12 juin 2019

VIDEO: Shaykh Riyad Nadwi - Islam in a Post 9/11 World

Muslim Minorities and the Way Forward 

A lecture on the plots of those who wish to dismantle Islam in the name of reformation and on the excuse of 9/11. The lecture was deliver in 2004 and is even more important for Muslims living as a minority in 2010 than it was when it was first delivered.

Shaykh (Dr.) M. Riyad H. Nadwi is a graduate of Dar al-Uloom, Nadwatul 'Ulama in Lucknow, India, where he studied the traditional Islamic sciences for a period of twelve years. He has been living in Oxford for the last 18 years where he has served in several academic positions. Shaikh Nadwi also has a PhD from the University of Portsmouth in Cognitive Science. The Shaikh has published works on a variety of subjects ranging from Islamic theology, philosophy, to science, psychology and politics and is considered as one of the most erudite scholars alive today.

Transcript of Part 1:

The question is, whose purpose has 9/11 served? As Muslims, I think we need to have a serious soul-searching, an intelligent debate on the reasoning behind acts of violence, acts of senseless violence being perpetrated around the world in the name of Islam and in the service of Muslims. And of course the most recent being the tragedy of Beslan. I say this while recognizing that yes, thousands of Muslims, in fact, 100,000 Muslims were massacred in Chechnya, of which around 40,000 were children.

I use the word senseless on two counts -- first, the overwhelming fiqh arguments against such actions. But apart from that, if one looks from a purely tactical perspective, we can find that it is persistently counterproductive. In fact, this course of action is precisely what Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israelis are delighted to hear about. On the 12th of September 2001, when Netanyahu was asked about what he thought about the 9/11 attacks, he responded, and I quote, "It's very good." Yes, this is what he said; he said that it was very good. Now, obviously, he didn't stop there, he said, "oh, well, it's not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy" (for Israel). The reporter understood what he was saying. He read his emotion, and reported it exactly as he had said it, and it was published in the New York Times.

We also know of the confirmed stories of the Israelis in New York who were arrested for dancing and celebrating on the rooftops when the planes hit the building. They celebrated because they knew how much this would serve the cause of Israel.

This kind of strategic thinking is not new. In fact, right-wing military generals in the United States Army are historically infamous for seeking this kind of action. These actions are known as pretext operations. We need to read the history of these people, to learn about the depravity of their thinking, before allowing ourselves to be used, indirectly or directly, within or for their grand and vicious plans.

There is authenticated documented evidence confirming that the US military High Command had not only recognized the benefit of this kind of attack on America decades ago, but at one point they drew up detailed plans to conduct terrorist campaigns on American citizens in order to justify the invasion of another country. Now before people put their "conspiracy theory" earplugs and blindfolds on, please allow me to point out that what I'm saying and what I'm about to say here is not based on ignorant paranoia, hearsay and unproven conspiracy; rather it is based on published declassified and authenticated documents; documents that confirmed that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Army, General Lemnitzer, approved a plan code-named Operation Northwoods; during the stand-off with Cuba Operation Northwoods was conceived.

The plan was approved by every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It called for innocent people to be shot on American streets, of boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas, and for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. It called for the framing of people for bombings they did not commit, and for planes to be "hijacked" using phony evidence to blame Fidel Castro, in order to give General Lemnitzer and his colleagues the excuse as well as the public and international backing they needed to launch their war against Cuba.

One idea seriously considered involved the launch of John Glenn, the first American to orbit the earth. He was going up in a rocket. And their proposal was that the rocket should explode and kill John Glenn. And I quote here: "The objective is to provide irrevocable proof that the fault lies with the Communists in Cuba." And Lemnitzer explained that this would be accomplished by manufacturing various pieces of evidence which would prove electronic interference on the part of the Cubans.

They proposed that, and I quote again, "We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba." And they also explained that the casualty lists in US newspapers would cause "a useful wave of national indignation." "We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities, and even in Washington," they wrote. "The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the United States, exploding a few plastic explosive bombs at carefully chosen spots. The arrest of Cuban agents and the release of carefully-prepared documents substantiating Cuban involvement also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government. Hijacking attempts against civil air and surface craft could appear to continue as harassing measures condoned by the government of Cuba." (End of transcript of Part 1)

Shaykh Riyad Nadwi - Islam in a Post 9/11 World: Muslim Minorities and the Way Forward (Part 2)

Shaykh Riyad Nadwi - Islam in a Post 9/11 World: Muslim Minorities and the Way Forward (Part 3)

Shaykh Riyad Nadwi - Islam in a Post 9/11 World: Muslim Minorities and the Way Forward (Part 4)

Shaykh Riyad Nadwi - Islam in a Post 9/11 World: Muslim Minorities and the Way Forward (Part 5)

Shaykh Riyad Nadwi - Islam in a Post 9/11 World: Muslim Minorities and the Way Forward (Part 6)

Shaykh Riyad Nadwi - Islam in a Post 9/11 World: Muslim Minorities and the Way Forward (Part 7)

Shaykh Riyad Nadwi - Islam in a Post 9/11 World: Muslim Minorities and the Way Forward (Part 8)

Shaykh Riyad Nadwi - Islam in a Post 9/11 World: Muslim Minorities and the Way Forward (Part 9)



By Insha Malik

Kashmir has been a political conflict since the time it shifted its governance base from the Dogra rule to India, almost sixty years old. For long it has been ignored in the mainstream politics in India, reducing the Indian extended rule in Kashmir to a pure occupational hegemony. The tumultuous conditions, in which the people have been subjected to live, have reduced the value of human life. Violence has become the part of the social fabric. The heavy daunting militarization which is to guard the boundaries has crept into the local dialect and comprises of people’s childhood memories. The total disregard for life and human rights is visible everywhere, so much so even the freedom of expression and protest is curbed. The memory has played a vital role in keeping alive the lost ones and aggravating the sentiment.  The civilian population was the worst affected during the 1989’s armed struggle in Kashmir as it became a deliberate target to India’s counter-terrorism strategy. But even after the peace was thought to have prevailed in the valley, the civilian deaths and the cold blooded murders by the Indian army have continued in one or the other way. The latest uprising or mass people’s movement is also instigated by such incidents that are locally regarded as unjust and repressive. 

The recent uprising

The year 2010 is marked as the ‘year of teenage killings’ in Kashmir for the reasons that are obvious to its people. Since January 2010, 25 civilians have been killed by the Indian troopers so far. Reoccurrence of such incidents often forces people to take to streets. The common man on the street interprets such killings as genocide. The current state politics has moved in a deadly direction from June 2010, where the State of Jammu and Kashmir headed by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has almost declared a death sentence over the entire Kashmir valley.  While making statements about the present situation during a Press conference held on 29th June 2010, Abdullah along with the central government authorities gave a clean chit to CRPF who supported by black laws like AFSPA have been violating the basic right to life of people in Kashmir. The State government asked people to desist from protesting against the deaths of the youth and has imposed a stringent curfew all over the valley. 

The Indian national media portrayed the people’s uprising as something instigated by the Pakistan based mentors like ISI and lashkar e toiba, completely sidelining the issues at hand. By painting the present situation in Kashmir as a ‘conspiracy against his government’ he has given an impression as if the protests and blood that is daily being spilled on the streets of Kashmir is only to unstable his government. While his recent statement gives more teeth to his troopers. In the recent move the chief minister has called in more army to fight the civilian population unarmed after losing young people are resisting the troopers.

First victim and the killing spree:

The military rage of the Indian troopers started to sharpen and resolved into regular tiffs with the boys in every nook and corner of the Valley. However, the first victim of the troopers became Inayat Khan, a 16 year old boy who was shot dead by the troopers on 8th Jan, 2010. Inayath was a bright student and had just passed his ‘A’ level exams with wonderful grades.
Innayat Khan 16 years old shot dead by troops on Jan 8, 2010

He was the first victim of unprovoked firing by CRPF. On 8th Jan, while going for tuitions he had just admitted himself for, he was shot down by the troopers in Budshah Chowk, Srinagar. Inayat lives close to another Inayat who was a musician and was killed by the troopers in 2006. Now both of them await justice in oblivion. Despite a wait for six months and eyewitness accounts and FIR intact, the accused troopers are yet to be punished.

On Jan 31 2010, Wamiq Farooq a 13 year old boy from Rainawari was playing in the Ghanni Memorial Stadium. The troopers while chasing a group of protesters entered the stadium and fired a teargas shell from a close range leaving Wamiq dead on spot.

Wamiq was an excellent student and fond of sports; earning many trophies and certificates of merit he made his family
Wamiq Ali, 13 years old, shot dead by police on Jan 13,2010

proud and he had desired to become a scientist. His father, Farooq Ahmad, earns his livelihood by selling second hand garments in Lal Chowk. A student of 7th standard, Wamiq is remembered by his friends as assiduous and jovial. The hapless family has accused the police of cover-up and approached the Court for justice.

According to the police sources, on 22nd Jan Manzoor Ahmed Sofi, a 23 years old boy from Parahaspora Pattan was shot dead by CRPF. Again on 24th Jan, Mushtaq Ahmed Mir, 36 years old man from Pulwama was shot dead by Rashtriya rifles, 44Bri personels.

Again in the main city of Srinagar, five days after the death of Wamiq Farooq, on Feb 5 2010, Zahid Farooq, a 16 year old boy, only son of his parents was shot dead by the

Zahid Farooq (16 years) killed by the troopers on Feb 5, 2010

Zahid lived in Nishat and was killed by the Border Security force (BSF) personnel just few miles away from his house. Zahid had gone to play cricket in a nearby stadium. The BSF officers chased Zahid and his friends into the bylanes of his colony and then shot him dead. On charges of his murder, a BSF commandant and constable are facing trial.

In another case on April 13 2010, Zubair Ahmed Bhat, a 17 year old boy was sitting on the banks of the river Jehlum with his friends when the troopers came and forced them to jump into the river.
Zubair Ahmed Bhar, 17 years old forced to drown by the troopers on April 13, 2010
While most of them could cross the river, Zubair struggled, the nearby boatmen attempted to rescue but the troopers

Zubair Ahmed Bhar (17 years) forced to drown by the troopers on April 13, 2010

fired teargas shells at them and as a result Zubair drowned, he was a student from Sopore and used to work as a part time laborer in Srinagar. Police closed the file labeling it as an accident and ignoring this eyewitness account. His elder brother, Ehsan-ul-Haq was killed by troopers in 2006. Zubair was a class 11thstudent.
From police sources again on 24th April Ghulam Muhamed Kalas a 34 year old man of Kellar Shopian was shot dead by 53 Rashtriya Rifles.

The onset of June became a human slaying motto for the troopers, 18 civilians died in this month alone. Just after a month’s gap ‘June’ has become the most dreaded month of the year 2010 for most of the people have lost hope and faith in the state run justice mechanisms.

Tufail Ahmed a 17 year old boy from Sadakadal Srinagar had just passed his SSC examinations with a distinction and was killed by the Police. On 5th June 2010, Tufail was playing in the Ghani Memorial stadium when he was shot dead. He received a firearm injury in his head leaving his brain into pieces on the grass.

Tufail Ahmed (17 years) shot dead by the police on 5th June, 2010

Like Wamiq, 17-year old Tufial Ahmad Matoo of Saida Kadal was killed after being hit by a teargas canister fired by police at Rajouri Kadal.

Tufail was the lone child of his parents. He had passed his matriculation with distinction and wanted to become a doctor Mohd Rafiq Bangroo’ family had already lost seven family members already to the troopers and he was working as a shawl weaver. On 16th June he was caught by the army and beaten up, he had a battle for his life and finally he passed away.

Mohd.Rafiq Bangroo (27years) beaten to death by the troopers, died on 19th June 2010

The youthful Rafiq used to work tirelessly to help his aged father, Abdul Ahad, to clear his debts. He left behind aged parents, a brother and an immortal memory of his separation.

Javed Ahmed Malla (17 years) shot dead by the troopers on 20th June 2010
Javed Ahmed Malla (17 years) shot dead by the troopers on 20th June 2010

On 20th June 2010, During his funeral procession, the anti government slogans were raised to which the troopers retaliated with gunshots killing Rafiq’s another cousin named Javed Ahmed Malla. Javed was 17 and worked in a bag manufacturing company in Khonmoh and had discontinued studies due to family’s abject poverty.

Machil fake encounters

To make matters worse, when the news of fake encounters by the Indian Army reached the city, the separatists were up in arms. The non-stop killing of civilians was enough to bring people on the streets, with or without their leaders.

On April 29, three youths of Nadihal village were lured by two counter-insurgents and Territorial Army personnel up to the Line of Control (LoC) in Machil sector, on the pretext of getting a job.
The following day, the troopers of 4 Rajput Rifles, a unit of the Indian Army, were said to have killed them in a staged encounter on the LoC.

The police arrested two counter-insurgents and personnel from the Territorial Army. All the three are in judicial custody. The Army has already constituted a Court of Inquiry headed by a senior Army officer. They have suspended a major and an attached commanding officer of the 4 Rajput Rifles unit.

The failure of the state to reign in justice in most cases, of the law enforcement authorities to restore the faith of the people, ambiguous post-mortem reports, toothless judicial commissions and lack of accountability have driven the people over the edge – in this case, on the streets and in front of a barrel of a gun in the highest militarised zone in the world. Incidentally, Kashmir also tops the charts with the highest suicide rate in the world.

Three people namely Riyaz ahmed,Mohd  Shafi and Shehzad Ahmed were killed in the fake encounter.
On June 25th 2010, the people protested the killings in the fake encounter, troopers went berserk and entered a

Firdous Ahmed Kakroo (17years)left, Shakeel Ahmed (18years) both shot dead on 25th June 2010

farm and killed Firdous Ahmed Kakroo a 17 year old boy who was doing his daily farming. On the same day they also shot Shakeel Ahmed an 18 year old electrician who was on his way to market to buy some electrical stuff.

On June 27 the local people in Sopore town plunged on the roads to show discontent against the state’s rampant killings. Bilal Ahmed a 22 years old boy was watching at a distance the procession moving on when the troopers attacked it and shot Bilal in his throat and he died on spot.

On June 28th 2010, the youngest victim of violence breathed his last in south Kashmir’s Baramulla town. Tauqeer Ahmed (9) and Tajamul Bashir (20) were both shot dead by troopers. Baramulla has been under curfew ever since. The army has already moved in.

Taukeer Ahmed (9 years) Tajamul Bashir (20 years) on 28th and Bilal Ahmed (22years) shot dead by the troopers on 27th June. 2010
Taukeer Ahmed (9 years) Tajamul Bashir (20 years) were both shot dead by the troopers on 28th June, 2010

Islamabad killings

On June 29th 2010, Ishtiyaq Ahmad Khanday (15) son of Ghulam Mohammad Khanday, Imtiyaz Ahmad Itoo(18) son of Ghulam Mohammad Itoo from S K Colony Islamabad and Sajad Ashraf Baba (19) son of Late Mohd Ashraf Baba (19) were reportedly present in a lawn which belongs to one of the victim’s family. Chasing the protesters in Islamabad town, SHO Ayoub Rather (Islamabad) and SHO Rauf Ahmed (Mattan) along with two sub-inspectors namely Masarat alam and Parveiz Ahmed barged into the lawn and reportly fired at six youth after lining them up, out of which two Ishtiyaq Ahmed (15) and Imtiyaz Ahmed (18) died on spot and Shujat ul Islam (19) along with three others was rushed to District hospital Anantnag.   From there, because of his critical condition Shujatul Islam was directed to SMHS hospital but on his way he passed away. Among three others hospitalised at the District hospital, one is reported to be fighting his death while two others are said to be safe and recovering.

Under these circumstances, when people were fuming with anger the state government put the restrictions on any

Imtiyaz Ahmed, Ishtiyaq Ahmed and Shujatul Islam all shot dead by the troopers on 29th June, 2010 

kind of protest. Further army was deployed to control the angry protesters and after a weeklong curfew people were allowed to buy essentials and daily food stuff. In these circumstances the news of Muzzafar Ahmed Bhat a 17 year old boy reached them. Muzzafar was mercilessly beaten to death by the troopers and his body was disposed off into a nearby stream.

Muzaffar’s body was recovered from the pond on 5th of July, 2010 which stirred up further anger in the protesters. The protests were carried out in the Batamalloo area on 6th july morning, to which the troopers retailiated by opening fire and killing another youth named Fayaz ahmed, a 18 year old boy.
Another boy named Abrar khan, 18 year old was also shot dead in the same day and same area.

Muzzafar Ahmed Bhat (17 years), beaten to death, Fayaz ahmed (18 years) shot dead and Abrar khan (18 years) shot dead by the troopers on 6th July, 2010

Abrar khan (18 years) shot dead by the troopers on 6th July, 2010
A 24 year old young lady named fancy was watching the protests in her area from a window when the army man shot her. The fire cut into her heart leaving her dead on spot.

Fancy (24 years) shot dead by the troopers on 6th July, 2010

The curfew is imposed in the entire valley people are house arrested and deprived even of communication with each other. In the latest turn the authorities have even entered the social networking sites like face book and booked people for sharing views and uploading pictures and videos.  On several occasions even the national media chose silence over burning Kashmir.

On the ground level this series of killing spree has manifested into a new movement of ‘stone pelting’ by Kashmiri youth.

Fancy (24 years) shot dead by the troopers on 6th July, 2010

They have no guns but the stones to hurl at the oppressive forces. The judiciary systems are locked and devoid of justice and the youth are on the roads to seek answers. The new generation of ‘educated youth’ has arrived with their vision of rebellion and has now been successful in pushing the governance into barricades and bullet proof cars.

The cycle of violence is emanating from all the quarters of political and social life in Kashmir. The prospects of a dignified life seem to be bleak. The killings of the innocent continue but with a paradigm shift in the method.

Faizan Rafiq Buhroo (13 years) a case of custodial killing

After people have grieved the deaths of so many innocent people, the killing of Faizan Rafiq Buhroo a 13 year old now came out in a dramatic form and a different killing pattern that is likely to become common place hence forth. Faizan’s body was fished out of river Jhelum after he was killed in the police custody. Anything can be said about this death. After faizan, two more people died in the similar conditions including Fayaz Ahmad Khanday who was fired upon during the funeral procession of Faizan. With

Faizan Rafiq Buhroo (13 years) a case of custodial killing

Faizan surely the state machinery has shifted its functioning to killing and leaving people in miscellaneous conditions. If killing with bullets is a problem, custodial killings and throwing bodies into rivers and ponds, looks like a much saner way of dealing with people’s aspirations.

Living in Kashmir is an hour by hour experience, people are locked up under curfew and completely the state government has shunned its people. Now the question is the angry unarmed people will protest that’s what the mind set has become, so how many more will be killed is what the wait is for.

Inshah Malik is a PhD scholar at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India.  She has been working on Gender and ongoing conflict in Kashmir. She is also actively been writing about people’s issues through various platforms. She is at present working on political economy of Kashmir.
This paper has been rewritten exclusively for Opinion Maker.


Nouvelles sanctions européennes contre l’Iran

Nouvelles sanctions européennes contre l’Iran

L’Union européenne a adopté une nouvelle série de sanctions à l’encontre de la République Islamique d’Iran. Ces sanctions visent les secteurs gazier et pétrolier, les transferts de technologie et certaines compagnies de transport. De plus, des avoirs de compagnies d’assurance et de groupes bancaires ont été gelés. Ces nouvelles sanctions s’inspirent de celles prises par Obama, et vont bien au-delà de celles prises par l’ONU le 9 juin dernier.

Où est passée la question du nucléaire israélien ?  Plus personne n’en parle. D’ailleurs la question, enterrée depuis, n’avait été agitée que pour donner une impression d’impartialité, pendant que se préparaient les nouvelles mesures contre l’Iran.

L’Iran a-t-elle agressée une flottille humanitaire dans les eaux internationales pour mériter ces sanctions ?  Non, c’est Israël qui s’est livré à une telle agression sans jamais être ni condamné, ni sanctionné (la protection d’Obama vaut droit international !). Comble de l’histoire, l’entité sioniste, puissance nucléaire en dehors de tout contrôle international, exige des sanctions à l’encontre de l’Iran, en attendant peut-être des frappes !

Selon certains quotidiens français, des gouvernements européens (Malte, Allemagne, Suède) auraient qualifié d’excessives (et nuisibles pour leurs intérêts commerciaux) certaines de ces sanctions. Finalement, sur pression d’Obama, ces pays européens se sont inclinés.

On voit très bien le partage des rôles : Israël menace et réclame des sanctions, Sarkozy relaie et augmente les désirs de Tel Aviv, et enfin Obama resserre l’étau. Tout cela se produit alors que le porte-avion nucléaire américain USS Harry Truman se trouve, depuis le mois de juin, dans le Golfe persique et dans la Mer d’Oman (face à l’Iran). Ce porte-avion transporte 60 bombardiers (dont des avions français Rafales), et est accompagné de six autres navires dont un israélien. Ainsi, la politique d’USraël et de ses valets européens consiste d’une part en une tentative d’asphyxie économique et de déstabilisation de l’Iran, et d’autre part en une préparation d’agression.

« Quiconque participe au scénario des Etats-Unis contre l’Iran sera considéré comme un pays hostile » a déclaré le Président iranien Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Quel besoin a la France d’être hostile envers l’Iran ?  Aucun, si ce n'est que nos dirigeants sont avant tout israéliens de cœur et de portefeuille, et donc obéissent à Tel Aviv !

Le Président,

Yahia Gouasmi.


9/11 & Nine Years of Deception and War

By Christopher Bollyn, 
July 29, 2010
A U.S. soldier in Afghanistan.  Thousands of American servicemen will bear the heavy spiritual and psychological burden of having participated and killed innocent people in a fraudulent and criminal war.  Why are we really fighting this war in Central Asia?

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Galatians 6:7

For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright, who art as black as hell, as dark as night.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832)

Nine years ago this week Larry Silverstein and his partner, the former Israeli commando Frank Lowy, closed the deal on the 99-year lease of the World Trade Center.  Silverstein and Lowy, devoted agents of the state of Israel and its Zionist fund-raising organizations in New York, immediately had their leased WTC property and future rental earnings insured against a terror attack exactly like that which occurred only seven weeks later.   Having obtained the lease with borrowed funds, Silverstein promptly raised rents forty percent.

Unlike the Twin Towers, Larry Silverstein actually owned WTC 7, the 47-story building that fell straight down into it's footprint at about 5:25 p.m. on 9-11, in what was clearly a controlled demolition.  All three towers demolished on 9-11 were under Silverstein's control and although he openly admitted on camera that he had decided to "pull" WTC 7, his revealing comments have never been investigated by the authorities of New York City or the federal government.    Whoever placed the super-thermite and other explosive charges in the Twin Towers probably did so during the seven weeks before 9-11 that Silverstein controlled access to the towers.  Apart from all the other questions, Silverstein has never been held to account for the fact that the escape doors to the roof of both towers had been locked.  Why were rooftop evacuations not attempted?
Larry Silverstein had control of all three towers that were demolished on 9-11.  The explosive demolition of his three buildings made him a billionaire.  Under the Rothschild Zionist crimocracy that controls New York City and the United States, Silverstein has been richly rewarded for his role in terrorism and mass murder - rather than investigated and punished.

In the following video Silverstein comments on his decision to "pull" WTC 7: 
In the following video 9-11 truth activists shame Silverstein.  This is what Ehud Barak, Ehud Olmert, and every other criminal involved in the 9-11 cover-up should get from the public.

While Larry Silverstein is certainly one of the key players in the false-flag terrorism of 9-11, it is unlikely that he is one of the high-level architects of the master plan behind the terror atrocity.  He is more likely to be a high-level sayan, a devoted Zionist Jew and "useful idiot", who carried out an essential function in a large and complex operation.  The master plan behind the "false-flag" terrorism of 9-11 was to deceive the U.S. government and western nations into occupying Afghanistan and waging an open-ended "War on Terror" against those Middle Eastern nations that resist the hegemony of the Rothschild-funded Zionist state of Israel.  Ehud Barak, the current defense minister of Israel, was the first person to call for a U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, something he did shortly after the towers were demolished on the Rothschild-controlled BBC World television network.  

"There is a much larger group behind these [9/11 attacks] which is the international banking cartel which controls trillions of dollars and which has an interest in controlling countries in the Middle East which are not under their control."

- Professor Steven E. Jones on KUER (Salt Lake City's NPR affiliate), September 5, 2006

I have been reading many articles on the 9-11 atrocity and other major world events. I am a 46-year-old Ashkenazi Jew from London, England.  I believe the Rothschilds and the banking conspiracy are behind EVERYTHING. When I bring the subject up with my peers and family, I am told it is anti-Semitic nonsense, probably paid for by the Saudi Arabians.
- Letter to Bollyn.com, April 2010

The cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is more than 1 trillion U.S. dollars.  

The war in Afghanistan has already cost U.S. taxpayers more than 286 thousand million (billion) dollars, while the war in Iraq has burned up some 736 thousand million (billion) dollars.  All of that money has been borrowed, i.e. created by debt to commercial banks like those owned by the house of Rothschild, which has a two-hundred year history of formenting war for profit.  The Rothschild group is deeply engaged in gold, diamond, and gas and oil mining operations worldwide.  Afghanistan is an extremely wealthy nation in terms of mineral resources and it also occupies a crucial location between the Mossad-controlled gas fields of Turkmenistan and the lucrative markets for that gas in India and China.  The Rothchild family of London and Paris was the main financier and driving force behind the creation of the state of Israel, although most of the family continues to live in its mansions in Europe.  An Israeli member of the family, Major General Danny Rothschild, runs the policy and strategy unit at the Mossad think tank/school known as the Inter-Disciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya near Tel Aviv. 

As the recent disclosure of some 91,000 reports from the war in Afghanistan reveals, the war is far more brutal and criminal than most Americans thought.   These disturbing reports were published on WikiLeaks on the same day that Silverstein obtained the WTC lease - nine years after.

The war in Afghanistan is a criminal war and occupation because it is based on the lies that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida, supposedly based in Afghanistan, carried out the terrorism of 9-11.  This criminal deceit continues, like a tug-of-war, between those who are part of the deception and those who are fighting for the truth of what really happened on 9-11.

President Barack Obama is waging the war in Afghanistan because, he says, the terrorism of 9-11 came from there.  The Obama administration, however, refuses to discuss the crucial discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center, which reveals that an advanced explosive coating made using nanotechnology was used to pulverize the concrete floors of the Twin Towers.  The same officials who support the criminal deception about what happened on 9-11 have used these lies to pull the United States and its allies into the criminal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  

The former Danish prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, now Secretary General of NATO, for example, wrote an editorial entitled "Moving On in Afghanistan", which was published internationally by the New York Timeson July 19, 2010.  Rasmussen stressed the false connection between the war in Afghanistan and 9-11: 

After the tragedy of 9/11, indifference was no longer an option. Engagement was our only choice. Leaving Afghanistan to its own devices would have spelled more instability there, and more terrorist attacks worldwide...Our objective is clear: to ensure that Afghanistan does not again become a safe haven for terrorism.

In the tug-of-war over the truth of 9-11, Rasmussen, Obama, and Clinton are really just "the people in between", pulling as they are told to do by those who pay them.  They are certainly not the masters of the nine-year-old deception about 9-11, which raises the question, "Who is really behind the deception?"
In my book, Solving 9-11 - The Deception that Changed the World, I explain the Israeli and Zionist role in the false-flag terror atrocity.  While Israeli terrorists like Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, and Ehud Olmert were evidently involved in the terror attacks there must be an even higher master behind them, one which has complete control over the U.S. and British governments and mass media.  The ultimate mastermind of 9-11must also have control over Israeli politicians and their military intelligence, as well as the sprawling Zionist Masonic network headed by the B'nai B'rith.  Audacious as the Israeli Mossad is, it would not attack New York City and kill thousands of Americans if it did not have complete backing from the "international banking cartel" that controls the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve System, and the U.S. White House and Congress.  There is only one entity that has such power and control - the House of Rothschild.  Two steps removed perhaps, but connected to all culprits of the 9-11 atrocity and the nine-year cover-up.

Sources and Recommended Reading:

"Deal is Signed to Take Over Trade Center", by Charles V. Bagli, New York Times, April 27, 2001

"Governor Pataki, Acting Governor Difrancesco Laud Historic Port Authority Agreement To Privatize World Trade Center", Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Press Release, July 24, 2001

Lebanon, Pakistan and Venezuela are the next US-UK-Israel targets

Is the leaked Afghan War Diary being used to justify full scale war in Pakistan?

Talkshows discussed recent release of 92,000 classified documents on the war in Afghanistan by the website WikiLeaks. The documents show how Pakistan’s military spy service has for years guided the Afghan insurgency and double crossed US military.  Wayne Madsen  assault Wikileaks claiming they are a CIA front and spreading disinformation. The leaked Afghan War Diary is nothing but another disinformation PSYOPS campaign to pave path in disarming Pakistani Nukes and disintegrating this powerful Islamic Republic.



France-Israel-Algerie : La France aurait perdu neuf mercenaires sionistes de la DGSE lors de son raid contre une unite americaine au Mali

Les americains ont ainsi bien preparé leurs coups, avertissants les algériens avant l'operation et fournissant de faux rapports aux autorités francaises par l'intermediaire de leurs taupes mauritaniennes sur la position de l'otage. La racaille juive sioniste Sarkozy a annoncé la mort de 7 combattants du groupe dirigés par le FBI depuis la Mauritanie. Non seulement l'otage est mort, mais 9 autres mercenaires sionistes de la DGSE aussi. Pour un effet de surprise, c'en fut un, pour la DGSE! Un veritable guet-apens, du travail de professionels !

Voici la liste des mercenaires abattus :  

Sarkozy-Fillon envoit leurs mercenaires dans un guet -apens et nous parlent ensuite d'ultimatum bizarre, de la mort possible de l'otage bien avant le raid. Qui peut croire a de telles fables?  Sarkozy s'est fait roulé car il a cru en ces sources americaines ! 10 morts au total. Danss n'importe quel pays, le premier ministre aurait donné sa demission, par en France-Israel ou des racistes et des assassins tuent en toute impunité des otages et des mercenaires. Le but recherche est la libre circulation des soldats francais dans la region sous couvert de terrorisme, que la France-Israel crée d'elle-meme. Une maniere de marquer son territoire, sa chasse gardée. Apparement ca plait ni a l'Africom, ni meme a leurs pantins harkas du DRS. 10 morts, c'est un fiasco pour Sarkozy !

Liste des tués au cours de l´opération du 22 Juillet 2010:
Cristopher LE BERRE – DGSE/SA
Jean-Marcel ROCH – DGSE/SA

(Source Forum Al Falloudja)

Selon nos sources, l'otage Michel Germaneau etait aux mains de faux groupes montés de toutes pieces par les services francais

Les familles des victimes de rapt doivent poursuivre les responsables des services et des politiques en France (Sarkozy, Bajolet entre autres), car AQMI n'existe pas sur le terrain. 

Nos sources confirment que l'otage francais Michel Germaneau etait aux mains d'un groupe directement sous influence des services francais a Nouakchott et que sa liberation devait servir l'agenda politique de Sarkozy. Il apparait que ce groupe a été monté en direct opposition a ceux du general de la DST, Mohamed Mediene, agent de la France-Israel notoire, et ceux du FBI, et qu'une lutte entre Paris, Alger et Washington pour le controle d'AQMI s'est engagée depuis fin 2007.  Michel Germaneau a été recupéré par un autre groupe travaillant sous la coupe directe de Washington et du FBI basé lui aussi a Nouakchott, juste avant l'operation de la DGSE, les informations ayant été distillés aux algeriens par le FBI, qui ont fait joué leurs intermediaires locaux, placant ainsi l'otage francais entre les mains du groupe du FBI (un retournement de veste dont Tewfik est coutumier puisque Sarkozy ne l'a pas averti de l'operation, une forme de punition). La famille de Michel Germaneau n'aura aucun mal a obtenir des informations sensibles prouvant l'implication de la France-Israel dans le rapt de l'humanitaire. 

AQMI n'existe pas, sur le terrain s'affrontent des groupent montés par differents pays, differents services dont le but principal est de provoquer une intervention militaire directe des USA, voir de l'OTAN (si Washington n'arrivait pas a s'imposer seul) dans la region du Sahel pour empecher l'acces de ces regions aux groupes sino-russes, bresiliens, argentins et australiens secondairement.  Dans le cas de Sarkozy, il est d'empecher l'arret ou la mort des reseaux occultes fournissant des filieres de l'argent en metropole et de canaliser ces flux massifs d'argent sale de la France-Israel-Afrique dans les coffres de partis politiques francais et de multinationales francaises (financant les campagnes electorales sarkozystes) dans la region (Total, Areva, contrats d'armements, etc...) de drogues en tous genres, d'hydrocarbures, d'uranium, silicium, phosphate, tungstene et autres metaux rares, minerais convoités, qui doivent rester dans le giron de la France-Israel. Sarkozy s'accomoderait bien de la présence des americains. Malheureusement pour lui, le FBI vient de montrer que Washington a un autre agenda et qu'il se fiche de Sarkozy et ses interets dans la region.
Un coup dur qui affaiblit sans aucun doute Sarkozy et ses pantins-harkis algeriens du DRS-DST.

Abu Suleyman 
wa Allah swt 'alam

Realité d'AQMI au Maghreb/Sahel : Quand le DRS-DST de Tewfik , Sarkozy et Obama revent de revendre le gaz algerien aux chinois

Londres - Alger - Agence Quds-Press : un ancien diplomate et homme politique actuel de l'opposition algérienne a jeté des doutes sur la signification des informations abordées par les autorités algériennes,concernant le danger du terrorisme au Sahel et au Sahara, et a qualifié les nombreux rapports à propos du danger d' Al-Qaida dans la région de " désinformation " destinée à fournir une couverture sécuritaire pour deployer les forces américaines dans la région, et d'" épouvantail sécuritaire " pour justifier les politiques existantes.

 Realité d'AQMI au Maghreb : Quand le DRS-DST de Tewfik , Sarkozy et Obama revent de revendre le gaz algerien aux chinois
Zitout à Quds-Press : Les services secrets algériens ont infiltré les groupes " terroristes" du Sahara

 Dans une interview exclusive à Quds Press, l'ancien diplomate et co-fondateur du mouvement d'opposition algérienne " Rachad ", Mohamed Larbi Zitout, a accusé les services secrets algériens nommement le DRS de " tromperie et desinformation " a propos de la guerre contre le terrorisme, et a indiqué que cela faisait partie d'une politique plus large, y compris d'implanter les forces américains dans la région. 

Il a affirmé: "Il y a beaucoup d'exagération de la menace terroriste dans le Sahel et le Sahara.
Les informations diffusées à ce sujet sont faites de beaucoup de " tromperie et desinformation " par les services secrets algériens, qui s'efforcent de créer un environnement propice à réunir les forces américaines dans la région, en accord avec la doctrine américaine que le terrorisme doit être combattu et éradiqué partout où il se trouve, afin qu'il n'atteigne plus New York. "

 Selon Zitout, le problème s'inscrit dans une stratégie sécuritaire plus large : " exagerer et répandre l'alarme au sujet du terrorisme dans le Sahel et du Sahara est une stratégie des services secrets militaires -DRS-(je ne dirai pas de l'ensemble du régime algérien, parce qu'il ya des factions dans le régime qui ne comprennent pas la réalité de ce qui se passe dans le Sahara, et beaucoup de ce qui s'y passe est sciemment enveloppé d'obscurité).

C'est parce que les groupes armés qui se trouvent dans cette région ont été pour la plupart fabriqués par les services secrets algériens à plusieurs fins, dont les plus importantes sont les suivantes :

 1. La stratégie du DRS de maintien de la peur du terrorisme afin de continuer à justifier les politiques qui oppresse la société algérienne, et se pereniser illegalement au pouvoir 

2. Faire pression sur les états voisins faibles et les états qui ont des intérêts dans la région,et se vanter de defendre l'Europe de la menace terroriste en provenance de la rive sud de la Méditerranée.

 3. s'appuyer sur les forces américaines pour défendre le régime dans le cas d'un soulèvement populaire.

 Il a ajouté : " A cela s'ajoute le trafic de stupéfiants qui, selon des rapports américains confirmés, a rapporté plus d'un milliard et demi de dollars par an ces dernières années. C'est une énorme source financière pour certains officiers gradés dans les services secrets algériens, qui se trouvent au coeur des groupes armés dans le Sahara et leur fournissent soutien, conseil et protection. "

 Zitout a accusé les autorités algériennes de cacher la personne responsable de l'enlèvement des touristes germaniques (33 touristes d'Allemagne, d'Espagne et de Suisse enlevés en 2003 et libérés après le paiement d'une rançon énorme, environ 10 millions d'euros d'après certaines sources), à savoir Abderrazak El Para, et l'ex chef du GSPC Hassan Hattab, et a lancè un defi les autorites algeriennes de faire un un procès équitable pour El Para en présence des observateurs des droits de l'homme : " La preuve que les groupes armés dans le Sahel et du Sahara sont principalement liés aux services secrets algériens, c'est Abderrazak El Para'qui a kidnappé les touristes allemands vit actuellement dans un appartement de l'Hôtel Mouflon d'Or au coeur de Benaknoun à Alger, a côté de l'ex-leader de groupe armé repenti, Hassan Hattab. Je défie les autorités algériennes ouvertement d' amener Abderrazak El Para devant un tribunal en présence d'observateurs nationaux et internationaux des droits de l'homme ".

 La semaine précédente, l'Algérie a accueilli le Sommet du Sahel réunissant le Mali, le Burkina Faso, la Libye, la Mauritanie, le Niger et le Tchad, ainsi que l'Algérie, pour étudier la réalité de la situation sécuritaire dans la région et reconstruire une alliance sécuritaire pour combattre "l'alliance existant entre Al-Qaïda et les réseaux criminels dans la région. "


What does Obama have planned next for Latin America?

By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer

(WMR) -- President Obama’s Latin American policy resembles more Richard Nixon’s Operation Condor and its assassinations and covert operations than President Kennedy’s Alliance for Progress and its advancement of economic progress and democracy. Obama’s reactionary Latin American policies appear to be aimed more at currying favor with south Florida’s emigré right-wing exiles from Cuba, Venezuela, and Central America than in advancing democracy in the region.

Obama’s recent decision to deploy thousands of Marines and dozens of Coast Guard vessels to Costa Rica, while opening up more military bases in Colombia and Honduras, where he authorized a coup against democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya, is even more threatening to Latin America’s progressive governments than the benign neglect bestowed by George W. Bush on the region after the failed 2002 coup attempt against Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez.

In a throwback to the Nixon and Henry Kissinger era, there are increasing reports of political assassinations, as well as the illegal detention of opposition figures and journalists by U.S.-backed regimes in Colombia, Panama, and Honduras. Even more tellilng is the fact that Pinochet supporters who are members of the Chilean Senate recently were charged by Venezuela with gross interference in upcoming elections in Venezuela. Under President Sebastian Pinera, a Chilean billionaire who is obviously more to the liking of Obama than Latin America’s populist leaders, Chile has become, along with Colombia, Panama, and Costa Rica, a U.S. base to destabilize progressive-led governments in Latin America.

As far as Kissinger, America’s oldest living war criminal, is concerned, he serves as Obama’s “special envoy” to the Kremlin. Since Obama places so much stock in Kissinger’s advice, it is important to take a look back on the CIA doctrine for destabilization of Latin America tht was adopted for the 1954 overthrow of the Jacobo Arbenz government in Guatemala and used in successive U.S.-led coups in Latin America ever since. The doctrine was refined by the CIA and Pentagon during both the Nixon and Reagan administrations.
Much of the CIA’s and Pentagon’s current doctrine on Latin America destabilization is found in the declassified CIA manuals for “PBSuccess,” the operation to overthrow Arbenz, who, himself died mysteriously in a bathtub in 1971, while in exile in Mexico City. Refined by the Nixon and Reagan administrations by both the CIA and Pentagon Special Operations forces, the manual for assassinations and destabilization includes the use of murder of individuals with blows to the head by blunt or sharp instruments; falls on to hard surfaces from buildings from at least 75 feet; falls from bridges on to hard surfaces but not water, elevator shafts, and stair wells; staged automobile accidents -- expanded after 1954 to include airplane crashes; poisoning to induce heart attacks and incurable diseases such as cancer; and, for false flag propaganda purposes, assassinations by rifles, machine guns, handguns, and explosions.

Brazil’s leftist President Joao Goulart, overthrown by the Brazilian military in a 1964 coup, died from an alleged heart attack while living in exile in Argentina in 1976. Goulart’s body was never autopsied and there is no official cause of his death documented. In 2000, the former governor of the Brazilian states of Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro, Leonel Brizola alleged that both Goulart and former Brazilian President Juscelino Kubitschek were both victims of Kissinger’s Operation Condor. Kubitschek died in a suspicious car accident. Later, a member of Uruguay’s intelligence service stated that Goulart was poisoned and Kubitschek killed in a staged car accident near Resende, Brazil on the orders of Brazilian dictator Ernesto Geisel, a close ally of Kissinger and Nixon. Kubitschek and Goulart were reportedly assassinated within five months of one another in 1976. Brazil’s progressive president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Brazil’s only progressive leader since Goulart, will see the end of his term on January 1, 2011. Given his popularity in Latin America and around the world, Lula may receive the same treatment as his predecessors given America’s new aggressive covert activities in Latin America.

Chile’s President before Allende, Eduardo Frei Montalva, an original supporter of Pinochet who later turned against him, is suspected of being poisoned to death by toxins in 1982. His son, Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle, narrowly lost last year’s election to Pinochet loyalist Pinera. Medical experts, including those at the FBI, concluded that tissue samples from Frei Montalva’s body contained deadly toxins. Frei Ruiz-Tagle also believes Chile’s DINA intelligence service, which cooperated closely with the CIA in Operation Condor, was responsible for his father’s assassination.

PBSuccess’s “Study of Assassination” contains explanations of the pluses and minuses of several assassination plots, including the stabbing murder of French revolutionary leader Jean-Paul Marat in his bathtub, as well as the gunning down of Abraham Lincoln, Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the ice axe assassination of Leon Trotsky, and the conference room explosion aimed at assassinating Adolf Hitler.
The CIA favored the machine gun method for killing the maximum number of people inside a room. It states, “The sub-machine gun is especially adapted to indoor work when more than one subject is to be assassinated. An effective technique has been devised for the use of a pair of sub-machine gunners, by which a room containing as many as a dozen subjects can be ‘purified’ in about twenty seconds with little or no risk to the gunners.”

The machine gun option appears to have been used to kill Chilean President Salvador Allende and his bodyguards in the CIA’s 1973 coup that brought Pinochet to power. Afterwards, Kissinger employed Operation Condor to use fascist governments in Latin America to track and hunt down and kill opponents of Allende and other left-wing activists.

In Honduras, Panama, Mexico, Chile, and Colombia, a renewed low-key Operation Condor appears to have taken shape under Obama. The machine gun tactic also appears to have been employed by the CIA and India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) in the regicide of Nepal’s royal family on June 1, 2001.
The 470th Military Intelligence Brigade refined PBSuccess procedures in 1987 in a series of training manuals used at the School of the Americas in Georgia to train Latin American military operatives in destabilization tactics. Among the techniques recommended was the creation of blacklists of “enemy agents,” “subversive persons,” hostile political leaders, and known or suspected collaborators and sympathizers of enemies of the government. To give the CIA and Army “plausible deniability,” covert destabilization operations are carried out by “associate” foreign services in order to minimize U.S. requirements for “committing communications to paper.”

For Obama, whose Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was a top officer in the armed forces of General Suharto, who carried out the CIA’s 1965-66 coup against President Sukarno and the Indonesian Communist Party, which saw almost one million accused Communists, as well as ethnic Chinese, systematically genocided, such re-imposition of covert activities in Latin America presents no moral dilemma to Obama, who first witnessed the CIA’s repression as an impressionable young boy of 7 and 8 years old while living in Jakarta. Soetoro was still a senior officer in Suharto’s army when Soetoro enrolled Barack Obama in 1967 as Barry Soetoro in Jakarta’s Fransiskus Assisi Catholic school. In 1967, the Indonesian army and its CIA handlers were still mopping up Indonesia’s left-wing opposition forces. Obama has studiously refrained from mentioning Indonesia’s CIA coup and has twice canceled presidential visits to the country.

Given the similarities of the U.S.-led coups against Hugo Chavez in Venezuela in 2002, the coup against Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004, and the 2009 coup against Manuel Zelaya in Honduras, the CIA and Pentagon appear to have added a less lethal practice to their bag of covert tricks -- kidnapping Latin American presidents at gun point and flying them to other nations against their will.

And Obama’s decision not to rescind George W. Bush’s re-establishment of the U.S. Navy’s Fourth Fleet as part of the US Southern Command means that the United States can always resort to its old “gunboat diplomacy” to enforce its military might and will in Latin America.

Previously published in the Wayne Madsen Report.
Copyright © 2010 WayneMadenReport.com

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report(subscription required).   



anleifr said...

honorable administrator of 'islamic intelligence'...

i have tried to find your email-address from your blogs, but i just didn't found it.

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anleifr@gmail.com ?

i have some questions to ask, which you may know the correct answers.

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anleifr said...


honorable administrator of 'islamic intelligence'...

i have tried to find your email-address from your blogs, but i just didn't found it.

could you please send a short email to 

anleifr@gmail.com ?

i have some questions to ask, which you may know the correct answers.
anleifr said...


honorable administrator of 'islamic intelligence'...

i have tried to find your email-address from your blogs, but i just didn't found it.

could you please send a short email to 

anleifr@gmail.com ?

i have some questions to ask, which you may know the correct answers.
Abu-Suleyman said...
Please feel free to ask ?

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