16 nov. 2019

Monnaie Sunnah c'est le Khilafa retabli: Dinar d'Or et Dirham d'Argent: Pour une conception monétaire francaise contact au bas de la page

"La monnaie papier est une tromperie. Elle est utilisée comme un moyen de nous dépouiller de nos biens. La monnaie continue de chuter...

Le système bancaire est un crime et les banquiers sont des criminels. Le système actuel est présenté comme le seul possible mais il n'est pas seulement viable, il est injuste et il détruit l'économie.

Ce que nous essayons aujourd'hui, c'est de rendre l'argent aux banques en gardant l'or et l'argent pour le peuple. Les gens auront ainsi accès aux vraies richesses"

Combattons Riba!!!

info france dinar dirham:

info source (anglais):

pour acheter:
http://www.nubex.com.my/ (malaisie)
http://wakalanusantara.com/index.php?lang=en (indonésie)
http://www.dinarexchange.co.uk/ (angleterre)

pour créer un reseau, suivre cet exemple
http://www.dinardirham.org/ (anglais)

pour une conception monétaire francaise envoyer un email


Qui suivre, qui combattre en ces temps troubles de manipulations? Faut-il suivre les mensonges de la secte talmudiste de la franc-maconnerie et sa democratie qui n'a jamais existe, sa laicite, qui n'a jamais existe, ses libertes, qui n'ont jamais existe, ses droits, qui n'ont jamais existe? La secte talmudo-sioniste de la franc maconnerie prepare la venue de son maitre, le machiah, ou Antechrist-Dajjal et prepare le genocide de ceux d'entre nous qui suivons la lignee des prophetes envoyes a l'Humanite de Adam au Sceau des prophetes Muhammad saws, sa Sunnah et les commandements divins du Quran. Ce sont les seuls armes capables de vaincre le Dajjal et sa secte talmudo-sioniste.

Nouvel avertissement du Sheykh Salah-Eddine Ibn Ibrahim Abu Arafat depuis le coeur  de la mosquee d'Al Aqsa a Jerusalem sur les imposteurs de la communaute Musulmane qui combattent pour le Dajjal a l'insu de leur plein gre!

Pax Talmudica 2012 : Netanyahu is deeply involved in the black market trade of nuclear material according to the FBI. What were the links between the Litvinenko affair, Israel, and the next 911 israeli nuclear false flag in Europe?

Netanyahu Worked Inside Nuclear Smuggling Ring

by , July 04, 2012

Counterespionage debriefing reveals how Israel targeted U.S.

On June 27, 2012, the FBI partially declassified and released seven additional pages [.pdf] from a 1985–2002 investigation into how a network of front companies connected to the Israeli Ministry of Defense illegally smuggled nuclear triggers out of the U.S.* The newly released FBI files detail how Richard Kelly Smyth — who was convicted of running a U.S. front company — met with Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel during the smuggling operation. At that time, Netanyahu worked at the Israeli node of the smuggling network, Heli Trading Company. Netanyahu, who currently serves as Israel’s prime minister, recently issued a gag order that the smuggling network’s unindicted ringleader refrain from discussing “Project Pinto.”

As revealed in previously released FBI files and the tell-all book Confidential: The Life of Secret Agent Turned Hollywood Tycoon Arnon Milchan, the Hollywood producer was recruited into Israel’s economic espionage division (LAKAM) in his 20s and learned how to establish front companies and secret bank accounts for smuggling operations. Arnon Milchan encouraged Smyth, a California engineer, to incorporate MILCO in 1972 and serve as a front for the Israel-based Heli Trading’s (also known as Milchan Limited) acquisitions of sensitive military technologies on behalf of the Ministry of Defense. Smyth fled the U.S. after being indicted for violating the Arms Export Control Act in the mid-1980s. In July 2001, Smyth was arrested in Spain by Interpol and returned to the U.S., and in November, he was convicted of exporting 800 nuclear triggers (called krytrons).

FBI agents interviewed Smyth on April 16-17, 2002, at the U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles. The secret interview report details how during a trip to Israel Smyth was “spotted” by Milchan, who claimed he worked as an exclusive purchasing agent for the Ministry of Defense. Smyth was introduced around to high military officials including then-general Ariel Sharon. Smyth was also put in contact with Benjamin Netanyahu, who worked at Heli Trading Company. According to the FBI report, “Smyth and [Netanyahu] would meet in restaurants in Tel Aviv and in [Netanyahu's] home and/or business. It was not uncommon for [Netanyahu] to ask Smyth for unclassified material.”

Milchan pulled Smyth into his glamorous, star-studded movie circuit. “While in the United States [Smyth] met with [Milchan] numerous times in Los Angeles. … Milchan and Smyth would have dinner frequently and would visit one another’s house often … it was quite common for [Milchan] to invite [Smyth] to various Hollywood parties and introduce [Smyth] to celebrities.”

During the 2002 Smyth counterintelligence debriefing, the FBI learned that the Ministry of Defense ordered and paid Heli Trading for krytrons. Heli in turn sourced them from MILCO in a clandestine operation codenamed Project Pinto. The report reveals how MILCO illegally shipped prohibited articles under general Commerce Department export licenses rather than smuggling them out via Israeli diplomatic pouches. The last time Smyth saw Milchan was in 1985. The Ministry of Defense issued a burn notice on Smyth after discussions with U.S. officials about the krytron smuggling. According to the FBI report, “Shortly thereafter, [Smyth] fled the United States.”

March 2012 statement by the co-authors of Confidential claims that “Hollywood mega-producer and former secret agent Arnon Milchan has been asked directly by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres to avoid any public discussion of the book Confidential, asserting that the matter is too sensitive at this time.” Although the book’s authors point to the escalating tensions over Iran’s nuclear program, Netanyahu’s own hands-on involvement in nuclear weapons–related covert action against America is presumably a far more compelling reason for the gag order.

* The FBI referred an additional 164 pages of the Mandatory Declassification Review to another government agency — presumably the CIA — for further review. The additional pages will likely never be released. The CIA has refused requests for similar documents in order to preserve intelligence sources and methods abroad.


Israel has the full control over the MI5, MI6, the Metropolitan Police in London, Scotland Yards and David Cameron's cabinet.




Muad'Dib's latest film about the July 7 2005 London bombings.

After being unlawfully jailed for 157 days based on trumped-up charges, and the BBC making a dedicated hit-piece on the original 7/7 Ripple Effect, the film-maker Muad'Dib expands upon the original film and has added over 60 minutes of new material connecting the dots of what most likely really did happen in London on July 7th 2005, when 3 tube-trains and a double-decker bus were exploded.

Watching this film should leave the viewer no doubt that the crimes and murder committed in London were done by other organizations than by claimed by the official and corporate media.

"I must say, in my opinion this is a masterpiece. In less than an hour, the film explains how this whole event was planned, how it was staged, what went wrong, how the authorities sought to cover it up and the failure of the press to cover it adequately. I think it is as marvellous a microcosm for understanding the nature of inside-jobs as anyone has ever produced, so I must congratulate you and tell you how much I admire your work."

- James H. Fetzer, professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota about the original 7/7 Ripple EFfect.

"It is an example of critical journalism that draws wholly on public news sources to formulate a controversial, but plausible, theory. After deploying three different theories of truth to develop insights into new and existing evidence, it is the BBC / Government theory that has a lower level of correspondence with known facts, is incoherent to the point of being implausible, and is more likely to distort its reports because of institutional controls and political pressures."

- Rory Ridley-Duff Ph.D., senior lecturer in human resource management and organisation behaviour, Sheffield Hallam University.


Operation Merah : Les mythomanes racistes et incompetents de la DCRI ont mis 4 mois pour mettre au point des bandes sons plus que douteuses

Mangoux, est le commanditaire et l'assassin de l'ancien premier ministre des Gaddafas, Al Baghdadi Mahmoudi, a Tripoli, la semaine derniere. Il est le chef d'orchestre de la maison mossad-pasqua, son role est de proteger Sarkozy et aurait du etre remplace comme Squarcini. Un deal secret, sous la supervision du CRIF afin de proteger Israel, a ete passe entre Francois Hollande et Nicolas Sarkozy pour ce faire, nous en reparlerons tres bientot, car Mangoux est devenu de ce fait le talon d'Achille de Hollande et Valls, mais egalement le detonateur de la guerre contre les Musulmans en France et au Maghreb-Sahel. 

Ce mercredi 4 Juillet 2012, l'etat francais et sa justice totalement corrompue et a la solde de loges maconniques israeliennes entreprennent de liberer un des opposants majeur au regime des criminels de guerre algeriens et leurs mentors des services francais. Le Dr Mourad Dhina est considere par les services francais comme un ennemi a abattre, comme tout Musulman. Les services francais ne sont que les barbouzes et criminels issus des differentes obediences maconniques francaises qui ont mis en place la colonisation et la France-Israel-Algerie.  

Dans le meme temps, une delegation francaise s'est rendue discretement et secretement a Alger. Parmi cette delegation des tres haut grades du ministere de l'interieur francais, la defense, des affaires etrangeres. 

Pourquoi la France ressent-elle le besoin d'envoyer une delegation a Alger le 4 Juillet 2012? 

Pourquoi Ayrault a demande aux medias francais de ne pas couvrir le voyage de cette delegation francaise?
Etait-ce pour finaliser un accord sur le Mali et reparer les fautes de Sarkozy qui avec Mangoux provoqua le coup d'etat en Mars 2011? 

Ou etait-ce pour trouver un accord pour liberer les 7 agents du DRS de l'ambassade de Gao, detenus par un groupe totalement sous la coupe de la DGSE?

Etait-ce pour negocier sur l'operation Merah et les bandes sons detenues par le DRS qui cherche a obtenir la liberation de ses otages et qui souhaite egalement cacher ses operations dans le Maghreb-Sahel pour le compte des USA, et l'OTAN? 

Hollande et Ayrault couvrent-ils le demantelement du Maghreb-Sahel, strategie deliberee de la politique europeene de voisinage, qui implique la destruction des etats nations pour les rattacher la region au bloc economique europeen et les soumettre au diktat israelien? 

Hollande-Ayrault negocient-ils directement pour sauver les tetes de Sarkozy, Squarcini, Molins, Mangoux, Gueant, Guaino, Hauteclocque et la maison mossad-pasqua? 

Apres la multiplication des plaintes contre les services de l'etat, le RAID, la police, pourquoi les 32 heures d'enregistrement ne sont toujours pas remises a la justice?  Alors que les bandes sons auraient du etre remises, comme les videos d'Al Jazeera a la justice des le depart?

Pourquoi Hauteclocque a-t-il choisi Sifaoui et TF1, plutot que la justice qu'il pretend servir?  Que cache ce manque de cooperation avec un des services de l'etat auquel il appartient?

Pourquoi les familles des victimes n'ont-elles pas acces aux enregistrements de 32 heures et aux video de Aljazeera? Ces bandes sons et enregistrements existent-ils reellement? 

Pourquoi Hauteclocque est encore libre? Pourquoi Squarcini et Mangoux sont libres et ne sont pas en detention provisoire pour avoir tenter de manipuler la justice et l'opinion publique par le biais des medias et de journaleux a la botte, tout en evitant soigneusement de passer par cette meme justice?

Pourquoi attendre 4 mois pour diffuser ces extraits? Etait-ce le temps qu'il fallut pour monter les bandes ou le timing etait-il important avant le 12 Juillet 2012?    

Quand on sait que les bandes sons et videos attribuees a Oussama Ben Laden se sont toutes revelees etre  fausses apres le 14 Decembre 2001 et que la CIA, comme la DCRI, la DGSE et la police francaises ce jour, refusaient systematiquement de faire authentifier les bandes ou videos car se doutant bien que leurs mensonges seraient reveles au grand jour, ce qui fut le cas par un laboratoire suisse. 

Lors des attentats de Londres, les 4 suspects avaient participe un an plus tot a 'des exercices anti-terroristes', et avaient empruntes un parcour dans Londres depuis leurs domiciles. Durant cet exercice,  des 'videos testament' furent meme preparees, puis utilisees par la suite contre eux. Ceci est clairement demontre dans la video Ripple Effect 2, voir ici. Le MI5 avait pretendu qu'il savait que les 4 suspects etaient en mission 'de reperage', un an avant les attentats, mais ils n'avaient pas ressentis le besoin de les arreter. On sait tous pourquoi aujourd'hui. 

Deux des 4 suspects avaient voyage en Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordanie et.... Israel! Visionnez bien la video Ripple Effect 2, c'est tres bien decrit dedans!

Car cela ressemble fort a l'operation Merah! Si les enregistrements etaient reels, est-il possible, comme pour les attentats de Londres, que Merah et ses officiers de tutelle aient simules un enregistrement durant l'un de ces 'exercices anti-terroristes' mais plusieurs mois avant les attaques de Montauban et Toulouse? Car en ecoutant bien le jeune homme, on a pas l'impression qu'il vient d'abattre trois petits enfants et qu'il est encercle? Pire apres avoir tue les juifs orthodoxes, et trois militaires la semaine d'avant, il s'est tout simplement permis de rentrer chez lui! C'est bizarre comme Squarcini a tout fait pour eviter de mentionner AQMI et de faire de Merah un candidat a l'operation martyre? Pour un membre 'd'Al Qaeda', ca sonne vraiment trop faux. Moi, mais ce n'est que mon humble avis, Squarcini consomme trop d'heroine afghane, tout comme sa 'fine equipe' d'israeliens.      

L'avocate du pere de Mohammed Merah viendrait deposer les bandes sons-videos ce 12 Juillet 2012? Pourquoi Hauteclocque ne souhaite pas donner les enregistrements a la justice, comme le ferait l'avocate de la famille Merah et la encore pour eviter toute manipulation, si elles existent? 

Mais il semblerait que la delegation de Ayrault ait su negocier et eviter que l'operation Merah ne se transforme en un Nuremberg pour les services francais et que les extraits diffuses ce soir par TF1, soit en fait le denouement final de l'histoire? Nous verrons lorsque l'avocate de la famille Merah deposera effectivement les bandes sons-videos cette semaine et que Aljazeera fera de meme? Et meme dans ce cas, les loges maconniques dans la justice saboteront l'affaire, mais les familles des victimes qui demandent acces aux pieces du dossier, pourraient ne pas marcher dans la combine.

En esperant egalement que les familles des victimes s'inspirent de la resistance et la patience des familles du Karachigate car la France ne survivra pas au terrorisme sioniste longtemps, les Musulmans se defendent legitimement et il est normal que les Musulmans demandent et obtiennent la tete de leurs ennemis qui ont perdu la guerre.   

Le demantelement et demembrement du Maghreb-Sahel par la DCRI et la DGSE, OTAN, AFRICOM provoquera une guerre civile en France car les peuples de cette region ont parfaitement compris les mensonges et manipulations des abrutis qui dirigent la France, et l'Europe.

A bon entendeur Salaam, 


Pax Talmudica 2012 : Non practising Zionist War Criminal Shimon Peres cancels his trip to the London Olympics. THIS IS NOT GOOD FOR THE LONDONERS! REMEMBER 911!!!

President Shimon Peres cancels Olympics trip over Shabbat observance

LONDON - President Shimon Peres has cancelled his visit to the Olympic Games in London due to the refusal of the Olympic organizing committee to allow him to sleep in the Olympic village over Shabbat night.

The Israeli president, despite not being religious, does not travel publicly on Shabbat and will therefore not be able to attend the Olympic opening ceremony.

The President's office has been working on the visit to London for months. Peres had planned, along with dozens of other heads of state, to watch the opening ceremony in 17 days.

However, when his staff realized that the ceremony will go on for hours and will end at the beginning of Shabbat at sundown on Friday afternoon, they began looking for alternatives to travel back to his hotel by car.

They sent an official request to the organizing committee through the Israeli embassy in London and the Israeli Olympic committee to allow Peres to sleep on Friday night in the Olympic village, by the main stadium, which would allow him to walk from the ceremony.

Sources in the organizing committee were mystified by the president's announcement, since there are at least two suitable hotels at walking distance from the Olympic village.

Despite pressure on the committee and personal messages sent to the chairman, Lord Sebastian Coe, the request was refused by the committee due to the rules that only athletes stay in the Olympic village. Other alternatives were explored including the possibility of transporting Peres by a special Halachically-authorized electric vehicle but these were rejected for logistical and security reasons.

Peres finally decided to forego his trip to London and his office issued today a statement saying that "due to the fact that the opening ceremony of the Olympic games is on Friday evening and there are no hotels in walking distance of the stadium, the president decided to cancel his visit and not desecrate Shabbat. The president wishes good luck to the Israeli athletes."

The President's Office responded to the report saying that "the president is not elevated above anyone else and if there are rules that only athletes can sleep in the Olympic village, we respect that."

Spokesperson for the organizing committee said that they could not comment on travel arrangements of visiting heads of state. 


Operation Merah: La DGSE libere 3 otages algeriens au Mali, l'avocate de la famille Merah differe la remise des videos a la justice raciste racialiste franc-maconnique talmudo-sioniste 'francaise' qui joue la guerre civile sur ordre du CRIF

Mise a jour Samedi 14 Juillet 2012, 10H38 GMT: La DGSE a libere le reste des otages du DRS au Mali les services francais ont perdu la face, perdront-ils leurs tetes lors de proces? Lire ici. Le juif sioniste Fabius, qui ne fait pas shabbath, est en Algerie pour tenter de repousser pour apres le mois de Ramadan une possible diffusion de bandes sons-images sur l'operation Merah. Il est evident que Valls et Clavar protegent la maison mossad-pasqua et qu'ils sont des agents israeliens. La guerre est toujours possible, a tout moment en France, en cas de nouvelle attaque israelienne dans les pays du Golf, ciblant la marine US, ou un nouveau 11 septembre nucleaire, biologique ou chimique cet ete. Les Musulmans doivent etre prets a se defendre car Hollande a ete elu pour gerer la prochaine operation israelienne en Europe, tout comme Jospin l'avait fait en 2001. On parle ici d'une attaque pouvant faire jusqu'a un million de morts (il y a 200 000 cercueils pouvant contenir jusqu'a 4 corps, prepares pour les jeux olympiques de Londres, il n'y a jamais de fumee sans feu).   

Video: Merah sacrifié pour offrir les élections à Sarkozy
Trois des sept 'diplomates' algériens, enlevés, le 6 avril dernier, à Gao, au Mali, par le Mouvement pour l'unicité et le Jihad, en Afrique de l'Ouest (MUJAO), qui est un front cree par les services francais et la juiverie sioniste algerienne, sous la direction de Mangoux a la DGSE, dans le but de provoquer le chaos dans le Maghreb-Sahel, la destruction des Etats-Nations, la regionalisation a outrance, dans le cadre de la 'politique europeene de voisinage', qui n'est que la partie visible de l'agenda sioniste du plan dit Oded Ynon de 1982, qui prevoit l'extension des frontieres d'Israel et la libanisation de tout le monde Arabo-Berbero-Touareg-Musulman et la prise de controle directe des puits de gaz, petrole, et minerais, terres rares.

Notez que le site israelien SITE est tres implique dans la propagande des services a 'passeports francais'. SITE est dirige par un ancien officier du mossad, Rita Katz.  
Mali : Trois otages algériens, libérés, par le MUJAO
Les liens entre les operations de Montauban, Toulouse, l'Essone et le coup d'etat au Mali, la re-election de Sarkozy sont maintenant prouves et l'etat francais, dont le ministere de la justice, joue ouvertement la guerre civile contre l'Islaam en France apres l'echec de la tentative de diversion menee par TF1 dimanche dernier, avec des bandes sons qui sonnent faux tout du long. J'ai meme entendu un certain Bourdin sur RMC dire aux auditeurs outres par le mensonge et la haine de l'etat francais et ses services, de pas demander l'authentification des bandes sons de TF1?!!!!! 

A la destabilisation du Maghreb-Sahel, correspond la destabilisation de la France, dont les ministeres de la defense, l'interieur et la justice sont les maitre d'oeuvre, seuls et uniques responsables du chaos.   Confier une enquete sur la DCRI a la DCRI ou, 'la police des polices' ou meme des parlementaires, senateurs, sous le sceau du 'secret defense', releve du racisme, du fascisme et du totalitarisme digne de ce qu'un Netanyahu pratique en Palestine occupee ou de ce qu'un Hitler a fait de son temps. Il est clair et evident que la detention administrative sioniste dans les territoires occupes Palestiniens n'est que l'equivalent de 'l'association de malfaiteurs ayant pour but une entreprise terroriste' en France qui permet aux nazis juifs sionistes de l'etat francais de pratiquer une guerre ouverte contre les Musulmans en France sur le model israelien sur la base de leur haine et leur racisme appris et inculques dans les yeshiva francaises et l'aide massive des medias. Les prisonniers politiques Musulmans en France devraient prendre exemple sur les prisonniers Palestiniens et commencer des greves de la faim partout dans les prisons, pour obtenir leur liberation immediate et leurs dedommagements car, la revolution, c'est maintenant!

Resumons, la DGSE libere 3 otages au Mali, pour eviter un scandale sur l'affaire Merah et la DCRI entreprend de diffuser les images des operations de Montauban et Toulouse en ayant change les bandes sons ou vous allez entendre Allah akbar partout. Cette diffusion se fera la veille de la remise des pieces a Paris par l'avocate de la famille Merah.

Valls annonce meme la diffusion des operations pour proteger l'institution, l'etat. La strategie quand il s'agit des Musulmans et de Africains est bien le mensonge total, couvert par l'etat, les partis politiques, le senat, le parlement et une grande partie des medias complices. L'operation Merah est bien un grossier mensonge d'etat, dont le but etait de faire re-elire Sarkozy au second tour.

L'echange entre DRS-DGSE s'est confirme, 'Le Monde' journal des barbouzes sionistes confirme en fin de soiree, dans un tout petit encart, 'l'avocate des Merah ne remet pas les videos a la justice', apres que la DGSE ait liberee 3 otages ce jour meme, lire ici

Mangoux, Hauteclocque, Clavar commettent 2 erreures strategique majeures, la manipulation de TF1 et la liberation des otages algeriens detenus par la DGSE au Mali, qui est en fait derriere le coup d'etat de Bamako en mars 2012. Les liens sont clairement etablis, la publication de videos sur le net provoquera le chaos et la guerre totale en France, car les affaires liant les services francais au coup d'etat de 1992 en Algerie, les liens averes entre l'etat francais et le terrorisme international, avec les GIA, AQMI, le GICM, le GICL et les attentats depuis 40 ans en France, le ras le bol du sionisme et ses mensonges ehontes, ses crimes de guerres, ses attentats, la corruption reignant a tous les etages en France, la haine et la stigmatisation des populations Afro-Maghrebines, conjugues au chomage de masse, la crise sonnent le glas du CRIF et d'Israel en France et en Europe.

Islamic-Intelligence Blog

Source de la video: http://www.mohamed-merah.fr/

This Blessed Month of Ramadan Buy Palestinians Dates and Goods

I was shopping for dates for the month of Ramadan and I hardly found Palestinians dates, Medjoul, Jumbo, Cat1, this year in the Muslim shops. But I saw many markets and supermarkets selling israelis dates. You too show support to your community, buy Palestinians dates, oil and all sort of goods to help Palestinians trade their goods and resist the illegal occupation in the Holy lands. 




  • Over 50% of the worlds Medjool dates are produced in Israel.
  • 60% of Israeli dates are grown on illegal settlement plantations in the Jordan Valley.
  • Israeli profits from dates in 2011 = $265 million

If you buy a Medjool date, there’s a strong possibility that it is from an illegal settlement - grown on stolen land.

Palestinian child working in illegal Israeli settlement.
Out of desperate poverty Palestinian families are forced
to take their children out of school and hand them over
to the settlers to work for a pittance
(source: Channel4 news 7 July 2008)


Israeli settlements built on stolen Palestinian land have been ruled illegal by the International Court of Justice. Nearly half of the settlements in the Jordan Valley grow dates, its their most profitable crop, and contributes significantly to their economic viability. If you oppose the settlements target their dates.


Picking of the dates is hard work, Israeli settlers bring in low payed Palestinian labourers to do this back breaking work. During the pruning season, workers are dropped on the date palm trees by a hoisting crane at 5 in the morning, left perched on palms that soar to heights of 12 metres - a 4 storey building, left there swaying in the wind for up to 8 hours without even a toilet break, with no means to come down until the crane returns at the end of the day, the workers cling to the tree with one arm and work with the other to meet their quota. If they fall behind they will lose their jobs.

Child Labour

The Israelis prefer to employ children – even issuing them official work permits, as they can climb trees faster, work for less and it’s easier to cheat and humiliate them. Out of desperate poverty Palestinian families are forced to take their children out of school and hand them over to the settlers to work for a pittance.

Guilty Companies

After a sustained global boycott campaign Israels largest agricultural exporter Agrexco went in to liquidation in 2011.

Hadiklaim, the Israeli Date Growers Cooperative, which includes illegal settler plantations in the Jordan Valley, sells 70% of all Israeli dates. Its brand names include Jordan River, King Solomon, Kalahari, Karsten Farms, Tamara Barhi Dates, Desert Diamond, Rapunzel, Bomaja, Shams and Delilah. They also supply Israeli dates to supermarkets who market them under their own brand. These include Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury's, Tesco, Asda and Waitrose. Sometimes they are labelled “produced in the West Bank”, remember these are not Palestinian dates. Hadiklaim also sells South African dates (Karsten Farms), the profits still go to Israel so must be boycotted. Mehadrin, Israel's largest fresh produce exporter, last year boasted of doubling their Medjoul date sales sighting strong demand in Ramadan! Their dates have brand names Premium Medjoul, Fancy Medjoul, Royal Treasure, Red Sea, and Bonbonierra. Sometimes their packaging states "Grown by Palestinian Farmers", this refers to Palestinian 'slave' labourers found on Israeli plantations.

BDS Call

In 2005 Palestinian civil society initiated a call for people of conscience around the world to Boycott, Divest and Sanction Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights. The call was endorsed by over 170 Palestinian organisations representing all aspects of society including farmers.

Plea From Palestine

Activists visiting the Palestinian village of Fasayl in the Jordan Valley discovered that villagers are slowly being forced off their land by the Israeli army for settlement expansion. The only livelihood left open to them is to work for Israeli settlements. The Palestinians whose land had been stolen and were forced to work for Agrexco (including 2 children under the age of 12), in order to feed their families – they had a message for the activists, a plea for anyone who would listen – take action against the companies that support Israeli apartheid. What excuse is left for us not to boycott Israel?

Help Us Distribute Boycott Israeli Dates Leaflets

Its simple - you don't need to join any groups, just get a couple of friends together, order your free leaflets and start distributing!

With Ramadan rapidly approaching we need your help to get the message out to our people - Do Not Buy Israeli Dates. We need your help to distribute 'Boycott Israeli Dates' leaflets in your Mosques, your campuses, and your communities. Its simple - you don't need to join any organisations or facebook groups, just get a couple of friends together and order your leaflets. The leaflets are sent free of charge, just let us know how many you can distribute and we will send them.
This Ramadan don't just think of the Palestinians, but act!
Our beloved Prophet (SAW) has said "The Ummah are like one body: if the eye is in pain then the whole body is in pain..".

Today Palestine is bleeding..


The Government Cover-Up of 9-11 Evidence

By Chris Bollyn,

The following video is an excellent example of how the U.S. government investigation of 9-11 was actually an intentional "non-investigation" that refused to take into consideration any of the evidence of Thermite and explosives that were evidently involved in the demolition of the World Trade Center. The NIST official in this video, Dr. John L. Gross, is clearly complicit in the government cover-up of 9-11.

Dr. John L. Gross is a research structural engineer at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Dr. John L. Gross was awarded the Department of Commerce Gold Medal in 2005 and Special Act Award in 2008 for his role in the “non-investigation” of the collapses of the Twin Towers, an act of explosive demolition which took nearly three thousand lives.

According to his webpage at NIST, Dr. Gross can be reached at (301) 975-6068 or by email at john.gross@nist.gov

9-11 Defendant's Ties to Judge Ignored by U.S. Court of Appeals

July 12, 2012

This bastard judicial system is so corrupt.
- 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani

U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein handled all 9-11 wrongful death lawsuits and tort litigation. Hellerstein, however, has a conflict of interest in the 9-11 litigation: his son is an Israeli lawyer whose law firm works with the Rothschild-funded Mossad "passenger screening" company responsible for the 9-11 terror attacks. This hidden connection explains why Judge Hellerstein worked so hard to protect the Israeli culprits of the false-flag terrorism of 9-11 by preventing a trial for the victims. (NYT photo)

Ellen Mariani, the 9-11 widow who filed the first wrongful death lawsuit related to the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, filed a motion earlier this year with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in New York seeking to introduce materials into the court record regarding the evident conflict of interest concerning U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein, who handled all the 9-11 tort litigation lawsuits. The conflict of interest stems from the fact that the judge's son Joseph lives in Israel where he works as a lawyer for the law firm representing the parent company of ICTS, the key defendant in the 9-11 litigation in Hellerstein's court.

In a summary order handed down by a two-judge panel on June 26, Mariani's motion to supplement the record was denied. The judges concluded that the documents that Mariani's motion sought to introduce "do not reasonably call the district judge's impartiality into question."

To understand the importance of Mariani's motion and the court of appeals decision, we need to understand that one of the key defendants in the 9-11 litigation was the Israeli-owned Huntleigh company that was responsible for passenger screening at the Boston airport on 9-11. This is the company that allowed the knife-wielding terrorists to board the two planes that smashed into the World Trade Center, at least according to the official explanation of events. If 9-11 was a false-flag terror attack, on the other hand, then the Israeli-owned ICTS and its passenger screeing company are part of the terror atrocity and the judge is protecting the true culprits of 9-11.

Judge Hellerstein's decisions in the 9-11 tort litigation effectively protected the Israeli defendants who owned Huntleigh USA by preventing any 9-11 case from going to trial. All of the wrongful death lawsuits were settled out of court. The problem is that Hellerstein's son Joseph works for the Israeli law firm that represents the parent company of ICTS and Huntleigh USA. That presents an obvious conflict of interest, but the Circuit Court judges Peter W. Hall and Susan L. Carney ignored the evidence and may even try to punish Mariani for having brought the motion to the court.

The summary order of Peter W. Hall and Susan L. Carney rejected the evidence of Judge Hellerstein's conflict of interest saying the documented connection was nothing more than "personal slurs" against the judge and his family.

To understand why the court of appeals refused to accept documents that show that Judge Hellerstein is connected through his son to the Israeli defendant in the tort litigation, we need to understand who controls the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Let's start with the chief judge for the court, Dennis G. Jacobs.

Dennis G. Jacobs is the chief judge of the court of appeals.

Jacobs (second from left) at Yeshiva University

Judge Jacobs (front row left with hand icon) participated in a "legal mission to Israel" in 2007...

where he was a "scholar-in-residence" at Hebrew University and met with Israeli politicians and "senior terrorism experts".

That Dennis G. Jacobs would participate in a "legal mission to Israel" with American Friends of the Hebrew University to discuss the "War on Terror" and government powers, visit an Israeli military base, and meet with a "senior terrorism expert," all suggest that Judge Jacobs is an active supporter of both Hebrew University and the state of Israel.

The three-judge panel who decided on the Mariani motion became a two-judge panel when Barrington D. Parker, Jr. recused himself from the panel. The two remaining judges were Peter Welles Hall and Susan Laura Carney.

Peter Welles Hall (center) is the former U.S. Attorney for Vermont.

Susan L. Carney, former legal counsel at Yale University, is married to Lincoln W. Caplan, a member of the New York Times editorial board.

Lincoln Caplan comes from a leading B'nai B'rith family from New Haven and covers the Supreme Court and judicial matters for the New York Times.

The decision to deny the Mariani motion and the harsh words in the summary order and the threats of sanctions against her and her lawyer suggest that there is a hidden hand controlling the judges. That is to say that the decision was made before the panel even saw her motion. Why was Mariani's motion dismissed as "frivolous conduct" when she is simply trying to show that the judge handling the 9-11 tort litigation has an obvious conflict of interest?

While little is known about Judge Peter W. Hall, Susan L. Carney is married to Lincoln Caplan, a member of the New York Times editorial board. Caplan's father, Lewis, and Russian-born grandfather Jacob Caplan were both members and leaders of the Zionist secret society, the B'nai B'rith. Jacob Caplan was president of the Horeb Lodge of New Haven and later president of the larger regional district for the secret society. The B'nai B'rith, founded in New York in 1843, is a secret Jewish order like Freemasonry, which allows only Zionist Jews to be members. While it describes itself as a "service" organization, this description masks the fact that it is a highly secretive Masonic-like organization dedicated to supporting the Zionist agenda and the state of Israel. The New York Times has long been a B'nai B'rith controlled newspaper owned by one of the founding families of Lodge 1 of the B'nai B'rith. The New York Times has also played a key part of the 9-11 cover-up by ignoring the evidence that the Twin Towers were destroyed using explosives and nanothermite. As a son of the secretive B'nai B'rith (probably a member in good standing) and a member of the editorial board of the New York Times, Lincoln Caplan is also part of the 9-11 cover-up.

These two connections go a long way in explaining why the Mariani motion was denied. It was not denied because it lacked merit or failed to prove Judge Hellerstein's conflict of interest. It was denied simply because it was being considered in a court that is anything but impartial when the subject being considered concerns the state of Israel. The chief judge of the court is an active supporter of the Zionist state and one of the judges who considered the motion is married to the state of Israel through her husband and his family's long-standing support for the secret society that is behind the Zionist enterprise.

The 9-11 victims have been robbed of justice and the guilty parties have been protected. It was highly unlikely that the same corrupt court system that put Judge Hellerstein in charge of the 9-11 litigation would accept any evidence showing that he had a conflict of interest in the process. What the denial of the Mariani motion demonstrates most clearly is that justice for the crimes of 9-11 is not to be expected from the corrupt federal courts of New York.

Sources and Recommended Reading:

“9-11 Widow's Motion Exposes Judge's Ties to Israeli Defendant ICTS,” May 2, 2012

“Judge Forces Families to Settle Out of Court,” September 9, 2007

“Judge Hellerstein's Unethical Connection to Key Defendant in 9-11 Lawsuit,” May 10, 2010

“B'nai B'rith - The Secret Society of Jews,” November 22, 2009

“The Jewish Secret Society That Controls the U.S. Media,” December 1, 2009

Are Israel and their French and British zionist puppets plan attacks during the games and will try to blame an Arab and Muslim delegation?

Pax Talmudica 2012: Londoners you are doomed :  Mossad helps UK secure Olympics

This picture was taken in Madison, Georgia, in 2005, in an area used by the american CDC. These are the 200 000 coffins or 'lining caskets' ordered by G4S for the London Olympics 2012. 

Now if you want to understand how and why Israel plans a nuclear false flag operation during the London Olympics in 2012, you have to understand how the threats and blackmailing from State to State work. The olympic committee, Locog, warned the Algerian delegation about possible sanctions if Algerian athletes refuse or boycott some events where Israelis athletes are taking part during the London 2012 Olympics game, in support for the Palestinians. In the same time, we've learned that the mossad was in London to 'participates in drills that simulates 1972 terrorist attack on Jewish athletes in Munich'. In subliminal words, Israel is planning something and will blame some Arabs and Muslims delegation and here the threats were directed against the Algerians. Why the Algerians? The regime is 100% under Zionist control?

So the Algerian delegation took it seriously and warned that they will boycott the games and have insisted that the arrangements for the multi-faith worship centre are not satisfactory, since the centre does not face Mecca. If they don’t get what they want, they’re threatening to boycott the games! So Locog decided to square up to controversy and make it about Islam.The French came in and counter-threat to boycott the Olympics themselves if any special considerations are given to the Algerians. Do you get the message?

Since 2005, most of the leaks warning the world about an Israeli nuclear 911 in Europe, to start a world war, (Israel calls this war the 'emancipating war'), came from the infiltration-destruction of the French-Israelis-Algerian terrorist networks. Jonathan Evans, do you agree? You Israeli fool! G4S was linked to the mossad you knew it, how many goyims are allowed to work in high security in the occupied lands? Are all these threats directed to me and my contacts here in the UK and Europe? You and the 'little Hitler' are no match, but come if you have something in the pants! 'Sheykh mate' Israel-Evans!   

Islamic Intel Blog
الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر العزة لله ولرسوله وللمؤمنين
Now read this:

Mossad helps UK secure Olympics


Israeli secret service participates in drill that simulates 1972 terrorist attack on Jewish athletes in Munich

Yaniv Halili
Published: 05.12.11, 10:27 / Israel News
Mossad officials participated in a security drill at London's Olympic Park last weekend.

A source at the British Cabinet told Yedioth Ahronoth that the drill simulated a terrorist attack on athletes, similar to the one that occurred in the Munich Olympics in 1972, when Palestinian terrorists took over the building where the Israeli delegation was staying, and killed 11 of them.

The UK's entire defense establishment, including the emergency services, participated in the massive drill, which was held secretly by the British Defense Ministry.

But British intelligence officials were not satisfied, and invited their Mossad counterparts to share their experience.

The drill simulated a scenario where athletes are held hostage by terrorists. A large part of the exercise took place inside the park's residential buildings, under live fire. The village was surrounded by guards who kept out onlookers.

A source at the British Olympic Association said that "certain Israeli elements are advising us on securing the Olympic games." Israel is considered an authority on urban warfare.

The UK has allocated nearly a billion dollars for the security of the athletic event – more than 10% of the event's budget.

Last weekend's drill is the first in a series exercises that are expected to take place in the coming month. The British defense establishment is also preparing to deal with attacks on other Olympic facilities and on the streets of London, which will be flooded with tourists come next July.


London 2012 false flag -- Do They Dare? 




Related by Abu Hurayrah ra: The Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam said: "(Armies carrying) black flags will come from Khurasan (Afghanistan). No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Jerusalem where they will erect their flags." (Tirmidhi)


U.S. Has No Idea Who’s a Taliban ‘Leader,’ Still Boasts About Killing Them


Taliban fighters line up to hand in their guns to the Afghan government during a “reintegration” ceremony, May 2012. Photo: Flickr/ISAF

Since January 2011, the U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan claims it’s killed or captured over 100 insurgent “leaders.” Too bad it doesn’t have any clear idea what “leader” means. Any insurgent who commands another person apparently qualifies. And worse, by that criteria, Taliban and aligned insurgents have killed twice as many U.S. troops in the same time period.

According to Danger Room’s count, since January 2011, ISAF troops have killed or captured at least 104 insurgent leaders. You might expect the insurgency to be battered from the loss of so many senior commanders in such a short period of time.

That’s the impression left from press release after press release. “A Taliban leader,” who happens to be an “explosives expert,” was taken into custody in Kandahar on July 8. Two days before, an airstrike killed “the Lashkar-e-Taiba insurgent leader Ammar” in Kunar Province. The day before that, the NATO command in Afghanistan, known as ISAF, killed “a senior Taliban leader,” Nek Mohammed, in the northern province of Sar-e Pul.

But what ISAF isn’t disclosing is that it doesn’t have any clear criteria for who it considers an insurgent leader. “The ISAF Joint Command does not have a specific definition for insurgent leaders in terms of geographical responsibility or numbers of men under command,” ISAF said in a statement provided to Danger Room. “In general, when we refer to an insurgent or terrorist leader, it is a member of an insurgent or terrorist organization who leads a number of insurgents in conducting attacks, facilitating attacks or coordinating the provision of support to permit the continuance of the insurgent or terrorist activities.”

“It depends a bit on the levels at which you’re taking the leadership down to,” adds U.K. Navy Lt. Cmdr. James Williams, an ISAF spokesman. “Any group of people have a leader, [whether there's] two or more, there’s always one of those people who’s in the lead.”

Danger Room tallied up ISAF’s announced kills and captures from the American Forces Press Service, the Pentagon’s official news service, which takes its information from ISAF. Permutations on “Taliban leader,” “Haqqani network leader” and “insurgent leader” stretching back to January 2011 counted for this sample. This total is surely incomplete, since not every ISAF announcement makes it into the American Forces Press Service.

Williams adds that ISAF would count the insurgent equivalent of a sergeant in charge of a squad of a handful of soldiers as a “leader.”

By that definition, the U.S. suffered twice as many casualties of “leaders” during that period. According to Danger Room’s count, 246 soldiers, Marines, sailors and airmen with the rank of sergeant or higher have been killed in Afghanistan since January 2011. The Taliban could just as easily boast of that figure to convey an adversary in disarray. But since the ISAF military structure remains robust, it would be a misleading claim.

Insurgencies are confusing things, and after 10 years of war, the U.S. still struggles to understand Afghanistan and the insurgency that feeds off it. The Taliban and affiliated groups have no clear order of battle. “If a person was considered a leader” in an ISAF press release, Williams says, “that would be based on a considered assessment, as opposed to [ISAF] trying to glorify a success.”

Some ISAF determinations of who is an insurgent leader are stronger than others. Operations that ISAF announces occur “to detain a Taliban leader” or other specifically named individual, Williams says, occur pursuant to a “warrant issued by the appropriate authorities,” often an Afghan judge. Still, that demonstrates an insurgent’s value to U.S. and allied forces, not necessarily his value to the Afghan insurgency. And without a strict definition of who actually is an insurgent leader, ISAF may be fooling itself as to which insurgents matter the most for bringing the war to a successful conclusion.

The press releases reflect a broader shift in ISAF strategy. Since Gen. David Petraeus took command in the summer of 2010, U.S. troops have heavily boosted commando raids aimed to kill and capture key members of the Taliban and affiliated insurgent groups. The former head of the Joint Special Operations Command, Adm. William McRaven, estimated last year that between June 2010 and June 2011, special operations forces in Afghanistan conducted 1700 nighttime raids against such “top” insurgents.

But that emphasis on neutralizing Taliban leaders hasn’t translated into a neutralized insurgency. “Taliban senior leaders remain capable of providing strategic guidance to the broader insurgency and channeling resources to support operational priorities,” assessed the Defense Department’s most recent official overview of the war. (.PDF) Insurgent attacks from October 2011 to March 2012, the most recent available figures, are down a mere 16 percent from the previous year.

One factor, perhaps in that meager decline, is ISAF’s lack of a “specific definition for insurgent leaders in terms of geographical responsibility or numbers of men under command.”

Research assistance for this post provided by Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai


US Military analyst: Israel might pull out a false flag attack in London and blame it on Iran.

URGENT UPDATE: Thursday 19 July 2012: Some British and American fear an Israeli false flag operation. All israeli 'security' companies and known israeli agents insiders in the UK, French, German, Dutch governments are under high scrutiny. Why the FBI is pulling between 500 to 1500 officers, plus the US military already in place in the streets of London. Something is really wrong here. Secretary Clinton Assassination Attempt in Israel. Video and links update below:

The Iranian network Press TV published an interview on its website, with the US Military analyst Gordon Duff (see Sec. Clinton Assassination Attempt in Israel here), who says he has highly credible information that Israel might pull out a false flag attack during the London Olympics and blame it on Iran, to push the US into war with the Persian country.

 In the same day that Press TV published it, Sky News released a video interviewing an insider at G4S firm, who says the private security of the London Olympics is a joke and there's a 50% chance of deadly weapons get snuck into the Olympic village.


Israel Likely Behind Bulgaria False Flag

By Stephen Lendman, Contributor
July 20, 2012

Israel’s history is odious. State terror is policy. It’s a dagger pointed at humanity’s heart. False flags and targeted assassinations are specialties.

Mossad and Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) have notorious terrorist histories. Bet on either organization’s dirty hands behind the latest Bulgaria attack.

Fingers point the wrong way. Israel blames Iran for its own crimes.

Unindicted war criminal Netanyahu said “Israel will respond forcefully to Iranian terror.” At issue is a Bulgarian Sarafovo airport bomb attack. It’s located in Burgas. It’s a popular Black Sea resort destination. Israeli tourists and others were killed.

On July 19, Reuters headlined “Bulgaria says suicide bomber blew up airport bus,” saying:

A bus carrying Israeli tourists and others was attacked. Eight deaths were reported. Around 30 others were injured. According to Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov:

“We have established a person who was a suicide bomber in this attack. This person had a fake driving license from the United States.”

It wasn’t coincidental that the attack came on the anniversary of the 1994 AMIA (Argentine Israelite Mutual Association) Buenos Aires bombing. It killed 85 and injured hundreds. Argentina has Latin America’s largest Jewish population. It numbers around 200,000. Israel falsely blamed Iran.

Its officials jumped on the latest attack. Defense Minister Ehud Barak pointed fingers the wrong way, saying:

“The immediate executors are Hezbollah people, who of course have constant Iranian sponsorship.”

A White House statement stopped short of blaming Iran and/or Hezbollah, saying:

Obama “strongly condemns today’s barbaric terrorist attack on Israelis in Bulgaria….As Israel has tragically once more been a target of terrorism, the United States reaffirms our unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security, and our deep friendship and solidarity with the Israeli people.”

Hillary Clinton issued a similar statement.

America, Israel, and key NATO partners are responsible for more global terrorism and deaths than the rest of the world combined and then some.

Mossad specializes in targeted and larger scale killings. Car bombs are a favorite tactic. Assassinating former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri was classic Israeli state terror.

Compelling February 2005 visual and audio evidence revealed real time intercepted Israeli aerial surveillance footage of routes he used on the day he was killed.

Israel was clearly involved. Syria initially was blamed. Hezbollah was later falsely named and indicted. It was typical Mossad targeting. No one at the time knew for sure. A powerful car bomb caused a 30 foot crater. Over 20 were killed and over 100 injured.

No evidence whatever proved Hezbollah’s involvement. It had nothing to gain but plenty to lose. Israel and Washington greatly benefitted.

Mossad’s dirty hands were responsible like for many dozens of other incidents. Israel and America perfected the art of killing. They’re also expert at pointing fingers the wrong way. Victims often are blamed.

On July 19, Haaretz headlined “Israel has no doubt about who is behind the deadly attack in Bulgaria.”

Neither do independent observers familiar with its odious terrorist history. Netanyahu spuriously blamed Iran. Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds Force General Qassem Suleimani was named. No corroborating evidence whatever was cited because there is none.

Netanyahu falsely claims Iran spreads terror worldwide. He also blames Hezbollah.

The New York Times outrageously said if Israel’s accusation is true, “the Bulgarian blast would be the first successful attempt by Iranian operatives to kill Israelis in attacks abroad after a string of failed bomb plots targeting Israeli diplomats in Georgia, India and Thailand this year.”

Iran, of course, had nothing to do with any of them. Blaming Tehran didn’t pass the smell test. Last October, Iranians were falsely accused of trying to kill Saudi Arabia’s ambassador in Washington. The charge resembled a bad film plot. It was baseless, and officials pointing fingers the wrong way knew it.

Last February, Israel again levied false charges. India and Georgia incidents were cited. Allegedly Israeli embassy workers in both countries were targeted. One injury was reported. No one was killed.

A Bangkok, Thailand incident happened around the same time. Iranians were detained after an explosion damaged their rented house. Despite no credible evidence, they were suspected of targeting Israeli diplomats.

Iran threatens no one. It painstakingly avoids provocations. It has everything to lose and nothing to gain from them. Israel benefits greatly. The above incidents and many others bore classic Mossad fingerprints. So does Bulgaria.

Israel and Washington wage covert and low-level hot war on Iran.

Tactics include computer viruses, other cyber attacks, bombings, sabotage, multiple rounds of sanctions, attempts to cripple its central bank and oil exports, targeted assassinations, satellite, drone, and other type spying, bogus accusations, a partial isolating blockade, and saber rattling stopping short of bombs away.

Both countries menace humanity. Iran threatens no one. Its neighbors know it. It hasn’t attacked another country in over 200 years. No evidence suggests it’s developing nuclear weapons.

Washington and Israel specialize in false flags, war, other belligerence, targeted killings, and state terror as official policy.

They’re advancing the ball for war on Syria. They’re itching for pretexts to attack Iran. One observer called Tehran a war looking for an excuse. They’re easily instigated or invented.

Days before the Bulgaria incident, a Lebanese man was detained in Cyprus. Based on Israeli intelligence allegations, police connected him to Hezbollah.

Cypriot authorities claimed “possible charges pertaining to terrorism laws.” He was accused of having photographs of “Israeli targets,” El Al Airlines flight schedules, and tour bus information.

He was a tourist. Visitors take photos. They also have airline schedules and use buses for sightseeing. Relating this information to alleged terrorism doesn’t wash.

Police claimed they found “documents” linking him to a “terror cell” planning attacks on Israeli targets. Blowing up a plane or bus was charged.

Unexplained was precisely what was found and why someone plotting these things would allegedly carry around indictable evidence.

No weapons or explosives were found. Charges don’t hold water. Without clear corroborating evidence, there’s no plot, no crime, or intention to commit one.

Bulgaria’s bus attack was criminal. No evidence links Iran and/or Hezbollah. It bears classic Mossad fingerprints. Perhaps CIA operatives were also involved.

Both organizations are linked to assassinating Iranian scientists. They stay unaccountable while Iran and Hezbollah face repeated false charges.

Expect one or more future false flags to be pretext for war. Syria tops Washington’s queue, then Iran. It’s just a matter of time until full-scale intervention targets both countries.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. His new book is titled How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War

Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


Israel probable author of Bulgaria false flag operation

A truck carries the bus damaged by a bomb blast which targeted a group of Israeli tourists at the airport in Bourgas, Bulgaria, on July 19, 2012.
A truck carries the bus damaged by a bomb blast which targeted a group of Israeli tourists at the airport in Bourgas, Bulgaria, on July 19, 2012.

By Kevin Barrett
Another notorious example of pre-reporting is the BBC's report, broadcast at about 5 p.m. on 9/11/2001, that World Trade Center Building 7 had collapsed due to fire. In fact, WTC-7 did not “collapse” until 5:23 p.m. - about twenty minutes after the BBC report. Apparently those responsible for the 9/11 false-flag attack wanted to plant the idea that WTC-7 collapsed from fire in the mind of the public at the earliest possible opportunity.
Even before the dust had settled and the victims were laid to rest, the Israelis and their global media assets were blaming Iran for the attack in Burgas, Bulgaria.

The Washington Post, America's second most influential Zionist newspaper, reported on Thursday: “Israeli and American officials have blamed the Iran-backed Lebanese militant group Hezbollah for the bombing.” Yet the Post article acknowledged that Bulgarian officials had not even identified the bomber!

This “rush to judgment” suggests that Israel, not Iran, is the probable author of the attack.

History shows that whenever authorities blame a convenient scapegoat before the evidence is in, the attack in question is almost certainly a false-flag event.

On August 4th, 1964, American President Lyndon B. Johnson appeared on national television and blamed North Vietnam for an alleged attack on the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin. Hysterical newspaper headlines damned the dastardly communist attack. The Gulf of Tonkin incident mobilized American public opinion for a vastly expanded - and ultimately unsuccessful - US war on Vietnam. Yet the incident never happened! Historians today agree that there was no North Vietnamese attack on the Maddox. Instead, a fake attack was staged by the American authorities themselves. Had the media treated Johnson's claims with skepticism, and taken the time to investigate what really happened in the Gulf of Tonkin, they might have saved as many as four million lives, including the lives of 58,156 American soldiers.

False-flag terror operations seek to cast blame on the designated scapegoat as quickly as possible. Why? Because most people are heavily influenced by first impressions. If the first report we hear tells us that the North Vietnamese attacked a US ship, that JFK was shot by a Communist named Oswald, that Osama Bin Laden and 19 young Arabs orchestrated the events of 9/11, or that Iran was behind the Bulgarian bus bombing, people are likely to continue to believe that initial report, even if subsequent evidence conclusively disproves it.

Another reason for the “rush to judgment” in false-flag cases is that public outrage diminishes quickly after such events. In order to harness the “wave of useful indignation” that such events are designed to provoke, and link it to the designated scapegoat, a quick media blitz blaming the scapegoat is necessary.

Sometimes the perpetrators of false-flag attacks are in such a hurry to blame the scapegoat that they trip themselves up and fall flat on their faces. American national television reported on the morning of November 22nd, 1963, hours before the JFK assassination, that President Kennedy was likely to be assassinated in Dallas by a “lone nut.” (Archival footage of the report may be viewed in the documentary Evidence of Revision.) Then a Communist “lone nut” named Lee Harvey Oswald was blamed for the assassination - despite the fact that no evidence whatsoever linked him to the shooting of JFK - almost from the moment he was arrested in a theater for yet another shooting that no available evidence tied him to! A report in the New Zealand edition of the US military paper Stars and Stripes blamed Oswald, and offered a detailed biography, before Oswald had even been charged, according to Col. Fletcher Prouty. The snafu was likely caused by a conspirator forgetting about the international date line.

Another notorious example of pre-reporting is the BBC's report, broadcast at about 5 p.m. on 9/11/2001, that World Trade Center Building 7 had collapsed due to fire. In fact, WTC-7 did not “collapse” until 5:23 p.m. - about twenty minutes after the BBC report. Apparently those responsible for the 9/11 false-flag attack wanted to plant the idea that WTC-7 collapsed from fire in the mind of the public at the earliest possible opportunity.

And now, history seems to be repeating itself. The Israelis and the Zionist-owned media have been blaming Iran for the Bulgarian bus bombing almost from the moment the bomb exploded. Since Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is hysterically seeking a pretext for war on Iran, it stands to reason that Netanyahu himself is the probable author of the attack.

If so, it would be yet another example of Israel's leadership in the field of false-flag terror. From the murderers who dressed as Arabs to bomb the King David Hotel, to the Lavon Affair Israeli terrorists bombing US targets in Egypt and blaming Egyptians, to the botched attack on the USS Liberty that was supposed to be blamed on Egypt, to the Mossad-orchestrated Achille Lauro and Entebbe hijacking incidents, to the "terrorist" bombings of its own embassies in London and Buenos Aires, to 9/11, 7/7, Madrid, Bali, and Mumbai, the Israeli Mossad is behind almost every big "terrorist" outrage blamed on Arabs or Muslims. And the more evil and outrageous the act - the more it inexcusably targets innocent civilian victims - the more certain you can be that it was the Zionists themselves who did it.

As a Middle East Studies expert, I can tell you that Netanyahu's premature attempt to blame Iran for the Bulgarian bus bombing is almost as ridiculous as earlier attempts to blame Iran for an alleged murder plot against the Saudi Ambassador to the US. As any legitimate Middle East expert will tell you, Iranian intelligence is very professional. Yes, they may some day find a way to take revenge against Israel for the ongoing wave of murders and terrorism against Iranian civilians and scientists - as would any other intelligence agency in their place - but hokey plots like the Saudi Ambassador fiasco, or going after a busload of Israeli tourists, just isn't their style. And the last thing Iran wants right now is to give Israel and its American vassal the excuse to launch a war.

Will global public opinion be suckered once again by the same old false-flag gambit? Or has the alternative media succeeded in educating the public about false-flag terror to the point that it no longer works?

The coming weeks and months will answer those questions.

Muslim Genocide Burma Ethnic Cleansing

Suu Ky's silence on oppression of Muslims shocking

Rohingya people trying to cross the Naf river into Bangladesh to escape the genocide

The West, led by the US, is pouring huge sums of money into Myanmar (Burma) and blathering about the supposed "democratization" of that long-time human rights pariah nation. Meanwhile, the Rohingyas - a Muslim ethnic group called "the most persecuted group in the world" by the UN - are facing slow-motion extermination. Though they've lived there for centuries, Burma's government refuses to grant them citizenship, and is trying to get rid of them. Mass murder, pogroms, the burning of homes and mosques - the usual tools of attempted genocide - are being deployed against them. And still the US lavishes money and praise on the regime...while Nobel prize-winning human rights icon Ang San Suu Kyi ignores the genocide in her own country. I was a guest on yesterday's Press TV program on the slow-motion genocide of the Rohingyas:

Suu Ky's silence on oppression of Muslims shocking: Analyst

Myanmar's democracy icon Ang San Suu Kyi and Nobel Peace prize winner has not spoken out against atrocities and ethnic cleansing proposal against the Rohingya people. The silence from Ang San Suu Kyi is deafening as Myanmar’s President Thein Sein, a former junta general said on Thursday that the "only solution" was to send nearly a million Rohingya Muslims - one of the world's most persecuted minorities -- to refugee camps run by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). "We will send them away if any third country would accept them," he added. "This is what we are thinking is the solution to the issue." The UN refugee agency has snubbed the idea of setting up refugee camps to accommodate the Rohingyas. The UN says decades of discrimination have left the Rohingyas stateless, with Myanmar implementing restrictions on their movements and withholding land rights, education and public services. For the past two years, waves of ethnic Muslims have attempted to flee the country in the face of systematic oppression by the Myanmar government. The government of Myanmar refuses to recognize them claiming the Rohingyas are not native and has classified them as illegal migrants, although they have lived in Myanmar for centuries.

Full story and video:



Fall of Al Sauds : Bandar or the israeli plan to dismantle all the Hijaz and attack Iran, through Lebanon-Syria, Bahrein, Yemen, Iraq 'sunni-shia' civil wars and 'fake revolutions'

  Israel plans to occupy all the Hijaz, after Bandar coup d'etat in Saudi Arabia.  



Prince Bandar’s Wake-Up Call


By Peter Chamberlin
Prince Bander. It feels like something sinister has just occurred, but it may be a long time until we figure-out just what that was (SEE: Saudi Appointment Suggests Bigger Regional Ambitions ).  When dealing with the Saudis, nothing is as it seems.   Trying to understand the Saudi royal family is something like trying to decipher a hidden code–What does the advancing of Bandar Bush to the top job in Saudi intelligence services really imply?  
Whenever there are major changes in the Saudi royal family, our first impressions often prove to be wrong, since we can only see surface appearances.   Much like looking at an iceberg, most of the facts about the Wahhabi kingdom are hidden beneath the surface.  Bandar is the biggest “berg” of the bunch.  The move of Bandar to the top of the Saudi’s “cia” is far more significant than just the replacement of the previous spy boss (who had proven himself to be inadequate for the Saudi’s needs), simply because of the baggage that Bandar carries with him.  He has served as Saudi Arabia’s primary connection to every American Administration since Reagan, because of his strong connections with the leaders of the Republican Party (this is how he earned the title “Bandar Bush”).  

Bandar Bush has been the irreplaceable key to nearly all of the Grand Ole Party’s secret foreign policy adventures.  Even Democrats like Clinton and Obama, who choose to act like Republicans, have been able to motivate the Republican associates of Bandar, in order to obtain his help in pulling together another of his “Islamist” armies for “humanitarian interventions” in Muslim countries.  Brother Bandar was extremely active during the Bush years, advising both Cheney and Bush, while organizing their secret deals to put his militant network to work.  During the Bush era, elements of his militant network came to be called “al-Qaeda” (the base), as their terrorist exploits were amplified in the Western press, to create the impression of a massive army of international “Islamists” waging war against the civilized world.  The legendary “exploits” of al-Qaeda are actually the acts of many separate, unconnected terror outfits, writ larger than life on the Western TV screens, as if all the terrorists worked for one Saudi boss.  
The Bush Administration successfully insulated the Saudis from any blame for supporting and using this terrorist network, enabling Bandar’s boys to provide the unified enemy nexus that Bush and Cheney so desperately needed to justify their wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and half a dozen other hot spots.  This formula for creating new wars was intended to empower the American war for Empire, as the flagship of predatory capitalism ripped through a series of Middle Eastern and North African countries (as revealed early on by General Wesley K. Clark).   War on Iran was scheduled to follow a quick victory in Iraq, which anticlimactically, ended rather quickly, contrary to expectations, proving to be another embarrassment to the Administration.  
The Neocon scheme began to unravel very quickly in Bush’s second term, as he became a victim of his previous easy successes in starting new wars.   The American war machine too easily devoured the token resistance of the Taliban and Saddam’s forces after that.  Easy victories upset the formula, as old battles could not “logically” (if perpetual war was your goal) be finished until sufficient groundwork had been done, laying the charges and lighting the fuses for new American wars.  Iran would have to wait for Bandar’s boys, or other assets (Mossad) to cause a strong enoughIranian reaction to their probing attacks to provide an excuse for a massive America counter-reaction.  Meanwhile, similar excuses needed to be engineered to justify the extended stays in Afghanistan and Iraq (leading directly to the creation of the Pakistani Taliban and “al-Qaeda in Iraq”).  While they were at it, the Saudis produced terrorist prodigy Ibn al-Khattab, who hailed from the same Saudi/Jordanian border town as the legendary boss of “al-Qaeda in Iraq,” Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.   
Bandar’s Sunni “Islamist” network managed to produce two semi-effective anti-Iranian Sunni outfits, Jundullah and Mujahedeen e-Khalq (MEK), both proved to be unsuited to the task of rallying terrorist armies to their sides in Shia Iran.  Bandar also came up short  in his search for satisfactory terrorist clients to oppose Iranian inroads in any of the targeted Muslim countries with mixed populations of both Shia and Sunni, like Lebanon, Syria, or the Palestinian territories.  Bandar seemed to fall out of favor with Bush after the failure of Israel’s war against Hezbollah stalled in Lebanon in 2006.    Anticipated local insurgencies in Lebanon and Syria failed to materialize, leaving Israel standing alone against Hezbollah with their Zionist pants around their ankles.  When the IDF did not live-up to their exalted military prowess, failing to-led make quick work of the Lebanese Shia resistance (like the US-supported Northern Alliance forces had easily walked over the Taliban), it seemed to take the wind out of Bush’s sails.  The previous urgency is instigating war with Iran seemed to quickly fade, as war fever started to cool and Bush appeared to lose his taste for starting new aggressive wars.  
Around that same time, a feud between Bandar and Prince Turki broke out into the open, ending with Turki’s resignation as US ambassador.  It has been  reported that the feud was over Saudi policy regarding America’s Iranian policy (SEE:  Prince Bandar’s Ambitions: Turki-Bandar Feud Over US Politics Cause of Resignation).  Turki favored a more even-handed diplomatic approach, embodied in the Arab Peace Initiative for Palestinian statehood at the UN and supporting the moderates in Iraq, while Bandar wanted to butt heads with the Iranians, in order to solve the Sunni/Shia problem once and for all (SEE:  Prince Bandar Allegedly Advocating Military Response Against Iran).  In short, Bandar represented the militant Cheney wing of the Republicans, while Prince Turki  was the Saudi advocate for the moderate Baker/Scowcroft wing.  Bush had grown tired of being let down by the “Cheneys” and “Bandars” lined-up at the American seat of power. 
Much like his pal Cheney, Bandar seemed to skulk back into the shadows after that, as efforts to drive the terror war covertly seemed to crash head-on into operations intended to prolong the individual wars, producing obvious contradictions, which began to arouse the suspicions of the American people.  Bush turned the wars over to the Pentagon advisers, turning his deaf to the spies.   Bandar disappeared completely from the public eye in 2008, after the failed Georgian attempt to expel Russia and Republican McCain’s defeat, giving rise to multiple rumors, the most extreme of which was the theory that Bandar had attempted a coup against King Abdullah by Bandar and about 200 loyalists (SEE:  In kingdom, Saudi prince’s coup ‘fails’).  Whatever the truth was, Bandar remained hidden until 2010, when he emerged from obscurity amid great fanfare.  
Perhaps Bandar had emerged then to reclaim lost ground.  In his absence, King Abdullah had given cautious support to the diplomatic measures that Prince Turki had been pushing.  Abdullah had even given Turki’s ideas on rapprochement with the dark sheep of the Arab fold, Syrian Bashar Hafez al-Assad, meeting him in Damascus on Oct 7, 2009.  Bandar’s father, Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdel Aziz had undergone surgery in New York in February 2009 for an undisclosed illness, forcing the Saudi second-in-command to spend the year afterwards, recuperating in the United States and at a palace in Morocco.
The heir to the Saudi throne, Crown Prince Sultan died on October 21, 2011, whereupon Prince Naif bin Abdulaziz Al Saud became the next Crown Prince, or heir apparent.   Less than one month later, on Nov 11, 2011, Prince Turki’s diplomatic plans for Palestinian Statehood at the United Nations were effectively scuttled, as the security council  put off the vote on admitting Palestine as a state.  On June 16 ,  2012, Crown Prince Naif (Nayef) also died.  Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud became the next Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.
The man whom Bandar had sidelined as Prince Naif’s chief of Saudi Intelligence was Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz.   The Institute For Gulf Affairs recently revealed correspondence between Naif and his intelligence chief Muqrin, concerning the Saudi handling of the Shia protests:
“The letters discuss how a situation involving Shia instigation in the Eastern Province should be handled. In the exchange Muqrin argued for a much stronger and harsher approach, but was vetoed by Naif.”
On Sunday, July 8, Muqrin’s “stronger and harsher approach” was given a go, as Shia cleric Ayatollah Al-Nemer was shot during his brutal arrest, setting-off massive Shia rioting in the Eastern Province, home of most Saudi oil fields.  Muqrin was supposed to be the kingdom’s top expert on the eastern provinces, since his son-in-law, Mohammed bin Fahd, was the governor of that province, but his insight into the Shia mind was as incomplete as any other Sunni.  Creating martyrs for the Shiite cause is not the path to peace in Saudi Arabia, or in any other Muslim nation.  In addition to this royal disappointment, Muqrin had also recently dealt a severe psychological blow to the kingdom’s most important ally, Pakistan, by his cooperation with India and the United States in the capture of wanted Lashkar e-Taiba militant, 26/11 co-conspirator Sayed Zabiuddin, alias Abu Jindal.  These two major embarrassments to the King are the primary reason for the outing of the long-time Saudi security chief.
Does the positioning of Bandar in Muqrin’s job herald a change for the worse in Saudi Arabia’s treatment of its Shia citizens, or does it signify that the Keeper of the Two Holy Mosques intends to take the effort to force submission of the eastern Shiites to Tehran?


Kyoledemon17 said...

As salam aleykoum wa rahmatullah

Qu'en penses tu akhi Souleyman ?
Abu-Suleyman said...
Wa aleykum salaam,

Aucune confirmation pour le moment mais la guerre pour le pouvoir bat son plein et nous savons tous ce qui se passera. Le type est tres dangeureux pour les Musulmans, et il preparait un coup d'etat. Ce serait surprenant qu'ils le tuent aussi facilement.

Wa Allah swt 'alam

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