18 avr. 2017

Sarkosy est bien le premier juif sioniste president poursuivi pour genocide et crimes de guerre en Algerie

Le cheikh Ali Benhadj déclare poursuivre la lutte

Dans un communiqué daté du 20 avril, le vice-président du Front Islamique du Salut a déclaré qu’il poursuivra la lutte pour la défense des droits du peuple algérien et la réhabilitation des droits des victimes de l’injustice. Il a également appelé l’opposition de toutes les tendances politiques à s’unir et à mettre de côté leurs divergences pour renverser le régime actuel et redonner la parole au peuple. Lire le texte du communiqué. la suite 

Israel, UK, US and India are waging a war against the sovereignty of Pakistan, like in Iraq


Pakistan's formal entry into the nuclear club creates a true "Islamic Bomb." Although Islamic nuclear threats to Israel are already emerging independently of Pakistani atomic developments, largely because of Russian and Chinese assistance to Iran, Jerusalem now confronts an acceleration and enlargement of these threats. Moreover, Israel now faces the additional danger posed by Pakistani direct transfer of nuclear assets to certain regional enemies.

How shall Israel prepare for the unprecedented hazards created by the Islamic Bomb? Are these hazards likely to be magnified by a so-called Middle East "Peace Process?" What precise synergies exist between Oslo and the Islamic Bomb? How should Israel adjust its presumed obligations to sustain the Oslo Accords?

And what if there should be an actual nuclear war on the Indian subcontinent? What would such a war imply for the Middle East? Would there be a corresponding lowering of the nuclear threshold in Israel's own neighborhood? Would there be a lifting of the nuclear "taboo?" If so, would such a lifting be to Israel's overall security advantage or disadvantage?

There are many questions that need to be asked, quickly, fully and insightfully, by informed friends of Israel. One particularly important set of questions should deal with U.S. strategy and policy. How will the Clinton administration propose to deal with weaponization of Pakistan's nuclear capability? How will it assist India and Pakistan in reducing fears and conditions that heighten the prospect of nuclear exchange in South Asia? Can Washington deal effectively with the dangers of India-Pakistan nuclear war created by mechanical accident, miscalculation or inadvertence? What about war risks associated with shaky command/control procedures and unauthorized commands? And what would be the consequences of an American failure in this realm for Israeli security and survival?

There are many problems to be considered? Does the appearance of an Islamic Bomb suggest the need for more rapid Israeli development of anti-tactical ballistic missile (ATBM) defenses? Or would such development merely accelerate the development of new offensive ballistic missiles to be used against Israel? It was, of course, this fear - that defense in the nuclear age encourages arms racing - that first led to anti-ballistic missile treaties and protocols decades ago.

Should Israel hasten its efforts to deploy the Arrow (Hetz) ATBM, or would the Jewish State be better served by a policy of strengthened nuclear deterrence and/or selective non-nuclear preemptions? Can Israel rely on the Nonproliferation Regime of treaties, national laws and declarations, or is the primacy of Realpolitik over international law now overwhelming, incontestable and irreversible? Should Jerusalem rely more on promises for safety from Washington, or -in view of recent events - rely even less on such promises? Can nuclear deterrence serve Israel if the Jewish State is faced with irrational nuclear adversaries, or would such irrationality immobilize the dynamics of nuclear deterrence? If Israel does need to undertake various forms of preemption, can it do so entirely with conventional weapons, or will it need to use nuclear weapons to ensure destruction of very hardened enemy targets? If the latter, could Israel continue to endure in the community of nations after embracing such an unpopular (however indispensable) strategic option?

To lower the nuclear threshold in the Middle East, should Israel, confronting the consequences of an Islamic Bomb, concentrate on improving its conventional deterrent? Facing constant pressure from the Arab world, especially Egypt, to denuclearize altogether, should Israel prepare to give up the bomb - an idea once considered publicly by Shimon Peres - or would it be better for Israel to multiply, harden and disperse further its pertinent nuclear forces? In view of the recent explosions in South Asia, should Israel maintain its stance of "deliberate ambiguity," or would it be better to bring the bomb out of the "basement," thereby removing possible doubts about the vulnerabilities and capabilities of Israel's nuclear deterrent? If it chooses to bring the bomb out of the basement, should it be done merely by careful sorts of disclosure, or should Israel follow the recent testing examples of India and Pakistan?

The questions are daunting. The answers are elusive. But for Israel, the time for questions and answers can no longer be postponed. For Israel it is time to embark upon a broadly conceived strategic dialectic in which capable scholars and officials ask and answer hard questions, again and again and again, until the full complexity of issues can be understood and be taken into account. For Israel, the Islamic Bomb exploded by Pakistan in May is more than just another warning. It is the Final Warning.

Man Who Greeted Obama Dies Of Flu Next Day

Zionist Bush-Clinton fighting Obama in control of drug cartels in Mexico and South America.

EXCERPT under 'Obama's Visit' section in story below:

"The first case was seen in Mexico on April 13. The outbreak coincided with the President Barack Obama's trip to Mexico City on April 16. Obama was received at Mexico's anthropology museum in Mexico City by Felipe Solis, a distinguished archeologist who died the following day from symptoms similar to flu, Reforma newspaper reported. The newspaper didn't confirm if Solis had swine flu or not. "

Mexico's Calderon Declares Emergency Amid Swine Flu Outbreak
By Thomas Black

April 25 (Bloomberg) -- Mexican President Felipe Calderon declared an emergency in his country's swine flu outbreak, giving him powers to order quarantines and suspend public events.

Authorities have canceled school at all levels in Mexico City and the state of Mexico until further notice, and the government has shut most public and government activities in the area. The emergency decree, published today in the state gazette, gives the president authority to take more action.

"The federal government under my charge will not hesitate a moment to take all, all the measures necessary to respond with efficiency and opportunity to this respiratory epidemic," Calderon said today during a speech to inaugurate a hospital in the southern state of Oaxaca.

At least 20 deaths in Mexico from the disease are confirmed, Health Minister Jose Cordova said yesterday. The strain is a variant of H1N1 swine influenza that has also sickened at least eight people in California and Texas. As many as 68 deaths may be attributed to the virus in Mexico, and about 1,000 people in the Mexico City area are showing symptoms of the illness, Cordoba said.

Obama's Visit

The first case was seen in Mexico on April 13. The outbreak coincided with the President Barack Obama's trip to Mexico City on April 16. Obama was received at Mexico's anthropology museum in Mexico City by Felipe Solis, a distinguished archeologist who died the following day from symptoms similar to flu, Reforma newspaper reported. The newspaper didn't confirm if Solis had swine flu or not.

The Mexican government is distributing breathing masks to curtail the disease's spread. There is no vaccine against the new strain of swine flu, health authorities said.

Museums, theaters and other venues in the Mexico City area, where large crowds gather, have shut down voluntarily and concerts and other events canceled to help contain the disease. Two professional soccer games will be played tomorrow in different Mexico City stadiums without any fans, El Universal newspaper reported. Catholic masses will be held, the newspaper said, although church officials urged worshipers to wear breath masks and to avoid contact.

Schools will likely remain closed next week, Calderon said in the Oaxaca speech. The decree allows Calderon to regulate transportation, enter any home or building for inspection, order quarantines and assign any task to all federal, state and local authorities as well as health professionals to combat the disease.

"The health of Mexicans is a cause that we're defending with unity and responsibility," Calderon said. "I know that although it's a grave problem, a serious problem, we're going to overcome it."

Normal Airport Operations

Mexico City's international airport, which handles about 70,000 passengers each day, is operating normally, said Victor Mejia, a spokesman. Passengers are given a questionnaire asking if they have flu symptoms and recommending they cancel their trip and see a doctor if they do. The measures are voluntary, Mejia said, and no case of swine flu in airport passengers, workers or visitors has been confirmed.

Authorities throughout Central America have issued alerts to prevent the outbreak from spreading. Guatemala ordered tighter control yesterday of its northern border with Mexico, according to EFE. Gerberth Morales, who's heading the Guatemala government's response, said no cases of swine flu have been reported in his country, the Spanish news agency reported.

Brazil is intensifying vigilance in ports, airports and borders to check travelers' health, luggage, aircrafts and ships in a preventive action against the outbreak in Mexico, the Agency for Sanitary Vigilance said on its Web site.

To contact the reporter on this story: Thomas Black in Monterrey at tblack@bloomberg.net

Israel, Netanyahu, Sarkosy et le racisme negationniste des organisations sionistes provoqueront la prochaine guerre civile en France

Le Parti Anti Sioniste (P.A.S.) lance sa campagne en vue des élections européennes avec la création de plusieurs listes antisionistes en France.Son objectif est de s’opposer aux lobbys sionistes français et européens qui dictent à nos dirigeants et à nos hommes politiques leur conduite pour les intérêts d’un pays étranger (Israël).Les grands partis traditionnels ont droit au financement des partis et ont donc les moyens, donnés par le contribuable, de mener une campagne efficace auprès de l'opinion, relayée qui plus est par les médias complaisants.Il ne nous reste donc, à nous, citoyens français antisionistes, qu’à chercher des financements pour mener à bien notre campagne et faire connaître largement notre ligne politique.

Mexican Swine Flu An Advanced Biowar Event That Will Be Bigger Than 9/11

By The Earl of Stirling


On 23 rd April 2009 the world began to become aware of a very strange new version of swine flu H1N1 in Mexico with limited cases in Texas and California. By the morning of the 24th of April, we began hear that there were hundreds of sick and 20 or so dead. By late in the day, we have learned that over 1,000 are now reported ill and over 60 are reported dead. There are solid reasons to suspect that this new Mexican Swine Flu is NOT a naturally occurring event but instead is an Advanced Biological Warfare recombination DNA genetically engineered virus.

Here is what we know of the virus so far. This virus has already gone international having crossed the border from Mexico to America. All schools in Mexico City have been canceled, millions of students told to stay home due to Mexican Swine Flu. Sick victims of this strange new virus are currently reported in California and Texas. Over 60 deaths reported in Mexico (could be substantially higher considering the state of Mexican health care and reporting).

Young healthy adults seem to be the most at risk. This is similar to the deadest killer flu in history, Spanish Flu in 1918. Most if not all nations with advanced biological warfare programs have been interested in recreating the Spanish Flu DNA sequence and several are reported to have done so.

The new Mexican Swine Flu has elements of DNA from the following: avian flu, human flu Type A, human flu Type B, Asian swine flu, and European swine flu. A strange combination never seen before and having less than 1/10% chance of being a natural event. Human and animal viruses from four or more continents suddenly recombine in a new flu during a non-flu season that spreads from human-to-human with a 10% fatality rating.

Over 1,000 reported infected in Mexico; true rate may be much higher. Mexico City seems to be the epicenter of the new virus. Mexico City has 20 million citizens, most terribly poor. Mexico City is notorious for its poor sanitation and public health. "Don't drink the water" has been the byword in Mexico City for decades. It is the perfect breading ground for an explosive growth of this new killer virus. Mexico City has closed all schools, public gatherings, public buildings. People are wearing medical masks on the streets. The government has announced a massive new emergency swine flu vaccination program that will be, at best, either totally non-effective or of very limited effect, and could be, at worst, a deadly option for patients. It is thought that the authorities are trying to contain public panic by announcing the vaccination program.

Both the World Health Organization and the US CDC (Center for Disease Control) have announced, today/24th April, that they are 'very concerned' about a global pandemic developing out of this new disease. Based on advanced biowargaming projections, it is already too late to stop the global spread of this new killer disease. Based on the three waves of Spanish Flu, the latter ones being more lethal, fatality rates may range from approximately 10% to 40% or so in later waves. More people could die in America, Mexico, Canada, Europe, and globally from Mexican Swine Flu than died in World War II.

This new flu is a lab created advanced biological warfare DNA genetically engineered virus that either: (1) Escaped accidentally from a lab; or (2) was deliberately released by a nation or non-state organization or a well-trained individual.

If there is a positive side to this coming global disaster, it may force governments to quickly come to grips with containing advanced biowar attacks. This is of considerable short term importance as Israel is apt to attack Iran by no later than mid-July 2009. The Iranians, having hired a large number of key ex-Soviet advanced biowar scientists 18 years ago and having spent billions on their asymmetrical MAD (mutually assured destruction) counter-force, are expected to respond to any significant attack on Iran with a biowar attack on Israel, North America, and Europe using in-place agents and dozens of genetically engineered viruses, many with very high projected kill rates.

This event is an advanced biological warfare event. It is far more important than 9/11 and, by itself, could bring deaths in such magnitudes as to exceed the number of deaths from all causes in the Second World War.


Durban II : Le nazisme israélien est une réalité éclatante

Dershowitz et Barak

Les juifs feraient bien d’en prendre conscience, au lieu de le nier

AUTEUR : Khalid AMAYREH خالد العمايرة

De la Californie à Sidney, en passant à Jérusalem sous occupation, les suprématistes sionistes sont très nerveux, ces jours-ci : ils assistent au rassemblement de milliards de personnes, qui, dans le monde entier, sont en train de se libérer, lentement mais définitivement, des chaînes de la propagande sioniste.

Plus de soixante années durant, les mensonges sionistes rebattus autour du crime contre l’humanité appelé Israël s’étaient en effet imposés dans une très large mesure. Le noir était devenu blanc et le blanc avait été repeint en noir ; l’énorme bobard avait été transformé en une soi-disant « vérité » glorifiée par les multitudes. Les victimes palestiniennes, totalement dépouillées et tourmentées à l’extrême, avaient été caricaturées en « terroristes et assassins, voire même (du temps qu’on y était) en antisémites s’efforçant de terminer le boulot entrepris par Hitler. »
Quant aux véritables nazis (dans cette histoire), j’ai nommé les juifs sionistes qui ont perpétré un des plus énormes crimes de l’histoire humaine, à savoir la destruction et la négation de la communauté palestinienne, ils étaient bien souvent présentés comme des pionniers progressistes censés avoir fait fleurir le désert, être une lumière pour les nations et l’unique démocratie au Moyen-Orient.

Aujourd’hui, il semble que la magie sioniste soit éventée, et qu’elle soit devenue totalement impuissante. Le monde découvre (enfin) qu’il a été embobiné, dupé et trompé durant toutes années. Il est temps de se réveiller, et de voir les réalités en face !

La conférence de Durban II, réunie à Genève aujourd’hui, vise à renforcer la paix, l’égalité et la justice dans le monde entier. Inutile de préciser que cela impose que les peuples et les gouvernements du monde entier doivent lutter et s’efforcer d’éradiquer l’oppression, le racisme et l’agression, pour ce faire.

C’est précisément ce qui rend furieux les leaders sionistes où qu’ils se trouvent, et cela se comprend fort bien. Nous savons tous que lutter contre le racisme et l’oppression, cela implique de défier Israël, un pays fondé sur le nettoyage ethnique, le pillage, l’oppression et le mensonge.

De fait, le simple fait, pour tout le reste de l’humanité, de faire siens les principes les plus élémentaires de l’égalité et de la justice suffit à provoquer une collision inévitable entre Israël et lui.

En résumé : impossible d’être authentiquement humain, et même impossible d’être humain tout court, sans s’opposer au sionisme. C’est ce que beaucoup d’habitants de notre planète sont en train de découvrir. C’est aussi ce qu’Israël et ses séides redoutent comme la peste, car ils savent qu’un « sionisme à visage humain » est un oxymore irréductible pour l’éternité.

C’est pourquoi les chiens de garde du sionisme, depuis Commentary, The New Republic, The New York Post, The Jerusalem Post, jusqu’à Dershowitz, Elie Wiesel, Netanyahou, Lieberman, en passant par Peres et les nombreux parangons du mépris et du racisme paniquent, aujourd’hui. Regardez leur visage : vous verrez à quel point ils sont inquiets et affolés.

C’est aussi ainsi que réagissent la plupart des criminels et des voleurs quand ils sentent que leurs crimes sont sur le point d’être découverts et qu’ils vont se faire attraper.

Mais comme tous les criminels et tous les voleurs, Israël et ses partisans souvent tribaux ne vont pas se contenter d’agiter un drapeau blanc et de se rendre à la vérité, aussi claire, aussi écrasante soit-elle.

Les sionistes prétendent souvent qu’ils bénéficient des Q.I. les plus élevés de tous les Terriens. Et alors ? Et alors ? Ne dit-on pas que beaucoup de criminels sont extrêmement intelligents ; c’est bien ça le problème, d’ailleurs, car la police est très souvent incapable de les arrêter...

Mais est-ce bien là de l’intelligence ? Sont-ce bien là des esprits réellement agiles ? De fait, si un(e) criminel(le) ou un(e) voleur/se avait été véritablement intelligent, il (ou elle) ne se serait pas abandonné(e) à un comportement délictueux, pour commencer. Une intelligence qui vous envoie à la potence ou sur la chaise électrique en fin de parcours est en réalité le summum de la stupidité.

Cette logique vaut indubitablement pour Israël, un État diabolique, qui a fait de beaucoup de juifs soit les instruments du mal, soit ses auxiliaires.

Prenons, par exemple, quelqu’un comme Elie Wiesel, un survivant de l’Holocauste, qui a rempli l’éther de toutes sortes de proclamations hypocrites et pontifiantes sur le caractère unique de la souffrance juive, comme si la souffrance de non-juifs avait été ou était moins authentique ?

C’est ce même homme qui nous bassine, depuis des décennies, assénant à qui veut l’entendre qu’Israël aurait le droit de commettre des crimes contre les Palestiniens et que le monde entier n’est pas légitime à critiquer le comportement qui n’a rien à envier aux nazis qui est celui d’Israël.

La « Nuit » de Wiesel a pris fin, et son peuple a pu se relever, mais ce peuple est hélas totalement mobilisé, fusse au prix de sa propre perte, dans l’utilisation, jusqu’à son dernier souffle, des derniers vestiges de la mémoire de l’Holocauste pour justifier, prolonger et perpétuer la « Nuit » palestinienne. Cela, à seule fin de satisfaire sa dépravation et les caprices nés de sa (soi-disant) supériorité ethnique et de son nombrilisme.

C’est le même Wiesel qui se précipite à Genève, aujourd’hui, pour défendre l’extermination, par Israël, d’enfants innocents et impuissants à Gaza, au simple motif que ces victimes abandonnées sont faibles et n’appartiennent pas à la « sainte tribu ».

Vous voyez donc de quelle manière le sionisme a métamorphosé et continue à métamorphoser les victimes de la bête nazie en menteurs sataniques, en brutes immorales et en assassins scélérats soutenant fanatiquement un État qui pense comme les nazis, se comporte comme les nazis et agit comme eux.

Mais cette dépravation semble ne pas connaître de limite. Telle est la nature d’une maladie démoniaque qui s’est emparée de tout un groupe humain qui pense que le monde doit l’autoriser à faire ce que personne d’autre n’a le droit de faire.

Ce sont des gens qui arguent du fait qu’ils seraient dans l’obligation de tuer les enfants des autres afin de s’assurer que les leurs ne se fassent pas tuer, ce sont des gens qui pensent qu’ils doivent tuer les mères des autres afin de s’assurer que leurs mères ne seront pas tuées. Des gens malades jusqu’à la moelle, qui pensent qu’ils sont contraints de perpétrer un holocauste afin d’empêcher la survenue d’un nouvel Holocauste.

Autrement dit, le monde doit leur permettre d’exterminer le peuple palestinien, le peuple libanais et probablement aussi le peuple iranien, histoire de leur donner un sentiment de sécurité...

Mais, dès lors que tout le monde critique leurs comportement meurtrier, consistant notamment à affamer la population de Gaza, à réduire en cendres des civils avec des bombes au phosphore ou à enfermer des millions de Palestiniens harcelés dans des camps de concentration, les sionistes se mettent à vociférer, de manière incontrôlable : Auschwitz ! Gestapo ! Kristallnacht ! Hamas ! Kamikazes !, ignorant totalement la laideur brutale de leur mentalité et la cruauté criminelle de leurs agissements.

C’est ce qui amène des animaux racistes tel un Avigdor Lieberman, qui allie la brutalité d’un Joseph Staline à la haine d’un Adolph Hitler, à fustiger la conférence de Durban, au motif qu’elle ne dénoncerait pas les violations des droits humains ailleurs qu’en Israël.

C’est comme une prostituée méprisable prêchant la moralité et la chasteté.

Mais l’hypocrisie pornographique n’est pas, et de loin, la spécialité de l’ancien malfrat moldave. Shimon Peres est-il en quoi que ce soit moins hypocrite, moins criminel ? Ou Netanyahou ? Ou encore Barak ? Ou même Ovadia Yosef ? Finalement, nous parlons ici de toute une génération de criminels pathologiques, dont la criminalité et les mensonges ne connaissent pas de limites.

Mon ami Gideon Levy [une des grandes plumes du quotidien israélien Ha’aretz, NdT], dont je respecte immensément le courage moral et la rectitude, a écrit qu’il n’est pas admissible de comparer le calvaire des Palestiniens avec l’Holocauste. Il n’en a pas moins reconnu qu’aujourd’hui Israël ressemble furieusement à l’Allemagne de 1933.

Doit-on en déduire que les Palestiniens devront attendre (les bras croisés) encore quelques années que Lieberman et sa cohorte de judéo-nazis mettent en actes leurs doctrines, de la même manière qu’Hitler, Eichmann et leurs cohortes aryennes nazies avaient mis en application les leurs quelques années plus tard ?

Le fait que la conférence de Durban II ait lieu (à Genève) est un signe positif. C’est en soi un pas dans la bonne direction, car la tenue de cette conférence, à l’encontre de la volonté du sionisme démoniaque, montre que le monde, ou tout au moins la plupart des peuples du monde, sont déterminés à regarder Israël droit dans les yeux et à lui dire : « Vous êtes des racistes, vous êtes des criminels, vous êtes monstrueux..., mais nous ne nous laisserons pas impressionner par la manière dont vous fomentez la haine ». C’est ce qui fait si peur aux sionistes ; c’est ce qui les désarçonne et leur fait perdre toute dignité.

Quant aux autres peuples, d’Europe et d’Amérique du Nord, dont les gouvernements continuent à languir sous la mainmise sioniste, un jour viendra où ils se réveilleront eux aussi et où ils se libéreront des chaînes des lobbies et des mensonges sionistes.

Ce jour n’est plus très lointain.

Traduit par Marcel Charbonnier, révisé par Fausto Giudice

Fausto Giudice est membre de Tlaxcala, le réseau de traducteurs pour la diversité linguistique. Cette traduction est libre de reproduction, à condition d’en respecter l’intégrité et d’en mentionner l’auteur, le traducteur, le réviseur et la source.

Sources : en anglais et en français

Les Etats-Unis et l'Europe se preparent a un effondrement total de leur economie

Effondrement economique total des USA : Spectre de guerre civile et secession :
Militaires US patrouillant dans les rues de certaines gandes villes americaines, avec des bassards de police, le Texas serait le premier etat a decreté l'etat d'urgence et un couvre feu obligatoire pour tous ces habitants.

L’Armée US se prépare à un « effondrement économique imprévu »

20 avril 2009 (Nouvelle Solidarité) — Aux Etats-Unis, des plans de contingence en cas de crise extrême sont discutés et visent à préparer les militaires à faire face à l’insurrection sociale qui vient.

Le 12 février le Director of National Intelligence, l’amiral Dennis Blair, parlant devant le Comité sur le renseignement du Sénat américain, a affirmé que la crise économique posait « la menace la plus grave à notre stabilité et notre sécurité nationale ». Cette crise, dit-il peut provoquer de « l’extrémisme violent » du même type que celui des années 1920 et 1930.

Le spectre des troubles sociaux fut évoqué dès novembre 2008 devant l’Académie de guerre de l’armée de terre. Une étude militaire, « Les inconnus connus : Chocs non conventionnels dans le développement de la stratégie de la défense », affirme que l’Armée américaine doit être prête à affronter une « dislocation stratégique violente, à l’intérieur des Etats-Unis », provoquée par « un effondrement économique imprévu », « une résistance nationale engagée » et « d’envahissantes situations d’urgence sur le plan de la santé publique ».

Tous ces événements, poursuit l’étude, pourraient provoquer « la disparition d’un ordre politique et juridique fonctionnel ». Des « violences civiles généralisées », poursuit le texte, « forceraient l’appareil militaire de réorienter in extremis ses forces afin de préserver les fondements de l’ordre public et de la sécurité des personnes ».

En clair, le chaos social et l’explosion de mécontentement provoqué par la non-résolution de la crise économique pourraient conduire le gouvernement américain à imposer, à l’aide de l’Armée, la loi martiale. Cet état d’exception « pourrait inclure l’emploi de la force militaire contre des groupes hostiles à l’intérieur des Etats-Unis ».

Alors, après la planche à billets et les récettes Keynesiennes des années 1920, veut-on réellement reprendre les « solutions » des années 1930 ?

Pour creuser le sujet : focus


La CIA prevoit la fin d'Israel dans les 5 a 10 ans : Black out total des medias juifs sionistes

Le black-out médiatique sur ce document secret assez surprenant prend un sens et donne un crédit imprévu à l’affaire. L’enquête audacieuse de la CIA, sans doute commanditée du temps de l’administration Bush, ressort à point nommé sous l’effet d’une fuite organisée.

Deux semaines après les révélations du rapport secret de la CIA concernant les « incertitudes sur l’avenir de l’Etat israélien » commenté par Franklin Lamb, avocat nord-américain dans une chaîne privée, on observe le même silence gêné dans les médias habituellement réactifs sur tous les sujets qui touchent à ce pays. Quelques rares réactions ont toutefois été relevées ici et là non pour démentir, mais pour mettre à l’index le magistrat jugé hostile aux thèses sionistes. Mais l’homme n’est pas l’auteur de l’analyse. Il s’agit de toute évidence d’un message non codé à l’adresse des stratèges israéliens du chaos qui aspirent toujours à un pays avec une gouvernance apocalyptique. Certains membres influents de la commission des renseignements du Sénat américain ont reçu ce rapport qui développe une série de facteurs objectifs annonciateurs d’une fatalité inscrite dans les principes fondateurs de cet Etat. En tout état de cause, ces prévisions ne sauraient être jugées comme une offensive anti-israélienne sachant le statut privilégié de l’Etat juif au sein de la classe dirigeante américaine et les vieilles alliances qui scellent la CIA au Mossad. Mais voici que le vent tourne du côté de l’opinion publique américaine et en Europe. Au sein de l’Union européenne, des voix s’élèvent pour rappeler Israël à l’ordre et l’obliger au respect de ses engagements en termes de droits de l’homme.

L’enjeu consiste en un volume d’échanges de 25 milliards d’euros. Et ces privilèges risquent la remise en cause, sous l’effet des pétitions en vue d’en finir avec la politique d’arrogance. L’analyse de la CIA, qui se fonde sur des paramètres politiques économiques et sociologiques, évalue la fracture comme un avertissement que les dirigeants israéliens devraient prendre au sérieux, rapporte l’avocat sur la chaîne Press TV. Les arguments se basent sur des éclairages politiques internes et externes et des facteurs psychologiques pertinents, notamment les sentiments de désarroi qui s’emparent de nombreux israéliens qui aspirent à un mieux-être. Les déçus de l’idéal sioniste se recrutent notamment parmi la masse des 500 000 porteurs de passeports américains qui vivent en Israël et nourrissent le secret projet de retourner aux USA ; l’ancienne patrie aux valeurs sûres. 300 000 d’entre eux sont originaires de la seule Californie. Le même sentiment s’empare du million et demi de juifs originaires de Russie. L’étude met en exergue un indicateur qui ne trompe pas, à savoir la hausse des demandes de passeports auprès des autorités d’Europe occidentale et les Etats-unis. Le rapport de la CIA prévoit ainsi un exode de 2 millions de Juifs dans les prochaines 15 années. C’est un chiffre colossal pour une population de 7 150 000 habitants, dont 5 415 000 Juifs, selon le recensement de 2007. Elle révèle une baisse de natalité chez les femmes juives à 2,8 enfants contre 3,7 chez les femmes palestiniennes. La croissance démographique de la population palestinienne est prise en compte par l’état-major israélien comme un objectif militaire et ne s’embarrasse d’aucun scrupule pour mener à Ghaza une conduite d’infanticide d’une sauvagerie rarement égalée. Ces crimes laissent des effets auprès de l’opinion mondiale.

432 enfants ont été tués au cours des raids contre Ghaza et, souvent, ils ont été froidement abattus à bout portant. Le blocus contre une population d’un million et demi de personnes enserrées continue son œuvre mortelle, en particulier sur les femmes et les enfants. L’analyse américaine prévoit un déplacement de la solution à deux Etats vers un Etat unique, seule solution pour empêcher l’apartheid tout en permettant le retour des réfugiés palestiniens de 1947 / 48 et 1967 comme condition à une paix durable dans la région. Cette notion d’Etat unique que la CIA reprend à son compte est apparue en novembre 2007 dans la déclaration de Londres, signée par un grand nombre d’intellectuels. L’idée gagne les esprits, notamment aux Etats-Unis où elle est soutenue dans les campus. Le rapport de la CIA considère l’ancien modèle sud-africain de l’apartheid similaire à la situation politique et sociale qui prévaut actuellement en Israël où les Palestiniens sont soumis au même régime de séparation raciale. Ce déni de justice, basé sur la spécificité ethnique et religieuse, est l’un des fondements du sionisme. Il détermine la politique de terreur génocidaire contre le peuple palestinien depuis 60 ans. C’est un facteur de blocage pour toute solution de paix. Bon nombre de dirigeants israéliens l’ont compris. Mais aucun d’entre eux n’a le poids charismatique suffisant pour défier ouvertement une partie de l’opinion israélienne, surchauffée par les discours rabbiniques qui ouvrent droit à un sentiment de toute puissance et d’impunité. Les dirigeants de l’Etat hébreux ont-ils eu connaissance des conclusions de la CIA ? Sans aucun doute.

En janvier déjà, Ehud Olmert, Premier ministre sortant, a osé dire que « si le jour où la solution à deux Etats s’effondre et que nous devons faire face au même style de combat qu’en Afrique du Sud, concernant l’égalité des droits de vote, alors pour l’Etat d’Israël c’est fini ». Ce constat à lui seul résume et confirme les thèses de la CIA sur l’avenir d’Israël.

La racaille harkie de la France-Algerie pirate encore le site du sheykh Ali Belhadj

Communiqué : Assawt-Alhorr saboté

Depuis son lancement le 3 mars 2003, le site du cheikh Ali Benhadj ne cesse de faire l’objet d’attaques informatiques de la part des ennemis de la liberté d’expression. Ceux qui sont à court d’arguments usent, toujours, de la seule arme, celle de couper la parole à leurs contradicteurs, étouffer leur voix et les faire disparaître de la scène.Emprisonné, injustement (la commission des droits de l’homme de l’ONU le reconnaît), au moment où le vent de la démocratie commençait à souffler sur l’Algérie et privé, arbitrairement, de ses droits politiques et civiques, le cheikh Ali Benhadj se trouve, du coup, exclu de la scène politique par des adversaires qui ne font, après tout, que rehausser la crédibilité de celui qu’ils veulent abattre vaille que vaille. Ils n’hésitent pas à verser dans le ridicule en sabotant son site internet parce qu’ils sont incapables de lui faire face sur le terrain.Par sa fidélité à ses principes et par sa résistance à l’arbitraire et l’injustice le cheikh Ali Benhadj impose le respect à ses adversaires qui reconnaissent, au fond d’eux-mêmes, qu’il demeure une denrée rare dans une scène politique où le retournement de vestes est une pratique courante.


Genocide francais en Algerie : Multiplication de plaintes pour tortures et crimes de guerres contre la France et ses pantins algeriens





L’ONU, les généraux, Bouteflika, difficile ménage à trois !

Bouteflika président / mardi 31 mars par Darius Ekoutum

Le président Bouteflika change de ton au sujet des « disparus » de la guerre civile des années 90. Pas vraiment du goût de la Sécurité militaire.

Alger, fin 2007. Le geste désespéré de ce fonctionnaire du ministère algérien des Affaires étrangères face à une équipe de juristes du ministère de la Justice résume à lui seul la gêne qui prévaut à Alger au sujet des crimes commis pendant la guerre civile des années 90.

Cela fait des semaines que les experts juridiques s’arrachent les cheveux pour contrer les critiques de la Commission des droits de l’homme (CDH) de l’ONU, basée à Genève, contre la Charte pour la paix et la réconciliation. Validé par référendum populaire en septembre 2005, ce texte garantit l’impunité aux djihadistes armés et aux « agents de l’Etat » soupçonnés de crimes contre des civils en Algérie. Et la CDH n’y va pas de main morte.

17 ans d’état d’urgence

Dans plusieurs recommandations, elle a clairement condamné le « climat d’impunité qui prévaut en Algérie » et le maintien illégal de l’état d’urgence dans le pays depuis février 1992. « La Charte est un projet politique et non un texte juridique, donc vos arguments ne sont pas recevables ! » avait à l’époque rétorqué Alger qui rame sec pour maintenir la feuille de vigne sur un corpus de violations massives des droits de l’Homme pendant les « années noires ».

Genève, mars 2009. Le ton de la présidence algérienne a changé.

Radicalement. Plusieurs associations algériennes de victimes du terrorisme et des dépassements de l’Etat, ouvertement opposées à la fameuse Charte de la réconciliation chère à Bouteflika, se réunissent pour débattre des dernières recommandations de la CDH. Surprise ! Pour la première fois, des représentants de la très officielle Commission nationale consultative pour la promotion et la protection des droits de l’Homme (CNCPPDH) se sont joints à eux.

Croustillant quand on sait que les représentants de ladite Commission chargée officiellement de « la protection et de la promotion des droits de l’homme » en Algérie sont nommés par le président Bouteflika en personne.

« C’est une première », constate un avocat algérien militant des droits humains qui n’en revient toujours pas. « Des officiels qui assistent à nos réunions à l’étranger — car interdites en Algérie — et paraphent une déclaration qui rejette la Charte et exige des enquêtes indépendantes sur les crimes contre les civils ! ».

Recensement des victimes : on n’arrête plus le ministère de l’Intérieur !

Encore plus détonnant : le ministère de l’Intérieur algérien dirigé par le sévère Nourredine Zerhouni vient de reconnaître l’existence de 8 023 cas de disparitions forcées du fait des services de sécurité contre 6 146 jusqu’ici. Si les Ong font, elles, état de 20 000 disparus, la rectification du ministère de l’Intérieur n’est pas, elle non plus, anodine : il a deux ans à peine, le chiffre de 6 146 disparus avait été reconnu du bout des lèvres par la CNCPPDH. On n’arrête pas le progrès !
« Cela traduit une expression de panique généralisée dans les hautes sphères algéroises », décrypte une personnalité algérienne au fait du dossier. « La pression se fait de plus en plus sentir sur les dirigeants algériens, civils et militaires, concernant cette question d’impunité ».
En effet, les différents subterfuges employés pour camoufler les bavures réelles et autres crimes commis contre les civils dans les années 90 tombent les uns après les autres. Ni les représentants algériens à l’ONU, ni leurs subsidiaires de la CNCPPDH ne tiennent la route devant les arguments, les rapports et les témoignages accablants des militants, avocats, ONG et familles de disparus.

Le « cauchemar » est pour bientôt

A tel point qu’une autre instance de l’ONU, le Comité international de coordination des institutions nationales pour la promotion et la protection des droits de l’Homme, menace d’accéder à des demandes de membres de la CDH pour suspendre l’adhésion de la CNCPPDH algérienne. Pour cause de non-conformité aux principes de la CDH !

« Pour Alger, ça serait une catastrophe : le cauchemar de se retrouver marginalisé et d’être vu comme une dictature et un régime couvrant des crimes graves », commente un expert européen. Un peu comme ce qui arrive au Soudan du président Omar el-Béchir sous le coup d’un mandat d’arrêt délivré début mars par la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) pour crimes de guerre et crimes contre l’humanité. Et le « cauchemar » risque bientôt de devenir réalité pour l’Algérie…

Constatant la non-efficacité du groupe de travail de l’ONU sur les disparitions forcées dans le pays, les experts, à Genève, ont réfléchi à un nouveau mécanisme, plus contraignant et jouissant du soutien direct de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies. « Imaginez : pour la première fois un comité qui sera créé dans quelque mois pourrait recevoir les plaintes des avocats des proches de disparus et, si l’Etat concerné refuse de coopérer, l’on pourra saisir l’Assemblée générale via le secrétaire général », indique un expert de la CDH qui ne dissimule pas sa joie.

Du coup, la sempiternelle ristourne invoquée par Alger et voulant que les victimes des forces de l’ordre étaient des terroristes pourra difficilement être brandie.

Rusé Bouteflika…

Mais in fine, ces pressions onusiennes et la soif de vérité des familles de disparus font le jeu politique du président Bouteflika qui n’a pas grand chose à craindre de la justice internationale. « De tout temps, il a affirmé que ce qui s’est passé dans les années 1990 ne le concernait pas, que c’était l’affaire des militaires », glisse un ancien conseiller du président.

A la veille de sa troisième réélection programmée pour le 9 avril, le bougre sait pertinemment que pendant la guerre civile des années 90, il n’était pas au pouvoir et se la coulait douce en exil volontaire, entre Genève et Abou Dhabi.

On ne peut pas en dire autant de l’armée, alors dirigée par le général Mohamed Lamari qui a « fait valoir ses droits à la retraite » en 2004, et surtout du DRS, la sécurité militaire, dirigée par le général Mohamed Médiène. Plus connu sous le pseudo de Tewfic, ce dernier est toujours aux commandes de la maison…

L'ambassade d'Israel et le CRIF s'acharnent sur le site AlterInfo.net et son directeur de publication Mr Cekici

Le CRIF sur ordre de l'ambassade d'Israel a fourni une liste de sites internet antisionistes a abattre, le CRIF a mis ses relais sionistes au sein du ministere de la justice et celui des affaires etrangeres en branle pour activer le processus.
Alterinfo.net devrait immediatement ester en justice Richard Prasquier, directeur du CRIF et le ministre des affaires etrangeres Bernard Kouchner ainsi que les deux associations affiliees au CRIF, chargee d'organiser la chasse aux sorcieres pour le compte de l'ambassade d'Israel. Nous conseillons a Mr Cekici de deposer plainte immediate contre ses personnes pour diffamation, menaces et intimidations (votre proces intenter pour antisionisme) par abus de pouvoir judiciaire visant a faire taire des personnes ou des regroupements de personnes, dont l'expression publique d'opinions politiques, religieuse ou cultuelles denoncant la duplicite et la complicite en matiere de crimes de guerre notamment d'organisations racistes et communautaires telle que le CRIF, representant officiel du gouvernement israelien en France. Vous pourrez citer le refus d'accreditation de journalistes d'alterinfo.net durant le massacre de Gaza et sa convocation a la DCRI.
Une seconde plainte devrait etre deposee pour complement d'enquete dans l'affaire dite de Tarnac ou l'utilisation d'articles et de phrases entieres parus sur le site Alterinfo.net par des membres du ministere de l'interieur visait clairement a nuire au site en tentant de le criminaliser pour pouvoir le fermer.

La justice française se mobilise pour condamner le directeur de l’agence de presse associative Alterinfo.net

La justice française se mobilise pour condamner le directeur de l’agence de presse associative Alter Info, site d'information alternative qui jette un regard critique sur l'actualité et propose des chroniques et des analyses. Répondant aux questions du correspondant de l’IRNA, a Paris, Monsieur Zeynel Cekici qui est mis en cause pour un article qu’il n’a pas écrit et qui a été mis en ligne sur le site d’Alter info se dit indigné de l’attitude de la justice française. Toute presse antisioniste est considérée comme raciste anti-juive et antisémite. La menace vise particulièrement les sites d’information alternatifs sur Internet et en France, sous la pression de sionistes, le gouvernement veut attenter à la liberté d’expression. «Deux associations sionistes ont porte plainte contre les deux articles et contre moi en tant que directeur d’Alter info» a expliqué Zeynel Cekici soulignant qu’il a lui-même porté plainte a la suite de menaces de mort mais le procureur de Mulhouse sana suite. Pour l’intéressé, ce n’est ni plus ni moins que «de l’abus. C’est une atteinte grave à la presse alternative. C’est une atteinte à la liberté d’expression». Comme indiqué dans un précédent communiqué de l’agence de presse associative Aller info, d’un commun accord avec son avocat, le directeur du site rappelle, au cours de cette interview qu’il avait décidé de ne pas se rendre à l’audience du 19 février 2009, comme il en avait le droit. « Je ne suis pas en cavale; du moment que je me rends à l’audience, ce n’est pas un délit de ne pas vouloir être mis en garde à vue» a déclaré Zeynel Cekici, soulignant que le but recherché était de vouloir le déstabiliser. «J’ai pris mes précautions pour ne pas être mis en garde à vue avant l’audience. C’est pourquoi je n’ai pas passé la nuit du 30 au 31 mars chez moi, mais chez une amie» a-t-il poursuivi. Selon le communiqué, à l’heure actuelle, la police nationale est en faction au domicile de l’intéressé. Zeynel Cekici se rendra à l’audience de demain. Le procès se tiendra demain jeudi au Tribunal de grande instance de Mulhouse à 8h30 salle 207.

Jeudi 02 Avril 2009



WAR CRIMINALS NETANYAHU AND BLAIR. Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel (source

FOLKS ! HERE WE ARE : AFTER ISRAELI PUPPET JACKY SMITH, HOME OFFICE, LAST WEEK, 'Netanyahu warns of al-Qaeda attack on Holy Sepulchre' ...





From The Telegraph, Jan. 28:

Benjamin Netanyahu, the favourite to win next month's Israeli general election, yesterday predicted al-Qaeda would blow up the purported burial place of Jesus Christ if the country relinquished control of Jerusalem.

Mr Netanyahu, who claimed to have forecast the destruction of the Twin Towers by Islamic extremists in 1995, said terrorists would target the Church of the Holy Sepulchre – Christianity's holiest site.

"Radical Islam is willing and will want to attack the symbolic heart of the Christian religion," he said. "This will incur a chain reaction we can't even envision. We will witness an escalation of religious conflict above and beyond the regional conflict we have now."

The leader of the Right-wing Likud opposition recalled that he had warned Islamic terrorists would detonate a nuclear device in the Manhattan World Trade Centre complex in a 1995 book, six years before the Sept 11 attacks.

He claimed that the destruction of the Holy Sepulchre would trigger a clash between religions, much greater than the "regional conflict" that currently wracks the Holy Land.

Bartholomew's Notes on Religion, deconstructing Bibi's scare-mongering, reminds us that his 1995 warning that terrorists would destroy the WTC came two years after they had tried to do exactly that! Not exactly clairvoyance there, Bibi. Bartholomew also points out Bibi's blatant double standard:

Netanyahu is of course trying to scare us into accepting that Israel ought to retain control of the site... Doubtless al Qaeda finds the place religiously objectionable, but there is no indication that its leaders have any interest in plotting to destroy the site, either for religious reasons or as a strategy to stir up strife.

On the other hand, Jewish extremists torched a church in Jerusalem in 2007 - and back in 1983 a Greek Orthodox church in Bethany (Eizariya) was attacked with a hand grenade. There have also of course been Israeli far-right plots to blow up the Dome of the Rock: in 1983, and allegedly in 2005.

And we should recall that Netanyahu enjoys close links with American Christian Zionists, and he has never complained about the Christian Zionist fantasy which would see the ancient Islamic structures on the Temple Mount demolished to make way for a new Jewish temple. Over to Billye Brim, Regional Director for Christians United for Israel:

Yerushalayim, in Yerushalayim there is a hill, where Abraham offered Isaac, Moriah, the Temple Mount. On that hill there is a rock [Dramatic pause] where a holy arch stood. Today there's a dome over the rock. [Dramatic pause] God has a plan for that hill.

That was at a "Night to Honor Israel," at which regular event at John Hagee’s church Netanyahu has also appeared. On another occasion, Brim was more explicit in her barbaric plans:

We'll see it come down. Lots of other people have prayed it, God's put it all together. We just happen to be the ones that were there on November the ninth, the date of Kristallnacht, the date that the Berlin Wall fell over, and he had us there. And he had us saying "that Dome is coming down!" [ululation] Hallelujah, Glory be to God! Bless the name of Jesus.

La Franc-Maçonnerie est l'outil colonial sioniste qui est derriere chaque attentat, chaque coup d'etat dans les pays arabes

Islam Contre la Franc-Maçonnerie ou la fin de la colonisation

Les Rubriques thématiques du Grand Orient Arabe

Le Grand Orient Arabe publie sur son site d'Etude et de Recherche (www.grandorientarabe.org) des articles sur l'Islam et la Franc-Maçonnerie, sur l'Islam ésotérique et initiatique... Au sommaire de ses rubriques on pourra lire: HISTORIQUE: - La Franc-Maçonnerie au Moyen-Orient : Aperçu - Loges et Francs-Maçons Arabes ( avant 1950 ) : Liban, Syrie, Palestine, Egypte, Jordanie, Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie.. ETUDES ET RECHERCHES: - Déclaration de la Grande Loge Unie d'Angleterre sur la Franc-Maçonnerie et la Religion. - Islam et Franc-Maçonnerie: a) les "FATWAS" anti-maçonniques b) l'Opposition des intégristes musulmans. - La Franc-Maçonnerie au Proche et Moyen Orient et au Maghreb. - La Franc-Maçonnerie Algérienne: le tournant de 1899-1902. - La Franc-Maçonnerie en Egypte: " L'existence en 1818 de deux Loges travaillant au Rite Egyptien de CAGLIOSTRO" PLANCHES: JANVIER 2009 - L'enseignement du patrimoine culturel méditerranéen - DRUZES : La Symbolique des Couleurs ( Analogie avec la Franc-Maçonnerie ). FEVRIER 2009 - Salomon dans les traditions ésotériques. - Une lecture Soufie du Coran. - Zoroastre : L'Héritage Spirituel. - Swedenborg et Ismaéliens : Convergences MARS 2009 - Les structures ésotériques de l'Islam. AVRIL 2009 -Jamal-al-Din al- AFGHANI : Panislamiste et Franc-Maçon. - L'Islam Libéral. MAI 2009 - LA Tolérance selon les "Frères de la Pureté"(Ikhwan al Safa). - Chiisme : Le concept de "Wilayat al Faqih". BIBLIO: Introduction du livre "Secrets initiatiques en Islam et rituels maçonniques" Livres sur l'Islam Esotérique et initiatique. DIVERS et LIENS: Sites d' Obédiences et de Loges dans les Pays Arabes Liens: Wikipédia, Blog Maçonnique, Meubles et Objets Maçonniques... Lien de la Franc-Maçonnerie Universelle: Un article sur CAGLIOSTRO ( voir partie consacrée au Moyen-Orient). Conférences, Colloques, Symposium Memphis-Misraim, Hommage à Fabrice O'Driscoll Les Elections Législatives au LIBAN du 7 Juin 2009: La Position du Grand Orient Arabe... Catholiques et Francs-Maçons: L'Intervention de l'Abbé Eric de Beukelaer ( Belgique ). R.°.O.°.A.°.R.°. Rite Oriental Ancien Rectifié

Compte-rendu du procès de Baba Nadjar

Salah-Eddine Sidhoum, Médéa le 27 mai 2009

Aujourd’hui s’est déroulé le procès en appel de Mohamed Baba Nadjar, après deux reports successifs. Ce procès, comme nous l’avons annoncé la semaine dernière, a été délocalisé à Médéa, pour « des raisons de sécurité ».

Tôt le matin, à 7h 30 alors que nous étions sur la route pour rejoindre le tribunal, des citoyens venus de Ghardaïa m’ont appelé pour me signaler qu’ils avaient été arrêtés à l’entrée de Médéa. En effet, les véhicules immatriculées 47 (Ghardaïa) étaient arrêtés par les services de sécurité à un barrage situé à l’entrée de la ville et leurs occupants invités à remettre leurs pièces d’identité, sans aucune raison valable. Leurs papiers leurs furent restitués après avoir été enregistrés par ces mêmes services.

A l’arrivée, de nombreux véhicules de police étaient stationnés à la périphérie du tribunal. Ses rues d’accès étaient occupées par des policiers. Près de 200 citoyens venus d’Alger, de Ghardaïa, de Béjaïa et de Tizi-Ouzou attendaient l’ouverture du procès.

Ce dernier s’est ouvert vers 9h 30. Une cinquantaine de citoyens de Ghardaïa n’a pu accéder à la salle d’audience. Les malheureux attendront dehors, sous un soleil de plomb et ce, jusqu’à 17h 30. L’entrée à la salle d’audience de la victime de l’arbitraire, Mohamed Baba Nadjar fut accueillie par des applaudissements de l’assistance qui s’est levée à l’unisson. Douze avocats du collectif étaient présents. Sept autres s’étaient excusés la veille pour raison de programmation. Une avocate marocaine a tenu à être présente au procès en solidarité avec ses confrères algériens et avec la victime de l’arbitraire.

Le procès fut marqué par la citation de nombreux témoins à charge et à décharge. Aucun d’eux n’avait vu Baba Nadjar sur le lieu du crime ! Au fil des minutes, tout le monde, assistance et avocats, était persuadé de l’issue favorable du procès. Le procureur général réclamera, malgré tout, la peine de mort. La brillante plaidoirie de cinq avocats de la défense finira par détruire toutes les « preuves » de l’accusation.

La Cour se retirera en fin d’après-midi pour délibérer. Tout le monde était confiant. Aucune preuve tangible. Les jeunes de Ghardaïa rayonnaient d’espoir. Ils parlaient de retour triomphal à Ghardaïa, avec, dans leurs « bagages » Mohamed Baba Nadjar. L’espoir était vraiment permis, au vu du dossier vide démontré avec brio par la défense.

Un fait attirera cependant notre attention, lors de notre sortie dans la cour du tribunal, dans l’attente du verdict. Des renforts de gendarmes et de policiers étaient arrivés sur les lieux. La route du tribunal vers le haut était bouclée par un double cordon de policiers et de gendarmes. La salle d’audience fut envahie par de nombreux policiers en civil portant des gilets « police ». Pourquoi ce soudain déploiement des services de sécurité alors que le calme régnait tant à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur du tribunal ?

La délibération sera très courte. Elle ne durera pas plus de 30 mn. Stupeur dans la salle quand la condamnation à perpétuité sera prononcée. Baba Nadjar, blême, s’effondrera sur son siège. Son père et son oncle éclateront en sanglots. L’assistance, stupéfaite et scandalisée criera à l’injustice. De jeunes citoyens, révoltés par le verdict crieront leur rage en scandant : ‘Adalat Etilifoune » (justice du téléphone).

Les jeunes restés à l’extérieur, ayant appris la nouvelle, se mettront à scander « pouvoir assassin ». Les plus âgés lèveront leurs mains au ciel pour prier et maudire l’injustice et ses fonctionnaires aux ordres. C’était l’image d’un peuple mahgour qui criait sa rage, son désespoir et son impuissance devant cette situation de non-droit.

De nombreux sages de Ghardaïa, ont déployé tous leurs efforts pour calmer cette population révoltée à juste titre.

C’était une fin d’après-midi triste non seulement pour la population de Ghardaïa, mais pour toute l’Algérie. Un malheureux jeune citoyen condamné à perpétuité pour un crime qu’il nie de toutes ses forces. Un malheureux jeune innocent qui voit sa vie brisée par l’imposture au pouvoir.

Nous continuerons cependant le combat pour sauver Mohamed Baba Nadjar. Nous frapperons maintenant aux portes des instances judiciaires internationales pour que la vérité, toute la vérité éclate sur cette affaire plus que douteuse et pour que les véritables criminels soient démasqués.
Salah-Eddine Sidhoum.

Médéa le 27 mai 2009.

PS : Une analyse du procès sera réalisée par un ami juriste et professeur de droit qui a assisté à l’audience. Nous la publierons dès sa réception.

Iraelis torture, rape applied by US military and agencies to every single detainee in US prisons or camps


The Zionists and Torture in Iraq: Seymour Hersh and the Missing Zionist-Israeli Connection


An Exposé of an Exposé

As I read Hersh s highly publicized and influential reports in the New Yorker Magazine on torture in US occupied Iraq (1), it became increasingly apparent that this was not a thoroughly researched exposé of the higher ups responsible for the policy of torture. Hersh s reportage was a selective account guided by selected question about selected officials. As one reads through Hersh s version of events with increasing incredulity it is clear that Hersh hangs his whole argument and exposé of US officials involved in the use of torture on one person Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld - (important to be sure) and not on the other top Defense officials who were extremely influential and responsible for war policy, establishing intelligence agencies and co-coordinating strategy and tactics during the occupation. Rumsfeld was part of an elite, which sanctioned and promoted torture. Throughout his exposé Hersh deliberately omits the role of the Zionists (Wolfowitz, Feith numbers 2 and 3 in the Pentagon) who supported and promoted the war, torture-interrogation and particularly Israeli experts who led seminars teaching the US Military Intelligence their torture-interrogation techniques of Arab prisoners based on their half-century of practice.

In looking for documentary sources of torture interrogation Hersh relies on academic texts and 20 year old CIA manuals, not Israeli practice widely disseminated by the Mossad and Shin Bet advisers presently involved in torture in neighboring Palestine and Iraq today.

Hersh is presented in the mass media as an iconoclastic, investigative journalist, a role which gives his reportages and exposés a great deal of credibility. Yet it was Seymour Hersh who publicly defended torture of suspects and their family members as a method of interrogation, citing the Israeli examples in the wake of September 11, justifying torture in the same way as the Pentagon now justifies the torture of Iraqi suspects. Instead of citing an obscure professor at the University of Chicago, Hersh should have cited the influential tract defending torture by Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz (a fellow Zionist) widely read by the civilian militarists who run the Pentagon, and direct the chain of command leading to interrogation through torture.

Hersch's account fails to provide a political context in the Pentagon and in the Middle East for the systematic use of torture. To understand the issue of the US practice of torture and violent abuse of Iraqi prisoners and civilians requires an examination of the ideological demonization of the Iraqi population the Arabs and the US unconditional political and military support for the state of Israel, the principal long-term large-scale practitioner of torture against Arabs. The most vitriolic systematic denigration of Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East is found in the writings an speeches of influential US-based Zionist ideologues, like the Pipes (father and son), the Kristols (senior and junior), the Kagans, Cohens, Goldhagens and others. The first step toward justifying torture is to dehumanize the victim, to label them as untermensch (congenitally violent savages). The Zionists in the US were merely following the pronouncements of their ideological mentors in Israel who not infrequently proclaimed that the only thing the Arab understands is force (Sharon, Golda Meier, Dayan, Rabin etc&). The Zionist ideologues in the Pentagon were influential in arousing hatred of Arabs in several ways. First in their defense of Israel they deliberately distorted the nature of Israel s colonial war, blaming the Palestinian victims for the systematic violence which Israel inflicted on them. The ideologues defended every Israeli violent action: the massacre in Jenin, new Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the murderous assault on Rafah, the killing of UN aid workers and peace activists, the monstrous wall ghettoizing a whole people, the mass murder of hundreds of Palestinians and destructions of thousands of homes in Gaza. Israeli violence against Palestinians made a deep impression on US Zionists who generalized and deepened their animus to Arab Muslims throughout the Middle East, but particularly in Iraq where they were in a position to implement their policies.

The Zionists and Torture in Iraq

The Pentagon s main source of intelligence and propaganda for the invasion and occupation of Iraq was in part derived from the Office of Specials Plans (OSP) and Counter-terrorism Evaluation Group established by ultra-Zionist Douglas Feith, Undersecretary of Defense (third in the Pentagon hierarchy) with strong support from Wolfowitz, Abrams and Rumsfeld. Feith put fellow Zionist, Abram Shulsky in charge of OSP. The Special Group bypassed normal CIA and military intelligence agencies and secured its own intelligence prior to the war and was involved in securing intelligence during the first stages of the occupation (before it was dismantled). As the Iraqi resistance increased its effectiveness and the US justification for the war (weapons of mass destruction) was proven to be a total fabrication of the Special Group, the top echelon of the Pentagon, Rumsfeld and the Zionists grew desperate they collectively passed the orders to intensify and extend torture to all Iraqi suspects in all the prisons. It is a gross simplification to say that the line of command was limited to Rumsfeld, when Wolfowitz, Feith and Abrams were also intimately involved in everyday policies prosecuting the war, defending the occupation and controlling intelligence.

Even more than Rumsfeld, the Zionist zealots in the Pentagon were the most ardent promoters of introducing Israeli methods of torturing and humiliating Arab suspects, lauding Israeli successes in dealing with the Arabs . They, not military intelligence, promoted the use of Israeli experts in interrogation; they encouraged Israeli led seminars in urban warfare and interrogation techniques for the US military intelligence officers and private contractors.

Nothing about the responsibility of the Pentagon Zionists in the torture of Iraqis appears in Hersh s expose . The glaring omissions are deliberate as they are obvious form a systematic pattern and serve the purpose of exonerating the Pentagon Zionists and Israel and hanging the entire responsibility for war crimes on Rumsfeld.

A Close Look at Hersh s Method

A close reading of Hersh's series of articles in the New Yorker reveals his premises and political perspectives, none of which have anything to do with democratic values or concern with human rights.

Hersh s principal concern is that Rumsfeld's blanket order to use torture disrupted the operations of an elite group made up of professional commandos involved in a secret special access program designed to murder, kidnap, torture terror suspects throughout the world. In other words by involving thousands of everyday US soldiers (referred to by one of Hersh s sources as hillbillies ) as torturers in Iraq Rumsfeld was endangering the operation of professional killers throughout the world. Hersh s second major concern was that the discovery of the torture would hurt America s (sic) prospects in the war on terror in other words a tactic he attributed (solely and wrongfully) to Rumsfeld was endangering the US empire-building capacity. Hersh s empire-centric view refuses to recognize the elementary rights of self-determination and international law. Hersh s third apparent concern is with Rumsfeld s bypassing the CIA and other intelligence agencies and attempt to monopolize intelligence. This is a bit ingenuous. Wolfowitz and Feith set up the special intelluigence agency that fed Rumsfeld the fabricated intelligence, they promoted Chalabi (known throughout Washington intelligence circles as totally unreliable) as an impeccable source of inside information , in Saddams non-existent weapons of mass destruction knowing in advance that they were passing phony data . As Wolfowitz latter cynically admitted the decision to launch the US invasion over banned weapons was because it was the only issue they could agree upon.

Hersh is not stupid, he knows what everyone else in Washington and out of government knows: the Zionists in the Pentagon were pushing for war with Iraq before 9/11 (even before they took office in Washington and were working with the Israeli state) and were intent on having the US destroy Iraq, at any price including the loss of American lives, budget busting deficits, imperiling oil interests and jeopardizing US global imperial interests.

They launched the invasion bypassing the military central command by deliberately falsifying the response of the conquered Iraqi people ( they will welcome us as liberators Wolfowitz and Perle) and intent on destroying civil and state structures (the so-called de-Baathification purges) in order to forever undermine Iraq s capacity to challenge Israel s domination of the Middle East.

None of Hersh s questions explore these well known facts about who is responsible for the atrocities against Iraqis. He didn t have to cite unnamed intelligence or Pentagon sources General Anthony Zinni and many non-Zionists insiders, as well as the CIA and Central Command knew about the Zionist promoters, plans and moreover knew the role Feith played in pushing for harsher interrogation techniques. But Hersh ignored these questions, those Zionists and their ideological supporters and advisers who did everything possible to undermine any Iraqi economic recovery and capacity to run their own education, health and electoral systems. De-Baathification was meant to turn Iraq into a backward tribal, divided desert country run by their protégé Chalabi, the only candidate who would recognize Israel, supply it with oil and support Mid-East integration under Israeli hegemony. The Zionist Pentagonistas succeeded in securing the war, they succeeded in destroying basic Iraqi social services, they destroyed the state (courts, military, civil services). However in their blind subservience to Israel they overlooked the fact that the disbanded professional soldiers and purged civil leaders and professionals would become part of an experienced armed resistance, that Iraq would become ungovernable, that US rule would crumble, that the US would become bogged down in a politically lost war, that its puppet regime would have neither legitimacy nor popular support. The Zionist did what they thought was best for Israel, even if it provoked greater opposition world-wide, including in the US, where a majority have turned against the occupation by May 2004. Only the Israeli transmission belt, AIPAC would cheer Bush and his continuation of the occupation and pledge allegiance to the Israeli war against Palestinians. When their self-serving prediction of an Iraqi welcoming committee turned into a valiant popular anti-colonial war, Feith and his underlings called for greater use of more forceful interrogation methods Rumsfeld and Feith encouraged Israeli type torture to humiliate the Arabs . Meanwhile Kagan s call to bomb the Arab street was tried and failed to intimidate the Iraqi resistance.

Hersh s exposé of Rumsfeld as the only top culprit turns up at a convenient moment: when US policy has failed and most knowledgeable officials are moving closer to identifying the role of the Pentagon Zionists. It was clever by half: Rumsfeld was universally despised in Congress, among the professional military and a host of others for his policies and arrogant public face. Even in exposing Rumsfeld however Hersh is careful to do so in a fashion that allows his Zionist colleagues to continue in office unscathed.

Hersh justifies some of Rumsfeld s acts of illegal terror by describing legalistic obstacles to eliminating terrorists. Hersh s support for Rumsfeld s resort to unaccountable commandos engaging in assassination, kidnapping and torture of suspects around the world is in effect a way to condone those tactics after Rumsfeld leaves office. If Rumsfeld resigns, torture will continue under colleagues Feith and Wolfowitz. Hersh drags in a fifth level functionary working under Feith, Stephan Cambone, who he tells us was deeply involved in the torture of prisoners more involved than his Zionist superiors? We might ask the peerless investigatory journalist: How is it that Hersh blames those above above (Rumsfeld) and those below (Cambone) but never focuses on Feith and Wolfowitz who designed and directed policy?

In setting up Cambone for the exposé, Hersh profiles Cambome in terms that fit with greater pertinence the Zionists: He advocated war with Iraq (following Wolfowitz, Feith, Perle and Abrams); he disdained the CIA who the Pentagon Zionists viewed as too cautious ; he attacked the CIA for not finding WMD. Since Cambone functioned under Wolfowitz and Feith he was simply repeating what his bosses wanted to hear and perhaps that s why they entrusted him with the relevant dirty tasks of extracting intelligence via torture.

Hersh tries to link Cambone with the extension of the torture practiced selectively by the Special Agency Program. SAP was already operative before Cambone took office and its operations were under the direction of Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith and Abrams. Hersh s dating of the torture in August 2003 with Cambone and Major General Miller (from Guantanamo) assignment is false. It started earlier under the SAP and with Israeli trained interrogators. Moreover the Pentagon headed by the same three (Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Feith) ordered Miller s use of torture on suspects at Guantanamo who moved him to Iraq as a reward for exemplary work. Hersh does not explore Miller s links with Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Feith before going to Iraq. He simply aborts the analysis looks at the middle and lower levels of power: Cambone, Miller, interrogators, and enlisted soldiers. Out of this framework Hersh comes up with a detailed piece of selective investigatory journalism. Hersh exposes some but covers up for those most actively involved in invoking the war and directing it in a way that served Israeli interests. The cost in US lives and the degradation of young US servicemen forced to assume the role of torturers is of little concern to the Pentagon Zionists. Even after all the exposés of torture, killings and rapes, major Zionist ideologues like Kristol, Krauthammer, Rubin, Perle, Kagan and Frum have launched attacks on Bush for backing off from the war.

The Pentagon s Zionists are under attack. In the face of the US debacle in Iraq, the anti-Zionist coalition found in the State Department, the Military, the CIA and elsewhere have launched a counter-offensive. Marine General Anthony Zinni, Senator Fritz Hollings and other prominent political, diplomatic and military leaders have openly identified the role of the Pentagon Zionists in launching and directing the war to favor Israel. The most recent and visible move was the marginalization of the pro-Israel Chalabi the protégé of Wolfowitz, Feith and Abrams. The raid on his house and the carting off of his records, ostensibly to investigate financial irregularities is a symbolic setback. So is the US abstention in the Security Council on Israel s rape of Rafah much to the chagrin of the Israel First crowd at the AIPAC convention. In response all the major Jewish organizations and publications from the Forward, Anti-Defamation League, AJC and others have denounced the critics of the Pentagon Zionists.

Hersh attempts to head off the anti-Zionist headhunting coalition by focusing on the two Goyim Rumsfeld and Cambone has been to no avail. The knives are drawn. Because of Zionist power in and out of the government, the anti-Zionist coalition and their supporters use code words, the most common of which is neo-conservative , which everyone now knows means Wolfowitz, Feith, Abrams and other Zionists in and out of the government. AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League and other Israel Firsters sensing the danger to their co-thinkers have turned to labeling critics of the neo-conservative militarists anti-Semites and arousing Congress members, the media and their propaganda machine into silencing the coalition into submission..

But the Coalition is gaining influence Bush is insisting on handing over symbolic power to Iraqi Shias in a subtle game of cooption promoted by the State Department. Already the Zionists led by Kagan and Kristol have all but called Bush a traitor and coward for retreating.

The photos of torture, which have discredited the war policy, threaten to isolate the Zionist zealots. Faced with the indignation of the whole civilized world at the war crimes, the progressive Zionist apologists, like Hersh, take to isolating blame on Cambone and Rumsfeld and minimizing the responsibility to a few soldiers in a cell block , as did Senator Lieberman while the AIPAC elite cheer Bush on with the war ignoring the muck and blood of torture.

Rumsfeld has shrewdly tied his future to his Zionist partners in the Pentagon and outside, counting on riding on their coat tails and reaping the support of the powerful Jewish lobby and their leaders in the Israeli state, who stand behind them. He has few other influential allies.


In the final analysis even if Wolfowitz, Feith, Abrams, Rubin, Libby and the current crop of Zionist Pentagonistas are forced to resign it will only be a temporary setback. The Zionist political organizations remain intact, their influence over Congress remains overwhelming and they have pledges from both major presidential candidates that Israel s cause is America s cause (Bush and Kerry). The Zionist juggernaut grinds on, securing sanctions against Syria and calling for the bombing of Iran s supposed nuclear facilities. If you can t find a real threat to the US maybe the next crop of Zionists in power will cook up another consensual pretext . Holbrooke and Sandy Berger can tutor the US on multi-lateral wars of aggression.

Meantime among those who still deny Zionist power in US foreign policy, one only has to read the accounts of the AIPAC conference in Washington in May 2004. At a time when Israel was killing children in the streets of Rafah and destroying hundreds of homes under the horrified eyes of the entire civilized world, when an indignant UN Security Council finally rose to its feet and unanimously condemned Israel, US Congressional leaders and the two major Presidential candidates pledged unconditional support to Israel, evoking the bloodthirsty cheers of investment brokers, dentists, doctors, lawyers the cream of the cream of American Jewish society. The cause of Israel is the cause of America rings out from the mouth of every candidate as the Israelis bulldoze homes and snipers shoot small girls on their way to buy candy. Its almost as if Sharon wanted to demonstrate the power of the Zionists in the US, timing the vile destruction of Rafah to coincide with the AIPAC convention and the disgusting appearance of the spineless American politicians supporting ongoing crimes against humanity. Not one voice was raised in even meek protest. To those who claim that the Zionist are just one of a number of influential lobbies try explaining the unconditional support for Israel s genocide of the Palestinian people by the most powerful politicians in the US.

It is almost a perverse pleasure to watch Sharon smear the muck and gore of Rafah on the groveling faces of US politicians they deserve each other. But for those of us who support a democratic anti-imperialist foreign policy this is one of the most humiliating moments in US history. Something we won t read in the exposés of Hersh or the erudite Zionist treatises in defense of endless wars.

(1) Seymour Hersh, Torture at Abu Ghraib: American soldiers brutalized Iraqis. How far does responsibility go?, New Yorker, May 10, 2004; The Gray Zone: How a secret Pentagon program came to Abu Ghraib, New Yorker, May 25, 2004, and Mixed Messages: Why the government didn t know what it knew, New Yorker, June 3, 2004

Africa Genocides : Super-secret organization remains elusive as ever

By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer
May 29, 2009, 

(WMR) -- A super-secret entity, known as ISTO, or International Strategic and Tactical Organization, which this editor previously reported was involved in coups and assassinations primarily in Africa, including the April 6, 1994, double assassinations of the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi, remains as secretive and elusive as ever. However, WMR has been informed by a well-placed source that ISTO has been active as late as 2006.

After French Judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere named a number of Rwandan government officials as behind the 1994 missile attack on the Rwandan presidential aircraft that resulted in the deaths of Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana and Burundian President Cyprien Ntaryamira, ISTO, which reportedly consists of U.S. defense contractors, oil company executives, and wealthy Republicans, began a campaign via the Belgian media to spread the disinformation that it was France that brought down the aircraft of its ally, Habyarimana, and three French military officers said to have shot down the plane -- Cyrille Lafortune, Michel Billet and Raymond Meghuira -- were supplied to the Rwandan embassy in Canada. French investigators originally tracked down an ISTO operation in Canada. There is also a strong indication that ISTO elements were represented in Rosslyn, Virginia, the home to a number of defense and intelligence contractors.

The three French officers identified by ISTO’s interlocutors in Belgium turned out to be bogus. Neither the French St. Cyr military academy nor INTERPOL and the French Judicial Police had any record of the individuals identified.

There are strong indications that ISTO operates as a front for the CIA.

The CIA’s use of Canadian front operations to carry out some of its “wet affairs” is not new. The CIA’s use of a Canadian firm that interacted with then-Zimbabwean opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai is well documented. After Tsvangirai became prime minister, following a lengthy political stalemate with President Robert Mugabe, Tsvangirai’s vehicle was struck on March 6 by a truck bearing U.S. embassy license plates. Tsvangirai’s wife, Susan, was killed and Tsvangirai was injured. The truck that killed Susan Tsvangirai and almost killed Zimbabwe’s new prime minister was owned by John Snow Inc., and contracted to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), a long-time cipher for CIA clandestine activities in Africa and elsewhere. However, three days after the crash, John Snow International sent out a confidential memo that stated that on the day of the crash with Tsvangirai’s car, the driver was not a JSI [John Snow Inc.] driver on that particular day.

John Snow Inc., named after a 19th century physician who worked on cleaning up drinking water supplies to prevent epidemic outbreaks, manages public health projects in over 38 countries
The JSI memo stated: “‘As you may have heard, there was a tragic car accident on Friday [March 6] in Zimbabwe in which the Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai was injured and his wife was killed. The vehicle involved in this accident was registered to USAID/Deliver (a JSI Project) although not driven by a JSI driver, as far as we know. At this point, further details about the accident are unknown. Understandably, this tragedy has generated a lot of media interest. If you receive any inquiries from the media, we ask that you please direct them to Penelope Riseborough, WEI/JSI Director of Communication in Boston.”

After the crash, newspaper articles began to appear suggesting that Mugabe’s loyalists had something to do with the crash. It was the same modus operandi used by ISTO in the case of the aerial assassination of the Rwandan and Burundian presidents. Independent Member of Parliament Jonathan Moyo demanded a full inquiry into USAID’s activities in Zimbabwe. WMR has recently learned of a strong link between a top former USAID official and ISTO’s highly covert operations.
In October 2004, Tsvangirai was accused by Mugabe’s government of involvement in a plot to assassinate Mugabe. Tsvangirai’s comments, allegedly implicating him in the plot, were secretly tape recorded at a meeting in Canada between Tsvangirai and officials of the political lobbying firm Dickens & Madsen, which was representing Tsvangirai’s political party, Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), in North America. The firm also had a long standing link to the Mugabe regime.

The alleged tape recording had been made by Israeli expatriate author and Dickens & Madsen employee Ari Ben-Mensahe, who claims to have once worked for Mossad and who was born in Tehran before emigrating to Israel. A dubiously edited copy of the tape was later aired on the Australian SBS television network and resulted in Tsvangirai’s trial in Zimbabwe on treason charges. Newsweek magazine and reporter Seymour Hersh, who previously used Ben-Menashe as a source, have called him a fabricator.

Whatever Tsvangirai knew about covert Western intelligence support for his party and presidential candidacy may have later earned him a death sentence by parties associated with ISTO.

Was Rape an Enhanced Interrogation Technique?

There are those who argue that U.S. officials who authorized waterboarding and who performed waterboarding should not be held criminally accountable, notwithstanding the fact that the U.S. government prosecuted Japanese military personnel who waterboarded U.S. POWs during World War II. Their reasoning goes as follows: Since the president’s attorneys redefined torture to mean only those actions that threaten death or serious injury to bodily organs, waterboarding did not meet that redefinition.

What about rape? It would seem that rape, like waterboarding, would not meet the Bush administration’s redefinition of torture. Rape doesn’t threaten death or serious injury to bodily organs. Should U.S. officials who authorized enhanced interrogation techniques be let off the hook for rapes committed by U.S. officials as part of enhanced interrogations of detainees?

That of course begs the question: Were people raped as part of the U.S. government’s enhanced interrogation techniques?

Well, think back to the Abu Ghrab photos and videos, which depicted sordid sexual acts being committed by U.S. personnel on Iraqi prisoners. You may have forgotten that there was a particular set of photos and videos that were never released to the public because they depicted acts that were apparently much worse than anything that was shown in the photos that were released. Therefore, U.S. officials decided to keep those particular photos and videos under lock and key.

What do those photos and videos reflect? We don’t really know, but according to an article dated July 15, 2004, on Salon.com, Seymour Hersh is quoted as saying in a speech to the ACLU:

Debating about it, ummm ... Some of the worst things that happened you don't know about, okay? Videos, um, there are women there. Some of you may have read that they were passing letters out, communications out to their men. This is at Abu Ghraib ... The women were passing messages out saying “Please come and kill me, because of what's happened” and basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children in cases that have been recorded. The boys were sodomized with the cameras rolling. And the worst above all of that is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking that your government has. They are in total terror. It's going to come out.

The Salon article concludes with the following paragraph:

(Update: A reader brought to our attention that the rape of boys at Abu Ghraib has been mentioned in some news accounts of the prisoner abuse evidence. The Telegraph and other news organizations described “a videotape, apparently made by US personnel, is said to show Iraqi guards raping young boys.” The Guardian reported “formal statements by inmates published yesterday describe horrific treatment at the hands of guards, including the rape of a teenage Iraqi boy by an army translator.”)
It should be noted that that batch of photos and videos is a different batch from the ones that the Obama administration is now doing its best to keep secret. The rationale for keeping both batches secret is that the photos and videos will inflame anger and hatred among foreigners against the United States. It’s difficult to imagine how the photos and videos that are being kept secret could be much worse than the Abu Ghraib photos and videos that were released, but one distinct possibility is that they show people being raped.

Is it inconceivable that rape was employed as an enhanced interrogation technique? Well, it certainly wouldn’t be the first time that a regime used rape as an enhanced interrogation technique. Think back to the Pinochet coup in Chile, a coup in which the CIA played a role — as yet undefined — in the murder of a young American journalist, Charles Horman, at the hands of Pinochet’s forces. According to an article in The Independent, “Prisoners at both centres were subjected to electric shocks, severe beatings, suspensions from ceilings until their wrists tore, and rapes.”

If U.S. officials are going to continue keeping both batches of photos and videos secret, isn’t it incumbent on them to put all questions to rest respecting the issue of rape? How about a sworn affidavit signed by three members of Congress who have viewed the evidence stating unequivocally that the photos and videos do not depict rape in any form or fashion?

If it turns out that the secret photos and videos do show that people were being raped pursuant to the Bush administration’s enhanced interrogation techniques, I’d like to see defenders of waterboarding explain why those who authorized, ordered, condoned, and performed such rapes should be let off the hook too.

Hornberger’s Blog Archives

Jacob Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation, publisher of Your Money or Your Life: Why We Must Abolish the Income Tax by Sheldon Richman. Send him email.

Haniyeh : le dialogue inter-Palestinien est accablé d'interventions étrangères

Gaza - CPI

Le premier ministre du gouvernement d'entente, Ismaïl Haniyeh a affirmé que les palestiniens ont réalisé des pas très avantageux durant leurs dialogues au Caire, tout en espérant d'arriver au consensus national, et en soulignant que les défis extérieurs devant le peuple palestinien et sa question légitime sont certainement plus grands que tout désaccord interne.

"Les interventions des pays étrangers et les trahisons sont les grands obstacles devant le succès du dialogue inter-Palestinien", a souligné Haniyeh en marge de la conférence d'accueil après l'arrivée de la caravane d'espoir à Gaza, le mardi 26/5.

En confirmant que le Hamas est totalement prêt pour une accalmie générale, bilatérale et simultanée, sous la garde égyptienne, Haniyeh a souligné que les efforts égyptiens sont continuels à ce propos, notamment en ce qui concerne le dialogue inter-Palestinien et l'opération d'échange des captifs, tout en insistant sur les principes, intérêts suprêmes et droits légaux du peuple palestinien face aux agendas criminels du gouvernement terroriste sioniste présidé par Benjamin Netanyahu qui tente d'arracher la légitimité d'un état juif au dépend des droits palestiniens.

Shimon Péres ambassadeur des pays arabes à Washington

Erdogan et le criminel de guerre Peres a Davos

Les déclarations du président israélien Shimon Peres devant le gratin de l’ « American Israel Public Affairs Committee » [AIPAC] en présence de 6000 personnes, avec parmi elles des membres influents du Congrès, ne nous ont pas étonnés. Il a déclaré qu’ « Israël ne cédera pas à la menace nucléaire iranienne » et a martelé que « le Moyen-Orient vit actuellement sous cette menace. »

Abdel Bari Atwan - Al Qods al Arabi Jeudi 28 Mai 2009 

Les officiels israéliens ont commencé à battre les tambours de guerre contre l’Iran de la même manière qu’ils avaient battu les tambours de guerre contre l’Irak, en exagérant ses ambitions nucléaires et le danger qu’elles présenteraient, non seulement pour leur Etat mais également pour les voisins arabes et le monde entier.

La stratégie israélienne est basée sur plusieurs piliers qui déterminent les actions politiques et militaires :

le premier est d’empêcher l’apparition de n’importe quelle force régionale arabe ou musulmane qui pourrait imposer un rééquilibrage stratégique et éliminer ou compenser la supériorité militaire israélienne

le second est d’empêcher toute connexion militaire, financière ou politique entre n’importe quel mouvement de résistance palestinien ou arabe contre le projet israélien et n’importe quelle puissance régionale émergente, qu’elle soit arabe (l’Egypte, la Syrie, l’Irak) ou musulmane (l’Iran).

le troisième est de couper la culture de la résistance de ses racines en la bloquant, en la torpillant sous l’accusation de terrorisme, en dressant le monde contre elle et en essayant enfin de l’écraser.

Le problème de l’Iran n’a jamais été ses ambitions nucléaires mais son rôle régional croissant et son soutien à la résistance palestinienne et libanaise et à quelques organisations qui lui sont proches en Irak. Nous n’aurions pas entendu tout ce tumulte venant des Israéliens si c’était l’Iran du Shah qui pratiquait l’enrichissement d’uranium et projetait de produire des armes nucléaires ; nous entendrions au lieu de cela des bénédictions et des encouragement sans retenue sous le prétexte qu’un Iran nucléarisé serait un soutien pour un Israël nucléarisé.

Israël n’a jamais protesté contre le programme nucléaire pakistanais ou indien avant celui-ci, bien que le premier soit un pays musulman avec une majorité sunnite, parce que tous les gouvernements pakistanais ont été soucieux de se soumettre totalement aux injonctions des Américains, employant leurs capacités militaires à les servir, et n’ont jamais établi de relations directes ou indirectes avec les mouvements arabes de résistance contre le projet israélien.

Péres est allé à Washington afin de mobiliser contre une menace nucléaire iranienne qui ne s’est pas encore matérialisée, s’appuyant sur le lobby juif pour qu’il agisse en ce sens, avant de rencontrer le nouveau président Barack Obama. L’objectif est clair et il est de détourner l’attention du nouveau gouvernement des États-Unis du processus de paix et de contrecarrer ses préparatifs pour formuler une politique qui rétablirait ce processus sur de nouvelles bases, dont l’initiative arabe de paix.

Les officiels israéliens mènent d’intensives campagnes diplomatiques ces jours-ci pour persuader le monde occidental que l’action prioritaire est de se concentrer sur les ambitions nucléaires iraniennes, lesquelles représenteraient le plus grand danger, et non pas sur le processus de paix. C’est pourquoi le ministre israélien des affaires étrangères Avigdor Lieberman réalise actuellement une tournée en Europe, dans le même but et parallèlement à la visite de Péres à la Maison Blanche, et pour préparer une autre visite de Binyamin Netanyahu à l’invitation du nouveau président des USA d’ici deux semaines.

L’arsenal nucléaire israélien aurait cessé de représenter une menace pour la région parce que, selon l’opinion occidentale et celle du monde arabe (ou de certains de ses régimes) il serait d’une réelle nécessité pour protéger les régimes arabes contre le danger iranien. Nous ne serions pas étonnés que Péres parle de ce danger en se posant comme représentant de ces régimes puisque « l’alliance de la peur » inclue les Arabes et les Israéliens.

Les Arabes sont dans une crainte terrible. Ils sont dans la crainte de voir se développer le programme nucléaire iranien et de voir les Etats-Unis conclure un accord avec l’Iran qui placerait ce dernier en position de leader régional.

Robert Gates, le secrétaire américain de la défense, visite actuellement la région pour rassurer ces Arabes effrayés. Il a déclaré aux journalistes à bord de l’avion qui l’emmenait hier au Caire qu’ « il cherchera à assurer les dirigeants de l’Egypte et de l’Arabie Saoudite que la diplomatie des Etats-Unis envers l’Iran n’affectera pas les relations de longue date de Washington avec les pays arabes dans la région. » Il a ajouté que « un message important sera adressé à l’Arabie Saoudite en particulier confirmant qu’aucun accord avec l’Iran ne se fera aux dépens des relations de longue date avec elle et avec les pays de Golfe avec lesquels nous sommes liés par des associations et des amitiés depuis des décennies ».

De façon très regrettable, Gates se comporte avec ses alliés arabes comme s’ils étaient un groupe de gamins. Sinon il n’oserait pas leur donner d’aussi naïves assurances. Si se confirment les fuites en provenance des Etats-Unis selon lesquelles ces derniers proposeraient à l’Iran un accord stratégique qui en ferait son principal allié dans la région s’il se pliait aux injonctions de ralentir son enrichissement d’uranium et de confiner ses opérations à une utilisation à des fins pacifiques sous surveillance internationale, en échange de l’établissement d’un état palestinien indépendant, alors ceci signifie que les pays arabes deviendraient les laquais de l’Iran, lui verseraient des subsides et suivraient ses directives.

Si nous reprenons l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’Iran accepterait réellement cette proposition américaine et réviserait à la baisse son programme nucléaire en échange de l’état palestinien indépendant que les initiatives et les appels arabes pour la paix n’ont pas réussi à imposer, l’Iran remettra-t-il cet Etat à l’autorité de Ramallah et à Mahmud Abbas ou à ses alliés dans les mouvements de résistance et en particulier au Hamas ? D’ailleurs, quel sera le statut de Hezbollah au Liban et celui de la Syrie dans le cadre de cet accord Etats-Unis-Iran sur lequel il y a beaucoup de débats ?

Les Arabes « effrayés » devraient admettre que leurs politiques depuis ces 20 dernières années, consistant à reprendre les projets des USA et à se comporter comme des soldats désireux de les mettre en application sans rien obtenir en échange, sont celles qui les ont placés dans cette humiliante situation où le secrétaire de défense des Etats-Unis vient pour les rassurer, et où Ahmad Abu-al-Ghayt, ministre égyptien des affaires étrangères et célèbre pour ses propos sur « briser les os (*) », se plaint au délégué américain Dennis Ross, disant que la politique iranienne ne contribue pas à la stabilité dans la région et gêne le processus de paix, comme l’a cité Husam Zaki, porte-parole du ministère égyptien des affaires étrangères.

Le gouvernement des États-Unis n’est pas une fondation charitable dont la tâche est d’aider et rassurer le faible, mais une superpuissance qui définit sa politique afin de servir ses intérêts stratégiques. Il ne respecte que le fort qui peut agir sur ces intérêts de façon positive ou négative. Et les Arabes n’en font pas partie car ils n’ont aujourd’hui aucune place dans les équations internationales.

(*) Paraphrasant Rabin qui ordonnait "de briser les os" des Palestiniens lors de la première Intifada, le ministre égyptien des affaires étrangères avait repris la même formule pour menacer les Palestiniens qui forceraient du côté égyptien le blocus international appliqué contre la population de la bande de Gaza.

Du même auteur :

Ahmadinejhad n’a fait que dire la vérité - 22 avril 2009
Si seulement Hillary Clinton se taisait ! - 27 février 2009
La République Palestinienne de Dayton - 11 février 2009
L’enthousiasme israélien pour l’initiative saoudienne - 26 octobre 2008
Procès de Tarek Aziz : il est noble, tandis qu’ils sont ignobles... - 11 mai 2008

5 mai 2009 - Vous pouvez consulter cet article à :
- http://www.bariatwan.com/index.as...
Traduction de l’anglais : Claude Zurbach


Breaking News: Algerian daily confirms Mossad training camps for 'Al Qaeda'

Mossadnik Sarkosy with war criminal Netanyahu

Note for the readers: We warned on the 02nd November 2008 that zionist jews in Great Britain. France, Germany and clandestine NATO networks are preparing 'dirty bomb' plots in Europe to expand wars in the Middle East and Africa.
The daily newspaper in Algeria is directly linked to algerian military intelligence, which is directly owned by French gouvernment, as his head general Mohamed Mediene known as Tewfik was put in power by algerian jew general Larbi Belkheir, former french military intelligence operative and creator of the fake 'islamic groups' known as GIA, Group Islamic Armed.
Goal for France was to keep control of oil and gas in Algeria. Sarkosy government is prosecuted for war crimes and genocide in Algeria, this is probably the main reason of this article, but still, this is the first country who acknowledge openly and blatantly that Israel is 'al qaeda' who stroke in NY, London, Madrid, Istambul, Beyrouth, Bali, Casablanca, Algiers.

Sarkosy's zionist services stroke Algiers twice in 2007 on the 11th April/December 2007 to force the Algerian and North African to accept Israel through the 'Union for the Mediterranea', as Israel is totaly bankrupted and need to be integrated to the EU to survive.

Abu Suleyman

My RSS reader delivers an average of 600 headlines daily from a select number of news sources, some in languages other than English. This evening, one particular headline caught my attention, as it came from mediarabe.info, a website that translates articles written from the arabic into French and focuses on the Arab world. At first, I thought I had misread the headline which I quote below verbatim:'Selon un quotidien algérien, le Mossad recrute des Maghrébins et les entraîne en Israël' - which translates into:'According to an Algerian daily, the Mossad is recruiting people from the Maghreb and training them in Israel'.And then in red print it has a caveat: 'The Algerian Press, which is usually anti-Israeli, steers between informing and flaming.'I immediately googled the key words of the article in English and found an article by Ennaharonline, the newspaper in question, that had translated its own article into English. The date of the release was today's date, April 16, 2009.

No other newspaper carried the story, though they were plenty of previous 'conspiracy' theories and stories tying Mossad and al-Qaida in other scenarios.Randa Al-Fayçal translated and analyzed the original Arabic article, thus, it might be beneficial to study the analysis, since the article itself is self-explanatory.Al-Fayçal summed up the report in a very short and succinct manner: 'Ennahar, the Algerian daily, asserted that the Jewish State is recruiting al-Qaeda Islamists in Europe who originated in the Maghreb (the Maghreb, or the Western part of Africa, is considered to encompass the countries of Morocco, Tunisia, Lybia and Algeria) and providing them with training in Israeli camps, in order to use them in terrorist attacks next summer.'continued>>

Algerians and Moroccans in El Qaida training camps in Israel

According to sources well informed on the case and the activities of El Qaeda, Israel would have created about a year, training camps on its territory for elements from Arab countries.

The military training and intelligence are provided in preparation for possible terrorist operations against the interests of foreign countries in the Arab countries who are regarded by Israel as a threat to its security and its strategic interests, including the Maghreb Arab. According to our sources, the camps include Arabs from Algeria, Morocco and Yemen who came in, with false passports, from Europe and carrying Jewish names. These were recruited by the Mossad in the European capitals to activate within the ‘El Qaeda’ organization after being selected by the intelligence services in Europe.

These people are generally wanted for belonging to terrorist groups. The secret training camps have relations with the sleeping cells of El Qaida in Europe, where their elements are recruited for possible terrorist operations in Arab countries in coordination with the branches of the organization including the armed terrorist groups of the Sahara. This proves what Ennahar had previously published on the military attaché at the Israeli embassy in Mauritania, who had prepared a secret report on security activities of armed men in the Sahara regions. The latter maintained secret relations with the rebel movements in Mali and Niger.

The Mossad had relations with the branches of El Qaeda and the operations committed against foreign interests, mainly American, and in connection with the events in Iraq and the Middle East. According to these sources, the Mossad might even try to use Algerian Harraga in Italy and recruit them in these training camps across the logistics network of seafarers on the axis Sardinia Naples in search of elements to send secretly in Israel, for the purpose of committing operations against foreign interests during the summer; operations to be awarded to El Qaeda. This new stage in the activities of the El Qaeda organization is the subject of the discourse of El Dhawahiri in an attempt to revive the various branches after the stranglehold exercised on the organization by the European intelligence and painful strikes made by the security services and the army in particular in the Arab Maghreb and in Algeria.

Ennahar / Mohamed Ben Kemoukh

Attaques contre l’illustre Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (RA)

L’illustre et très regretté Sheikh Ahmed Hussein Deedat, Rahmatullah alaih (RA), de l’Afrique du Sud (1 Juillet 1918 – 8 Août 2005) se voit accuser de toutes sortes de vilainies, après sa mort, par son propre « frère » cadet, Abdoollah Hoosen, alors qu’il aurait dû montrer plus de respect à l’égard de son aîné et le laisser reposer en paix. Dire du mal d’un mort sur des mensonges fabriqués est contraire à l’enseignement islamique. On se demande quelles furent les prises de position de ce « frère » du vivant du Sheikh Deedat. Dans un reportage publié dans Impact News du 22 mai 2009, « Deedat :“Islam n’est pas une religion de critique ou de débat” », Abdoollah Hoosen, un homme totalement inconnu du grand public, a donné l’impression qu’il veut ternir la réputation d’un aussi charmant personnage que fut le Sheikh Deedat et contrer son œuvre incomparable dans l’histoire récente des Musulmans et de l’Islam en matière de religions comparatives. Qui se cachent derrière ces attaques qui d’habitude ne sont l’œuvre que des ennemis des Musulmans et de l’Islam?

La sortie de Abdoollah Hoosen contre un Musulman tant aimé et chéri par des centaines de millions de personnes de par le monde tout en propageant la fausse notion que l’ « Islam n’est pas une religion de critique ou de débat » ne peuvent être ignorées sans une réplique appropriée. Six millions de Français lui doivent beaucoup, et le monde anglophone ne cesse d’écouter les causeries et les débats du Sheikh Deedat. La chaîne de télévision « Islam Channel » diffuse ses débats et causeries régulièrement. Les librairies islamiques diffusent ses œuvres en forme de pamphlets, de cassettes audio et vidéo, et toute sa collection est actuellement sur DVD. Des dizaines de milliers de personnes sont revenues à l’Islam grâce à lui. Sa contribution dans le domaine comparatif des religions est immense à tel point que d’autres personnages aussi éminents suivent sa voie et son combat, notamment le Dr Zakir Naik (qualifié par le Sheikh Deedat lui-même de « Deedat Plus »), le Dr Jamal Badawi, le Dr Khalid Al-Mansour, le Sheikh Khalid Yassine, etc. Il est du devoir de tout Musulman de faire cesser les calomnies proférées par Abdoollah Hoosen, selon ce reportage, et qui cachent sûrement un dessein satanique !

Quoiqu’il en soit, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat est reconnu comme un « Muslim scholar ». Il fut un grand orateur et un spécialiste dans le domaine interreligieux. Il a reçu le prestigieux King Faisal Award en 1986 pour ses 50 ans de travail assidu dans le domaine islamique. En ce qui concerne les études comparatives des religions du Sheikh Deedat, sur les aspects contentieux, ses analyses et commentaires sont normalement en faveur de l'Islam où se trouvent les réponses aux nombreuses questions posées par les chercheurs, et ne sont d’aucune manière des « violentes sorties contre les autres religions » tel que le mentionne l’article en question. Par contre, le Sheikh Deedat a toujours dénoncé la violence du sionisme contre l’Islam et les Musulmans. Seul, il a pu faire interdire le livre obscène, blasphématoire, anti-islamique et anti-Musulman « Les versets sataniques » de Salman Rushdie en Afrique du Sud en 1992, quand le pays était encore sous le régime de l’Apartheid.

Ceux qui veulent interdire toute liberté d’esprit, tout débat saint et constructif en Islam et avec d’autres religions, et toute critique, ne conaissent pas l’Islam ou sont carrément ses ennemis. Abdoollah Hoosen a tort de se vanter d’être « plus qualifié » (en quoi ?) que son frère aîné, le Sheikh Deedat, et sûrement, selon lui, « plus qualifié » même que le Saint Prophète lui-même, paix et bénédiction sur lui, car le Prophète Muhammad était An-Nabi Ul-Ummi : The Unlettered Prophet. Néanmoins, cela n’empêche que le Sheikh Deedat soit d’une intelligence remarquable avec une prodigieuse mémoire et grande expérience. Les diplômes n’ont jamais empêché certains d’être corrompus, de raconter et d’écrire des faussetés durant toute leur vie.

Abdoollah Hoosen fait honte en s’attaquant aussi diaboliquement à « la personnalité du musulman », qu’il veut sans doute voir réformer à l’occidental ainsi que l’Islam, lui aussi, comme certains académiciens et intellectuels ‘éclairés’ et pseudo-réformateurs, tels les européanistes Tariq Ramadan, Malek Chebel, Foaud Lahouri, Abdelwahab Meddeb, Rashid Benzine, les soit disant ‘nouveaux penseurs’ de l’Islam. Tout comme Tariq Ramadan, Abdoollah Hoosen essaie-t-il de se servir de l’île Maurice comme « laboratoire » à travers la propagande médiatique comme ce fut le cas pour la laïcité ? Il doit sûrement se réjouir du fait qu’il soit bienvenu en France alors que son défunt frère, tout comme Malcom X, ne l’était pas. Mais, avant de parler du respect des autres religions, il devrait plutôt commencer par respecter la mémoire de son frère même si (maintenant ?) il ne partage pas son combat ou ses méthodes. Alors que les forces anti-islamiques n’ont pas réussi à corrompre notre illustre Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, dont la grandeur d’âme et les compétences sont reconnues mondialement, ces mêmes forces, ont-elles pu corrompre son frère cadet Abdoollah Hoosen ?

L’essence du combat du Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (RA) est la défense de l’Islam et des Musulmans contre toute attaque, de l’intérieur comme de l’extérieur, d’éduquer et de renseigner les gens de toutes les religions, et surtout l’invitation à l’Islam : « DA’WAH ». Le Sheikh Ahmed Deedat n’a jamais manqué de respect aux religions d’autrui. La sourate de l’Araignée (Al-'Ankabût) 29:46, appelle les croyants à n’argumenter face aux gens du Livre que de la manière la meilleure et la plus respectueuse, à l’exception de ceux qui ont fait violence et injustice (al dhalimun) - voir les Sionistes et les impérialistes. C’est un péché grave que de s’attaquer à la mémoire et à l’honneur du Sheikh Ahmed Deedat et lui attribuer des faussetés, surtout venant de son propre frère. La médisance est un péché en Islam. Il est à souhaiter que ces attaques ne soulèvent aucune passion de la part de ceux qui pourraient se sentir blessés

M Rafic Soormally
25 mai 2009

1 comment:

stéphanie Maryam said...
Je suis vraiment choquée de ce que je viens de lire, de plus j'ai appris oui très tars que le Sheikh Ahmed Deedat c'était vu refuser l'entrer en France c'est une HONTE quand on voit que n'importe qu'elle criminele ou célébrité peuvent y rentré et ça me révolte et m'écoeur au plus au point. Que Dieu lui fasse miséricorde et pour les mécréants et autres la promesse finale de notre Seigneur est certes véritables. A bon entendeur Salut.

US/Israel Want Genocide in Sri Lanka

Mossad has caused Sri Lanka’s fighting to become some of the bloodiest in human history. Entire villages are routinely wiped out. Massacres happen almost daily. Over 70,000 people have been killed.

http://www.nowpublic.com/world/world-s-most-dangerous-collaborationThe World’s Most Dangerous CollaborationBy Zaheerul HassanDecember 24, 2008...8:21 pm

http://www.wordofmouthexperiment.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=993&view=pr...SRI LANKA, MOSSAD and the CIA, DRUGS AND ARMS DEALERSSunday, August 14, 2005


Les pirates somaliens seraient guidés par une équipe secrète depuis Londres

War criminal Barak and israeli mouthpiece inside british government Miliband, foreign office
The Guardian, Giles Tremlett, 11 mai 2009

Selon un document du renseignement militaire européen, obtenu par une station de radio espagnole, les pirates somaliens qui attaquent les navires dans le Golfe d'Aden et l'Océan Indien sont dirigés vers leurs cibles par une équipe de « consultants » à Londres.

Selon le document, obtenu par la radio Cadena SER, l'équipe et les pirates restent en contact par téléphone satellite.

Il dit que les groupes de pirates ont des « informateurs bien placés » à Londres, qui sont en contact permanent avec les centres de contrôle en Somalie, où sont prises les décisions sur quels navires attaquer. Ces « consultants » de Londres aident les pirates à choisir les cibles, en fournissant des informations sur la cargaisons et la route des navires.

Selon une compagnie de navigation ciblée, dans un cas au moins, les pirates sont restés en contact avec leurs informateurs de Londres depuis le navire détourné. Le réseau d'information des pirates s'étend au Yémen, à Dubaï et au Canal de Suez.

Ce document du renseignement est considéré avoir été émis pour les marines européennes.
Selon Cadena SER, ce document dit que, « Des informations selon lesquelles des navires marchands naviguent volontairement dans la zone pour diverses organisations internationales, se retrouvent entre les mains pirates ».

Cela permet aux groupes de pirate de mieux s’organiser en étudiant leurs objectifs à l'avance, voire même à passer plusieurs jours à entraîner des équipes à des détournements particuliers. Les pirates chevronnés rejoignent ensuite le navire dès qu'il navigue à proximité de la Somalie.
Les capitaines des navires attaqués ont constaté que les pirates connaissent tout, depuis la structure du navire jusqu’à ses ports d'escale. Les navires visés à la suite de ce type de renseignement incluaient le cargo grec Titan, le navire marchand turc Karagöl et le chalutier espagnol Felipe Ruano.

Dans chaque cas, selon le document, les pirates connaissaient parfaitement la cargaison, la nationalité et la route du navire.

Selon le rapport, le pavillon national des navires est aussi pris en compte lors du choix d'une cible, avec les navires britanniques de plus en plus évités. On ignore si c'est parce que les pirates veulent éviter d’attirer l'attention de la police britannique sur leur source d'information à Londres.

Les pays européens ont mis en place l'Opération Atalanta pour coordonner leurs efforts militaires dans la région.

Original : www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/may/11/somali-pirates-london-intelligence

Traduction libre de Pétrus Lombard pour Alter Info

Israeli Tactics to Seize Al-Quds Properties

By Khalid Amayreh,

IOL Correspondent

Bahr, an Al-Quds lawyer, says Israel is using fictitious real-estate front-firms based in Arab countries to buy Palestinian property in the city.

AL-QUDS -- Mohammed al-Tamimi’s family has been living in the Old City of Al-Quds (occupied East Jerusalem) since time immemorial.

He says that his lineage goes back to Tamim al-Dari, a companion of Prophet Mohammed (peace and blessings be upon him), who arrived from the Arabian Peninsula and settled in the Al-Khalil region around 650 A.D.

"Without the slightest exaggeration, I can solemnly testify that my roots in this land are deeper than the roots of 99.99% of Israeli Jews, the very people who are now claiming we don’t belong here and who are trying to expel us from this land, our land," he told IslamOnline.net.

Pointing to his home, Mohammed said agents of the Israeli government have been trying desperately to convince him to sell it to Jewish settlement interests for a hefty amount of money.

"A nice-looking man, dressed in an elegant business suit, knocked on the door, saying he wanted to drink a cup of coffee with me," he recalls.

Al-Quds Ailing City (Special Page)

IslamOnline.net's Al-Quds Awareness Campaign

"He said he would pay a million dollars if I agreed to sell him my home. He said we didn’t have to leave the home now and that we could stay ten more years," added Mohammed.
"He also stressed that he would swear by God to keep the matter secret until after I die."

Mohammed was deeply infuriated by the man’s audacity.

"I really would have beaten him had it not been for the Arab customs of showing respect and courtesy to guests. He was in our home after all," said the Palestinian man.

"But I told him that our religion and honor and dignity were not for sale."

Mohammed says Arabs had settled in Al-Quds and Palestine hundreds of years before the Khazar tribes converted to Judaism in around the 8th century.

"These people claim to be connected to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They have no connections with these prophets, neither biologically, nor even religiously," he contended.

"These settlers are White Europeans, just look at their faces, the color of their skin. Does Ariel Sharon or Ehud Olmert look like a Semite, or even Middle Eastern?"

Seizure Tactics

Palestinian families divided by the separation wall also lose their Al-Quds residency rights. (IOL photo).

Tamimi is one of thousand of Palestinians who have been struggling to keep their property in the face of a vicious Israeli campaign to take over Arab property and land in and around Al-Quds.
The campaign is fueled by hundreds of millions of dollars donated by wealthy Jews around the world and also by the Israeli government which has been trying to Judaize the holy city and obliterate its Arab-Muslim identity.

Bassam Bahr, an Al-Quds lawyer, has been monitoring Israel’s illicit tactics of seizing Arab real estate in the city and surrounding localities for many years.

He says Israel is now heavily using fictitious real-estate front-firms to purchase Palestinian homes and property.

"Some of these firms would even bear auspicious Islamic titles to ensnare potential sellers. And they would offer to pay attractive sums of money exceeding real market price."

In recent years, Israelis have been using front real estate firms based in some Arabic countries.

"Some gullible and unsuspecting people would think that the last thing a Jordan-based real estate firm would do is to serve as cover for Israeli settlement interests," said Bahr.

"Eventually, the truth is exposed but after the ownership of the home or plot of land in question is transferred to an Israeli. Then the front-company is liquidated and those involved disappear or immigrate."


Israel has also been seizing the property of "absentees" on the ground that the state is the proprietor of property that has no proprietor.

But in many cases, notes Bahr, the absentee is not really absent but lives a few hundred meters from his property and all that separates him from it is the gigantic separation wall Israel has erected around Al-Quds.

"They would tell the rightful owner that since your property is located inside the city and your place of residence is outside it, it means that yours is an absentee property. And when the case reaches the court, the judge normally rules in favor of the state," says Bahr, the Al-Quds lawyer.

"The judge, who often happens to be a Jewish settler, is actually an enemy. So, how can one possibly hope to obtain justice from a judge who is actually an enemy?"

In some cases, Israeli agents would convince, by way of blackmail or financial seduction, a member of a certain Arab family to sell his/her part of the family property.

"In any country, a family member who only has a small share of a given real estate has no right to sell the entire property without the consent of the rest of the family," notes Bahr.

"However, in Israel, the signature of only one family member, even if he/she happens to be mentally unstable, is sufficient for the seizure of the family's property even though the other family members have no foreknowledge of the secret deal."

Revoked residency

When all pretexts and excuses are exhausted, and all conceivable legal tricks and loopholes prove insufficient to defraud an Arab family of its property, Israel resorts to long-term plans.

This is exactly what happened with Mohammed a few years ago when he wanted to build another floor to his home to accommodate his newly-wed son.

"I applied for a license and waited more than three years for a reply from the Israeli authorities. And eventually, they told me that I couldn’t do it."

Mohammed says his son was forced to relocate to the nearby Abu-Dis neighborhood, an Al-Quds neighborhood not yet annexed by Israel.

But the story doesn’t end here.

Every few weeks agents of the Israeli Interior Ministry would stealthily come to inspect Mohammed's home to see if his son and his wife were still living there.

And when they eventually found out that he had moved to Abu Dis, they decided to recommend that his Al-Quds residency right be revoked.

"You see they are telling us that either we suffer silently or lose residency rights. This is the behavior of the state that claims to be the only democracy in the Middle East."


Tel Aviv Ordered Sarkosy To Ban Anti-Zionist party in France

Parti Anti-Sioniste
Anti-Zionist Party

Anti-Zionist Party Running in France

By Christopher Bollyn,



May 11, 2009

When the United States of America was a much younger and more politically active nation, Americans actually had a political party that stood up against the powerful secret society of the Freemasons. There was an Anti-Masonic Party running candidates for election in the United States in the 1820s and 30s and again in the 1870s and 80s. These parties were formed from a "popular movement based on public indignation at and suspicion of the secret fraternal order known as the Masons, or Freemasons," according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. The Anti-Masonic party, which was the first American third party, was a single-issue party. You can imagine how strongly Americans must have felt about Freemasons running the government in the 1800s; today nobody knows enough to even care. American society is infested with Freemasons.

In France, there were anti-Semitic parties that fielded candidates during the late 1800s. Other nations in the past have also had anti-Semitic political parties and movements that were organizations that were primarily engaged in resisting the political influence of organized Jewry in their nations. Today, there are very few.

In the United States we have neither anti-Masonic nor anti-Semitic political parties or organizations. Rather, we are ruled by a secret society of Jewish Freemasons known as the International Order of B'nai B'rith. This is not meant to be a provocative statement. I am just stating a rather well-recognized matter of fact. Our political parties, our media, our schools and universities, even our churches, are all heavily influenced or directly controlled by organized Jewry and have been for decades; the key word being "organized." The B'nai B'rith are powerful, secretive, and organized. This is how they control our nation.

Now, in France, it appears that there will be lists of anti-Zionist candidates (http://www.partiantisioniste.com/) for the European Union elections in June. This is a major development. It seems very likely that -- if the plug is not pulled on this anti-Zionist party -- that there will be several anti-Zionist candidates elected to positions in the EU machine, while in the USA it is currently impossible for a political candidate to stand up against the Zionist crimocracy running the United States. The media, much of which is Zionist controlled, protects the crimocracy. The media silence about the discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center is a good example of how the media supports the crimocracy. That is why the Citizen Action Plan is so important. We need to see which media outlets are truly interested in informing the public and which are simply controlled. It's a matter of separating the wheat from the chaff.

The anti-Zionist party in France is providing the French voters with a real choice, but it is still not out of the woods. The EU Observer reports that France is still looking for ways to ban the anti-Zionist party from running in the election:

France is examining the possibility of banning the "anti-Zionist" voting lists French comedian Dieudonne wants to present for the European Parliament elections in June, a senior advisor of President Nicolas Sarkozy has said.

"The public authorities are currently looking into whether [Dieudonne's] initiatives are within the reach of the law," Claude Gueant, the secretary-general of the Elysee Palace, said on Sunday (3 May) on France's Radio J.

Mr Diedonne has been given fines on several occasions for making anti-Jewish comments, notably during his shows.

"I am not sure that we will manage to prohibit them. We can only prohibit what the law allows to prohibit."

One of the candidates is Yahia Gouasmi, president of the Anti-Zionist Party - a French nationalist movement.

During the press conference launching the campaign, Mr Gouasmi said: "Behind every divorce, there is a Zionist, I am telling you. Behind everything that divides human nature, there is a Zionist. This is what we believe and this is what we are going to prove."

It looks like it may be a very interesting election in France in June.

Source: "France considers ban on 'anti-Zionist' voting lists," Elitsa Vucheva, EUobserver.com


With a peer-reviewed scientific journal having published "loaded gun" (i.e. unreacted nano-thermite) evidence finally proving beyond doubt that World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2 and 7 were brought down in a series of controlled demolitions, here are a few more facts to consider.
It wasn't Muslims in an Afghan cave who had access to highly energetic nano-thermites; it was the US military and government scientists such as those connected with NIST.

It wasn't Muslims who ran a construction company that was awarded a $124 million contract for construction of the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) headquarters in Washington, DC, which oversees the Indian Head Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC-IH), which was described during the 1990s as the "National Center for Energetics", the military's term for "explosives work", and as of 1999-2000 the "only reliable source of aluminum nanopowders in the United States"; it was Tom Leppert who was CEO of Turner Construction as of 9/11/01, and who even writes parts of Presidential speeches.

It wasn't Muslims who ran a construction company that had supervised the 2000 demolition of the Seattle Kingdome, participated in the post 9/11 collection and disposal of the steel wreckage of the WTC towers, and carried out extensive renovations throughout the World Trade Center complex right up to the morning of 9/11 including fireproofing upgrades on the floors that were struck by planes and subsequently "failed", when the steel had already been certified to ASTM E119 by Universal Laboratories, and, in tests sponsored by NIST on corresponding floor assemblies subjected to greater heat exposure and protected with less fireproofing than was the case at the WTC, the test specimens "were able to sustain the maximum design load" without collapsing for as long as the tests were run (2 to 3 1/2 hours); it was Tom Leppert who was CEO of Turner Construction as of 9/11/01 and received a Torch of Conscience award from the American Jewish Congress.

It wasn't Muslims who were caught on 9/11/01 operating in teams with vans full of explosives, including one team who attempted to blow up the George Washington Bridge with a truck packed with tons of explosives, and another who blew up a van between 6th and 7th on King Street with a mural painted of a remote controlled airplane diving into New York and blowing up; it was Israelis, which is why the authorities did their best to ignore and bury these reports which included a suspected van bomb driven into the WTC basement and exploded to weaken the structure.

It wasn't Muslims who were caught shortly after midnight on May 7, 2002 very close to the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station, Oak Harbor, Wash., (where the Navy conducts explosive ordnance training for bomb disposal mobile units to the consternation of local marine life) with a rental truck that tested positive for TNT and RDX plastic explosives; it was Israelis whose cover story was of "delivering furniture" but regarded by authorities as dubious because of the early morning hour, and the authorities' subsequent claim that the dog's reaction and initial tests for explosives were wrong is so full of holes that it merely demonstrates the power of the Israeli lobby.

It wasn't Muslims who received advance warning of the London 7/7 attacks; it was Benjamin Netanyahu and the Mossad.

It wasn't Muslims who provided two hours' advance warning of an attack on the World Trade Center via an instant messaging company based in Herzliya; it was Israelis.

It wasn't a Muslim who fled the US on September 14, 2001; it was Dominick Suter of "Urban Moving Systems" who fled to Israel.

It wasn't over a hundred Muslims who, from around January 2000 to September 2001, posed as "art students" and attempted to penetrate US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) offices and other federal buildings including 36 sensitive Department of Defense (DoD) sites, were caught with diagrams of the interior of federal buildings and photographs of federal agents and often evaded security by entering through back doors or parking garages, and even visited the homes of senior federal officials but not those of their neighbors; it was Israelis, none of whom were "art students" but many of whom had backgrounds in Israeli military intelligence. Not surprisingly, the Press went for a limited hangout by trying to pretend the Israelis were merely shadowing "Arab hijackers" and either failed to pass on information, or "it was not treated seriously", the old canard about "intelligence failure". The operations of the Israeli fake "art students" is well documented, including plenty of names and even descriptions. An unusually large number of these Israelis were located in Irving, Dallas, TX (p.23, previous link), which is about ten miles west of Tom Leppert's Alva Court home, which is barely more than a mile north of the Dallas home that George W. Bush moved into after leaving office.

It isn't Muslim countries that have a massive spy ring in the USA capable of tapping into much of the telecoms network and using information obtained to blackmail Americans; it is Israel.

It wasn't Muslims who received advance warning on Monday September 10, 2001, against flying the next day; it was San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, and a group of top Pentagon officials.

It wasn't Muslims who acquired a 99-year lease on the World Trade Center's Twin Towers, Buildings Four and Five and approximately 400,000 square feet of retail space, and insured for billions of dollars against terror attacks a mere six weeks before terror attacks did in fact occur, and then employed (to press for the insurance claim) a 'structural engineer' who misleadingly asserts that steel loses half its strength at "400 degrees"; it was - in a deal negotiated by Lewis Eisenberg of the Port Authority - Benjamin Netanyahu's (and Ariel Sharon's and Ehud Barak's) friend Larry Silverstein and his partner Australian billionaire and "Holocaust survivor" Frank Lowy who fought "in the Jewish underground", was embroiled in a high-level bank corruption scandal with Israeli Premier Ehud Olmert and found to be making payments to Lord (Michael Abraham) Levy who was arrested several times in relation to a "cash for honors" scandal, Levy being a "tennis partner" and advisor of Tony Blair.

It isn't Muslims who have a reputation for perpetrating arson scams in order to claim off insurance companies as evidenced by any colloquial use of the term "Muslim lightning"; it is Jews as evidenced by the recognized term "Jewish lightning".

It wasn't Muslims who normally breakfasted at the Windows on the World restaurant on the 106th and 107th floors of the North Tower, but by some bizarre coincidence did not happen to be there on 9/11 and were thus spared the fate of occupants on that tragic day (none of whom escaped from the floors above the aircraft impact at 8:46 AM); it was Larry Silverstein who was spared due to having a "dermatologist's appointment", an event which also spared his two children who worked at Silverstein Properties.

It wasn't a Muslim who went on TV within hours of the attacks to tell everyone that "It... certainly has the fingerprints of somebody like bin Laden" and the World Trade Center had collapsed because of "the velocity of the plane" and "intense heat probably weakened the structure as well", and who reportedly on that very day advised the White House to take Cipro, an effective antibiotic against anthrax, seven days before the commencement of an anthrax letters terror campaign targeted at Democratic U.S. Senators and news media offices, who on 9/11/01 was a managing director of the crisis and consequence management group at Kroll Associates, who was an advisor to the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) regarding "epidemiological surveillance" and national security advisor at the National Institute of Health (NIH), and who gave his 'friend' John O'Neill a job as Head Of Security at the World Trade Center; it was Jerome Hauer.

It wasn't Muslims who carried out a terror campaign mailing letters containing anthrax spores that had their electrostatic charge altered so that they would disperse more readily, anthrax that was traced to the weapons grade Ames strain originating at the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, neither was it the FBI's final "suspect" Roman Catholic Bruce Ivins, who, unlike the true perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks, had no motive to target news media and Opposition Senators and thereby scare them into uncritical acceptance of the "Arab hijackers" conspiracy theory. Ivins died of an overdose and alleged "suicide" in July 2008 after the FBI gave up attempting to pin the blame on Steven Hatfill because there was not a scintilla of evidence against him; a logical suspect is Philip M. Zack who left Fort Detrick under a cloud in December 1991 after having headed a clique calling itself the "Camel Club" that was racially harassing Egyptian-born Dr. Ayaad Assaad. Zack was found by a 1992 inquiry to have been caught on surveillance camera being let into a Fort Detrick lab building at 8:40 p.m. on Jan. 23, 1992 apparently by Dr. Marian Rippy, a lab pathologist and close friend of Zack. The inquiry also found someone had been in a lab late at night secretly conducting unauthorised research, evidently on anthrax believed to include the Ames strain. Nearly ten years on, during the week between 9/11 and the commencement of the anthrax campaign, the FBI received an anonymous letter attempting to frame Dr. Assaad as a "bioterrorist". The anthrax letters seemed contrived so as to appear to have been written by a Muslim, and a New York Times writer told of a "Mr. Z." who failed some FBI polygraph tests and was once caught with a girlfriend at Fort Detrick "surrounded only by blushing germs".
It wasn't a Muslim who was claimed to have been killed on the alleged American Airlines "Flight 77", to have lived at Silver Spring, Maryland (as did a certain Rabbi Dr. Dov Zakheim), and to have worked on top-secret "deep-black" projects at the Indian Head Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC-IH), a "renowned leader in energetics" which operates an "Energetics Manufacturing Technology Center", carries out "advanced research in energetic systems" and "absorbed the function of the closed Naval Ordnance Laboratory, formerly in White Oak, MD" which is a couple miles from Silver Spring; it was William E. Caswell.

It wasn't Muslims who were claimed to have been killed on the alleged "Flight 77" and who worked for government or defense, particularly the Navy; it was John Yamnicky who, strangely, for the first time did not tell his daughter that he was going on travel, and who, like William Caswell, had worked for the Navy on top-secret "black" projects. Others included Charles Burlingame, a former Navy fighter pilot who used to work in the section of the Pentagon that was hit and who had formulated a response for the eventuality of an airliner being flown into the Pentagon and whose daughter Wendy subsequently died in a "suspicious fire" at a 50-story high-rise in New Jersey in December 2006, Wilson "Bud" Flagg, a retired American Airlines pilot and Navy Admiral, Stanley Hall, an expert in anti-radar technology and a director of program management at Raytheon, Bryan Jack, a senior executive and top budget analyst who worked at the Pentagon, Chandler Keller, a Boeing propulsion engineer, Dong Lee, a Boeing engineer who worked for their Integrated Defense Systems and who had worked for the National Security Agency (NSA) for 14 years, Barbara Olson, CNN commentator and wife of the US Solicitor General who claimed to have received cell phone calls from "Flight 77", Ruben Ornedo, a Boeing propulsion / satellite communications engineer, Robert Penniger, an electrical engineer with BAE Systems, and another dozen alleged "Flight 77 passengers" who were linked to defense and government who, we are told, all just happened to be on this unusually low occupancy flight. These people, well loved and respected as honest, decent heroes, are the very sort of characters whose work could have been horrifically exploited without their knowledge, and whom the 9/11 perpetrators would need to eliminate to prevent them speaking out after the attacks.

It wasn't Muslims who profited by speculating on airline and insurance stocks in advance of 9/11; it was Israelis.

It wasn't Muslims who concocted a hoax about pork-swillingmoney-eschewingcelibatetruthfulcourageouspro-animal rights, "devout Jews" who were "suicide hijackers / pilots", almost half of whom later turned up alive and well; it was Jews who concocted a hoax about drinkinggamblingstrip joint-frequentingwomanizing, "devout Muslims" who were "suicide hijackers / pilots", almost half of whom later turned up alive and well.

It wasn't a Muslim who was the mentor of Benjamin Netanyahu's father Benzion and who wrote a column in the Revisionist Zionist magazine Doar Hayom under the title "From the Notebook of a Fascist", praising Mussolini and referring to one-time commander of the Irgun Ze'ev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky as "our Duce"; it was Abba Ahimeir the founder of Revisionist Maximalism, a Jewish fascist ideology.

It wasn't Muslims who orchestrated, and whose operatives were caught red-handed in, a failed false-flag terrorist campaign in Egypt; it was Israel.

It wasn't Muslims who attacked the USS Liberty killing 34 Americans, and had the US President saying "I don't give a damn if every man drowns and the ship sinks. I don't want to embarrass our allies"; it was Israel.

It wasn't Muslims who were evacuated "apparently due to a specific security threat" in advance of the Amman, Jordan terror attacks on November 9, 2005 (9/11 by Israeli and European calendars), which included a blast at the Radisson hotel that was known to have emanated from a bomb hidden in a false ceiling, even though the official story held that it was really the work of "suicide bombers" and therefore by some bizarre coincidence the ceiling bomb must have been placed there previously by someone else; it was Israelis who were evacuated in advance of these attacks in which there were no Jewish casualties, most of the dead were Jordanian Sunni Muslims, two Israeli casualties were both Arabs, and five Palestinians died including Major-General Bashir Nafeh, the head of military intelligence in the West Bank.

It wasn't Muslims who were caught and arrested inside the Mexican Congress chamber on October 10, 2001 in possession of guns, grenades, dynamite, detonators and wiring while posing as "press photographers"; it was Mossad agent Salvador Guersson Smecke and Israeli illegal immigrant Saur Ben Zvi at the very time that Zionists would obtain maximum benefit from a false-flag terror attack that would mobilize support for the war on "Muslim terrorists" in Afghanistan that had been launched only three days previously.

It wasn't Muslims who were convicted and jailed for six months in 2004 for fraudulently attempting to obtain a New Zealand passport in the name of a tetraplegic man; it was Mossad agents Uriel Kelman and Eli Cara who were seeking to create a false identity for Zev Barkan.

It wasn't Muslims who claimed to know the identity of "suicide hijackers" Abdulaziz al-Omari and Saeed al-Ghamdi when, since individuals with the exact same names and other personal details such as birth date, place and occupation subsequently turned up alive and well, the population of Saudi Arabia in 1975 was 7,180,000 and even given a high annual birth rate of 30 per 1,000 and ignoring infant mortality the daily birth rate was only 590 and so it is highly improbable that individuals would share the exact same name, birth date, place and occupation, al-Omari's passport had been stolen in 1995 when his apartment was burgled in Denver, Colorado (a state where Mossad agents have been active), and only utter cretins would steal the identities of people with a different appearance but having their exact same name, place, date of birth and occupation, ergo those hypothetical "suicide hijackers" would have had entirely different names; it was the FBI who published a list claiming that the 9/11 perpetrators included Abdulaziz al-Omari and Saeed al-Ghamdi in addition to several others who had turned up alive and well, and even though the FBI admitted that some hijackers may have used stolen identities and that there is "no legal proof to prove the identities of the suicidal hijackers," they denied having misidentified the alleged "suicide hijackers" and refused to change the names, photographs or backgrounds on their list - albeit obfuscating and trying to cover themselves by including multiple spellings and aliases.

It wasn't Muslims who were behind a failed coup in Turkey; it was crypto-Jew and Mossad agent pseudo-Rabbi Tuncay Guney, who fled to Canada in 2004, and who in 2001 lived in New Jersey towns that were centers of activity for Mossad Urban Moving Systems operatives.

It wasn't Muslims who set up an "al Qaeda cell" in Palestine; it was the Israeli Mossad.

It wasn't Muslims who had established a reputation for having the capability to stage false-flag terror attacks, i.e., to target U.S. forces and make it look like the act of a third party, prior to 9/11; it was the Mossad.

It wasn't a Muslim who infiltrated the Pentagon and betrayed his country of birth by selling classified documents to another country that were then traded to the USSR; it was convicted spy Jonathan Pollard whose treachery resulted in stolen nuclear secrets being passed on to the USSR with Israel as the paying intermediary.

It wasn't Muslims who were running an exercise commencing at 9:00 a.m. on the morning of 9/11 involving a plane crashing into a tower; it was officials at the National Reconnaissance Office, Chantilly, VA.

It wasn't a Muslim who, in response to the question "Do the orders still stand?" regarding the response - or more precisely, the lack of response - to an aircraft that was rapidly homing in on the Pentagon and ten miles out after both of the Twin Towers had already been hit by planes more than half an hour previously, whipped his neck around and replied "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?"; it was Dick Cheney.

It wasn't a Muslim who was CEO of a company that made remote control "Flight Termination Systems" that could electronically hijack in-flight aircraft and steer them into targets by means of a "Command Transmitter System"; it was Rabbi Dov Zakheim.

It wasn't a Muslim who, well aware that a percentage of trillions of dollars is still hundreds of billions of dollars, took a position as Comptroller of the Pentagon in May 2001 when it was already public knowledge that the Pentagon's accounting systems were in complete disarray with $6.9 trillion of "adjustments" having been required in an attempt to make the figures add up, and with no receipts for $2.3 trillion of these hard to track changes on non-integrated computer systems and antiquated paperwork that could be readily taken out by a missile or plane strike on the relevant auditing section at the Pentagon, and who subsequently delivered a commemorative sermon on the Pentagon lawn to hundreds of co-religionists from 40 countries six months after such a terror strike did in fact occur killing at least 34 budget analysts / accountants / financial experts; it was Rabbi Dov Zakheim.

It wasn't a Muslim who was at a breakfast meeting with Donald Rumsfeld when the first plane hit the WTC, and was at the Army Navy Country Club "when the plane that hit the Pentagon came right over the top of the Army Navy Club and bounced down the hill and hit the side of the Pentagon"; it was Thomas E. White, who is linked to the Enron fraud, who participated in JINSA trips to Israel, e.g. with his wife Susan in 1997, and who was sworn in as Secretary of the Army on May 31, 2001 which is 27 days after George W Bush appointed Rabbi Dov Zakheim as Undersecretary of Defense and Comptroller of the Pentagon, both White and Zakheim having been placed by Bush at the Pentagon where more than $2 trillion of transactions had no receipts and Pentagon finances were vulnerable to a "terror attack" that would target the appropriate auditing section.

It wasn't Muslims who in 2000 co-authored a document which called for a "new Pearl Harbor"; it was Roger Barnett, Alvin Bernstein, Stephen Cambone, Eliot Cohen, Devon Gaffney Cross, Thomas Donnelly, David Epstein, David Fautua, Dan Goure, Donald Kagan, Fred Kagan, Robert Kagan, Robert Killebrew, William Kristol, Mark Lagon, James Lasswell, I. Lewis Libby, Robert Martinage, Phil Meilinger, Mackubin Owens, Steve Rosen, Gary Schmitt, Abram Shulsky, Michael Vickers, Barry Watts, Paul Wolfowitz, and Rabbi Dov Zakheim.

It wasn't Muslims who had a motive for employing a "Flight Termination System" to take control of EgyptAir Flight 990 - a Boeing 767 - on October 31, 1999 (after a bizarre coincidence in which "air crash victims grief counselor" Ed McLaughlin of the Family Enterprise Institute was the only person to board the ill-fated plane in Los Angeles and get off at New York), send it plunging into the Atlantic 60 miles south of Nantucket killing all 217 on board, none of whom were Israelis but 33 of the casualties were Egyptian army officers including two Air Force brigadier generals and two army major generals, and promote the concept of "Muslim suicide pilots" to a gullible public; it was Jews who would have needed to conduct a trial run of electronically hijacking in-flight Boeing aircraft for their imminent false-flag terror operation that was to be blamed on "Muslim suicide pilots / hijackers", with the EgyptAir Flight 990 "inquiry" being overseen by Zionist Jew Bernard Loeb who had Jewish translators transcribe the cockpit recordings, and the FBI conducting a character assassination to smear the alleged "suicidal" co-pilot.

It wasn't Muslims who wrote in 1998 of a "transforming event" rather like "Pearl Harbor"; it was John DeutschAshton Carter and Philip Zelikow.

It wasn't Muslims who published a paper in 1996 entitled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, which mentioned "removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq" and introduced the concept of pre-emptive strikes for which some phony pretext such as halting drug money or striking counterfeiting infrastructure or "weapons of mass destruction" could be devised that Americans would sympathise with; it was The Institute for Advanced Strategic & Political Studies (IASPS) of Jerusalem and Washington which, for new Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu, discussed how such a policy would benefit Israel.

It wasn't Muslim security officials who, in 1991, inspected the garage of a Muslim shipping company in the World Trade Center and concluded that the WTC garage was vulnerable to a car bomb, two years before the WTC garage was in fact hit by a car bomb and the FBI were aware of the plot yet let it go ahead killing six people and injuring more than a thousand, and ten years before the WTC was demolished one week after the very same shipping company had moved out of the WTC; it was Israeli security officials and an Israeli shipping company.

It wasn't Muslims who paid Ali al-Jarrah more than $300,000 for services rendered, i.e., posing as a "supporter" of the Palestinian cause while betraying his country to an enemy state, and who was a cousin of Ziad al-Jarrah who was alleged to be one of nineteen 9/11 "suicide hijackers"; it was Israel that paid this Mossad asset.

It wasn't Muslims who 1) broadcast the pilot episode on March 4, 2001 of The Lone Gunmen TV series, an episode about a plot by a secret cabal within the US government to electronically hijack by remote control a Boeing heading for Boston and divert it to crash into the World Trade Center 2) said in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks that no one had ever conceived of aircraft being used by terrorists as missiles to target buildings; it was 1) Fox TV, owned by Rupert Murdoch, a long-time friend of Benjamin Netanyahu 2) National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice / acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Richard Myers / President George W. Bush / Vice President Dick Cheney / White House spokesman Ari Fleischer.

It wasn't a Muslim who said he'd seen the (first) plane hit the (North) Tower and reckoned it must have been "one terrible pilot" and "a horrible accident" before going into a classroom and subsequently being informed of the second impact when the first impact was not broadcast live on TV; it was George W. Bush.

It wasn't Muslims who, on Tuesday, October 2 through Friday, October 5, 2001: 1) met with, and 2) received $3 million in gifts for "funds for victims" from Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifah Al-Thani, the Emir of Qatar who started the Al Jazeera channel in 1996 with a $150 million grant, the channel which broadcasts audios and videos purporting to be of "Osama bin Laden" aka Emmanuel Goldstein; it was: 1) George W. Bush, Dick Cheney (an "old friend") - Cheney also met the Emir on October 20, 2001 to discuss the "Osama" interviews, Rudy Giuliani, Colin Powell, Paul Wolfowitz, and Richard Myers 2) Rudy Giuliani, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Myers.

It wasn't Muslims who fabricated a fairy story about Pfc. Jessica Lynch being ambushed, stabbed, shot, bravely continuing to shoot Iraqis, being abused, raped, and held captive in a hospital by Iraqi guards, and later rescued by elite US forces; it was "unnamed US officials" who lied, since in fact there was no "rescue", Lynch's gun had jammed with sand, she was being cared for by the Iraqis after being injured in a car crash, she had no "bullet holes" or "knife wounds", the hospital was not "under guard", and doctors had even tried to return Lynch to US forces themselves.

It wasn't Muslims who conspired to invade a defenseless nation by lying about "weapons of mass destruction" ("WMDs") when they had already made up their minds to invade for "regime change", resulting in excess Iraqi deaths estimated at 655,000 to one million, the displacement of more than four million, the sacrifice of thousands of troops and throwing away of $3 trillion to no avail save for enriching a few war criminals and profiteers to the tune of billions of dollars in this proxy war for Israel; it was George W. Bush and Tony Blair.

It wasn't a Muslim who ordered aides to plan for striking Iraq barely five hours after the Pentagon was attacked on 9/11; it was Donald Rumsfeld.

It wasn't Muslims who ordered 250 police to smash their way into a house in Forest Gate, London, in the middle of the night and arrest two brothers after shooting one of them in the shoulder, on the basis of intelligence said to be from a "reliable", single source regarding a conspiracy involving a "cyanide bomb", with the brothers being released without charge several days later before it was subsequently revealed that the source was a man with an IQ of 69 who was already in jail on a terror conviction; it was Jewish supremacist lackeys MI5, Tony Blair and John Reid.

It isn't Muslims that have a powerful political lobby capable of extorting vast sums; it is Israel.
It wasn't a Muslim who boasted "We Muslims control America, and the Americans know it"; it was Ariel Sharon who boasted "We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it".

It isn't Muslims who fake phony "hate crimes" against themselves, such as vandalising their own cars or graves, or poisoning their dogs and defacing their houses with swastikas, or cutting their clothes and drawing swastikas on their stomachs; it is Jews.

It wasn't Muslims who took control of The New York Times in 1896, or who indeed own and control much of the mainstream media today; it was and is Jews.

It isn't a Muslim nation that holds the world record for defying UN resolutions; it is Israel.

It wasn't Muslims who ganged up on a handicapped Jew for hiking on his own land, beat him with clubs, dragged him along the ground, tied him to a power pole and continued to beat and kick him as Muslim soldiers did nothing to stop it and police merely advised the thugs to pour water on the victim's head to wash away the blood before journalists and photographers arrived; it was a gang of four cowardly, bigoted Jewish settlers who beat up a handicapped Palestinian with impunity, basking in the knowledge that Jewish soldiers and police would not act impartially, and even returning a week later to torment the neighbors, ransacking their home and destroying their few possessions.

It wasn't Muslim soldiers who beat up and killed a Jew with clubs and rifle butts and kicks to the head and then, after an 'investigation', concluded that the soldiers had "acted properly"; it was the Israeli "Defense" Forces who smashed three holes in a Palestinian teenager's skull killing him as he merely waited at a bus stop, continuing to beat him as he lay unconscious, then made up a story about him "pulling a knife" and suggested that he was "mentally unstable" in a case that is sadly all too typical of violence perpetrated by racist, bigoted right-wing extremist Jewish supremacists upon those whom they perceive as "animals in human form".

It wasn't Muslims who created a global organization named the "Anti Defamation League" in order to defend Muslim criminals by playing the race card and accusing their pursuers of being "racists" and "anti-Semites" who were guilty of "hate crimes"; it was Jews who set up the Anti Defamation League of B'nai B'rith in response to the lynching of Leo Frank, president of the Atlanta chapter of the B'nai B'rith Jewish secret society who had been convicted of murdering 13-year-old Mary Phagan who worked at Frank's pencil factory, with the lynching of Frank being in response to the commuting of his death sentence to life imprisonment after organized Jewry had tried to cast doubt on Frank's conviction by shifting the blame to a black man even though ritual murder is a known Jewish tradition, the ADL being used thereafter to denounce anti-criminals as "anti-Semites" whenever the criminals happened to be Jews.

It isn't Muslims who, for political and financial gain, demolished the World Trade Center with nano-thermite and crashed remote-controlled planes into it in order to set up a hoax about "Jewish kamikaze pilots" and then attempt to throw researchers off the scent by pretending to "investigate" the demolitions whilst 'accidentally' plumping for the wrong hypothesis (e.g. H-bombs rather than thermite), and then stubbornly refuse to change to a hypothesis that is in accordance with the evidence; it is Jews who set up a hoax about "Muslim kamikaze pilots" and have their deliberately misleading 'work' about the demolitions hosted at sites that are owned and edited by Jews.

It wasn't Muslims who practised pseudo-science by refusing to look for Iron Blue at Auschwitz or explosives at the World Trade Center, in order that their 'investigation' would come up with the required financially and politically motivated result; it was Jan Markiewicz, Wojciech Gubala, and Jerzy Labedz of the Jan Sehn Institute at Krakow (Auschwitz fraud), and "scientists" and "engineers" at NIST (WTC fraud).

It wasn't Muslims who took over the "investigation" of the World Trade Center collapses when FEMA were making a hash of the cover up, mixed up Figures 11-51 and 11-52 in NCSTAR1-9Vol2 on their WTC7 report which was published two days after the mysterious death of eyewitness Barry Jennings whose testimony of explosions in WTC7 before either Tower had collapsed - note he specifically says (4:43) "I was trapped in there when both buildings came down" - blew their politically motivated assumptions and conclusions apart, failed to spot their mistake in their accompanying description, assumed unrealistically high gas temperatures in order to derive their required unrealistically high steel temperatures, published a preposterous hypothesis of a "thermal-expansion"-based collapse with the logical conclusion that the 180 kip shear capacity of four bolts in a seated connection would be exceeded if the steel heated up from 20 C to 32 C making the force to completely resist the thermal expansion 191 kip, irrespective of the fact that no steel-framed high-rises had ever collapsed due to "fires" or "impacts" apart from the three that allegedly did so on 9/11, claimed inward bowing of the WTC1 perimeter columns between floors 94 to 100 peaking at 55 inches at column 316 on the 96th floor which could not be reconciled with the fact that the columns' moment of inertia or second moment of area was at least 342 ins^4 along the minor axis and a maximum deflection of 55 inches given fixed - fixed boundary conditions and a distributed load would have required the failure within 102 minutes of at least ten consecutive floors, many of which did not have any fireproofing 'dislodged' by a plane and did not even experience substantial fires; it was NIST, whose top scientists and engineers have extensive knowledge of nano-thermites, but said they had found "no evidence" of explosives at the WTC and later admitted that they had not bothered to look for any. The 9/11 perpetrators had to ensure those in charge of the "investigation" were aware of that which they must not find.

It wasn't a Muslim who announced on Sunday September 16, 2001 that a "hijacker's passport" (allegedly that of Satam al Suqami) had been found "several blocks from the ruins of the World Trade Center", with other reports asserting that the passport was found "in the vicinity of Vesey Street"; it was former Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik who was indicted November 2007 on multiple counts including lying, fraud and conspiracy, which is consistent with the fact that the laws of aerodynamics dictate that the passport should have been found in the vicinity of Liberty Street, the scriptwriter forgot that Suqami was supposed to be on Flight AA11 approaching from the north, and, of several attempts made by the authorities to guess where the passport should have been found, not one of them was correct!

It wasn't Muslims who had JFK killed; it was Jews.

It wasn't Muslims who stole elections by exploiting electronic voting machines that biased the results such that the odds for several swing states to swing as much as they did from the exit polls was 250 million to one against; it was George W. Bush.

It isn't Muslims who exhibit traits of supremacist megalomaniacs by referring to their enemies as "grasshoppers", "beasts", "crocodiles" and "cockroaches"; it is Jews.

It wasn't a Muslim who set up a Ponzi scheme that netted $50 billion; it was a Jew.

It wasn't Muslims who made a record about doing "The Wall Street Shuffle" and whose other songs included scatological references; it was Jews.

It isn't Muslims who rule the world by proxy and get others to fight and die for them in wars; it is Jews, whose modus operandi is to select rich host populations that will let them in, pose as their "ally" whilst draining them of hard-earned wealth, employ deception to trick the hosts into fighting poorer nations, and reap the spoils of war such as Afghan opium trafficking, missing Pentagon funds, looting of oil-for-food funds, etc, along with other opportunistic scams such as the $550 billion electronic run on the banks. Note: some reports incorrectly state Thursday September "15", 2008 for the latter; it should of course be September 11, the Thursday prior to September 15.

It isn't Muslims who have been expelled from countries on numerous occasions, it is Jews who keep getting kicked out as soon as the host gets wise to the fact that Jews' only loyalty is to their own tribe, rather than the host nation to whom Jews pose as an "ally".

It wasn't Muslims who started a World War in 1914 in the hope that they could successfully launch a hoax about "six million" of their number being killed in order to obtain their own country and net a substantial fraction of global wealth in "reparations", failed, but also exploited the opportunity to annex and loot Russia and indulge in horrific blood-letting and oppression as a means of settling old scores with the Rus who had chased them westwards from former Khazaria; it was Khazar (fake) 'Jews'.

It wasn't Muslims who blew up Francois Duprat's car killing him and maiming his wife, beat up Dr. Robert Faurisson at least ten times in which his jaw was broken / teeth knocked out / nearly killed several times / hospitalized for weeks and was persecuted in legal battles and had his home raided by police, tried to kill Ernst Zundel on at least three occasions in arson and pipe bomb attacks and had him and Germar Rudolfdeported to Germany and jailed for years, beat Jurgen Rieger unconscious and blew up his car, beat up David Cole and threatened to kill him and his family, persecuted and beat Joseph Burg, attacked Frank Walus seven times and nearly killed him in an acid attack, forced Ivan Lagace to resign from his job as a crematory expert after endless threats from thugs claiming to be from the Jewish Defense League, perpetrated numerous terrorist attacks in France including sulfuric acid sprayed into faces / attacks with iron bars / baseball bats / gas sprayed / excrement strewn around, had historian David Irving spend 400 days in jail before being released on Appeal from a three year sentence which was for two speeches and a newspaper interview he gave 16 years earlier, had Dr. Frederick Toben jailed in Germany for ten months for using his Australian website to express his views, and who had dozens more jailedfined, and financially ruined by character assassination and legal battles; it was Jews attempting to prop up their idiosyncratic brand of "truth" which profited them handsomely for decades.

It wasn't Muslims who fabricated a hoax about "six million" of their people being "murdered" involving an evidence-free conspiracy theory about a plot to exterminate them in "gas chambers" which netted them - by way of a huge, illegitimate land grab - their own sovereign state, colossal profits in "reparations", hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign "aid" and "loan guarantees" and waiving / subsidizing of interest payments, etc, and now serves as their "sword and shield" to practice apartheid and kill and oppress their enemies with impunity; it was Jews.

It wasn't Muslims who were caught red-handed forging fake "smoke" onto wartime photographs of Auschwitz; it was the Simon Wiesenthal Center, whose suitability as guardians of truth is comparable to a choice of Count Dracula as a maintainer of blood banks.

It isn't Muslim mathematics that holds that the sum of a set of variables a + b + c + d + e... remains constant, e.g. at "six million", when several variables fluctuate downwards by, say, nearly three million and about half of that, in the absence of any corresponding upwards revision; it is financially and politically motivated Jewish "mathematics".

It isn't Muslim physics and chemistry that holds that corpses may be rapidly and economically cremated with between a pound and a kilogram of coke per body when the firebricks of the cremation ovens are not even replaced after some 20,000 cremations (which is rather like expecting a Trabant to be capable of doing 100,000 miles non-stop at 100 mph on 100 gallons of gasoline and a couple of cans of motor oil); it is politically and financially motivated Jewish "physics" and Jewish "chemistry".

It wasn't Muslims - or even the "Russian police" - who behave as if they authored The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; it is International Jewry, and if it hisses like a snake and rattles like a rattlesnake, it isn't exactly benign.

It is not the "international Muslim" who has much to answer for; it is the international Jew.

The mainstream media’s conspicuous silence over the collapse of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory has clearly exposed them as "the dogs that didn’t bark".

This was inspired by an excellent piece from back in November 2003: It Wasn't Arabs by Edgar J. Steele

Le parti anti-sioniste lance ses listes anti-sionistes : Sarkosy et son mulet Guéant n'ont pas encore fait leur aliyah ? !

1/ Liste antisioniste, présentation: conférence de press
Uploaded by centre-zahra-france - Up-to-the minute news videos.

Programme du parti : 

Faire disparaître l’ingérence sioniste dans les affaires publiques de la Nation. 

Dénoncer tous les hommes politiques qui font l’apologie du Sionisme. 

Eradiquer toutes les formes de Sionisme dans la Nation. 

Empêcher les entreprises et les institutions de contribuer aux efforts de guerre d’une nation étrangère qui ne respecte pas le Droit International. 

Libérer notre état, notre gouvernement et nos institutions de la main mise et de la pression des organisations sionistes. 

Libérer les médias pour une pluralité de l’information afin de promouvoir la liberté d’expression.
Promouvoir l’expression libre de la politique, de la culture, de la philosophie et de la religion et les libérer du Sionisme. 

Redonner le pouvoir à la France et aux Français selon les nouvelles règles géopolitiques et économiques sur les grandes questions qui engagent la responsabilité de la Nation. 

Ne plus engager la France dans des guerres de colonisation et rapatrier nos armées postées en Afrique, en Afghanistan et partout dans le monde. 

Exiger un référendum populaire pour tout nouvel engagement de la France à l’étranger. 

Etablir un projet de loi pour interdire aux binationaux de participer aux guerres sans mandant explicite de la Nation. 

Interdire toute milice quelle que soit sa confession religieuse. 

Instaurer un dialogue national de sensibilisation pour un projet de société qui exclut toute apologie du Sionisme. 

Etablir le mode de scrutin à la proportionnelle afin que toute les composantes de la société soient représentées. 

Militer pour l’instauration d’une société de justice, de progrès et de tolérance. 


La France-Israel et ses reseaux de generaux criminels corrompus en Algerie

Selon plusieurs sources, le prochain remaniement gouvernemental de l'agent israelien Sarkosy a Paris verra la levée de l'immunité pour Fillon, Alliot Marie entre autres et l'officialisation de poursuites internationales contre plusieurs responsables politiques francais pour complicité de génocide et crimes de guerre en Algérie. Sarkosy et ses pantins parlent de 'l'eradication du terrorisme' mais ce sont ceux la meme qui sont derrieres ces reseaux terroristes. En France on a pas de petrole mais on a le GIA, dont Claude Guéant, porte parole du Netanyahu en France, est un membre éminent, le GICM et depuis 1996, le GSPC/AQMI. Claude Guéant et son 'excellent ami' Meziane Cherif, ambassadeur d'Algerie a Paris, est aussi un membre du GIA (Maison Pasqua), qui lors de la prise d'otage bidonnée d'un avion d'Air France en 1994 a Alger n'a pas su se couvrir et s'est rendu complice d'actes terroristes et de crimes. Ceci a déjá été demontré mais de nouvelles révélations seraient tres embarassantes pour Sarkosy-Gueant-Pasqua, ils devraient se garder d'ouvrir leurs grandes gueules sur l'opportunité de la présence de 'listes anti-sionistes' aux européenes et se chercher de tres bons avocats, dans le genre de ceux de Karadzic !

Abu Suleyman

Témoignage sur Hizb frança en Algérie

Je vous invite à télecharger ce livre de Abdelhamid Brahimi, ex 1 ér ministre du juif sioniste Khemeyes, plus connu sous le nom de Chadli Bendjedid, ancien président algérien, lui-meme sous le controle total d'un autre juif sioniste terroriste, le général Larbi Belkheir, expulsé de France et d'Espagne apres avoir tenté de s'y faire soigner, car recherché pour assassinat, crimes de guerre et genocide, sur ce lien ci-dessous :

Le général-major Bousteïla : “Jusqu’à l’éradication totale du terrorisme”

Par :Farid Belgacem, Liberté, 5 mai 2009

Les multiples corrélations avérées entre les réseaux de trafic d’armes et d’explosifs et les cartels internationaux de drogue, notamment après le recours des narcotrafiquants à l’usage des armes de guerre pour défier toute résistance sur nos frontières, ont poussé le patron de la Gendarmerie nationale à adopter une stratégie offensive.

“Une de nos préoccupations majeures est l’éradication totale du terrorisme pour que le pays puisse connaître un essor économique appréciable et que l’Algérie devienne une destination privilégiée des investisseurs étrangers. Il est vrai que nous assistons à l’effondrement et à l’effritement des groupes terroristes et à la déstabilisation de la tête du Gspc. Mais une bête blessée peut être à l’origine de beaucoup de nuisance. La vigilance doit être de tous les instants et la mobilisation dans la lutte antiterroriste doit revêtir un cachet particulier. C’est ce qu’a déclaré, hier, le patron de la Gendarmerie nationale, le général-major Ahmed Bousteïla, lors de l’installation du nouveau commandant régional de la Gendarmerie nationale de Constantine, le colonel Ali Toureche, relevant de la 5e Région militaire, et qui a succédé au colonel Amar Tounsi, récemment désigné en qualité de commandant du corps des gardes-frontières.
Entre-temps, l’intérim a été assuré par le colonel Abdelkader Kharroubi à qui Bousteïla a rendu un vibrant hommage. Mettant l’accent sur l’optimisation des moyens opérationnels de renseignements, d’investigations et d’intervention que le Commandement de la Gendarmerie nationale (CGN) a mis à la disposition de ses hommes, Ahmed Bousteïla a insisté sur “le renforcement du dispositif sécuritaire aux frontières pour mieux lutter contre le trafic des stupéfiants, la contrebande, l’immigration clandestine et le trafic d’armes et d’explosifs”. C’est dire que l’approche sécuritaire contre la menace qui pèse sur nos frontières, tant au niveau de la bande frontalière ouest qu’au niveau de celle est, ou encore du Grand Sud algérien, a changé.

La criminalité transfrontalière prend de l’ampleur
D’ailleurs, au lendemain de l’installation du commandant régional de Constantine, le patron de la Gendarmerie nationale s’est déplacé dans les régions d’Aïn M’lila, d’Oum El-Bouaghi, de Guelma et d’Annaba pour prendre la température au niveau des groupements et des unités, d’une part, et instruire les troupes sur la nécessité de passer à un autre cap de lutte contre la criminalité transfrontalière qui prend une ampleur d’année en année, d’autre part. L’objectif étant de prémunir la sécurité nationale, notamment contre les groupes armés – y compris contre les narcotrafiquants qui recourent à l’usage des armes de guerre pour acheminer les stupéfiants vers l’Europe et le Moyen-Orient. Bousteïla s’est montré, par ailleurs, intransigeant sur la rentabilité des moyens déployés. En ce sens et à l’issue de son long périple dans les wilayas de l’Est, Bousteïla a consacré une importante réunion à Annaba avec les cadres de la gendarmerie afin de peaufiner une stratégie plus opérationnelle, avec en appoint un seul mot d’ordre : l’obligation de résultats. Il l’a souligné plus loin dans son intervention : “Il s’agit aujourd’hui de maîtriser ces moyens modernes et surtout de les rentabiliser dans la lutte contre la criminalité sous toutes ses formes, et ce, grâce à une formation de qualité et la spécialisation de la ressource humaine.” Décidé plus que jamais à juguler les phénomènes de trafic de véhicules (22 personnes récemment arrêtées à Constantine), de pillage du patrimoine (près de 300 pièces et objets de valeur récupérés et 6 trafiquants appréhendés la semaine écoulée à Guelma), de trafic de drogue (plus de 35 tonnes de kif traité saisies en quatre mois, dont 80% à Béchar, Tindouf et Aïn Témouchent, en plus des 5 tonnes saisies à Alger), des explosifs et des armes, Bousteïla a donné des instructions fermes à ses cadres et à ses troupes. Il a dit à ce propos que “le renseignement, son recoupement et l’échange d’informations avec toutes les forces de l’ordre ainsi que la mise en œuvre des sections de sécurité et d’intervention (SSI) qui ont reçu une formation appropriée doivent prévaloir et constituer un objectif incontournable”. Cela va sans dire que ce corps de sécurité devra “dès à présent, a-t-il indiqué, se préparer à l’après-terrorisme en valorisant la police judiciaire”. Il a précisé qu’en matière de soutien aux investigations, le CGN a réalisé un Institut national de criminalistique et de criminologie chargé de la formation de spécialistes en scène de crime, en collaboration avec l’École de police judiciaire et l’examen et analyse des indices prélevés pour l’établissement de la preuve matérielle irréfutable. Bousteila a cité les deux systèmes d’identification opérationnels depuis 2006, à savoir le système d’identification biométrique (AFIS) permettant d’identifier des individus à partir de l’empreinte digitale et du visage et le système d’identification balistique (IBIS) permettant l’identification de l’arme à partir de douilles ou de projectiles. Il a rappelé plus tard que tous ces moyens, notamment ceux mis à la disposition de la police judiciaire, devront porter leurs fruits et contribuer efficacement “à la lutte antiterroriste aussi bien dans l’orientation des enquêtes que dans l’identification des personnes mises hors d’état de nuire”.
Rendant un hommage particulier aux Groupements des gardes-frontières (GGF) que dirige avec une main de fer le colonel Amar Tounsi, “qui a su redynamiser l’activité de la Gendarmerie nationale, mettre à niveau les unités et densifier le maillage territorial”, dit-il, Bousteila a exhorté ses hommes “à prendre acte en faisant montre de disponibilité et d’enthousiasme dans le travail en alliant la compétence au sacrifice” pour faire barrage à la criminalité transfrontalière et prémunir le pays contre toute menace extérieure. “Évidemment, l’image de la Gendarmerie nationale est la résultante du comportement de tous ses hommes. Le gendarme doit être l’exemple dans sa probité, sa tenue et ses relations avec la couche saine de la population. Il se doit également d’être à l’écoute des citoyens, prendre en charge avec célérité leurs plaintes et aviser sans délai les autorités judiciaires”, a conclu Bousteila d’un ton intransigeant.

F. B.

Israel behind Red Sea piracy, WHY 911 WTC PLANES WERE NOT SHOT DOWN?

“Israel sees Islam as the greatest danger to its dominance over the Middle East, itself built on cruelty, violation and oppression,” - Professor Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi (Haifa University) in his book ‘The Israeli Connection: Who Arms Israel and Why?’

Under direct orders from Barack Hussein Obama, American snipers on Navy Seal killed three “Somali pirates” and rescued Captain Richard Phillips a few days ago.

When US Marines invaded Somali on December 12, 1992 - Gen. Colin Powell, Chairman of US Joint Chiefs of Staff - called the invasion “a paid political advertisement for the Pentagon”. However, during the next ten months, this ‘political advertisement’ cost 10,000 Somalian lives and a humiliating defeat for the world’s top nuclear power - as captured in the movie “Black Hawk Down”.

So what interests the US and other foreign countries have in this God forsaken country since 1991 overthrow of its western-puppet dictator. Mohammad Said Barre? Well - there are several of them - off-shore oil and gas reserves; tens of million dollars worth of fishery; an open dumping ground for West’s nuclear waste (it costs US$2.5 to dump it in the Red Sea as compared to US$250 in some western country); the strategic importance of Horn of Africa for US imperialism, and of course Zionists’ fear of an additional anti-Israel Islamic state in that part of the world on top of Sudan.

Israeli agenda for the control of Red Sea was laid out by the first prime minister of the Zionist entity, David Ben Gurion, who said in 1949: “We are beseiged from land frontiers while Sea is the only passage to the outside world and the only mean for establishing communications with other continents.”

Governments of both Yemen and Saudi Arabia have pointed their fingers toward Israel being involved in the piracy in the Red Sea. Beside the Zionist entity - eight Muslim states - Egypt, Jordan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Yemen, Eritrea, and DJibouti border the Red Sea.

Even Nyna Karpachyova, the Ukrainian parliament’s human rights ombudsman, said that “the real owner of the weapon-ship, MV Faina, is an Israeli citizen with the name Vadim Alperin (alias Vadim Oltrena). It is extremely rare for ships to be registered to individual investors such as Mr Alperin. Vadim Alperin was further investigated to have acquired this ship from a Russian state auction during the era of Boris Yeltsin. The ship was refurbished and later conveniently registered to fly the Belize flag. Other ships by the same owner where found to be operating as casinos including one based in the Gulf to entertain rich Arab clients.” Vadim Alperin was once quoted to be a “Mossad brother” running a number of clandestine front companies including one Kenyan Meat export company enjoying “good trade” with Middle Eastern countries, but covertly used for gathering intelligence from countries such as Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Somalia perches on the most important maritime channels in the world. Through this passageway passes Arab oil on its way to European and American markets. It is also a relatively inexpensive route for the shipment of Western industrial products to Asia and Africa. Approximately 10 per cent of the world’s maritime cargo passes through these waters, according to recent statistics. The maritime channel has special strategic significance for Washington and Israel. For the former, it serves as the vital link between the US’s Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean and its Fifth Fleet stationed off the coast of Bahrain and its Seventh Fleet in the Indian Ocean. Tel Aviv, meanwhile, has not forgotten that Egypt together with Yemen closed the Bab Al-Mandeb upon the outbreak of the 1973 October War, which came as an additional blow to Israeli and international shipping with the closure of the Suez Canal following the Israeli occupation of Sinai in 1967. Israel has been pressing for the internationalization of the Red Sea. With its ships no longer confined to a narrow lane as they pass to and from the port of Eilat, it would have much greater manoeuvrability in those waters as well as the opportunity to secure supply lines for its naval units. There is no overstating what a military advantage this would bring to the Zionist state and what a threat this would pose to Israel’s neighboring countries, especially to Somalia, Lebanon, Syria and Islamic Iran.

A commander of Israel Navy is quoted as saying: “Control over the Suez Canal only gives Egypt one key to the Red Sea. The second and more important key from the strategic point of view is the Bab Al-Mandeb. This could fall into Israeli hands if it could develop its naval force in the Red Sea zone.”

And finally, here is someting to ponder upon. How come the Pentagon, which is known for using F16s on even Muslim marriage parties in both Iraq and Afghanistan - never used them against the pirates or the hijacked planes smashing into WTC? Maybe, the answers lies with Rabbi Dov Zakheim, a signee of PNAC, a rabbit Zionist whose loyalties rest with Israel and was Pentagon Comptroller when trillions of dollars went unacounted. Zakheim was forced to resign in 2004 - but he left many of his pro-Israel Zionists in high positions in the Pentagon.

1 comment:

Relament said...

On April 20th, 2009, the sitting president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, stood up before a world conference in Geneva, amid heckling, applause, and tense anticipation and proceeded to give what is now known as "The Speech of Truth". In a world where statesmen use such platforms for blatant propaganda and banal, meaningless rhetoric, people around the world have been reduced to listening to mere horoscopes and having to interpret familiar lies from governments officials around the world as subtle diplomacy. But on this fine day in April something new happened, something entirely unexpected and never heard in the "free" countries of the world...the truth. So shocking was this to the western delegates, that they immediately walked out, in tandem, almost covering their ears lest they be offended by sounds they only hear uttered in private amongst each other in their secret clubs and meetings. It was the rarest of rare moments, and if you missed it, then you missed what free speech can do to clowns dressed in suits who only know of one singular reaction to such abusive noise...EXIT!
