France-Israel-Algerie: Comme en Guinée, Soudan, la Chine balait tout espoir de retour de la France au Maghreb
Jeu d’influences en Afrique du Nord : l’Algérie au cœur du nouveau Grand échiquier maghrébin ?
1- Depuis le milieu des années 90, l’influence US n’a cessé de s’accroitre au Maghreb, érodant peu à peu mais non moins efficacement l’influence traditionnelle de la France, ancienne puissance tutélaire de quatre pays sur les cinq que compte cet espace géopolitique. Cependant, cette approche offensive, laquelle s’insère dans un schéma plus vaste visant la mainmise sur l’Afrique et de ses ressources naturelles se heurte depuis le début des années 2000 à l’intrusion d’un nouveau venu sur la scène africaine dont les méthodes et la philosophie sont aux antipodes des normes occidentales : La république populaire de Chine. Véritable outsider dans le nouveau grand jeu auquel se livrent les puissances industrielles pour l’accès et le contrôle des approvisionnements en ressources fossiles et minérales dont regorgent les sous-sols de nombreux pays d’Afrique.
2- Contraint de rechercher sans cesse de nouveaux marchés et de nouvelles sources d’approvisionnement pour alimenter une croissance économique souvent à deux chiffres, l’empire du milieu a opéré une véritable mue en mettant fin à des siècles d’introversion. Ce changement de paradigme s’est caractérisé par une dynamique sous-jacente : le concept du Softpower, combinaison d’une stratégie souple et subtile basée sur la coopération et le partage des bénéfices communs dans le cadre du développement Sud-Sud. C’est une approche intelligente contrastant avec les méthodes néo-impérialistes basées aussi bien sur les réseaux clientélistes entre l’ancienne métropole et ses anciennes colonies que le recours intensif à la diplomatie souterraine, chère aux ex-puissances coloniales européennes, ou le recours aux solutions militaires et para-militaires, que privilégient les américains.
3- Il n’est pas de notre propos d’analyser ici le jeu des influences croisées des occidentaux et des chinois en Afrique, qui demeure comme au 19ème siècle et au mépris du temps, l’enjeu des convoitises des puissances. Mais il sera question de tenter de démonter les ressorts d’une partie de ce jeu en Afrique du Nord et plus spécialement en Algérie tout en relevant les implications de cette nouvelle lutte pour l’influence sur ce pays sur le plan régional.
4- Indubitablement, l’Algérie constitue dans ce nouveau Grand Jeu un pays-pivot, aussi bien pour les américains, les européens ou les chinois. Pays producteur d’hydrocarbures, le pays dispose d’une position privilégiée au flanc Sud de l’Union européenne, à moins d’une heure de vol des plus grandes villes européennes situées sur la côte méditerranéenne de l’Europe mais également portail de l’Afrique subsaharienne.
Considérée il y a peu comme un pré-carré de la France, laquelle pour des raisons de contingences historiques, y a gardé une influence assez notable-la France demeure jusqu’à aujourd’hui le premier partenaire de l’Algérie- l’Algérie a émergé vers le début du vingt-et unième siècle d’une douloureuse lutte interne doublée d’une sorte de guerre sociale quasi-permanente induite par une double remise en cause idéologique et économique.
Les efforts de l’Algérie dans la lutte contre le terrorisme vont connaître une reconnaissance tacite de la part des USA après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 et le déclenchement de ce que l’on appela la guerre sans fin contre la terreur. Ce n’est qu’à partir de cette date que les américains et l’OTAN commenceront à jeter les amorces d’une coopération militaire avec l’Algérie.
En parallèle, les américains tentent par l’entremise de certains pays alliés du Moyen-Orient de circonscrire sinon d’éliminer l’influence culturelle française de l’Algérie tout en encourageant leurs multinationales à investir et à soumettre des offres aux avis d’appels d’offres dans le secteur des hydrocarbures et des infrastructures spécifiques. Il faut souligner dans ce contexte que l’économie algérienne, exclusivement dépendante du secteur pétrolier et gazier, a profité d’une série de facteurs exogènes indus par un environnement international instable marqué par l’invasion et l’occupation durable de l’Irak, envoyant à la hausse les prix des hydrocarbures sur les marchés internationaux. L’accroissement des réserves de change, la réduction drastique de la dette extérieure et la stabilité relative des indicateurs macro-économiques de ce pays, malgré de graves lacunes et des dysfonctionnements socio-économiques, ont attiré les convoitises des principales puissances, a fortiori en période de crise financière larvée et de concurrence acharnée pour l’hégémonie.
5-La pénétration US en Algérie a mis à mal la traditionnelle influence française et s’est faite autant par l’intermédiaire des Majors et de compagnies connues pour leurs accointances avec ce qui est connu comme le complexe militaro-industriel US que par des projets de coopération de l’OTAN avec les pays de la rive sud de la méditerranée ; le groupe BRC (Brown and Root Condor), d’autre filiales de Halliburton, de Chevron, de General Electrics et d’autres multinationales jouèrent, avec l’appui de dizaines de sous-traitants provenant de divers pays, le rôle de fer de lance tandis que par le biais de la coopération multilatérale, les américains obtenaient non seulement l’adhésion de l’Algérie à l’accord Open Sky qui ouvrait l’espace aérien de ce pays connu pour son vif activisme contre toute forme d’impérialisme mais également la ratification par ce dernier de tous les instruments multilatéraux relatifs au désarmement nucléaire (protocole additionnel au Traité de Non-Prolifération).
En février 2006, l’administration Bush annonça son intention de créer un commandement militaire pour l’Afrique (Africom) à l’instar des autres commandements dans les autres régions du monde et dont les activités seront focalisées dans un premier temps sur la région volatile du Sahel sur le flanc Sud de l’Algérie. Cette annonce intervient après le lancement d’au moins deux initiatives préparatoires : le Pan-sahel initiative regroupant la plupart des pays des rives du Sahel et une autre plus technique destinée à lutter contre le terrorisme au Sahara. Dans cette optique, la filiale algérienne de Brown and Root Condor, multinationale aux ramifications impressionnantes et proches de l’ancien vice-président Dick Cheney, entreprit la réfection et la construction de l’aéroport de Tamanrasset. Toutefois, cette société de droit algérien a fini par être dissoute après un obscur scandale de corruption tandis que la base aérienne de Tamanrasset, réclamée par l’Africom sera utilisé par l’état-major conjoint des pays du Sahel chargé de la lutte contre les groupes terroristes et la criminalité organisée transfrontalière au Sahel. Malgré cela, l’Algérie ne réussira pas à acquérir certains systèmes d’armement auprès des américains en raison de l’opposition du Congrès US à avaliser des ventes de matériel sensible à un pays toujours perçu avec suspicion.
6- Bien qu’ayant perdu d’importants marchés, la France n’en continua pas moins d’être assez offensive, notamment à travers la stratégie des réseaux officieux et des insondables expédients de la diplomatie parallèle. Les concessionnaires automobiles français se taillent une part de lion sur le marché algérien mais doivent s’accommoder de nouveaux concurrents, européens bien sûr mais également asiatiques.
Pour la première fois, des concessionnaires automobiles chinois pénètrent le marché algérien. Les chinois sont aussi présents en force dans le secteur des bâtiments et des infrastructures, des hydrocarbures et de la sous-traitance, gagnant des marchés au détriment des français et des américains.
L’approche chinoise en Algérie s’est basée initialement sur une présence d’une main d’œuvre importée de Chine continentale. Inédit dans un pays comme l’Algérie, déserté par les ressortissants et les touristes étrangers pendant toute la décennie 90 durant laquelle le pays connut de sérieux troubles internes et fut soumis à un embargo qui ne dit pas son nom. Les chinois réussirent une percée remarquée dans les secteurs des télécommunications et de la téléphonie mobile avec la coopération conjointe de Huawei et de Siemens pour le compte de l’opérateur algérien de téléphonie mobile « Mobilis » . Mais c’est le gros lot que représentait l’immense projet de construction de l’Autoroute Est-Ouest, décroché en premier par des sociétés chinoises qui allait mettre le feu aux poudres et faire réagir et la France et les USA.
De toute évidence, il était prévisible que cette présence en force d’un outsider comme la Chine en Algérie, pays avec lequel il est lié par d’excellentes relations puisque elle fut l’un des premiers pays à reconnaître son indépendance de la France en 1962, allait tôt ou tard poser problème aux occidentaux. Et ce n’est pas un hasard si le succès des chinois en Algérie fut perçu comme une menace au sens stratégique du terme. Au point de contraindre un ancien diplomate US qui était en poste à Alger à qualifier la venue de travailleurs chinois en Algérie de regrettable « erreur ».
De l’autre côté de la méditerranée, les français observaient avec un mélange d’agacement et de contrariété l’intrusion des chinois et par-dessus tout leur succès à se tailler des marchés juteux dans un pays potentiellement riche (importantes réserves de change) mais dont le mode de vie des populations connait une régression et une importante érosion du pouvoir d’achat.
7-Un incident mineur entre des ouvriers chinois et des islamistes survenus dans une banlieue algéroise allait donner prétexte à des médias occidentaux de souligner le caractère néfaste de la présence chinoise. Il faut rappeler également que des convois de travailleurs chinois sur des chantiers d’autoroutes ont subi une attaque revendiquée par l’ex-GSPC (groupe salafiste pour la prédication et le combat) devenu Al-Qaida au pays du Maghreb Islamique et dont le communiqué assez ambigu appelait ouvertement à s’attaquer aux intérêts chinois en Algérie en représailles à de supposées exactions chinoises contre les musulmans Ouigours dans la province occidentale chinoise du Xinjiang (Turkestan oriental).
Des procédés qui rappellent ceux utilisés dans d’autres pays d’Afrique comme en Ethiopie en 2007 où des ouvriers chinois travaillant pour une société de prospection pétrolière chinoise ont été tués par des rebelles du front national de libération de l’Ogaden, provoquant le retrait chinois de cette province riche en hydrocarbures ou au Niger septentrional où un cadre chinois de « China Nuclear International Uranium Corporation » a été enlevé en 2008 par des rebelles Touaregs pour protester contre la fourniture d’armes au pouvoir à Niamey. Dans les deux cas, les chinois faisaient intrusion dans des domaines dominés par les multinationales occidentales (l’américain Chevron en Ethiopie et le français Areva au Niger) et certains observateurs n’ont pas manqué de relever de frappantes coïncidences, presque douteuses.
8- Le changement d’attitude du gouvernement algérien vis-à-vis des opérateurs étrangers en 2009 puise ses raisons dans une tentative de réduire un déséquilibre devenu trop flagrant dans les relations entre l’Etat et les différentes compagnies présentes en Algérie et un immense gaspillage de ressources, dans lequel la fuite des capitaux à l’étranger et l’accroissement des dépenses sans contrepartie de valeur ajoutée en retour posa un risque réel aux intérêts du pays.
Ce fut cependant moins pour ces raisons que pour tenter de détenir un moyen de coercition en tant qu’outil de pression dans ses relations avec ses partenaires que l’Etat algérien a agi. Cela a immédiatement détérioré des relations en dent de scie avec la France pour laquelle le marché algérien revêtait une certaine importance en ces temps de crise financière mais également déclenché l’ire des américains. Les représailles ne se sont pas fait attendre et l’Algérie se retrouva aussitôt dans une liste de pays noirs.
En même temps, la pression augmentait sur les chinois que la presse accuse désormais de corruption et de complicité de corruption avec des institutions algériennes, notamment dans le projet de l’autoroute Est-Ouest.
En général assez discrète, la partie chinoise finit par réagir par la voix de son ambassadeur à Alger en déclarant publiquement que la présence chinoise en Algérie « dérangeait beaucoup… ». Et il n’est pas sans souligner que depuis peu, les chinois ne cachent plus leur embarras devant certains agissements en vigueur dans la sphère administrative et économique locale.
Sous couvert d’anonymat, certains cadres chinois considèrent que les accusations de corruption qui ont entaché quelques uns d’entre eux ne doit pas nuire aux bonnes relations entre les deux pays et qu’en matière de corruption, ils étaient moins susceptibles de reproches que les autres opérateurs étrangers des autres pays présents en force en Algérie comme l’Egypte (téléphonie mobile et matériaux de construction), la Croatie (infrastructures), l’Italie, la France, la Turquie et les USA.
9-Sur le registre stratégique, depuis février 2006, les activités militaires US en Afrique (Africom) ont connu une hausse assez spectaculaire dans le but déclaré d’intégrer le continent africain dans la guerre globale contre le terrorisme. En réalité, l’Africom vise entre autres à sécuriser et à protéger l’accès aux matières stratégiques et de constituer une grande stratégie d’endiguement de la Chine en Afrique et ce malgré que les importations chinoises en hydrocarbures en provenance de l’Afrique sub-saharienne ne dépassent pas 10% de l’ensemble des ses importations globales en la matière, ce qui est relativement peu si l’on compare ce chiffre aux importations US en hydrocarbures de cette région du monde (32%).
Néanmoins, les chinois qui axent leur stratégie sur le Soft power, sont déjà présents dans le Golfe de Guinée et au Sud du Nigeria, riches en pétrole, fournissent un appui militaire au Soudan et au Zimbabwe, financent le développement au Congo, principale source des ressources minérales entrant dans la fabrication des téléphones portables et des ordinateurs (Cobalt, Manganèse, etc.), entretiennent des relations privilégiées avec l’Afrique du Sud et se sont solidement implantés en Algérie, au flanc Sud de l’Europe.
10-De fait, il ne fait aucun doute que l’Algérie fait actuellement l’objet d’une âpre concurrence entre les USA et la France d’un côté et entre ces derniers et la Chine. La Russie, partenaire traditionnel de l’Algérie en matière de défense, ne s’y est pas trompée et commence à vouloir une place en proposant à Alger de prendre en charge la modernisation des infrastructures ferroviaires. Mais même dans le domaine des fournitures en armes, la Chine peut à terme, se poser en concurrent de la Russie et de l’Afrique du Sud pour ce qui est du marché algérien, puisque une part de plus importante des composants électroniques entrant dans la fabrication des systèmes d’armes d’un bon nombre de pays, y compris d’Europe et d’Amérique du Nord, sont d’origine chinoise.
En 2008, la Chine a cédé à l’Algérie des missiles antinavires de type C-802, des munitions et des composants électroniques destinés aux radars. Les efforts de la Chine se dirigent également sur la propagation de son image pacifique et le rayonnement de sa culture dans le monde entier avec la création d’instituts « Confucius » et de chaines de télévision multilingues. Cette stratégie vise à contrecarrer ce que Pékin nomme la propagande occidentale.
Dans le long terme, l’appréhension des occidentaux concerne l’extension jusqu’en en Méditerranée du collier de perles chinois, nom donné à l’ensemble des bases navales chinoises disséminées de la mer de Chine au Sri Lanka et bientôt en Mer d’Oman, chargées de protéger les routes d’approvisionnement de la Chine.
Un scénario pas totalement improbable puisque d’ores et déjà, des unités de la marine chinoise opèrent près des côtes somaliennes et non loin du détroit de Bab el-Mendeb, important point de passage du fret maritime mondial.
Plus concrètement, les américains craignent un renforcement continu de l’influence chinoise en Algérie et dans le reste du Maghreb pouvant conduire certains de ses États à octroyer à la Chine des facilités d’usage de bases et d’escales maritimes, à l’instar de la base de Mers El Kébir près d’Oran, commandant toute la méditerranée occidentale. Ce qui mettrait les ports européens en Méditerranée à la portée de la marine chinoise.
Wissem Chekkat
Guerre civile en France : Apres Merkel, les helvetes fracassent Sarkozy
Apparement, les suisses vivent mal le fait que l'Allemagne et la France se battent pour recuperer leur morceau de Gruyere Suisse, apres la Belgique, ca la fait pas, ils en sont convaincus, la Suisse est la proie de predateurs franco-allemand. La Suisse etant le repere de terroristes de la France-Israel-Afrique, Sarkozy a voulu y prendre le controle total, mais c'etait sans compter sur les autres partis politiques tous aussi corrompus et pourris les uns que les autres. Les helvetes ont donc negocié avec les partis politiques et en sont venus a la conclusion que le depart de Sarkozy etait preferable pour tout le monde, la prise de controle de l'Oreal sera negociée plus tard pour ne pas servir d'alibi a Sarkozy. Revers de baton, mais Merkel a recu le meme traitement, sauf que Merkel s'appuit sur le tocard de Freyssinger et les evangelistes germanophones ultra-racistes sionistes pour continuer le travail de sape et de division, des fois que les islamo-bamboulas ne prennent toutes les banques suisses.
Sarkozy, lui a cru bon intimider avec ses listings de la DGSE et ses 3000 noms... 3000 clients potentiels pour le financement de sa campagne de 2012, vous payez et on oublie l'affaire... Gourmand le nain de jardin, il s'en mord les doigts ! Au plus mal, Sarkozy ressemble a Domenech, qu'il a lui meme pris plaisir a manipuler et detruire, il connait la fin de l'histoire ! Seul bibi peut lui sauver la mise en declenchant une guerre ou des attentats a la bombe sale en France... Mais ca c'est pour la suite !
Geneve est egalement la place ou la DST et le gouvernement francais sont poursuivis pour genocide en Algerie, dans le cadre des scandales des GIAs, avec Madrid, La Haye et Strasbourg maintenant. Une thermo-bombe qui declenchera la chute de la republique sans que personne sur cette planete n'y trouve a y redire quoi que ce soit, c'est pas faute d'avoir essayé Sarkozy!
Il faudra plus que les clefs du coffre-fort d'Ali Bongo au Congo pour etre re-elu, d'autant que les algeriens financent ouvertement Villepin et Royal. Comme Blair, Sarkozy devra mendier chez les Rotchield a Londres et compter sur la mafia juive sioniste russe, qui a beaucoup de comptes en Suisse. Difficile fin de regne, Chirac s'est bien mieux debrouillé !
Abu Suleyman
Démission : Et pourquoi pas Sarko ?
6 juillet 2010 (Nouvelle Solidarité) — Depuis le début de l’affaire Bettencourt, on se demande au sein de la Rédaction S&P, pourquoi on se focalise sur Eric Woerth et non sur Sarko.
Depuis le départ, notre cher Président de la République est impliqué. Interrogé par l’actionnaire majoritaire de L’Oréal sur l’avancée de l’affaire qui l’oppose à sa fille, son éminence grise Patrice de Maistre répond : « Je n’ai qu’une indication. C’est que j’ai vu, euh, l’ancien conseiller de Nicolas Sarkozy pour les affaires juridiques et judiciaires, Patrick Ouart, qui n’est plus à l’Elysée mais qui n’a pas été remplacé et qui travaille chez Bernard Arnault, et qui m’aime beaucoup. Et il a voulu me voir l’autre jour et il m’a dit, M. de Maistre, le président continue de suivre ça de très près… (…) Et en première instance, on ne peut rien faire de plus, mais on peut vous dire qu’en cour d’appel, si vous perdez, on connaît très, très bien le procureur. »
Et pourtant, tout s’est focalisé sur notre ministre du Budget. Bizarre, non ?
Heureusement, ce malheureux oubli semble en voie d’être réparé par les dernières déclarations de l’ex comptable de la milliardaire, Claire T. Elle raconte sur MediaPart : « C’était à la fin du mois de mars 2007. Patrice de Maistre, qui était devenu celui qui "s’occupait" des politiques du fait de la maladie de Dédé [André Bettencourt], m’a convoqué pour me demander d’aller retirer à la banque une somme trois fois supérieure à l’habitude, à savoir 150.000 euros. J’ai refusé, en expliquant que mon accréditif ne me le permettait pas. Il s’est énervé, en me disant que la banque ne nous refuserait pas ce service. Je lui ai demandé la raison pour laquelle il lui fallait absolument récupérer un tel montant, et là, il m’a répondu : "Mais enfin, c’est pour financer la campagne présidentielle de Sarkozy ! Je dois donner de l’argent à celui qui s’occupe du financement de la campagne, Eric Woerth. Et 50.000 euros, ce n’est pas suffisant". »
Claire T. reprend son récit : « Malgré l’insistance de Maistre, qui a quasiment piqué une crise de nerfs, j’ai refusé. Je me souviens même avoir appelé Eva, mon interlocutrice à la BNP de la Place Vendôme, l’agence où Liliane Bettencourt a son compte principal, pour lui demander son avis. Je ne lui ai pas parlé du financement de Sarkozy, mais elle a bien compris… Elle m’a dit que je devais refuser, qu’il ne fallait pas que je dépasse mon accréditif, sinon cela risquait d’alerter Tracfin [le service anti-blanchiment de Bercy, NDLR MédiaPart]. Donc je me suis rendue comme d’habitude avenue de la Grande-Armée, j’ai retiré 50.000 euros, que j’ai remis à Liliane Bettencourt, qui a ensuite donné l’enveloppe à Maistre, devant moi. Et j’ai rempli le carnet de caisse, avec, en regard de la somme, la mention « Bettencourt », que j’ai écrite moi-même. Je faisais toujours comme ça lorsqu’il s’agissait de l’argent destiné aux politiques, car il ne fallait pas de trace écrite. Si Liliane Bettencourt leur donne les carnets de caisse, les policiers pourront vérifier mes dires. Je me souviens de la date de ce retrait destiné à la campagne de Sarkozy : c’était le 26 mars 2007 ».
Plus loin, elle résume : « Nicolas Sarkozy recevait aussi son enveloppe, ça se passait dans l’un des petits salons situés au rez-de-chaussée, près de la salle à manger. Ca se passait généralement après le repas, tout le monde le savait dans la maison. Comme M. et Mme Bettencourt souffraient tous les deux de surdité, ils parlaient très forts et de l’autre côté de la porte, on entendait souvent des choses que l’on n’aurait pas dû entendre. Encore une fois, tout le monde savait dans la maison que Sarkozy aussi allait voir les Bettencourt pour récupérer de l’argent. C’était un habitué. Le jour où il venait, lui comme les autres d’ailleurs, on me demandait juste avant le repas d’apporter une enveloppe kraft demi-format, avec laquelle il repartait. Je ne suis pas stupide quand même, inutile de me faire un dessin pour comprendre ce qu’il se passait… ».
Bref, il serait peut-être temps d’arrêter de parler d’affaire Woerth…
…d’autant que ça fait tache au milieu de l’affaire Karachi (encore une affaire de grosses coupures)…
Il y en a qui ont dû prendre la porte pour moins que ça. Parfois juste pour incompétence face à la crise financière…
Israel et la guerre civile en Europe : Tous les partis de l'extreme droite européenne sont dirigés depuis Tel Aviv

La droite dure européenne au secours d’Israël
De nombreuses forces politiques européennes, de la droite populiste à la droite traditionnelle, envisagent désormais le conflit israélo-palestinien comme l’une des composantes de la guerre de civilisation contre l’islam.
Geert Wilders, le chef du parti populiste néerlandais qui est devenu la troisième force du pays aux élections législatives de juin, vient d’affirmer ses vues sur le conflit (« Geert Wilders : Change Jordan’s name to Palestine », Y-Net, 20 juin) :
« Si Jérusalem tombe aux mains des musulmans, Athènes et Rome suivront. Ainsi, Jérusalem est la principale ligne de défense de l’Occident. Ce n’est pas un conflit sur le territoire, mais une bataille idéologique entre la mentalité de l’Occident libéré et l’idéologie de la barbarie islamique. »
Il a donc proposé comme solution de... rebaptiser la Jordanie et de l’appeler « Palestine ». Cela, selon lui, suffirait à régler le problème palestinien.
Rappelons que cette idée, « la Palestine c’est la Jordanie », fut longtemps défendue par la droite israélienne (notamment après 1967). Le Parti travailliste, lui, prônait l’option jordanienne, c’est-à-dire la négociation avec le régime hachémite (plutôt qu’avec l’OLP) pour arriver à un compromis territorial qui aurait permis de laisser le soin à la Jordanie de gérer la majorité des habitants de Cisjordanie (et d’éviter ainsi qu’Israël ne se retrouve avec « trop » de citoyens palestiniens).
Dans un précédent envoi sur l’attitude de la droite européenne, j’avais cité Laurent Chambon :
« Une des inventions bénéluxiennes les plus populaires est une extrême droite post-coloniale et post-raciste (en tout cas dans sa forme), qui base son rejet des migrants sur des critères laïcs et “progressistes”. Le Vlaams Belang de Filip Dewinter en est un bel avatar flamingant et islamophobe, et Pim Fortuyn et sa LPF, Rita Verdonk et son Troots op Nederland (ToN, “Fier des Pays-Bas”) comme Geert Wilders et son Partij voor de Vrijheid en sont différentes versions néerlandaises. »
La droite dure suisse n’est pas en reste. Oscar Freysinger, l’homme à l’origine de la « votation » sur l’interdiction de la construction de minarets en novembre 2009, explique : « Notre parti a toujours défendu Israël parce que nous sommes bien conscients que, si Israël disparaissait, nous perdrions notre avant-garde. (…) Aussi longtemps que les musulmans sont concentrés sur Israël, le combat n’est pas dur pour nous. Mais aussitôt qu’Israël aura disparu, ils viendront s’emparer de l’Occident. » (Cité par Olivier Moss, in Les Minarets de la discorde, sous la direction de Patrick Haenni et Stéphane Lathion, Religioscope-Infolio, 2009.)
L’ancien premier ministre espagnol José María Aznar va dans le même sens dans un texte publié le 17 juin par The Times de Londres et traduit sur le site Le¨, le 19 juin, sous le titre « José María Aznar : “Israël / Occident : notre destin est inextricablement lié” ».
« Israël est notre première ligne de défense dans une région turbulente qui risque constamment de sombrer dans le chaos, une région vitale pour notre sécurité énergétique en raison de notre dépendance excessive au pétrole du Moyen-Orient, une région qui forme la ligne de front dans la lutte contre l’extrémisme. Si Israël tombe, nous tombons tous. »
Intervenant le 30 juin sur une radio israélienne, Aznar a confirmé :
« Israël ne fait pas partie du Proche-Orient, il s’agit d’un Etat occidental qui se trouve dans cette région. C’est une démocratie tout à fait normale, qui a beaucoup souffert par le passé et notre rôle consiste à le soutenir en tant que démocratie. » Il a ajouté : « Lorsque nous luttons pour Israël, nous luttons également pour notre propre bien. » (Cité par le site L’Argument, « José María Aznar réitère son soutien à Israël ».)
Ces prises de position de la droite dure ou des nouvelles formations populistes européennes confirment un glissement que souligne, pour s’en réjouir, un commentateur israélien écrivant dans le quotidien Maariv (24 juin). Il s’appelle Nadav Haetzni (partisan, par ailleurs, de retirer le passeport israélien aux Palestiniens vivant en Israël) : « En Europe, il existe des signes de changements vitaux qu’il faut qu’Israël alimente.
De nombreux Européens se rendent enfin compte des conséquences d’une politique de la porte ouverte à l’immigration issue de l’Afrique du Nord et des pays arabes. Le côté positif de la venue d’une main-d’œuvre bon marché est désormais contrebalancé par ce qu’apportent avec eux nombre de ces immigrants : l’extrémisme et une volonté d’imposer l’islam à la vieille Europe. A Amsterdam, Paris et Madrid, on se réveille finalement et on est terrifié par la direction qui est imposée à l’Occident. Cette prise de conscience permet de mieux comprendre ce que nous avons eu à affronter depuis la naissance du sionisme politique. Il est donc temps (...) de commencer à écouter ces nouvelles voix venues d’Europe. »
Cela fait de nombreuses années que des journalistes ou des intellectuels dénoncent l’invasion musulmane de l’Europe, de Bat Ye’or, qui fut une pionnière, à Alain Besançon. Dans le monde anglo-saxon, les livres sur ce thème sont pléthore. Ce discours est désormais relayé par certains partis de la droite populiste ou extrême ; abandonnant l’antisémitisme pour l’islamophobie (un tournant que d’autres formations comme le Front national n’ont pas encore assumé, le vieil antisémitisme y restant puissant), ils proclament qu’Israël serait le bastion avancé de la civilisation dans sa lutte contre la barbarie...
Geert Wilders, le chef du parti populiste néerlandais qui est devenu la troisième force du pays aux élections législatives de juin, vient d’affirmer ses vues sur le conflit (« Geert Wilders : Change Jordan’s name to Palestine », Y-Net, 20 juin) :
« Si Jérusalem tombe aux mains des musulmans, Athènes et Rome suivront. Ainsi, Jérusalem est la principale ligne de défense de l’Occident. Ce n’est pas un conflit sur le territoire, mais une bataille idéologique entre la mentalité de l’Occident libéré et l’idéologie de la barbarie islamique. »
Il a donc proposé comme solution de... rebaptiser la Jordanie et de l’appeler « Palestine ». Cela, selon lui, suffirait à régler le problème palestinien.
Rappelons que cette idée, « la Palestine c’est la Jordanie », fut longtemps défendue par la droite israélienne (notamment après 1967). Le Parti travailliste, lui, prônait l’option jordanienne, c’est-à-dire la négociation avec le régime hachémite (plutôt qu’avec l’OLP) pour arriver à un compromis territorial qui aurait permis de laisser le soin à la Jordanie de gérer la majorité des habitants de Cisjordanie (et d’éviter ainsi qu’Israël ne se retrouve avec « trop » de citoyens palestiniens).
Dans un précédent envoi sur l’attitude de la droite européenne, j’avais cité Laurent Chambon :
« Une des inventions bénéluxiennes les plus populaires est une extrême droite post-coloniale et post-raciste (en tout cas dans sa forme), qui base son rejet des migrants sur des critères laïcs et “progressistes”. Le Vlaams Belang de Filip Dewinter en est un bel avatar flamingant et islamophobe, et Pim Fortuyn et sa LPF, Rita Verdonk et son Troots op Nederland (ToN, “Fier des Pays-Bas”) comme Geert Wilders et son Partij voor de Vrijheid en sont différentes versions néerlandaises. »
La droite dure suisse n’est pas en reste. Oscar Freysinger, l’homme à l’origine de la « votation » sur l’interdiction de la construction de minarets en novembre 2009, explique : « Notre parti a toujours défendu Israël parce que nous sommes bien conscients que, si Israël disparaissait, nous perdrions notre avant-garde. (…) Aussi longtemps que les musulmans sont concentrés sur Israël, le combat n’est pas dur pour nous. Mais aussitôt qu’Israël aura disparu, ils viendront s’emparer de l’Occident. » (Cité par Olivier Moss, in Les Minarets de la discorde, sous la direction de Patrick Haenni et Stéphane Lathion, Religioscope-Infolio, 2009.)
L’ancien premier ministre espagnol José María Aznar va dans le même sens dans un texte publié le 17 juin par The Times de Londres et traduit sur le site Le¨, le 19 juin, sous le titre « José María Aznar : “Israël / Occident : notre destin est inextricablement lié” ».
« Israël est notre première ligne de défense dans une région turbulente qui risque constamment de sombrer dans le chaos, une région vitale pour notre sécurité énergétique en raison de notre dépendance excessive au pétrole du Moyen-Orient, une région qui forme la ligne de front dans la lutte contre l’extrémisme. Si Israël tombe, nous tombons tous. »
Intervenant le 30 juin sur une radio israélienne, Aznar a confirmé :
« Israël ne fait pas partie du Proche-Orient, il s’agit d’un Etat occidental qui se trouve dans cette région. C’est une démocratie tout à fait normale, qui a beaucoup souffert par le passé et notre rôle consiste à le soutenir en tant que démocratie. » Il a ajouté : « Lorsque nous luttons pour Israël, nous luttons également pour notre propre bien. » (Cité par le site L’Argument, « José María Aznar réitère son soutien à Israël ».)
Ces prises de position de la droite dure ou des nouvelles formations populistes européennes confirment un glissement que souligne, pour s’en réjouir, un commentateur israélien écrivant dans le quotidien Maariv (24 juin). Il s’appelle Nadav Haetzni (partisan, par ailleurs, de retirer le passeport israélien aux Palestiniens vivant en Israël) : « En Europe, il existe des signes de changements vitaux qu’il faut qu’Israël alimente.
De nombreux Européens se rendent enfin compte des conséquences d’une politique de la porte ouverte à l’immigration issue de l’Afrique du Nord et des pays arabes. Le côté positif de la venue d’une main-d’œuvre bon marché est désormais contrebalancé par ce qu’apportent avec eux nombre de ces immigrants : l’extrémisme et une volonté d’imposer l’islam à la vieille Europe. A Amsterdam, Paris et Madrid, on se réveille finalement et on est terrifié par la direction qui est imposée à l’Occident. Cette prise de conscience permet de mieux comprendre ce que nous avons eu à affronter depuis la naissance du sionisme politique. Il est donc temps (...) de commencer à écouter ces nouvelles voix venues d’Europe. »
Cela fait de nombreuses années que des journalistes ou des intellectuels dénoncent l’invasion musulmane de l’Europe, de Bat Ye’or, qui fut une pionnière, à Alain Besançon. Dans le monde anglo-saxon, les livres sur ce thème sont pléthore. Ce discours est désormais relayé par certains partis de la droite populiste ou extrême ; abandonnant l’antisémitisme pour l’islamophobie (un tournant que d’autres formations comme le Front national n’ont pas encore assumé, le vieil antisémitisme y restant puissant), ils proclament qu’Israël serait le bastion avancé de la civilisation dans sa lutte contre la barbarie...
Le nouveau plan directeur d’Israël

L'horreur de la destruction des maisons. Ici à Silwan, le 2 mars 2009
Quelques jours avant sa visite prévue le 7 juillet à Washington, le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu semble vouloir contrecarrer les efforts américains pour faire avancer les discussions indirectes entre Israël et l’Autorité palestinienne (AP). Cette semaine, un organisme du gouvernement israélien a approuvé « un plan directeur sans précédent » pour une expansion tous azimuts des colonies juives qui aurait pour effet de « décapiter » - pour reprendre le mot d’un responsable palestinien – l’identité arabe de Jérusalem Est.
Le projet verrait la construction de dizaines de milliers d’appartements réservés aux juifs à Jérusalem-Est sur des terrains appartenant aux Palestiniens.
Le Conseil municipal de Jérusalem, contrôlé par des radicaux juifs fanatiques qui prônent le nettoyage ethnique des non-juifs dans la ville, essaie de faire appliquer le plan avec un feu vert discernable du gouvernement.
En substance, le plan ne laisserait aucune place à l’expansion future des Arabes à Jérusalem, puisque virtuellement tout l’espace libre restant, ou « espaces verts », serait utilisé pour « le développement juif ».
Les 270.000 habitants arabes de Jérusalem Est sont déjà confinés à seulement 13% de leur ville, alors que plus de 85% ont été saisis par les autorités juives depuis 1967, lorsqu’Israël a occupé Jérusalem Est et le reste de la Cisjordanie.
Selon des responsables palestiniens, le plan – s’il se réalisait – constituerait un tournant dans le conflit israélo-palestinien et conduirait certainement à un effondrement potentiellement violent du fragile et incertain processus de paix.
« Je ne crois pas que le processus de paix résiste à ce plan d’extension de la colonisation juive à Jérusalem. En fait, l’objectif principal de ce plan est de tuer tout ce qui reste d’espoir de paix, » dit Ghassan Al-Khatib, porte-parole de l’AP à Ramallah. « C’est plus qu’une provocation. C’est de fait une décapitation du processus de paix. »
Le Président de l’AP Mahmoud Abbas a dit à des journalistes à Ramallah le 29 juin que « nous n’avons rien entendu d’Israël qui nous encourage à continuer à négocier. » « Nous verrons ce que George Mitchell (l’envoyé spécial des Nations-Unies) emmène avec lui. S’il a des réponses positives de la part des Israéliens, alors nous pourrions accepter des pourparlers directs. Mais nous n’avons rien entendu venant de lui qui nous encourage à continuer à négocier. »
Mitchell est arrivé à Ramallah le jeudi 1er juillet, et les derniers projets d’expansion de la colonisation israélienne devraient être en tête de l’ordre du jour des discussions avec Abbas. Depuis qu’il est entré en fonction, Mitchell a visité la région 18 fois, sans aboutir à aucun progrès réel.
Les responsables israéliens, dont Netanyahu, se sont soigneusement gardés de donner des détails sur le plan. Leur réticence semble motivée par le désir de ne pas gâcher la visite prochaine de Netanyahu à Washington.
Les médias israéliens ont rapporté que l’administration Obama est déçue par la lenteur du processus de paix, en particulier les pourparlers de proximité Israël/AP. Washington exhorte les deux parties à passer à des pourparlers directs, bien que rien ne suggère que passer à des pourparlers directs fasse une différence.
Netanyahu lui aussi a demandé à l’AP de s’engager dans des discussions directes. Cependant, il est entendu que c’est une posture destinée à donner l’impression fausse que ce sont les Palestiniens qui empêchent des progrès vers la paix. Le Premier ministre israélien peut aussi avoir en tête de détourner l’attention pour étendre considérablement les colonies juives après l’expiration, en septembre prochain, d’un moratoire largement hypocrite sur l’expansion des colonies adopté sous la pression des Etats-Unis au début de cette année.
D’un autre côté, Netanyahu semble convaincu que l’administration Obama est surtout un tigre de papier et que le puissant lobby juif américain sera capable de contrer le président dans toute confrontation sur Israël. Les calculs de Netanyahu à cet égard ne semblent pas déconnectés de la réalité. De nombreux sénateurs et congressistes, des deux partis, ont déjà censuré le président pour « exercer trop de pressions sur Israël. »
Pour exemple de l’excessive confiance d’Israël, cette semaine, le gouvernement israélien a approuvé un plan de démolition de 22 maisons arabes dans le quartier de Silwan, à Jérusalem Est, démolitions qui font partie d’un projet plus vaste de destruction des maisons arabes dans un quartier arabe densément peuplé. Israël dit qu’il veut construire dans le secteur un parc talmudique et autres attractions touristiques, pour le rendre plus « attractif ».
Les Palestiniens de Jérusalem-Est, déjà exaspérés par les efforts israéliens incessants de réduire leurs horizons, menacent d’un soulèvement général. « Je pense que les Israéliens nous poussent dans une situation où nous n’avons plus rien à perdre, » dit H. Abu Saoud, résident de longue date de la ville. « Israël pousse les Jérusalémites à la violence. Que feriez-vous si vous faisiez face, quotidiennement, à des persécutions systématiques ? »
Source : Al AhramAmerican Zionist Jews Terrorists behind the swtich-kill internet in the West, they lost control of itGuess Who Wants to Kill the Internet?By Maidhc Ó Cathail
It would be hard to think of anyone who has done more to undermine American freedoms than Joseph Lieberman.
Since 9/11, the Independent senator from Connecticut has introduced a raft of legislation in the name of the “global war on terror” which has steadily eroded constitutional rights. If the United States looks increasingly like a police state, Senator Lieberman has to take much of the credit for it.
On October 11, 2001, exactly one month after 9/11, Lieberman introduced S. 1534, a bill to establish a Department of Homeland Security. Since then, he has been the main mover behind such draconian legislation as the Protect America Act of 2007, the Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010, and the proposed Terrorist Expatriation Act, which would revoke the citizenship of Americans suspected of terrorism. And now the senator from Connecticut wants to kill the Internet.
According to the bill he recently proposed in the Senate, the entire global internet is to be claimed as a “national asset” of the United States. If Congress passes the bill, the US President would be given the power to “kill” the internet in the event of a “national cyber-emergency.” Supporters of the legislation say this is necessary to prevent a “cyber 9/11” – yet another myth from the fear mongers who brought us tales of “Iraqi WMD” and “Iranian nukes.”
Lieberman’s concerns about the internet are not new. The United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, which Lieberman chairs, released a report in 2008 titled “Violent Islamist Extremism, The Internet, and the Homegrown Terrorist Threat.” The report claimed that groups like al-Qaeda use the internet to indoctrinate and recruit members, and to communicate with each other.
Immediately after the report was published, Lieberman asked Google, the parent company of You Tube, to “immediately remove content produced by Islamist terrorist organizations.” That might sound like a reasonable request. However, as far as Lieberman is concerned, Hamas, Hezbollah and even the Iranian Revolutionary Guard are terrorist organizations.
It’s hardly surprising that Lieberman’s views on what constitute terrorism parallel those of Tel Aviv. As Mark Vogel, chairman of the largest pro-Israel Political Action Committee (PAC) in the United States, once said: “Joe Lieberman, without exception, no conditions … is the No. 1 pro-Israel advocate and leader in Congress. There is nobody who does more on behalf of Israel than Joe Lieberman.”
Lieberman has been well-rewarded for his patriotism – to another country. In the past six years, he has been the Senate’s top recipient of political contributions from pro-Israel PACs with a staggering $1,226,956.
But what is it that bothers Lieberman so much about the internet? Could it be that it allows ordinary Americans access to facts which reveal exactly what kind of “friend” Israel has been to its overgenerous benefactor? Facts which they have been denied by the pro-Israel mainstream media.
How much faith would American voters have in the likes of Lieberman, who claims that the Jewish state is their greatest ally, if they knew that Israeli agents planted firebombs in American installations in Egypt in 1954 in an attempt to undermine relations between Nasser and the United States; that Israel murdered 34 American servicemen in a deliberate attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967; that Israeli espionage, most notably Jonathan Pollard’s spying, has done tremendous damage to American interests; that five Mossad agents were filming and celebrating as the Twin Towers collapsed on September 11, 2001; that Tel Aviv and its accomplices in Washington were the source of the false pre-war intelligence on Iraq; and about countless other examples of treachery?
In his latest attempt to censor the internet, does Lieberman really want to protect the American people from imaginary cyber-terrorists? Or is he just trying to protect his treasonous cronies from the American people?
Maidhc Ó Cathail is a widely published writer based in Japan. To read more of his writing, go to Maidhc Ó Cathail: Writing and Analysis. Quand Israel veut fabriquer des Musulmans sur mesure en France et provoque la guerre civile deliberement
Musulmans et Juifs : deux traitements différents
Les deux exemples donnés ci-dessous, sont tirés de la lecture du site du CRIF et concerne deux articles mis en ligne par le CRIF, le 29 juin 2010.
Le premier exemple, un message de Sarkozy adressé au CRIF et à la communauté juive, à l'occasion de la réélection de son président, Richard Prasquier.
C'est une distinction appuyée attribuant à la communauté juive des qualités citoyennes et républicaines exceptionnelles ; et qui consacre le CRIF "interlocuteur essentiel de l'Etat" avec lequel il "partage des convictions humanistes" (sic)
"Je sais combien est réel et profond l'attachement des Juifs de France aux valeurs de la République, ainsi qu'à la Nation française" . Il ajoute : "Le CRIF que vous présidez est un interlocuteur essentiel de l'Etat" ; la qualité de nos relations (sont) marquées par l'amitié et la confiance mutuelles, mais aussi par les convictions humanistes que nous avons en partage".
Merci pour les autres citoyens de la République !!!!
Et aussi pour les principes fondateurs de la République, stipulant que tous les Français sont égaux !
Dans le second article,
le CRIF cite et analyse le discours prononcé par le Premier ministre, François Fillon, à l'occasion de l'inauguration de la mosquée d'Argenteuil, ce lundi 28 juin 2010, stipulant qu'il avait un message à faire passer " Aux responsables de l'Islam de France, prompts à dénoncer "l'Islamophobie" dans toute action visant à combattre l'intégrisme et à défendre la laïcité" et que "son gouvernement est aussi déterminé à combattre toutes les discriminations et agressions dirigées contre la communauté musulmane qu'à combattre le fondamentalisme sectaire symbolisé par le voile intégral.
Une politique du "juste milieu", en quelque sorte, appliquée à la religion du "juste milieu" vantée par le Premier ministre. "La réalité de l'Islam de France aujourd'hui", a dit françois Fillon, "C'est celle d'un islam de paix et de dialogue". Une religion du "juste milieu" où l'on vit sa foi dans le respect "des principes de la république".
On remarquera, que pour un Etat laïc, Sarkozy et le CRIF, s'intéressent beaucoup aux affaires des musulmans.
Ils veulent même leur imposer ce qu'ils doivent penser ou ne pas penser; faire ou ne pas faire.
Il serait urgent que le pouvoir et le CRIF, finissent par comprendre (?), que nos concitoyens musulmans en France sont majeurs et chez eux.
Personne ne doit leur dicter, ce qu'ils doivent faire ou ne pas faire et comment ils doivent pratiquer l'Islam.
Ce "message" est conforme à la gestion coloniale et policière de l'islam et des Musulmans qui viole régulièrement les principes de laïcité, de séparation des pouvoirs, du respect des croyances et de non-ingérence dans la pratique d'un culte.
Ce "message" visant à introduire le poison de la division (pour mieux régner !), est un ordre donné aux musulmans du "juste milieu" pratiquant un islam de paix et de dialogue". (En clair, soumis aux idoles !); "où l'on vit sa foi dans le respect des principes de la République"; à se soumettre aux idoles et à combattre et dénoncer les musulmans qui ne se soumettraient pas aux idoles.
Il stigmatise et discrimine une partie des musulmans et laisse entendre ; qu'elle ne respecterait pas les "principes de la république".
Il considère que s'attaquer aux fondements même de l'Islam et de la foi des Musulmans (par la répression, les interdictions...), ne sont pas de l'islamophobie.
Daniel Milan
Dangerous Crossroads in World History: Obama’s New Iran Sanctions: An Act of War![]()
by Shamus Cooke
When the UN refused to agree to the severe sanctions that the U.S. wanted, Obama responded with typical Bush flair and went solo. The new U.S. sanctions against Iran — signed into law by Obama on July 1st — are an unmistakable act of war.
If fully enforced, Iran’s economy will be potentially destroyed. The New York Times outlines the central parts of the sanctions:
“The law signed by Mr. Obama imposes penalties on foreign entities that sell refined petroleum to Iran or assist Iran with its domestic refining capacity. It also requires that American and foreign businesses that seek contracts with the United States government certify that they do not engage in prohibited business with Iran.” (July 1, 2010).
Iran must import the majority of its oil from foreign corporations and nations, since it does not have the technology needed to refine the fuel that it pumps from its soil. By cutting this refined oil off, the U.S. will be causing massive, irreparable damage to the Iranian economy — equaling an act of war.
In fact, war against Japan in WWII was sparked by very similar circumstances. Franklin Delano Roosevelt spearheaded a series of sanctions against Japan, which included the Export Control Act, giving the President the power to prohibit the export of a variety of materials to Japan, including oil. This gave Roosevelt the legal stance he needed to implement an oil embargo, an obvious act of war. Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor simply brought the war out of the economic realm into the military sphere.
Iran is facing the exact same situation. Whereas the Obama Administration calmly portrays economic sanctions as “peaceful” solutions to political problems, they are anything but. The strategy here is to economically attack Iran until it responds militarily, giving the U.S. a fake moral high ground to “defend” itself, since the other side supposedly attacked first.
But the U.S. is provoking militarily too. According to the New York Times: “The Obama administration is accelerating the deployment of new defenses against possible Iranian missile attacks in the Persian Gulf, placing special ships [war ships] off the Iranian coast and antimissile systems in at least four [surrounding] Arab countries, according to administration and military officials.” (January 30, 2010).
The same article mentions that U.S. General Petraeus admitted that, “… the United States was now keeping Aegis cruisers on patrol in the Persian Gulf [Iran’s border] at all times. Those cruisers are equipped with advanced radar and antimissile systems designed to intercept medium-range missiles.” Iran, as well as the whole world, knows full well that “antimissile systems” are perfectly capable of going on the offensive — their real purpose.
Iran is completely surrounded by countries occupied by the U.S. military, whether it be the mass occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan, or the U.S. puppet states that house U.S. military bases in Arab nations (not to mention Zionist Israel, a U.S. cohort in its war aims against Iran). Contrary to the statements of President Obama, Iran is already well contained militarily.
It remains to be seen how closely U.S. allies will follow the new oil sanctions; they will be under tremendous pressure to do so. The European Union has already signaled that it will follow Obama’s lead.
Ultimately, the march to war begun by Bush is picking up momentum under Obama. Congressional Democrats and Republicans gave the President their overwhelming support in passing these sanctions, proving that the two party system agrees to the necessity of more war.
Uniting the U.S. anti-war movement is crucial if current and future wars are to be stopped. A step in this direction will take place at the National Peace Conference, in Albany, New York, July 23-25.
( Global Political Awakening and the New World Order
The Technological Revolution and the Future of Freedom, Part 1
by Andrew Gavin Marshall
There is a new and unique development in human history that is taking place around the world; it is unprecedented in reach and volume, and it is also the greatest threat to all global power structures: the ‘global political awakening.’ The term was coined by Zbigniew Brzezinski, and refers to the fact that, as Brzezinski wrote:
For the first time in history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive. Global activism is generating a surge in the quest for cultural respect and economic opportunity in a world scarred by memories of colonial or imperial domination.[1]
It is, in essence, this massive ‘global political awakening’ which presents the gravest and greatest challenge to the organized powers of globalization and the global political economy: nation-states, multinational corporations and banks, central banks, international organizations, military, intelligence, media and academic institutions. The Transnational Capitalist Class (TCC), or ‘Superclass’ as David Rothkopf refers to them, are globalized like never before. For the first time in history, we have a truly global and heavily integrated elite. As elites have globalized their power, seeking to construct a ‘new world order’ of global governance and ultimately global government, they have simultaneously globalized populations.
The ‘Technological Revolution’ (or ‘Technetronic’ Revolution, as Brzezinski termed it in 1970) involves two major geopolitical developments. The first is that as technology advances, systems of mass communication rapidly accelerate, and the world’s people are able to engage in instant communication with one another and gain access to information from around the world. In it, lies the potential – and ultimately a central source – of a massive global political awakening. Simultaneously, the Technological Revolution has allowed elites to redirect and control society in ways never before imagined, ultimately culminating in a global scientific dictatorship, as many have warned of since the early decades of the 20th century. The potential for controlling the masses has never been so great, as science unleashes the power of genetics, biometrics, surveillance, and new forms of modern eugenics; implemented by a scientific elite equipped with systems of psycho-social control (the use of psychology in controlling the masses).
What is the “Global Political Awakening”?
To answer this question, it is best to let Zbigniew Brzezinski speak for himself, since it is his term. In 2009, Zbigniew Brzezinski published an article based on a speech he delivered to the London-based Chatham House in their academic journal, International Affairs. Chatham House, formerly the Royal Institute of International Relations, is the British counterpart to the US-based Council on Foreign Relations, both of which were founded in 1921 as “Sister Institutes” to coordinate Anglo-American foreign policy. His article, “Major foreign policy challenges for the next US President,” aptly analyzes the major geopolitical challenges for the Obama administration in leading the global hegemonic state at this critical juncture. Brzezinski refers to the ‘global political awakening’ as “a truly transformative event on the global scene,” since:
For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive. There are only a few pockets of humanity left in the remotest corners of the world that are not politically alert and engaged with the political turmoil and stirrings that are so widespread today around the world. The resulting global political activism is generating a surge in the quest for personal dignity, cultural respect and economic opportunity in a world painfully scarred by memories of centuries-long alien colonial or imperial domination.[2]
Brzezinski posits that the ‘global political awakening’ is one of the most dramatic and significant developments in geopolitics that has ever occurred, and it “is apparent in radically different forms from Iraq to Indonesia, from Bolivia to Tibet.” As the Economist explained, “Though America has focused on its notion of what people want (democracy and the wealth created by free trade and open markets), Brzezinski points in a different direction: It's about dignity.” Further, argues Brzezinski, “The worldwide yearning for human dignity is the central challenge inherent in the phenomenon of global political awakening.”[3]
In 2005, Brzezinski wrote an essay for The American Interest entitled, “The Dilemma of the Last Sovereign,” in which he explains the geopolitical landscape that America and the world find themselves in. He wrote that, “For most states, sovereignty now verges on being a legal fiction,” and he critically assessed the foreign policy objectives and rhetoric of the Bush administration. Brzezinski has been an ardent critic of the “war on terror” and the rhetoric inherent in it, namely that of the demonization of Islam and Muslim people, which constitute one of the fastest growing populations and the fastest growing religion in the world. Brzezinski fears the compound negative affects this can have on American foreign policy and the objectives and aspirations of global power. He writes:
America needs to face squarely a centrally important new global reality: that the world's population is experiencing a political awakening unprecedented in scope and intensity, with the result that the politics of populism are transforming the politics of power. The need to respond to that massive phenomenon poses to the uniquely sovereign America an historic dilemma: What should be the central definition of America's global role?[4]
Brzezinski explains that formulating a foreign policy based off of one single event – the September 11th terror attacks – has both legitimized illegal measures (torture, suspension of habeas corpus, etc) and has launched and pacified citizens to accepting the “global war on terror,” a war without end. The rhetoric and emotions central to this global foreign policy created a wave of patriotism and feelings of redemption and revenge. Thus, Brzezinski explains:
There was no need to be more precise as to who the terrorists actually were, where they came from, or what historical motives, religious passions or political grievances had focused their hatred on America. Terrorism thus replaced Soviet nuclear weapons as the principal threat, and terrorists (potentially omnipresent and generally identified as Muslims) replaced communists as the ubiquitous menace.[5]
Brzezinski explains that this foreign policy, which has inflamed anti-Americanism around the world, specifically in the Muslim world, which was the principle target population of ‘terrorist’ rhetoric, has in fact further inflamed the ‘global political awakening’. Brzezinski writes that:
[T]he central challenge of our time is posed not by global terrorism, but rather by the intensifying turbulence caused by the phenomenon of global political awakening. That awakening is socially massive and politically radicalizing.[6]
This ‘global political awakening’, Brzezinski writes, while unique in its global scope today, originates in the ideas and actions of the French Revolution, which was central in “transforming modern politics through the emergence of a socially powerful national consciousness.” Brzezinski explains the evolution of the ‘awakening’:
During the subsequent 216 years, political awakening has spread gradually but inexorably like an ink blot. Europe of 1848, and more generally the nationalist movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, reflected the new politics of populist passions and growing mass commitment. In some places that combination embraced utopian Manichaeism for which the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the Fascist assumption of power in Italy in 1922, and the Nazi seizure of the German state in 1933 were the launch-pads. The political awakening also swept China, precipitating several decades of civil conflict. Anti-colonial sentiments galvanized India, where the tactic of passive resistance effectively disarmed imperial domination, and after World War II anti-colonial political stirrings elsewhere ended the remaining European empires. In the western hemisphere, Mexico experienced the first inklings of populist activism already in the 1860s, leading eventually to the Mexican Revolution of the early 20th century.[7]
Ultimately, what this implies is that – regardless of the final results of past awakenings – what is central to the concept of a ‘political awakening’ is the population – the people – taking on a political and social consciousness and subsequently, partaking in massive political and social action aimed at generating a major shift and change, or revolution, in the political, social and economic realms. Thus, no social transformation presents a greater or more direct challenge to entrenched and centralized power structures – whether they are political, social or economic in nature. Brzezinski goes on to explain the evolution of the ‘global political awakening’ in modern times:
It is no overstatement to assert that now in the 21st century the population of much of the developing world is politically stirring and in many places seething with unrest. It is a population acutely conscious of social injustice to an unprecedented degree, and often resentful of its perceived lack of political dignity. The nearly universal access to radio, television and increasingly the Internet is creating a community of shared perceptions and envy that can be galvanized and channeled by demagogic political or religious passions. These energies transcend sovereign borders and pose a challenge both to existing states as well as to the existing global hierarchy, on top of which America still perches.[8]
Brzezinski explains that several central areas of the ‘global political awakening’, such as China, India, Egypt, Bolivia, the Muslims in the Middle East, North Africa, Southeast Asia and increasingly in Europe, as well as Indians in Latin America, “increasingly are defining what they desire in reaction to what they perceive to be the hostile impact on them of the outside world. In differing ways and degrees of intensity they dislike the status quo, and many of them are susceptible to being mobilized against the external power that they both envy and perceive as self-interestedly preoccupied with that status quo.” Brzezinski elaborates on the specific group most affected by this awakening:
The youth of the Third World are particularly restless and resentful. The demographic revolution they embody is thus a political time-bomb, as well. With the exception of Europe, Japan and America, the rapidly expanding demographic bulge in the 25-year-old-and-under age bracket is creating a huge mass of impatient young people. Their minds have been stirred by sounds and images that emanate from afar and which intensify their disaffection with what is at hand. Their potential revolutionary spearhead is likely to emerge from among the scores of millions of students concentrated in the often intellectually dubious "tertiary level" educational institutions of developing countries. Depending on the definition of the tertiary educational level, there are currently worldwide between 80 and 130 million "college" students. Typically originating from the socially insecure lower middle class and inflamed by a sense of social outrage, these millions of students are revolutionaries-in-waiting, already semi-mobilized in large congregations, connected by the Internet and pre-positioned for a replay on a larger scale of what transpired years earlier in Mexico City or in Tiananmen Square. Their physical energy and emotional frustration is just waiting to be triggered by a cause, or a faith, or a hatred.[9]
Brzezinski thus posits that to address this new global “challenge” to entrenched powers, particularly nation-states that cannot sufficiently address the increasingly non-pliant populations and populist demands, what is required, is “increasingly supranational cooperation, actively promoted by the United States.” In other words, Brzezinski favours an increased and expanded ‘internationalization’, not surprising considering he laid the intellectual foundations of the Trilateral Commission. He explains that “Democracy per se is not an enduring solution,” as it could be overtaken by “radically resentful populism.” This is truly a new global reality:
Politically awakened mankind craves political dignity, which democracy can enhance, but political dignity also encompasses ethnic or national self-determination, religious self-definition, and human and social rights, all in a world now acutely aware of economic, racial and ethnic inequities. The quest for political dignity, especially through national self-determination and social transformation, is part of the pulse of self-assertion by the world's underprivileged.[10]
Thus, writes Brzezinski, “An effective response can only come from a self-confident America genuinely committed to a new vision of global solidarity.” The idea is that to address the grievances caused by globalization and global power structures, the world and America must expand and institutionalize the process of globalization, not simply in the economic sphere, but in the social and political as well. It is a flawed logic, to say the least, that the answer to this problem is to enhance and strengthen the systemic problems. One cannot put out a fire by adding fuel.
Brzezinski even wrote that, “Let it be said right away that supranationality should not be confused with world government. Even if it were desirable, mankind is not remotely ready for world government, and the American people certainly do not want it.” Instead, Brzezinski argues, America must be central in constructing a system of global governance, “in shaping a world that is defined less by the fiction of state sovereignty and more by the reality of expanding and politically regulated interdependence.”[11] In other words, not ‘global government’ but ‘global governance’, which is simply a rhetorical ploy, as ‘global governance’ – no matter how overlapping, sporadic and desultory it presents itself, is in fact a key step and necessary transition in the moves toward an actual global government.
Thus, the rhetoric and reality of a “global war on terror” in actuality further inflames the ‘global political awakening’ as opposed to challenging and addressing the issue. In 2007, Brzezinski told the US Senate that the “War on terror” was a “mythical historical narrative,”[12] or in other words, a complete fiction.
Of Power and People
To properly understand the ‘global political awakening’ it is imperative to understand and analyze the power structures that it most gravely threatens. Why is Brzezinski speaking so vociferously on this subject? From what perspective does he approach this issue?
Global power structures are most often represented by nation-states, of which there are over 200 in the world, and the vast majority are overlooking increasingly politically awakened populations who are more shaped by transnational communications and realities (such as poverty, inequality, war, empire, etc.) than by national issues. Among nation-states, the most dominant are the western powers, particularly the United States, which sits atop the global hierarchy of nations as the global hegemon (empire). American foreign policy was provided with the imperial impetus by an inter-locking network of international think tanks, which bring together the top political, banking, industrial, academic, media, military and intelligence figures to formulate coordinated policies.
The most notable of these institutions that socialize elites across national borders and provide the rationale and impetus for empire are an inter-locking network of international think tanks. In 1921, British and American elite academics got together with major international banking interests to form two “sister institutes” called the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in London, now known as Chatham House, and the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States. Subsequent related think tanks were created in Canada, such as the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, now known as the Canadian International Council (CIC), and other affiliated think tanks in South Africa, India, Australia, and more recently in the European Union with the formation of the European Council on Foreign Relations.[13]
Following World War I, these powers sought to reshape the world order in their designs, with Woodrow Wilson proclaiming a right to “national self determination” which shaped the formation of nation-states throughout the Middle East, which until the war was dominated by the Ottoman Empire. Thus, proclaiming a right to “self-determination” for people everywhere became, in fact, a means of constructing nation-state power structures which the western nations became not only instrumental in building, but in exerting hegemony over. To control people, one must construct institutions of control. Nations like Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, etc., did not exist prior to World War I.
Elites have always sought to control populations and individuals for their own power desires. It does not matter whether the political system is that of fascism, communism, socialism or democracy: elites seek power and control and are inherent in each system of governance. In 1928, Edward Bernays, nephew of the father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, wrote one of his most influential works entitled “Propaganda.” Bernays also wrote the book on “Public Relations,” and is known as the “father of public relations,” and few outside of that area know of Bernays; however, his effect on elites and social control has been profound and wide-ranging.
Bernays led the propaganda effort behind the 1954 CIA coup in Guatemala, framing it as a “liberation from Communism” when in fact it was the imposition of a decades-long dictatorship to protect the interests of the United Fruit Company, who had hired Bernays to manage the media campaign against the democratic socialist government of Guatemala. Bernays also found a fan and student in Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, who took many of his ideas from Bernays’ writings. Among one of Bernays’ more infamous projects was the popularizing of smoking for American women, as he hired beautiful women to walk up and down Madison Avenue while smoking cigarettes, giving women the idea that smoking is synonymous with beauty.
In his 1928 book, “Propaganda,” Bernays wrote that, “If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it.” Further:
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society... Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. . . . In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons . . . who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.[14]
Following World War II, America became the global hegemon, whose imperial impetus was provided by the strategic concept of “containment” in containing the spread of Communism. Thus, America’s imperial adventures in Korea, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South America became defined by the desire to “roll back” the influence of the Soviet Union and Communism. It was, not surprisingly, the Council on Foreign Relations that originated the idea of “containment” as a central feature of foreign policy.[15]
Further, following World War II, America was handed the responsibility for overseeing and managing the international monetary system and global political economy through the creation of institutions and agreements such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), NATO, the UN, and GATT (later to become the World Trade Organization – WTO). One central power institution that was significant in establishing consensus among Western elites and providing a forum for expanding global western hegemony was the Bilderberg Group, founded in 1954 as an international think tank.[16]
Zbigniew Brzezinski, an up-and-coming academic, joined the Council on Foreign Relations in the early 1960s. In 1970, Brzezinski, who had attended a few Bilderberg meetings, wrote a book entitled, “Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era,” in which he analyzed the impact of the ‘Revolution in Technology and Electronics,’ thus, the ‘technetronic era.’ Brzezinski defines the ‘technetronic society’ as, “a society that is shaped culturally, psychologically, socially, and economically by the impact of technology and electronics – particularly in the arena of computers and communications. The industrial process is no longer the principal determinant of social change, altering the mores, the social structure, and the values of society.”[17]
Brzezinski, expanding upon notions of social control, such as those propagated by Edward Bernays, wrote that, “Human conduct, some argue, can be predetermined and subjected to deliberate control,” and he quoted an “experimenter in intelligence control” who asserted that, “I foresee the time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behaviour and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain.”[18]
Brzezinski, in a telling exposé of his astute powers of observation and ability to identify major global trends, wrote that we are “witnessing the emergence of transnational elites” who are “composed of international businessmen, scholars, professional men, and public officials. The ties of these new elites cut across national boundaries, their perspectives are not confined by national traditions, and their interests are more functional than national.” Further, writes Brzezinski, “it is likely that before long the social elites of most of the more advanced countries will be highly internationalist or globalist in spirit and outlook.” However, warns Brzezinski, this increasing internationalization of elites “could create a dangerous gap between them and the politically activated masses, whose ‘nativism’ – exploited by more nationalist political leaders – could work against the ‘cosmopolitan’ elites.”[19] Brzezinski also wrote about “the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society,” in the “technetronic revolution;” explaining:
Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control. Under such circumstances, the scientific and technological momentum of the country would not be reversed but would actually feed on the situation it exploits.[20]
Further, writes Brzezinski, “Persisting social crisis, the emergence of a charismatic personality, and the exploitation of mass media to obtain public confidence would be the steppingstones in the piecemeal transformation of the United States into a highly controlled society.” Elaborating, Brzezinski writes, “The traditionally democratic American society could, because of its fascination with technical efficiency, become an extremely controlled society, and its humane and individualistic qualities would thereby be lost.”[21]
In his book, Brzezinski called for a “Community of the Developed Nations,” consisting of Western Europe, North America and Japan, to coordinate and integrate in order to shape a ‘new world order’ built upon ideas of global governance under the direction of these transnational elites. In 1972, Brzezinski and his friend, David Rockefeller, presented the idea to the annual Bilderberg meetings. Rockefeller was, at that time, Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and was CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank. In 1973, Brzezinski and Rockefeller created the Trilateral Commission, a sort of sister institute to the Bilderberg Group, with much cross-over membership, bringing Japan into the western sphere of economic and political integration.[22]
In 1975, the Trilateral Commission published a Task Force Report entitled, “The Crisis of Democracy,” of which one of the principal authors was Samuel Huntington, a political scientist and close associate and friend of Zbigniew Brzezinski. In this report, Huntington argues that the 1960s saw a surge in democracy in America, with an upswing in citizen participation, often “in the form of marches, demonstrations, protest movements, and ‘cause’ organizations.”[23] Further, “the 1960s also saw a reassertion of the primacy of equality as a goal in social, economic, and political life.”[24] Huntington analyzed how as part of this “democratic surge,” statistics showed that throughout the 1960s and into the early 1970s, there was a dramatic increase in the percentage of people who felt the United States was spending too much on defense (from 18% in 1960 to 52% in 1969, largely due to the Vietnam War).[25] In other words, people were becoming politically aware of empire and exploitation.
Huntington wrote that the “essence of the democratic surge of the 1960s was a general challenge to existing systems of authority, public and private,” and that, “People no longer felt the same compulsion to obey those whom they had previously considered superior to themselves in age, rank, status, expertise, character, or talents.” Huntington explained that in the 1960s, “hierarchy, expertise, and wealth” had come “under heavy attack.”[26] He stated that three key issues which were central to the increased political participation in the 1960s were:
social issues, such as use of drugs, civil liberties, and the role of women; racial issues, involving integration, busing, government aid to minority groups, and urban riots; military issues, involving primarily, of course, the war in Vietnam but also the draft, military spending, military aid programs, and the role of the military-industrial complex more generally.[27]
Huntington presented these issues, essentially, as the “crisis of democracy,” in that they increased distrust with the government and authority, that they led to social and ideological polarization, and led to a “Decline in the authority, status, influence, and effectiveness of the presidency.”[28]
Huntington concluded that many problems of governance in the United States stem from an “excess of democracy,” and that, “the effective operation of a democratic political system usually requires some measure of apathy and noninvolvement on the part of some individuals and groups.” Huntington explained that society has always had “marginal groups” which do not participate in politics, and while acknowledging that the existence of “marginality on the part of some groups is inherently undemocratic,” it has also “enabled democracy to function effectively.” Huntington identifies “the blacks” as one such group that had become politically active, posing a “danger of overloading the political system with demands.”[29]
Huntington, in his conclusion, stated that the vulnerability of democracy, essentially the ‘crisis of democracy,’ comes from “a highly educated, mobilized, and participant society,” and that what is needed is “a more balanced existence” in which there are “desirable limits to the indefinite extension of political democracy.”[30] Summed up, the Trilateral Commission Task Force Report essentially explained that the “Crisis of Democracy” is that there is too much of it, and so the ‘solution’ to the ‘crisis’ is to have less democracy and more ‘authority.’
The New World Order
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, American ideologues – politicians and academics – began discussing the idea of the emergence of a “new world order” in which power in the world is centralized with one power – the United States, and laid the basis for an expansion of elitist ideology pertaining to the notion of ‘globalization’: that power and power structures should be globalizaed. In short, the ‘new world order’ was to be a global order of global governance. In the short term, it was to be led by the United States, which must be the central and primary actor in constructing a new world order, and ultimately a global government.[31]
Anne-Marie Slaughter, currently the Director of Policy Planning for the US State Department, is a prominent academic within the American elite establishment, having long served in various posts at the State Department, elite universities and on the board of the Council on Foreign Relations. In 1997, Slaughter wrote an article for the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations, “Foreign Affairs,” in which she discussed the theoretical foundations of the ‘new world order.’ In it, she wrote that, “The state is not disappearing, it is disaggregating into its separate, functionally distinct parts. These parts—courts, regulatory agencies, executives, and even legislatures—are networking with their counterparts abroad, creating a dense web of relations that constitutes a new, transgovernmental order,” and that, “transgovernmentalism is rapidly becoming the most widespread and effective mode of international governance.”[32]
Long preceding Slaughter’s analysis of the ‘new world order,’ Richard N. Gardner published an article in Foreign Affairs titled, “The Hard Road to World Order.” Gardner, a former American Ambassador and member of the Trilateral Commission, wrote that, “The quest for a world structure that secures peace, advances human rights and provides the conditions for economic progress—for what is loosely called world order—has never seemed more frustrating but at the same time strangely hopeful.”[33]
Gardner wrote, “If instant world government, [UN] Charter review, and a greatly strengthened International Court do not provide the answers, what hope for progress is there? The answer will not satisfy those who seek simple solutions to complex problems, but it comes down essentially to this: The hope for the foreseeable future lies, not in building up a few ambitious central institutions of universal membership and general jurisdiction as was envisaged at the end of the last war, but rather in the much more decentralized, disorderly and pragmatic process of inventing or adapting institutions of limited jurisdiction and selected membership to deal with specific problems on a case-by-case basis, as the necessity for cooperation is perceived by the relevant nations.”[34]
He then stated, “In short, the "house of world order" will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great "booming, buzzing confusion," to use William James' famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”[35]
In 1992, Strobe Talbott wrote an article for Time Magazine entitled, “The Birth of the Global Nation.” Talbott worked as a journalist for Time Magazine for 21 years, and has been a fellow of the Yale Corporation, a trustee of the Hotchkiss School and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a director of the Council on Foreign Relations, the North American Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission, and the American Association of Rhodes Scholars, and a member of the participating faculty of the World Economic Forum. Talbott served as Deputy Secretary of State from 1994 to 2001 in the Clinton administration and currently sits as President of the Brookings Institution, one of the premier American think tanks. In his 1992 article, “within the next hundred years,” Talbott wrote, “nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority.” He explained:
All countries are basically social arrangements, accommodations to changing circumstances. No matter how permanent and even sacred they may seem at any one time, in fact they are all artificial and temporary. Through the ages, there has been an overall trend toward larger units claiming sovereignty and, paradoxically, a gradual diminution of how much true sovereignty any one country actually has.[36]
Further, he wrote that, “it has taken the events in our own wondrous and terrible century to clinch the case for world government. With the advent of electricity, radio and air travel, the planet has become smaller than ever, its commercial life freer, its nations more interdependent and its conflicts bloodier.”[37]
David Rothkopf, a scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, former Deputy Undersecretary of Commerce for International Trade in the Clinton administration, former managing director of Kissinger and Associates, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, recently wrote a book titled, “Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making.” As a member of that “superclass,” his writing should provide a necessary insight into the construction of this “New World Order.” He states that, “In a world of global movements and threats that don’t present their passports at national borders, it is no longer possible for a nation-state acting alone to fulfill its portion of the social contract.” He wrote that, “progress will continue to be made,” however, it will be challenging, because it “undercuts many national and local power structures and cultural concepts that have foundations deep in the bedrock of human civilization, namely the notion of sovereignty.” He further wrote that, “Mechanisms of global governance are more achievable in today’s environment,” and that these mechanisms “are often creative with temporary solutions to urgent problems that cannot wait for the world to embrace a bigger and more controversial idea like real global government.”[38]
In December of 2008, the Financial Times published an article titled, “And Now for A World Government,” in which the author, former Bilderberg attendee, Gideon Rachman, wrote that, “for the first time in my life, I think the formation of some sort of world government is plausible,” and that, “A ‘world government’ would involve much more than co-operation between nations. It would be an entity with state-like characteristics, backed by a body of laws. The European Union has already set up a continental government for 27 countries, which could be a model. The EU has a supreme court, a currency, thousands of pages of law, a large civil service and the ability to deploy military force.”[39]
He stated that, “it is increasingly clear that the most difficult issues facing national governments are international in nature: there is global warming, a global financial crisis and a ‘global war on terror’.” He wrote that the European model could “go global” and that a world government “could be done,” as “The financial crisis and climate change are pushing national governments towards global solutions, even in countries such as China and the US that are traditionally fierce guardians of national sovereignty.” He quoted an adviser to French President Nicolas Sarkozy as saying, “Global governance is just a euphemism for global government,” and that the “core of the international financial crisis is that we have global financial markets and no global rule of law.” However, Rachman states that any push towards a global government “will be a painful, slow process.” He then states that a key problem in this push can be explained with an example from the EU, which “has suffered a series of humiliating defeats in referendums, when plans for ‘ever closer union’ have been referred to the voters. In general, the Union has progressed fastest when far-reaching deals have been agreed by technocrats and politicians – and then pushed through without direct reference to the voters. International governance tends to be effective, only when it is anti-democratic.”[40]
The Global Political Awakening and the Global Economic Crisis
In the face of the global economic crisis, the process that has led to the global political awakening is rapidly expanding, as the social, political and economic inequalities and disparities that led to the awakening are all being exacerbated and expanded. Thus, the global political awakening itself is entering into a period in which it will undergo rapid, expansionary and global transformation.
This ‘global political awakening’, of which Brzezinski has explained as being one of the primary global geopolitical challenges of today, has largely, up until recent times, been exemplified in the ‘Global South’, or the ‘Third World’ developing nations of the Middle East, Central and Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America. Developments in recent decades and years in Venezuela, Bolivia, and Iran exemplify the nationalist-orientation of much of this awakening, taking place in a world increasingly and incrementally moving towards global governance and global institutions.
In 1998, Hugo Chavez became President of Venezuela, having campaigned on promises of aiding the nation’s poor majority. In 2002, an American coup attempt took place in Venezuela, but Chavez retained his power and was further emboldened by the attempt, and gained a great burst of popular support among the people. Chavez has undertaken what he refers to as a process of “Bolivarian socialism”, and has taken a decidedly and vehemently anti-American posture in Latin America, long considered America’s “back yard.” Suddenly, there is virulent rhetoric and contempt against the United States and its influence in the region, which itself is backed by the enormous oil-wealth of Venezuela.
In Bolivia, Evo Morales was elected President in 2005 of the poorest nation in South America, and he was also the first indigenous leader of that country to ever hold that position of power, after having long been dominated by the Spanish-descended landed aristocracy. Evo Morales rose to power on the wave of various social movements within Bolivia, key among them being the “water wars” which took place in Cochabamba, Bolivia’s third largest city, in 2000. The water wars were instigated after the World Bank forced Bolivia to privatize its water so that American and European companies could come in and purchase the rights to Bolivia’s water, meaning that people in the poorest nation in South America could not even drink rain water without paying American or European companies for the ‘right’ to use it. Thus, revolt arose and Evo Morales rose with it. Now, Morales and Chavez represent the “new Left” in Latin America, and with it, growing sentiments of anti-American imperialism.
In Iran, itself defined more by nationalism than ethnic polarities, has become a principal target of the western hegemonic world order, as it sits atop massive gas and oil reserves, and is virulently anti-American and firmly opposed to western hegemony in the Middle East. However, with increased American rhetoric against Iran, its regime and political elites are further emboldened and politically strengthened among its people, the majority of whom are poor.
Global socio-political economic conditions directly relate to the expansion and emergence of the ‘global political awakening’. As of 1998, “3 billion people live on less than $2 per day while 1.3 billion get by on less than $1 per day. Seventy percent of those living on less than $1 per day are women.”[41] In 2003, a World Bank report revealed that, “A minority of the world's population (17%) consume most of the world's resources (80%), leaving almost 5 billion people to live on the remaining 20%. As a result, billions of people are living without the very basic necessities of life - food, water, housing and sanitation.”[42]
In regards to poverty and hunger statistics, “Over 840 million people in the world are malnourished—799 million of them are from the developing world. Sadly, more than 153 million of them are under the age of 5 (half the entire US population).” Further, “Every day, 34,000 children under five die of hunger or other hunger-related diseases. This results in 6 million deaths a year.” That amounts to a “Hunger Holocaust” that takes place every single year. As of 2003, “Of 6.2 billion living today, 1.2 billion live on less than $1 per day. Nearly 3 billion people live on less than $2 a day.”[43]
In 2006, a groundbreaking and comprehensive report released by the World Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University (UNU-WIDER) reported that, “The richest 2% of adults in the world own more than half of global household wealth.” An incredibly startling statistic was that:
[T]he richest 1% of adults alone owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000, and that the richest 10% of adults accounted for 85% of the world total. In contrast, the bottom half of the world adult population owned barely 1% of global wealth.[44]
This is worth repeating: the top 1% owns 40% of global assets; the top 10% owns 85% of world assets; and the bottom 50% owns 1% of global assets; a sobering figure, indeed. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) report stated that in 2009, “an estimated 55 million to 90 million more people will be living in extreme poverty than anticipated before the crisis.” Further, “the encouraging trend in the eradication of hunger since the early 1990s was reversed in 2008, largely due to higher food prices.” Hunger in developing regions has risen to 17% in 2008, and “children bear the brunt of the burden.”[45]
In April of 2009, a major global charity, Oxfam, reported that a couple trillion dollars given to bail out banks could have been enough “to end global extreme poverty for 50 years.”[46] In September of 2009, Oxfam reported that the economic crisis “is forcing 100 people-a-minute into poverty.” Oxfam stated that, “Developing countries across the globe are struggling to respond to the global recession that continues to slash incomes, destroy jobs and has helped push the total number of hungry people in the world above 1 billion.”[47]
The financial crisis has hit the ‘developing’ world much harder than the western developed nations of the world. The UN reported in March of 2009 that, “Reduced growth in 2009 will cost the 390 million people in sub-Saharan Africa living in extreme poverty around $18 billion, or $46 per person,” and “This projected loss represents 20 per cent of the per capita income of Africa’s poor – a figure that dwarfs the losses sustained in the developed world.”[48]
Thus, the majority of the world’s people live in absolute poverty and social dislocation. This is directly the result of the globalized world order that has been and is being constructed. Now, as that same infrastructure is being further institutionalized and built upon, people are being thrown into the ‘awakening’ like never before. Their very poverty pushes them into an awakening. There is a seemingly lost notion of judging a society by how it treats it weakest members: the poor. Poverty forces one to look at the world differently, as they see the harsh restraints that society has imposed upon the human spirit. Life simply cannot be about the struggle to make payments week-to-week; to afford water, shelter, and food; to live according to the dictates of money and power.
Look to history, and you see that from some of the most oppressive societies can come the greatest of humanity. Russia, a nation which has never in its history experienced true political freedom for the individual, has managed to produce some of the greatest music, art, expression and literature as a vibrant outcry of humanity from a society so overcome with the need to control it. It the fact that such triumphs of human spirit can come from such tyrannies over human nature is a sobering display of the great mystery of human beings. Why waste humanity by subjecting it to poverty? Think of the difference that could be made if all of humanity was allowed to flourish individually and collectively; think of all the ideas, art, expression, intellect and beauty we aren’t getting from those who have no voice.
Until we address this fundamental issue, any notion of humanity as being ‘civilized’ is but a cynical joke. If it’s human civilization, we haven’t quite figured it out yet. We don’t yet have a proper definition of ‘civilized’, and we need to make it ‘humane’.
The West and the Awakening
The middle classes of the western world are undergoing a dramatic transition, most especially in the wake of the global economic crisis. In the previous decades, the middle class has become a debt-based class, whose consumption was based almost entirely on debt, and so their ability to consume and be the social bedrock of the capitalist system is but a mere fiction. Never in history has the middle class, and most especially the youth who are graduating college into the hardest job market in decades, been in such peril.[49]
The global debt crisis, which is beginning in Greece, and spreading throughout the euro-zone economies of Spain, Portugal, Ireland and ultimately the entire EU, will further consume the UK, Japan and go all the way to America.[50] This will be a truly global debt crisis. Government measures to address the issue of debt focus on the implementation of ‘fiscal austerity measures’ to reduce the debt burdens and make interest payments on their debts.
‘Fiscal austerity’ is a vague term that in actuality refers to cutting social spending and increasing taxes. The effect this has is that the public sector is devastated, as all assets are privatized, public workers are fired en masse, unemployment becomes rampant, health and education disappear, taxes rise dramatically, and currencies are devalued to make all assets cheaper for international corporations and banks to buy up, while internally causing inflation – dramatically increasing the costs of fuel and food. In short, ‘fiscal austerity’ implies ‘social destruction’ as the social foundations of nations and peoples are pulled out from under them. States then become despotic and oppress the people, who naturally revolt against ‘austerity’: the sterilization of society.
‘Fiscal austerity’ swept the developing world through the 1980s and 1990s in response to the 1980s debt crisis which consumed Latin America, Africa, and areas of Asia. The result of the fiscal austerity measures imposed upon nations by the World Bank and IMF was the social dismantling of the new societies and their subsequent enslavement to the international creditors of the IMF, World Bank, and western corporations and banks. It was an era of economic imperialism, and the IMF was a central tool of this imperial project.
As the debt crisis we see unfolding today sweeps the world, the IMF is again stepping in to impose ‘fiscal austerity’ on nations in return for short-term loans for countries to pay off the interest on their exorbitant debts, themselves owed mostly to major European and American banks. Western nations have agreed to impose fiscal austerity,[51] which will in fact only inflame the crisis, deepen the depression and destroy the social foundations of the west so that we are left only with the authoritarian apparatus of state power – the police, military, homeland ‘security’ apparatus – which is employed against people to protect the status quo powers.
The IMF has also come to the global economic crisis with a new agenda, giving out loans in its own synthetic currency – Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) – an international reserve basket of currencies. The G20 in April of 2009 granted the IMF the authority to begin phasing in the applications of issuing SDRs, and for the IMF to in effect become a global central bank issuing a global currency.[52] So through this global debt crisis, SDRs will be disbursed globally – both efficiently and in abundance – as nations will need major capital inflows and loans to pay off interest payments, or in the event of a default. This will happen at a pace so rapid that it would never be conceivable if not for a global economic crisis. The same took place in the 1980s, as the nature of “Structural Adjustment Programs” (SAPs) could not be properly assessed as detrimental to economic conditions and ultimately socially devastating, for countries needed money fast (as the debt crisis spread across the developing world) and were not in a position to negotiate. Today, this will be the ‘globalization’ of the debt crisis of the 1980s, on a much larger and more devastating scale, and the reaction will be equally globalized and devastating: the continued implementation of ‘global governance’.
As austerity hits the west, the middle class will vanish in obscurity, as they will be absorbed into the lower, labour-oriented working class.[53] The youth of the western middle class, comprising the majority of the educated youth, will be exposed to a ‘poverty of expectations’ in which they grew up in a world in which they were promised everything, and from whom everything was so quickly taken. The inevitability of protests, riots and possible rebellion is as sure as the sun rises.[54]
In the United States, the emergence of the Tea Party movement is representative of – in large part – a growing dissatisfaction with the government and the economy. Naturally, like any group, it has its radical and fringe elements, which tend to draw the majority of media attention in an effort to shape public opinion, but the core and the driving force of the movement is the notion of popular dissatisfaction with government. Whatever one thinks of the legitimacy of such protestations, people are not pleased, and people are taking to the streets. And so it begins.
Even intellectuals of the left have spoken publicly warning people not to simply and so easily discount the Tea Party movement as fringe or radical. One such individual, Noam Chomsky, while speaking at a University in April of 2010, warned that he felt fascism was coming to America, and he explained that, “Ridiculing the tea party shenanigans is a serious error,” as their attitudes “are understandable.” He explained, “For over 30 years, real incomes have stagnated or declined. This is in large part the consequence of the decision in the 1970s to financialize the economy.” This constitutes ‘class resentment’, as “The bankers, who are primarily responsible for the crisis, are now reveling in record bonuses while official unemployment is around 10 percent and unemployment in the manufacturing sector is at Depression-era levels.” This same financial industry is directly linked to Obama, who is supporting their interests, and people are noticing.[55]
Another notable feminist intellectual of the left, Naomi Wolf, who wrote a book during the Bush administration on the emergence of fascism in America, and much of her message is being picked up by the Tea Party movement, as those on the right who were listening and agreeing with Wolf during the Bush administration (a considerable minority), then provided the impetus for the emergence of the Tea Party movement and many of its core or original ideas. In an interview in March 2010, Wolf explained that her ideas are even more relevant under Obama than Bush. She explained, “Bush legalized torture, but Obama is legalizing impunity. He promised to roll stuff back, but he is institutionalizing these things forever. It is terrifying and the left doesn’t seem to recognize it.” She explained how the left, while active under Bush, has been tranquilized under Obama, and that there is a potential for true intellectuals and for people more generally and more importantly, to reach out to each other across the spectrum. She explained:
I was invited by the Ron Paul supporters to their rally in Washington last summer and I loved it. I met a lot of people I respected, a lot of “ordinary” people, as in not privileged. They were stepping up to the plate, when my own liberal privileged fellow demographic habituates were lying around whining. It was a wake-up call to the libertarians that there’s a progressive who cares so much about the same issues. Their views of liberals are just as distorted as ours are of conservatives.[56]
In regards to the Tea Party movement, Wolf had this to say: “The Tea Party is not monolithic. There is a battle between people who care about liberty and the Constitution and the Republican Establishment who is trying to take ownership of it and redirect it for its own purposes.” Further, she explained that the Tea Party is “ahead of their time” on certain issues, “I used to think “End the Fed people” were crackpots. The media paints them as deranged. But it turned out we had good reason to have more oversight.”[57]
In time, others will join with the Tea Party movement and new activist groups, the anti-war movement will have to revitalize itself or die away; since Obama became President their influence, their voice, and their dignity has all but vanished. They have become a pacified voice, and their silence is complicity; thus, the anti-war movement must reignite and reinvigorate or it will decompose. The ‘Left’s’ distrust of corporations must merge with the ‘Right’s’ distrust of government to create a trust in ‘people’. Soon students will be joining protests, and the issues of the Tea Party movement and others like it can become more refined and informed.
When the middle classes of the west are plunged into poverty, it will force an awakening, for when people have nothing, they have nothing left to lose. The only way that the entrenched powers of the world have been able to expand their power and maintain their power is with the ignorant consent of the populations of the west. Issues of war, empire, economics and terror shape public opinion and allow social planners to redirect and reconstitute society. The people of the west have allowed themselves to be ruled as such and have allowed our rulers to be so ruthless in our names. People have been blinded by consumerism and entertainment. Images of celebrities, professional sports, Hollywood, iPods, blackberrys, and PCs consume the minds of people, and especially the youth of the west today. It has been the illusion of being the consuming class that has allowed our societies to be run so recklessly. So long as we have our TVs and PCs we won’t pay attention to anything else!
When the ability to consume is removed, the people will enter into a period of a great awakening. This will give rise to major new political movements, many progressive but some regressive, some fringe and radical, some violent and tyrannical, but altogether new and ultimately global. This is when the people of the west will come to realize the plight of the rest. This will be the era in which people begin to understand the realization that there is great truth in Dr. Martin Luther King’s words, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Thus, the struggle of Africans will become the struggle of Americans: it must be freedom for all or freedom for none.
This is the major geopolitical reality and the pre-eminent global threat to world power structures. No development in all of human history presents such a monumental challenge to the status quo. As global power structures have never resembled such a monumental threat to mankind, mankind has never posed such an immense threat to institutionalized power. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Even if elites think that they truly do run the world, human nature has a way of exposing the flaws in that assumption. Human nature is not meant to be ‘controlled,’ but rather is meant to be nurtured.
A View From the Top
Again, it is important to go to Brzezinski’s own words in describing this new geopolitical reality, as it provides great insight into not only how the ‘global political awakening’ is defined; but more importantly, how it is perceived by those who hold power. In 2004, Brzezinski gave a speech at the Carnegie Council on his 2004 book, “The Choice”. The Carnegie Council is an elite think tank based in the United States, so Brzezinski is speaking to those who are potentially negatively affected by such an awakening. Brzezinski stated that America’s foreign policy in the wake of 9/11 – the “War on Terror” – is presenting a major challenge to American hegemony, as it is increasingly isolating the United States and damaging the nation’s credibility, as well as hiding the issues in virulent rhetoric which only further inflames the real and true challenge: the global political awakening. He states:
The misdiagnosis [of foreign policy] pertains to a relatively vague, excessively abstract, highly emotional, semi-theological definition of the chief menace that we face today in the world, and the consequent slighting of what I view as the unprecedented global challenge arising out of the unique phenomenon of a truly massive global political awakening of mankind. We live in an age in which mankind writ large is becoming politically conscious and politically activated to an unprecedented degree, and it is this condition which is producing a great deal of international turmoil.
But we are not focusing on that. We are focusing specifically on one word, which is being elevated into a specter, defined as an entity, presented as somehow unified but unrelated to any specific event or place—and that word is terrorism. The global challenge today on the basis of which we tend to operate politically is the definition of terrorism with a global reach as the principal challenge of our time.
I don’t deny that terrorism is a reality, a threat to us, an ugly menace and a vicious manifestation. But it is a symptom of something larger and more complicated, related to the global turmoil that takes place in many parts of the world and manifests itself in different ways.
That turmoil is the product of the political awakening, the fact that today vast masses of the world are not politically neutered, as they have been throughout history. They have political consciousness. It may be undefined, it may point in different directions, it may be primitive, it may be intolerant, it may be hateful, but it is a form of political activism.[58]
Brzezinski explains that literacy has made for greater political awareness, while TV has made for immediate awareness of global disparities, and the Internet has provided instant communications. Further, says Brzezinski, “Much of this is also spurred by America's impact on the world,” or in other words, American economic, political, and cultural imperialism; and further, “Much of it is also fueled by globalization, which the United States propounds, favors and projects by virtue of being a globally outward-thrusting society.” Brzezinski warns, “But that also contributes to instability, and is beginning to create something altogether new: namely, some new ideological or doctrinal challenge which might fill the void created by the disappearance of communism.” Brzezinski explains that Communism emerged in the last century as an alternative, however, today:
it is now totally discredited, and we have a pragmatic vacuum in the world today regarding doctrines. But I see the beginnings, in writings and stirrings, of the making of a doctrine which combines anti-Americanism with anti-globalization, and the two could become a powerful force in a world that is very unequal and turbulent.[59]
A question following Brzezinski’s speech asked him to expand upon how to address the notion of and deal with the ‘global political awakening’. Brzezinski explained that, “We deal with the world as it is and we are as we are. If we are to use our power intelligently and if we are to move in the right direction, we have no choice but do it incrementally.”[60] In other words, as Brzezinski has detailed his vision of a solution to world problems in creating the conditions for global governance; they must do it “incrementally,” for that is how to “use [their] power intelligently.” The solution to the ‘global political awakening’, in the view from the top, is to continue to create the apparatus of an oppressive global government.
On April 23, 2010, Zbigniew Brzezinski went to the Montreal Council on Foreign Relations to give a speech at an event jointly-hosted by the Canadian International Council (CIC), the Canadian counterpart to the Council on Foreign Relations in the US and Chatham House in the U.K. These are many of the intellectual, social, political and economic elite of Canada. In his speech, Brzezinski gives a breakdown of the modern geopolitical realities:
Let me begin by making just a thumbnail definition of the geopolitical context in which we all find ourselves, including America. And in my perspective, that geopolitical context is very much defined by new – by two new global realities. The first is that global political leadership – by which I mean the role of certain leading powers in the world – has now become much more diversified unlike what it was until relatively recently. Relatively recently still, the world was dominated by the Atlantic world, as it had been for many centuries. It no longer is. Today, the rise of the Far East has created a new but much more differentiated global leadership. One which in a nutshell involves a wanton hazard, an arbitrary list of the primary players in the world scene: the United States, clearly; maybe next to it – but maybe – the European Union, I say maybe because it is not yet a political entity; certainly, increasingly so, and visibly so, China; Russia, mainly in one respect only because it is a nuclear power co-equal to the United States, but otherwise very deficient in all of the major indices of what constitutes global power. Behind Russia, perhaps individually, but to a much lesser extent, Germany, France, Great Britain, Japan, certainly, although it does not have the political assertive posture; India is rising, and then in the background of that we have the new entity of the G20, a much more diversified global leadership, lacking internal unity, with many of its members in bilateral antagonisms. That makes the context much more complicated.
The other major change in international affairs is that for the first time, in all of human history, mankind has been politically awakened. That is a total new reality – total new reality. It has not been so for most of human history until the last one hundred years. And in the course of the last one hundred years, the whole world has become politically awakened. And no matter where you go, politics is a matter of social engagement, and most people know what is generally going on –generally going on – in the world, and are consciously aware of global inequities, inequalities, lack of respect, exploitation. Mankind is now politically awakened and stirring. The combination of the two: the diversified global leadership, politically awakened masses, makes a much more difficult context for any major power including, currently, the leading world power: the United States.[61]
So, the Technological Revolution has led to a diametrically opposed, antagonistic, and conflicting geopolitical reality: never before has humanity been so awakened to issues of power, exploitation, imperialism and domination; and simultaneously, never before have elites been so transnational and global in orientation, and with the ability to impose such a truly global system of scientific despotism and political oppression. These are the two major geopolitical realities of the world today. Reflect on that. Never in all of human history has mankind been so capable of achieving a true global political psycho-social awakening; nor has humanity ever been in such danger of being subjected to a truly global scientific totalitarianism, potentially more oppressive than any system known before, and without a doubt more technologically capable of imposing a permanent despotism upon humanity. So we are filled with hope, but driven by urgency. In all of human history, never has the potential nor the repercussions of human actions and ideas ever been so monumental.
Suddenly, global elites are faced with the reality of seeking to dominate populations that are increasingly becoming self-aware and are developing a global consciousness. Thus, a population being subjected to domination in Africa has the ability to become aware of a population being subjected to the same forms of domination in the Middle East, South America or Asia; and they can recognize that they are all being dominated by the same global power structures. That is a key point: not only is the awakening global in its reach, but in its nature; it creates within the individual, an awareness of the global condition. So it is a ‘global awakening’ both in the external environment, and in the internal psychology.
This new reality in the world, coupled with the fact that the world’s population has never been so vast, presents a challenge to elites seeking to dominate people all over the world who are aware and awakened to the realities of social inequality, war, poverty, exploitation, disrespect, imperialism and domination. This directly implies that these populations will be significantly more challenging to control: economically, politically, socially, psychologically and spiritually. Thus, from the point of view of the global oligarchy, the only method of imposing order and control – on this unique and historical human condition – is through the organized chaos of economic crises, war, and the rapid expansion and institutionalization of a global scientific dictatorship. Our hope is their fear; and our greatest fear is their only hope.
As Charles Dickens once wrote, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” That has never been so true as it is today.
This has been Part 1 in the three-part series, “The Technological Revolution and the Future of Freedom.”
Part 2 will examine the nature of the global awakening in the ‘west’, particularly the United States, and the potential for revolution within that awakening; as well as the state systems of control and oppression being constructed to deal with it; notably, the construction of a Homeland Security State.
Part 3 will examine the evolution of the idea and reality of a scientific dictatorship, the technological revolution’s effect on power, and the emergence of new systems of social control based upon a modern implementation of eugenics.
Andrew Gavin Marshall is a Research Associate with the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), and is studying Political Economy and History in Canada. He is co-editor, with Michel Chossudovsky, of the recent book, "The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century," available to order at
[1] Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Global Political Awakening. The New York Times: December 16, 2008:
[2] Zbigniew Brzezinski, “Major Foreign Policy Challenges for the Next US President,” International Affairs, 85: 1, (2009), page 53 (emphasis added)
[3] AFP, A new brain for Barack Obama. The Economist: March 14, 2007:
[4] Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Dilemma of the Last Sovereign. The American Interest Magazine, Autumn 2005:
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Ibid.
[10] Ibid.
[11] Ibid.
[12] Michael Collins, Brzezinski: On The Path To War With Iran. Global Research: February 25, 2007:
[13] Andrew Gavin Marshall, Origins of the American Empire: Revolution, World Wars and World Order. Global Research: July 28, 2009: ; see sections, “World War Restructures World Order,” and “Empire, War and the Rise of the New Global Hegemon,” for a look at this interlocking network of think tanks.
[14] John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton, The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays & The Birth of PR. PR Watch, Second Quarter 1999, Volume 6, No. 2:
[15] Andrew Gavin Marshall, Origins of the American Empire: Revolution, World Wars and World Order. Global Research: July 28, 2009: ; Andrew Gavin Marshall, Controlling the Global Economy: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve. Global Research: August 3, 2009:
[16] Andrew Gavin Marshall, Controlling the Global Economy: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve. Global Research: August 3, 2009:
[17] Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. (Viking Press, New York, 1970), page 10
[18] Ibid, page 12.
[19] Ibid, page 29.
[20] Ibid, page 97.
[21] Ibid.
[22] Andrew Gavin Marshall, Controlling the Global Economy: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve. Global Research: August 3, 2009:
[23] Michel J. Crozier, Samuel P. Huntington and Joji Watanuki, The Crisis of Democracy. (Report on the Governability of Democracies to the Trilateral Commission, New York University Press, 1975), page 61
[24] Ibid, page 62.
[25] Ibid, page 71.
[26] Ibid, pages 74-75
[27] Ibid, page 77.
[28] Ibid, page 93.
[29] Ibid, pages 113-114.
[30] Ibid, page 115.
[31] Andrew Gavin Marshall, Forging a “New World Order” Under a One World Government. Global Research: August 13, 2009:
[32] Anne-Marie Slaughter, The Real New World Order. Foreign Affairs: September/October, 1997: pages 184-185
[33] Richard N. Gardner, The Hard Road to World Order. Foreign Affairs: April, 1974: page 556
[34] Ibid, page 558.
[35] Ibid.
[36] Strobe Talbott, America Abroad. Time Magazine: July 20, 1992:,9171,976015,00.html
[37] Ibid.
[38] David Rothkopf, Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making. (Toronto: Penguin Books, 2008), pages 315-316
[39] Gideon Rachman, And now for a world government. The Financial Times: December 8, 2008:
[40] Ibid.
[41] Jeff Gates, Statistics on Poverty and Inequality. Global Policy Forum: May 1999:
[42] Social & Economic Injustice, World Centric, 2004:
[43] Ibid.
[44] GPF, Press Release: Pioneering Study Shows Richest Own Half World Wealth. Global Policy Forum: December 5, 2006:
[45] UN, The Millennium Development Goals Report 2009. United Nations, New York, 2009: page 4
[46] G20 Summit: Bank bailout would end global poverty, says Oxfam. The Telegraph: April 1, 2009:
[47] Press Release, 100 people every minute pushed into poverty by economic crisis. Oxfam International: September 24, 2009:
[48] Press Release, Financial crisis to deepen extreme poverty, increase child mortality rates – UN report. UN News Center: March 3, 2009:
[49] Andrew Gavin Marshall, Western Civilization and the Economic Crisis: The Impoverishment of the Middle Class. Global Research: March 30, 2010:
[50] Andrew Gavin Marshall, Debt Dynamite Dominoes: The Coming Financial Catastrophe. Global Research: February 22, 2010:
[51] Reuters, G20 communique after meeting in South Korea. G20 Communiqué: June 5, 2010:
[52] Andrew Gavin Marshall, Forging a “New World Order” Under a One World Government. Global Research: August 13, 2009: ; or for a more succinct analysis, Andrew Gavin Marshall, The Financial New World Order: Towards a Global Currency and World Government. Global Research: April 6, 2009:
[53] Andrew Gavin Marshall, Western Civilization and the Economic Crisis: The Impoverishment of the Middle Class. Global Research: March 30, 2010:
[54] Andrew Gavin Marshall, The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution. Global Research: April 7, 2010:
[55] Matthew Rothschild, Chomsky Warns of Risk of Fascism in America. The Progressive: April 12, 2010:
[56] Justine Sharrock, Naomi Wolf Thinks the Tea Parties Help Fight Fascism -- Is She Onto Something or in Fantasy Land? Alternet: March 30, 2010:
[57] Ibid.
[58] Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership. Speech at the Carnegie Council: March 25, 2004:
[59] Ibid.
[60] Ibid.
[61] Zbigniew Brzezinski, America’s Geopolitical Dilemmas. Speech at the Canadian International Council and Montreal Council on Foreign Relations: April 23, 2010:
AFD: Que cache la nomination de Dov Zerah ?![]()
AFD: Que cache la nomination de Dov Zerah ?
Le 2 Juin 2010, M. Sarkozy a nommé Dov Zerah directeur général de l’Agence Française de Développement (AFD), principalement destinée à l’Afrique. À titre indicatif, cet organisme a bénéficié l’an passé d’un budget de 6,2 milliards d’euros. Qui est donc M. Dov Zerah et pourquoi le nommer à ce poste ? La veille de sa nomination, il était encore Président du Consistoire israélite de Paris, dont une des principales tâches est de renforcer les liens de la communauté juive de France avec Israël. Conseiller municipal de Neuilly-sur-Seine et ancien patron de Dagris (le numéro un du coton en France), Dov Zerah a également été directeur de cabinet de Michel Roussin lorsque ce dernier était ministre de la Coopération. Tout cela a un fort parfum de sionisme – version Neuilly-sur-Seine – et de Françafrique : ces réseaux français qui quadrillent et contrôlent encore en grande partie les anciennes colonies africaines. Mais c’est la première fois qu’un sioniste aussi déclaré est nommé à un tel poste. A quoi peut répondre une telle nomination ? Au-delà d'un recrutement dans le premier cercle de la « Sarkozie » (Neuilly-sur-Seine / sionisme), on peut se demander si ce choix n’indique pas une visée géopolitique plus large. Peut-être s’agit-il d’utiliser la Françafrique au profit d’Israël, et de resserrer les liens de Tel Aviv avec les gouvernements de nombreux pays africains ? Dans le passé, Israël s’est toujours efforcé d’éloigner l’Afrique des pays arabo-musulmans les plus engagés dans la lutte contre le sionisme et contre son entité en Palestine. Aujourd’hui, il s’agit de contrer le rapprochement entre l’Iran et l’Afrique. Nous craignons que l’action de Dov Zerah ne consiste donc à coordonner davantage un axe Paris-Tel Aviv-Afrique, sous le masque de la coopération et du développement ! Nombreuses ont été les dictatures africaines dont l’armée et les forces de répression furent formées et entraînées par Israël. A titre d’exemple, un certain général congolais, Joseph Désiré Mobutu, a bénéficié en 1963 d’un entraînement de parachutiste par Tsahal, deux ans avant de prendre le pouvoir ! De nombreuses sociétés israéliennes – souvent domiciliées ailleurs qu’en Israël mais dirigées par des anciens (?) du Mossad et de Tsahal – se sont spécialisées dans les questions de sécurité, et ont étendu leurs réseaux en Afrique. Mais, de plus en plus, les Africains condamnent la dépendance de leur pays vis-à-vis de la Françafrique et se sentent, par là même, solidaires de toutes les forces dans le monde qui résistent à la domination des puissants. Et parmi ce Front de la Résistance, l’Iran occupe une place de plus en plus importante dans l’opinion africaine, notamment musulmane. Le Sénégal par exemple, commence à prendre quelques distances vis-à-vis de la politique française en ce qui concerne les sanctions à l'encontre de l’Iran. Tout cela confirme donc notre hypothèse concernant la mission de Dov Zerah : maintenir et renforcer l’influence française en Afrique, en la coordonnant avec les intérêts d’Israël. Ainsi, cela permettra aux Africains de connaître un peu mieux l’ « Israfrique », tout en conservant la Françafrique et toutes ses injustices. La nomination de Dov Zerah est un pas de plus dans la sionisation du gouvernement de la France. Une sionisation qui se fait ouvertement, sans complexe, et avec une certaine morgue. C’est ce qui les perdra…
Le Président,
Yahia Gouasmi.
Afghanistan - Obama's War for Israel
By Chris Bollyn,
July 1, 2010
Bruce O. Riedel headed the White House Afghan war strategy team that advised President Obama to send 50,000 more U.S. troops in early 2009. With the chaos and bloodshed in Afghanistan increasing every month, Riedel is often interviewed these days- but never identified as a hired gun of the Israeli operative Haim (Chaim) Saban, who happens to be a close friend and partner-in-crime of Ehud Barak, the Israeli defense chief. Recognizing Obama's Zionist war planners is essential to understanding what the war in Afghanistan is really all about.
Bruce Riedel at Israel's Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv. Riedel, a C.I.A. veteran, works for Haim Saban, a Zionist zealot and Ehud Barak's friend and partner-in-crime. ![]() Haim Saban (right) with Shimon Peres, Ted Koppel, and Bill Clinton at the Saban Forum in Jerusalem 2006. Clinton has received more than $10 million from Saban.
While there are 150 current news articles in which Bruce Riedel is quoted on the war in Afghanistan or the alleged Russian spies of New York, none of them explain that he is a "senior fellow" working for the Israeli Mossadnik of Hollywood, Haim Saban.
A recent article, "The Influencer" in the New Yorker, explains Saban's (i.e. Mossad's) strategy in crafting U.S. foreign policy to benefit Ehud Barak and his gang of Zionist terrorists:
Saban's greatest concern, he says, is to protect Israel. At a conference in Israel, Saban described his formula. His “three ways to be influential in American politics,” he said, were: make donations to political parties, establish think tanks, and control media outlets. In 2002, he contributed seven million dollars toward the cost of a new building for the Democratic National Committee—one of the largest known donations ever made to an American political party. That year, he also founded the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution…By far his most important relationship is with Bill and Hillary Clinton. In 2002, Saban donated five million dollars to Bill Clinton’s Presidential library, and he has given more than five million dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
In January 2001, a law suit was filed in Israel's High Court calling for criminal charges to be brought against Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Los Angeles television producer Chaim Saban. The court papers allege that on March 25, 1999, a month and half before Israel's national elections, Saban hosted a campaign fund-raiser in his Beverly Hills home for then prime minister candidate Barak in violation of Israeli election laws. The 35 to 40 guests who attended the parlor meeting were each asked to donate $10,000 to benefit the Barak campaign.
![]() Haim Saban's friend Ehud Barak is the main suspect of being the mastermind of 9-11 and the explosive demolition of the Twin Towers.
Saban promised to match each donation to Barak, dollar for dollar. On the evening of the fund-raiser Barak flew into L.A. and spoke before the parlor meeting held in Saban's home and contributions were solicited…
One guest at the fund raising event, businessman Daniel Dilbort, the president of L.A.'s Nu Image productions, admitted to Israel's leading daily Yediot Aharanot, that the participants understood that they were donating to Barak's campaign: "We knew we were donating to Barak's election campaign, but we did not know where the money was going exactly," Dilbort says he wrote a check for $10,000 that evening.
June was the deadliest month of the nine-year Afghanistan war, with more than 102 NATO troops killed. Of those killed in June, at least 54 were U.S. soldiers. The United States has lost 1,066 soldiers in Afghanistan in a military campaign that has gone on longer than World War II, but Obama is sending tens of thousands more young Americans to "surge" in a disastrous war that no one seems to understand. Exposing the Zionists behind Obama's war policy is essential to understanding why we are engaged in this most ill-advised and criminal of wars. ![]() Sgt. Brian Keith spends his last moments with his wife, Sara, and his son Stephen, 6 months, before going off to Obama's war in Afghanistan. Sgt. Keith, of the 10th Mountain Division from Fort Drum, New York, is among the thousands of Americans being sent to Afghanistan as part of Obama's surge. Americans have no idea why their loved ones are fighting and dying in Afghanistan. (Photo - New York Times) NORWEGIANS KILLED Norwegian military officials released the names of the four soldiers killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan on Sunday, June 27. Defense Minister Grete Faremo, her voice cracking with emotion, said she will be among those bringing their bodies home. “We have lost four of our best soldiers,” Faremo said. ![]() Simen Tokle, age 24, from Ballangen in Nordland County ![]() Christian Lian, age 31, from Kristiansand in southern Norway ![]() Andreas Eldjarn, age 21, from Tromsø in northern Norway ![]() Trond André Bolle, age 41, from Lena in Toten (Oppland County) “Norway is a small country. We have no one to lose.” Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said Monday that the four soldiers “were among the finest we have,” and that their deaths are “a gruesome reminder” of how dangerous their military assignment was. Norway has 470 troops in Afghanistan.
But why are 470 Norwegian troops in Afghanistan in the first place? Why are tens of thousands of young Europeans, Canadians, Australians, and Americans slogging away in the Hindu Kush? What is the real mission of this international military campaign that has dragged on for nearly 9 years? What deals have been struck, what promises made to those who have sent their fighting men to the bloody quagmire in Afghanistan?
To understand why thousands of young Americans and Europeans are fighting and dying in Afghanistan we need to be very clear about the real reasons for this nine-year-old military invasion and occupation. Some straight talk and Socratic dialectic will help us to determine what this war is really about – and what it isn't.
President Obama adopted the seven-year-old war (in 2008) and the Bush administration's reasoning for it, claiming that the United States is occupying Afghanistan because of 9-11. The terrorists behind 9-11, according to the Obama and Bush administrations, were members of the Al Qaida organization headed by Osama Bin Laden. This Islamic terrorist organization was based in Afghanistan under the Taliban regime and presented a threat to the whole world, which is why an international coalition was put together to fight against it.
The claim that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida were behind 9-11, however, has been proven false. While the U.S. government never actually proved that these parties were involved in the terror attacks, the discovery of large amounts of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center has now exposed this claim to be nothing but a complete fabrication. Al Qaida neither produced nor applied the extremely explosive super-thermite that pulverized the Twin Towers on 9-11. The role of Osama Bin Laden was that of the scapegoat in a false-flag operation, but he had nothing to do with the destruction of the Twin Towers.
![]() The Twin Towers were pulverized with a highly energetic form of super-thermite. Al Qaida and the Taliban of Afghanistan clearly had nothing to do with the murderous demolition of the World Trade Center.
If the people who run the C.I.A. and the U.S. government know about the discovery of super-thermite and explosives in the World Trade Center, why do they continue to wage war in Afghanistan?
Well, we know Afghanistan's production of opium has increased greatly under the U.S.-led occupation. It was recently reported that use of opiate drugs, including heroin and opium, has doubled in Afghanistan since 2005, with nearly 3 percent of the adult population now addicted. Prior to the U.S. invasion in 2001, the Taliban regime had virtually eradicated the production of opium. Increased production of opium is clearly one of the results of the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan, but is that the only reason?
Afghanistan is also one of the crown jewels of Asia, extremely well endowed with rare minerals and gems, and situated between Russia, Turkmenistan, China, Pakistan, Iran, and the West. To control Afghanistan is to control one of the wealthiest and most important strategic corridors in the world. This is why the Soviet Union tried to occupy Afghanistan in the 1980s and why the U.S.-led coalition has tried to do the same since 2001. Besides its enormous wealth of rare and strategic minerals, Afghanistan is located between the Israeli-owned gas fields of Turkmenistan and the energy-starved markets of India and China. If Afghanistan were brought under U.S. and Zionist control the planned TAPI gas pipeline through Kandahar would bring billions of dollars into Mossad's coffers. This is why Ehud Barak and Haim Saban are pushing for the conquest of Afghanistan. These people will use every trick in the book to see this pipeline built, but how many people must die for Israeli profits?
Who are the people behind the crafting of the war policy in Afghanistan?
We can easily identify two groups who are pushing the war policy in Afghanistan: the C.I.A. and the Israelis. The C.I.A. is clearly waging its own war in Afghanistan and Pakistan with its use of drone-launched missiles while the Israelis have called for the U.S. invasion of the country from the beginning. Ehud Barak, the current Israeli defense minister, was actually the first person to call for the invasion of Afghanistan, which he did on 9-11, only minutes after the demolition of the World Trade Center, on the BBC.
While a great deal has been written recently about the war in Afghanistan following the resignation of General Stanley A. McChrystal, I have yet to see one article that correctly identifies the real impetus behind the war effort. Most Americans believe, as President Obama says, that the war is being waged because the Taliban regime supported the terrorists who carried out 9-11. This is utterly false, as the discovery of super-thermite amply proves. The false-flag terror of 9-11, the war in Afghanistan, and the larger "War on Terror" are all Zionist-constructed frauds that are protected and promoted by the Zionist-controlled White House, Congress, and media.
To understand that the "War on Terror" (with its invasion and occupation of Afghanistan) is a Zionist construct, it is helpful to review the Israeli role in its development and realization:
·PREPARING THE GROUND - The idea of the "War on Terror" and its conceptual framework was first articulated and promoted by Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel's Yonatan Institute of Terrorism in the early 1980s in a series of speeches, seminars, articles, and books. The basic idea is that Israel's survival required that the militaries of the United States and Europe be stationed in the Middle East to defeat and occupy the states that support terrorism – on a long-term basis. Terrorism, or a state that supports terrorism, as defined by the Israeli doctrine, is any act (or state) of resistance against Israeli hegemony and aggression. The "War on Terror" doctrine was taught to highest-level U.S. leaders, such as George H.W. Bush, who attended the first conference of the Yonatan Institute of Terrorism in 1979. Netanyahu is a former soldier of Israel's elite Sayeret Matkal and served under Ehud Barak, his commander.
·CREATING THE CATALYST – The false-flag terror attacks of 9-11 were Israeli-designed and managed events. Ehud Barak, the chief of secret operations for the Israeli military, came to the United States in early 2001 to supervise the preparation of the crime. He was a partner in an Israeli firm, SCP Partners, which owned metallurgical companies that specialized in manufacturing nano-composites, exactly like the super-thermite that demolished the World Trade Center on 9-11. ·INTERPRETING THE EVENT – Ehud Barak happened to be in London on 9-11, ready and willing to appear on BBC World television just minutes after the demolition of the Twin Towers. Barak was clearly well prepared to interpret the terror attacks for the English-speaking world. Without a single piece of evidence, Barak blamed Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida and called for the U.S. and the western democracies to invade Afghanistan. The Zionist-controlled media completely supported Barak's interpretation of 9-11 and refused to address the unanswered questions or evidence of Israeli involvement in the attacks. ·CONTROLLING THE INVESTIGATION – Michael Chertoff, an Israeli national and son of a Mossad agent, was Assistant Attorney General in charge of the criminal division of the Department of Justice on 9-11. As the top boss of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which had a complete novice as its director, Chertoff was well positioned to control the investigation by confiscating and destroying crucial evidence, such as more than 99 percent of the steel from the destroyed Twin Towers. While the real evidence was being confiscated, false evidence, such as passports of the alleged hijackers, was "found" and used by Chertoff to create the myth that Al Qaida had hijacked the planes and destroyed the World Trade Center. ·CREATING THE ZEITGEIST – Chertoff was instrumental in drafting the draconian legislation named the USA PATRIOT Act, which created the idea that the United States was under attack and needed to sacrifice civil liberties in order to wage a global "War on Terror." A department of Homeland Security was established, which Chertoff became the head of after he had completed his task overseeing the "non-investigation" of 9-11. ·MANAGING THE WARS – Zionist advisers, the unelected Neo-Cons, pushed for U.S. military invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Promoted by the controlled media, the Zionist hawks used every trick in the book, including outright lies, to convince the public and policy makers that sending hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers into the Middle East on an open-ended mission was the only way to prevent another 9-11 atrocity. Most of these advisers are die-hard Zionist zealots with strong attachments to Israeli military intelligence. ·OBAMA'S WAR FOR ISRAEL – Elected on a promise of "change", the Zionist-controlled Barack Obama conducted a review of the seven-year-old war in Afghanistan. Bruce O. Riedel, a veteran C.I.A. officer, was named to chair the White House review. Riedel, a senior fellow of the Chaim Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, is an employee of Chaim Saban, an Israeli "billionaire" operative in Hollywood who is an ardent supporter (and partner in crime) of Ehud Barak. Not surprisingly, Riedel advises Obama to increase the war effort in Afghanistan and send tens of thousands more U.S. troops to try to pacify the U.S.-occupied Central Asian nation.
Sources and Recommended Reading:Bollyn, Christopher, "How Ehud Barak Pulled Off 9-11", May 5, 2010
Bollyn, Christopher, "Obama's Deception - 9-11 and Afghanistan", June 5, 2009
Bollyn, Christopher, "Dying in Vain - Why Afghanistan?" February 8, 2010
Bollyn, Christopher, "The Spoils of War: The Minerals of Afghanistan", January 7, 2002
Bruck, Connie, "The Influencer", The New Yorker, May 10, 2010
"New Law Suit calls for the Arrest of Hollywood Mogul Chaim Saban and Israeli Prime Minister - Fox Kids Worldwide CEO Alleged To Have Aided Barak in Campaign Fund-Raising Plot", IMRA Newsletter (Israel), January 7, 2001
Riedel, Bruce, "The Afghan Gold Rush", Saban Center for Middle East Policy, Brookings Institution, June 16, 2010
Bruce Riedel at INSS: Possible to Win the War in Afghanistan, Institute for National Security Studies (Israel), Tel Aviv, November 17, 2009 Israeli Dr. Strangelove is USAF’s top civilian adviser
By Philip Giraldi,
One would expect the Air Force’s top civilian adviser to be someone who has spent some time in the US military or who has a very particular educational or skills set that brings something special to what is, after all, a very senior and sensitive position. Not so. Dr. Lani Kass, who is the senior Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force General Norton A. Schwartz, was born, raised, and educated in Israel and then served in that country’s military where she reached the rank of major. She has a PhD in Russian studies but advises Air Force Generals on Cyberwarfare, terrorism, and the Middle East. And Kass appears to have close and continuing ties to her country of birth, frequently spicing her public statements with comments about life in Israel while parroting simplistic views of the nature of the Islamic threat that might have been scripted in Tel Aviv’s Foreign Ministry.
Kass’ official Air Force bio, which has been expunged from the Pentagon website possibly due to less than flattering commentary regarding her appointment, indicates that since January 2006 she has been “the principal adviser on policy and strategy and formulates, develops, implements, and communicates the policies, programs and goals of the Air Force.” Another official bio adds that she “…conducts numerous complex, high priority special assignments involving research and fact-finding to develop analyses, position and issue papers, and generate new initiatives based on a variety of strategic subjects of critical importance to the Joint Staff and/or the Joint Force.” There have also been suggestions that Kass has recently become an informal adviser to Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on Middle Eastern policy.
Dr. Lani Kass is married to Norman Kass, a former Pentagon Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, and resides in McLean, Virginia. She has been naturalized as a US citizen and is presumably a dual national who now holds both American and Israeli passports. Her three children were all born in Israel. While it is perhaps not unusual for American citizens to volunteer with the Israel Defense Forces as White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel did in 1991, it would have to be considered unprecedented for a senior Israeli military officer to obtain a high level position at the Pentagon. In fact, it is hard to imagine that anyone carrying out a security background investigation would approve such a transition under any circumstances, suggesting the possibility that Kass’s ascent to high office might have been aided or even godfathered by friends in key positions who were able to override or circumvent normal procedures.
Dr. Kass’s full first name is Ilana and her maiden name is Dimant. She has a 1971 BA in political-science and Russian area studies, summa cum laude, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a 1976 joint PhD from the Kaplan School of the Hebrew University and Columbia University in international affairs. She apparently met her husband Norman at Columbia. Both she and her husband are fluent in Russian and Hebrew. After completing her PhD, she served in the Israeli Air Force, achieving the rank of major. For those who are unfamiliar with the military, the rank of major is a senior rank that normally would be awarded to a career officer.
Between 1979 and 1981, Kass worked at the Russian research Center of Booz Allen and Hamilton. Between 1985 and 2005 she held the position of Professor of Military Strategy and Operations of the National War College. In 1992 Dr. Kass obtained a senior position at the Pentagon as Special Assistant to the Director, Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate (J5). Dick Cheney was Secretary of Defense at the time. She returned to the Pentagon under Secretary William Cohen and stayed on during 2000 – 2001 as Senior Policy Adviser and Special Assistant for Strategic Initiatives to the Director, Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate (J5) under Donald Rumsfeld.
In early November 2006, US Air Force officials formed the Air Force Cyberspace Command that had the “authority to launch wars in cyberspace.” The command was reported to be “largely the brainchild of Dr. Lani Kass, director of the Air Force Cyberspace Task Force.”
Dr. Kass’ position and access inevitably raise a number of questions. Her appointment is somewhat unseemly, which even the Air Force appeared to recognize when it removed her bio from the website. Surely there must be qualified Americans who would be both delighted and proud to serve their country in the position she holds. Surely someone in Washington must see the security implications of a former foreign military officer holding a high level post in the Pentagon with full access to classified information. To challenge Dr. Kass’s position is not to question her academic credentials and intelligence or even her ability or integrity, but it is not unreasonable to ask why the Pentagon would appoint to a sensitive position someone who was born, raised, and served at a senior level with the armed forces in a foreign country.
And it is also not unreasonable to stop and consider whether Kass might well be an agent working for the Israeli government, which aggressively spies against the United States. She left Israel and began her journey through the US defense department in 1981, when Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard was still active. Israeli intelligence certainly was then and is now capable of what is referred to in intelligence jargon as a seeding operation in which “a mole” is placed in an innocuous position and expected to rise higher, eventually obtaining access to top secret information and even sometimes winding up in a position in which it is possible to direct policy as a so-called agent of influence. Kass started her ascent by working on Russia for beltway bandit Booz Allen Hamilton, quite likely for completely innocent reasons but also possibly because it was a non-threatening way to ease her entry into the world of government contractors.
In seeking to discover how she wound up where she is now it is fair to ask how exactly she obtained the positions that she has held with the Pentagon and who sponsored her through the bureaucracy. How did she manage to obtain a clearance in spite of the obvious red flags in her background? In light of legitimate security concerns, has she been polygraphed, what questions about her relationship with her former country were asked, and what were her answers? Was any deception indicated? Has she been re-polygraphed recently? This is not intended as harassment or as any accusation against Kass but rather to determine if she has been subject to normal and appropriate security measures. CIA officers are, for example, required to undergo polygraph exams every five years and the questions concentrate on possible unreported relationships with foreign governments.
Critics note that while Kass is genuinely an expert on Russia, she has little background to qualify her as an authority on the currently fashionable Cyberwarfare, where she has somehow turned herself into a major spokesman through mastery of the necessary buzzwords and talking points. Nor does she have any genuine expertise on the Middle East or on terrorism to share with Mullen and others, apart from her own Israeli perspective. Her access to the highest levels of the Air Force also raises the questions of just what is she advising and what does she know? Does she support an air war against Iran, for example, and is she actively promoting that option? Does she know how the Obama Administration will react if Tel Aviv tries to stage a unilateral attack on Iran? Such information would be pure gold for the Israeli government.
There are indications that Dr. Kass is a major player in shaping US security policy. She has been described as a “key participant” in the development of the national strategy for combating terrorism, as well as the national military strategic plan for the Global War on Terrorism. In September 2007, The Times of London reported that she was a leading participant in “Project CHECKMATE, a “highly confidential strategic planning group tasked with ‘fighting the next war’ as tensions rise with Iran” that was “quietly established” by the US Air Force in June 2007 as a “successor to the group that planned the 1991 Gulf War’s air campaign.”
Also per The Times, CHECKMATE “consists of 20-30 top air force officers and defense and cyberspace experts with ready access to the White House, the CIA and other intelligence agencies.” Its director Brigadier-General Lawrence A. Stutzriem and Kass reported directly to General Michael Moseley, at the time chief of staff of the Air Force. The Times cited Defense sources saying, “detailed contingency planning for a possible attack on Iran has been carried out for more than two years.” Regarding Iran operations, Kass was quoted as saying “We can defeat Iran, but are Americans willing to pay the price?”
Dr. Kass is not directly linked to any neoconservative groups but appears to be a kindred spirit, possessing a Manichean world view. Her comment cited above about defeating Iran has a dismissive tone to it, as if she is not identifying as an American herself. And she is also reported to have said “Remember what Israelis tell their children when they cry: ‘Don’t cry — you want to be a paratrooper don’t you?’” Some other public utterances are also revealing, suggesting that if General Schwartz and Admiral Mullen are actually listening to her it is no surprise that some US defense and security policies are largely based on simplistic bumper sticker analysis. In a speech at Mountain Home Air Force Base in Idaho on July 9, 2007, she said radical Muslims hate the western world because Europe took their dominant political position away and they want it back. To support her claim she produced a map taken from an obscure Jihadi website showing the entire world depicted as the “United States of Islam,” in which everyone will have to follow Sharia Muslim law. Kass likes to use the map as a prop in many of her public appearances. In her speech she explained that Muslims hate western culture and want to dominate the world, adding that because radical Islam has a “culture of death” all those who do not submit to Islam must die, an assertion so absurd that one suspects her political analysis derives from the Free Republic website. She also compared all Americans to sheep and sheepdogs. The former keep their heads down hoping that someone else will be eaten by wolves a.k.a. terrorists while the latter fight back. Kass sees herself as a sheepdog. For her Air Force audience she concluded that the long war against the Islamists will end “when they learn to love their children more than they hate us,” a comment originally attributed to Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir.
Kass’s powerpoint demonstration “A Warfighting Domain,” dated September 26, 2006, is equally scary, and more than a little Strangelovean in its language and appeal. It includes the map of the United States of Islam and defines the “mission” as “to fly and fight in the Air, Space, and Cyberspace.” She boasts “as Airmen we are the nation’s premier multi-dimensional maneuver force, with the agility, reach, speed, stealth, payload, precision, and persistence to deliver global effects at the speed of sound and the speed of light.” Her objective? To “foster a force of 21st century warriors, capable of delivering the full spectrum of kinetic and non-kinetic, lethal and non-lethal effects in the Air, Space, and Cyber domains.”
Dr. Kass the Kremlinologist might have been a dab hand at interpreting the Nomenklatura standing on top of Lenin’s tomb but her embrace of Cyberwar and her comments relating both to terrorism and the state of the Middle East make one wonder how she has ascended to her lofty perch…and equally why she should remain there. Legitimate security concerns about her possible conflicted loyalty and her intentions should have blunted her trajectory long ago. But on the other hand, the global war on terror is so much of a joke that it perhaps needs someone like Dr. Kass to symbolize its absurdity and to launch the US Air Force on a vital new mission replete with lethal warrior-airmen delivering “global effects” at the speed of light. At an estimated cost of $100 billion, one might add. Captain Kirk? Are you ready to beam me up? Things are getting kind of strange down here.
![]() Israel is pushing Jewish Al Saud against Iran, division of Saudi Arabia into 5 new states under Tel Aviv control
An Israeli military base in Saudi Arabia?
![]() ![]() ![]()
Although Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf disclaimed the news reported in the Times of London according to which Saudi Arabia had opened an air corridor enabling Tsahal to attack Iran, numerous Middle East outlets have indicated that Tsahal is building a military base near Tabuk (on the Jordanian border). It is meant to serve as a support base for airborne troops.
If this news were confirmed, it would constitute the first Israeli base on Saudi territory, with all the symbolic weight that it represents.
The December 2008 Operation "Cast Lead", which aimed to eradicate Hamas from the Gaza Strip, was bankrolled by Saudi funds, although it has never been specified whether they originated from the royal family or from the State itself.
Sequestrations, tortures et deportations d'opposants politiques a la France et ses reseaux terroristes algeriens au pouvoir au maghrebDe Folembray à Ouagadougouo : Quelques détails oubliés
Ahmed Simozrag, 30 juin 2010
Cet écrit a pour objet d’examiner les détails de certaines questions abordées par Madame Zineb Azouz dans son dernier papier sur les déportés de Folembray. Il a été conçu dans le souci de compléter ledit article qui surgit comme un coup de tonnerre dans un ciel bleu, qui brise un silence aussi long qu’inexplicable, qui interpelle militants et défenseurs des droits de l’homme sur leur indifférence face à un cas de violation flagrante des droits de l’homme.
En effet, cette déportation nous a fait subir des préjudices d’ordre matériel et moral considérables.
D'aucuns ont perdu leurs fortunes, leurs situations, d’autres ont perdu leurs femmes et leurs enfants (beaucoup furent l'objet de divorce), d'autres encore ont perdu leurs études, pire d’autres ont perdu la raison, ils ont piqué des crises de folie ! C’est le cas d’un expulsé qui a laissé sa fille, une gamine de 3 ans dont la maman était divorcée, seule dans la chambre. Un autre, n’ayant pas supporté l’exil en Afrique, a également déraisonné.
Il en est parmi eux qui était sur le point de soutenir sa thèse de doctorat et qui s’est trouvé expulsé et donc absent le jour de la soutenance. Il y a le cas d’un chercheur au CNRS, qui a perdu son poste, il en est qui était soumis à un traitement et un suivi médical rigoureux et qui s’est trouvé privé de son médecin et des soins nécessaires à sa santé, Il y avait au moins deux déportés dont les familles ont été mises à la porte faute de payement de loyer ; les comptes ont été bloqués, tel mon cas, et on a refusé à la famille l’autorisation d’effectuer un prélèvement d’environ 800 euros chaque mois pour la subsistance d’une famille composée de 5 enfants en bas âge.
C’est pour cela que j'ai titré un article : "la France nous a tués et le Burkina nous a enterrés". A vrai dire, nous étions trop bouleversés par les problèmes générés par la déportation.
Je présidais une association appelée "Centre Abaad...", régulièrement déclarée. L'association était surveillée de près et son téléphone mis sur écoute. Chaque soir, je recevais des coups de fil, parfois après minuit, la pudeur ne me permet pas de répéter ce que j’entendais comme raillerie, injures et menaces.
Le jour où les policiers au nombre de 5 ou 6 ont débarqué chez moi à 5 heures du matin, à la même heure ils ont fait irruption au siège de l'association en en défonçant la porte. Je n'ai plus revu le local de l'association jusqu'à présent, mais d'après ce qu'on m'a raconté, ils l'ont saccagé, ils ont emporté tout ce qu'ils pouvaient emporter, archives, matériel, ordinateurs, et détruit le reste. Il y avait une grande photocopieuse, très performante en matière d’impression et de reliure, ils l’ont réduite en morceaux. Ce sont mes enfants qui m'ont rapporté l'événement plus tard.
Chez moi, ils ont tout raflé, dossiers, archives, argent et objets personnels. Ils m'ont rendu l'argent mais uniquement comme piège pour savoir à qui je donne et à qui j’envoie. Après une enquête qui a duré de 8 h à 22 H, je fus conduit menottes en main par 4 policiers à Florac (Lozère). Le trajet a pris toute la nuit. Je fus installé dans un hôtel avec 6 policiers affectés à ma surveillance 24 H sur 24 et 3 gendarmes la nuit. Je devais marquer ma présence (pointer comme on dit) chaque matin auprès de la gendarmerie.
Mon séjour à Florac a duré 9 mois, un séjour jalonné d’harcèlements, de tentatives de retournement, de corruption. Comme les policiers se relayaient, ils rabâchaient la même rengaine, le même credo : "On veut votre accord pour une coopération".
A mon humble avis, ce n’est pas une simple question de violation des droits de l’homme. Cet acte ignoble va bien au-delà de ce qui est imaginable. Il s’inscrit en droite ligne des crimes et des complots menés de concert par Pasqua et ses complices de la Françalgérie contre le peuple algérien, son indépendance, sa souveraineté, ses richesses, son identité, se religion, et que Seul Dieu en connaît les tenants et les aboutissants.
Ils ont causé un grand malheur à notre pays, le privant de la légitimité politique et d’une bonne partie de ses richesses. Ils forment une coterie diabolique dont les agissements criminels ont endeuillé plus d’une fois le peuple algérien. Ils sont à l’origine de grandes magouilles politiques et financières qui exigent de grands efforts de recherche pour les découvrir.
Lorsque Pasqua affirme de la manière la plus cynique et la plus éhontée : " Est-ce que je dois attendre que des bombes éclatent dans notre pays et que des Français soient assassinés pour intervenir?" Il ne fait que se ridiculiser. Un ministre qui agit sans la moindre preuve.
Un procès d’intention à donner la nausée. J'ai envie de lui répliquer : Ces bombes qui lui faisaient peur, pourquoi n'ont-elles pas éclaté au Burkina Faso où il y avait plein d'Ambassades, de missions diplomatiques, d’intérêts et de citoyens français ? Et comment se fait-il que cette vigilance, en fait trompeuse, n’a pas empêché les bombes d’exploser au RER Saint Michel et Maison-Blanche ?
Des terroristes n'auraient pas patienté 16 ans sans réagir contre une injustice aussi criarde ! Peut-être, serions-nous des anti-terroristes, combattants de la Paix, soldats de la Vérité ?
Je doute fort que cette affaire soit une affaire franco-française ! Il est très probable qu'il y ait des tractations secrètes entre des généraux d’Alger et Pasqua sur notre déportation. Car, pour oser commettre une violation aussi flagrante du droit français et du droit international, il faudrait la présence de 3 éléments au moins : un instigateur, un intéressement (pot de vin) et un exécutant. Ce qui a été le cas en l’espèce. Il fallait faire taire les opposants par tous les moyens et à n’importe quel prix.
D’autant plus qu’en matière de bakchich, Pasqua est presque rassasié, des valises pleines de billets lui viennent de toutes parts, à telle enseigne qu’il ait fallu inventer quelque chose de nouveau, un cadeau pas comme les autres : une kalachnikov en or massif lui a été offerte par son homologue saoudien, le prince Naïf ben Abdulaziz Al-Saoud le 12 novembre 1994. Deux mois après notre déportation, Pasqua est gratifié d’un cadeau précieux pour son geste louable contre des gens qui dérangent.
L’assassin de Maître Mecili, qui a perpétré son forfait en plein jour, au su et au vu du monde entier, au mépris de toutes les lois et de tous les droits, Pasqua trouve le moyen de le couvrir, de le mettre à l’abri de toute poursuite, pire encore, il le remet sous bonne garde à ses chefs, aux commanditaires.
Alors que nous, qui n’avons commis aucune faute, aucune infraction, il trouve le moyen de nous déporter après nous avoir bel et bien martyrisés. Tout est question de couverture. Sans couverture, tu peux être arrêté à tout instant. Pire, quand c’est la couverture qui poursuit. Un proverbe arabe dit : Quand le juge est ton adversaire, tu n’as qu’à plier ton tapis (Sous-entendu va t’en).
Assigné à résidence, privé de liberté, avec des gardes plantés en permanence devant la porte, qui surveillent mes mouvements, contrôlent mes visiteurs et tout ce qui bouge, imaginez une telle situation qui dure depuis 16 ans, sans compter les périodes d’internement à Florac et à Folembray.
Madame Zineb Azouz a bien mis le doigt sur la plaie quand elle a dit que l’islamisme n’est pas le seul à être visé. Effectivement, nous sommes en face d’une nouvelle idéologie, d’un nouveau projet de société en rapport avec le duo impérialo-sionisme. Sont pris comme cibles non seulement l’Islam authentique mais aussi les catholiques, les juifs antisionistes tels que Naturei Karta, les tendances de gauche, les pauvres et tous ceux qui s’opposent au projet en question émergent sous la forme d’un nouvel ordre mondial.
Il en résulte que les enjeux sont beaucoup plus profonds qu'on le pense. Nous sommes tous sur la ligne de mire de ce nouvel ennemi du bien, du droit, de la vérité et de la justice. Il y a donc lieu de se mobiliser, chacun dans son domaine et selon ses moyens, pour barrer la route aux forces du mal et à leurs alliés. Il convient d’informer, de sensibiliser, de mettre à contribution le droit et la justice pour dénoncer, poursuivre et punir les criminels de quelque bord qu’ils soient.
Car l’impunité signifie la continuation des exactions, de l’exécution de leurs œuvres sordides, des plans criminels, ce qui cause davantage de dégâts, de crimes, de ravages et de destructions. « L'indifférence est une infirmité de l'esprit et du cœur. Nous ne devrions pas craindre la différence, le plus à craindre c'est l'indifférence ».
Faut-il se taire sur les crimes de guerre et les crimes contre l’humanité perpétrés au cours de ces dernières décennies ? Faut-il se taire sur la dilapidation des richesses des peuples ? Faut-il se taire sur l’argent du pétrole arabe investi aux Etats-Unis ? Faut-il se taire sur les fonds arabes qui ont financé la guerre « plomb durci » contre Gaza ? Faut-il se taire sur la future base militaire israélienne en Arabie Saoudite ?
Autant de question que chaque esprit libre doit se poser.
History is subjective, though it was never meant to be. Real history has never been in danger as it is today. World War II wasn’t the “clean war” we purport it to be but as dirty as World War I, with its secret deals and payoffs. Everything in its aftermath has required a mythology, misrepresention and disinformation, not only the war but its aftermath and how the conflicts continue, almost endlessly.
Hollywood is a major tool in this process. No, Italians didn’t start organized crime but partnered with Jewish crime organizations long in existence as “junior brothers.” Is Osama bin Laden a terrorist mastermind running the world from a cave in Pakistan or is he a long dead former CIA asset and Al Qaeda a dream created by military and intelligence groups?
Perhaps the biggest secret kept from the world today was the long relationship between Hitler and Zionism, a partnership dating to the late 1920s. Noam Chomsky’s theory at Israel is America’s “junk yard dog” in the Middle East is disputed by many but could have been right, just at a different time. Israel was meant to be what it is today, but not allied to America but rather Nazi Germany. Zionism was a component of Nazism, not its antithesis. Erasing that history has required, not only myth, falsehood and deception but considerable violence and even wars.
This is how it was supposed to be:
Hitler, always funded quite mysteriously. His German backers were penniless but Hitler was always drowning in resources, private lanes, luxurious accomodations and anything else he needed. That Hitler had a long and well established partnership with Zionists for a final solution to the Jewish problem in Europe is part of a secret history that exists but is feared as it seemingly cannot coexist with conventional views of the Holocaust. Could Zionists push Hitler to resettle European Jews to Palestine and yet have the process, by 1945 turn into something unforeseen, something horrific?
Zionist policies in Germany required that Jews be forced to resettle in Palestine. Zionists shared their hatred of the British with the Nazis. Thus, a highly organized Jewish terrorist organization could totally undermining British control of that region, once enough “settlers” were in place. Zionist leaders agreed with Hitler, not only in his policy toward the Jews but in his other theories as well, including and especially his plans for a totalitarian state and world conquest.
The entire war, World War II, was to play out differently, if only Rommel had been able to seize the Suez Canal. The moment that happened, Jews in Palestine would rise against Britain, as they did after the war, but this time in coordination with Hitler’s approaching armies.
Russia was supposed to be out of the war by that time.
Israel and Turkey would be fast friends, then as now. The Ottomans and the Jews have 500 years of history, ruling the Middle East with a mailed fist and velvet purse.
Turkey would then join the war and the entire Middle East would be in Germany’s hands with the State of Israel controlling Palestine for Germany. Sound far fetched? By 1942, it became clear Rommel would fail to take the Suez Canal. General Montgomery crushed The Afrika Corps at the Battle of El Alamein in October that year while Russia held Stalingrad, by February 1943 ending the Nazi juggernaut in Europe.
It all fell apart and the battle for Palestine, a battle fought against the British had to wait for 1946.
The Battle of Midway showed the inherent weakness of the Japanese who would never control India as expected, thus making control of the canal, the lifeline between India and Europe a waste of time. The Suez Canal is the key to India and India was the key to the British empire. In 1956, the Suez Canal would, again, be the prize, this time Britain, France and Israel were to seize the canal. The prize here was not just trade routes but oil and real world power, something Britain and France would never again come close to.
When Stalingrad closed the door in Germany and Turkey, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain and “others” chose to sit out the war and wait for the Allies to win. A Jewish state in Israel was, until late 1942, a vital component of Hitler’s plans, plans made in concert with Zionist allies, as documents show. Now all that is left is Israel, Germany, Britain, France…gone on the winds of history. Now the time for Greater Israel is here with America supplying footing the bill.
How different is “real history” from that being taught today?
Without the power of Hollywood and the media, total control of our extremely flawed version of history would be impossible. In a parallel, recent generations involved in organized crime have become dependent on a mythologized version of their own roots, drawing from film and television. Without TV, there wouldn’t be a “Mafia.”
Wiretaps and trial transcripts of American organized crime syndicates, referred to as the “Mafia” or “Cosa Nostra” have revealed one amazing fact. Were it not for films with The Godfather or shows like the Sopranos, such organizations would have no sense of history, identity or structure. The mythology of organized crime in America started much earlier with journalist Walter Winchell’s participation in the 1950s television series, The Untouchables. In truth, the roots of America’s organized crime was never Sicily’s Mafia but the Jewish gangs of New York.
Italians were only minor players, misrepresented by Hollywood, a city long controlled by organized crime, not the Italian kind but more like the real roots of America’s crime syndicates as represented in the Sergio Leone classic, Once Upon a Time in America. “Bugsy” Siegel, Meyer Lansky, Arnold Rothstein and hundreds of others ran the “senior circuit” of organized crime, the “Kosher Mafia,” well established before 1900, more than two decades before Italians began to make their mark.
Similarly, in today’s representations of Islamic terrorism, the “bread and butter” of ”Kosher” Hollywood, the Jewish origins of Middle Eastern terrorism are ignored. There is no Haganah, Irgunor Stern Gang. Donald Neff writes of this in The Washington Report:
“Sixty years ago….at the time of the British Mandate, it was Jews in Palestine who mainly waged terrorism against the Palestinians. As Jewish leader David Ben-Gurion recorded in his personal history of Israel: “From 1946 to 1947 there were scarcely any Arab attacks on the Yishuv [the Jewish community in Palestine].” The same could not be said for the Zionists. Jewish terrorists waged an intense and bloody campaign against the Palestinians, British, and even some Jews who opposed them leading up to the establishment of Israel.”
In a real sense, the organizations depicted continually in films and television were historically Jewish. There were no well organized Islamic terrorist groups, no history of violence against the west and no issues with Christianity outside Ottoman expansionism into Europe. In fact, for Muslims, there is no single uniting factor without depictions of “Al Qaeda” on television and the continual parade of “cardboard cut-out” terrorists, always the same actors, many now trying to break into other areas of performance to escape “type casting” as “evildoers.”
The message Hollywood and the media moguls that control both the entertainment industry and the news media has sent out is a false one. Terrorist organizations depicted as Muslim are based on European models, many based on Bolshevik terrorist organizations established by Leon Trotsky. This history is being cleansed, not only from world libraries but internet sites such as Wikipedia, with considerable vigor. None the less, it is history, fact based and real and what is supplanting it is myth and dogma.
The mythical Al Qaeda, as “seen on TV” is based on terrorist organizations in operation against, not only the British in Palestine but the Christian and Muslim population of the region on the whole. Neff further states:
“The two major Jewish terror organizations in pre-independence Palestine were the Irgun Zvai Leumi—National Military Organization, NMO, also known by the Hebrew letters Etzel—founded in 1937, and the Lohamei Herut Israel….also known as the Stern Gang after its leader Avraham Stern, known as Yair, founded in 1940. The Irgun was led by Menachem Begin, the future Israeli prime minister who was a leading proponent of Revisionist Zionism, the militant branch of Zionism pioneered by Vladimir Zeev Jabotinsky, which openly despised the Arabs and sought restoration of what it called Eretz Yisrael,the ancient land of Israel. …The Irgun was the dominant Jewish terrorist organization, both in size and the number and frequency of its attacks. Its most spectacular feat up to this time had been the July 22, 1946 blowing up of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, with the killing of 91 people—41 Arabs, 28 British and 17 Jews.
More “erased history,” very real and very much in fact, well documented and once well known, showed the long associations between Zionist groups and Adolf Hitler. This partnership, helping Hitler “cleanse” Europe of Jews and create a Nazi German surrogate in Palestine, a Jewish state called “Israel.” Hitler’s agreement with Zionists was to force Jews to leave Europe, resettle in Palestine, and through an alliance with Germany, supplant British power in the Middle East.
Israel was originally intended to be a tiny “Nazi Germany.” Neff:
“An infamous document called the “Ankara Document” because it was found in the German Embassy in Ankara after the war, detailed Avraham Stern’s ideas “concerning the solution of the Jewish question in Europe.” It was dated Jan. 11, 1941. At the time, Stern was still a member of the Irgun, which he called by its initials, NMO.
These organizations, the NMO or Stern Gang and the Irgun are the precursors for today’s ruling Likudists, their Israeli-American allies and their current operational organization, no longer unofficial ”terrorist” groups, now, since Israel achieved statehood, a national intelligence agency, the Mossad.
Were history to have gone as it had been meant to, Britain would have fallen, America would have gone fascist as early as 1934 with the Business Plot, another piece of the puzzle being erased from history, cleansed, rewritten and censored. How much of our history is built on fables?
Does Hollywood continually rail about the Holocaust and the evils of Islam because it hides a massive conspiracy to create a world where Zionism and Nazism stood hand in hand? We know the connections, the documents are there, the history is there and none of it fits in the version sold to the world today. Back when Mark Weber wrote Zionism and the Third Reich, drawing, not only on “conspiratorial” works but unimpeachable sources as well, the die should have been cast:
“Early in 1935, a passenger ship bound for Haifa in Palestine left the German port of Bremerhaven. Its stern bore the Hebrew letters for its name, “Tel Aviv,” while a swastika banner fluttered from the mast. And although the ship was Zionist-owned, its captain was a National Socialist Party member. Many years later a traveler aboard the ship recalled this symbolic combination as a “metaphysical absurdity.” ( 1.) Absurd or not, this is but one vignette from a little-known chapter of history: The wide-ranging collaboration between Zionism and Hitler’s Third Reich.” (1.W. Martini, “Hebr_isch unterm Hakenkreuz,” Die Welt (Hamburg), Jan. 10, 1975. Cited in: Klaus Polken, “The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941,” Journal of Palestine Studies, Spring-Summer 1976, p. 65.)
In fact, no scholar could study the documents or ask the questions and still be employed or even remain out of prison. The secrets are that damning and they go so much further than we have begun to examine today.
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations, update 31st August 2010, 21 US-invaders died for Israel in 48 hours
This page is updated throughout the day as new operations are reported.
Ramadan 20, 1431 A.H, Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadiand Zabihullah Mujahid by e-mails.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety.
Invaders helicopter destroyed, 6 invaders killedAug. 31 – Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate from Balamarghab district say that this morning (Aug. 31) they destroyed an ISAF invaders helicopter using heavy and light weapons. The copter was attack when it made a landing to airlift the bodies of 4 invaders who where killed and 3 who were wounded earlier on as a result of a mine explosion while they tried to defuse it in Mangano kholi area.
Similarly 2 ISAF and 3 ANA puppets along with their translator were killed in an ambush Tuesday morning, at around 10:00 am, in Jowe Khwaja area of the mentioned district, when their foot patrol was ambushed by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate. Reported by QariMuhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Mujahideen burn 2 NATO logistical vehicles Aug. 31 – 2 NATO supply vehicles were burnt in an ambush by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate near Sangin district bazaar at around 02:00 pm. Mujahideen say that 2 motorcycles belonging to the security puppets were also destroyed but the extent of casualties caused is not known. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Puppet commander shot dead in Kandahar city Aug. 31 – Ahmad Khan, the commander of enemy check posts which lie between Kandahar-Herat main highway in Helmand’s Shorab distrit was shot dead by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate at 08:00 am, in Choni area of Kandahar city. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Zabul: 17 vehicles destroyed, 8 security puppets killed in attack on NATO logistical convoy Aug. 31 – Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate from Shahr Safa district say that they destroyed at least 17 NATO logistical supply vehicles, killed 8 security puppets and seized their weapons in an attack on their convoy in Jaldak area on Kandahar-Kabul main highway on Tuesday afternoon (Aug. 31). Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Puppet Parliament member convoy ambushed in Faryab Aug. 31 – Haji Hashim Khan, puppet parliamentarian member convoy was ambushed by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate near Dawlatabad district center at 10:00 am this morning as a result of which 1 vehicle was destroyed, killing all the puppets onboard but the fate of Haji Hashim Khan is not known. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
5 French invading terrorists killed in Kabul Aug. 31 – In the province’s Sarubi district, Mujahideen battled the French invading forces yesterday evening, the report indicate, adding that Mujahideen shot and destroyed the enemy force’s tanks during the fighting, killing about five French invaders on the spot. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
Attack on check posts: severe losses inflicted on enemy Aug 31 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in the province’s Kohistan district carried out a severe of attacks on the enemy posts causing the enemy deadly losses without knowing the exact size. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
3 killed, 2 injured as US tank blown apart by IED in Logar Aug. 31 – Some 3 US invaders were killed with two others injured Tuesday morning as Mujahideen got their tank destroyed using IED in Baraki Barak district of Logar province. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
Boldak Border Police assistant chief killed in an explosion Aug. 31 – Lalai Bretawar, the assistant border police chief of Spin Boldak district was killed along with his bodyguards on Monday night (Aug. 30) when their vehicle hit a roadside bomb in Kandak area.Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Assistant of Nawa governor wounded by fatal blastAug. 31 – Karim Khan, the assistant of Nawa governor (Manaf Khna) is in a critical condition in an American invaders hospital after he along with 2 of his gunmen were fatally wounded when they stepped on a mine planted by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in Achagzo area of this district at around 06:00 am this morning.Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Powerful blasts hit US invaders in Musa Kala, 3 tanks destroyed Aug. 31 – Reports from Musa Kala say that a US invaders tank was completely destroyed by an IED, killing all terrorists onboard on Monday night (Aug. 30) in Ghartali area. Similarly 2 more US tanks were destroyed, killing or wounding all invaders inside in a similar way at about the same time in Chaghali area.
Reports add that at least 3 more US invaders were killed and 2 seriously wounded at 05:00 pm last night, when a remote control bomb was detonated on their foot patrol in Ahmad Khanzo area of this district.
Yet in another incident an ANA vehicle was blown up by an IED early this morning, at around 06:00 am, in Maghni Mnada area of the mentioned district. 3 puppets were instantly killed in the blast and 2 were severely wounded. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
4 ANA puppets killed in Uruzgan ambush Aug. 31 – According to a report from Ajaristan (Daya) district, which has been besieged by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate for the last couple of days say, that some 4 cowardly ANA minions were killed and 3 wounded on Monday night (Aug. 30), at around 06:00 pm, when they were caught in an ambush set up by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate as they were on their way from one check post to another. Reported by Qari MuhammadYousuf Ahmadi
2 enemy vehicles eliminated in Nimroz Aug. 31 – A security puppets vehicle was eliminated by an IED in Dalaram’s Durahipie area on Monday night (Aug. 30) and another vehicle was destroyed in a similar way this morning, at 08:00 am near Muhammad Isa Petrol Pump area. All the security puppets onboard the vehicles were instantly killed. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
2 cowardly ANA puppets gunned down in Herat cityAug. 31 – On Monday, at around 05:00 pm, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate gunned down 2 ANA puppets as they were walking along Iraq Gate area of Herat city.Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Deadly explosion claims 7 ANA puppet lives Aug. 31 – Some 7 ANA puppets were killed this morning (Aug. 31) when the vehicle they were travelling in hit a roadside bomb in Paye Nawa area near Terenkot city.Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Cowardly police patrol ambushed near Maiwand, 7 killed Aug. 31 – Reports from Maiwand’s Khak Chopan area say that on Monday (Aug. 30), some 7 cowardly police were killed and 2 wounded when their patrol was ambushed on Kandahar-Herat main highway by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate. Reported by QariMuhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
4 US terrorists killed in Uruzgan clash Aug. 31 – At least 4 US terrorists were killed and 3 wounded on Monday (Aug. 30) in Char Chino district when Mujahideen attacked their foot patrol in Khod’s Nawa area. Alhamdulillah Mujahideen did not sustain any casualties in fighting which lasted nearly all day.Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
These operations were part of the new Al-Fath (victory) Operation, which was declared on May 10th, 2010, by The Council of Leadership of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
"Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not"
Western zionist jewish leaders (Sarkozy, Cameron, Merkel, Obama, Rahm) behind the islamophobia to launch Israel's war against the world
Islamophobia–Israel’s Most Cherished Weapon of Mass Destruction Destined to Destroy The West If Not Stopped
Yes, it certainly paints a frightening picture for sure. The inhabitants of the most powerful countries in the world–militarily and economically speaking–transformed into sub-humanoids, bled completely dry of all the characteristics distinguishing them as members of a higher, more intelligent species and who now roam the earth in search of healthy, uninfected people so they can eat them…
No, I am not talking about the storyline from the movie I Am Legend starring Will Smith (a screen shot of which is featured above) where mankind has been decimated by a genetically-engineered virus that has mutated what’s left of human beings into irrational, incoherent, savages devoid of reason and morals…
Rather, what we’re referring to here is that OTHER man-made virus epidemically sweeping through the West and America like wildfire that has mutated entire swaths of otherwise normal humans into irrational, incoherent, savages who are devoid of reason and morals.
As frightening as this sounds, (and believe me, it should scare the b-Jesus out of everyone) the fact is this is not some Hollywood fantasy like the blockbuster movie Independence Day, where the world stands at the brink of complete annihilation and is saved LITERALLY AT THE LAST FREAKING SECOND by a nice, nerdy Jewish boy with a Messiah complex named David.
No, in this case, the Krippen Virus–as it was called in I Am Legend– threatening destruction of all life on earth is today known as Islamophobia, and along with its attending “war to end all wars”, stands the very good likelihood of turning an otherwise Garden of Eden into Paradise lost.
And despite the fact all this is not some silver screen fantasy, this is not to say however that Hollywood–no, let’s re-phrase that–JEWISH CONTROL of both Hollywood and the mainstream media in the US–has not played the lead role in this action drama by cultivating and propagating this epidemic, because it most certainly has. Indeed, if there is a Dr. Alice Krippen (the scientist credited with creating the virus that destroyed the entire human race in I Am Legend) in all this, it is those bespecled, white-coated Jewish interests working in PR laboratories in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, New York and D.C. controlling what we see, hear, read and think.
Those who doubt such an epidemic exists simply have not been paying attention as of late. Now, thanks to bullhorns and blowhards both in the mainstream AND alternative media, it–the virus–is everywhere, in our air, water, under our fingernails and even in our toothpaste. Whether it is propagandists and Zionist assets from the mainstream-media such as Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Frank Gaffney, et al or whether it is those in the patriot/alternative media such as Devvy Kidd, Frosty Wooldridge and others (who foolishly think that by spewing lies about Islam they will endear themselves to Jewish interests and avoid the menacing glare of powerful Zionist groups such as the ADL and SPLC) it is monsoon season as far as anti-Islamic hysteria goes, and with no change of weather in sight for the foreseeable future.
As if the two wars the West is fighting for these Jewish interests weren’t bad enough (and we could certainly characterize 2 million dead innocent civilians and an economy on life support as “bad enough” wouldn’t you agree?) now an already uncomfortably-hot situation has been ratcheted up–not just a few degrees, but indeed enough to flash-fry an 80-lb turkey in about ten seconds. What used to be sporadic incidents such as severed pigs’ heads being left at the front doors of Muslim homes in America or bricks being thrown through the windows of Islamic centers and mosques has now graduated to throat slashings, as recently took place this last week in NYC.
Imagine for a moment if you will fellow earthlings…A father of 4 small children, (no doubt quite hungry, given the fact it is Ramadan and he is fasting) doing his job, following all the laws as laid down by his city, county, state and federal governments, when all the sudden some piece of white trash gets into his car, asks him if he is a Muslim and slashes his throat in some attempted form of weird, Kosher-approved ritual slaughter, as our Muslim father of 4 pleads with his would-be murderer, saying “Please don’t kill me. I’m a very hard worker. I work very hard”.
Let us not either make the mistake of thinking the subsequent criminality and violence springing up on a daily basis now by these Gawd-fearin’/Red-bluddid ‘mericans against Muslims is not the result of the tsunami of lying, anti-Islamic rhetoric being organized by Jewish interests and propagated through both the mainstream and alternative media. The two are as inextricably linked with each other as cross burnings and the Klan and anyone who says different is a liar, a fool or both. This epidemic of Islamophobia (just like the Krippen Virus in I Am Legend) is every bit as much an Israeli operation in psychological warfare as are all the other infamous false-flag terrorist operations cooked up in Mossad headquarters in Herzilya, including but not limited to the Lavon Affair, Israel’s attack on the USS LIBERTY, the dead Kennedys, the 1983 attack on the US Marine barracks in Lebanon, the planned assassination of George Herbert Walker Bush in 1990 and, last but not least, 9/11.
But, as bad as it is, ladies and gentlemen, it actually gets much, much worse when you understand the ‘logic’ of those who have brought this thing about, and something that those in the West who are beating their breasts the hardest against Islam should take into consideration before proceeding an inch further.
In the first case, what we must recognize is that all this hysteria is a preparatory step to something going BOOM! in America that will then be blamed on Iran (and others) in justifying going deeper into war at a time the US doesn’t have the resources to buy the tissue paper necessary to blow her nose. The aforementioned agents out there whipping up this fever in America against Islam–Geller, Spencer, Gaffney et al, should be seen for exactly what they are–saboteurs who are planting time-bombs that will result in massive loss of life in America and beyond. The Jewish interests overseeing all this are waiting for the right moment when America’s body temperature reaches a certain point that makes the next false flag attack believable, and as soon as that takes place, we will see something take place that will make 9/11 look tame by comparison.
Secondly, what we have to keep in mind is that the destruction of Islam is not the primary objective here. Like a guy asking a girl out for dinner, it is just a precursor to the main event he hopes will be taking place later. It–the Zionist-engineered clash of civilizations between the Islamic and Christian worlds–is merely a stepping stone to something else, something rooted in deep, never-forgotten vendettas and accounting matters that require settling.
The first thing to keep in mind when understanding where these Jewish interests are going with all this Armageddon business is that they do not have a 2,000 year old grudge with Islam. In fact (the 20th century being the exception) Jews chart their “Golden Age” and the period of their greatest prosperity under Muslim rule in places like Spain and Baghdad.
The West however is another matter altogether. As far as Jewry is concerned, there are old scores to be settled, most notably a particular landmark event taking place in 70 A.D., something they don’t consider to be just a minor accounting matter, but rather one requiring the proverbial pound of flesh.
Everything taking place today viz a viz Israel and the Jewish people is about turning back the clock and undoing history. While the rest of the world has moved forward, they are a people who have remained frozen in time, back when a jealous, vindictive God supposedly promised them the world and everything with it. As such, they are holding on to a lottery ticket they say has all the winning numbers on it, even though it is for a lottery that does not exist, and they are out to collect every cent of what they say is theirs.
Now, how did it come to be that they lost out in this lottery? It all goes back to their country being destroyed in 70 A.D. by the Romans, forcing them to scatter and flee and to live as “guests” in gentile nations for 2,000 years where they suffered rejection and, as we are not allowed to forget, “anti-Semitism” and “persecution“.
And who are the Romans today? Why, wouldn’t ya know, WE ARE–the West, meaning Europe and America. “The sins of the father“…–remember that old line from the Old Testament, where the children pay the price for the evil deeds of the parents generation after generation? As they–the Jews–see it, our great, great grandfathers destroyed their country, reduced these self-perceived kings and princes to beggars and gypsies and robbed them of their lottery winnings and now WE, the great great-grandchildren, must pay the price, first by destroying Israel’s existential threats, and then secondly by going down in flames economically, socially and politically as a result of fighting these wars against over a billion people.
Don’t believe it? Well then, ask yourself–which countries are fighting this war against a billion Muslims? The Chinese? No. The Russians? No. The Indians? No.
It is America, England, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, Australia, etc, all countries who today are the great, great grandkids of yesterday’s Romans who destroyed Jerusalem.
And this, friends, Romans, countrymen, is the reason the West today finds herself infected with the Zionist version of the Krippen Virus, the only antidote to which is the truth and the courage to speak it throughout that great leper colony known as Western civilization.
Let us hope there is enough serum to go around before the madmen who have spread this weapon of mass destruction drag mankind past that point of no return as described in one horror story known as the Apocalypse, for if not, as we were told, “no flesh will survive”.
© 2010 Mark Glenn
Droits de la femme: Ou sont les juifs sionistes de France quand il s'agit de denoncer le cas du Dr Aafia Siddiqui, des centaines de femmes palestiniennes violées par les israeliens, 3214 cas en 2004 selon l'ONU
Depuis quelques jours, les israeliens de France ont monté un campagne islamophobe pour denoncer le cas d'une femme iranienne Sakineh qui aurait été jugée pour meurtre et condamnée non pas a la lapidation, que les juifs sionistes de France pratiquent a l'egard des Musulmans depuis la seconde guerre mondiale, mais a une peine capitale, qui peut etre commué en peine de prison, alors pourquoi tous ses mensonges, si ce n'est pour les preparatifs de la prochaine guerre israelienne...
Si vous ajoutez a cela le projet de la mosquée a 'Ground Zero' a New York, projet financé par les extremistes juifs sionistes eux memes, Bloomberg maire de New York, Ruppert Murdoch, l'ami eternel de Sharon, Bin Talal, le saudien de confession sioniste dans le but de monter la population blanche chretienne americaine contre les minorités dont les Musulmans. Cette islamophobie rampante en occident est le fait des israeliens, dont l'armée viole femmes et enfants en prison quotidiennement en Palestine, dans les camps secrets de detention partout sur la planete, ou sont Sarkozy, Aubry, Royal pour denoncer le cas du Dr Aafia Siddiqui ?
La France se souvient-elle qu'elle a systematiquement violé toutes les femmes detenues en Algerie ? Qui sont ces gens pour venir donner des lecons alors qu'ils commettent les pires des atrocités sur des innocents depuis la seconde guerre mondiale. Ci-dessous vous lirez le recit terrifiant du Dr Aafia Siddiqui en vous souvenant bien que cela peut vous arriver grace aux lois que Sarkozy, Aubry et Royal ont voté pour justifier le massacre des Musulmans et le pillage de leurs richesses. Les femmes musulmanes n'ont aucun droit, car les femmes ociddentales sionistes ont décidé qu'elles ne devaient pas en avoir !
On February 3, 2010, after a sham trial, the Department of Justice announced Siddiqui's conviction for "attempting to murder US nationals in Afghanistan and six additional charges." When sentenced on May 6, she faces up to 20 years for each attempted murder charge, possible life in prison on the firearms charge, and eight years on each assault charge.
In March 2003, after visiting her family in Karachi, Pakistan, government Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agents, in collaboration with Washington, abducted Siddiqui and her three children en route to the airport for a flight to Rawalpindi, handed them over to US authorities who took them secretly to Bagram prison, Afghanistan for more than five years of brutal torture and unspeakable abuse, including vicious beatings and repeated raping. Bogusly charged and convicted, Siddiqui was guilty only of being Muslim in America at the wrong time. A Pakistani national, she was deeply religious, very small, thoughtful, studious, quiet, polite, shy, soft-spoken, barely noticeable in a gathering, not extremist or fundamentalist, and, of course, no terrorist. She attended MIT and Brandeis University where she earned a doctorate in neurocognitive science. She did volunteer charity work, taught Muslim children on Sundays, distributed Korans to area prison inmates, dedicated herself to helping oppressed Muslims worldwide, yet lived a quiet, unassuming nonviolent life. Nonetheless, she was accused of being a "high security risk" for alleged Al-Qaeda connections linked to planned terrorist attacks against New York landmarks, including the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge and Empire State Building, accusations so preposterous they never appeared in her indictment. The DOJ's more likely interest was her supposed connection, through marriage, to a nephew of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), the bogusly charged 9/11 mastermind who confessed after years of horrific torture. US authorities tried to use them both - to coerce KSM to link Siddiqui to Al-Qaeda, and she to admit his responsibility for 9/11 - something she knew nothing about or anything about her alleged relative. Her trial was a travesty of justice based on the preposterous charge that in the presence of two FBI agents, two Army interpreters, and three US Army officers, she (110 pounds and frail) assaulted three of them, seized one of their rifles, opened fire at close range, hit no one, yet she was severely wounded. No credible evidence was presented. Some was kept secret. The proceedings were carefully orchestrated. Witnesses were either enlisted, pressured, coerced, and/or bought off to cooperate, then jurors were intimidated to convict, her attorney, Elaine Whitfield Sharp, saying their verdict was "based on fear, not fact." Awaiting her May 6 sentencing, Siddiqui is incarcerated in harsh maximum security solitary confinement at New York's Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC), denied all contact with friends and family, no mail or reading materials, or access to her previously allowed once a month 15 minute phone call to relatives. Justice for Aafia Coalition (JFAC) In February 2010, Muslim women in America, Britain, Canada, and Australia united in outrage over Siddiqui's treatment and bogus conviction, demanding her release and exoneration. March 28 was the seventh anniversary of her abduction, commemorated by a global day of protest, JFAC saying it was "to have events, demonstrations, letter-writing campaigns, khutbahs (sermons or public preaching), etc. in towns and cities all over the world in solidarity with Aafia" - for justice, against sadism and barbarity against an innocent woman, guilty of being a target of opportunity, not crimes she didn't commit. JFAC published a transcript of the March 26 Kamram Shahid-conducted Pakistan Front Line TV interview with Siddiqui family members, including her mother, Ismat, sister, Fowzia, and young son, Ahmed, who asked "why have they imprisoned her and why did they imprison me?" In response to whether he'd like to give his mother a message, he said: "I love you and I am waiting for you (to) come back soon, if Allah permits." Ismat confirmed some of Aafia's torture in shocking detail, saying: She endured a lot, some of the worst of it including "six men....strip(ping) her naked. All her clothes would be removed. She told this to the Pakistani senators too, that they would strip her naked, then tie her hands behind her back, and then they would take her, dragging her by the hair. You cannot imagine the cruelty they have done to her. They would take her like this to the corridor and film her there."Her sister Fowzia said "It is all on tape. I am not making this up. They are sadists or whatever. All the strip searching was video-taped. (She called Aafia) a poster child for this torture and rendition," one of many others brutalized in American prisons. Court testimony revealed that her children were also tortured, Ahmed later released on condition he say nothing, two still missing and presumed murdered. "I think even Genghis Khan did not do this," said Fowzia. In an August 2008 address to Pakistan's Senate, Fowzia explained that "Aafia (can't) get justice in the US....They are sure to make her out to be a major terror figure to mask the five years of torture, rape and child molestation as reported by human rights groups." Her case is much more important than "my sister or one woman. Her torture is a crime beyond anything she was ever accused of (which was basically nothing) and this is a slap on the honor of our nation and the whole of humanity. The perpetrators of those crimes are the ones who need to be brought to account. That is the real crime of terror here." Fowzia appealed for Aafia's extradition to Pakistan, despite little hope of expecting a government complicit in crime to cooperate beyond rhetoric. At first, it denied knowledge, then, after meeting with family, interior minister Faisal Saleh Hayat and other officials promised to work for her release, still denying complicity for what happened. Because her ordeal sparked nationwide protests, Pakistan's government is in damage control, apparently wants to shift blame to Washington, investigating officer Shahid Qureshi, in a report to the judicial magistrate, saying "FBI intelligence agents without any warrants or notice" committed the abduction - knowing full well about ISI's complicity. During confinement, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said Siddiqui had a kidney and her teeth removed. Her nose was broken and not properly set. Her gun shot wound was improperly treated. Reuters reported that she lost part of her intestines and still bleeds internally from poor treatment. Those around her notice she's deathly pale because of extreme trauma and pain. After years of horrific torture and abuse, a federal Bureau of Prisons psychological evaluation diagnosed her condition to be "depressive type psychosis" besides the destructive physical toll on her body. World Outrage and Support The Muslim Justice Initiative (MJI) said Siddiqui's "recent guilty verdict....shocked and outraged masses across the globe" in announcing an April 2 online webinar discussion on her behalf, featuring her brother Mohammed, sister Fawzia, noted UK journalist and Siddiqui advocate Yvonne Ridley, and Tina Foster, Executive Director of the International Justice Network (IJN). Information on the event can be found at On February 3, Siddiqui's conviction date, IJN said the following: It "represents the family of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui in the United States," its attorneys "monitoring her trial, which began on January 19 and ended with a guilty verdict today in US Federal Court in the Southern District of New York." "Today marks the close of another sad chapter in the life of our sister, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. Today she was unjustly found guilty. Though she was not charged with any terrorism-related offense, Judge Berman permitted the prosecution's witnesses to characterize our sister as a terrorist - which, based on copious (exculpatory) evidence, she clearly is not. Today's verdict is one of the many legal errors that allowed the prosecution to build a case against our sister based on hate, rather than fact. We believe that as a result, she was denied a fair trial, and today's verdict must be overturned on appeal." Himself victimized by US torture, including at Bagram, author of Enemy Combatant: A British Muslim's Journey to Guantanamo and Back, Moassam Begg (like others), called Aafia "the Grey Lady of Bagram because she (was) almost a ghost, a spectre whose cries and screams continue to haunt those who heard her." So much so that for six days in 2005, male prisoners staged a hunger strike in protest. After sentencing, her next journey may be to isolated life confinement in federal Supermax hell - according to the US Department of Justice National Institute of Corrections, intended for the most dangerous criminals, guilty of "repetitive assaultive or violent institutional behavior," the worst of the worst who threaten society or national security. Hardly the place for a woman called shy, soft-spoken, deeply religious, polite, studious, thoughtful, and considerate of others, especially persecuted Muslims being brutalized in America's global gulag, courtesy of an administration that pays lip service to ending torture but practices it as sadistically as George Bush and the worst of history's tyrants.
Comment les services montent des dossiers bidons pour justifier les genocides contre les MusulmansFrederic Jean Salvi (Ali) : Que diriez vous si un beau jour vous découvrez que vous faites la une des journaux, et que vous êtes accusé de complot terroriste …?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
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Create a Link'Nous le peuple juif, nous controlons la France, et vous souchiens, mourrez tous pour Israel en Iran' (dixit Sarkozy)
“La France est-elle devenue un pays aligné sur la politique israélienne ?”
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Dans “Le mot de l’éditeur”, Marco Pietteur écrit : “Ah, si j’avais écouté mon épouse — “tu vas encore t’attirer des ennuis !” —, je n’aurais pas édité ce livre qui dénonce ‘une complaisance certaine du pouvoir sarkoziste pour la politique radicale israélienne qu’il ne conviendrait plus aujourd’hui de critiquer trop ouvertement en France’.”
Existe-t-il un lobby juif ? Oui, si l’on se réfère à Mitterrand, président de la République qui fit allusion, devant l’académicien Jean d’Ormesson, à “l’influence puissante et nocive du lobby juif”. Oui, encore si l’on en croit le Premier ministre Raymond Barre qui déclara sur France-Culture le 1er mars 2007 :“Le lobby juif — pas seulement en ce qui me concerne — est capable de monter des opérations qui sont indignes.”
C’est à Neuilly, “l’une des villes les plus riches de France”, qui abrite une importante communauté juive forte de 10 000 âmes qui se concentre dans le quartier Bagatelle Saint-James, appelé aussi le “ghetto du Gotha”, que Sarkozy va se lancer dans la “boulitique”. Adeline Fleury et Pauline Revenaz, dans leur livre consacré à la “sarkosie”, soulignent : “Depuis son accession à la mairie de Neuilly, Nicolas Sarkozy a toujours œuvré à ce que les Juifs de Neuilly ne manquent de rien...” Il sera de toutes les fêtes juives.
Son engagement pour Israël ira crescendo. Ce qui fera dire à Israël Singer du Congrès juif mondial, décoré le 3 mai 2004 à Paris de la légion d’honneur par Sarkozy, que “les déclarations de Nicolas Sarkozy sur l’antisémitisme, la lutte contre l’islamisme et les positions en faveur d’Israël... sont telles qu’elles pourraient avoir été faites par un leader d’une organisation juive”.
De Gaulle peut se retourner dans sa tombe, Sarko a choisi son camp. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, choisi par Sarkozy comme candidat de la France à la présidence du FMI (Fonds monétaire international), n’avait-il pas affirmé en1991 : “Je considère que tout Juif de la diaspora, et donc c’est vrai en France, doit partout où il le peut apporter son aide à Israël. C’est pour ça d’ailleurs qu’il est important que les Juifs prennent des responsabilités politiques... (et sous-entendu économiques)… Au travers de l’ensemble de mes actions, j’essaie de faire en sorte que ma modeste pierre soit apportée à la construction de la terre d’Israël.” L’attitude des intellectuels juifs (pas tous) ne pouvait être mieux décrite que par la lettre de Claude Levi-Strauss à Raymond Aron, datée du 9 avril 1968 : “Certains éléments juifs de France, en profitant de leur pouvoir sur la presse écrite ou parlée et des positions acquises et en s’arrogeant le droit de s’exprimer au nom de tous les autres, se sont montrés ‘sûr d’eux-mêmes et dominateurs’... Nous avons assisté à une entreprise systématique pour manipuler l’opinion publique de ce pays. Rappelez-vous France Soir titrant sur toute la page : ‘Les Égyptiens ont attaqué’, et cela continue bien au-delà de la guerre des six jours.”
Ça continuera toujours de plus belle ! Alain Finkielkrant, celui que Sarkozy juge qu’“il fait honneur à l’intelligence française”, demeura muet sur le génocide de Gaza : 1 300 morts dont 437 enfants, 110 femmes et 123 vieillards et 5 000 blessés.
Or, le président iranien n’a jamais annoncé vouloir anéantir Israël. C’est une phrase prononcée à Téhéran le 26 octobre 2005, sortie de son contexte qui a été transformée en acte d’accusation. Cette phrase résultait d’une traduction mal intentionnée et malveillante diffusée par Reuters ainsi : “Le président iranien Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a déclaré mercredi qu’Israël devait être rayé de la carte…”
“…Pour le publier (Sarkozy, Israël et les Juifs) c’est hélas non, car, outre les risques (mesurés malgré tout) de sortir ce livre, on n’aura pas une ligne de presse et encore moins de média télé ou radio, justement du fait de la mainmise de ceux dont on ne peut pas dire le nom et leurs affidés…”, extrait de la lettre d’un des éditeurs parisiens à l’auteur. Au pays des droits de l’Homme et de la liberté d’expression, tout est possible ! Un livre à se débrouiller, à lire et à méditer.
de la fondation du 8-Mai-45.
Fondateur d’Algérie Actualité.
Zakah and the Forgotten Islamic Obligation Towards Prisoners
And they give food, in spite of their love for it, to the poor, the orphan, and the captive (saying): “We feed you seeking Allah's Face only. We wish for no reward, nor thanks from you.” (76:8-9)
It may not be possible to provide food directly for the captives of Guantanamo and the secret prisons but, we can and should exert the utmost effort to ensure they receive justice and, that they are never forgotten or abandoned. This is even more incumbent upon us knowing that most of the prisoners were handed over for a bounty - without any legal process - right into the hands of nations that labelled them 'enemy combatants'. And, although the following Quranic verse refers to Jewish tribes in pre-Islamic Arabia failing to implement their covenant with Allah it can so easily be applicable to the present day turmoil in Muslim lands:
The Prophet [s] also said: “Feed the hungry, visit the sick, and free the prisoner.” And, “It is upon the Muslim faithful to free their prisoners and to pay their ransom.”
The Messenger of Allah [s] paid the ransom for two Muslim men with a man who he [s] had taken from Bani Uqail, and he paid the ransom for two people with a woman who was given as a gift by Salamah bin al-Akwa.
The classical scholars, some of whom were unjustly imprisoned themselves, have been clear about the financial obligations regarding freeing prisoners:
Imam Malik said: “It is obligatory on the people to redeem prisoners with their money. There is no contention on this point”.
Ibn Taymiyyah said: “Freeing the prisoners is one of the greatest compulsory deeds and spending ransom money and other means towards that, is one of the greatest ways to come close to Allah.”
Al-Qurtubi said: “Our scholars have said that ransoming the prisoners with money is waajib (obligatory), even if one dirham does not remain in the Islamic Treasury.”
Many Muslims choose to pay their Zakah during Ramadhan – to earn increase the reward. However, it is our obligation as Muslims that we often forget that working for justice and freedom for those unlawfully imprisoned is very much a part of this duty (fardh) by which to purify our wealth (zakah).
Contemporary scholars, again including some who were imprisoned, have described what it means to assist such prisoners in the modern age.
Mufti E.Desia (Council of Muslim Theologians, South Africa) on the obligation Towards the Prisoners
Question: "Asalamu alaykum shaykh. As you are aware many of our Muslim brothers are currently imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay. What is the duty of the rest of the Muslims towards these imprisoned brothers? JazakAllahkhair. Wasalam."
Answer: "Respected Brother in Islam, Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakatuhu. When Muslims are imprisoned unjustly, as is the case in Guantanamo, it is the Waajib [obligatory] duty of all the Muslims of the world to do whatever is in their capacity to free these oppressed brothers. Together with our efforts, it is our duty to continuously make du'aa for them. And Allah Knows Best. Was-salaam."
Shaykh Jafar Idris was asked about giving Zakah to free prisoners:
Question: "Traditionally it has been permitted to give zakah in order to help free a Muslim prisoner. The concept was essentially to pay a ransom for the prisoner in order to ensure their safe return. Today we have Muslim prisoners who have been detained for purely political reasons without having been charged or tried for any crime. There is no way to pay a ransom for these prisoners in order to secure their release, could zakah be given instead to fund activities such as paying for their legal costs, campaigning and lobbying. Could the work of a human rights NGO that works to have these prisoners receive the zakah in order to carry out its work?"
Answer: "The basic position related to the giving of the zakah for the release of the prisoners, is that the effort should be made in order to gain their release. With the current context of Muslim prisoners around the world, the zakah can be used with any aspect of work related to freeing the prisoners. Of course there is no guarantee that the prisoner will be released, however the zakah money can go towards working towards that goal inshallah. There is nothing wrong with using the zakah money for the purposes of running an NGO that has this specific role. Allahu Alam."
Shaykh Salman al-Awdah said (regarding the Guantanamo prisoners):
“We must form commissions to keep track of their affairs from both a legal and a humanitarian perspective....We must be generous in our financial support. Whether we use our money to secure the release of some prisoners, or use it to defend their rights and publicize their plight, it is the same. We must also help their families on their behalf. All of this is spending in the way of Allah. It is in performing these acts of good that we as Muslims should strive to outdo each other.” (End quote)
Giving zakah is how a Muslim purifies his wealth and assists those in need in the process. It is the third pillar of Islam and its importance is second only to the obligatory prayer. As an action it is mentioned over 80 times in the Quran - often in conjunction with the prayer. And, if paying zakah is an undeniable Islamic obligation (the abandonment of which is a major sin) then, seeking justice and freedom for the prisoners is a means to fulfilling that obligation. And, those who spend in this cause, whether zakah or sadaqah (voluntarily charity), are promised a bounteous reward:
And the likeness of those who spend their wealth seeking Allâh's Pleasure sure in themselves that Allâh will reward them, is the likeness of a garden on a height; heavy rain falls on it and it doubles its yield of harvest. And if it does not receive heavy rain, light rain suffices it. (2:264)
The only question for us is: Who is he that will loan to Allah a beautiful loan, which Allah will double unto his credit and multiply many times? (2:224)
Guerre civile en France : Israel, Sarkozy votent pour la guerre civile
'La grande science est donc de faire vouloir [à l’ennemi] tout ce que vous voulez qu’il fasse et de lui fournir, sans qu’il s’en aperçoive, tous les moyens de vous seconder.' (Sun Tzu, l'art de la guerre)
Il ne manque plus a Sarkozy que de créer des milices 'spéciales', de 'civiles' ou des jeunes souchiens desoeuvrés sont armés et couverts pour faire eux-memes le nettoyage ethnique, c'est deja presque fait avec 'les brigades speciales', on se croirait revenus dans les années 1930. Sauf qu'il y a une tres grande différence, les enfants de ceux qui affirment avoir été génocidés par Hitler, les juifs, sont ceux qui sont derriere les rafles d'enfants africains, les deportations de roms et la stigmatisation de l'Islam, la marginalisation des femmes musulmanes, avec un racisme officiel enfin dévoilé au monde... Dans ce cas, le pire des cas de figures pour l'extreme droite juive sioniste sarkozyste au pouvoir serait une guerre civile limitée dans l'espace et le temps entre Musulmans et juifs sionistes au pouvoir, court-circuitant les 'forces de l'ordre' dont uniquement les 'excités' seraient pris pour cible... Ce cas de figure est le pire scenario pour Zemmour, Besson et leurs clics, d'ou le rabattage vers l'extreme droite classique de souche, chargée par les israeliens de France de leur servir de boucliers humains, de mourrir pour Eretz Israel en France... Une confrontation directe entre Musulmans et juifs sionistes serait une catastrophe pour Sarkozy et les plans des israeliens qui eux souhaitent une guerre opposant 'souchiens' et 'immigrés'. Les Musulmans pouvant destabiliser le gouvernement d'extreme droite juive sioniste sur la scene politique locale ou mondiale sans tirer une seule balle... Ce scenario se met progressivement en place en France, les inquisiteurs juifs sionistes s'isolant d'eux memes du reste de la population qui n'en demandait pas tant !
Dans un contexte de démantèlement des camps de Roms, d’expulsions, de stigmatisation des gens du voyage et de graves incidents dans certaines banlieues entre des jeunes et les forces de police, M. Sarkozy et son gouvernement tentent de rebondir en enfourchant le vieux cheval « sécuritaire », sur fond de xénophobie et de racisme.
Après les échecs économiques et sociaux et les scandales politico-financiers, M. Sarkozy a réactivé la campagne sécuritaire dans un discours prononcé à Grenoble le vendredi 30 juillet, à l’occasion de l’installation du nouveau préfet de l’Isère (un haut fonctionnaire de police, comme c’est maintenant le cas dans le département de la Seine-Saint-Denis). Lors de son intervention, le Président a marqué sa volonté de déchoir de la nationalité française certains Français, et a ouvertement associé délinquance et immigration. Il a annoncé des interpellations à grand spectacle dans les cités dites sensibles, et s’en est pris aux maires et aux élus municipaux jugés laxistes en matière de sécurité. Cette véritable offensive lancée par le gouvernement a créé, même dans son propre camp, un fort malaise : certains élus UMP n’ont pas manqué de prendre leurs distances avec les propositions et les déclarations tonitruantes du gouvernement.
On connaît les problèmes constitutionnels que poserait la déchéance de la nationalité française. On a pu voir le peu de résultats que les opérations de police et les interpellations ont donnés ces dernières semaines. On sait que la plupart des Roms expulsés de leurs campements s’installeront plus loin, ou alors expulsés de France vers leur pays d’origine – souvent la Roumanie membre de l’Union européenne – ils ne tarderont pas à revenir en France. Quel est alors le véritable but de cette offensive sécuritaire et xénophobe de M. Sarkozy ? Il y a bien-sûr l’optique électorale pour 2012 : conserver voire augmenter le nombre de voix racistes et xénophobes. Mais à ce jeu M. Sarkozy ne sera pas nécessairement gagnant, vu l’échec de sa politique depuis 2007. De nombreux électeurs sécuritaires ou xénophobes risquent fort de retourner à leur parti d’origine ou de s’abstenir.
Indépendamment des calculs politiciens pour l’élection présidentielle de 2012, ce gouvernement a largement banalisé la xénophobie et la recherche du bouc émissaire. Depuis qu’Eric Besson, ministre de l’Immigration, a ouvert le 2 novembre 2009 un grand débat sur l’identité nationale, et avec les dérapages racistes du ministre de l’Intérieur Brice Hortefeux, qui lui ont valu une condamnation en justice pour laquelle il a fait appel, on sent très bien qu’un nouveau climat a été instauré en France. On cherche volontairement à opposer les communautés, à désigner des coupables, en un mot, à créer un véritable climat de pré-guerre civile !
Il est intéressant d’observer les réactions des fonctionnaires de police à travers leurs syndicats, ainsi que celles de la gendarmerie, interdite de syndicalisme mais dont les états d’âme sont malgré tout perceptibles. Ces fonctionnaires ont à faire à une réduction drastique de leur budget, donc des effectifs et des moyens. Ils sont au premier rang pour comprendre l’absurdité de la politique sécuritaire de M. Sarkozy : on leur demande toujours plus de « sécurité », avec moins de moyens sur le terrain. Ajoutons à cela la politique du chiffre dans le but d’obtenir une baisse des statistiques de la délinquance, et on comprendra aisément que le moral de la police ne soit pas au plus haut. Cela s’est d’ailleurs manifesté le 23 mars dernier à Melun, lorsque des policiers de la BAC (Brigade Anti Criminalité) ont tourné le dos au Président de la République, alors que celui-ci rendait hommage à un policier tué pendant son service par un membre de l’ETA (Le Monde, le 18 août 2010). Le malaise est moins perceptible au sein de la gendarmerie, mais le mécontentement s’y fait tout autant sentir.
On est alors en droit de se poser une question : qui souhaite une escalade de la violence prenant à partie les forces de l’ordre ? Une aggravation de la situation donnerait à M. Sarkozy l'occasion d’apparaître alors comme un « sauveur ». Lors de l’élection présidentielle de 2007, nous avons en effet compris à qui avaient profité les émeutes de 2005. Est-ce cette politique du pire, de la peur et de la discorde qui a été programmée ? Il est à craindre qu’un drame ne se produise dans un quartier dit sensible, autant la mort d’un jeune que d’un fonctionnaire de police. Il pourrait s’en suivre alors une série d’émeutes, permettant au pouvoir de durcir la législation et les mesures sécuritaires en cette période de crise.
Tout le monde sent, confusément, que la France est en train de glisser vers un climat politique malsain, qu’elle n’a pas connu depuis au moins la guerre d’Algérie. Souhaitons que les jeunes aussi bien que les fonctionnaires de police sauront éviter le piège que leur tend M. Sarkozy, et qu’ils refuseront de devenir de fait ses agents électoraux.
Yahia Gouasmi.
Lebanese intelligence confirms Mossad involvement in 9/11
Guerre civile en France : L'emir d'AQMI, l'israelien Sarkozy organise des attentats dans la region lyonnaise selon des sources francaises extremement fiables
Le plan Vigipirate réactivé à cause d'un message sur un forum
Le Quai d'Orsay a annoncé la réactivation du plan Vigipirate pour prévenir les risques d'attentats d'un groupe islamiste qui aurait proféré des menaces via des forums sur internet.
Haniyeh : Les négociations directes vont échouer et ne reprendront pas les droits et lieux saints.
Declassified: Massive Israeli Manipulation of US Media Exposed
Israelis conducting covert maritime operations in Persian Gulf
Online Journal Contributing Writer,
Chinese and Japanese intelligence agencies, which closely monitor events in the Persian Gulf due to the dependence of both countries on oil from the region, report that Israeli Navy commandos have recently been active in creating maritime incidents in the Gulf that could be blamed on Iran.
The five incidents that have Israel under the scrutiny of the intelligence services of China and Japan, the world’s second and third largest economic powers, respectively, are the “robbery” attacks on four merchant ships off Basra, Iraq on August 8 and the July 28 explosion on the Japanese supertanker MV M. Star in the strategic Strait of Hormuz.
Last month, the Israeli Navy deployed older U-209 and newer U-212 Dolphin-class diesel submarines, obtained from Germany, to the Persian Gulf. The submarines are known to have on board a number of Shayetet 13 naval commando squadrons trained to carry out sabotage against sea and shore targets.On August 17, Japan’s NHK news network reported that the Voyage Data Recorder radar on board the M. Starspotted a small boat engaged in “suspicious movements” shortly before an explosion damaged the ship’s hull and injured one seaman. On August 4, a virtual unknown group called the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, said to be linked to “Al Qaeda,” claimed responsibility for the attack, but intelligence sources scoffed at the notion that such a group could have carried out such a stealth-like attack.
Japanese intelligence believes what damaged the M. Star was an underwater remotely-piloted drone, similar to the airborne variety used extensively by the United States and Israel in the Middle East.
On August 8, men armed with AK-47s boarded and robbed four ships off Iraq’s port of Umm Qasr. The ships were the MV Armenia, flagged in Antigua and Barbuda; the MV Crystal Wave, flagged in North Korea; the MV Sana Star,flagged in Syria; and the U.S.-flagged MV Sagamore, owned by Sealift, Inc. and contracted to the U.S. Department of Defense under the Voluntary Intermodel Sealift Agreement (VISA) to support military “contingency operations.” The Sagamore is also under contract to supply “freight services” to Iraq under a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) contract.
It is believed by Asian intelligence sources that the Sagamore was boarded by Israeli commandos for American complicity deniability purposes to mask the true targets for the attack: the Antiguan-flagged Armenian ship and the North Korean and Syrian ships. Iran is currently under a sanctions regime by the UN, US, and European Union over its nuclear program and it is believed by intelligence sources that the three non-US vessels were part of a covert inspection program carried out by the Israeli commandos in the Gulf.Iraq authorities put out a report that two of the attackers of the Sagamore were arrested while the rest “fled to Iranian waters.” Iraqi officials also described the incident as a “petty crime.”
The operation against the Armenia was not Israel’s first covert operation against an Antiguan-flagged ship. On November 4, 2009, Israeli commandos in the eastern Mediterranean near Cyprus seized the Antigua-flagged and German-owned MV Francop and found weapons said to be bound from the Egyptian port of Damietta for Syria, where they were allegedly were to be transported to Hezbollah in Lebanon. The weapons were reported to have been shipped from Iran to Egypt. Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah denied any links to the weapons found on board the Francop. Suspiciously, some of the old mortar shells on board the Francop were manufactured in Israel by Soltam Corporation. The shells were painted to make them look new.
Previously published in the Wayne Madsen Report.Copyright © 2010
Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report(subscription required).
Copyright © 1998-2007 Online Journal
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Guerre civile en France : Le sionisme n'est rien d'autre que du nazisme sous forme talmudique, confirmation d'Horte-feuj et du nain jardin israelien Sarkozy
Where are you Netanyahu ? Dead scared Netanyahu can't attack Iran without a new dirty bomb 9/11, killing 100 000s in Europe
Israel will attack Iran: Will Israel attack Iran?
By Kourosh Ziabari,
Solution finale : Israël planifie l’expulsion de dizaines de milliers de Palestiniens dans la prochaine guerre
La direction israélienne de la planification a imaginé des options d’évacuations rapides des Palestiniens hors des villages et des camps de réfugiés lors de toute guerre à venir, ont révélé des sources militaires bien informées.
La situation actuelle à Gaza et en Cisjordanie ne peut pas perdurer, ont noté les sources, ajoutant qu’Israël s’attend à des affrontements armés et une intensification des tirs de roquettes depuis Gaza contre des cibles israéliennes.
Les nouveaux plans visent à éliminer les efforts des « militants » palestiniens de se servir de « civils comme boucliers humains », ont dit les sources.
Selon des rapports, le service de la planification de l’armée israélienne a adopté de nouveaux moyens pour faire face aux flambées de confrontations armées. L’armée notifierait aux villes palestiniennes où ont lieu les confrontations que les habitants doivent évacuer leurs maisons pour une courte période et rester dans une zone déterminée jusqu’à la fin des hostilités.
Les sources ont ajouté que tout Palestinien qui refuserait d’évacuer immédiatement serait considéré par l’armée comme un « saboteur » et prendrait la responsabilité de rester dans le secteur. A la fin du processus d’évacuation, l’armée israélienne utilisera toutes les armes à sa disposition nécessaires dans les batailles de rues et les zones habitées.
Dans un contexte similaire, le Ministre israélien de la Sécurité Intérieure, Yitzhak Aharonovich, a dit qu’il était préoccupé par la possibilité de révoltes des Palestiniens des terres occupées en 1948 à tout moment, en particulier après la récente série d’attaques par le gouvernement israélien.
« La situation du secteur arabe en Israël est devenu potentiellement plus explosive que jamais, bien que le calme relatif actuel qui prévaut est trompeur », a déclaré Aharonovich lors d'une réunion qu'il a tenue avec les représentants de la sécurité et des services judiciaires, samedi.
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations, update 17th August 2010
Nimroz blast causes heavy casualties to ANA puppets Aug. 17 – A blast near Dalaram district center killed or wounded 6 ANA puppets this morning (Aug. 17).Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
IED annihilates ANA vehicle, 3 puppets killed Aug. 17 – Reports from Ghani Khel district say that 3 ANA puppets were killed and 4 seriously wounded when their vehicle was annihilated by an IED this morning, at 07:00 am. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
Mujahideen attack puppet police check post Aug. 17 – According to a report from Nad Ali district last night (Aug. 16) Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate attacked a puppet police check post in Kandaharyano area. In the attack 2 ANP puppets were killed and 4 seriously wounded. It is said that Nad Ali governor’s brother was also amongst the dead. Reports add that 2 Mujahideen were also injured in the assault. Reported by QariMuhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Shinawaro district headquarter comes under Mujahideen assault Aug. 17 – Reports from Parwan say that Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate attacked Shinawaro district headquarters this morning at 02:30 am. In the fighting which lasted well into this morning, the headquarter buildings were severely damaged but the exact number of casualties caused could not be determined. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
Heavy fighting breaks out in Kandahar Aug. 17 – Heavy fighting erupted when Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate attacked a US invaders foot patrol as they tried to carry out an operation in Babo area this morning. After taking on heavy casualties the cowardly soldiers retreated back to heir bases in defeat. The exact number of casualties caused is not known yet. Reported by QariMuhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
10 cowardly police killed near Kandahar city Aug. 17 – Reports from Kandahar’s Dand district say that Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate attacked and overran a puppet police check post this morning, at 06:00 am, in Balakarz area. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Reports add that in the assault 10 cowardly police were killed and 10 Kalashnikovs, 2 automatic machine guns and a Ford Ranger pick up truck were taken as war booty. Mujahideen later burnt down the check post.
Mujahideen in Kandahar attack US military convoyAug. 17 – A US invaders tank was destroyed by an RPG round after Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in Zhiri district attacked their military convoy yesterday (Aug. 16). 2 Mujahideen were injured in the attack but the number of casualties caused to the enemy is not known yet.Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Check post attacked in Gardez city Aug. 17 – At least 2 ANP puppets were killed and 2 wounded when Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate attacked their check post in Gardez city, early this morning, at 01:00 am.Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
2 ANA vehicles eliminated in Logar ambush Aug. 17 – Mujahideen ambushed an ANA patrol in Khan Kala area near Logar city this morning. In the ambush 5 puppets were killed, 3 wounded and 2 of their vehicles eliminated by RPG fire. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
Sniper in Helmand shoots dead 2 ANA puppets Aug. 17 – 2 ANA puppets were shot dead in front of their check post by a sniper of Islamic Emirate this morning in Gerishk district. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
IED in Kunar takes out US invaders tank Aug. 17 – This morning, at 08:00 am, a US invaders tank was destroyed when an IED detonated on their tank, killing 3 invaders onboard in Shamond rea of Manogi district.Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
Mortar rounds land inside ANA puppet check postAug. 17 – 17 mortar rounds landed inside an ANA puppet check post last night (Aug. 16) in Nani area of Andaro district. There are no confirmed reports about enemy casualties. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
8 ANA puppets killed in Khost Aug. 17 – Reports from Bak district say that this morning, at 10:00 am, 8 ANA puppets were killed and 5 injured when Mujahideen attacked their foot patrol in Phlawanano area. After the attack the cowardly ANA puppets shot mortar rounds at the Bak bazaar wounding 6 innocent people. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
3 US terrorists killed in clash with Mujahideen Aug. 17 – According to a report from Helmand’s Gerishk district, 3 US invaders killed and 2 wounded in a firefight with Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate this morning in Yakhchal area. 1 Mujahid was also injured in the fight.Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Maidan Wardag explosion kills 7 ANA puppets Aug. 17 – This morning, at 07:00 am, some 7 ANA puppets were killed in Sayedabad district after their foot patrol steeped on a mine and immediately came under Mujahideen assault in Haft Asia area. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
IED rips through US invaders tank in Marjah Aug. 17 – A US invaders tank was destroyed by an IED last night (Aug. 16) as it came out of its base in Marjah’s Tor Khelano area. All invaders in the tank were killed.Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Nad Ali clash kills or wounds 4 US terrorists Aug. 17 – At least 1 US invaders was killed and 3 wounded in a 1-hour battle, after Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate attacked their foot patrol in Sangin district’s Naqilabad area at 08:00 am, this morning. Reported by QariMuhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
IED in Farah destroys ISAF invaders tank Aug. 17 – Helicopters were seen in Bakwah district airlifting the dead and wounded after an ISAF invaders tank was destroyed by a roadside bomb on Kandahar-Herat main highway today (Aug. 17). Reported by Qari MuhammadYousuf Ahmadi
Mujahideen overrun enemy check post in TakharAug. 17 – Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate seized sizeable amount of equipment and ammunition after police puppets check post was overrun in a hour long battle that started at 12:00 am,his morning. The number of enemy killed is not known. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
Puppet police officer killed in Terenkot city Aug. 17 – Saleem Khan, the head officer of a police check post was shot dead along with his body guard by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in Uruzgan provincial capital Terenkot city while he was riding his motorbike. Mujahideen say that his motorbike and 2 Kalashnikovs were also seized.Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Sangin blast destroys US invaders tank Aug. 17 – A US invaders tank was destroyed and all invaders inside were killed this morning, at 08:00 am, when it hit a roadside bomb in Charkhakyano Manda area. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
NATO fuel tanker torched in Kapisa Aug. 17 – Today, at 01:15 pm, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate torched a NATO fuel tanker near Kapisa’s provincial capital.Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
NATO foot patrol ambushed by Mujahideen Aug. 17 – A NATO invaders foot patrol was ambushed by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in Wardesh area but the exact number of casualties caused is not known.Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
Missiles strike Khost military base Aug. 17 – Ambulance helicopters were seen arriving at Dargi’s military base after 6 missiles fired by Mujahideen struck the base today, at around 01:00 pm. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
5 NATO invaders killed or wounded in Zabul explosion Aug, 17 – At least 2 NATO invaders were killed and 3 seriously wounded when their tank was destroyed by an IED in Shahjoe district’s Bazargan area at 11:00 am. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
US tank destroyed in Logar clash Aug. 17 – A US invaders tank was destroyed by RPG fire in Barke Bark district’s Bark Rajan area when Mujahideen attacked their patrol at 01:00 pm today. 2 US terrorists were killed and 2 injured in the attack. Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid
La fabrication de l'ennemi interieur
C’est une très fouillée et méthodique démonstration. En L’Ennemi Intérieur, le chercheur Mathieu Rigouste décrit comment une stratégie militaire totale, cette Doctrine de la guerre révolutionnaire mise en œuvre par la France dans ses guerres coloniales, a progressivement contaminé les champs politique et médiatique, jusqu’à devenir une pratique officieuse de maintien de l’ordre social. Il en reparle ici. Entretien.
Il est tapi. Prêt à bondir. Affairé à saper les bases de la société française, bacille sournois dissimulé en son sein. Il affiche le teint basané, vient d’une autre contrée, affiche des convictions politiques jugées radicales, fréquente la Mosquée, lit des livres pernicieux, porte un jogging et des baskets, est dangereux, vit en communauté, participe aux poussées de violence urbaine, est la cinquième colonne, les germes du désordre, la chienlit, la montée des périls. Il est fellagha, bolchévique, immigré post-colonial, gauchiste, révolutionnaire tiers-mondiste ou anarcho-autonome. Il est…
Il est tout cela à la fois, et puis rien du tout. Il est l’ennemi intérieur, figure qu’il conviendrait de purger, bouc émissaire désigné à la vindicte générale pour légitimer la coercition et rationaliser le contrôle social. Cette création fantasmée du pouvoir s’est vue institutionnaliser par la Doctrine de la guerre révolutionnaire, théorie et pratique de la terreur conçues par l’armée française pendant les guerres coloniales – à commencer par la guerre d’Algérie – , doctrine d’État un temps officielle (de 1953 à 60) avant que d’être désavouée mais de continuer clandestinement à irriguer les mondes militaire, politique et médiatique. Corpus idéologique complet autant que codification des pratiques – de l’emploi de la guerre psychologique à l’usage de la torture en passant par le quadrillage militaro-policier du territoire, les assassinats ciblés et la mobilisation de l’ensemble du corps social – , la Doctrine de la guerre révolutionnaire a profité du contexte de la Guerre Froide pour se répandre partout, plébiscitée par les militaires anglo-saxons dans les années 60, mise en œuvre contre les mouvements de libération et les tentatives d’émancipation dans l’Amérique Latine des années 70 et 80. En France-même, son officielle mise à l’encan par De Gaulle ne l’a pas empêché de continuer à prospérer, idéologie officieuse du maintien de l’ordre sous tous les régimes. De la tuerie du 17 octobre 1961 à la répression post-68 par Marcellin. De la première mise en avant de la « menace migratoire » au plan Vigipirate. De l’agitation de la menace terroriste à la lutte contre l’islamisme. De la guerre dans les quartiers au très récent péril anarcho-autonome.
Tu as compris – sans doute – que je souhaitais te parler de l’excellent livre de Mathieu Rigouste, L’Ennemi Intérieur, la généalogie coloniale et militaire de l’ordre sécuritaire dans la France coloniale
Tu me pardonneras – j’espère – cette introduction un tantinet poussive, tant il n’est pas simple de résumer en quelques lignes un travail remarquablement fouillé et argumenté. Tu mettras – surtout – les éventuelles obscurités de ce préambule sur mon compte, quand l’ouvrage de Mathieu Rigouste est lumineux et cohérent, démonstration magistrale de cette contamination des cercles du pouvoir par la Doctrine de la guerre révolutionnaire. S’appuyant sur le fond d’archives (encore jamais exploité) de l’Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale (IHEDN), une structure « civilo-militaire chargée de promouvoir l’esprit de défense », ainsi que sur des publications de la presse militaire – Défense Nationale, Défense et La Revue de l’IHEDN – , il démontre parfaitement comment cette figure de l’ennemi intérieur, imaginée par les hommes en armes, est récupérée par les champs politique et médiatique. Il fait travail d’historien, de chercheur, et décrit nos mondes passé, présent et à venir, extension généralisée du contrôle et main-basse croissante sur nos vies. Il en parle mieux que moi, surtout .
La publication de ton ouvrage, début 2009, n’aurait pu « mieux » tomber : l’affaire de Tarnac est venue comme une parfaite illustration de ton travail. Dans la logique de création de l’ennemi intérieur, tu penses que les manipulations étatiques de ce genre vont se multiplier ?
En fait, la publication est tombée juste après un nouvel essai de réglage de la fonction bouc-émissaire : sur la figure de « l’anarcho-autonome ». Mais ce mécanisme de la machine à purge continue depuis bientôt vingt ans à fonctionner sur un double réglage : les figures de « l’islamo-terroriste » et du « barbare de cité ». L’affaire de Tarnac ne fait que reformuler et appliquer exceptionnellement, pour l’instant, un type de montage habituellement réservé aux non-blancs pauvres et de manière permanente. Comme la logique sécuritaire, qui tend à reformuler et appliquer en continu à « la population » des méthodes de guerre conçues contre « les populations colonisées ». S’il y a manipulation, il faut le comprendre dans un sens technique, comme un ajustement. Les montages médiatico-politiques sont des utilisations particulières de machines de pouvoir qui fonctionnent en permanence, reliées aux machines économiques et industrielles. Tant qu’une forme de pouvoir est en place, ses machines évoluent, mais elles continuent de fonctionner et de dysfonctionner.
L’actualité récente a remis en avant l’incrimination d’ »association de malfaiteurs en vue d’une entreprise terroristes », déjà utilisée contre les suspects prétendument islamiques dans la deuxième moitié des années 1990. L’instrumentalisation du droit est une facette de la guerre contre-révolutionnaire ?
L’instrumentalisation du droit et de la justice est normale. Ce sont des institutions, des instruments de gouvernement, des appareils d’État. Ils reflètent nécessairement l’état des rapports de forces. Bref, même sans les doctrines contre-subversives, les institutions judiciaires et juridiques sont l’expression d’un modèle de domination et d’un rapport de classe. Mais tout un pan de la doctrine de la guerre révolutionnaire, dès l’Indochine, c’est-à-dire avant même d’être vraiment formulée comme doctrine, consiste effectivement à dire, au gouvernement et à l’OTAN : pour mener une guerre dans la population, il faut libérer l’armée des contraintes « démocratiques », créer des régimes d’exception dans le droit voire déléguer à l’armée l’autorité civile et la police. C’est vraiment en Algérie que les « libertés publiques » ont posé un problème à ce qui devenait l’antiterrorisme, parce que l’Algérie, à la différence de l’Indochine, c’était des départements français. Il fallait inventer un régime de la guerre intérieure qui ne déstabilise pas l’ensemble du pays et puisse s’appliquer à une partie seulement du territoire et de la population. Un nouveau « régime » de fonctionnement pour les chaines de production de l’ordre.
« Même sans les doctrines contre-subversives, les institutions judiciaires et juridiques sont l’expression d’un modèle de domination et d’un rapport de classe. »
Ça a été l’œuvre de la Ve République. La cinquième constitution, créée par de Gaulle, consacre la possibilité de s’octroyer en permanence les pleins pouvoirs, et la déclaration d’État d’urgence permet de faire la guerre intérieure, sur une partie du territoire. Bien évidemment sur les territoires d’exception. Le fait qu’il a été décrété une nouvelles fois en Nouvelle Calédonie en 1986, puis appliqué aux « zones sensibles » pendant les révoltes de l’automne 2005, semble indiquer que les quartiers populaires sont considérés comme les nouveaux territoires de la guerre intérieure, les nouveaux laboratoires du commandement, au même titre que les anciennes colonies.
Tu présentes la guerre coloniale comme « une matrice institutionnelle » des pratiques de maintien de l’ordre passées (après la guerre d’Algérie, donc) et actuelles. Cela explique le silence autour de la question coloniale, le peu de cas qui en est fait dans les débats politiques et historiographiques ?
Ce silence a commencé à être rompu au début des années 1990, justement quand l’idéologie identitaire et la pensée contre-subversive ont remplacé les dogmes (et les réseaux qui les portaient) qui s’étaient installés dans la guerre froide, contre l’ennemi soviétique. Dans le même temps, une nouvelle génération est apparue dans le monde universitaire et sur la scène politique, qui mettait en cause certaines continuités du colonial dans la France d’aujourd’hui. La question postcoloniale a bien été posée, même si elle est toujours bouillante. Et comme pour l’armée qui n’a plus rien à voir avec une Grande Muette et qui communique en permanence, je crois qu’on assiste à un mouvement de réhabilitation de l’expérience coloniale plutôt qu’à du silence. Voir la loi sur le rôle positif de la colonisation ou l’importance du lobby d’historiens et de militants qui disent « s’opposer à l’idéologie de la repentance » lorsqu’ils parlent des études postcoloniales. Voir toute l’idéologie humanitaire qui permet de mystifier les rapports de domination néocoloniaux.
Il vaut toujours mieux imposer une représentation que ne rien dire, c’est la base de l’action psychologique et de toute propagande. Et on peut, dans de nombreux cas, considérer les politiques culturelles comme des formes particulières de propagande d’État.
La doctrine de la contre-subversion est finalement l’un des rares succès à l’exportation de la France… Tu évoques sa grande résonance aux États-Unis, son importation au Rwanda ou en Algérie, son utilisation en Amérique Latine. Notre pays est devenu un moteur de la mise au pas de la contestation mondiale ? Avec une réelle influence ?
Non, plus aujourd’hui, ou disons : pas tellement plus que d’autres. Les influences sont désormais éparpillées et chaque pays, lorsqu’il expérimente une méthode de maintien de l’ordre au cours d’un conflit, devient le centre d’un intérêt international. Les « retours d’expérience » qui seront réalisés pourront avoir une influence sur l’évolution des doctrines et des techniques nationales et internationales.
Mais les modèles français gardent une renommée, on reconnaît à la patrie des droits de l’homme une certaine expertise pour mener la guerre dans et contre le peuple. Dès le milieu des années 1950, l’armée française a commencé à transmettre son expérience de la contre-subversion à ses armées alliées. A cette époque, elle a réellement eu une influence déterminante. La guerre d’Algérie, avec pour vitrine la bataille d’Alger, a constitué le premier laboratoire dans lequel a été réalisée la synthèse des techniques débouchant sur la mécanique contre-subversive. Les complexes militaro-industriels internationaux se sont emparés de cette technologie révolutionnaire à la fin des années 1960 et se les étaient appropriées à la fin des années 1970. Depuis, la France est l’un des grands pôles d’influence, parmi d’autres. La répression des émeutes de l’automne 2005 et du CPE a tout de même été considérée dans les instituts privés et officiels étrangers, comme un retour de la France parmi les experts incontestables du maintien de l’ordre.
Oui, mais comme toute la dynamique sécuritaire. Le sécuritaire est une forme de pouvoir organisée autour de l’idée que « la population » est la matière qu’il faut protéger (la chair du corps national) et le milieu dont il faut se protéger (un milieu bactériologique). Il faut alors faire en sorte que la population contrôle la population. C’est lié à la rencontre de la bio-politique et de la guerre froide, du commandement colonial et de la société du spectacle. Étant confronté à des insoumissions massives et répétitives, le pouvoir ne peut pas positionner un flic ou un soldat derrière chaque personne. Il apparaît donc une question de rentabilisation du quadrillage. Il faut faire sous-traiter le contrôle de « la population » par « la population » elle -même. Il faut transformer des éléments de celle-ci en courroies de transmission.
« Il faut alors faire en sorte que la population contrôle la population. C’est lié à la rencontre de la bio-politique et de la guerre froide, du commandement colonial et de la société du spectacle. »
La fonction bouc-émissaire, la peur en général, le libéralisme économique et politique, avec le soutien des mass-media, construisent « l’autre » comme un concurrent, une menace potentielle. Cela permet de dissocier « la population » et incite à collaborer avec l’encadrement, l’État devient un protecteur, le pouvoir une médecine, vivre devient un risque permanent, ton voisin un ennemi probable. Toutes les technologies spectaculaires permettant d’avoir accès aux « âmes et aux cœurs » vont alors être orientées dans ce sens : diffuser l’esprit de défense, diffuser l’esprit de sécurité, avec cette idée que la chair du corps national, « la population », va absorber ce vaccin idéologique et participer à l’immunisation de la nation et résister à la subversion.
À la fin de ton ouvrage, tu évoques la tentation de « militarisation du maintien de l’ordre », notamment dans les quartiers populaires. À Pittsburgh, les rares protestataires se sont vus opposer un « canon à son », dernier-né de la technologie de contrôle des manifestations et jusque-là seulement utilisé en Irak. De telles machines de guerre vont peu à peu remplacer les CRS ?
Elles pourront être employées, si des gestionnaires de l’ordre les considèrent intéressantes. Si une volonté de puissance s’en empare. Mais ce sont des machines, jusqu’ici elles ne remplacent pas les humains, elles n’en sont que des prolongements. Le flash-ball et les drones étaient des technologies militaires employées pour le contrôle des foules en contexte de guerre urbaine.
La militarisation n’est plus une tentation. Il y a hybridation effective dans plusieurs domaines. Des techniques, des personnels et des matériels issus des mondes policiers et militaires s’échangent et/ou fusionnent. L’un des catalyseurs principaux, ce sont les forces de gendarmerie. Dans tous les domaines, on distingue de moins en moins bien les domaines de la guerre et ceux du maintien de l’ordre. La globalisation du capital, c’est par définition ( matérialiste s’entend), une globalisation de la guerre. Elle transforme tout ce dont il se saisit, de la conquête spatiale à celle du génome, de Bagdad vers Pittsburgh, d’Abidjan vers Villiers-le-bel.
Les idéologies ont leur part dans les manières de gouverner et vont orienter les façons d’utiliser les machines contre-subversives et tous les dispositifs sécuritaires. Mais elles n’interviennent pas, à ce qu’on observe, dans le fait d’employer ou non ces machines. Lénine a repris la machine à terreur de Robespierre, Mitterrand les machines de contre-insurrection qui étaient là et qu’il avait déjà participé à rôder dans la guerre d’Algérie. D’autant que la plupart de ces dispositifs font partie des répertoires policiers et militaires, du coup les gouvernements passent mais les fonctionnaires restent, avec leurs psychoses et leurs techniques. Les principes de la guerre anti-subversive ont fourni les bases de nouvelles « pièces et règles conventionnelles du jeu politique ».
De ton ouvrage, il ressort une cohérence globale, une logique qui va de la bataille d’Alger à Julien Coupat, des premières révoltes des banlieues à la criminalisation des mouvements sociaux. Cela appelle une riposte collective ? Habitants des quartiers populaires et contestataires main dans la main ?
Je ne crois pas tellement à l’idée de promouvoir une lutte « main dans la main ». Ça ne se décrète pas. En plus « main dans la main », ça désigne deux mondes irréductibles. Il faudrait plutôt envisager que des gestes et des pratiques s’échangent et résonnent. Des gestes et des pratiques d’insoumission et de rupture. Et c’est ce qui se passe d’ailleurs, tandis que des formes d’auto-organisation émergent un peu partout, sous différents aspects. Les mondes sont compartimentés et le pouvoir ne s’applique pas de la même manière dans chacune des enclaves sociales qu’il entretient, justement pour diviser ces forces et parce qu’il les consomme à des régimes différents. Si des mondes opprimés ne s’associent pas, c’est que l’un des deux au moins n’y peut trouver de voie pour développer sa puissance, sa résistance.
Il n’y a aucun jugement de valeur là-dedans mais très sincèrement, la situation de multiple oppression et de sur-discrimination qui est imposée dans les quartiers n’a rien à voir avec ce qu’ont subi les interpellés dans l’affaire de Tarnac. Il faut bien comprendre que la France postcoloniale s’entretient sur une ségrégation économique, politique et sociale de quartiers entiers, où le simple fait d’habiter et de ne pas être très blanc t’amène à être contrôlé, parfois plusieurs fois par jour, où la violence policière et le carnage néo-libéral rongent toutes les expériences d’autonomie, où plus de 200 personnes ont été abattues par la police depuis les années 1970, où rompre l’ennui doit se faire dans le peu d’espace et de temps qui restent entre le chantier et la prison.
« La situation de multiple oppression et de sur-discrimination qui est imposée dans les quartiers n’a rien à voir avec ce qu’ont subi les interpellés dans l’affaire de Tarnac. »
Mais il existe, de manière chaotique, donc probabiliste, des « points d’impact des colères », des lieux et des moments où les bêtes traquées se croisent, s’arrêtent et se tournent vers le chasseur. Je crois que toute transformation importante de la situation dans les quartiers ne pourra advenir que par les luttes de ceux qui y habitent. S’il y a une rupture aussi importante entre les « contestataires », j’imagine que tu veux dire « les militants, le mouvement social… » et les quartiers, que les militants se demandent pourquoi ils ne partagent plus le même territoire. En tout cas, la compassion, les conseils et les jugements sur les bons moyens de libérer les quartiers ne sont que des grandes tapes dans le dos. La domination postcoloniale et sécuritaire a créé un tel fossé entre les opprimés et les sur-opprimés, entre le peuple et le sous-peuple, qu’il n’existe plus aucune autre raison de se joindre dans un même combat, à moins de partager un territoire commun à libérer. Et ce partage abolit du même coup la dissociation entre un « monde contestataire » et un « monde des quartiers ». Dissociation aussi stérile qu’impropre puisqu’elle laisse supposer que les quartiers seraient des territoires non contestataires alors que le quotidien s’y caractérise par la nécessité de s’insoumettre constamment.
En une interview donnée à ce site, Armand Mattelart affirmait que la résistance face à la globalisation de la surveillance « est le devoir de tout citoyen ». Tu le penses aussi ?
La résistance existe, par principe. C’est le contre-pouvoir, la marge d’opposition que le pouvoir tolère pour fonctionner. Comme dans une machine, des forces s’opposent à des résistances, des espaces laissés vides permettent à des rouages de s’articuler. Les résistances sont là, en permanence et partout.
Mais quand et comment naissent les offensives ? Il faudrait appliquer les principes de la théorie quantique aux sciences sociales pour le savoir, et même dans ce cas, on ne déterminera jamais que des probabilités chaotiques d’événement. Sinon, je crois que le citoyen est la chose, l’objet, la matière de l’État-nation, le sujet républicain. Le « devoir du citoyen » est donc, et c’est ainsi qu’il est défini dans les textes politiques fondateurs, de respecter la loi, son gouvernement, d’aller voter quand on lui demande, de travailler la majeure partie de sa vie, de se soumettre à la méritocratie, de tout donner pour la compétition, de participer à la sécurité du territoire et à la défense de la nation, de vivre et mourir pour la patrie et donc notamment de soutenir la surveillance, la répression et toutes les formes de coercition visant à protéger l’ordre de toute forme de subversion. Je ne comprend pas ce que Mattelart a voulu dire…
Tu crois en l’efficacité d’une contestation violente ?
D’abord, je crois que contester c’est déjà reconnaître une légitimité à son gardien, c’est lié à la résistance, c’est indispensable mais ça semble encore largement insuffisant. D’autre part, il me semble que la vie est une circulation intensive de forces donc de violence. Qu’est ce que veut dire « contestation non violente » ? La violence n’est pas une quantité de sang, de bleus, d’armes ou de souffrance. Je crois que faire passer l’idée qu’il existerait du politique sans conflit, qu’on pourrait s’émanciper sans allier la tendresse à la violence, appartient à l’idéologie qui domine ce monde actuellement. Choisir entre des fleurs ou des fusils, appartient aux raisons et aux passions de ceux qui se lèvent à ce moment-là et du contexte dans lequel ils se lèvent. Un sit-in avec des fleurs, si ça bloque des chars, c’est efficace, c’est une forme de violence, il suffit de voir comment le pouvoir réagit aux « occupations pacifiques » vraiment perturbantes.
De plus, la question de l’efficacité me paraît appartenir à ceux qui veulent régir et gérer, rationnellement, gouverner. Une technique n’est efficace que si son emploi convient à celui qui s’en sert et en fonction de ce qu’il veut faire. Un marteau est efficace si l’on veut planter un clou, pour tricoter beaucoup moins. Avec un marteau, tu peux faire travailler quelqu’un ou casser le genou de celui qui te fait travailler. Si tu veux te libérer, utilise tous les moyens à ta disposition, de toute façon ils seront considérés comme trop violents par ceux qui te désavouent. Tandis que leur désaveu et le monde qu’ils protègent ne seront jamais taxés de « violents » envers toi.
L’un des axiomes de la contre-subversion, démontres-tu, est de mettre en scène le désordre pour mieux prétendre ramener l’ordre : le pouvoir n’a t-il pas intérêt à toute radicalisation de la contestation ? Parallèlement, n’a t-il pas tout autant intérêt à ce que cette contestation reste dans de gentils clous ? Bref : on est perdant quoi qu’il arrive, non ?
Le pouvoir n’a pas vraiment d’intérêt, il est, il fonctionne, c’est un rapport de forces dynamique. En revanche, les fractions de classe qui sont aux commandes des machines de contrôle et de séduction trouvent un intérêt à rester en place et à faire du profit. La limite se pose là. Tant qu’un phénomène de « résistance » reste dans les cadres d’un contre-pouvoir tolérable par le pouvoir, alors il lui sert de prétexte et de support. L’enjeu réside dans notre créativité, dans l’invention de formes de vie et de rupture ingouvernables, c’est-à-dire qui ne se laisseront pas saisir comme « contre-pouvoirs » ou « contestation », qui ne se laissent jamais saisir du tout.
De toute manière, le pouvoir tente de s’approprier tout ce qui bouge, un acte n’a pas de valeur en soi dans le schéma sécuritaire, une émeute peut tout autant servir la contre-insurrection que la fragiliser. On retrouve parfois des agitateurs policiers et de sincères activistes qui soufflent sur les mêmes braises. Il faut garder en mémoire que la logique interne du système auquel nous faisons face est de maintenir la légitimité du souverain auprès de ses sujets et de préserver l’ordre économique et social qui emploie le vivant comme une matière première de la production de profit. La question des moyens se pose à ce niveau, pas en fonction de l’instrumentalisation possible. Il faudrait selon moi créer des formes de vie autonomes, auto-organisées, libres, solidaires et heureuses, offensives face à ce système et nous permettant d’exister par nous-mêmes, au-delà de lui.
« Il faut garder en mémoire que la logique interne du système auquel nous faisons face est de maintenir la légitimité du souverain auprès de ses sujets et de préserver l’ordre économique et social. »
Sur ce site toujours, Éric Hazan liait l’affaire de Tarnac, les révoltes dans les quartiers populaires et les émeutes grecques pour dresser ce constat : « Le pouvoir pète de trouille. » Pour toi aussi, la peur est – d’une certaine façon – dans leur camp ? De façon plus large, la peur serait la seule raison de la construction de l’ordre sécuritaire ?
Je ne crois pas que « le pouvoir » ait des émotions, pour les mêmes raisons qu’au-dessus. En revanche, les fractions de la classe dominantes en ont, et de ce point de vue, je ne suis pas persuadé qu’elles pètent de trouille même si, c’est lié à leur position, elles passent leur temps à se protéger et se défendre. Elle sont dans une posture narcissique, c’est normal.
L’ordre sécuritaire est basé sur une gestion rationnelle, médiatique, industrielle des peurs collectives. C’est une des fonctions indispensables à sa conservation. Comme toutes les formes de pouvoir, il est en fait la rencontre de deux rêveries dans l’inconscient des fractions de classe dominantes : la peur du chaos, de l’incontrôlable et de l’imprévisible qui les destituerait et un désir de puissance sans limite ; la rencontre d’une paranoïa et d’un exhibitionnisme. Est ce qu’on n’ est pas à la fois « paniqué », « mégalo » et « exhibo » lorsqu’on monte sur scène ? Sur la scène du commandement, il y a des paniqués, des mégalomanes, des exhibitionnistes, des psychopathes… On se perd en se demandant s’« Ils ont peur de nous ». Gardons à l’esprit que le maintien de l’ordre a objectivement besoin d’inspirer la peur et de la distribuer entre les gouvernés. Et rappelons-nous que nous perdons chaque fois que nous avons peur, qu’ici commence l’auto-sujétion, pilier de l’ordre médiatico-sécuritaire.
Les armes de la contre-insurrection ? Non, je ne crois pas. Ce que j’essaie de dire dans cette introduction, c’est justement que si une guérilla, comme celle de Marighella, entre dans un rapport de concurrence mimétique avec son ennemi, c’est-à-dire, emploie ses armes, elle finit par lui ressembler. Du coup, soit elle reconstruit un État, une structure autoritaire et hiérarchique, soit elle finit écartelée. Parce qu’en vérité, elle court après la conquête du gouvernement.
Ce qui s’invente de radicalement nouveau au Chiapas, par exemple, c’est la possibilité de créer des formes de vie plus justes, plus libres, plus heureuses, justement parce qu’on a décidé de ne pas s’employer à prendre l’État. Lorsque le partisan Marighella organise des moyens spéciaux pour traquer les infiltrés dans son organisation, il met en place des structures spéciales, secrètes, où des gens ont plus de pouvoir et d’importance… et qui vont se constituer en avant-garde de l’Organisation. En se réappropriant les armes de la contre-insurrection, il laisse émerger un proto-État. C’est là que recommence l’État. Il semble que celui qui copie son ennemi, s’il réussit, finit par prendre sa place.
« Ce qui s’invente de radicalement nouveau au Chiapas, par exemple, c’est la possibilité de créer des formes de vie plus justes, plus libres, plus heureuses, justement parce qu’on a décidé de ne pas s’employer à prendre l’État. »
« Si tu combats avec les armes de ton ennemi, tu finiras comme lui », disait Nietzsche. En tout cas, s’il se trouve des armes à piller chez l’ennemi, il faut sans aucun doute les réajuster et s’en servir différemment. Du coup, ce ne sont plus vraiment les mêmes armes. Si je considère les formes de pouvoir hiérarchiques et autoritaires comme une partie essentielle du problème, je ne peux pas tenter d’inventer autre chose en reprenant les formes de ce qui m’étouffe. S’organiser en reproduisant des hiérarchies et des rapports autoritaires, c’est commencer à participer à la continuation de ces pratiques. Si l’on parle bien du même ennemi, disons l’oppression et l’aliénation sous toutes leurs formes, que peut-on bien trouver d’autre dans cet arsenal que des techniques d’oppression et d’aliénation ?
Pour ma part, je cherche des armes de libération et des formes de vie épanouissantes. Je crois dans la rupture, dans l’insoumission, dans l’autonomie et la solidarité, dans la multiplicité des tactiques et l’entraide. Je crois que l’ensemble du problème continue de tourner autour du travail et du système de production. Qu’il faut créer les moyens d’arrêter de travailler pour cet ordre des choses et de commencer à œuvrer collectivement pour le bonheur et l’émancipation du vivant. J’imagine des communes libres et auto-organisées, librement fédérées entre elles et qui coopèrent pour se défendre face à tout ce qui voudrait les dominer et dominer à l’intérieur de chacune d’elles.
Pakistan : Presence of U.S. troops on Pakistani soils brings controversy
"We trust U.S. Army. It's helping us and can never leave us alone," Al'lan Fakir Jr., a famous folk singer told media on Friday at the site of heavily flooded River Indus in southern Sindh province.
However, despite the favorable sentiments, the presence of U.S. troops might jeopardize the rising positive image of U.S relief aid and assistance. Although, they are here for a good job, it can certainly create image complications, local watchers believe.
Some 60,000 dedicated troops of Pakistani military are involved in relief and rescue operations across the flood hit country where over 1,300 people have lost lives during the past couple of weeks of heavy monsoon rains and floods. Some 15 million have been affected including six million children and some 7.22 million homes damaged, according to UN reports.
The United Nations chief Ban Ki-Moon who will be visiting Pakistan on a day-long trip on Saturday has appealed the world to contribute 460 million dollars to meet the challenges posed by floods.
"The natural calamity has provided the United States with the best excuse to step onto the Pakistani soil," a foreign journalist touring the flood affected areas in the northwest commented on anonymity in the backdrop of rising anti-American sentiment.
USS Peleliu, a helicopter borne amphibious assault ship moored in open waters off the coast of southern port city of Karachi with 19 "multi-purpose" helicopters and 1,000 marines set to operate in partnership with Pakistani military throughout the country's flood affected areas.
With the U.S. assistance, Pakistan had come to recognize the Taliban threat from within, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gate's recently stated in Tampa, Florida while indicating a "dramatic" improvement in military relations with Pakistan.
The U.S. has told Pakistan to keep pressure on radical militant groups operating close to Afghan border, Press Trust of India (PTI) reported.
"American administration might be interested in hitting the two birds with the same stone," said Arshi Saleem, Senior Research Analyst at the Institute of Regional Studies (IRS) in Islamabad.
"Winning hearts and minds and relief work, and taking care of militants," she added.
Interestingly, Taliban and some other disbanded militant outfits including Lashkar-e-Taiba are also participating in the badly needed relief work in the affected areas of rugged northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the insurgent militants fighting a war against Pakistani troops in the troubled tribal areas of Pakistan along Afghanistan border have conditionally offered 20 million dollars for relief work urging Pakistan to stop taking aid from the West.
Taliban can even possibly increase the amount of monetary assistance, or could retaliate in case of an expected rejection and increasing presence of U.S. troops. Though they have been avoiding confrontation and have significantly reduced subversion over the past couple of weeks, analysts observe.
In a society soaked with conspiracy theories, presence of U.S. troops along with significant Pakistani military force in relief and rescue operations, the current development of the presence of U.S. troops possess all the possibility of being portrayed negatively, they add.
Pakistan has long been resisting U.S. proposals of conducting surgical strikes or covert operations by its troops in northwest tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, especially when the United States operated drone strikes have attracted severe criticism for killing significantly high number of civilians in the attacks, both by Pakistani people and the international organizations including the United Nations.
"There is a possibility of info-leaks leading to big arrests since militants are operating openly doing relief work," said Arshi Saleem, an Afghan affairs and counterterrorism expert. "We might hear some big names arrested," he said.
It is quite possible that both entities militants and the troops might ignore each other and focus on their "image building" agenda through relief work. However, with the beefing up of U.S. military' s physical presence, the possibility of friction with militants cannot be ruled out, analysts believe.
Source: Xinhua
Iran in possession of at least 6 systems of S300, HQ-15 and HQ-19 (S400 version China), where is Netanyahu ?
It's a military relationship that goes back two decades and, in light of Russia's reluctance to provide the Iranians with advanced air-defense missile system to counter possible U.S. or Israeli airstrikes, is set to expand.
Robert Hewson, editor of Jane's Air-Launched Weapons, reported that the factory for assembling and producing Iran's Nasr-1 — Victory 1 — anti-ship missile was opened March 7.
The Nasr is identical to China's C-704 anti-ship missile, Hewson says. Iran's burgeoning defense industry, much of it controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, has been producing Chinese-designed anti-ship missiles such as the C-801 since the early 1990s.
The C-704, developed by China Aerospace Group, targets ships of 1,000-4,000 tons displacement and is the equivalent of the U.S. AGM-119 anti-ship missile. With a range of 106 miles and a 240-pound warhead, the C-704 has a kill probability of 95.7 percent.
The Iranians, possibly with Chinese assistance, have even developed improved versions such as the Noor, an upgraded version of China's C-802, with a longer range than the original and over-the-horizon capabilities.
Indeed, Hewson observed that "Iran has gone further than China in fielding the C-802, taking what was previously a land- and ship-launched weapon and producing an air-launched version that can be carried by Mi-17 helicopters and fast-jet types."
Over the years Iran has developed a range of anti-ship missile systems from the Chinese weapons that gives the Islamic Republic's regular navy and the IRGC's naval arm the capability to exert a considerable degree of control over waters in the Gulf and the Arabian Sea.
This is the area from which U.S. naval forces would strike if hostilities erupt.
On Saturday, the IRGC concluded its annual three-day Great Prophet exercises in the Strait of Hormuz, the choke point gateway to the Gulf and a key energy artery, in a show of defiance against the United States.
The Nasr is a medium-range weapon that can be launched from warships or shore batteries and its development and planned mass production has been trumpeted by Tehran at a time when Iran's military forces are making preparations to counter possible attacks.
"In a methodical and deceptively modest manner China has helped Iran take charge of all its surrounding waters and this work between the two nations continues," Hewson reported.
"Follow-on versions of the Nasr are being developed to include an air-launched variant.
"There are other cooperative tactical missile programs under way and China's design bureaus have displayed several 'export only' weapons (such as the C-705 lightweight cruise missile) that would seem set to follow the established route into Iran," Hewson added.
"With such a solid relationship established between the two countries it is not difficult to see why China has been reluctant to commit to the Western push for sanctions against Iran."
China, ever hungry for energy sources to fuel its expanding economy, imports around 12 percent of its oil from Iran and seeks to secure Iranian natural gas through overland pipelines — another reason it has shown little enthusiasm for new U.N. sanctions on Iran.
Hewson said no Chinese envoys were seen at the opening of the Nasr factory conducted by Iran's hard-line defense minister, Brig. Gen. Ahmad Vahidi, but the event marked "another milestone in the continuing military/industrial bond between the two countries."
Hewson observed that unlike Russia, China "has been very successful in offering Iran technology and capabilities that are actually wanted, as opposed to those that might be 'nice to have.'
"A path has been found through the factions within Iranian officialdom (and its armed forces) to deliver products that build trust in Beijing. In return, China gains influence with Tehran that can be parlayed into access to Iran's natural resources."
While these Chinese-origin systems have provided Iran with invaluable missile technology, this has had little or no impact on the development of its ballistic missile capabilities.
"Iran's strategic weapons can only (ultimately) involve it in a losing battle with the United States,' Hewson concluded, "but its tactical weapons have already altered the regional balance of power in a much more practical way."
Tel Aviv : Les diplomates israéliens prohibent les agents du Mossad
Le président du comité d'entreprise du ministère des Affaires étrangères, Hanan Goder, a déclaré à la radio publique qu’il est inacceptable que le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu se serve d'un autre organisme, exactement en charge de questions sécuritaires, afin de casser un mouvement de grève.
Hanan Goder a contesté contre la position du premier ministre en ajoutant qu'en réaction, les diplomates ne fourniront pas d'aide aux représentants du Mossad , sauf pour des questions "de vie ou de mort".
Le ministre palestinien de l’intérieur et la sécurité nationale palestinienne, Fathi Hammad, a révélé que le Mossad israélien recrute de nouveaux agents dans la Bande de Gaza, et leur a demandé de placer des explosifs dans les postes de la résistance et du gouvernement.
Hammad a averti les services de renseignements sionistes sur les tentatives continuelles du Mossad de recrutement d’agents en passant par les téléphones portables, l’Internet et d’autres moyens. Il a affirmé que les services de sécurité ont arrêté des agents recrutés récemment, et qui ont fourni des informations sur leur liaison par téléphone pour transmettre des informations sur la résistance et le gouvernement palestinien à Gaza.
Lors d’une assemblée dans la salle du Croissant Rouge à Khan Younès au sud de la Bande de Gaza, Hamad a dit mercredi soir que son ministère a puni des policiers qui ont mal agi avec les citoyens à Gaza en précisant que la surveillance est continuelle et que les agents de sécurité sont désormais dotés de davantage de formation et de qualifications sécuritaires académiques.
Il a ajouté que « le ministère de l’Intérieur a pu réaliser de nombreux progrès dans le renforcement des règles de sécurité et l’amélioration de la relation avec les citoyens, grâce à des entraînements et des préparations continus du personnel du ministère et des services de sécurité ».
Le ministre palestinien de l’Intérieur a souligné que son ministère se dit prêt à recevoir les plaintes, en déclarant avoir reçu des instructions du Premier ministre, Ismaïl Haniyeh, de trouver des solutions immédiates aux problèmes des citoyens.
Fear Paralyzes U.S. Muslim 'Leaders' Citing the thoroughly debunked, official account of 9/11 as gospel, anti-Muslim bigots and opportunists rally around opposition to an Islamic Center near Ground Zero
Le marché du mois de ramadan
Cet étalage de produits à identité « musulmane » tient au fait que le marché « islamique » est devenu un enjeu considérable. Le seul marché de la viande halal en France est estimé à 5,5 milliards d’euros en 2010 et sur cette somme totale 4,5 milliards d’euros sont dépensés par les ménages. Au niveau mondial, ce marché est estimé à environ 500 milliards d’euros et au niveau européen il connaît une croissance d’environ 15% par an depuis plusieurs années. Dans une économie européenne connaissant une croissance faible, le nouveau marché « islamique » est une véritable aubaine pour le capitalisme qui cherche en permanence à créer de nouveaux marchés lui permettant de générer des profits substantiels.
Cette extension du marché à l’univers de l’islam participe du processus de réification global propre au système capitaliste. Le marché « islamique » devient un instrument destiné à étendre la sphère capitaliste à un espace non-marchand : l’espace de l’islam, de son imaginaire et de sa spiritualité.
Etudié par Georg Lukacs, le processus de réification tend à transformer l’ensemble du monde, dans sa dimension matériel et spirituel, en objet marchand soumis au primat du capital. Ce processus généralise les lois du marché dans les sphères non-marchandes et, par la même occasion, détruit la diversité culturelle, fait disparaître les particularismes, anéantit les pensées critiques ou désintègre les religions et les spiritualités. En cela, le capitalisme est porteur en lui-même d’une volonté de destruction, de mort, de tous les espaces non marchands.
Dans ce processus de réification, l’extension du marché à l’univers de l’islam ne peut se faire que par l’utilisation d’un paraître « islamique » anéantissant l’être musulman, c’est-à-dire d’une image de l’islam utilisée en dehors de la culture et de la spiritualité musulmane. Par ce processus de réification, le capitalisme tend à transformer le musulman, porteur d’une culture et d’une spiritualité, en consommateur d’images de l’« islam ».
Ce processus de réification finit par altérer l’identité spirituelle de l’islam dans son essence propre puisque la marchandise s’efforce de se transformer, par l’acte de consommation, en intermédiaire entre le croyant et son Créateur. L’acte de consommation se présente implicitement comme un acte de dévotion d’une « spiritualité » factice. De spiritualité, l’islam est transformé en objet de consommation et la marchandise devient une sorte d’objet de culte. Cet islam réifié est ainsi intégré dans ces panthéons du capitalisme que sont les grandes surfaces. Il est transformé en bijou que l’on porte, en habit que l’on revêt, en nourriture que l’on mange. Vidé de tout contenu spirituel et civilisationnel, l’islam fétichisé se transforme en objet de consommation que l’on achète, que l’on consomme et que d’autres vendent.
Toutefois, il existe une contradiction entre une partie des consommateurs-croyants musulmans vivant en France et les marchands d’« islamité ». Cette contradiction ne repose pas sur une remise en question de la logique de la réification qui transforme l’islam en marchandise. Cette logique n’est bien souvent même pas perçue en raison du discours masquant la marchandisation du monde par le capitalisme. Bien plus, cette logique est promue par certains au nom d’une sorte de « théologie islamique de la prospérité » qui tend à donner une caution islamique au capitalisme. La contradiction entre une partie des consommateurs-croyants et les marchands d’« islamité » s’exprime essentiellement au niveau des représentions des musulmans vivant en France.
Le consumérisme comme révélateur d’une aliénation
La représentation de l’islam et des musulmans proposée par les marchands d’« islamité » est souvent marquée du sceau d’un folklore orientaliste. Les catalogues publicitaires « spécial » ramadan parlent de semaine « orientale » ou de « mille et une saveurs » en utilisant une typographie faite d’arabesques afin de donner une saveur exotique à leurs réclames. Les produits proposés se veulent majoritairement évocateurs d’un « terroir » arabe ou maghrébin. Les pâtisseries « orientales », les sacs de semoule de 5 kilos ou les salades mechouia en pot mais aussi les services à thé et autres plats à « couscous » créent de fait un lien entre les musulmans vivant en France et des objets identifiés comme arabes ou maghrébins.
Parmi les musulmans vivant en France, pour ceux qui se définissent comme des « citoyens français de confession musulmane » ou comme des « français musulmans », ce lien les rattachant au monde arabe ou au Maghreb est problématique et objet de contestations. Se voulant avant tout français malgré leurs origines, ils refusent l’utilisation de typographies ou la mise en avant de produits renvoyant à l’islam et les musulmans à des éléments exogènes à la culture française. Récusant toutes spécificités culturelles liées à la culture arabe, les « français musulmans » veulent définir leur identité uniquement en référence à une nationalité et à une religion islamique réduite uniquement à sa dimension cultuelle. Concrètement, ils se reconnaissent dans les produits identifiés comme français, à condition qu’ils respectent les prescriptions islamiques, et non dans des produits identifiés comme arabes ou maghrébins.
Si cette contestation d’une identité dictée de l’extérieur est aisément compréhensible, la posture purement réactive consistant à se construire uniquement en réponse à des problématiques imposées par d’autres est elle-même symptomatique d’un malaise profond. Elle révèle une incapacité à construire, de manière autonome, son identité propre par une autodéfinition de soi. Cela est le signe même d’un statut de dominé n’arrivant pas à se poser comme être autonome et indépendant. La communauté musulmane se définit uniquement en réponse à une idéologie dominante qui, in fine, lui dicte ses actions et ses réactions. Vérifiant les propos d’Ibn Khaldoun affirmant que le vaincu imite toujours le vainqueur, les « citoyens français de confession musulmane » s’efforcent de copier les vainqueurs, les dominants, de la société dans laquelle ils vivent.
Le rejet d’éléments culturels identifiés comme arabes ou maghrébins est largement dépendant de l’image négative de ces cultures dans l’idéologie dominante régnant dans l’hexagone en raison, notamment, des traditions orientalistes et colonialistes de la France. Se positionnant à partir du point de vue orientaliste dominant qui représente la culture arabe comme violente ou machiste, les « français musulmans » veulent s’attacher à démontrer qu’eux-mêmes et l’islam ne sont pas liés à ces éléments culturels négatifs. Cette volonté de prise de distance avec des éléments identitaires perçus comme négatifs par l’idéologie dominante est d’autant plus prégnante lorsque les « français musulmans » cherchent à se distancier de la figure du travailleur immigré, véritable vaincu de la société capitaliste occidentale.
En effet, si une partie du monde arabe – essentiellement les pétromonarchies du Golfe du fait de l’image d’une « modernité capitaliste » version « islamique » qu’elles mettent en avant – peut-être regardée de manière relativement bienveillante, le travailleur immigré, dominé économiquement et culturellement, représente l’une des figures avec lesquelles les « citoyens français de confession musulmane » refusent d’être associés. Dans les représentations dominantes, le travailleur immigré est représenté comme un « être négatif » ne maîtrisant ni la langue ni les codes culturels de la société française et occupant une position subalterne économiquement. Pour prendre leurs distances avec cet « être négatif », les « français musulmans » mettent en avant leur identité et leur culture françaises contre l’immigré de culture exogène. Au niveau de la consommation, ils veulent consommer des produits différents de l’immigré recherchant des marchandises en lien avec sa culture et singulièrement, au niveau alimentaire, avec sa culture culinaire.
Le positionnement réactif des « français musulmans » montre leur aliénation vis-à-vis de la culture dominante par rapport à laquelle ils se définissent. Alors que les éléments culturels arabes et maghrébins sont parties intégrantes de l’identité culturelle de la communauté musulmane vivant en France, parce que celle-ci est née de l’immigration arabo-musulmane ayant commencé au début du XXème siècle, les « français musulmans » cherchent à nier une partie de l’histoire et de l’identité qui les constituent, car ils sont dépendants des représentations dominantes véhiculées dans la société française. Les réactions par rapport aux produits proposés durant le mois de ramadan sont révélatrices de cette aliénation propre à une communauté dominée incapable de se définir de manière autonome à partir de son histoire et de son patrimoine.
Face à la réification de l’islam par le capitalisme, à la transformation du jeûne du mois de ramadan en fête consumériste et à l’aliénation d’une communauté incapable d’être maîtresse de son identité, l’essence spirituelle du jeûne peut permettre de se libérer de ces différentes structures de domination pesant sur les musulmans. Cette essence spirituelle se trouve non pas dans le consumérisme marchand que cherche à imposer la civilisation capitaliste mais dans le souvenir du Créateur. Seul le retour à cette essence profonde du jeûne du mois de ramadan peut permettre aux musulmans de retrouver le souffle libérateur et créateur de l’islam des origines.
Youssef Girard
11 août 2010
Towards a World War III Scenario? The Role of Israel in Triggering an Attack on Iran
In this context, Israel could indeed provide the pretext to wage war, in response to alleged Hamas or Hezbollah attacks and/or the triggering of hostilities on the border of Israel with Lebanon. What is crucial is that a minor "incident" could be used to spark off a major military operation against Iran.
Known to US military planners, Israel (rather than the USA) would be the first target of military retaliation by Iran. Broadly speaking Israelis would be the victims of the machinations of both Washington and their own government. It is, in this regard, absolutely crucial that Israelis forcefully oppose any action by the Netanyahu government to attack Iran.
Tactical Nuclear Weapons directed against Iran
Conventional bunker buster Guided Bomb Unit GBU-27
B61 bunker buster bomb Radiactive FalloutThe issue of radioactive fallout and contamination, while casually dismissed by US-NATO military analysts, would be devastating, potentially affecting a large area of the broader Middle East (including Israel) and Central Asian region.
"The Mother of All Bombs" (MOAB) Slated to be Used against Iran
Of military significance within the US conventional weapons arsenal is the 21,500-pound "monster weapon" nicknamed the "mother of all bombs" The GBU-43/B or Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb (MOAB) was categorized "as the most powerful non-nuclear weapon ever designed" with the the largest yield in the US conventional arsenal. The MOAB was tested in early March 2003 before being deployed to the Iraq war theater. According to US military sources, The Joint Chiefs of Staff had advised the government of Saddam Hussein prior to launching the 2003 that the "mother of all bombs" was contemplated to be used against Iraq. (There were unconfirmed reports that it had been used in Iraq).
The US Department of Defence has confirmed in October 2009 that it intends to use the "Mother of All Bombs" (MOAB) against Iran. The MOAB is said to be "ideally suited to hit deeply buried nuclear facilities such as Natanz or Qom in Iran" (Jonathan Karl, Is the U.S. Preparing to Bomb Iran? ABC News, October 9, 2009). The truth of the matter is that the MOAB, given its explosive capacity, would result in extremely large civilian casualties. It is a conventional "killing machine" with a nuclear type mushroom cloud.
The procurement of four MOABs was commissioned in October 2009 at the hefty cost of $58.4 million, ($14.6 million for each bomb). This amount includes the costs of development and testing as well as integration of the MOAB bombs onto B-2 stealth bombers.(Ibid). This procurement is directly linked to war preparations in relation to Iran. The notification was contained in a 93-page "reprogramming memo" which included the following instructions:
The Pentagon is planning on a process of extensive destruction of Iran's infrastructure and mass civilian casualties through the combined use of tactical nukes and monster conventional mushroom cloud bombs, including the MOAB and the larger GBU-57A/B or Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP), which surpasses the MOAB in terms of explosive capacity.
The MOP is described as "a powerful new bomb aimed squarely at the underground nuclear facilities of Iran and North Korea. The gargantuan bomb—longer than 11 persons standing shoulder-to-shoulder [see image below] or more than 20 feet base to nose" (See Edwin Black, "Super Bunker-Buster Bombs Fast-Tracked for Possible Use Against Iran and North Korea Nuclear Programs", Cutting Edge, September 21 2009)
"Mother of All Bombs" (MOAB)
GBU-57A/B Mass Ordnance Penetrator (MOP)
State of the Art Weaponry: "War Made Possible Through New Technologies"
Range of Iran's Shahab Missiles. Copyright Washington Post
In November 2006, Iran tests of surface missiles 2 were marked by precise planning in a carefully staged operation. According to a senior American missile expert (quoted by Debka), "the Iranians demonstrated up-to-date missile-launching technology which the West had not known them to possess." (See Michel Chossudovsky, Iran's "Power of Deterrence" Global Research, November 5, 2006) Israel acknowledged that "the Shehab-3, whose 2,000-km range brings Israel, the Middle East and Europe within reach" (Debka, November 5, 2006)
While Iran is encircled by US and allied military bases, the Islamic Republic has significant military capabilities. (See maps below) What is important to acknowledge is the sheer size of Iranian forces in terms of personnel (army, navy, air force) when compared to US and NATO forces serving in Afghanistan and Iraq.
US Military and Allied Facilties Surrounding Iran
For several years now Iran has been conducting its own war drills and exercises. Their intermediate and long-range missiles are fully operational. Iran's military is in a state of readiness. Iranian troop concentrations are currently within a few kilometers of the Iraqi and Afghan borders, and within proximity of Kuwait. The Iranian Navy is deployed in the Persian Gulf within proximity of US and allied military facilities in the United Arab Emirates.
It is worth noting that in response to Iran's military build-up, the US has been transferring large amounts of weapons to its non-NATO allies in the Persian Gulf including Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
Author's note: Dear Global Research Readers, kindly forward this text far and wide to friends and family, on internet forums, within the workplace, in your neighborhood, nationally and internationally, with a view to reversing the tide of war. Spread the Word!
Part III
Reversing the Tide of War. Criminalizing War (forthcoming)
France-Israel-Algerie: Le gouvernement Sarkozy-Gueant issu des eradicateurs francais, lourdement impliqué dans la guerre civile algerienne craint les revelations des enquetes internationales
Une guérilla contre le peuple
Le pouvoir veut tourner la page
Qui peut pardonner ?
L’éveil de la conscience nationale et internationale
Mieux vaut un chien en alerte qu'un chien en sommeil
La Justice internationale
le 12 août 2010
Ahmed Simozrag
Son, I would prefer to see you die in prison...
"My father, who is 84/85 years old who is technically blind, said to me, "Son, I would prefer to see you die in prison and that you are keeping to your principles and what you believe in - rather than for you to sell your soul and to be rejected by yourself first and foremost and of course by your Lord."
As a father myself, it is difficult for me to imagine telling my son that I would happily see him die in prison rather than compromise on his principles. Such is the household that raised Shaykh Ali that in their time of great difficulty, the advice that was given was to be true to yourself and never compromise on who you are and what you believe.
Allah SWT says in Surah al-Asr,
"By Time. Indeed the whole of mankind is at loss. Except those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and those who enjoin truth and enjoin patience."
The family of Shaykh Ali embodied this Surah in their response to their difficulty and it is their example that we should follow in the way we respond to the tests that the War on Terror gives us.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi ra'jioon - we pray that Allah SWT gives Shaykh Ali and his family patience in this time and grants Mahdi al-Tamimi the highest stages of jannah.
La Grande-Bretagne protège les plus grandes cultures d’héroïne de tous les temps
Original :
Traduction copyleft de Pétrus Lombard
Notes du traducteur
Israel a assassiné Rafik Hariri, principal financier de Jacques Chirac, pour favoriser l'election de leur larbin Sarkozy
L’indomptable Liban !
Le secrétaire général du Hezbollah, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, a révélé ce lundi 09 août 2010, lors d’une conférence de presse à Beyrouth retransmise en direct à la télévision, les indices de l’implication de l’entité sioniste dans l’assassinat de l'ancien Premier ministre libanais Rafic Hariri (le 14 février 2005). L’implication d’Israël dans la préparation de divers attentats de personnalités libanaises a ainsi été amplement argumentée par des faits précis et des vidéos (se reporter aux larges extraits du discours publiés sur notre site).
Certains médias occidentaux qui ont évoqué ces révélations – une minorité ! – se sont demandés, avec mauvaise foi, pourquoi le Hezbollah n’avait pas fourni toutes ces preuves au Tribunal Spécial pour le Liban (TSL) chargé d’enquêter sur l’assassinat de Rafic Hariri. La raison est toute simple : ce Tribunal, comme l’immense majorité des organisations dites internationales, est fortement sionisé, et ne jouit d’aucune confiance auprès de la population libanaise. Il est d’ailleurs symptomatique que ce tribunal n’ait jamais recherché le moindre indice pouvant mettre en cause Israël, mais a porté tous ses soupçons dès le départ vers le Hezbollah et la Syrie. En fait ce tribunal a pour mission d’accréditer la version de l’USraël et du gouvernement français, à savoir : désigner la Syrie et le Hezbollah comme coupables, chercher à opposer les communautés libanaises entre elles, et bien entendu ne jamais parler d'Israël et de ses agressions répétées contre le Liban.
Aujourd’hui c’est principalement le Hezbollah qui est visé, et les « fuites » publiées par l’hebdomadaire allemand Der Spiegel il y a plusieurs mois avaient alors pour objectif de désigner par avance certains des membres du Hezbollah comme étant impliqués dans l'assassinat de Rafic Hariri. L'intervention du secrétaire général du Hezbollah, et les révélations qu’elle contient, ont pour objectif de tordre le coup à cette manœuvre. Le Hezbollah est depuis toujours dans le collimateur des sionistes et de leurs alliés. Non seulement ce mouvement de résistance chiite est toujours resté fidèle à son esprit d'opposition au sionisme, mais surtout il a su, par son action politique et sociale, étendre son influence bien au-delà de la communauté chiite libanaise. Son alliance avec les chrétiens du général Michel Aoun, mais également avec tous les sunnites patriotes et résistants en témoigne. On comprend aisément qu'Israël et ses amis ne puissent tolérer un tel exemple d'unité. Ils préfèrent depuis toujours un Liban morcelé en communautés, faciles à opposer les unes aux autres, au profit du sionisme.
Le temps des divisions au Liban semble dépassé. Lors de la dernière provocation israélienne (le 03 août 2010), l’armée libanaise a réagi immédiatement et vigoureusement, telle une armée nationale défendant tous les Libanais. La tentative de l’USraël d’isoler le Hezbollah, afin de le faire passer pour un corps étranger à la nation, a échoué. La prochaine guerre, si guerre il y a, ne sera pas une guerre d’Israël contre le Hezbollah, mais une agression sioniste contre toute la nation libanaise.
« Israël ne veut pas la paix avec ses voisins, Israël ne veut pas de voisins » disait un citoyen syrien à l’écrivain français Gabriel Matzneff (Le Carnet arabe, 1971). Telle est la nature profonde du sionisme. Et quand ce voisin, ici en l'occurrence le Liban, a en plus la prétention d’être uni, indépendant et libre, pour Tel Aviv et son lobby la seule issue reste la guerre…
Yahia Gouasmi.
Islamic Studies Expert: U.S. Should Apologize to Muslims, Build Mega-Mosque at Ground Taxpayer Expense!
Zionist puppet, criminal and drug dealer Zardari visits EU despite the worst floods in history in Pakistan
M Rafic Soormally
08 August 2010
VIDEO: Le dispositif terroriste de la France-Israel-Algerie dans le colimateur, le general de la DST, Mohamed Mediene dit Tewfik poursuivi pour crimes de guerre, partie 2