Une attaque terroriste de type false flag en Allemagne pourrait servir à neutraliser les critiques du gouvernement
Une attaque terroriste sous faux pavillon en Allemagne pourrait être utilisée comme prétexte pour des procéder à des arrestations de masse des critiques du gouvernement
Par Jane Burgermeister,
Traduction Info Guerilla, http://infoguerilla.fr/
Lundi, 22 novembre 2010 à 22:00
Source: birdflu666
Par Jane Burgermeister,
Traduction Info Guerilla, http://infoguerilla.fr/
Lundi, 22 novembre 2010 à 22:00
À la suite de manifestations sans précédent en Allemagne, à Stuttgart et à Gorleben, contre l’autoritarisme rampant, le gouvernement tente d’exploiter une prétendue menace contre le Reichstag de Berlin par des terroristes islamistes, dans le but de mettre la vie économique, politique, et sociale du pays, totalement sous contrôle.
En dépit du fait qu’il n’existe aucune menace de violence crédible émanant de terroristes – un avocat défendant un jeune de 18 ans qui a mis en ligne une vidéo contenant une « menace terroriste », a dit récemment que le jeune homme en question avait été instrumentalisé par un policier allemand agissant comme agent provocateur – au moins 33.000 policiers armés sont maintenant en patrouille dans les aéroports et les gares d’Allemagne, avec un nombre inconnu d’agents de sécurité privés.
Le chef de la police allemande Matthias Seeger a déclaré au « Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung » (FAS), que la police avait reçu des instructions pour faire usage de ses armes, et qu’il encourageait activement les gens à tirer et à tuer toute personne soupçonnée d’être un terroriste.
Le Ministre de l’Intérieur Thomas de Maizière a dit qu’il s’attendait à une attaque « terroriste » entre le 20 et le 28 Novembre, au moment même où le gouvernement se prépare à adopter un budget draconien permettant un transfert considérable d’argent du contribuable aux banques, sous prétexte d’avoir à payer des dettes de réserve fractionnelle frauduleuses.
L’accent mis sur le Reichstag à Berlin est hautement significatif, car ce bâtiment a été le lieu d’un incendie criminel le 28 Février, 1933, qu’Adolf Hitler a alors utilisé comme prétexte pour consolider l’emprise nazie sur le pouvoir juste avant les élections de Mars 1933.
Il existe de nombreux parallèles avec l’incendie du Reichstag – qui semble également avoir été mis en scène selon un livre écrit par « XX » – y compris l’armement de la police juste une semaine avant.
Marinus van der Lubbe, un jeune néerlandais, a pu accéder au Reichstag sans aucun problème en passant par une porte latérale, tandis qu’un agent de police qui avait été informé de l’incendie par un passant s’est abstenu d’intervenir pendant presque une demi-heure avant d’appeler les sapeurs-pompiers aux alentours de 22 heures.
Selon l’historien John Toland (« Adolf Hitler », page 297), Hermann Göring a purgé les rangs de la police prussienne, leur a livré des armes, et leur a aussi donné des instructions explicites d’en faire usage contre les manifestants le 20 Février, juste une semaine avant l’Incendie du Reichstag. Göring a même menacé de sanctionner les policiers qui « refuseraient de faire leur devoir », et d’utiliser leurs armes contre les membres « d’organisations hostiles à l’Etat ».
Hitler utilisa l’incendie du Reichstag comme prétexte pour introduire le « décret présidentiel pour la protection du peuple et de l’Etat », le 28 Février. Ceci a aboutit à la suspension des libertés de réunion et d’expression, à l’autorisation des écoutes téléphoniques, aux fouilles des maisons et à la détention illimitée sans mandat, et a ouvert la voie à des arrestations de masse d’opposants.
En fait, l’incendie du Reichstag est considéré comme marquant le début du régime nazi allemand de la terreur.
En dépit du fait qu’on avait la preuve que Lubbe avait agi seul, Hitler a immédiatement déclaré que les communistes étaient responsables. Il s’est rendu directement dans les bureaux du « Beobachter Vôlkische« , un journal que ses partisans avait acheté pour son compte en 1919, et a ordonné au secrétaire de rédaction en service de nuit de présenter l’histoire de l’incendie de telle manière que les communistes et l’opposition en porteraient la responsabilité.
Göring a même réécrit la déclaration de la police afin d’exagérer la menace, selon Toland.
Hitler convoqua alors le cabinet au bureau de Göring – une majorité d’entre eux n’étaient pas nationaux-socialistes – et cette même nuit un décret a été adopté dépouillant le peuple allemand de tous ses droits civiques fondamentaux.
Le Prince August Wilhelm de Hohenzollern, fils du dernier empereur allemand, qui était un fervent partisan d’Hitler, a assisté à la réunion et a approuvé le décret.
À la suite de l’incendie du Reichstag et des arrestations de masse, Hitler a mené une campagne électorale dépourvue de toute mesure politique concrète, invoquant la culture allemande et le « destin ».
Il est certainement tentant pour le gouvernement d’utiliser les mêmes mesures d’urgences destinées à faire face à une menace terroriste non existante en Allemagne, pour tenter d’écraser les protestations de plus en plus importantes et les exigences de démocratie.
Celles-ci ont atteint une tel niveau, que le gouvernement pourrait penser qu’elles peuvent seulement être stoppées par l’arrestation de milliers de personnes clés dans une action rapide et soudaine.
Même si la Cour suprême de Leipzig n’a établi aucun lien entre Lubbe et les communistes, Hitler a utilisé l’incendie pour arrêter, emprisonner, et souvent tuer les opposants politiques sur la base des connections les plus ténues.
Il serait aisé de concevoir un lien fictif entre les « terroristes islamiques » et les manifestants de Stuttgart 21 ou ceux de Castor 21, ou même entre les figures individuelles de l’opposition et des blogueurs, et ainsi donner aux chefs de la police qui sont au courant une excuse pour procéder à des arrestations.
Par exemple, We Are Change Autriche a mis en ligne une déclaration sur ses forums de discussion cet été provenant soit-disant de moi, dans laquelle j’exprimais un soutien humoristique à Al-Qaïda, tout en masquant l’adresse E-mail qui aurait montré que le message n’était pas de moi. WAC a d’abord prétendu que j’avais posté le message, puis a nié qu’un quelconque message avait été posté, même si j’ai fait une capture d’écran, ce que je suis sûr les gouvernements ont également fait pour leurs dossiers.
En utilisant des méthodes de ce genre, il serait facile d’assimiler ceux qui n’ont aucun lien avec Al-Qaïda avec de vagues partisans du terrorisme.
Le gouvernement pourrait être pressé d’agir, car la CDU/CSU risque de perdre le pouvoir au printemps lors d’une prochaine élection régionale en raison de la frustration des électeurs concernant le projet Stuttgart 21.
Une attaque sous faux pavillon pourrait permettre au gouvernement conservateur de la membre du Bilderberg Angela Merkel de se présenter comme « protecteur du peuple » – et si tout le reste échoue, les résultats des élections peuvent toujours être trafiqués.
Si la CDU/CSU parvient à conserver le pouvoir, elle peut congédier Merkel et « couronner » le ministre de la Défense Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg comme chancelier.
Guttenberg est un mondialiste clé, et il a fait passer des plans le 15 Novembree visant à transformer l’armée allemande d’une force de défense en une force offensive qui peut même s’engager dans des armées privées. Celles-ci seront bien nécessaires pour patrouiller dans les provinces rebelles du nouvel empire financier allemand, alors que les pays s’effondrent les uns après les autres sous le fardeau de la dette artificielle et que les autres tombes sous la coupe du FMI et de l’UE/Bilderberg dans le piège de l’euro.
Le banquier le plus important d’Hitler, Hjalmar Schacht – un bon ami de Max Warburg qui fut impliqué dans la « crise bancaire » et « la consolidation budgétaire » allemandes de 1931 qui a détruit l’économie allemande pour les profits des banques – a noté qu’un état policier fort était nécessaire pour toute société qui donnait aux banques la liberté d’action.
Le professeur d’économie de Vienne Franz Hörmann a récemment expliqué dans une interview à « Der Standard » à quel point le système bancaire est en fait un modèle de fraude et de vol qualifié.
Les mondialistes doivent avoir prévu la nécessité de recourir de façon massive aux forces de police, pour écraser les manifestations de plus en plus importantes contre la façon dont le gouvernement dérobe autant d’argent au peuple pour le remettre aux banques. Une attaque islamique sous fausse bannière contre le Reichstag, ou un aéroport, ou une gare, pourrait leur donner une excuse pour fermer les frontières et procéder aux arrestations des critiques.
Un parent du Prince Wilhelm August de Hohenzollern, Karl Friederich, Prince de Hohenzollern, est une figure influente de la CDU et siège ou a siégé au conseil de la plupart des banques impliquées dans le scandale bancaire actuel, y compris la BayernLB, qui a acheté la banque Hypo Alpe Adria sur les conseils de la banque Rothschild Investment, ignorant la preuve d’une fraude.
Bien que Guttenberg, qui est originaire de la Franconie de Charlemagne, pourrait-être préparé pour devenir le nouveau César ou Kaiser du quatrième empire Allemand – les décrets d’urgence suite à une défaillance de la Grèce pourraient permettre à une dictature de l’UE de voir le jour – les Hohenzollern ont joué un rôle de premier plan jusqu’ici dans les trois premiers « Saint Empires Germaniques« , et il ne peut être exclu qu’ils seront parmi les personnalités de premier plan dans la « Quatrième Reich », ainsi que le prince Adam du Liechtenstein a qualifié l’Allemagne.
Le Prince August Wilhelm de Hohenzollern a déclaré devant la foule à Hambourg en avril 1937, que « sa foi dans le Führer n’était pas seulement inébranlable, mais qu’elle devenait de plus en plus forte à mesure que les jours passaient« .
Le Führer souhaite juste que le peuple allemand le suivent avec foi – le Fuhrer croit en la loyauté du peuple d’Allemagne, et c’est la raison pour laquelle vous ne pouvez le décevoir« , selon Lothar Machtan, historien à l’université de Brême, qui a écrit « Der Kaisersohn bei Hitler, 2006, Verlag Hoffmann und Campe ».
Karl Friedrich est également le Souverain Grand Maître de l’Ordre du Dragon (voir également ceci), qui semble être l’une des sociétés secrètes mondialistes comme la Skull and Bones dont George Bush est membre.
Un siège clé pour les Hohenzollern est Nuremberg, et le premier acte d’Hitler quand il est entré dans Vienne en 1938 dans le cadre de l’annexion, a été d’ordonner que la « Sainte Lance » conservée au musée soit transférée à Nuremberg.
Dans l’intervalle, des tests d’ADN ont révélé qu’Hitler lui-même était très probablement un descendant des Rothschild, confirmant ainsi une vieille rumeur.
Avec Ludwig Wittgenstein, le fils de l’un des hommes les plus riches d’Autriche, le fabricant d’armement et associé des Rothschild, Karl Wittgenstein, Hitler était au Real Gymnase de Linz, juste à un jet de pierre du château des Rothschild à Ybbs.
Les Hohenzollern, Rothschild… encore eux.
Source: birdflu666
Crisis of Fiat Currencies: US Dollar Surpluses Converted into Gold
China, Russia, Iran are Dumping the Dollar
by Bob Chapman,
Global Research, November 22, 2010
International Forecaster - 2010-11-21,
Something is going on that your government does not want you to know about. Very few journalists have written about it and little or nothing has appeared in the mainstream media. The story could be one of major stories of our time.
Western powers have tried to destroy gold as a backing for currencies for many years. Presently the major media won’t touch the story and that is understandable.
Something we have been writing about for years is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization known as SCO. Few have been listening and few have been interested in what their mission is and what they have been up to.
Some of the members are large oil producers and some, like China, are large oil users. Some have very large US dollar surpluses. As well, some are large commodity and gold and silver buyers. In fact, members are in a great part responsible for driving these prices higher. It is debatable, but we believe there is a conscious effort to accumulate gold and silver, dump dollars and to back their currencies with gold.
China and Russia are both large gold producers and for a number of years have been buying up domestic gold and silver production, so that it never reaches the market and does not affect prices. If anything the absence of sales tends to push the markets higher. As a matter of fact Russia and India are visible buyers. Even Iran with its oil surplus recently announced that they had purchased 340 tons of gold. Their recent gold purchases are very significant as affiliate members, which have access to the present and ultimate direction of the group. You might say buying gold has been a protective effort to shield members and close observers from the problems generated by dollar policies. They are accumulating gold, as many have been worldwide, for the past ten years, but particularly over the past few years.
This buying, for protection, has served to thwart the efforts of US policymakers, the Treasury, other central banks in Europe and the Fed, from being able to continue the blatant suppression of both gold and silver prices. The malefactors, except for forays into derivatives and futures, which are transitory, have lost control and suppression of gold and silver prices, and it is only a matter of time before all visages of any control will be visible. Since 1988, in August when Present Reagan signed the Executive Order creating, “the President’s Group on Financial Markets” and the subsidiaries that have grown out of that policy, that the Treasury won many if not most of the battles. The SCO in part changed that and now they and the public are winning the war for a fair and free gold and silver market. The current class action lawsuits, including RICO, are a testament to the market manipulation in silver, which is finally coming to an end. HSBC and JPMorgan Chase, the latter that is the major owner of the Fed, are going to be finally prohibited from rigging these markets. Their officers all belong in jail, but elitists never go to jail; they pay fines, and keep right on robbing the public.
Other SCO members and observers are accumulating gold as well, be it in smaller amounts. We might add that other nations observing Russia and China and their gold purchases are buying as well. These participants must believe that there could be a return to sound money; otherwise they wouldn’t be gold buyers. Buying gold is certainly preferable to holding US dollars, which have consistently fallen in value versus other currencies over the past ten years. Then again all currencies have fallen versus gold over that period, some 19.6% annually. It is nice to see nations are finally waking up to the reality that fiat currencies will all over time deteriorate versus gold. The temptation is enormous to deficit spend.
The most interesting aspect of the SCO is that they do not strive for political agreement such as the European Union. They are interested in economic stability and development and security. There is no overall binding laws. Nations retain their sovereignty, which is the exact opposite of what the elitists in the US and Europe desire, and that is world government. The SCO has provided great flexibility something that is non-existent in elitist controlled countries. Another interesting facet is that the SCO probably represents half of the world’ population, far more than the US and Europe. As these nations accumulate gold so does some of their citizens, which puts strong upward pressures on gold prices on a continuing basis.
In addition some of these nations, such as China, are spending dollars by buying natural resources and other things in other nations in an attempt to relieve themselves of excess dollars earned in trade. Both Russia and China fully realize that the US dollar is in serious trouble and has been for a number of years due to fiscal debt and the unbridled creation of money and credit by the Federal Reserve. They well know the dollar is in serious trouble and what the outcome will probably be.
As the economies of the US and Europe become more deeply mired in problems the economies of SCO nations more and more resemble the free economies of old that were very successful. You might say they have found their way back to basics and sound money. As the dollar comes under further downward pressure more nations will probably join the SCO to escape the clutches of European and American imperialism and bureaucracy, which for some years has been onerous and unsuccessful. What we see is a natural path by nations to extricate themselves from the control of Wall Street and the City of London, which have dominated the world for so long. All these facts considered we believe gold will find its way substantially higher with the participation of these nations, a factor the West never figured on. These ten nations are sucking excess gold out of the market every day and that will continue indefinitely.
These SCO nations are well aware that the surge of hot dollars created by the Fed out of thin air are headed their way and with them inflation. Brazil was the first nation to attempt to stop this onslaught by imposing a 6% tariff on interest and dividend paying Brazilian securities, purchased with US dollars. Over the last two years between stimulus and the Fed $2.5 trillion has been injected into the US and world financial system. As a result commodity and gold and silver prices have exploded. This has caused the dollar to fall in value versus other currencies and gold. There is no question more and higher inflation is on the way, as the Fed gets into QE 2. You can also bet that QE2 will not be $600 billion, but more than $2 trillion. Inflation is already showing up in food, petroleum products, airline fares and in many other items that we use every day. As usual the government says there is little or no inflation. Even competent economists still use government’s bogus figures. What can they be thinking of? They know what is going on as well as we do. That means we are embarking on the highest inflation rates in US history. Thus far the undertow of deflation has been superseded by government banking and Fed aggregate creation. The Fed, in order to subdue deflation and such spending has to always overshoot the inflation they create, so that they can be sure that deflation cannot take hold. This money and credit is in the process of working its way through the economy, spreading inflation as it winds its way through.
The only investors who are being afforded protection are those who have invested in gold and silver and commodities. That is less than 2% of the American population. We predicted in mid-May that QE2 and QE3 would take place for a combined $5 trillion over the next two fiscal years. In fact, the Fed was late in starting in June and as a result 4th quarter GDP growth will probably be 1% and the 1st quarter of 2011 will probably be in the minus column, as unemployment heads to 25% and extended benefits run out. We are not seeing growth; we are seeing forced feeding.
The Fed’s promises are not worth the paper they are written on. Ben Bernanke will print money until he cannot anymore and we have hyperinflation. That is because he has no other choice. He has no way out and he knows it won’t work. Tragically, this is where we are headed and there is no way to stop what the elitists have put deliberately in motion.
As long as quantitative easing is official Fed and Wall Street policy, gold is going to continue to rise with silver, and the stronger the case is that gold is the real world reserve currency. That means all currencies will eventually have to be backed by gold. We believe that elitists have accepted this fact and that was borne out recently by World Bank President, CFR, Trilateralist and Bilderberger Robert Zoellick. We can assure you that was no slip of the tongue. That was a cleverly planted trial balloon to get public reaction.
We do not see QE2 and QE3 as incompetence or bungling. It happens to be the only option available to the powers behind government. The same errors committed during the Great Depression of the 1930s are being repeated and economists, including Mr. Bernanake know they do not work. Yes, the Fed contracted money supply and when they let it loose again, it was too late for it to be in anyway effective. Next comes tariffs as an outgrowth of: currency wars; interest and dividend penalties on the inflow of hot, inflationary dollars and retaliatory tariffs as a result of losing 8.5 million jobs and 432,000 businesses over ten years to free trade, globalization, offshoring and outsourcing. Smoot-Hawley tariffs and even dumb Fed moves were bad enough, but Hoover’s raising of taxes by 150% was a monumental piece of stupidity.
At the root of all this is that the Fed is supposed to be saving the US economic and financial structure. They are not doing that, they are saving the banking system and Wall Street instead and these are the miscreants that caused the problem in the first place. The result of this policy of zero interest rates and easy money is that few are saving.
There you have it, planned destruction. Is it any wonder the SCO members and observers are buying gold on every dip and will not stop doing so until they run out of dollars. Our only question is; what took them so long and why are they not buying more faster?
by Bob Chapman,
Global Research, November 22, 2010
International Forecaster - 2010-11-21,
Something is going on that your government does not want you to know about. Very few journalists have written about it and little or nothing has appeared in the mainstream media. The story could be one of major stories of our time.
Western powers have tried to destroy gold as a backing for currencies for many years. Presently the major media won’t touch the story and that is understandable.
Something we have been writing about for years is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization known as SCO. Few have been listening and few have been interested in what their mission is and what they have been up to.
Some of the members are large oil producers and some, like China, are large oil users. Some have very large US dollar surpluses. As well, some are large commodity and gold and silver buyers. In fact, members are in a great part responsible for driving these prices higher. It is debatable, but we believe there is a conscious effort to accumulate gold and silver, dump dollars and to back their currencies with gold.
China and Russia are both large gold producers and for a number of years have been buying up domestic gold and silver production, so that it never reaches the market and does not affect prices. If anything the absence of sales tends to push the markets higher. As a matter of fact Russia and India are visible buyers. Even Iran with its oil surplus recently announced that they had purchased 340 tons of gold. Their recent gold purchases are very significant as affiliate members, which have access to the present and ultimate direction of the group. You might say buying gold has been a protective effort to shield members and close observers from the problems generated by dollar policies. They are accumulating gold, as many have been worldwide, for the past ten years, but particularly over the past few years.
This buying, for protection, has served to thwart the efforts of US policymakers, the Treasury, other central banks in Europe and the Fed, from being able to continue the blatant suppression of both gold and silver prices. The malefactors, except for forays into derivatives and futures, which are transitory, have lost control and suppression of gold and silver prices, and it is only a matter of time before all visages of any control will be visible. Since 1988, in August when Present Reagan signed the Executive Order creating, “the President’s Group on Financial Markets” and the subsidiaries that have grown out of that policy, that the Treasury won many if not most of the battles. The SCO in part changed that and now they and the public are winning the war for a fair and free gold and silver market. The current class action lawsuits, including RICO, are a testament to the market manipulation in silver, which is finally coming to an end. HSBC and JPMorgan Chase, the latter that is the major owner of the Fed, are going to be finally prohibited from rigging these markets. Their officers all belong in jail, but elitists never go to jail; they pay fines, and keep right on robbing the public.
Other SCO members and observers are accumulating gold as well, be it in smaller amounts. We might add that other nations observing Russia and China and their gold purchases are buying as well. These participants must believe that there could be a return to sound money; otherwise they wouldn’t be gold buyers. Buying gold is certainly preferable to holding US dollars, which have consistently fallen in value versus other currencies over the past ten years. Then again all currencies have fallen versus gold over that period, some 19.6% annually. It is nice to see nations are finally waking up to the reality that fiat currencies will all over time deteriorate versus gold. The temptation is enormous to deficit spend.
The most interesting aspect of the SCO is that they do not strive for political agreement such as the European Union. They are interested in economic stability and development and security. There is no overall binding laws. Nations retain their sovereignty, which is the exact opposite of what the elitists in the US and Europe desire, and that is world government. The SCO has provided great flexibility something that is non-existent in elitist controlled countries. Another interesting facet is that the SCO probably represents half of the world’ population, far more than the US and Europe. As these nations accumulate gold so does some of their citizens, which puts strong upward pressures on gold prices on a continuing basis.
In addition some of these nations, such as China, are spending dollars by buying natural resources and other things in other nations in an attempt to relieve themselves of excess dollars earned in trade. Both Russia and China fully realize that the US dollar is in serious trouble and has been for a number of years due to fiscal debt and the unbridled creation of money and credit by the Federal Reserve. They well know the dollar is in serious trouble and what the outcome will probably be.
As the economies of the US and Europe become more deeply mired in problems the economies of SCO nations more and more resemble the free economies of old that were very successful. You might say they have found their way back to basics and sound money. As the dollar comes under further downward pressure more nations will probably join the SCO to escape the clutches of European and American imperialism and bureaucracy, which for some years has been onerous and unsuccessful. What we see is a natural path by nations to extricate themselves from the control of Wall Street and the City of London, which have dominated the world for so long. All these facts considered we believe gold will find its way substantially higher with the participation of these nations, a factor the West never figured on. These ten nations are sucking excess gold out of the market every day and that will continue indefinitely.
These SCO nations are well aware that the surge of hot dollars created by the Fed out of thin air are headed their way and with them inflation. Brazil was the first nation to attempt to stop this onslaught by imposing a 6% tariff on interest and dividend paying Brazilian securities, purchased with US dollars. Over the last two years between stimulus and the Fed $2.5 trillion has been injected into the US and world financial system. As a result commodity and gold and silver prices have exploded. This has caused the dollar to fall in value versus other currencies and gold. There is no question more and higher inflation is on the way, as the Fed gets into QE 2. You can also bet that QE2 will not be $600 billion, but more than $2 trillion. Inflation is already showing up in food, petroleum products, airline fares and in many other items that we use every day. As usual the government says there is little or no inflation. Even competent economists still use government’s bogus figures. What can they be thinking of? They know what is going on as well as we do. That means we are embarking on the highest inflation rates in US history. Thus far the undertow of deflation has been superseded by government banking and Fed aggregate creation. The Fed, in order to subdue deflation and such spending has to always overshoot the inflation they create, so that they can be sure that deflation cannot take hold. This money and credit is in the process of working its way through the economy, spreading inflation as it winds its way through.
The only investors who are being afforded protection are those who have invested in gold and silver and commodities. That is less than 2% of the American population. We predicted in mid-May that QE2 and QE3 would take place for a combined $5 trillion over the next two fiscal years. In fact, the Fed was late in starting in June and as a result 4th quarter GDP growth will probably be 1% and the 1st quarter of 2011 will probably be in the minus column, as unemployment heads to 25% and extended benefits run out. We are not seeing growth; we are seeing forced feeding.
The Fed’s promises are not worth the paper they are written on. Ben Bernanke will print money until he cannot anymore and we have hyperinflation. That is because he has no other choice. He has no way out and he knows it won’t work. Tragically, this is where we are headed and there is no way to stop what the elitists have put deliberately in motion.
As long as quantitative easing is official Fed and Wall Street policy, gold is going to continue to rise with silver, and the stronger the case is that gold is the real world reserve currency. That means all currencies will eventually have to be backed by gold. We believe that elitists have accepted this fact and that was borne out recently by World Bank President, CFR, Trilateralist and Bilderberger Robert Zoellick. We can assure you that was no slip of the tongue. That was a cleverly planted trial balloon to get public reaction.
We do not see QE2 and QE3 as incompetence or bungling. It happens to be the only option available to the powers behind government. The same errors committed during the Great Depression of the 1930s are being repeated and economists, including Mr. Bernanake know they do not work. Yes, the Fed contracted money supply and when they let it loose again, it was too late for it to be in anyway effective. Next comes tariffs as an outgrowth of: currency wars; interest and dividend penalties on the inflow of hot, inflationary dollars and retaliatory tariffs as a result of losing 8.5 million jobs and 432,000 businesses over ten years to free trade, globalization, offshoring and outsourcing. Smoot-Hawley tariffs and even dumb Fed moves were bad enough, but Hoover’s raising of taxes by 150% was a monumental piece of stupidity.
At the root of all this is that the Fed is supposed to be saving the US economic and financial structure. They are not doing that, they are saving the banking system and Wall Street instead and these are the miscreants that caused the problem in the first place. The result of this policy of zero interest rates and easy money is that few are saving.
There you have it, planned destruction. Is it any wonder the SCO members and observers are buying gold on every dip and will not stop doing so until they run out of dollars. Our only question is; what took them so long and why are they not buying more faster?
Pakistan and Yemen on top Israel agenda : Pakistan’s Nuclear Factor
Nuclear factor kept Pakistan’s adversaries restrained
By Brig Asif Haroon Raja
After 9/11 terror attacks on twin towers, when the US leadership decided to avenge the attacks by invading Afghanistan and also planned to rope in Pakistan, it rejected India’s offer of providing air bases and full military support. It also ignored India’s advice to tackle Afghanistan and Pakistan in a single swoop. In India’s reckoning, roots of terrorism could not be eliminated without taking on both the countries. The US leaders assessed that Pakistan being geographically contiguous to Afghanistan and also having more knowledge than any other country about the target country as well as Taliban would be most suitable. The US however assured India that it had future plans to deal with Pakistan separately at an opportune time.
People in Pakistan cannot forget the telephone call of US Secretary of State Colin Powel on the fateful night of 13 September 2001. He bluntly told Gen Musharraf, ‘you have to decide whether you are with us or against us’. It was a sort of ultimatum with no leeway for a middle way or a third option. In order to justify his spontaneous capitulation, Gen Musharraf cooked up a story of ‘bombing Pakistan back to Stone Age’. He also conveyed that if he had not accepted US proposal, India’s offer of rendering full services for Afghan venture would have been accepted by Washington. Today he proudly claims that by opting to become a US ally he kept India out and saved strategic assets of Pakistan.
All the serving Generals at that time bought the story and applauded their COAS cum Chief Executive for taking the right decision. Their plea was that Pak armed forces were incapable of fighting combined armed forces of USA, western world and India. For them it was a wise and far-sighted act which saved Pakistan from sure ruination. The entire lot of Pakistan based politicians also voiced similar arguments. It has now been established that the story of Stone Age was concocted. George Bush, Colin Powell and Richard Armitage refuted Musharraf’s claim that he was threatened to bomb Pakistan to Stone Age.
Notwithstanding colossal destruction of Afghanistan, the country is still in existence and on road to recovery. The ones who were forcibly exiled have returned back with a vengeance and have made the lives of occupiers difficult. Likewise, Iraq after colossal devastation has not been wiped off the face of earth. As a consequent to prolonged resistance struggle, bulk of occupation forces has returned home. Left over 50,000 troops are likely to abdicate by end 2011. Likewise, troop withdrawal in Afghanistan will commence in July 2011.
Despite using their full combat power, coalition forces were unable to defeat the people or push the occupied countries to Stone Age. While the spirit of resistance forces remains high, coalition forces in Afghanistan and Iraq are desperate to return to their homes. It is only the egoist US leaders who are dragging their feet and are prolonging the agony of occupation forces and that of resistance forces despite seeing the writing on the wall.
Musharraf having docilely submitted to US dictates and that too without extracting worthwhile benefits, could not prevent the systematic destruction of the country and loss of human lives. In nine years, over 32000 people have lost their lives in war on terror imposed on Pakistan and tens of thousands maimed or injured and thousands orphaned. Property worth billions of rupees has been destroyed by suicide bombers and bomb attacks. Lacs of displaced people belonging to troubled areas are still living in camps. Economically, Pakistan has suffered a loss of over $64 billion. Individual losses and psycho-social trauma caused are incalculable. Loyal people of FATA and Balochistan have become enemies of the state. Unheard of suicide attacks have become a norm.
In addition to man-made catastrophes, Pakistan underwent two natural calamities. 80,000 people perished in 2005 earthquake. Whole towns and villages were razed to ground in Azad Kashmir. In 2009 floods, besides 3000 human losses, damage to property, road infrastructure, bridges, homes, agriculture lands, standing crops and fruit orchards all over the country was colossal. 2.5 million people got displaced.
Besides negative fallout effects of man-made and natural tragedies on Pakistan’s socio-politico-economic health, Pakistan lost its prestige since it betrayed a neighboring Muslim country with which it enjoyed excellent relations and joined hands with unreliable self-styled friends. Latter are treating a betrayer the way it should be treated. Our so-called well-wisher USA mistrusts Pakistan and is showering hellfire missiles on people of Pakistan. Under the garb of friendship it is seeking political destabilization and economic impoverishment of Pakistan so that it could denuclearize it and turn it into a client state. Its real friends are part of the gory scheme.
In hindsight, if we make a comparison of possible destruction wrought on Pakistan in case of US invasion vis-à-vis what all Pakistan suffered in war on terror as a US ally, it will not be too wrong to conclude that Pakistan suffered more by getting aligned with USA. Whatever economic prosperity seen during Musharraf’s rule evaporated in thin air since economic policy was based on consumerism. Pakistan was hijacked by NRO cleansed rulers who have broken all records of corruption. They have pushed Pakistan back into the stranglehold of IMF. With all economic indicators in the negative, the economy is in dire straits and Pakistan is being seen as a failing state. Its sovereignty stand compromised because of America’s intrusiveness and drone strikes.
For nine years, US officials have been pasting serious allegations against its so-called strategic ally Pakistan. They brazenly express displeasure and hurl warnings and threats as if Pakistan is America’s colony. The way our leaders receive slaps without a whimper, it seems that Pakistan has been virtually enslaved. In my view, one-time agony was far better than prolonged agony with no light at the end of the tunnel.
Coming back to the point of invasion and destruction of Pakistan by US led coalition forces, I can say it with certainty that the US would never have dared to invade Pakistan because of its nuclear capability. Had Afghanistan a single nuclear bomb, none from the western world would have taken the risk of invading it. Had Pakistan not betrayed Taliban regime and stayed neutral, or provided political and moral support to it, even then USA would not have felt confident to invade Afghanistan. Northern Alliance would have continued to roam in wilderness. Likewise, had Iraq been in possession of WMDs as was alleged, it would not have been targeted. In order to make sure whether Saddam regime had or didn’t have WMDs, UN nuclear inspectors combed each and every building and bush in Iraq for over two years. Go ahead for invasion was given only when 100% assurance was obtained that Iraq was free of WMDs.
Why is it that the US troops didn’t barge into FATA from next door Afghanistan after its top leadership accused Pakistan of working against American interests in collaboration with Taliban and Al-Qaeda? What prevented USA from attacking Pakistan once it became sure that Pakistan was playing a double game and had become part of the problem? Why didn’t US Special Forces seize Pakistan’s nukes when they got convinced that the nukes were on the verge of being stolen by extremists? Why didn’t India invade Pakistan in 2002 and in 2009 when its entire military strength was deployed along the border in a threatening posture for months? Indian military Exercise Brass-tacks in 1986-7, Indian forces offensive deployment in Kashmir in 1990, Kargil conflict in summer of 1999 and military stand-off in 2002 and in 2009 had distinct probability of converting into a full-fledged Indo-Pak war. Each time the crisis situation got defused due to Pakistan’s nuclear capability and resilient response of armed forces.
But for nuclear factor, the US egged on by India and Israel, or India backed by USA would have invaded Pakistan long time back. Because of threat of nuclear response, all the six intelligence agencies based in Kabul are perforce resorting to expensive covert operations to steal or destroy our nukes all these years. Despite their yearning for the nukes, they have failed to get near our nuclear arsenal and have also desisted from launching a physical attack. It proves my point that nuclear factor, resilience of our armed forces are the only impediments which has kept Pakistan’s adversaries restrained. ISI’s vigilance and competence has defeated their sinister plans.
Gen Musharraf was put to test on the night of 9/13 in which he failed. Had he stood up to American challenge as Gen Ziaul Haq had done against next door super power, he would have entered his name in the pages of history with golden words. Now he will be remembered as another Mir Jaffar. If ragtag Taliban can fight the combined force of 48 countries and bring them to the stage of near-defeat, why couldn’t Islamic Republic of Pakistan with regular armed forces rated among the best in the world and equipped with missiles and nukes do the same? Was it not better to fight the external powers and getting bled and martyred than senselessly fighting own people and killing each other and earning all sorts of bad names?
Brig Asif Haroon Raja, a Member Board of Advisors Opinion Maker is Staff College and Armed Forces War Coursequalified, holds MSc war studies degree; a second generation officer, he fought epic battle of Hilli in northwest East Bengal during 1971 war, in which Maj M. Akram received Nishan-e-Haider posthumously. He served as Directing Staff Command & Staff College, Defence Attaché Egypt and Sudan and Dean of Corps of Military Attaches in Cairo. He commanded the heaviest brigade in Kashmir. He is lingual and speaks English, Pashto and Punjabi fluently. He is author of books titled ‘Battle of Hilli’, ‘1948, 1965 & 1971 Kashmir Battles and Freedom Struggle’, ‘Muhammad bin Qasim to Gen Musharraf’, Roots of 1971 Tragedy’; has written number of motivational pamphlets. Draft of his next book ‘Tangled Knot of Kashmir’ is ready. He is a defence analyst and columnist and writes articles on security, defence and political matters for numerous international/national newspapers/websites.
By Brig Asif Haroon Raja
After 9/11 terror attacks on twin towers, when the US leadership decided to avenge the attacks by invading Afghanistan and also planned to rope in Pakistan, it rejected India’s offer of providing air bases and full military support. It also ignored India’s advice to tackle Afghanistan and Pakistan in a single swoop. In India’s reckoning, roots of terrorism could not be eliminated without taking on both the countries. The US leaders assessed that Pakistan being geographically contiguous to Afghanistan and also having more knowledge than any other country about the target country as well as Taliban would be most suitable. The US however assured India that it had future plans to deal with Pakistan separately at an opportune time.
People in Pakistan cannot forget the telephone call of US Secretary of State Colin Powel on the fateful night of 13 September 2001. He bluntly told Gen Musharraf, ‘you have to decide whether you are with us or against us’. It was a sort of ultimatum with no leeway for a middle way or a third option. In order to justify his spontaneous capitulation, Gen Musharraf cooked up a story of ‘bombing Pakistan back to Stone Age’. He also conveyed that if he had not accepted US proposal, India’s offer of rendering full services for Afghan venture would have been accepted by Washington. Today he proudly claims that by opting to become a US ally he kept India out and saved strategic assets of Pakistan.
All the serving Generals at that time bought the story and applauded their COAS cum Chief Executive for taking the right decision. Their plea was that Pak armed forces were incapable of fighting combined armed forces of USA, western world and India. For them it was a wise and far-sighted act which saved Pakistan from sure ruination. The entire lot of Pakistan based politicians also voiced similar arguments. It has now been established that the story of Stone Age was concocted. George Bush, Colin Powell and Richard Armitage refuted Musharraf’s claim that he was threatened to bomb Pakistan to Stone Age.
Notwithstanding colossal destruction of Afghanistan, the country is still in existence and on road to recovery. The ones who were forcibly exiled have returned back with a vengeance and have made the lives of occupiers difficult. Likewise, Iraq after colossal devastation has not been wiped off the face of earth. As a consequent to prolonged resistance struggle, bulk of occupation forces has returned home. Left over 50,000 troops are likely to abdicate by end 2011. Likewise, troop withdrawal in Afghanistan will commence in July 2011.
Despite using their full combat power, coalition forces were unable to defeat the people or push the occupied countries to Stone Age. While the spirit of resistance forces remains high, coalition forces in Afghanistan and Iraq are desperate to return to their homes. It is only the egoist US leaders who are dragging their feet and are prolonging the agony of occupation forces and that of resistance forces despite seeing the writing on the wall.
Musharraf having docilely submitted to US dictates and that too without extracting worthwhile benefits, could not prevent the systematic destruction of the country and loss of human lives. In nine years, over 32000 people have lost their lives in war on terror imposed on Pakistan and tens of thousands maimed or injured and thousands orphaned. Property worth billions of rupees has been destroyed by suicide bombers and bomb attacks. Lacs of displaced people belonging to troubled areas are still living in camps. Economically, Pakistan has suffered a loss of over $64 billion. Individual losses and psycho-social trauma caused are incalculable. Loyal people of FATA and Balochistan have become enemies of the state. Unheard of suicide attacks have become a norm.
In addition to man-made catastrophes, Pakistan underwent two natural calamities. 80,000 people perished in 2005 earthquake. Whole towns and villages were razed to ground in Azad Kashmir. In 2009 floods, besides 3000 human losses, damage to property, road infrastructure, bridges, homes, agriculture lands, standing crops and fruit orchards all over the country was colossal. 2.5 million people got displaced.
Besides negative fallout effects of man-made and natural tragedies on Pakistan’s socio-politico-economic health, Pakistan lost its prestige since it betrayed a neighboring Muslim country with which it enjoyed excellent relations and joined hands with unreliable self-styled friends. Latter are treating a betrayer the way it should be treated. Our so-called well-wisher USA mistrusts Pakistan and is showering hellfire missiles on people of Pakistan. Under the garb of friendship it is seeking political destabilization and economic impoverishment of Pakistan so that it could denuclearize it and turn it into a client state. Its real friends are part of the gory scheme.
In hindsight, if we make a comparison of possible destruction wrought on Pakistan in case of US invasion vis-à-vis what all Pakistan suffered in war on terror as a US ally, it will not be too wrong to conclude that Pakistan suffered more by getting aligned with USA. Whatever economic prosperity seen during Musharraf’s rule evaporated in thin air since economic policy was based on consumerism. Pakistan was hijacked by NRO cleansed rulers who have broken all records of corruption. They have pushed Pakistan back into the stranglehold of IMF. With all economic indicators in the negative, the economy is in dire straits and Pakistan is being seen as a failing state. Its sovereignty stand compromised because of America’s intrusiveness and drone strikes.
For nine years, US officials have been pasting serious allegations against its so-called strategic ally Pakistan. They brazenly express displeasure and hurl warnings and threats as if Pakistan is America’s colony. The way our leaders receive slaps without a whimper, it seems that Pakistan has been virtually enslaved. In my view, one-time agony was far better than prolonged agony with no light at the end of the tunnel.
Coming back to the point of invasion and destruction of Pakistan by US led coalition forces, I can say it with certainty that the US would never have dared to invade Pakistan because of its nuclear capability. Had Afghanistan a single nuclear bomb, none from the western world would have taken the risk of invading it. Had Pakistan not betrayed Taliban regime and stayed neutral, or provided political and moral support to it, even then USA would not have felt confident to invade Afghanistan. Northern Alliance would have continued to roam in wilderness. Likewise, had Iraq been in possession of WMDs as was alleged, it would not have been targeted. In order to make sure whether Saddam regime had or didn’t have WMDs, UN nuclear inspectors combed each and every building and bush in Iraq for over two years. Go ahead for invasion was given only when 100% assurance was obtained that Iraq was free of WMDs.
Why is it that the US troops didn’t barge into FATA from next door Afghanistan after its top leadership accused Pakistan of working against American interests in collaboration with Taliban and Al-Qaeda? What prevented USA from attacking Pakistan once it became sure that Pakistan was playing a double game and had become part of the problem? Why didn’t US Special Forces seize Pakistan’s nukes when they got convinced that the nukes were on the verge of being stolen by extremists? Why didn’t India invade Pakistan in 2002 and in 2009 when its entire military strength was deployed along the border in a threatening posture for months? Indian military Exercise Brass-tacks in 1986-7, Indian forces offensive deployment in Kashmir in 1990, Kargil conflict in summer of 1999 and military stand-off in 2002 and in 2009 had distinct probability of converting into a full-fledged Indo-Pak war. Each time the crisis situation got defused due to Pakistan’s nuclear capability and resilient response of armed forces.
But for nuclear factor, the US egged on by India and Israel, or India backed by USA would have invaded Pakistan long time back. Because of threat of nuclear response, all the six intelligence agencies based in Kabul are perforce resorting to expensive covert operations to steal or destroy our nukes all these years. Despite their yearning for the nukes, they have failed to get near our nuclear arsenal and have also desisted from launching a physical attack. It proves my point that nuclear factor, resilience of our armed forces are the only impediments which has kept Pakistan’s adversaries restrained. ISI’s vigilance and competence has defeated their sinister plans.
Gen Musharraf was put to test on the night of 9/13 in which he failed. Had he stood up to American challenge as Gen Ziaul Haq had done against next door super power, he would have entered his name in the pages of history with golden words. Now he will be remembered as another Mir Jaffar. If ragtag Taliban can fight the combined force of 48 countries and bring them to the stage of near-defeat, why couldn’t Islamic Republic of Pakistan with regular armed forces rated among the best in the world and equipped with missiles and nukes do the same? Was it not better to fight the external powers and getting bled and martyred than senselessly fighting own people and killing each other and earning all sorts of bad names?
Brig Asif Haroon Raja, a Member Board of Advisors Opinion Maker is Staff College and Armed Forces War Coursequalified, holds MSc war studies degree; a second generation officer, he fought epic battle of Hilli in northwest East Bengal during 1971 war, in which Maj M. Akram received Nishan-e-Haider posthumously. He served as Directing Staff Command & Staff College, Defence Attaché Egypt and Sudan and Dean of Corps of Military Attaches in Cairo. He commanded the heaviest brigade in Kashmir. He is lingual and speaks English, Pashto and Punjabi fluently. He is author of books titled ‘Battle of Hilli’, ‘1948, 1965 & 1971 Kashmir Battles and Freedom Struggle’, ‘Muhammad bin Qasim to Gen Musharraf’, Roots of 1971 Tragedy’; has written number of motivational pamphlets. Draft of his next book ‘Tangled Knot of Kashmir’ is ready. He is a defence analyst and columnist and writes articles on security, defence and political matters for numerous international/national newspapers/websites.
From the destruction of the USA/EU and the US dollars, Israel will rise as the regional superpower, having control on the westernized 'international' financial system and control over the drugs, oil, gas, and other natural resources, at the crossroad of the Middle East, Central, Eurasia, Asia, Africa. Failing to do so will see a massive backlash from the western populations, abandoned and betrayed by the ruling dual citizens (EU/US-Israeli) elite, stealing their money to keep alive Israel through the corrupt banking system. These 'civilized western governments' are now waging a total war against North american and european populations to keep the illusion of the 'Greater Israel', like in Ireland and the UK.
Pentagon, Military Actively War Gaming ‘Large Scale Economic Breakdown’ and ‘Civil Unrest’
Vigilant Guard 2010 Riot Control, Detention Drills
Il y a 11 ans était lâchement assassiné Abdelkader Hachani
Abdelkader Hachani, victime de 'l’intégrisme éradicateur '?
Ce texte est une version actualisée d’un article écrit peu après l’assassinat de Abdelkader Hachani et que les journaux Le Monde et Libération n’ont pas accepté de publier.
Afghanistan, Iraq, the lost wars of the defeated US-israel empire
U.S. Wounded - The Hidden Toll of Obama's Surge
More evidence that zionist jewish communities in the US, Great Britain, France, Germany and Israel manufactured 9/11
Update 22 November 2010: Who Destroyed the 9/11 Evidence?
By Christopher Bollyn,
During the past two months I have been involved in research about the Rothschild/Mossad network behind the criminal destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center. I have found that the network that arranged for the destruction of the steel - critical evidence from the crime scene - was actually organized by Israel's Mossad and their Zionist agents, the real culprits behind the false-flag terrorism that changed the world. This article will be the final and conclusive chapter of my book, Solving 9/11 - The Deception that Changed the World.
On 19 November 2010 I sent photographs of two of the main people involved in the "recycling" of the 300,000 tons of steel from the World Trade Center to Roy Tov, the Christian Israeli author of The Cross of Bethlehem. I sent these photos of the culprits behind the criminal destruction of the steel to Tov because he is very knowledgable about the Mossad, having been pursued and targeted by Israeli assassins around the world. This is what Roy Tov wrote back to me on November 21:
Thanks Christopher,
If the pictures are real, then there is little doubt regarding their allies and employers. The chances they'll answer in such case are slim, or it will be in the form of an attack (lawyers or violent) against you.
In September, when I began my research into the people behind the destrucion of the steel, I called the Hugo Neu company, which was one of the two New Jersey scrapyards that "recycled" the steel. Hugo Neu was a German Jewish immigrant from Fürth (like Henry Kissinger, another Rothschild agent) who came to America and worked as a bank clerk with Seligman & Co. before becoming the head of Associated Metals and Minerals Corporation (AMMC) in New York in the 1930s with his German Jewish fellows, Meno Lissauer and Walter M. Rothschild, the company's president. Lissauer's wife, Meta, was also Walter Rothschild's sister. Hugo Neu started his own scrap metal company in 1945. The company is now run by his son, John, and has very close business ties to the state of Israel and is invested in a Mossad-linked Israeli venture fund.
Since 2001, the two companies involved in the destruction of the steel, Sims Metal Management and Hugo Neu, have merged into one company. I called and asked to speak with Alan Ratner, the former head of Metal Management in New Jersey, Daniel Dienst, or Robert Kelman, since these were the key executives involved in the 9/11 steel recycling. I got through to Ratner's secretary, who gave me his email, but instead of letting me speak to any of these men, I was connected to company's spokesman, Daniel Strechay.

Daniel Strechay is the corporate gatekeeper who speaks for the company who profited from the illegal destruction of the steel evidence from the World Trade Center.
Strechay was completely unwilling to answer any questions. I told him that the destruction of the steel is a matter of great historic importance and that in the interest of fairness and accuracy I wanted to speak directly with the people involved. Strechay refused, saying "It's all a matter of public record. Read the Wall Street Journal."
He then said that the company is very proud of how it handled the steel from the Twin Towers, but was adamant in his refusal to let me speak with any of the men who were actually involved in the operation, and hung up the phone. Later, I got through to Alan Ratner by email and he wrote back, so I sent him a few questions, but he yet to respond. Clearly, these men do not want to discuss their roles in the destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center.
I called Kenneth Holden at his home in Scarsdale, New York, on October 16, to ask him some questions about his role in the clean-up of the debris at the World Trade Center. Holden is the former head of New York City's Department of Design and Construction (DDC), and was the official who oversaw the removal of the steel. As Mayor Bloomberg said about Commissioner Holden, when he was reappointed as head of the DDC in January 2002:
New Yorkers are fortunate to have Commissioner Holden agree to remain as Commissioner of DDC," said Mayor Bloomberg. "Over the last four months he has done a terrific job managing the clean up of the World Trade Center and so that the reconstruction process for Lower Manhattan can begin. By coordinating the movement of millions of tons of steel and rubble, excavating one of the most dangerous work sites in the world all seemingly ahead of schedule, under budget and without a fatality, Kenneth Holden has been the unsung hero of this enormous task.

Kenneth Holden
When Holden gave his statement to the 9/11 Commission on April 1, 2003, he said that he had received "verbal permission" to remove the steel to New Jersey scrapyards, but failed to name the person who had authorized the move. Oddly, nobody bothered to ask who gave Holden the verbal permission:
Steel and debris from the site was sent to Fresh Kills where it was examined and sifted. As the Department of Sanitation could no longer handle the steel with their equipment, and our engineers thought the steel would destabilize the landfill, DDC received verbal permission to ship the steel to New Jersey. (From whom?) By the end of June 2002, an astounding total of over 1.6 million tons of steel and other debris were removed from the site.
It was Saturday morning when I reached Holden at his home. I told him I was working on an article about the destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center and wanted to ask him a few questions. He bawked a bit at first, saying that he was no longer giving interviews on the subject, so I repeated what he told the commission and asked the most important question first: Who gave you the verbal permission to ship the steel to New Jersey scrapyards? I was able to repeat the question twice very clearly. After a short pause Holden said, "As I said, I'm not giving interviews on this subject." Then he silently ended the call.
I thought for a minute and called Holden right back. He picked up the phone and I immediately asked, "Was it Chertoff? Was it Michael Chertoff who gave you the verbal permission?" Holden was silent on the other end of the line, then he ended the call as he had done before.
"Silence is agreement" is the old Estonian saying that came to mind. The logic is that Holden could not deny that Chertoff had given him the verbal permission, so he remained silent. Common sense would suggest that the permission must have come from Chertoff, who as Assistant Attorney General of the United States was the top dog responsible for the federal (FBI) investigation of 9/11.

Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff was "top dog" at the FBI during the "non-investigation" of 9/11, in which the crucial steel evidence was destroyed in Asian smelters before being examined by engineers. Chertoff's Israeli mother, Livia Eisen, was one of the first Mossad agents. An Israeli by birth, Michael spent much of his childhood in Israel.
To understand the essence of the crime, I recommend reading the short article "Selling Out the Investigation" by Bill Manning of Fire Engineering. Manning's piece was published on January 1, 2002. The destruction of the steel was a crucial part of the 9/11 hoax. A hoax cannot succeed if there is evidence that reveals the truth and 9/11 is a global hoax.
The Twin Towers were primarily steel structures supporting 220 lightweight concrete floors.

The towers were well built structures that used more steel than today's skyscrapers. The debris contained about 300,000 tons of steel that was hastily dispatched by a New York City official to two Zionist-controlled scrapyards in New Jersey - before it could even be inspected by engineers. These Jewish-owned scrapyards then shipped the steel - hard evidence from the crime scene - to Asian smelters where it was melted down far from the prying eyes of U.S. investigators. Why was this allowed and who was behind it?
An organization called the NYC Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN) is calling for the public to demand that the district attorney of New York County investigate and prosecute those responsible for the destruction of the evidence from the crime scene. This is from their open letter/petition of June 23, 2010 to the district attorney's office:
Cy Vance, Jr. District Attorney of New York County
Thomas Wornom, Bureau Chief, Special Prosecutions Bureau
Dear Sirs:
Over the last three weeks you have been informed about the overwhelming evidence that World Trade Center Building 7 was demolished with explosives. I trust that you understand the serious implications of this crime and that you are resolved to prosecute the guilty parties. To provide a critical steppingstone in your investigation, I would like to bring to your attention the widely documented – and widely protested – destruction of physical evidence (structural steel) at the crime scene, which I contend is prosecutable pursuant to Article 205 of the New York Penal Code, § 205.50 Hindering Prosecution.
“[A] person ‘renders criminal assistance’ when, with intent to prevent, hinder or delay the discovery or apprehension of…a person he knows or believes has committed a crime…he...suppresses, by any act of concealment, alteration or destruction, any physical evidence which might aid in the discovery or apprehension of such person or in the lodging of a criminal charge against him;”
I will present publicly available information on the destruction of physical evidence from the World Trade Center site, below my signature, in four sections entitled:
1. Official acknowledgement of the destruction of physical evidence from the WTC.
2. Control of the WTC cleanup.
3. The decision to destroy the physical evidence.
4. The continued destruction of evidence despite public outcry
The supporting documentation provided in this letter/petition from NYC CAN includes the following:
“In the month that lapsed between the terrorist attacks and the deployment of the [FEMA Building Performance Assessment Team (BPAT Team)], a significant amount of steel debris—including most of the steel from the upper floors—was removed from the rubble pile, cut into smaller sections, and either melted at the recycling plant or shipped out of the U.S. Some of the critical pieces of steel—including the suspension trusses from the top of the towers and the internal support columns—were gone before the first BPAT team member ever reached the site. Fortunately, an NSF-funded independent researcher, recognizing that valuable evidence was being destroyed, attempted to intervene with the City of New York to save the valuable artifacts, but the city was unwilling to suspend the recycling contract.”
- Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives, March 6, 2002
“[T]here is so much that has been lost in these last six months that we can never go back and retrieve. And that is not only unfortunate, it is borderline criminal.”
- Joseph Crowley, U.S. Congressman, 7th District, New York
“[O]n September 28, the New York Times learned that the city was recycling the steel. When the Times contacted Kenneth R. Holden, commissioner of the Department of Design and Construction, he said that no one from the investigative team had asked him to keep or inspect the steel. The ASCE, it turned out, had faxed a request, but to the wrong fax machine. Late that afternoon, after reporters shuttled the correct fax number to the ASCE, Holden said that a request had finally reached him."
Commissioner Kenneth R. Holden and his wife Frances McGuire. Holden was given an award in 2002 by the AIA New York Chapter after he had overseen the criminal destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center. Why was he being awarded when he should have been arrested?
By September 28, the DDC is publicly known to have been aware of the BPAT’s request for the steel to be saved, however, the decision to recycle the steel stood.
Of course, Mayor Giuliani – previously a U.S. Attorney – and the DDC had to be fully aware of the illegality of destroying the physical evidence prior to their decision to recycle the steel. Their refusal to desist from recycling the steel when asked by the investigative team to do so – still less than three weeks into the cleanup effort, with hundreds of thousands of tons of steel still salvageable, and relatively negligible revenue from selling the steel not an issue because there was virtually unlimited federal funding for the cleanup effort – strongly suggests their contravention of the law was deliberate and motivated by intent to prevent the discovery of a crime they knew had taken place...
Calls to halt the recycling fell on deaf ears. According to Times reporters Glanz and Lipton:
“Officials in the mayor's office declined to reply to written and oral requests for comment over a three-day period about who decided to recycle the steel and the concern that the decision might be handicapping the investigation. ‘The city considered it reasonable to have recovered structural steel recycled,’ said Matthew G. Monahan, a spokesman for the city's Department of Design and Construction, which is in charge of debris removal at the site”
Why didn’t the city simply stop recycling the steel? Again, the outright refusal of city officials to desist from recycling the steel strongly suggests their contravention of the law was deliberate and motivated by intent to prevent the discovery of a crime they knew had taken place.
I strongly support the NYC CAN petition to prosecute those behind the criminal destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center. My forthcoming article will reveal the key people involved in the terror network behind this crime.
In the meantime, I recommend visiting the website of NYC CAN to understand the basis of their appeal for justice and the extent of the criminal destruction of evidence from the World Trade Center: http://www.nyccan.org/join.php
By Christopher Bollyn,
During the past two months I have been involved in research about the Rothschild/Mossad network behind the criminal destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center. I have found that the network that arranged for the destruction of the steel - critical evidence from the crime scene - was actually organized by Israel's Mossad and their Zionist agents, the real culprits behind the false-flag terrorism that changed the world. This article will be the final and conclusive chapter of my book, Solving 9/11 - The Deception that Changed the World.
On 19 November 2010 I sent photographs of two of the main people involved in the "recycling" of the 300,000 tons of steel from the World Trade Center to Roy Tov, the Christian Israeli author of The Cross of Bethlehem. I sent these photos of the culprits behind the criminal destruction of the steel to Tov because he is very knowledgable about the Mossad, having been pursued and targeted by Israeli assassins around the world. This is what Roy Tov wrote back to me on November 21:
Thanks Christopher,
If the pictures are real, then there is little doubt regarding their allies and employers. The chances they'll answer in such case are slim, or it will be in the form of an attack (lawyers or violent) against you.
If the pictures are real, then there is little doubt regarding their allies and employers. The chances they'll answer in such case are slim, or it will be in the form of an attack (lawyers or violent) against you.
In September, when I began my research into the people behind the destrucion of the steel, I called the Hugo Neu company, which was one of the two New Jersey scrapyards that "recycled" the steel. Hugo Neu was a German Jewish immigrant from Fürth (like Henry Kissinger, another Rothschild agent) who came to America and worked as a bank clerk with Seligman & Co. before becoming the head of Associated Metals and Minerals Corporation (AMMC) in New York in the 1930s with his German Jewish fellows, Meno Lissauer and Walter M. Rothschild, the company's president. Lissauer's wife, Meta, was also Walter Rothschild's sister. Hugo Neu started his own scrap metal company in 1945. The company is now run by his son, John, and has very close business ties to the state of Israel and is invested in a Mossad-linked Israeli venture fund.
Since 2001, the two companies involved in the destruction of the steel, Sims Metal Management and Hugo Neu, have merged into one company. I called and asked to speak with Alan Ratner, the former head of Metal Management in New Jersey, Daniel Dienst, or Robert Kelman, since these were the key executives involved in the 9/11 steel recycling. I got through to Ratner's secretary, who gave me his email, but instead of letting me speak to any of these men, I was connected to company's spokesman, Daniel Strechay.
Daniel Strechay is the corporate gatekeeper who speaks for the company who profited from the illegal destruction of the steel evidence from the World Trade Center.
Strechay was completely unwilling to answer any questions. I told him that the destruction of the steel is a matter of great historic importance and that in the interest of fairness and accuracy I wanted to speak directly with the people involved. Strechay refused, saying "It's all a matter of public record. Read the Wall Street Journal."
He then said that the company is very proud of how it handled the steel from the Twin Towers, but was adamant in his refusal to let me speak with any of the men who were actually involved in the operation, and hung up the phone. Later, I got through to Alan Ratner by email and he wrote back, so I sent him a few questions, but he yet to respond. Clearly, these men do not want to discuss their roles in the destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center.
He then said that the company is very proud of how it handled the steel from the Twin Towers, but was adamant in his refusal to let me speak with any of the men who were actually involved in the operation, and hung up the phone. Later, I got through to Alan Ratner by email and he wrote back, so I sent him a few questions, but he yet to respond. Clearly, these men do not want to discuss their roles in the destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center.
I called Kenneth Holden at his home in Scarsdale, New York, on October 16, to ask him some questions about his role in the clean-up of the debris at the World Trade Center. Holden is the former head of New York City's Department of Design and Construction (DDC), and was the official who oversaw the removal of the steel. As Mayor Bloomberg said about Commissioner Holden, when he was reappointed as head of the DDC in January 2002:
New Yorkers are fortunate to have Commissioner Holden agree to remain as Commissioner of DDC," said Mayor Bloomberg. "Over the last four months he has done a terrific job managing the clean up of the World Trade Center and so that the reconstruction process for Lower Manhattan can begin. By coordinating the movement of millions of tons of steel and rubble, excavating one of the most dangerous work sites in the world all seemingly ahead of schedule, under budget and without a fatality, Kenneth Holden has been the unsung hero of this enormous task.

Kenneth Holden
When Holden gave his statement to the 9/11 Commission on April 1, 2003, he said that he had received "verbal permission" to remove the steel to New Jersey scrapyards, but failed to name the person who had authorized the move. Oddly, nobody bothered to ask who gave Holden the verbal permission:
Steel and debris from the site was sent to Fresh Kills where it was examined and sifted. As the Department of Sanitation could no longer handle the steel with their equipment, and our engineers thought the steel would destabilize the landfill, DDC received verbal permission to ship the steel to New Jersey. (From whom?) By the end of June 2002, an astounding total of over 1.6 million tons of steel and other debris were removed from the site.
It was Saturday morning when I reached Holden at his home. I told him I was working on an article about the destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center and wanted to ask him a few questions. He bawked a bit at first, saying that he was no longer giving interviews on the subject, so I repeated what he told the commission and asked the most important question first: Who gave you the verbal permission to ship the steel to New Jersey scrapyards? I was able to repeat the question twice very clearly. After a short pause Holden said, "As I said, I'm not giving interviews on this subject." Then he silently ended the call.
I thought for a minute and called Holden right back. He picked up the phone and I immediately asked, "Was it Chertoff? Was it Michael Chertoff who gave you the verbal permission?" Holden was silent on the other end of the line, then he ended the call as he had done before.
"Silence is agreement" is the old Estonian saying that came to mind. The logic is that Holden could not deny that Chertoff had given him the verbal permission, so he remained silent. Common sense would suggest that the permission must have come from Chertoff, who as Assistant Attorney General of the United States was the top dog responsible for the federal (FBI) investigation of 9/11.
I thought for a minute and called Holden right back. He picked up the phone and I immediately asked, "Was it Chertoff? Was it Michael Chertoff who gave you the verbal permission?" Holden was silent on the other end of the line, then he ended the call as he had done before.
"Silence is agreement" is the old Estonian saying that came to mind. The logic is that Holden could not deny that Chertoff had given him the verbal permission, so he remained silent. Common sense would suggest that the permission must have come from Chertoff, who as Assistant Attorney General of the United States was the top dog responsible for the federal (FBI) investigation of 9/11.
Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff was "top dog" at the FBI during the "non-investigation" of 9/11, in which the crucial steel evidence was destroyed in Asian smelters before being examined by engineers. Chertoff's Israeli mother, Livia Eisen, was one of the first Mossad agents. An Israeli by birth, Michael spent much of his childhood in Israel.
To understand the essence of the crime, I recommend reading the short article "Selling Out the Investigation" by Bill Manning of Fire Engineering. Manning's piece was published on January 1, 2002. The destruction of the steel was a crucial part of the 9/11 hoax. A hoax cannot succeed if there is evidence that reveals the truth and 9/11 is a global hoax.

The towers were well built structures that used more steel than today's skyscrapers. The debris contained about 300,000 tons of steel that was hastily dispatched by a New York City official to two Zionist-controlled scrapyards in New Jersey - before it could even be inspected by engineers. These Jewish-owned scrapyards then shipped the steel - hard evidence from the crime scene - to Asian smelters where it was melted down far from the prying eyes of U.S. investigators. Why was this allowed and who was behind it?
An organization called the NYC Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN) is calling for the public to demand that the district attorney of New York County investigate and prosecute those responsible for the destruction of the evidence from the crime scene. This is from their open letter/petition of June 23, 2010 to the district attorney's office:
Cy Vance, Jr. District Attorney of New York County
Thomas Wornom, Bureau Chief, Special Prosecutions Bureau
Dear Sirs:
Over the last three weeks you have been informed about the overwhelming evidence that World Trade Center Building 7 was demolished with explosives. I trust that you understand the serious implications of this crime and that you are resolved to prosecute the guilty parties. To provide a critical steppingstone in your investigation, I would like to bring to your attention the widely documented – and widely protested – destruction of physical evidence (structural steel) at the crime scene, which I contend is prosecutable pursuant to Article 205 of the New York Penal Code, § 205.50 Hindering Prosecution.
“[A] person ‘renders criminal assistance’ when, with intent to prevent, hinder or delay the discovery or apprehension of…a person he knows or believes has committed a crime…he...suppresses, by any act of concealment, alteration or destruction, any physical evidence which might aid in the discovery or apprehension of such person or in the lodging of a criminal charge against him;”
I will present publicly available information on the destruction of physical evidence from the World Trade Center site, below my signature, in four sections entitled:
1. Official acknowledgement of the destruction of physical evidence from the WTC.
2. Control of the WTC cleanup.
3. The decision to destroy the physical evidence.
4. The continued destruction of evidence despite public outcry
Thomas Wornom, Bureau Chief, Special Prosecutions Bureau
Dear Sirs:
Over the last three weeks you have been informed about the overwhelming evidence that World Trade Center Building 7 was demolished with explosives. I trust that you understand the serious implications of this crime and that you are resolved to prosecute the guilty parties. To provide a critical steppingstone in your investigation, I would like to bring to your attention the widely documented – and widely protested – destruction of physical evidence (structural steel) at the crime scene, which I contend is prosecutable pursuant to Article 205 of the New York Penal Code, § 205.50 Hindering Prosecution.
“[A] person ‘renders criminal assistance’ when, with intent to prevent, hinder or delay the discovery or apprehension of…a person he knows or believes has committed a crime…he...suppresses, by any act of concealment, alteration or destruction, any physical evidence which might aid in the discovery or apprehension of such person or in the lodging of a criminal charge against him;”
I will present publicly available information on the destruction of physical evidence from the World Trade Center site, below my signature, in four sections entitled:
1. Official acknowledgement of the destruction of physical evidence from the WTC.
2. Control of the WTC cleanup.
3. The decision to destroy the physical evidence.
4. The continued destruction of evidence despite public outcry
The supporting documentation provided in this letter/petition from NYC CAN includes the following:
“In the month that lapsed between the terrorist attacks and the deployment of the [FEMA Building Performance Assessment Team (BPAT Team)], a significant amount of steel debris—including most of the steel from the upper floors—was removed from the rubble pile, cut into smaller sections, and either melted at the recycling plant or shipped out of the U.S. Some of the critical pieces of steel—including the suspension trusses from the top of the towers and the internal support columns—were gone before the first BPAT team member ever reached the site. Fortunately, an NSF-funded independent researcher, recognizing that valuable evidence was being destroyed, attempted to intervene with the City of New York to save the valuable artifacts, but the city was unwilling to suspend the recycling contract.”
- Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives, March 6, 2002
“[T]here is so much that has been lost in these last six months that we can never go back and retrieve. And that is not only unfortunate, it is borderline criminal.”
- Joseph Crowley, U.S. Congressman, 7th District, New York
“[O]n September 28, the New York Times learned that the city was recycling the steel. When the Times contacted Kenneth R. Holden, commissioner of the Department of Design and Construction, he said that no one from the investigative team had asked him to keep or inspect the steel. The ASCE, it turned out, had faxed a request, but to the wrong fax machine. Late that afternoon, after reporters shuttled the correct fax number to the ASCE, Holden said that a request had finally reached him."
- Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives, March 6, 2002
“[T]here is so much that has been lost in these last six months that we can never go back and retrieve. And that is not only unfortunate, it is borderline criminal.”
- Joseph Crowley, U.S. Congressman, 7th District, New York
“[O]n September 28, the New York Times learned that the city was recycling the steel. When the Times contacted Kenneth R. Holden, commissioner of the Department of Design and Construction, he said that no one from the investigative team had asked him to keep or inspect the steel. The ASCE, it turned out, had faxed a request, but to the wrong fax machine. Late that afternoon, after reporters shuttled the correct fax number to the ASCE, Holden said that a request had finally reached him."

By September 28, the DDC is publicly known to have been aware of the BPAT’s request for the steel to be saved, however, the decision to recycle the steel stood.
Of course, Mayor Giuliani – previously a U.S. Attorney – and the DDC had to be fully aware of the illegality of destroying the physical evidence prior to their decision to recycle the steel. Their refusal to desist from recycling the steel when asked by the investigative team to do so – still less than three weeks into the cleanup effort, with hundreds of thousands of tons of steel still salvageable, and relatively negligible revenue from selling the steel not an issue because there was virtually unlimited federal funding for the cleanup effort – strongly suggests their contravention of the law was deliberate and motivated by intent to prevent the discovery of a crime they knew had taken place...
Calls to halt the recycling fell on deaf ears. According to Times reporters Glanz and Lipton:
“Officials in the mayor's office declined to reply to written and oral requests for comment over a three-day period about who decided to recycle the steel and the concern that the decision might be handicapping the investigation. ‘The city considered it reasonable to have recovered structural steel recycled,’ said Matthew G. Monahan, a spokesman for the city's Department of Design and Construction, which is in charge of debris removal at the site”
Why didn’t the city simply stop recycling the steel? Again, the outright refusal of city officials to desist from recycling the steel strongly suggests their contravention of the law was deliberate and motivated by intent to prevent the discovery of a crime they knew had taken place.
Of course, Mayor Giuliani – previously a U.S. Attorney – and the DDC had to be fully aware of the illegality of destroying the physical evidence prior to their decision to recycle the steel. Their refusal to desist from recycling the steel when asked by the investigative team to do so – still less than three weeks into the cleanup effort, with hundreds of thousands of tons of steel still salvageable, and relatively negligible revenue from selling the steel not an issue because there was virtually unlimited federal funding for the cleanup effort – strongly suggests their contravention of the law was deliberate and motivated by intent to prevent the discovery of a crime they knew had taken place...
Calls to halt the recycling fell on deaf ears. According to Times reporters Glanz and Lipton:
“Officials in the mayor's office declined to reply to written and oral requests for comment over a three-day period about who decided to recycle the steel and the concern that the decision might be handicapping the investigation. ‘The city considered it reasonable to have recovered structural steel recycled,’ said Matthew G. Monahan, a spokesman for the city's Department of Design and Construction, which is in charge of debris removal at the site”
Why didn’t the city simply stop recycling the steel? Again, the outright refusal of city officials to desist from recycling the steel strongly suggests their contravention of the law was deliberate and motivated by intent to prevent the discovery of a crime they knew had taken place.
I strongly support the NYC CAN petition to prosecute those behind the criminal destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center. My forthcoming article will reveal the key people involved in the terror network behind this crime.
In the meantime, I recommend visiting the website of NYC CAN to understand the basis of their appeal for justice and the extent of the criminal destruction of evidence from the World Trade Center: http://www.nyccan.org/join.php
How sure that the leak/s is the truth, or the truth maybe not the real truth - half truth.
Strong feeling of US ally in Middle east,where their leaders are not comfortable with the current President of USA -Barack Obama.
Rather ironic the over the exposure
of Middle East Islamic king condemnation of Iran.
So, be more careful and see beyond what are been exposed. Amongst Muslim Brother must continue to show and develop real "uqwah" with and within our fellow brotherhood.