6 nov. 2019

Massive israeli preparation for the arrival of their fake messiah: Israel's Jerusalem Master Plan 2020

By Stephen Lendman,

The Antichrist-Dajjal temple's that israelis plan to build before 2020. Will the fake israeli messiah come from the wikisraeleaks UFO spaceships ? That's another story!

A November 10 Qatar News Agency article headlined, "Israel Plans to Rebuild Old Jerusalem - Palestinian Official," saying:
Attorney Ahmed Al-Ruwaidi, "responsible for the Jerusalem unit in the Palestinian Authority (PA), said Israel plan(s) to build new settlement homes in old Jerusalem where the ancient walls of the city will be overshadowed by modern bridges, synagogues and gardens spreading from the Arab neighborhoods of Sheikh Jarrah to Wdi Al Joze and Suwaneh."
The scheme involves home demolitions, dispossessions, and new settlement construction to solidify "the capital and spiritual center of Israel and the Jewish people (by creating) a world city which attracts the souls of millions of believers across the globe."
Projects completed so far are part of the plan, to completely transform Jerusalem's Old City, Al-Ruwaidi adding:
"All the settlement projects in Jerusalem during the past three years, some of which have been practically implemented, fall under the (plan's) framework, including a decision to erect a thousand new settlement units in Jebel Abu Ghunaim aimed at completing the isolation of the city with a wall of settlements."
"Israel announced previously it will build 50,000 new units in the city. The implementation of 20,000 of (them) has been initiated practically under projects that have been approved from time to time for political objectives linked to political and international action."
So far, 20,000 Palestinian housing units face demolition, to accommodate new settlements, Old City excavation projects, and other Jews only development. As a result, Palestinians will be dispossessed and excluded.
East Jerusalem Home Demolitions
The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) tracks them as they happen, its East Jerusalem data showing that:
"Since 1967, around 2,000 homes have been demolished," 670 from 2000 - 2008 with about 20,000 outstanding demolition orders.
Currently, Palestinians comprise about one-third of the city's population, confined to 7% of its land "in mostly inadequate housing." Prior Israeli master plans aimed at maintaining a 70 - 30% split favoring Jews, a policy to widen going forward.
Already, discriminatory measures exist, including encircling densely populated Palestinian neighborhoods by "green space" or "unzoned land" where building is prohibited. Applications to rezone, increase density, or build in small areas designated for residential construction are denied. As a result, new housing can't accommodate Palestinian population increases.
Moreover, their public services are restricted, including for education, healthcare, and vital infrastructure needs for roads, sewage and water connections. East Jerusalem Palestinians contribute around 40% of city taxes, yet get 8% of Municipal spending in return.
Since 1967, Jewish settlements have proliferated in East Jerusalem, to expand its Jewish character, and one day Judaize the entire city as Israel's exclusive capital. "Settlements built on the (city's) outskirts....also dissect the continuity between the northern and southern West Bank, jeopardizing the feasibility of a future Palestinian State."
East Jerusalem Palestinians hold city IDs, revokable for anyone residing outside its boundaries or assuming another citizenship, even temporarily. As second class residents, their rights keep eroding, including to their own homes.
From 1967 - 2003, 90,000 Jewish housing units were completed, most with government subsidies. "None were built for Palestinians with public funding." Israel's Master Plan 2020, discussed below, "purports to plan for the long term fate of East Jerusalem, yet it has been prepared with no consultation of any kind with the Palestinian community." Why? Because exclusion is eventually planned, though not explicitly stated in 2020's language.
Under international law, however, settlement construction is illegal. So are home demolitions, Fourth Geneva prohibiting "any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons," except when "absolutely necessary by military operations." Forced displacement is also banned, yet Israel continues it relentlessly, a discriminatory policy to delegitimize the Palestinian presence in the city as well as claim it as their rightful capital.
Israel's Jerusalem Master Plan 2020
Titled, "Demography, Geopolitics, and the Future of Israel's Capital: Jerusalem's Proposed Master Plan," it stresses assuring a Jewish majority, continuing Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion's judicial writ that:
"We must bring Jews to eastern Jerusalem at any cost. We must settle tens of thousands of Jews in a brief time. Jews will agree to settle in eastern Jerusalem even in shacks. We cannot await the construction of orderly neighborhoods. The essential thing is that Jews will be there."
As a result, after the 1967 Six Day War, 70,000 dunams were annexed to the north, south, and east of the old municipal boundaries. The plan was to control large areas "with a minimal Arab population and to prevent the possibility of the city's partition in the future." Thus, Jewish settlements proliferated and keep growing, Palestinians displaced to accommodate them.
Previous master plans called for accelerated Jewish population growth. It's still current policy, new settlement construction continuing to accommodate it. The latest plan calls for expanding Jewish neighborhoods, saying expropriating Arab land isn't "plausible" as in the past, when, in fact, that's precisely what's happening through tens of thousands of new housing units, ones for Jews only on Palestinian land.
According to Khalil Tofakji, head of the Arab Studies Society in Occupied East Jerusalem's Mapping Department: between now and 2020, Israel will complete its "Judaism plan."
Mustafa Barghouti, an MP and Palestinian National Initiative's Secretary General, said plans are underway to "impose a new reality on the ground," around $1.5 billion allocated this year alone to Judaize the city. Besides settlement expansions and new ones, projects include a $500 million light rail line, luxury hotels, synagogues, commercial and other development - on expropriated Palestinian land.
Barghouti said Israel is doing to East Jerusalem "what they did in Jaffa, Haifa and Acre, (incrementally) taking (it) over (to) then declare their demands" - total Judaization.
Despite softer Master Plan 2020 language, at issue is increasing Jewish presence in the city, dispossessing Palestinians to accommodate them. Jamal Juma, head of the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, says that:
Israelis "are occupying the Palestinian houses inside the old town, which was historically divided to four quarters, Muslim, Christian, Armenian and Jewish. (They're) slowly infiltrating the other quarters (as well by) taking over Palestinian properties."
A Final Comment
A previous article explained that Jerusalem is politically important for Jews as its historic capital, national and religious center, and symbol of Judaism's revival and prominence. For Christians, it's where Jesus lived and died, and for Muslims it's their third holiest site (the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa Mosque) after Mecca's Sacred Mosque and the Mosque of the Prophet in Madina.
Israel, however, transformed Jerusalem from a multi-cultural, multi-religious city into a predominantly Jewish one toward eventually Judaizing it entirely. For decades, incremental progress continued. The goal remained constant, to establish irreversible "facts on the ground," making Jerusalem Israel's capital with an exclusive Jewish presence, despite Palestinians rightfully claiming it for their own.
Therein lies the heart of the conflict, along with ending the occupation, achieving peace and self-determination, as well as granting Palestinian refugees their right to return. Justice will be denied until those issues are equitably resolved, what so far is nowhere in sight.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

Provocations de l'extreme droite juive sioniste en France : Assises de la haine, du terrorisme et du racisme financé par Israel. Dites non a la guerre civile organisée par Sarkozy-Gueant-Guaino-Hortefeuj et Netanyahu

Tres forte mobilisation anti-sioniste demain a Paris dans le 12ieme, espace charenton, suite aux multiples provocations racistes des israeliens de l'Elysée.


Le rassemblement contre les islamophobes sionistes le samedi 18 prend de l'ampleur

Forsane Alizza,
Vendredi 17 Décembre 2010

Le rassemblement contre les islamophobes samedi 18 prend de l'ampleur

Nous vous en parlions dans un article précédent intitulé :" Encore une conférence islamophobe en Europe, ça suffit ! Action ! " qui a suscité de nombreuses réactions et a aussitôt été suivi d'appel à la mobilisation.

En effet ce 18 décembre 2010, un événement de nazillons-sioniste se tiendra en France de 9 heures à 18 heures. Les principaux initiateurs de l’apéro saucisson-pinard organisent des « Assises internationales » sur
l’islamisation de nos pays. Ces assises rassembleront, à Paris, de nombreuses personnalités, intellectuels, hommes politiques, journalistes, qui bien-sûr sont tous juif-sionistes.

Le rassemblement est organisé par Forsane Alizza et beaucoup d'associations se sont greffés à cette appel. Ne donner pas l'occasion aux politiques de la gauche de récupérer cette action ! Des associations musulmanes vont venir aussi et se sont donnés RDV un peu plus loin.

Charia4belgium va aussi nous donner un coup de main inchaalah.

Nous ne mélangerons pas les femmes et les hommes par respect du kitab et de la sounna et pour la sécurité de celle-ci inchaalah. 

Le numéro de téléphone est publié pour des raisons précises d'organisation ( beaucoup d'islamophobes nous ont appelés pour insulter les musulmans et même le prophète salalahou 3alayhi wasalam.)

Nous sommes organisés, il y aura un service d'ordre, de l'équipement et même des sandwichs pour ceux qui voudront manger à midi gratuitement inchaalah ( selon nos possibilités).


Si vous disposez de caméra n'hésitez pas inchaalah.

Pas un musulman ne sera agressé sans être défendu par les membres de Forsane Alizza si la police ne fait rien.
Nous sommes déterminés et nous n'accepteront aucune agression de la part des islamophobes !
En revanche nous n'agresseront personne car notre intention est de défendre la cause d'ALLAH.
Passez le message autour de vous mes chers frères et sœurs, nous allons nous mobiliser fortement, déjà des centaines de confirmation à cette appel alhamdoulilah !

Il faut aussi que tout les quartiers soient informés que l’espace Charenton cautionne ce genre de meeting en offrant aux islamophobes une tribune pour vomir sur l’islam.

Les musulmans doivent impérativement s’unir sur cette action et pour se faire, il va falloir mettre de coté certaines de nos divergences inchaalah. Il ne s’agit pas d’une manifestation mais d’un rassemblement, nous
n’allons pas défiler dans les rues mais nous allons marquer notre opposition de manière visible à l’espace Charenton avec un maximum de frères inchaalah.

Le site Ajib.fr que nous remercions pour avoir mentionné cette action dans leur article parle de riposte musulmane contre les "Assises de la haine" :

Les appels à la mobilisation des musulmans devant l’Espace Charenton pour venir protester contre ce genre de réunion, se sont multipliés sur les réseaux sociaux. Une manière de se montrer présent et actif dans le respect des contres manifestations. Car n’en déplaise à Christine Tasin et ses acolytes, les musulmans savent aussi se réunir sans casser des vitres ou brûler des voitures.

Ainsi, le collectif Forsane Alizza (Les Cavaliers de la Fierté) connu des islamophobes depuis leur intervention à Limoges pour protester contre le Coran brulé, demande à ce qu’un maximum de personnes contre ces assises se montrent présents devant le lieu du rendez vous islamophobe à partir de 10h30 insha Allah.

La suite sur :

Merci de nous contacter si vous souhaiter nous rejoindre et confirmer votre
présence inchallah. Tel :

Ensuite nous vous communiquerons certains détails.

Nos tract à distribuer inchaalah.


Si des soeurs en niqab souhaitent protester avec d'autres soeurs elles seront 
les bienvenues qu'ALLAH les annoblissent.

Rappel : les frères avec les frères, les sœurs avec les sœurs.


327 rue de Charenton

75012 PARIS

Parking sur place : 40 places

Parking à proximité : 385 places
Métro : Porte de Charenton ligne 8 – Dugommier ligne 6

Gare SNCF la plus proche : GARE DE LYON

Description de l’accès routier : L’Espace Charenton bénéficie d’une situation et d’une accessibilité géographique privilégiée : – le Métro, l’arrêt porte de Charenton sur la ligne 8 est à 3 minutes de
l’établissement – le Bus, prenez le PC2 et 111 jusqu’à la station Porte de Charenton ou la ligne 87 station les Jardiniers – le périphérique extérieur, sortie Porte de Charenton et par le périphérique intérieur, sortie Porte de Bercy ou Porte Dorée. 

Aéroport : ORLY

L'équipe Forsane Alizza

Video: Genocide francais en Algerie: La colonie francaise en Algerie, 200 ans d'inavouable.

Il faut savoir que Royal, Aubry, Montebourg, Chevenement, Hollande, Sarkozy et pas mal d'autres... Tous membres du lobby israelien qui n'existe pas voient leurs campagnes electorales financées par l'argent des hydrocarbures, volé au peuple algerienD'ici a 2012, nous mettrons a disposition de tous, les intermediaires, noms et numeros de compte bancaires, reseaux de financement occultes des exterminateurs francais responsables du genocide algerien. 2012 ressemblera beaucoup au chaos de la guerre prevue depuis Tel Aviv, mais ce chaos frappera uniquement les commanditaires de la France-Israel et se limitera a eux... 

Entretien Lounis Aggoun sur Rachad TV 16 12 2010

rachadtv on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free

Israel did 9/11 : New revelations on the Kevin Barrett Show with Chris Bollyn on the Destruction of 9/11 Steel

December 19, 2010

The radio show about the destruction of the steel of 9/11 can be heard by clicking on:

Christopher Bollyn

or through this link to the show:


I was on Kevin Barrett's radio show on Saturday, December 18.  Kevin invited me to discuss my latest 9/11 research which exposes the Zionist criminal network behind the destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center.  Some of the key people involved in this crucial aspect of the false-flag terror operation are discussed in my article entitled "WikiLeaks and the 9/11 Crime Gang".  

There were about 300,000 tons of construction steel that remained in the rubble of the World Trade Center.  An international network was in place to remove this crucial evidence and send it to steel mills in Asia where it was destroyed - far from the eyes of engineers and investigators.

The destruction of the steel was an essential part of the false-flag terror atrocity and was planned long in advance.   Identifying the criminal network involved in the destruction of the evidence reveals the architect-level people behind 9/11.

Barrett's show airs every Saturday on American Freedom Radio network.  The one-hour show is archived and can be listened on my website by clicking here or from the show archive at:


After the show, I received the following comment:

Dear Mr. Bollyn,

Thank you for your excellent work and research on 9/11. It's hard to imagine such evil snakes remain at large and unpunished for these crimes. My nephew, (name withheld),  worked in the south tower, and was murdered that day.  No amount of money would give me the satisfaction of beheading these criminals with an axe!


Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinée : des élections favorables à la Françafrique

La France-Israel- Afrique ne vit que de genocides, exterminations, massacres, terrorisme, de vols, de pillages des resources naturelles. L'Afrique ne sortira vainqueure que lorsque les 'elites' francaises , européenes  de criminels de guerres ultra racistes, sionistes de l'extreme gauche a l'extreme droite  ne soient punies et chatiées comme il se doit. 

Les résultats des dernières élections en Afrique de l’Ouest sont plutôt de bonnes nouvelles pour l’impérialisme français dans la région, puisque les vainqueurs sont des candidats généralement présentés comme bénéficiant d’un certain soutien de Nicolas Sarkozy et des alliés traditionnels de la France en Afrique.

C’est particulièrement clair au Burkina Faso, où Blaise Compaoré, l’homme  qui a renversé Thomas Sankara en 1987 avec la bienveillance de la France a remporté une parodie d’élection présidentielle du 21 novembre dernier. Seule une moitié des 7 millions d’électeurs potentiels s’était inscrite sur les listes électorales, et seulement 1,7 millions d’entre eux se sont rendus aux urnes.

Selon Survie, la France, dont l’aide économique augmente régulièrement, a accentué son contrôle du Burkina Faso au cours des dernières années. Le nouvel ambassadeur de M. Sarkozy est le général quatre étoiles Emmanuel Beth, habitué des bases africaines de l’armée française et frère du commandant des troupes d’élites du COS (Commandement des Opérations Spéciales), a été nommé à Ouagadougou cet été, juste avant un redéploiement de troupes françaises dans le pays au titre de la « lutte contre le terrorisme ». L’Union Européenne n’a pas envoyé d’observateurs. L’Observatoire Européen pour la Démocratie et le Développement (OEDD) l’a remplacée. Il s’agit d’une association, cofondée entre autres par Pierre Messmer, liée à l’UMP et au groupe Bolloré. Elle a dépêché sur place une douzaine d’observateurs, lesquels ont validé le scrutin, alors que seuls les représentants du candidat Compaoré et les forces de
l’ordre étaient présentes dans les bureaux de vote visités.

M. Compaoré devait jouer un rôle de médiateur aux élections présidentielles de Côte d’Ivoire où le président sortant Laurent Gbagbo était donné perdant le 3 décembre par la commission électorale(45,9 %) face à Alassane Dramane Ouattara (54,1 %) à l’élection présidentielle.L’armée a ordonné la veillle au soir soir la fermeture des frontières du pays, sans qu’on sache précisément s’il s’agit d’une réaction des partisans du président sortant au sein de l’état major pour remettre en cause les résultats électoraux. Washington pour sa part a appelé  « toutes les parties » au respect des « résultats annoncés par la Comission électorale indépendante ».
« Ces résultats provisoires ont déclaré Alassane Ouattara vainqueur contre le président en exercice Laurent Gbagbo. » Laurent Gbagbo avait à tort ou à raison à Paris l’image d’un opposant au néocolonialisme  et aux réseaux Françafricains. La France sarkozyste tout en ayant conscience d’avoir perdu du terrain en Côte d’Ivoire nourrirait l’espoir d’y reconstituer son influence avec Alassane Ouattara.

Le Parti socialiste français n’avait pas hésité quant à lui à envoyer l’ancien ministre Jack Lang faire campagne pour Gbagbo.
En Guinée aussi c’est un ami de la France qui est élu. La Cour suprême de ce pays a confirmé, dans la nuit du 2 au 3 décembre, la victoire de l’opposant historique Alpha Condé à l’élection présidentielle avec 52,52% des voix, contre 47,48% à Cellou Dalein Diallo.
M. Condé était connu pour entretenir des relations d’amitié personnelle avec M. Kouchner et Mme Alliot-Marie. En Guinée comme au Burkina le caractère démocratique des élections ne peut convaincre personne. Le taux d’inscription sur les listes électorales était faible.

En outre les Peuls ont souligné avoir été empêchés de voter pour leur candidat Diallo dans les préfectures de Kouroussa et Siguiri. La proclamation des premiers résultats, qui donnaient déjà M. Alpha Condé gagnant, avaient suscité des émeutes. Les agents de la Force spéciale de sécurisation du processus électoral (Fossepel) et les unités ‘Béret rouge’ avaient tiré sur des manifestants à balles réelles dans plusieurs quartiers de Conakry pour rétablir l’ordre selon le Haut commissariat de l’ONU aux droits de l’homme, faisant des dizaines de morts, et le Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies avait appelé à une modération de la répression.
Le regain d’influence de la France dans ces trois pays est favorisé par la communauté d’intérêts qui se dessine entre les Etats-Unis et la France (après les rivalités de l’époque de George W. Bush), notamment face à la Chine, malgré quelques nuances tactiques en ce qui concerne le Sahel.

VIDEO : While depression is entering in a destructive phase, governments led by zionists will use false flag terrorism, blame Muslims, to divert attention from the real problems people are facing; their survival in the middle of the engineered economical collapse of the West



Introduction by Gordon Duff,

Joe Quinn of www.sott.net sticks to the facts.  His video report on FBI complicity in terrorism is dead on.  Video’s like his or Tony Lawson’s are some of the best tools we have for demonstrating the numbing effect of the incessant fabrications, lies and propagandizing the press in the United States has sunk to dishing out.  There is no lower position in American society, no more criminal act one can perform than to be a paid journalist.  There is no more ignorant and cowardly group than the press with a few, very very few exceptions.

Joe Quinn, Helen Thomas, Phil Giraldi, the crew at Veterans Today, Salem News, Jeff Rense, these are pretty much all that is left for America.  With 4/5ths of Americans now getting their news from the internet, the work done there is vital.  The corrupt media, corruption is an understatement, let’s admit it, the “criminal media” gets billions each year.  Their masters, the thinly veiled military dictatorships of the United States, Israel, Britain, Germany.

Their job?  They sell lies and have fed a destructive machine that has led to the murder of millions of innocent people at the hands of the American military.  By military, we mean our own troops, the ones we support, the ones that become the veterans that we protect and fight for.  For decades, the world has pointed a finger at Israel as a murderous dictatorship, continually voting sanctions that are blocked by an American veto in the UN Security Council.  American citizens have been told that “communists” or “terrorists” control the countries voting against Israel, countries making up 70% of the earth’s population.

If we would believe that we would go further, and we have.

Everything Israel was ever accused of, America has now done more, under the guise of the “war on terror.”
The facts are simple, once you become free of the disease that decades of lies have drummed into your subconscious.  Osama bin Laden worked for the CIA and died in 2001.  He was never involved in 9/11. There is no such thing as Al Qaeda.  There are no terrorists in Afghanistan, never were.  There was no bunker complex at Tora Bora and no training camps in Afghanistan.  Has anyone seen a photo of one?  Google.  See what comes up.

It is the duty of every American, every free person to learn a simple and clear lesson.   Learn about the USS Liberty, an American ship attacked, slated to be sunk and the crew murdered, part of a deal between Israel and America in 1967.  The facts are there.  The lies are all in the open.  The Medal of Honor winning captain “rats out” the whole thing.

Then you will be able to understand 9/11, why Jesse Ventura was able to pull witnesses and science together to debunk the Pentagon attack and how Geraldo Rivera was able to debunk the WTC  Building 7 attack.
We now hear that the 7/7 attack in London is also debunked, more governments killing their own people because “terror war” is big bucks.

All the proof,all the hard science is always on the other side, never with the government, never with the “criminal media.”

The American public has been conditioned just as Goebbel’s conditioned the Germans.  Jews in America now vote for candidates that have always been anti-Semites and closet Nazis.  Working people vote for candidates that send their jobs overseas.  Gun owners vote for candidates that overturn their own rights to own guns.  Americans have voted themselves into endless war, a police state they all hate and a corrupt political system they despise.

They voted this way because the criminal media told them to.  They never asked.

Israel lance sa guerre civile en France : Apres le soutien tacite de l'Elysée a l'assemblée des malades et psychopates dégenerés et autres racistes israeliens, la secte dirigée par les pieds noirs et haineux israelo-sionistes franc maconne veut créer un 'Islaam aux couleurs de Tel Aviv' .

La franc-maçonnerie, Chalghoumi et Sihem Habchi de NPNS se réunissent pour créer un "nouvel Islam"

Le lundi 13 décembre à Paris, a eu lieu une conférence intitulée "Islam de France et laïcité", organisée par le Grand Orient de France, une loge maçonnique française parmis les plus importantes.

Etaient invités Hassen Chalghoumi, l'ancien Imam de Drancy (chapeauté par son "porte parole" à cause de ses problèmes de langue française) et Sihem Habchi, présidente de l'association féministe fanatique Ni putes ni soumises (créée en partie par des membres du Crif). Rien que le nom de ces intervenants suffit pour comprendre le but de la manoeuvre. On le sait, la franc-maçonnerie, ainsi que les ultra-féministes et les modernistes, souhaitent modifier en profondeur l'Islam pour l'adapter, selon eux, au monde moderne.
Hassen Chalghoumi, serrant la main de François Fillon, en compagnie du pro-israélien Marek Halter avec sa barbe.
Il s'agit d'abolir en réalité les principes les plus fondamentaux de notre religion et issus du Saint Coran pour lui ôter tout ce qui serait un frein à la vie décadante moderne : l'Islam devant rompre avec l'interdiction de l'homosexualité, devrait accepter les relations hors mariage et les tenues indécentes, bref, doit devenir une sorte de "morale soft" et non contraignante, une sorte de boudhisme sympathique, une spiritualité sans réel fondement, valeur, une religion qui se soumettrait totalement aux dogmes du modernisme (laïcité, matérialisme, permissivité). Les franc-maçons ont réussi avec le catholicisme, et on a aboutit à Vatican 2, qui était l'abdication finale de cette religion à sa vocation universelle d'apporter une morale puissante, des freins à la décadance et au matérialisme.
Ils veulent réitérer cela à l'encontre de l'Islam. Aux USA, les loges maçonniques ne cachent plus leur volonté de remplacer l'Islam par le soufisme : une spiritualité pure et simple, sans aucun aspect extérieur, de régulation sociale, de contrainte et d'opposition au mal. En France, on le voit, ils font appel à des bras cassés, et cela au final ne nous fait pas peur : les oulémas et les savants les plus importants veillent à la sauvegarde de notre religion, mais Allah (swt) en est le Meilleur des Gardien. Mais il faut que les musulmans sachent que progressivement, on veut modifier en profondeur leur religion et leur imposer de force, via notamment les instances officielles de l'Islam de France, le CFCM. On a vu l'épisode d'Epinay, mais la main mise progressive de cette structure créée par Sarkozy est en train de se mettre en place, et nous devons informer au maximum nos frères de ce qui est en train de se tramer. Notons que Dalil Boukakeur a déjà été invité par une loge maçonnique, et a par ailleurs affirmé maintes fois sa volonté d'un Islam de France. Vaste escroquerie : l'Islam authentique est un et indivisible. Rien que cette expression devrait nous alerter.
On ne sait pas ce que se sont dit les participants de la conférence. Mais on l'imagine bien, connaissant les oeuvres de ces deux funestes clowns que sont Habchi et Chalghoumi (qui prône un Islam de France tout en ne sachant pas parler le français). Seuls les naïfs pourront tomber dans le piège, néanmoins, il faut être informé. Et Allah (swt) demeure le mieux informé. 


Riposte laïque au service du sionisme, encore une preuve : le rédacteur Paul Landau, israélien, ancien membre du Bétar

Nous avions déjà sur ce site montré que le site des extrêmistes pseudo-laïcards était au service du sionisme et de l'idéologie néoconservatrice du choc des civilisations. A vrai dire, il suffit de lire un peu leur blog pour voir qu'ils sont totalement fanatiques, obsessionnels et paranoïaques (ils voient des musulmans partout, et considère même Caroline Fourest (!!) comme une pro-islamiste, c'est dire..).
Notamment, j'avais montré que la fondatrice du site, Christine Tasin, un peu dérangée psychologiquement (ayant vu ses interventions, on se rend qu'elle tremble de haine lorsqu'elle parle de musulmans, et ça me semble être un symptôme de troubles psychopatholiques) était systématiquement intervenue pour soutenir Israël, le massacre de la flotille, le blocus de Gaza et même pour justifier la colonisation (http://resistancemusulmane.over-blog.com/article-christine-tasin-agent-d-influence-d-israel-et-du-sionisme-international-58455217.html) Ce qui démontrait que le pseudo-combat laïque pour eux n'est juste qu'un prétexte pour cette guerre de Sion contre l'Islam. J'avais aussi découvert que Riposte laïque participait au salon du livre du Bnai Brith, qui n'est autre qu'une organisation franc-maçonnique d'obédience israélite, interdite aux goyms : apparemment les membres de Riposte laïque ne trouve pas cela choquant, dont acte.
Bref, en cherchant un peu, j'ai découvert qu'un rédacteur important de ce site, dénommé par un pseudonyme, Paul Landau, se prénomme en fait Pierre Lurçat et est un israélien, résidant dans l'entité sioniste (pour un site prétenduement républicain, engagé des étrangers vivant dans un Etat colonial, c'est assez cocasse). Et ce n'est pas tout : il fut membre de la milice fanatique extrêmiste Bétar Tagar en France (contre laquelle d'ailleurs Riposte laïque n'a jamais trouvé rien à redire, démontrant une fois de plus l'imposture totale de leur combat anti-communautariste et anti-obscurantiste). Certains journalistes d'ailleurs ont mené leur enquête et ont affirmé qu'il est même le cofondateur de la Ligue de défense Juive, rien que ça http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Lur%C3%A7at
Tiens puisque nous parlons de la LDJ, leur site fanatiquemement sioniste et outrancièrement anti-arabe a apporté d'ailleurs tout récemment leur soutien aux Assises islamophobes organisées à Paris aujourd'hui même, par Riposte laïque et l'extrême droite européenne (notons la présence de l'English Defense League, organisation néo-nazie anglaise qui fricotte avec le Rabbin Nachum Shifren et qui est sur une ligne Netanyahou - Liebermann : http://resistancemusulmane.over-blog.com/article-l-integrisme-dont-on-ne-parle-jamais-les-rabbins-engages-dans-l-incitation-a-la-haine-et-a-la-guerre-des-civilisations-61428386.html).
Avec tous ces éléments, ceux qui croieront encore que Riposte laïque défend la "république" et la "laïcité" sont simplement bornés et hypocrites. Riposte laïque a pour but d'oeuvrer à une sorte d'alliance mondiale anti-islam sous l'égide bien évidemment d'Israël et du sionisme international, pour moi cela ne fait aucun doute, après avoir égrainé tous les éléments que j'ai découverts. 


Euro-obligations : Dernière ruse de la City de Londres pour piller l’Europe

Par Christine Bierre

A la veille du récent sommet de l’Union européenne à Bruxelles, on a vu monter sur scène les acteurs les plus divers à l’échelle européenne pour exiger frénétiquement que la Banque centrale européenne émette des euro-obligations pour « sauver la zone euro » et pour accuser l’Allemagne de tout, y compris de retour au nazisme pour se dresser contre cette nouvelle phase d’intégration européenne.

Rien d’étonnant de trouver parmi eux les représentants des pays plus faibles de l’Union européenne, tels le Portugal, la Grèce, la Belgique, l’Espagne ou l’Italie, ceux qui, en raison de leur endettement massif et des craintes concernant leur solvabilité, doivent emprunter aujourd’hui à des taux bien plus élevés que les pays plus forts. A titre d’exemple, l’Irlande emprunte aujourd’hui sur 10 ans à 8%, alors que l’Allemagne ne paie que 3%. Ces pays, nous dit-on, seraient donc les premiers bénéficiaires des euro-obligations européennes dont le taux d’intérêt serait unique et bien plus bas que celui qu’ils paient à l’heure actuelle.

Cependant, là où il y a fraude monumentale, c’est lorsque Jean-Claude Juncker, chef de l’Eurogroupe et principal défenseur de cette mesure, prétend, la larme à l’œil, qu’il s’agit d’une mesure de solidarité envers les pays les plus faibles. Car, outre leurs propres banques, ce sont surtout les grandes banques britanniques, allemandes et françaises, très exposées dans ces pays, et non les populations, qui seront les premiers bénéficiaires de ces émissions. Ces mesures visent à permettre à la Grèce et à l’Irlande, et aux autres pays qui devront être bientôt « aidés » par l’Union européenne, de continuer à emprunter à des taux plus bas sur les marchés, afin de rembourser leurs dettes aux banques, dans un contexte où les cures d’austérité qu’on leur inflige feront plonger leurs économies, renchérissant encore leurs émissions obligataires.

Les faux nez de la City

En réalité, derrière les cris d’orfraie proférés à travers toute l’Europe par les représentants des pays « faibles », se profile la finance de la City de Londres, qui mène dans le court terme une énième tentative pour assurer sa survie, en obligeant la BCE à faire tourner la planche à billets pour renflouer le système bancaire en faillite, comme ont récemment décidé de le faire la Réserve fédérale, la Banque d’Angleterre et celle du Japon. A plus long terme, les stratèges de la City veulent profiter de la crise pour enterrer ce qui reste de l’ordre de Bretton Woods de 1945, fait de nations souveraines, pour rétablir pleinement l’ordre monétaire de l’Empire britannique du XIXe siècle constitué par différentes zones monétaires, ayant comme centre la City.
Outre les représentants officiels d’une Europe à la traîne de la place financière la plus puissante du monde et de ses filiales à Wall Street, tels Jean-Claude Juncker, José Manuel Barroso, président de la Commission européenne, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, directeur du FMI, ou encore l’OCDE, qui a apporté son appui à cette mesure via son économiste en chef, Pierre Carlo Padoan, on trouve aussi tous ceux qui ont été à l’origine de cette construction monétaire supranationale européenne.

En France, c’est, sans surprise, Jacques Attali, éminence grise de François Mitterrand au moment où, avec Margaret Thatcher, ils ont obligé l’Allemagne à abandonner le deutsche mark pour adopter l’euro, qui s’excite et plaide dans Le Monde et dans l’Express « pour un nouvel approfondissement de la construction européenne », c’est-à-dire l’intégration budgétaire, et en faveur de « la création de véritables bons du Trésor européens ».

Jacques Delors, autre cheville ouvrière de l’Union économique et monétaire européenne, adoptée lorsqu’il était président de la Commission en 1989, et l’homme qui a fait abroger la loi Glass-Steagall en France dès 1983, a appelé lui aussi, dans un entretien au Monde du 7 décembre, l’UE à aller plus loin dans l’intégration supranationale : « On pourrait imaginer la création d’obligations publiques européennes, au sein des Seize, non pour combler les déficits mais pour financer des dépenses d’avenir. »

En Allemagne, ce sont pratiquement tous les anciens ministres des Finances ayant directement participé à la création de l’Union économique et monétaire, depuis Théo Waigel (1989-1999), Hans Eichel (1999-2005), jusqu’à Peter Steinbruck (2005-2009), qui se sont levés comme un seul homme pour réclamer plus d’intégration et le lancement des euro-obligations.

Mais là où l’on repère, dans toute cette frénésie, la patte de l’Empire britannique, c’est lorsque volent à l’encontre de l’Allemagne, dont l’opposition aux projets de la City n’a été, somme toute, que minime pour le moment, les accusations de nazisme, comme à l’époque où Thatcher, brandissant contre elle l’accusation de « IVe Reich », avait imposé à Helmut Kohl l’adoption de l’euro. Et c’est l’ancien Premier ministre Helmut Schmidt qui s’est chargé de ce chantage, en déclarant au cours d’une interview que deux guerres mondiales menées par l’Allemagne valaient bien un surplus d’intégration ! Autrement dit, ne pas aller plus loin dans l’intégration serait l’équivalent d’un retour au nazisme !

Même son de cloche pour Attali qui, dans son dernier billet de l’Express, déclare : « Pour la quatrième fois depuis 1870, la politique intérieure de l’Allemagne se trouve au cœur d’une grave crise menaçant la stabilité de l’Europe ». « Cette fois, souligne-t-il, le risque est purement économique : si l’Allemagne continue à s’opposer à une intégration budgétaire des pays de la zone euro, l’UE ira au désastre. » Il faut, conclut-il, faire prendre conscience à l’Allemagne qu’il serait suicidaire pour elle de ne pas abonder dans ce sens car elle est totalement dépendante de l’UE. Il faut lui parler, dit-il, « sans tabou. En lui rappelant son passé. Parce qu’il est aussi le nôtre » !

La gauche de la gauche elle aussi à la traîne de la City

Plus étonnant, cependant, est de voir « la gauche de la gauche », ATTAC et le Parti communiste français, se faire les défenseurs de l’euro, de la BCE et des euro-obligations. Alors que la zone euro vole en éclats à cause des politiques de dérégulation financière et de l’hétérogénéité des politiques économiques des Etats membres, voilà que ces deux mouvements se cramponnent à l’Europe supranationale en rêvant debout, comme Alice aux pays des merveilles, de pouvoir transformer du tout au tout des institutions créées par la haute finance pour le pillage financier.

Le 16 décembre, les ATTAC Europe se fendaient d’une déclaration commune qui, bien que demandant des réformes importantes, telles que la séparation entre activités bancaires d’épargne et d’investissement et la remise en cause de la légitimité de la dette des Etats, due aux renflouements et autres politiques du même genre, ne remet pas en cause la supranationalité d’une BCE qu’elle veut « sous contrôle démocratique » et appelle à « émettre des euro-obligations communes ».

Idem pour le PCF, qui, après avoir historiquement été du côté de l’indépendance nationale, vient de prendre sa carte dans l’européisme. Pierre Laurent, le nouveau président du parti, qui préside aussi le Parti de la gauche européenne, vient de lancer une campagne en faveur d’émissions monétaires ex nihilo par la BCE pour le rachat « d’une part importante de dette des Etats » à très bas taux. De l’assouplissement quantitatif en somme, qu’il veut différent de celui de la Fed car, par miracle, « l’argent libéré ainsi irait, via [un fonds du développement social] au financement de l’emploi, la formation, la recherche, les services publics, la défense de l’environnement ».

Notons que toutes ces forces se placent, sans aucune ambiguïté, dans le contexte d’une politique d’une pluralité de zones monétaires dans le monde, inspirée de Keynes, qui avait le cheval de bataille de l’ancienne Commission trilatérale de David Rockefeller. A la plupart, cette politique a été vendue comme pouvant défendre l’Europe, par sa propre monnaie, contre l’hégémonie du dollar. Notre monnaie contre la leur ! Or le problème de fond, celui que nous combattons, est justement le monétarisme. La monnaie en tant que telle n’est rien, comme le dit souvent LaRouche. Deux choses peuvent lui donner de la valeur : la force militaire d’un Empire, dont on connaît les conséquences néfastes, ou la vitalité d’une économique physique et d’une population en pleine croissance grâce au progrès scientifique et technologique. Le combat, aujourd’hui, est de remplacer les monétarismes actuels par un système de crédit productif public, qui oriente les capitaux vers la recherche et les grands projets d’infrastructure créateurs d’emploi et de richesse réelle. Et là, c’est un combat à mort contre l’oligarchie de la City de Londres, de Wall Street et leurs appendices.


Vince Cable : The British-goy conscience still well and alive. Cable declares war on zionist terrorist mainstream media mogul Ruppert Murdoch

Murdoch's control over the MSM gives the Zionists and Israel such an advantage, that it's a "threat to democracy".

Vince Cable reveals "This is Big - I have declared War on Murdoch Empire" 


Afghanistan :The real mission of NATO is to protect Israel's pipeline TAPI

NATO Trains Afghan Army To Guard Asian Pipeline

Turkmenistan gaz fields are in the hand of a mossad front man Yosef A. Maiman (Mehrav Group Israel). Afghanistan and Iraq illegal wars were waged by israelis to create the Eretz Israel, Greater Israel.



Rick Rozoff

Stop NATO, December 20, 2010 

On December 11 the presidents of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkmenistan and the energy minister of India met in the Turkmen capital of Ashgabat to bring to fruition fifteen years of planning by interests in the United States to bring natural gas from the Caspian Sea to the energy-needy nations of South and East Asia.

Presidents Hamid Karzai, Asif Ali Zardari and Gurbangulu Berdimuhammedov along with Indian Union Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Murli Deora signed agreements – an Inter-Government Agreement and the Gas Pipeline Transmission Agreement – to construct a natural gas pipeline from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan and Pakistan to India. The initials of the first three countries involved lend themselves to the project’s acronym: TAP, now known as TAPI.

The Inter-Government Agreement "enjoins the four governments to provide all support including security for the pipeline." [1]

The next day, Wahidullah Shahrani, Afghanistan’s Minister of Mines and Industries, confirmed that "Afghanistan will deploy about 7,000 troops to secure a major transnational gas pipeline slated to run through some of the most dangerous parts of the war-torn country." [2]

Speaking at a press conference in the Afghan capital, Shahrani added: "This huge project is very important for Afghanistan. Five thousand to seven thousand security forces will be deployed to safeguard the pipeline route….We will also keep an eye on the security situation….If more troops are needed, we will take action." [3]

Four days later U.S. Army Colonel John Ferrari, Deputy Commander of Programs for the NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan, was quoted on the U.S. Defense Department’s website stating:

"Our mission is to help the government of Afghanistan generate and sustain the Afghan army and police, all the way from the ministerial systems – essentially, their version of the Pentagon – through their operational commands, down to the individual units." [4]

Colonel Ferrari disclosed at the same time that in the next few days the U.S. Army "will finally award a much-delayed $1.6 billion contract for a private security firm to supplement [the] NATO training command’s efforts to professionalize Afghan cops." The lucrative bid, according to an American news source, "touched off a bureaucratic tempest between Blackwater/Xe Services and DynCorp, which held an old contract for the same job…." [5]

On the same day North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen endorsed the U.S.’s Afghanistan and Pakistan Annual Review released on December 15 and stated:

"We will continue to train Afghan forces so they can provide security for the Afghan people.

"[A]s the long-term partnership that President Karzai and I signed at Lisbon demonstrates, our commitment to Afghanistan will continue well beyond 2014. NATO will also remain engaged with Pakistan….

"I welcome the release today of the United States’ annual review on Afghanistan and Pakistan. It builds on the decisions on Afghanistan that NATO Allies and Partners took at our summit in Lisbon." [6]

What the Pentagon and NATO are training Afghan troops for is in part to ensure that the 1,700-kilometer (1,050-mile) TAPI pipeline running from the former Soviet republic of Turkmenistan to India – with transshipment to nations like Japan, South Korea and China in the offing – will function unimpeded.

The pipeline is to be started in 2012, completed two years later and provide 33 billion cubic meters (over one trillion cubic feet) of Turkmen gas to Pakistan, India and Afghanistan. According to the recently signed agreement, India and Pakistan will each receive 14 billion and Afghanistan 5 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year.

The undertaking is being financed by the Asian Development Bank in which the U.S. and Japan each hold 552,210 shares, the largest proportion of shares among its 67 members at 12.756 percent apiece.

The pipeline will run from Turkmenistan’s Dovletabat (also Dovletabad and Dauletabad) field along the 350-mile Herat-Kandahar Highway in Afghanistan to the capital of Pakistan’s Balochistan province, Quetta, to the Fazlaka region on the Indian-Pakistani border.

Five years ago the Asian Development Bank estimated gross natural gas reserves at Dovletabat to be 49.5 trillion cubic feet (1.4 trillion cubic meters). Turkmenistan also intends to include the new Southern Yoloten-Osman field, where government geologists estimate there are over 21 trillion cubic meters of gas, to fill the TAPI pipeline.

The inauguration of TAPI is the realization of plans going back to four years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, 1995, the year before the Taliban consolidated control of Afghanistan. One of its prime movers was the Union Oil Company of California (Unocal), which merged with and became a subsidiary of Chevron in the same year.

Former Secretary of State and NATO Supreme Allied Commander Alexander Haig visited Turkmenistan in 1992, immediately after it became an independent state for the first time, after which he became "an unofficial adviser and confident" to President Saparmurat Niyazov, "screening foreign companies and helping arrange a Niyazov visit to Washington in 1993." [7]

Haig’s dealings, which would later be augmented by the likes of Henry Kissinger and Zalmay Khalilzad, were part of U.S. strategy in the Caspian Sea region, which was to:

"Tap the Caspian mother lodes while giving as little leverage as possible to Russia in the north and Iran in the south.

"Across the Caspian, Azerbaijan had already enlisted U.S. oil companies and pulled the Clinton administration into a crusade to build pipelines that would skirt Russia on the way to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. In Kazakhstan, the Clinton administration [risked] provoking Moscow again by promoting pipelines that would carry Kazakh oil to western markets without Russian interference."

In 1995 the White House blocked a deal between ConocoPhillips and Iran for the transiting of gas from Turkmenistan through the first country. "To State Department strategists, the perfect pipeline out of Dauletabad lay in a different direction: from Turkmenistan across Afghanistan to Pakistan, connecting the gas resources of Central Asia to the surging economies of South Asia. Such a line would deprive Iran of transit fees for Turkmen gas crossing its territory while capturing the South Asian gas market coveted by Iran." [8]

In the same year the president of Unocal, John Imle, "wooed Niyazov and Benazir Bhutto, then prime minister of Pakistan…with a vision of a Unocal pipeline" running from Turkmenistan to Pakistan. According to the Washington Post three years after the fact: "A Unocal link had strong appeal for Niyazov. Afghanistan was in turmoil. A big American oil company could draw on the political muscle of the United States…." [9]

Later in the year President Niyazov announced the selection of Unocal to construct the pipeline, which Henry Kissinger – at the time a Unocal consultant – deemed "the triumph of hope over experience." (Afghan-born Zalmay Khalilzad, while Director of the Strategy, Doctrine, and Force Structure at the RAND Corporation, consulted for Cambridge Energy Research Associates, which at the time was conducting a risk analysis for Unocal on what is now the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline. He later became U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan after the invasion of 2001, then ambassador to Iraq and the United Nations.}

Unocal opened an office in Kandahar, which the media unfailingly recall is the "spiritual birthplace of the Taliban," in 1996 as the latter were completing their conquest of Afghanistan.

In 1997 a senior Taliban delegation arrived in the U.S. to meet with Unocal officials. At the time a Unocal spokesman said "the Taleban were expected to spend several days at the company’s headquarters in Sugarland, Texas" and it was confirmed that "Unocal says it has agreements both with Turkmenistan to sell its gas and with Pakistan to buy it." [10]

After last week’s agreement was signed in Turkmenistan to complete 15 years of U.S. plans, the BBC reported that "The pipeline will have to cross Taliban-controlled regions and Pakistan’s troubled border region. The US has also encouraged the project as an alternative to a proposed Iranian pipeline to India and Pakistan." [11]

In fact TAPI is the American alternative to what until then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice pressured – in fact blackmailed – Pakistan and India in 2005 to kill the project was referred to as the peace pipeline: One which was to transport Caspian Sea Basin natural gas from Iran to Pakistan and India (the IPI pipeline) and from there to China. The joint endeavor would indeed have promoted cooperation and peace not only between Pakistan and India but between India and China as well.

Washington – the White House, the State Department and Congress – linked India’s agreeing to abandon the IPI project and cooperate with the U.S. punishing Iran in the United Nations Security Council over its civilian nuclear power program with actualizing the provisions of the framework agreement signed by President George W. Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on July 18, 2005 on full nuclear collaboration. The U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Cooperation Initiative.

"The Americans had, so far, largely ignored India’s ties with Iran, which grew impressively during the late 1990s….The tipping point came when both sides, along with Pakistan, began seriously to consider the construction of the 2,600-km Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for the first time publicly aired her concerns about the prospective deal during her visit to New Delhi in March 2005." [12]

Also in 2005 Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs E. Anthony Wayne told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

"Both Chinese and Indian firms have reportedly been involved in oil and gas-sector deals in Iran that raise concerns under US law and policy.

"For example, Indian and Pakistani officials are engaged in detailed discussions on the technical, financial and legal aspects of building a USD 4 billion pipeline that would bring Iranian natural gas to Pakistan and India, a project that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has said also raises US
concerns." [13]

India formally withdrew from the project in 2009 and in January of this year Washington prevailed upon Pakistan to abandon the pipeline in exchange for the U.S. constructing a liquefied natural gas terminal and arranging the supply of electricity from Tajikistan through Afghanistan.

"With the Asian Development Bank backing the TAPI project unlike the IPI pipeline" currently:

"Besides putting the IPI pipeline in cold storage, the TAPI pipeline could also push back moves to bring Turkmenistan gas via northern Iran. Talks were held earlier in this respect on exchanging it with Iranian gas, which would have been sent to India and other countries from an under-sea pipeline. This pipeline would have been one of the branches of a Middle East natural gas gathering system." [14]

Last month Turkmenistan was also recruited to supply natural gas for the Nabucco pipeline running in the opposite direction, west through Azerbaijan and Georgia to Europe, to further U.S. strategy to squeeze Russia out of that market.

"Turkmen Deputy Prime Minister Baymyrad Hoyamuhamedov said the country would supply natural gas for the planned Nabucco pipeline. Hence, EU countries would no longer have to worry about uncertain natural gas supplies." Which means "the European bloc will have to rely less on Russia for its growing gas requirement."

"The pledge also means the construction of the planned 2046-mile pipeline can go ahead as uncertainty over its gas supplies had caused delay. Nabucco will transport gas from the Caspian region and the Middle East across Turkey into Europe.

"At present, Turkmenistan sells natural gas to Iran, China and Russia." [15]

In fact, in late November the Turkmen government pledged to "provide up to 40 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year, more than the planned capacity of Nabucco which is 31 billion per year." [16]

As such Nabucco will be "drawing gas from Turkmenistan in addition to Azerbaijan and Iraqi Kurdistan" in what Christian Dolezal, spokesperson for the Nabucco Consortium (Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH), called a "remarkable step."

"Dolezal said the first gas supplies for Nabucco are expected to come from Azerbaijan – about 8 billion cubic meters per year at first, of which 6 billion could come from the Shah Deniz 2 field. Another 10 billion cubic meters are expected from Iraqi Kurdistan, and the consortium is awaiting the outcome of talks with the Iraqi government.

"The construction of the Nabucco gas transit pipeline will start in 2012, and the first natural gas deliveries through it should be a fact in 2015…." [17]

The Nabucco pipeline will supplement previous Western-initiated projects like the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil and the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum natural gas pipelines beginning in Azerbaijan and proceeding westward through Georgia to Turkey.

A previous article in this series detailed that the overall strategy is "not limited to efforts to muscle into nations and regions rich in oil and natural gas (and uranium), nor to employing fair means or foul, peaceful or otherwise, to seize the commanding heights of the international energy market.

"The overarching objective is to control the ownership, transport and consumption of energy worldwide. To determine who receives oil and natural gas, through which routes and at which prices. And to dictate what the political and military quid pro quo will be for being invited to join a U.S.-dominated international energy transportation and accessibility network.

"Azerbaijan and Georgia are salient examples. The last two-named nations have increased their military budgets by well over 1,000 percent in the first case and by over 3,000 percent in the second in the span of a few years.

"In the Caspian Sea Basin and its neighborhood, which takes in the Afghanistan-Pakistan war theater and the turbulent and explosive Caucasus, Azerbaijan last week marked the fifteenth anniversary of what was called the Contract of the Century in 1994, engineered by the United States and Britain to open up the Caspian region to Western energy companies.

"The intent of all of them is to prevent Iran from exporting hydrocarbons to Europe and to expel Russia entirely from its previous contracts to provide Europe with natural gas and Caspian oil. Russia currently supplies the European Union with 30 percent of its gas, but the West – the U.S. and its EU allies – is well on its way to replacing Russian oil and gas with supplies from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan via Azerbaijan and from Iraq and North Africa through Turkey where all of the three pipelines [Nabucco, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum] end." [18]

In addition to transforming Azerbaijan and Georgia into U.S. and NATO outposts in the South Caucasus and on the Caspian Sea – Azerbaijan borders both Iran and Russia and Georgia borders Russia – Washington and its North Atlantic military bloc are increasing military ties with the other Caspian coastal states, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.

The expanding American and NATO role in Central and South Asia – in Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan – is inextricably connected with NATO nations’ Eurasian energy strategies.

In 2008 Matthew Bryza, then-Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, delivered an address which contained these assertions:

"The East-West Corridor we had been building from Turkey and the Black Sea through Georgia and Azerbaijan and across the Caspian became the strategic air corridor, and the lifeline, into Afghanistan allowing the United States and our coalition partners to conduct Operation Enduring Freedom."

"Our goal is to develop a 'Southern Corridor’ of energy infrastructure to transport Caspian and Iraqi oil and gas to Turkey and Europe. The Turkey-Greece-Italy (TGI) and Nabucco natural gas pipelines are key elements of the Southern Corridor."

"Potential gas supplies in Turkmenistan and Iraq can provide the crucial additional volumes beyond those in Azerbaijan to realize the Southern Corridor.

"Washington and [Turkey] are working together with Baghdad to help Iraq develop its own large natural gas reserves for both domestic consumption and for export to Turkey and the EU." [19]

The U.S. and Britain led NATO Partnership for Peace military exercises in Kazakhstan, from where the West plans to construct a pipeline under the Caspian Sea to Azerbaijan, last August, and the country has recently agreed to allow overflights to the U.S. and NATO for the war in Afghanistan. [20]

In August it was disclosed that U.S. military equipment is being transferred from Iraq to Afghanistan "via Turkey, Azerbaijan, the Caspian Sea and Turkmenistan." [21]

Despite its formal status of neutrality, Turkmenistan has allowed the transit of American and NATO "armored vehicles, combat helicopters and crates of ammunition" to the Afghanistan-Pakistan war theater.

In addition, the U.S. "has gained access to use almost all the military airfields of Turkmenistan, including the airport in Nebit-Dag near the Iranian border" and "An American military contingent is located in Ashgabat to oversee the operations related to refueling of military airplanes. NATO is also trying to open up a land corridor to bring freight by road and rail…." [22]

The second station of the soon-to-be-launched Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline is Herat, the capital city of the Afghan province of the same name which borders eastern Iran.

From there it will head to Kandahar, where the U.S. and NATO have been conducting what the Western press refers to as the "battle for Kandahar" since August in an attempt to clear the area of Taliban fighters and sympathizers.

The pipeline will then proceed to Quetta, the capital of Balochistan.

The U.S. and NATO have expanded the Afghan war into Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas and increasingly into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It has also launched attacks inside Balochistan and has pressured the Pakistani government to permit them to conduct full-scale military operations in the province.

In October NATO helicopters crossed 200 meters into Balochistan.

In the same month it was reported that "US officials may be eying a repeat of the cross-border incident by seeking raids into Balochistan."

"US military officials [are] advocating crossing the border with US forces and expanding the war formally into Pakistan." [23]

Last month the U.S. Defense Department presented a report to Congress revealing that "Pakistan Army General Headquarters recently approved an ODRP and Coalition presence at the PAKMIL 12 Corps HQ in Quetta, Balochistan." [24]

ODRP stands for the Pentagon’s Office of Defense Representative, Pakistan and Coalition is a reference to NATO’s International Security Assistance Force.

A U.S. military buildup in Balochistan presents a direct threat to Iran, whose province of Sistan and Baluchistan borders the Pakistani province, the largest provinces in the respective nations. The U.S. is accused of supporting separatist elements in the Iranian territory and could exploit Baloch agents on the Pakistani side of the border in an attempt to destabilize Iran.

Three years ago China completed a port in Gwadar on Balochistan’s Arabian Sea coastline, which is to be expanded into a deep-sea port and naval base with Chinese technical and financial assistance.

China also intends to turn the port into an energy transit center for oil and natural gas originating from Iran and other parts of the Middle East as well as Africa and plans to construct an oil pipeline from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

The TAPI and related pipeline projects will not only adversely affect Iran and Russia.

Turkmen gas that had formerly flowed through Russia and Iran will now be diverted via the TAPI and Nabucco pipelines – as many as 73 billion cubic meters – strengthening the West’s influence in the region in a number of spheres, including in regards to energy, transport, financial and economic, political and military matters.


The NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan (NTM-A) was launched at the military bloc’s sixtieth anniversary summit in Strasbourg, France and Kehl, Germany last year, and after this year’s summit in Portugal thousands of new trainers have been pledged by NATO member states.

According to the NATO website,

"NTM-A brings together efforts to train the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) with the aim of increasing coherence and effectiveness among all contributors. Support to the ANSF including the building of an Afghan institutional training base for both the Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan National Police (ANP) and coordinating international efforts to train, equip and sustain these forces.

"The NATO Training Mission Afghanistan (NTM-A) operates under a dual-hatted command, with one commander for both the US-led Combined Security Transition Command- Afghanistan (CSTC-A) and the NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan. The mission provides a higher-level training for the Afghan National Army (ANA), including defense colleges and academies, as well as being responsible for doctrine development, and training and advising Afghan National Police (ANP)." [25]

The NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan is modeled after the NATO Training Mission – Iraq [26], established by a decision made at the 2004 NATO summit in Istanbul, Turkey. Its first commander was General David Petraeus, now in charge of over 150,000 U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan.

The NATO Training Mission – Iraq is the model for building from the top down the armed forces of a conquered and subjugated nation by the Western alliance, including training military and security forces to guard the country’s energy infrastructure.

In Iraq and now even more so in Afghanistan, NATO is assisting the U.S. in achieving vital geopolitical objectives in strategically vital parts of the world.

1) The Hindu, December 13, 2010

2) Daily Times, December 12, 2010/Asian News International, December 13, 2010

3) Agence France-Presse, December 13, 2010

4) NATO Training Mission Meets Procurement, Training Goals
U.S. Department of Defense, December 16, 2010

5) Spencer Ackerman, Army Set to Award Mega-Contract to Train Afghan Cops
Danger Room, December 16, 2010

6) North Atlantic Treaty Organization, December 16, 2010

7) David B. Ottaway and Dan Morgan, Gas Pipeline Bounces Between Agenda]
Washington Post, October 5, 1998


8) Ibid

9) Ibid

10) Taleban in Texas for talks on gas pipeline
BBC News, December 4, 1997

11) BBC News, December 11, 2010

12) The Hindu, August 25, 2005

13) Press Trust of India, July 27, 2005

14) The Hindu, December 13, 2010

15) Industrial Fuels and Power, November 22, 2010

16) Nabucco Spokesman: Turkmenistan Natural Gas Promise 'Remarkable’
Sofia News Agency, November 25, 2010

17) Ibid

18) West Using Its Military Might To Control World Energy Resources:
Pentagon’s Global Mission To Secure Oil And Gas Supplies
Stop NATO, September 22, 2009
litary-might-to-control-world-energy-resources ...

19) U.S. Department of State, June 24, 2008

20) Kazakhstan: U.S., NATO Seek Military Outpost Between Russia And China
Stop NATO, April 14, 2010
to-seek-military-outpost-between-russia-and-china ...

21) Azeri Press Agency, August 20, 2010

22) Catherine A. Fitzpatrick, Is the U.S. Violating Turkmenistan’s Neutrality
with the NDN?
EurasiaNet, August 1, 2010

23) Asian News International, October 15, 2010

24) Report on Progress Toward Security and Stability in Afghanistan
November 2010

25) North Atlantic Treaty Organization

26) Iraq: NATO Assists In Building New Middle East Proxy Army
Stop NATO, August 13, 2010


Climate change is an elitist myth : New Little Ice Age 'to Begin in 2014'

Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in St. Petersburg, Russia, predicts that a new "Little Ice Age" could begin in just four years.

I sat just ten feet away from Abdussamatov as he made this startling assertion at the Heartland Institute's 4th International Conference on Climate Change in Chicago just two days ago.

Jerome R. Corsi from World Net Daily covered the proceedings exceedingly well, and I am quoting or paraphrasing him extensively here.
In a two-part video recorded at the conference by WND (link below), Abdussamatov explains that average annual sun activity has experienced an accelerated decrease since the 1990s.
Habibullo Abdussamatov
Head of the Russian-Ukrainian project "Astrometria" on the Russian segment of the International Space Station, Abdussamatov's theory is that "long-term variations in the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth are the main and principal reasons driving and defining the whole mechanism of climatic changes from the global warmings to the Little Ice Ages to the big glacial periods."

In his speech, Abdussamatov took on advocates of the theory of man-caused warming who want to curtail our use of hydrocarbon fuels. He contended, instead, that a reasonable way to combat coming cooling trends would be "to maintain economic growth in order to adapt to the upcoming new Little Ice Age in the middle of the 21st century."

Sun's activity determines temperatures

Abdussamatov argues that total sun irradiance, or TSI, is the primary factor responsible for causing climate variations on Earth, not carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is "not guilty," says Abdussamatov. "As for what lies ahead in the coming decades, it is not catastrophic warming, but a global, and very prolonged temperature drop."

Abdussamatov pointed to the English astronomer Walter Maunder, who noticed that sunspots had been generally absent from 1645 to 1715. That period coincided with the middle and coldest part of the Little Ice Age, which began around 1650 and extended through 1850.

"There is now an unavoidable advance toward a global decrease, a deep temperature drop comparable to the Maunder minimum," he wrote. "Already there are signs of the future deep temperature drop."

"The observed global warming of the climate of the Earth is not caused by the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gasses, but by extraordinarily high solar intensity that extended over virtually the entire past century." "Future decrease in global temperature will occur even if anthropogenic ejection of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere rises to record levels.

"The implementation of the Kyoto Protocol aimed to rescue the planet from the greenhouse effect should be put off at least 150 years."

     I have the utmost respect for the courageous scientists who presented
     at this convention.

See entire great article and videos:

Thanks to Benjamin Napier, Chad Loeffler, Bill Pojedinec, Paul Smith, Peter Cyrog, Edward Nowak, Craig Adkins and Bill Sellers for this link

     Some 700 policymakers, opinion leaders, elected national and state legislators,
     scientists, economists and media from 23 countries attended the Heartland
     Institute conference, including those from the United States, Great Britain,
     Canada, Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Australia and Mexico.

     The Heartland Institute is a non-profit organization funded by 1,500 donors.
     The organization says no corporate donor provides more than 5 percent of its
     $7 million annual budget.






By Gordon Duff,

When the rabbi advising Prime Minister Netanyahu goes on television claiming “goyim,” all non-Jews, only are allowed to stay alive as beasts of burden, serving Jews who are ordained by g-d to “bask in luxury” from the work of others, it isn’t an accident.  He had a job.  That job was to make people hate Jews.  If people forget to hate Jews, Israel will have no purpose, it won’t need nuclear weapons or the continual wars it has convinced the United States to fight in its stead.

When Antisemitism began to disappear and Jews were no longer reviled because of primitive prejudices, Zionists lost a valuable weapon.  The real problem is that the weapon, meant to serve expansionist Israel is also a weapon that has in the past sacrificed the lives of millions of Jews.

When a synagogue is burned, a Zionist lights the fire.  When an Antisemitic slogan is painted on a wall, the offending hand is that of a Zionist.  The world would have long forgotten its bizarre ideas of Jews as Christ killers and moneylenders were it not profitable for political extremists with no real religious views at all to renew them and give them life.

We are seeing a resurgence in Antisemitism, hatred of Jews as human beings, because of Zionism.  America, in economic collapse, tired after 10 years of war and a total loss of faith in government is now being forced into two more wars, Korea and Iran.  The hand of the ultra-nationalists, the Likudists in Israel and the ADL and AIPAC, their American “fifth column” is obvious to everyone.  The terror attacks on 9/11 are now branded as “false flag” and even the most dull witted are seeing the hand of Israel.

American Jews, long convinced that Israel stood vulnerable to attack, subjected to constant terrorism are now questioning.  It doesn’t take a genius to see that the stupidity of Israel, the blatant human rights violations in Gaza, the ties to long discredit neocon extremists in America, the attack on the Freedom Flotilla and the continual drum-beating for war on Iran, is going to have consequences.  It is already happening.

An American public, dumbed down by decades of censored press, substandard education and propaganda is only inches away from becoming a violent mob.  The rage against Islam, created for profit, created as a screen for oil and arms thievery and the looting of trillions of dollars from the American economy, has run its course.  Hundreds of thousands of veterans have returned from war, reporting only corruption in their own leadership.  The terror training camps, the bunker complexes, Osama bin Laden, all never found, perhaps they never existed at all.  This is what is being said.

In 1940, Adolf Hitler was the most popular man in America.  His hatred of Jews was seen as one of his best characteristics.  Hitler had accused Jews of financial attacks on Germany, of building world communism.  His proof was a few documents, unclear as to origin and yet, most of the world chose to follow him.  Today, Israel under its current leadership spits in the face of nearly every nation, its academic leaders threaten Western Europe with nuclear attack, its religious leaders speak of American troops as “donkeys” to be sacrificed, no accusation made against Iran comes close to the things Israel publicly announces about itself.
Who could be this stupid?  We know it is a game, building hatred of Jews so as to keep national victimhood status.  Israel, or rather key groups claiming to be Israel, have made billions on this game.

Fomenting hatred for the Jewish people for financial gain, for political gains, spreading fear, all part of a childishly obvious globalist ploy is insane.

Mikey Weinstein and the Military Religious Freedom Foundation picked up on the problem early on.  The love affair between the American right, the Christian Zionists, quickly turned to its Antisemitic roots when Jewish cadets at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs complained about persecution at the hands of supposed “Zionist” Christians.  Students at the academy live in virtual terror, students in training to control America’s vast nuclear arsenal.  Many of the officers currently watching over the most devastating weapons known to man were brainwashed at the Academy.

Not only do many students, cadets, at the Air Force Academy live in fear, all Americans have reason to question the reasoning and loyalty of those who succumbed to indoctrination in apocalypse mythology.  Christian Zionism is a religion of mass suicide.

The thrall followers of pro-apocalypse preacher, John Hagee, Israel’s “bestest” friend in America, have always been “strange bedfellows” for any minority, particularly Jews with their history of valuing education and support for progressive causes. Hagee and his followers represent primitive and backward beliefs, violent, racist, extremist in every way.

Christian Zionism, as a religious doctrine, looks on Judaism as an abomination.  Though it says it supports the return of Jews to Israel, it also supports the destruction of Israel and the forced conversion of all Jews to Christianity.  They simply jumped the gun a bit at the Air Force Academy.


One of the hidden undersides of Hitler’s policies toward the Jews was his alliance with Zionists.  With all current battles pitting one version of the Holocaust against another with historical revisionists claiming that the holocaust is a myth created to further a Hitleresque “Greater Israel” plan, those things that are well within known history are sometimes pushed aside.  One of those things is the strange relationship between Zionists and Hitler, a relationship even a “revisionist” has to admit had unpleasant consequences.

Lenni Brenner, in Counterpunch, writes of his discovery of this dark and shrouded period in history, a period when Zionist Jews in Germany came to an agreement with Hitler.  Under Hitler, Zionists were  to control Jewish life in Germany, eventually settling Jews in Palestine in a pro-German Nazi state.  Zionist Palestine, allied with Hitler, was meant to offset British and German influence in the Middle East, a policy almost identical with the American Middle East Strategy a generation later.  In fact, Israeli policies, first seen as “apartheid” and now more closely resembling the ethnic cleansing of the Serbs, also seems to have a truly “Hitleresque” aspect.

Following the odd history of the relationship between the Zionists and Hitler’s Nazi party, Jews cheering Wehrmacht victories, Jews shocked and dismayed at the Stalingrad defeat, a bitter pill for historians who have to fit this well documented mainstream scenario into a more fanciful historical narrative.

The clear note here, of course, Zionism isn’t Jews and opposing Zionist policies should have nothing to do with labeling anyone, race, religion, ethnicity, not damning them or their children.  However, in our imperfect world, those who too often let greed and ambition blind them from the baser aspects of the human soul do so often misjudge.  Believing that only you can hate, can deceive, can connive, is the height of arrogance.  The Greeks call that hubris.

We call such people fools, perhaps something worse.

WARNING (23 December 2010) : Several intelligence sources informed us that Sarkozy is starting a civil war in France with the support of mossad and NATO clandestine terror networks, activated in Greece, and Roma today between Christmas and New year, similar to the fake 'muslim riots' in 2005, manufactured by french zionist jewry and Tel Aviv, which helped him to win the presidential election in 2007

             Mossadnik Sarkozy: 'Together towards a civil war against Islaam'

QUOTE: A new book in Germany is casting light on Israel's covert program to provoke violence among Muslims in Western Europe and engage in "false flag" operations in order for Western governments to blame Muslim radicals. The book, Der Krieg im Dunkeln (War in the Dark) by Udo Ulfkotte, formerly a correspondent for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, provides details of the operations of two Israeli intelligence units -- the Metsada, which specializes in sabotage, including "false flag" terrorist attacks and assassinations; and LAP (Lohamah Psichlogit), which engages in psychological warfare.

Ulfkotte's previous book on Islamist extremism, titled The War In Our Cities, was withdrawn from the German market because of "massive legal pressures by Islamic plaintiffs." Ulfkotte claims that British and German intelligence agents encountered Metsada and LAP agents in France stirring up violence during the November 2005 riots, blamed on Islamic extremists. WMR has also reported that Interior Minister and presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy, who is supported by pro-Israeli factions in France, coordinated and continues to coordinate the paying of agents provocateurs to engage in violence in the predominantly Muslim Banlieus of Paris and other cities. The November 2005 riots spread from Paris to Rouen, Lille, Nice, Dijon, Strasbourg, Marseilles (where Mossad's Brach C, also responsible for Paris and London, maintains a large station), Bordeaux, Rennes, Pau, Orleans, Toulouse,  Lyon, Roubaix, Avignon, Saint-Dizier, Drancy, Evreux, Nantes, Dunkirk, Montpellier, Valenciennes, Cannes, and Tourcoing.

Ulfkotte also quotes a British MI-6 source who reported that Israel's goal is to portray Muslims as unpredictable threats who cannot be integrated into Western society. (http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/)
Nicolas Sarkozy to target Muslim prayers

NICOLAS Sarkozy will take another lurch to the Right with a speech on New Year's Eve calling Muslim prayers in the street "unacceptable".

After his expulsions of gypsies and a crackdown on immigrant crime, the French President will warn that the overflow of Muslim faithful on to the streets at prayer time when mosques are packed to capacity risks undermining the French secular tradition separating state and religion.

He will doubtless be accused of pandering to the far Right: the issue of Muslim prayers in the street has been brought to the fore by Marine Le Pen, the charismatic new figurehead of the National Front, who compared it to the wartime occupation of France.

Her words provoked uproar on the Left, whose commentators took them as evidence that far from being the gentler face of the far Right, Ms Le Pen, 42, is no different from Jean-Marie, 82, her father, who has been accused of racism and Holocaust denial.

According to his aide, Mr Sarkozy agrees with the junior Le Pen that the street cannot be allowed to become "an extension of the mosque" as it does in some parts of Paris, which are closed to traffic because of the overflow of the faithful. Local authorities have declined to intervene, despite public complaints, because they are afraid of sparking riots.

"People overreacted to Marine Le Pen's comments," said the aide, referring to the furore in which she was accused of rabble-rousing racism. "She is right: this phenomenon is unacceptable."

The tall, blonde Ms Le Pen is expected to succeed her father as head of the National Front at a party congress next month.

Her advance in the opinion polls reflects a trend all over Europe, where far-Right parties are benefiting from anti-immigrant sentiment and economic fears. As a more moderate voice than her father, Ms Le Pen is widely considered to be more effective and the nightmare scenario for Mr Sarkozy is that he might be knocked out of the race during the first round of the presidential election in 2012. The run-off would then be staged between the two first-round winners: Ms Le Pen and a Socialist candidate.

Something similar happened in 2002, when Jean-Marie Le Pen took advantage of a fractured Left to beat Lionel Jospin, the Socialist candidate, in the first round and ended up losing in the run-off against Jacques Chirac.

Marine Le Pen's approval rating has risen to 33 per cent in recent weeks, according to one poll, only three points behind Mr Sarkozy's, as she has criss-crossed the country articulating what a lot of older people believe: that France has been invaded by Muslims and betrayed by its elite.

Mr Sarkozy's top lieutenants have been holding meetings to decide how to counter the threat. Some say the ruling centre-right Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) should reach out to Ms Le Pen as Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has shared power with the anti-immigrant Northern League.

Others have suggested relaunching a "national identity debate" that collapsed this year after degenerating into a forum for immigrant-bashing. Mr Sarkozy may also come under pressure to make more overtures to the Right with another law-and-order crackdown. Street prayers could be banned.

Yet after banning the wearing of the burka in public, Mr Sarkozy will have to tread carefully if he wants to avoid alienating Europe's largest Muslim community and turning it into an electoral goldmine for his Socialist rivals in 2012.

One presidential contender from the Centre-Right, Dominique de Villepin, could further splinter the conservative vote.

Ms Le Pen wants to end her party's isolation and appeal to the mainstream. To the horror of some in the party, she has spoken inclusively about gays and described herself as a feminist.

The Sunday Times


Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth

by Jonathan Azaziah,

for www.maskofzion.com and Veterans Today,


Not since Zionist warmonger Barack Obama’s ‘ascension’ to the US presidency, has there been such a hysteria in the anti-war/anti-Zionist community as there is with Julian Assange and his organization, Wikileaks. Just like Obama, whose smooth-talker persona duped millions of awakened individuals, lulling them into a false sense of security with lies and trickery, Wikileaks has pulled the wool over the eyes of average people and distinguished activists and writers alike with its ‘whistleblower’ image.

Even after Obama’s Zionist roots were exposed, in which powerful pro-Israel figures like Abner Mikva, Joel Sprayregen, Newton Minow, Bettylu Saltzman of the dynastic Saltzman family, Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf, Lester Crown of the vastly wealthy Crown household and Penny Pritzker of the Pritzker dynasty nurtured his rise to political stardom in Chicago (1), the current puppet of the Zionist entity was no less supported and no less loved by his starry-eyed followers.
After Obama was designated the democratic ‘candidate’ for president, he delivered a speech at AIPAC and announced to his masters that the United States has an ‘unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security (2).’ Still, the opinions of his followers remained unchanged. And not even after Obama maintained utter silence during Operation Cast Lead (3), in which the usurping Tel Aviv regime murdered 1,440 innocent Palestinians in illegally besieged and occupied Gaza, including 431 children, did his legions of drones realize that the slogans of hope and change they so vehemently believed in, were really just smoke and mirrors.
Only recently, due to Obama spreading the Zionist Bush administration’s ‘Project for a New American Century’ to Yemen, expanding the murderous drone strikes in Pakistan, as well as increasing the genocides in occupied Iraq and occupied Afghanistan, have some of his once seemingly mind-controlled supporters snapped out of their trance. Plenty of them still continue their blindness however.
Assange and Wikileaks make the Zionist-fueled Obama hype look minuscule; like rain drops in an ocean. Wikileaks, touted and fully endorsed by the Zionist media, has become the peak of resistance and dissidence. The greatest whistleblower in the history of whistleblowing. Assange has been elevated to god status, eclipsing rock stars and movie stars. Wikileaks cannot be questioned. Assange cannot be investigated. Everything the organization does is for the good of the people, and everything Assange says is absolute 100% fact.
Though it may come as a shock to those who have bought into the absurdity of Wikileaks, everything aforementioned is a morbid delusion. Wikileaks is no whistleblower. Assange is no hero. And the leaks, which have been hailed across the globe, aren’t even leaks. Wikileaks isn’t just toxic Zionist poison, it is a full-blown US-Zionist intelligence operation.

Israeli Foreknowledge and Arrogance

One day after the World Trade Center was demolished with military-grade thermite explosives, mass murderer of Gaza Benjamin Netanyahu told the Zionist-owned New York Times that the 9/11 attacks were ‘very good’ for US-Israeli relations, and that they would generate immediate sympathy for the Zionist entity (4). One year after Netanyahu made these audacious declarations, he delivered a speech to the US House of Representatives, laying out reasons why the obliteration of Iraq is necessary for the survival of Israel (5). In 2008, the Zionist war criminal delivered a speech to an Israeli university, reiterating his comments about the Mossad false flag on 9/11, as well as stating that his regime is benefitting from the ‘American struggle in Iraq (6).’As recent as July of this year, Netanyahu has publicly declared that any withdrawal from Iraq will leave the Tel Aviv regime vulnerable to ‘renewed hostilities (7).’
Netanyahu continued this pattern of arrogant behavior with Wikileaks, by revealing that the usurping entity had prior knowledge to the organization’s upcoming leaks on the day that ‘Cablegate’ began, just hours before the release (8). Netanyahu stated that the Zionist entity wouldn’t be the ‘center of international attention.’ The following day, Netanyahu reaffirmed this revelation by stating that Israel ‘wasn’t harmed at all;’ a senior official in his Zionist administration also said that ‘we come out looking very good (9).’
On the same day, former national security advisors to butcher of Lebanon Ehud Olmert and Sabra and Shatilah massacre architect Ariel Sharon boasted that ‘Israel benefits from these leaks (10).’ Israel’s Finance Minister, Yuval Steinitz, when asked about the leaks on Israel Radio, said that he ‘doesn’t see damage. Quite the opposite (11).’ Israeli mouthpiece newspapers emboldened the statements of their murderous leaders, with one opining that ‘had Wikileaks not existed, Israel would have had to invent it (12).’ This statement in particular will prove not only to be devilishly ironic, but another example of Israeli foreknowledge.
While nations all over the world, nations of Resistance and nations of oppression alike, scrambled to defend themselves from the Wikileaks onslaught, several officials of the illegitimate Zionist state, including the prime minister himself, openly affirmed the impregnableness of Israel. No damage, a bounty of satisfaction and a plethora of benefits. The questions are simple: If the Zionist entity isn’t behind Wikileaks, how did its officials know it wouldn’t become the subject of international media scrutiny? If Wikileaks wasn’t protecting the Zionist agenda, why would Israeli officials intransigently say their illegal occupying entity remained unharmed after the leaks? And if in fact Israel is operating Wikileaks, then the Zionist media’s depictions of Assange and his crew as whistleblowers are monstrously false, aren’t they? Logic and common sense should guide all to the blatant, blue and white six-pointed-star-shaped answers.

Red Mafiya Don Semion Mogilevich is left out of Cablegate deliberately.

Cablegate Fraud I: The Obviousness

Like the Afghan War Diary and the Iraq War Logs which mixed Zionist hasbara with facts about American and British war crimes, Wikileaks’ Cablegate documents mix truths with Zionist lies to maximize the potential of the disinformation campaign. And like the previous leaks, the truths that are released are examples that were revealed and reported on by activists and journalists alike long before Wikileaks was relentlessly and aggressively force-fed to the masses by the Zionist media.
Included are shockers like Israel attempted to coordinate its Operation Cast Lead assault on illegally blockaded Gaza with traitorous Palestinian collaborationist Mahmoud Abbas and the brutal Zionist dictator of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak (13). Revelations like Ali Abdullah Saleh, US-Saudi puppet president of Yemen, covered up US air strikes that murdered children (14). Discoveries like the US is waging a ‘secret’ war inside Pakistan (15). Eye-openers like a Lebanese official offering advice to the Zionist entity on how to trample the Lebanese Resistance movement, Hezbollah (16), or the US flying spy missions over Lebanon from its Diego Garcia base (17). Or quite possibly the largest and most apocalyptic divulgement: the Israeli mafia exists prominently within the illegitimate usurping entity, and is a very, very dangerous group (18). How incredibly overwhelming. The name of Assange’s putrid organization should be Wikiobviousness, not Wikileaks.
Mahmoud Abbas has been exposed over and over again as a treasonist to the Palestinian people since he became an integral part of Middle Eastern politics, or more accurately, the Zionist Power Configuration. Since 2005, Abbas’s Palestinian ‘Authority’ has been cooperating with the Zionist entity through ‘security coordination (19),’ which links the two illegitimate powers to a crackdown on all elements that support Resistance to Zionism. Despite denial after denial by Abbas himself and his spokespersons, he finally admitted to this filthy collaboration in March of this year (20).
Israel and Mubarak’s regime have transferred weapons to Abbas, and the US has given Fatah hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to undermine Palestinian Resistance, chiefly Hamas, and to strengthen the Zionist stranglehold on occupied Palestine (21). Mahmoud Abbas has deep financial ties to Tel Aviv, which also amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars given to Fatah by the Israeli government yearly (22). Wikileaks wasn’t needed for this; anyone that is simply capable of reading is well-aware that Abbas is a disgrace to the Palestinian people and a total puppet of the Zionist entity.
Ali Abdullah Saleh is a traitor to the Yemeni people; like Abbas, this has been known for decades. He sold Yemen to the Anglo-American oil agenda, and then solidified the sellout by entering into billion dollar slave-agreements with the Zionist-infested World Bank and IMF (23). Saleh is a habitual recipient of the American oppressor’s aid money (24), and as of January of this year, he’s been receiving this blood money on an even greater scale (25). He has used these funds along with money from the House of Saud to wage a brutal war against the Resistance of southern Yemen (26).
The US dropped cluster bombs on Yemen in December of 2009, and it was well reported in the alternative media sphere; this murderous attack claimed the lives of 120 innocents and wounded 40 others (27), not 41 as Assange’s organization erroneously reports. Telling the world that American bombs kill civilians is like telling someone that the sky is blue or that the sun is hot. There was no need for ‘whistleblowing’ on this matter.

Yemen is Zion’s newest target; sickeningly pro-Israel war criminal Joe Lieberman called for preemptive strikes against the Arab nation last year in late December (28), and Obama’s Zionist administration obliged by increasing its illegal military presence inside the country (29).
Despite wide-ranged reporting in the Zionist media and the anti-Zionist media, Ali Abdullah Saleh continued his role as a stooge, and denied the presence of America inside Yemen (30). Now, Obama and his gang of criminals have set forth a plan for an even larger military mobilization which will be followed by an occupation (31).

In addition, Mossad is carrying out assassinations and other terrorist operations against the Yemeni Resistance in the south (32). Don’t expect to see any of this information in the Cablegate documents though; Wikileaks must protect Israel at all costs.
The CIA has been conducting a war with its murderous predator drones against Pakistan since 2004 (33), and it has been doing so from Pakistani bases thanks to one criminal administration after another (34). 90% of the people murdered by these CIA drones are civilians (35), and these attacks occur close to every single day (36). It was reported in 2008 (37), and in February of 2010 (38), that US Special Forces were engaging in terrorism on the ground in Pakistan. Wikileaks didn’t ‘reveal’ anything about a ‘secret war’ inside the Islamic Republic; it stated a fact that could’ve been reiterated by anyone with a slight interest in geopolitics.
The real secret war against Pakistan is that which is being conducted by Israel and the Hindutva entity of India. Since the late 1980s, Zionism and Hindutva have signed military agreements and performed covert operations to destroy Pakistan’s nuclear program (39). In 2001, Mossad and RAW created four new agencies to target important personalities in the fields of law, defense, politics and religion, with the hopes of creating all out ‘sectarian’ chaos within Pakistan (40). Codenamed the ‘Dragon Policy,’ Mossad and RAW agents hired mercenaries, druglords and mafia figures to unleash the de-stabilization process (41).

Indian and Israeli intelligence have coordinated a string of car bombings with Xe (Blackwater) cells across the Islamic Republic (42), including the massive blast that claimed more than 100 lives in Peshawar, a Mossad stronghold (43), in 2009 (44).
Hezbollah Secretary General, his eminence, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, has never been bashful about exposing pro-Zionist politicians in Lebanon, with his most recent slashing of the collaborators taking place during a historic speech for Martyrs’ Day (45). While Elias al-Murr has denied the allegations set forth by the Wikileaks PSYOP (46), he is merely and pathetically attempting to save face; it is a well-known fact that the vile Fouad Siniora government (which al-Murr was a part of) tried to disarm Hezbollah and disconnect the Resistance’s telecommunications network on behalf of the Zionist regime and the US (47). Siniora and his goons failed miserably as Hezbollah persevered and triumphed.
It is also a well known fact that the US conducts spying and military operations, primarily against occupied Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran (48), from Diego Garcia; the Indian Ocean territory turned into a military compound by British and American occupiers who have malevolently ethnically cleansed the entire indigenous population (49). On a side note, this evil of course isn’t mentioned by Wikileaks. The mentioning of a few previously known American spy missions in Lebanon is nothing more than a cover for the massive Zionist creature in the room: Israel is notorious for its spy missions in Lebanon, as it has violated Lebanese airspace well over 7,000 times since its crushing defeat at the hands of Hezbollah in the summer of 2006 (50).
Failing to mention Zionist activity in Lebanon is the equivalent of failing to mention the stars in the sky at nightfall. The Lebanese Resistance and the Lebanese Army have arrested at least 141 Israeli spies since April of last year (51), in the telecommunications, security and military sectors. The Zionist entity infiltrated Alfa, one of Lebanon’s two telecom companies, and used the penetrated network against Hezbollah in the 2006 war (52). Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah exposed the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri as a Mossad operation (53), and in an unsuspected but typical display of arrogance, Israel admitted to benefitting greatly from the murder (54). Tel Aviv had distanced itself from the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL), which is backed by the US (55), as well as the UK (56), but the genocidal maniac Avigdor Lieberman finally confirmed what had been known in Lebanon since the Tribunal’s inception: Israel is heavily contributing to it (57).
The STL is not only a plot to eliminate Hezbollah, but to completely fragment Lebanon; it should come as no surprise then, that it was designed by Zionist Congressman Howard Berman and the powerful Israeli Lobby group, AIPAC (58). Sayyed Nasrallah uncovered that all of the information collected by the STL ends up in the hands of the usurping Zionist regime (59); it is essentially another Israeli spying operation. The Sayyed also revealed that Israel had not only penetrated Alfa, but all of Lebanon’s telecommunications; the Zionist regime is capable of cloning SIM cards, planting phone numbers, duplicating billing data and making phone calls without the phone-owner’s knowledge (60). Just days ago, Hezbollah telecommunications experts unearthed Israeli spying devices near the southern city of Tyre; when the Zionist entity’s cover was blown, the devices were detonated (61). Not even an inkling of any of this information will be made readily available by treacherous Wikileaks because its purpose is to protect Israeli interests. And at the top of the list of those interests, is to colonize Lebanon, especially the south, as part of Greater Israel (62).
On the surface, it would seem that the revelations about the influence of Israeli organized crime (OC) within the Zionist settler state are groundbreaking; frightening and shocking even. But further analysis of the cable in question displays more of the same: a repetition of previously known information crossbred with odious lies to form a highly effective damage control operation. It was reported across the Middle East, as well as in Zionist-owned Western media that Israeli mob boss Yaakov Alperon was assassinated in 2008 (63), as was the intransigence of Israeli mafia stalwart Zeev Rosenstein, who was arrested in 2004 for the distribution of unfathomable amounts of ecstasy (64). It was also already known that the new generation of Israeli gangsters were receiving training in the fields of assassination and ordnance during their service in IOF (65). These cases of obviousness however do not vindicate Wikileaks but condemn it in an even harsher manner due to the propaganda also contained within the cable.
The cable states ‘It is not entirely clear to what extent OC elements have penetrated the Israeli establishment and corrupt public officials.’ What an obscene falsification; since the 1980s, the Israeli mafia has exerted a gargantuan amount of control over the occupying government in Tel Aviv, coordinating this corruption from New York City and the streets of occupied Palestine (66). The cable also portrays Zionist war criminal Ehud Olmert in a positive light, saying that Olmert called emergency meetings in response to the public safety concerns and promised to add 1,000 officers to the current efforts ‘combating’ organized crime. Another sham; Olmert is a criminal that is incessantly connected to the Israeli mafia (67). Olmert has been charged with corruption regarding Bank Leumi (68), whom notorious blood-diamond dealer Lev Leviev has a major stake in (69). Leviev is deeply connected to organized crime, due to his business ties with Russian-Israeli oligarch and mobster Roman Abramovich (70).
Quite possibly the most laughable excerpt of all in the entire cable is this statement: ‘Little is known about the full extent of Russian criminal activity in Israel.’ The Israeli mafia IS the Russian-Jewish mafia. The two cannot be separated; like the illegitimate Israeli state and Zionism. The cable also says Arab criminals routinely collaborate with Russian-Israeli crime families. This is erroneous; an attempt to divide the blame equally amongst Arabs and Israelis. The Red Mafiya (Russian Mob) is intensely racist and territorial, collaborating with noone but other Russian factions in their quest for criminal dominance. The Russian criminals not only poured into Israel after the Soviet Union was dissolved, they were invited by the Zionist entity’s government to start their lives anew (71).
The most powerful gangster in the world, and don of the Russian-Israeli mafia, Semion Mogilevich has his headquarters in Israel (72); his net worth is well over one billion dollars (73), wielding a criminal empire that involves human trafficking, drug dealing, arms peddling, nuclear materials smuggling and blood diamonds. Marat Balagula, another immensely powerful Russian-Jewish gangster made his home in the Zionist entity after leaving the Soviet Union. Balagula’s empire includes gas fraud, credit card fraud, and the usual elements of drugs, illegal weaponry and prostitution, along with ownership of diamond mines in Sierra Leone. Russian-Israeli organized crime, the Organizatsiya, cannot be talked about without mentioning these two prominent figures. It is no surprise that Wikileaks conveniently leaves their names out of the ‘leaks.’ Also left out of the cables is the most damning information about the Red Mafiya of all: unlike Italian-American mobsters, Russian-Jewish mobsters cannot be touched by US intelligence and local law enforcement, for fear of being hammered and character-assassinated by the Zionist lobby for exercising anti-Semitism (74).
The power of the Red Mafiya was exposed by the late Robert Friedman, a journalist who began investigating the Russian-Jewish criminal gang in 1989 (75), and who wrote a monumental book about their exploits more than a decade ago. His work brought the nonstop heat of Russian-Jewish OC on top of his head, receiving several threats by high-ranking gangsters (76). Despite media reports of him dying of a rare disease he contracted while on an investigative mission in Bombay (Mumbai), all evidence points to the brave Mr. Friedman being poisoned by Mogilevich’s associates (77). Just like Assange, right?
The destruction of the Wikileaks cables in this section provides clear proof of what Assange’s group actually is: a ‘Limited Hang Out’ operation. Limited Hang Out ops are used by intelligence agencies to deliver well-known information to the public about government corruption and certain political crimes, satisfying their salivation for an expose of misdeeds while withholding the more critical, more secretive information (78). Wikileaks doesn’t reveal; it rehashes. Former director of Mossad Efraim Halevy stated in an interview several years ago, ‘Not one big success of the Mossad has ever been made public (79).’ Wikileaks works diligently to keep it that way.
Cablegate is nothing but a promotion of Zionist propaganda.

Cablegate Fraud II: Disgusting Zionist Lies

In a previous piece on Wikileaks, this author commented, ‘The other accusations sound like concoctions dug up from the dungeons of Zionist think tanks and lobby organizations salivating for the destruction of the Islamic Republic, not the work of whistle-blowers attempting to expose corruption and disseminate truth (80).’ This observation turned out to be a prognostication come true. The cables aren’t really secret government documents. They are propaganda pieces written by Khazarian political officials and diplomats who have spent their lives serving the Israeli Lobby. Among them are US ambassadors to Turkey Eric Edelman and James Jeffrey, Deputy Secretary of State James B. Steinberg, US ambassador to Brazil Clifford Sobel, US charge d’affaires in Saudi Arabia Michael Gfoeller, Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip H. Gordon, career diplomat and current Special Envoy Daniel Fried and US ambassador to Canada David Jacobson (81).
This revelation explains why the newest docs from Wikileaks contain even more Zionist drivel than the last release.

The diplomatic cables claim that it was Hamas that broke the ceasefire that led to Operation Case Lead (82). They also brazenly claim that the Zionist entity has no assets in occupied Iraq (83). They insanely say that India has a huge stake in the facilitation of peace in occupied Kashmir (84). The cables belligerently claim that Syrians assassinated Lebanese Premier Saad Hariri’s father, former Premier Rafiq Hariri (85). There is more tiresome tripe about leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, having terminal cancer (86). There is another ridiculous claim that there is an Israeli weapons manufacturer in Haifa which is vital to US security interests (87). One cable disgustingly repeats the age-old Zionist propaganda about Israel attempting to minimize civilian casualties and Hamas using human shields (88). And arguably the most outlandish cable of all, Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi intimidated the British government into freeing wrongfully accused Abdelbaset Mohmed Ali al-Megrahi (89).
Claiming that the fighters of the Palestinian Resistance, whether it is Hamas or any other faction, use human shields, is a grotesque Zionist lie. There is no evidence on any level whatsoever; it is a nightmarish concoction of the hasbara squads that run the Zionist media. However, there is undeniable evidence that the Zionist entity’s occupation forces have used Palestinian human shields on numerous occasions; 15 times since 2005 began (90). Two IOF soldiers were ‘convicted’ in Israel’s kangaroo courts of using a 9-year boy as a human shield. The boy, Majid, will be scarred for the rest of his life for the horrific abuse he endured at the hands of IOF; the soldiers who abused him were demoted and given suspended sentences in an all too typical display of Zionist justice (91).
It is another aberration of the historical record to state that Hamas broke the ceasefire, when Hamas did not fire a single rocket into the territory occupied by Zion in the four months since the calm between occupied and occupier began (92). Tel Aviv discarded the cease-fire when it calculatingly murdered 6 Hamas officials in a raid on November 5, 2008 (93). When Hamas returned fire to defend itself and the people of occupied Gaza, the murderous Zionist entity had the pretext it needed to launch Operation Cast Lead, which had been planned years in advance by the upper echelons of the Israeli government, Mossad, Shin Bet and Aman {Israeli military intelligence} (94). Is there an organization outside of the media itself that spews Zionist propaganda better than Wikileaks?
Obviously, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei isn’t dying of cancer; this absurd allegation has been repeated over and over through the years by several mainstream media outlets. It was reported in 2006 that the revolutionary leader was ‘dying of serious cancer and wouldn’t live much more than a year (95).’ In 2007, it was reported as fact that Sayyed Khamenei was dead from his ‘long battle’ with cancer (96). In 2009, foul Zionist Michael Ledeen wrote that the Ayatollah collapsed into a coma as a result of his cancer (97). It should be noted that Ledeen, who has close ties with AIPAC and Zionist war criminal Richard Perle (98), has been a driving force behind the idea that Iran is behind all of the chaos in occupied Iraq (99), which Wikileaks presented a strong case for in its propaganda-filled Iraq War Logs (100). Taking into account that the diplomatic cables are in fact written by Zionists, the connection between Ledeen and Wikileaks isn’t all that surprising. This petty and childish claim about the Ayatollah having cancer is part of a broader psychological warfare operation to discredit, disunite and utterly humiliate the Islamic Republic. The Ayatollah’s ‘cancer’ can be placed in the trash alongside other nonsense like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Jewish roots and the Israeli star being engraved into several buildings in Tehran (101).
Not only has Saad Hariri himself already rejected the claims of Syria being behind his father’s brutal assassination (102), as mentioned in a previous section, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has provided hard evidence that the Zionist entity was the orchestrator of the former premier’s killing (103). All claims to the contrary are extensions of the Zionist campaign to destroy the Lebanese Resistance.

The Hindutva entity of India has been criminally occupying Kashmir for 63 years, how can such a regime have a ‘huge stake in facilitating peace?’ Since 1989, more than 100,000 innocents have been murdered, over 100,000 children were orphaned, over 22,000 women have been widowed, nearly 10,000 women have been raped, nearly 120,000 Kashmiris have been illegally detained and over 105,000 architectural structures have been razed by the occupying military (104). Mass graves have been found all over the occupied Valley (105). Military torture is common place in occupied Kashmir; sexual abuse, sleep deprivation, electrocution, beatings and stripping prisoners naked are only some of the acts of brutality that have been forced upon the people of Kashmir (106).
Not a single one of these ungodly crimes against humanity are mentioned by Wikileaks; the occupation itself isn’t even mentioned. Instead, Assange’s organization ‘vindicates’ the Hindutvadis by ‘revealing’ that the ISI coordinates terror attacks in occupied Afghanistan (107). More disgraceful Zionist propaganda. Indian officials have been almost as bold as the Zionist entity, stating that they are ‘not concerned’ about Wikileaks (108). Other officials have boasted that they are ‘not embarrassed’ by Cablegate (109). India is the Zionist entity’s closest ally in Asia; the two racist regimes have collaborated in the occupation of Kashmir and spreading mayhem across Pakistan (110), and the fact that Hindutva isn’t concerned or embarrassed by so-called leaks of secret documents is beyond suspicious; it is collusive.
The theory that Israel is vital to American security, or that it is a satellite of the American ‘empire,’ is typical leftist rubbish to downplay the crimes of Zionism and Zionist power in the US. It is also contradictory to the facts. America doesn’t have a base in occupied Palestine, nor does it have any troops. It only stores minimal weaponry inside the Zionist entity, and this weaponry can be used by IOF at any time, without American permission. Israeli bases cannot be used by the United States. No US puppet that borders the land that Zion stole from Palestine can conduct reconnaissance over Israel, let alone use Zionist bases for taking off. At times, especially after the preemptive war of 1973, Israel has undermined the relations between America and other Middle Eastern nations. And due to the chokehold that the Zionist Lobby has on the US government, whenever Israel is being attacked in the international community, America runs like a dog to defend its owner (111).

There is no American ‘imperialism’ in Israel, although there is plenty of Zionism in America. Israel serves no interest but its own, manipulating any nation that it needs to, including the genocidal US, to accomplish the goals of international Zionism.

Apart from being another ugly Zionist falsehood, it is an insult to the intelligence of the people to postulate that Israel has no ‘assets’ in occupied Iraq. The sanctions against Iraq, the occupation and subsequent genocide were designed by a neoconservative cabal with dual loyalties to the illegitimate state of Israel (112). No official from this exclusive Zionist group has been harmed by the Wikileaks cables; not one. Mossad has agents stationed across Iraq from Mosul to Fallujah to Baghdad to Najaf to Karbala, wreaking havoc on the Iraqi people with Israeli-made IEDs and car bombs (113). In 2004, there were casualties everyday from made-in-Zion IEDs, and in 2005, three out of five Iraqis that were murdered met their end due to an IED (114). Mossad operations continue to this very moment in Iraq, with the Israeli agency’s masterpiece being the animalistic display of savagery at Sayedat al-Najat Cathedral in Karada, Baghdad, which claimed the lives of 58 Iraqi Christians (115). Wikileaks has done an excellent job at convincing the world that Israel has nothing to do with the annihilation of Iraq; but Assange’s malicious smokescreen is as weak as a spider’s web when challenged with the indestructible blade of the truth.
If it wasn’t being presented as unquestionable gospel, the abominable claim that Muammar al-Gaddafi intimidated the British government into releasing Abdelbaset Mohmed Ali al-Megrahi would be exceedingly funny. The idea that Gaddafi, who was terrorized by Mossad throughout the 1980s (116), somehow bullied the British government, whose intelligence agency MI5 orchestrated the 7/7 terror attacks with Mossad (117), is a slander against al-Megrahi, whose life was ruined by the Lockerbie incident, and a deflection of evidence regarding who was really behind the attack. In fact, it was the British government intimidating and threatening Gaddafi (118). Al-Megrahi wasn’t released due to Libyan intimidation, he was released because he was innocent; there wasn’t a drop of evidence against him (119), and the Western conspiratorial charade couldn’t last any longer.
Lockerbie, like 7/7, 9/11, 26/11 and so many other recent ‘terrorist’ attacks blamed on Muslims, was a Mossad false flag intended to influence geopolitics to the detriment of Islamic nations (120). False flags, an Israeli speciality, haven’t just been ‘looked over’ by Wikileaks, they’ve been deliberately left out for the sole benefit of the repulsive Zionist entity.

The cables dissected here are only a drop in the bucket of hundreds of documents ‘released’ during Cablegate. The Zionist propaganda speaks for itself. It is shameful that so many have accepted this proverbial waste as if it were a holy declaration spoken by a prophet. Simply shameful.
Both of these nations have been assaulted by Wikileaks.

Targeted by Zion: Turkey and Iran

Since Zionist commandoes barbarically executed 9 Turkish peace activists in international waters on May 31st of this year (121), the relationship between Turkey and Israel has become severely strained and entered into a realm of complication. On the positive side, amidst calls from its citizenry, Ankara has taken several steps to disconnect itself from Zionism. Turkish intelligence completely cut its ties with Mossad (122). Turkey also cancelled three extremely lucrative military exercises directly after the Freedom Flotilla massacre (123). Turkey has also continually voted against the illegal sanctions against Iran and signed joint energy agreements with the Islamic Republic and Brazil (124), much to the dispay and the ZOG in America and the Zionist entity itself. Prime Minister Erdogan also defended Hezbollah against the Zionist-designed STL in his recent visit to Lebanon (125).
On the negative side however, all of Prime Minister Erdogan’s harsh rhetoric against the Zionist regime (126), which he unleashed even while he was being threatened with Mossad assassination (127), has proven to be nothing more than just that: rhetoric. Throughout all of the condemning and slamming of Israel, Erdogan and other Turkish officials have continually called for an apology and compensation from the Zionist state, as recently as December 7th (128); as if an apology will undo the murder of 9 innocent peace activists. As if an apology will heal the pain of their families, or bring their killers to justice for crimes against humanity. Israel committed an act of war against Turkey, and Erdogan wants an apology? It extends beyond strangeness and becomes insanity.
Just days after the massacre, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu simplified everything by saying if Israel lifted the blockade against Gaza, Turkish-Israeli ties will ‘normalize.’ This normalization must also include the illegal 62-year occupation of Palestine, as well as the illegal occupations of Lebanese and Syrian lands, which Turkey has traditionally ignored while making $2.5 billion in imports and exports since 2000 via a free trade agreement with Tel Aviv (129). He also declared, ‘The security of Israeli diplomats and Israeli tourists is our nation’s honor. We will be making sure they are safe (130).’ The citizens of Turkey were murdered by Israel, and Davutoglu is concerned about the safety of the defenders of murder and illegal occupation? Shouldn’t his concern be with making his citizens safe, along with all those oppressed by Zionism? This politically correct square dance for the sake of pleasing Israel is absolutely revolting.
Disturbingly, while Erdogan showed solidarity with the Lebanese Resistance in his November trip to Lebanon, he also showed solidarity with Israel, unconscionably saying that when peace and security are restored in the region, Israel will ‘win from this peace (131).’ Odd would be an understatement for this remark. Israel is the reason for the lack of security and peace in the region. Israel is the oppressor, occupier, de-stabilizer, murderer, bomber, gangster, assassin, shooter and killer in the Middle East, from one end to the other. As long as this entity remains, peace will never be prospective. Zionism must end for peace to be a reality.
Furthermore, the most abhorrent part of Erdogan’s behavior is his atrocious denial of the Armenian Genocide (132), one of history’s greatest crimes in which the Young Turks movement systematically murdered 1.5 million innocent Armenians between 1915-1923. Erdogan made an even bigger fool out of himself when he preposterously claimed that Armenians ‘exterminated’ Turks (133). This continues the typical stance of all Turkish regimes, which have denied the Armenian Genocide for more than 90 years (134). The Armenian Genocide has always been an event attacked and denied by the Zionist media and Zionist lobby also, most notably the criminal ADL (135), due to the scarcely talked-about facts surrounding the perpetrators of it.
The Young Turks weren’t Turkish Muslims as it is widely accepted, but Zionists of ‘Jewish’ origin with direct connections to B’nai B’rith, Zionist bankers and the founder of Irgun himself, mass murderer Vladimir Jabotinsky (136). The man who the Zionist Young Turks brought to power (and who also partook in their savage activities), and who is credited with the secularization of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, was no more a Muslim than vile Zionist Hillary Clinton; he, like his brethren in the Young Turks, had ‘Jewish’ roots and was known for constantly reciting prayers from the racist, unholy Talmud and the xenophobic Kabbalah (137). Turkey denies this shocking truth as well, sticking to the Zionist lie which is promoted to cause division between Muslims and Christians.
The historical cover-up of the Zionist nature of Ataturk and the Young Turks is pertinent to the character of Erdogan, because he was once an opponent of Ataturk’s secular ideology, and spent time in a Turkish prison for ‘inciting religious hatred’ after reciting a poem with strong Islamic convictions (138). All of these anomalies, coupled with what comes after Wikileaks’ released cables, prove that Erdogan is nothing more than an opportunistic coward, and it is no wonder that Lebanon’s Armenian community courageously protested his visit to their country (139).
With Turkey, and Erdogan in particular, teetering on the brink of a radical foreign policy shift, in what would be a global game-changer, in comes Julian Assange and Wikileaks with yet another startling revelation: Turkey aided and abetted Al-Qaeda in occupied Iraq (140). Though Erdogan subsequently blasted the cables (141), he mentioned nothing about the undeniable fact that Al-Qaeda is a work of fiction (142), or that Israel is behind Wikileaks; he just barked and barked with his usual fiery rhetoric, and then kowtowed to Zionism when the power brokers in Tel Aviv called.
It is a direct result of the international embarrassment at the hands of Israel via Wikileaks’ Cablegate, that Erdogan sent Turkish helicopters to Israel and told Benjamin Netanyahu that Turkey will coordinate NATO relief efforts inside the Zionist entity when massive forest fires erupted (143). It is this Zionist smear campaign that is the reason why Turkey is now engaged in high-level talks with the Israeli regime to ‘mend’ its relations with Palestine’s occupier (144). And for what seemed impossible days after the Freedom Flotilla massacre, it is because of Cablegate that an official proposal has been drawn up for Israel to express regret for acting in self-defense and unintentionally killing the Turkish citizens aboard the Mavi Marmara, issue compensation to the families of the slain activists, while preventing prosecution of the IOF commandoes that carried out the murders (145). Justice, peace, solidarity and whatever little dignity Erdogan had, have gone out the window because of Wikileaks; proving that Turkey still is what it has been since the Zionist Young Turks obliterated the Ottoman Empire and exterminated 1.5 million innocent Armenians: an utter tool of Zionism. It is also evident that the calls of Huseyin Celik, a senior Turkish official who accused Israel of initiating the Cablegate ‘leak,’ have fallen upon deaf ears in Ankara (146).
Senior Israeli intelligence correspondent for Haaretz, Yossi Melman, recently wrote that Cablegate was the work of Mossad, and it was connected with several other recent events in the ongoing international Western intelligence campaign assaulting Iran (147). Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that Wikileaks proves that the Zionist entity is ‘right’ on Iran, and that the entire Middle East is concerned about Iran’s ‘nuclear ambitions (148).’ This constant Israeli lordliness is a reflection of Cablegate eclipsing the Iraq War Logs in terms of the audacity of untruth about the Islamic Republic. Besides, what would a Wikileaks document dump be without Zionist propaganda against Iran?
The most talked about leaks have most certainly been those mentioning the leaders of the Gulf States expressing not just mere concern about Iran’s nuclear capabilities, but fierce encouragement of an attack on the Islamic Republic (149). There are also cables regarding the 2009 Iranian elections, which Wikileaks calls a ‘coup d’etat,’ and that the revolutionary nation ‘engineered’ Ahmadinejad’s victory (150). Other cables say that Iran has secretly purchased long-range missiles from North Korea (151). There are cables that say Iran is smuggling weapons out of Turkmenistan, in a violation of its neighbor’s sovereignty (152). And of course, there is no shortage on the propaganda regarding Iran aggressively pursing nuclear weapons (153), with one cable even suggesting that Pakistan is a ‘regional competitor (154).’
First and foremost, the 2009 Iranian elections were anything but stolen; Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won by a landslide, attaining well over 60% of the votes submitted (155). There is not a single shred of evidence that Iran’s elections were ‘stolen,’ but there is overwhelming evidence that the US, inspired by the Israeli Lobby, spent hundreds of millions of dollars on programs that would de-stabilize Iran and facilitate regime change (156). The Zionist media sold the Western masses a cockamamie story about fraudulent elections based on unsubstantiated reports from Twitter (157), where Mossad agents have been conducting cyber warfare through hasbara since Operation Cast Lead (158).

This subject however, with all of the facts, has been thoroughly documented by many activists, writers and scholars. The objective of Cablegate was to assault Iran diplomatically, fracturing its ties with the Arab region, as well as to foment ‘sectarian’ tension between Sunni and Shia, Arab and Persian. This miserly Zionist plot has failed however, because regardless of the feelings of the corrupt, US-owned leaders of the Gulf States, 88% of the Arab citizens view Israel as the predominant threat in the region, 77% view America as the threat, while a minute 10% view Iran as a threat; there is also overwhelming support for Iran’s peaceful nuclear program (159). Ethnicity and religion are irrelevant; in defiance of US-Zionist efforts, Resistance will support Resistance always.

The attempted scheme to disrupt and destroy Iran’s diplomatic relations with the Arab world, especially as Iran works with Syria and Saudi Arabia for peace in Lebanon, efforts which Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has called ‘sincere (160),’ has also failed. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has slammed Wikileaks as psychological warfare; he further said that the information wasn’t leaked, but organized, and went on to say, ‘We are friends with the regional countries and mischievous acts will not affect relations (161).’ Iran’s Parliament Speaker, Ali Larijani said that the enemies of regional stability are behind Wikileaks and it is only an attempt to promote discord (162). Iran’s former Foreign Minister, Manouchehr Mottaki said the ‘questionable’ Wikileaks documents will not affect Iran’s brotherly and friendly relations with the Gulf States (163).

Cablegate opened up the gates for two significant events: new, stronger illegal sanctions against the Islamic Republic by the United States (164), and another Mossad assassination of an Iranian scientist, Majid Shahriari (165). Jeffrey Goldberg, the Israeli-American journalist that spread horrific lies to promote the Zionist invasion of Iraq (166), used Cablegate to spread an even more ludicrous premise, that an Arab Lobby is supporting a war against Iran, and not a ‘Jewish’ Lobby (167). Zionist David Frum, Bush’s former speechwriter and loathsome war criminal, has also used Cablegate to justify an all-out military offensive against Iran (168).

It is troubling, that many in the ‘anti-war’ movement have ignored the Zionist fingerprints all over Wikileaks, and have stated that an American war against Iran will never happen; they have outlandishly stated that there is no evidence of such a war, and even more outlandishly, that Wikileaks has exposed Iranian support of American ‘imperialism.’
It is troubling, that it will take another Zionist-designed genocide to awaken such persons from their media-induced slumber. The war against Iran isn’t happening in the future, nor is it a fabrication; the US-Zionist war against Iran is taking place right now. And it has been for quite some time.

The United States has surrounded the Islamic Republic with gunboats on numerous occasions, halted Iranian ships for arms shipments to the Resistance of Gaza, financed and educated Iranian ‘dissidents’ to bring about a pro-Western regime totally disconnected from the Islamic Revolution, kidnaped Iranian diplomats in occupied Iraq, kidnaped Iranian military personal on the Iranian border and then tortured them inside Iraq, continually spied on Iran and violated its sovereignty, attacked Iran’s currency and its international financial affairs, and funded ‘terrorist’ proxies to carry out murderous attacks on innocents within Iran (169).
The organization Jundullah, has waged barbaric warfare against the Islamic Republic, claiming thousands of lives; Jundullah is fully backed by the CIA and receives nearly $400 million a year from the US State Department (170). Mossad is also linked to Jundullah, providing training for the front operation, and coordinating several strikes against Iranian mosques (171). Ardeshire Hassanpour, a 44-year old Iranian nuclear scientist, was assassinated by Mossad in 2007 (172). Just days before the Cablegate release, Israel skyjacked an Iranian plane for the 130th time since 1984 (173). The Stuxnet computer virus, which originated in Israel (174), was unleashed on Iran’s industrial sector, including its nuclear power plant, by the Zionist entity in September of this year (175). Will this suffice as enough evidence of acts of war against Iran? Everything aforesaid is only part of the American-Israeli onslaught against the Islamic Revolution; to weaken it before the long-planned invasion and occupation.

Wikileaks, with extensive help from the Zionist media, has broken Turkey and deepened international Zionism’s war against Iran. Wikileaks’ largest success however, has been its coopting of the worldwide activist network, totally blinding it from seeing its function as the archer for every target that the Zionist entity considers an enemy.
Wikileaks is an Israeli-American intelligence operation.

Wikileaks Exposed: The CIA, Google, PROMIS and More

Some authors and writers have suggested that an intelligence service may be behind Wikileaks, and others, like Pakistani Army General Mirza Aslam Beg have said outright that only CIA and Mossad could be behind such an operation (176). The General is spot on; Wikileaks has several connections to US intelligence, and these connections uncover several mysteries about Wikileaks, including who they are exactly and what exactly it is that they do.

Co-Founder of Wikileaks, John Young, whom Julian Assange calls Wikileaks’ spiritual godfather, left the organization in its early stages after labeling it a CIA operation for data-mining (177). Though Young has recently changed his position for one of support, the members of Wikileaks’ Advisory Board confirm Young’s original suspicions. One of these members is security expert (and Wikileaks security designer) Ben Laurie (178), who is currently working on several projects for Google (179).
Google’s links to the intelligence community are vast; the internet giant has a security agreement with the NSA (180), the electronic surveillance organization responsible for spying on millions of Americans (181), a partnership with the CIA via its joint business venture with the agency’s investment wing, In-Q-Tel (182), in the purchase of an internet monitoring organization, Recorded Future (183), a working relationship with the Zionist Organization of America, profoundly linked to the Israeli military establishment (184), to fight anti-Semitism and ‘anti-Israel propaganda (185),’ and a disturbing research project in Tel Aviv, where Zionist founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page have major ties, to delve into the aspects of the human genome and genetic data-mining (186). The Google ties alone are enough to discredit and expose the entire Wikileaks operation.
Wikileaks is being heavily funded by Mossad and corrosive, criminal Zionist billionaire George Soros, and is also directly involved with a $20 million CIA operation involving Chinese ‘dissidents’ trained by the agency to hack into China’s computers and reroute the implanted viruses to American government computer systems, all for the purpose of increasing the cyber defense budget (187), a plan that began when dual-citizen of Israel and Mossad operative Amit Yoran was elected Cyber Security Czar by war criminal George W. Bush in 2003 (188). Amit Yoran and his family were a key part of the Mossad false attack on September 11th (189); just one more example of more than 60 years of Israeli espionage against the United States, including cyber warfare (190). Some of these ‘dissidents’ are Wang Dan, Xiao Qiang, and Wang Youcai, all members of Wikileaks’ Advisory Board. This operation is an extension of the CIA’s ‘Operation Yellowbird,’ an earlier scheme in which the CIA supported the subversive activities of ‘pro-democracy’ Chinese citizens and rescued them from prosecution at the hands of the Chinese government (191).
Is there any mention of this CIA sabotage against China in any of the Cablegate documents? Obviously not. What about Zionist spying? Nowhere to be found. Instead, predictably, there are cables blaming China for espionage against the United States and Google (192); considering the security connections of Google with CIA, NSA and the Israeli military, this is beyond asinine. It is clear, that this is just more damage control to completely cover up the CIA-Wikileaks operation.

Another member of Wikileaks’ Advisory board is Tashi Namgyal Khamsitsang, former representative of the Dalai Lama and president of the Tibetan Association of Washington (193). George Soros is a major financial contributor to the Dalai Lama (194), the ‘spiritual’ leader of the Tibetan ‘struggle for independence.’
The Soros-founded International Crisis Group vociferously promotes the Tibetan cause, spreading falsehoods about Chinese ethnic cleansing and other concocted crimes against humanity (195). This is another Zionist-engineered farce to distract the masses from the real struggles of Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan. The Tibetan freedom movement has been funded by the CIA for decades through its National Endowment For Democracy (NDE) to weaken China’s social fabric; NDE was used by the agency to provide millions per year to its Asian clients, including $180,000.00 per year for the Dalai Lama himself (196). NDE is an integral part of none other than the CIA’s Operation Yellowbird (197). Any mention in the Cablegate documents of the CIA’s subversive connections to Tibet? Absolutely not; but there is plenty of sewage about China oppressing Tibet and restricting the Dalai Lama’s movements (198).
The remaining members of Wikileaks’ Advisory Board are Phillip Adams and Francisco ‘Chico’ Whitaker Ferreira. Adams is a columnist for The Australian (199), a newspaper owned by News Corporation (200), the media conglomerate of infamous Zionist billionaire, Keith Rupert Murdoch, who recently accepted an award from the Zionist propaganda arm, the Anti-Defamation League (201). Ferreira worked as a researcher and consultant with UNESCO, and is currently a member of the World Future Council (202). The World Future Council is an organization dedicated to globalization via the strengthening of the UN, and it is a frequenter of the supranational organization’s conventions on environmental issues (203). The World Future Council has also worked extensively with the Zionist European Union, contributing several points to its Directive on renewable energy (204), an unabashed promotion of the ‘global warming’ agenda which has been thoroughly debunked as a scientific hoax (205).
UNESCO is the criminal United Nations organization that has been complicit in the anarchic corruption that has destroyed Iraq’s once flourishing educational system (206), and the group that has overseen the looting of Iraq’s most precious artifacts, antiquities and ancient books, which it attributes to ‘professionals (207).’ These professionals are none other than the agents of Mossad, who have looted Iraq’s precious artifacts from Baghdad to Mosul to Najaf (208), and UNESCO has watched Israel’s intelligence apparatus steal Iraq’s priceless history without making a peep about Zion’s crimes. This isn’t surprising however, as UNESCO has a partnership with L’Oreal, in which the supranational wing and cosmetics giant issue 5 ‘For Women In Science’ awards every year (209). L’Oreal is a massive contributor to the illegitimate Zionist state, and has set up its commercial center of the Middle East in Israel, it has been praised by the American Jewish Committee and the ADL, it has accepted awards from mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu and has given out scholarships worth $10,000.00 to Israeli students (210). It is utter Zionist collusion on the part of UNESCO, which of course, has never been acknowledged by Wikileaks.
The questions are just begging to be asked. What kind of whistleblower organization takes money from Mossad and CIA? And what kind of whistleblower organization’s advisory board is comprised of CIA agents, CIA assets, Zionist journalists and globalists? And if such an organization takes such blood money, and is comprised of such personalities, it really isn’t all that’s cracked up to be, now is it? And it actually is what it sounds like: an intelligence front.

The most devastating blow to Wikileaks’ whistleblower aura is the revelation that it is using PROMIS software to filter the information it attains before its world-renowned leaks (211). PROMIS was created by the INSLAW corporation, owned by former NSA agent, Bill Hamilton.
Though Hamilton’s intention was to transfer the license of his revolutionary software to the United States government, PROMIS was stolen by officials from war criminal Ronald Reagan’s Justice Department and handed over to the CIA and the NSA, who re-formatted the technology to use it in global espionage operations (212). There is not an organization on planet earth with access to PROMIS software, that isn’t connected to the CIA or a proxy of the CIA. It is the final shot from the cannon, shattering every piece of Wikileaks’ armor.

Obama’s Regulation Czar, obnoxious Zionist Cass Sunstein, has called for government infiltration of all groups that propose historical revisionism and ‘conspiracy theories (213).’ With Wikileaks’ vast connections to the CIA, and its glamorous image in the anti-war movement, it is clear that Assange’s group is a reflection of Sunstein’s Orwellian vision. Wikileaks is COINTELPRO 2.0, cyber edition.

Julian Assange has been bought and paid for by Israel.

Assange: Darling of The Zionist Elite

One wonders how documents that were written by Zionist diplomats, filtered with CIA software and vigorously promoted by the Zionist media can be so adamantly accepted as unequivocal truth by those associated with anti-war sentiments and anti-Zionism. One wonders how such individuals can discard their logic, principles and dignity so easily. And one wonders what force is preventing them from regaining their senses. Every group needs a polarizing and charismatic leader to guide them and nurture them. In the case of the successfully coopted anti-war movement, that leader is 39-year old hacker and ‘whistle-blower’ extraordinaire, Julian Assange from Queensland, Australia.
While Assange has been depicted by the Zionist media as a renegade on the run from Interpol in a high-octane Hollywood action thriller, a voice of the people and a hero to be worshiped by men and women alike, an examination of the record serves as a fan to blow the Zionist smokescreen right into the abyss and expose the man behind Zion’s mask. Though the mainstream press continues to say that Assange was arrested in the UK for ‘sex crimes’ committed in Sweden, this is a fallacy; Assange willingly met with UK police on his lawyer’s advice (214). Interpol’s infamous ‘red notice’ that it posted on Assange was never needed (215), because despite media reports of Assange living his life in hiding, the UK police knew exactly where he was for 30 days (216).
As the circus of Assange’s rape/molestation charges chugs on with vigor, the Zionist media deliberately (and conveniently) left out the fact that Sweden’s rape charges against Assange were dropped already back in August (217). Interpol, an international police cooperation outfit, is known for apprehending criminals of all sorts from pole to pole across the earth; if the intent was to incarcerate and silence Assange, why wasn’t he picked up at the internationally covered press conference he gave in Geneva in November of this year (218)?
The lawyer that instructed Julian Assange to turn himself in was Mark Stephens, of Finers Stephens Innocent, the London legal heavyweight. Mark Stephens is an ardent Zionist who defended Yoram Blachar, the former head of the Israeli Medical Association, an organization known for its doctors engaging in the horrific torture of Palestinians (219). On behalf of Blacher, Mark Stephens filed a libel suit against Dr. Derek Summerfield, a UK-based physician who repeatedly blasted Blachar and his complicity with the Zionist entity’s crimes against humanity (220).
Stephens has also defended several Zionist media outlets (221), including CNN, headed by CEO Jeffrey Bewkes, a staunch Zionist who has been honored by notorious Zionist institutions the American Jewish Committee and the Simon Wiesenthal Center (222), ABC, headed by CEO Robert Iger, who has been honored by the extremist Zionist organization, Aish HaTorah (223), the New York Times, known for its disgustingly pro-Israel bias in all of its reporting on the Middle East (224), as well as the Wall Street Journal (225), owned by ultra-Zionist Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation. Finers Stephens Innocent serves as a legal advisor for Waddesdon Manor, owned by the godfathers of Israel, the Rothschild banking family, which explains why Mark Stephens is also a Freeman of the City of London (226), the financial district of London which governs all major financial happenings across the globe and is dominated by the Rothschild clan (227).
Julian Assange has his own disturbing connections to the Zionist Rothschild dynasty. In 2008, Assange accepted the ‘Economist Index On Censorship Award’ from The Economist Magazine (228). The Economist is part of the Economist Group, a media corporation which is 50% owned by the Zionist Rothschilds (229). In addition, Assange is an ‘absolute’ proponent of Zionist-designed free market capitalism, declaring in a recent Forbes interview that he ‘loves markets,’ and that Wikileaks was designed for the benefit of capitalism (230). Free market capitalism is the repugnant capitalist ideology of Milton Friedman, whom many consider to be Adam Smith reborn (231). Milton Friedman was a dual-citizen of Israel, he issued many lectures at Zionist universities built on occupied Palestinian land, he atrociously considered the illegitimate Zionist state a ‘beautiful and diversified country, with enemies on all sides,’ he donated regularly to the Israel Center for Social and Economic Progress, a Zionist ‘charity,’ and was a friend to Israeli war criminals Menachem Begin, Shimon Peres and Ariel Sharon (232).
During the transition of being ‘on the run from the law’ and turning himself in to the law, Julian Assange wrote an editorial for The Australian, the Zionist-owned newspaper where his fellow Wikileaks board member Phillip Adams is a stalwart. The very concept of writing an editorial for a Zionist-owned newspaper while supposedly on the run from international intelligence agents should have been a wake-up call for every activist who accepts Wikileaks as truth, that Assange and Wikileaks are nothing but a sideshow; unfortunately, this didn’t open their eyes to the ‘dancing bears’ either.
In Assange’s editorial, he remarkably declared that he isn’t anti-war, and what is even more opprobrious, he glorified Zionist billionaire Rupert Murdoch, and his elitist father, Keith Murdoch, citing them as sources of journalistic integrity and truth, and then comparing Wikileaks’ efforts to those of the Murdoch family (233). Rupert Murdoch is anything but a source of truth; he has dedicated billions upon billions of dollars to spreading disinformation, sensationalism and outright lies with his Fox News Network to unabashedly condone the illegal Zionist wars in occupied Iraq and Afghanistan (234); his promotion of the genocidal invasion of Iraq was in such a great amount, that it was called ‘Mr. Murdoch’s war (235).’ In that case then, Assange’s comparison is quite accurate, since Wikileaks does nothing but promote Zionist distortion.
The more despicable, and most certainly more collusive of Assange’s praises, is that of the originator of the ‘war on terror,’ Zionist war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu. In an interview with Bewkes-owned TIME Magazine, Assange called Netanyahu a ‘sophisticated politician,’ and used the butcher of Gaza as an example of a world leader who respects the leaks of his organization, and even went on to say that Netanyahu believes Wikileaks will lead to ‘an increase in the peace process in the Middle East and particularly in relation to Iran,’ and most damningly, admitting that Cablegate was in the interest of Israel (236). It is not coincidental at all, that the two Zionist objects of Julian Assange’s praise are quite good friends; Netanyahu stays at Rupert Murdoch’s estate when the war criminal is in London (237).
What kind of whistle-blower gives his leaks to Zionist-owned, corporate, elitist newspapers and then writes an editorial for one? What kind of hero of the oppressed people hires a Zionist lawyer that defends the torture of Palestinians and the institutions that cover it up? What kind of freedom fighter accepts an award from the Rothschild family, one of the greatest causes of the destruction of peace and justice throughout the world? What kind of revolutionary is inspired by Zionist liars like the Murdoch family and offers his praise to filthy war criminals like Benjamin Netanyahu?
What kind of champion of the people subscribes to Zionist-created free market capitalism and admits that his organization was created to nonsensically make an anti-freedom and anti-ethics ideology more ‘free and ethical?’ What kind of defender of truth mentions Iran’s nuclear program as if it was a threat to ‘peace’ while totally ignoring hundreds of Israeli nukes? Julian Assange is none of these things; and to label him as such, is an insult to those righteous persons who are. Julian Assange is a Zionist shill, bought and paid for by the Israel-first elite, Mossad and the CIA, planted in the activism community as the front man for the new generation of COINTELPRO.

Resistance and Knowledge will trigger Revolution; not Wikileaks.

Conclusion: Real Heroes and Real Leaks

A final note needs to be made about some recent allegations in Arabic media regarding secret videos and recordings of Julian Assange taking money from Israeli officials and cutting a deal with the Zionist entity to protect it from Wikileaks’ document dumps (238). While it is indeed true that Assange has certainly taken money from Israeli intelligence, this theory implies that Wikileaks wasn’t always a corrupt organization; that the intentions of Wikileaks were once pure. This is a terribly false narrative that makes Assange and company look like victims bullied by the Zionist entity. Assange and his crew are assets of Israel, not enemies turned friends.
It is already an established fact that Assange has been taking money from Mossad, CIA and Zionist George Soros from the very beginning; before Wikileaks even became an internationally renowned ‘whistle-blower,’ the Zionist media was treating it as such, with Assange’s organization being touted by Zionist-owned TIME Magazine and the propaganda-spewing Washington Post (239). Wikileaks’ first official leak was a despicable pack of lies against the Somali Resistance (240), fighting vehemently against the Zionist-instigated, US-backed United Nations-African Union occupation of the their country (241). Every leak thereafter didn’t harm Israel either; this shows solidarity with the illegitimate usurping regime from the jump, not a case of flip-flopping and turn-coating. In addition, Julian Assange has admitted to having connections to Australian intelligence (242), which has been reporting first to Mossad for decades, including, not so ironically, in the case of true whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu, tipping the Israeli intelligence agency off prior to his kidnaping (243).
The very fact that Assange has given all of his documents to Zionist-owned elitist media outlets should have been enough to raise a red flag with anyone and everyone pursing truth, peace and justice. Instead, like sheep, Wikileaks’ followers are being led right to slaughter. Just like the sinking of the Lusitania was the false flag for World War One, Pearl Harbor was the false flag for World War Two, the Gulf of Tonkin was the false flag for Vietnam and 9/11 was the false flag for Zionism’s current hegemonic onslaught against the Middle East, Wikileaks is the Zionist-created false flag that is being used right now, at this very moment, to usher in an all-out assault on the internet, with Zionist war criminal Joseph Lieberman leading the way with the first shot: new legislation that is being called ‘Patriot Act for the internet (244).’

A real leak is one that doesn’t serve the Zionist agenda; a real hero is one that fights against Zionism and exposes it with reckless abandon, only concerned with the truth.
No mention in the Zionist media is the leak of the names, ranks, photos and addresses of 200 Israeli war criminals that participated in the genocide of Operation Cast Lead against occupied Gaza in 2008-09 (245).
No mention in the Zionist media is the leak initiated by former IOF soldier Anat Kam, who delivered 2,000 classified military files that detailed war crimes (including targeted assassinations) committed in the occupied West Bank to Haaretz journalist Uri Blau (246). An Israeli gag order was put on the whole affair (247), and Anat Kam remains on house arrest, awaiting a life imprisonment sentence for ‘treason’ against the Israeli regime (248).

Unless it is part of a smear campaign, there is no mention in the Zionist media of the undeniably true statements of courageous former White House press core reporter Helen Thomas, who said that Zionists own Congress, the White House, Hollywood, Wall Street and American foreign policy (249). Instead of dissecting the evidence, there are only pathetic accusations of anti-Semitism.
Never mentioned in the rotten Zionist media is Gary Webb, the brave investigative journalist that completely exposed the CIA drug trafficking operation to pump cocaine into African-American communities in Los Angeles (250). Contrary to ridiculous media reports of Gary Webb committing suicide by shooting himself in the head twice, he was assassinated by the CIA for bringing the agency’s racist criminality to light (251).

Never mentioned by the Zionist-owned media machine is the tragic story of another noble investigative reporter, Danny Casolaro, who unearthed an international conspiracy centered around the theft of the aforementioned PROMIS software of the INSLAW corporation, with the butcher of Iraq, Zionist war criminal George H.W. Bush sitting at the head, shadowing the affair through his secretive criminal society known as the Black Rose; Casolaro was snuffed out in brutal fashion by the very same criminals he exposed (252).
No mention in the Zionist-controlled press is the meticulous and shocking research of Edward Hooper, who wrote a nearly-1,200-page investigative masterpiece undeniably destroying mainstream AIDS theory and uncovering that it was actually created by a Zionist scientist named Hillary Koprowski, who gave contaminated, mutated dosages of Oral Polio Vaccine to more than a quarter of a million Congolese youth after being commissioned by the United States government to do so (253).
Never in the Zionist media are the veracious efforts of Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips mentioned, who blew the whistle on the barbaric CIA mind control programs of Project Monarch and MKULTRA, which brought to light the unbearably twisted criminal behavior of the highest echelons of various governments (254).

Never mentioned by the Zionist media is Sibel Edmonds, the Turkish-American FBI translator turned whistle-blower that exposed varying degrees of spying within the US government, including significant revelations about collusion between the Turkish military, Israeli military intelligence, AIPAC and the neo-conservative Zionist Power Configuration governing America’s foreign policy (255).
And never is it mentioned, nor will it ever be mentioned by the Zionist media the name of Milton William Cooper, better known as Bill Cooper, the writer, shortwave radio broadcaster, researcher and activist that exposed every degree of the international conspiracy dominating the world today (256), including a brilliant expose of the vile history of the Anti-Defamation League (257). On June 28th, 2001, during his nightly ‘Hour Of The Time’ broadcast, which can be heard on various outlets across the web, Bill Cooper predicted that a false flag attack was to be carried out in New York City in the coming months, and it would be blamed on Osama Bin Laden to initiate the next phase of globalization, or the ‘New World Order.’ In November of 2001, just months after his chilling prediction, Bill Cooper was murdered outside of his home.
These men and women, along with the previously discussed Mordechai Vanunu and Robert Friedman, are real whistle-blowers; real journalists; real activists; and in several cases, real heroes. Their sacrifice, along with the sacrifice and efforts of giants like Malcolm X, Patrice Lumumba, Salvador Allende, Fela Kuti, Omar Mukhtar, Mehdi Ben Barka, Che Guevara, General Abdul Karim Qasem, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Fred Hampton and Ayatollah Sayyed Ruhollah Khomeini should be studied and drawn upon for light, strength, inspiration and guidance in the revolutionary struggle for peace, truth, freedom and justice for all oppressed people. The Zionist media can keep Julian Assange and the rest of its intelligence-connected, manufactured frauds.
It must never be forgotten (and constantly reiterated) that Assange despicably stated that he is annoyed by ‘false conspiracies such as 9/11 (258),’ although there is overwhelming evidence that there was a massive cover-up to hide the fact that the towers were demolished from the inside with explosives (259), and that there were Mossad agents and high-ranking sayanim of the Zionist entity at every post to carry out the intricacies of the famed false flag attack (260). Like Bin Laden, who was in a US hospital meeting with CIA officials only two months before the 9/11 attacks (261), Julian Assange was a guest at a cocktail party at a US embassy nearly a year ago (262). Revelations will continue to surface about Assange’s deception and his connections to the usurping, occupying Tel Aviv regime while the Zionist media simultaneously lies to the public about his heroism in the typical, perfect language of the Hegelian Dialectic. Do not fall for the trick. Wikileaks is Zionist poison. This is the deconstruction of the myth that says it is anything but.
~ The End~
(1) Obama And The Jews by Pauline Dubkin Yearwood, Chicago Jewish News
(2) Obama Pledges ‘Unshakeable Commitment’ To Israel’s Security by Jonathan D. Salant, Bloomberg
(3) Obama’s Gaza Silence Condemned by Al-Jazeera
(4) A Day Of Terror: The Israelis; Spilled Blood Is Seen As Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer by James Bennet, The New York Times
(5) Conflict With Iraq – An Israeli Perspective by Benjamin Netanyahu
(6) Netanyahu: 9/11 Attacks Good For Israel by Al-Manar; Report: Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good For Israel by Haaretz and Reuters
(7) Netanyahu To US Jews: Direct Mideast Talks Will Begin Very Soon by Natasha Mozgovaya and Barak Ravid, Haaretz
(8) Netanyahu: Israel Won’t Be Center Of Wikileaks Release by Ma’an News Agency
(9) Israel ‘Satisfied’ As Wikileaks Shows Consistency On Iran by Ma’an News Agency
(10) Video: The Wiki (Israel) Leaks by Russia Today
(11) Israel Greets Wikileaks As Vindication Of Its Iran Policy by Joshua Mitnick, The Christian Science Monitor
(12) The World Thinks Like Us by Sever Plocker, Ynet News
(13) Wikileaks Expose: Israel Tried To Coordinate Gaza War With Abbas by Barak Ravid, Haaretz
(14) Yemen Cable Gives Al-Qaeda New ‘Recruiting’ Tool by Michael Isikoff, MSNBC
(15) The (Not So) Secret War U.S. War In Pakistan by Jeremy Scahill, CBS News
(16) Lebanon ‘Gave Israeli Army Tips’ by Al-Jazeera
(17) U.S. Flew Spy Missions Over Lebanon: Leaked Cable by Dominic Evans, Reuters
(18) Cable 09TELAVIV1098, Israel, A Promised Land For Organized Crime? by Wikileaks
(19) Israel, PA Deepen Security Cooperation by The Jerusalem Post
(20) Hamas Slams Abbas’s Confession To His Security Coordination With Israel by The Palestinian Information Center
(21) Israel Confirms Arms Shipment Sent To Aid Abbas by Steve Erlanger, The New York Times
(22) Israel Restores Financial Ties To Palestinian Authority by Steve Erlanger, The New York Times
(23) Background Note: Yemen by U.S. Department of State
(24) Middle East: Yemen by USAID
(25) In Yemen, US Faces Leader Who Puts Family First by Steve Erlanger, The New York Times
(26) The Yemen Hidden Agenda: Behind The Al-Qaeda Scenarios, A Strategic Oil Transit Chokepoint by F. William Engdahl, Global Research
(27) US Bombs Yemen, Kills 120, Just Another Day In The Life Of An Empire by Robert Taylor, The San Francisco Examiner
(28) Lieberman: Yemen Will Be ‘Tomorrow’s War’ If Preemptive Action Not Taken by Jordan Fabian, The Hill
(29) The Yemen Brief: Expanding Scope Of US Military Engagement Exactly What Bin Laden Wants by Steve Clemons, Talking Points Memo
(30) President Saleh Denies US Military Presence In Yemen by Yemen News Agency
(31) US To Boost Military Presence In Yemen by Press TV
(32) ‘US, Israel Behind Yemen Bombing’ by Press TV
(33) The CIA’s Silent War In Pakistan by Bobby Ghosh and Mark Thompson, TIME Magazine
(34) Pakistan Allowing CIA To Use Airbase For Drone Strikes by Amanda Hodge, The Australian
(35) Pakistan: Over 700 Civilians Killed In US Drone Strikes by Dawn News
(36) Unauthorized US Strike Kills 5 Pakistanis by Press TV
(37) U.S. Special Forces Strike In Pakistan by Farhan Bokhari, Sami Yousafzai and Tucker Reals, CBS News; US Forces ‘Violate’ Pakistan Territory With Attack On Taliban by The Telegraph
(38) Soldier Deaths Draw Focus To US In Pakistan by Jane Perlez, The New York Times
(39) India And Israel: A Wrong Alliance Part One by Shahul Hameed, Ovi Magazine
(40) Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan by Tariq Saeedi, Globe Intel
(41) Mossad-RAW Nexus by S.M. Hali, Pakistan Daily
(42) Blackwater/Xe Attacks In Pakistan by The Daily Mail
(43) Peshawar Police Chief Claims RAW, Mossad Behind The Killing Of Three Chinese by Andhra News
(44) Pakistan Car Bomb Toll Passes 100 by BBC News
(45) Local Reactions On Sayyed Nasrallah’s Speech In Martyrs Day by Al-Manar
(46) Murr Denies Wikileaks’ Allegations by Ahram Online
(47) Why Hezbollah’s Victory May Lead To Peace In The Middle East: Interview With Franklin Lamb by Mike Whitney, Global Research
(48) Iran Shoots Down U.S. Spy Drone Amid Growing Military Pressure by Liang Youchang, Xinhua English; Diego Garcia: Iran Attack Mystery Deepens by Rob Edwards, Herald Scotland
(49) Diego Garcia, Swept Clean And Sanitized by Deanna Spingnola, News With Views
(50) Hizbullah Secretary General: Lebanon, ALL Of Lebanon, Will Not Tolerate Any Violation Of Its Sacred Land by Nour Rida, Moqawama English
(51) Lebanon Submits UN Protest Over ‘Israeli Spies’ by The Telegraph
(52) ‘Israeli Spies Used Alfa In 33-Day War’ by Press TV
(53) The Hariri Assassination: Israel’s Fingerprints by Rannie Amiri, Global Research
(54) ‘Israel Benefitted Rafiq Hariri Murder’ by Press TV
(55) U.S. Pledges 10 Million For UN-Backed Lebanon Tribunal by Reuters
(56) Britain To Give A Further $1.6 Million To Lebanon Tribunal Investigating Hariri Murder by The Associated Press
(57) ‘Israel Aided US-Backed Hariri Tribunal’ by Press TV
(58) ‘Tribunal Is Israel’s 6th War On Lebanon:’ Interview With Franklin Lamb by Press TV
(59) Nasrallah: Boycott U.N. Tribunal by CBN News
(60) Sayyed Nasrallah: Days When You Could Threaten Us Are Over by Mohamad Shmaysani, Al-Manar
(61) Hezbollah Discovers Israeli Spy Devices by Press TV
(62) Instant Greater Israel – Just Add Water by Damian Lataan, The People’s Voice
(63) Israeli ‘Mafia’ Boss Assassinated by Paul Wood, BBC News
(64) Israeli Faces U.S. Drug Charges by The Orlando Sentinel
(65) Police In Israel Grapple With A Mafia Gang War by Ashraf Khalil, The Los Angeles Times
(66) Blood And Volume: Inside New York’s Israeli Mafia by Dave Copeland
(67) Olmert’s 9/11 Mafia by Barry Chamish
(68) PM To Face Criminal Investigation Over Bank Leumi Sale Affair by Yuval Yoaz, Haaretz
(69) US Groups Buys 9.99% of Bank Leumi by Yigal Grayeff, The Jerusalem Post
(70) What Do Susan Sarandon, Alan Dershowitz And The Russian Mob Have In Common? by Richard Silverstein, Tikun Olam
(71) Red Mafiya: How The Russian Mob Has Invaded America by Robert Friedman (rip)
(72) Mogilevich Indicted In Pennsylvania For Racketeering, Money Laundering by US-Russia Press Club
(73) The Billion Dollar Don (documentary) by BBC News
(74) The Russian-Israeli Mafia: Off-Limits To FBI, US Intelligence by Wayne Madsen
(75) The Best Investigative Reporter You’ve Never Heard Of by Sherry Ricchiardi, American Journalism Review
(76) Inconvenient Truth: Robert Friedman, Investigate Journalist by Dan Bischoff, The Village Voice
(77) The Judeo-Russian Mafia: From The Gulag To Brooklyn To World Dominion by M. Raphael Johnson, PH.D.
(78) Limited Hang Out: Illusions Of Incompetence Theories And Intelligence Failures To Cover Up Scandals by Oil Empire
(79) Spy Chief: Simon Talks With Former Mossad Head by David Kohn, CBS News
(80) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(81) Wikileaks: US Hits Back At Israel by Wayne Madsen
(82) At Least One Wikileak Is Just A Bold-Faced Lie – And It’s a Significant One by Scott Creighton
(83) Cable 05TELAVIV1580: Mossad Chief To Codel Corzine: Some Foreign by Wikileaks
(84) Kashmir Shows Up In Wikileaks by Greater Kashmir
(85) Cable 07TELAVIV2652, U/S Burns’ August 17th Meeting With Israeli Mossad by Wikileaks
(86) Wikileaks: Ayatollah Khamenei Has Terminal Cancer by Damien McElroy, The Telegraph
(87) Wikileaks: Israel Weapons Manufacturer Listed As Site Vital To US Interests by Barak Ravid, Haaretz
(88) Cable 09TELAVIV2482: Assistant Secretary Of Defense Vershbow Meets With by Wikileaks
(89) Wikileaks Cables: Lockerbie Bomber Freed After Gaddafi’s ‘Thuggish’ Threats by David Leigh, The Guardian
(90) IDC: IOF Used Palestinian Children As Human Shields On 15 Occasions by The Palestinian Information Center
(91) Israeli Soldiers Demoted Over Crimes by Press TV
(92) Israel’s Fabricated Rocket Crisis by Jim Holstun and Joanna Tinker, The Electronic Intifada
(93) Israel Broke Ceasfire by Killing Six by David Morrison, The Irish Times
(94) The Invasion Of Gaza: ‘Operation Cast Lead,’ Part Of A Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda by Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
(95) Iran’s Belligerent Actions by Jaclyn Schiff, CBS News
(96) Report: Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Dead by National Terror Alert Response Center News
(97) Khamenei Said To Be In A Coma by Michael Ledeen, Pajamas Media
(98) Veteran Neo-Con Advisor Moves On Iran by Jim Lobe, The Asia Times
(99) Iran Connects The Dots by Michael Ledeen, The National Review
(100) Ho Hum, More Wikileaks ‘Chickenfeed’ by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today
(101) Iran And The ‘Zionist Pranks’ by Rehmat’s World
(102) Lebanon PM: It Was Wrong To Accuse Syria Of Assassinating Rafiq al-Hariri by Ian Black, The Guardian
(103) Sayyed Nasrallah: Israel Behind Hariri’s Assassination by Hussein Assi, Al-Manar
(104) The Bleeding Vale Of Kashmir by Brigadier General Asif Haroon Raja
(105) Mass Graves In Kashmir by Fatima Sultan Syed
(106) Shadows In Kashmir Torture Cells Longer Than Abu Ghraib by The Milli Gazette
(107) Wikileaks Vindicates India’s Terror Charge Of ISI Terror Network by The Economic Times
(108) India Is Not Concerned About Wikileaks: Krishna by Akbar Majid, MeriNews
(109) India Is Not Embarrassed By Any Wikileaks’ Revelations by Sulekha News
(110) Israel And India: Brothers In Occupation Of Kashmir by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(111) Freeman: Israel Is Useless To US Power Projection by Chas Freeman, Mondoweiss
(112) The High Priests Of War by Michael Collins Piper
(113) The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(114) America’s S.O.S. To The IDF by Amir Oren, Haaretz
(115) The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre: Zionist Fingerprints All Over by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(116) The Other Side Of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes The Mossad’s Secret Agenda by Victor Ostrovsky
(117) 7/7 Ripple Effect (documentary) by John Hill
(118) Lockerbie Was Mossad ‘False Flag’ Operation by Rehmat’s World
(119) Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi by INNOCENT
(120) Deception Over Lockerbie by Maidhc O Cathail
(121) The Reality Of Zionism by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(122) Turkey’s Intel Severs Ties With Mossad by UPI
(123) Turkey Decides To Cancel Three Military Exercises With Israel by Xinhua English
(124) Ahmet Davutoglu: ‘We Are A Part Of The West’ by Newsweek
(125) Turkey Defends Hezbollah Against STL by Press TV
(126) Erdogan: Israel To Lose Closest Ally by The Jerusalem Post
(127) Israeli Mossad Accused Of Attempting To Assassinate Erdogan by The European Union Times
(128) Turkish PM Reiterates Demand For Israel’s Apology, Compensation by Xinhua English
(129) Why We Need Turkey by Zvi Bar’el, Haaretz
(130) Turkey To Normalize Ties If Gaza Blockade Ends by Reuters
(131) Erdogan’s Visit To Lebanon And Calling On Israel To Apologize And Halt The Inflammatory by Mohamed Abd el Fattah, All Voices
(132) Erdogan Denies Genocide, Links Karabakh To Armenia Ties On Prime Time TV by Asbarez Armenian News
(133) Erdogan Accuses Armenians Of ‘Exterminating’ Turks by Asbarez Armenian News
(134) The Armenian Genocide: 90 Years Later Turkey Continues To Deny The Extermination Of A People by DemocracyNow!
(135) ADL’s Abe Foxman Disputes Criticism On Armenian Genocide Position by Armen Carapetian, Armenian National Committee
(136) Palmerston Launches Young Turks To Permanently Control Middle East by Joseph Brewda, The Schiller Institute
(137) When Kemal Ataturk Recited Shema Yisrael by Hillel Halkin, The Jewish Daily Forward
(138) Turkey’s Charismatic Pro-Islamic Leader by BBC News
(139) Armenians Protest Erdogan’s Visit: We Haven’t Forgotten Yet by Al-Manar
(140) Wikileaks Release To Show NATO Ally Turkey Helped Al Qaeda In Iraq by Reuters
(141) Turkey’s Erdogan Slams Wikileaks Cables As Slander by Ayla Jean Yackley, Reuters
(142) The Power Of Nightmares: The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear (documentary) by BBC News
(143) Facing Fires, Israel Appeals For Help by Ethan Bronner, The New York Times
(144) Official Says Israel, Turkey In Talks To Mend Ties by The Associated Press
(145) J’lem, Turkey May Find Resolution To Flotilla Legal Issues by Herb Keinon, The Jerusalem Post; Israel Likely To Offer Heavy ‘Humanitarian’ Compensation Over Turkey Flotilla Deaths by Barak Ravid, Haaretz
(146) Turkish Official: Israel Initiated Massive Leak by Ynet News
(147) Mossad, MI6, The CIA And The Case Of The Assassinated Scientist by Yossi Melman, The Independent
(148) Netanyahu: Wikileaks Cables Prove Israel Is Right On Iran by Barak Ravid, Haaretz
(149) Gulf States Discuss Iran Following Wikileaks Revelations by David Miller, The Jerusalem Post
(150) Cable 09ASHGABAT757: Iran Post-Election: [Source Removed] Calls by Wikileaks
(151) Wikileaks’ ‘Cablegate’ Dump: 10 Biggest Revelations by The Week
(152) Cable 09ASHGABAT218: Turkmenistan/Iran: Weapons Found Hidden In Iranian by Wikileaks
(153) Wikileaks ‘Cablegate’ Shows How Iran Troubles The World by Samyuktha Krishnappa, International Business Times; Wikileaks Reveals Nuclear Secrets Of Both NATO and Iran by The Associated Press
(154) Wikileaks Cablegate: Iran Saw Pakistan As A Nuclear-Weapons Competitor Says Lavrov by Frontier India
(155) Ahmadinejad Congratulated On His Landslide Victory by Al-Manar; Iranian Elections: The ‘Stolen Elections’ Hoax by Professor James Petras, Global Research
(156) Demonizing Iranian Democracy by Dr. Elias Akleh, The People’s Voice; US Likely Source Of Interference In Iran’s Election by John Chuckman
(157) You Provide The Tweets, We’ll Provide The Info War – The Iranian Protests And The Mainstream Media by Jack Z. Bratich
(158) Facebook, Twitter, Israel’s New Battle Ground by Press TV
(159) The Myth Of A Shia/Sunni-Persian-Arab Confrontation by Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, Antiwar.com
(160) Sayyed Nasrallah’s Speech Gave Momentum To Saudi-Syrian Efforts by Ahlul Bayt News Agency
(161) Wikileaks Claims Are ‘Psychological Warfare’ Says Ahmadinejad by Ian Black, The Guardian
(162) Wikileaks Seek To Create Discord In The Region by Iran Review
(163) ‘Wikileaks Unable To Shake Iran Ties’ by Press TV
(164) U.S. Announces New Iran Sanctions by Borzou Daragahi, The Los Angeles Times
(165) Time: Mossad Behind Iran Hit? By Press TV
(166) Playing The Never Again Card, Again by Jeff Gates, Veterans Today
(167) The Impotence Of The Pan-Semitic Front by Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic
(168) Wikileaks Builds Case Against Iran by David Frum, CNN
(169) Much Ado About Nothing? – The Anti-Empire Report by William Blum
(170) Jundullah’s Links To Al Qaeda And The CIA by Aangirfan
(171) Hezbollah Spices Up Israel-Iran Mix by Kaveh L. Afrasiabi, The Asia Times
(172) Iranian Nuclear Scientist ‘Assassinated By Mossad’ by Sarah Baxter, The Sunday Times
(173) ‘Iran Skyjacking Plot Launched In Israel’ by Press TV
(174) Security Experts Suggest That Stuxnet Originated In Israel by Zero Hedge
(175) US, Israel Behind Cyber Attack On Iran? by Press TV; Stuxnet Virus Traced To Israel: ‘Everything Before Was Kid’s Stuff’ by The World Tribune
(176) Former Pakistani General: CIA, Mossad Behind Wikileaks Reports by Fars News Agency
(177) Click And Dagger: Inside Wikileaks’ Leak Factory by David Kushner, Mother Jones
(178) Exposed: Wikileaks’ Secrets by Annabel Symington, Wired
(179) Ben Laurie, Google by Dave Birch, Digital Identity Blog
(180) Google To Enlist NSA To Help It Ward Off Cyber Attacks by Ellen Nakashima, The Washington Post
(181) The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA From 9/11 To The Eavesdropping On America by James Bamford
(182) About IQT: History by In-Q-Tel
(183) Exclusive: Google, CIA Invest In ‘Future’ Of Web Monitoring by Noah Shachtman, Wired
(184) Zionism’s ZOA Pushes To Make All Campus Criticism Of Israel Illegal by James M. Wall, Veterans Today
(185) ZOA Praises Google For Removing False Anti-Israel Propaganda From Google Earth’s Map Of Israel by Morton Klein, Zionist Organization of America
(186) Google – Zionist Engine Of Mind And Genetic Control by Philip Jones
(187) CIA, Mossad and Soros Behind Wikileaks by Wayne Madsen, Pakistan Daily
(188) Israelis Hold Keys To NSA/US Military Computer Networks by Christopher Bollyn
(189) The Israeli Moles Who Controlled US Defense Computers On 9/11 by Christopher Bollyn
(190) Israeli Spying: The Mother Of All Scandals by What Really Happened
(191) CIA Operations In China—Another CIA Domestic OP? by Ralph McGehee
(192) Wikileaks: Chinese Contact Claimed Beijing Hacked Google As Part Of Coordinated Computer Sabotage Program by David Gardner, Daily Mail
(193) Local Demonstrators Turn Out For Tibetans by Haley Edwards, The Seattle Times
(194) The Dalai Lama, George Soros And You by James Boyce, Intent Blog; George Soros, Imperial Wizard by Heather Coffin, Covert Action Quarterly
(195) CrisisWatch Database: China by International Crisis Group
(196) Risky Geopolitical Game: Washington Plays ‘Tibet Roulette’ With China by F. William Engdahl, Online Journal
(197) CIA Operations In China Part III by Ralph McGehee
(198) Wikileaks Reveal China’s Attempts To Limit His Holiness’ Movements by James Dunn, The Tibet Post
(199) Columnists: Phillip Adams by The Australian
(200) Newspapers And Information Services by News Corporation
(201) Media Magnate Rupert Murdoch, Accepting ADL Award, Calls For An End Of Efforts To Isolate Israel by The Anti-Defamation League
(202) Councilor Biographies: Francisco Whitaker by The World Future Council; Chico Whitaker Ferreira (Brazil) by The Right Livelihood Award
(203) About Us: Around The Globe by The World Future Council
(204) About Us: What We Are Proud Of by The World Future Council
(205) Global Warming? Or Global Governance? (documentary) by Sovereignty International
(206) Iraq: Massive Fraud And Corruption In Higher Education by Dirk Adriaensens, Global Research; Rampant Corruption Cited In Iraq’s Education System – 2004-07-26 by Voice of America News
(207) UNESCO: Iraqi Treasures Plundered by Professionals by Pravda English
(208) Judaism Discovered by Professor Michael Hoffman; Resistance Bomb Kills Zionists Stealing Archaeological Artifacts by Al-Basrah, translated by Muhammad Abu Nasr; Israel Hopes To Colonize Parts Of Iraq As ‘Greater Israel’ by Wayne Madsen, Online Journal; Claiming Jewish Communal Property In Iraq by Michael R. Fischbach, Israel-Kurd
(209) Philanthropy: For Women In Science by L’Oreal
(210) Boycott Israel Campaign: L’Oreal by Innovative Minds
(211) Bombs, Terrorism and Manure by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today
(212) US Govt Spy Program: Main Core, PROMIS And The Shadow Government Part I by Ed Encho, Oped News
(213) Obama Staffer Wants Cognitive Infiltration Of 9/11 Conspiracy Groups by Daniel Tencer, Raw Story
(214) Assange ‘To Meet’ UK Police by Al-Jazeera English
(215) Interpol Issues ‘Red Notice’ For Arrest Of Wikileaks’ Julian Assange by Kevin Poulsen, Wired
(216) Scotland Yard ‘Will Arrest Wanted Wikileaks Boss Today’ by The Daily Mail
(217) Assange Rape Charges Dropped by Radio France Internationale; Julian Assange Rape Charges Dropped, Wikileaks Founder Cleared by The San Francisco Chronicle
(218) Julian Assange, Wikileaks, Press Conference, Geneva, Switzerland by Notepad TV
(219) Israel Medical Association Defends Torture Doctors And Cuts Ties With Israel’s Physicians For Human Rights by Tony Greenstein; Correspondence: Interferons In Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis by The Lancet
(220) Not So Innocent – Index On Censorship Trustee Seeks To Silence Campaigner Against Torture by Tony Greenstein; Two Sides Of The Argument by Index On Censorship
(221) Pop Stars To Pensioners: Everyone Needs A Lawyer by Nicola Laver, The Times
(222) Circuit: The Wizard Of Oz Honored by Michael Aushenker, Jewish Journal; Does Hollywood Give Jewish? by Brad A. Greenberg, Jewish Journal
(223) Board And Chairmen by Robert Melson, Cambridge Forecast
(224) US Media’s Pro-Israel Bias: Response To The Freedom Flotilla Slaughter by Stephen Lendman
(225) Finers Wins Landmark Libel Ruling For Wall Street Journal by Joanne Harris, The Lawyer
(226) Waddeson Trust by Charity Performance; Mark Stephens: Media Lawyer by The Times
(227) Secrets Of The Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins (rip)
(228) Julian Assange by The Centre For Investigative Journalism
(229) Let The Bad Times Roll by Stephen Brook, The Guardian
(230) An Interview With Wikileaks’ Julian Assange by Andy Greenberg, Forbes
(231) Milton Friedman, 94, Free Market Theorist, Dies by Holcomb B. Noble, The New York Times
(232) Milton Friedman And Israel by The Jerusalem Post
(233) Don’t Shoot Messenger For Revealing Uncomfortable Truths by Julian Assange, The Australian
(234) Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War On Journalism (documentary) by Robert Greenwald
(235) Media: Mr. Murdoch’s War by David D. Kirkpatrick, The New York Times
(236) TIME’s Julian Assange Interview: Full Transcript/Audio by Richard Stengel, TIME Magainze
(237) Spook, Terrorist Or Criminal? America’s Mysterious Files On Netanyahu by Neve Gordon, Washington Report On Middle East Affairs
(238) Busted!! Wikileaks Struck A Deal With Israel Over Cable Leaks by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today
(239) If We Lose Our Internet Freedoms Because Of Wikileaks, You Should At Least Know Why by Scott Creighton, Global Research
(240) No Secrets: Julian Assange’s Mission For Total Transparency by Raffi Khatchadourian, The New Yorker
(241) UN/AU Continues Somali Slaughter by Thomas C. Mountain, Counter Currents
(242) FTR #724 Wiki Of The Damned by Dave Emory, Spitfire List
(243) Ex-Mossad Agent Speaks Out Tells Of The Mossad-Australia Connection by New Dawn Magazine
(244) Wikileaks: “Patriot Act” Laws For The Internet by Eric Blair, Activist Post
(245) Exposed: 200 Israeli Army Officers Suspected Of War Crimes In Gaza by Nureddin Sabir, Redress
(246) Stolen Docs Expose Israeli War Crimes by Press TV
(247) Israel’s Ongoing War Against The Press by Michael Corcoran, Truth Out
(248) Journalist Accused Of Leaking Secret IDF Documents by Ron Ben-Yishai and Vered Luvitch, Ynet News
(249) Helen Thomas Says Zionists Control U.S. Foreign Policy by The Detroit Free Press
(250) Dark Alliance: The CIA, The Contras, And The Crack Cocaine Explosion by Gary Webb (rip)
(251) Political Assassination In The US: Did The CIA Kill Gary Webb? by Kurt Nimmo, Global Research
(252) The Octopus: Secret Government And The Death Of Danny Casolaro by Kenn Thomas and Jim Keith
(253) The River: A Journey To The Source Of HIV And AIDS by Edward Hooper
(254) Trance Formation Of America by Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips; Access Denied: For Reasons Of National Security by Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips
(255) Phillip Giraldi On Sibel, Turkey, Israel, The Neocons And The MIC by Scott Horton
(256) The Hour Of Our Time: The Legacy Of William Cooper (documentary) by Ether Films
(257) Hour Of The Time Transcripts ADL Expose 1-7 by Hour of The Time
(258) Wanted By The CIA: The Man Who Keeps No Secrets by Matthew Bell, The Independent
(259) Video: New 9/11 Photos ‘Prove WTC Exploded From Inside’ by Russia Today
(260) 9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(261) Report: Bin Laden Treated At US Hospital by Elizabeth Bryant, UPI

Le développement de la vision militaire des brigades d’Al-Qassam

Gaza – CPI

Pour le mouvement de la résistance islamique Hamas, le volet militaire est une tendance stratégique. Il le trouve nécessaire pour faire face au projet sioniste, surtout en l’absence d’un projet arabo-islamique pour une libération totale.

En son vingt-troisième anniversaire, le Hamas voit dans le travail militaire un bon moyen pour entraver la propagation sioniste dans le monde arabo-islamique.

Perturber l’occupant
Les brigades Ezziddine Al-Qassam, branche militaire du mouvement de la résistance islamique Hamas, travaillent uniquement en Palestine occupée. Elles se sont données le nom du moudjahid Ezziddine Al-Qassam, originaire de Syrie, qui avait été tué par les forces anglaises ; il était tombé en martyre dans les jungles de Yabod, près de la ville de Jénine, en 1935.

Tout le monde se met d’accord sur le développement de l’aptitude militaire des brigades d’Al-Qassam. Elles veulent toujours se renforcer, et renforcer en conséquence ses frappes contre les occupants sionistes. Son progrès rapide a perturbé les calculs de ces occupants. Ils se trouvent obligé d’apporter une réflexion sérieuse sur ce "géant" militaire islamique, disent des analystes sionistes. Toute opération militaire menée par les combattants des brigades d’Al-Qassam fait couler beaucoup d’encre ; tous les journaux israéliens en débattent.

Deux mille martyrs
Depuis la naissance du Hamas, il y a vingt-trois ans, depuis l’annonce officielle de la naissance des brigades d’Al-Qassam, on compte plus deux mille martyrs donnés par les brigades, dans des opérations martyres ou par des opérations d’assassinats pratiquées par les forces israéliennes d'occupation.

Les brigades Ezziddine Al-Qassam ont débuté leur carrière avec de simples pierres et par de simples couteaux. Puis les balles et les bombes ont pris leur place. Ensuite, les opérations martyres ont été à l’honneur.

Les brigades d’Al-Qassam ont durement travaillé pour fabriquer leurs armes. En dépit de tous les problèmes, elles sont arrivés à fabriquer des obus de mortier et des roquettes "Al-Qassam". Ces fabrications ont changé l’équilibre de terreur avec les occupants israéliens.

Et récemment, elles ont inventé la guerre des tunnels et ont pu prendre en captivité des soldats. C’est le cas de Shalit, qui est toujours retenu par les brigades.

Les roquettes d’Al-Qassam
Au début de la fabrication des roquettes d’Al-Qassam, certains l’avaient prise avec légèreté, voir avec moquerie. Mais on a finalement constaté combien les brigades d’Al-Qassam avaient changé l’équilibre avec les occupants israéliens. Pour la première fois dans l’histoire du conflit arabe avec les Sionistes, ces occupants ont accepté les conditions de l’accalmie proposées par la résistance palestinienne.

Les brigades Ezziddine Al-Qassam ont pu changer l’équilibre de terreur. Ils ont pu obliger les colons sionistes à quitter la bande de Gaza. Les roquettes d’Al-Qassam ont obligé les occupants israéliens à se retirer et à se protéger derrière des murs et des clôtures électroniques.

Une réelle réussite
Beaucoup d’intellectuels israéliens, arabes et palestiniens croient que les armes des brigades d’Al-Qassam ont concrètement inscrit de vraies réussites.

Enfin, tout le monde sait combien les forces israéliennes d'occupation essaient de briser la force des brigades d’Al-Qassam, en assassinant leurs chefs. Cependant, les brigades se trouvent renforcées chaque fois qu’elles perdent un de leurs chefs ; son arme se trouve développée chaque fois qu’elles perdent un ingénieur. Nietzsche n’a-t-il pas dit : « Ce qui ne nous tue pas, nous rend plus fort » ?


NeWbOy19 said...
salam alikoum mon frère

qu'Allah soit avec eux et les aide dans leur combat et leur donne la sincérité, amine.


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Le sort des musulmans en Europe : Des «Nuits de cristal» au XXIe siècle


tueursnet said...

Pas de marteau sans enclume

Marine : « c’est une histoire insensée non ? Tu m’entends petit mesquin ?
Je suis en train d’enfoncer un clou dans le dos d’un clandestin, autrement dit, je suis dans mon droit …
Et cette givrée, je dis ça avec le temps qu’il fait, arrive de Lille avec une tenaille
et arrache mon clou avec la conscience tranquille.
Tu as dû ressentir de ces douleurs. Mon père qui est un expert en la matière, m’a prévenu :
celui qui te rend service, ne te rend pas service !
Pourquoi est-ce qu’elle l’a arraché ? Pourquoi ? Parce que figure-toi,
je vais devoir le réimplanter. Que je me retape de nouveau cette corvée…
et dire que ce n’est pas mon métier… je ne suis ni juge, ni policier mais un digne représentant de l’Etat nation
qui estime que pour mettre un terme à ce bourbier, chacun a son rôle à jouer.


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The Real Horan (Abraham Fathers' home) in Asir Compared to the location of Horan as successfully forged by the Septuagint Rabbis.

Al- Hijaz, Homeland of Abraham and the Israeli prophets 

An Arab’s geographical map for Abraham's journey
based on Arabia historical accounts
T. Ahmed, Ammar Rajab

Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society

Kingdom of Bahrain
Second edition- July 2006
To download the PDF file click on the icon

Note: This paper has been presented at the Second World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies held at Amman- Jordan. It represents an abstract of a comprehensive research work published by Al-Tajdeed Society in an Arabic book of 550 pages, entitled "Neda' Al Surat- Kidnap of the Prophets Geography". The book is readily available for downloading from the society's website. Most of the Arabic originating references quoted in this paper are currently unavailable in English; hence the relevant references are cited in the original language only.


By the end of the last century, new stunning hypothesis emerged amongst theologians and historians advocating that the prevailing common understanding of the Israeli prophets' geographical homelands and journey routes were radically erroneous. The new hypothesis suggests that Asir province (situated in the southern part of Al-Surat Mountains, stretching alongside the western coastal border of Arabia, bounded between Yemen’s northern borders and the holy city of Makkah) was indeed the actual geographical theater which accommodated most of the Israeli prophets’ birthplaces, revelations, preaching, and burials. Subsequent research work narrowed down the prophets lands to Makkah county situated within the Hijaz and Asir Surat Mountains. This holy city emerged as the real and the only homeland of Abraham, Lot, Sara, Hagar and Ishmael as revealed in this paper. This whole hypothesis stemmed from the inconceivable inconsistencies in the biblical accounts of geographical landscapes traversed by the prophets, besides the lack of any supporting archeological evidences to date either in Palestine, Syria, Iraq or Egypt. Interestingly enough, all the researchers who have concluded that south west Arabia was the actual homeland of the Israeli prophets have reached their findings through different research and analysis methodologies. This paper, however, seeks to address missing elements that are needed to complement the ongoing research work in this field, namely:

  1. None of the present research work conducted an in-depth analytical study in the ancient Arabic historical literatures to provide Arabic historical evidences confirming that the Israeli prophets were actually Arabic people who reside in Arabia. 

  2. None of the researchers has explained when and how the prophets' real whereabouts had been shifted from their real geographical positions in Arabia towards the north and systematically projected over another vast Arabian land stretching from the River Euphrates in Iraq all the way to the River Nile in Egypt. 

  3. None of the researches so far has identified the entity that created the prevailing illusions masking the real whereabouts of the Arabic Israeli prophets, nor clarified what their motives were.
In addition to addressing the above issues, this paper concludes that Arabic historical literature do contains substantial evidences indeed supporting the hypothesis in question. Moreover, it presents a draft of a new geographical map illustrating Abraham’s journey based on ancient Arabic accounts on these events, as an alternative to the controversial widespread biblical geographical map printed on the back cover of contemporary published bibles.


In his book entitled "The Bible Came from Arabia" published in 1984, Kamal Al Salibi caused a stir. He concluded that the events and narratives of the Old Testament did not originate in Palestine as internationally accepted but rather in the province of Asir, in the south-west of Arabia, precisely between Makkah and Yemen. Al-Salibi was astonished at the number of biblical places' names found in the Asir province. Unlike the blatant inconsistencies between the biblical narratives and the supposedly corresponding places in Palestine, he found a more coherent geographical correlation between the regions holding the same biblical names in Asir and the distances traveled by the prophets, as narrated in the old testaments tales. Despite adopting different research methodologies, the same conclusion was reached by Dr. Ahmed Dawood who published his findings in 1991 in a book entitled "The Arabs, the Samies, the Hebrews, the Israelis and the Jews". Alongside many stunning revelations published in his book, Dr. Dawood presented a blueprint of a tiny landscape in Asir south of Makkah, where he pinpointed the actual whereabouts of the biblical Misr (referred to afterwards as Egypt) the homeland of Moses and the Israeli tribe, and the nearby Yerushalayim - the legendary Dawood temple. Furthermore, during 1994, Dr. Ziad Mouna also published a book illustrating his findings as denoted in the title of his book “The Torah Geography- Misr and the Israelis in Asir”. Overlooking fine details, these eastern scholars along with many other contemporary western historians and researchers have all came to agree on the conclusion that the Torah's geographical emplacement is not south Syria, as commonly understood, but further deep to the south in the Arabian Asiri mountains. 

However, this concurring conclusion has left behind a trail of unresolved questions and consequential discrepancies, such as why the written Islamic history is not only contradicts this conclusion but also stresses its synergy with the common geographical knowledge preached by the bible? What is the extent of political and religious impact on the region if this theory ultimately gets substantiated and internationally recognized? When and who shifted the biblical geographical emplacement to the wrong location? What are the motives behind such an international falsification? How did the perpetrators succeed in convincing multinational generations to accept this false biblical geography? On the other hand, this new paradigm shift helps in resolving many old and new mysteries, such as why all archeological attempts to-date have failed to decisively identify Moses’ Pharaoh from amongst the unearthed Egyptian kings? Why the western nations, unlike Easterners, are still unaware of the simple fact that Abraham had lived and resided most of his lifetime in Makkah and its nearby surroundings? And why, for that matter, doesn't Abraham's journey exhibited in western maps show any reference to Makkah? And how does all this relate to the evolution of the prevailing Arab Israeli political and military conflict over the same land?

This paper aims to focus on two prime questions with the sole objective of qualifying or otherwise disqualifying the recent theories shifting the biblical geography. The other questions listed above, as well as many other related issues, have been thoroughly addressed in a book written in Arabic, published and distributed by Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society situated at the Kingdom of Bahrain. The two main arguments of concern in this paper are:
  1. Assuming that the biblical geographical setting has been shifted at some stage in history from it's original homeland in Asir mountains to Palestine; an assumption contemplated recently by many eastern and western theologians and historians, then the question arises as to why doesn't the written Arab history reflect this presumed transgression of their heritage? Or does it? Why have the Arabs remained silent before such a historical sabotage since they were and still are the natives and inhabitants of Arabia where Asir is situated? 

  2. The proposed shifting theory cannot be substantiated unless the perpetrators are identified and their motives are determined. So who are those who embarked in what looked more like a "mission impossible" and worked hard on re-documenting significant historical events to make them sound and appear as if they had occurred in different places? And what were their motives?
Overview of the Actual Journey of the Patriarch Abraham:

Following a comprehensive research in the Arabic pre-Islamic historical narrations, and through a bold critical analysis of many contradicting and incoherent narratives, a new map showing the most likely route of Abraham’s journey is emerging slowly. Unlike the popular vividly detailed map exhibited at the back cover of the holy bible, the proposed map in this paper ismostly bound between the start and end points of this journey, and requires more fill-in the gaps and fine-tuning details which necessitate further research, field inspection and possibly archeological exploration. What makes the proposed map credible, unique and of value for future study and research is that it is built from many fragmented narratives of the Arabic pre-Islamic documented history as narrated by ancient Arabic historians. It resolves inherent inconsistencies between the followers of the three most recent religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and relieves them from the persisting dilemma of "sacred" narratives that contradict reality in terms of time and place. Most importantly, the new map is entirely consistent with the teachings of the Holy Quran and the core of the Syriac Torah.

Photo 1: Aerial picture of the Red sea and the Hijaz region at the west border of Saudi Arabia, illustrating Abraham’s Journey route between Horan and Makkah.

As illustrated in the satellite photo 1, the proposed map for Abraham's journey suggests that his trajectory commenced at Horan valley, which is located at about 300 km south of the holy city of Makkah. Horan was the place, which sheltered Abraham during his infancy through adolescence age. He was taken there most likely on foot by his mother seeking protection from their near by village – Ur- where he was born. Horan's physical location still appears on Saudi Arabia's modern maps under the name of “Horan Valley” وادي حوران ( Approx. 19o 46’ 01” N - 42o 22‘ 04” E ), see figure 1. 

Figure 1: Horan in the modern Saudi Arabia maps.
He grew up as a shepherd in the neighborhood of this Hijazi Mountain until he came to confront his ancestor's beliefs, which led to the death sentence pronounced against him; however he miraculously escaped this death and left that area accompanied by his young wife Sarah and his nephew Lot. They headed north following the traders' route and sought shelter at Arapha city (عرفة) (Ar-bah' or Arba as inscribed in the Greek Torah). Arapha valley is now a well-known location for it is one of the main holy places that Muslim pilgrims have to visit as part of their annual pilgrimage rituals. In this area, Abraham and his companionship settled down in a tiny terrain that belonged then to a tribal sheikh named Abu Mallek (أبو مالك), precisely near a cluster of trees under the care of a Hijazi Arab by the name of Namera (نمرة) or (Mamre as inscribed in the Greek Torah), see photo 2.

Photo 2: Aerial view of Makkah area showing Mamre (Namera) location 17km east of Beit Allah (Bethel) at Beer Sheba wilderness known today as Makkah (Mecca).
The spot of land (Approx 21o 21’ 08” N – 39o 58’ 04” E) where Abraham installed his tents next to Namera's trees was since then named after the owner of the trees, i.e. "Namera نمرة". This name remained adjacent to this land until this very moment, and has been historically marked with stone landmarks and humble structures generation after generation until a huge mosque was recently built in the place and named "Namera" mosque (see photo 3). Millions of pilgrims gather around this mosque every year during the annual Hajj in memory of the place where Abraham and Sarah spent most of their lifetime. At his old age Abraham housed his second wife Hagar and his infant son Ishmael in a barren waterless valley located at about 17 Km to the west of his tents at Namera, thus paving the way to the revitalization of a long forgotten holy site initially established by the nucleus of the first human race - Adam and Eve.

The first spot of land that witnessed the first man’s repentance, and housed the first worship ceremony ever experienced by mankind, is geographically still preserved and is known until today as Beit Allah بيت الله (or Bethel as inscribed in the Greek Torah) which literally means in both Syriac and Arabic - the Mighty Lord's House. Beit Allah is now situated at the heart of the city of Makkah where Islam evolved and spread. Beit Allah is approximately located at coordinates 21o 25’ 19 N – 39o 49’ 34” E. see image 1.

Image 1: At Makkah precisely at Beit Allah (Bethel) Millions of pilgrims, roam around Al Kaba (Kadish) since Abraham time.

On their way to Arapha from Horan, Young Abraham and his small company had to cross many flowing rivers as well as dry riverbeds. The most famous of which was the Phorat· river فرات)) (or Euphrates river as inscribed in the Greek Torah) which runs from the Garden of Eden, downhill on the eastern cliffs of the Hijaizi Surat mountains. The famous Phorat River is dry today, however the great riverbed or valley it carved behind is clearly discernible as shown in photo 4. The commonly known river, pronounced “Phorat“ by easterners and “Euphrates” by westerners, which runs along the west half of Iraq is not the original river nor is its twin river bearing the name Dijlah (دجلة) (or Tigris· as inscribed in the Greek Torah) in fact both their names belong to the original rivers springing specifically from the Garden of Eden. This legendary lost garden is located somewhere on the top of Surat Mountains or inside them closer to Makkah where Adam and Eve resided as narrated in the Ancient Arabic History.

Photo 3: Namera Mosque at Arapha valley erected in memorial of Abraham’s’ first house where he lived with Sarah. Millions of pilgrims in white clothing still visit the site during the annual Hajj.
The above is a quick and brief overview of Abraham's journey as emerged from Al Tajdeed Society's extensive research on the pre-Islamic Arabic history. Contrary to the common belief, this map does not contain any reference to Egypt, Iraq or Syria as no credible evidences were found to support this claim apart from conflicting and contradictory narratives, all of them traced back to one single source - the Geek Torah.

Photo 4: Satellite image showing the riverbed left behind the Al Phorat (Euphrates) river in Saudi Arabia.
To understand how this map emerged, one needs first to examine the authenticity and credibility of the current map internationally distributed on some bible’s back covers. Once it is demonstrated that the map in question is inconsistent and unauthentic only then the right questions should be asked in quest for the right answers. A good starting point is to examine the claim that Abraham and his Patriarch sons visited or dwelt in Egypt.

Egyptology – The Deactivated History:

While viewing the pyramids during his visit to Egypt, the Israeli Prime minister Mr. Menachem Begin was reported to have said that his ancestors participated in the building of the Pyramids ’.

These comments disturbed many Egyptian officials as reflected in the following news agency report, "The Egyptian minister of Culture Farouk Hosni is reported to have refuted once again Israel's claims on the role played by Jews in building al-Jiza pyramids and their contribution to building certain archaeological areas in al-Fantin island (Jazirat al_fantin) in Aswan. Hosni told journalists " The Jews did not take part in building the pyramids which are considered royal tombs, and it was not permitted to those who follow a religion other than that of the Pharaoh, the King, to take part in building these holy tombs and temples. Hosni added, "The Jews entered Egypt with our Master Abraham (Ibrahim) and some of them left after the defeat of the Hexos and they had no mentionable role in building the Pharos civilization.

Mr. Hosni’s statement is a representative sample of the dilemma that Egyptian officials and scholars have to endure when confronted with allegations alienating them from the best of their legacy and heritage. At one end the Egyptian officials confirm that Jews had indeed entered and settled in Egypt during Abraham or Yusuf times; basing this confirmation on few Islamic historical references. The Egyptians also label their ancient sociopolitical system using the Torah term "Pharaoh's” civilization. In addition, they identify their own ancient kings by the title "Pharaohs" which is an Old Testament trademark. On the other hand, the Egyptian scholars deny the Jewish claimed role in building the pyramids or any other significant landmark while they were enslaved by the Egyptian dignitaries! 

It is safe to say that the Egyptian public at large, and scholars in particular, have not yet actively considered their own advanced and well documented national history but relied instead on a a highly controversial foreign historical source – the Torah - in order to track down the sequence of events that took place in their own land during the times of the Patriarchs* (1700-1300 B.C). This conclusion can be easily asserted by asking the Egyptian archeologists, historians and scholars few fundamental decisive questions. These questions relate to the core of the major biblical events claimed to have occurred in Egypt, namely:
  1. Do the countless Egyptian excavations, archeological sites and unearthed heritage show any evidence or reference to a non-Egyptian figure named "Abraham" who alleged to have resided in Egypt anytime between the years 1800 and 1700 B.C? 

  2. Is there any evidence suggesting that a non-Egyptian figure named Yusuf assumed a treasurer position around1600 B.C.? 

  3. Does any ancient Egyptian papyrus or manuscript mention anything about an Israeli leader named Moses who confronted one of the prominent Egyptian kings around 1300 B.C? 

  4. Do the Egyptian ancient documents mention that the king who confronted Moses drowned in the red sea 400 km from his capital or even the Nile River or any other watercourse? 

  5. Are there any traces of references found in the thousands of ancient Egyptian scripts mentioning the detailed biblical exodus of more than half a million people around the year 1300 B.C? 

  6. Does any papyrus refer to the famous miraculous sea-crossing of more than half a million fleeing people? 

  7. Have any reference been found between the years 5000 and 32 B.C. indicating that the kings of Egypt were called or referred to as "Pharos" other than the dubious "big house" notion?
The answers to all questions above have been negative to date. 

Dr Firas Sawah, a prominent Syrian scholar, summed it all up in one of his books when he wrote “ As regards the exodus time, the consensus is that it occurred around 1260 B.C during Ramses II time... however and despite all scholars dedicated efforts, no credible Egyptian historical proof has thus far been secured to support the exodus tale from Egypt … and the Egyptian ancient manuscripts remain absolutely silent with regards to this eminent Torah originated tale...one simply can’t believe that six hundred thousands enslaved Jewish families suddenly evacuate from the Egyptian delta heading towards the Suez border where they confronted the Egyptian King and Army in a retreat skirmish contact, and eventually caused his death and his army's defeat in a miraculous manner without the slightest reference to such a drastic sequence of events in the well documented and preserved Egyptian historical records?! ” 

Furthermore, one would expect that identifying the famous “Pharaoh” mummy in view of the specified chronological order which associates him with Ramses II or to his immediate son Merenptah should be an easy task. This is because the tombs and the historical records of those two particular kings have been found, red and translated longtime ago. Despite these archeological findings, there is yet no evidence or any shred of reference correlating any of these kings to Moses and the Israelis as narrated in the Greek Torah. 

Dr. Zahi Hawas - Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Antiquities - sums up this arguments in a press interview saying …the examination of all relevant royal mummies proved that none of them fits Moses Pharaoh. No conclusive evidence is yet at hand to identify the pharaoh … In its simplest form and under normal academic circumstances, these mere facts would be more than sufficient to immediately alienate the possibility of the biblical exodus taking place in Egypt. Consequently, whoever emphasized that the major biblical events had indeed taken place in Egypt should have submitted their tangible proof, otherwise all such claims, based on Egyptology, are to be dismissed and with all objectivity and common sense considered unfounded until credible evidences are made available. For the independent and free mind observers, the current situation is clearly running the other way around. The accurate and credible history of a highly civilized nation has been positioned at the passenger seat and restricted to attract tourists, while a literally stranger historical source – the Old Testament that originated outside Egypt - is placed at the driving seat to steer the country towards its predetermined fate. This obscure and difficult to comprehend status quo managed so far to prevail due to several factors; namely:
  • Those who are supposed to defend their national history are not doing so! The Egyptians themselves, being a historically religious nation, would naturally hold on to the privilege and honor of hosting the Patriarchs. Therefore, they would mentally and emotionally favor waiting as long as it takes to extract from their own national history evidences to support foreign historical claims suggesting that the Patriarchs had dwelt in their lands. Thus, they waited for more than 2300 years in vain and no one is prepared to draw a conclusion and close this file. 

  • The Patriarchs and the land of their eventful life are mentioned in the holy Quran. Having Egypt associated with the Patriarchs meant that their homeland gained another blessing by having it referred to in the Islamic holy book. This is clearly noticed from the banner posted at the Cairo airport which holds a welcome statement extracted from the holy Quran. 

  • The post Islamic historians to date have kept on stressing that the Israeli Patriarchs and the Israeli people entered and resided in Egypt, which has added more weight in favor of the biblical claims.
The predicament experienced by the scientific community is that, on one hand, millions of Jewish, Christian and Moslem masses are persistently insisting that Egypt was indeed a geographical central point in the Patriarchs' lives especially for Moses; while on the other hand, the Egyptian history does not offer the slightest tangible evidence of any of these major claimed events! 

The believers resolved this contradiction by mentally marginalizing the genuine and authentic land history with idolatry or paganism terms as biblically preached, in the hope that the holy biblical claims will ultimately get substantiated. Equally, the researchers and archeologists are increasingly perplexed while observing the widening divide between what they actually discover and what they ought to discover under the believers pressure. As it stands, and due to the holy nature of their references, it hardly occurred to the believing masses that the Egyptian history is the credible genuine source of information that needs to be seriously considered, and since this history has remained obstinately silent about the biblically claimed events, then it is obvious that such events may had occurred but certainly not in Egypt. 

It hardly occurred to the scholars of the three religions that it is about time they embarked on a major paradigm shift by returning back to their own source of information, be it holy revelations or historical quotations, to review their understanding of how for example have they concluded that the exodus had occurred in Egypt geographically. The researchers at Al-Tajdeed Society embarked on this paradigm shift and consequently re-examined the Arabic and Islamic history books and references and critically analyzed tens of contradictory quotes and texts. The outcome was stunning; for it was found that unlike what is being preached by many Islamic religious scholars, the holy Quran not only didn't vindicate that the Patriarchs were in Egypt, but also sought to correct this erroneous widespread understanding by refuting this claim all together. Furthermore, it was found that Islamic historians did not corroborate these claims but were simply reiterating the mistaken misunderstanding traced back to the biblical tales which shaped the public awareness and knowledge in Arabia more than 800 years before the Quran was revealed. It also turned out that the pre-Islamic history contains a variety of information indicating that the biblical geographical scenes were in fact in Arabia itself. To unfold our "Da Vinci code" version in this paper, let us start by reviewing the Holy Quran verses that are considered by the Moslem scholars as the unequivocal proof that the Israeli exodus headed by Moses had indeed occurred in Egypt.

Misr vs. Egypt - The overlooked key fact:

As narrated in both the Quran and the Old Testament, Musa [Moses] confronted a person named Fir'awn [Pharaoh]. One verse in the Quran cites a statement made by Fir'awn to his people mentioning a key geographical location. The official translation of the verse in question is: "[51] And (Fir'awn) proclaimed among his people, saying: "O my people! does not the dominion of Egypt belong to me, (witness) these streams flowing underneath my (palace)? what! see ye not then?" [52] "Am I not better than this (Musa), who is a contemptible wretch and can scarcely express himself clearly?" (Az-Zukruf, Ch 43 verse 51-52) 

In this given context, western English readers could reasonably conclude that Muslims are in accord with the biblical account on Mose’s geographical emplacement, i.e. Egypt. What most western readers won't realize however is that they are reading a mistranslation of the holy verse, one which doesn't echo what the verse actually says in Arabic! The Arabic version of the same verse doesn't mention the name Egypt at all. What it mentions all over is the name "Misr". The correct translation ought to read "… "O my people! Does not the dominion of Misr belong to me? …". 

In fact, it is not adequate to translate proper names since they are an expression of a distinctive identity of a person or a place, and therefore should solely be vocally transliterated in translations; just like the names of Musa and Fir'awn as indicated in the above verses. Why was the name "Misr" transformed into "Egypt" during the translation process? The answer to this particular question will be revealed later, but first let us consider the following scenario: Had the translation mentioned the real name i.e. Misr as the homeland of both Fir'awn and Musa, then the western readers would naturally inquire about where this place "Misr" was? If the answer was: it is the country known by the name Egypt, then another questions will raise, which is why are Muslims calling an ancient worldwide known country by the name "Misr" while the rest of the world identifies it by the name "Egypt"? If someone said that probably this country was called Misr during Musa time around 1300 B.C, then this will raise another series of questions such as called Misr by whom? And why? Why is there no reference in the Egyptian records during that era, i.e. under Ramses II, that Egyptian kingdom was named “Misr” nor in era before or after the 19th dynasty to which Ramses II is assigned? Why are there no such references in the historical records of all ancient Egypt's contemporary neighboring civilizations to support the claim that their ancient neighbor was named "Misr", despite the active political and economical relationships between them? If the answer is that it was called Misr after Islam by the Muslim nations, then another set of questions will surface, such as since when has this name been projected on Egypt? 

What does this name "Misr" mean? And why have the Muslim nations in particular, named this ancient valley by the name “Misr”? Why has the rest of the world retained the old name and not changed it to "Misr” in turn? These questions and many others have not been raised by western ancient as well as contemporary scholars and theologians simply because they were all under the impression that Muslim nations are in agreement with the biblical geography as transpires from the readily available translations of he holy Quran. This inadvertent oversight from the translators of the Quran had deprived western scholars from raising authentic arguments to the conflicting information they inherited from the Greek Torah via the Christian church. Equally, Muslim nations views and beliefs remained for centauries unquestioned and unchallenged by any other nation, which eventually hardened their inherited inaccurate understanding of the Patriarchs geographical locations mentioned in the holy Quran. This cycle contributed in shadowing the Christian and the Muslim worlds, as well as many Jewish communities, in a long term illusion which has been challenged to date only by the holy Quran and Egyptology revelations.

On the reasons that led Muslim translators to transform the name "Misr" to "Egypt", the answer goes back to the fact that Egypt currently has two formal names. One is recognized by non Muslims which is "Egypt", while the other is "Misr", which is recognized by all Muslims in the world including Egyptians themselves who introduce themselves as "Misries" to the Muslims and as "Egyptians" to the rest of the world. Realizing that most westerns are unaware that Egypt is called Misr amongst the Muslims, the translators of the Quran decided to simplify the issue by systematically replacing every "Misr" in the Quran with “Egypt”, so that the western readers would understand which land the Quran refers to, as they imagined. The translators had obviously good intentions, but did the holy Quran really need any help to identify which land it meant? Why should Muslims assume that whenever the Quran literally mentions the name "Misr" it actually means "Egypt"? Is this long-established central assumption accurate? Or is it about time that it is subjected to a critical analysis and review?

The main rational evidence supporting the contemporary Muslims belief that Egypt was Yusuf’s land and Moses’ exodus ground, is that the Quran states that Pharaoh and the Patriarchs were in Misr as mentioned above, and since Egypt is known amongst the Muslims by the name "Misr", then it follows that Egypt must be the land of Moses and Yusuf. This deduction may sound perfectly logical. The argument, however, is irrespective of what Egypt is called today, since the Pharaoh declared to his people that he was the owner of Misr as stated in the verse above, then what really matters is to prove that during the year 1300 B.C. Egypt was indeed called Misr by its people. If this argument is substantiated than one could safely conclude that the Muslims reasoning is soundly proven. For some reasons, Muslim nations thought that this fundamental argument has been addressed and settled long time ago. However, it came out that this argument has never been seriously addressed, and if investigated, it would reveal to Muslims that their current belief with respect to the Patriarchs’ geography is not only unfounded but also in discord with the teachings of the Quran! 

The cumulative discoveries available to the public prove that Egypt was not called Misr during the 19th Egyptian dynasty. There isn't a single Egyptian record that mentions the upper and or the Lower Egypt by a single name pronounced "Misr" or any other name phonetically close to it. In fact there is no evidence to prove that the name Misr was used to identify Egypt at any recorded era let alone during the 19th dynasty. On the contrary, what is mentioned in Egypt’s ancient history, as narrated in Osiris and Isis myths is the name Koptos or Coptoª which were gradually converted in to Gebt (قبط) and then to El-Gibt (القبط) and finally E-gypt as pronounced by the westerns.

As to the records of the ancient western civilizations, all the mythical literatures and maps refer to this land under no name but Egypt or Egipt. The Greek Danaos Daughters’ myth is a good example, which proves that the name "Egypt" is extremely old and it resisted any attempts to change it. As to the ancient eastern nations, all of them referred to Egypt under the same name "Gebt "قبط except for the early Muslims who for some reason decided to discontinue using it. This fact necessitates an investigation on the time when Muslims started calling El-Gibt القبط by the name Misr مصر and the reasons of this mutation. According to the Arabic history, during the times of prophet Mohamed (pbuh) (570-632 A.D), Egypt was known amongst the people of Arabia by the name Al-Gipt (القبط) .This is obvious from the message that the prophet sent to the Egyptian ruler Al-Mokawkas inviting him to embrace Islam, see figure 2 for an image of the preserved original hand-written manuscript. What interests us from this letter are the following extracts " In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. From Mohammed Ben Abdullah to Al-Mokawkas the chief of Gipt, … If you decline you will bear the burden of the Gipties sins … ، 

This particularly valuable letter clearly indicates that Al-Gipt was Egypt’s formal name up to the time of prophet Mohammed (pbuh). The reply that came from Al-Mokawkas also confirms that the Egyptians at that time introduced themselves to Arabia as Gipties: “… To Mohamed Ben Abdulla from Al-Mokawkas the chief of Gipt … I honored your messenger and I sent you appreciation presents and two bondwomen whom are highly valued in Gipt …،
Figure 2: The manuscript of the Message sent by the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) to the Egyptian ruler showing the words Al-Gipt ( E - gypt) with no mention of the name Misr.
Despite the fact that the Egyptians didn't recognize the name "Misr" for their land, as reflected in the reply, yet the people of Arabia during the prophet's time were referring to Egypt amongst themselves as "Misr"! This is inevitably demonstrated in many records and correspondences from that era. For example, the second caliphate Omer Ben Al Khataab sent a letter to his army leader Amro Ben Al Aas, advising him to treat the Giptis kindly. 

Interestingly, the letter referred to this same land by both names: … let it be known to you that Misr land is spared from Khoms… and the prophet Mohamed praised the Giptis…” The use of the name "Misr" amongst early Muslims and not using it in their correspondences with the Egyptians themselves indicate that the early Arabian Muslims used two names to identify the land of the Nile. Other historical references indicate that both names existed in their daily dialogue before even the Islamic era. The difference between the two names is significant. "Misr" is used within Arabia only and has a biblical origin. "Gipt" however is used with the Egyptians and the rest of the world which does not recognize Misr as a name of Egypt. 

Phonetic analysis of the name "Al-Gipt" reveals that it is actually equivalent to "Egypt". In other words, the Arabian people until the dawn of Islam shared the same ancient name that identified this land with the rest of the world. It was sometime after the entry of Arabian Muslims into Al-Gipt, that the internationally known name was gradually replaced by "Misr" and remained so until now· . Therefore one concludes that Misr is not Egypt’s original name and that it is not old enough to apply to the pharaoh’s statement when he declared to his people of his time that he is the owner of Misr. Therefore, by searching for pharaoh and Musa in Egypt While the Quran clearly states that they were in a place called Misr, the Muslims are actually looking in the wrong place. The question now is: if Muslims are looking in the wrong place, why have the ancient as well as the contemporary Jews and Christians been considering Egypt as the homeland of Musa and Pharaoh as well?

The Septuagint – Egypt’s holy dungeon: 

While Arabia was directly receiving the heavenly revelations one after the other, the European nations, like other nations, were also receiving the same revelations but through the traders and scholars who traveled or migrated to their lands carrying along the news and knowledge of the latest heavenly revelations. Like the Quran, the Torah in the form of the Ten Commandments was first revealed in Arabia, it was documented at some stage in the Arabic Syriac language. During their exile in Babylon (586 B.C) the Israeli Rabbis produced what they called the Torah containing the Ten Commandments in addition to historical accounts of the Israeli tribes. That Syriac Torah might have been the first recognized written holy book produced by Israeli Rabbis. In that Syriac book, Mizraim / Mitsrayim was the documented name of the place where Musa and the Pharaoh lived. This name is consistent with the holy Quran account as indicated in the above-mentioned verse¨ . The geographical locations of the major events were obviously clear and well-known to the ancient believers until the appearance of the Septuagint (السبعونية) - the Greek Torah. 

The Septuagint is the first Greek translation of the Syriac Torah. It could be the first translations of the Arabic Syriac Torah to any other foreign language. It was compiled in Egypt around 282 B.C only shortly after it fell under Alexander the Great's control. Ptolemy Ben Philadelphus, the Greek sovereign, requested that the latest revelation at that time be translated to Greek. A team of seventy rabbis produced the translation and it is reported that within seventy days the Greek Torah was ready for publishing. In that Geek book, a slight alteration was introduced during the translation process. 

Every Arabic Syriac word  which reads “mzarm” was translated to this Greek word "Αγπτου" which reads “Ae-gypti” ,i.e Mizraim was transformed during the translation process to Ae-gypti. 

This indescribable act was all that was needed to create a large scale long-life illusion. Unlike Misr or Mizeruim, Ae-gypti or E-gypt as pronounced today has always referred to an internationally well-known vast and highly civilized ancient country. The moment the Greek Torah was approved by Ptolemy Ben Philadelphus, Egypt was portrayed as “Israeli land” in the subconscious of the Europeans as well as all Geeks’ widespread colonies. Consequently, since 282 B.C, generation after generation passed on the false “sacred” information on Egypt's role in the Patriarchs eventful geography until it became an irrefutable fact. This was happening on an international scale, whereas the ancient Egyptians themselves have not seriously resisted this infiltration and fictitious implantation of scenes and events into their history and heritage. In fact, they might have viewed the Septuagint’s claim that the Patriarchs had dwelt in their land as another privilege to the Egyptian already glamorous historical fame. What the ancient Egyptians missed, however, is that by accepting this foreign forged addendum into their unwritten history, they have in fact accepted, in the long term, to give away their land and civilization to a little insignificant tiny Arabian tribe, while their great Egyptian civilization is being absorbed into the “promised land” saga alongside Iraq and Syria. This ancient deal is the source of today’s confusion and frustration of Egyptian scholars when every now and then someone arrives from overseas to insolently boast his ancestors presumed role in building the great pyramids! This will sadly remain the case until Egyptian scholars and officials decide to establish independent research teams to review their history from the time the Septuagint was issued, and objectively examine the damage inflected by this Greek Torah on the their kings' reputation and civilization achievements. This might be the only way for the Egyptian nation to escape the Septuagint sacred dungeon.

The Egyptian pharaoh – The living Holy Hoax:

In his numerous lectures, Dr Zahi Hawas keeps on utilizing the Torah word “Pharaohs” when making references to his country's greatest ancient kings. Equally, he confirms that despite the exhausting national and international archeological missions, there are not to date any objective scientific evidence to the assumption that Remeses II or his son Marnabtah were the Torah’s described Egyptian king during Musa time. The case usually stops at this dead-end point, and indications are that this will not change unless a sharp detour is made. 

The answer to this impasse was spotted by a well-known Islamic historian named Al-Masooedy ( *** - 946). As reported by the Al-Atabaki, Al-Masooedy documented his findings following a personal investigation. He wrote … I have asked a group of Gipti (اقباط) scholars while I was at Al-Saeid (الصعيد )(Upper Egypt) about the meaning of the name Fir'awn (pharaoh). They didn’t know the meaning of the word nor did it exist in their Gipti language!! ... The same meaningless "Pharaoh" word in Gipti language was also reported by Ibn Khaldun . 

This is the answer to the impasse which the majority of contemporary as well as past scholars might find difficult to submit to. As linguistically confirmed , there is no word pronounced "Pharaoh" in the Gipti language nor is it a written or used word amongst the Gipti public, let alone a famous Royal title. The closest pronunciation to the word Pharaoh most scholars are holding to is “per-aa” as explained by Marie Parsons … it should be pointed out that "pharaoh", the most popular "title" of the Egyptian King, is not Egyptian at all. That is to say, the Egyptians did not call their King "Pharaoh" until very late in their history, and then only as non-Egyptians took up the word. "Pharaoh" is a Hebrew pronunciation of the Egyptian word, per-aa, meaning Great House, and was first used as a label for the king himself around 1450 BC. ..” This highly controversial solution has been refuted by many other scholars and researchers such as M S M Saifullah, `Abdullah David & Elias Karim . Michael S. Sanders sums up the topic saying…As can be readily seen it just is not possible to translate Pir’u as Pharaoh unless one has a predilection to so do...

Despite the confirmation that the word Fir’awn doesn’t belong to the Gipti language nor was it the title of Egyptian kings, it remains true that this word is repeatedly mentioned in the holy Quran as well as the Bible. This persisting contradiction should have instigated researchers to look for this name outside Egypt. It was nearly effortless to find out that the name exists indeed and it has an unambiguous meaning in Arabia. The linguistically compound word needs to be first disassembled to its original root. 

This quote indicates that not all "the people of the book" were fully influenced by the Septuagint fake dogma. However, the total absence of Fir’awn's name from their documents, or at least those documents made available to the public, indicates that Fir’awn's identity was systematically kept out of reach.

The amount of Arabic history or history-related references that mentioned Kaboows or Musaab or Al Walid as the first name for Moses’ Fir’awn are more than staggering fifty. Here is a list for the researchers' reference:

This abundantly cited historical information on Fir’awn's identity will most likely come across as surprising for many Muslim readers as well as Christens and Jews. This is because some of the early post-Islamic historians have adopted and documented the Septuagint originated forged details preached by most Arab Jewish and Christen tribes for more than 800 years before the Islamic revelation. Their historical documents became Islamic references for the forthcoming generations of historians until today. The contradicting details between the pre-Islamic original information and the post-Islamic borrowed ones generated palpable discrepancies, the solution for which was to gradually deactivate the original Arabian history like was the case with the Egyptian history in favor of the prevailing inaccurate western one. 

Having discovered Fir’awn's full name from the history of the land where he lived and later ruled, there is no point in looking for him among the list of Gipti royal names. Doing so is like looking for a king named Abdullah among medieval Christian Scottish Royal family list. What are the chances of finding such a name in such a place, position and time?

To sum up, against the schemes of Ptolemy and the 70 rabbis, Egyptology resisted the implantation of the Tyrant Fir’awn in its Gipti heritage. Equally, Arabian history rejected this forgery and resisted the amputation of Musa from Arabia by retaining enough historical information to trace the origin of biblical events. It is high time we realized that there were no Pharaohs in Egypt and this expired title should be returned back to where it had always belonged, in Arabia.

In Search for the Patriarch in Arabia – Uncovering the desert sand: 

As explained earlier, the Geek Torah committed a forgery. The word "Misr" in the original Syriac text has been intently replaced during the translation process by the word Al Gipt. Consequently, the low profile word “Misr” never been mentioned to the westerns believers while it started to fade away in the eastern believers' minds and awareness in favor of the high profile “Egypt”. Despite its insignificant size, Misr was however the theater of major biblical events. So where was Misr located? 

Arabian history vindicated by the holy Quran states that Abraham lived in Makkah. In fact both he and his son Ishmael constructed Beit Allah- the Ka'bah as mentioned in this verse: [127] And remember Ibrahim and Isma'il raised the foundations of the House (the Ka'bah at Makkah( (with this prayer): "Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us: for Thou art the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing (Al-Baqarah - Ch1 verse: 127). Many other important events took place around Makkah including the site where Ishmael was offered in sacrifice· [102] Then, when (the son) reached (the age of) (serious) work with him, he said: "O my son! I see in vision that I offer thee in sacrifice: now see what is thy view!" (the son) said: "O my father! do as thou art commanded: thou will find me, if Allah so wills, one practicing Patience and Constancy!" (Asl-Safat - Ch 37 verse: 102).

The location of the sacrifice place is still preserved and has been since known under the name Mena(منى) or Ishmael Altar, where millions of Muslim pilgrims offer oblations every year from the time of Abraham. Mena Altar is located 6 km east Makkah (see photo 5) next to the Arapha (عرفة) valley which contains Namera Mosque. According to Arabia history we read ... Gabriel said to Abraham carry enough water with you. They went to Mena valley, then to Arapha valley.He erected his tents in Namera- This place since then was marked with white stones to preserve it, and it was anciently known as Abrahams Masjed (prayer place) the same place is now annexed to the Namera Mosque...،، These places are mentioned in the Torah but geographically shifted outside their real locations and systematically scattered allover Palestine. 

Photo 5: Close up satellite image of the most important sites of Abraham’s eventful life which are also sites for the annual Islamic Hajj rituals.
Abraham, according to Arabian history was a stranger to Makkah area. His dialect was Syriac while the tribes there were speaking 'irebah (عاربة) ; both different dialects originating from one mother language known for the purpose of this research as Arabic. He crossed the Surat Mountains and settled in Namera, as mentioned in the Torah. Therefore he was labeled with the title they usually assign those strangers whom they allow to settle down amongst them as will be detailed latter. The transient boundary can be roughly estimated from a quote reported by Al-Andulsy (الاندلسي) who wrote: “Tohama (تهامة) is the region stretching along side the red sea including Makkah and al 'iber ¨ العبر)) , Al towr (الطور) and the island. So the Al a’br is the area between the Phorat river (Eupharteª )(الفرات) and the Arab desert…”.

By constructing a map of this description in Arabia we can identify the area, which includes the Surat Mountains overlooking Arapha valley, see photo 6· . 

Since Abraham was one of those who crossed the mountains and descended in the valley of Arapha, he was titled with the Arabic word “‛ibrîy” (عبري) which literally means “the person in transit or the person who crossed over a natural topography such as mountain, river or sea”. The Syriac pronunciation of the same word is also “‛ibrîy” as both are dialect of the same language and people. The local people of Arapha labeled him with this title for a long time until, as mentioned in the Torah; it was changed from “‛ibrîy to Ibrahim إبراهيم” as he became a formal resident of Makkah. By adding the Syriac definition article to the word ‛ibrîy, which is the letter “H”, the word becomes H‛ibrîy or H-'ibrew (العابر) which literally means "The person in transient". With time, this simple denomination transformed into the famous word “Hebrew” and was inflated beyond its original meaning to denote the identity of a nation with a distinctive language and religion. The Torah itself clearly indicates that being Hebrew does not necessarily mean one is Israeli (i.e. son of Jacob). This is obvious from Mose’s direct teachings to the Israelis “If thou buy a Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing.” It is forbidden to enslave a fellow Israeli as per Judaism teachings. Therefore, this only means that the word “Hebrew” is originally an expression used for Israeli as well as any other person as long as he/she is in transit (traveler or crosser). This term simply never meant to be an expression of a distinctive religion, nationality or identity and using it in such a context is a historical abuse.
Photo 6: Light filtered satellite image showing the Phorat riverbed (Euphrates) (shown in fine green line) stretching from the top of the Surat Mountains to south Iraq. The river is bounding the "Arab desert" situated between the A’ber (Surat Mountains) and the great river valley.
At this stage we can address another key question: Where from did Abraham come to Arapha valley? According to the holy Quran he didn’t come from far away “[48] "And I will turn away (seclude) from you (all) and from those whom ye invoke besides Allah: I will call on my Lord: perhaps, by my prayer to my Lord, I shall be not unblest." (Maryam Ch 19 verse 48) This verse reveals a conversation between Abraham and his people after they tried to execute him. He indicated that he will not migrate but rather seclude اعتزلكم)) which implies that he can still conveniently get in touch if he chooses to. The holy Quran did mention many other conversations between Abraham and his father after the fire execution attempt, which proves that his fathers land was not geographically far away from Makkah where he secluded. 

According to the prophet Mohamed (pbuh), Abraham was kept off site by his mother in a place called Horan, as per this quote "… Abraham's mother took her child Abraham and fled during the night to protect him from the Tyrant Nimrod. She placed him near three trees on a fast flowing river called Horan …"،،،، . In line with the Septuagint proposed geography, some of the early Jewish scholars claimed that this “Horan” was located in northern Syria to the east bank of the Iraqi Euphrates River at approximately 1600 km from Makkah, see photo 7. 

Al- Hijaz, Homeland of Abraham and the Israeli prophets
Photo 7: The Real Horan (Abraham Fathers' home) in Asir Compared to the location of Horan as successfully forged by the Septuagint Rabbis.
However, there are many places called Horan in Arabia. One of them is on a river bank near the Phorat river (the original Euphrates river) and is only 300 km south of Makkah located at 19o 46 " 19' North and 42o 22" 04' East. Examining the satellite images for this Horan, one can immediately spot the riverbed valley which is dry today, and can observe its proximity to Makkah, which demonstrates how Abraham was able to travel between Makkah and his father's land conveniently. This Horan is also located at the south of the river Phorat, which springs from Adam’s Eden Garden, located on the top of the Surat Mountains and flows all the way down eastwards to collect on a huge dry lake situated at the lowlands of south Iraq, as shown in figures 3 ,4. The place of the dried lake is named Najaf (نجف)§ . Proving that this ancient giant Arabian river was the famous Phorat, which lost its name and identity to that running from Turkey to Iraq has been comprehensively addressed in two of the Al Tajdeed research work. Abraham had to cross the Phorat River in his way to Makkah; a detail mentioned in the Torah and the Arabic historical documents. We therefore have very good reasons to believe that this is most likely the real Horan mentioned in the Torah.

On the question about where Abraham headed from Horan, it is revealed in this verse [99] He said: "I will go to my Lord! He will surely guide me! [100] "O my Lord! grant me a righteous (son)! (Al Saffat Ch 37 verses 99-100). He went to Namera located in the vicinity of Beit Allah, the House of The All Mighty Lord at Makkah. According to the Quran, he was young when he left Horan and he had his first son at an old age while he was in Namera. He apparently did not know where was the exact location of the house [26] And (remember) when We showed Ibrâhim (Abraham) the site of the (Sacred)
House (the Ka'bah at Makkah) (saying): "Associate not anything (in worship) with Me (Al Haj Ch 22 verse 26). Once he realized where the sacred site was, which was then an empty dry barren valley, he had to own it in order to publicizes it for all worldwide believers to be. Consequently, he intentionally and purposely moved Hagar and his son Ishmael to the sacred valley 17 km to the west of Namera where his wife Sarah lived [37] "O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in a valley without cultivation, by Thy Sacred House; in order, O our Lord, that they may establish regular Prayer: so fill the hearts of some among men with love towards them, and feed them with Fruits so that they may give thanks. (Ibrahim Ch 14 verse 37) The Torah indirectly confirms the short distance between where Abraham lived at Namera and the sacred place through this quote “..And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away: and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba.”.

As mentioned, the trip from Namera to the final destination to Beersheba required only "bread, and a bottle of Waterwhich implies that the distance traveled by the child and his mother was far more shorter than the trajectory suggested by the Septuagint, which stretches as far as 1250 km from Palestine all the way to Beersheba at Paran· . The Torah further indicates that once the bottle of water dried out shortly after arriving to the sacred valley of Beersheba, water supply was miraculously made available: “And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink”. 
Figure 3:  Numerous ancient maps shows the presence of giant river traversing Arabia from the Surat Mountains to a lake  south of Iraq. This is the real Phorte  فرات(Euphrates) river springing from Eden garden south of Makkah.

Figure 4: Satellite image clearly showing the riverbed of the same great Phorat (Euphrates) river drawn in the ancient maps. The low land at the Iraqi Ahwar was the lake collecting the flowing water springing from Paradise.

According to Arabs historians, this well of water sprung underneath Ishmael feet and is called today Beer Zimzum. It still provides water to the annual multimillion pilgrims and is located only few meters from Beit Allah (Al Ka’aba). The Torah however indicates that this well was later called Beerª sheba (بير شبعة) . “Sheba” was the name given by Abraham to the well as mentioned in this quote “And he said, For these seven ewe lambs shalt thou take of my hand, that they may be a witness unto me, that I have dug this well Wherefore he called that place Beersheba; because there they sware both of them.”. It should not be surprising to note that according to Arab historians Beer Zimzum was actually called Beer Sheba at some stage, as revealed in this conclusive unnoticed quote “ Amongst the old names of Beer Zimzum are Gabriel foot mark (ركضة جبريل), Ishmaels dug hole (حفيرة اسماعيل), Wabra (وبرة), Sheba (شبعة), …”’’’’’’. Other historians quote the same name as (شباعة) "Shebah"،،،،،،،،،،  

This is the genuine well-known Beersheba mentioned in the Torah, and can be seen in photo 8. Furthermore, and in accordance with the Arabic history, the association of Hagar with Makkah is engraved even in the Jewish memory as commented by Ibn Ezra "…Or 'Well of the lifegiving vision,' (HaKethav VeHaKabbalah); 'Well of the vision of the Living One' (Rashi; Targum); or 'Well to the Living One who sees me' (Ibn Ezra). Ibn Ezra identifies this with Zimum (or in other versions, Zimzum), where the Arabs hold an annual festival (Haj). This is Zemzem near Mecca. According to this, however, Hagar headed into the Arabian Peninsula rather than toward Egypt

Photo 8: Pilgrims still access beer Sheba (Zimzum) for fresh water. The beer (water well) is located next to Beit Allah (Bethel).
As to the exact location where Ishmael and his mother Hagar lived, it is specified in the following Torah quotation "And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran: and his mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt." Ignoring the Septuagint-originated word "Egypt" in the above quote, let us investigate where Paran wilderness was? Paran or Pharan is reported in the Arabic memory as follows "... Pharan is the Hebrew name for Makkah Mountains…"''' Other Arabic historians quote "... Pharan is an Arabic pronunciation of a Hebrew origin word, which is associated with Makkah old names mentioned in the Torah. It is also said that it is the name for the Makkah's mountains…" 

، Ben Katheer also adds one more important piece of information to the following quote which reveals how close Mamera, where Sarah's house was, in relation to Abraham's second wife’s house at the sacred valley of Beersheba; "... and Abraham used to frequently check up on the welfare of his family at Pharan…" Bearing in mind that Abraham was very old when he had his first son Ishmael, so one shouldn't expect such anticipated frequent family visits to have taken place by traveling a regular return trip of about 2500 km from Makkah to Palestine. Consequently, Beersheba has been deliberately shifted with the rest of the other key places to end up scattered all over south Syria (Palestine) creating an archeological "mission impossible" to find evidence supporting the chronology and geography of the events in question. 

The damage inflicted through shifting the Patriarchs’ homeland from the south to the north of Arabia did not only affect the names of places but the tribes' identity as well. We will mention here one tribe only which had to be shifted to north Arabia because of its simultaneous existence with the Patriarchs. The "Canaanite الكنعانيون" for example has been repeatedly mentioned in the Torah. Their first encounter with the Patriarchs is quoted here “And Abram passed through the land to the place of Sichem, to the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land” Investigation revealed that the Canaanites (الكنعانيون) is a clear one letter mispronunciation of the famous Arabic ancient tribe named "Kananites الكنانيون" this Arab tribe was living in the Arapha area. In fact they left behind their name on the landscape they inhabited which stretched between makkah valley to Mena valley (Ishmael Altar) located at the direct proximity of Arapha Valley. Ben Jumhoor wrote … Al Mohasab (المحصب) is the valley between Makkah and Mena, it is also known the plane of Makkah and the low land of the Kananites ((الكنانيون tribe…” As to the claim that even the Canaanite were the ancient inhabitants of south Syria, Dr Dawood strongly refutes this unfounded claim despite its propagation. 

He commented: “ It is amazing how the genuine history of the ancient Arab Syrians who inhabited this land for more than 10 thousand years is being masked and concealed and replaced by the Torah mentioned Canaanites tribe. This is being done while every scholar is aware that no such name existed in the ancient Syrian history...” He also added “… Dr Ali Asaf stressed in his book (The ancient Syrian kingdoms) that none of the ancient Syrian kingdoms identified itself by the name or the title Canaanites or Amorites. In fact when Sankhow (سانخو) issued his book (Phoenician History) in 9 volumes during Musa time in the 14th century B.C, no mention of the name " Canaanites " was made anywhere in his history. The same is true with Herodotus who never cited the word "Canaanites" when mentioning the Syrians or the Phoenician

Figure 5: Al Taneium or Tuwa valley at Makkah city 6 km from Beit Allah (Beer Sheba)
In fact the Arabian pre -Islamic historical narrations offer much more coherent information only if they were made to surface. For example, Muslims believe that the prophet Mohamed did not initiate the annual Hajj, which was rather initiated by his great grand father Abraham and was practiced since then on a wide national and international scale, which included for example the Persians. Al Massodi and AL Homawi wrote …the Farsi people (Persians) in ancient times used to come from Fars (Iran) to Beit Allah in Makkah with great offerings in appreciation to the holiness of Abraham and they consider Beit Allah the most sacred temple on earth.. 

 ، But who were expected to perform the pilgrimage (Hajj) in its first initiation stages? They must be Abraham’s sons, the Patriarchs Isaac, Ishmael and Israel (Jacob) and their descendants. This is also clearly mentioned in the following quote …Al-Zobeir (الزبير) reported that “..about seventy thousands of the Children of Israel (بني أسرائيل) used to take off their shoes at Al Taneium and walk bear footed to Beit Alla to perform Hajj.. ,  

Al Taneium, is situated about 6 km from Beit Allah ,see figure 5, it contains now a large mosque and is considered one of the purification stations for Muslims (mostly children of Ishmael) who intend to perform Hajj, where they take off their shoes and normal clothing and take a shower before wearing the 2 pieces white pilgrim clothing in preparation before heading to Beit Allah. So both the Children of Israel and the children of Ishmael used to perform Hajj at Beit Allah revealed by their Grandfather.

The interesting part is that the children of Ishmael continued performing Hajj at the same valley identified by Abraham which happened to be located at the incense Yamani trade route. While, the children of Israel before Christ time decided to make themselves a duplicate Bethel at a convenient place in south Syria located at the Chinese silk trade route. Muslims abandoned this duplicate position forever when Prophet Mohammed converted the Islamic prayer's direction – Al Qibla (القبلة) - from Palestine back to Makkah. Unfortunately, the prophet's valiant act was not fully understood or properly studied. Consequently, the early Muslims' explanation to that stunning act was that “the Prophet liked to face Makkah during prayer and the Lord answered his prophet’s beseech!” and this crucial and highly revealing prophecy act was closed at this level of shallow rationalization!

Another interesting clarification found in the Arabian history is related to the whereabouts of the place were Musa had a dialog with the Lord. The holy Quran recounts this notable event in the following verse “[12] "Verily I am thy Lord! therefore (in My presence) put off thy shoes: thou art in the sacred valley Tuwa.” The valley of Tuwa is the same valley which contains Taneium Mosque mentioned above as clearly evident from the following quote “
  …Before they enter Beit Allah, the Children of Israel used to take of their shoes once they reached du Tuwa.. Taneium has always been a sacred place during both pre and post Islamic era, but most Arabs are unaware that this extraordinary manifestation could be the foundation for the inherited sanctity. The other precise information that the Torah missed out is the exact location where the visiting Angles met Abraham. This sacred extraordinary meeting was mentioned in the Quran as well as the Torah “[69] There came Our Messengers to Ibrahim with glad tidings. They said, "Peace! "he answered, "Peace!" and hastened to entertain them with a roasted calf. [70] But when he saw their hands went not towards the (meal), he felt some mistrust of them, and conceived a fear of them. They said: "Fear not: we have been sent against the people of Lot." According to Arabic resources the location of this meeting is revealed in this prayer quote: “...In your glorious and generous name by which you appeared to Musa at Tur Sina and to Abraham at Musageed Al-khief before, and to Isaac at Beersheba, and to Jacob at Beit eal (Beit Allah)...” ' Masjeed Al-khief is visited by Muslims annually during Hajj and it is located at Mena valley's border, refer to photos 5 & 9.

Photo 9: Al-khief mosque near Ishmael Altar at Mena valley erected in memory of the place where the three angles visited Abraham.

The above verse mentioned Lot’s people in the messengers' dialog with Abraham. Lot moved to where those wicked people dwelt seeking grassland for his cattle: "And there was strife between the herdsmen of Abram's cattle and the herdsmen of Lot's cattle: and the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelt then in the land". Such strife between herdsmen shouldn't have made Lot to move farther than 1250 km away from Makkah as sketched in the Septuagint's account. 

Few kilometers from Paran / Makkah area would provide enough grassland for Lot’s cattle; a fact that stressed evidently in the holy Quran "[133] So also was Lot among those sent (by Us). [134] Behold, We delivered him and his adherents, all [135] Except an old woman who was among those who lagged behind: [136] Then We destroyed the rest. [137] Verily, ye pass by their (sites) by day, [138] And by nightwill ye not understand?" (As safat ch 37 verses 133-138) These verses were direct informative speech to Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) while he was at Makkah. The verse in question informed him and his followers that "ye pass by their (sites) by day, [138] And by night: will ye not understand?" Surely, he understood how close Sodom was from Makkah. Furthermore, the Quran clearly called for investigation and when reading this verse "[35] And We have left thereof an evident Sign (of Sodom), for any people who (care to) understand" (Al – Ankabut ch 29 verse 35). Unlike the Christens driven expedition missions, the Muslims barley showed any interest in looking for Sodom in fulfillment of the above verse. 

The advise however, offered here for the Christians investigators is that looking for Sodom on the floor of the Dead sea is a total waste of time and effort as one cannot consider a concealed village under layers of hard crystal salt at the bottom of the Dead Sea as an "evident sign" that one can look for! According to both the Quran and the Syriac Torah, one has to look for Sodom within few kilometers around Makkah / Paran. It should not be hard to find it if only the Septuagint's falsified information is declined as a source of sacred sites geographical locater.
Misrs – The Traders’ service villages:

The word "Misr" is repeated 5 times in the holy Quran. Four times in reference and one time description as we read in the following verse which reveals a dialog between Musa and the children of Israel that took place during the exodus from Misr to the holy land "[61] And remember ye said: "O Musa! We cannot endure one kind of food (always); so beseech thy Lord for us to produce for us of what the earth growth its pot-herbs, and cucumbers, its garlic, lentils, and onions." He said: "Will ye exchange the better for the worse? Go ye down to any town, and ye shall find what ye want!"... " (Al-Baqarah ch 2 verse: 61). The expression "any town" in the verse is pronounced in the Quran Arabic text as “Misra” and is mentioned in the Torah as Mosera· . This indicates that the word “Misr” is not a distinctive expression but rather a descriptive one. This is exactly what it meant to be as far as the Arabic language is concerned. Misr in Arabic means destination and it is used to describe any urban village or town, which used to mark the travelers and traders final or transitory destination. Accordingly, any urban village or town interconnected with the traders' national and international routes network is described as “Misr” to distinguish such urban stations from the others rural landscapes.

In addition to this descriptive meaning, Misr is also a word used to describe the process of urbanization. When used in this context the pronunciation is "Missr" (مصّر). Both uses of the word Misr is evident in the early Arabic descriptions of the rural urbanization process as we read in this quote " …the Khalifate Omer Ben Al Katab managed to urbanize (Missr مصّر)) few Misrs (الامصار) and he said: the known Misrs are seven, Al Madina is a Misr, Al Sham (South Syria) is a Misr, Al Khoofa is a Misr, Al Basrah is a Misr …." Unlike Muslims who almost confined the term Misr to naming a land as vast as Egypt, the Quran presented the word in its proper context when mentioning Misr. Therefore as per the verse above, Misr means any urban area where Goods are stored and traders can congregate along the trade routes to sell, buy or exchange Goods, as well as to rest or to re-water and re-stock the camel caravans with food supply. Plenty of research works has been devoted to such important economical stations in the ancient world especially Arabia. Such stations are described as "Misrs" and each is called “Misra” as per the Quran or Mosera as per the Torah. This implies that there should be tens of Misrs scattered all over Arabia headed by tens of different Kings or Fir’awns or Sheiks. Accordingly, since we have already mentioned the full name of Mose’s Fir’awn, what about Abraham’s Fir’awn? He also visited a Misr during his time as per the Torah. The Arabic history confirms this visit and provides the required name: …Abraham then decided to leave…He arrived at Misr controlled by one of the Fir’awns and his name was Sinan (سنان) Ben Alwan (علوان) Ben Abuid (عبيد) Ben Owlag (عولج) Ben Amelak (عملاق) Ben Lawd (لاوذ) Ben Sam (سام) Ben Noah (نوح) It is said that he was the brother of Al Dahak (الضحاك) whom appointed him to head Misr." Another set of genuine Hijazi Arabian names. This raises the following question: Was Abraham's Misr different from his grandson's Yusuf? And the same question applies to Mose's Misr as well?

What we concluded from the previous sections is that Abraham resided at Beersheba (Makkah). His son Ishmael was born at Namera (Mamre) and he therefore must have had his other son Isaac and grandson Jacob at Beersheba as well. Jacob didn't live far away from Beit Allah since he and his 12 sons (the Israelis nucleus) dwelt in an area close to the trade route around Makkah. 

This is obvious from the verse mentioning a dialogue between the brothers of Yusuf, [10] Said one of them: "Slay not Yusuf, but if ye must do something, throw him down to the bottom of the well: he will be picked up by some caravan of travelers." (Yusuf ch 12 verse 10). The caravan travelers picked him up and went to their next destination which is the next Misr on their trade route. What escaped Yusuf’s brothers is the possibility that he will be sold at a Misr close to Makkah where they lived. This is obvious from this verse [19] Then there came a caravan of travelers: they sent their water-carrier (for water), and he let down his bucket (into the well). He said: "Ah there! good news! here is a (fine) young man!" so they concealed him as a treasure! but Allah knoweth well all that they do! [20] The (Brethren) sold him for a Miserable price, for a few dirhams counted out: in such low estimation did they hold him!" (Yusuf ch 12 verse: 20).

Figure 6: Misr as locations as per both Dawood and Salibi. Both locations are on top of the Surat Mountains in Asir south of Mokkah
Here is another mistranslation based on a misunderstanding of what the Quran narrated. The Quran didn't mention who were the sellers of Yusuf at a Miserable price. All it mentioned was "They sold him". The early Muslims assumed that the "They" was referring to Yusuf’s brothers based on Jews false information. In fact "They" is referring to the merchants as the brothers cleared the area once they dropped Yusuf in the well. Selling the Goods at low price meant the merchants wanted to get rid of the new unexpected traveler. He had to be watered and fed and carried over a camel. Therefore, within few traveling days they offered him for sale in one of the Misrs along the route at low price to get ride of him. Therefore, we have good reasons to believe that this Misr should not be far away from Makkah.

Dawood suggested in one of his books that Misr is located at the top of the Surat mountains about 250 km south of Makkah, see figurer 6, while Kamal Al Salabi findings puts it further south in the midway between Al Baha and Al Namas. We believe that both could have been Misrs at some stage, but none should necessarily be the Misr in which Yusuf was sold. However, we can add one certain point here which is that the king of Yusuf’s Misr name indicates that he must have been from the proposed region as indicated in this quote "...Yusufs lived in al Aziz (العزيز) house for thirteen years and when he was thirty years old he was appointed as head of Misr by the king then, who’s name was Al Rayan (الريان) Ben Al Walied (الوليد) Ben Thoran (ثوران) Ben Arashah (ارشة) Ben Amro (عمرو ) Ben Amelak (عملاق) Ben Lawad (لاوذ) Ben Sam (سام) Ben Noah (نوح)"،، Another blatant Hijazi full name, which Egyptology will deny the presence or incrustation in Egypt. 

Misr during Yusuf’s time was a mix of multi tribal Arabs. The Torah called them Mizris. The Israelis were the new settler at that Misr as they were invited by Yusuf to reside in the Al Rayan Misr. The Israelis total number on the planet earth then was exactly 13 Arab people, Israel (Jacob) and his 12 sons including Yusuf in addition to their children who, as per the Torah, mounted up to 70 persons. Knowing that approximately 200 years separate Yusuf from Moses, How many progeny can 12 persons multiply in the span of 200 years? The Torah’s exaggerated number is a staggering 600,000 persons when in fact they should not exceed 3000 at extreme most, including children, men and women of all ages. Nevertheless, according to many believers and politicians, those were the "strong workforce" whom are claimed to have built the mighty pyramids in ancient Egypt!

Photo 10: The real Misr that has been projected to the world as the mighty Kingdom of Egypt most likely looked more of a small fort on the trade route similar to this image.
It is note worthy too that only few of the total Israelis believed in Moses and hence only few of them accompanied him in the exodus as revealed in the Quran "[83] But none believed in Musa except some children of his People, because of the fear of Fir'aun and his chiefs, lest they should persecute them; and certainly Fir'aun was mighty on the earth and one who transgressed all bounds" (Yunus ch 10 vers 83). Accordingly, the rest of Israelis remained in Misr and became the new property owners when the news of the pharaoh's death reached Misr; [59] Thus it was, but We made the Children of Israel inheritors of such things." (As shurura ch 26 verse: 59). The rest of the Misris also had a share in the Misr, as stated in this verse "[28] Thus (was their end)! and We made other people inherit (those things)!" (Ad-Dukhan ch 44 verse 28).  

What concerns us here is the size of this Misr that was occupied by 3000 Israelis only and say another 3000 non Israelis. That was the capacity of the land of what is claimed to be the great kingdom of Egypt, when in fact it was nothing more than a village located near a small fort situated on the main trade route similar to the one shown in photo 10.

Assuming that Misr's location was to the south of Makkah, as per Dawood and Al Salibi, then where was Moses heading to when he left the Misr of the Fir’awn Kabwoos? According to the Torah they headed to the promised holy land which can't be mistaken for any other place but Makkah for it contained Beit Allah and Abrahams new home, "…Send for thee men, and they spy the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the sons of Israel; one man, one man for the tribe of his fathers ye do send, every one a prince among them.` 13:3 And Moses sendeth them from the wilderness of Paran by the command of Jehovah; all of them are men, heads of the sons of Israel they are,

Here we read the familiar names again, Paran (فاران) and Canaan/ Kanan (كنان) of which we already demonstrated the association with Makkah, based on the Arabian historical records. Equally, it should not be surprising to learn that the long Arabian history preserved such narrations which describe a region containing Pharan area …the passenger would travel the distance of two stations (Misrs) in the wilderness area until he reaches Pharan's sea coast where Qaran city was. There the Pharaoh drowned. The wilderness is about forty square Farsakhs (فرسخ) in which the Israelis spent 40 years in wandering (التيه) 

 ، In another narration we read … it is reported that Musa confronted Arab tribes such as Tasum (طسم) and Jadys (جديس) and Amalek (العماليق) and Jurhm (جرهم) and the people of Madun (اهل مدين) and he reached Pharan (Paran) mountain which is Makkah ….” All these tribes are Arabs who dwelt in Arabia and Makkah region. In fact Ishmael's wife was from Jurhm tribe as engraved in the Arabian memory whereas the Greek Torah claimed her as “Egyptian”. Moreover, the name Kadish (قادش) (Holy, or Kadesh-Barnea, sacred desert of wandering) where Musa arrived at the end of the exodus trip is nothing but one of Makkah’s old name as reported by the Arab ancient historians … Kadis (قادس) is one of the names of Beit Allah. It was called so to express holiness and the place of purification from sins، Furthermore, we read this quote “I recall sixteen names for Makkah, one of them is Makkah, Kuthy (كوثي) … Kadis (قادس)”. Regarding the names Gerar (جرار) and Gaza (غزة), they are to-date two neighborhoods in Makkah pronounced respectively as “Gerwal” (جرول) and “Gaza” (غزة , refer to figurer 5, and both are close to Beersheba which is known today by the name Beer Zimzum.

The concealed fact: Paran is the old name for Makkah Mountains surrounding Beit Allah (Bethel). While Abraham was dwelling Namrea with his first wife Sarah, 17 km away, he erected another house for his second wife Hagar next to Beersheba or as know today beer Zimzum in order to revive the most sacred place on earth since Adam and Eve time.

How did the Septuagint do it? – How to hide a mountain in a desert?

Undoubtedly, the shifting theory is obvious based on the Arabian historical scripts. The remaining question is how this historical forgery managed to spread worldwide and become a holy illusion. The answer lies in the following Quranic verse "[79] Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from Allah," to traffic with it for a Miserable price! Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby." (Al-i-IMran Ch 3 verse 79). The Quran confirms that the forged information was successfully trafficked because it was daredevilry marketed under the name of "Allah". Obviously, this emotionally masking approach shrouded the common sense of people and hindered their analyzing abilities leading to the acceptance of many contradictions and inconsistencies.

The scholars of all three religions chose to ignore the blatant contradictions, or in extreme cases opted to resolve the resulting ambiguities with supernatural answers. For instance, to rationalize the notion that Abraham was traveling between Makkah and Palestine in the Torah given circumstances, one comes across such narrations as "… While at Palestine Abraham was requested to take Ishmael and Hagar to Makkah. He therefore boarded them on the Al-Buraq· and carried with him water in a goat skin bottle and some dry dates, and headed to Beit Allah "'' 

Bearing in mind how the forged information was trafficked, we can put forth a scenario for the sequence of events since the Septuagint was released. During 282 B.C, and while Egypt was under Greek occupation, the Greek ruler in collaboration with 70 rabbis translated the Syriac Torah. The following verse most likely was addressing this particular drastic event "[78] There is among them a section who distort the Book with their tongues: (as they read) you would think it is a part of the Book, but it is no part of the Book; and they say, "That is from Allah," but it is not from Allah: it is they who tell a lie against Allah, and (well) they know it!" (Al-i-IMran Ch 3 verse 78). The translation which was called the Septuagint concealed the word "Misr" and replaced it with "Egypt". Ptolemy Ben Philadelphus would make financial benefits once Egypt becomes a holy land in the eyes of the western world, while the Jews rabbis would secure a bigger and more strategic lands for their future offspring under the made up "Promised - land" saga located on the rich Silk Trade Route as a substitute for the hard to get Incense Trade Route. The Greek and western people in general started to learn and educate their children with these forged accounts thinking they were authentic. The successive Roman empires also adopted the Septuagint as a source of holy teachings and once they grew into a universal super power, they effectively enforced and effectively spread the fake history in the old world. The fragmented and militarily weak Eastern generations were confused between what their ancestors' memory held with respect to the geographical locations and that preached by their contemporary successive western superpowers, namely the Greek and the Romans. The result was apparently the retrogression of the eastern genuine history in favor of the Roman church which insisted that Egypt was the land of the exodus and Iraq was the birth place of Abraham as they learned it from the Septuagint. This was the case for about 800 years before the Quran was revealed. The Quran like the New Testament stated that forged information had already spread and settled in the people's belief system and called for correction. Saturated with the inherited forged information, the early Muslims appeared not only unaware of the extent of damage done, but also started to explain the Quran verses in view of what they have already learned from the early Arab converted Jews who were saturated with the Septuagint teachings. Consequently, the forged teachings managed to reach the Muslims contemporary mosques and schools curriculums. What made it worse is that after the Islamic conquest of Egypt, it gradually lost its ancient name in favor of another name "Misr" which happened to resemble the biblical name for the place of the exodus. This made the Muslim generations strongly believe that Egypt, which they exclusively call Misr, was truly the exodus place. 

Reversing the cycle – Diffusing the holy delusion:

Approximately 2280 years had elapsed since the Septuagint was published. Three main factors combined to facilitate the successful domination of the forged information on the ancient as well as the contemporary worlds. These factors are: 1- Presenting the forged information through sacred channels (70 Rabbis & Torah) 2- The existence of a political superpower prepared to promote the forged information amongst the public (Geek Ptolemies followed by the Roman Empires) 3-The believers' ignorance of the fact that their absolute fatalist submission could be the gateway to their abuse and control (a common behavior amongst most believers). These pivotal factors are still controlling factors against any attempt to diffuse the prevailing illusion. The publication of the Septuagint based bibles will continue regardless of the opposing archeological discoveries or the denial of the Egyptology findings. Today's images of Ptolemy Ben Philadelphus discovered the latent power of the old established "holy" forgery and embarked on making full use of it. Consequently, the implantation of the “Promised Land” forged legend in the Arab world is systematically pursued by the highest political powers and organizations not for religious purposes but rather for political and commercial strategic intentions the main of which is to physically split the African Arab nations from the Asian ones. This was the unannounced outcome of the 1905 London conference, which drafted the Arabic world current state of affairs. The only hope left is educating the believers of all three religions (Jews, Christians and Muslims) of the nature and the extent of the historical abuse committed by international politicians and bankers against their sacred sites and beliefs. However, this is not attainable unless the scholars, researchers and scientists establish study research task teams, and make their findings available to the followers of the three most resent religions.


Around 282 B.C.masses of ancient Europeans primarily the Greeks followed by the Romans started to learn the heavenly teachings through a Greek book translated from a Syriac origin Torah. Seventy Rabbis were the translators of this book, which contained forged teachings concerning the geographical whereabouts of the Israeli prophets. The successful trafficking the forged teachings in a holiness shroud resulted in the creation of tow Bethel (House of God), two Beersheba, two Kadesh, two pilgrimage places, two Gaza, two kingdom of heavens, and two centers of earth … etc. The only explanation of the obvious similarities of events and site names between the Old Testament, which advocates south Syria as the main biblical theater, and the ancient Arabian History which indicates that Makkah region was the principal scene, lies in the conclusion that targeted places had been deliberately shifted from their original locations. The obvious contradictions and inconsistency of some details within both the Greek Torah and the post Islamic Arabian history support this conclusion. 

Through this paper, it was demonstrated that the Septuagint authors are to be held accountable for the prevailing universal illusion with respect to the Patriarchs geography. In fact, they were the intellectual team that deliberately replaced the name "Misr" with the name "Egypt" in order to pave the way for the mass removal of the entire holy sites from their original emplacement and project them all over Iraq, Syria and Egypt in preparation to activate the "holy" promised-land ideology. This serious copy and past type forgery could not have been trafficked successfully without the political will power of Greek Ptolemy Ben Philadelphus who supported the falsification most probably for tourism and religious attraction purposes. The holy Quran as well as the New Testament had repeatedly stated that grave falsification had occurred before the Islamic and Christian eras, which remained unaddressed until this very moment. The consequences of this ignorance was and is entirely tragic, as genuine holy places faded away from the majority of believers' awareness especially the westerns, and false sites erected in place for others, ancient· nations identities were lost or exchanged, wars waged and political and military conflicts over land and historical made-up rights stirred. The entire Arabic world is politically unstable primarily due to made-up disputes over delusive "holy" lands and sites. This will remain the case as long as today's Ptolemies are in support of the ancient Septuagint illusion for whatever financial and/or political drives. Fortunately, the world is rapidly shrinking into a small village, concealing the truth is becoming increasingly difficult. Unfortunately, the only other foreseeable way out of the pressed for “promised land” saga and its inescapable aftermath is dreadfully through the promised Armageddon.

For any required information or further clarifications, please contact the research and studies division in the Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society – Kingdom of Bahrain. Email : tajdeed@tajdeed.org
  1. Egypt & the Israelites in south west Arabia-Ziad Mouna – UK- ISBN:1-85513-247-8
  2. Genesis 35:27 (http://www.htmlbible.com/kjv30/B01C035.htm ); Genesis 23:2; Joshua 15:16; 15:61;18:18;18:22-
  3. Genesis 13:18 (http://www.htmlbible.com/kjv30/B01C013.htm); Genesis 14:13;14:24;18:1;23:17;23:19;25:9 ....
  4. Genesis 12:8 (http://www.htmlbible.com/kjv30/B01C012.htm ) ; Genesis 13:3; 28:19; 31:13; 35:3; 35:6 ….
• Euphrates is the Greek pronunciation of the Syriac originating word Perâth.
  1. Genesis 2:14 (http://www.htmlbible.com/kjv30/B01C002.htm ) ; Genesis 15:18, ….
  2. Refer to "Paradise and the Surat mountains" one of Al Tajdeed Society research work to be published by 2006 year end.
• Tiger is the Greek pronunciation of the Syriac originating word Hiddekel. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tigris )
  1. مختار السويفي- أم الحضارات - ص 127
  2. Arabic news - Egypt renews denial of Jewish participation in building the Pyramids Egypt, History, 4/14/2001 http://www.arabicnews.com/ansub/Daily/Day/010414/2001041408.html
The Patriarchs referred to here are Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Yusuf and Moses.
  1. فراس السواح- الحدث التوراتي والشرق الأدنى القديم- ص 198
  2. News paper article " Was Ramses II Moses Pharaoh?" "رمسيس الثاني هل هو فرعون موسى؟" – جريدة الأيام- العدد 5916- تاريخ 22 مايو 2005- مملكة البحرين
ª The letter "S" is usually added by the Greeks to the names hence it should be dropped when reverting the name to its origin pronunciation.
  1. العلامة المجلسي - بحار الأنوار- ج 2 ، ص 383
  2. جمال الدين الزيعلي - نصب الراية- ج 6 ،ص 564
  3. الأحمدي الميانجي- مكاتيب الرسول -ج 2، ص 424
  4. محمد بن سعد- الطبقات الكبرى- ج 1 ،ص 260
  5. المتقي الهندي - كنز العمال - ج 5 ص 759
· Research shows that the Muslims didn’t call Egypt by the name Misr because it is biblically or Quranically originated, but rather because the new capital at that time "AL Fustat" (الفسطاط) was considered the main fully equipped trading and ruling center and gradually became the travelers destination. Distention in Arabic language is coincidently pronounced and written as "Misr'. Therefore, the Muslims called the Fustat (الفسطاط) city the "Destination" i.e. The Misr. This is how gradually the name Misr originated and spread though out the valley. Refer to the below reference.
  1. جمعية التجديد، مملكة البحرين – نداء السراة - اختطاف جغرافيا الأنبياء – ص 110
  2. Salibi, Kamal, The Bible Came from Arabia, London, Jonathan, 1985
  3. كمال الصليبي - البحث عن يسوع –ص 31
¨ There are other 4 verses which also mention Misr as the homeland of Musa.
  1. المسعودي - التنبيه والإشراف- ص 182
  2. Paleo-Hebrew (Before 585 B.C.)، Genesis 21:21 http://www.hebrewoldtestament.com/index2.htm
  3. جمال الدين الأتابكي- النجوم الزاهرة- ج 1 ،ص 61
  4. ابن خلدون- تاريخ ابن خلدون -ج 2 ، ص 74
  5. This site contains the Pyramid Texts pronounced in Gipti language. The word Pharaoh doesn’t exit anywhere in the hundreds of preserved manuscripts: http://www.pyramidtexts.com/
  6. Royal Titles for Kings of Egypt By Marie Parsons: http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/titles.htm
  7. Quranic Accuracy Vs. Biblical Error: The Kings & Pharaohs Of Egypt ,M S M Saifullah, `Abdullah David & Elias Karim http://www.islamic-awareness.org/Quran/Contrad/External/josephdetail.html
  8. PHARAOHS and CAMELS; Only in Arabia!: http://www.biblemysteries.com/lectures/pharaohscamels.htm
  9. فَرْعُ كلّ شيء: أَعْلاه لسان العرب ج8 ص 246
  10. تاريخ دمشق –ابن عساكر ج 61 ص 20
  11. البداية والنهاية- ابن كثير ج1 ص 276
  12. بحار الأنوار-المجلسي ج13 ص 51
  13. علل الشرائع - الشيخ الصدوق ج 1 ص 67
  14. لسان العرب - ابن منظور ج 31 ص 323
  15. الصحاح - الجوهري ج 6 ص 2177
  16. معجم البلدان - الحموي ج 5 ص 140
  17. تاريخ العرب قبل الإسلام - الدكتور أحمد أمين سليم ص 121
  18. الكامل في التاريخ – الشيباني -ج1 ص112
· Wahab is a Jewish scholar. He converted to Islam shortly after the prophet Mohamed death.
¨ The people of the book is a Quranic expression refereeing to Jews and Christians.
  1. تفسير القرطبي-القرطبي ج1 ص 383
  2. فتح القدير-الشوكاني ج1 ص 82
  3. الرحاب الندية في مذهب النصرانية و اليهودية- السيد محمد الموسوي –ص 282
  4. علل الشرائع - الشيخ الصدوق ج 1 ص 67
  5. معاني الأخبار- الشيخ الصدوق ص 50
  6. شرح أصول الكافي - مولي محمد صالح المازندراني ج 9 ص 220
  7. وسائل الشيعة (الإسلامية) - الحر العاملي ج 11 ص 373
  8. الصراط المستقيم - علي بن يونس العاملي ج 2 ص 45
  9. بحار الأنوار - العلامة المجلسي ج 31 ص 15
  10. شرح نهج البلاغة - ابن أبي الحديد ج 01 ص 94
  11. فيض القدير شرح الجامع الصغير - المناوي ج 3 ص 121
  12. التبيان - الشيخ الطوسي ج 1 ص 220
  13. تفسير مجمع البيان - الشيخ الطبرسي ج 1 ص 203
  14. التفسير الصافي - الفيض الكاشاني ج 2 ص 223
  15. التفسير الأصفى - الفيض الكاشاني ج 2 ص 760
  16. تفسير نور الثقلين - الشيخ الحويزي ج 3 ص 380
  17. تفسير الميزان - السيد الطباطبائي ج 41 ص 161
  18. جامع البيان - إبن جرير الطبري ج 1 ص 385
  19. زاد المسير - ابن الجوزي ج 1 ص 65
  20. تفسير القرطبي - القرطبي ج 1 ص 383
  21. تفسير ابن كثير - ابن كثير ج 1 ص 94
  22. ئفسير الثعالبي - الثعالبي ج 1 ص 235
  23. فتح القدير - الشوكاني ج 1 ص 82
  24. الأخبار الطوال- الدينوري ص 4
  25. معجم البلدان - الحموي ج 5 ص 140
  26. كتاب المحبر- محمد بن حبيب البغدادي ص 467
  27. تاريخ اليعقوبي - اليعقوبي ج 1 ص 186
  28. تاريخ الطبري - الطبري ج 1 ص 272
  29. أخبار الزمان- المسعودي ص 269
  30. الشفا بتعريف حقوق المصطفى - القاضي عياض ج 1 ص 98
  31. قصص الأنبياء- الجزائري ص 259
  32. الصحاح - الجوهري ج 6 ص 2177
  33. لسان العرب - ابن منظور ج 31 ص 323
  34. مختار الصحاح- محمد بن عبد القادر ص 259
  35. القاموس المحيط - الفيروز آبادى ج 4 ص 255
  36. مجمع البحرين - الشيخ الطريحي ج 3 ص 391
  37. تاج العروس - الزبيدي ج 7 ص 25
  38. شذرات الذهب- المقدسي ج2 ص 65
  39. مرآة الجنان-اليافعي ج2 ص 96
  40. الكامل في التاريخ –الشيباني ج1 ص 130
  41. المنتظم- أبو الفرج ج1 ص 332
  42. الإنس الجليل – العليمي ج1 ص 74
  43. النجوم الزاهرة- بردي ج 1 ص 58
  44. فتوح مصر وأخبارها- ابن اعين ج1 ص 76
  45. تلقيح فهوم أهل الأثر- ابن الجوزي ج1 ص 332
  46. فيض القدير-المناوي ج3 ص 93
  47. عمدة القارئ - العيني ج2 ص 59
· Unlike the Greek Torah, the Quran confirms that Ishmael and not Isaac was the one offered for sacrifice.
  1. الكافي - الشيخ الكليني ج 4 ص 207 :
  2. الحدائق الناضرة - المحقق البحراني ج 61 ص 350
  3. فقه الصادق (ع) - السيد محمد صادق الروحاني ج 11 ص 357 :
¨ (al 'iber) means the transient borders.
ª The Euphrates river mentioned in the above quote is located in Arabia south of Makkah and has nothing to do with the river in Iraq named after this Arabian genuine river.
  1. معجم ما استعجم - البكري الأندلسي ج 1 ص 10
· Note that it is believed that the revir valley is continuous all the way from the top of the Surat mountains to north Iraq via the Hafr Albatun valley, therefore authors added a connection green line to the valley.
  1. الهداية الكبرى- الحسين بن حمدان الخصيبي ص 98
  2. بحار الأنور-المجلسي ج21 ص40
  3. الفضائل لشاذان- بن جبرئيل القمي ص126
  4. مدينة المعاجز - السيد هاشم البحراني ج 1 ص 52
§ Najaf نجفis a now a well known city in south Iraq. The word consists of two parts "Ny" (ني) and "Jaf" (جف) which latterly means as per the Arabic Akkadia dialect "Dry sea" refer to:
  1. نداء السراة-اختطاف جغرافيا الانبياء –جمعية التجديد الثقافية -2006، الجنة تحت اقدام السراة- جمعية التجديد الثقافية
· Paran motioned in the Torah is defiantly Makkah as will be revealed later.
  1. Genesis 21:19; Same as above
ª Beer is an Arabic word which means water well.
  1. Genesis 21:30-31 Same above source
  2. المحقق البحراني - الحدائق الناضرة - ج 17 ص341
  3. جعفر كاشف الغطاء - كشف الغطاء - ج 1 ص 114
  4. محمد الريشهري - الحج والعمرة في الكتاب والسنة –ص 114
  5. الشيخ الصدوق- الخصال- 454
  6. الحر العاملي – وسائل الشيعة (آل البيت) - ج 13 -ص 246
  7. العلامة المجلسي- بحار الأنوار - ج 96 ص243
  8. السيد البروجردي - جامع أحاديث الشيعة - ج 10 - ص 39
  9. لسان العرب- ابن منظور- ج 8 ص 171
  10. الشعراني- العهود المحمدية ص243
  11. جار الله الزمخشري- الفايق في غريب الحديث -ج2 ص 180
  12. الطبراني- المعجم الكبير- ج10 ص 271
  13. ابن أبي شيبة الكوفي- المصنف-ج4 ص 358
  14. عبد الرزاق الصنعاني- المصنف-ج5 ص 117
  15. الهيثمي- مجمع الزوائد-ج 3 ص 286
  16. الدر المنثور- جلال الدين السيوطي - ج 3 ص 222
  17. سبل الهدى والرشاد- الصالحي الشامي-ج1 ص 182
  18. معجم البلدان-الحموي- ج3 ص 317
  19. النهاية في غريب الحديث- ابن الأثير- ج2 ص 441
  20. صفة جزيرة العرب- الهمداني -ص86
  21. لسان العرب – ابن منظور -ج5- ص43
  22. النهاية في غريب الأثر ج3/ص405
  23. معجم البلدان ج4/ص225
  24. البداية والنهاية - ابن كثير ج 2 ص 231 :
  25. هداية الحيارى في أجوبة اليهود والنصارى- ابن قيم الجوزية 48
  26. تفسير ابن كثير ج4- ص15
  27. الأقطاب الفقهية- ابن أبي جمهور ص 66
  28. العرب والساميون والعبرانيون وبنو إسرائيل و اليهود-أحمد داوود ص184
  29. التنبيه والأشراف- المسعودي ص 95
  30. معجم البلدان - الحموي ج 3 ص 147
  31. أخبار مكة للفاكهي -ج2- ص267
  32. حلية الأولياء للاصبهاني ص298
  33. أخبار مكة للفاكهي ج2/ص257
  34. مصباح المتهجد- الشيخ الطوسي ص 418
  35. بحار الأنوار - العلامة المجلسي ج 78 ص 99
· It is proposed here that the authors of the Septuagint missed this word from the systematic process of replacing Misr with Egypt.
  1. تاريخ اليعقوبي ج: 2 ص: 154
  2. الكامل في التاريخ –الشيباني ج1/ص77
  3. تاريخ الطبري - الطبري ج 1 ص 255
  4. بحار الأنوار - العلامة المجلسي ج 21 ص 282
  5. البداية والنهاية - ابن كثير ج 1 ص 239
  6. المواعظ والاعتبار- المقريزي- ص 268
  7. الروض المعطار في خبر الأقطار-الحميري-ص149
  8. المواعظ والاعتبار-المقريزي-ص 1242
  9. معجم ما استعجم - البكري الأندلسي ج 1 ص 270
  10. سبل الهدى والرشاد - الصالحي الشامي ج 1 ص 170
  11. المجموع - محيى الدين النووي ج 8 ص 3
· Al-Buraq is a legendary flying creature some report it looks like a woman headed flying horse others report it is more of a mix bread between a horse and a mule with 2 wings. All descriptions of this flying creature are originating from Jewish ancient tales.
  1. تفسير ابن كثير ج4/ص15
  2. الروض الأنف- السهيلي ص55
  3. مسخ الصورة- جمعية التجديد الثقافية – مملكة البحرين  -: www.Tajdeed.org

L'agent Gbagbo et sa femme croisée evangeliste ne servant plus les interets de l'occupant, apres la fusion des reseaux franco-americano-otan-isralien en Afrique en 2007. La France-Israel prepare un genocide en Cote d'Ivoire...et l'assassinat de son ancien pantin pour le remplacer par un autre pour perpetuer la colonisation et le pillage de l'Afrique. Les Musulmans de Cote d'Ivoire ne doivent ni soutenir Gbagbo, ni Ouattara, ni tout autre pantin-harki, mais l'Honneur des peuples Africains et celui de leurs ancetres qui se sont battus en ayant la volonté de vivre Libres, Independants, Souverains et gerant eux memes les fruits de leurs richesses nationales pour le bien des populations locales et non pas pour financer des partis politiques racistes a Paris, responsables du chaos organisé en Afrique.

Document secret des militaires français /  Operation Kahia 2 : Le plan pour tuer Gbagbo

 Jean Pierre Palancet, chargé de dynamiter et de genocider la Cote D'Ivoire, pour le compte de  ses maitres et criminels de guerres israeliens de l'Elysée. Sarkozy souhaitant activer la guerre au plus vite car le nom de Rafik Hariri, financier occulte de la Chiraquie et de la vie politique francaise, vient de faire son apparation dans les affaires dites de Karachi et les contrats AGOSTA  avec le Pakistan et SAWARI 2 avec l'Arabie Saoudite. Des revelations explosives sur la scene internationale dans l'affaire Hariri qui risquent de voir un pays comme la France sombrer dans une guerre totale. Ca fait tres tres tres mal a Paris, en voila un motif pour tuer Hariri, n'est ce pas Sarkozy ? Dire qu'Israel souhaitait faire la guerre au Liban. Quoi vous voulez faire la guerre au Pakistan maintenant ? Qui sait ce qui se passera dans les prochains jours ? Sarkozy a bien besoin de guerres, d'attentats et emeutes pour se maintenir a l'Elysée... 

Notre voie-28/12/2010,

Le document est classé « Secret défense ». Grâce à des amitiés dans certains milieux français, nous en avons obtenu copie. Il a été à Paris. Il porte la griffe du général de brigade Didier Castres, adjoint du Centre de planification et de conduite des opérations de l’état-major des armées françaises, 14, rue Saint Dominique, 75700 Paris SP 07. Il était initialement adressé au général de brigade Francis Autran (commandant de la Force Licorne entre le 10 décembre 2009 et le 10 juin 2010) à Abidjan. Ce document a dû être réactualisé, exactement un mois avant le premier tour de la présidentielle ivoirienne, le 1er octobre 2010. Il a dû atterrir dans les mains du général Jean Pierre Palasset qui commande la force Licorne depuis le 10 juin 2010. Il a pour objet d’expliquer et de détailler l’opération montée par la DGSE pour renverser le président Gbagbo, quel que soit le verdict des urnes. Cette opération a pour nom de code « RCI/opération LICORNE : KAHIA 2/30 MILITAIRES COS-DIVISION ACTION DGSE ». Ce document vient éclairer tous ceux qui croient que les Ivoiriens accusent à tort le gouvernement français de comploter contre la Côte d’Ivoire. A lire et à conserver pour l’histoire.

Contexte général

La signature de l’Accord de Ouagadougou intervient après un mois de négociations directes conduites sous l’égide de Blaise Compaoré, président burkinabé et président en exercice de la Cedeao, ancien allié de Gbagbo ,avant d’être accusé par celui-ci de complot à son encontre. Le Dialogue direct inter-Ivoiriens proposé par Laurent Gbagbo en décembre 2006, en plein enlisement diplomatique et militaire, visait à court-circuiter les nombreux médiateurs extérieurs, en particulier l’Onu et le Groupe de travail international, considéré comme la voix du Conseil de sécurité. Exit les occidentaux, les 3500 Français de l’opération Licorne, les 9100 casques bleus de l’Onuci, exit également le Premier ministre soutenu par la communauté internationale, Charles Konan Banny. Laurent Gbagbo et Guillaume Soro s’arrogent les rôles principaux de la transition ivoirienne. L’Accord de Ouagadougou prévoit des disposilions concernant les principaux points de divergence : l’identification des citoyens ivoiriens en vue des élections, le désarmement des miliciens et l’intégration des états-majors et forces armées dans une structure unifiée. Sur la question de l’identification des citoyens ivoiriens, les parties au dialogue inter-lvoiriens conviennent de la reprise sur l’ensemble du territoire des audiences foraines pour une période de trois mois «dès la mise en place du nouveau gouvernement issu de l’accord». 

Ces audiences foraines doivent notamment délivrer des jugements supplétifs tenant lieu de certificats de naissance à des personnes nées en Côte d’Ivoire mais qui n’ont jamais été déclarées à l’état civil Ces documents, actes de naissance et jugements supplétifs, permettront aux citoyens âgés de 18 ans et plus de s’inscrire sur la liste électorale et de se voir délivrer, par la suite, leur carte d’identité nationale et leur carte d’électeur. Des élections présidentielles “ouvertes, démocratiques et transparentes” devraient suivre l’aboutissement du processus d’identification des citoyens. Concernant les forces combattantes – les Forces armées nationales de la Côte d’Ivoire (FANCI), loyales au président Gbagbo, et les rebelles des Forces armées des Forces Nouvelles (FAFN) – l’Accord prévoit le regroupement des milices sur 17 sites prévus à cet effet en vue de leur désarmement, démobilisation et réinsertion, Un service civique leur est offert, «dans le but de les encadrer et de les former pour de futurs emplois civils ou militaires», L’intégration des deux formations rivales dans une armée unifiée doit se faire sous la direction d’un Centre de commandement intégré (CCI), organe paritaire commandé conjointement par le chef d’état-major général des Fanci, Philippe Mangou, et le chef d’état-major des FAFN, Soumaïla Bakayoko. 

Le CCI sera chargé de : - «la contribution à l’élaboration de la politique de défense et de sécurité ; - la mise en œuvre du Programme national de désarmement, de démobilisation et de réinsertion (Pnddr), sous la supervision des Forces impartiales ; - l’opérationnalisation des tâches militaires et de sécurité liées au processus de sortie de crise ; - la sécurisation des audiences foraines, des opérations d’identification, ainsi que la sécurité du processus électoral ; - la mise en place d’unités militaires et paramilitaires mixtes ; - la coordination des mesures visant à garantir la protection de la libre circulation des personnes et des biens sur toute l’étendue du territoire national». En outre, l’Accord ouvre l’amnistie aux “crimes et délits relatifs aux atteintes à la sûreté de l’Etat liés aux troubles qui ont secoué la Côte d’Ivoire et commis entre le 17 septembre 2000 et la date d’entrée en vigueur du présent Accord, à l ‘exclusion des crimes économiques, des crimes de guerre et des crimes contre l’humanité».

De même, les sanctions personnelles votées par le Conseil dé sécurité des Nations unies doivent être levées. Enfin, l’accord demande le retrait progressif des forces françaises participant à l’Opération Licorne et de l’Onuci. Les premières doivent quitter la zone de confiance séparant le nord du sud et rebaptisée «ligne verte», une ligne imaginaire allant d’est en ouest, jalonnée de postes d’observation occupés par les forces françaises dont la présence serait réduite de moitié tous les deux mois jusqu’à leur suppression totale. Des corps de police mixtes. composés de rebelles et des Forces de défense et de sécurité (FOS). La mise en œuvre de l’accord est placée sous l’évaluation d’un Comité d’évaluation et d’accompagnement (CEA) composé d’un président (le Facilitateur , i.e. Blaise Compaoré, ou son représentant) et de trois représentants respectifs des deux parties à l’accord (Gbagbo et Soro). Ce sont ces deux parties qui décideront éventuellement d’élargir le Comité à d’autres membres de la classe politique ivoirienne. Marginalisés par le Dialogue direct inter-Ivoiriens, les autres candidats à la présidence, Henri Konan Bédié, président du Parti démocratique de Côte d’Ivoire (PDCI), et Alassane Dramane Ouattara, président du Rassemblement des républicains (RDR), candidat de l’Elysée, sont appelés à siéger aux côtés de Soro et de Gbagbo au Cadre permanent et de réconciliation, un “organe de veille et de dialogue permanent” ayant pour objectif “de renforcer la cohésion nationale”. Il se dégage de cet accord une volonté de fermer les yeux sur les conflits et rancunes passés au profit d’une maîtrise, par Laurent Gbagbo et GuiIlaume Soro, de la vie politique et du processus de réconciliation nationale. 

La communauté internationale qui avait trouvé dans la nomination de Charles Konan Banny au poste de Premier ministre un contrepoids à la capacité de nuisance de Laurent Gbagbo, jugé en partie responsable des obstacles qui ont émaillé le processus de transition qui devait éventuellement se conclure par la tenue d’élections présidentielles, se trouve écartée de l’accord. Pourtant, il s’agit moins d’un désaveu complet de la communauté internationale par les acteurs ivoiriens que d’une tentative de gestion interne de la crise, compte tenu de la méfiance persistant entre les acteurs. L’ONUCI et l’Opération Licorne demeurent pertinentes dans ce contexte, même si leur mission doit être adaptée en conséquence. 

Tel est bien le sens de l’Accord qui n’exige pas le retrait complet des forces étrangères avant la tenue des élections. Ainsi. le processus du Ddr est soumis à la supervision des “forces impartiales” (opération Licorne et Onuci), de même que la “ligne verte”, anciennement “zone de confiance”. Depuis la signature de l’Accord, le décret entérinant la création du Centre de commandement intégré a été promulgué par Laurent Gbagbo le 18 mars, tandis que les chefs d’état-major respectifs des Fanci et des Fafn ont pris connaissance de l’Accord et de leur rôle dans la restructuration des forces armées ivoiriennes. Lassitude ou optimisme, la communauté internationale a réagi promptement à la signature de l’Accord. L’Union africaine a demandé officiellement à l’Onu de réduire le nombre de ses casques bleus, la France a annoncé la diminution du nombre de ses forces participant à l’opération Licorne de 3500 à 3000, et le Fmi a annoncé une visite prochaine sur place. La vigilance reste évidemment de mise. Dans cette perspective, des investigations menées en profondeur par les éléments de la communauté française du renseignement et les principaux alliés engagés avec eIle dans la résolution du conflit ivoirien ont permis de mettre au jour la volonté non avouée du clan présidentielle de bloquer l’avancée du processus électoral qui devrait, selon les différents accords, débuter le 31 octobre par l’élection présidentielle. 

Contexte spécifique 

La directive CEMA citée en référence dans la présente fiche d’orientation générale s’est profondément inspirée des conclusions des recherches qui ont été menées sur le théâtre ivoirien pour confier au Centre de planification et de conduite des opérations de l’état-major des armées françaises l’évaluation d’une opération assez spécifique dont la coordination sera confiée au COMANFOR. Le Centre de planification et de conduite des opérations qui se retrouve au cœur KAHIA2 s’est vu confier, conformément à ses missions régaliennes et en tant que centre nerveux de la chaîne de commandement opérationnel en amont, la veille stratégique et la planification, puis en aval la conduite de cette opération voulue et décidée par les autorités politiques françaises au plus haut niveau en vue d’obtenir un changement d’interlocuteur au sommet de l’Etat ivoirien, garantissant par effet induit le maintien du leadership français dans la sous-région. Les travaux conduits par la chaîne planification ont consisté à dégager une stratégie spécifique pour anticiper les visées bellicistes du clan présidentiel, en établissant une synthèse des évolutions des risques de crise et à préparer les options militaires proposées au Cema. A cet égard, le caractère transverse des options proposées à la haute hiérarchie militaire dans la planification et la conduite de l’opération en projection permettra d’éviter qu’il y ait une rupture au moment du passage de la planification à la conduite de l’opération dans un délai relativement cours. II est recommandé au Comanfor, maître d’œuvre sur le théâtre ivoirien de KAHlA2, de mettre en place une cellule de crise commandée par un officier supérieur de son choix afin d’en 2 (deux) compétences complémentaire. 

1- Une compétence géostratégique qui sera le fait d’officiers d’expérience chargés de l’anticipation opérationnelle et de synthèse apportant une expertise géostratégique avec un découpage du théâtre ivoirien. Il va s’agir de procéder lors de l’opération en projection, au déploiement des unités spécialisées du service action de la DGSE afin de neutraliser les principaux sites institutionnels, les résidences officielles et non officielles des présidents des institutions, les principaux bâtiments civils et militaires présentant un intérêt avéré qui seront préalablement localisées par le système Helios. 

2- Une compétence fonctionnelle prenant en compte la logistique, la conduite, les systèmes de communication et le renseignement en profondeur. Toutes ces données seront fournies en temps réel par les bureaux J pour “Joint”. Il s’agit d’une structure dérivée de la structure Otan. Cette organisation fonctionnelle sera complétée par des cellules d’expertise particulières et par les officiers de liaison Drm/Dgse présents sur le théâtre ivoirien. Le bataillon de Licorne devra conduire, dans le cadre de la stratégie validée par le Cema, à compter du 30/09/2010, un exercice de franchissement amphibie sur les bords de la lagune ébrié, à proximité de l’ex- camp du 43ème Bima. L’objectif sera de valider Ies savoir-faire tactiques des équipages du peloton d’éclairage et d’investigation qui sera déployé. Cette opération spéciale et clandestine a une haute valeur stratégique pour les plus hautes autorités politiques françaises et leurs alliés civils et militaires ivoiriens discrètement impliqués dans le dispositif opérationnel qui œuvre à l’avènement au soir du 31 octobre d’un nouvel ordre politique dans ce pays où les intérêts économiques et militaires doivent être maintenus et renforcés. Prévue pour ne durer que 48 heures, l’opération Kahia 2, selon la capacité opérationnelle retenue, devra s’exécuter dans le secret le plus complet en lignes arriere ennemies et avec un effectif réduit de 30 commandos du COS pour la partie officielle et de la division action pour ce qui est de l’aspect clandestin. 

Les commandos du Commandement des opérations spéciales (Cos) qui ont la capacité d’intervenir dans les 3 (trois) dimensions : terre, air et mer, se chargeront de la collecte des données pour l’Ema, qui, après analyses, appréciera de déployer un effectif et du matériel plus important. 6 (six) petits groupes de 5 (cinq) éléments seront déposés en avant-garde et rejoindront graduellement l’arrière des lignes ennemies par leurs propres moyens et transmettront les préparatifs du clan présidentiel ivoirien. 5 (cinq) éléments du 13ème Rdp indispensable dans la recherche et la transmission des données seront mis à contribution. 5 (cinq) nageurs du commando Hubert prépositionné à Lomé seront planifiés pour arriver la nuit sur la côte abidjanaise. Ce commando sera chargé de préparer l’arrivée éventuelle par voie de mer de combattants hostiles au régime ivoirien imposé par les accords de Ouagadougou préparés par la division action de la Dgse. Au cours de cette opération de portée hautement stratégique, les commandos du Cos et du service action de la Dgse qui seront directement en projection ont discrètement été présentés au Cema en marge de la préparation à laquelle ils ont pris part sous le commandement du général Hogard. Il s’est agi d’un exercice final d’un cycle de préparation sur 6 (six) mois dédié à KAHIA2 avant leur projection sur le théâtre ivoirien. La composante essentielle pour cette opération s’articulera autour des éléments du premier cercle du Cos. Leur mission ne sera pas de remplacer les unités existantes sur le théâtre ivoirien. Mais de créer et réaliser une mission dans un environnement très hostile et spécifique. 

1 – Le 1er Rpima 2 – Les commandos marine (Forfusco) 3 – Le Cpa 10 4 – Le 12ème Rdp 5 – Le Daos 6 – L’antenne Ciet 7 – L’Ehs Seront les principales composantes de Kahia 2.



Israel's Genocide in Iraq: The Zionist Murderers of Iraq

by Jonathan Azaziah 

It has been 20 years since the murderous sanctions of the supranational police force known as the UN were implemented in Iraq. These sanctions claimed over 1.5 million innocent lives including more than 500,000 children by starving them to death. It has now been over 7 years, since the Zionist-instigated, Zionist-designed, Zionist media-enforced occupation of Iraq began, and as of this moment, 1.5 million more innocent Iraqis have been slaughtered. That’s 3 million human beings. Dead. In twenty years time. And these are only the casualties reported. All news files use the phrase “at least” preceding every description of how many are dead after a bombing, a shooting or a missile strike. There are martyrs whose names will never be known, whose faces will never be seen, whose stories will never be told.

Devastation, Pollution And Crimes Against Humanity

In addition to the legacy of rape, murder and destruction, the terrorist armies of America, Britain and their allies have turned Iraq into a toxic wasteland by leaving behind 1,700 tons of depleted uranium (which doesn’t include what was left in the first Gulf War), 5,000 tons of other hazardous waste materials, and over 14,5000 tons of contaminated oil and soil tainted by the oil. Basra, in Southern Iraq, has been devastated by depleted uranium. Fallujah, in Western Iraq, has been torn apart by white phosphorus and mark-77, including 133 of its gorgeous mosques. The diseases contracted from exposure to these weapons of mass destruction are now more exuberant than Hiroshima and Nagasaki after Zionist Harry Truman dropped Zionist J. Robert Oppenheimer’s atomic bomb. Babies are stillborn. People die of cancer and other unknown infections from the WMD-affected areas daily. Mothers and fathers commit suicide due to what has been done to their children. Crops are irrevocably damaged. Water is undrinkable. Those who eat or drink have a high-risk chance of getting sick also. These horror stories are never told either. These are casualties never counted.
The utter devastation of Iraq has turned over 5 million Iraqis into refugees, internally and externally, and 5 million children into orphans. Tens of thousands of Iraqi girls and women have been victimized by Kurdish-Israeli gangsters who have criminal sex rings all across the Middle East from the Zionist entity to Turkey to Syria, after they turned to prostitution as a way to support their families (1). The child mortality rate in Iraq has skyrocketed 150% since 1990, when the deathtrap of UN Resolution 661 was integrated into world policy. Only 50% of school-age children are attending class. Despite being the ancient land of the eternal Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, 70% of Iraq’s people have no access to water. 80% have no access to sanitation. 70% of Iraqis are unemployed, and 43% live in horrendous poverty (2). 5,800 Iraqis are detained in US prisons, overt and covert, for absolutely no reason, with absolutely no evidence, and 30,000 more Iraqis are being detained by the treasonous puppet government with no charges against them in the most inhumane conditions (3). These are undisputable facts. Now the questions are: Who are the criminals behind 20 years of atrocities? And why did they perpetrate such horrible, ungodly crimes against humanity?

A Zionist Plot

Attributing the desecration of Iraq to such generalities as “corporatism” or “imperialism” is baseless and unequivocally cowardly. Corporatism and imperialism are not living, breathing entities which determine the affairs of mankind. There are individuals behind every action of corporate greed and imperial interests. They have names. They have affiliations. And in the case of the illegal invasion, occupation and subsequent genocide against Iraq, every individual involved is a Zionist of Khazarian or Anglo extraction with dual loyalty to the despicable, criminal, illegitimate state of Israel.

A 1982 document entitled “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties,” written by Oded Yinon, an Israeli foreign policy advisor, appeared in a World Zionist Organization journal, and it describes the Zionist plot to destabilize Iraq and separate it into three states: a Sunni State, a Shia State, and a Kurdish state, before fulfilling the delusional Talmudic prophecy of annexing those lands as a part of Greater Israel. Whenever the Zionist media mentions strife in Iraq, it always describes it as ‘sectarian,’ even if there is no evidence of sectarian strife. This propaganda has been designed by neo-conservative policy makers and commentators from pro-Israel think tanks like Kristol Jr., Kristol Sr., Krauthammer, Pipes and his racist father, Cohen, Goldhagen, Frum (Bush’s speech writer), Lewis and Rubin to portray Iraqis as savages, and as animals, who not only hate Americans but each other as well, to dehumanize them so the American masses are brainwashed to think of them as such and support the illegal war. The traitor and former CIA asset Ahmed Chalabi is at work with a company owned by Zionist criminal Zeev Belinsky to construct a wall in Baghdad to separate Sunni and Shia communities in another scheme to create Iraqi disunity (4). It has been mentioned by several US politicians including self-proclaimed Zionist Joe Biden, that the only solution to the ‘conflict’ in Iraq is to break it up into nation states. Sunni, Shia, Kurd, and Assyrian lived together peacefully in brotherhood before the criminal US-UK invasion. Nation states aren’t necessary. Only an end to the occupation is. That must not be forgotten.

A 1996 document entitled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm” was written by Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Meyrav Wurmser and other Zionist agents for current Prime Minister of the usurping Zionist entity, mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu. This document saliently featured the removal of Saddam Hussein and the weakening of Iraq as a cornerstone for Israeli success and domination of the region. Richard Perle and Douglas Feith would later become high-ranking officials in the Pentagon for George Bush’s criminal administration, and they were instrumental in the orchestration of the unlawful occupation of Iraq.

In 1998, a bill was signed into law by the butcher of Bosnia, war criminal Bill Clinton entitled “The Iraq Liberation Act” which made ‘regime change’ in Mesopotamia an important aspect of US foreign policy, and it was this felonious legislation that was cited prior to the invasion on March 20, 2003. It was co-authored by Zionist monster Joe Lieberman and banking shill John McCain.

Instability And Disunity Bred By Israel

These three documents were what the Zionist puppetmasters of Bush and Cheney used as reasoning to destroy Iraq. Zionist Philip Zelikow, the criminal behind the ridiculous 9/11 Commission Report, admitted that Iraq had been invaded for Israel’s protection (5), as did Marine General Anthony Zinni (6), and Senator Fritz Hollings (7). Zionist Paul Wolfowitz, a chief architect of Iraq’s plight, vehemently advocated torture and executions of Iraqi prisoners, and it is due to his lunacy, that 900 Iraqis sit on death row waiting to be killed, despite being convicted of crimes with no evidence. Wolfowitz encouraged the genocidal army to set up concentration camp-type prisons to break the Iraqis’ spirit of Resistance (8). Wolfowitz was also responsible for bringing in Mossad and Shin Bet advisors to train US assassination hit squads in 2003.  He has openly confessed that this was a war of aggression that he helped foment. Why has no court prosecuted this maniac? Zionist Stuart Levey was a key official in the Treasury Department that appropriated additional war funds to the US military. The Pentagon derived its false intelligence for the war from the Office of Special Plans, controlled by Zionists Douglas Feith and Abram Shulsky, which was supported by liar Donald Rumsfeld, and usual suspects Elliot Abrams and Wolfowitz. Feith and Wolfowitz conducted seminars for the US military that focused on torture-interrogation, that should be used by the troops to humiliate any Iraqi that was detained (9). It was this training that led to the horrors in Abu Ghraib prison.

Douglas Feith’s former law partner, L. Marc Zell, formed an alliance with nephew of aforementioned Iraqi traitor Ahmed Chalabi, Salem Chalabi to set up the Iraqi International Law Group, which was called a ‘marketing partnership for Iraq’s reconstruction.’ What it really was, was a war profiteering agency that would rake in billions of dollars on the backs of oppressed and psychologically devastated Iraqis. The companies brought in for this war profiteering were almost exclusively Zionist. 55 Israeli companies are now working in the ruins of Iraq, under assumed names (10), including Perini, the company of Zionist Senator Diane Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, which has received over half a billion dollars in reconstruction contracts (11). Since the invasion, the Zionist entity has exported $300 million of goods annually to Iraq. It has profited from artifacts stolen from Iraq’s soil, like ancient Talmudic manuscripts extracted by the US army’s elite ‘MET Alpha’ unit in May of 2003. Dual citizens of Israel from Kurdistan, working with Mossad, are also engaged in hostile takeovers of the tombs of sacred men regarded as Prophets in the Abrahamic faiths, claiming these are ‘Jewish’ properties to be overseen by the Israeli Minister of Tourism, although every Prophet mentioned is fully accepted by Iraq’s Muslims, and Muslims worldwide. The tombs of the Prophets Jonah in Mosul, Daniel in Kirkuk, Ezekiel in Babel Province near the city of Najaf, and Ezra in Misan Province near Basra belong to Iraq (12). Any statement declaring that these sites belong to Israel is simply more Zionist madness.

Other profiteers included war criminal Dick Cheney’s company Halliburton and its subsidiary KBR, which had made billions in building US military bases worldwide, and former CIA agent Erik Prince’s Blackwater, now known as XE, whose homicidal campaigns of trigger happy paramilitary activity have left thousands of Iraqis dead, including the infamous massacre in Nisoor Square. It is estimated that over 100,000 military contractors on the Zionist US government’s payroll are still operating in occupied Iraq, many of them from XE, and 7,000 more have just been sent in after the withdrawal of several brigades of US military men.

Mossad Agents Everywhere

The Secretary General of Hezbollah, his eminence, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, made an extremely important point that must be taken into account, during his historic speech for Al Quds Day this year, “If the level of the Israeli spying activities in Lebanon is so high, what can we say about the Israeli espionage in Iraq, amid an American occupation? All of us know that having a strong and unified Iraq is a red line for Israel. That’s why Israel believes it should work day and night to promote conflicts among Iraqis (13).” Mossad has been caught by local Iraqi police interrogating and torturing civilians detained in secret prisons (14). A retired Israel intelligence offier, Shmoel Avivi has been the primary weapons dealer for ‘terrorist groups’ in Iraq since 2005 (15). More than 530 Iraqi scientists have been slaughtered by Mossad hit squads since 2003, and many of their family members have gone missing (16). As of November 2009, 950 Israeli agents were stationed in Kirkuk and are rumored to have a bomb-making facility there. Just like the parasitic Israeli drones & balloons that have been flying in Lebanese airspace since Hezbollah thoroughly embarrassed the Zionist entity in 2006, several Israel Aerospace Industries reconnaissance drones have been sighted in Iraq since 2007. The killing of an Israeli soldier during a US onslaught against Fallujah that claimed hundreds of innocent lives in 2004, exposed a Zionist network of over 1,000 operatives scattered across neighboring villages (17).

False flags have become the signature of Mossad involvement in a crime; assistance comes from their allies in CIA or MI5. The case of the two British soldiers dressed up as members of Al-Mahdi Army planting car bombs in the fall of 2005 serves as the most prominent illustration (18). No Iraqi Resistance organization, Sunni or Shia, Muslim or Christian has ever claimed responsibility for any of the truck bombings, ‘suicide bombings,’ or IEDs that have been a part of life in Iraq since the occupation began. The reason why they have never claimed responsibility, is because they aren’t the ones responsible. No suspect has ever been caught in any truck or car bombing. No body for any suicide bomber has ever been uncovered or identified. The IEDs have been portrayed in the Zionist media as homemade explosive devices used by ‘desperate insurgents.’ A closer look at the capabilities of the IED cuts through this monumental and condescending lie; the devices are anything but innovative. These devices are designed. The explosions produced by these devices are powerful enough to flip over a 70 ton tank. Several of the IED models are equipped with depleted uranium projectiles to pierce the toughest military-grade armor (19).

The explosions that murdered 125 innocents at the Imam Ali Mosque on August 29, 2003, the series of bombings that murdered 178 people and injured 500 more on March 2, 2004 for Ashoura, and the two truck bombs that murdered 152 innocents and critically injured 347 more in Tal Afar on March 27th 2007 are menacingly revealing examples that military grade explosives were used due to depleted uranium-tipped shells being found at the scenes of the massacres (20). The only place where such sophisticated weaponry is produced, is the Zionist entity’s laboratories. The IEDs are manufactured by Rafael Advance Defense Systems, the chief weapons developer for IOF. The triggers for the IEDs are manufactured by Zionist company Zapata Engineering, which was given a $200 million contract to store US ammunition and destroy ‘enemy’ ammunition in Iraq. Zapata Engineering convoys routinely travel with US army brigades (21). It is quite interesting, that Zapata’s main office in North Carolina, is near the Fort Bragg US army base where Mossad agents trained assassination squads in 2003 (22). All evidence points to the fact that the murderers of Iraq’s people are NOT Iraqis, but efficiently trained, Zionist explosive experts. The Sayyed was right, Israel works hard day and night indeed.

Debunking The Zionist Propaganda

A final point that needs to be addressed before concluding, is the point of the two theories that mislead those seeking the truth about Iraq, deflecting their attention from Israel to groundlessness. The first theory is a relatively old one, the second theory is a relatively new one. The first theory is the timeless “War for Oil” diatribe that was introduced by the same ‘liberal’ Zionist ideologues that backed the US invasion then miraculously turned against their initial decision. The US already dominated the oil industry. Its excellent relations due to its imposing military presence in a plethora of oil rich nations including Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia are evidence of this; and this isn’t counting its own profitable oil and natural reserves on its stolen and occupied Native American land, its bases in East Asia, and its bases in several oil-rich nations on the annihilated continent of Africa. The last thing the US needed was Iraq’s oil. Also, US oil corporations were able, willing, and ready to deal with Saddam Hussein because they feared losing out to Russian, Asian and European competition once Iraq no longer accepted dollars for oil, only Euros. They had already been in deep economic engagement with oil administrators in Iraq, despite sanctions, embargoes, and congressional & presidential disapproval. War and genocide would severely damage their business relationship with Saddam, and it did once the occupation began, hence why gas prices in the US spiked throughout Bush’s reprehensible presidency.

One detail that is never mentioned by the erroneous “War for Oil” crowd for obvious tribal reasons, is that if there indeed was a war for oil, it was a war for oil to send to the Zionist entity. In 1927, the sanguinary British Empire, acting at the behest of Lord Rothschild and his immensely powerful banking clan, built a pipeline from Kirkuk to Haifa to accommodate the energy needs of Zionist Jews illegally migrating into Palestine. After more than two decades of regional conflict, especially unified uprisings in Iraq against the oppressive UK-installed monarchy, the pipeline was severely damaged and it eventually decayed, although the transit route remained. Once the bloodthirsty US military was firm in Iraq’s ground, Zionist Bush reopened the idea of renovating the pipeline much to the delight of his Zionist controllers (23); mass murderer Netanyahu commented “Soon you will see Iraqi oil flowing to Haifa. It is just a matter of time until the pipeline is reconstituted, and Iraqi oil will flow to the Mediterranean. It’s not a pipe dream; (24)” and in April of 2008, Haaretz reported the plan to transport Kirkuk’s oil to Haifa via Jordan, the usurping entity’s monarchical ally, for a lucrative transfer fee (25).

The second of the theories, and the more absurd of the two, is that Iran is behind much of the chaos in Iraq, using death squads to breed ethno-religious conflict and instability. It is sickening that there are actually commentators and journalists who believe this idiocy, and it makes one wonder if they are simply Zionist-trained propagandists used to infiltrate the Resistance movement. The only death squads in Iraq are the Special Forces admittedly trained by the CIA, the Pentagon, and the Zionist entity to conduct assassination, kidnaping, torture and rape to intimidate the people into submission (26). These CIA death squads are behind the near extermination of Iraq’s ancient Christian population, who were instrumental in the accomplishment of the July 14th Revolution that removed the British monarchy in Iraq, whose scientists helped make Iraq a center of academia in the Middle East, and whose benevolent leaders always had solidarity with Iraq’s predominantly Muslim population (27). It was the occupying entities of America and Israel that murdered Iraq’s Christians, NOT Iraqis. These foolish anti-Shia, anti-Persian bigots can’t show us a drop of depleted uranium from Iran, an Iranian military base, an Iranian tank, Iranian white phosphorus, Iranian mark-77, Iranian cluster bombs, an Iranian lobby instigating the violation of Iraq’s sovereignty and people, or an Iranian media brainwashing the global masses to support the genocide in Iraq because they don’t exist. Spreading disunity and hatred benefits nobody but the Zionist occupiers.


The occupation of Iraq is nowhere near over despite the Zionist-birthed, Zionist-funded, Zionist-supported stooge and liar Barack Obama’s proclamations with cover from the Zionist media. 94 military bases still remain. 40 military camps still remain. 50,000 troops and 100,000 contractors still remain. The largest US embassy in the world is an everyday reminder for the Iraqis of the repugnance, revulsion, and dehumanization they have faced for the past 7 years. The large majority of Iraqi children suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (28); the mental scars inflicted by the occupation may never heal. Depleted uranium has a half-life of 4.5 billion years; thousands of tons of this destructive substance have been spilled in Iraq since 1990 and the damage caused is irreversible. The tactics used by the occupation forces were designed and implemented to break the people. Iraq remembers Mahmudiyah, Haditha, Karbala, Najaf, Diyala, Anbar, Mukaradeeb, Mosul, Khanaqin, and Baghdad, Basra and Fallujah over and over again. Iraq remembers and it will never forget.

Iraq is the cradle of civilization. It is the sacred land where Prophets walked. Similar to occupied Palestine, it is holy to Muslims, Christians, and Jews who lived together harmoniously before the Zionist entity was created. Iraq is the land of knowledge, where its contributions to mathematics, science, poetry, language, art and culture were known and cherished worldwide. This rich history is no longer at the forefront though when one thinks of Iraq.

Now Iraq is the land of the butchered and the deformed. The land of the infected and the cancerous. The land of shattered dreams and disintegrated lives. The land of the depraved and the degraded. The land of the raped and the insulted. The land of widows. The land of orphans. The land of sorrow. The land of despair. The land of the broken. But… Iraqis are still here. Iraqis are still here, and still fighting.

The murder of Iraq was designed and executed by the agents of international Zionism, the leaders of which reside in Israel, America, and Britain. Those who subscribe to another theory are dead wrong, and the facts confirm it. Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that a strong, unified Iraq was a ‘red line’ for Israel, and he couldn’t be more correct. Like in the days of revolutionary leader Abdul Karim Qasim, who overthrew the British-installed dynasty, Iraq will be strong and unified again. Iraq will mend the pieces of its broken land. It will heal the wounded, and celebrate the lives of its martyrs. Iraq will rise again. And when it does, it will once again strike fear in the hearts of its Zionist enemies.

~ The End ~


(1) Red Mafiya: How The Russian Mob Has Invaded America by Robert Friedman (rip); Prostitutes conquer Kirkuk; report written with blood by Soran Mama Hama (rip)
(2) Iraq is America’s Gaza by Allen L. Roland
(3) Post-invasion Iraq – the facts by Hadani Ditmars
(4) Ghettoizing Baghdad by Felicity Arbuthnot
(5) Iraq was invaded to protect Israel – US official by Emad Mekay
(6) Ex-Mideast Envoy Zinni Charges Neocons Pushed Iraq War To Benefit Israel by Ori Nir and Ami Eden
(7) ‘Iraq Was Invaded to Secure Israel,’ says Senator Hollings by Mark Weber
(8) Wolfowitz’s Real Crimes by Abu Spinoza
(9) Doug Feith: “I Was a Major Player” In Bush’s Torture Policy by Jason Leopold
(10) 55 Zionist Companies Working In Iraq Under Assumed Names by Yaqen News Agency, translated by Muhammad Abu Nasr
(11) Senator Feinstein’s War Profiteering by Joshua Frank
(12) Israel Hopes To Colonize Parts of Iraq as ‘Greater Israel’ by Wayne Madsen
(13) Sayyed Nasrallah: Mideast Peace Talks Are “Born Dead” by Hussein Assi, Al Manar
(14) Mossad Does Interrogations in Iraqi Jails: Human Rights Group by China Radio International English
(15) Israeli Officer Sells Weapons To Terrorists In Iraq by PressTV
(16) Mossad Murdered 530 Iraqi Scientists. Plight of Iraqi Academics by Special Report, Al Jazeera and Dr. Ismail Jalili
(17) Israel’s Battle In Fallujah by Rashid Khashana, Al Hayat
(18) British “Undercover Soldiers” Caught Driving Booby Trapped Car by Michel Chossudovsky
(19) Israeli made IEDs and US Zapata Engineering made IED triggers are killing US, Canadian and NATO soldiers by NB Gazette
(20) Iraq IEDs: Mossad/Zapata Engineering Conspiracy? By Cloak and Dagger
(21) Marines Jail Contractors in Iraq by David Phinney
(22) Israel Trains US Assassination Squads In Iraq by Julian Borger
(23) Israel seeks pipeline for Iraqi oil by Ed Vuillamy
(24) Netanyahu Says Iraq-Israel Oil Line No Pipe-Dream by Steven Scheer
(25) U.S. checking possibility of pumping oil from northern Iraq to Haifa, via Jordan by Amiram Cohen
(26) CIA death squads operating in Iraq by Henry Michaels
(27) US War Against Iraq: Destruction Of A Civilization by James Petras
(28) Iraqi Children: Bearing the Scars of War by Cesar Chelala

The Enemy Within

by Jeff Gates ,

The phrase “enemy within” brings to mind the image of a shadowy spy stealing military secrets. That was the case for Israeli master spy Jonathan Pollard jailed for 1980s espionage that compromised U.S. Cold War strategy.

That phrase also describes those involved in a form of psy-ops that is not easily detected because it operates so brazenly. For instance, the well-timed release of diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks displaced reports of Israeli obstinacy in peace talks with reports of a need for war with Iran.

That operation relied on editors at four major newspapers chosen by WikiLeaks to manage the releases. Despite the delight at their impact voiced by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, mainstream media failed to mention the possibility of undisclosed bias by those who chose what to release and when.
The bias of The New York Times is well known. Less clear is the role of Ian Katz, Deputy Editor at The Guardian (London) and Executive Editor Sylvie Kauffman at Le Monde in Paris. The geopolitical success of the WikiLeaks operation suggests an enemy within.

Israeli duplicity often operates through what U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates describes as “the people in between.” When waging unconventional warfare, those people are the most dangerous combatants, particularly those operatives in mainstream media.

The People in Between

For systems of governance reliant on informed consent, nothing could be more perilous. The “people in between” routinely target media—freedom’s greatest vulnerability—as a means for displacing facts with what a targeted populace can be deceived to believe.

How old is this duplicity? How long have false beliefs been used to manipulate behavior? Modern technology—particularly media—enables deception on a global scale. Between the American populace and the facts they require to protect their freedom—that’s where this enemy within imbeds its operatives.
The false intelligence claiming Iraqi WMD was a people-in-between operation. Judith Miller at The New York Times fed us a steady diet of front-page news that we now know was fixed around Israeli goals promoted by Ahmad Chalabi, a London-based Iraqi expatriate who, like Israel, sought regime change in Iraq.
Pentagon insider Richard Perle developed Chalabi over two decades. A Jewish Zionist, Perle has long been a strategically well-placed “person in between.” Miller left The Times and joined Fox News and then Newsmax.

Yet the impact of complicit media pales in comparison to the enemy within that brought the U.S. economy to its knees and undermined national security at its financial core.

Imbedded Inside

The most devastating in this chronicle of enemies is the most difficult to see. As with other “in between” operations, this too succeeds by displacing facts with false beliefs. Only in this case, those beliefs were imbedded in education and over decades worked their way into law.

Known as the “Washington Consensus,” this widely shared perspective shapes economic policy worldwide. At the heart of this generally accepted truth is found the belief that money should be accountable only to itself.
In this mindset, financial freedom is an article of faith. Instead of the civil rights refrain, “Let my people go,” its proponents insist: “Let my money go.” Allow money the freedom to work its will worldwide and everything will work out fine.

That shared belief works “in between” in the same way that Jonathan Pollard undermined national security, WikiLeaks shifted attention to Iran and Judith Miller induced us to war in Iraq. Only in this case a false belief has been so thoroughly internalized that it’s difficult to see because this shared mindset has become that with which we have been educated to do our seeing.

A Global Sanhedrin

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are the primary apostles of this consensus faith. The World Trade Organization (WTO) now seeks to take this belief to global scale by enforcing unrestricted free trade not only in goods and services but also financial capital.

The WTO operates like a global Sanhedrin akin to a Jewish high council accountable only to itself. What’s now emerging as a global enemy within is a finance-guided form of transnational governance marketed as free trade but accountable only to itself.

That ’self’ traces its origins to an internalized mindset in which financial freedom serves, by consensus, as a proxy for personal freedom. That mindset was decades in the making.

This modern-day Mindset Warfare is being waged by an enemy that is truly within. Fast globalizing financial forces now induce us to freely embrace the very forces that undermine our freedom.

By waging war on us from the inside out, the originators of this money-myopic mindset dismantled the U.S. economy, enabled vast financial pillaging and induced us to fiscal ruin.

Those wielding this weaponry operate from our internal shadows as the Zionist entity within.


Israel ready to start 'self bombs made' campaign in the West : Israel is publishing a fake 'bomb manual' and started the campaign in London

Phony 'Al Qaeda' bomb manual published on the internet and manufactured  by  MOSSAD-MEMRI. Israel starting from London the new 2011 fake campaign of 'self  home grown terrorists' making 'self bombs' with 'fake manual published'.

The source for this "Al Qaeda" bomb book is none other than MEMRI.

This is a replay of a hoax from the late 1960s called the "Black Panther Coloring Book." Actually created by the FBI (and exposed during the COINTELPRO leaks), this was a book filled with highly racist drawings that was mailed into American homes (even we got one in West Covina) in order to give the US Media an easy means to demonize the growing civil rights movement that was pointing out that the Vietnam draft seemed to place most of the black kids on the front lines and most of the white kids in the rear support areas. 


Likewise, as the white population began to listen to the legitimate concerns of the black population, and as Martin Luther King gained popularity, young people, "The Hippies", also started mobilizing against the war, which led to a second fraudulent book released in the early 1970s called "The Anarchist Cookbook." Like the above "Al Qaeda" manual, the Anarchist Cookbook was filled with recipes for making bombs. The Anarchist Cookbook was created to allow the media to scare ordinary Americans that dangerous anarchists were in their midst, requiring draconian police and FBI powers. Hoaxes by the Nixon administration, including the "Peacnik" riot at Disneyland and the SLA, were used to further terrorize the American people. 

Here is the point that relates to the current hoax. The recipes for explosives in the Anarchist Cookbook were intentionally flawed. Key stabilizing ingredients were left out in the hopes that some idiot playing with the formulas would blow up his own house, thereby handing the media another "terrorist bomb lab" for the media to wave around. 

So, along with guaranteeing you that this Al Qaeda bomb making manual is another intelligence agency fake, I can also promise you that the formulas in it are intended to trick you into killing yourself in a spectacular manner intended to allow the media to claim you are an "Al Qaeda" terrorist in our midst to justify further removal of our Constitutional Bill of Rights. 

MEMRI is a known Israeli propaganda front



Depuis la Grande Bretagne (selon le hadith authentique du Sceau des prophetes Muhammad saws: un jour comme une année, Pax Britannica), puis les Etats-Unis (un jour comme un mois, Pax Americana), enfin en Palestine occupée, a Jerusalem (un jour comme une semaine, Pax Judaica). 

La durée totale du séjour de l'antechrist-Dajjal sera de quarante jours. Un jour comme une année (reigna depuis la Grande Bretagne pendant environ mille ans), un jour comme un mois (reigna depuis les Etats-Unis pendant environ 83 ans), un jour comme une semaine (reigne depuis Israel, commencé officiellement le 11 septembre 2001, pendant une durée d'environ 19 ans et demi) et le reste des jours sera comme la normale (durée des jours similaire a nos jours sur terre, soit 37 jours au total, avant que le prohete Jésus-'Issa, que la paix d'Allah (swt) soit sur lui, le veritable messie, tel que décrit dans le Noble Quran, ne tue l'antechrist). 

Il est borgne et entre ses deux yeux seront écrit KA FA RA (ou kafir selon les versions du hadith). Seuls les croyants seront capables de le lire. Il provoquera de grandes épreuves, dont certaines sont qu'il commandera au ciel et il pleuvra et il commandera à la terre et elle produira de la végétation. Il aura avec lui un jardin et un feu. Cependant, son jardin sera un feu et son feu sera un jardin.

Le prophète (salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) a averti contre lui en disant : « Quiconque entend parler de lui, qu’il s’en éloigne. Et quiconque l'atteint (c’est à dire qu’il le voit), qu’il récite les versets d’ouverture de sourate Al-Kahf sur lui" - ou - "... qu’il récite les versets d’ouverture de sourate Al-Kahf. 

Voir le hadith de Nuwas Ibn Sam'an (radiallahu ‘anhu) dans le Sahih Muslim : Livre des Tourments (n°2937).

Extrait de "Grands signes avant le jour du jugement" par l’imam Muhammad Ibn Salih Al-'Uthaimin (rahimahu Allah).


Par le Sheykh Imran Hosein,

Traduction en francais par Al Wissal,

Apres le coup d'etat israelien sur l'occident le 11 septembre 2001,  et les vagues de terrorismes et de guerres d'agressions sionistes, nous vivons l'avant derniere phase de la Preparation de la venue du faux messie des israeliens, l'antechrist-Dajjal, avec la mise en place finale de la gouvernance mondiale, d'une monnaie unique mondiale, d'une religion mondialisée, et le transfert de tous les pouvoirs vers Jerusalem, ou l'antechrist est censé diriger le monde. Selon le Noble Quran, c'est bien le messager d'Allah, le veritable messie, Jésus-'Issa, le fils de Marie-Maryam, que la paix soit sur eux, qui a pour mission de tuer le faux messie des israeliens, l'antechrist-Dajjal. C'est donc bien Jésus-'Issa, appuyé par l'armée musulmane du Mahdi, le calife bien-guidé (l'armee des Soumis a Allah 'awj), qui mettent fin au nouvel ordre mondial !

 L'événement le plus étrange, le plus mystérieux et le plus inexplicable qui ait eu lieu au cours de l'histoire de l'humanité a été le retour des Juifs en Terre Sainte environ 2000 ans après leur expulsion par Allah le Plus Haut. 

« Jérusalem dans le Coran » poursuit là où « La Religion d'Abraham et l'Etat d'Israël » s'est achevé en tentant d'utiliser le Coran pour établir le statut de Jérusalem et de revoir l'histoire de la ville sainte comme racontée dans le Coran. 

Plus important encore, « Jérusalem dans le Coran » tente de découvrir et d'expliquer la destinée de Jérusalem et de la Terre Sainte. Il émerge de cette étude une explication perspicace de plus d'un siècle de politique internationale contemporaine et d'économie concernant le drame qui continue d'évoluer en Terre Sainte. Nous apprenons aussi que nous vivons actuellement  au sein d’une période dans laquelle un « Etat Dirigeant », à savoir les Etats Unis, est sur le point de céder la place à un autre, à savoir l'Etat d'Israël, de la même manière que la Grande Bretagne a cédé la place aux Etats-Unis au rang d' « Etat Dirigeant », au cours de la Première Guerre Mondiale. Ce transfert de puissance a eu lieu en conséquence d'un acte de terrorisme qui s'est déroulé en été 1914. Ce transfert est aujourd'hui similairement en cours. A cette époque, les personnes responsables de cet acte de terrorisme ont pointé leur accusation vers les Russes.

Cette fois-ci, elles ont accusé les Arabes et les Musulmans d'avoir perpétré les attaques terroristes du 11 Septembre.

 C'est seulement avec un savoir intuitif (Firasa) que l'on peut obtenir la confirmation que nous vivons actuellement dans l'Age de Fitan, la dernière étape duprocessus historique. Un savoir empirique et déductif ne peut que suggérer, et non percevoir directement, la véritable nature de l’époque actuelle. L’implication de cette confirmation (de l’Age de Fitan) est que les communautés Musulmanes authentiques (c.à.d. Jama’ah) dotées d’authentiques Imams/Amirs doivent être désormais établies et maintenues avec plus d’urgence que jamais ; et tous les croyants doivent s’y tenir fermement avec as-sam’u wa ta’- tout en (écoute et obéissance), sachant que ceci a été ordonné par le Prophète (sallalahou ‘alayhi wa sallam).

Jerusalem Dans le Coran

Tahir Iqbal said...

I love this book. Also read "Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age" by Imran Nazr Hosein.

Elivre said...

c'est bien intéressant, je ne savais pas que Jésus appuyé par l'armée musulmane du Mahdi devaient mettre fin au nouvel ordre mondial.

Je pensais que les gardes suisses (qui protègent le Pape et le christianisme) étaient du côté des sionistes contre l'armée du Mahdi.

Ou alors l'armée du Mahdi reprend les paroles du Christ ou attend-elle le nouveau messie ?

Quoi qu'il en soit s'en prendre au nouvel ordre mondial n'a pas de sens.

Car que ce soit d'un côté ou de l'autre, chacun cherche à mettre en place un ordre mondial à son image.

Enfin c'est comme cela que je le vois.


Intéressant les autres articles sur la mise en scène des prises d'otages au Niger.

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