17 août 2017
L’Islam est-il responsable de la débâcle du monde arabe ?
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L’Islam est-il responsable de la débâcle du monde arabe ?
Le monde arabe , combien de divisions ?
Depuis la chute de l’empire soviétique, il est apparu que la guerre froide, n’ayant plus raison d’être, des idéologues américains ont cherché et trouvé « un Satan de rechange », donnant notamment lieu, après l’invasion de l’Irak et l’incantation de Bush père, à l’avènement d’un nouvel ordre mondial, ainsi qu’ à des floraisons d’étude . Cela va de la « fin de l’histoire » de Francis Fukuyama, à Samuel Huntington avec « le Clash des Civilisations » qui désigne le péril vert et le péril jaune comme adversaire de la civilisation judéo-chrétienne.
L’Islam, le tiers exclus de la révélation abrahamique est désigné en partie comme le bouc émissaire des maux actuels de « l’Occident ». Il n’est donc pas étonnant de soupeser le poids de l’adversaire en le dimensionnant. C’est ce qu’a fait "The Pew Forum on religion & public life, qui a publié ce mois-ci une étude détaillée sur les musulmans du monde intitulée « Mapping the Global Muslim Population. A report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Muslim Population".
Première leçon de cette étude, si l’on compte 1,57 milliard de musulmans (23% de la population mondiale), l’Asie représente la plus grande proportion d’entre eux, soit plus de 60 % du total. Les quatre pays les plus peuplés de musulmans sont, dans l’ordre l’Indonésie (202 millions), Pakistan (174 millions), l’Inde (160 millions) et le Bangladesh (145 millions). Le pays arabe le plus peuplé de musulmans n’arrive qu’en cinquième position, c’est l’Egypte (78 millions).
Dans le même ordre de la connaissance de l’Autre, un ouvrage important écrit par John L. Esposito, un des meilleurs spécialistes américains de l’islam, et Dalia Mogahed, une analyste travaillant pour l’institut de sondage Gallup. Who speaks for Islam ? What a billion muslims really think (« Qui parle au nom de l’islam ? Cet ouvrage est intéressant à plus d’un titre. Pour la première fois, à notre connaissance, une image de la situation des musulmans dans le monde est donnée . Alain Gresh qui le présente écrit « Cet ouvrage s’appuie sur une très large enquête d’opinion, à travers plus de 35 pays et représentant, selon les auteurs, plus de 90% des 1,3 milliard de musulmans. L’idée est de faire parler les musulmans eux-mêmes et pas les responsables ou les experts. Les auteurs résument ainsi les principaux résultats de leur enquête »
« Les musulmans n’ont pas une vision monolithique de l’Occident. Ils jugent les différents pays en fonction de leur politique, pas de leur culture ou de leur religion ; Leur principal rêve est de trouver du travail, pas de s’engager dans le djihad ; Ceux qui approuvent des actes de terrorisme sont une minorité et cette minorité n’est pas plus religieuse que le reste des musulmans ; Ce que les musulmans admirent le plus dans l’Occident, c’est sa technologie et la démocratie ; Ce que les musulmans condamnent le plus en Occident c’est la « décadence morale » et la rupture avec les valeurs traditionnelles (dans des proportions similaires à celles des... Américains) ; Les femmes musulmanes veulent à la fois des droits égaux et le maintien de la religion dans la société ; La majorité ne veut pas que les dirigeants religieux aient un rôle direct dans l’élaboration des Constitutions, mais est favorable à ce que la loi religieuse soit une source de la législation. Pour la majorité des musulmans ( plus de 90% dans certains pays), la religion est un aspect essentiel de leur vie.
« Beaucoup considèrent la religion comme un aspect primordial de leur identité. L’islam n’est pas, pour ses fidèles, ce qu’il apparaît aux observateurs étrangers, une simple carapace de règles contraignantes et de punition. Pour beaucoup de musulmans, c’est une boussole mentale et spirituelle qui donne un sens à la vie, les guide et leur donne de l’espoir. Une proportion importante des personnes disent que leur vie a un but important (90% pour les Egyptiens, 91% pour les Saoudiens). »(2)
« Les auteurs montrent les changements de la situation des femmes depuis quelques décennies, avec leur intégration massive dans l’éducation (notamment au niveau de l’université). Elles veulent toutes plus de droits et notamment l’égalité juridique avec les hommes, le droit de vote en dehors de toute pression familiale, la possibilité de travailler à n’importe quel poste en fonction de leur qualification (c’est notamment le cas de 76% des Saoudiennes). Désirent-elles pour autant être « libérées par l’Occident » ? Pourtant, quand on leur demande si adopter les valeurs occidentales ferait avancer leur cause, seules 12% des femmes indonésiennes, 20% des Iraniennes et 18% des Turques sont d’accord.
Elles pensent que l’attachement à leurs valeurs spirituelles et morales est un élément important dans les progrès que leur situation doit connaître. « Travailler pour le progrès des femmes en s’appuyant sur la charia plutôt qu’en l’éliminant est un thème qui renaît dans les sociétés musulmanes contemporaines. » Les femmes musulmanes veulent à la fois le respect de leur religion et leurs droits ; Alors qu’elles admirent certains aspects de l’Occident, elles n’adoptent pas toutes les valeurs de l’Occident ; La majorité des femmes musulmanes considèrent avec suspicion les défenseurs occidentaux des droits des femmes »(2)
De l’analyse rapide des deux études précédentes, on peut en déduire que l’essentiel de l’Islam est asiatique. Les pays asiatiques semblent se développer dans l’ensemble selon les règles de la démocratie et connaissent des taux de croissance à deux chiffres (Malaisie. Indonésie). De plus l’alternance est consacrée ( Turquie, Malaisie, Inde ,Pakistan). Il est donc faux d’attribuer les problèmes des sociétés arabes à l’Islam, qui est de ce fait innocent des avanies que subissent les Musulmans arabes en son nom.
Pourquoi alors, le monde arabe est le dernier élève partout comme le martèle chaque année les rapports du PNUD ? Pourquoi l’alternance se fait-elle toujours par l’émeute ? Dans les années 60, le monde arabe était relativement mieux placé au niveau des indicateurs de développement économiques et sociaux que l’Amérique Latine. En quarante ans, la régression est patente, à la mesure du désarroi des sociétés et des individus privés de repères et de règles de jeu, soumis à un autoritarisme permanent, asservis dans un climat de répression, [on a calculé qu’en moyenne un potentat arabe restait au pouvoir une vingtaine d’années, le record du Guinness est détenu sans conteste par Kadaddi].
« On aurait pensé écrit Hicham Ben Abdallah El Alaoui que sur le plan économique, les « ajustements structurels » (y compris les privatisations et la réduction des subventions étatiques), les accords de libre-échange, l’appel aux investissements et les incitations à entreprendre allaient enfin faire émerger de nouvelles classes moyennes. (…) Vingt ans plus tard, le bilan de ces espérances dans les différents domaines (politique, économique, idéologique et relations internationales) est affligeant.(…) L’islamisme, sous ses différentes formes, est arrivé à apparaître comme le meilleur porte-parole des mécontentements et des exigences de changement, même parmi des groupes traditionnellement de gauche et laïques, comme les étudiants. Si les voix laïques et islamistes font partie d’un même grand chœur exigeant la démocratisation, les uns chantent la mélodie d’un ordre social fondé sur le droit et sur les principes politiques modernes universellement admis, les autres psalmodient les principes d’un ordre politique fondé sur un ensemble de préceptes coraniques.
Cet abandon d’un vieux principe a effrayé nombre de régimes, mais l’opinion arabe l’a vite senti : cette ferveur démocratique n’était que le camouflage d’un programme d’interventions dans le seul intérêt des Etats-Unis et d’Israël. Les régimes locaux ont vite appris à déchiffrer les déclarations contradictoires venues d’Occident et retrouvèrent leur confiance. Une façade démocratique allait leur suffire, à condition d’apporter leur pierre à la « guerre contre le terrorisme » et de ne pas s’opposer trop vigoureusement à l’hégémonie des Etats-Unis ni aux intérêts d’Israël ». (3)
Burhan Ghalioun explique le malaise des masses arabes à la fois par des causes exogènes (les interférences multiples) et endogènes ( la chape du pouvoir) Dans le monde moderne écrit-il en perpétuel changement, voué à la globalisation, l’instabilité à la confusion , à la pauvreté, à la présence de menaces multiples les peuples cherchent dans leur patrimoine davantage des repères qui marquent un sens de l’enracinement dans l’histoire des références, et un recours que des valeurs de piété .
Avec l’avènement de la modernité, la pensée politique arabe se trouve tiraillée entre deux angoisses : d’une part, la peur que les sociétés musulmanes soient exclues du processus de modernisation, et d’autre part, la crainte qu’elles soient obligées de renoncer à leur religion et donc à leur identité.
Ainsi, le débat politique s’est structuré en deux tendances principales : l’une, d’inspiration religieuse, que l’on peut appeler la tendance musulmane ou islamiste, et l’autre, à caractère séculier, que l’on peut qualifier de moderniste ou laïciste.
A l’heure actuelle, alors que des désordres émergent plusieurs questions resurgissent : Quel rôle joue la religion dans la communauté nationale moderne ? Quelle place doit avoir l’État et quel rapport doit-il entretenir avec la religion ?... Le véritable mal dont souffre les sociétés musulmanes ce n’est pas l’Islam mais la gestion politique ».
« L’absence de catéchisme dans l’Islam fait dépendre l’enseignement religieux du pouvoir politique. Or les politiques culturelles ne sont nulle part innocentes. Elles reflètent des stratégies de pouvoir et répondent aux conditions de la reproduction des systèmes de domination sociale. (…) La formation d’une pensée déstructurée qui est aujourd’hui la règle est le fruit d’une stratégies éducationnelle et au delà , politique. Elle fait partie de cette même entreprise qui voue le reste de la population à la marginalisation et à la clochardisation.
Ces politiques ne sont pas séparables de l’ensemble des mécanismes socio-politiques du système en place qui sanctionne , l’honnêteté, l’esprit d’initiative et la créativité. Il favorise le clientélisme, l’hypocrisie et la soumission aux chefs . Bref il faut hercher la clé de la conscience déstructurée, désorientée désaxée, désemparée et déstabilisée qui tend trop à définir la conscience musulmane d’aujourd’hui dans l’assujettissement de tout savoir de toute culture, de toute religion, de oute littérature de tout enseignement à la stratégie du pouvoir »(4)
Burhan Ghalioun ajoute l’instrumentalisation de tous ces Etats arabes dont le « tout sécuritaire » est l’unique raison d’être font subir à la religion d’une part (réduite au seul aspect de la Shari’a) et au laïcisme proposé comme une nouvelle religion étatique d’autre part. « Pendant de longues décennies, l’islam était considéré incompatible avec les valeurs de la démocratie.
Quel est l’impact réel de l’islam dans l’évolution politique des pays musulmans, en particulier les pays arabes du Moyen Orient ? (…) il est aussi faux de dire que l’islam est incompatible avec la démocratie que de soutenir le contraire. (..) Les Musulmans sont, comme dans toutes les sociétés, divisés entre libéraux et radicaux, cléricaux et laïcistes, républicains et monarchistes. (…) Quelle serait la Solution ?« Les facteurs qui favorisent une issue démocratique sont à mon avis, poursuit Borhan Ghalioun quatre : La faillite des systèmes autoritaires sur tous les plans : national, économique, politique et culturel.
L’émergence de la pensée critique, de nouveaux espaces de sociabilité, de nouvelles forces politiques et civiles. L’éveil de l’opinion publique sous l’effet de la mondialisation des média et de la popularisation à travers Internet des moyens d’information, avec pour conséquence la naissance de nouvelles aspirations et de fortes motivations pour la changement. (…) L’incertitude quant à la possibilité d’obtenir un soutien international cohérent et à long terme est avérée. En effet, il n’est pas certain que les puissances euro-américaines qui bénéficient d’une position privilégiée dans la région croient vraiment D’où la volonté d’exercer une sorte de contrôle continu sur l’évolution politique de systèmes et d’essayer d’imposer aux sociétés de la région des équipes ayant de bons rapports avec les puissances occidentales. (….) » (5)
Comment en définitive dépasser l’impasse majeur depuis l’échec du réformisme : l’angoisse de l’exclusion de l’histoire moderne et celle d’un abandon de valeurs et référents religieux et culturels. Cette fameuse double errance dont souffre en particulier les peuples du Maghreb ballottés entre une métropole « moyen-orientale » qui a montré ses limites, et qui instrumentalise la religion d’une façon rétrograde et une mondialisation libérale qui fissure les identités grâce à la puissance de ses « industries du plaisir ».
Les programmes de la télévision algérienne illustrent parfaitement cette errance, en diffusant à la fois une émission religieuse « Foursane el Kor’an » et l’équivalent arabe de la « Star Academy », un programme libanais, qui n’est qu’une pâle imitation d’émissions de variétés outre atlantique. Il est évident que la « solution » ne peut pas être exogène, et en aucun cas dans des interférences extérieures qui ne font que maintenir en l’état les masses arabes.
Notes :
1. Alain Gresh Musulmans du monde Le Monde Diplomatique 16 octobre 2009
2. Alain Gresh : Que veulent les musulmans ? Le Monde Diplomatique 1er avril 2008
3. Hichem Ben Abdallah Les régimes arabes modernisent l’autoritarisme Le Monde diplomatique. 04 2008
4.Burhan Ghalioun .Islam et politique. P.182. Editions La Découverte 1997
5. Borhan Ghalioun :
Ramping up Afghanistan war to control Caspian oil and gas transport routes
But, here are Obama’s actual words, pointed out by Christopher Bollyn on page 2 of his article,
“1. I am convinced that our security is at stake in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is the epicenter of the violent extremism practiced by al-Qaeda. It is from here that we were attacked on 9/11, and it is from here that new attacks are being plotted as I speak.
“2. It is important to recall why America and our allies were compelled to fight a war in Afghanistan in the first place. We did not ask for this fight. On September 11, 2001, 19 men hijacked four airplanes and used them murder nearly 3,000 people.
“3: If I did not think that the security of the United States and the safety of the American people were at stake in Afghanistan, I would gladly order every single one of our troops home tomorrow.”
Also, as early as Oct. 14, 2001, a month and three days after 9/11, Bollyn wrote in The Great Game – The War For Caspian Oil And Gas: “President Bush’s ‘crusade’ against the Taliban of Afghanistan has more to do with control of the immense oil and gas resources of the Caspian Basin than it does with ‘rooting out terrorism.’
“Once again an American president from the Bush family is leading Americans down an oil-rich Middle Eastern warpath against ‘enemies of freedom and democracy.’
“President George W. Bush, whose family is well connected to oil and energy companies, has called for an international crusade against Islamic terrorists, who he says hate Americans simply because we are ‘the brightest beacon of freedom.’
“The focus on religion-based terrorism serves to conceal important aspects of the Central Asian conflict. President Bush’s noble rhetoric about fighting for justice and democracy is masking a less noble struggle for control of an estimated $5 trillion of oil and gas resources from the Caspian Basin.
Bollyn goes on to explain that the elder Bush’s Desert Storm military campaign in 1991 yielded secure access to the huge Rumaila oil field of southern Iraq. It was made to happen by expanding the boundaries of Kuwait after the war. This enabled Kuwait, the former British protectorate and home to American and British oil companies’ investments, to double its prewar oil output . . .” Bollyn got it down cold even then.
He told how the infamous Enron, the now bankrupt Texas gas and energy company, along with Amoco, British Petroleum, Chevron, Exxon Mobil and Unocal were wrapped in a cabal to suck up the multi-billion dollar reserves of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Terkmenistan, three freshly independent Soviet republics bordering the Caspian Sea. The American negotiators included the usual suspects, James Baker, Brent Snowcroft, Dick Cheney, and Jon Sununu.
Bollyn also pointed out that Turkmenistan and Azerbijan had close ties to Israeli interests and intelligence. In Turkmenistan, the ex-intel agent, and main go-to for Israeli was Yosef A. Maiman, president of Merhav Group of Israel. He was the anointed negotiator and policy maker tasked to “develop” energy resources there. And that holds to this day.
Back then, Maiman also mentioned to the Wall Street Journal his role was to further the “geopolitical goals of both the US and Israel in Central Asia. We are doing what US and Israeli policy could not achieve, controlling the transport route is controlling the product.”
James Dorion, an energy expert, had written as early as September 10, 2001, in Oil & Gas Journal, “Those that control the oil routes out of Central Asia will impact all future direction and quantities of flow and the distribution of revenues from new production.” Could it be any clearer, given the US oil and gas interests in the Caspian Basin that Afghanistan was to be reined in, especially when Iran, which paralleled it north to south was not a pipeline option, giving its mutual hostilities with the US.
Enron, Bush’s number one campaign contributor in 2000, ran a feasibility study on the Trans-Caspian-gas pipeline, price-tag $2.5 billion, to be built as per a joint venture agreement penned and signed in February 1999 by Turkmenistan and US companies, Bechtel and GE Capital Services, with Maiman as the intermediary, his “cut” or stake in the pipeline not to be discussed, as noted in Bollyn’s article.
Everything seemed ready to go, including a Washington lobby firm, until the war in Afghanistan led the various parties to withdraw. The terrain was too politically unstable to begin a huge project. In fact, members of the Taliban were brought to Texas in 1999 to talk with the oilmen, but the bearded ones with their turbans and robes and general toughness caused the deal, but not the idea, to be put on ice. Another route to controlling Afghanistan would need to be taken. It all percolated, the thought of all that gas and oil and money flowing like an endless gift from the gods. But the answer had been found. And it exploded like two airliners into the World Trade Towers on 9/11/2001.
In a matter of days, pictures of 19 Muslim hijackers of the planes were plucked magically out of FBI files, which Robert Mueller claimed in 2002 could not really be proven to be the perpetrators. But the truth died first on that awful day and it still struggles to breathe, going on nine years later, that the catastrophe was an “inside job.” Within days, without any real investigation, the War on Terror was declared, and a gung-ho George W. Bush and Company sent the US military to “bomb Afghanistan back to the Stone Age” and “smoke out Osama.”
Unfortunately, the false-flag op worked so well at first in the US and Afghanistan that it actually set the Taliban back for a while. That is, until, Bush & Company were distracted by Saddam Hussein and his mythic Weapons of Mass Destruction, about to create another 9/11-like mushroom cloud on the horizon. But creating a second front was a huge military mistake, even for all the possibilities of controlling Iraq’s huge supply of sweet and inexpensive crude. As soon as the US dove in with “shock and awe” into Iraq, the Taliban began a resurgence that continues to this day. Actually, Al Qaeda members in Afghanistan number only about 100 today. So the need to ramp up Al Qaeda terror-talk has become essential.
Yet none of this, none of this, had or has to do with bringing democracy or stability to Afghanistan, or ridding Iraq of a despot we originally placed there, Saddam Hussein. It was all about controlling oil and gas, and vast amounts of money to be made if the US could master the Middle East’s geopolitical landscape. Unfortunately, or fortunately, according to one’s politics, we bit off far more than we could chew, and received much more blowback than we imagined, both in Iraq and, subsequently, in Afghanistan. This brings us back to today, and that 800-pound gorilla sitting in the darkened, silent auditorium of West Point, mumbling to himself.
What he’s repeating to himself is that US bases align with the proposed pipeline that will start at the Caspian Basin and go south down through Afghanistan to Pakistan and to ports at the Indian Ocean where the oil can be shipped east to India and China. What’s more, the Afghan war has been amped up to include Pakistan, which is presently being bombed by missile-spitting, remote-guided drones on select targets or individuals who don’t agree with our efforts there, but mainly wiping out innocent civilians.
In fact, Scott Shane wrote in the NY Times, CIA To Expand Use of Drones in Pakistan, that “Two weeks ago in Pakistan, Central Intelligence Agency sharpshooters killed eight people suspected of being militants of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and wounded two others in a compound that was said to be used for terrorist training.
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“Then, the job in North Waziristan done, the C.I.A. officers could head home from the agency’s Langley, Va., headquarters [itals mine], facing only the hazards of the area’s famously snarled suburban traffic.
“It was only the latest strike by the agency’s covert program to kill operatives of Al Qaeda, the Taliban and their allies using Hellfire missiles fired from Predator aircraft controlled from half a world away.”
Shane stated that “The White House has authorized an expansion of the C.I.A.’s drone program in Pakistan’s lawless tribal areas, officials said this week, to parallel the president’s decision, announced Tuesday, to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan. American officials are talking with Pakistan about the possibility of striking in Baluchistan for the first time -- a controversial move since it is outside the tribal areas -- because that is where Afghan Taliban leaders are believed to hide.”
As repugnant as depersonalizing killing is, the likelihood of killing more innocents is even greater and more repugnant. This is a new low, both militarily and morally, even for the CIA. Yet it is regarded by anti-terror “experts” as a “resounding success.”
Shane writes, “About 80 missile attacks from drones in less than two years have killed ‘more than 400’ enemy fighters . . . offering a number lower than most estimates but in the same range.”
The fact is, the latest model, the MQ-9 Reaper can fly at 50,000 feet with a maximum internal payload of 800 pounds and external payload more than 3,000 pounds, carrying up to four Hellfire II anti-armor missiles and two laser-guided bombs. That’s a lot of death, which could have been used in earlier drone incarnations to create part of 911’s havoc. And there’s more to come.
Additionally the infamous Blackwater, now called Xe, is at work for the CIA, which is spearheading the covert Pakistan war, and this all costs money, big money. So, fortunately, the agency still has the opium crop to cover the shortfalls in budget or cash, and the so-called 2010-11 pull-out mandate is already up in smoke, according to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. Thus, the real reasons for this surge have to be McChrystal clear even to a blind man or Congress. The hope is that seeing-eye dogs like Bollyn, now living in writer’s exile, and Craig Murray, the UK’s former ambassador to Uzbekistan, and even my humble self and other writers, can be of assistance.
Murray, in a recent chilling article, not only asserted that the CIA sent people to be ‘raped with broken bottles’ in Uzbekistan in order to obtain whatever confessions for “intelligence” they needed to justify their twisted actions. On the third page of the story, regarding US troop presence, the subhead reads, “It’s The Pipeline, Stupid,” and Murray asserts “that the primary motivation for US and British military involvement in central Asia has to do with large natural gas deposits in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. As evidence, he points to the plans to build a natural gas pipeline through Afghanistan that would allow Western oil companies to avoid Russia and Iran when transporting oil and natural gas out of the region.
Murray alleged that in the late 1990s the Uzbek ambassador to the US met with then-Texas Governor George W. Bush to discuss a pipeline for the region, and out of that meeting came agreements that would see Texas-based Enron gain the rights to Uzbekistan’s natural gas deposits, while oil company Unocal worked on developing the Trans-Afghanistan pipeline.
He points out, as Bollyn and I have in previous articles, that “The consultant who was organizing this for Unocal was a certain Mr. Karzai, who is now ‘president of Afghanistan . . .”
Murray goes on to say that the motive in ramping up “the threat of Islamic terrorism in Uzbekistan through forced confessions was to ensure the country remained on-side in the war on terror, so that the pipeline could be built.”
Murray adds, “There are designs of this pipeline, and if you look at the deployment of US forces in Afghanistan, as against other NATO country forces in Afghanistan, you’ll see that undoubtedly the US forces are positioned to guard the pipeline route. It’s what it’s about. It’s about money, it’s about oil, it’s not about democracy.”
As he tells us, “ The Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline is slated to be completed in 2014, with $7.6 billion in funding from the Asian Development Bank.”
Murray was let go from his post as ambassador in 2004, following his first public allegations that the British government relied on torture in Uzbekistan for intelligence.
Let the high-minded causes of bringing peace, democracy, stability or anything but pain and pillage to Afghanistan and Pakistan be brought down like flags to half mast, and let us realize there are far baser motives of wealth, power, and geopolitical control rising. It’s not really rocket science and shouldn’t be, especially for a Harvard constitutional lawyer, yes, our own Barrack Obama, President for Change.
That said, maybe the 800-pound gorilla in the room can get a decent night’s sleep.Jerry Mazza is a freelance writer living in New York City. Reach him at His new book, “State Of Shock: Poems from 9/11 on” is available at, Amazon or
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Al-Qaida revendique l'enlèvement de quatre Européens au Mali et en Mauritannie
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Le convoi doit arriver à la Bande de Gaza, le 27/12, à partir du Parlement britannique à Londres, avec la participation des militants internationaux, en Europe, en Amérique et en Malaisie, en solidarité avec les habitants de la Bande de Gaza totalement assiégés par le blocus sioniste inhumain et injuste qui dure depuis plus de 3 ans consécutifs.
Le convoi doit entrer dans la Bande de Gaza, le 27/12, la date qui coïncide avec la 1ère année de la guerre sioniste contre Gaza", ont rapporté des sources bien informées.
Lors d'une déclaration de presse, l'activiste et médiateur, Zahir Berawi, a souligné au centre palestinien d'information, le dimanche 06/12, que le convoi dirigé par le député britannique, George Galloway et qui se compose de 80 voitures, a démarré aujourd'hui à partir de Londres, en se dirigeant vers la France et d'autres pays européens, dont l'Italie, la Grèce et la Turquie.
"Le convoi va s'arrêter en Turquie, où on va organiser de grandes fêtes populaires et officielles, avec la participation d'autres activistes qui vont rejoindre le convoi pour se diriger vers Gaza, en plus de 100 voitures", a précisé Zahir qui a affirmé que le convoi va se diriger après vers la Syrie puis en Jordanie, alors que la cargaison va être chargée sur un grand bateau pour passer par le port égyptien de Nouweiba, à travers la Mer Rouge.
Il a déclaré qu'il est prévu que les solidaires vont entrer, le 27/12, dans la Bande de Gaza, à travers le passage de Rafah, en coïncidant avec la guerre sioniste sauvage contre la population civile de Gaza.
En outre, Berawi a souligné que le convoi "Vive la Palestine n°3" veut transmettre un fort message de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien en général et le peuple de Gaza en particulier, quant à l'acheminement de l'aide est une confirmation du rejet des Communautés européennes et les libéraux du monde au blocus arbitraire, injuste et inhumain imposé contre plus d'un million et demi de Gazaouis.
Berawi a également souligné que le convoi regroupe des dizaines d'ambulances qui transportent des instruments médicaux dont 15 ambulances portant les noms des martyrs des équipes médicales qui ont péri dans la guerre sioniste dans le but de les commémorer.
Il est à noter que l'organisation "Vive la Palestine", avait organisé, il y a deux ans, deux convois vers Gaza, dont le premier était en Mars, alors que le second était en Juillet, et l'essentiel dans ce 3ème convoi c'est qu'il porte un caractère international avec la participation des militants de la Grande-Bretagne, l'Amérique, l'Europe et de la Malaisie.
Quand les chinois s'associent a Dadis Camara et expulsent Sarkosy de Guinée, la France rate son coup d'etat
Le 28 septembre, une grande tuerie, plus de 157 personnes tuées. Derrière ce massacre, les bérets rouge de triste mémoire guinéens, soldats d’élites aux droits illimités ou plutôt violation tous azimuts des lois et du droit. Jeudi dernier, le chef de la junte militaire au pouvoir en Guinée a été victime d’une tentative d’assassinat. Victime des tirs de son propre aide de camp.
Le carnage du stade le 28 septembre à Conakry, porterait la signature du lieutenant Aboubacar Sidiki Chérif Diakité dit Toumba, chef de la garde présidentielle. Alors que la commission d’enquête a achevé ses investigations, “Toumba” aurait senti que le président allait le lâcher. Ceci prouve bien que Moussa “Dadis” Camara, menacé par des sanctions internationales étaient étrangers à ces exactions, troubles causés par une armée incontrôlable comme il l’indiquait lui-même. Le coupable court toujours et serait en lieu sûr…. dit-il. En réalité, il contrôle le sinistre camp de la mort Koundara à la pointe de la presqu’île de Kaloum, avec plusieurs hommes armés. Info ou intox ?
Une ambiance exécrable régnait jeudi dernier dans le Camp Alpha Yaya avant que le président se rende à Koundara, en visite dans la caserne de la commune de Kaloum où, on a tenté de l’assassiner. Transporté d’urgence à Rabat au Maroc, ses jours ne seraient pas en danger car le tir de “Toumba” l’aurait effleuré simplement et son opération se serait bien passée selon les officiels guinéens. Le Général Sékouba Konaté ministre de la Défense assure l’intérim à la tête de l’État.
De nombreuses supputations. Pourquoi “Toumba” veut-il tuer son ami alors qu’il sait très bien que ça ne servirait à rien puisqu’il ne peut prendre le pouvoir ? Ne renforce-t-il pas les soupçons de ceux qui voyaient derrière la tuerie du 28 septembre dernier, la main d’une puissance étrangère ? La France pour ne pas la nommer serait donc derrière la tentative de mise à mort de la “révolution” guinéenne. Mais, pourquoi ?
Il est vrai que la France n’a pas ménagé ses efforts pour critiquer Moussa “Dadis” Camara, allant même jusqu’à demandé à l’UA (Union africaine) et aux Occidentaux de sanctionner la Guinée.
The Fifth Minaret in Switzerland
There are actually five.
If one were to visit the beautiful Swiss canton of Neuchâtel you may take in many of the lovely sights like its rather pretty lake, its informative museums as well as in the little town of Serrières the home of Philippe Suchard - Swiss chocolatier and industrialist – which has the 5th minaret in Switzerland ‘Minaret de Serrières’.
Built in 1865 the house was designed by renowned Swiss architect Louise Daniel Perrier with the minaret included at Suchard’s request. Suchard had been so inspired by Islamic architecture following his travels in Muslim countries that he wished to recreate a minaret in his home.
Suchard himself seemed a visionary of his day. He developed the method for grinding cocoa paste which is still in use and by the end of the 19th century he was the largest chocolate producer in Switzerland – whose company produced brands like Milka. He built his house next door to his factory and it is still there today on Rue Guillaume-Farel – testament to a time where people were not as burdened by intolerance and hate as they are today.
So there we have it folks – a minaret designed by a famous 19th Century Swiss architect for the house of an even more famous Swiss Chocolatier. It seems that in actual fact a minaret IS an example of traditional Swiss architecture – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Effondrement de la France-Israel au maghreb : Sarkosy et ses pantins maghrebins paniquent a l'idée d'un soulevement populaire generalisé au Maghreb
La Russie a vendu à un pays de Maghreb 500.000 kalachnikov en version spéciale, AK-103-2, capables de tirer à trois régimes: un coup, une rafale et une rafale de trois coups, a annoncé mardi le directeur général adjoint de l'agence russe d'exportation d'armes Rosoboronexport Igor Sevastianov."Rosoboronexport a pu satisfaire cette demande spéciale d'un pays arabe, modifiant dans les délais les plus brefs le modèle classique de la kalachnikov. L'AK-103-2 est surtout utile lors des exercices de formation de jeunes recrues. Un soldat inexpérimenté, en appuyant la détente, peut faire partir tout le chargeur, alors qu'en régime rafale à trois coups il économise les munitions", a indique M.Sevastianov sans préciser quel pays a commandé ce lot important de fusils d'assaut.
Le directeur adjoint de Rosoboronexport a profité de l'occasion pour présenter ses félicitations à M.Kalachnikov, qui fête le 10 novembre son 90e anniversaire."Sans aucun doute, Mikhaïl Kalachnikov est le patriarche mondial des armes à feu. Il a apporté une contribution inestimable à la promotion des armes russes sur le marché mondial et son nom est aussi connu dans le monde que celui du premier cosmonaute Iouri Gagarine", a déclaré M.Sevastianov.
The Geopolitics Of The Dubai Debt Crisis: It's Iran vs. The United States
Of all the states of the United Arab Emirates federation, Dubai has maintained the closest ties to Iran. Indeed, as international pressure has built on Iran over the past decade, Dubai has prospered from those ties. It provides critical banking and trade links for Iran, often serving as the go-between for European or Asian companies and financial firms that want to do business with Iran without violating international sanctions.
Abu Dhabi, the wealthiest member of the UAE and a close ally of the US, may be pressuring Dubai to limit its links to Iran. Indeed, this pressure may be behind statements coming from Abu Dhabi about offering “selective” support for Dubai. Companies or creditors thought to be too linked to Iran could find themselves shut out of any bailout.
The United States government, which has remained somewhat taciturn throughout this crisis, is no doubt encouraging Abu Dhabi to apply this pressure. In part because of Dubai’s connections to Iran, US financial institutions are not among the biggest creditors to Dubai World.
It’s not all Iran, of course. The problems in Dubai, the member of the United Arab Emirates that has found itself in a dire financial crisis, closely mirror those behind the global financial crisis.
Over the past decade, the country attempted to diversify its economy away from dependence on its declining oil reserves—and largely succeeded. But, like a Wall Street investment bank attempting to overcome the decline of its traditional businesses by becoming heavily invested in leveraged real estate products, Dubai accumulated huge debt obligations—estimated to amount to some $80 billion. Much of Dubai’s assets were dependent on tourism, shipping, construction and real estate—which have been in trouble during the global economic downturn.
Like its fellow members of the UAE, Dubai is ruled by an expansive royal family. In this case, they are called Al Maktoum family. Exactly what counts as the personal property of ruling family and what is government owned in Dubai is more than a bit fuzzy. The Dubai government owns three companies: the Investment Corporation of Dubai; Dubai Holding, which is run by Mohammed Al Gergawi; and Dubai World, which is run by Sultan bin Sulayem.
Abu Dhabi has been trying to put pressure on Dubai to cut ties to Iran. The split between Abu Dhabi and Iran is in part rooted in an older territorial dispute, fear of Iran’s nuclear ambitions, religious differences between Shiites and Sunnis, and—importantly—Abu Dhabi’s close ties to Washington, DC.
The UAE is close to reaching a nuclear power cooperation deal with Washington, a move that many regional experts say would challenge the traditional Saudi hegemony in the Gulf. One sticking point in the negotiations with Washington has been concerns that Dubai could share US nuclear technology with Iran.
This power struggle between Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia is also playing a role. In May, the UAE pulled out of a proposed Gulf monetary union over Saudi insistence that it would host the regional central bank.
Dubai, which is a very open and tolerant place compared to Iran, is viewed by many Iranians as a place to let their hair down. It has a thriving Iranian ex-pat community. Iran is Dubai airport's top destination, with more than 300 flights per week.
More importantly, Dubai is a major exporter to Iran and a major re-exporter of Iranian goods. The trade between Iran and Dubai is one of the principal sources of Tehran's confidence that it can survive US-led sanctions. Iranian investment in Dubai amounts to about US $14 billion each year. US intelligence officials have long suspected that the Iranian government uses Dubai based front companies to get around sanctions.
Some of the banks said to have the largest exposure to Dubai debt have in the past been linked to Iran. Notably, HSBC, BNP Paribas and Standard Chartered came under investigation and pressure from US authorities in recent years to cut ties to Iran. Some US officials have quietly protested that these banks just shifted to doing business with Iran through Dubai. The US may want to see these creditors take losses from their Dubai exposure.
Make no mistake: the US government does not want to see the financial ruin of Dubai. Apart from its ties to Iran, Dubai is widely viewed as a model Islamic country. It has a relatively clean government, and there is a remarkable level of religious tolerance and progressive attitudes toward women for the region. American diplomats have held up Dubai as their model for a new Baghdad—progressive, tolerant, and capitalist.
What is most likely happening is more nuanced. The US and Abu Dhabi are hoping to use Dubai’s financial troubles as a way of finally severing the close ties to Iran. For years, Dubai has enjoyed the benefits of walking the line between its military and economic alliance with the US and economic benefits from banking and trade ties to Iran. The price of a bailout from Abu Dhabi may be having to finally choose to give up the Iran connection.
Pakistan: Who Owns the Next Generation?
Into this landscape comes a new crisis that some would say is even more deadly than any of the above. This crisis is the war being waged for the hearts and minds of Pakistan’s youth. It is commonly said that to judge a people one just needs to look at its next generation as it is from here that the hopes and aspirations of a country lie.
The British, although visibly a spent "Raj" power, still seem to have their finger on the pulse, as a recent British Council survey shows. It pulls no punches when it identifies the next generation of Pakistanis as the last chance for Western democracy to take hold in this region.
The ‘Next Generation Report’ published this week is an interview-based study of the views and opinions of 1500 Pakistanis aged from 18-29 years old. The age range of the report is particularly pertinent as half of Pakistan’s population is aged under 20 years old, with two-thirds still to reach their 30th birthday. The report terms this population bulge as Pakistan’s ‘demographic dividend’ and makes the claim that because of this Pakistan finds itself at a crossroads: harnessing this generation presents a great opportunity while ignoring it will lead to disaster.
One main finding that the majority of newspapers seem to have seized upon is the revelation that three-quarters of respondents identified themselves foremost as Muslims, with just 14% describing themselves primarily as a citizen of Pakistan. Only a third believes that democracy is the best system of governance, with one third supporting sharia law. When asked about which organisations they trust, 60% of those interviewed had faith in the military and around 50% had similar trust in madrassahs. To top this all off, only a mere 15% felt that Pakistan is headed in the right direction.
All this hardly seems surprising taking into account the state of affairs in Pakistan. With a continuous stream of double talking hypocrisy, the US speaks of ‘democratization’ and nation building whilst simultaneously breaching the borders of sovereign states with casual disregard and supporting fraudulent election results. Why then be surprised when this translates into disillusionment with democracy.
Similarly when one has grown up with a resigned acceptance that one’s elected officials will inevitably embezzle public funds and one only remembers those civil servants, police officers and state officials who aren’t corrupt; it is hardly astonishing when this translates into 60% of youth only trusting the military as the only federal organisation that works.
Indeed when one reflects on these and other widespread stories of government corruption, societal disintegration and senseless violence, one wonders why even 15% of the youth feel that Pakistan is ‘headed in the right direction’ – unless they didn’t understand the interviewer correctly or else feel that ‘the right direction’ is to become the most corrupt, dysfunctional nation on Earth.
However this is all just window dressing to cover up what the main ‘worrying’ finding of the report is – that the vast majority of Pakistani youth feel that they are Muslims first and Pakistanis second. Is this not reasonable when one faces the harshness of poverty and a complete lack of social justice with skyrocketing rates of suicide amongst poor farmers and the unemployed, families abandoning or even killing their children because they can’t bear watching them slowly starve to death. It is hardly astonishing that people would embrace a Creator that promises to mete out justice and reward faith with peace for eternity.
What is remarkable to me is that in spite of the crushing poverty, grinding injustice and lack of opportunity which characterize Pakistan, Allah has preserved the faith of the Pakistani youth to give them courage and succor in their moments of despair.
One would feel that this faith is something worth celebrating and preserving but this seems not to be the case and therein lies the nub of the issue. To the average Western foreign policy maker the combination of a Muslim country equipped with nuclear weapons, a majority population with an abiding trust in the military, and a predominantly Muslim identity is abhorrent to say the least.
So what to do to ‘contain’ the Muslim bogeyman slowly reaching maturity in Pakistan? There seems to be a feeling that the way to save Pakistan is a concurrent need for both ‘nation building’ and ‘Imaan destroying’.
One can see it in the choice of presenter that the British Council used to launch its report, namely Fasi Zaka a Pakistani journalist and Director of Media at the British Council in Pakistan. Zaka writes and hosts ‘The Fasi Zaka Show’ which is the most popular radio shows in Pakistan especially with 16 to 25 year olds. Zaka has stringently avoided any outward confrontation with Islam but when one hears his show it is imbued with innuendo and sly humour with Islam and Muslims being the butt of the joke more often than not.
Whilst Zaka slithers out of any direct quarrel with Islam, the same cannot be said of another hit Pakistani media personality Ali Saleem.
Ali Saleem is the first openly homosexual TV host in Pakistan’s history. His show was first aired in 2005 and features Saleem dressed as a woman interviewing celebrities with his dialogue peppered with smutty one liners and double entendre. The result is a hit show that government officials, celebrities and other famous people fight to get on to.
What’s the problem with that you may ask? A slightly risqué TV show is nothing to be perturbed by. Leaving aside any discussion of why one should definitely be perturbed by a coquettish cross dressing bisexual hosting a prime time TV show in a country built by the blood sacrifice of millions of Muslims, I would point out that once boundaries are pushed, it is inevitable that they will be pushed again...and again.
Read what Saleem says about his relaunched show that will screen from this autumn:
'What's happening in Pakistan is that society is becoming more polarised," he says. "There's one set of people inclined towards a hardline vision and another reacting to this madness by having raves on the beach and popping pills. I want to help people develop tolerance. We have revamped the entire show and it is now going to be more thematic and address issues of sexuality, Pakistani hunks, legalising alcohol and having pubs and bars.'
This push for a more decadent Pakistan is eerily analogous to the RAND corporation’s 2008 report titled‘Civil Democratic Islam’ by Cheryl Benard. ‘Civil Democratic Islam’ should be compulsory reading for every Muslim (please reread this excellent Jumah Pulse by Husain Al-Qadi about the RAND corporation’s manifesto for Muslim Women.) As for its ideas about Muslim youth, the RAND document speaks specifically of the modernisation of Islam especially by harnessing the youth and has as one of its recommendations to,-
‘Position secularism and modernisation as a counterculture option for disaffected Islamic youth’
And this gem which seems particularly pertinent to Fasi Zaka,-
There appears that in Pakistan there is a battle going on. Not the obvious one involving truck bombs, the army and terrified civilians but rather an insidious battle for the very heart of the youth.
When one reads the opinions of the abhorrent Ali Saleem as well as reports of the corrupt antics of government officials one can’t help but recall the image of millions of Muslims in pre-Partition India, attending demonstrations chanting: ‘Pakistan ka matlab kya? La ilaha illallah’ (What is the meaning of Pakistan? There is none worthy of worship but Allah).
How disappointed they would be at this current state of affairs.
1 comment:
I just read your post because I have a google alert for the Next Generation Report as a PhD candidate, I am following it as a case example of how different media outlets choose to selectively report different aspects of it. Media selectivity is one of my research themes.
From your writing I realised you havent read the report, because in the report there is a severe critique of the west in it and of western institutions, also you would have known that the report is summation of the views of the Pakistani youth and written from open sourcing which is why there are 2500 authors of it. In fact one of the main points of the report is that the war on terror, the taliban are not Pakistan's problems, but the severe lack of justice in the country and the unwillingness of the rulers to spend money to help the poor as the real issue. You would have known that had you read it.
I also find it funny that you choose not to use the strict codes of Islamic evidence in addition to not doing your work with diligence (like reading the report). You literally slander someone like Fasi Zaka, who is a humourist and does make jokes about Muslims as he does everyone else, but is also a strict supporter of the Burqa as a matter of choice and opposes France's decision to ban it. When the Quran asks Muslims to read, that includes you Mr. Suleyman. Mr. Zaka is also on record for opposing the drone attacks in Pakistan, condemning the interference of the US and Britain in having the NRO promulgated so the corrupt can go scott free.
Then you bring in a known drug addict like Ali Saleem to support your point of view, someone whose programme has been cancelled and whose other ones have failed simply because Pakistani's no longer have an appetite for his entertainment.
I write to you because I am disappointed by people like yourself who claim to be moral and standing up for Islam yet do not have the will to apply their intellect with hard work and simply come up with random condemnations. Please, you are doing an important job, take it seriously. Forgive me if I have come across as harsh, but it is only because I believe that people like yourself who are committed enough to take the time out to do this must be well intentioned, but do not mistakenly become someone who is as bad as the western journalists whose lazy or agenda reporting also creates public awareness for incorrect facts. May peace be upon you brother.
Asif Yacub
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9/11: Zionist jews took control of the West in a coup d'etat, Israel is now preparing the arrival of their master Massih Dajjal or the Anti-Christ
I remember my fellow Muslims laughing at us when we wrote this nearly ten years ago on the internet, 9/11 was an israeli coup d'etat, Israel is now preparing for a large scale operation. Muslims believed what they were explained by the main stream media about all these events, now that clear evidences are in front of them, the book 'Jerusalem in the Quran' is explaining in astonishing details and revealing the final phase currently unfolding, of the zionist jews plan to enslave the rest of the world and establish their Pax Judaica. There is no doubt about what is going to happen this decade in the Middle East and Europe were zionist jews in total control of the West, are preparing the war against Muslims, the war against the 'gentiles', first with caricatures, then hidjab ban, and then niqab ban, eventualy with major terrorist operations.
Wa Allah swt 'alam
Abu Suleyman
Jerusalem in the QuranBy Sheykh Imran N. Hosein,
Extract of the book : page 79 to 83 : Preface to “Jerusalem in the Qur’an”, Internet Edition. References are at the bottom of the page.
(Sahih Muslim)
When Gog and Magog pass by the Sea of Galilee they would proceed to Tur (mountain) mentioned in another Hadith as a mountain in Jerusalem: “Gog and Magog would walk until they reach the mountain of al-Khamr, and it is a mountain of Bait al-Maqdis (i.e., Jerusalem)...”
(Sahih Muslim)
Since no other town or city (destroyed by Allah, Most High) other than Jerusalem is mentioned in the Ahadith pertaining to Gog and Magog, we have come to the conclusion that the town or city mentioned in Surah al-Anbiyah (verses 95 and 96) above can only be Jerusalem.
From this conclusion and identification of the town or city now emerges the implication that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land, which has already happened, is the dramatic and concrete evidence that the barrier has been brought down by Allah Most High and that we live in the age of Gog and Magog, and we thus live in the Last Age.
But the more important implication of the return of the Jews to the ‘city’ (Jerusalem) and the establishment of the State of Israel is that Gog and Magog have now fulfilled that stage of their mission referred to in Surah al-Anbiyah, 21:96, i.e., they have descended from every height (or spread out in every direction) and have taken control of the world. The world order which brings the Jews back to the Holy Land is that of Gog and Magog! Who are they? Our method of study must be to look for a people who display, in their obsessive relationship with the Jews and the Holy Land, a strange difference in their behavior prior to the Holy Prophet (‘alaihi al-Salam) when compared with their behavior after the time of the Prophet (‘alaihi al-Salam).
A strange European obsession with the Holy Land
When Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam) made Hijrah to the Holy Land, and Babylon, Persia, Egypt and China had great civilizations, and the Greek and Roman Empires had not as yet emerged, Europe lived largely as ‘wild tribes’. There was little or no trade with the rest of the civilized world... In consequence of this peculiar isolation the rest of the world could not understand European languages, nor could Europe ever play any role as an actor on the stage of the world. The Qur’an referred in Surah al-Kahf to this unique European characteristic when Dhul Qarnain embarked on his third journey and came upon a people whose language could not be understood (Surah al-Kahf, 18:93).
A strange and mysterious revolution overtook Europe. Pagan Greek and Roman civilizations emerged and they immediately and strangely embarked upon the conquest of as much of the rest of the world as could be conquered. Both Greek and Roman European civilizations seemed to have a special interest in the Holy Land. Alexander ‘the Great’ conquered Jerusalem and evinced an interest in Judaism, and the Roman Empire ruled over Jerusalem and the Holy Land up to the time of Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salam) and even after that. Secondly, there was no abiding fidelity to their gods and goddesses and to the pagan way of life… Rather pagan beliefs were eventually unceremoniously discarded in the same strange way that they had been embraced centuries earlier.
Then a strange European embrace of Christianity for essentially political reasons resulted in the emergence of the Euro-Christian Church with Rome as the center of a new church. It was Christia nity that brought much of the remaining part of Europe out of the ‘wild tribes’ stage of its history and united Europe as Christendom. The new Christian church was so emphatic about its independence from the old Christianity that it even appointed its own date for commemorating the birth anniversary of Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salam). The new European Christmas was celebrated on December 25.
But Euro-Christianity differed significantly and mysteriously from the old orthodox Christianity of Byzantium. As soon as the new Christian church had consolidated its hold over Europe it proceeded to display an obsession for the Holy Land unmatched by any other Christians. The Crusades were not just Christian, rather they were Euro-Christian. They were launched one after another against the Muslims in a futile effort to wrest control over the Holy Land. A short-lived European liberation of the Holy Land was brought to an unceremonious end when Sultan Salahuddin defeated the Christian crusaders and recovered Muslim control over the Holy Land.
What was most significant about the Crusades was that it was exclusively European. Even though the European Crusaders had to pass through the territory of the Byzantine Christians, non-European Christians did not join the Europeans and hence played no part in the Crusades… This book poses the question: Why this strange Euro-Christian obsession with the Holy Land?
Secondly, when the European Crusaders did succeed in wresting control over Jerusalem from the Muslims for a brief period they perpetrated a bloodbath that was ominously un-Christian. They slaughtered all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Not even women and children were spared. The Christian world was horrified by the barbarism and savagery of an ostensibly Christian European people who had embarked on a religious and spiritual quest to liberate the Holy Land. It certainly appeared as though the cloak of Christianity had been donned by Europe as an act of expediency and convenience rather than as an act of faith. The Crusades revealed a frightful, ruthless, godless, amoral face of Europe. It was more essentially godless than it was Christian, and it was more constituted of ‘wild tribes’ than of civilized people… As time passed by it also displayed an amazing capacity to conceal its true nature and to present itself as the opposite of what it really was.
The attention that Muslims should have devoted to the study of this strange European phenomenon was strangely and mysteriously diverted when the Mongol invasions took place and a wild and savage people, who behaved no differently from the Euro-Christians, terrorized the Muslim world...
It is precisely because attention was not directed to the study of this strange emerging phenomenon in history that the world of Islam was unable to understand and explain the even stranger, more mysterious and more inexplicable revolution that transformed Europe from a medieval Christian civilization to an essentially godless modern secular western civilization. That revolution also delivered to Europe a scientific and industrial revolution and a Riba-based economic system that resulted in godless Europe becoming more powerful than the rest of the world combined and assuming the position of unchallenged and unchallengeable ruler of the world. In the new Europe, Britain, an insignificant island located about one month’s journey by sea from the Holy Land, defied all European power equations to emerge as the leader of Europe and ruler of the world.
But the new essentially godless, ostensibly Christian, Europe displayed the same strange obsession for the Holy Land that was displayed by the old Christian crusading Europe. It proceeded to join hands with the essentially godless ostensibly Jewish European Khazers in pursuing a continuing obsession with liberating the Holy Land. These two European people have remained locked together in a mystifying unholy embrace ever since.
It was the island of Britain that declared (in what is known as the Balfour Declaration) in 1917 that it would work for the establishment of a Jewish National Homeland in Palestine. Britain proceeded just two years later to liberate the Holy Land from gentile (Muslim) rule. This occurred in 1917 when the British General, Allenby, lead an army to victory over the Turkish army that defended Jerusalem and the Holy Land. Where the old crusades, waged by an ostensibly Christian Europe, had failed, the new crusade, waged by a godless Europe, succeeded. Both the efforts to liberate Jerusalem and the Holy Land were European. Both were crusades. In fact General Allenby himself confirmed this in his memorable declaration that he made when he
entered Jerusalem as a conquerer: “Today the crusades have ended”. And so it is clear that the effort to liberate the Holy Land had nothing to do with religion. It had everything to do with that strange new actor on the stage of the world, i.e., Europe! Britain then assumed control over the Holy Land as the Mandate Power under the cover of the League of Nations and proceeded to pursue the goal of establishing that Jewish National Homeland. This book poses the question: why this strange Euroobsession with the Holy Land by a Europe which had now embraced secularism and materialism and was only nominally Christian?
If Europe’s embrace of Christianity was something strange, then Europe’s embrace of Judaism was stranger still. It was sometime in the seventh century, perhaps, that the Khazer tribes of Eastern Europe embraced Judaism. When they became Jews they did so for essentially political reasons. Faith had no part to play in their conversion. Even before they converted to Judaism the Euro-Khazers were recognized to possess some mysterious power that permitted them to successfully and effectively block the advance of Islam into Europe.
Like Euro-Christians, so too Euro-Jews differed significantly from the Israelite Jews. Unlike Israelite Jews, Euro-Jews were obsessed about wresting control over the Holy Land. It was Euro-Jews who eventually established the Zionist Movement and pursued the same goal that Euro-Christians had pursued in the Crusades, i.e., the goal of liberating the Holy Land. This book poses the question: why this strange Euro-Jewish obsession with the Holy Land?
Britain assisted the Zionist Movement in effecting the ‘return’ of the Jews to the Holy Land, something finally accomplished after the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. When Britain, the midwife, delivered the baby ‘Israel’, the world witnessed what appeared to be the restoration of ancient Israel which had been destroyed by Allah Most High more than 2000 years previously.
After Britain had ruled the world for a few hundred years a strange and mysterious change occurred in which a new superpower became the ruler of the world. The clear evidence of that change was present in the First World War when US military intervention saved Britain from defeat. It was even more evident in the Second World War when an American General, Eisenhower, was chosen as Supreme Commander of all Allied troops that fought in the Second World War…
Then in 1944, at Bretton Woods in Upstate New York, an international conference was convened to establish a new inter-national monetary system. The British Sterling pound that was universally recognized as the key currency in the world of artificial paper money was displaced at Breton Woods by the US dollar. Similarly, London was displaced by Washington as the center of the new international monetary system...
The new superpower strangely and mysteriously emerged out of the same European civilization that had first fought the Crusades in an obsession with Jerusalem, and had played the leading role in the establishment of a Jewish National Homeland in the Holy Land. The new superpower continued where the old one left off in maintaining a strange and intimate relation with the Holy Land and the State of Israel. Thus when the State of Israel was declared to be independent in 1948, the first country in the world to recognize the Jewish State was the United States of America. The new superpower made it abundantly clear that it had displaced Britain as the strategic partner of the Jewish State. Indeed, it proceeded to do so in a manner that subjected Britain to public humiliation. An Egyptian revolution had taken place in 1952 and the Egyptian army displaced the monarchy as the new ruler of Egypt. In 1956 Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser replaced General Muhammad Naguib as Head of State and Nasser promptly proceeded to give a spectacular display of his nationalist credentials by nationalizing the Suez Canal. Israel perceived this as a strategic threat to the Jewish State. Britain, on the other, felt her superpower status challenged.
In a joint operation that was conducted independently of USA, the British French and Israeli governments launched a joint attack on Egypt and dislodged the Egyptian army from Suez. US President Eisenhower responded by ordering the withdrawal of the British, French and Israeli troops from Egyptian territory. Britain, the former superpower, was forced to withdraw her troops and the British government of Anthony Eden collapsed. Thereafter, and until the present, USA has been the patron par excellence of the Jewish State. This book poses the question: why this strange Euro-American obsession with the Holy Land?
If the European and American (including Euro-Christian and Euro-Jewish) obsession with the Holy Land has been strange, the future appears to hold even stranger things in store. Our view is that the world is about to witness the emergence of the European State of Israel (i.e., an Israel which was created by the Euro-Zionist Movement) as the super-power that would replace Britain and USA as the dominant power in the world. Euro-Israel already possesses enough nuclear and thermo-nuclear weapons to be ranked as a superpower. Its military technology is at par with the best in the world. Finally, Euro-Jewish financiers and bankers have it within their power to assume financial control of the world through the simple maneuver of causing the collapse of the US dollar. When the US dollar goes down it would bring down the entire world of paper money with it. This may be planned to synchronize with a spectacular Euro-Israeli display of military power in an attack on the Palestinians as well as neighboring Arab States. Israel will then successfully defy the rest of the world in holding on to the fruits of its war and, in so doing, establish itself as the ruling power in the world. When that occurs it would most certainly appear to the Israeli-Jews (i.e., Banu Israil) that they would be experiencing the return of the golden age, i.e., the age when Solomon’s Israel ruled the world.
Does the Qur’an explain all of the above, and if so, what is that explanation?
You'll find the answer by reading the full book 'Jeruslaem in the Quran' at the following address:
Par Sheykh Imran N. Hosein,
Dès le moment où les Musulmans deviennent conscients d’avoir abandonné une Sounna du Prophète Muhammad (sallalahou ‘alayhi wa sallam) pour suivre l’alliance Judéo-chrétienne dans le trou de lézard, leur réaction de base doit être de rebrousser chemin et de récupérer cette Sounna perdue. Cependant, lorsque cette Sounna est fermement située dans le Coran, comme le sont le Dinar d’or et le Dirham d’argent, ils doivent alors aussi demander le pardon d’Allah pour cet acte de trahison, puis se hâter de gagner Son pardon en menant une lutte en vue de récupérer ce qui a été abandonné. Comment devraient-ils mener cette lutte ? Que devraient-ils faire ?
Première Etape
Le battement des pièces d'or et d'argent permet aux Musulmans de s'acquitter des obligations religieuses telles que le paiement de la Zakat, du Mahr (dot du mariage), le financement du Hajj, etc. De plus, ces pièces fonctionneraient comme une «réserve de valeur » et fourniraient aux riches le moyen de sécuriser leur richesse face aux pertes causées par la dévaluation de la monnaie-papier. Le battement des pièces d’or et leur mise en solde offrirait peu de répit aux populations pauvres et démunies qui auraient des difficultés à acheter et à économiser ne serait-ce qu’un seul Dinar d’Or. Toutefois, le battement du Dinar d’Or et du Dirham d’Argent, ainsi que leur mise en vente, aurait un rôle certain dans l’amélioration du processus d’éducation publique de ces peuples.
La monnaie de la Sounna ne serait rétablie qu’une fois que les pièces d’or et d’argent fonctionneraient au sein du marché comme « moyen d’échange » et comme « unité de valeur ». Cette monnaie démasquerait immédiatement la nature frauduleuse de la monnaie-papier ; le principe étant que la bonne monnaie démasque la mauvaise monnaie. Nous pouvons nous attendre au fait que l’alliance Judéo-chrétienne qui dirige actuellement le monde, ainsi que ses clients dans le monde Musulman et le monde bancaire en général, résisteront à tous les efforts que nous pourrions mener dans le but de faire reconnaître l’or et l’argent comme étant des devises légales.
Par conséquent, la réponse Islamique de base à cette situation monétaire doit se focaliser sur les lois financières qui interdisent l’utilisation de l’or et de l’argent comme devises légales. Les populations doivent se mobiliser pour demander : « pourquoi l’utilisation du Dinar comme monnaie est prohibée ?». Aucun gouvernement ne sera en mesure de répondre à cette question étant donné que même le FMI en est incapable.
L’effort de réponse à ces lois manifestement immorales et oppressives doit être mené sous la forme d’une lutte qui se conforme à la Sounna stratégique (à savoir la Sounna du Prophète béni dans la mesure où il a lutté contre l’oppression). Cette Sounna nous enseigne qu’un programme d’éducation de masse est la première étape de la lutte pour se libérer de l’oppression politique et économique. Ce texte a été écrit dans ce but précis.
Cependant, beaucoup de Musulmans ne peuvent être convaincus de la nature frauduleuse de la monnaie-papier employée par le système monétaire actuel aussi longtemps que les Ulamas eux-mêmes ne comprendront pas le sujet et qu’ils persisteront à défendre la validité de cette monnaie. Il serait alors d’une aide précieuse que les Musulmans puissent être au courant du Hadith dans lequel le Prophète béni a averti d’une époque où les Ulamas trahiront l’Islam au point de devenir « les pires gens sous le ciel » et où « rien ne restera de l’Islam à part son nom ».
« Ce ne sera pas long avant qu’arrive l’époque où rien ne restera de l’Islam à par son nom, et rien ne restera du Coran sauf (les traces de) son écriture. (A cette époque) Leurs Masajid auront de grandes structures mais seront dépourvues de guidée. Et (à cette époque) leurs Ulamas seront les pires des personnes sous le ciel. La Fitnah émergera d’eux, et elle retournera vers eux. »
(Sunan, Tirmidhi)
Deuxième Etape
La deuxième étape de cette lutte impliquerait le refus des habitants des campagnes d’accepter ou d’utiliser les devises en papier ou la monnaie électronique. Les producteurs de riz de l’ile Indonésienne de Java, par exemple, se mobiliseraient pour demander à ce que l’on paie leur riz en Dinars. Si les acheteurs refusent de payer en Dinars, les producteurs monétiseraient alors leur riz en l’utilisant comme denrée d’échange. Le riz serait ainsi utilisé comme monnaie. Evidemment, l’utilisation du riz comme monnaie serait une mesure temporaire et ne pourrait fonctionner que dans de petites affaires ou de micro-achats. De cette manière, la monnaie conforme à la Sounna remplacerait la monnaie-papier ainsi que la monnaie électronique au moins dans le cas de micro-transactions financières.
Les agglomérations resteront piégées dans la monnaie électronique aussi longtemps que l’ordre mondial des Gog et Magog continuera à régner sur le monde . Cependant, la monnaie conforme à la Sounna peut continuer sa progression depuis les campagnes vers les villes jusqu’à la réalisation de la prophétie du Prophète Muhammad (sallalahou ‘alayhi wa sallam) :
Abu Bakr ibn Abi Maryam a rapporté qu’il entendit le Messager d’Allah dire : « Une époque arrivera certainement sur l’humanité dans laquelle il n’y aura (plus)rien qui soit utile (ou bénéfique) à part un Dinar (une pièce d’or) et un Dirham (une pièce d’argent). »
(Musnad, Ahmad)
Publié par Masjid Jāmi’ah,
San Fernando.
76 Mucurapo Street,
San Fernando.
Trinidad and Tobago.
Imrān N. Hosein 2007
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Traduit de l’Anglais par Abdelhakim IBOURK.
Par Sheykh Imran N. Hosein,
Par Sheykh Imran N. Hosein,
Le système bancaire est un crime et les banquiers sont des criminels. Le système actuel est présenté comme le seul possible mais il n'est pas seulement viable, il est injuste et il détruit l'économie.
Ce que nous essayons aujourd'hui, c'est de rendre l'argent aux banques en gardant l'or et l'argent pour le peuple. Les gens auront ainsi accès aux vraies richesses"
Combattons Riba!!!
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Le système bancaire est un crime et les banquiers sont des criminels. Le système actuel est présenté comme le seul possible mais il n'est pas seulement viable, il est injuste et il détruit l'économie.
Ce que nous essayons aujourd'hui, c'est de rendre l'argent aux banques en gardant l'or et l'argent pour le peuple. Les gens auront ainsi accès aux vraies richesses"
Combattons Riba!!!
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La racaille juive sioniste Larbi Belkheir, Joseph Solal Aboulker, de son vrai nom, createur des GIAs pour la France-Israel est mort !
Le général Larbi Belkheir est décédé !
Belkheir était l'homme de la France par excellence, il a appuyé la France sur maintes et un dossier délicat. Il était le serviteur attentionné de la famille présidentielle. Il se rapproche de la seconde épouse de Chadli, Hlima Bendjedid, et devient ainsi un intermédiaire influent. Un servile laudateur par excellence, il a été le point nodale des familles chadli/bourekba/lahouel .
Son retour en force avec son poulain Bouteflika, prouve que sa retraite fut intentionnelle et rentre dans le cadre d'une stratégie élaborée par un cabinet noir qui préside aux destinées du pays. Tout le monde sait à Alger, que c'est lui le principal ciment et jointure entre Bouteflika et les militaires algériens.
1 comment:
He was a French Algerian ZIONIST JEW, Major General Joseph Solal STALIN) Larbi Belkheir (Aboulker).
In 1960, during the French orchestrated Algerian Holocaust in which he took an active part, Joseph joined the Muslim Front of National Liberation (FLN) and its armed wing called the National Liberation Army. How could Muslims be so stupid?
In 1962, Algeria was ‘granted’ a fake independence with French traitors still in the Algerian Army, and Joseph Belkheir was sent to the USSR for further military training.
In 1965, Colonel Houari Boumédienne carried out a coup d’état! And they called this MUSLIM INDEPENDENCE!
From 18 October 1991 to 19 July 1992, during Algeria's first free elections, Joseph Belkheir was Minister of the Interior and France was still in control of Algerian politics and economy.
In 1992, backed by France and the World Bank, Joseph Belkheir led a military coup and deposed the elected Chadli Bendjedid and annulled the elections, starting the Third Algerian Holocaust orchestrated by France.
In 1999, he helped Bouteflika become president, and shortly afterwards, in October 2000, he became head of his Cabinet.
The Jewish Zionist mass murderer Joseph Larbi Belkheir died in 2010 and was never prosecuted for his crimes.
We had great hopes that Algeria would one day become a leading Muslim nation in Africa. It did not happen and never will!
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The Abduction, Secret Detention, Torture, And Repeated Raping Of Aafia Siddiqui
This latest tape is the most blatantly transparent piece of nonsense that has ever emanated from the Israelis and their allies and demonstrates how fearful they are of losing the support of the American people and the West generally. The give-away for this particular piece of garbage is the way the Israelis have tried to link the al Qaeda cause to the Palestinian’s cause.
American’s, and indeed, many in the West, are becoming rapidly disillusioned by Israel’s behaviour over the past few years. In particular, since the release of the Goldstone Report that showed Israel’s warcrimes in the Gaza during Operation Cast Lead in which over a thousand Gazans were brutally murdered, people have become alerted to Israeli skulduggery and attempted cover-ups for their crimes. And, in latest developments in the West Bank, people in the West are increasingly becoming aware that the Netanyahu Zionist government has no intention whatsoever of ever allowing a Palestinian state to exist despite all the talk of talks, negotiations, roadmaps, accords, etc. As recently as this last Sunday Netanyahu said that Jewish settlements in the West Bank will remain Israeli.
Israel, by linking the Palestinian cause with Osama bin Laden is attempting to undermine the Palestinians quest for a sovereign state and in the process claim that Israel’s enemies are America’s enemies and that the struggle against ‘terrorism’ intrinsically links Palestinian fighters with al Qaeda and, therefore, the US must continue to support Israel in their fight against the Palestinians seeking their own sovereign state.
Unfortunately for the Israeli Zionists and their supporters in the West, the vast majority of the peoples of the world are unlikely to fall for this nonsense. It is only the extreme right-wing Murdoch style press that are actually pushing this nonsense as a given fact while other more progressive and realistic media sources are feeding the news of bin Laden’s latest messages as ‘purportedly of Osama bin Laden’ or ‘claiming to be from bin Laden’.
Oddly, the Los Angeles Times takes the tack that bin Laden is claiming credit for the Christmas Day bombing plot but then states that US intelligence (and I use the word ‘intelligence’ advisedly) officials have raised doubts about bin Laden’s role in the plot and suggest that it was an “attempt to score propaganda points for a plot already claimed by an increasingly independent faction of his movement in Yemen”.
Bin Laden was allegedly responsible for the most successful terrorist attack ever perpetrated destroying three major buildings and severely damaging the hub of US defence, so, even if bin Laden were alive, why on earth would he put his hand up to admit to the miserable failure of some bloke failing to blow his groin to bits with not much more than a large fire cracker that turned out to be just a damp squib? And where’s the propaganda brownie points in that?
Desperation has truly set in.
What Robert Gates Didn’t Say – And The US Media Hides – About Blackwater In Pakistan
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—US Defense Secretary Robert Gates admitted during an interview with a Pakistani TV station that Blackwater now ‘Xe International’ and DynCorp are operating in Pakistan. Immediately after the statement, Pentagon tried to put a spin on his words.
But US meddling inside Pakistan –by posting private US defense contractors under diplomatic cover of the US embassy – is a reality for most Pakistanis. Some of these Americans have been caught disguised as Taliban right in the heart of Islamabad. Some Pakistanis were manhandled by some of these American militiamen on the streets of at least two Pakistani cities in recent months.
Since Pakistan is not Iraq or Afghanistan despite all the US direct and indirect misinformation, these US covert operators were arrested on several occasions.
The mainstream US media continues to keep the good American people and the world opinion in the dark about this. But this is probably one of the biggest untold stories in America’s war on terror. This is about the United States trying to put boots on the ground inside Pakistan through the help of a pro-US government in Islamabad that shares or at least key figures in it the US objective of containing and limiting the ability of Pakistan’s military to influence the country’s foreign policy. This is about Pakistan wanting to keep an independent foreign policy versus Pakistan blindly serving US policy on Afghanistan, India and China.
Mr. Gates tried to put a gloss on this US covert meddling when he said, ‘Well, they’re Blackwater and DynCorp operating as individual companies here in Pakistan, in Afghanistan and in Iraq.’
Not true. The truth is that the issue is so serious that, according to Pakistani investigators, US Ambassador to Pakistan Anne W. Patterson is a suspect in a case of bribes amounting to little over US $ 270,000 paid by DynCorp in 2009 to senior officials at the federal Interior Ministry in Pakistan. The money went in exchange for allowing illegal weapons into Pakistan to be used by private US defense contractors without informing the country’s security departments and intelligence agencies. Ms. Patterson personally lobbied Pakistani officials for this concession to DynCorp. She even wrote a letter to Pakistani officials, followed by a letter by her Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Gerald Feierstein, asking Pakistani Interior Ministry officials to issue permits for weapons to be used by DynCorp in the ‘entire territory of Pakistan.’ The US ambassador is directly linked to the probe, which has resulted in the arrest of a key aide to Pakistan’s Minister of State for the Interior. But the government of President Zardari will not dare allow Pakistani investigators to pursue the US Ambassador’s role in the scandal. A key question in the probe is how the US Embassy and DynCorp allowed the cargo of illegal weapons into Pakistan. According to one lead, a huge cache of weapons reached a Pakistani tribal leader on Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan, who in turn wrote to the Interior Ministry announcing he was ‘gifting’ the weapons to a Pakistani subcontractor of DynCorp.
Incidents like this and others raised alarm bells inside Pakistani security departments and the intelligence community. In effect, key figures in President Zardari’s government were found to have given approval for the entry of a large number of US citizens into Pakistan for ‘official US government business’ without explaining what that is. When Pakistani authorities tried to get to the bottom of how private US defense contractors ended up inside Pakistan in large numbers and what they were exactly doing here, US officials and media launched what appears to be a media trial of Pakistan, accusing the country of ‘harassing’ US diplomats and denying visas to them because of alleged anti-Americanism.
The unwillingness of the Zardari government to confront Washington and Pakistan’s generally weak media outreach skills allowed Washington to paint this as a case of anti-Americanism fueled by war on terror.
‘Conspiracy theories’ is another label that US officials and media have increasingly used recently as a cover to hide serious violations of diplomatic norms and sovereignty involving undercover private US operatives inside Pakistan.
This is how the Wall Street Journal tried to delegitimize serious Pakistani concerns raised during Mr. Gates’ visit in a report filed from Islamabad whose opening line read as follows, “U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is overseeing wars with Sunni militants in Iraq and Taliban fighters in Afghanistan. In Pakistan, he’s facing a different foe: the pervasive conspiracy theories that fuel widespread anti-American feelings here.”
The truth is that there are no conspiracy theories but real events, reported and documented, that raise questions over US political, diplomtic, and covert meddling inside Pakistan. Here is a list:
1. NUCLEAR ESPIONAGE: In July 2009, four US ‘diplomats’ were arrested inside the maximum security perimeter around Pakistan’s premier nuclear facility at Kahuta. They failed to tell Pakistani investigators what they were doing there and how they managed to slip through the security checkpoints in the area. US Embassy intervened to rescue the four ‘diplomats’ after almost three hours in detention, citing diplomatic immunity. President Zardari’s government refused to let Pakistani security authorities press charges.
2. SUSPICIOUS CONDUCT: On Oct. 6, 2009, Pakistani police arrested two Dutch diplomats roaming the streets of Islamabad without a number plate carrying advanced weapons. Pakistani police were surprised when security personnel from the US Embassy reached the scene to rescue the Dutch. The Americans used their contacts within the Zardari government to get everyone released. Later, Pakistan Foreign Office summoned US and Dutch diplomats for a private meeting over the incident. But the Pakistani government refused to demand a public explanation from US and Dutch diplomats despite recommendations from police and security officials.
3. FACILITATING INDIAN ACTIVITIES: In this high profile case in May 2009, a US diplomat arranged a small meeting between an Indian diplomat and several senior Pakistani federal government officials at a private house. The invited Pakistanis worked in civilian positions, including one with access to Prime Minister’s Office. It appeared that the US diplomat was basically facilitating the Indian to meet senior officials who otherwise would be inaccessible for him. Pakistan Foreign Office took serious exception to the meeting, publicly reprimanded the Pakistani officials who attended the meeting but stopped short of seeking explanation from the US embassy. According to Pakistani investigators, for a US diplomat to indulge in facilitating possible espionage linked to an Indian diplomat was a matter of grave concern. It also fit with the US policy of exercising tremendous pressure on the pro-US government in Islamabad to give concessions to India at the expense of Pakistani strategic interests.
4. COVERT US MILITIAS IN THE HEART OF PAKISTAN: In September 2009, undercover US agents were found to have recruited a total of 100 former elite Pakistani military commandos to create rapid-intervention teams for unknown purposes. A hundred more were under training at a secret facility camouflaged as a workshop on the outskirts of the Pakistani capital when it was raided by Pakistani police. It turned out that DynCorp was training the men. US Ambassador Anne W. Patterson brought DynCorp to Pakistan by telling Pakistani officials that the private defense contractor would provide security to embassy buildings. But she never explained why DynCorp was secretly raising private militias on Pakistani soil without informing the Pakistani government or military or the intelligence agencies. Some of those who were under training at the time of the raid said that DynCorp focused on recruiting retired officers who had links and contacts within the Pakistani military and could glean information from their sources. See video and pictures
5. PUSHY US DIPLOMATS: The US Embassy in Islamabad has made it its business to mount pressure on owners of Pakistani newspapers to curtail or expel columnists and commentators critical of US policy. Specially targeted are those who expose how the US Embassy is meddling in Pakistani affairs and expanding the US footprint inside Pakistan. Last year, Ambassador Patterson sent a letter to one of the largest Pakistani media groups accusing a columnist of endangering American lives and succeeded in pushing her out. The US Embassy is also recruiting opinion makers within the Pakistani media, academia and military in order to promote the US agenda even at the cost of Pakistani interests, dismissing critics as ‘conspiracy theorists’ and accusing them of anti-Americanism. A senior Pakistani journalist Syed Talat Hussain exposed US activities in the following words,
6. HARASSING PAKISTANIS: Private US security contractors, or militiamen, have been involved in at least three incidents registered by the Pakistani police where armed Americans physically assaulted unarmed ordinary Pakistanis in public places. In one case, the nephew of a senior member of President Zardari’s own government was manhandled and locked up in the toilet of a gas station by men described as armed military-looking civilian Americans.
7. RESISTING POLICE CHECKS: In at least five incidents, US ‘diplomats’ disguised as Taliban, complete with beards and Pashto language skills, were stopped at several police checkpoints in Islamabad and Peshawar. In some cases, these American ‘diplomats’ tried to speed through police barriers. In one recent case, this resulted in a brief police chase, where a Pakistani officer dragged the US ‘diplomats’ back to the police picket and forced the Americans to apologize to Pakistani police officers. Again, no charges were pressed because these private US agents carried diplomatic passports.
8. ENGINEERING DOMESTIC POLITICS: As recently as December 2009, US ambassador in Islamabad was found meeting senior Pakistani politicians at private homes of mutual friends in unannounced meetings restricted to 3 to 4 persons. The ambassador asked her guests to publicly support the embattled pro-US President Zardari. US diplomats in Islamabad and officials in Washington have been blatantly interfering in Pakistani politics. In addition to helping form the incumbent coalition government in Islamabad, made up of pro-US parties, US officials have been busy trying to save both Mr. Zardari and his key political adviser and ambassador to Washington Husain Haqqani. US officials in Washington have been briefing sympathetic US journalists about this. In one case, columnist Trudy Rubin had this to say while discussing Pakistan in an article published last month:
9. BRIBES AND ILLEGAL WEAPONS: This case is stunning because of the direct involvement of US Ambassador Anne W. Patterson in lobbying for DynCorp. The company ended up bribing Interior Ministry officials to smuggle banned weapons into Pakistan and then went on to raise private militias and hire retired Pakistani military officers to run rapid deployment teams and possibly even spy on the Pakistani military.
10. DEMONIZATION OF PAKISTAN: Since 2007, US officials and US media has systematically demonized Pakistan worldwide, creating false alarm over Pakistan’s strategic arsenal. US officials and media have also pushed to bracket Pakistan along with Iraq and Afghanistan in order to justify a possible military intervention. When Pakistan resisted US meddling recently, the US media again went on rampage, accusing Pakistan of ‘anti-Americanism’ and harassment of US diplomats. Additionally, there has been a marked increase of lectures and studies by US think-tanks inviting unknown separatist individuals and groups to speak and fan ethnic separatism inside Pakistan and theorize on the breakup of the country.
11. ABETTING TERROR INSIDE PAKISTAN: The suspicions about why DynCorp was secretly raising private militias inside the federal Pakistani capital almost turned real when a suspect in the attack on the Pakistani military headquarters in October 2009 was allegedly found to have been recruited by DynCorp. In a second case, another suspected DynCorp recruit was found involved in assassinating a senior Pakistani military officer as he drove to work. In other words, two Pakistani employees of a US defense contractor engaged by the US embassy have been linked to two terrorist attacks on the Pakistani military. Add to this that Pakistan’s military and intelligence are a favorite punching bag for the United States and its allies, like India and Britain, and the picture of what the US is doing in Pakistan becomes even more disturbing.
These points explain how ill-motivated the US complaints about delaying visas and alleged anti-Americanism in Pakistan are. This is what US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Mr. Holbrooke and Mr. Gates are loath to share with the American people and the world public opinion.
© 2007-2009. All rights reserved. & PakNationalists
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium without royalty provided this notice is preserved.
International Analyst Network
UK & Churchill Crimes Exposed from British Raj Indian Holocaust to Palestinian, Iraqi & Afghan Genocides
Gideon Polya writes:
I have listed below an expanded list of immense crimes in which Churchill was complicit as a racist soldier, politician, mass murderer and holocaust-denying writer – indeed he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953 for his numerous published works, especially his six-edition set The Second World War in which he ignored his deliberate, remorseless murder of 6-7 million Indians in 1943-1945 I have provided estimates of violent and non-violent avoidable deaths in square brackets.
1. British Indian Holocaust (1.8 billion excess deaths, 1757-1947; 10 million killed in post-1857 Indian Mutiny reprisals; 1 million starved, 1895-1897 Indian Famine; 6-9 million starved, 1899-1900 Indian Famine; 6-7 million starved under Churchill, Bengali Holocaust 1943-1945].
2. Sudan atrocities horrendous British atrocities after the Battle of Obdurman 1898.
3. Boer (Afrikaaner) Genocide 28,000 Afrikaaner women and children died in British concentration camps, 1899-1902.
4. World War 1 promotion World War I Allied military and civilian dead 5.7 million and 3.7 million, respectively; German-allied (Central Powers) military and civilian deaths 4.0 million and 5.2 million; troop movement-exacerbated Spanish Flu Epidemic killed 20-100 million people world wide. 1918-1922.
5. WW1 Dardanelles Campaign in Turkey 0.2 million Allied and Turkish soldiers killed, 1915; precipitated 1915-1923 Turkish Armenian Genocide, 1.5 million Armenians killed.
6. UK and US invasion of Russia 1917-1919 millions died in the Russian Civil War and the subsequent Russian Famine; 7 million died in the circa 1930 Ukrainian Famine; and perhaps up to 20 million died overall in Stalinist atrocities.
7. British suppression of the Arab revolt in Iraq (invaded by Britain in 1914) .
8. Support for British Occupation and opposition to Indian self-determination 1757-1947 excess deaths, 1.8 billion; 1895-1897 famine deaths1 million; 1899-1900 Indian Famine, deaths6-9 million deaths; 1943-1945 Bengali Holocaust deaths 6-7 million.
9. World War 2 promotion World War 2 military deaths 25 million and civilian deaths about 67 million.
10. Promotion of Japan entry into World War 2 in order to involve the US and hence ensure victory 35 million Chinese avoidable deaths, 1937-1945; 6-7 million Indians starved, Bengal 1943-1945; millions more died in the WW2 Eastern Theatre.
11. Churchill knew Singapore was indefensible 8,000-15,000 killed, 130,000 captured in the 1941 Malaya campaign; 14,000 Australian, 16,000 British and 32,000 Indian troops surrendered in Singapore.
12. Churchill deliberately did not warn Americans about Pearl Harbor attack Eastern Theatre WW2 deaths 45 million.
13. WW2 Bengal Holocaust, Bengal Famine deliberate starving to death of of 6-7 million Indians; confessed by Churchill in a letter to Roosevelt.
14. Churchill rejected top scientific advice and supported bombing of German cities instead of protecting Atlantic convoys .016 million allied airmen killed; 0.6 million German civilians killed; Battle of the Atlantic almost lost; 7 million dead from famine in the Indian Ocean region related to halving of Allied shipping in 1943.
15. Churchill acknowledged the crucial importance of maintaining Hindu-Muslim antipathy to preserve British rule 1 million dead and 18 million Muslim and Hindu refugees associated with India-Pakistan Partition in 1947.
16. 1944 UK War Cabinet decision Partition of Palestine .
17. UK rejection of 1944 Brand plan to save Hungarian Jews 0.2-0.4 million killed by Nazis and Arrow Cross fascists out of 0.7 million; Zionists also opposed the Brand plan
18. British, American, Zionist, Australian and European adoption of Churchill’s holocaust commission and holocaust denying legacy, with post-war atrocities involving invasion, occupation, devastation and genocide .
Netanyahu and his zionist jewish kemalist army are trying to destabilise Turkey before the Iran attack
The coup plan, titled the Balyoz [Sledgehammer] Security Operation Plan, was drafted in 2003, shortly after the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) came to power. The masterminds of the plan were retired Gen. Çetin Doğan, the then- commander of the 1st Army, retired Former Air Forces Commander Gen. İbrahim Fırtına and retired Gen. Ergin Saygun.
The Taraf report claimed that the coup plan -- a nearly 5,000-page document -- was agreed at a military meeting attended by 162 active TSK members, including 29 generals. According to the plan, the military was to systematically foment chaos in society through violent acts, among which were planned bomb attacks on the Fatih and Beyazıt mosques in İstanbul. The two are among the most frequented mosques in the city.
The bomb attacks were code-named “Çarşaf” (Black Chador) and “Sakal” (Beard) and were to be launched on a Friday, shortly after prayers. A nine-member squad -- under the command of a captain identified only by his initials, H.T. -- was to plant a remote-controlled bomb in a shoe cabinet at Fatih Mosque before leaving the building. The bomb would be detonated only seconds after the completion of the Friday prayer. A number of provocateurs would help increase chaotic atmosphere inside the mosque.
At Beyazıt Mosque, a similar bomb would be placed in the garden of the mosque by a team of gendarmerie officers, led by Maj. H.Ö.
The bomb would be detonated around 10 minutes before the call to Friday prayer. Provocateurs were to take to the scene once again, this time urging the frustrated crowd to hold violent rallies across the city. The desired result of these rallies would be an increase in domestic pressure on the AK Party government over their failure to ensure the security of people attending prayers at mosques.
Retired military judge Ümit Kardaş told Today’s Zaman that he was not surprised by the coup plan at all.
“There has always been a junta within the military. Nothing surprises me. There has been no investigation into the generals [whose names are cited in the plan]. It is not certain how the judiciary will act on the coup plan. Why hasn’t there been a parliamentary commission to investigate coup plans? The government is like a lame duck. It has been declared the focal point of anti-secular activities. A certain group in the media has been obsessed with claims of civilian fascism. The public is totally confused. … How will we call the security forces to account? No one is discussing this point,” he added.
TSK would crash its own jet
The Thunderstorm Air Operation Plan, part of the coup plan, was dedicated to a number of TSK plots to create tensions between Turkish and Greek military aircraft, which would culminate in a Turkish jet crashing after a skirmish with Greek jets. The TSK would get the jet to crash if the plan failed.According to the plan, Turkish military aircraft would provoke Greek pilots by entering Greek airspace. A dogfight between aircraft of the two countries would result in the crash of a Turkish jet. If they were unable to provoke Greece, a Turkish pilot would crash one of the Turkish jets, blaming it on the Greeks. Subsequently, the Turkish media would accuse the AK Party government of failing to ensure the security of the country.
The tension would increase in the following days, with Turkish security forces patrolling Turkey’s borders with Greece. The Turkish navy would increase the number of training exercises in the Aegean Sea, giving the impression that they were preparing to go to war with Greece. Warplanes would be kept ready for flight at the Balıkesir, Bandırma, Çiğli, Çorlu and Dalaman airports. A group of high-ranking members of the military would increase their dialogue with businessmen, jurists and the public in order to boost the image of the Turkish military in the eyes of the public.
The Sept. 12, 1980 coup d’état, the most violent military intervention in Turkish history, was an example for the Sledgehammer Security Operation Plan. The plan states that the Sept. 12 coup put an end to all the problems and chaos in the country. “There is no need for extra efforts for the elimination of a similar threat. The easiest method would be the implementation of a Sept. 12-like operation,” noted the plan.
Plot to attack the İstanbul Aviation Museum
The coup plan also aimed to ignite tension between members of the military and “fundamentalist groups” in society in the name of the protection of the country’s secular values.According to the plan, the members of the 34th Fleet Command would hold a rally in Kadıköy Square. A huge number of people would attend the rally. A second rally would be held in the conservative Çarşamba area of the Fatih district. The rally would be followed by an attack on the İstanbul Aviation Museum in Yeşilköy by men and women in tunics and black chadors. The attackers would throw Molotov cocktails at the museum and would carry green flags representing Islam.
The planned attack was to show conservative Muslims as enemies of the secular republic and worsen relations between the TSK and the AK Party government.
The museum attack would be followed by a series of similar attacks at military facilities, including the 3rd and 8th Main Jet Base Commands. The force behind the attacks would again be fundamentalist groups that want to bring Shariah to Turkey. After the attacks, security forces would start patrolling streets and roads as if it was a period of military rule. The security forces would detain suspected individuals and would use weapons if necessary.
“Activities will continue without interruption until the government declares martial law. If Parliament fails to garner the required support of deputies for the declaration of martial law, the Air Forces Command will stage air shows in Ankara’s city center upon an invitation by the Ankara Chamber of Commerce [ATO]. The low-altitude flights above the Parliament building will make deputies feel the presence of the TSK,” stated the coup plan.
‘AK Party, major threat to secular order’
The coup plan also described the “enemies” and “friends” of the armed forces in the country. According to the document, the AK Party stands as the major threat to Turkey’s secular order.“Encouraged by the practices of the ruling party, reactionary groups interpret the principle of secularism, which stands as the basis of our state structure, in accordance with their own interests and objectives. Within this scope, it is widely seen that they insist on using the headscarf -- a symbol of the movement of reactionaryism -- in many state institutions. Such an insistence is aimed at establishing a state order based on religion, which is against the principles of a secular republic,” suggested the document.
The plan accuses the AK Party of serving the interests of the United States and the European Union instead of the interests of the Turkish Republic and allowing reactionaryism to gain ground in the country. “The followers of the AK Party and religious communities are rapidly setting up their own cadres in state posts. Using the opportunity of being the ruling party, the AK Party is working to make the media, civil society organizations and the bureaucracy dependent on the government. The party also aims to restore an [religious] education system through tekke and zaviyes [dervish lodges] to train fundamentalist individuals,” reads the document.
The plan also criticized the EU and Middle Eastern countries for lending support to the reactionary and separatist activities of the AK Party.
The plan stated that the AK Party received around 30 percent of the vote in the Nov. 3, 2002 parliamentary elections, but a significant percentage of the vote for the party came from voters who were protesting the lack of a strong political will in the country. The plan expressed the military’s displeasure at the AK Party being represented in Parliament.
“It has become an urgent need to remove them [the followers of the AK Party] not only from the TSK but also from all public institutions. Our plans and activities to protect the republic are ongoing,” notes the plan.
The plan also called for more coordinated activities with the Support for Modern Life Association (ÇYDD), the Atatürkist Thought Association (ADD) and the Turkey Youth Union (TGB).
“We will continue coordinating our activities and attitudes with the opposition parties to thwart any propaganda or legal amendment by the AK Party [against the secular order of the country],” adds the coup plan.
Ron Paul: After ‘CIA coup,’ agency ‘runs military’
Massachusetts : La Perte D’Un Siège Au Sénat Par Obama Est Une Victoire Pour Netanyahou
Ces derniers mois, Netanyahou a réussi à faire baisser la pression d’Obama, qui bénéficie d’une majorité Démocrate dans les deux Chambres du Congrès. Maintenant cependant Obama sera plus dépendant du soutien de ses rivaux Républicains, les supporters et amis de Netanyahou.
Aucun politicien israélien ne lui arrive à la cheville lorsqu’il s’agit de savoir ce qui se trame aux Etats Unis. Netanyahou a retardé les négociations sur le gel des colonies et puis a décidé que cela durerait 10 mois jusqu’à fin Septembre - en temps voulu pour les élections au Congrès US où on s’attend à ce que les Démocrates subissent de lourdes pertes.
Netanyahou a compris qu’il devait résister à la pression jusqu’à ce que ses supporters de droite récupèrent leur position de force à Capitol Hill et agissent pour freiner les activités politiques de la Maison Blanche. L’élection au Massachusetts, l’un des états les plus libéraux d’ Amérique, sera à partir de maintenant un poids pour Obama.
Ceux qui soutiennent le processus de paix considéreront qu’Obama a manqué une opportunité, passant sa première année de mandat à des actions diplomatiques qui n’ont pas porté leurs fruits et n’a pas réussi à relancer les discussions entre Israël et les Palestiniens. A partir de maintenant ce sera plus dur pour Obama. Le soutien du Congrès est essentiel au processus politique et dans l’actuelle atmosphère politique aux US - les partis politiques étant extrêmement polarisés - Netanyahou peut compter sur le soutien Républicain pour saboter la pression mise sur Israël.
Si la popularité d’Obama continue de plonger et si les Républicains récupèrent au moins l’une des deux Chambres au Congrès en Novembre, Netanyahou et ses partenaires pourront respirer tranquillement et continuer d’étendre les colonies en Cisjordanie et à Jérusalem Est.
Aluf Benn 20/01/10 correspondant du quotidien israélien
Myriam Abraham traductionpour
A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism
Haïti : vers une nouvelle occupation américaine ?
1 comment:
it is a good story for muslim.... hope u
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Muslim clerics send warning message to London Conference
Any intervention, the statement said, from any foreign side, will be rejected and have major consequences. “Islam allows for Jihad, a right to defend it’s own land in case of any invasion to Yemen,” the statement read. The Islamic scholars rejected military bases or structures in lands or territorial water.
In the statement, they expressed their refusal of invasion or any destruction of Yemen’s sovereignty. They also called upon the government to nullify and reject any political or security interference in Yemen’s affairs: any violations of Yemen’s religion, independence, or Yemeni land.
The statement mentioned that military cooperation with any foreign side is rejected in Islamic Sharia, and would harm the country’s interest.
The religious scholars decided to establish a committee to look at the incidents, reasons, and consequences to work out solutions from the Sharia. They call upon all Yemenis to refer to the Quran and Islamic Sharia, in order to unite. They also asked that the Arab League and Islamic organizations to stand with them.
Sheikh Abdul-Majid al-Zindani warned against foreign interference in Yemen, claiming that those who try to justify it by saying the Yemeni government is collapsing, are only trying to exploit the country’s riches, similar to what happened in Iraq. He also expressed satisfaction with Obama’s announcement that they are not planning to send any troops to Yemen and encouraged the US administration to not interfere in any affairs that are the Yemeni affairs.
He also questioned the upcoming conference that will be held in London saying that Yemenis have to solve their issues themselves. He said that the religious scholars’ statement came as a result of the worries of Yemenis at large from the interference of foreign sides in Yemeni issues.
The Christmas Bomber and the Fraudulent War on Terror
- Jeremy Bowen, BBC Middle East Editor, 5 January 2010
The "attempted" bombing on Christmas Day was designed to garner support for President Obama's actions in support of the Zionist fraud known as the "War on Terror".
To be successful, a false-flag terror attack has to attract a huge amount of attention around the world and be immediately interpreted by the mass media in such a way to sway public opinion in the direction desired by the terror planners. The propaganda value of a false-flag terror attack is the real reason behind the architectural planning of such an event. This is the main difference between the two major attacks that occurred during the Christmas holiday period. The suicide bombing on December 30 of the C.I.A.'s Forward Operating Base Chapman in Khost, Afghanistan, in which seven high-level U.S. intelligence officers and a spy chief from the Kingdom of Jordan were killed was obviously more lethal, but it was not a false-flag terror attack and has no propaganda value, quite the contrary, it revealed that the King of Jordan is an active member of the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The suicide bombing of the C.I.A. base was a military attack reportedly carried out by the Taliban and meant to take revenge for the C.I.A.'s killing of hundreds of innocent people in Afghanistan and Pakistan with the agency's current weapon of terror, the drone loaded with Hellfire missiles.
Funeral in Pakistan for a victim of a C.I.A. drone attack. Who determines who is a militant and who is a civilian?
As I wrote on November 18:
One can imagine that the Israeli leaders Shimon Peres, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, and their fellow terrorists who planned this false-flag terror scenario, got a good laugh out of the inept Underwear Bomber – only at his expense and ours. The level of false-flag terror absurdity in the United States has truly reached the level depicted in Brazil, the futuristic film of a world dominated by terrorism. The Terry Gilliam film was actually produced by the Israeli weapons dealer and senior Mossadnik, Arnon Milchan (or Milchen), a close friend of Peres, Netanyahu, and Barak. The Zionist terrorist masterminds chose Christmas Day for several reasons, primarily because of the increased psychological effect on Christians, but also because it is the one day of the year on which the security and passenger-screening crews would be largely staffed by people who don't celebrate Christmas.
The Israeli terror masterminds Shimon Peres, Bibi Netanyahu, and Ehud Barak
If the Underwear Bomber had really intended to destroy the flight, why would he have waited until the plane was making its final descent into the Detroit area before trying to detonate the explosive device? Why was he so inept in his efforts with an explosive that required a different sort of detonation device? Why did he seem like a person who had been mind-controlled to carry out the attempted bombing? What possible motivation can the young son of a wealthy Nigerian banker have to kill innocent people over the skies of Detroit? He is, after all, a devout Muslim. Can we expect to get real answers to these questions?
To understand who is behind the Christmas Day bombing attempt one need only understand that the "War on Terror" is a complete Zionist fraud designed to drag the United States and other nations into a global war against Islamic movements seeking social justice in the Middle East and elsewhere. Across the region there are many Islamic organizations, like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which challenge the corrupt dictatorships that oppress their people and prevent real development. The Mubarak dictatorship in Egypt, for example, is supported and funded with billions of dollars by the U.S. government to maintain a police state that is paid to support Israel while repressing the people of Egypt. Such arrangements of maintaining political control through corruption are certainly not sustainable for the long term.
The Mossad, Israel's secret service, has been operating in Yemen since the 1940's. In 1949, the Mossad arranged for the removal of some 49,000 Yemenite Jews to Israel with the approval of Yemen's leader. Michael Chertoff's "Mossadnik" mother, Livia Eisen, played a key role in this secret airlift, code-named Operation Magic Carpet, which involved some 380 flights on British and American aircraft. Today, there are some 360,000 Yemenite Jews living in Israel.
Nearly all of Yemen's 49,000 Jews were taken to Israel in a Mossad operation in 1949-50 called Operation Magic Carpet.
The AFP and global press reported that the Israeli "terrorist cell" discovered by Yemeni authorities in 2008 had been involved in a deadly attack against the U.S. embassy in the Yemeni capital the previous month. President Saleh said the Israeli terror cell operated under the "slogan of Islam." Sources close to the Yemeni investigation told AFP that Saleh was thought to have been referring to six men rounded up in Sanaa after the 17 September 2008 attack on the U.S. Embassy which left 18 people dead.
An Israeli "Al Qaida" terror cell in Yemen is probably behind the kidnapping and mind-control operation that resulted in the devout Muslim Abdul Mutallab trying to detonate an explosive device on Delta's Northwest Flight 253. The fact that Abdul Mutallab flew through Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport is a further indication that the Mossad is involved. Both the Schiphol Airport and Delta Airlines are clients of ICTS (International Consultants on Targeted Security), the Mossad-controlled airport security company that oversaw passenger screening at the airports involved in the 9-11 attacks through its wholly-owned subsidiary Huntleigh USA. While ICTS Europe is officially headquartered in Amsterdam, its real Mossad management is based in Israel.
Abdul Mutallab bought his tickets in Accra, Ghana, on December 16, eight days before he departed. Although he flew to Detroit via Nigeria, his homeland, he did not visit or speak with his family. This suggests that the young devout Muslim was being chaperoned and is simply another victim of a devious Israeli intelligence plot designed to promote the Zionist-managed "War on Terror" and legitimize President Obama's increased U.S. military involvement in Yemen, Afghanistan, and beyond. We must not allow ourselves to be deceived by this most absurd and evil Israeli terror spectacle. It is high time for the real culprits behind 9-11 and the false-flag terror of the past decade to be exposed and stopped.
The second battle of Gaza will see the fall of Mubarak and his terrorist state, and NATO, USA, Israel eradicated in the Sinai insha Allah
Egypt's Siege of Gaza
Written by Kamal Nuruddeen,
Gazans are living in the ruins of their homes following the bloody Israeli war against them one year ago, unable to rebuild because of the blockade against them.
However, there is a fact far more shocking than Israel's characteristic terror against innocent civilians. It is the fact that the blockade is only possible because of Egypt's participation, sharing as it does one length of Gaza's borders.
This is as much an Egyptian siege of Gaza, as highlighted by Seamus Milne's excellent article in the Guardian, and what truly shocks is that we live in times when a Muslim government allies itself with the desecrators of Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa in order to starve and tyrannise their own brothers and sisters in Islam.
In comparison with this act of bitter cruelty from Muslim despots who seem devoid of any iota of mercy in their hearts, we have the courageous and selfless actions of those non-Muslims from the west who have embarked on an aid mission to Gaza led by the British MP George Galloway. These are activists who have no ties of faith or kinship to the Gazans - they have been spurred on simply by a sense of justice and compassion.
Not to be outdone by it Zionist neighbours, Egypt is now looking to cut off the remaining lifeline left to the people of Gaza - the underground tunnels used to smuggle the necessities of life across the border. With the help of American army engineers, Egypt is constructing an immense reinforced steel wall under the border to block these tunnels.
Unfortunately, in an indication of Hosni Mubarak's Western-backed totalitarian grip on his country and its institutions, Shaikh Tantawi from Cairo's Al-Azhar University has defended the construction of the underground wall and furthermore stated that to oppose it is to violate the commands of Islamic law. This comes in stark contrast to the position of Islamic scholars around the world. For example the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) has issued a strong statement condemning the wall as illegal in Islam. The statement explained:
"Egypt is free and has the right of sovereignty over its lands, but surely it does not have the right to support the killing of its brothers and neighbors in Palestine. This is clearly unacceptable, neither under the notion of Arabism, nor under the notion of Islamic brotherhood or even human brotherhood.
"In the Glorious Qur'an, Almighty Allah says, (The believers are but brethren) (Al-Hujurat 49:10). Also, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, 'The Muslim is the brother of another Muslim; he does not wrong him, let him down, or desert him.' He (peace and blessings be upon him) also said, 'Support your brother, whether he is the oppressor [by preventing him from being so] or he is the oppressed.' The Prophet did not say, 'Besiege him, starve him, or put him under pressure in service of your enemy.'
"It is decisively obligatory upon Egypt to open the Rafah Crossing before the inhabitants of Gaza, because it is their sole way out. This obligation is enjoined both by the Islamic Shari'ah and by law. It is in no way allowable to tighten the grip over the people of Gaza and to participate in killing them.
"The Gazans have resorted to digging tunnels in hopes of finding an alternative to the mostly-closed crossing, which is closed even in the face of human relief convoys. Blocking the tunnels by Egypt is tantamount to saying to them, 'Die, and let Israel live.'"
May Allah help the oppressed people of Gaza and put compassion in our hearts for the plight of our brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, nephews and nieces in their ongoing nightmare. Every nightmare has an end, and for those who awake from it in the gardens of Jannah surrounded by the fruits of their sabr, their horrors will seem fleeting and the terror inflicted upon them but a bittersweet memory. May Allah grant them what He has promised to the weak and the oppressed. Ameen.
Obama's Yemeni odyssey targets China
By M K Bhadrakumar
Yes, on the face of it, Obama does seem erratic. The parallels with Afghanistan are striking. There has been an attempt to destroy a US plane by a Nigerian student who says he received training in Yemen. And America wants to go to war. Yemen, too, is a land of wonderfully beautiful rugged mountains that could be a guerilla paradise. Yemenis are a hospitable lot, like Afghan tribesmen, but as Irish journalist Patrick Cockurn recollects, while they are generous to passing strangers, they "deem the laws of hospitality to lapse when the stranger leaves their tribal territory, at which time he becomes 'a good back to shoot at'." Surely, there is romance in the air - almost like in the Hindu Kush. Fiercely nationalistic, almost every Yemeni has a gun. Yemen is also, like Afghanistan, a land of conflicting authorities, and with foreign intervention, a little civil war is waiting to flare up. Is Obama so incredibly forgetful of his own December 1 speech outlining his Afghan strategy that he violated his own canons? Certainly not. Obama is a smart man.
The intervention in Yemen will go down as one of the smartest moves that he ever made for perpetuating the US's global hegemony. It is America's answer to China's surge. A cursory look at the map of region will show that Yemen is one of the most strategic lands adjoining waters of the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula. It flanks Saudi Arabia and Oman, which are vital American protectorates. In effect, Uncle Sam is "marking territory" - like a dog on a lamppost. Russia has been toying with the idea of reopening its Soviet-era base in Aden. Well, the US has pipped Moscow in the race. The US has signaled that the odyssey doesn't end with Yemen. It is also moving into Somalia and Kenya. With that, the US establishes its military presence in an entire unbroken stretch of real estate all along the Indian Ocean's western rim. Chinese officials have of late spoken of their need to establish a naval base in the region.
The US has now foreclosed China's options. The only country with a coastline that is available for China to set up a naval base in the region will be Iran. All other countries have a Western military presence. The American intervention in Yemen is not going to be on the pattern of Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama will ensure he doesn't receive any body bags of American servicemen serving in Yemen. That is what the American public expects from him. He will only deploy drone aircraft and special forces and "focus on providing intelligence and training to help Yemen counter al-Qaeda militants", according to the US military. Obama's main core objective will be to establish an enduring military presence in Yemen. This serves many purposes. A new great game begins First, the US move has to be viewed against the historic backdrop of the Shi'ite awakening in the region.
The Shi'ites (mostly of the Zaidi group) have been traditionally suppressed in Yemen. Shi'ite uprisings have been a recurring theme in Yemen's history. There has been a deliberate attempt to minimize the percentage of Shi'ites in Yemen, but they could be anywhere up to 45%. More importantly, in the northern part of the country, they constitute the majority. What bothers the US and moderate Sunni Arab states - and Israel - is that the Believing Youth Organization led by Hussein Badr al-Houthi, which is entrenched in northern Yemen, is modeled after Hezbollah in Lebanon in all respects - politically, economically, socially and culturally. Yemenis are an intelligent people and are famous in the Arabian Peninsula for their democratic temperament. The Yemeni Shi'ite empowerment on a Hezbollah-model would have far-reaching regional implications. Next-door Oman, which is a key American base, is predominantly Shi'ite. Even more sensitive is the likelihood of the dangerous idea of Shi'ite empowerment spreading to Saudi Arabia's highly restive Shi'ite regions adjoining Yemen, which on top of it all, also happen to be the reservoir of the country's fabulous oil wealth. Saudi Arabia is entering a highly sensitive phase of political transition as a new generation is set to take over the leadership in Riyadh, and the palace intrigues and fault lines within the royal family are likely to get exacerbated. To put it mildly, given the vast scale of institutionalized Shi'ite persecution in Saudi Arabia by the Wahhabi establishment, Shi'ite empowerment is a veritable minefield that Riyadh is petrified about at this juncture.
Its threshold of patience is wearing thin, as the recent uncharacteristic resort to military power against the north Yemeni Shi'ite communities bordering Saudi Arabia testifies. The US faces a classic dilemma. It is all right for Obama to highlight the need of reform in Muslim societies - as he did eloquently in his Cairo speech last June. But democratization in the Yemeni context - ironically, in the Arab context - would involve Shi'ite empowerment. After the searing experience in Iraq, Washington is literally perched like a cat on a hot tin roof. It would much rather be aligned with the repressive, autocratic government of Saleh than let the genie of reform out of the bottle in the oil rich-region in which it has profound interests. Obama has an erudite mind and he is not unaware that what Yemen desperately needs is reform, but he simply doesn't want to think about it. The paradox he faces is that with all its imperfections, Iran happens to be the only "democratic" system operating in that entire region. Iran's shadow over the Yemeni Shi'ite consciousness worries the US to no end. Simply put, in the ideological struggle going on in the region, Obama finds himself with the ultra-conservative and brutally autocratic oligarchies that constitute the ruling class in the region.
Conceivably, he isn't finding it easy. If his own memoirs are to be believed, there could be times when the vague recollections of his childhood in Indonesia and his precious memories of his own mother, who from all accounts was a free-wheeling intellectual and humanist, must be stalking him in the White House corridors. Israel moves in But Obama is first and foremost a realist. Emotions and personal beliefs drain away and strategic considerations weigh uppermost when he works in the Oval Office. With the military presence in Yemen, the US has tightened the cordon around Iran. In the event of a military attack on Iran, Yemen could be put to use as a springboard by the Israelis. These are weighty considerations for Obama. The fact is that no one is in control as a Yemeni authority. It is a cakewalk for the formidable Israeli intelligence to carve out a niche in Yemen - just as it did in northern Iraq under somewhat comparable circumstances.
Islamism doesn't deter Israel at all. Saleh couldn't have been far off the mark when he alleged last year that Israeli intelligence had been exposed as having kept links with Yemeni Islamists. The point is, Yemeni Islamists are a highly fragmented lot and no one is sure who owes what sort of allegiance to whom. Israeli intelligence operates marvelously in such twilight zones when the horizon is lacerated with the blood of the vanishing sun. Israel will find a toehold in Yemen to be a god-sent gift insofar as it registers its presence in the Arabian Peninsula. This is a dream come true for Israel, whose effectiveness as a regional power has always been seriously handicapped by its lack of access to the Persian Gulf region. The overarching US military presence help.
Israel politically to consolidate its Yemeni chapter. Without doubt, Petraeus is moving on Yemen in tandem with Israel (and Britain). But the "pro-West" Arab states with their rentier mentality have no choice except to remain as mute spectators on the sidelines. Some among them may actually acquiesce with the Israeli security presence in the region as a safer bet than the spread of the dangerous ideas of Shi'ite empowerment emanating out of Iran, Iraq and Hezbollah. Also, at some stage, Israeli intelligence will begin to infiltrate the extremist Sunni outfits in Yemen, which are commonly known as affiliates of al-Qaeda. That is, if it hasn't done that already. Any such link makes Israel an invaluable ally for the US in its fight against al-Qaeda. In sum, infinite possibilities exist in the paradigm that is taking shape in the Muslim world abutting into the strategic Persian Gulf.
Galloway reussit a isoler encore plus l'Egypte et Netanyahu en prevision de la seconde bataille de Gaza
Pour plus d'information, veuillez appeler Alice Howard au Tel: 07944 512 469 ou par courriel à
Traduction CCY
Just off the phone, they say they are just about to leave now. People are packing up and getting ready to head to Rafah right now inshallah!!! more when I hear it, BREAK THAT SIEGE.
To all friends of Palestine,Our situation is now at a crisis point! Riot has broken out in the port of Al- Arish. This late afternoon we were negotiating with a senior official from Cairo who left negotiations some two hours ago and did not return. Our negotiations with the official was regarding taking our aid vehicles into Gaza. He left two hours ago and did not come back. Egyptian authorities called over 2,000 riot police who then moved towards our camp at the port. We have now blocked the entrance to the port and we are now faced with riot police and water cannons and are determined to defend our vehicles and aid. The Egyptian authorities have by their stubbornness and hostility towards the convoy, brought us to a crisis point. We are now calling upon all friends of palestine to mount protests in person where possible, but by any means available to Egyptian representatives, consulates and Embassy's and demand that the convoy are allowed a safe passage into Gaza tomorrow!
Contact details including email addresses and phone numbers of Egyptian Embassies and consulates can be found here Click here to read an example of one email sent this evening - feel free to use/amend, etc.
Yemen - Behind The Al-Qaeda Scenarios
On December 25, US authorities arrested a Nigerian named Abdulmutallab aboard a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on charges of having tried to blow up the plane with smuggled explosives. Since then reports have been broadcast from CNN, the New York Times and other sources that he was "suspected" of having been trained in Yemen for his terror mission. What the world has been subjected to since is the emergence of a new target for the US 'War on Terror,' namely a desolate state on the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen. A closer look at the background suggests the Pentagon and US intelligence have a hidden agenda in Yemen.
A 23-yearold Nigerian allegedly trained by Al Qaeda in Yemen has given the fraud 'War On Terror' a new boost
For some months the world has seen a steady escalation of US military involvement in Yemen, a dismally poor land adjacent to Saudi Arabia on its north, the Red Sea on its west, the Gulf of Aden on its south, opening to the Arabian Sea, overlooking another desolate land that has been in the headlines of late, Somalia. The evidence suggests that the Pentagon and US intelligence are moving to militarize a strategic chokepoint for the world's oil flows, Bab el-Mandab, and using the Somalia piracy incident, together with claims of a new Al Qaeda threat arising from Yemen, to militarize one of the world's most important oil transport routes. In addition, undeveloped petroleum reserves in the territory between Yemen and Saudi Arabia are reportedly among the world's largest.
The 23-year-old Nigerian man charged with the failed bomb attempt, Abdulmutallab, reportedly has been talking, claiming he was sent on his mission by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), based in Yemen. This has conveniently turned the world's attention on Yemen as a new center of the alleged Al Qaeda terror organization.
Notably, Bruce Riedel, a 30-year CIA veteran who advised President Obama on the policy leading to the Afghan troop surge, wrote in his blog of the alleged ties of the Detroit bomber to Yemen, "The attempt to destroy Northwest Airlines Flight 253 en route from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day underscores the growing ambition of al Qaeda's Yemen franchise, which has grown from a largely Yemeni agenda to become a player in the global Islamic jihad in the last yearThe weak Yemeni government of President Ali Abdallah Salih, which has never fully controlled the country and now faces a host of growing problems, will need significant American support to defeat AQAP."
Some basic Yemen geopolitics
Before we can say much about the latest incident, it is useful to look more closely at the Yemen situation. Here several things stand out as peculiar when stacked against Washington's claims about a resurgent Al Qaeda organization in the Arabian Peninsula.
Yemen straddles one of the world's most strategic oil passages, Bab el-Mandab
In early 2009, the chess pieces on the Yemeni board began to move. Tariq al-Fadhli, a former jihadist leader originally from South Yemen, broke a 15 year alliance with the Yemeni government of President Ali Abdullah Saleh and announced he was joining the broad-based opposition coalition known as the Southern Movement (SM). Al-Fadhli had been a member of the Mujahideen movement in Afghanistan in the late 1980's. His break with the government was reported in Arab and Yemeni media in April 2009. Al-Fadhli's break with the Yemen dictatorship gave new power to the Southern Movement (SM). He has since become a leading figure in the alliance.
Yemen itself is a synthetic amalgam created after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, when the southern Peoples' Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY) lost its main foreign sponsor. Unification of the northern Yemen Arab Republic and the southern PDRY state led to a short-lived optimism that ended in a brief civil war in 1994, as southern army factions organized a revolt against what they saw as the corrupt crony state rule of northern President Ali Abdullah Saleh. President Saleh has held a one-man rule since 1978, first as President of North Yemen (the Yemen Arab Republic) and since 1990 as President of the unified new Yemen. The southern army revolt failed as Saleh enlisted al-Fadhli and other Yemeni Salafists, followers of a conservative interpretation of Islam, and jihadists to fight the formerly Marxist forces of the Yemen Socialist Party in the south.
Before 1990 Washington and the Saudi Kingdom backed and supported Saleh and his policy of Islamization as a bid to contain the communist south. Since then Saleh has relied on a strong Salafist-jihadi movement to retain a one-man dictatorial rule. The break with Saleh by al-Fadhli and his joining the southern opposition group with his former socialist foes marked a major setback for Saleh.
Soon after al-Fadhli joined the Southern Movement coalition, on April 28, 2009 protests in the southern Yemeni provinces of Lahj, Dalea and Hadramout intensified. There were demonstrations by tens of thousands of dismissed military personnel and civil servants demanding better pay and benefits, demonstrations that had been taking place in growing numbers since 2006. The April demonstrations included for the first time a public appearance by al-Fadhli. His appearance served to change a long moribund southern socialist movement into a broader nationalist campaign. It also galvanized President Saleh, who then called on Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Cooperation Council states for help, warning that the entire Arabian Peninsula would suffer the consequences.
Complicating the picture in what some call a failed state, in the north Saleh faces an al-Houthi Zaydi Shi'ite rebellion. On September 11, 2009, in an Al-Jazeera TV interview, Saleh accused Iraq's Shi'ite opposition leader, Muqtada al-Sadr, and also Iran, of backing the north Yemen Shi'ite Houthist rebels in an Al-Jazeera TV interview. Yemen's Saleh declared, "We cannot accuse the Iranian official side, but the Iranians are contacting us, saying that they are prepared for a mediation. This means that the Iranians have contacts with them [the Houthists], given that they want to mediate between the Yemeni government and them. Also, Muqtada al-Sadr in al-Najaf in Iraq is asking that he be accepted as a mediator. This means they have a link."
Yemen authorities claim they have seized caches of weapons made in Iran, while the Houthists claim to have captured Yemeni equipment with Saudi Arabian markings, accusing Sana'a (the capital of Yemen and site of the US Embassy) of acting as a Saudi proxy. Iran has rejected claims that Iranian weapons were found in north Yemen, calling claims of support to the rebels as baseless.
What about al-Qaeda?
The picture that emerges is one of a desperate US-backed dictator, Yemen's President Saleh, increasingly losing control after two decades as despotic ruler of the unified Yemen. Economic conditions in the country took a drastic downward slide in 2008 when world oil prices collapsed. Some 70% of the state revenues derive from Yemen's oil sales. The central government of Saleh sits in former North Yemen in Sana'a, while the oil is in former South Yemen. Yet Saleh controls the oil revenue flows. Lack of oil revenue has made Saleh's usual option of buying off opposition groups all but impossible.
Into this chaotic domestic picture comes the January 2009 announcement, prominently featured in select Internet websites, that al-Qaeda, the alleged global terrorist organization created by the late CIA-trained Saudi, Osama bin Laden, has opened a major new branch in Yemen for both Yemen and Saudi operations.
Al Qaeda in Yemen released a statement through online jihadist forums Jan. 20, 2009 from the group's leader Nasir al-Wahayshi, announcing formation of a single al Qaeda group for the Arabian Peninsula under his command. According to al-Wahayshi, the new group, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, would consist of his former al Qaeda in Yemen, as well as members of the defunct Saudi al Qaeda group. The press release claimed, interestingly enough, that a Saudi national, a former Guantanamo detainee (Number 372), Abu-Sayyaf al-Shihri, would serve as al-Wahayshi's deputy.
Days later an online video from al-Wahayshi appeared under the alarming title, "We Start from Here and We Will Meet at al-Aqsa." Al-Aqsa refers to the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem that Jews know as Temple Mount, the site of the destroyed Temple of Solomon, which Muslims call Al Haram Al Sharif. The video threatens Muslim leaders -- including Yemeni's President Saleh, the Saudi royal family, and Egyptian President Mubarak -- and promises to take the jihad from Yemen to Israel to "liberate" Muslim holy sites and Gaza, something that would likely detonate World War III if anyone were mad enough to do it.
Also in that video, in addition to former Guantanamo inmate al-Shihri, is a statement from Abu-al-Harith Muhammad al-Awfi, identified as a field commander in the video, and allegedly former Guantanamo detainee 333. As it is well-established that torture methods are worthless to obtain truthful confessions, some have speculated that the real goal of CIA and Pentagon interrogators at Guantanamo prison since September 2001, has been to use brutal techniques to train or recruit sleeper terrorists who can be activated on command by US intelligence, a charge difficult to prove or disprove. The presence of two such high-ranking Guantanamo graduates in the new Yemen-based al Qaeda is certainly ground for questioning.
Al Qaeda in Yemen is apparently anathema to al-Fadhli and the enlarged mass-based Southern Movement. In an interview, al-Fadhli declared, "I have strong relations with all of the jihadists in the north and the south and everywhere, but not with al-Qaeda." That has not hindered Saleh from claiming the Southern Movement and al Qaeda are one and the same, a convenient way to insure backing from Washington.
According to US intelligence reports, there are a grand total of perhaps 200 al Qaeda members in southern Yemen.
Al-Fadhli gave an interview distancing himself from al Qaeda in May 2009, declaring, "We [in South Yemen] have been invaded 15 years ago and we are under a vicious occupation. So we are busy with our cause and we do not look at any other cause in the world. We want our independence and to put an end to this occupation." Conveniently, the same day, al Qaeda made a large profile declaring its support for southern Yemen's cause.
On May 14, in an audiotape released on the internet, al-Wahayshi, leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, expressed sympathy with the people of the southern provinces and their attempt to defend themselves against their "oppression," declaring, "What is happening in Lahaj, Dhali, Abyan and Hadramaut and the other southern provinces cannot be approved. We have to support and help [the southerners]." He promised retaliation: "The oppression against you will not pass without punishment the killing of Muslims in the streets is an unjustified major crime."
The curious emergence of a tiny but well-publicized al Qaeda in southern Yemen amid what observers call a broad-based popular-based Southern Movement front that eschews the radical global agenda of al Qaeda, serves to give the Pentagon a kind of casus belli to escalate US military operations in the strategic region.
Indeed, after declaring that the Yemen internal strife was Yemen's own affair, President Obama ordered air strikes in Yemen. The Pentagon claimed its attacks on December 17 and 24 killed three key al Qaeda leaders but no evidence has yet proven this. Now the Christmas Day Detroit bomber drama gives new life to Washington's "War on Terror" campaign in Yemen. Obama has now offered military assistance to the Saleh Yemen government.
Somali Pirates escalate as if on cue
As if on cue, at the same time CNN headlines broadcast new terror threats from Yemen, the long-running Somalia pirate attacks on commercial shipping in the same Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea across from southern Yemen escalated dramatically after having been reduced by multinational ship patrols.
On December 29, Moscow's RAI Novosti reported that Somali pirates seized a Greek cargo vessel in the Gulf of Aden off Somalia's coast. Earlier the same day a British-flagged chemical tanker and its 26 crew were also seized in the Gulf of Aden. In a sign of sophisticated skills in using western media, pirate commander Mohamed Shakir told the British newspaper The Times by phone, "We have hijacked a ship with [a] British flag in the Gulf of Aden late yesterday." The US intelligence brief, Stratfor, reports that The Times, owned by neo-conservative financial backer, Rupert Murdoch, is sometimes used by Israeli intelligence to plant useful stories.
The two latest events brought a record number of attacks and hijackings for 2009. As of December 22, attacks by Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden and the east coast of Somalia numbered 174, with 35 vessels hijacked and 587 crew taken hostage so far in 2009, almost all successful pirate activity, according to the International Maritime Bureau's Piracy Reporting Center. The open question is, who is providing the Somali "pirates" with arms and logistics sufficient to elude international patrols from numerous nations?
Notably, on January 3, President Saleh got a phone call from Somali president Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed in which he briefed president Saleh on latest developments in Somalia. Sheikh Sharif, whose own base in Mogadishu is so weak he is sometimes referred to as President of Mogadishu Airport, told Saleh he would share information with Saleh about any terror activities that might be launched from Somali territories targeting stability and security of Yemen and the region.
Yemen and Somalia form the jaws of a vice that could choke off vital Chinese and other Asian oil flows
The Oil chokepoint and other oily affairs
The strategic significance of the region between Yemen and Somalia becomes the point of geopolitical interest. It is the site of Bab el-Mandab, one of what the US Government lists as seven strategic world oil shipping chokepoints. The US Government Energy Information Agency states that "closure of the Bab el-Mandab could keep tankers from the Persian Gulf from reaching the Suez Canal/Sumed pipeline complex, diverting them around the southern tip of Africa. The Strait of Bab el-Mandab is a chokepoint between the horn of Africa and the Middle East, and a strategic link between the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean."
Bab el-Mandab, between Yemen, Djibouti, and Eritrea connects the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea. Oil and other exports from the Persian Gulf must pass through Bab el-Mandab before entering the Suez Canal. In 2006, the Energy Department in Washington reported that an estimated 3.3 million barrels a day of oil flowed through this narrow waterway to Europe, the United States, and Asia. Most oil, or some 2.1 million barrels a day, goes north through the Bab el-Mandab to the Suez/Sumed complex into the Mediterranean.
An excuse for a US or NATO militarization of the waters around Bab el-Mandab would give Washington another major link in its pursuit of control of the seven most critical oil chokepoints around the world, a major part of any future US strategy aimed at denying oil flows to China, the EU or any region or country that opposes US policy. Given that significant flows of Saudi oil pass through Bab el-Mandab, a US military control there would serve to deter the Saudi Kingdom from becoming serious about transacting future oil sales with China or others no longer in dollars, as was recently reported by UK Independent journalist Robert Fisk.
It would also be in a position to threaten China's oil transport from Port Sudan on the Red Sea just north of Bab el-Mandab, a major lifeline in China's national energy needs.
In addition to its geopolitical position as a major global oil transit chokepoint, Yemen is reported to hold some of the world's greatest untapped oil reserves. Yemen's Masila Basin and Shabwa Basin are reported by international oil companies to contain "world class discoveries." France's Total and several smaller international oil companies are engaged in developing Yemen's oil production. Some fifteen years ago I was told in a private meeting with a well-informed Washington insider that Yemen contained "enough undeveloped oil to fill the oil demand of the entire world for the next fifty years." Perhaps there is more to Washington's recent Yemen concern than a rag-tag al Qaeda whose very existence as a global terror organization has been doubted by seasoned Islamic experts.
Bruce Riedel, The Menace of Yemen, December 31, 2009, accessed in ""
Stratfor, Yemen: Intensifying Problems for the Government, May 7, 2009.
Cited in Terrorism Monitor, Yemen President Accuses Iraq's Sadrists of Backing the Houthi Insurgency, Jamestown Foundation, Volume: 7 Issue: 28, September 17, 2009.
NewsYemen, September 8, 2009; Yemen Observer, September 10, 2009., May 14, 2009, cited in Jamestown Foundation, op.cit.
Abigail Hauslohner, Despite U.S. Aid, Yemen Faces Growing al-Qaeda Threat, Time, December 22, 2009, accessed in ",8599,1949324,00.html#ixzz0be0NL7Cv",8599,1949324,00.html#ixzz0be0NL7Cv.
Tariq al Fadhli, in Al-Sharq al-Awsat, May 14, 2009, cited in Jamestown Foundation, op. cit.
al-Wahayshi interview, al Jazeera, May 14, 2009.
US Government, Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Bab el-Mandab, accessed in ""
Adelphi Energy, Yemen Exploration Blocks 7 & 74, accessed in ""
Iran captures top CIA agents, and break up US terrorist networks in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan
'Rigi planned to meet Holbrooke in Kyrgyzstan'
The captured ringleader of the Jundallah terrorist group, Abdolmalek Rigi, was scheduled to meet US special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke at the Manas Air Base for talks on waging an insurgency against the Islamic Republic of Iran, a journalist says.
Rigi had planned to meet a high-profile US official at the Manas Air Base near Kyrgyzstan's capital Bishkek.
This senior US official must have been Holbrooke, who was in Kyrgyzstan to visit the only US air base in Central Asia, the IRNA news agency quoted journalist Wayne Madsen as saying on Saturday.
In a televised confession on Press TV on Thursday, Abdolmalek Rigi said that in a Dubai meeting with CIA agents, he was promised unlimited support that included a military base near the Iranian border equipped with weaponry and training facilities.
The Jundallah leader added that he was to meet a top US intelligence official at the US military base in Kyrgyzstan to work out the details of the support the US would provide for his group.
During their meetings with him, the US operatives insisted that Iran is their primary focus in the region, even more important than al-Qaeda and the Taliban, the terrorist leader stated.
Rigi added that the CIA agents also explained to him that since a US military attack on Iran would be very difficult, they planned to support all anti-Iran groups that have the capability of waging war inside Iran and destabilizing the country.§ionid=351020101
Liquidation de racaille harkie Ali Tounsi : Réaction du Sheykh Ali Belhadj
qui tend à criminaliser le colonialisme français
des actes des généraux janviéristes
L'occupation envahit les esplanades d'al-Aqsa et encercle les croyants
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations, update Sat 27 Fe b 2010
More Than 50 Foreign And Local Puppet Officials And Soldiers Killed In Kabul Attack There are reports from Kabul city that at least 50 foreign diplomats and puppet Afghan terrorists were killed in Friday's attack in Safi Landmark hotel located in Shahri Now in the heart of Kabul city. As per details, a Mujahid reached by the telephone, said that five martyr-seeking Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, penetrating into all security checks and barriers had entered heavily-secured Kabul city in the early morning hours of Friday who had conducted a series of attacks and gunbattles using martyr and heavy and small arms attacks.
Blast Kills 4, Injures 3 American Terrorists And Wounded 7 British Terrorists In Helmand A blast on Friday killed four U.S terrorists and wounded three while walking on foot in Shawl area of Nad Ali district in Helmand. The report states shortly after the incident the area was cordoned off and the helicopter reached the site to airlift the dead and the wounded from the area. Also on Friday, seven British terrorists were killed and injured in Gruop-e-Shash area of Nad Ali district, Helmand province. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
4 American Invader, 3 Puppet Army Terrorists Killed In Wardak A planted IED blew up killing four U.S invading and three puppet army terrorists on Friday while they were trying to neutralize the mine in Wardak's Sayedabad district. The incident took place in Khwaj Ahmad area of this district on Kabul-Kandahar highway which was closed soon after the blast and all the traffic movement was halted on the highway where the helicopter was called in to evacuate the dead and the wounded. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
American Invaders Tank Torn Apart In Marjah A U.S. invaders armored tank got blown off by IED blast in Marjah town of Helmand's Nad Ali district in the late morning hours of Saturday, according to a recent report from Marjah. The report adds a roadside bomb ripped into the armored tank in Abdulah Qulf area of Marjah where another tank of the U.S terrorists had been destroyed on Friday. At least two dozens of the U.S terrorists were killed and both blasts.Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Nato Invaders Tank Was Eliminated In Roadside Bombing In Logar On early Saturday, a military convoy of the Nato invading terrorists was traveling on Kabul-Gardiz road when a roadside bomb tore apart the lead tank of the convoy in Pol Alam, capital of Logar province, destroying the tank and killing the Nato invading terrorists who were traveling in the tank.The incident occurred in Badkwan Shah area of this city which was cordoned of by the enemy closing the road to the traffic so as to evacuate the dead and the wounded from the site. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
These operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Momineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
Un pilier du terrorisme de la France-Israel en Algerie abattu dans son bureau
Ali Tounsi, le chef de la DGSN (Sûreté nationale) vient d'être assassiné alors qu'il était en réunion avec ses proches collaborateurs. C'est précisément un de ces derniers qui aurait tiré sur M. Tounsi car il était révolté à l'idée d'être limogé pour corruption.
En soi, un limogeage pour cause de corruption n'a rien de scandaleux. Sauf quand celui qui s'apprête à prendre une décision de ce genre est tout sauf un modèle de vertu. Car M. Tounsi n'est pas spécialement exemplaire en matière de probité, c'est le moins que l'on puisse dire.
Pas plus que le corps de la Sûreté nationale dont il était le chef et qui, paradoxalement, est un important pourvoyeur de cadres dans les représentations consulaires de l'Etat algérien à l'étranger. Cherchez l'erreur.
Alors, si on peut toujours déplorer la mort violente d'un homme, est-il pour autant imaginable d'évoquer, comme le fait M. Zerhouni, ministre Algérien de l'Intérieur, "le patriotisme de feu Colonel Ali Tounsi, compagnon d'armes et cadre valeureux".?
Compagnon d'armes peut-être, mais avec qui et quand?
Quoi qu'il en soit, le dénouement de cette réunion en dit long sur l'état de décomposition de l'institution policière. S'il se confirmait que l'auteur du meurtre pourrait être le propre gendre du chef de la DGSN, ce ne serait qu'une illustration supplémentaire de cette déliquescence d'un instrument essentiel de l'Etat. Si les autres institutions fonctionnent de la même manière, les dirigeants n'ont plus qu'à espérer que les prix du pétrole restent à un niveau suffisamment élevé, faute de quoi l'Algérie explosera encore.
La Première Intifada, 22 ans plus tard : confirmation de l’unité de la terre de la Palestine
Afghanistan :Marjah Operations Are an Exemplary Lesson for the Invaders
In addition to this, the enemy have brought to the battle field their huge and most advanced tanks by the name of Abraham and Shifton, which approximately weigh 65 tons. But despite the preparations, boasts and propaganda stunts, the enemy have not been able to make any headway against a small group of Mujahideen who are not more than 1000 armed men and their weapons are no match with those of the enemy. But still the sacrificing and committed Mujahideen have bravely blocked the invaders’ way successfully.
Skilled snipers have put shock and awe into the ranks of the enemy. The Mujahideen have blown up 53 tanks; shot down two unmanned drones and one helicopter besides killing tens of soldiers. An Afghan honor-loving woman made history by shooting soldiers pointblank in the bazaar. She revived the memory of Malalai of the past and proved by her heroic act, that still there are many sisters-in-arms of Malalai in this land. If we count the crews in the tanks which have been destroyed, we can easily conclude that the enemy losses are more than one hundred soldiers.
Approximate, just two weeks ago, Mc Crystal, top commanders of American forces in Afghanistan, was boasting and claimed that he would soon take Marja from Mujahideen. But today he admits that they are facing stiff resistance, which he did not imagine before. He said we thought if we make announcement about Marjah before the inception of the operations, Taliban would either fled or lay down their arms but now we are facing tough resistance contrary to our expectations. Similarly, the enemy twice tried to airdrop soldiers behind the line of the fighting but soon Mujahideen besieged them and after Mujahideen’s inflicting on them losses, the enemy hastily left the area.
Major General Nick Carter, NATO commander of forces in Helmand says we will be able in three months to say whether the operations were success or not.
These are the words uttered by the enemy and they are the ground realities, which are a good lesson for the moribund generals of Pentagon and the new rulers of the White House Administrations. There are thousands of towns in Afghanistan like Marja in addition to about 385 districts in the country.
Seeing that they were not able to take a small area like Marja in two weeks, so ironically, how much decades and how massive force they would need to take the whole Afghanistan. Still it is a matter of pondering that the Mujahideen learn new tactics with the passage of time and their knowledge in the field of politics, culture and military experience increase with every passing day.
It will be better for the rulers of the White House to put an end to the current unsuccessful adventure in Afghanistan. All invaders, beginning with Alexander, the Great up to the time of the former Soviet Union have tried this adventure in this Mujahid-bearing land but they all failed. By traversing the same path of failure and fiasco, Obama only prolongs days and nights of his failure and disgrace. Similarly, Obama should stop resorting to other stratagems and ploys because the resistance of Mujahideen has now evolved into a mature phase. This candle could not be extinguished by just blowing it away. The caravan of the holy martyrs and fighters will surely reach its destination soon or later. Allah willing.
UK politics and the Israel lobby: has anything changed?
D. Duweïk : la violation sioniste contre la mosquée d'al-Ibrahimi exige une révolte internationale
NIGER : The Uranium Coup
By Michael Carmichael - Feb 22, 10
February 22, 2010
U.S. House of Representative Alan Grayson led a Congressional delegation that just happened to be in Niger at the time of the recent military coup last Thursday that deposed the legitimate elected government of the Uranium-rich nation.
The official story is that the members of Congress were focused on science, technology and humanitarian relief - at the very same time that the military coup was unfolding on the streets of the capital, Niamey.
This intriguing "coincidence" raises the question: Was this Congressional presence during a military coup another instance of a massive intelligence failure or something entirely different?
Niger is a landlocked African country with a population of 15 million mostly Islamic citizens. Niger has a relatively small military that consumes a mere 1.6% of its annual budget.
When the Grayson delegation reached Niamey, the military staged a coup d'etat to displace the elected government of President Tandja Mamadou who had raised some concerns by moves to introduce reforms and revise the constitution as well as to extend his term in office.
Niger is rich in Uranium holding at least 6% of global reserves - a figure that is twice as large as US Uranium deposits. The radioactive mineral constitutes 72% of national exports. In recent years, foreign corporations have invested billions into the Uranium-driven economy of Niger.
The military coup was allegedly led by a relatively low-level Platoon Commander Salou Djibo who held an official briefing during which he maintained silence about any future return to Niger's constitutional democracy.
Djibo is the now the leader of a 'Supreme Council' of army officials that currently constitutes the military junta governing the Uranium-rich nation.
Following Djibo's coup, the UN promptly condemned the military takeover, and the African Union immediately expelled Niger. France, Niger's former colonial overlord, condemned the coup, but the official American reaction struck a distinctly different chord when US State Department Spokesman, P. J. Crowley, briefed reporters that President Tandja may have triggered the coup himself by, "trying to extend his mandate."
The simultaneous presence of a US Congressional delegation in a uranium-rich Muslim nation at the time of a right-wing military coup is bound to arouse international scrutiny — especially when official spokesmen in Washington are the sole sources to rationalize — if not defend — the military action against the elected government of Niger.
Grayson is a member of the Science and Technology Committee that has jurisdiction over non-defense (ie. non-military) federal scientific research and development including NASA, FEMA and the Department of Energy. Grayson is a progressive on domestic issues, but, as Max Blumenthal has pointed out, he follows the AIPAC line on Israel and the Middle East - because he supported Israel's Operation Cast Lead and a pro-Israel position vis a vis Iran, an Islamic nation currently developing nuclear energy.
At this point in time, no other names of the members of the "Congressional delegation" led by Alan Grayson have been released raising deeper questions about the Uranium Coup.
Destabilizing Pakistan – Operation Breakfast Redux
Mossad's Murderous Reach: The Larger Political Issues
On January 19 Israel's international secret police, the Mossad, sent an eighteen member death squad to Dubai using European passports, supposedly 'stolen' from Israeli dual citizens and altered with fake photos and signatures, in order to assassinate the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud al Mabhouh.
Cut the "ambiguity", ambassador, or pack your bags
Challenging UK support for Israeli criminals
Stuart Littlewood challenges UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband – and the rest of the British Establishment – to explain to the British public his government's support for Israeli crimes and criminals.
Hey, Mr Foreign Secretary Miliband,
Let me tell you something. If I were the British foreign secretary there would be no more "friendly chats". The Israeli ambassador would have 24 hours to find a cure for his "ambiguity" or pack his bags. How dare that lawless, racist regime smugly sit in its London offices and keep us guessing whether or not they have abused our sovereignty and hijacked our passport system?
Britain is far too cosy with the Israelis. Given their thieving, power-crazed ambitions in the Middle East (and beyond), how reliable is the intelligence they are said to share with us anyway?
Our government is riddled with Zionist sympathizers right up to the top. Our most important security bodies – the Intelligence and Security Committee, the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Defence Committee – are all chaired by Israel flag-wavers. Whose bright idea was that?
When Labour bites the dust in the elections in May, we can expect no better from the Conservatives who are waiting in the wings, if the findings of Peter Oborne's recent Channel 4 Dispatches programme are anything to go by. Cameron has declared himself a Zionist and is also a patron of the JNF, as are the Israeli ambassador and the Chief Rabbi. So there'll be a seamless transfer of Zionist influence to our new government and business as usual with that pseudo-democracy (yes, you can drop the pretense; everyone knows Israel is an ethnocracy with apartheid knobs on).
The Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission reports that your "true friend" Israel has a nuclear arsenal numbering in the hundreds, possibly larger than our own. It has a plutonium production reactor and reprocessing facility, and possibly a uranium enrichment capability.
You'll also know that Israel is the only state in the region not to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, nor has it signed the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. It has signed but not ratified the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty, similarly the Chemical Weapons Convention.
Nevertheless, the rogue regime and its stooges screech their eagerness to obliterate Iran and involve us in their dirty work, even though the Islamic state as yet has no nuclear capability – unless Tehran managed to get its hands on one of the warheads rumoured to have been mislaid by the US. Is that why everyone is wetting their pants?
Back to the extra-judicial assassination in Dubai. Given all the amazing intelligence we’re supposed to receive from our "trusted allies", any foreign secretary worth his salt would at least know if and how Britain was implicated in the crime, which, according to Sunday Times, was OK'd by your good buddy the Israeli prime minister.
Or are you seriously telling us you haven't a clue?
Talking of atrocities, you know perfectly well that we are solemnly obligated – and rightly so – to seek and prosecute all who have allegedly committed war crimes. Your enthusiasm for changing the law of universal jurisdiction and turning the UK into a safe house for Israeli psychopaths to freely walk the streets of London, makes our country and particularly yourself a laughing stock in the civilized world.
Yes, we've been well and truly stitched up at government level. But here at street level we're not so stupid.
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations: Update 21 Feb 2010
Blast Kills 13 American Invading Terrorists In Kandahar On later Sunday morning, a bomb tore through a group of U.S terrorists while on foot patrol in Zhari district of Kandahar province. At least thirteen U.S terrorists were killed and eight wounded in the bombing that took place in Sanziri village of this district, said the report. The explosion was powerful enough to throw the torn flesh and mutilated parts of the American terrorists away around the area, said the villagers. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Puppet Police Patrol Comes Under Attack In Khost Two puppet police terrorists were killed and a dozen wounded in a gunfight with Mujahideen after the puppet police motorcycle patrol comes under Mujahideen attack in Tabriz located in outskirt of Ali Sher district, Khost province, on Sunday. The report says a Mujahid was martyred and another wounded during a 30-minute long firefight. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
7 Puppet Army Terrorists Killed In Uruzgan A blast on Saturday killed seven puppet army terrorists including a commander in Tarin Kowt city of Uruzgan. The incident happened in Kanaqah area of this city while the terrorists were traveling to one of their nearby outposts. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
6 Puppet Army Terrorists Killed, Injured In Khakriz Blast In KandaharAt lest six puppet army terrorists including a commander were killed and two injured on Friday when when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb in Shabi area of Khakriz district, Kandahar province. Also Friday, a dozen invaders terrorists, likely to be Canadians, were killed when their tank got blown apart by a landmine blast in Asad area of this district. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
A Dozen Terrorists Dead As British Invaders Tank Hits A Roadside Bomb In Helmand A blast Saturday targeted a British invaders combat patrol tank, killing a dozen British terrorists on board in Kala Boti area of Gerishk district, Helmand province. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
U.S. Invaders Logistical Convoy Waylaid In On Kandahar Highway On Saturday noon, a logistical convoy of the U.S-led invaders coalition terrorists heading for Helmand province came under a surprise attack on Kandahar-Herat highway, Zhari district of Kandahar. As per details, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate waylaid the logistical convoy in Sangsar area of this district, targeting two vehicles of the escort guards besides other logistical transportation vehicles and killing three escort security guards. The report adds the any convoy's movements of the enemy traveling on Kandahar-Herat highway have been blocked off by the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate.Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Yet Another Attack On Kandahar Airfield Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate conducted another attack on Kandahar airfield using heavy-arms fire on later Friday evening. At least two of the missiles struck the airfield apparently causing fatal losses to the British and American invading terrorists. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
The tide in Britain turns against Israel
Now it’s time to rid government of Israel’s stooges
20 February 2010
Gilad Atzmon argues that the odour of British complicity in the murder of a Hamas official in Dubai by Israeli Mossad agents using UK passports underlines the urgent need to purge the British government of Israeli agents and hirelings.
David Miliband’s duplicity
It is that foolish statement by Britain’s foreign secretary that has made us all complicit in Israel’s flattening of Gaza. Bearing these facts in mind, it is rather unlikely that the Israeli ambassador to Britain was sweating while “sharing information” with the chief aid to the British foreign secretary.
British complicity is Dubai murder
As if this were not enough, the Israeli news website Ynet reported today, quoting the Daily Mail, that Israel informed the British government that its agents were going to carry out an “overseas operation” using forged British passports. “It wasn't a request for permission, but rather a courtesy call.”
If Britain collaborated with Israel at any level, we should be told all about it, and we should be told who collaborated with Israel – a person, a body within the government or the intelligence services, or just an ordinary sayan in the Home Office or some other government department. If there was British collaboration, we had better identify what it was exactly and who decided to serve the murderous Israeli interests. We had also better find out who in Britain decided to put British interests and British security in the Arab world at enormous risk.
In the Guardian yesterday Seumas Milne didn’t mince his words either. “Instead of setting off a diplomatic backlash, the British government sat on its hands for almost a week after it was reportedly first passed details of the passport abuse. And while the Foreign Office finally summoned the Israeli ambassador to ‘share information’, rather than to protest, Gordon Brown could yesterday only promise a ‘full investigation’.”
Paralysed by Israel lobby
Public patience with Israeli barbarism running out
But then things started to change. In the Lebanon war of 1982 the world at large was still pretty silent as 30,000 Palestinian and Lebanese were butchered by the Israeli air force and army. Yet this miraculously woke the left up from its terminal snooze. Some activists started to realize that Palestinians and their cause were at the heart of the battle for a better world. During the first and the second intifadas more and more people came to realize that Israel was the aggressor. In 2006 Israel again unleashed total havoc in Lebanon. This time Israel left 3,000 fatalities. However, the impact of these successive Israeli brutalities led to a drastic rise of anti Israeli feelings. It was in fact the second Lebanon war (rather than Iraq) that was the catalyst for Tony Blair’s overdue political downfall. Blair paid an immediate political price for condoning the war. The Gaza massacre of 2009 left 1,400 Palestinians dead – most of them women and children – and left Gaza in total ruin. But, as we know, it also led to the highest tide of anti Israeli resentment at every possible level in the media, in the street and even in the UN.
This week we learnt about Israel’s latest murderous blunder. It assassinated a Hamas military leader. While in the past Israel would have been praised for the courage of its assassin squads, those who are chasing the enemies of the Jews in faraway lands and beyond, the reaction this week was very different. The Jewish state is now regarded as a fully-fledged pariah state. The British media and people are starting to see through it. No one in the British media stood for Israel, no one tried to justify or advocate Israel’s acts. No one repeated the clichés about Hamas being a terrorist organization. I guess that by now people out there grasp that Hamas is Palestine’s democratically-elected leadership. People also realize that Hamas is justified in pursuing a fully legitimate struggle for liberation.
As much as Israelis and their supporters try to tell us that the diplomatic backlash is fuelled by merely technical matters such as “identity theft”, reading the British press conveys a far deeper resentment towards Israel, what it stands for and the way it operates.
For a while some of us have been talking about small signs showing that the tide is changing. As it happens, we are waking up to a new reality. The tide has changed already. Israel has exhausted the last drops of moral integrity, as if it possessed such integrity to start with. Britain and every Western country should move fast and identify the enemy within, those among us who support the Zionist project and are making us all complicit partners in Israel’s never-ending sin.
Pourquoi Sarkozy a fait censurer la vidéo des otages français en Afghanistan (vidéo)
Déclaration malheureuse de Kouchner
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations : Update 20 Feb 2010
NATO Tank Torn Apart In Zabul A blast tore apart one of the Nato invaders tanks in the province's Shahri Safa district on Later Friday night. According to the details, Nato invaders tanks were traveling on Kabul-Herat highway when one of the tanks struck a roadside bomb resulting in destroying the tank and killing all the invading terrorists in it. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
3 Americans Invading Terrorists Killed, Two Injured As U.S Tanks Hits A Roadside Bomb In Paktia At least three U.S invading terrorists were killed and two injured when a roadside bomb tore through a U.S invaders tank in Zarmat district of Paktia, on Friday morning. The incident took place near the center of this district in which a U.S invaders officer is said to have been among the dead. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
Border Puppet Police Outpost Attacked In Nangarhar Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, during an attack on border puppet police outpost on Thursday, killed three puppet police terrorists and wounded another three in Lapurah district of Nangarhar. According to the report, the facility was terribly damaged with a ranger vehicle damaged in the attack carried out in Fatih Menah of this district. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
5 German Invading Terrorists Killed As Another German Invaders Tank Eliminated In Bomb Attack In Kunduz A blast in Kunduz province targeted another German invaders tank on Thursday night. According to the details, about fvie German invading terrorists were killed or injured in the roadside bomb attack that occurred in char Darah district of this province. The operations, in Kunduz province, have gained pace after the present provincial governor of the minion administration, Engineer Omar, in his statements, claimed the capture of some Mujahideen officials in this Province. Reported byZabihullah Mujahid
A Dozen U.S-Led Invaders Coalition Terrorists Killed As Their 3 Tanks Destroyed In Helmand A bout a dozen U.S-led invaders coalition terrorists were killed as their three tanks were destroyed separately in Mujahideen's landmine blasts and attack in Nad Ali district of Helmand province, on Thursday. As per details, two of the U.S-invaders coalitions' tanks were hit by roadside bombings in Lowi Mandah area of Nad Ali district while on a mission to launch operation against Mujahideen in the area, in the late after noon hours of Thursday. The report states the corpses of the U.S or British invading terrorists killed in the struck tanks were evacuated by the helicopters while the wreckage of the struck tanks has remained at the site so far the evening hours of Thursday. Meantime, at least four U.S invading terrorists were killed and three injured, who were trying to intercept the Mujahideen on the road leading to Nari Mandah area of this district as they came under Mujahideen attack, killing the above invading terrorists and destroying their tanks in the early evening hours of Thursday. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan “Together” Operations of the Common Enemy Under Crushing blows of Mujahideen
Likewise, a brave civilian killed two American invading terrorists and injured one the other day in Kunduz city. Furthermore, seven Briton invading terrorists, whose death was confirmed by the British military as well, was killed a Afghan soldiers named Gul Buddin in Helamd's Nad Ali district a couple of days ago.
Separately, About six U.S invading terrorists were killed and four others injured in the blasts tearing through some groups of U.S foot invading terrorists in Lui Char Rahi, Kalifah Ahmad Shah Char Rahi and in Block Now ares of Marjah, on Thursday. Also on Thursday, the U.S-led invaders coalition forces suffered deadly losses in the face-to-face fighting with the Mujahideen in Sefen area of Marjah.
Likewise, on later Thursday afternoon, Mujahideen killed two U.S invading terrorists and wounded four during an ambush attack in Sayedabad area of Nad Ali, while the Mujahideen, by the virtue of Allah's mercy and bounty, have suffered no losses during the attack. However, 3 children were and two women of the civilians were martyred in the U.S invaders blind airstrikes during the Thursday's battles but the Mujahideen were not harmed in the U.S invaders aerial attacks. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Likewise, a brave civilian killed two American invading terrorists and injured one the other day in Kunduz city. Furthermore, seven Briton invading terrorists, whose death was confirmed by the British military as well, was killed a Afghan soldiers named Gul Buddin in Helamd's Nad Ali district a couple of days ago. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Separately, About six U.S invading terrorists were killed and four others injured in the blasts tearing through some groups of U.S foot invading terrorists in Lui Char Rahi, Kalifah Ahmad Shah Char Rahi and in Block Now ares of Marjah, on Thursday. Also on Thursday, the U.S-led invaders coalition forces suffered deadly losses in the face-to-face fighting with the Mujahideen in Sefen area of Marjah.
Likewise, on later Thursday afternoon, Mujahideen killed two U.S invading terrorists and wounded four during an ambush attack in Sayedabad area of Nad Ali, while the Mujahideen, by the virtue of Allah's mercy and bounty, have suffered no losses during the attack. However, 3 children were and two women of the civilians were martyred in the U.S invaders blind airstrikes during the Thursday's battles but the Mujahideen were not harmed in the U.S invaders aerial attacks. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
One the other hand, these fatalities come as the U.S-led invaders coalition troops have been caught in six points of Marjah where they have been surrounded by the Mujahideen for the past few days and the coalition soldiers who had been dropped off by the helicopters in different parts of Marjah have been under attacks whose advances have been pushed back by the Mujahideen. The U.S-led invaders coalition troops have not been able to gain control of Marjah Bazar yet and they have kept meeting with strong resistance from Mujahideen, said a coalition commander. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
19 American Invading Terrorists Killed, 4 Tanks Destroyed In Marjah The U.S invading terrorists, who were dropped by the helicopters in Marjah and have been surrounded by the Mujahideen for the last few days, came under Mujahideen's another attack in Lui Char Rahi, near Marjah Bazaar, on Wednesday.
According to the report from Helmand province, the attack promoted a face-to-face combat continuing for about two hours, in the mean time, a group of American invading terrorists, during the fighting, managed to run away in order to call up for reinforcements when they encountered a landmine in the area. Nineteen U.S invading terrorists were killed in both Mujahideen's attack and bombing on Wednesday, the report added.
Also Wednesday, two of the U.S invaders tank were eliminated in Karu Char Rahi of Marjah, the former tank, while trying to make its way further into Marjah, was hit by the RPG's, the latter was struck by a roadside bomb blast, killing a dozen Americans inside both tanks. Similarly, two of the U.S invaders tanks were struck by landmine blasts on Wednesday evening in Sistani desert in outskirt of Marjah, killing all the American invading terrorists on board. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
In another incident, a landmine blast ripped into a vehicle of puppet army in Namru located in Bolan area of Nad Ali, killing 7 puppet terrorists on Thursday.
Also on Thursday, elsewhere in Helmand two consecutive blasts targeted a U.S invaders tank and a group of U.S invading terrorists in Group-e-Shah area of Nad Ali, killing an American and wounding another, besides destroying the U.S invaders tank completely.
However, it has been an entire week since the U.S-led invaders coalition and Afghan terrorists have launched their major operation in Helmand, while they have not advanced a kilometer into Marjah yet, that is, gaining control of Helmand is a mere pipe dream of the American invaders military and its allies, who are preposterously claiming to have the land of Afghans cleared of Afghans, on the other way round, little do they know that it is "them" the unwelcome intruders, brazen invaders to be cleared out of Afghan land. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Appel au peuple algérien
Le 15 février 2010
Ahmed Simozrag
Allons-nous vers un nouvel 11 septembre ? (4ème partie)
Trois thèses s’affrontent que nous présenterons séparément pour la commodité de l’exposé :
A/ C’est la thèse officielle nord-américaine, qui peut se résumer ainsi. Un groupe dit « islamiste » dirigé par Ben Laden, qui, en haine des USA, a préparé, organisé et exécuté les attentats du World Trade Center. Cet attentat, dont le nombre de victimes est évalué à environ 4000, avait une portée hautement stratégique et symbolique : démontrer que l’on peut frapper au cœur l’empire américain, à la fois en la ville de New-York et dans un de ses principaux centres nerveux du commerce international. Le dirigeant de ce groupe est un homme d’affaire saoudien nommé Ben Laden – dont une partie importante de la famille était en relation d’affaires avec la famille de M. Bush – Ben Laden étant connu pour ses positions radicalement islamistes et anti-soviétiques (cf. Afghanistan). A noter que toutes les sources sérieuses et officielles américaines reconnaissent que Ben Laden a collaboré en son temps avec la CIA par le biais de l’Arabie Saoudite pour lutter contre les Soviétiques en Afghanistan. Selon cette thèse ces attentats sont un acte de guerre de la mouvance radicale islamiste contre les USA.
B/ L’autre thèse attribue la responsabilité de l’attentat à la CIA ou à une faction de celle-ci liée au complexe militaro-industriel américain. Le passé de la CIA est jalonné d’opérations et d’intoxications de ce type. Citons entre autre pour mémoire le projet Northwoods (réaliser un attentat sanglant aux USA pour en accuser Cuba et envahir l’île, mais le projet fut refusé par le Président Kennedy, assassiné peu de temps après), ou encore l’incident du Golfe du Tonkin contre un navire américain attribué au Nord Vietnam pour justifier les bombardements de celui-ci et l’intensification de la guerre, etc… Autre "anomalie", le journal Le Monde, dans son article daté du16/04/2007 et intitulé « 11 Septembre 2001 : les Français en savaient long », nous apprend qu’entre septembre 2000 et août 2001 neuf rapports entiers ont été adressés aux USA par les services de renseignement français les mettant en garde contre des projets de détournement d’avion par des islamistes radicaux. Pourquoi les services de sécurité américains ont-ils fait la sourde oreille ? D’autres pays avaient également averti les USA. Que chacun en tire ses conclusions… Voir à ce propos la thèse de M. Andreas von Bülow qui fut Secrétaire d’État auprès du ministre de la Défense en Allemagne.
C/ Enfin la thèse attribuant l’attentat au Mossad. Le passé des services secrets israéliens fourmille de manipulations en tout genre et naturellement dès le lendemain du 11 Septembre beaucoup d’observateurs ont porté leur regard vers le Mossad. Nous ne retiendrons que deux faits. Le premier est la déclaration de Monsieur Francesco Cossiga (ancien Président de la République italienne, sénateur à vie , professeur de droit constitutionnel… un des hommes politiques les plus respectés d’Italie) au grand quotidien « Corriere della Serra » (30/11/2007), affirmant en substance que ces attentats furent planifiés et réalisés par le Mossad et la CIA avec l’aide du monde sioniste afin de mobiliser le monde occidental contre l’Islam en général (l’Irak et l’Afghanistan en particulier). Il est toujours difficile et délicat de pénétrer dans l’univers opaque du monde du renseignement et de la manipulation, en particulier sioniste, quand on connait leur habilité. Cependant, en Octobre 2008, la police libanaise a procédé à l’arrestation de Ali et Youssef Jarrah, Libanais de la région d’Al Marj (plaine de la Bekaa), pour espionnage depuis de longues années au profit d’Israël. Toutes les preuves (matériel photographique, séjours des intéressés en Israël pour débriefing…) ont été apportées. Cette information n’a pas été démentie par la grande presse israélienne et on découvrira à cette occasion que ces deux individus sont cousins d’un des kamikazes du 11/09 (celui qui se trouvait dans l’avion qui s'est écrasé en Pennsylvanie). Cette parenté – vérifiée – n’implique rien en soi, mais compte tenu de la structure et des traditions familiales et claniques existant au Moyen-Orient, la coïncidence est pour le moins troublante...
Quelles que soient les différentes thèses en présence, tenons-nous en aux faits :
Les déficits publics nord-américains et de l’Union Européenne, mis en parallèle avec l’augmentation permanente des dépenses militaires, laissent entrevoir un pronostic des plus sombres : la fuite en avant vers une guerre à laquelle on prépare déjà depuis longtemps les opinions sous le terme de « Choc des Civilisations » et désignant le nouvel ennemi, l’Islam.
Si un tel scénario est souhaité par le sionisme qui escompte en tirer profit aux dépens des peuples américains et européens, les décideurs en ce domaine demeurent pour l’instant indécis. Il est en effet impossible de mesurer jusqu’où irait une telle conflagration tant que l’on n’aura pas répondu aux deux questions que nous évoquerons prochainement dans notre conclusion à cet article.
Yahia Gouasmi.
Monsieur le Président, refusez que le sang des algériens soit de nouveau versé !
Par le citoyen algérien
Abdelkader DEHBI,
Domicilié à Alger.
Je prends à témoins de cette atteinte à ma liberté, toutes les personnes qui liront ce message que je vais diffuser sur mes deux blogs et par tous autres moyens en ma possibilité
Vive l’Algérie libérée des tyrans et des corrompus – civils et militaires – qui prétendent dominer plus de 30 Millions d’algériens !
Monsieur le Président, refusez que le sang des algériens soit de nouveau versé !
Par Abdelkader DEHBI———
Afghanistan : Battle of Marjah : Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations update Tuesday 16th Feb 2010
The British are also involved in drug trafficking in Helmand province. They are secretly taking heroin in British planes to black markets in Europe. No question, the war fought under the name of terrorism has other political and economic motives including expansionist goals rather than the so-called announced War on Terror. However, the Afghani Mujahideen have been sacrificing their lives to ensure independence of their country and put an end to the colonialist game started under the unjustified reasons and causes.
Invitation of the Islamic Emirate to (independent) Journalists to Visit Marjah Tuesday, 16 February 2010. Since the enemy have forced the international media through coercion and cash incentives to make partial reporting about (the current fighting) to make it possible to hide their shameful defeat in the Marjah area of Nad Ali district, Helmand province, therefore, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan requests all independent mass media outlets of the world to send their reporters to Marjah; see the situation with their own eyes and convey the facts to the public of the world. Such visit will portray the ground realities and will show who have the upper hand in the area; what are the facts and who control vast areas of Marjah? In fact, the invading forces have made no spectacular advancement since the beginning of the operations. They have descended from helicopters in limited areas of Marjah and now are under siege. The invaders are not able to come out of their ditches. Wherever they intend to move, they come under severe attacks of Mujahideen and face explosions of planted mines. Then they retreat hastily. The enemy troops have lost their morale. The local people are beholding the foreign troops crying loudly. If the coalition invading forces give permission to independent reporters, they will unearth many secrets. Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Enemy Entangled in Marjah Tuesday, 16 February 2010. After the beginning of the military operation in Marjah by the invaders, their advancement has been stalled by local Mujahideen in the area. According to reports, Mujahideen have started coordinated tip and run operations against the enemy not only in Marjah but also in all other districts of Helmand province.
According to Qari Muhammad Yousuf, spokesman of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Mujahideen attacked enemy forces at Loi Char Rahi, Block Nokaro Char Rahi and Camp areas. They are under siege now. The enemy wanted their infantry to join air-borne marines descended behind the lines. But Mujahideen, using there past experience, foiled the enemy efforts and besieged them. In another attack in Safun and Wakil Wazir areas, Mujahideen destroyed 7 tanks of the enemy and killed 25 invaders.
Report further say that Mujahideen are attacking enemy mobile patrol all throughout the area as per tactical plan already worked out by Mujahideen. The Mujahideen also penetrated into areas behind the enemy places of gatherings and they are attacking them from the back.
Earlier, enemy launched attacks from the side of Nawar and Shirn Jan Char Rahi but they faced planted land mines and lost a number of tanks and anti-mine vehicles. Similarly, in Aibadullah Qulp, Shamlan and Qari Sadi areas, near the center of Marjah, enemy troops were killed as a result of incessant guerilla attacks of Mujahideen and planted mines.
The Mujahideen have deployed special martyrdom-seeking teams in all areas of the enemy gathering. Local commanders of Mujahideen are implementing the vast and long-term tactical plan of attacks hammered out by the military commission of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The aim is to entangle the enemy in long-term battles. Mujahideen are coordinating their operations on the basis of the war plan. Ironically, the enemy is exacting revenge on the civilians after facing defeat at the hand of the Mujahideen.
They attack villages and people houses with mortar rounds and missiles. So far enemy have martyred 17 civilians in two separate incidents. 12 civilians were killed in a blind missile attack on residential area while, in a night raid on Qari Sadi village, near the center of Marjah, enemy troops opened fire on members of a family, killing five persons on the spot. Later, they took 15 innocent villagers to their bases. Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Enemy Entangled In Marjah Tuesday, 16 February 2010. After the beginning of the military operation in Marjah by the invaders, their advancement has been stalled by local Mujahideen in the area. According to reports, Mujahideen have started coordinated tip and run operations against the enemy not only in Marjah but also in all other districts of Helmand province.
According to Qari Muhammad Yousuf, spokesman of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Mujahideen attacked enemy forces at Loi Char Rahi, Block Nokaro Char Rahi and Camp areas. They are under siege now. The enemy wanted their infantry to join air-borne marines descended behind the lines. But Mujahideen, using there past experience, foiled the enemy efforts and besieged them. In another attack in Safun and Wakil Wazir areas, Mujahideen destroyed 7 tanks of the enemy and killed 25 invaders.
Report further say that Mujahideen are attacking enemy mobile patrol all throughout the area as per tactical plan already worked out by Mujahideen. The Mujahideen also penetrated into areas behind the enemy places of gatherings and they are attacking them from the back.
Earlier, enemy launched attacks from the side of Nawar and Shirn Jan Char Rahi but they faced planted land mines and lost a number of tanks and anti-mine vehicles. Similarly, in Aibadullah Qulp, Shamlan and Qari Sadi areas, near the center of Marjah, enemy troops were killed as a result of incessant guerilla attacks of Mujahideen and planted mines.
The Mujahideen have deployed special martyrdom-seeking teams in all areas of the enemy gathering. Local commanders of Mujahideen are implementing the vast and long-term tactical plan of attacks hammered out by the military commission of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The aim is to entangle the enemy in long-term battles. Mujahideen are coordinating their operations on the basis of the war plan. Ironically, the enemy is exacting revenge on the civilians after facing defeat at the hand of the Mujahideen.
They attack villages and people houses with mortar rounds and missiles. So far enemy have martyred 17 civilians in two separate incidents. 12 civilians were killed in a blind missile attack on residential area while, in a night raid on Qari Sadi village, near the center of Marjah, enemy troops opened fire on members of a family, killing five persons on the spot. Later, they took 15 innocent villagers to their bases. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Blast Kills 3 American Invading Terrorists, Wounds Two Near Lashkar Gah A remote-controlled bomb on Tuesday killed three U.S invading terrorists and injured two others in Helmand's Nad Ali district. According to the report, the remote-controlled bomb tore through a group of the U.S on foot invading terrorists in Changiri area of this district near provincial capital, Lashkar Gah, in which one their translators resident of Kabul city was, too, killed besides the Americans. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
A Brave Afghan Kills Two U.S Invading Terrorists In Kunduz, Injures Another Two U.S invading terrorists were killed and one injured in what is apparently called a house-to-house operation in Charadara district of Kunduz province, on later Tuesday night. According to the report from the province, the U.S invading terrorists after having found nothing in first house during a raid, raided a second house where a brave pure Afghan out of true Islamic feelings and Afghan zeal opened firing at U.S invading terrorists, shooting two American invading terrorists dead and one injured. However, the brave Mujahid gave his life for Allah when he was, at last, shot by the other terrorist American in his house. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid,
American Terrorists Martyred 11 Innocent Civilians In Helmand There are reports from Helmand province that the U.S. terrorist forces left elven civilians martyred in the province's Wahir district on Monday. According to the details, at least four civilians were martyred in the outskirt of Wahir district when a U.S invaders helicopter targeted their vehicle in the desert between Babuk and Goran areas, while six others fell victim to the U.S invaders airstrikes after a little over an hour who had reached the area to evacuate the four martyrs from the area. Likewise, the eleventh civilian was martyred near the same area when his vehicle was hit by the U.S invaders airstikes fired from the helicopter. All the eleven people were the innocent civilians who had gone to Farah's Dil Aram district, a neighboring district, to get some groceries and other foodstuff while returning fell victim to the U.S invaders airstrikes, said the residents. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
3 Britons Invading Terrorists Killed, One Injured In Helmand In a vast operation, Mujahideen attacked British invaders outposts and bases in Sangeen district of Helmand on Sunday. As per details Mujahideen carried out simultaneous attacks on British invading terrorists in eight points in Sangeen district consisting of Majidack Chowck, Char Deh, Hamaam, Charkhaino Mandah, Haji Lal Jan Sarai, Charkhakian Mandah, Mulah Adam Nik Ziyarat, Shin Ghazian, causing the British invading terrorists huge losses and fatalities but there are no further details to confirm how many were killed or injured during this operation. Meantime during the attacks, one of the British invaders tanks was hit by landmine explosion, killing three Britons invading terrorists and injured another four. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
9 Puppet Police Terrorists Killed In Gerishk Battle In Helmand Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, during a vast operation on Monday killed nine puppet police terrorists as well as wounding dozens in Helmand'd Gerishk district. Our report indicates during the three-hour long operation, Mujahideen attacked same puppet police posts in Rauf Khan Shili, Naw Zad Adah (bus station) and Mahbas areas of this district, while one of the police ranger vehicles was left on fire after being hit by the rocket fire. adding that two of the commanders were, reportedly, among the dead. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
14 U.S Invaders Military Tanks Destroyed In Nad Ali District Yet again five military tanks of the US invading terrorists were destroyed in separate incidents in Nad Ali district of Helmand, on Monday. According to the report, three tanks of a huge U.S invaders military convoy of the tanks while traveling from Shorab to the center of this district were struck by landmine explosions in Dasht area while the latter two were targeted in by bombings in Lowi Mandah area of this district. The detonations occurred within an hours destroying all five tanks with U.S soldiers dead who were on board. In fact, fourteen tanks of the U.S invading terrorists have been eliminated in separate incidents in different parts of Nad Ali most of them in Marjah through Monday. Reported byZabihullah Mujahid
More Attacks On Kandahar Airfield Kandahar airfield, considered as one of the greatest base of the U.S-Canadian invading terrorists, came under heavy arms fire on Monday. According to the report from Kandahar province, two of the missiles landed in the airfield causing the U.S Canadian invading terrorists heavy losses of live and damages. In another incident, four puppet police terrorists were killed Monday morning as a roadside bomb ripped through their vehicle in Lowi Wiyali ( huge canal ) area near Kandahar city. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Blast Destroyed A Tank And Killed 3 British Invading Terrorists, Injures 2 In Helmand About three British Canadian invading terrorists were killed and two others injured on Monday as a British invaders military tank was blown up by a roadside bomb in Sarwan Kala, Sangin district of Helmand. The report from the area indicated two consecutive blasts had killed and wounded a dozen Britons in the same area where there had been fierce battle since yesterday between the Mujahideen and the US-led invaders coalition forces. However, the British invaders military confirmed the death of only one Briton in the area. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
British jews again caught in terrorism in Dubai, our sources confirmed that Dubai government is complice
Team of 11 Europeans killed senior Hamas leader, claims Dubai police chief
Al Qassam website - The police of Dubai Emirate revealed on Monday the details about the assassination of Hamas leader Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf Mabhouh on the twentieth of last January.
Dubai Police revealed the names and identities of the mercenaries involved in the crime and offered a video monitor the movements of the 11 assassins with European passports, including a woman.
"We have identified the suspects and will issue arrest warrants against them and will take legal action against anyone or any party which will prove to stand behind the murder," Tamim added, as police released photos and CCTV videos of the accused European nationals.
The alleged assassins, 10 men and one woman, used "advanced technologies" not available in the UAE to execute their mission, moving from hotel to hotel dressed as tennis players, Tamim said. All carried European Union passports – six British, three Irish and one each from France and Germany, he said.
The National, an English-language newspaper in the UAE, said police identified the main suspect at French citizen Peter Elvinger, 49. He was the logistical coordinator and the one who booked a room down the hall from Al-Mabhouh's hotel room, the report said.
The other suspects were identified by the newspaper as Irish nationals Gail Folliard, Kevin Daveron and Evan Dennings; UK nationals Paul John Keely, Stephan Daniel Hodes, Melvyn Adam Mildiner, Jonathan Louis Graham, James Leonard Clarke and Michael Lawrence Barney. German national Michael Bodenheimer is also a suspect, according to the report.
Afghanistan : Battle of Marjah update Monday 15th February 2010
Mujahideen Of Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan Military Operations, Update 15th Feb 2010
More American Invaders Tanks Destroyed In Marjah Three of the U.S invaders tanks destroyed blasts since last night in Marjah, Nad Ali, Helmand province. According to the details, the first tank was left ablaze when it was targeted by a landmine in Sistani area of Marjah, while the later tank was hit by a blast on Monday near Sistani while the tanks was trying to recover the dead and carry the wreckage of the tank being struck last night. The report adds both tank were completely destroyed, killing some two dozens U.S invading terrorists. Similarly a third tank was eliminated in bombings in Sefen area of Marjah in the early night hours of Sunday. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
13 American Invading Terrorists Killed, 7 Wounded In Marjah A series of the Mujahideen's attacks and bombings killed thirteen U.S. invading terrorists in Marjah, Nad Ali district of Helmand, on later Sunday. According to the details, three consecutive blasts tore through a group of U.S invading terrorists who had been hiding for the past three days in a cover in Block Now area of Marjah as they left their hideout to join their invading terrorists in desert area, outskirt of Marjah. Following the blasts, as the survivors began fleeing back to their hiding place the Americans were confronted with an ambush from some Mujahideen ending up killing 13 U.S invading terrorists as well as seven wounded, the rest of the survivors managed to flee back to their hideout to take shelter from the Mujahideen's further attacks and bombings. The report adds the corpses of the Americans are still lying at the site. It is worth mentioning that the above soldiers are part of the joint invading terrorists having been dropped by the helicopters in Marjah three days ago, and have been surrounded by Mujahideen for the last three days, in fact they are running out ammunition and foodstuff as result of which the U.S soldiers have been calling over the loudspeaker to let them go.
Furthermore, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate have laid siege to the U.S invading terrorists and its allies closing off their all escape routes in Karu Char Rahi, Abdullah Qulf and other areas of Marjah. Twenty Americans have been killed with their three tanks destroyed since Sunday morning in separate attacks and bombings, according to our report from Helmand province. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Mujahideen Repel Joint U.S-NATO-Afghan Force In Marjah The advances of the U.S and its allies backed by puppet Afghan terrorists were pushed back and the Mujahideen got upper hand in Marjah, Nad Ali district of Helmand province, on Sunday. The report says the U.S-led joint Afghan-U.S terrorists, stationed in the desert area of Marjah for the last few days, came under Mujahideen attack as they were out on operation against Mujahideen, adding the attack promoted a one-hour long battle in Abdullah Qulf area of Marjah, causing the the coalitions to run away after having suffered sizable fatalities and lasses. Likewise, a night before, a roadside bomb killed at least three U.S invading terrorists and wounded other 4 while they were on patrol in the same area of Marjah. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Le vainqueur ramasse tout en Afghanistan
Par M K Bhadrakumar
article original : "The winner takes all in Afghanistan"Asia Times Online, le 13 février 2010
L’OTAN lorgne sur l’Asie Centrale
L’intrigue principale concerne l’expansion de l’Otan en Asie Centrale. A Munich, Rasmussen a parlé de la « nécessité de transformer l’OTAN en un forum de consultation sur les questions de sécurité mondiales […] L’Otan est une structure qui a déjà éminemment prouvé sa capacité à combiner la consultation en matière de sécurité, la planification militaire et les opérations réelles […] L’Afghanistan est un exemple frappant qu’au 21ème siècle, la sécurité ne peut être une course de relais, avec un individu tendant le bâton au coureur suivant […] Voilà pourquoi […] l’Alliance devrait devenir le noyau d’un réseau de partenariat en matière de sécurité […] Aujourd’hui, l’Alliance a déjà un vaste réseau de partenariats en matière de sécurité, s’étendant aussi loin que l’Afrique du Nord, le Golfe, l’Asie Centrale et le Pacifique. »
L’impression donnée de plus en plus dans les médias occidentaux sur la région de l’Asie Centrale est que celle-ci serait une « bombe à retardement attendant d’exploser ». Cet argument fonctionne ainsi : les tensions sociales et ethniques couvent et la crise économique se creuse, alors que les régimes autocratiques et répressifs sont incapables de répondre à ces tensions ; par conséquent, les Islamistes profitent du vide politique pour s’installer et l’Asie Centrale est de plus en plus sensible à al-Qaïda.
Cet argument gagne du terrain. L’analyste pakistanais Ahmed Rachid a dit dernièrement : « [Les partisans de la lutte armée] préparnt le terrain pour une campagne militaire longue et soutenue en Asie Centrale. La menace est à présent réelle, parce que la montée islamiste se combine à une crise économique et politique […] La raison avant tout est qu’ils ont livré assez de combats pour d’autres peuples. Ils veulent désormais combattre pour leur propre pays. La véritable menace, aujourd’hui, est qu’ils essayent à nouveau de s’infiltrer en Asie Centrale. Ils essayent de ré-introduire armes, munitions et hommes en Asie Centrale. »
Les Islamistes, agents géopolitiques
C’est là que l’idée américaine d’une réconciliation avec les Talibans doit être examinée avec la plus grande attention. En effet, cette idée est éminemment judicieuse à un moment où la colère des Musulmans monte, où il y a une désillusion croissante vis-à-vis d’Obama et où les Etats-Unis sont dangereusement proches d’une confrontation avec l’Iran et qu’une nécessité se fait jour de « diviser » l’opinion publique musulmane.
En même temps, la réconciliation avec les Talibans est une question de realpolitik. La guerre afghane coûte très cher, tant en termes d’argent que de vies occidentales, et elle ne peut pas être gagnée. La réconciliation avec les Talibans est sans doute la seule option disponible pour maintenir une présence militaire de l’Otan à durée indéterminée en Asie Centrale, sans avoir à livrer une guerre futile.
L’ascendant de forces islamistes malléables a également son utilité pour la stratégie américaine d’isolement envers la Chine (et la Russie). Les Islamistes se louent en tant qu’instrument de politique étrangère. La montée de l’Islamisme en Afghanistan ne peut que radicaliser des points névralgiques, tels que le Nord du Caucase, le Cachemire et la Région Autonome Ouïgour du Xinjiang, en Chine.
La Chine a un maximum à perdre si un régime Taliban refait surface. Cela explique la lenteur avec laquelle Pékin s’est rendu à la conférence de Londres sur l’Afghanistan, le 28 janvier, et à la conférence régionale d’Istanbul qui l’a immédiatement précédée, pour affirmer que l’Afghanistan est une question bien trop critique pour la sécurité et la stabilité régionales pour le laisser à Washington.
La Chine rejette la stratégie des Etats-Unis
Yang a dessiné les contours de la sorte d’Afghanistan que la Chine souhaite voir émerger de cet abîme. D’abord et avant tout, cela doit être un Afghanistan pacifique et stable qui « éradique la menace du terrorisme ». Deuxièmement, cela devrait être un Afghanistan qui accepte « l’existence de divers groupes ethniques, diverses religions et affiliations politiques et qui s’élève au-dessus de leurs différences pour parvenir à une réconciliation nationale complète et durable ».
L’accent sur le pluralisme est un rejet visible de l’idéologie fondamentaliste du Wahhabisme, pratiqué par les Talibans à majorité Pachtoune. Troisièmement, l’Afghanistan devrait « bénéficier d’une indépendance souveraine inviolable, d’une intégrité territoriale et de la dignité nationale. Son avenir et son destin devraient être fermes et ses affaires d’Etat dirigées par son propre peuple. »
La Chine espère essentiellement une libération totale et inconditionnelle de l’occupation étrangère. Quatrièmement, Yang a souligné à plusieurs reprises la position centrale des puissances régionales dans les efforts pour stabiliser l’Afghanistan. L’Afghanistan « devrait faire partie des mécanismes de coopération régionale […] Les pays de la région ont des relations spéciales avec l’Afghanistan. »
Il a ajouté : « Il y a maintenant un assez grand nombre de mécanismes et d’initiatives concernant l’Afghanistan. Dans cette région, les pays devraient accroître leur communication pour s’assurer que les mécanismes appropriés sont viables, pratiques et efficaces et qu’ils peuvent jouer un rôle positif […] Nous devrions éviter de faire se chevaucher divers mécanismes […] nous devrions être ouverts et inclusifs et encourager une interaction saine avec les autres partenaires […] Il est impératif de respecter le rôle principal des Nations Unies pour coordonner les efforts internationaux et démontrer l’ouverture et la transparence. »
Yang a ensuite ajouté une chute : « Les pays extérieurs à cette région devraient soutenir vigoureusement les efforts des pays de la région et apprécier complètement leurs difficultés, afin de promouvoir des interactions saines entre les deux. » En réalité, il a défié le monopole des Etats-Unis sur la résolution des conflits.
Yang a exigé que l’administration Obama cesse d’être sur le dos du Président afghan Hamid Karzaï. Il a demandé à Washington de « respecter le rôle principal de l’Afghanistan dans la reconstruction économique et de laisser le gouvernement et le peuple afghans s’asseoir sur le siège du conducteur. La Chine soutient l’acheminement d’une aide plus importante à travers le gouvernement afghan et plus d’investissements… sur la base de consultations d’égal à égal avec le gouvernement afghan. »
De la même manière, « [La] communauté internationale devrait respecter entièrement le caractère unique de l’histoire, de la culture et de la religion, de même que le stade actuel du développement de l’Afghanistan, prendre en considération les réalités et les difficultés du gouvernement afghan et respecter les souhaits du peuple afghan. Bref, nous devrions laisser l’Afghanistan choisir son propre modèle de gouvernance convenant le mieux à ses propres circonstances nationales. »
Obama mérite un nouveau Prix Nobel
Ils ont déploré que l’ensemble de l’exercice destiné à « une stratégie de sortie digne » pour les Etats-Unis et leurs alliés « semble avoir été minutieusement mis en scène pour permettre aux troupes des Etats-Unis et de l’OTAN de commencer à écrire le scénario du retrait. Mais, perçu sous une certaine lumière, cela pourrait être contre-productif. »
Les commentaires chinois ont souligné que ce plan, consistant à diviser les Talibans en achetant leurs cadres et en réintégrant ceux qui n’avaient aucun lien avec Al-Qaïda ne marchera pas. « Les Etats-Unis ont toujours essayé de s’efforcer à trouver une solution ou une tactique qui pourrait se retourner contre les éléments les plus extrémistes des Talibans […] cette perspective évoque l’image d’un puits financier sans fond. »
La Chine est loin d’être seule parmi les puissances régionales à nourrir des craintes profondes concernant le plan des Etats-Unis de se réconcilier avec les Talibans. Moscou et Delhi seront satisfaits, pratiquement mot pour mot, de ce que Yang a dit.
Pourtant, si les homologues russe et indien de Yang ont choisi de garder leur conseiller à la conférence de Londres, Obama pourrait en revendiquer le crédit, en tant que superbe praticien du smart power et des grands marchandages – valant un Prix Nobel – même si son plan de pacifier le dirigeant taliban Mollah Omar aboutit nulle part.
[1] Le smart power est présenté par l’administration Obama comme le mariage productif entre les notions, bien connues mais peu opérantes isolément, de hard power (pouvoir de coercition par la force ou la menace, incarné par le Pentagone) et de soft power (capacité d’attraction par la persuasion, portée par Hollywood et Harvard). Le résultat de cette addition est ce mélange d’habileté et d’expérience que l’on nomme désormais smart power (pouvoir de l’intelligence).
→ Voir : "Le 'smart power', nouvelle matrice de la diplomatie américaine", par Emmanuel Auber, 13 février 2009.
Broken Britannia
Afghanistan : Islamic Resistance Operations: Latest update Saturday 14th February 2010
More Than 50 U.S. Invading Terrorists Killed And Injured In Helmand, 16 Tanks Destroyed More than fifty U.S invading terrorists were killed and injured with their sixteen tanks destroyed on Saturday, in separate incidents in Marjah, Garmsir, Nad Ali and Now Zad districts of Helmand province. However, a statement from the U.S invaders military said that their only four of its invading terrorists were killed and six wounded in Mujahideen's attacks and bombings. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Blast Kills 7 Polish Invading Terrorists In Ghazni Some seven Polish invading terrorists were killed in a landmine blast which was planted near the district bazaar of the Ghazni's Geru district, on Sunday. As per details, the bomb tore through the Polish invading terrorists who are trying to neutralize it after they had carried bomb into their base, killing seven polish invading terrorists including one of their de-mining expert. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
Blasts Blow Up Two U.S Tanks, Kills A Dozen American Invading Terrorists In Marjah Blasts in Helmand's Nad Ali district targeted two of the U.S invaders tanks on Saturday morning while the joint U.S-Afghan terrorists were trying to make their way into Marjah. Both tanks were destroyed in bombings, killing and wounded at least a dozen U.S invading terrorists whose corpse were carried away by the helicopter in Abdulla Qulf area of Marjah. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Yet Again Bomb Hits U.S Invaders Tank, Kills Some American Terrorists In Marjah There is a recent report from Helmand province that a dozen U.S terrorist soldiers were killed and injured in Marjah as a third U.S invaders tanks was blown apart by landmine blast Saturday, resulting in destroying the tank hours after the former two tanks had been hit in Abdullah Qulf area of Marjah. The incident took place near Marjah, a route which has been blacked off by the Mujahideen for the past few days, which is an entrance route for the U.S invading terrorists and allies to Marjah through which the enemy has tried many times to make their way into Marjah but their every advance was pushed back by the Mujahideen and the U.S, NATO and Afghan terrorists after suffering fatal losses and sever damages have been forces to flee several times so for. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Another Tank Blown Up Killing 5 Nato Invading Terrorists In MarjahAfter Saturday morning prayer Mujahideen destroyed another tank for the Nato invading forces in the region Marjah in Helmand province by a landmine. Mujahideen says the region: The tank was destroyed by a landmine which was planted in the area from where the enemy terrorists were trying to escape from the Mujahideen attacks. The blast destroyed the tank and killed five terrorists in it. Recall that with this explosion, the number of enemy tanks destroyed in Marjah so far on this day have reached eight. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
The Destruction Of 2 Vehicles Of The Occupation Forces In Helmand We received the news that two other vehicles of the U.S. invaders forces were destroyed in Nad Ali and Garmsir district in two separate operations. According to the report, at about ten o'clock Saturday afternoon a vehicle of the U.S. invaders forces was stuck with an IED when the enemy convoy was heading towards the Directorate of Garishk. The vehicle was destroyed in the blast completely, killing all the invading terrorists in it.
Destruction Of 3 Tanks Of The Occupation Forces In Helmand We received the news of the Helmand province that on Saturday Mujahideen destroyed three armored vehicles of the enemy in separate explosions. The source adds: The convoy of U.S. invading terrorists on Saturday morning was morning toward the Marjah when when of there vehicle was blown up buy a landmine. Also at about ten o'clock in the morning another armored vehicle was stuck with an IEA. The Third Armored vehicle was destroyed at about nine o'clock in the morning. The three armored vehicles were completely destroyed in the blasts, and all the terrorists in them were killed. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
The Bombing Of The U.S. Base In With Rockets In Kunar Mujahideen fired five rockets at the American invaders base in Kunar province. The attack took place at about eleven o'clock Saturday morning, the five rockets landed in the base, which have caused human and material losses in the enemy ranks. Recalls that during the attack, the number of high level invaders advisers were present in the base, but no information is available about their fate. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
The Destruction Of A Tank Of U.S. Invaders In Naw Zad The Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Helmand province, in their report Linker, they destroyed a tank for the Americans invaders in Naw Zad district. The source adds: It was a military convoy of U.S. invaders which was passing through the area on Friday afternoon, when one of their tank was hit with an improvised explosive device. This powerful blast was triggered by remote control, which resulted in the destruction of the tank in full, and all the invading terrorists on board were killed. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
Mujahideen Destroy Two Armored Vehicles Of The British Invaders In Kandahar Mujahideen carried out two explosions targeting a military convoy of British invading terrorists in Kandahar province. According to the report, when a military convoy of British invading terrorists on Friday afternoon was passing through area two powerful explosions destroyed two armored vehicles of the enemy, killing three terrorists and wounded two. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
The Destruction Of Two Tanks Of American Invaders Near Marjah Mujahideen destroyed two tanks of the American invaders by improvised explosive devices in Helmand. According to the report, the tanks were targeted as a military convoy of U.S. invaders forces accompanied by helicopters, was struck with the improvised explosive device on Saturday morning. In the blast both tanks were destroyed, and ten American terrorists on board were killed on the spot. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf
The Enemy Continues To Bleeds In The Ongoing Battle In Marjah According to reports from the province of Helmand, a fierce face to face battle broke out between the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate and the Crusader occupation forces in the Nad Ali. The source adds: the American invading terrorists accompanied by the puppet army terrorists at approximately at two am midnight local time Saturday night, try to entered Marjah, soon as the enemy entered the area it immediately came under attack from the Mujahideen, and a battle started. Mujahideen said in the area: the Crusader invading forces wanted to start operations after dropping invading terrorists from their helicopter in the region, however the powerful explosion forced the enemy to retreat and they were trapped as a result of attacks by Mujahideen in the region. In another independent report, Mujahideen destroyed two vehicles of the invaders forces by improvised explosive devices on early Saturday morning in the same area, killing all the terrorists on board. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf