21 août 2017

"We Must Use Terror" - Israel's History of Terrorism & the Zionist Network behind 9-11

By Christopher Bollyn,

“We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.”
- David Ben-Gurion, a.k.a. David Grün (1886-1973), Israeli Prime Minister (1948-53, 1955-63) and Chief Architect of Zionist terrorism and the state of Israel; revered by Israelis as "Father of the Nation"
To understand the Zionist terror network behind 9-11, it is essential to know about Israel's long history of "false-flag" terror attacks - against Americans. I have edited the chapter, "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism." The following is an extract from the chapter:
The Zionists also began using terrorism as a tactic against the West in the 1940s, carrying out false-flag terror attacks against the United States and Britain as far back as the bombing of Jerusalem's King David Hotel on July 22, 1946. The bombing of the luxury hotel was ordered by Menachem Begin, the head of the Irgun, a Zionist terrorist organization during the 1930s and 1940s. Begin, a terrorist and avowed racist, later became prime minister of Israel, a position he held during the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, which was led by Ariel Sharon, then minister of defense. Begin had a Jewish supremacist view of the world, which he used to justify his crimes of terrorism and genocide.

"Our race is the Master Race," then Prime Minister Begin told the Knesset (Israeli parliament) in June 1982 as Israeli forces invaded Lebanon. "We Jews are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."

Menachem Begin, the Polish-born head of the terrorist gang Irgun, and the King David Hotel he ordered bombed in 1946. "Everything was coordinated with the Haganah," Prime Minister Begin later told the Israel Broadcasting Authority. The Haganah was headed by David Ben Gurion.
I have added three improved schematic diagrams to a special section at the end of another key chapter entitled "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9-11." These diagrams were sent to me by a reader and supporter in Massachusetts and are quite similar to the large diagram that I made as I wrote this chapter of my on-line book, Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World.

These simple diagrams are very helpful for the reader to understand the network of relationships between the key individuals and entities in the Zionist network behind the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11. The diagram of the people involved in security at the World Trade Center has Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, the head of the massive insurance fraud scheme known as A.I.G., and his business partner Henry Kissinger at the top of the network. Kissinger is still a key player in the crimocracy as seen by the conspicuous fact that he was sent by the new Obama administration to meet with the leadership of Russia, although the nominal Secretary of State was Hillary Clinton. Understanding "Hank" Greenberg's connection to WTC security helps to understand the huge financial fraud he managed as head of A.I.G. - and why it was bailed out. American taxpayers were forced to absorb the immense costs of Greenberg's crimes, which drained hundreds of billions of dollars from the U.S. Treasury.

Henry Kissinger and Maurice Greenberg are old business partners
- and key players in the terror network of 9-11.
The diagrams can be seen by clicking on the following links:

Afghanistan : Islamic Resistance Operations: Latest update

Mujahideen Of Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan Military Operations Against The Kafirs, Munafiqs And The Worshippers Of Idols
This page is updated throughout the day as new operations are reported.
Safar 29, 1431 A.H, Saturday February 13, 2010
Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to Theunjustmedia.com by the official Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid by e-mails.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety

19 American Invading Terrorists Killed, 7 Injured In A Martyrdom Operation In Kandahar About nineteen US invading terrorists were killed and seven wounded in a martyrdom operation carried out on U.S invading terrorists in eastern Kandahar, on Saturday morning, according to a recent report from Kandahar province. As per details, the martyrdom operation was conducted near Kandahar city by Azizur Rahman, a brave Mujahid of the Islamic Emirate resident of Kandahar province, near a group of large number of U.S. invading terrorists who had apparently gathered next to their tanks to discuss something important. The report adds the explosion was so powerful that it destroyed one of their near by tank in the site. The Kandahar-Herat high was blocked shortly after the explosion and the helicopters were called in to evacuate the dead and wounded from the explosion site, said the locals. It is to be said the martyrdom operation comes as the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate have been battling the joint U.S-NATO-Afghan terrorists in neighboring Helmand province's Marjah city since morning. We ask Allah to accept our brother among martyrs in Eelleyeen (high rank in the paradise). All praise and gratitude are due to Allah. 
Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Martyrdom Operations Kills 15 American Invading Terrorists In KhostMore than fifteen U.S invading terrorists were killed in a martyr car bomb attack carried out on the military convoy of U.S invading terrorists on the road leading into Bud Khel village in Lakano area near Khost city, on later Friday. According to a recent report from Khost province, one of the brave Mujahids, Rahmanullah, resident of Khost province, rammed his explosive-laden vehicle into a U.S. invaders military convoy near Khost city, killing about fifteen invading terrorists besides destroying two of their armored tanks. The vehicle has, reportedly, contained about 800 kg explosives. Soon after the martyr operation, the area was surrounded and the helicopter was called in to evacuate the dead and the wounded from the explosion site, said the residents. It is worth remembering that about thirty puppet army and U.S invading terrorists were killed in a martyrdom operation carried out within the U.S invaders base near the center of Dant Patan district in Paktia province, on Thursday evening. We ask Allah to accept our brother among martyrs in Eelleyeen (high rank in the paradise). All praise and gratitude are due to Allah. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
Martyrdom Operations Kills And Wounded 30 Puppet And Invaders Terrorists In Paktia A hero Mujahid of the Islamic Emirate carried out a martyrdom operation against the invaders and their puppets in Paktia province. The Mujahid who was wearing an explosives vest and was dressed in an puppet border guard security uniform managed to entry the a training center for the puppet, at the time of the attack a larger number of puppet army and invaders terrorists were present at the center. In the attack atleast thirty invaders and puppet terrorists were killed or wounded. We ask Allah to accept our brother among martyrs in Eelleyeen (high rank in the paradise). All praise and gratitude are due to Allah. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
Mujahideen Killed 36 Terrorists Of The U.S, Nato And Puppet Forces Besides Destroying 7 Tanks In Marjah Mujahideen, during face-to-face battles, killed thirty-six soldiers of the U.S, Nato and puppet forces besides destroying their seven tanks through much of Saturday in Marjah area of Nad Ali district, Helmand province. The report from Helmand province says shortly after having been dropped by the helicopters at Lowi Char Rahi, Block Now and some other points, the combined U.S and puppet terrorists were drawn into face-to-face fighting as they came under Mujahideen immediate attacks. After meeting with the Mujahideen's strong resistance and suffering fatal casualties and sever losses, the enemy forces retreated from battle ground. Some twenty-five foreign and local terrorists were killed and dozens wounded during the fighting whose some of the corpses were lying across the battle ground till the early evening hours of Saturday.
Elsewhere in Helmand province, about seven tanks of U.S invaders forces were destroyed apart from their loss of life and injuries during the fighting with the Mujahideen and their bombings which occurred in Wakil Wazir and Sefen areas Marjah. Also Saturday, eleven US and Afghan terrorists were killed and a dozen wounded during the Mujahideen's bombings and face-to-face engagement that has been going on throughout Saturday in Abdullah Qulf area of Marjah. However, four Mujahideen embraced martyrdom and seven injured during the engagements and airstrikes that were continuing through much of the day. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
5 U.S Invading Terrorists Killed As Their 8 Tank Stuck By Landmine Blast In Helmand At least five U.S invading terrorists were killed in Helmand province when one of their tanks was blown apart by a blast while the U.S invading terrorists were tying to flee from Abdullah Qulf area of Marjah, in the late evening hours of Saturday. Indeed, it was the eighth tank of the U.S invading terrorists that had been destroyed throughout Saturday. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
7 Tanks Of The U.S And British Invading Terrorists Eliminated Within 3 Hours In Marjah There are recent reports from Helmand province that seven tanks of the joint U.S-British invading terrorists, within three hours, were destroyed by the landmines placed by the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in the Province's Marjah district on Thursday. According to the details, Three of their tanks were targeted by the blasts when the U.S-British invaders combined patrol convoy was traveling on the road near Malik Wazir Charahi (roundabout), while four other tanks of the British and American invaders forces were hit by roadside bomb attacks separately in Bolan and Bad Allah Kalf areas of this district on Thursday.
The report adds all the seven tanks were destroyed, killing and wounding all the Americans and Britons invading terrorists who were inside the struck tanks. A statement from the U.S. and Nato invaders military claiming that the British and U.S invading terrorists placed Marjah district under siege blocking all the exit and entrance ways in this district where the Mujahideen are surrounded is baseless and untrue, these rumors are only spread by the enemy to bolster the lost moral of the their invading terrorists. On the contrary, the Mujahideen are stationed in different strategic points in this district and they are ready to defend against every offensive of the U.S and Nato invaders forces. However, the Mujahideen suffered only loss of one Mujahid during the U.S invaders massive aristrikes which left one Mujahid martyred. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Joint U.S-Puppet Terrorists Advances Pushed Back, Killing 14 Invading Terrorists In Helmand Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate have repelled the US-puppet force led by US and Nato invaders army in five points in the outskirts of Marjah district throughout Friday. As per the details, enemy forces were driven back with their infantry and tank attacks backed by the airstikes in Wakil Wazir Char Rahi, Sefen, Sistani and Abdullah Qulf areas of Mujah district and the enemy's every effort to enter these particular areas was met with strong resistance from the Mujahideen forcing the enemy to retreat. The report adds at least seven invading terrorists were killed and a dozen wounded during the fighting in those areas, in addition to the losses inflicted on the civilians caused by the heavy arms fire used by the U.S and its allies.
Meantime, three U.S invading terrorists including a trained dog were killed and four injured as one of the tanks of the US invaders convoy which has been on operation alongside puppet forces to launch major attack against Mujahideen, struck by a roadside bomb on the road between Marjah and Lashkar city, followed by another blast tearing through the U.S. foot invading terrorists who, following the explosion, reached the area to recover the casualties from the struck tank. Seven U.S invading terrorists were killed and injured in both incidents. Apparently, the convoy has been been caught in the Bolan and Namro areas in the outskirt of Marjah district for the past few days. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

Blast Kills 4 Danish Invading Terrorists In Helmand A bomb killed four Danish invading terrorists and wounded another one while they were trying to neutralize a landmine in Zambli area of Gerishk district on Friday. In another incident, Mujahideen killed a patrolling invading terrorist who was guarding outside checkpoint in Choghak area of Sangin district, Helmand province. 
Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

Mujahideen Bombings And Attack Kill 27 Puppet Army Terrorists, Injure 6 In Farah Some twenty-seven puppet army terrorists were killed and six injured with their three vehicles destroyed in roadside bombings followed by Mujahideen attack while a military convoy of the puppet army was traveling on the road between Dil Aram and Nimroz province in Dil Aram district of Farah province on Friday. 
Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid

The Bombing Of The U.S. Base In Kandahar City With Rockets And A Patrol Unit Blown Up Mujahideen ,launched an rockets attack at about ten o'clock Friday morning at the American invaders base in Kandahar city. According to the paper, few rockets landed on the residential buildings of the American invaders forces and few on car workshop, inflecting heavy losses in the ranks of the enemy. In another operation in Kandahar city Mujahideen with a remote controlled landmine blew up a patrolling unit of the American invaders, in the blast three terrorists were killed and five were wounded. 
Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

3 Explosions Kill 9 Invading Terrorists In Uruzgan The dead and wounded among the enemy all day Friday as a result of three powerful explosions in Uruzgan province. In two explosions invaders patrolling units were blown up and in one a unit of the invaders which was trying to removing a landmine was blown up, in all three operations nine invaders where killed and many were wounded. 
Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

Heavy Battle Continued All Day Near The Center Of Nad Ali The Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Helmand province, in their report about the continuing face to face battle between them and the invading forces throughout the Friday near the center of Nad Ali. The battle broke out at about ten o'clock in the morning on the road to the Garishk district, when the enemy forces began operations against the Mujahideen in the region. The source adds: In this battle, which lasted thought the day the enemy incurring heavy losses both physical and material. Says the Mujahideen in the region: At the end of the day the enemy forces were push back from the region. 
Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

American Invaders Contractor Killed In Khost According news from the province of Khost, an explosion was carry out on a car of Najibullah, in the city of Khost, who was a contractor with the American invaders. According to the report at about ten o'clock Friday morning powerful explosion targeted a car, Najibullah who was accompanied by three of his sons who works as translators to the Americans. In the blast the vehicle was destroyed and the enemy in side were killed or wounded. The Mujahideen had warned the contractor several times to cooperate with American invaders forces, but he refused. 
Reported byZabihullah Mujahid

9 Puppet Army Terrorists Killed And Wounded In Kandahar We received the news of Kandahar province as a result a powerful explosion five puppet army terrorists were killed and four wounded. The terrorists were killed when they were trying to remove a landmine. 
Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

The Destruction Of A Puppet Police Kills Four Terrorists In Helmand A Ranger vehicle of the puppet police terrorists was blown up at about ten o'clock in Friday morning in Garishk district of Helmand province, in the blast the enemy vehicle was destroyed and four terrorists were killed and one was wounded, among the killed was a puppet deputy commander of one of the security points. 
Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

Killing 6 Puppet Border Guard Terrorists In Zabul A Ranger vehicle of the puppet border guard terrorists was blown up at about nine o'clock in Friday morning in Zabul province, in the blast the enemy vehicle was destroyed and six terrorists were killed. 
Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
American Base Attacked With Rockets In Laghman Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate carried out missile attack on the U.S. invaders base in Laghman province. Mujahideen in the region carried out the attack at about one o'clock Friday night local time, Mujahideen fired five rockets, hitting three of them on the target, which caused heavy casualties on the enemy. Soon after the attack the enemy opened fire in reply, and thankfully there was no injuries to anyone, only people farms were damaged. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid

Mujahideen Destroyed 5 Vehicles Of The Occupying Forces In Helmand We have received news of the Helmand province that in five different operations which were carried out on Thursday afternoon Mujahideen destroyed five military vehicles of the occupying forces with remote controlled landmines. In all five operations the enemy vehicles were destroyed and all the terrorists in them were killed. 
Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

3 Hour Battle Between Mujahideen And The British Invading Terrorists In Helmand Battle took place directly between the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate and the British invading terrorists in Helmand. The source adds: the battle took place at about ten o'clock Thursday morning the battle started when the enemy entered an area which has been under the control of the Mujahideen for the last five years, soon as the enemy entered the area the Mujahideen attacked them. After a battle that lasted for three hours, during the battle the enemy were also supported air force, but were still forced to withdraw. Leaving behind large quantities of military equipment. During the battle, the enemy aerial bombardment was severe, but only one Mujahid was wounded. 
Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

The Outbreak Of Clashes With British Invading Terrorists In Musa Kala We received the news of the Helmand province about the clashes which took place throughout Thursday between Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate and British invading terrorists Musa Kala district of Helmand province. Jihad official, said in his report, the violent clashes took place when the enemy terrorists launched series of operations against the Mujahideen in the region. The source adds: Clashes continued until noon, killing one terrorists and wounding three. In another report on Thursday Mujahideen with a remote controlled landmine destroyed a tank of the invaders, which resulted in the death of all the terrorists who were in the tank. 
Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid

8 Nato Invading Terrorists Killed And A Tank Destroyed In Helmand Fighting took place on Thursday between the invading terrorists and the Mujahideen in Nad Ali district of Helmand province, in which three terrorist were killed and two were wounded. The fighting started when the enemy foot patrol was ambushed. Also in the same area at at exactly eleven o'clock a tank of the invaders was blown up, resulting in the destruction of the tank and killing five terrorists on board. 
Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

4 Puppet Police Terrorists Killed In Khost Four puppet police terrorists were killed as a result a massive explosion in Khost province. Officials report that the explosion occurred at the tenth Thursday morning. 
Reported byZabihullah Mujahid

Destroying One Military Vehicle Of The Invaders In Helmand Mujahideen with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of the Nato invading terrorists in Nawzad district of Helmand province, in the blast the enemy vehicle was destroyed and all the terrorists in them were killed, soon after the explosion the Mujahideen ambushed the enemy convoy, inflicting more losses in the ranks of the enemy. 
Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

Explosions Destroy 2 Nato Invaders Tanks In Helmand One of the blasts occurred at around nine in the evening Wednesday and the second took place Thursday morning at about four o'clock am local time in Helmand province, in both blasts the tanks of the Nato invading terrorists were destroyed and all the terrorists in them were killed. 
Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

The Destruction Of 5 American Invaders Tanks And 1 Vehicle Of The Puppet Army In Helmand On Wednesday in five different operations Mujahideen destroyed five tanks of the American invaders in Nad Ali district of Helmand province, killing all the terrorists them. In another news report, the Mujahideen with an IED blew up a Ranger vehicle of the puppet army in Nad Ali district of Helmand province, resulting in the destruction of the enemy Ranger car in fully and killed seven terrorists. 
Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

These operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Momineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
"Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not"

Bunch of Zionist Jewish in MI5 involved in torture, rendition

Details of British Resident's Brutal Torture by CIA Officers Released

by: Andy Worthington, t r u t h o u t | News Analysis

British resident Binyam Mohamed was tortured by the CIA while in Pakistani custody in April and May 2002. (Photo: art makes me smile; Edited: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t)

Three senior UK judges on Wednesday ordered the British government to publicly disclose previously highly classified information that reveals how Binyam Mohamed, a British resident, was brutally tortured by the CIA while in Pakistani custody in April and May 2002.

In one short session, the Court of Appeal brought an end to a transatlantic game of cat and mouse that for the last year and a half has prevented two high court judges from making public a seven-paragraph summary of an intelligence briefing, supplied by US intelligence services to their British counterparts, which provided information about Mohamed's treatment after his capture in Pakistan in April 2002.

Disclosure of the summary, which was written by the high court Judges Lord Justice Thomas and Mr. Justice Lloyd Jones, had been opposed by the British Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, since August 2008, when the judges delivered a stern rebuke to the British government, ruling that, "by seeking to interview BM [Binyam Mohamed] in the circumstances found and supplying information and questions for his interviews, the relationship between the United Kingdom Government and the United States authorities went far beyond that of a bystander or witness to the alleged wrongdoing." However, Miliband argued that releasing any information publicly would damage the valuable intelligence-sharing relationship between the UK and the US, and the judges, with some reluctance, accepted his claims.

However, the judges ordered 42 documents in the possession of the British government to be released to Mohamed's lawyers, on the basis that they were vital to his defense in a planned trial by military commission, in which he might face the death penalty. In the months that followed, further wrangling over the disclosure of these documents was transferred to the US courts, where the Justice Department (DOJ) tried in vain to keep them away from Mohamed's legal representatives.

By November 2008, however, these last-ditch attempts had failed, and, as a result, the central allegation against Mohamed - that he was involved in a "dirty bomb" plot (noticeably, one that never existed) - was dropped by the DOJ, his planned trial by military commission was also dropped, and on February 23, 2009, he was flown back to the UK as a free man.

The manner in which Mohamed's case was fast-tracked to the top of the pile of cases being reviewed by President Obama's interagency Guantánamo Review Task Force strongly suggests that both the US and UK governments hoped that releasing Mohamed would seal the lid on further embarrassing disclosures about his torture - not only in Pakistan, but also in Morocco, where he was sent by the CIA for 18 months, and in the CIA's own "dark prison" near Kabul.

However, instead of backing down, the high court judges refused to let go of the case, arguing that, although it was appropriate for the contents of the 42 documents to remain secret, it was in the interests of "open justice" for their own summary of those documents to be made available to the public.

Miliband disagreed, maintaining, as he had in August 2008, that releasing the summary would threaten the intelligence-sharing relationship between the US and the UK, with dire consequences for national security, even though the judges maintained that their summary contained "nothing secret or of an intelligence nature," as it merely comprised "admissions by officials of the United States Government as to BM's [Mohamed's] treatment by them."

Throughout 2009, the case rumbled on, as the judges maintained pressure on the government, and in November, the most revealing information to date was disclosed, when two previously redacted paragraphs in an earlier ruling were reinstated. These, as I noted at the time, were extremely significant, because they revealed that the judges had referred to the memos released by the Obama administration last April, written by lawyers in the DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel in 2002 and 2005, which purported to redefine torture and approved the use of banned techniques by the CIA.

The judges had also noted that "the techniques described were those employed against [Abu] Zubaydah," the supposed "high-value detainee," captured in Pakistan on March 28, 2002, who was, officially, the first prisoner to be subjected to ten "enhanced interrogation techniques," which included physical violence, stress positions, sleep deprivation and waterboarding.

The Court of Appeal Judges Order the Release of the Torture Summary

On Wednesday, after 18 months of obstruction on the part of the government, the judges in the Court of Appeal - Sir Igor Judge, the Lord Chief Justice; Lord Neuberger, the Master of the Rolls; and Sir Anthony May, President of the Queen's Bench - finally dismissed Miliband's claims, and, as the Guardian described it, "shattered the convention that the courts should not question claims by the executive relating to national security."

In the ruling, Sir Igor Judge said that the case raised issues of "fundamental importance," of "democratic accountability and ultimately the rule of law itself." He added that the reasons for publishing the summary were "compelling," because they concerned the involvement of British agents in the "abhorrent practice of torture," and because the information contained in the summary helped to "vindicate Mr. Mohamed's assertion that UK authorities had been involved in and facilitated the ill-treatment and torture to which he was subjected while under the control of USA. authorities."

Finally accepting defeat, Miliband made the summary available on the web site of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The seven paragraphs are reproduced below:

It was reported that a new series of interviews was conducted by the United States authorities prior to 17 May [2002] as part of a new strategy designed by an expert interviewer.

v) It was reported that at some stage during that further interview process by the United States authorities, BM [Binyam Mohamed] had been intentionally subjected to continuous sleep deprivation. The effects of the sleep deprivation were carefully observed.

vi) It was reported that combined with the sleep deprivation, threats and inducements were made to him. His fears of being removed from United States custody and "disappearing" were played upon.

vii) It was reported that the stress brought about by these deliberate tactics was increased by him being shackled in his interviews.

viii) It was clear not only from the reports of the content of the interviews but also from the report that he was being kept under self-harm observation, that the interviews were having a marked effect upon him and causing him significant mental stress and suffering.

ix) We regret to have to conclude that the reports provided to the SyS [the British intelligence services] made clear to anyone reading them that BM was being subjected to the treatment that we have described and the effect upon him of that intentional treatment.

x) The treatment reported, if it had been administered on behalf of the United Kingdom, would clearly have been in breach of the undertakings given by the United Kingdom in 1972 [in the 1972 torture convention]. Although it is not necessary for us to categorise the treatment reported, it could readily be contended to be at the very least cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by the United States authorities.
As can be seen, the summary describes a range of techniques, which, in the judges' opinion "could readily be contended to be at the very least cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by the United States authorities," including "continuous sleep deprivation," combined with "threats and inducements," including the threat of "disappearing." As the judges also explained, "the stress brought about by these deliberate tactics" was "causing him significant mental stress and suffering," to the extent that he was being "kept under self-harm observation."

The Evidence Demonstrates That Torture Began Before It Was Sanctioned by the DOJ in August 2002

That such tactics were being used by US agents in April 2002, four months before the ten previously banned techniques - including sleep deprivation and waterboarding - were approved by lawyers in the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), should come as no surprise. As I pointed out in an article last April, "CIA Torture Began In Afghanistan 8 Months Before DoJ Approval," lawyers for Rafiq Alhami, a Tunisian prisoner in Guantánamo, demonstrated in court submissions that the CIA was torturing prisoners in Afghanistan from December 2001.

In a lawsuit, Alhami stated that he was held in three CIA "dark sites," where "his presence and his existence were unknown to everyone except his United States detainers," and where, at various times, he was "stripped naked, threatened with dogs, shackled in painful stress positions for hours, punched, kicked and exposed to extremes of heat and cold." He also stated that his interrogators "sprayed pepper spray on his hemorrhoids, causing extreme pain."

Nevertheless, Alhami's statements, which reflect similar statements made by other prisoners held in secret CIA prisons at this time, were largely ignored last April, and it is to be hoped, therefore, that the official confirmation of Binyam Mohamed's torture in April and May 2002 will put pressure on Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate how it came to pass that prisoners were tortured - or, at least, subjected to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment - so many months before the OLC provided what senior Bush officials referred to as their "golden shield," providing a twisted rationale for the torture and abuse that followed in the memos issued on August 1, 2002.

According to Newsweek, the conclusions of a long-awaited internal report into the behavior of the OLC lawyers who drafted the "torture memos" - conducted by the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) - have been fatally watered down in the report's final version, so that the primary authors, John Yoo and Jay S. Bybee, are no longer regarded as having "violated their professional obligations as lawyers" when they drafted the memos, and have only been mildly reprimanded for showing "poor judgment."

Even if this is the case, however, it fails to explain who was responsible for authorizing the infliction of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment before August 1, 2002, and this is a question that needs to be answered.

How Binyam Mohamed's Torture Was Revealed in a US Court

Further disturbing evidence of the use of torture emerged through close scrutiny of a statement issued by Miliband in the wake of the ruling by the Court of Appeal. Miliband noted, "At the heart of this case was the principle that if a country shares intelligence with another, that country must agree before its intelligence is released," and that "This 'control principle' is essential to the intelligence relationship between Britain and the US." With some satisfaction, he added that the government had "fought the case to preserve this principle," and that "today's judgment upholds it," explaining that the court only ordered the release of the summary "because in its view their substance had been put into the public domain by a decision of a US court in another case," and that "Without that disclosure, it is clear that the court of appeal would have overturned the divisional court's decision to publish the material."

This is an accurate assessment, although it glosses over the importance of the material that "had been put into the public domain by a decision of a US court in another case." The case in question was the successful habeas corpus petition, in November 2009, of an Algerian prisoner in Guantánamo, Farhi Saeed bin Mohammed. In her ruling, made available in December, Judge Gladys Kessler expressed serious doubts about the reliability of allegations made by other prisoners, as she had in previous cases, and as the judges in general have throughout the habeas process. These doubts have contributing significantly to the 32 out of 41 rulings that have resulted in the judges concluding that the government failed, by a preponderance of evidence, to establish that the prisoners in questions were involved with either al-Qaeda or the Taliban.

In the case of Farhi Saeed bin Mohammed, one of the dubious witnesses identified by Judge Kessler was Binyam Mohamed. As she described it, Mohamed's statements, placing bin Mohammed at a training camp in Afghanistan,

cannot be relied upon, because he suffered intense and sustained physical and psychological abuse while in American custody from 2002 to 2004. Petitioner [bin Mohammed] argues that while Binyam Mohamed was detained in locations in Pakistan, Morocco, and Afghanistan, he was tortured and forced to admit to a host of allegations. When he arrived at Guantánamo Bay, Binyam Mohamed implicated Petitioner in training activities ... However, after being released from Guantánamo Bay, he signed a sworn declaration claiming that he never met Petitioner until they were both detained at Guantánamo Bay, thereby disavowing the statements he made at Guantánamo Bay about training with Petitioner.
Judge Kessler also made some important points about torture, refuting the government's claims that he had made statements voluntarily at Guantánamo, and concluding that the effects of the torture he endured from 2002 to 2004 had not dissipated by the time of the later statements. This is undoubtedly an important precedent for future cases, but with specific reference to Binyam's court case in the UK, the significance of Judge Kessler's ruling relates to the government's refusal - or inability - to challenge the assertions made about Binyam Mohamed's torture.

In response to bin Mohammed's claims about Binyam Mohamed's statements, Judge Kessler noted, "The Government does not challenge Petitioner's evidence of Binyam Mohamed's abuse," and at another point, after running through the whole horrendous story of Mohamed's abuse in Pakistan, Morocco and the dark prison, as recounted in statements to his lawyer, Clive Stafford Smith, she noted, "The Government does not challenge or deny the accuracy of Binyam Mohamed's story of brutal treatment."

Further Evidence of a British Cover-Up

It is somewhat ironic that information that the British government tried so hard to suppress was actually disclosed in greater detail in a judicial ruling in a US court, which made its protestations worthless, but this is not the last piece of shocking evidence to emerge from the Court of Appeal ruling.

Just hours after the ruling was announced, the Guardian reported that one of the judges, Lord Neuberger, the Master of the Rolls, had included in the ruling a statement regarding the behavior of the British security services that was so critical that Jonathan Sumption QC, representing the government, had written to the court, warning that the paragraph in question was "likely to receive more public attention than any other parts of the judgments."

As referred to in Sumption's letter, which came to light following intervention by lawyers and media organizations including the Guardian, Lord Neuberger's statements included assertions that MI5 did not respect human rights, had not renounced participation in "coercive interrogation" techniques, deliberately misled MPs and peers on the intelligence and security committee, which is supposed to be able to scrutinize its activities, and had a "culture of suppression" in its dealings with Miliband and the court.

With reference to the MI5 officer known as Witness B, who interrogated Binyam Mohamed in Pakistan in May 2002 (and is now the subject of a police investigation), Neuberger apparently indicated that he did not believe that he was acting alone and that he believed that his conduct was "characteristic of the service as a whole," and also noted that MI5's culture of suppression "penetrates the service to such a degree" that, as the Guardian explained, "it undermines any government assurance based upon information that comes from MI5 itself."

At the government's request, Lord Neuberger dropped his comments from the final ruling, without advising any of the other parties involved in the case. However, after Sumption's letter was disclosed, Lord Neuberger conceded that it was "over-hasty" to withdraw it without allowing other voices to be heard, and provided objectors with a deadline of 4:00 PM on Friday to make representations, to enable him to decide whether to reinstate his judgment.

Throughout this whole tawdry saga, Binyam Mohamed was not present, but it must come as some relief to him, after his long ordeal, to realize that, one year after his release, his torture by US agents in April 2002 will cause questions to be raised regarding the authorization of prolonged sleep deprivation and threats to make him "disappear," and that the British security services face questions about their entire way of operating, in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, when the UK zealously embraced its role as America's closest foreign ally.

Source : truthout

Allons-nous vers un nouvel 11 septembre ? (3ème partie)

Yahia Gouasmi, Président du Parti Anti  Sioniste (PAS)Yahia Gouasmi, Président du Parti Anti Sioniste (PAS)
Allons-nous vers un nouvel 11 septembre ? (3ème partie)

ou comment on nous prépare à un méga-attentat en Europe...

Dans nos deux précédents articles des 1er et 6 Février 2010, nous avons évoqué la possibilité d’un grave attentat sur le territoire européen, attentat qui tel le 11 septembre 2001, justifierait une nouvelle croisade antimusulmane, notamment une agression contre l’Iran. Ce risque a été également évoqué par les grands journaux du Proche-Orient. De nombreux sites web ont également répercuté cette éventualité mettant en garde l’opinion publique contre des attentats en des lieux hautement symboliques telles la cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris ou la Basilique Saint Pierre de Rome.

Toute la machine de guerre de propagande de l’USraël est mobilisée de façon permanente et avance en ordre de bataille. Ainsi, lors de l’audition annuelle par la Commission parlementaire du Renseignement, les principaux dirigeants des services de renseignement nord-américains ont provoqué une certaine émotion en mentionnant la possibilité d’une cyber-guerre déclarée par la Chine menaçant ainsi tout le réseau informatique mondial :http://www.senate.gov/fplayers/I2009/urlPlayer.cfm?fn=intel020210&st=1073&dur=10255

Quand on connait l’imbrication actuelle des économies chinoises et américaines, une telle « agression » est pour le moins difficile à imaginer dans l’immédiat. Mais alors, pourquoi parler de la Chine si ce n’est pour faire diversion ? D’ailleurs, les participants à l’audition annuelle reviennent très vite à leur thème favori affirmant qu’Al-Qaida pourrait frapper les USA d’ici trois à six mois.

Ici se trouve peut-être le cœur de la diversion. En effet, qui dit Al-Qaida dit immanquablement islamisme, et en citant le territoire nord-américain, on détourne provisoirement l’attention de l’Europe. Et si le prochain attentat programmé devait se produire en Europe Occidentale (Paris ou Rome) et non aux États-Unis ou au Canada ?
Des indices concordants et inquiétants semblent indiquer que nous sommes à la veille d’événements dramatiques.

Partout, depuis les grands instituts d’analyse spécialisés jusqu’au quotidien français Le Parisien, il est martelé quotidiennement à l’opinion que les risques d’attentat en Europe augmentent. Ainsi, le Centre d’Analyse Conjoint sur le Terrorisme JTAC, à Londres, a rehaussé le niveau d’alerte au Royaume-Uni. Le Parisien (éd. du 25.01.2010) fait état également d’une menace bien réelle en France. La préparation psychologique bat son plein.

Le soutien inconditionnel et provocateur de M. Sarkozy et de M. Berlusconi à l’entité sioniste n’est pas seulement un choix politique délibéré. On a souvent l’impression que ces deux dirigeants cherchent à provoquer et à activer intentionnellement les réseaux terroristes (au service de qui ?). On ferait alors croire à l’opinion qu’un tel attentat est imputable aux « musulmans extrémistes » comme conséquence du soutien des gouvernements de l’Europe Occidentale à Israël et à la politique américaine (réintégration de l’OTAN et Afghanistan).

Une semblable manipulation serait aux yeux du grand public en conformité avec la théorie dite du « choc des civilisations » de M. Huntington. La croisade antimusulmane, notamment contre le front de la Résistance, Iran, Syrie, Hezbollah, Hamas, pourrait commencer. Vue l’ampleur d’un tel conflit, personne ne peut dire jusqu’où il ira.

Allons-nous  vers un nouvel 11 septembre ?Une opération de cette envergure aux conséquences incalculables suppose pour le moins deux conditions :
- une intoxication quotidienne de l’opinion combinant à la fois terrorisme, Islam et soutien à Israël est indispensable afin de créer partout des réflexes de peur et d’hostilité vis-à-vis de l’Islam. De la Burqa à la guerre d’Afghanistan en passant par les menaces contre la République Islamique d’Iran, il existe un lien et un dénominateur communs : faire admettre comme inéluctable un attentat dit islamiste en Europe ;
- le deuxième élément consisterait à choisir en Occident des cibles hautement symboliques et religieuses telles Notre dame de Paris ou la Basilique Saint-Pierre de Rome au Vatican, l’idée étant de rallier une partie importante du monde chrétien autour de l’USraël et sous la coupe sioniste.

Ce scénario catastrophe n’est nullement improbable. N’oublions pas que celui qui aurait évoqué la possibilité d’un 11 septembre 2001 quelques mois auparavant aurait été immanquablement traité de « conspirationniste » ou de fou.

Néanmoins le pire n’est pas toujours certain. Même si nous connaissons le mépris que le lobby sioniste et ses exécutants portent à l’opinion publique, ils doivent toutefois en tenir compte. Et c’est en faisant connaître autour de soi ce risque d’attentat en Europe qu’on peut réussir à l’empêcher. Nous savons que cette menace est déjà prise très au sérieux dans plusieurs grandes capitales et ce au plus haut niveau. Une censure règne pourtant dans les prétendus grands médias sur ce sujet.

A nous de briser cette censure afin d’empêcher ce nouveau crime du sionisme dont toute l’histoire démontre son goût et son habileté pour la manipulation, l’intoxication et surtout à opposer les communautés et les nations pour son plus grand profit...

Le Président,
Yahia Gouasmi.


Allons-nous vers un nouvel 11 septembre ?

Quelle que soit l’opinion que l’on se fait sur les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 (version officielle ou attentat organisé par la CIA ou le Mossad israélien), des faits incontestables découlent de ce fameux 11 septembre.

La seule grande puissance dominante après la désintégration de l’Union Soviétique (USA) s’est donnée à elle-même un chèque en blanc, un quitus moral et politique lui permettant d’intervenir partout, quand elle le souhaite et par tous les moyens, au nom de la lutte contre le terrorisme.

Ce concept « le terrorisme » dit international est assez flou pour pouvoir être appliqué à n’importe qui. Il a été défini au départ par l’axe américano-sioniste pour désigner à l’époque « l’islamisme » par opposition à l’Islam « modéré », c’est-à-dire, l’Islam des pays déjà sous la coupe américano-sioniste (pays du Golfe Persique, Égypte, Maghreb, Pakistan, etc..). Ces pays ont eu pour fonction de servir de bases et d’alliés aux États-Unis et de jouer également le rôle des «bons musulmans de service ». Cet appel à la croisade contre le terrorisme a été adressé également aux anciens ennemis des USA (Russie et Chine) afin de les embrigader sous la bannière américano-sioniste.

Le premier objectif nommément désigné a été l’Afghanistan refuge des Talibans et de l’insaisissable Ben Laden. L’invasion et l’occupation de ce pays ont donc été décidées et menées à terme avec la complicité du gouvernement pakistanais, entraînant ce pays à son tour dans une guerre tantôt ouverte tantôt larvée.

A cet ennemi fantomatique et insaisissable qu’est Al Qaida, les États-Unis et Israël en ont ajouté un autre l’Irak, un État souverain, un État sous embargo, totalement affaibli depuis la guerre du Golfe . L’agression contre l’Irak a voulu être présentée comme une croisade du bien contre le mal afin d’obtenir la caution des Nations Unies (cette « respectabilité » que les puissants appellent le « droit international »). Cette fois-ci le montage mis en place par tout l’appareil propagandiste américano-sioniste s’est heurté à l’incrédulité d’une partie importante de l’opinion (les fameuses armes de destructions massives de Saddam Hussein n’arrivaient pas à convaincre) et surtout au refus de la Russie, de la Chine et de la France : membres du Conseil de Sécurité avec droit de veto.

La Russie et la Chine ne pouvant pas ou ne souhaitant pas apparaître au premier plan, ce fut à la France de Jacques Chirac et de De Villepin, dans la meilleure tradition gaulliste, que revint la mission d’« accrocher » le veto. Les États-Unis et leurs alliés ont été ainsi obligés d’agresser l’Irak sans la caution de l’ONU (ce « machin » comme disait le Général De Gaulle).
Allons-nous vers un nouvel 11  septembre ?Allons-nous vers un nouvel 11 septembre ?

On peut considérer que depuis ce jour, les Nations Unies sont mortes même si leur siège à New-York continue à faire la fortune des grands restaurateurs locaux et autres lieux de divertissement destinés aux diplomates.

Cette agression/occupation de l’Irak a répondu à plusieurs objectifs dont le premier et sans doute le plus important est d’avoir donné satisfaction à Israël et à son lobby nord-américain. Il s’agissait de briser un État arabo-musulman disposant à la fois d’eau (agriculture) et de pétrole, et de le morceler en trois entités ethniques et religieuses (Kurdes, sunnites et chiites). On a également liquidé ses élites soit par la corruption soit par l’assassinat (plus de 70 physiciens, chimistes et techniciens de haut rang dans le domaine nucléaire disparus ou assassinés). Enfin et surtout cette occupation renforce l’encerclement de la République Islamique d’Iran, principale ennemie d’Israël et de son lobby.

A Gaza en décembre 2008, il s’est agi pour l’entité sioniste de mettre à l’épreuve M. Obama, élu en novembre avec en grande partie, les fonds du lobby sioniste mais également de vérifier par la pratique le nouvel axe régional Israël - pays arabes dits modérés, c’est-à-dire complices : Égypte, Jordanie et certains pays du Golfe 
Persique. Le silence d’Obama, de Moubarak, sans parler de celui de Mahmoud Abbas, Président de l’autorité palestinienne ont bien montré la complicité unissant les USA, Israël et les gouvernements arabes assujettis au sionisme. Le silence tout aussi complice de l’Union Européenne a confirmé, si besoin en était, son alignement total sur la politique israélienne, alignement renforcé par le retour de la France dans l’OTAN, décidé par M. Sarkozy.

L’échec relatif de l’armée israélienne sur le terrain et l’indignation croissante d’une partie de l’opinion n’ont fait que suspendre provisoirement la question de Gaza. Depuis, le territoire de Gaza est soumis à un total embargo avec la complicité de l’Égypte, des États-Unis, de M. Obama et de l’Union Européenne. Pendant ce temps, la colonisation sioniste de la Cisjordanie et de Jérusalem Est se poursuit, quoi que puisse dire M. Obama pour tenter de tromper l’opinion publique, notamment arabe. La Palestine demeure le pivot de ce conflit opposant la volonté de domination sioniste au reste du monde.

Pour que tombent les dernières illusions sur la politique de « paix » de M. Obama, ce dernier a décidé l’envoi de 30 000 hommes supplémentaires en Afghanistan alors que toute solution militaire du problème est exclue et que la guerre contre les USA et ses alliés s’étend au Pakistan. Pendant que l’empire USraël s’enlise en s’élargissant (suite notamment au mystérieux attentat manqué du « terroriste aux sous-vêtements » et à une possible intervention américaine au Yémen), la situation économique globale ne s’améliore pas pendant que la Chine, la Russie et surtout le front de la résistance (Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas) continuent de se renforcer...
Version officielle ? CIA ? Mossad ? ... ou version officielle + CIA + Mossad ?
Alors une question vient immanquablement à l’esprit : la machine de guerre USraélienne n’a-t-elle pas besoin d’une « relance psychologique », à savoir un nouvel 11 septembre ?

Doit-on s’attendre à une nouvelle provocation gigantesque permettant de mettre en application ce que Samuel Huntington, idéologue des néoconservateurs américains et des sionistes, a appelé le « choc des civilisations » ?

Sous ce terme relevant de la philosophie politique, se cache en fait le nom de la troisième guerre mondiale qui sur les plans psychologique, économique et militaire, est en partie déjà commencée. L’ennemi est de plus en plus clairement désigné, il s’agit de l’Islam. La bonne vieille tactique oblige cependant USraël à ménager provisoirement la Russie et la Chine afin d’empêcher une union entre ces trois entités. En Europe occidentale et notamment en France, la préparation psychologique bat son plein : référendum en Suisse concernant les minarets, débat en France sur l’identité nationale organisé par M. Sarkozy et au cours duquel très vite le suspect désigné est le musulman. Alors que la France connaît environ 9 à 10 millions de chômeurs, travailleurs précaires, sous-payés et nouveaux pauvres, on nous fait découvrir que le problème essentiel du pays est dû à environ 1200 femmes portant la Burqa !

Du député communiste M. Gerin à Éric Besson (passé du socialisme à Sarkozy), le débat s’accentue chaque jour à travers les médias, débat naturellement alimenté par tous les journalistes, intellectuels sionistes, et amis d’Israël. La Belgique, la Hollande, et l’Italie en attendant l’Espagne, n’échappent pas à cette campagne dont le but est clair : en vue de la guerre qui se prépare contre l’Islam et notamment l’Iran, accréditer l’idée que les musulmans européens sont « une cinquième colonne », c’est-à-dire un corps étranger au service de l’ennemi désigné (l’Islam).Dans une Europe minée par la crise économique et ayant perdu tous ses repères spirituels et idéologiques, cette propagande insidieuse, quotidienne et disposant de la totalité des médias, peut porter ses fruits même si pour l’instant, les populations européennes de souche semblent plus que réservées, estimant que leurs problèmes principaux sont l’emploi et le niveau de vie. Il n’empêche que les graines de la haine et de la discorde sont semées tous les jours.

Voilà pourquoi un nouvel 11 septembre se déroulant cette fois sur le sol européen est à craindre. Un nouvel attentat savamment orchestré et frappant une capitale européenne hautement symbolique telle Rome ou Paris n’est pas à exclure.Un tel attentat aurait plusieurs objectifs :
- ressouder les populations européennes contre l’Islam, notamment contre le camp de la Résistance (Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas) ;
- justifier une agression contre l’Iran et/ou le Liban en réponse au pseudo attentat ;
- provoquer des heurts sanglants voire une série de guerres communautaires entre Européens non musulmans et musulmans.
Allons-nous vers un nouvel 11 septembre  ?Allons-nous vers un nouvel 11 septembre ?
Ce scénario, auquel on nous prépare, signifierait une victoire du lobby sioniste et en même temps la disparition définitive de l’Europe occidentale en tant que force politique. L’Europe deviendrait alors officiellement ce qu’elle est déjà de fait : une annexe d’USraël, gérée depuis Wall Street, contrôlée par le Pentagone via l’OTAN, et prenant ses ordres à Tel Aviv. Il est évident que, compte tenu des réalités géopolitiques, la Russie, la Chine et le Maghreb ne resteraient pas à l’écart d’une telle conflagration dont les effets seraient mondiaux, y compris en Amérique Latine...

Une information de source russe nous est récemment parvenue. Selon cette source le tremblement de terre qui a anéanti Haïti ne serait pas d’origine naturelle mais pourrait avoir été provoqué par le Pentagone. Il s’agirait d’un test avant une éventuelle application aux nations récalcitrantes au sionisme, notamment l’Iran. Le fait que la source soit russe ne doit pas laisser indifférent. La Russie, de par sa situation de pont entre l’Europe, l’Asie et le monde musulman, ainsi que par son arsenal nucléaire, est avec l’Iran une des cibles potentielles du lobby militaro-sioniste. Son retour officiel au christianisme orthodoxe (dont on connaît les liens anciens avec les Chrétiens orientaux, en particulier de Palestine) est également un élément à ne pas négliger, tout comme ses liens avec la Chine et l’Iran via le groupe de Shanghai.

Tout ceci conduit à ce que les dirigeants russes se sentent finalement eux-mêmes menacés par ce tremblement de terre en Haïti. En effet, la maîtrise par les USA de l’arme sismique introduirait alors une nouvelle donne et un nouveau rapport de force international...
A suivre...
Le Président,
Yahia Gouasmi.


Les autorités maliennes refusent de cautionner l'enlevement de trois espagnols et du francais Pierre Camatte par la DCRI alias AQMI

La racaille juive sioniste Kouchner

Sarkosy, Bajolet et Squarcini portent l'entiere responsabilité du sort des otages europeens aux mains de mercenaires travaillant pour la DCRI en Mauritanie, Algerie, Libye, Mali, Niger pour voir s'y implanter des bases militaires de l'OTAN sous controle americano-israelien, chargées du controle du flux de la drogue vers l'occident et de surveiller de tres pres les gisements d'uranium, iridium, silicium, phosphates, gaz et petrole, leurs extractions et transit dans la region. Une recolonisation totale des pays africains sous couvert de 'terrorisme' pour maintenir le monopole du pillage des richesses de ces pays, tout en les plongeant dans des conflits et guerres civiles permanentes. Il semble que les autorités maliennes aient compris qu'AQMI n'existe pas reellement et que ce n'etait rien d'autre de plus qu'une creation de la France-Israel, comme les GIAs.

La demande de Bernard Kouchner rejetée

El Watan, 9 février 2010
Le Mali refuse de se soumettre aux exigences de l’organisation terroriste Al Qaîda au Maghreb islamique (Aqmi) et répond au ministre français des Affaires étrangères, Bernard Kouchner.

« Le Mali n’entend pas du tout libérer des islamistes radicaux actuellement détenus dans des prisons maliennes, comme l’a exigé Al Qaîda en échange de la libération d’un otage français », affirment des responsables maliens de la sécurité, cités hier par l’agence de presse française (AFP). Les mêmes responsables affirment que cette décision est prise par les autorités supérieures maliennes. « Notre pays n’entend pas du tout libérer les combattants islamistes qui sont actuellement aux arrêts au Mali. Non, nous n’allons pas les libérer. C’est une décision de nos autorités supérieures », ajoute la même source. Les responsables maliens opposent également une fin de non-recevoir à la demande « insistante » de Bernard Kouchner qui leur avait demandé de satisfaire l’exigence de l’Aqmi pour sauver le ressortissant français, Pierre Camatte, enlevé par les terroristes d’Al Qaîda, le 26 novembre 2009 au Mali.

« Personne n’a à nous dicter notre conduite. Nous sommes un pays souverain et nous prenons les décisions qui nous paraissent nécessaires », rétorque une autre source sécuritaire malienne, reprise par la même agence de presse. Pour rappel, le ministre français des AE s’est rendu, la semaine dernière, à Bamako, la capitale malienne, pour convaincre les autorités de ce pays de libérer les quatre terroristes d’Al Qaîda afin d’obtenir la libération de l’otage français. Outre Pierre Camatte, l’Aqmi avait aussi enlevé trois Espagnols, capturés le 29 novembre en Mauritanie, et un couple d’Italiens kidnappés également en Mauritanie le 17 décembre 2009. Toute en menaçant d’exécuter les otages, Al Qaîda tente d’exercer une pression sur le Mali et les pays européens concernés afin d’accepter ses conditions.

La sinistre organisation avait fixé, la semaine dernière, un nouvel ultimatum à ces pays pour accepter sa proposition, sans quoi elle exécutera les otages. Pour l’otage français, Al Qaîda avait affirmé que « sa vie serait en danger si Bamako et Paris n’acceptaient pas l’accord avant la date butoir du 20 février ».

Par Madjid Makedhi

The fall of Mubarak, the control of Nile Water in Soudan, Egypt and the seizure of the Litani in the Lebanon. Why Netanyahu failed to seize Arab water

Lebanese bracing for the worst
Israeli threats to unleash the dogs of war

President Sleiman: official visits to Cyprus, Russia

President Assad (in conversation with former President Emile Lahoud): Israel not serious about the search for peace

At the March 14 meeting, from left: Fares Souaid, Samir Franji, PM Saad Hariri, Ministers Michel Pharaon, Jean Oghassabian

A meeting to close ranks and reaffirm the relevance of the movement

Antonio Cassese, president of the STL

At the eye of the storm: a Lebanese goatherd tending his flock near the border village of Marwahin, opposite an Israeli border post

People in the border village of Beit Leef. Unlike people in Northern Israel who are building bomb shelters, villagers like these are taking a more fatalistic attitude to rumors of war

Schoolchildren walking home after school in the border village of Aita al-Shaab, which is deceptively calm amid the war talk

Barak: If Israel is attacked, we will not limit ourselves to only Hezballah targets

Israel will target Lebanese civilian infrastructure during its next offensive against Hezballah, according to Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak. Addressing Israeli army officials last Monday, Barak made clear that Tel Aviv would hold nothing back in any future conflict in Lebanon.
 “If Israel is attacked, we will not limit ourselves to only Hezballah targets”, the Israeli Haaretz newspaper quoted Barak as saying.
He also reiterated previous Israeli threats that it would hold all of Lebanon responsible for any Hezballah attack.
“The government of Lebanon is responsible for everything Hezballah does”, Barak added. “The organization has an internal Lebanese identity, in addition to its well-known affiliation to Syria and Iran”.
Israel claims it avoided targeting civilian positions during the 2006 summer war following a tacit agreement with then-US President George W. Bush. Nevertheless, the 34-day assault hit Beirut International Airport, highways, bridges, power stations and other vital civilian infrastructure, causing billion of dollars of damage.
Barak also refused to rule out pre-emptive strikes against Iran, should international sanctions fail to stifle what Tel Aviv sees as Teheran’s designs on a nuclear weapons program. An Israeli attack on Iran could prompt responses from Iranian-backed groups in Lebanon -- Hezballah included -- according to some analysts.
Israel’s hawkish defense minister has previously warned that any provocation from Lebanon will be met with severe repercussions. Hezballah, for its part, maintains it is ready for another conflict whenever it comes, and its secretary-general, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah promised “surprises” should hostilities restart. Last Tuesday, Israeli warplanes conducted practice aerial raids over parts of the South of Lebanon, including Nabatiyé and Iklim al-Toffah, the National News Agency (NNA) reported.
“The said planes performed mock raids at a low altitude, [reaching] to Marjayoun and Khiam”, the NNA added.
The latest incident to raise tensions along the UN-demarcated Blue Line -- the boundary of the Israeli military withdrawal from Lebanon -- occurred on Sunday, January 31, when Israeli soldiers arrested a Lebanese shepherd, Rabih Mohammad Zahra, 17, as he tended a flock of sheep close to the disputed Shebaa Farms region.
He was returned to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and handed over to the Lebanese Army. Zahra claims he was beaten by Israeli soldiers and interrogated about Hezballah positions in South Lebanon.
Lebanon has filed a complaint to the UN about Zahra’s arrest, which it claims took place on its side of the Blue Line and is a violation of Security Council Resolution 1701 -- drafted to end the 2006 war -- which stipulates that Lebanon’s sovereign borders be respected.
US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman said last week that Beirut was not doing enough to implement resolution 1701, as Hezballah and other non-state actors harbor weapons south of the Litany River, in violation of intentional law.
This promoted a riposte from the Lebanese Foreign Ministry, which claimed that Israel was the main culprit in breaching conditions set by Resolution 1701.
“Israel has committed over 6,000 violations since 2006, the latest of which was the abduction of Mohammad Zahra from Lebanese territory on Sunday”, said a statement from the ministry’s media office.
Last Tuesday UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Michael Williams, following a meeting with Parliamentary Speaker Nabih Berri, said that the pair had discussed the implementation of Resolution 1701.
Williams told Berri that during a recent visit to Israel, “officials assured me that they still remain committed to the prevailing cessation of hostilities and to Security Council Resolution 1701”.
For his part, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday accused Lebanon of allowing Hezballah to develop its military force by smuggling weapons in violation of a UN resolution.
“We are worried about developments in Lebanon and the great flow of weapons, rockets and missiles in blatant violation of Resolution 1701”, Netanyahu told a press conference alongside his Berlusconi.
Hezballah is represented in the Lebanese cabinet by what is referred to as its political wing, the Bloc of Loyalty to the Resistance. The government was formed in November by Prime Minister Saad Hariri, and Netanyahu said he held the Lebanese government accountable.
“Hezballah is in the Lebanese government and is developing a military force under the government”, Netanyahu charged.
“These weapons are without doubt aimed at Israeli civilians”, said Netanyahu. “It is the responsibility of the Lebanese government to prevent attacks against Israel and its citizens”.
Berlusconi said he would raise the Israeli concerns when he met Hariri in Beirut later this month.
Israel and Hezballah fought a devastating war in 2006. Resolution 1701, which led to an end to the 34-day conflict, set mechanisms to stop arms smuggling into Lebanon.
Damascus warns Israel 
Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Mouallem warned Israel last week about launching any war against his country, saying it would turn into a wider conflict.
“Israelis, do not test the power of Syria since you know the war will move into your cities”, Mouallem told journalists in Damascus.
“Return to reason, follow the path of peace... and implement the requirements of peace fairly and comprehensively”, he told a media conference with his visiting Spanish counterpart, Miguel Angel Moratinos.
Mouallem had been questioned about comments made last Monday by Barak.
“In the absence of a peace agreement with Syria, we might find ourselves in a forceful conflict that could lead to an all-out war”, Barak’s office quoted him as saying in a speech to senior officers on Monday.
The Syrian minister said such statements “heightened the risk of war in the region. If such a war comes... it will be widespread even if it is waged against [just] South Lebanon or Syria”, Mouallem warned, while excluding the chance of “peace negotiations being launched after such a war”.
Moratinos, who visited Israel and the Palestinian Territories last Monday and Tuesday, said he “had not heard the war drums beat” in the Jewish state.
“Instead, I heard about peace”, he said, stressing that the European Union would keep up its efforts to revive the Middle East peace process.
Syrian President Bashar Assad said in a meeting with Moratinos that “Israel was not serious in achieving peace and that everything showed it was working towards a war”, according the state news agency SANA.
Syria and Israel held indirect talks mediated by Turkey in 2008 over the Golan Heights, which was seized and later annexed by the Jewish state after the 1967 war.
Israel’s firebrand foreign minister further fuelled the battle of words with Syria last Thursday, warning that its president would be toppled in any armed conflict between the two countries.
Avigdor Lieberman’s direct verbal punch at Assad capped several days of threats traded between Israel and Syria.
“When there is another war, you will not just lose it, but you and your family will lose power”, Lieberman asserted a day after Mouallem’s words of caution in the presence of Moratinos.
Hours after Lieberman spoke, Netanyahu’s office sought to ease the tone, saying the premier had spoken to the ultra-nationalist foreign minister on the Syrian issue.
“The two would like to make it clear that the government’s policy is clear: Israel seeks peace and negotiations with Syria without preconditions”, a statement said.
“At the same time, Israel will respond vigorously and with determination to any threat against it”.
And analysts warned against reading too much into the blunt language from both sides.
“All this is just posturing and things will calm down in two or three days since neither Israel nor Syria wants to cause a war”, said Eyal Zisser, a specialist on relations with Syria at Tel Aviv University.
The latest spat emerged after Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak warned on Monday that if there is no peace agreement with Syria, “we might find ourselves in a forceful conflict that could lead to an all-out war.”
But Barak reaffirmed on Thursday that “peace with Syria is a strategic objective”, and tried to distance himself from the row.
“The least I can say is that I am unhappy with the exchanges of the past two days”, the Labor Party leader said.
Zisser said he believed the Syrians misinterpreted Barak’s original comments, which were meant as an argument in favor of renewed negotiations.
The previous government of Ehud Olmert held a series of Turkish-brokered peace feelers in 2008.
On Thursday Netanyahu suggested relaunching the contacts, which collapsed after Israel launched its devastating military offensive in the Gaza Strip in December 2008.
“The prime minister has declared on numerous occasions he is willing to go anywhere to negotiate with Syria, without precondition,” his office said, lamenting what it said were obstacles put in the way by Syria.
But Lieberman’s warning to Assad overshadowed Netanyahu’s statement.
“It should be clear that if he provokes us, it will end badly for him on the battlefield but also for his power. I hope this message will be heard in Damascus”, the minister said at a business conference at Bar Ilan University near Tel Aviv.
Lieberman noted that Egyptian President Gamal Abdel-Nasser and Syrian President Hafez Assad -- Bashar’s father -- both stayed in power after they were defeated in wars against Israel.
Moshe Maoz, a political analyst at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, called the minister’s outburst “a disaster” that “destroys” Israeli efforts at making peace. And Eitan Cabel, a member of Parliament in Barak’s center-left Labor Party, urged Netanyahu to get rid of Lieberman, calling the foreign minister a “warmonger who has neither honor nor wisdom”.

South Lebanon residents in fearful anticipation
More than three years after the last war between Israel and Hezballah, South Lebanon residents are preparing themselves for a new conflict.
“If you come back, we’ll be waiting for you”, Hezballah warns Israel on a billboard near the southern village of Aita Shaab.
It was across the border from Aita Shaab that Hezballah fighters captured two Israeli soldiers in a deadly cross-border raid in July 2006, provoking a devastating month-long Israeli offensive against Hezballah strongholds in South Lebanon and destructive onslaughts against civilian facilities in other parts of Lebanon.
The war killed more than 1,200 people in Lebanon, mainly civilians, and 160 Israelis, most of them soldiers.
“We’re afraid, of course”, commented Hayat, a resident of the southern village of Cana, which came under deadly bombardment in the 2006 war.
“Every day we hear news of a possible new war”, she observed, adding that she feared any renewed fighting would see even the heart of the capital Beirut bombed. “Where will we hide?” she asked.
Her neighbor Diba agreed that any new conflict risked being more devastating than 2006.
“If war erupts, Syria and Iran will participate too. Next time it will not be limited to Hezballah”.
Israeli officials have warned repeatedly in recent weeks that any attack by Hezballah will meet with a tough response. Last month, Yossi Peled, an Israeli minister without portfolio and a reserve army general, warned Israel was heading towards a new war with Hezballah.
“We are heading toward a new confrontation in the north, but I don’t know when it will happen, just as we did not know when the second Lebanon war [i.e. the conflict of 2006] would erupt”, Peled told Israeli radio.
In Aita Shaab, new houses and villas are under construction, visible to Israeli soldiers across the border.
But a third of the homes in the village remain in ruins after the 2006 war. Farmer Hassan Srour’s house was reduced to rubble.
“We are rebuilding, and if war breaks out again, then we will rebuild again”, the 39-year-old said resignedly.
“We have got used to occupation, war and destruction. Where are we expected to go? This is our land”, he said.
Unlike in Northern Israel, villagers in Aita Shaab are not building bomb shelters as they reconstruct their homes.
“What for?” said Srour. “In 2006, two of our neighbors were buried alive in their bomb shelters”.
Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri has voiced fear of another “Israeli intervention” and Hezballah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah said the next war would “change the face of the region”.
In the village of Yarin, Khaled and his wife Dima, who run a shop near the border, carry on with their daily lives amid the mounting war of words.
“This time with the first explosion we’re packing our bags”, Dima said.
Akel Hammoud, from the nearby village of Beit Leef, said Hezballah’s fighters were prepared for any Israeli move.
“Everything is ready”, he said. “The weapons and equipment are there. All we need is anti-aircraft defense”.

Visit of Sleiman to Cyprus and Moscow
Continuing his official visits to foreign capitals, President Sleiman will in February 12 go to Cyprus at the head of a ministerial delegation for talks with his Cypriot counterpart, Dimitris Christofias and senior officials on issues of mutual interest in the light of Lebanon’s presence as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council
Beirut sources indicate that the president will raise the issue of oil-prospecting in the waters between the two countries and the demarcation of the two countries’ respective spheres in those waters, as well as the sphere of Syria.
President Sleiman will then go to Moscow on February 24 at the invitation of President Dimitri Medvedev, with whom he will have negotiations on issues of mutual interest, the Arab-Israeli conflict and developments on the regional and international scenes.
Sources close to Prime Minister Hariri say he will be visiting Moscow later, after his trips to the Vatican and Washington.

Cabinet meeting
Failing to adopt amendments suggested by the interior minister to the law on municipalities, the Council of Ministers convened once again on Wednesday at the Serail under the chairmanship of the prime minister to discuss the above-mentioned law, while the rest of the meeting was dominated by the aftermath of the crash of the Ethiopian airliner.
Concerning the municipal elections and in the absence of an agreement among ministers, President Sleiman insisted on “the necessity of holding the municipal elections within the legal frame time”, this being preferable to their postponement”.
During Tuesday’s cabinet meeting, the head of state discussed the municipal elections with many ministers to try to reach a consensus likely to ensure the holding of the elections in a calm climate and on the basis of an agreement on amendments to the electoral code. But no decision was taken.

Aoun in Syria after Lahoud

Visiting Syria over the weekend was former President Emile Lahoud for talks with President Bashar Assad on the regional and international situations. The former president was accompanied by his two sons.
After Lahoud, General Michel Aoun, leader of the Free Popular Movement (FPM), was to visit Syria on February 9 to celebrate the feast of Saint Maroun.
Speaking of the weapons of Hezballah, Aoun said, “I’ve placed myself on the side of Hezballah because its weapons have a justification. If we want to eliminate them, let’s begin by eliminating the reasons for them”.
March 14 closes ranks
With the political changes which have taken place on the local scene, the March 14 movement has been trying to close ranks following what some have called reverses for it on the local scene, and in the context of preparations to mark the fifth anniversary of the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri on February 14.
Movement leaders met at the Le Bristol Hotel last week to discuss their position. The moderate tone of the communiqué issued after the meeting reflected the reflected “the imperatives of the present situation and also confirmed the movement’s presence on the scene and its capacity to adapt without changing anything in its immutable national principles”, said one source, speaking anonymously.
The meeting grouped more than 136 political and civil personalities; Prime Minister Saad Hariri, former President Amin Gemayel (now supreme leader of the Kataeb Party), Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea, Dory Chamoun and Carlos Eddé, respectively leaders of the National Liberal Party and the National Bloc; former MPs Nayla Mouawad, Solange Gemayel and MP Sethrida Geagea, who are the principal figures of the movement. Also on hand were ministers, MPs, and a host of others who adhere to the movement’s ideals. Noted was the absence of MP Walid Jumblat, once a top figure in the movement, and of most members of his parliamentary Democratic Gathering bloc, apart from MP Marwan Hamadé, who was attending in a personal capacity, he said. Also absent was Nassib Lahoud, leader of the Democratic Renewal movement.
The presence of the prime minister was regarded as significant in view of rumors that he might distance himself from the movement because of his official functions and in the wake of his recent meeting with Syria’s President Bashar Assad.
The closing statement had a moderate tone compared with those of previous statements, in the context of the calm prevailing on the local and regional scenes.
In another development, the president of the UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Antonio Cassese, visited Beirut last week for talks with officials. He told reporters of the “great complexity” of the investigation into the assassination of Rafik Hariri and said there was no deadline for issuing indictments in the case.

Pastoral visit by Cardinal Sfeir to Syria
Maronite Church sources note that Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir will be making a pastoral visit to Syria to be informed of conditions among his flock in Aleppo, Damascus and Latakia. The visit is to be coordinated with the Syrian authorities, though they have issued no formal invitation to him.


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