the original 1997 signatories of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) along with Elliot Abrams, Richard Cheney, John (Jeb) Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Steen Forbes Jr., and Paul Wolfowitz. The PNAC has essentially outlined plans for transforming America into a global empire through militarism overseas and domestic militarization.
"Managed Chaos" and the Threats of Balkanization in Egypt: The Yinon Plan at Work?
Egypt cannot be managed by the Mubarak regime, the U.S., Israel, and their allies anymore. Thus, the U.S., Israel, and their allies are now working to divide and destabilize Egypt, as the most powerful Arab state, so that no strategic challenge can emerge from Cairo. The attacks on the peaceful protestors in Cairo's central Tahrir Square by Mubarak's club-wielding thugs riding camels and horses was a stage-managed event to build public support outside of the Arab World for having a dictatorial strongman in Cairo. It epitomized every stereotype and incorrect Orientalist attitude about Arabs and the peoples of the Middle East. It would come as no surprise if the U.S., Israel, and Britain played direct or advisory roles in the event.
In a major departure from reality, the Mubarak regime's state-controlled media is reporting popular support for Mubarak by millions of Egyptians and wide-spread approval of his speech and his "transitional government" plans. In a show of desperation, the same state-controlled media is also trying to blame Iran and its Arab allies for the Egyptian protests. Egyptian state-controlled media has reported that Iranian commandos and special forces, along with the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Palestinian Hamas, have been on destabilization and sabotage missions against Egypt.
These types of accusations by the regime in Cairo are not new. Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan, and Mahmoud Abbas also all do the same. The Mubarak regime has blamed Iran, Hezbollah, the Free Patriotic Movement, Syria, and Hamas for meddling and inciting revolt several times in the past. When the Free Patriotic Movement criticized the Mubarak regime about the treatment of Egyptian Christians, the Mubarak regime accused Michel Aoun of sectarian sedition. On the other hand, Hezbollah was accused of attempting to create chaos in Egypt when Hassan Nasrallah asked the Egyptian people to show solidarity with the Palestinians and demand that their government allow humanitarian aid to go to the people of the Gaza Strip.
Managed Chaos at Work
Although Mubarak's thugs are also creating chaos in Egypt to try to keep his regime in power, the doctrine of "managed chaos" is being used by external actors with the Israeli Yinon Plan in mind. Making Egyptians fight against one another and turning Egypt into a divided and insecure state, just like Anglo-American Iraq, appears to be the objective of the U.S., Israel, and their allies. The building tensions between Egyptian Muslims and Egyptian Christians, which includes the attacks on Coptic churches, is tied to this project. In this context, on the thirteenth day of the protests in Egypt, the Mar Girgis Church in the Egyptian town of Rafah, next to Gaza and Israel, was attacked by armed men on motorcycles. [6]
The White House and Tel Aviv do not want a second Iran in the Middle East. They will do whatever they can to prevent the emergence of a strong and independent Egypt.
A free Egypt could prove to be a much bigger threat than non-Arab Iran within the Arab World to the objectives of the U.S., Israel, and NATO.The Return of the Egyptian Eagle as the Champion of Arab Independence?
Egypt was once a major strategic challenge to the U.S., Israel, France, and Britain in the Arab World and Africa. Nasserite Egypt aided the Algerian Resistance against the French occupation of Algeria, openly supported the Palestinians against the Israeli occupation of their homes, supported the Yemenite Resistance against the British occupation in South Yemen, challenged the legitimacy of the British-installed Hashemites and the American-supported House of Saud, and offered support to national liberation and anti-imperialist movements. Cairo under a revolutionary government, whether deeply tied to Islam or not, could give the Arab World a new leader that would revive pan-Arabism, make Tel Aviv further nervous about trying to launch wars, and rally the Arabs and other peoples worldwide in revolt against the global confederacy formed by the U.S. and its allies.
Egypt is not free from bondage yet. The Egyptian people must also address the role of global capitalism in supporting the Mubarak regime. At the same time they must remain united. If they are successful, they will make a huge impact on the history of the current century.
Addendum (February 10, 2011)After the text was written and published, Hezbollah publicly came forward in support of the protests in Egypt. The Hamas-led government in the Gaza Strip has also started to allow rallies to be held in support of the Egyptian protestors, whereas Mahmoud Abbas and Fatah in the West Bank are prohibiting them. In Lebanon, Hezbollah and its allies have also held rallies to support the Egyptian protestors. The March 14 Alliance, which are the Mubarak regime's allies in Lebanon, have severly been critical of Hezbollah and its political allies in this respect.
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).
[1] Elisabeth Bumiller, "Calling for Restraint, Pentagon Faces Test of Influence With Ally," The New York Times, January 29, 2011; Indyk's words are as follows: "What we have to focus on now is getting the military into a position where they can hold the ring for a moderate and legitimate political leadership to emerge."
[2] Attila Somfalvi, "Natanyahu: Democratic Egypt no threat," Yedioth Ahronoth, February 2, 2011.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Adrian Croft, "U.S. sees Suez Canal closure as inconceivable," eds. Peter Griffiths and Elizabeth Fullerton, Reuters, February 1, 2011.
[5] Norman Podhoretz, "Stopping Iran: Why the Case for Military Action Still Stands," Commentary Magazine, vol.125, no. 2, (February, 2008): pp.11-19.
[6] "Church in flames in Egypt's Sinai: witness," Agence France-Presse (AFP), February 6, 2011.
Related articles are as follows:
The Balkanization of Sudan: The Redrawing of the Middle East and North AfricaDictatorship and Neo-Liberalism: The Tunisian People's UprisingRevolution: Is 1848 Repeating Itself in the Arab World?Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East”
stud_robo said...
- The new Al Qaeda Supremo – Saif al-Adel
Information Exchange..: Saif al-Adel - The new Al Qaeda supremo..
The new replacement of Osama Bin Laden from Egypt… The latest update from Al Qaeda… - 12:45 PM
- stud_robo said...
- The new Al Qaeda Supremo – Saif al-Adel
Information Exchange..: Saif al-Adel - The new Al Qaeda supremo..
The new replacement of Osama Bin Laden from Egypt… The latest update from Al Qaeda… - 12:45 PM
Dernier conseil à Monsieur Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Chef de l’Etat algérien,
Mustafa said...
- salam alikoum. je suis un reconverti,fis d emigre jitan espgnol en Belgiue. je vie a Melilla, la terre musulmane ocuper du suistres preocuper avec la cose Isamique et contre touts naciolanisme, qui sor de la naciom de l Islam. visite mes blogs en commencent par celui ci,
- 4:22 AM
- Mustafa said...
- salam alikoum. je suis un reconverti,fis d emigre jitan espgnol en Belgiue. je vie a Melilla, la terre musulmane ocuper du suistres preocuper avec la cose Isamique et contre touts naciolanisme, qui sor de la naciom de l Islam. visite mes blogs en commencent par celui ci,
- 4:22 AM
Western Israel's stooge, islamophobia, the next 9/11 in Europe, revolution in the Muslim world and the pre-planned WWIV
Anti-Muslim brainwashing
By Paul J. Balles
13 February 2011,
Paul J. Balles looks at how key opinion formers in the United States, from the media to politicians, are brainwashing the public into anti-Muslim hysteria by labelling as “Muslim or Islamic extremists” anyone who refuses to cow-tow to Israel, America or their stooges.
At least seven times today [12 February] I heard TV newscasters refer to Muslim or Islamic extremists.
The amount and level of this kind of fraudulent suggestiveness has been increasing almost daily.
I call it fraudulent because people hearing this mix of Muslim with extremist repeated often enough become brainwashed into thinking that all Muslims are extremists.
The reference to Islamic extremists is frequently made on Fox News by Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity.
“...people hearing this mix of Muslim with extremist repeated often enough become brainwashed into thinking that all Muslims are extremists.”
A headline on MMTV asserts that "O'Reilly supports Rep. King's Islamic Extremism Hearings: 'you've got to get a handle on it’”. The language of Islamic extremist has infected the US congress.
For years, since he was on CNN, Glenn Beck has made wild false claims, like, "Islamic extremism is the biggest threat to our way of life since World War II and we'll never be able to fight it – if we can't see it".
Now, as chief Fox propagandist, Glenn Beck has the American left wing collaborating with his paranoid vision: “Believe what you want but the left is working hand-in-hand with the Muslim Brotherhood and Muslim extremists... Hand-in-hand"...
Sean Hannity isn't much better, saying things like, "It seems to me that Islamic extremism is the 21st century threat that (communism) posed in the last century..."
Similar Islamophobic references have been heard on CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and other networks in the USA. Even reporters on the liberal MSNBC have been guilty of falsely connecting Islam and extremism.
The Associated Press says: "A Senate report on the Fort Hood shooting is sharply critical of the FBI's failure to recognize warning signs that an army psychiatrist had become an Islamist extremist..."
“The media only seems interested in making the religious connection when the mad murderer also happens to be a Muslim.”
Do lunatics who commit wanton killings need to be identified according to their religious affiliations? If so why weren't the killers at Columbine and in Arizona recently referred to as Christian extremists?
That is if indeed they were Christians. The media only seems interested in making the religious connection when the mad murderer also happens to be a Muslim.
A Senate committee, headed by Joe Lieberman, asserted that "The enemy – Islamist extremists – must be labelled correctly and explicitly ... in order for the military to counter the extremism."
Recently, while commenting on the protesters in Egypt, several reporters referred to the Muslim Brotherhood as extremists.
Professor Sami Hamod says that the Muslim Brotherhood originated as a tool of America. How can they be extremists?
It seems that members of groups opposed to US interference in the Middle East get labelled Islamic extremists.
“Palestinians trying to protect their property have been dubbed Muslim extremists, even when they're Christians.”
Palestinians trying to protect their property have been dubbed Muslim extremists, even when they're Christians.
According to Western broadcasters, all members of Hamas and Hezbollah automatically qualify as Islamic extremists.
The entire population of Iran seems to have qualified as Islamic extremists because Iran refuses to cow-tow to Israel and America.
Syria and Lebanon, despite non-Muslim populations, have been dubbed Islamist extremists because they have failed to sign peace treaties with Israel.
So-called Islamic extremists have forced the king of Jordan to fire his entire cabinet. In Yemen, they provided the impetus for Ali Abdullah Saleh to announce that he won't run for re-election. Both instances were obviously meant to stave off popular rebellions.
Despite the fact that Hosni Mubarak and Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the departed president of Tunisia, were both dictators hated by their publics, the rebellions have been referred to as the work of Islamic terrorists.
Recently Tony Blair warned the West that it must abandon its "wretched posture of apology" towards Islamic extremism.
Newscasters, reporters, commentators, politicians and leaders, infected with religious bigotry, need urgent rehabilitation.
By Paul J. Balles
13 February 2011,
Paul J. Balles looks at how key opinion formers in the United States, from the media to politicians, are brainwashing the public into anti-Muslim hysteria by labelling as “Muslim or Islamic extremists” anyone who refuses to cow-tow to Israel, America or their stooges.
At least seven times today [12 February] I heard TV newscasters refer to Muslim or Islamic extremists.
The amount and level of this kind of fraudulent suggestiveness has been increasing almost daily.
I call it fraudulent because people hearing this mix of Muslim with extremist repeated often enough become brainwashed into thinking that all Muslims are extremists.
The reference to Islamic extremists is frequently made on Fox News by Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity.
“...people hearing this mix of Muslim with extremist repeated often enough become brainwashed into thinking that all Muslims are extremists.” A headline on MMTV asserts that "O'Reilly supports Rep. King's Islamic Extremism Hearings: 'you've got to get a handle on it’”. The language of Islamic extremist has infected the US congress.For years, since he was on CNN, Glenn Beck has made wild false claims, like, "Islamic extremism is the biggest threat to our way of life since World War II and we'll never be able to fight it – if we can't see it".
Now, as chief Fox propagandist, Glenn Beck has the American left wing collaborating with his paranoid vision: “Believe what you want but the left is working hand-in-hand with the Muslim Brotherhood and Muslim extremists... Hand-in-hand"...
Sean Hannity isn't much better, saying things like, "It seems to me that Islamic extremism is the 21st century threat that (communism) posed in the last century..."
Similar Islamophobic references have been heard on CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and other networks in the USA. Even reporters on the liberal MSNBC have been guilty of falsely connecting Islam and extremism.
The Associated Press says: "A Senate report on the Fort Hood shooting is sharply critical of the FBI's failure to recognize warning signs that an army psychiatrist had become an Islamist extremist..."“The media only seems interested in making the religious connection when the mad murderer also happens to be a Muslim.” Do lunatics who commit wanton killings need to be identified according to their religious affiliations? If so why weren't the killers at Columbine and in Arizona recently referred to as Christian extremists?That is if indeed they were Christians. The media only seems interested in making the religious connection when the mad murderer also happens to be a Muslim.
A Senate committee, headed by Joe Lieberman, asserted that "The enemy – Islamist extremists – must be labelled correctly and explicitly ... in order for the military to counter the extremism."
Recently, while commenting on the protesters in Egypt, several reporters referred to the Muslim Brotherhood as extremists.
Professor Sami Hamod says that the Muslim Brotherhood originated as a tool of America. How can they be extremists?
It seems that members of groups opposed to US interference in the Middle East get labelled Islamic extremists.“Palestinians trying to protect their property have been dubbed Muslim extremists, even when they're Christians.” Palestinians trying to protect their property have been dubbed Muslim extremists, even when they're Christians.According to Western broadcasters, all members of Hamas and Hezbollah automatically qualify as Islamic extremists.
The entire population of Iran seems to have qualified as Islamic extremists because Iran refuses to cow-tow to Israel and America.
Syria and Lebanon, despite non-Muslim populations, have been dubbed Islamist extremists because they have failed to sign peace treaties with Israel.
So-called Islamic extremists have forced the king of Jordan to fire his entire cabinet. In Yemen, they provided the impetus for Ali Abdullah Saleh to announce that he won't run for re-election. Both instances were obviously meant to stave off popular rebellions.
Despite the fact that Hosni Mubarak and Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the departed president of Tunisia, were both dictators hated by their publics, the rebellions have been referred to as the work of Islamic terrorists.
Recently Tony Blair warned the West that it must abandon its "wretched posture of apology" towards Islamic extremism.
Newscasters, reporters, commentators, politicians and leaders, infected with religious bigotry, need urgent rehabilitation.
Egyptian Intifada: Did Israel have a hand in Egypt’s Internet blackout?
Just after midnight on Friday, January 28, following three days of popular demonstrations calling for the ouster of longstanding Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, Internet access (along with mobile-phone communications) in Cairo, Alexandria and the northern canal city of Suez — where demonstrations were most intense — was abruptly cut. The Internet remained inaccessible for the next three days.
Now reports have emerged in the Hebrew- and Arabic-language press that the Mubarak regime had sought Israel’s help in imposing the Internet blackout. On February 9, Egyptian Arabic-language news website Youm al-Sabea, citing reports in Hebrew-language daily Yedioth Ahronoth published the same day, asserted that the Egyptian regime had “requested the assistance of Israeli technicians to disrupt Egypt’s Internet network with the aim of quelling the revolution.”
The Youm al-Sabea report reads:
Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth has revealed that the Egyptian [Mubarak] regime used cutting-edge Israeli techniques to disrupt Internet connectivity throughout Egypt, preventing Egyptians from accessing the Internet for the first week of the Tahrir Revolution, which began on January 25.
The newspaper, in its economy supplement, reported that Egypt’s ruling regime had been forced to request the assistance of Israeli technicians to disrupt Egypt’s Internet network with the aim of quelling the revolution by thousands of demonstrators who assembled in [Cairo's] Tahrir Square late last month to demand…Mubarak’s ouster.
Yedioth Ahronoth cited statements by a high-level communications source who said that the Israeli software company Narus had designed the advanced software used to paralyze the Internet in Egypt. The newspaper noted that the Israeli company has had a longstanding relationship with Egypt’s largest public-sector company for communications and Internet services [this presumably refers to government-owned TE Data, see below], with which it provides additional special systems.
The Israeli company also provides similar services to communications companies in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, and is specialized in the production of supercomputers used by intelligence agencies worldwide for numerous applications, such as phone-taps; tracking voice communications on the Internet [presumably Skype, see below]; recording email and browsing habits; and disrupting Internet connectivity in any country at any time if needed.
Israeli dailies Yedioth Ahronoth and Haaretz both pointed to the fact that Israeli President Shimon Peres indirectly admitted the veracity of these reports at Israel’s annual security conference in Hertzliya on Tuesday, where he noted that, despite the restrictions and surveillance that governments are able to impose on the Internet, the media and Internet nevertheless played major roles in the eruption of popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia.
The following is the original Arabic-language text of the article:
- Just after midnight on Friday, January 28, following three days of popular demonstrations calling for the ouster of longstanding Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, Internet access (along with mobile-phone communications) in Cairo, Alexandria and the northern canal city of Suez — where demonstrations were most intense — was abruptly cut. The Internet remained inaccessible for the next three days.Now reports have emerged in the Hebrew- and Arabic-language press that the Mubarak regime had sought Israel’s help in imposing the Internet blackout. On February 9, Egyptian Arabic-language news website Youm al-Sabea, citing reports in Hebrew-language daily Yedioth Ahronoth published the same day, asserted that the Egyptian regime had “requested the assistance of Israeli technicians to disrupt Egypt’s Internet network with the aim of quelling the revolution.”
The Youm al-Sabea report reads:Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth has revealed that the Egyptian [Mubarak] regime used cutting-edge Israeli techniques to disrupt Internet connectivity throughout Egypt, preventing Egyptians from accessing the Internet for the first week of the Tahrir Revolution, which began on January 25.The newspaper, in its economy supplement, reported that Egypt’s ruling regime had been forced to request the assistance of Israeli technicians to disrupt Egypt’s Internet network with the aim of quelling the revolution by thousands of demonstrators who assembled in [Cairo's] Tahrir Square late last month to demand…Mubarak’s ouster.Yedioth Ahronoth cited statements by a high-level communications source who said that the Israeli software company Narus had designed the advanced software used to paralyze the Internet in Egypt. The newspaper noted that the Israeli company has had a longstanding relationship with Egypt’s largest public-sector company for communications and Internet services [this presumably refers to government-owned TE Data, see below], with which it provides additional special systems.The Israeli company also provides similar services to communications companies in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, and is specialized in the production of supercomputers used by intelligence agencies worldwide for numerous applications, such as phone-taps; tracking voice communications on the Internet [presumably Skype, see below]; recording email and browsing habits; and disrupting Internet connectivity in any country at any time if needed.Israeli dailies Yedioth Ahronoth and Haaretz both pointed to the fact that Israeli President Shimon Peres indirectly admitted the veracity of these reports at Israel’s annual security conference in Hertzliya on Tuesday, where he noted that, despite the restrictions and surveillance that governments are able to impose on the Internet, the media and Internet nevertheless played major roles in the eruption of popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia.The following is the original Arabic-language text of the article:
يديعوت أحرنوت: مصر استعانت بتقنية “إسرائيلية” لتعطيل الإنترنت
كشفت صحيفة يديعوت أحرنوت الإسرائيلية أن النظام المصرى استخدم تقنيات إسرائيلية حديثة للغاية، مكنته من تعطيل شبكة الإنترنت فى جميع أنحاء جمهورية مصر العربية، وجعلت المصريين عاجزين على تصفح الإنترنت طوال الأسبوع الأول الذى اندلعت فيه ثورة التحرير الذى شهدها أشهر ميادين مصر فى 25 يناير.
وذكرت الصحيفة الإسرائيلية فى ملحقها الاقتصادى، أن النظام الحاكم فى مصر اضطر إلى الاستعانة بطاقم من خبراء إسرائيل التقنيين لحجب شبكة الإنترنت فى مصر، وذلك بهدف تهدئة ثورة آلاف المتظاهرين الذى خرجوا بميدان التحرير آواخر الشهر الماضى، مطالبين بالتغيير والحرية ومحاربة الفساد والبطالة، إلى أن امتدت مطالبهم بإسقاط النظام، ورحيل الرئيس مبارك.
ونقلت يديعوت أحرنوت تصريحات مصدر إسرائيلى كبير بمجال الاتصالات، قال إن شركة “نايروس” الإسرائيلية للبرمجيات، صممت برنامج متطور للغاية استخدم لشل الإنترنت فى مصر، وأشارت الصحيفة إلى أن هذه الشركة الإسرائيلية تتعامل مع أكبر شركة حكومية مصرية لخدمات الاتصالات والإنترنت، منذ وقت طويل وتزودها بتقنيات خاصة.
هذا بجانب دور الشركة الإسرائيلية فى تقديم خدمات مماثلة لشركات الاتصالات فى السعودية وباكستان، لتخصصها فى إنتاج أجهزة كمبيوتر عملاقة تستخدمها أجهزة الاستخبارات فى العالم فى أغراض عديدة، مثل التنصت على المكالمات الهاتفية، ورصد الاتصالات الصوتية عبر الإنترنت، وتسجيل كل ما يدور فى الإنترنت، مثل استعادة المراسلات الإلكترونية، والكشف عن أى مواقع التصفح، وبالطبع تعطيل الشبكة العنكبوتية فى أى دولة وفى أى وقت عند الحاجة.
وأخيرا أشارت صحيفتا يديعوت أحرنوت وهاآرتس الإسرائيليتان، إلى أن شيمون بيريز الرئيس الإسرائيلى اعترف بشكل غير مباشر بصحة هذه المعلومات، وذلك خلال كلمة ألقاها أمس الثلاثاء فى مؤتمر هرتزليا للمناعة القومية، مؤكدا أنه رغم القيود والمراقبات التى يمكن أن تفرضها الحكومات على شبكة الإنترنت، إلا أن الإعلام والإنترنت عجلا باندلاع الثورة فى مصر وتونس.
Notably, Israeli software company Narus ( is also mentioned in the following article from the Huffington Post (which refers to it as a ‘US corporation’), published on the third day of the uprising:
One US corporation’s role in Egypt’s brutal crackdown
The Huffington Post; January 28, 2011
The open Internet’s role in popular uprising is now undisputed. Look no further than Egypt, where the Mubarak regime today reportedly shut down Internet and cell phone communications — a troubling predictor of the fierce crackdown that has followed.
What’s even more troubling is news that one American company is aiding Egypt’s harsh response through sales of technology that makes this repression possible.
The Internet’s favorite offspring — Twitter, Facebook and YouTube — are now heralded on CNN, BBC and Fox News as flag-bearers for a new era of citizen journalism and activism. (More and more these same news organizations have abandoned their own, more traditional means of newsgathering to troll social media for breaking information.)
But the open Internet’s power cuts both ways: The tools that connect, organize and empower protesters can also be used to hunt them down.
Telecom Egypt, the nation’s dominant phone and Internet service provider, is a state-run enterprise, which made it easy on Friday morning for authorities to pull the plug and plunge much of the nation into digital darkness.
Moreover, Egypt also has the ability to spy on Internet and cell phone users, by opening their communication packets and reading their contents. Iran used similar methods during the 2009 unrest to track, imprison and in some cases, “disappear” truckloads of cyber-dissidents.
The companies that profit from sales of this technology need to be held to a higher standard. One in particular is an American firm, Narus of Sunnyvale, California, which has sold Telecom Egypt “real-time traffic intelligence” equipment.
Narus, now owned by Boeing, was founded in 1997 by Israeli security experts (see below) to create and sell mass surveillance systems for governments and large corporate clients.
The company is best known for creating NarusInsight, a supercomputer system which is allegedly used by the National Security Agency and other entities to perform mass, real-time surveillance and monitoring of public and corporate Internet communications in real time.
Narus provides Egypt Telecom with Deep Packet Inspection equipment (DPI), a content-filtering technology that allows network managers to inspect, track and target content from users of the Internet and mobile phones, as it passes through routers on the information superhighway.
Other Narus global customers include the national telecommunications authorities in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia — two countries that regularly register alongside Egypt near the bottom of Human Rights Watch’s world report.
“Anything that comes through (an Internet protocol network), we can record,” Steve Bannerman, Narus’ marketing vice president, once boasted to Wired about the service. “We can reconstruct all of their e-mails along with attachments, see what web pages they clicked on; we can reconstruct their (Voice Over Internet Protocol) calls.”
Other North American and European companies are selling DPI to enable their business customers “to see, manage and monetize individual flows to individual subscribers.” But this “Internet-enhancing” technology has been sought out by regimes in Iran, China and Burma for more brutal purposes.
In addition to Narus, there are a number of companies, including many others in the United States, that produce and traffic in similar spying and control technology. This list of DPI providers includes Procera Networks (USA), Allot (Israel), Ixia (USA), AdvancedIO (Canada) and Sandvine (Canada), among others.
These companies typically partner with Internet Service Providers to insert DPI along the main arteries of the Web. All Net traffic in and out of Iran, for example, travels through one portal — the Telecommunications Company of Iran — which facilitates the use of DPI.
When commercial network operators use DPI, the privacy of Internet users is compromised. But in government hands, the use of DPI can crush dissent and lead to human rights violations.
While the Huffington Post refers to Narus as a “US corporation,” Israeli daily Haaretz notes in the following article from 2006 that the firm was founded by “Dr. Ori Cohen, Stas Khirman and four other guys in Israel.”
Ori Cohen, private eye
Haaretz (Israel); July 11, 2006
If you’ve been keeping track of American Internet and the battles over surfer privacy, then you have run into the name Narus, which specializes in tapping surfer traffic. It was founded in 1997 by Dr Ori Cohen, Stas Khirman and four other guys in Israel.
For years Narus sailed on untroubled. But today it’s become associated with the likes of Carnivore or Echelon, the notorious software programs that have become linked with spying on email and delivering data on surfers to government agencies.
The image change Narus has suffered and its frequent mentions in debates on privacy and the freedom of information, is mainly because of Mark Klein. That would be a technician retired from AT&T for 22 years, who reported to the American authorities a few months ago that he suspected AT&T of allowing the National Security Agency to bug its customers’ phone calls.
Customer Internet traffic via the WorldNet service provider was reportedly shunted to data-mining technology in a secret room at AT&T facilities. The data analysis technology was made by Narus.
The scandal doesn’t seem to have bothered Narus much: it takes pride in various forums in the quality of its offerings. Its products enable ISPs and phone companies to monitor and manage their networks, detect illegal intrusions — and tap calls. Nor is Narus shy of declaring AT&T to be one of its customers.
Even though the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is striving to protect surfer privacy, has decided to sue the NSA in order to find out the scope of Washington’s spying on the people, Narus still has nothing official to say about the affair.
If anything, Narus’ management happily notes reports on its products, which are involved in countless weird and wonderful projects, including monitoring and blocking of voice and data over Internet. It proudly notes that its products are well used in countries such as China and Saudi Arabia, not really bastions of human rights.
It appears the Narus technology is used there to monitor surfing by the people, and blocking the use of Internet telephone technology such as Skype, which make monitoring communications very hard.
Narus says that its software can monitor and block Skype’s communications protocol, other VoIP programs, P2P (peer to peer) networks (such as Kazaa), instant messaging software, email traffic and many other protocols too. When installed on the infrastructure of an Internet provider, it can do all that too, monitoring unbelievably huge amounts of data up to ten gigas per second.
Big in Tripoli
Another factoid in which Narus takes pride is its giant agreement with Giza Systems of Cairo. That Egyptian integration and communications company paid Narus several million dollars to install its bugging and blocking software on networks in Saudi Arabia, Libya, Egypt, and even in the Palestinian Authority.
But how is it that in the Middle East of 2006, Saudi Arabia, Libya and the like are buying technology developed by Israelis, funded by Israeli venture capital?
Walden Israel was one of the first backers behind Narus, but it says it’s severed all contact. General Partner Roni Hefetz says it hasn’t been involved in the company for years. However, the Walden international fund has picked up the slack, continuing to invest in Narus throughout. Narus even has a Walden man on its board.
Narus has morphed from an Israeli company into an American one. But it hasn’t been sold or floated, despite earlier ambitions. Where are the Israelis? Their involvement is hard to pin down, including that of legendary founder Dr. Ori Cohen, who’d been so happy to grant interviews; or the chief technology officer Stas Khirman. Did they abandon Internet bugging?
Cright on!
Apparently not. It is very possible that Cohen and Khirman are working at a startup that nobody is willing to talk about. A stealthy startup they helped found called Cright that has lots of employees in Israel and California, and which is reportedly about to avail itself of Ukrainian development talent too. Almost nobody has heard of Cright and nobody at all, including its distinguished investors, is willing to discuss what it does.
Sequoia Israel, the Rolls Royce of the technological venture capital world, is whispered to have invested $7 million in Cright together with Charles River. But the enigmatic startup is not mentioned on the Sequoia site, which otherwise describes the portfolio very thoroughly. Nor does the Charles River site mention it.
Nor could I glean any information about the company or about the Narus people manning it. Cright has a website (, a naked one that reveals nothing: and has taken a vow of utter silence.
Market sources surmise that Cright is tight-lipped because what it does would spark outrage among surfers jealous of their privacy, which could culminate in migraines for the startup and its backers. The last thing these financiers need is bad press, especially as other products in which they invested, such as Jajah, are striving to gain adulation among the online community.
In today’s online world, surfers can make the connection between investment in one company and in another. If Fund X invests in, and surfers find it out, they could hurt its investment in
The prying eye
But that is assuming that Ori Cohen and Stas Khirman are still working on products that analyze Internet traffic, and possibly, that this time their prying eye is looking at private surfers.
Industry sources in the know claim they’re harnessing Israeli developers to develop a DRM product designed for installation at Internet providers, which will among other things frustrate file sharing and peer-2-peer networks. These sources say Cright (could that be short for copyright?) is supposed to filter P2P networks, to monitor and analyze files being shared, and possibly to shut down errant P2P network, or at least to block certain content.
In other words, if may be a new twist on the old trick of monitoring the Internet’s main line, analyzing content, and interfering with it, just as Narus says it does in Saudi Arabia.
Cright’s ambitions may be disclosed by the appointment of Ed Kozel as its CEO. Kozel hails from Cisco and Yahoo. But isn’t Ori Cohen Cright’s CEO? I don’t know, or maybe they’re both co-CEOs, maybe the company has two CEOs because it’s going in two different directions at once.
If I had to guess, I’d guess that Cright means to launch some product related to online advertising. To guess on, I’d think it connects financed ads or links to personal content that Cright uncovers using its data mining capacities. Could that be? Selling ads based on breaking down data from traffic? I think it could.
But we can continue to merrily play detective for a few more weeks, until somebody tells us something.
Finally, it’s worth noting that an Egyptian national, arrested by Egyptian authorities last year on charges of spying for Israel, claimed that his Mossad handlers had told him that Israel was behind the days-long Internet outage that hit several countries of the Middle East (but not Israel) in 2008.
Israel sabotaged Egypt’s Internet, says alleged Mossad spy; December 29, 2010
Israeli sabotage was behind the nationwide crippling of Egypt’s Internet in 2008, according to an alleged Mossad agent. The accused agent, Abdel Razeq Hussein Hassan, is an Egyptian businessman who was arrested earlier this year by Egyptian counterintelligence and is accused of working for the Israeli spy agency. Two of his alleged Israeli handlers, Joseph Daymour and Idid Moushay, are reportedly on the run and are wanted by the Egyptian government.
Hassan is due to go on trial next month, but transcripts of his interrogation records have been leaked to Egyptian media. In one instance, Hassan appears to tell his police interrogators that a team of Mossad operatives deliberately cut two undersea cables about 5 miles off the north Egyptian port city of Alexandria, disrupting the country’s Internet service for several days.
An article in Britain’s The Daily Telegraph claims erroneously that the disruptions, occurred in December of 2008 and were “blamed at the time on damage [...] caused by a ship’s anchor”. In reality, the undersea cables were cut on January 30, 2008, and there was no connection to anchors or anything similar, which does raise suspicions.
Still, the possibility must be considered that Hassan’s revelation may have been extracted by his interrogators through torture, or that it may be part of a controlled leak — true, overstated, or downright false — by Egyptian counterintelligence.
Whatever the truth behind this is, what is missing is the strategic motive that would have caused the Mossad to sabotage Egypt’s nationwide Internet data delivery at a time when the governments of the two countries were entering a period of rapprochement.
For more information on the involvement of Israeli telecommunications firms in espionage activities in the US and Canada, see:
Source :
- كشفت صحيفة يديعوت أحرنوت الإسرائيلية أن النظام المصرى استخدم تقنيات إسرائيلية حديثة للغاية، مكنته من تعطيل شبكة الإنترنت فى جميع أنحاء جمهورية مصر العربية، وجعلت المصريين عاجزين على تصفح الإنترنت طوال الأسبوع الأول الذى اندلعت فيه ثورة التحرير الذى شهدها أشهر ميادين مصر فى 25 يناير.
وذكرت الصحيفة الإسرائيلية فى ملحقها الاقتصادى، أن النظام الحاكم فى مصر اضطر إلى الاستعانة بطاقم من خبراء إسرائيل التقنيين لحجب شبكة الإنترنت فى مصر، وذلك بهدف تهدئة ثورة آلاف المتظاهرين الذى خرجوا بميدان التحرير آواخر الشهر الماضى، مطالبين بالتغيير والحرية ومحاربة الفساد والبطالة، إلى أن امتدت مطالبهم بإسقاط النظام، ورحيل الرئيس مبارك.
ونقلت يديعوت أحرنوت تصريحات مصدر إسرائيلى كبير بمجال الاتصالات، قال إن شركة “نايروس” الإسرائيلية للبرمجيات، صممت برنامج متطور للغاية استخدم لشل الإنترنت فى مصر، وأشارت الصحيفة إلى أن هذه الشركة الإسرائيلية تتعامل مع أكبر شركة حكومية مصرية لخدمات الاتصالات والإنترنت، منذ وقت طويل وتزودها بتقنيات خاصة.هذا بجانب دور الشركة الإسرائيلية فى تقديم خدمات مماثلة لشركات الاتصالات فى السعودية وباكستان، لتخصصها فى إنتاج أجهزة كمبيوتر عملاقة تستخدمها أجهزة الاستخبارات فى العالم فى أغراض عديدة، مثل التنصت على المكالمات الهاتفية، ورصد الاتصالات الصوتية عبر الإنترنت، وتسجيل كل ما يدور فى الإنترنت، مثل استعادة المراسلات الإلكترونية، والكشف عن أى مواقع التصفح، وبالطبع تعطيل الشبكة العنكبوتية فى أى دولة وفى أى وقت عند الحاجة.وأخيرا أشارت صحيفتا يديعوت أحرنوت وهاآرتس الإسرائيليتان، إلى أن شيمون بيريز الرئيس الإسرائيلى اعترف بشكل غير مباشر بصحة هذه المعلومات، وذلك خلال كلمة ألقاها أمس الثلاثاء فى مؤتمر هرتزليا للمناعة القومية، مؤكدا أنه رغم القيود والمراقبات التى يمكن أن تفرضها الحكومات على شبكة الإنترنت، إلا أن الإعلام والإنترنت عجلا باندلاع الثورة فى مصر وتونس.Notably, Israeli software company Narus ( is also mentioned in the following article from the Huffington Post (which refers to it as a ‘US corporation’), published on the third day of the uprising:
One US corporation’s role in Egypt’s brutal crackdown
The Huffington Post; January 28, 2011
The open Internet’s role in popular uprising is now undisputed. Look no further than Egypt, where the Mubarak regime today reportedly shut down Internet and cell phone communications — a troubling predictor of the fierce crackdown that has followed.What’s even more troubling is news that one American company is aiding Egypt’s harsh response through sales of technology that makes this repression possible.The Internet’s favorite offspring — Twitter, Facebook and YouTube — are now heralded on CNN, BBC and Fox News as flag-bearers for a new era of citizen journalism and activism. (More and more these same news organizations have abandoned their own, more traditional means of newsgathering to troll social media for breaking information.)But the open Internet’s power cuts both ways: The tools that connect, organize and empower protesters can also be used to hunt them down.Telecom Egypt, the nation’s dominant phone and Internet service provider, is a state-run enterprise, which made it easy on Friday morning for authorities to pull the plug and plunge much of the nation into digital darkness.Moreover, Egypt also has the ability to spy on Internet and cell phone users, by opening their communication packets and reading their contents. Iran used similar methods during the 2009 unrest to track, imprison and in some cases, “disappear” truckloads of cyber-dissidents.The companies that profit from sales of this technology need to be held to a higher standard. One in particular is an American firm, Narus of Sunnyvale, California, which has sold Telecom Egypt “real-time traffic intelligence” equipment.Narus, now owned by Boeing, was founded in 1997 by Israeli security experts (see below) to create and sell mass surveillance systems for governments and large corporate clients.The company is best known for creating NarusInsight, a supercomputer system which is allegedly used by the National Security Agency and other entities to perform mass, real-time surveillance and monitoring of public and corporate Internet communications in real time.Narus provides Egypt Telecom with Deep Packet Inspection equipment (DPI), a content-filtering technology that allows network managers to inspect, track and target content from users of the Internet and mobile phones, as it passes through routers on the information superhighway.Other Narus global customers include the national telecommunications authorities in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia — two countries that regularly register alongside Egypt near the bottom of Human Rights Watch’s world report.“Anything that comes through (an Internet protocol network), we can record,” Steve Bannerman, Narus’ marketing vice president, once boasted to Wired about the service. “We can reconstruct all of their e-mails along with attachments, see what web pages they clicked on; we can reconstruct their (Voice Over Internet Protocol) calls.”Other North American and European companies are selling DPI to enable their business customers “to see, manage and monetize individual flows to individual subscribers.” But this “Internet-enhancing” technology has been sought out by regimes in Iran, China and Burma for more brutal purposes.In addition to Narus, there are a number of companies, including many others in the United States, that produce and traffic in similar spying and control technology. This list of DPI providers includes Procera Networks (USA), Allot (Israel), Ixia (USA), AdvancedIO (Canada) and Sandvine (Canada), among others.These companies typically partner with Internet Service Providers to insert DPI along the main arteries of the Web. All Net traffic in and out of Iran, for example, travels through one portal — the Telecommunications Company of Iran — which facilitates the use of DPI.When commercial network operators use DPI, the privacy of Internet users is compromised. But in government hands, the use of DPI can crush dissent and lead to human rights violations.While the Huffington Post refers to Narus as a “US corporation,” Israeli daily Haaretz notes in the following article from 2006 that the firm was founded by “Dr. Ori Cohen, Stas Khirman and four other guys in Israel.”Ori Cohen, private eye
Haaretz (Israel); July 11, 2006If you’ve been keeping track of American Internet and the battles over surfer privacy, then you have run into the name Narus, which specializes in tapping surfer traffic. It was founded in 1997 by Dr Ori Cohen, Stas Khirman and four other guys in Israel.For years Narus sailed on untroubled. But today it’s become associated with the likes of Carnivore or Echelon, the notorious software programs that have become linked with spying on email and delivering data on surfers to government agencies.The image change Narus has suffered and its frequent mentions in debates on privacy and the freedom of information, is mainly because of Mark Klein. That would be a technician retired from AT&T for 22 years, who reported to the American authorities a few months ago that he suspected AT&T of allowing the National Security Agency to bug its customers’ phone calls.Customer Internet traffic via the WorldNet service provider was reportedly shunted to data-mining technology in a secret room at AT&T facilities. The data analysis technology was made by Narus.The scandal doesn’t seem to have bothered Narus much: it takes pride in various forums in the quality of its offerings. Its products enable ISPs and phone companies to monitor and manage their networks, detect illegal intrusions — and tap calls. Nor is Narus shy of declaring AT&T to be one of its customers.Even though the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is striving to protect surfer privacy, has decided to sue the NSA in order to find out the scope of Washington’s spying on the people, Narus still has nothing official to say about the affair.If anything, Narus’ management happily notes reports on its products, which are involved in countless weird and wonderful projects, including monitoring and blocking of voice and data over Internet. It proudly notes that its products are well used in countries such as China and Saudi Arabia, not really bastions of human rights.It appears the Narus technology is used there to monitor surfing by the people, and blocking the use of Internet telephone technology such as Skype, which make monitoring communications very hard.Narus says that its software can monitor and block Skype’s communications protocol, other VoIP programs, P2P (peer to peer) networks (such as Kazaa), instant messaging software, email traffic and many other protocols too. When installed on the infrastructure of an Internet provider, it can do all that too, monitoring unbelievably huge amounts of data up to ten gigas per second.Big in TripoliAnother factoid in which Narus takes pride is its giant agreement with Giza Systems of Cairo. That Egyptian integration and communications company paid Narus several million dollars to install its bugging and blocking software on networks in Saudi Arabia, Libya, Egypt, and even in the Palestinian Authority.But how is it that in the Middle East of 2006, Saudi Arabia, Libya and the like are buying technology developed by Israelis, funded by Israeli venture capital?Walden Israel was one of the first backers behind Narus, but it says it’s severed all contact. General Partner Roni Hefetz says it hasn’t been involved in the company for years. However, the Walden international fund has picked up the slack, continuing to invest in Narus throughout. Narus even has a Walden man on its board.Narus has morphed from an Israeli company into an American one. But it hasn’t been sold or floated, despite earlier ambitions. Where are the Israelis? Their involvement is hard to pin down, including that of legendary founder Dr. Ori Cohen, who’d been so happy to grant interviews; or the chief technology officer Stas Khirman. Did they abandon Internet bugging?Cright on!Apparently not. It is very possible that Cohen and Khirman are working at a startup that nobody is willing to talk about. A stealthy startup they helped found called Cright that has lots of employees in Israel and California, and which is reportedly about to avail itself of Ukrainian development talent too. Almost nobody has heard of Cright and nobody at all, including its distinguished investors, is willing to discuss what it does.Sequoia Israel, the Rolls Royce of the technological venture capital world, is whispered to have invested $7 million in Cright together with Charles River. But the enigmatic startup is not mentioned on the Sequoia site, which otherwise describes the portfolio very thoroughly. Nor does the Charles River site mention it.Nor could I glean any information about the company or about the Narus people manning it. Cright has a website (, a naked one that reveals nothing: and has taken a vow of utter silence.Market sources surmise that Cright is tight-lipped because what it does would spark outrage among surfers jealous of their privacy, which could culminate in migraines for the startup and its backers. The last thing these financiers need is bad press, especially as other products in which they invested, such as Jajah, are striving to gain adulation among the online community.In today’s online world, surfers can make the connection between investment in one company and in another. If Fund X invests in, and surfers find it out, they could hurt its investment in prying eyeBut that is assuming that Ori Cohen and Stas Khirman are still working on products that analyze Internet traffic, and possibly, that this time their prying eye is looking at private surfers.Industry sources in the know claim they’re harnessing Israeli developers to develop a DRM product designed for installation at Internet providers, which will among other things frustrate file sharing and peer-2-peer networks. These sources say Cright (could that be short for copyright?) is supposed to filter P2P networks, to monitor and analyze files being shared, and possibly to shut down errant P2P network, or at least to block certain content.In other words, if may be a new twist on the old trick of monitoring the Internet’s main line, analyzing content, and interfering with it, just as Narus says it does in Saudi Arabia.Cright’s ambitions may be disclosed by the appointment of Ed Kozel as its CEO. Kozel hails from Cisco and Yahoo. But isn’t Ori Cohen Cright’s CEO? I don’t know, or maybe they’re both co-CEOs, maybe the company has two CEOs because it’s going in two different directions at once.If I had to guess, I’d guess that Cright means to launch some product related to online advertising. To guess on, I’d think it connects financed ads or links to personal content that Cright uncovers using its data mining capacities. Could that be? Selling ads based on breaking down data from traffic? I think it could.But we can continue to merrily play detective for a few more weeks, until somebody tells us something., it’s worth noting that an Egyptian national, arrested by Egyptian authorities last year on charges of spying for Israel, claimed that his Mossad handlers had told him that Israel was behind the days-long Internet outage that hit several countries of the Middle East (but not Israel) in 2008.Israel sabotaged Egypt’s Internet, says alleged Mossad spy; December 29, 2010Israeli sabotage was behind the nationwide crippling of Egypt’s Internet in 2008, according to an alleged Mossad agent. The accused agent, Abdel Razeq Hussein Hassan, is an Egyptian businessman who was arrested earlier this year by Egyptian counterintelligence and is accused of working for the Israeli spy agency. Two of his alleged Israeli handlers, Joseph Daymour and Idid Moushay, are reportedly on the run and are wanted by the Egyptian government.Hassan is due to go on trial next month, but transcripts of his interrogation records have been leaked to Egyptian media. In one instance, Hassan appears to tell his police interrogators that a team of Mossad operatives deliberately cut two undersea cables about 5 miles off the north Egyptian port city of Alexandria, disrupting the country’s Internet service for several days.An article in Britain’s The Daily Telegraph claims erroneously that the disruptions, occurred in December of 2008 and were “blamed at the time on damage [...] caused by a ship’s anchor”. In reality, the undersea cables were cut on January 30, 2008, and there was no connection to anchors or anything similar, which does raise suspicions.Still, the possibility must be considered that Hassan’s revelation may have been extracted by his interrogators through torture, or that it may be part of a controlled leak — true, overstated, or downright false — by Egyptian counterintelligence.Whatever the truth behind this is, what is missing is the strategic motive that would have caused the Mossad to sabotage Egypt’s nationwide Internet data delivery at a time when the governments of the two countries were entering a period of rapprochement.
For more information on the involvement of Israeli telecommunications firms in espionage activities in the US and Canada, see:
Source :
Former intelligence agent Dimitri Khalezov confirms what the Islamic Intelligence Networks have been saying since 9/11: French, Germany , British, Israelis and US zionist jews organized 9/11 through secret networks, deeply infiltrated and controlling these countries (secret services, police, army, justice) and the help of zionists sefarad of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuweit, Egypt and Algerian networks. Islamic Intelligence blog warned since the Litvinenko affair in October 2006, and then in November 2008 that the very same organised zionist networks are planning to detonate 'dirty bombs' using boat on major european ports or major european cities near the biggest rivers to start a worldwild war between Muslims and the West so called Christians! Cameron, Sarkozy and Merkel serving israel's interests are totally involved !
Dimitri Khalesov clearly mention the role of the french zionist free masonic networks controlling the french government.
Dimitri Khalesov clearly mention the role of the french zionist free masonic networks controlling the french government.
Breaking news special: Did Mossad agent Mike Harari brag of organizing 9/11? _on a Special Edition of The Kevin Barrett Show
This show was broadcast February 10, 2011.
It is now archived here — Use Player
Coming up Thursday at 9:00 am Pacific – 12:00 Noon Eastern – 17:00 GMT
Will be archived here after the broadcast by Thursday evening.
Breaking news special: Did Mossad agent Mike Harari brag of organizing 9/11? Dmitri Khalezov Speaks
Guest: Dmitri Khalezov, who says that “legendary” Mossad agent Mike Harari admitted to organizing the 9/11 false-flag op.
JB Campbell writes in Veterans Today: “I have been fortunate to be in contact with Dimitri Khalezov, whose blockbuster revelations about 9-11 are about to change our perception of reality for the better just as profoundly as 9-11 changed them for the worse. He has revealed from first-hand knowledge that Mike Harari organized the 9-11 massacre. First-hand means in this case, Mike Harari told him.”
Dmitri Khalezov is the author of The Third Truth About 9/11. Buy here. Download free here.
He offers this brief bio:
Mr. Dimitri A. Khalezov, a former Soviet citizen, a former commissioned officer of the so-called “military unit 46179”, otherwise known as “the Special Control Service” of the 12th Chief Directorate of the Defense Ministry of the USSR. The Special Control Service, also known as the Soviet atomic (later “nuclear”) intelligence was a secret military unit responsible for detecting of nuclear explosions (including underground nuclear tests) of various adversaries of the former USSR as well as responsible for controlling of observance of various international treaties related to nuclear testing and to peaceful nuclear explosions. After September the 11th Khalezov undertook some extensive 9/11 research and proved that the Twin Towers of World Trade Center as well as its building 7 were demolished by three underground thermo-nuclear explosions – which earned the very name “ground zero” to the demolition site. Moreover, he testifies that he knew about the in-built so-called “emergency nuclear demolitions scheme” of the Twin Towers as long ago as back in the ‘80s – while being a serviceman in the Soviet Special Control Service.
Note: I have been skeptical about Mr. Khalezov in the past based on some of his seemingly offbeat or hyperbolic statements such as:
“…almost 99% of so-called ’9/11 truthers’ and full-time 9/11 conspiracy theorists are merely government appointed shills…” (That estimate sounds a little high…can I really be the only one not getting a government paycheck?!)
But some folks I respect over at Veterans Today take Mr. Khalezov’s testimony very seriously. So I’m going back and looking over his work…and looking forward to our conversation.
Watch Dmitri Khalezov video.
Check out Kevin’s new book: Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters.
- This show was broadcast February 10, 2011.
It is now archived here — Use PlayerComing up Thursday at 9:00 am Pacific – 12:00 Noon Eastern – 17:00 GMT
Will be archived here after the broadcast by Thursday evening.“THE KEVIN BARRETT SHOW”Breaking news special: Did Mossad agent Mike Harari brag of organizing 9/11? Dmitri Khalezov Speaks
Guest: Dmitri Khalezov, who says that “legendary” Mossad agent Mike Harari admitted to organizing the 9/11 false-flag op.JB Campbell writes in Veterans Today: “I have been fortunate to be in contact with Dimitri Khalezov, whose blockbuster revelations about 9-11 are about to change our perception of reality for the better just as profoundly as 9-11 changed them for the worse. He has revealed from first-hand knowledge that Mike Harari organized the 9-11 massacre. First-hand means in this case, Mike Harari told him.”Dmitri Khalezov is the author of The Third Truth About 9/11. Buy here. Download free here.He offers this brief bio:Mr. Dimitri A. Khalezov, a former Soviet citizen, a former commissioned officer of the so-called “military unit 46179”, otherwise known as “the Special Control Service” of the 12th Chief Directorate of the Defense Ministry of the USSR. The Special Control Service, also known as the Soviet atomic (later “nuclear”) intelligence was a secret military unit responsible for detecting of nuclear explosions (including underground nuclear tests) of various adversaries of the former USSR as well as responsible for controlling of observance of various international treaties related to nuclear testing and to peaceful nuclear explosions. After September the 11th Khalezov undertook some extensive 9/11 research and proved that the Twin Towers of World Trade Center as well as its building 7 were demolished by three underground thermo-nuclear explosions – which earned the very name “ground zero” to the demolition site. Moreover, he testifies that he knew about the in-built so-called “emergency nuclear demolitions scheme” of the Twin Towers as long ago as back in the ‘80s – while being a serviceman in the Soviet Special Control Service.
Note: I have been skeptical about Mr. Khalezov in the past based on some of his seemingly offbeat or hyperbolic statements such as:“…almost 99% of so-called ’9/11 truthers’ and full-time 9/11 conspiracy theorists are merely government appointed shills…” (That estimate sounds a little high…can I really be the only one not getting a government paycheck?!)But some folks I respect over at Veterans Today take Mr. Khalezov’s testimony very seriously. So I’m going back and looking over his work…and looking forward to our conversation.
Watch Dmitri Khalezov video.
Check out Kevin’s new book: Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters.
1979 Sadat-Israel ‘War Treaty’ against Palestinians and Muslims not binding on Egyptians
Israel never respected the so-called 1979 ‘Peace Treaty’ with former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat as it is still occupying Palestinian lands and stealing more. A murdering thief who steals people’s homes should neither be allowed to keep any nor be allowed to use stolen property as a bargaining chip. In a civilised world, stolen property must be returned to their owners under pain of sanction. For over 30 years the so-called 1979 ‘Peace Treaty’ was used as a weapon to make war against Palestinians in occupied Palestine and Muslims in Egypt. Sadat’s effective War Treaty with Israel has been the cornerstone of instability, repression and Jewish terror in occupied Palestine and interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries.
Hosni Mubarak’s departure - Egyptian children celebrating
The European-Israeli occupiers of Palestine invaded the Sinai, Egypt in 1967. In 1973, under President Anwar Sadat, the Egyptian army, led by Egyptian Chief of staff, Saad El Shazly, breached and penetrated the Bar Lev line set up by Israeli military in Sinai along the eastern coast of the Suez Canal and destroyed most of the Israeli air force. The war stopped after the US threatened to enter the war on the side of the Israelis and poured in more sophisticated weapons into Israel. However, behind the scenes, the US offered to finance the Egyptian government if they entered into a ‘Peace Treaty’ with Israel which, in turn, would vacate the Sinai and dismantle all Jewish squats therein. Like any other corruptible Arab leader, Anwar Sadat allowed himself to be corrupted.
However, in his address to the Jewish Knesset, 7 October 1977, Anwar Sadat said that any treaty with Israel should not be at the expense of giving the Israelis a single inch of Arab land : « Expansion does not pay. To speak frankly, our land does not yield itself to bargaining, it is not even open to argument. We cannot accept any attempt to take away or accept to seek one inch of it nor can we accept the principle of debating or bargaining over it. » It is too easy for the strong to invade people’s lands and then bargain with the owners pretending that the invaders are making concessions in exchange for ‘peace’ or other benefits. A murdering thief who steals people’s homes should neither be allowed to keep any nor be allowed to use stolen property as a bargaining chip. In a civilised world, stolen property must be returned to their owners under pain of sanction. However, the so-called Peace Treaty entered between Anwar Sadat and Israel in 1979 did not have the approval of the Egyptian people. Moreover, Israel never respected the treaty as it is still occupying Palestinian lands and stealing more. It also used this treaty to build its nuclear arsenal while the Arabs were left behind.
Muslims in the Arab world were shocked by such a treaty, even by most within the ranks of Anwar Sadat himself, including in his military. Some members in the Egyptian military assassinated President Sadat in 1981 and wounded his Vice President Hosni Mubarak. Many analysts believed that the US used dissidents in Sadat’s military to assassinate Sadat because they did not trust him after he gave Israel a bloody nose in 1973 and always insisted for Israel to cease its occupation of Arab lands. Their obvious choice was Hosni Mubarak who succeeded Sadat. They financed him and his army with billions of dollars of sophisticated military hardware short of the Israeli military which they dotted with nuclear weapons. They used him as a ‘democratic’ figurehead allegedly elected by Egyptians when their military aid was used to ban opposition parties not to their liking, to murder, torture and suppress Egyptians. US-Israel kept their puppet Hosni Mubarak in power for nearly 30 years. During that time the so-called 1979 Peace Treaty was used as a weapon to make war against Palestinians in occupied Palestine and Muslims in Egypt. Egypt joined the Zionist entity in staging a blockade against Palestinians and facilitated the bombing of Gaza by Israelis and the killing of Palestinians. The Egyptians never approved this treaty through a referendum. It is a warmongering treaty used to benefit the occupiers of Palestine and a few of the Egyptian financial, military and political elite.
When the Egyptian Revolution started on 25th January 2011 with hundreds of thousands, later millions, of protesters converging in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, called Liberation Square, Alexandria and elsewhere in Egypt, the US and other European powers kept on interfering in Egyptian affairs by telling their puppets what to do and what to say, and when. While pretending to understand the aspirations of Egyptians, the US neo-con administration kept on supporting the Mubarak’s regime. On 5th February 2011, the Zionist Frank Wisner, a special envoy for US President Barack Obama, said that Hosni Mubarak « must stay in office to steer national concensus ». When the freedom protestors swelled and Mubarak’s position weakened, Obama alleged that Wisner was only talking in his personal capacity and not for his administration, which is a blatant lie. On the other hand, the tune of French President Nicholas Sarkozy also changed in line with the developments given the grip of France on her former other dictatorial colonies of Algeria, Morocco, and given that the revolution first started in her former Tunisian colony.
The Egyptian Mujahideen (Freedom Fighters)
It is very odd for the European western media to refer to the Egyptian revolutionaries as « pro-democracy protestors » when the Egyptian tyrant was elected four times 1987, 1993, 1999 and 2005), which elections the UN found to be ‘free and fair’ while the majority of Egyptians always said that the elections were forged with the help of the US and Israel. Does this mean that the millions who demonstrated against the Iraq War in the streets of London were also « pro-democracy protestors »? This is just another example how the Zionist-controlled western media manipulate people’s minds. The Egyptians revolutionaries were not fighting for democracy, which is a corrupt system under which they were victims for 30 years. They were fighting for their freedom from such corruption and tyranny. They are freedom fighters (mujahideen). Their jihad (struggle) is for a free Egypt based on justice and fairness with the capability to defend itself against any form of interference and aggression. No more will Sinai be occupied again and Palestine must be freed.
Lamis Andoni, Al-Jazeerah’s Middle East correspondent said in his article « The resurrection of pan-Arabism », 11 February 2011, that « The Egyptian revolution has resurrected a new type of pan-Arabism, based on social justice not empty slogans. » He also said that « The overwhelming support for the Egyptian revolutionaries across the Arab world reflects a sense of unity in the rejection of tyrannical, or at least authoritarian, leaders, corruption and the rule of a small financial and political elite. [..] The Palestinians have been betrayed, not helped, by leaders who practice repression against their own people. [..] The Arab failure to defend Iraq or liberate Palestine has come to symbolise an Arab impotence that has been perpetuated by the state of fear and paralysis in which the ordinary Arab citizen, marginalised by social injustice and crushed by security apparatus oppression, has existed. » Andoni went on to report that, in Ramallah, protesters are calling for an end of internal Palestinian divisions and demanded an « end to negotiations with Israel ».
Mubarak’s resignation
After trying several tricks in the Zionist book of deceit, Hosni Mubarak finally resigned as President on 11th February 2011 and left the country in the hands of his military while he and his family fled to the Egyptian holiday resort of Sharm-el-Sheikh. After so many television appearances to tell Egyptians that he is staying put, he did not even have the decency and courage to tell Egyptians he was leaving as they demanded. He let his appointed Vice-President and accomplice Omar Suleiman, nicknamed « The CIA’s man in Cairo », break the news to the people and informing them that Mubarak had handed over authority to the Supreme Military Council he had put in place. The « highest-ranking figure in Egypt is now Field Marshal Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, the country's defence minister and head of the supreme council. » But the people want the whole regime, including the top military figures, to step down and be brought to justice for their democratic corruption and crimes.
Mubarak’s US paymaster, Barack Obama, is now urging what remains of Mubarak’s regime to honour Sadat’s ‘Peace Treaty’ with Israel, which seems to be his administration’s main and real concern rather than the Egyptian people, in order to continue their war against Palestinians and Muslims in Egypt. For over 30 years, Sadat’s ‘Peace Treaty’, War Treaty rather, has been the cornerstone of instability, repression and Jewish terror in occupied Palestine and interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries. The top Mubarak’s military men, who have close links with the US and Israeli military, quickly assured the US and Israel that « The Arab Republic of Egypt is committed to all regional and international obligations and treaties ». The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, while pledging a smooth transition to civilian rule, is not speaking about the wishes of the Egyptian people. It is already telling them what their future administration should accept without a referendum on their wishes. This is where the real danger lies while the Mubaraks’ are at their getaway resort, perhaps with the hopes of returning with a vengeance.
In addition to the determination of Egyptian mujahideen, which the world is proud of, the Egyptian soldiers have to be congratulated for identifying themselves with their people who they hugged and, in many ways, even supported to the displeasure of the military elite taking their orders from the US and Israeli administrations. The soldiers even prayed behind the freedom demonstrators. Those cracks in the military were apparent from the early days of the revolution. Even though Mubarak sent his US F-16s fighter aircrafts and helicopters over the heads of the mujahideen to intimidate them in an attempt to break the will of the Egyptians’ struggle for freedom, the Israeli orders to their Egyptian counterparts to shoot fellow Egyptians were not followed. Hundreds of members of the much hated Police marched in solidarity with the freedom protesters in the Suez Canal city of Ismailiya claiming that they had been ordered against their will to shoot protesters. This is the reason the Police originally fled and abandoned their posts. However, now that Mubarak’s military is running the country, things may well take a new turn as the Mubarak’s top military brass praised the ousted President and promised to carry on with the Zionist policies with an allegedly new civil administration while the Head of the military ordered the army to demolish the tents of freedom protesters who refuse to vacate Tahrir Square because the demonstrators argue that no changes have yet been implemented.
The latest is that the Egyptian military has dissolved Parliament and suspended the constitution. They say they will remain as rulers for six months until elections are held, but no date has yet been set.
M Rafic Soormally
13 February 2011
- Israel never respected the so-called 1979 ‘Peace Treaty’ with former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat as it is still occupying Palestinian lands and stealing more. A murdering thief who steals people’s homes should neither be allowed to keep any nor be allowed to use stolen property as a bargaining chip. In a civilised world, stolen property must be returned to their owners under pain of sanction. For over 30 years the so-called 1979 ‘Peace Treaty’ was used as a weapon to make war against Palestinians in occupied Palestine and Muslims in Egypt. Sadat’s effective War Treaty with Israel has been the cornerstone of instability, repression and Jewish terror in occupied Palestine and interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries.Hosni Mubarak’s departure - Egyptian children celebratingThe European-Israeli occupiers of Palestine invaded the Sinai, Egypt in 1967. In 1973, under President Anwar Sadat, the Egyptian army, led by Egyptian Chief of staff, Saad El Shazly, breached and penetrated the Bar Lev line set up by Israeli military in Sinai along the eastern coast of the Suez Canal and destroyed most of the Israeli air force. The war stopped after the US threatened to enter the war on the side of the Israelis and poured in more sophisticated weapons into Israel. However, behind the scenes, the US offered to finance the Egyptian government if they entered into a ‘Peace Treaty’ with Israel which, in turn, would vacate the Sinai and dismantle all Jewish squats therein. Like any other corruptible Arab leader, Anwar Sadat allowed himself to be corrupted.However, in his address to the Jewish Knesset, 7 October 1977, Anwar Sadat said that any treaty with Israel should not be at the expense of giving the Israelis a single inch of Arab land : « Expansion does not pay. To speak frankly, our land does not yield itself to bargaining, it is not even open to argument. We cannot accept any attempt to take away or accept to seek one inch of it nor can we accept the principle of debating or bargaining over it. » It is too easy for the strong to invade people’s lands and then bargain with the owners pretending that the invaders are making concessions in exchange for ‘peace’ or other benefits. A murdering thief who steals people’s homes should neither be allowed to keep any nor be allowed to use stolen property as a bargaining chip. In a civilised world, stolen property must be returned to their owners under pain of sanction. However, the so-called Peace Treaty entered between Anwar Sadat and Israel in 1979 did not have the approval of the Egyptian people. Moreover, Israel never respected the treaty as it is still occupying Palestinian lands and stealing more. It also used this treaty to build its nuclear arsenal while the Arabs were left behind.Muslims in the Arab world were shocked by such a treaty, even by most within the ranks of Anwar Sadat himself, including in his military. Some members in the Egyptian military assassinated President Sadat in 1981 and wounded his Vice President Hosni Mubarak. Many analysts believed that the US used dissidents in Sadat’s military to assassinate Sadat because they did not trust him after he gave Israel a bloody nose in 1973 and always insisted for Israel to cease its occupation of Arab lands. Their obvious choice was Hosni Mubarak who succeeded Sadat. They financed him and his army with billions of dollars of sophisticated military hardware short of the Israeli military which they dotted with nuclear weapons. They used him as a ‘democratic’ figurehead allegedly elected by Egyptians when their military aid was used to ban opposition parties not to their liking, to murder, torture and suppress Egyptians. US-Israel kept their puppet Hosni Mubarak in power for nearly 30 years. During that time the so-called 1979 Peace Treaty was used as a weapon to make war against Palestinians in occupied Palestine and Muslims in Egypt. Egypt joined the Zionist entity in staging a blockade against Palestinians and facilitated the bombing of Gaza by Israelis and the killing of Palestinians. The Egyptians never approved this treaty through a referendum. It is a warmongering treaty used to benefit the occupiers of Palestine and a few of the Egyptian financial, military and political elite.When the Egyptian Revolution started on 25th January 2011 with hundreds of thousands, later millions, of protesters converging in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, called Liberation Square, Alexandria and elsewhere in Egypt, the US and other European powers kept on interfering in Egyptian affairs by telling their puppets what to do and what to say, and when. While pretending to understand the aspirations of Egyptians, the US neo-con administration kept on supporting the Mubarak’s regime. On 5th February 2011, the Zionist Frank Wisner, a special envoy for US President Barack Obama, said that Hosni Mubarak « must stay in office to steer national concensus ». When the freedom protestors swelled and Mubarak’s position weakened, Obama alleged that Wisner was only talking in his personal capacity and not for his administration, which is a blatant lie. On the other hand, the tune of French President Nicholas Sarkozy also changed in line with the developments given the grip of France on her former other dictatorial colonies of Algeria, Morocco, and given that the revolution first started in her former Tunisian colony.The Egyptian Mujahideen (Freedom Fighters)It is very odd for the European western media to refer to the Egyptian revolutionaries as « pro-democracy protestors » when the Egyptian tyrant was elected four times 1987, 1993, 1999 and 2005), which elections the UN found to be ‘free and fair’ while the majority of Egyptians always said that the elections were forged with the help of the US and Israel. Does this mean that the millions who demonstrated against the Iraq War in the streets of London were also « pro-democracy protestors »? This is just another example how the Zionist-controlled western media manipulate people’s minds. The Egyptians revolutionaries were not fighting for democracy, which is a corrupt system under which they were victims for 30 years. They were fighting for their freedom from such corruption and tyranny. They are freedom fighters (mujahideen). Their jihad (struggle) is for a free Egypt based on justice and fairness with the capability to defend itself against any form of interference and aggression. No more will Sinai be occupied again and Palestine must be freed.Lamis Andoni, Al-Jazeerah’s Middle East correspondent said in his article « The resurrection of pan-Arabism », 11 February 2011, that « The Egyptian revolution has resurrected a new type of pan-Arabism, based on social justice not empty slogans. » He also said that « The overwhelming support for the Egyptian revolutionaries across the Arab world reflects a sense of unity in the rejection of tyrannical, or at least authoritarian, leaders, corruption and the rule of a small financial and political elite. [..] The Palestinians have been betrayed, not helped, by leaders who practice repression against their own people. [..] The Arab failure to defend Iraq or liberate Palestine has come to symbolise an Arab impotence that has been perpetuated by the state of fear and paralysis in which the ordinary Arab citizen, marginalised by social injustice and crushed by security apparatus oppression, has existed. » Andoni went on to report that, in Ramallah, protesters are calling for an end of internal Palestinian divisions and demanded an « end to negotiations with Israel ».Mubarak’s resignationAfter trying several tricks in the Zionist book of deceit, Hosni Mubarak finally resigned as President on 11th February 2011 and left the country in the hands of his military while he and his family fled to the Egyptian holiday resort of Sharm-el-Sheikh. After so many television appearances to tell Egyptians that he is staying put, he did not even have the decency and courage to tell Egyptians he was leaving as they demanded. He let his appointed Vice-President and accomplice Omar Suleiman, nicknamed « The CIA’s man in Cairo », break the news to the people and informing them that Mubarak had handed over authority to the Supreme Military Council he had put in place. The « highest-ranking figure in Egypt is now Field Marshal Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, the country's defence minister and head of the supreme council. » But the people want the whole regime, including the top military figures, to step down and be brought to justice for their democratic corruption and crimes.ConclusionMubarak’s US paymaster, Barack Obama, is now urging what remains of Mubarak’s regime to honour Sadat’s ‘Peace Treaty’ with Israel, which seems to be his administration’s main and real concern rather than the Egyptian people, in order to continue their war against Palestinians and Muslims in Egypt. For over 30 years, Sadat’s ‘Peace Treaty’, War Treaty rather, has been the cornerstone of instability, repression and Jewish terror in occupied Palestine and interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries. The top Mubarak’s military men, who have close links with the US and Israeli military, quickly assured the US and Israel that « The Arab Republic of Egypt is committed to all regional and international obligations and treaties ». The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, while pledging a smooth transition to civilian rule, is not speaking about the wishes of the Egyptian people. It is already telling them what their future administration should accept without a referendum on their wishes. This is where the real danger lies while the Mubaraks’ are at their getaway resort, perhaps with the hopes of returning with a vengeance.In addition to the determination of Egyptian mujahideen, which the world is proud of, the Egyptian soldiers have to be congratulated for identifying themselves with their people who they hugged and, in many ways, even supported to the displeasure of the military elite taking their orders from the US and Israeli administrations. The soldiers even prayed behind the freedom demonstrators. Those cracks in the military were apparent from the early days of the revolution. Even though Mubarak sent his US F-16s fighter aircrafts and helicopters over the heads of the mujahideen to intimidate them in an attempt to break the will of the Egyptians’ struggle for freedom, the Israeli orders to their Egyptian counterparts to shoot fellow Egyptians were not followed. Hundreds of members of the much hated Police marched in solidarity with the freedom protesters in the Suez Canal city of Ismailiya claiming that they had been ordered against their will to shoot protesters. This is the reason the Police originally fled and abandoned their posts. However, now that Mubarak’s military is running the country, things may well take a new turn as the Mubarak’s top military brass praised the ousted President and promised to carry on with the Zionist policies with an allegedly new civil administration while the Head of the military ordered the army to demolish the tents of freedom protesters who refuse to vacate Tahrir Square because the demonstrators argue that no changes have yet been implemented.The latest is that the Egyptian military has dissolved Parliament and suspended the constitution. They say they will remain as rulers for six months until elections are held, but no date has yet been set.M Rafic SoormallyLondon13 February 2011
France-Israel-Algerie : Apres l'echec total de la DCRI d'avoir imposé le criminel de guerre Said Saadi lors de la premiere marche contre le systeme colonial mis en place par les sefarades franco-algeriens. La France-Israel est a la recherche d'informations credibles, Sarkozy c'est le calme plat avant l'ouragan !
VIDEO: Comment la France-Israel controle l'Algérie : SARKOZY DEGAGE DU MAGHREB!
L'armée algerienne et son monstre le DST-DRS est une armée de harkis a la solde de la France-Israel, comme ils le disent eux memes dans ce petit montage. Ci-dessous une autre video beaucoup plus explicative sur le role de la France-Israel dans la destabilisation de l'Algerie. 25 ans plus tard, la France est au bord du chaos et de la guerre civile, la seule et unique faute aux reseaux des decrets cremieux, pieds noirs et juifs d'Algérie des deux cotes de la mediteranée. Il est certain maintenant que les israeliens de France, Sarkozy, Prasquier, Netanyahu en tete, jouent la guerre civile totale!
Suite aux avertissements envoyés au department d'Etat a Washington, je viens d'apprendre que les Etats-unis preparent le depart urgent de leur staff, et que les terroristes de la France-Israel a Alger font de meme, l'ambassade de France annoncera sa prochaine fermeture. Ceci entre dans le cadre de provocations des services francais en coordination avec les israeliens, pour justifier d'une escalade militaire dans la région.
J'apprend egalement de source francaises sures, que Brice Hortefeuj a rencontré lors du mois de Janvier 2011 des responsables israeliens du gouvernement Netanyahu afin de preparer une 'contre-revolution' en France et empecher la tres forte diaspora algerienne de s'exprimer et prendre part aux manifestations de soutient pour la liberation de l'Algerie encore sous occupation franco-israelienne. En fait, selon mes sources il s'agit bien d'actes graves de provocation de la part du gouvernment Sarkozy a l'encontre des franco-algériens dans les villes de Paris, Lyon, Marseille.
Sarkozy a demandé une rencontre urgente avec les americains suites aux informations confirmant que les generaux du DRS et d'autres generaux algeriens travaillant au sein de l'OTAN, faisaient l'objet d'attention toutes particulieres. Il est maintenant confirmé que la France-Israel a perdu le controle de l'armée algerienne. Le plan americain consiste a mettre au pouvoir les 'nouveaux generaux' travaillant avec le pentagone dans le cadre de l'OTAN comme ce fut le cas avec Ammar en Tunisie. Il s'agit d'imposer une reconnaissance d'Israel et de faire barrage a tout prix a la percée chinoise au Maghreb- Sahel. Deux agendas sionistes s'affrontent a Washington, le plan de Brezinsky, qu'Obama suit a la lettre, etant de pousser les Musulmans contre les chinois et les russes. Alors que le plan Rotschield-Kissinger-Netanyahu-Cameron-Sarkozy-Merkel etant de provoquer le chaos dans le monde Musulman pour mieux le diviser et s'approprier toutes les richesses.
Le gouvernement de la France-Israel s'etant exposé a une grave crise politique concernant l'implication de l'extreme droite juive sioniste et la gauche coloniale sionisante dans la guerre civile algerienne et le terrorisme internationale au Maghreb et en Afrique. depuis pres de 25 ans Un risque de contagion a la France etant a prevoir avant la fin de l'année.
Plus d'information, des que possible insha Allah
Abu Suleyman
Islamic Intelligence
- VIDEO: Comment la France-Israel controle l'Algérie : SARKOZY DEGAGE DU MAGHREB!
L'armée algerienne et son monstre le DST-DRS est une armée de harkis a la solde de la France-Israel, comme ils le disent eux memes dans ce petit montage. Ci-dessous une autre video beaucoup plus explicative sur le role de la France-Israel dans la destabilisation de l'Algerie. 25 ans plus tard, la France est au bord du chaos et de la guerre civile, la seule et unique faute aux reseaux des decrets cremieux, pieds noirs et juifs d'Algérie des deux cotes de la mediteranée. Il est certain maintenant que les israeliens de France, Sarkozy, Prasquier, Netanyahu en tete, jouent la guerre civile totale!Suite aux avertissements envoyés au department d'Etat a Washington, je viens d'apprendre que les Etats-unis preparent le depart urgent de leur staff, et que les terroristes de la France-Israel a Alger font de meme, l'ambassade de France annoncera sa prochaine fermeture. Ceci entre dans le cadre de provocations des services francais en coordination avec les israeliens, pour justifier d'une escalade militaire dans la région.J'apprend egalement de source francaises sures, que Brice Hortefeuj a rencontré lors du mois de Janvier 2011 des responsables israeliens du gouvernement Netanyahu afin de preparer une 'contre-revolution' en France et empecher la tres forte diaspora algerienne de s'exprimer et prendre part aux manifestations de soutient pour la liberation de l'Algerie encore sous occupation franco-israelienne. En fait, selon mes sources il s'agit bien d'actes graves de provocation de la part du gouvernment Sarkozy a l'encontre des franco-algériens dans les villes de Paris, Lyon, Marseille.Sarkozy a demandé une rencontre urgente avec les americains suites aux informations confirmant que les generaux du DRS et d'autres generaux algeriens travaillant au sein de l'OTAN, faisaient l'objet d'attention toutes particulieres. Il est maintenant confirmé que la France-Israel a perdu le controle de l'armée algerienne. Le plan americain consiste a mettre au pouvoir les 'nouveaux generaux' travaillant avec le pentagone dans le cadre de l'OTAN comme ce fut le cas avec Ammar en Tunisie. Il s'agit d'imposer une reconnaissance d'Israel et de faire barrage a tout prix a la percée chinoise au Maghreb- Sahel. Deux agendas sionistes s'affrontent a Washington, le plan de Brezinsky, qu'Obama suit a la lettre, etant de pousser les Musulmans contre les chinois et les russes. Alors que le plan Rotschield-Kissinger-Netanyahu-Cameron-Sarkozy-Merkel etant de provoquer le chaos dans le monde Musulman pour mieux le diviser et s'approprier toutes les richesses.Le gouvernement de la France-Israel s'etant exposé a une grave crise politique concernant l'implication de l'extreme droite juive sioniste et la gauche coloniale sionisante dans la guerre civile algerienne et le terrorisme internationale au Maghreb et en Afrique. depuis pres de 25 ans Un risque de contagion a la France etant a prevoir avant la fin de l'année.Plus d'information, des que possible insha AllahAbu SuleymanIslamic Intelligence
Lounis Aggoun le 14 janvier 2011 à Montpellier :
Insidious Israel vs. Emerging Egypt
L'administration Obama sur pression des gouvernements francais et israeliens tentent de faire fermer le blog Islamic-Intelligence.
France-Israel-Algerie : A true Revolution is coming in North Africa
Israel est sur le point de declencher une guerre mondiale depuis le Moyen Orient en voulant prendre le controle de l'Egypte et de l'Arabie Saoudite, du Yemen, du Bahrein, des Emirats, du Koweit et du sud de l'Iraq
Le criminel de guerre Raffarin annule sa visite en Algerie du fait de la chute du regime DST-DRS incapable d'assurer sa securité. La France-Israel en passe de perdre tout le Maghreb et perdre sa guerre face a ses 10 millions de Musulmans.
Message a la jeunesse francaise de toutes les couleurs et issue de tous les bords : Appel a la destabilisation en regle du lobby juif sioniste de France : Israel degage de France !
Les francais doivent absolument apporter leur pierre a l'edifice de la destruction du sionisme. Ils doivent imperativement se debarasser de ces elites traitres, racistes sionistes, qui au nom d'Israel, pousse la France vers la guerre civile. Une fois les sionistes au pouvoir mis hors d'etat de nuir, la corruption eradiquée ainsi que les reseaux de la France-Israel-Afrique, les echanges commerciaux entre l'Europe du Sud et le Maghreb, puis l'Afrique pourront centupler sur la base du respect mutuel et de l'aide reciproque. En vendant leurs hydrocarbures contre de l'or ou de l'argent uniquement, les musulmans detruiront les reseaux des banksters sionistes et l'union des peuples de la Mediterannée pourra se faire, en opposition au projet de guerre des civilisations entretenu par Sarkozy, Merkel, Cameron, Kissinger, Netanyahu au nom du 'Grand Israel'.
Ainsi, la jeunesse delaissée, desoeuvrée du Maghreb et celle de l'europe de la Mediteranée pourront insha Allah avoir un meilleur avenir, le tout est de se debarasser des israeliens de France le plus rapidement possible et ne pas tomber dans le piege de la guerre au nom d'Israel.
Il reste une seule chose a faire, se soulever contre les terroristes de la France-Israel et les chasser par tous les moyens !
Abu Suleyman
Total , Lafarge et Renault, dossiers prioritaires de Jean-Pierre Raffarin à Alger
Rafik Sabounji, Maghreb Emergent, 17 Février 2011
L’ancien Premier ministre français, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, sénateur chargé du suivi de la coopération économique entre l’Algérie et la France, sera à Alger les 20 et 21 février. Cette visite s’inscrit dans le cadre de sa mission sur la coopération économique entre Paris et Alger et dont la première phase s’est déroulée le 24 novembre 2010. Douze dossiers, dont trois prioritaires, sont à l’ordre du jour.
Trois dossiers urgents domineront la seconde mission de "Monsieur Algérie," Jean-Pierre Raffarin à Alger. Il s’agit de Total, Lafarge et Renault. Pour le pétrolier français il s’agit de boucler le tour de table et de mettre en œuvre le projet de vapocraquage d'éthane d'Arzew avec Sonatrach. Le cimentier Lafarge est en quête d’une autorisation pour ériger une cimenterie d’une capacité annuelle de 2 millions de tonnes de ciment. Enfin Jean-Pierre Raffarin abordera l’état des négociations des autorités algériennes avec Renault au sujet de son projet de montage de voitures en Algérie. Parmi les autres dossiers à l’ordre du jour de cette visite, la formation professionnelle, les transferts de savoir-faire, les transports, les mines et l’énergie, l’agroalimentaire, la pharmacie et les assurances, ainsi que les retombées en termes d’emplois qualifiés des investissements français en Algérie, une demande expresse, dans ce dernier cas, de la partie algérienne.
Le 24 novembre lors de sa première visite Raffarin a réactivé avec son homologue algérien Mohamed Benmeradi, ministre de l’Industrie, de la PME et de la Promotion de l’investissement (MIPI), les comités de filière prévus depuis plus de 2 ans à l’occasion de la visite de Christine Lagarde, ministre français des Finances. Il s’agit prioritairement des comités agriculture et services. Le premier cité sera conduit avec les agriculteurs de Bretagne. Cette seconde visite de "Monsieur Algérie" tentera également de sauver le projet de Saint Gobain à Oran. La filiale italienne de la multinationale a racheté en 2008, l’usine publique Alver leader sur le marché du verre, une transaction à 5 millions d’euros longtemps contestée par le syndicat de l’entreprise et confirmée récemment par le CPE (participation de l’Etat).
Cette seconde mission à Alger de l’ancien Premier ministre français sera également l’occasion d’évaluer la préparation du grand forum d’affaires en Algérie pour le 31 mai prochain. Il est question d’une rencontre qui verra la participation de plus de 700 entreprises des deux rives dont 500 du côté algérien. Pour la bonne réussite de cette manifestation, le département de Mohamed Benmeradi a installé un comité pour préparer la rencontre.
Ombre au tableau « des affaires », le leader français du BTP, ne serait pas retenu dans la présélection des offres techniques pour la construction de la grande mosquée d’Alger, la troisième plus grande du monde, évaluée à 600 millions d’euros par le cabinet d’architecture germano-tunisien qui en a remporté le concours de conception.
- Rafik Sabounji, Maghreb Emergent, 17 Février 2011L’ancien Premier ministre français, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, sénateur chargé du suivi de la coopération économique entre l’Algérie et la France, sera à Alger les 20 et 21 février. Cette visite s’inscrit dans le cadre de sa mission sur la coopération économique entre Paris et Alger et dont la première phase s’est déroulée le 24 novembre 2010. Douze dossiers, dont trois prioritaires, sont à l’ordre du jour.
Trois dossiers urgents domineront la seconde mission de "Monsieur Algérie," Jean-Pierre Raffarin à Alger. Il s’agit de Total, Lafarge et Renault. Pour le pétrolier français il s’agit de boucler le tour de table et de mettre en œuvre le projet de vapocraquage d'éthane d'Arzew avec Sonatrach. Le cimentier Lafarge est en quête d’une autorisation pour ériger une cimenterie d’une capacité annuelle de 2 millions de tonnes de ciment. Enfin Jean-Pierre Raffarin abordera l’état des négociations des autorités algériennes avec Renault au sujet de son projet de montage de voitures en Algérie. Parmi les autres dossiers à l’ordre du jour de cette visite, la formation professionnelle, les transferts de savoir-faire, les transports, les mines et l’énergie, l’agroalimentaire, la pharmacie et les assurances, ainsi que les retombées en termes d’emplois qualifiés des investissements français en Algérie, une demande expresse, dans ce dernier cas, de la partie algérienne.Le 24 novembre lors de sa première visite Raffarin a réactivé avec son homologue algérien Mohamed Benmeradi, ministre de l’Industrie, de la PME et de la Promotion de l’investissement (MIPI), les comités de filière prévus depuis plus de 2 ans à l’occasion de la visite de Christine Lagarde, ministre français des Finances. Il s’agit prioritairement des comités agriculture et services. Le premier cité sera conduit avec les agriculteurs de Bretagne. Cette seconde visite de "Monsieur Algérie" tentera également de sauver le projet de Saint Gobain à Oran. La filiale italienne de la multinationale a racheté en 2008, l’usine publique Alver leader sur le marché du verre, une transaction à 5 millions d’euros longtemps contestée par le syndicat de l’entreprise et confirmée récemment par le CPE (participation de l’Etat).Cette seconde mission à Alger de l’ancien Premier ministre français sera également l’occasion d’évaluer la préparation du grand forum d’affaires en Algérie pour le 31 mai prochain. Il est question d’une rencontre qui verra la participation de plus de 700 entreprises des deux rives dont 500 du côté algérien. Pour la bonne réussite de cette manifestation, le département de Mohamed Benmeradi a installé un comité pour préparer la rencontre.Ombre au tableau « des affaires », le leader français du BTP, ne serait pas retenu dans la présélection des offres techniques pour la construction de la grande mosquée d’Alger, la troisième plus grande du monde, évaluée à 600 millions d’euros par le cabinet d’architecture germano-tunisien qui en a remporté le concours de conception.
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Majid said...
- François Baroin , Porte-parole du gouvernement a rappelé
il n’est pas question de modifier la loi de 1905. Car, a-t-il expliqué, "il y a d’autres moyens que de toucher à la loi pour aller ce vers quoi nous souhaitons, c’est-à-dire une laïcité pratiquée par tous". - 3:35 PM
Abu-Suleyman said...
- Salaam,
Nous possedonss toutes les preuves de l'implication de ses larbins dans le terrorism, la torture et les genocides de masse... la loi de 1905 n'est pas le sujet, le sujet est juger tous les crminels de guerre francais et israeliens de tous les partis politiques, de la police, de la defense et la justice et des affaires etrangeres...c'est non negociable.
Si Coppe, Guaino, Gueant, Sarkozy et Hortefeuj pensent qu'une guerre civile peut les sauver, qu'ils l'a commencent donc... - 5:12 AM
Web Journal said...
- Qu'Allah entende nos prière mes frères et soeurs. Inchâ'Allah.
- 9:14 AM
- Majid said...
- François Baroin , Porte-parole du gouvernement a rappelé
il n’est pas question de modifier la loi de 1905. Car, a-t-il expliqué, "il y a d’autres moyens que de toucher à la loi pour aller ce vers quoi nous souhaitons, c’est-à-dire une laïcité pratiquée par tous". - 3:35 PM
- Abu-Suleyman said...
- Salaam,
Nous possedonss toutes les preuves de l'implication de ses larbins dans le terrorism, la torture et les genocides de masse... la loi de 1905 n'est pas le sujet, le sujet est juger tous les crminels de guerre francais et israeliens de tous les partis politiques, de la police, de la defense et la justice et des affaires etrangeres...c'est non negociable.
Si Coppe, Guaino, Gueant, Sarkozy et Hortefeuj pensent qu'une guerre civile peut les sauver, qu'ils l'a commencent donc... - 5:12 AM
- Web Journal said...
- Qu'Allah entende nos prière mes frères et soeurs. Inchâ'Allah.
- 9:14 AM
Israel is finalising the preparation of a new nuclear 9/11 in Europe with the help of Sarkozy, Cameron and Merkel : Dimitry Khalezov, former Soviet Army officer specialist in secretive nuclear detection confirms the direct involvement of the French zionist government in 9/11
Mossad agent Mike Harari implicated in the Bali bombings, and 9/11 - check out his false passports!
real photo of Mike Harari, israeli agent
Mossad agent Mike Harari confirmed that Israel detonated the WTC 1, 2, 7 as a part of a zionist coup d'etat to take control of the Western World and to impose Israel as the new ruling state in the World, with the help of zionist banksters based in London and Wall street.
Moshe Ivgy played Mossad agent Mike Harari in Steven Spielberg's Munich (2005)
Did Steven Spielberg turn the man who organized the Bali hotel bombing - and the mass slaughter of 9/11 - into a Hollywood hero?
Spielberg's 2005 film Munich follows the exploits of Mossad agent Mike Harari (played by Moshe Ivgy) as he attempts to track down and kill the Black September guerrillas who organized the kidnapping of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972.
According to former Soviet nuclear weapons specialist Dmitri Khalezov, the real-life Mike Harari befriended him while the two were living in Thailand in 2001, effectively admitted to organizing 9/11, then later tried to set Khalezov up to take the rap for 9/11-related crimes. (For details, check out my latest, two-hour interview with Khalezov and Gordon Duff which will soon be archived here; or my earlier interviews with Duff and Khalezov; or Khalezov's book.)
According to Khalezov, Mike Harari was arrested by Thai police for organizing the Bali hotel bombing, which Khalezov, like Australian journalist Joe Viallis (who was allegedly murdered for his trouble) says was done with a Mossad micro-nuke. Khalezov says Harari was arrested under the name Hadji Mohamed Husseini. Below are Khalezov's pictures of Mike Harari and his Thai "concubine," copies of the false passports Harari used (which Khalezov obtained from Thai police records of Harari's/"Husseini's" arrest), and a disputed TV image of a much younger Harari.
Harari's arrest
Harari's concubine
Harari's Guinean diplomatic passport (with his handwritten note)
Harari's passport
Alleged TV image of a younger Harari (disputed by Khalezov)
Dmitri Khalezov responds to a questioner about why the TV image above doesn't look like Khalezov's Harari:
I don't think that there are could be a lot of photos with Mike Harari, especially "well known" ones. This guy is not so stupid, actually. What is known to me (also from him personally, but also from other
serious people) that in 1990 (well before the Internet became widely used) the Israeli Government in the most official manner kindly requested all mass media outlets all over the world to surrender all pictures of Mike Harari to the Israeli state (citing some plausible reasons and supporting the request with some cash, of course), and not to keep any copies of them. And after that successful operation Harari was more than careful not to allow anyone to have his pictures. I am actually quite a rare person who managed to obtain a couple of his real photos. In 2005 (after I was released from prison) I attempted to find some pictures of Mike Harari in his younger age desperately searching the Internet. I was not able to find any. And I repeated these searches at least twice a year. At one moment I noticed that one of the old picture with Noriega has appeared, but I am not quite sure if it is really genuine and not a part of the Mossad pre-emptive disinformation game. But when it comes to the picture of him on the TV-screen this one was not available I guess till very recent. And the fact of its appearance could be counted as a disinfo operation as well. To be honest with you I have never seen Harari before 2001 and I have no clue how he looked like before, since I have never seen his previous pictures either, but only saw his character portrayed by various actors in various movies (most importantly - by a Soviet-Georgian actor Vakhtang Kikabidze in the famous KGB-sponsored serial "TASS was authorized to declare"). That is why I simply have no chance to compare his former pictures with the new ones due to the total absence of the former (thanks to the careful policy of the Mossad described above). That is why to claim that there are "well known pictures of Mike Harari" is a bit bold claim, in my humble opinion. If such "well known pictures" of him do exist, they are certainly not in the wilderness of the Internet, but exclusively inside secret files of a few lucky secret-services.
All I could say that the guy I have a picture of is indeed Mike Harari, simply because it can't be anyone else. Mike Harari is such a unique person, with such a unique biography, such a unique character, and
variety of other unique personal features, that you can't simply find any other man that could pass for him and to perfectly match all Harari's actual features (including his ability to assassinate American colonels in the Philippines and his ability to invite an Israeli Ambassadors to his apartment for a drink, for example). How many Israeli people do you actually know who are about ~1927 year of birth, know perfect French, English, reasonable Spanish, recently arrived from the Philippines to Bangkok (because of the murder committed there against an American colonel), leaves in the compound guarded by the Israeli security, has penchant for diplomatic passports, claims to be the best friend of Khun Sa, Cao Ky, Noriega and Bush Senior, and also invites the local Israeli Ambassador to visit him in his apartment? If it is not Mike Harari, then who it is? That is why you don't have to doubt - the man I knew in Bangkok in 2001-2003 is Mike Harari and no one else. It is not 100%, it is 101%. And the photo I have is of that man. But you have to be prepared - the Mossad (and the French alike, and I guess the CIA as well) will deny it of course. And will plant various "innocently looking" [dis]info that will cast doubt on what I claim. So, don't be surprised if you see something like this.
- Moshe Ivgy played Mossad agent Mike Harari in Steven Spielberg's Munich (2005)
Did Steven Spielberg turn the man who organized the Bali hotel bombing - and the mass slaughter of 9/11 - into a Hollywood hero?
Spielberg's 2005 film Munich follows the exploits of Mossad agent Mike Harari (played by Moshe Ivgy) as he attempts to track down and kill the Black September guerrillas who organized the kidnapping of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972.
According to former Soviet nuclear weapons specialist Dmitri Khalezov, the real-life Mike Harari befriended him while the two were living in Thailand in 2001, effectively admitted to organizing 9/11, then later tried to set Khalezov up to take the rap for 9/11-related crimes. (For details, check out my latest, two-hour interview with Khalezov and Gordon Duff which will soon be archived here; or my earlier interviews with Duff and Khalezov; or Khalezov's book.)
According to Khalezov, Mike Harari was arrested by Thai police for organizing the Bali hotel bombing, which Khalezov, like Australian journalist Joe Viallis (who was allegedly murdered for his trouble) says was done with a Mossad micro-nuke. Khalezov says Harari was arrested under the name Hadji Mohamed Husseini. Below are Khalezov's pictures of Mike Harari and his Thai "concubine," copies of the false passports Harari used (which Khalezov obtained from Thai police records of Harari's/"Husseini's" arrest), and a disputed TV image of a much younger Harari.
Harari's arrestHarari's concubineHarari's Guinean diplomatic passport (with his handwritten note)
Harari's passportAlleged TV image of a younger Harari (disputed by Khalezov)
Dmitri Khalezov responds to a questioner about why the TV image above doesn't look like Khalezov's Harari:
I don't think that there are could be a lot of photos with Mike Harari, especially "well known" ones. This guy is not so stupid, actually. What is known to me (also from him personally, but also from other
serious people) that in 1990 (well before the Internet became widely used) the Israeli Government in the most official manner kindly requested all mass media outlets all over the world to surrender all pictures of Mike Harari to the Israeli state (citing some plausible reasons and supporting the request with some cash, of course), and not to keep any copies of them. And after that successful operation Harari was more than careful not to allow anyone to have his pictures. I am actually quite a rare person who managed to obtain a couple of his real photos. In 2005 (after I was released from prison) I attempted to find some pictures of Mike Harari in his younger age desperately searching the Internet. I was not able to find any. And I repeated these searches at least twice a year. At one moment I noticed that one of the old picture with Noriega has appeared, but I am not quite sure if it is really genuine and not a part of the Mossad pre-emptive disinformation game. But when it comes to the picture of him on the TV-screen this one was not available I guess till very recent. And the fact of its appearance could be counted as a disinfo operation as well. To be honest with you I have never seen Harari before 2001 and I have no clue how he looked like before, since I have never seen his previous pictures either, but only saw his character portrayed by various actors in various movies (most importantly - by a Soviet-Georgian actor Vakhtang Kikabidze in the famous KGB-sponsored serial "TASS was authorized to declare"). That is why I simply have no chance to compare his former pictures with the new ones due to the total absence of the former (thanks to the careful policy of the Mossad described above). That is why to claim that there are "well known pictures of Mike Harari" is a bit bold claim, in my humble opinion. If such "well known pictures" of him do exist, they are certainly not in the wilderness of the Internet, but exclusively inside secret files of a few lucky secret-services.
All I could say that the guy I have a picture of is indeed Mike Harari, simply because it can't be anyone else. Mike Harari is such a unique person, with such a unique biography, such a unique character, and
variety of other unique personal features, that you can't simply find any other man that could pass for him and to perfectly match all Harari's actual features (including his ability to assassinate American colonels in the Philippines and his ability to invite an Israeli Ambassadors to his apartment for a drink, for example). How many Israeli people do you actually know who are about ~1927 year of birth, know perfect French, English, reasonable Spanish, recently arrived from the Philippines to Bangkok (because of the murder committed there against an American colonel), leaves in the compound guarded by the Israeli security, has penchant for diplomatic passports, claims to be the best friend of Khun Sa, Cao Ky, Noriega and Bush Senior, and also invites the local Israeli Ambassador to visit him in his apartment? If it is not Mike Harari, then who it is? That is why you don't have to doubt - the man I knew in Bangkok in 2001-2003 is Mike Harari and no one else. It is not 100%, it is 101%. And the photo I have is of that man. But you have to be prepared - the Mossad (and the French alike, and I guess the CIA as well) will deny it of course. And will plant various "innocently looking" [dis]info that will cast doubt on what I claim. So, don't be surprised if you see something like this.
Massacre en Libye : Au moins 200 morts, des cas de viols perpetrés par des mercenaires francais et africains parlant le francais dans la ville de Benghazi et plusieurs autres villes
Mise a jour Dimanche 20 Fevrier 2011, 22H33 heure GMT : l'agent de la DGSE Kadhafi a quitté il y a quelques minutes la Libye pour une destination inconnue (si la France compte le recevoir, que Sarkozy prepare sa valise pour Tel Aviv). L'un des fils de Kadhafi Mu'tassam a tiré voir abattu son frere Seif Al Islaam selon un diplomate libyen, dans le cadre d'une bataille pour garder le controle du pays. Cette information n'est pas encore confirmée officiellement.
Seif Al Islaam est encore vivant, il parle en ce moment a la television (il est 23h00 GMT), les emeutes sont arrivées a 200 metres du palais de la famille Kadhafi. Apres 40 minutes d'un discours digne d'un malade mental tel que Netanyahu ou Sarkozy, le psychopate fils de Kadhafi affirme que des milliers de libyens 'fantomes' vont le defendre et que ceux qui sont derriere les manifestations sont des 'trafiquants de drogue' qui veulent decouper la Libye en 'Emirats Islamiques' et que les maitres sionistes de Kadhafi viendront le sauver car ils ne laisseront pas la Libye sombrer dans 'le terrorisme'. Il est chargé comme un mulet, a la coke, au crack, comme Sarkozy celui la ! Quelle famille de fous !!!!
L'armée libyenne est en pleine deroute dans tout le pays et la ville de Benghazi fait la chasse aux mercenaires francais et africains venus massacrer les manifestants. En esperant que les libyens expulsent toutes les multinationales francaises, anglaises et americaines tres rapidement car ces multinationales sont celles qui ont mis en place et supporté le traitre Kadhafi dans sa repression sauvage contre le peuple.
L'agent de la DGSE Kadhafi, protégé par le gouvernement sarkozyste massacre en plein jour. La France-Israel du colon israelien Sarkozy est tenue pour responsable du carnage en cours. Des mercenaires francais violent des femmes dans plusieurs villes de Libye!
Libye : massacre lors de funérailles à Benghazi

Rassemblement massif à Benghazi pour les funérailles des manifestants massacrés par les milices de Kadhafi
Les forces libyennes de répression ont ouvert le feu sur un enterrement dans la ville orientale de Benghazi, tuant au moins 15 personnes et en blessant des dizaines d’autres, alors que les protestations contre Mouammar Kadhafi, dirigeant du pays depuis plus de 40 ans, se sont poursuivies.
Les victimes participaient aux funérailles de samedi organisées pour les manifestants qui avaient été abattus lors des manifestations anti-gouvernementales dans la ville au cours de la semaine dernière, selon des témoins, ce qui porte le nombre de morts à plus d’une centaine en six jours de protestations, selon les groupes d’opposition.
Le docteur Mariam, parlant depuis un hôpital de Benghazi, a déclaré à Al Jazeera : « C’est un massacre ici. L’armée tire sur tous les manifestants avec des balles réelles, je l’ai déjà vu de mes propres yeux. Les forces militaires sont partout. Même dans l’hôpital où je travaille, nous ne sommes pas sûrs. Il y avait un garçon de 8 ans qui est décédé, l’autre jour à cause d’une balle dans la tête. Qu’a-t-il fait pour mériter cela ? »
Ahmed, un résident de Benghazi, a déclaré : ... « En ce moment, la situation est encore pire que plus tôt aujourd’hui. Et dans un hôpital voisin, au moins 150 personnes ont été admises, des blessés et des morts. En ce qui concerne [des informations faisant état de] mercenaires africains vus à Benghazi, je n’en ai pas vu, mais l’armée est partout. »
Un autre médecin nous a dit plus tôt depuis Benghazi, que l’hôpital Al Jalah où il travaille a reçu 15 corps et a traité de nombreuses personnes suite à la fusillade lors de l’enterrement.
Il a déclaré aussi que l’hôpital avait compté 44 décès au total en trois jours, en ajoutant qu’ils avaient du mal à soigner les blessés.
« Ce n’est pas un hôpital bien équipé et ces blessés viennent par vagues. Tous ont des blessures très graves, impliquant la tête, la poitrine et l’abdomen. Ils sont blessés par balles de fusils à grande puissance. »
« Tous sont des civils âgés de 13 à 35 ans. Il n’y a pas de policiers ou militaires blessés, » a-t-il dit, ajoutant qu’il n’y avait aucun moyen que les blessures aient pu être provoquées par autre chose que les forces de sécurité.
« C’est absolument une politique consistant à tirer pour tuer », dit-il.
Des hôpitaux « submergés »
Ces décès surviennent alors que les informations font état d’une brigade militaire de Benghazi qui serait tombée aux mains de la population. Le médecin de Benghazi a déclaré à Al Jazeera que les manifestants ont pris d’assaut samedi le bâtiment.
Le massacre a eu lieu après que Human Rights Watch ait déclaré plus tôt samedi que 84 personnes étaient mortes au cours des trois derniers jours.
Ahmed, un homme d’affaires et résidant de Benghazi - qui a refusé de donner son vrai nom pour sa propre sécurité - a déclaré à Al Jazeera que les hôpitaux de la ville ont été submergés par le nombre de morts et de blessés et se sont trouvés à court de sang.
« C’est un grand, grand massacre. Nous n’avons jamais entendu parler de quelque chose comme ça avant. C’est horrible », dit-il.
« La fusillade est toujours en cours en ce moment. Nous sommes à environ 3 kms de là, et nous avons vu ce matin de nouvelles troupes de l’armée dans la ville. Vous pouvez entendre les tirs maintenant. Ils ne se soucient aucunement de nous. »
Les protestations s’étendent
Selon des témoins, des milliers de personnes ont pris part à des manifestations pacifiques dans la ville de Misurata à l’ouest de la Libye. Ils semblaient manifester contre la brutalité de l’état, plutôt que pour un changement de gouvernement.

Petit rappel : en juillet 2007 Zébulon 1°, accompagné entre autres de l’ineffable Rama Yade [secrétaire d’état aux droits de l’homme à géométrie très très variable] et du très temporaire Bockel [transfuge du PS et représentant zélé de la politique néo-coloniale française en Afrique] ont fait une visite en Libye pour caresser Kadhafi dans le sens du poil et lui soutirer quelques contrats...
Mohamed Abdulmalek, le président de Libya Watch - un groupe de défense des droits de l’homme qui surveille les dénis de droits dans le pays - a expliqué que le délai constaté pour les protestations à l’ouest du pays est dû à la forte présence des forces de sécurité.
« Le décalage dans l’insurrection dans l’ouest n’est pas parce que les gens n’ont pas envie de manifester », a-t-il déclaré à Al Jazeera depuis le Royaume-Uni.
« Mais la présence de la police à Tripoli, par exemple, était si dense que les gens se sont réunis un par un au début. Le régime libyen a anticipé cette tactique et les places de Tripoli ont été occupées par les forces de sécurité et les gens n’ont pas pu se rassembler. »
« Mais finalement, la pression dans la capitale a commencé à s’exprimer en dehors de Tripoli, et vous voyez les gens se révolter. Nous n’avons aucun doute que l’est et l’ouest s’uniront. »
Vérifier les informations en provenance de la Libye est difficile depuis le début des manifestations, à cause des restrictions sur l’entrée de journalistes dans le pays et à cause du black out imposé sur Internet et les réseaux de téléphone mobile par le gouvernement.
Le gouvernement libyen a bloqué la diffusion de la chaîne de télévision Al-Jazeera dans le pays et les gens ont également signalé que le site Web de la même chaîne est inaccessible.
19 février 2011 - Al JAzeera - Vous pouvez consulter cet article à :
Traduction :
- Mise a jour Dimanche 20 Fevrier 2011, 22H33 heure GMT : l'agent de la DGSE Kadhafi a quitté il y a quelques minutes la Libye pour une destination inconnue (si la France compte le recevoir, que Sarkozy prepare sa valise pour Tel Aviv). L'un des fils de Kadhafi Mu'tassam a tiré voir abattu son frere Seif Al Islaam selon un diplomate libyen, dans le cadre d'une bataille pour garder le controle du pays. Cette information n'est pas encore confirmée officiellement.
Seif Al Islaam est encore vivant, il parle en ce moment a la television (il est 23h00 GMT), les emeutes sont arrivées a 200 metres du palais de la famille Kadhafi. Apres 40 minutes d'un discours digne d'un malade mental tel que Netanyahu ou Sarkozy, le psychopate fils de Kadhafi affirme que des milliers de libyens 'fantomes' vont le defendre et que ceux qui sont derriere les manifestations sont des 'trafiquants de drogue' qui veulent decouper la Libye en 'Emirats Islamiques' et que les maitres sionistes de Kadhafi viendront le sauver car ils ne laisseront pas la Libye sombrer dans 'le terrorisme'. Il est chargé comme un mulet, a la coke, au crack, comme Sarkozy celui la ! Quelle famille de fous !!!!
L'armée libyenne est en pleine deroute dans tout le pays et la ville de Benghazi fait la chasse aux mercenaires francais et africains venus massacrer les manifestants. En esperant que les libyens expulsent toutes les multinationales francaises, anglaises et americaines tres rapidement car ces multinationales sont celles qui ont mis en place et supporté le traitre Kadhafi dans sa repression sauvage contre le peuple.
L'agent de la DGSE Kadhafi, protégé par le gouvernement sarkozyste massacre en plein jour. La France-Israel du colon israelien Sarkozy est tenue pour responsable du carnage en cours. Des mercenaires francais violent des femmes dans plusieurs villes de Libye!
Libye : massacre lors de funérailles à Benghazi
Rassemblement massif à Benghazi pour les funérailles des manifestants massacrés par les milices de KadhafiLes forces libyennes de répression ont ouvert le feu sur un enterrement dans la ville orientale de Benghazi, tuant au moins 15 personnes et en blessant des dizaines d’autres, alors que les protestations contre Mouammar Kadhafi, dirigeant du pays depuis plus de 40 ans, se sont poursuivies.
Les victimes participaient aux funérailles de samedi organisées pour les manifestants qui avaient été abattus lors des manifestations anti-gouvernementales dans la ville au cours de la semaine dernière, selon des témoins, ce qui porte le nombre de morts à plus d’une centaine en six jours de protestations, selon les groupes d’opposition.
Le docteur Mariam, parlant depuis un hôpital de Benghazi, a déclaré à Al Jazeera : « C’est un massacre ici. L’armée tire sur tous les manifestants avec des balles réelles, je l’ai déjà vu de mes propres yeux. Les forces militaires sont partout. Même dans l’hôpital où je travaille, nous ne sommes pas sûrs. Il y avait un garçon de 8 ans qui est décédé, l’autre jour à cause d’une balle dans la tête. Qu’a-t-il fait pour mériter cela ? »Ahmed, un résident de Benghazi, a déclaré : ... « En ce moment, la situation est encore pire que plus tôt aujourd’hui. Et dans un hôpital voisin, au moins 150 personnes ont été admises, des blessés et des morts. En ce qui concerne [des informations faisant état de] mercenaires africains vus à Benghazi, je n’en ai pas vu, mais l’armée est partout. »Un autre médecin nous a dit plus tôt depuis Benghazi, que l’hôpital Al Jalah où il travaille a reçu 15 corps et a traité de nombreuses personnes suite à la fusillade lors de l’enterrement.Il a déclaré aussi que l’hôpital avait compté 44 décès au total en trois jours, en ajoutant qu’ils avaient du mal à soigner les blessés.« Ce n’est pas un hôpital bien équipé et ces blessés viennent par vagues. Tous ont des blessures très graves, impliquant la tête, la poitrine et l’abdomen. Ils sont blessés par balles de fusils à grande puissance. »« Tous sont des civils âgés de 13 à 35 ans. Il n’y a pas de policiers ou militaires blessés, » a-t-il dit, ajoutant qu’il n’y avait aucun moyen que les blessures aient pu être provoquées par autre chose que les forces de sécurité.« C’est absolument une politique consistant à tirer pour tuer », dit-il.Des hôpitaux « submergés »Ces décès surviennent alors que les informations font état d’une brigade militaire de Benghazi qui serait tombée aux mains de la population. Le médecin de Benghazi a déclaré à Al Jazeera que les manifestants ont pris d’assaut samedi le bâtiment.Le massacre a eu lieu après que Human Rights Watch ait déclaré plus tôt samedi que 84 personnes étaient mortes au cours des trois derniers jours.Ahmed, un homme d’affaires et résidant de Benghazi - qui a refusé de donner son vrai nom pour sa propre sécurité - a déclaré à Al Jazeera que les hôpitaux de la ville ont été submergés par le nombre de morts et de blessés et se sont trouvés à court de sang.« C’est un grand, grand massacre. Nous n’avons jamais entendu parler de quelque chose comme ça avant. C’est horrible », dit-il.« La fusillade est toujours en cours en ce moment. Nous sommes à environ 3 kms de là, et nous avons vu ce matin de nouvelles troupes de l’armée dans la ville. Vous pouvez entendre les tirs maintenant. Ils ne se soucient aucunement de nous. »Les protestations s’étendentSelon des témoins, des milliers de personnes ont pris part à des manifestations pacifiques dans la ville de Misurata à l’ouest de la Libye. Ils semblaient manifester contre la brutalité de l’état, plutôt que pour un changement de gouvernement.
Petit rappel : en juillet 2007 Zébulon 1°, accompagné entre autres de l’ineffable Rama Yade [secrétaire d’état aux droits de l’homme à géométrie très très variable] et du très temporaire Bockel [transfuge du PS et représentant zélé de la politique néo-coloniale française en Afrique] ont fait une visite en Libye pour caresser Kadhafi dans le sens du poil et lui soutirer quelques contrats...Mohamed Abdulmalek, le président de Libya Watch - un groupe de défense des droits de l’homme qui surveille les dénis de droits dans le pays - a expliqué que le délai constaté pour les protestations à l’ouest du pays est dû à la forte présence des forces de sécurité.« Le décalage dans l’insurrection dans l’ouest n’est pas parce que les gens n’ont pas envie de manifester », a-t-il déclaré à Al Jazeera depuis le Royaume-Uni.« Mais la présence de la police à Tripoli, par exemple, était si dense que les gens se sont réunis un par un au début. Le régime libyen a anticipé cette tactique et les places de Tripoli ont été occupées par les forces de sécurité et les gens n’ont pas pu se rassembler. »« Mais finalement, la pression dans la capitale a commencé à s’exprimer en dehors de Tripoli, et vous voyez les gens se révolter. Nous n’avons aucun doute que l’est et l’ouest s’uniront. »Vérifier les informations en provenance de la Libye est difficile depuis le début des manifestations, à cause des restrictions sur l’entrée de journalistes dans le pays et à cause du black out imposé sur Internet et les réseaux de téléphone mobile par le gouvernement.Le gouvernement libyen a bloqué la diffusion de la chaîne de télévision Al-Jazeera dans le pays et les gens ont également signalé que le site Web de la même chaîne est inaccessible.19 février 2011 - Al JAzeera - Vous pouvez consulter cet article à :
Traduction :
David Cameron is preparing Great Britain to enter in a major israeli war in the Middle East, an intelligence source explained to Islamic Intelligence. A major crackdown against the current coalition government is ongoing, and general elections might be called in 2011 to stop the israeli plans
7/7 bombings is an israeli MI5 job !
Islamic intelligence is the only source on the internet to have confirmed that the bombing of the coptic church in Egypt during the last Christmas holidays was an israeli- NATO-MI6 led operation, as a pre-staged operation for a full scale invasion of the Middle East oil strategic choke points by the axis of evil led by Israel, and her stooges in the US, Great Britain and France.
Islamic Intelligence is now told by military intelligence sources that the british government is preparing the bankrupted Great Britain to side with Israel in a major Middle East war, and that plan is partialy foiled because of these ongoing so called 'Revolutions'. Our source explained in details that member of the liberal party were fully exposed to the plans and were told to leave the government coalition as soon as 'a pre-planned scandal' will surface, provoking general elections. Our experienced source confirmed that most of the british intelligence and operatives as well as police in the UK are fully aware of the role of the israelis in the 7/7 bombings in London, and plan to use 'revelations' to blow up the 'project' of riots and civil unrest, chaos, in the making in some zionists officines in London, Manchester, Belfast and Glasgow.
Our source described the situation as 'very tense' and 'the likely lost of strategic assets' such as Libya would cause major damages to the zionist gang ruling Britain and the Rotshield BP oil company and there are concerns that NATO-MI6 led operatives start a new wave of terrorism 'to justify' the pre-planned move of zionist prime minister Cameron to support Israel in the next war.
- 7/7 bombings is an israeli MI5 job !Islamic intelligence is the only source on the internet to have confirmed that the bombing of the coptic church in Egypt during the last Christmas holidays was an israeli- NATO-MI6 led operation, as a pre-staged operation for a full scale invasion of the Middle East oil strategic choke points by the axis of evil led by Israel, and her stooges in the US, Great Britain and France.Islamic Intelligence is now told by military intelligence sources that the british government is preparing the bankrupted Great Britain to side with Israel in a major Middle East war, and that plan is partialy foiled because of these ongoing so called 'Revolutions'. Our source explained in details that member of the liberal party were fully exposed to the plans and were told to leave the government coalition as soon as 'a pre-planned scandal' will surface, provoking general elections. Our experienced source confirmed that most of the british intelligence and operatives as well as police in the UK are fully aware of the role of the israelis in the 7/7 bombings in London, and plan to use 'revelations' to blow up the 'project' of riots and civil unrest, chaos, in the making in some zionists officines in London, Manchester, Belfast and Glasgow.Our source described the situation as 'very tense' and 'the likely lost of strategic assets' such as Libya would cause major damages to the zionist gang ruling Britain and the Rotshield BP oil company and there are concerns that NATO-MI6 led operatives start a new wave of terrorism 'to justify' the pre-planned move of zionist prime minister Cameron to support Israel in the next war.
New Footage: Proof Richard Jones Lied To 7-7 Inquest
Posted by Daniel7:7 on 2/09/11

Richard Jones - NEVER was aboard the bus 30 but was present at the Piccadilly tube evacuation miles away
Richard Jones, the man the British media claimed was on the bombed bus on 7/7 and saw a man matching Hasib Hussain’s description shortly before the explosion has been exposed as a false witness. Jones was identified on footage previously unseen by the British public. It proves he was not in Tavistock Sq or aboard the bus, but at Russell Square following the tube explosion on the Piccadilly line at the time.
View The Proof
(Jones walks past this underground bomb survivor at the exact same time he claimed he was aboard the bus 30)
It proves Richard Jones could never have been on the bus in and means he never saw what he claimed.
- Posted by Daniel7:7 on 2/09/11
Richard Jones - NEVER was aboard the bus 30 but was present at the Piccadilly tube evacuation miles away
View The Proof
(Jones walks past this underground bomb survivor at the exact same time he claimed he was aboard the bus 30)
It proves Richard Jones could never have been on the bus in and means he never saw what he claimed.
Al Jazeera Screen Daniel Obachike At G20 Protest Worldwide
Posted by Daniel7:7
Some MOD lads mingling among protesters at a protest march I attended recently glared at my ‘MI5 DID IT‘ placard. One of them whined ‘Mossad did it’. Hardly you idiots, I replied smiling, is that supposed to be some kind of psy-ops?? Duh!, MI5 DID IT… 100% Read it and weep! Haven’t you heard? Sarkosy cracks jokes about it!

The back of the placard: On CNN news
Understandably the ‘terrified’ British media edit me out of any footage taken at protests but I didn’t expect CNN to be under the thumb of British Intelligence.
Here I am pictured April 1st outside the Bank of England. The front of my placard says ‘MI5 DID IT’ so they publish a picture taken from the rear.
Overall this was a very effective day as I received a lot of coverage in Brazil and was included on some excellent footage on Al Jazeera!
Obachike at:April 1st Protest/ Tomlinson 47 secs
Obachike at:G20 Protest on Al Jazeera 120 secs

The front of the placard: On Al Jazeera primetime news
- Posted by Daniel7:7Some MOD lads mingling among protesters at a protest march I attended recently glared at my ‘MI5 DID IT‘ placard. One of them whined ‘Mossad did it’. Hardly you idiots, I replied smiling, is that supposed to be some kind of psy-ops?? Duh!, MI5 DID IT… 100% Read it and weep! Haven’t you heard? Sarkosy cracks jokes about it!
The back of the placard: On CNN news
Here I am pictured April 1st outside the Bank of England. The front of my placard says ‘MI5 DID IT’ so they publish a picture taken from the rear.
Overall this was a very effective day as I received a lot of coverage in Brazil and was included on some excellent footage on Al Jazeera!
Obachike at:April 1st Protest/ Tomlinson 47 secs
Obachike at:G20 Protest on Al Jazeera 120 secs
The front of the placard: On Al Jazeera primetime news
La fin proche du Pharaon libyen
Sur la photo, le Lion du desert Omar Al Moukhtar Ben Ferhat, le celebre Moudjahid martyr Libyen ayant combattu les italiens, 'aleyhi rahimatu Allah
Par Omar Mazri,
Au nom d’un narcissisme maladif et d’une vassalisation à la CIA dans sa lutte contre l’Islam le Pharaon libyen est entrain de réaliser un génocide contre le peuple libyen sous le silence complice et complaisant de l’Europe et de l’Amérique. Le peuple libyen fait face, la poitrine nue et les bras désarmés, contre des munitions de 14 mm et de 23 mm explosives et perforantes mais aussi contre des tirs d'obus et de mitrailleuses heliportées. Mais le décret divin va se réaliser et l’opprimé va triompher de l’oppresseur en particulier dans ce moment crucial du changement historique dans le monde arabe et islamique :
{Et lorsque Nous vous Sauvâmes des gens de Pharaon, qui vous infligeaient le pire des châtiments, qui massacraient vos enfants et laissaient vivre vos femmes; et il y a en cela une rude calamité de la part de votre Seigneur.} Al Baqara 49
Le « guide » insensé et psychopathe reproduit le même scénario que les monstres algériens ont réalisé contre le peuple : l’éradication et la terreur mais il oublie une chose : le vent a tourné en faveur des peuples, les moyens de communication modernes et les chaines satellitaires ne peuvent plus permettre le silence et l’occultation des crimes : tout s’inscrit en direct comme écriture de l’histoire, comme témoignage pour rendre justice et comme incitation à prendre position et à se démarquer. Ne reste neutre, devant le massacre des populations civiles sans armes, que celui dont le cœur est endurci par l’injustice et la corruption.
L'Occident n'est pas neutre car il exprime une fois de plus son mépris total pour les peuples qu'il a colonisé et qu'il continue de voir comme du bétail corvéable ou des terroristes à exterminer. L'Occident n'est pas neutre car son idéologie capitaliste matérialisme le prive de toute humanité et il ne voit le monde qu'à travers le rapport des forces. Ayant investi en Khadafi comme régulateur africain, une sorte de Scipion, contre l'emmigration et l'exode africaine qui fuit l'Afrique cherchant le pain, le travail et la sécurité vitale. La question que chacun doit se poser est pourquoi les Maghrébins et les Africains fuient leur terre natale pour vivre dans l'humiliation et au péril de leur vie en Europe?
La réponse est simple il y a un pactole de 150 mille milliards $ de réserve de pétrole en Libye que Kadhafi a garanti à l'Occident s'il est rayé de la liste noire. La réponse est plus simple encore si on voit le folklore de son intronisation d'empéreur africain pour faciliter le partage néo colonial des ressources en Afrique évalué à plus de 400 millions de milliards $ (voir mes deux articles : Nigeria guerre de religion, pénétration néocoloniale - Nigéria, évangélisation, pillage et destabilisation). L'Occident aveuglé par ses intérêts ne voit pas l'avenir et continue de soutenir les dictateurs, les génocidaires croyant qu'il est possible de continuer à aider par le soutien logistique, militaire et par le renseignement leurs vassaux. Ils sont ignorants de la vitalité des peuples musulmans considérés comme morts et enterrés. L'Occident croit qu'il est toujours possible de substituer la tête d'un régime par une autre figure car ils pensent maintenir en Egypte et en Tunisie les régimes inféodés avec une autre dévanture : Ils ne rusent que contre eux-mêmes mais ils ne se rendent pas compte de leur propre fin à travers la fin de leurs vassaux et de leur politique néo coloniale.
Ni Kadhafi ni les autres tyrans arabes et musulmans ne tirent leçons de l’histoire ni enseignement des événements chez les voisins : sourds, muets et aveugles, ils sont prisonniers de leur tradition, de leur routine, de leur système de pensée unique et de leur arrogance :
{C’est comme l’habitude des gens de Pharaon et ceux qui les ont précédés. Ils démentirent nos Signes, alors Allah les Châtia en raison de leurs péchés. Allah Punit sévèrement. Dis à ceux qui devinrent mécréants : « Vous serez vaincus et vous serez conduis à la Géhenne ». Piètres couches!} Al ‘Imrane 11
Le compte à rebours a commencé pour le dictateur : ce n ‘est plus qu’une question de jours. Tous les dictateurs vont tomber comme un château de cartes ou un jeu de domino. Certains dictateurs vont livrer une guerre contre leur peuple sans concession et sans pitié car ils ont perdu l’humanité comme ils ont perdu tout cap et toute perspective de repli vers l’Occident qui les jette et cherche une marionnette nouvelle qui lui assure ses intérêts. Kadhafi est dans une situation pire : aucun pays arabe ne voudra de lui ni de ses comparses : il va donc livrer une bataille non seulement pour se maintenir au pouvoir mais il va livrer une bataille sanglante génocidaire car à sa mégalomanie morbide s’ajoute la panique primitive du prédateur acculé à fuir sans point de fuite ni porte de sortie autre que la pendaison ou la lapidation par un peuple martyr.
Dans l’attente de ce dénouement tragique mais inéluctable nous n’avons qu’à demander à la crise de s’aiguiser car l’étape du dialogue et des compromis ou des arrangements est révolu. Mohamed (saws) quand les horizons se bouchaient il disait « O crise aggrave toi tu vas être salvatrice »
Dans le dénuement de la crise en faveur des peuples et des opprimés Allah a fait révéler ce verset pour donner la fermeté, le courage et l’espérance malgré le rapport de forces militaires et logistiques en faveur de l’oppresseur suréquipé et surexcité :
{Lorsqu’Allah te les Fit voir, peu nombreux dans ton songe, et s’Il te les Avait Montrés nombreux, vous auriez perdu courage et vous vous seriez disputés sur le sujet, mais Allah préserva du mal. Allah Est Omniscient de l’essence des pensées. Et lorsqu’Il vous les Montrait, lorsque vous vous êtes rencontrés, peu nombreux à vos yeux et Réduisait votre nombre à leurs yeux, afin qu’Allah Réalise une chose qui devait être accomplie. C’est à Allah que les choses sont ramenées. O vous qui devîntes croyants, si vous rencontrez une troupe, restez ferme et psalmodiez beaucoup le Nom d’Allah, afin que vous cultiviez. Obéissez à Allah et à son Messager et ne soyez point en conflit entre vous, car vous perdriez courage et vous vous disperseriez. Persévérez. Allah Est sûrement avec les persévérants. Et ne soyez pas comme ceux qui sont sortis de leurs demeures par ingratitude (envers Allah), par ostentation devant les Hommes, et rebutent de la Cause d’Allah, mais Allah Domine ce qu’ils font.} Al Anfal 42
Le peuple libyen héritier de Omar al Mokhtar Ben Ferhat le résistant martyr, surnommé le lion du désert, saura résister et payer le prix de sa libération. Omar al Mokhtar le forgeron, le menuisier, l’homme du peuple, le savant mystique fut à l’avant-garde du combat en centre Afrique contre les colons français, à la frontière de l’Égypte contre les colons britanniques et en Libye contre les fascistes italiens. Comme tous les peuples arabes et Musulmans le peuple libyen a une mémoire collective de libération, un inconscient collectif d’appartenance à la théologie de libération de l’Islam, un sentiment national de fierté d’appartenir à une race de héros légendaire et une vocation d’appartenance aux peuples qui ont donné Abdelkrim al Khattabi, l’Émir Abdelkader…
Ne connaitra jamais le déshonneur et l’oppression toute l’existence un peuple qui donne naissance à Omar al Mokhtar qui a l’âge de 60 ans et dans un rapport de force en sa défaveur dit aux colons italiens : « Nous vous avons combattus pendant 18 ans, et avec l'aide de Dieu, nous allons continuer, et vous n’allez pas nous effrayer avec vos menaces… Je ne quitterais pas le mont vert tant que je suis en vie, et les Italiens ne trouveront de répit, que lorsque ma barbe sera enterrée sous terre ». C’est ce défi que le peuple libyen vient de relever contre le roi des tyrans d’Afrique.
Contre l’oppresseur la première victoire c’est briser le silence. Vaincu après avoir épuisé tous les moyens de lutte à sa disposition Omar fut pendu le matin du mercredi 16 septembre 1931 devant la population sans armes. Le Sheikh Omar Al Mokhtar fut amené, les mains enchaînées et le sourire aux lèvres. Il fut livré à son bourreau à 9 h précises, alors que son visage était rayonnant de bonheur à l’idée de mourir Chahid fi Sabil Allah. Ses dernières paroles furent l’appel à la prière, et les versets : « Ô toi, âme apaisée, retourne vers ton Seigneur, satisfaite et agréée. » C’était sa fin sur terre... Mais le début d'une autre ère. L'âme qui s'élève au ciel en martyr élève sa parole, ses principes et marque la terre du sceau de son immortalité.
Le colonialisme dans son œuvre de deshumanisation, d’occultation de la mémoire collective, d’humiliation et d’asservissement exigea qu’aucune larme et qu’aucune voix ne se manifeste lors de la pendaison du Villard héros sinon elle sera tué ou torturé. Jourbou Abd El Jalil qui ne put contenir ses pleurs fut durement réprimé et contre la voix de l’oppresseur la voix d’Allah a inspiré celle de l’opprimé pour glorifier son héros et signifier que la résistance va continuer jusqu’au triomphe malgré la répression. Ainsi des voix s’étaient élevées, des pleurs se sont exprimés dans la dignité et les dos se sont courbés sans céder devant les coups de fouets impitoyables des italiens deshumanisés par le fait colonial et la haine du musulman. L’histoire a retenu que Fatima El Abaria devant le corps pendu de Omar Al Mokhtar a brisé le mur du silence en criant de douleur le malheur de la patrie qui venait de perdre sa grande figure. Amr Khaled dit au sujet de cette femme qui symbolise la conscience patriotique : « Après elle, les cris se sont élevés secouant l’univers, et je ne crois pas exagérer si je dis que les anges ont répété avec les hommes pour le glorieux martyr. »
Sa mémoire est glorifié par Allah comme celle de tous les martyrs et de tous les véridiques :
{Il est parmi les croyants des Hommes qui ont été sincères dans leur engagement envers Allah. Il est d’entre eux qui (a accompli son voeu et) mourut (en martyr), et il est d’entre eux qui attend, et ils n’ont pas changé leur détermination…}
Ainsi sa mémoire fut chantée et célébrée par les poètes, les révolutionnaires et les peuples. Symbole de la résistance et de la bravoure il est naturel donc que le premier mouvement né dès le début de la révolution contre Kadhafi et son livre vert fut "le mouvement Omar al Mokhtar"
Jamais donc les cris des assassinés libyens par les mercenaires de Kadhafi ne pourront être tus. Jamais les appels des savants libyens répétant les versets coraniques ne pourront être ignorés de Dieu :
{Quiconque tue une personne sans qu’elle ait tué ou corrompu de par la terre, serait comme s’il avait assassiné l’humanité} Al Maida 79
Comme Moise, le peuple libyen est en train de faire face à l’arrogance de Pharaon à un moment où il ne s’agit plus de dialoguer ou de construire une opposition mais de lutter contre le tyran en s’appuyant sur Allah par les invocations de l’opprimé :
{Et Moïse dit : « Notre Seigneur, Tu As Accordé à Pharaon et son élite aisance et biens dans la vie terrestre, notre Seigneur, afin qu’ils se fourvoient de Ta voie ! Notre Seigneur, Supprime leurs biens et Endurcis leurs cœurs, de sorte qu’ils ne deviennent pas croyants jusqu’à ce qu’ils voient le châtiment douloureux ». Il Dit : « Votre invocation, à vous deux, est exaucée. Suivez alors, tous deux, la rectitude et ne suivez surtout pas la voie de ceux qui ne savent point. »} Younes 88
Lors de la Bataille de Badr le Prophète avant et pendant le combat qui allait être décisif pour la communauté de Médine et pour l’Islam ne s’arrêta pas de faire des invocations demandant la victoire de sa cause et la défaite de ses oppresseurs :
« Seigneur ! Voici les Quraychites qui avancent arrogants et fiers, ils Te bravent et démentent Ton Envoyé. Seigneur, accorde-moi le soutien que Tu m'as promis. »
«Seigneur, réalise Ta promesse à mon égard ! Seigneur, je T'en prie. Que Ta promesse se réalise !»
«Seigneur ! Si cette troupe périt aujourd'hui, il n'y aura plus personne pour T'adorer sur Terre !
La loi de Dieu est universelle : le triomphe des opprimés s’ils se cramponnent à Lui
{Et Nous Envoyâmes, en fait, auparavant, des Messagers à leurs gens : ils sont venus à eux avec les évidences. De sorte que Nous Nous Vengeâmes de ceux qui furent malfaiteurs. Et c’est une obligation pour Nous de Faire triompher les croyants.} Ar Rum 47
Kadhafi a reçu le message travers le Coran qu’il a voulu combattre et il vient de recevoir un message à travers les peuples tunisiens, égyptiens et maintenant son peuple mais il ne tire aucun profit :
{A l’abîme, donc, les condamnés au Feu embrasé !} Al Mulk 11
Dans l’attente de voir le peuple libyen reconquérir, dans les prochaines semaines ou les prochaines heures, sa souveraineté et décider de son destin sans tutelle nous devons répondre à l'appel de nos frères lybiens qui se font massacrer et dont les femmes se font violer : que ceux qui peuvent manifester dans les rues manifestent, que ceux qui peuvent apporter une aide logistique, financière ou militaire ou sanitaire pour sauver le peuple de l'éradication qu'ils prennent leur responsabilité dans la limité de leurs moyens et de leur compétence. Les vieux et les faibles doivent contribuer à aider nos fils et nos filles, nos frères et nos soeurs de Libye par nos invocations en purifiant nos cœurs et en levant nos mains au ciel :
"Ô Seigneur! C’est Ta miséricorde que j’espère, ne me laisse donc pas à mon propre sort ne serait-ce que le temps d’un clin d’œil et améliore ma situation. Il n’y a d’autre divinité sauf Toi."
"Ô Seigneur! Nous T’invoquons contre leur mal (littéralement : Nous Te plaçons dans leurs gorges) et dirige-le contre eux-mêmes. Nous nous mettons sous Ta protection contre leurs méfaits."
"Ô Seigneur! Tu es mon soutien et mon protecteur. C’est par Toi que je me déplace, que je fonds sur l’ennemi et que je le combats."
"Allah nous suffit, Il est notre meilleur garant."
"Ô Seigneur ! Seigneur des sept cieux, de la terre et du Trône immense, sois pour moi un protecteur contre untel, fils d’untel, et contre ses alliés parmi Tes créatures, et contre le fait de subir un abus ou une tyrannie de leur part. Honoré soit Ton protégé, Exalté soit Ton éloge et il n’y a de divinité que Toi."
"Allah est le Plus Grand, Allah est plus Puissant que toutes Ses créatures. Allah est plus Puissant que celui dont j’ai peur et dont je me méfie. Je me mets sous la protection d’Allah, il n’y a pas d’autre divinité sauf Lui, Celui qui retient les sept cieux de tomber sur la terre sauf quand Il le permettra, contre les méfaits de Ton esclave untel, contre ses soldats, ses partisans et ses partis, parmi les djinns et les humains. Ô Seigneur ! Sois mon protecteur contre leurs méfaits. Exalté soit Ton éloge, honoré soit Ton protégé, béni soit Ton nom et il n’y a pas de divinité à part Toi."
"Ô Seigneur ! Toi qui as fait descendre le Livre, qui est prompt dans Ses comptes, vaincs les coalisés. Ô Seigneur, vaincs-les et fais-les trembler."
"Ô Seigneur ! Épargne-moi leurs méfaits de la façon qui Te plaira."
Sur la photo, le Lion du desert Omar Al Moukhtar Ben Ferhat, le celebre Moudjahid martyr Libyen ayant combattu les italiens, 'aleyhi rahimatu AllahPar Omar Mazri,
Au nom d’un narcissisme maladif et d’une vassalisation à la CIA dans sa lutte contre l’Islam le Pharaon libyen est entrain de réaliser un génocide contre le peuple libyen sous le silence complice et complaisant de l’Europe et de l’Amérique. Le peuple libyen fait face, la poitrine nue et les bras désarmés, contre des munitions de 14 mm et de 23 mm explosives et perforantes mais aussi contre des tirs d'obus et de mitrailleuses heliportées. Mais le décret divin va se réaliser et l’opprimé va triompher de l’oppresseur en particulier dans ce moment crucial du changement historique dans le monde arabe et islamique :{Et lorsque Nous vous Sauvâmes des gens de Pharaon, qui vous infligeaient le pire des châtiments, qui massacraient vos enfants et laissaient vivre vos femmes; et il y a en cela une rude calamité de la part de votre Seigneur.} Al Baqara 49
Le « guide » insensé et psychopathe reproduit le même scénario que les monstres algériens ont réalisé contre le peuple : l’éradication et la terreur mais il oublie une chose : le vent a tourné en faveur des peuples, les moyens de communication modernes et les chaines satellitaires ne peuvent plus permettre le silence et l’occultation des crimes : tout s’inscrit en direct comme écriture de l’histoire, comme témoignage pour rendre justice et comme incitation à prendre position et à se démarquer. Ne reste neutre, devant le massacre des populations civiles sans armes, que celui dont le cœur est endurci par l’injustice et la corruption.L'Occident n'est pas neutre car il exprime une fois de plus son mépris total pour les peuples qu'il a colonisé et qu'il continue de voir comme du bétail corvéable ou des terroristes à exterminer. L'Occident n'est pas neutre car son idéologie capitaliste matérialisme le prive de toute humanité et il ne voit le monde qu'à travers le rapport des forces. Ayant investi en Khadafi comme régulateur africain, une sorte de Scipion, contre l'emmigration et l'exode africaine qui fuit l'Afrique cherchant le pain, le travail et la sécurité vitale. La question que chacun doit se poser est pourquoi les Maghrébins et les Africains fuient leur terre natale pour vivre dans l'humiliation et au péril de leur vie en Europe?
La réponse est simple il y a un pactole de 150 mille milliards $ de réserve de pétrole en Libye que Kadhafi a garanti à l'Occident s'il est rayé de la liste noire. La réponse est plus simple encore si on voit le folklore de son intronisation d'empéreur africain pour faciliter le partage néo colonial des ressources en Afrique évalué à plus de 400 millions de milliards $ (voir mes deux articles : Nigeria guerre de religion, pénétration néocoloniale - Nigéria, évangélisation, pillage et destabilisation). L'Occident aveuglé par ses intérêts ne voit pas l'avenir et continue de soutenir les dictateurs, les génocidaires croyant qu'il est possible de continuer à aider par le soutien logistique, militaire et par le renseignement leurs vassaux. Ils sont ignorants de la vitalité des peuples musulmans considérés comme morts et enterrés. L'Occident croit qu'il est toujours possible de substituer la tête d'un régime par une autre figure car ils pensent maintenir en Egypte et en Tunisie les régimes inféodés avec une autre dévanture : Ils ne rusent que contre eux-mêmes mais ils ne se rendent pas compte de leur propre fin à travers la fin de leurs vassaux et de leur politique néo coloniale.Ni Kadhafi ni les autres tyrans arabes et musulmans ne tirent leçons de l’histoire ni enseignement des événements chez les voisins : sourds, muets et aveugles, ils sont prisonniers de leur tradition, de leur routine, de leur système de pensée unique et de leur arrogance :{C’est comme l’habitude des gens de Pharaon et ceux qui les ont précédés. Ils démentirent nos Signes, alors Allah les Châtia en raison de leurs péchés. Allah Punit sévèrement. Dis à ceux qui devinrent mécréants : « Vous serez vaincus et vous serez conduis à la Géhenne ». Piètres couches!} Al ‘Imrane 11Le compte à rebours a commencé pour le dictateur : ce n ‘est plus qu’une question de jours. Tous les dictateurs vont tomber comme un château de cartes ou un jeu de domino. Certains dictateurs vont livrer une guerre contre leur peuple sans concession et sans pitié car ils ont perdu l’humanité comme ils ont perdu tout cap et toute perspective de repli vers l’Occident qui les jette et cherche une marionnette nouvelle qui lui assure ses intérêts. Kadhafi est dans une situation pire : aucun pays arabe ne voudra de lui ni de ses comparses : il va donc livrer une bataille non seulement pour se maintenir au pouvoir mais il va livrer une bataille sanglante génocidaire car à sa mégalomanie morbide s’ajoute la panique primitive du prédateur acculé à fuir sans point de fuite ni porte de sortie autre que la pendaison ou la lapidation par un peuple martyr.Dans l’attente de ce dénouement tragique mais inéluctable nous n’avons qu’à demander à la crise de s’aiguiser car l’étape du dialogue et des compromis ou des arrangements est révolu. Mohamed (saws) quand les horizons se bouchaient il disait « O crise aggrave toi tu vas être salvatrice »Dans le dénuement de la crise en faveur des peuples et des opprimés Allah a fait révéler ce verset pour donner la fermeté, le courage et l’espérance malgré le rapport de forces militaires et logistiques en faveur de l’oppresseur suréquipé et surexcité :{Lorsqu’Allah te les Fit voir, peu nombreux dans ton songe, et s’Il te les Avait Montrés nombreux, vous auriez perdu courage et vous vous seriez disputés sur le sujet, mais Allah préserva du mal. Allah Est Omniscient de l’essence des pensées. Et lorsqu’Il vous les Montrait, lorsque vous vous êtes rencontrés, peu nombreux à vos yeux et Réduisait votre nombre à leurs yeux, afin qu’Allah Réalise une chose qui devait être accomplie. C’est à Allah que les choses sont ramenées. O vous qui devîntes croyants, si vous rencontrez une troupe, restez ferme et psalmodiez beaucoup le Nom d’Allah, afin que vous cultiviez. Obéissez à Allah et à son Messager et ne soyez point en conflit entre vous, car vous perdriez courage et vous vous disperseriez. Persévérez. Allah Est sûrement avec les persévérants. Et ne soyez pas comme ceux qui sont sortis de leurs demeures par ingratitude (envers Allah), par ostentation devant les Hommes, et rebutent de la Cause d’Allah, mais Allah Domine ce qu’ils font.} Al Anfal 42Le peuple libyen héritier de Omar al Mokhtar Ben Ferhat le résistant martyr, surnommé le lion du désert, saura résister et payer le prix de sa libération. Omar al Mokhtar le forgeron, le menuisier, l’homme du peuple, le savant mystique fut à l’avant-garde du combat en centre Afrique contre les colons français, à la frontière de l’Égypte contre les colons britanniques et en Libye contre les fascistes italiens. Comme tous les peuples arabes et Musulmans le peuple libyen a une mémoire collective de libération, un inconscient collectif d’appartenance à la théologie de libération de l’Islam, un sentiment national de fierté d’appartenir à une race de héros légendaire et une vocation d’appartenance aux peuples qui ont donné Abdelkrim al Khattabi, l’Émir Abdelkader…Ne connaitra jamais le déshonneur et l’oppression toute l’existence un peuple qui donne naissance à Omar al Mokhtar qui a l’âge de 60 ans et dans un rapport de force en sa défaveur dit aux colons italiens : « Nous vous avons combattus pendant 18 ans, et avec l'aide de Dieu, nous allons continuer, et vous n’allez pas nous effrayer avec vos menaces… Je ne quitterais pas le mont vert tant que je suis en vie, et les Italiens ne trouveront de répit, que lorsque ma barbe sera enterrée sous terre ». C’est ce défi que le peuple libyen vient de relever contre le roi des tyrans d’Afrique.Contre l’oppresseur la première victoire c’est briser le silence. Vaincu après avoir épuisé tous les moyens de lutte à sa disposition Omar fut pendu le matin du mercredi 16 septembre 1931 devant la population sans armes. Le Sheikh Omar Al Mokhtar fut amené, les mains enchaînées et le sourire aux lèvres. Il fut livré à son bourreau à 9 h précises, alors que son visage était rayonnant de bonheur à l’idée de mourir Chahid fi Sabil Allah. Ses dernières paroles furent l’appel à la prière, et les versets : « Ô toi, âme apaisée, retourne vers ton Seigneur, satisfaite et agréée. » C’était sa fin sur terre... Mais le début d'une autre ère. L'âme qui s'élève au ciel en martyr élève sa parole, ses principes et marque la terre du sceau de son immortalité.Le colonialisme dans son œuvre de deshumanisation, d’occultation de la mémoire collective, d’humiliation et d’asservissement exigea qu’aucune larme et qu’aucune voix ne se manifeste lors de la pendaison du Villard héros sinon elle sera tué ou torturé. Jourbou Abd El Jalil qui ne put contenir ses pleurs fut durement réprimé et contre la voix de l’oppresseur la voix d’Allah a inspiré celle de l’opprimé pour glorifier son héros et signifier que la résistance va continuer jusqu’au triomphe malgré la répression. Ainsi des voix s’étaient élevées, des pleurs se sont exprimés dans la dignité et les dos se sont courbés sans céder devant les coups de fouets impitoyables des italiens deshumanisés par le fait colonial et la haine du musulman. L’histoire a retenu que Fatima El Abaria devant le corps pendu de Omar Al Mokhtar a brisé le mur du silence en criant de douleur le malheur de la patrie qui venait de perdre sa grande figure. Amr Khaled dit au sujet de cette femme qui symbolise la conscience patriotique : « Après elle, les cris se sont élevés secouant l’univers, et je ne crois pas exagérer si je dis que les anges ont répété avec les hommes pour le glorieux martyr. »Sa mémoire est glorifié par Allah comme celle de tous les martyrs et de tous les véridiques :
{Il est parmi les croyants des Hommes qui ont été sincères dans leur engagement envers Allah. Il est d’entre eux qui (a accompli son voeu et) mourut (en martyr), et il est d’entre eux qui attend, et ils n’ont pas changé leur détermination…}
Ainsi sa mémoire fut chantée et célébrée par les poètes, les révolutionnaires et les peuples. Symbole de la résistance et de la bravoure il est naturel donc que le premier mouvement né dès le début de la révolution contre Kadhafi et son livre vert fut "le mouvement Omar al Mokhtar"Jamais donc les cris des assassinés libyens par les mercenaires de Kadhafi ne pourront être tus. Jamais les appels des savants libyens répétant les versets coraniques ne pourront être ignorés de Dieu :{Quiconque tue une personne sans qu’elle ait tué ou corrompu de par la terre, serait comme s’il avait assassiné l’humanité} Al Maida 79Comme Moise, le peuple libyen est en train de faire face à l’arrogance de Pharaon à un moment où il ne s’agit plus de dialoguer ou de construire une opposition mais de lutter contre le tyran en s’appuyant sur Allah par les invocations de l’opprimé :{Et Moïse dit : « Notre Seigneur, Tu As Accordé à Pharaon et son élite aisance et biens dans la vie terrestre, notre Seigneur, afin qu’ils se fourvoient de Ta voie ! Notre Seigneur, Supprime leurs biens et Endurcis leurs cœurs, de sorte qu’ils ne deviennent pas croyants jusqu’à ce qu’ils voient le châtiment douloureux ». Il Dit : « Votre invocation, à vous deux, est exaucée. Suivez alors, tous deux, la rectitude et ne suivez surtout pas la voie de ceux qui ne savent point. »} Younes 88Lors de la Bataille de Badr le Prophète avant et pendant le combat qui allait être décisif pour la communauté de Médine et pour l’Islam ne s’arrêta pas de faire des invocations demandant la victoire de sa cause et la défaite de ses oppresseurs :« Seigneur ! Voici les Quraychites qui avancent arrogants et fiers, ils Te bravent et démentent Ton Envoyé. Seigneur, accorde-moi le soutien que Tu m'as promis. »«Seigneur, réalise Ta promesse à mon égard ! Seigneur, je T'en prie. Que Ta promesse se réalise !»«Seigneur ! Si cette troupe périt aujourd'hui, il n'y aura plus personne pour T'adorer sur Terre !La loi de Dieu est universelle : le triomphe des opprimés s’ils se cramponnent à Lui{Et Nous Envoyâmes, en fait, auparavant, des Messagers à leurs gens : ils sont venus à eux avec les évidences. De sorte que Nous Nous Vengeâmes de ceux qui furent malfaiteurs. Et c’est une obligation pour Nous de Faire triompher les croyants.} Ar Rum 47Kadhafi a reçu le message travers le Coran qu’il a voulu combattre et il vient de recevoir un message à travers les peuples tunisiens, égyptiens et maintenant son peuple mais il ne tire aucun profit :{A l’abîme, donc, les condamnés au Feu embrasé !} Al Mulk 11Dans l’attente de voir le peuple libyen reconquérir, dans les prochaines semaines ou les prochaines heures, sa souveraineté et décider de son destin sans tutelle nous devons répondre à l'appel de nos frères lybiens qui se font massacrer et dont les femmes se font violer : que ceux qui peuvent manifester dans les rues manifestent, que ceux qui peuvent apporter une aide logistique, financière ou militaire ou sanitaire pour sauver le peuple de l'éradication qu'ils prennent leur responsabilité dans la limité de leurs moyens et de leur compétence. Les vieux et les faibles doivent contribuer à aider nos fils et nos filles, nos frères et nos soeurs de Libye par nos invocations en purifiant nos cœurs et en levant nos mains au ciel :"Ô Seigneur! C’est Ta miséricorde que j’espère, ne me laisse donc pas à mon propre sort ne serait-ce que le temps d’un clin d’œil et améliore ma situation. Il n’y a d’autre divinité sauf Toi.""Ô Seigneur! Nous T’invoquons contre leur mal (littéralement : Nous Te plaçons dans leurs gorges) et dirige-le contre eux-mêmes. Nous nous mettons sous Ta protection contre leurs méfaits.""Ô Seigneur! Tu es mon soutien et mon protecteur. C’est par Toi que je me déplace, que je fonds sur l’ennemi et que je le combats.""Allah nous suffit, Il est notre meilleur garant.""Ô Seigneur ! Seigneur des sept cieux, de la terre et du Trône immense, sois pour moi un protecteur contre untel, fils d’untel, et contre ses alliés parmi Tes créatures, et contre le fait de subir un abus ou une tyrannie de leur part. Honoré soit Ton protégé, Exalté soit Ton éloge et il n’y a de divinité que Toi.""Allah est le Plus Grand, Allah est plus Puissant que toutes Ses créatures. Allah est plus Puissant que celui dont j’ai peur et dont je me méfie. Je me mets sous la protection d’Allah, il n’y a pas d’autre divinité sauf Lui, Celui qui retient les sept cieux de tomber sur la terre sauf quand Il le permettra, contre les méfaits de Ton esclave untel, contre ses soldats, ses partisans et ses partis, parmi les djinns et les humains. Ô Seigneur ! Sois mon protecteur contre leurs méfaits. Exalté soit Ton éloge, honoré soit Ton protégé, béni soit Ton nom et il n’y a pas de divinité à part Toi.""Ô Seigneur ! Toi qui as fait descendre le Livre, qui est prompt dans Ses comptes, vaincs les coalisés. Ô Seigneur, vaincs-les et fais-les trembler.""Ô Seigneur ! Épargne-moi leurs méfaits de la façon qui Te plaira."
Provocations de la France-Israel: Le criminel de guerre Raffarin se fait humilier par le digne peuple algérien ! Sous intense pression, le regime des harkis de la DCRI/DST-DRS, pas de contrats avec les sociétés du MEDEF a Paris qui soutiennent le gouvernement raciste, colonialiste, sioniste Sarkozy, en guerre totale contre les peuples du Maghreb et contre les 10-12 millions de Musulmans vivant en France. Le courageux peuple Libyen ayant devancé l'Algérie en arretant plusieurs puits de production de petrole, ce qui ne manquera pas de faire tomber Total, principal voleur de petrole dans la région avec BP. Un embarguo energétique terminera les israeliens de France et leur pantin raciste Sarkozy tombera avant le debut de l'été si les francais ne le chassent pas avant! Voila ou mene l'islamophobie au nom d'Israel...
أولاً : ردَّ على وزير الخارجية الجزائري مراد مدلسي إثر تصريحه لإذاعة فرنسا " أوربا 1" وبين أن ما فعله النظام الجزائري المتعفن يفوق ما اقترفه النظام التونسي والمصري
وفي كل شر وضرب لذلك أمثلة من الواقع
Video du Sheykh Ali Belhadj, sur les declarations du pantin de la voix de la France-Israel Medelci sur Europe 1 et sur les revoltes populaires en Tunisie et en Egypte, 18 Fevrier 2011.
( A celui qui a retiré la video du post, que je viens de remettre a l'instant le Mardi 22 Fevrier 2011 a 14H32 heure GMT, allez au diable harkas et enfants de la troupe coloniale de la France-Israel ! Abu Suleyman)
- أولاً : ردَّ على وزير الخارجية الجزائري مراد مدلسي إثر تصريحه لإذاعة فرنسا " أوربا 1" وبين أن ما فعله النظام الجزائري المتعفن يفوق ما اقترفه النظام التونسي والمصريوفي كل شر وضرب لذلك أمثلة من الواقع
Video du Sheykh Ali Belhadj, sur les declarations du pantin de la voix de la France-Israel Medelci sur Europe 1 et sur les revoltes populaires en Tunisie et en Egypte, 18 Fevrier 2011.
Foreword by Gordon Duff Senior Editor Veterans Today
(There is music for those of you brothers and sisters who want to skip it at the beginning, AS)
There are few more controversial figures than Dimitri Khalezov, former officer in the Soviet Union’s nuclear intelligence services. Khalezov, staff writer for Veterans Today, an online journal that seldom ducks controversy, endures the better part of two hours, a combination of friendly questioning and inquisition, at the hands of Dr. Kevin Barrett and Gordon Duff.
Edward Rynearson describes the broadcast:
Kevin Barrett speaks with intelligence community whistleblower Dmitri Khalezov and Veterans Today editor Gordon Duff. They discuss whether an infamous Mossad agent named Mike Harari brag of organizing 9/11? Dmitri Khalezov, author of The Third Truth About 9/11, was arrested in Thailand along with Mike Harari. Khalezov says Harari was his friend at the time of 9/11, invited him to a party on 9/12/01 celebrating the successful operation, and subsequently let it be known, in so many words, that he, Harari, was an organizer of the 9/11 false-flag event. Gordon Duff, editor of Veterans Today, knows the intelligence community well and says Khalezov should be taken seriously as a potential witness in the 9/11 mass murder case.

More highly classified material is made public during this interview than during any single such endeavor on record.
Khalezov functions on two levels here, telling what he knows but also telling what he believes as well.
It is difficult to tell which is more shocking.
Khalezov is the only “insider” to come forward with admissible testimony, were there to actually be an investigation on 9/11. He is questioned in two areas:
- The presence of nuclear demolition materials, not “micro-nukes” but thermo-nuclear devices of considerable size, which were buried many meters into the bedrock of Manhattan, beneath the World Trade Center. The information Khalezov offers was shared by the United States with the Soviet government in accordance with treaty.
- Khalezov is able to confirm the direct involvement of Mike Harari, Director of Operations for Israel’s Mossad, long time Bush-Noriega associate and key figure in the Iran-Contra scandals, in the planning and execution of 9/11.
The 1983 Marine Barracks attack in Beirut, the Bali bombings, the Khobar Towers attack in Saudi Arabia, even Chernobyl, all are discussed.
- Foreword by Gordon Duff Senior Editor Veterans Today
(There is music for those of you brothers and sisters who want to skip it at the beginning, AS)
There are few more controversial figures than Dimitri Khalezov, former officer in the Soviet Union’s nuclear intelligence services. Khalezov, staff writer for Veterans Today, an online journal that seldom ducks controversy, endures the better part of two hours, a combination of friendly questioning and inquisition, at the hands of Dr. Kevin Barrett and Gordon Duff.
Edward Rynearson describes the broadcast:
Kevin Barrett speaks with intelligence community whistleblower Dmitri Khalezov and Veterans Today editor Gordon Duff. They discuss whether an infamous Mossad agent named Mike Harari brag of organizing 9/11? Dmitri Khalezov, author of The Third Truth About 9/11, was arrested in Thailand along with Mike Harari. Khalezov says Harari was his friend at the time of 9/11, invited him to a party on 9/12/01 celebrating the successful operation, and subsequently let it be known, in so many words, that he, Harari, was an organizer of the 9/11 false-flag event. Gordon Duff, editor of Veterans Today, knows the intelligence community well and says Khalezov should be taken seriously as a potential witness in the 9/11 mass murder case.
More highly classified material is made public during this interview than during any single such endeavor on record.
Khalezov functions on two levels here, telling what he knows but also telling what he believes as well.
It is difficult to tell which is more shocking.
Khalezov is the only “insider” to come forward with admissible testimony, were there to actually be an investigation on 9/11. He is questioned in two areas:
- The presence of nuclear demolition materials, not “micro-nukes” but thermo-nuclear devices of considerable size, which were buried many meters into the bedrock of Manhattan, beneath the World Trade Center. The information Khalezov offers was shared by the United States with the Soviet government in accordance with treaty.
- Khalezov is able to confirm the direct involvement of Mike Harari, Director of Operations for Israel’s Mossad, long time Bush-Noriega associate and key figure in the Iran-Contra scandals, in the planning and execution of 9/11.
The 1983 Marine Barracks attack in Beirut, the Bali bombings, the Khobar Towers attack in Saudi Arabia, even Chernobyl, all are discussed.